Introduction: Continuing analysis of the uprisings in the Middle East and related, domestic political developments, the broadcast synopsizes major points of this complex, ongoing series of events.
The title refers to the candy called Turkish Taffy. A sugared confection, it might be said to resemble the deliberately-sweetened version of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Turkish AK Party.
The latter’s much-ballyhooed “moderation” is said to be the projected political stance of the newly resuscitated Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, as well as the reason why we should not fear that organization’s ascent.
In fact, the political underpinnings of the AK Party are inextricably linked with a fascist milieu cementing the Islamic fascists of the Brotherhood with Euro-fascists such as Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Major elements of the analysis in this complex series include:
- WikiLeaks appears to have played a role in the events, with a purported “leaked” State Department memo having helped spur the uprising in Tunisia which, in turn, helped to galvanize events in Egypt. Far from being the “progressive,” “whistle-blowing” entity it purports to be, WikiLeaks is a far-right, Nazi-influenced propaganda and data mining operation.
- Karl Rove’s dominant presence in Sweden may well have much to do with the “leaking” of State Department cables from the Obama administration that are undoubtedly making the successful execution of statecraft even more difficult under the circumstances.
- Far from being a spontaneous event, the Middle East uprisings appear to have stemmed, in part at least, from a covert operation begun under the Bush administration and continued under Obama’s tenure. (Obama may well have been set up to take the fall for negative consequences of the event. It is unclear just how “on top of it” his administration is. In this regard, the event is very much like the Bay of Pigs operation, begun under Eisenhower’s administration and continued under JFK.)
- The operation may well be intended to destabilize the Obama administration, paving the way for the ascent of the GOP in the United States. In this respect, it is very much like what has come to be known as the October Surprise.
- Courtesy of WikiLeaks, the operation’s existence was “blown”–contacts between U.S. Embassy personnel in Cairo and leaders of the April 6 movement during the last months of the Bush administration came to light courtesy of more allegedly “leaked” State Department memos made public by WikLeaks. Previously, the U.S. embassy in Cairo had been in contact with leaders of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
- Looming large in the unfolding scenario are the theories of non-violent theoretician Gene Sharp, who held positions associated with the “liberal” element of the U.S. intelligence apparatus.
- Sharp’s activities have been underwritten by junk bond king Michael Milken’s former right-hand man Peter Ackerman, who has served as an advisor to the United States Institute of Peace, an agency of the U.S. government.
- The United States Institute of Peace’s Muslim World Initiative–charged by critics with legitimizing jihadists–may well have been the initiating element in these developments.
- High tech firms with links to the U.S. intelligence establishment appear to have facilitated the Piggy-Back Coup.
- The Muslim Brotherhood’s free-market economic perspective has endeared it to laissez-faire theoreticians around the world. American University in Cairo, at which Brotherhood affiliated theoreticians hold forth, is an epicenter of the economic philosophy of Ibn Khaldun, the Ikhwan’s economic godfather.
- Despite assurances from many “expert” sources, the Muslim Brotherhood seems poised to benefit the most from the unfolding events in the Middle East.
- The Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Al Jazeera network has also had much to do with the uprisings.
- The youthful idealists of the Anonymous/Pirate Bay/Pirate Party milieu appear to have been cynically deceived and manipulated into supporting an operation that figures to empower some truly dark forces. Those dark forces are fundamentally opposed to the Utopian values dear to the Anonymous/Pirate Bay folks.
- Those same reassuring voices have told us that the Brotherhood aspires to a political agenda to the “moderate” agenda of the Turkish AK party. That party is closely affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The “moderation” of the AK Party may be weighed in the discussion below.
- Precipitating the ascent of the fascist Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East may well be an attempt at using the Muslim population of the Earth Island as a proxy force against Russia and China. The goal, ultimately, is to peel away strategic, resource-rich areas such, as the petroleum-rich areas of the Caucasus and Xinjiang province.
