Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
Listen: MP3
Introduction: This program begins analysis of the goals of the intelligence operation undertaken by Edward Snowden. Among the evident primary goals is the destabilization of the Obama administration. Intentionally damaging Obama’s attempts at improving relations with Russia, China and Germany/EU, the “op” bears strong similarity to the U‑2 incident in May of 1960. That operation appears to have been orchestrated by domestic intelligence elements, whereas this appears to have been a foreign “op,” probably BND/Underground Reich.
Beginning with review of material covered years ago on For The Record, the program notes that the information about NSA and GCHQ hoovering up electronic communications is not new. (Mr. Emory has been discussing this for years, referencing the analysis from open sources.) A New York Times article from 9/6/2001 highlights a European Parliament report that was compiled over the course of a year. The report notes, among other things, that several European countries were doing similar things.
In addition to the fact that the aspects of Snowden’s “disclosures” that have received most coverage have been on the public record for years, we note a very important aspect of Snowden’s “op”: he obtained and leaked scores of thousands of files, including information about the GCHQ and military intelligence concerning other nations, including weapons systems. This has nothing to do with protecting civil liberties and everything in the world to do with hostile counter-intelligence. It is, in essence, an act of war.
Next, the program compares Snowden’s “op” to the U‑2 incident. We review the description for FTR #752. The U‑2 incident entailed the deliberate sabotage of a U‑2 spy plane, successfully aimed at destroying a summit conference between then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Soviet premier Nikita Khruschev. Mr. Emory read the program description for FTR #752 into the record. Whereas the U‑2 incident appears to have been engineered by domestic intelligence elements, Snowden’s actions appear to have been directed by BND, the German foreign intelligence service. (That hypothesis will be developed in subsequent programs.)
Of great significance is the timing of Snowden’s odyssey: just before Obama was to meet with Chinese president Xi, Snowden heads for Hong Kong [China] disclosing information about NSA hacking of Chinese computers. This action makes no sense in terms of safeguarding civil liberties and a great deal of sense as a successful attempt at frustrating Obama’s foreign policy. China is not a bastion of civil liberties and internet freedom. (It should be noted that China is facing a program of destabilization by Muslim Brotherhood-connected elements, as well as Tibetan forces linked to the Dalai Lama and, through him, to the Underground Reich.)
After Snowden purposefully damaged U.S./Chinese relations, Snowden’s associate Glenn Greenwald published information about NSA spying on Germany, just before Obama’s trip to Europe and the G20 conference, thereby putting the whammy on Obama’s diplomacy vis a vis Germany and the EU. This, too, makes no sense in the context of protecting civil liberties. It makes a great deal of sense in terms of subverting Obama and America’s foreign policy.
“Hitting the trifecta,” Snowden decamps from one bastion of internet freedom–China–to another: Russia. This just after the G20 conference and shortly before a scheduled summit conference with Russian president Putin. The summit conference was canceled.
In addition to damaging U.S. and Obama diplomacy vis a vis China, Europe and Russia, Snowden’s “op” severely strained relations between Obama and the NSA/intelligence community itself.
Next, the program notes that “L’Affaire Snowden” has also damaged Obama’s political popularity, alienating some of his most loyal supporters in America’s largest state: California.
Young people seem to have been particularly affected by Snowden’s actions. Snowden being regarded as a hero is truly grotesque, though understandable, given the insufficient nature of the media coverage.
In that context, Citizen Greenwald has been advocating the establishment of a third party candidate. If this happens and the candidate develops a significant following, it might well propel the GOP back into power, just as Ralph Nader’s candidacy did in 2000.
The program concludes with a passage from The Art of War by the ancient Chinese military philosopher Sun Tzu. Delineating a strategic program designed to fragment an enemy, the passage is strikingly relevant to Snowden’s “op.” (It is not irrelevant that this passage was quoted in the autobiography of General Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi spy chief who founded the BND. The book has an introduction by David Irving, the noted Holocaust denier.)
Program Highlights Include: Details about the sabotage of the U‑2 flight; evidentiary tributaries linking many of the major terrorist incidents that have affected the U.S. during the last quarter of a century to Germany; review of the fascist and Nazi philosophy and associates of Snowden, Greenwald and the WikiLeaks milieu; details concerning the massive cache of intelligence that Snowden had obtained; the fascist politics of WikiLeaks’ operative in Russia–Joran Jermas.
