Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
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Introduction: Supplementing and summing up the exhaustive FTR series on “The Eddie the Friendly Spook” series, this program sets forth the Snowden “psy-op” against the background of Lee Harvey Oswald, the U.S. spy infiltrated into the Soviet Union and then into leftist organizations in the United States, Oswald was framed for JFK’s assassination and then killed before he could defend himself.
Whereas Oswald was portrayed as a villain, Eddie the Friendly Spook’s operation is the obverse, with Snowden decamping first to China and then to Russia. Snowden is not only a spy but a fascist, who advocates the elimination of Social Security and the return to the gold standard.
Snowden’s Russian sojourn appears to have been arranged by WikiLeaks, which also appears to have arranged his flight to China from Hawaii. Throwing Obama’s “reboot” with Russia under the bus, the Snowden “op” is probably part of the broader operation–financed to the tune of $5 billion–that brought the Nazi heirs to the OUN/B to power in the Ukraine. We do not think it is coincidental that Citizen Greenwald’s financial angel Pierre Omidyar helped to finance the fascist coup in Ukraine, nor do we think it coincidence that the elements of the Swedish neo-Nazi milieu to which Carl Lundstrom belongs are decamping to Ukraine to bolser the Swoboda and Pravy Sektor fascists.
German and Brazilian drives to update and popularize their IT sectors, supposedly in response to Edward Snowden’s “disclosures,” can be safely assumed to have been anticipated quite some time ago. The things Snowden has discussed have not only been known for some time, but are standard operating procedure for intelligence services all over the world.
The Snowden “psy-op” is almost certainly a device for propagandizing on behalf of the German/Brazilian drive, which constitutes economic warfare against the U.S. high-tech business, under the circumstances.
The program also notes other aspects of this apparent psy-op, including further destabilization of the Obama administration and U.S. foreign policy.
With Citizen Greenwald’s Nazi clients having foreshadowed the 9/11 attacks and predicted and advocated the destruction of the United States through terrorist acts using WMD’s, it appears that the ongoing destabilization of the NSA and GCHQ as a result of the actions of the Obverse Oswald and the forces that control him are preparatory for just such an onslaught.
We are strongly supportive of the NSA and GCHQ for this reason.
We end on a speculative note: Eddie the Friendly Spook’s economic and political theories are fascist and fundamentally opposed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal. His belief that we must get rid of Social Security and bring back the gold standard are propagated by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the ideological font of Snowden’s political idol Ron Paul.
Arguably the most famous member of the Austrian School of Economics that spawned and dominates the Ludwig von Mises Institute is Friedrich von Hayek. An immigrant from Austria, von Hayek was ostensibly an “anti-Nazi.” In 1944, he published The Road to Serfdom, which attacks the New Deal policies of F.D.R. Begun well before the Canaris memo, von Hayek’s work has been a staple of GOP/Underground Reich propaganda ever since its publication, as well as a foundational element of revisionist history.
We present a document drawn up by the head of German military intelligence (the Abwehr) in 1944. Abwehr chief Admiral Wilhelm Canaris notes that undercover propaganda assets in the United States should be utilized to generate anti-Roosevelt sentiment and help his electoral defeat in the 1944 elections. The Third Reich viewed the defeat of Roosevelt as consummately important.
We wonder if von Hayek–ostensibly one of the “anti-Nazis” cryptically referred to at the end of the document below, was one of the Third Reich’s undercover propaganda and psychological warfare assets among the Allies. The Road to Serfdom was heavily publicized by The Readers Digest in the UniTed States.
We are also of the considered professional opinion that the Ludwig von Mises Institute is an important element of the Underground Reich.
Program Highlights Include: Supplemental information about U.S. high-tech companies collaborating in order to hold down the salaries of their employees; discussion of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute’s mandating of backdoors to European software and hardware so that intelligence services and law enforcement can conduct exactly the kind of surveillance that Germany, Brazil and the EU are complaining about; Snowden’s leaks about monitoring of German high-tech companies have compromised NSA and GCHQ surveillance of targets that are absolutely legitimate and have terror-related concerns; the leaking of NSA spying in Chinese tech giant Huawei while Michelle Obama was in China on a good will visit and on the eve of Chinese President Xi’s visit to Europe to speak with Angela Merkel; review of Greenwald’s Nazi client National Alliance and their foreshadowing of the 9/11 attacks and the degree of coincidence of those attacks with Hitler’s plans for destroying the United States; comparison of the GOP with Mussolini and Hitler.
1a. The level of hypocrisy on the part of the European countries on the NSA and GCHQ spying is consummate:
“NSA Surveillance Sparks Talk of National Internets” by John Blau; IEEE Spectrum; 1/23/2014.