Program Highlights Include: The PORA movement’s reliance on Sharp’s theories to aid Mr. Yuschenko in the Ukraine; PORA’s subsequent disillusionment with Yuschenko, whose regime appears to have been little more than a cat’s paw for the Ukrainian fascists of the OUN/B; The New York Times’ presentation of the Muslim Brotherhood as “moderate;” Hosni Mubarak’s alleged treatment for cancer; review of the GOP’s links to the terror-funding apparatus busted by the Operation Green Quest raids of 3/30/2002; review of the Muslim Brotherhood’s links with Grover Norquest, the Bush administration and Karl Rove; the Turkish AK Party’s links with Achmed Huber and the milieu of the Bank al-Taqwa.
1. Note that the Turkish AK Party is being seen as a role model for “moderate” Islamist parties poised to assume a portion of power in Egypt and elsewhere throughout the Middle East. We begin by looking at a German Islamist group affiliated with the Refah Party (the Turkish branch of the Muslim Brotherhood). The program highlights connections between that party and the AK party currently governing Turkey.
“Milli Gorus, Germany’s largest Islamic association, recently gained the official support of the Turkish government, despite being watched by German intelligence services due to alleged extremist leanings. On April 19, Turkey’s religious-conservative government ordered its embassies to offer the Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Gorus (IGMG) their support. The group, formed in 1985 in Cologne to support Turkish nationalism and oppose the separation of state and religion, has long been criticized by German officials as being anti-Semitic and against liberal Western values.”
(“Turkey Offers Support for Controversial Islamic Group”; Deutsche Welle; 4/23/2003; p. 1.)
2. More on the relationship between Milli Gorus and the “moderate” AK party.
“Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul on Saturday refused to discuss his specific directions to diplomats regarding Milli Gorus, saying only the government ‘has for some time tried to strengthen the ties between our country and our citizens overseas.’ The decision comes only two weeks after an agreement between Germany and Turkey on combating organized crime incensed many members of Turkey’s ruling AK party because it included Milli Gorus with groups like the Kurdish terrorist outfit PKK. Since many Ak members have ties to Islamic religious groups, Gul was compelled to say he did not consider Milli Gorus a terror organization.”
3. The AK party appears to be little more than a “moderate” reworking of the Refah party, which is little more than a Muslim Brotherhood front organization. Erbakan of the Refah was the mentor of Erdogan, who presides over the “moderate” AK party.
“Some observers say the attempt to reform its public image could be at least partly linked to the rise of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his AK party. Coming to power in a landslide victory last year, Erdogan styles his party as a modern conservative group based on Muslim values. He has distanced himself from former mentor Necmettin Erbakan, who founded the Islamic-influenced Welfare Party. Erbakan’s nephew, Mehmet Sabri Erbakan, was IGMG chairman until he left office after allegedly having an extra-marital affair.”
(Ibid.; p. 2.)
4. Fleshing out discussion of Necmettin Erbakan, his Refah party and the Muslim Brotherhood, the program highlights Erbakan’s relationship with Ahmed Huber and the manner in which that relationship precipitated Huber’s ascension to his position as a director of Al Taqwa.
Closely associated with the AK Party’s predecessor Refah organization, Huber’s concept of “moderation” might be gleaned from the photographs of some of the “moderates” he admires.
Speaking of the décor of Huber’s residence:
“A second photograph, in which Hitler is talking with Himmler, hangs next to those of Necmettin Erbakan and Jean-Marie Le Pen [leader of the fascist National Front]. Erbakan, head of the Turkish Islamist party, Refah, turned to Achmed Huber for an introduction to the chief of the French party of the far right. Exiting from the meeting (which took place in September 1995) Huber’s two friends supposedly stated that they ‘share the same view of the world’ and expressed ‘their common desire to work together to remove the last racist obstacles that still prevent the union of the Islamist movement with the national right of Europe.’”