1. Beginning with review of material covered years ago on For The Record, the program notes that the information about NSA and GCHQ hoovering up electronic communications is not new. (Mr. Emory has been discussing this for years, referencing the analysis from open sources.) A New York Times article from 9/6/2001 highlights a European Parliament report that was compiled over the course of a year. The report notes, among other things, that several European countries were doing similar things.
[Notice when this was published–9/6/2001.–D.E.] . . . The United States-led spying system known as Echelon can monitor virtually every communication in the world — by e‑mail, phone or fax — that bounces off a satellite, the European Parliament was told. But in reporting on a yearlong study of the system that was prompted by concern that American companies were using data from the system to gain a competitive edge, Gerhard Schmid, a German member of the Parliament, said that many European countries had similar abilities . . .
2. In addition to the fact that the aspects of Snowden’s “disclosures” that have received most coverage have been on the public record for years, we note a very important aspect of Snowden’s “op”: he obtained and leaked scores of thousands of files, including information about the GCHQ and military intelligence concerning other nations, including weapons systems. This has nothing to do with protecting civil liberties and everything in the world to do with hostile counter-intelligence. It is, in essence, an act of war.
. . . . But the idea is a radical one given that Snowden’s haul reportedly includes the “blueprints of the NSA,” 58,000 documents from the UK’s signals intelligence agency (GCHQ), and 30,000 U.S. documents that do “not deal with NSA surveillance but primarily with standard intelligence about other countries’ military capabilities, including weapons systems.”
Even The New York Times withheld details that officials said could compromise intelligence operations . . . .
4a. Next, the program compares Snowden’s “op” to the U‑2 incident. We review the description for FTR #752. The U‑2 incident entailed the deliberate sabotage of a U‑2 spy plane, successfully aimed at destroying a summit conference between then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Soviet premier Nikita Khruschev. Mr. Emory read the program description for FTR #752 into the record. The U‑2 incident, however, appears to have been engineered by domestic intelligence elements, whereas Snowden’s actions appear to have been directed by BND, the German foreign intelligence service. (That hypothesis will be developed in subsequent programs.)
Introduction (for FTR #752): Excerpted from The Guns of November, Part I, this broadcast reviews the circumstances surrounding the U‑2 incident in May of 1960. On the cusp of a summit conference between then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and then Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev, a U‑2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers came down in the heart of the former Soviet Union. The incident caused the cancellation of the summit conference, which was to be a prelude to detente between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
This program is a prelude to a lengthy discussion of “The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook”–Edward Snowden. Just before President Obama’s meeting with Mr. Xi, president of China, Snowden decamps to Hong Kong (in China) and leaks information about the hacking of Chinese computers. This caused enormous embarrassment to President Obama, and neutralized any attempt he might have been able to make to reduce Chinese hacking of American computers, as well as other points of dispute between the two nations.
Next, Snowden’s leaker of choice–“Citizen Greenwald”–published articles in The Guardian disclosing extensive NSA spying on Germany, which the NSA views as “a third class partner.” These articles were published just before President Obama was to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. Again, it caused enormous damage to Obama and harmed U.S. relationships with Germany and other European nations. (Note that Greenwald, as an attorney, was a fellow traveler of some of the most heinous and murderous neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups).
Hitting the trifecta, Eddie the Friendly Spook [Snowden] then decamps to Moscow in Russia (like China, Russia is not renowned as a bastion of free speech or internet freedom.) This occurred just before Obama’s meeting of the G20 in Moscow and in the run-up to a scheduled summit conference with Putin. That summit conference was canceled.
Snowden’s trip to Moscow, like his journey to Hong Kong/China could only have been intended to harm President Obama’s administration and the United States.
Program Highlights Include: President Eisenhower’s order to suspend all U‑2 overflights of the Soviet Union (Powers’ flight was dispatched against Presidential orders); the fact that Francis Gary Powers had poison and a needle with which to take his own life, in order to prevent capture (which he did not do); the fact that Powers had extensive personal identification pinpointing him as a U.S. intelligence agent, operating under civilian cover (in direct contravention of standard “sanitization” procedures); the fact that the U‑2 flew at an altitude which no Soviet or American interceptor aircraft or surface-to-air missile could reach; the U‑2’s use of a special hydrogen technology to permit its engine to operate at that altitude; the probability that hydrogen starvation forced down Powers’ plane; the relatively undamaged state of the U‑2 aircraft, calling into question the assertion that a surface-to-air missile could have been responsible for the downing of Powers’ plane; Powers’ assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald was responsible for the downing of his U‑2 plane (this presumably centered on Oswald’s access to radar frequencies, which had nothing to do with the downing of the plane!)
