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Listen: MP3
Introduction: Continuing our examination of the history of the OUN/B, this program begins by highlighting more information about the links between the assassination of JFK and the supposed KGB murder of Stephan Bandera. Bandera was the Third Reich collaborator whose killing was linked to the supposed KGB assassin Oswald. That disinformation was performed by elements associated with what was to become the World Anti-Communist League.
One of the principals involved in the insertion of the Oswald/Bandera/KGB disinformation was Senator Thomas Dodd (at right.)
The broadcast then traces the evolution of the OUN/B through its incorporation into the Republican Party’s ethnic outreach organization. After Ronald Reagan became President, the OUN/B played a central role in the destabilization of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, through the Free Congress Foundation.
Reagan’s Deputy Director of Public Liaison, Ykaterina Chumachenko, went on to become the first lady of the Ukraine, marrying Viktor Yuschenko.
Program Highlights Include: Review of the Crusade for Freedom–the illegal domestic intelligence operation that brought the OUN/B fascists into the U.S.; review of the roles of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush in the Crusade for Freedom; Ykaterina Chumachenko’s role as one of the leaders of the top OUN/B front group in the United States; the strong areas of overlap of between the Free Congress Foundation and the GOP’s “ethnics;” the association of Senator Thomas Dodd with the milieu of WACL and Charles Willoughby; the possibility that Oswald was working for Dodd’s Senate Subcommittee investigating the mail order purchase of firearms.
(The first audio excerpt is from FTR #158, recorded on 6/6/1999. The documentation is from Deep Politics and the Death of JFK by Peter Dale Scott.)
The disinformation that Oswald was a KGB assassin was inserted into a Senate Subcommittee report by Sen. Thomas Dodd.
A member of the U.S. prosecutorial staff at Nuremberg., this former FBI agent (Dodd) was close to the American Security Council (ASC), a domestic fascist group. With its roots in the Hitler-Goebbels AntiComintern, the American Security Council was a key American link to the former World Anti-Communist League or WACL. Created by former FBI agents disgruntled at the demise of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s “investigations,” the American Security Council coalesced around the files of Harry Jung’s American Vigilance Intelligence Federation. Virulently anti-Semitic, Jung’s organization was part of the Anti-Comintern prior to World War II.
Counting among its ranks some of the most prominent names on the far right, the organization kept track of people it considered “subversive,” sharing political intelligence with prospective employers (particularly defense contractors). The ASC hated Kennedy and it is not, therefore, altogether surprising that Dodd helped to disseminate the disinformation that Lee Harvey Oswald had been trained in assassination by the KGB. With CIA assistance, Dodd inserted thie Bandera-linked disinformation into a Senate Subcommittee report. This disinformation, with roots in the same WACL milieu as the ASC, led liberals to cover-up the assassination out of fear that public perception that a communist killed the President would lead to a Third World War.
It is also interesting and very possibly relevant that the disinformation about Oswald/Stashynsky and the KGB was first called to the attention of Julien Sourwine by OUN/B operative Lev Dobriansky, who later served as Reagan’s ambassador to the Bahamas, while his daughter Paula served on Reagan’s National Security Council. Paula Dobriansky later served as an Assistant Secretary of State under George W. Bush and headed the Tibet desk for a time.
. . . . [General Charles] Wiloughby, in particular, was also part of the leading defense-industrial lobby the American Security Council, along with politically active army reserve officers like Lev Dobriansky, who first brought the issue of Bogdan Stashynsky and the alleged murder training school to the attention of Sourwine and the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. . . .
. . . . Senator Dodd was on the ASC payroll when he generated the Senate subcommittee report on Stashynsky’s supposed murder training school. . . .
Dodd’s role in this affair is all the more interesting when one considers the possibility that Oswald may have ordered his weapons while working for Dodd’s Subcommittee. Investigating the mail-order firearms business, the Dodd committee focused on the two firms from which Oswald allegedly purchased his weapons. Both Seaport Traders and Klein’s sporting goods, from which Oswald allegedly ordered his weapons, were under investigation by the Dodd Subcommittee. Oswald was apparently extraordinarily interested in mail-order guns, a strange way for a prospective assassin to acquire weaponry. In 1963 in Texas, he could have purchased his guns over the counter with no trace of the transaction.
After discussion of the Oswald/Bandera/KGB disinfomation gambit in the JFK assassination cover-up, the program reviews the role of the OUN/B in the Republican Ethnic Outreach organization. The latter was an outgrowth of an illegal covert operation in the U.S. called the Crusade for Freedom.