5. Note that Erbakan, Huber et al are part of an international fascist milieu.
“Lastly, above the desk is displayed a poster of the imam Khomeini; the meeting ‘changed my life,’ Huber says, with stars in his eyes. For years, after the Federal Palace in Bern, Ahmed Huber published a European press review for the Iranian leaders, then for the Turkish Refah. Since the former lacked financial means, Huber chose to put his efforts to the service of the latter. An outpost of the Turkish Muslim Brothers, Refah thus became Huber’s principal employer; and it was through the intermediary of the Turkish Islamist party that this former parliamentary correspondent became a shareholder in the bank Al Taqwa.”
6. The Turkish AKP Party (touted as a role model for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood) has a strong economic relationship with Germany and other European economic players.
. . . . The focus is on two particular aspects of Turkish policy. The first is that over the past few years, political Islam in Turkey has proven to be very cooperative with the EU. This is due to the economic rise of the conservative sectors of the Anatolian hinterland, which is organized within the Adelet ve Kalkinma Partisi (AKP), the party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and ruling party in Ankara since 2002. The AKP has a clearly Islamic orientation. The Anatolian enterprises forming the backbone of the party have close economic ties in EU countries. It is on this basis that the AKP has established intensive ties to Western Europe, and incorporated into its brand of political Islam a reorientation favorable to the EU. ( reported.[2]) The party has since stood as a model for the possibility of Islamism having a pro-western character. In fact, over the past few years, several North African Islamic forces — including sectors of the influential Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood — have been orienting themselves on the AKP. According to a recent study, co-financed by the SPD-affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation, nearly two-thirds of the populations in seven Arab nations, including Egypt, would be in favor of their countries’ adopting the Turkish model.[3] A pro-western orientation of the Muslim Brotherhood, implicit in such a model, would be appreciated in western capitals. . . .
“The Turkish Model”;; 2/18/2011.
7.After reviewing information about Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, Talat Othman and their links to the Muslim Brotherhood and the terror-funding apparatus busted by the Operation Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002, the program synopsizes the genesis of the GOP/Brotherhood/terror-funding relationship.
Once again, it is to be noted that conservatives appear to be the only ones who will criticize the GOP/Brotherhood/terrorist link.
. . . In 1998 [Abdurahman Alamoudi] provided at least $20,000 in checks enabling Republican activist Grover Norqauist toestablish what would become a Muslim Brotherhood front organization targeted at penetrating GOP circles and the presidential campaign of then-Governor George W. Bush. The new entity was called the Islamic Free Market Institute (better known at the Islamic Insitute or II). Alamoudi also detailed his long-time deputy, Khaled Saffuri, to serve as II’s first executive director,with Norquist as the Chairman of the Board.
As a result of these connections, Alamoudi was among a group of Muslim Brotherhood operatives who were invited on May 1, 2000, to meet with Bush in Texas governor’s mansion. Saffuri was designated the Bush campaign’s Muslim outreach coordinator and Norquist assisted another prominent Ikhwan operative, Sami al-Arian, to obtain a commitment from candidate
Bush that, if elected, he would prohibit the use of classified intelligence evidence in deportation proceedings against foreigners suspected of terrorist ties. This was a priority for al-Arian since his brother-in-law was being held at the time by federal immigration authorities on the basis of such evidence.After the election, a member of the Islamic Institute’s board of directors with myriad and longstanding connections to other Muslim Brotherhood organizations, Suhail Khan, was appointed to be the gatekeeper for the Muslim community in the White House Office of Public Liaison. [The below-mentioned Ykaterina Chumachenko was deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison under Ronald Reagan!–D.E.] Such relationships and placements afforded the Ikhwan unprecedented opportunities for influence operations against the U.S. government, especially after 9/11.
Unfortunately for Alamoudi, his own ability directly to exploit such opportunities had by that time been irreparably damaged by his appearance at an anti-Israel rally outside th White Hosue in October 2000. On that occasion, he carelessly gave the game away, when he declared on video: ‘I have been labeled as being a supporter of Hamas. Anybody supporters of Hamas here? [Roars of approval from the crowd.] We are all supporters of Hamas. [more roars.] I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hezbollah. [More roars.]