4b. Of great significance is the timing of Snowden’s odyssey: just before Obama was to meet with Chinese president Xi, Snowden heads for Hong Kong [China] disclosing information about NSA hacking of Chinese computers. This action makes no sense in terms of safeguarding civil liberties and a great deal of sense as a successful attempt at frustrating Obama’s foreign policy. China is not a bastion of civil liberties and internet freedom. (It should be noted that China is facing a program of destabilization by Muslim Brotherhood-connected elements, as well as Tibetan forces linked to the Dalai Lama and, through him, to the Underground Reich.)
Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker who has turned the United States intelligence apparatus upside-down, said that he won’t be extradited back home without a fight. That fight won’t take him to Britain in the meantime, but it does apparently involve letting the Chinese government know that he has information on the United States “using technical exploits to gain unauthorised access to civilian machines” in China. We knew from Snowden’s interview this week with The South China Morning Post that he had new information about the U.S. hacking China, but Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper reports today that he’s got targets, too: . . .
. . . Beyond China’s hacking culture, the U.S. and Chinese governments have accused each other of back-and-forth cyberespionage on government sites, infrastructure, and beyond — and Presidents Obama and Xi made little progress on digital war when they met a week ago. This could be a seriously provocative escalation if Snowden has a backup plan of more leaks as he negotiates his next move, which The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald told The Atlantic Wire he “might” indeed have. . . .
5. After Snowden purposefully damaged U.S./Chinese relations, Snowden’s associate Glenn Greenwald published information about NSA spying on Germany, just before Obama’s trip to Europe and the G20 conference, thereby putting the whammy on Obama’s diplomacy vis a vis Germany and the EU. Mr. Emory read one of his posts on this subject into the record:
In the 1930’s, there was a famous American criminal named Baby Face Nelson. In the second decade of this century, we are witnessing the activities of another American criminal of youthful visage–Edward J. Snowden. A career spook, Snowden has, of course, been the source for disclosures about NSA spying on individuals and institutions.
Previously, we noted that Ron Paul backer Snowden decamped to Hong Kong and leaked information about U.S. hacking of Chinese computers just as President Obama was meeting with the Chinese prime minister Xi, embarrassing the President at a sensitive time.
(Users of this website are emphatically encouraged to examine in detail the previous, above-linked posts on this subject.)
Now, Snowden has followed up his Chinese “op” by leaking information about NSA spying on EU members. The most “spied-upon” EU member state is–unsurprisingly–Germany. The latest disclosure comes as Obama was preparing to meet with Angela Merkel of Germany.
The timing of this, on top of the “remarkable coincidence” of Snowden showing up in Hong Kong and leaking embarrassing information as Obama is meeting with Xi, is more than even the most credulous should believe.
As noted in a previous post, this incident strikes us as being remarkably similar to the downing of a U‑2 spy plane prior to the Eisenhower/Kruschev summit. In The Guns of November, Part I and FTR #752, we examined information from Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty indicating that the U‑2 had been deliberately sabotaged by CIA hardliners to frustrate attempts at improving U.S./Soviet relations. The leaking of the information to down the U‑2 was blamed on none other than Lee Harvey Oswald!
“Snowden’s Ride”, to coin a term, has all the earmarks of an intelligence operation, like the U‑2 gambit. Central to this is Thiel’s Palantir firm, almost certainly the developer of the PRISM function. As discussed in our last post, the notion that there would be two Silicon Valley software functions with identical names used by NSA/intelligence community is not credible. There would have been litigation.
Also as noted in our last post, we wonder what role may have been played in this by Michael J. Morrell, who brief Dubya on intelligence matters and who was at his side on 9/11. Note that Snowden also worked for CIA, as well as NSA. That “the Company” may be scoring points against a rival agency is also to be considered.
It should come as no surprise that the NSA would target Germany as a “hot spot” for electronic surveillance. An overview of the most important terrorist incidents affecting the United States over the last quarter of a century reveals important evidentiary tributaries leading to Germany:
- The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 was executed in Germany. The bomb was placed aboard the plane in Germany and the bombers were heavily infiltrated by German intelligence. One or more of the cell of bombers was a German intelligence operative.