Conceived by Allen Dulles, the CFF was overseen by Richard Nixon. Its chief spokesperson was Ronald Reagan. The State Department official responsible for bringing “fascist freedom fighters” like the OUN/B into the United States was William Casey (Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager in the 1980 Presidential race and later Reagan’s CIA director.) The Nazi wing of the GOP was installed as a permanent branch of the Republican Part when George H.W. Bush was the head of the Republican National Committee.
The OUN/B was a key element of the GOP’s ethnic outreach organization. It is noteworthy that the organizations that were represented in the GOP subgroup were all affiliated with the SS during World War II. Prior to the commencement of hostilities, the SS formed effective liaison with the Hungarian Arrow Cross, the Romanian Iron Guard, the Bulgarian National Front and the OUN/B, among other organizations. This relationship was cemented and strengthened during the war and remained operational when these elements jumped to U.S. intelligence and, through that relationship, to the Republican Party. (This tape excerpt is from the September 6, 1992 installment of AFA #37. The text is excerpted from “The Republican Party and Fascists: The Old Nazis and the New Right” by Russ Bellant, published in Covert Action Information Bulletin Issue #33.
Next, the broadcast excerpts AFA #36 and notes the role in the de-stabilization of the former Soviet Union of the OUN/B and the other SS-connected fascist organizations incorporated into the GOP ethnic organization. Heavily overlapping the Free Congress Foundation of Paul Weyrich, the GOP “ethnics” and the OUN/B, in particular, played a leading role in the political tutoring of Boris Yeltsin’s IRG organization. Ultimately, Yeltsin’s forces were instrumental in breaking up the U.S.S.R.
We note that the head of the liberation sub-group of the Free Congress Foundation was Hungarian Arrow Cross veteran Laszlo Pasztor, the head of the GOP “ethnics.” (This audio excerpt is from AFA #36. The text is from “The Free Congress Foundation Goes East” by Russ Bellant and Louis Wolf, from Covert Action Information Bulletin Issue #35.
“The Free Congress Foundation Goes East” by Russ Bellant and Louis Wolf; Covert Action Information Bulletin #35; Fall/1990.
With the rapid pace of political change sweeping Eastern Europe and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, many opportunities have emerged for western interests to intervene in the politics of that region. In some cases, such a vacuum has been created that virtual strangers to the area several years ago are now able to actively participate in changing those societies from within.
These interventions are not only being practiced by mainstream organizations. The involvement of the United States Far Right brings with it the potential revival of fascist organizations in the East. One U.S. group, the Free Congress Foundation, has been playing a role in Eastern European and Soviet politics and has ties to Boris Yeltsin and the Inter-Regional Deputies Group (IRG) in the U.S.S.R.
The Free Congress Foundation (FCF) was founded in 1974 by Paul Weyrich as the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress. Weyrich, who had started the Heritage Foundation the year before, was heavily funded by the Coors family for both organizations.
Weyrich has kept one foot in the right wing of the Republican Party while dallying with the racist Right and the extreme Christian Right. In 1976, for instance, he and a handful of other New Rights (William Rusher, Morton Blackwell, Richard Viguerie) attempted to take over the segregationist American Independent Party (AIP), formed by George Wallace in 1968. The AIP was an amalgam of Ku Klux Klan and John Birch Society elements. . . .
. . . . The IRG was established by Andrei Sakharov, Boris Yeltsin and others in the summer of 1989. By the end of that year, a training school had been established for candidates to put forward the IRG program. Their electoral success this year propelled Yeltsin to the leadership of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic. He immediately began forging collaborative relationships with the deeply reactionary leaders of the Lithuanian Sajudis party. The IRG has also served as a source of right-wing pressure on Gorbachev to dismantle socialism and the Soviet Union itself.
One of the key dangers in this agenda is the political vacuum it creates, allowing ultra-nationalist forces in a number of republics to take power. Such nationalist and fascist elements are already evident in Lithuania and the Ukraine. In the latter republic, the pro-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) has gained influence in several parties and has mobilized large demonstrations that honor OUN leaders who abetted Hitler’s war on the Eastern Front. Similarly, several Sajudis deputies served in German military units in 1944, and Sajudis has made declarations against ethnic Russians living in Lithuania. According to some reports, Poles have also been denigrated.
It should also be noted that the “radical reformer” Boris Yeltsin has dallied with Pamyat, the foremost Russian fascist group to emerge in the last several years. Pamyat’s virulent anti-Semitism compares to the crude propaganda of the early German Nazi Party in the 1920’s.
The FCF is not entirely disconnected from the history of the OUN. The Treasurer of the FCF board is Georgetown University Professor Charles Moser. Moser is also serves on the editorial advisory board of the Ukrainian Quarterly, published by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, a group dominated by the OUN. The Ukrainian Quarterly has praised military units of the German SS and otherwise justified the OUN alliance with the Third Reich which reflects the fact that the OUN was politically and militarily allied with Hitler and the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine.