Then, in 2003, Alamoudi was arrested at Heathrow Airport (UK) on his way back from Libya with $340.000 in cash given to him by Libyan President Muammar Kaddafi for jihad. The money was to be used to kill Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Alamoudi was extradited to the United States where, in the Eastern District of Virginia, he pled guilty to and was convicted of terrorism-related charges. He was proven to be a senior al Qaeda financier, who moved at least $1 million dollars to the terrorist organization. . . .
8. After reviewing information about nonviolent theoretician Gene Sharp, the program notes that the PORA movement in the Ukraine was one of the institutions that took their cues from Sharp’s writings. Initially a big supporter of Vladimir Yuschenko, PORA turned against him.
As noted in FTR #529, Yuschenko married the former Ykaterina Chumachenko, the point person for the OUN/B. Later, Yuschenko named Bandera a hero of the Ukraine.
One wonders if the Pirate Bay/Pirate Party/Anonymous milieu will turn out to be similarly, cynically manipulated in the case of the Piggy-Back Coup in the Middle East. Youthful idealists, that milieu may well have helped install the fascist Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East.
PORA, the non-governmental organization that played a decisive role in Ukraine’s Orange Revolution, has adopted a highly critical stance towards the ten-point memorandum signed last week by President Viktor Yushchenko and the leader of the Party of Regions, former prime minister Viktor Yanukovych. . . .
“Is PORA Turning Against Yuschenko”; The Kiev Ukraine News Blog; 9/24/2005.
9. In our discussion with Fara Mansoor, we examined his contention that U.S. intelligence had learned that the Shah of Iran had cancer long before it became public and decided to replace that staunch, anti-communist ally with the Islamic fundamentalists of Khomeini.
Reports out of the Middle East suggest that Mubarak is being treated for cancer. Is one U.S. supported autocrat in that strategic part of the world being replaced by a Muslim Brotherhood dominated coalition?
Speculation that former President Hosni Mubarak had departed Egypt for Saudi Arabia heightened Wednesday with a government-owned newspaper saying that he had gone late last week to a special Saudi military complex at Tabuk for chemotherapy treatment by his usual German doctors. He is suffering from pancreatic and colon cancer, it said.
There was no official confirmation of the report.
Terrific series of shows. There is enough material for hours and hours of analysis. The number of connections range now in the hundreds, if not in thousands. That is why the use of this site is so important, as you say.
First, let me say that I a worried about the connection that you exposed here between Achmed Huber, Erbakan and Jean-Marie Le Pen. As you know, his daughter, Marine Le Pen,is gaining momentum in France with the same Front National. Does she represent simply the continuation of her father’s ideology or something more moderate? I don’t know but if previous examples of family business are any indications, that is a bad sign. She publicly stated that the French should defend France against Islamism. Was it just PR? What does that mean?
Second, you quoted an extract from the document of the Center for Security Policy, titled Sharia(...)I agree with you that it contains a fair amount of propaganda, like other similar exercices such as the Iranium movie. However, you are right to point out that Frank Gaffney seems to be getting out of the lot, sincere in what he does. In fact he is, I think, what a conservative should be: not a fascist in disguise but someone who tries to avoid the disintegration of his society. His activism against Islamism is, I think, an expression of that.
And last, I just want to clarify the comment I made on the Francis Parker Yockey’s post. By no means I wanted to downplay the importance of the books you suggest to listeners. Each one of these books is essentiel for the comprehension of our predicament and Kevin Coogan’s certainly is as well. My point was to show a historical antecedent of the collaboration between the Left and the Right, the Third Position. I wanted to stress that if such a collaboration proved to be effective and working, although circumstantial and temporary in the case of Germany’s ’20s and ’30s, then it could very well work again after WWII. Considering the undergroud phase of the Reich, to cut deals behind the scenes with communists should have been even more easy.