- The financing for the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 came from operatives in Germany.
- The actual mastermind of the Oklahoma City bombing, according to ATF informant Carol Howe, was Andreas Strassmeir. Strassmeir was a “former” Bundeswehr officer and the son of Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s chief of staff. Andreas’ grandfather was one of the charter members of the NSDAP under Hitler. The resemblance between Strassmeir and “John Doe #2″ is striking.
- Not only did the 9/11 hijack conspirators coalesce in Hamburg, but there is strong evidence that German intelligencewas involved with the attack. Many of hijacker Mohamed Atta’s associates in South Florida were Germans. Atta was moved around under the cover of the Carl Duisberg Society (Gesellschaft). (See text excerpts below.) In Florida, he was associating with the sons and daughters of prominent German industrialists. (See text excerpts below.) Of interest, also, is the fact that CIA pilots apparently made a “run” to the Bormann ranch. (See text excerpts below.) This sounds like a regular route. In our conversations with Daniel Hopsicker, we have noted that the South Florida aviation milieu had been a focal point of covert operations for decades, dating back to the Second World War. The Bormann ranch was in the three-borders area highlighted in FTR #457. Did the German associates of Mohamed Atta come up the other end of that pipeline?
- The “vacuum cleaner” activities of NSA/GCHQ have been known for a long time–we have done programs about it dating back many years. The formal, public attack on the ECHELON network began in 1998. That attack came from Germany and Underground Reich-associated elements such as the Free Congress Foundation.
- In August of 1998, several things happened almost simultaneously–as the German/EU/Free Congress Foundation/Underground Reich attack on ECHELON/Menwith Hill was gaining momentum, Osama bin Laden stopped using his cell phone and began using couriers for important communication. At this time, German intelligence had the Hamburg cell (of 9/11 hijackers) under electronic surveillance. German intelligence did NOT alert the United States.
“NSA Map Shows Germany Most Spied-on of EU Members”; UPI.com; 6/10/2013.
While the United States spies on all European Union nations, it spies on Germany the most, say papers supplied by a former employee of the top U.S. spy agency.
The rankings of what EU nations are snooped on, and how much, can be seen in a color-coded map of covert National Security Agency surveillance activities, EUObserver.com reported Monday.
Nations subject to the least spying activities are shaded green; those with the most red.
All EU members are various shades of green on the map. Germany is orange.
The map, called Boundless Informant, is among documents released by Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA contractor who says he is the person who this month leaked information about the U.S. metadata collection program known as PRISM. . . .
6a. “Hitting the trifecta,” Snowden decamps from one bastion of internet freedom–China–to another: Russia. This just after the G20 conference and shortly before a scheduled summit conference with Russian president Putin. The summit conference was canceled. Mr. Emory again read into the record one of his previous posts on L’Affaire Snowden:
In the third of our posts on “L’Affaire Snowden,” we reiterated and further developed the comparison between Snowden’s activities and the downing of Francis Gary Powers’ U‑2 spy plane on the eve of an important summit conference between then President Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev.
In the Guns of November, Part I (recorded on 11/1/1983), we analyzed evidence that the spy plane was deliberately sabotaged in order to frustrate the Eisenhower/Khruschev efforts at detente. (Irate over the incident, Khruschev cancelled the summit conference. The downing of the U‑2 incident was blamed on information supposedly leaked to the U.S.S.R. by Lee Harvey Oswald.)
As the actions of Baby Face Snowden take shape, our analysis of this as “U‑2, II” becomes more credible.
After decamping to Hong Kong and leaking information about anti-Chinese U.S. hacking programs on the eve of Obama’s summit with Chinese premier Xi, Snowden leaks information on NSA spying on Germany on the eve of Obama’s trip to Germany to meet with Merkel.
Immediately AFTER Obama’s meeting with Vladimir Putin, Snowden decamps to Moscow, thereby placing further strain on Obama’s diplomatic efforts and foreign policy. Obama’s goal of “rebooting” relations with Moscow will suffer as a result.
Eventually, Snowden’s efforts led to the canceling of Obama’s planned summit conference with Vladimir Putin (update). (See text excerpts below.)
As Secretary of State John Kerry noted, we can safely conclude that Snowden’s trips to China and Russia were not undertaken because either country is a citadel of political freedom and expression, but rather to damage Obama’s presidency. (See text excerpts below.)
The Snowden op also appears to be aimed at alienating idealistic and less sophisticated voters from the Democratic Party.
