Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #75 SS Connections to the British Royal Family

Lis­ten now: One Seg­ment

In the after­math of Princess Diana’s untime­ly death, much atten­tion has been focused on the British Roy­al fam­i­ly and its var­i­ous scan­dals and short­com­ings (real, alleged and per­ceived.) This pro­gram presents infor­ma­tion that sur­faced in the mid 1980s that is of a very dif­fer­ent nature and has been gen­er­al­ly over­looked. In-laws and blood rel­a­tives of the British mon­archs (like many mem­bers of the elite ele­ments of var­i­ous nations) were sym­pa­thet­ic to and, in some cas­es, deeply involved with the fas­cist pow­ers of Europe in the World War II peri­od. In recent years, infor­ma­tion has come to light con­cern­ing the then-Duke of Wind­sor’s close rela­tion­ship with and admi­ra­tion for Adolf Hitler (this is not the cur­rent Duke of Wind­sor.) Oth­er mem­bers of the Roy­al fam­i­ly held sim­i­lar sen­ti­ments and a cou­ple of them mar­ried mem­bers of Hitler’s SS. In addi­tion to these con­nec­tions, the pro­gram also dis­cuss­es the Nether­lands’ Queen Juliana and her mar­riage to Prince Bern­hard, a “for­mer” SS offi­cer and a spy for the Nazi I.G. Far­ben chem­i­cal com­pa­ny.


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