Keep on the good work and don’t let yourself be discouraged. At least we have our pride and satisfaction to fight back for the just cause.
Have a great day.
I recommend “Germany Rebuffs U.S. Calls to Shut Iran Bank” by David Crawford in WSJ Online April 12. Touches on German Economic interest with Iranian Banking.
[...] FTR #737 [...]
I don’t know the time frame here, but according to this documentary, Al-Arian is in jail as a US political prisoner. Are these two different people?
Looking back at this article, this is some rather decent information, but I’m afraid I have to break some bad news to you: The Chinese are definitely amongst the bad guys, and are allies of the world crime network, perhaps even with the Underground Reich(with the Uyghur separatists being the dupes and useful pawns of both). How else to explain things like the corporatist crooks taking jobs away from Americans and sending them to China?
On the other hand, it does seem that Russia may soon become an actual enemy of the elite, as they were during the Khrushchev and Gorbachev administrations in the Soviet era. You may have heard about the recent anti-Putin protests, and if A Just Russia or any other of non-corrupt parties were to gain power in Russia, I strongly suspect the Underground Reich and the branches of the world elite would probably have one hell of a panic attack.
One scary scenario to keep in mind is this might help lead to a second Russo-Chinese war. The world crime network are starting to run out of time, and movements to hijack. People are waking up, and fast.
[...] FTR #737 Taqqiya Sunrise, Part II: Turkish Taffy (More on the Rolling Coups in the Middle East) [...]
I’d be tempted to call this a ‘Putin-league’ manuever but it looks like Erodogan is on the cusp of something even bigger. Erodogan is facing constitutional term limits at the end of his term in 2015 but that doesn’t appear to be a problem for an extended Erdogan rule. That’s because Turkey is about to adopt a new constitution. There’s been an expectation that the Turkey would adopt a new constitution for the last decade but now it looks like the new constitution is finally going to be adopted. And one of the new constitutional features will possibly include a strong shift towards a powerful, independent presidential office. For a Prime Minister facing term limits, a new constitution with a fancy new presidential office must sound like a grand idea. That might be one of the reasons why Erdogan is now calling for the creation a new powerful presidential office as part of the upcoming constitutional shakeup:
So Turkey already appears to be about to formalize Erdogan’s long-term rule while, at the same time, one of the middle-east’s older dynasties is on the verge of collapse next door in Syria. It’s an outcome Erdogan’s been championing too with open calls for the end top al-Assad’s rule. While there’s no doubt a wide variety of strategic reasons Erogan wouldn’t mind seeing the collapse of a neighboring regime, it’s safe to say that Erdogan’s enthusiasm for the Syrian rebels has probably been boosted by the quiet takeover of the Syrian opposition by the Muslim Brotherhood:
With a number of gulf states now openly financing the Syrian opposition and Erdogan calling for an international intervention even over Russian and Chinese opposition it’s looking more and more like the MB is going to be in control when, not if, the al-Assad dynasty falls in Syria. And who knows when that could happen but Erdogan just declared that he has ‘lost hope’ in a peaceful solution in Syria and Kofi Annan is warning the world of a region catastrophe if the violence in Syria erupts into a larger civil war.
Between Egypt potentially looking at social chaos, Greece facing a governmental crisis on top of its financial peril, Israel and Iran facing off over nukes, and Syria on the verge of a fullscale civil war, this is looking like it’s going to be one crazy summer in Mr. Erdogan’s Neighborhood.
@Pterrafractyl: Interesting stuff as usual. Though honestly, I have long suspected that the Muslim Brotherhood and Assad’s regime, while opposed on the outside, are, on the inside, truly just the two sides of a stained and smelly Reichsmark.
I do hope that the Syrian people will wake up and realize that their movement’s been hijacked. Unfortunately, it may be too late to stop the future bloodshed which is sure to occur once they DO find out the MB’s true agenda.