We note, in this context, who has handled much of WikiLeaks’ Russian operations–Joran Jermas (“Israel Shamir”)–Assange’s Holocaust-denying pal and the person who connected WikiLeaks with Nazi financial angel Lundstrom’s milieu. (See text excerpt below.)
In passing, we also note that Ecuador and the Correa government, which has sheltered Assange and is apparently moving to shelter Snowden as well, have strong links to Germany and the EU. In a recent visit, Merkel was negotiating with Correa for closer ties between Germany, Ecuador and the EU. (See text excerpt below. In this regard, we must remember that the German economy is governed by the Bormann capital network.)
He has hit the Trifecta and that is almost certainly by design. This is a spook operation, clearly. This should come as no surprise given Snowden’s background–Alphabet Soup from day one.
We still have questions about this imbroglio, including the possibility Eddie the Friendly Spook may be doing some CIA sabotaging of NSA, as well as the only-too-obvious evidence that he is doing his utmost to undermine Obama’s presidency.
In this context, we wonder about Michael J. Morrell’s resignation right in the middle of this affair.
Please examine at length and detail our previous posts on this “op.”
As with the far-right, Nazi-linked WikiLeaks operation, follow the money. Snowden contributed money to Nazi/White Supremacist Ron Paul’s campaign, which was financed by Peter Thiel, the uber-reactionary whose Palantir firm can be safely deduced as having developed the PRISM software at the center of this controversy. A good treatment of Thiel’s background is to be found in FTR #718. Thiel is so far to the right that he has stated that he no longer believes in democracy, in part because we should not have allowed women to vote.
NOTE: Palantir officially claims that “their PRISM” is NOT the same PRISM in the focal point of the Snowden/NSA imbroglio. We feel this claim is laughable, frankly. The notion that the intelligence services are using TWO counter-terror software programs with identical names is not credible. Had a company developed a counter-terror software program for use by the intelligence community and called it “PRISM,” there would have been litigation. The major tech companies are NOTHING if not litigious, and Thiel and company have PLENTY of money!
(Although many of the naifs seduced by the Paul campaign aren’t fascists, we are obliged to hold Eddie the Friendly Spook to a higher critical standard. If Baby Face Snowden is so omniscient, how come he can’t figure out his presidential candidate of choice is a Nazi. THAT is hardly a state secret.)
We’ve also noted that Glenn Greenwald, Eddie the Friendly Spook’s leaker of choice, also networked with the Koch Brothers’ Cato Institute, with which Thiel also works. Saint Greenwald, by the way, has a background working as a lawyer working for high-priced corporate clients.
When one examines the WikiLeaks network, one finds the same forces at work. The Cyber-Wandervogel, as we have termed WikiLeaks’ foot soldiers are, for the most part, “anarcho/Utopian” in their political orientation.
They are absolutely clueless, however, when it comes to discernible political reality. The “Pirate Bay/Pirate Party” crowd hasn’t even figured out their “own thing,” so to speak. The Pirate Bay operation, on whose servers WikiLeaks’ activities were based, is financed by Nazi money man Carl Lundstrom. WikiLeaks’ connection with Lundstrom’s cadre is no accident either.
Assange’s connection to Lundstrom was effected by Joran Jermas (“Israel Shamir”), the WikiLeaks’ founder’s long-standing Holocaust-denying ally. Both Pirate Bay/WikiLeaks Nazi financial angel Lundstrom and Ron Paul have networked with David Duke in the past.
As something of an amusing aside, we find it more than a little entertaining that the “Freetards” are alarmed that NSA/GCHQ is vacuum cleaning communications–something that has been on the public record for many years and an activity that is conducted by other countries, including Germany.
NSA, et al, is indeed monitoring communications on a massive scale. They are not likely to take action against the average citizen, however.
WikiLeaks, on the other hand, partnered with the Russian “phishing mafia”! They are the folks who will use the Internet to hack your e‑mails, steal your identity, empty your bank account and max-out all your credit cards. I guess the supporters of WikiLeaks and Eddie the Friendly Spook are OK with that!
Already faltering, President Barack Obama’s five-year effort to reboot U.S.-Russian relations finally crashed Wednesday, as the White House abruptly canceled his planned face-to-face summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
The effort to upgrade the relationship has fallen victim to the rapidly shrinking common ground between the former Cold War rivals, including extreme differences over the Syrian civil war, Russia’s domestic crackdown on civil rights and — the final straw — the asylum granted to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. . . .