The OUN, an international semi-secret cadre organization headquartered in Bavaria, has received financial assistance from the late Franz Joseph Strauss, the rightist head of the Bavarian state. Strauss also had a working relationship with Weyrich. . . .
. . . . Finally, FCF’s insinuation into the politics of the East must be judged by their selection of Laszlo Pasztor to head their Liberation Support Alliance, “which seeks to liberate peoples in Central and Eastern European Nations.”
Pasztor’s involvement in East European politics began in World War II when he joined the youth organization of the Arrow Cross, the Nazi party of Hungary.
When the Arrow Cross was installed in power by a German commando operation, Pasztor was sent to Berlin to help facilitate the liaison between the Arrow Cross and Hitler.
Pasztor was tried and served two years in jail for his Arrow Cross activities after an anticommunist government was elected in 1945. He eventually came to the U.S. and established the ethnic arm of the Republican National Committee for Richard Nixon. He brought other Nazi collaborators from the Eastern front into the GOP. Some were later found to have participated in mass murder during the war.
The dormant Arrow Cross has surfaced again in Hungary, where there have been attempts to lift the ban on the organization. Pasztor spent several months in Hungary. When Weyrich later conducted training there, he was provided a list of Pasztor’s contacts inside the country. Weyrich reports that he conducted training for the recently formed and now governing New Democratic Forum.
Pasztor claims to have assisted some of his friends in Hungary in getting NED funds through his advisory position with NED. In 1989 he spoke at the Heritage Foundation under the sponsorship of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), a multinational umbrella organization of emigre fascists and Nazis founded in alliance with Hitler in 1943. It is led by the OUN. Pasztor spoke for the “Hungarian Organization” of ABN, which is the Arrow Cross. . . . .
The final audio segment in this broadcast is excerpted from FTR #529:
1. In late 2004 and early 2005, much of the world’s attention was focused on the so-called “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, in which a challenger—Victor Yuschenko—ousted a corrupt and autocratic predecessor after the populace demanded that evident electoral fraud be invalidated. The bloom has since gone off the fruit, so to speak, as Yuschenko’s entire cabinet has either resigned in protest over corruption or been fired. This program begins with discussion of Yuschenko’s wife—a Ukrainian/American with a politically tainted past. A Wall Street Journal editorial lauded the former Katherine Chumahcneko:
“In the most peaceful revolution since South Africa ended its apartheid regime by electing Nelson Mandela president in 1994, Ukraine has just elected opposition leader Viktor Yuschenko president of the former Soviet satellite republic. The victory comes for the pro-Western leader after a dirty campaign that saw him poisoned and only after hundreds of thousands of demonstrators filled the streets to protest voter-fraud. ‘We peacefully, beautifully, elegantly and without any drops of blood changed Ukraine,’ Mr. Yuschenko told cheering supporters.”
(“From America With Love” by John Fund; Opinion Journal—from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page; 12/27/2004; p. 1.)
2. “What many Westerners do not realize, however, is when Mr. Yuschenko takes the seat of power, at his side will be a tough minded, savvy American-raised businesswoman. His wife, Kateryna Chumachenko Yuschenko, is the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants who grew up steeped in the traditions of her ancestral homeland. . . .” (Idem.)
3. Mrs. Yuschenko’s background is more than a little interesting, and gives a possible hint to a source of corruption: the former Ms. Chumachenko was the head of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, a front group for the OUN/B, a Ukrainian fascist group that worked with the SS under the Third Reich and has been an integral element of the postwar Underground Reich. The OUN/B worked closely with the Gehlen spy outfit and affiliated organizations, such as the ABN (see below.)
“One Ukrainian nationalist group was the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) which split into two organizations: a less militant wing, led by Andrew Melnyk and known as OUN‑M, and the extremist group of Stepan Bandera, known as OUN/B. The Nazis preferred the radical nationalist OUN/B. During the German military occupation, the Ukraine witnessed terrible atrocities against Jews and other groups targeted by Nazi policies. The OUN/B organized military units that participated in these atrocities. With the collapse of the Third Reich, many Ukrainian collaborationists fled their homeland.”
4. The OUN/B, like the ABN, became a big part of the Republican ethnic heritage branch—a Nazi/fascist wing of the GOP with its roots firmly planted in the Third Reich. In the passage that follows, note for the purpose of the present discussion the UCCA, the main OUN/B front group in the U.S.
“After the war, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN/B), a clandestine group financed in part by German intelligence and led by [Jaroslav] Stetsko, accelerated its work in the West. A secretive group, OUN/B’s tracks are difficult to follow. ‘You have to understand. We are an underground organization. We have spent years quietly penetrating positions of influence,’ explained an OUN/B member who insisted on anonymity. The positions of influence under discussion were Reagan Administration appointments. All of the OUN/B’s key Administration contacts were through an organization called the Ukrainian Congress of America (UCCA), headquartered in New York City. . . .”