. . . According to reports in the Swedish and Russian media, the broad strokes of which have been confirmed by a WikiLeaks spokesman, Shamir serves as the group’s content aggregator in Russia, the man who “selects and distributes” the cables to Russian news organizations, according to an investigation by Swedish public radio. In the newspaper Expressen, Magnus Ljunggren, an emeritus professor of Russian literature at Gothenburg University, outlined Shamir’s close ties to WikiLeaks and his position “spreading the documents in Russia.” (The article is illustrated with a picture of Assange and Shamir in an unidentified office.)
. . . . The Swedish media has identified Shamir’s son, a disgraced journalist named Johannes Wahlström, himself accused of anti-Semitism and falsifying quotes, as a WikiLeaks spokesman in Sweden. Indeed, Wahlström has authored stories based on the WikiLeaks material for the newspaper Aftonbladet and is credited as a producer on a recent Swedish public television documentary about the group.
But while being the son of a famous Holocaust denier is perhaps only suggestive—Wahlström is surely not responsible for his father’s many sins—his celebrations of his father’s work in print and his contributions to Shamir’s website suggest ideological affinity.* Indeed, in 2005 Wahlström wrote a story for the leftist magazine Ordfront arguing that Swedish media, not known for being friendly to the Jewish state, was in fact being manipulated by Jewish interests on behalf of the Israeli government.
Three of the journalists interviewed for the story—Cecilia Uddén, Lotta Schüllerqvist, and Peter Löfgren—claimed that Wahlström falsified quotes, leading the magazine to withdraw the story and issue an apology. Heléne Lööw, a historian of fascism and European neo-Nazism, commented that the Wahlström story contained all the “elements that one would find in a classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.”
A member of Ordfront’s editorial board, writing in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter, lamented that the piece was ever published, citing Wahlström’s “close working relationship with Israel Shamir,” without pointing out just how close the two were.
Wahlström and Shamir, father and son, are the WikiLeaks representatives for two rather large geographic areas. According to Swedish Radio’s investigation, Wahlström is the gatekeeper of the cables in Scandinavia, and “has the power to decide” which newspapers are provided access and what leaks they are allowed to see. (At the time of filing, Wahlström had yet to respond to an email request for comment.) . . .
Frustrated Obama administration officials pressed Russia on Monday to turn over Edward J. Snowden, the national security contractor who disclosed surveillance programs, while warning China of “consequences” for letting him flee to Moscow.
As Mr. Snowden remained out of sight, apparently holed up in Moscow awaiting word of his fate, what started as a dramatic escape story involving a self-described whistle-blower evolved into a diplomatic incident in which the United States faces an open rift with one major power and a tense standoff with another. Hopes for a quick resolution had faded by nightfall.
Secretary of State John Kerry said China’s decision to allow Mr. Snowden to leave Hong Kong despite an arrest request from the United States would have “without any question some effect, an impact on the relationship, and consequences.” He called on Russia to expel Mr. Snowden. “I would urge them to live by the standards of the law, because that’s in the interest of everybody,” Mr. Kerry said.
He pointed out that the United States in the past two years had transferred seven prisoners Russia had sought, though the parallel is not exact, since Mr. Snowden is not being held by the Russian government.
At the White House, President Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, reinforced what he called “our frustration and disappointment with Hong Kong and China,” calling their refusal to detain Mr. Snowden a “serious setback” in relations. He said the Hong Kong authorities had been notified that Mr. Snowden’s passport had been revoked, and he dismissed their explanation that they had no legal basis to stop Mr. Snowden. “We do not buy the suggestion that China could not have taken action,” Mr. Carney said.
American officials also openly mocked China and Russia as states that repress free speech and transparency and therefore are hardly apt refuges for someone fighting government secrecy in the United States.
“I wonder if Mr. Snowden chose China and Russia as assistants in his flight from justice because they’re such powerful bastions of Internet freedom,” Mr. Kerry said sarcastically during a stop in New Delhi. . . .
9. In addition to damaging U.S. and Obama diplomacy vis a vis China, Europe and Russia, Snowden’s “op” severely strained relations between Obama and the NSA/intelligence community itself.
The White House and State Department signed off on surveillance targeting phone conversations of friendly foreign leaders, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said Monday, pushing back against assertions that President Obama and his aides were unaware of the high-level eavesdropping.