5. The program presents more information about the ABN and its relationship with the former World Anti Communist League.
“ . . . The ABN is the high council for the expatriate nationalist groups that formed the police, military and militia units that worked with Hitler during World War II. Some were organized as mobile killing teams that exterminated villages and sought to murder whole ethnic, racial, and cultural groups. These mobile killing teams are the forerunners of the modern death squad. It is consistent, then, that the Latin American Anti-Communist Confederation (CAL) (for many years the Latin American branch of WACL) has a great affinity for the ABN and its members, according to several ABN members. CAL historically has served as an umbrella group for the regional death squads.”
(Ibid.; p. 75.)
6. “A meeting of the youth sections of CAL and ABN in 1983 took place in Fedorak’s Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, Michigan. The resulting 16-point resolution bore statements that might surprise some of their conservative U.S. supporters. Not only were the usual anti-communist sentiments expressed, but also anti-capitalist positions were taken. One point, for instance, called for ‘rejection of all materialist doctrines (author’s emphasis) which defile the human individual by treating people as egotistical, covetous and selfish beings. . . .’ The resolution called for a ‘faith in Revolutionary, liberation nationalism . . . .’ and ‘unbending opposition to collectivist slavery, against communist and capitalist alienation of human labor. . . .’”
(Ibid.; pp. 75–76.)
7. “These formulations mirror the classic outlines of National Socialism, which simultaneously fought the Communist and Western Capitalist powers ideologically and militarily. The Third Way, rejecting East and West, is still a position taken by significant elements of the contemporary neo-Nazi movement.”
(Ibid.; p. 76.)
8. “The Stetskos were not only leaders of OUN but the multi-ethnic ABN as well. The July-August, 1983 ABN bulletin ABN Correspondence carries several cover photos which show the Stetskos and other ABN leaders as White House guests in July 1983, personally meeting with Reagan, George Bush and Jeanne Kirkpatrick.”
9. “After the Stetskos visited the White House, Yaroslav Stetsko’s wife Slava Stetsko, who lives in Munich, West Germany, called on the ABN to support Reagan’s re-election. She carried that message to ABN chapters during 1984 as well. The Reagan campaign cooperated with ABN, including scheduling an appearance by Michel Sotirhos, head of Ethnic Voters for Reagan-Bush Campaign of 1984 as well as the Republican Heritage Groups Council, at the 1984 ABN conference in New York City.”
10. “The Goal of the ABN is to pressure the U.S. government toward a ‘liberation’ policy aimed against the USSR, with ABN leaders as the liberators. Although ABN members say they only need technical assistance from the West, they want the U.S. military to put them in power in Eastern Europe and the USSR. This is the formula they tried under German Nazi sponsorship. Their manipulations of the American political system are toward that end.”
11. “The emigres of the ABN still dream of one more chance to create a new order in Europe. They even got Michigan Republican Congressman Paul Henry to enter a statement into the Congressional Record in July, 1986, commending the ‘independence’ of the Ukraine under Stetsko in 1941.” (Idem.)
12. “According to Henry ‘a representative assembly of the most prominent Ukrainian leaders from all walks of life issued a Proclamation of the Restoration of Ukraine’s Independence. . . . The proclamation received enthusiastic support of the Ukrainian people’ Henry referred to the ‘freedom fighters’ of the ‘Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), led by Stepan Bandera.’ When questioned about his praise for a document which included the line ‘Glory to the Heroic German Army and its Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler,’ a spokesperson for Henry said he’d ‘not been aware of the fine print. . . .’”
13. Notice Yuschenko’s wife’s position in this fascist/Nazi concatenation. The former Ms. Chumachenko had been director of the UCCA’s Captive Nations Committee and (as of 1988) been Deputy Director for Public Liaison at the White House!
“On July 20, 1988, George [H.W.] Bush reaffirmed the ties between the Republican Party and the ABN by making a campaign stop at Fedorak’s Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, Michigan. Bush delivered a hard-line foreign policy speech to those attending the annual Captive Nations banquet sponsored jointly by the Captive Nations Committee and the ABN. Sharing the dais with Fedorak and Bush was Katherine Chumachenko, formerly the director of the UCCA’s Captive Nations Committee and currently the Deputy Director for Public Liaison at the White House. [Emphasis added.] Ignatius M. Billinsky, President of UCCA, had already been named Honorary Chair of Ukrainians for Bush, and Bohdan Fedorak named National vice-chair of Ukrainians for Bush. . . .”
(Ibid.; pp. 76–77.)
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