Professional staff members at the National Security Agency and other U.S. intelligence agencies are angry, these officials say, believing the president has cast them adrift as he tries to distance himself from the disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that have strained ties with close allies. . . .
. . . . Obama may not have been specifically briefed on NSA operations targeting a foreign leader’s cellphone or email communications, one of the officials said. “But certainly the National Security Council and senior people across the intelligence community knew exactly what was going on, and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous.”
If U.S. spying on key foreign leaders was news to the White House, current and former officials said, then White House officials have not been reading their briefing books.
Some U.S. intelligence officials said they were being blamed by the White House for conducting surveillance that was authorized under the law and utilized at the White House.
“People are furious,” said a senior intelligence official who would not be identified discussing classified information. “This is officially the White House cutting off the intelligence community.” . . .
10. Californians’ approval of President Barack Obama’s job performance has taken the sharpest dive of his presidency in recent months, according to a new Field Poll, with some of his most loyal supporters losing faith after revelations that the government is tracking Americans’ phone and Internet use. . .
“President’s Support in State Slips” by Josh Richman; San Jose Mercury News; 7/23/2013; pp. B1-B4.
11. Young people seem to have been particularly affected by Snowden’s actions. Snowden being regarded as a hero is truly grotesque, though understandable, given the insufficient nature of the media coverage.
. . . . In an online New York Times opinion article on Sunday, Peter Ludlow, a professor of philosophy at Northwestern University, wrote that Mr. Snowden had exposed a gap between members of the younger “WikiLeaks generation,” who regard him as a role model, and older commentators in the traditional news media, who believe he needs to be brought to justice. Mr. Ludlow cited a recent poll showing that 70 percent of Americans ages 18 to 34 believed that Mr. Snowden “did a good thing.” . . .
12. In that context, Citizen Greenwald has been advocating the establishment of a third party candidate. If this happens and the candidate develops a significant following, it might well propel the GOP back into power, just as Ralph Nader’s candidacy did in 2000.
“Glenn Greenwald: Life Beyond Borders” by Fred Bernstein; out.com; 4/18/2011.
. . . .By the third year of law school, he was working for a large law firm. But realizing that representing Goldman Sachs would have destroyed him psychologically, he set up his own firm, which represented several neo-Nazis and other unpopular clients. . . .
. . . . One of his hopes for 2012 is that candidates will emerge to take on the red and the blue teams — he is keeping an eye on Gary Johnson, a two-term Republican governor of New Mexico, who is pro-gay and antiwar, and who could run with a Democrat like former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold. He would also be happy to see a billionaire run without the help of either party, to disrupt the two-party stranglehold. .
13. The program concludes with a passage from The Art of War by the ancient Chinese military philosopher Sun Tzu. Delineating a strategic program designed to fragment an enemy, the passage is strikingly relevant to Snowden’s “op.” (It is not irrelevant that this passage was quoted in the autobiography of General Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi spy chief who founded the BND. The book has an introduction by David Irving, the noted Holocaust denier.)
We might update the text to read: ” . . . . implicate the President in criminal undertakings; undermine his position and destroy his reputation. . . . Disrupt the work of their government with every means you can. Spread disunity and dispute among the citizens of the enemy’s country. Turn the young against the old. [Turn the NSA and the intelligence community against the President.] . . . . ”
. . . . ‘There is no art higher than that of destroying the enemy’s resistance without a fight on the battlefield. The direct tactic of war is necessary only on the battlefield; but only the indirect tactic can lead to a real and lasting victory. Subvert anything of value in the enemy’s country. Implicate the emissaries of the major powers in criminal undertakings; undermine their position and destroy their reputation in other ways as well, and expose them to the public ridicule of their fellow citizens. Do not shun the aid of even the lowest and most despicable people. Disrupt the work of their government with every means you can. Spread disunity and dispute among the citizens of the enemy’s country. Turn the young against the old. Use every means to destroy their arms, their supplies, and the discipline of the enemy’s forces. Debase old traditions and accepted gods. Be generous with promises and rewards to purchase intelligence and accomplices. Send out your secret agents in all directions. Do not skimp with money or with promises, for they yield a high return. . . .’
The latest estimate on the total number of NSA documents taken by Snowden: up to 200,000, which is about 20 times more than the ~10,000 NSA documents Snowden reportedly gave to Greenwald and Poitras in Hong Kong. So one of the biggest questions of the day remains...Where’s Waldo’s data dump?