. . . . . . . .Backdoors are essentially software designs in networks that allow authorities to conduct “deep packet” inspection to monitor and intercept data. The European Telecommunications Standards Institute, for instance, works closely with operators, government, and law enforcement agencies to integrate surveillance capabilities into communications networks. [!!!–D.E.] But many operators are concerned about how access to the backdoor “keys” is regulated, and, in the case of some equipment vendors—notably China’s Huawei Technologies Co.—about whether secret backdoors are built into network systems without operators’ knowledge. . . .
1b. The discussion underscores analysis of the loss of business by U.S. tech firms as a result of the Snowden “op.”
Microsoft has lost customers, including the government of Brazil.
IBM is spending more than a billion dollars to build data centers overseas to reassure foreign customers that their information is safe from prying eyes in the United States government.
And tech companies abroad, from Europe to South America, say they are gaining customers that are shunning United States providers, suspicious because of the revelations by Edward J. Snowden that tied these providers to the National Security Agency’s vast surveillance program.
Even as Washington grapples with the diplomatic and political fallout of Mr. Snowden’s leaks, the more urgent issue, companies and analysts say, is economic. Technology executives, including Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, raised the issue when they went to the White House on Friday for a meeting with President Obama.
It is impossible to see now the full economic ramifications of the spying disclosures — in part because most companies are locked in multiyear contracts — but the pieces are beginning to add up as businesses question the trustworthiness of American technology products. . . .
. . . . “It’s clear to every single tech company that this is affecting their bottom line,” said Daniel Castro, a senior analyst at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, who predicted that the United States cloud computing industry could lose $35 billion by 2016.
Forrester Research, a technology research firm, said the losses could be as high as $180 billion, or 25 percent of industry revenue, based on the size of the cloud computing, web hosting and outsourcing markets and the worst case for damages.
The business effect of the disclosures about the N.S.A. is felt most in the daily conversations between tech companies with products to pitch and their wary customers. The topic of surveillance, which rarely came up before, is now “the new normal” in these conversations, as one tech company executive described it. . . . .
1c. In FTR #769, we noted that the GOP (its “shut down,” libertarian wing in particular) has twinned with the Underground Reich, Germany and Brazil in the economic warfare against U.S. high-tech business. An article from The Courthose News Service sums up the character of the Republican party.
“Weak Fascism” by Robert Kahn; Courthouse News Service; 3/28/2014.
Republicans are living down to their self-proclaimed role as the party of ideas. What they have been proposing for years is a form of weak fascism: not one in which the corporations are put in harness to strengthen the government, but one in which the government is shackled to the power of corporations.
Fascism, Webster’s Second Edition tells us, is “a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of the opposition (unions, other, especially leftist, parties, minority groups, etc.), the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized government control, belligerent nationalism and racism, glorification of war, etc.: first instituted in Italy in 1922.”
The only difference between Mussolini’s Fascism and Republican fascism is the four words under centralized government control, yet if private corporations control or can dictate to the government, that’s a distinction without a difference.
Mussolini harnessed the corporations to the state. Republicans would harness the state to the corporations. They claim they want to free the corporations from the shackles of government.. . .
. . . .Local control — states’ rights, in voting, racial policies, “science” and religious curriculum in public schools, what women should be allowed to do, and so on, is, of course, a banner cause of the so-called tea party — the Republican fascists.
Modern American fascism, then, has just one essential difference from Italian or German fascism of the bloody 20th century: whether the controls should be exerted by government or corporations.
Tea party Republicans are squarely on the side of the corporations, and this is a place where Republican fascism and Libertarians meet.
2a. German e‑mail providers have touted a “secure data storage” capability. This has been described as “great marketing stunt at exactly the right time.” We are of the opinion that the Snowden “op” was executed and timed to provide psychological impetus to the ramping up of German and Brazilian internet and high-tech business. Note that these “secure” e‑mail and data storage capabilities will NOT be secure from BND surveillance.
“Crypto Experts Blast German e‑mail Providers’ ‘Secure Data Storage’ Claim” by Cyrus Farivar; Ars Technica; 8/10/2013.
GPG developer calls move a “great marketing stunt at exactly the right time.”
In the wake of the shutdown of two secure e‑mail providers in the United States, three major German e‑mail providers have banded together to say that they’re stepping forward to fill the gap. There’s just one problem: the three companies only provide security for e‑mail in transit (in the form of SMTP TLS) and not actual secure data storage.
GMX, T‑Online (a division of Deutsche Telekom), and Web.de—which serve two-thirds of German e‑mail users—announced on Friday that data would be stored in Germany and the initiative would “automatically encrypt data over all transmission paths and offer peace of mind that data are handled in compliance with German data privacy laws.” Starting immediately, users who use these e‑mail services in-browser will have SMTP TLS enabled, and starting next year, these three e‑mail providers will refuse to send all e‑mails that do not have it enabled.
“Germans are deeply unsettled by the latest reports on the potential interception of communication data,” said René Obermann, CEO of Deutsche Telekom, in a statement. “Our initiative is designed to counteract this concern and make e‑mail communication throughout Germany more secure in general. Protection of the private sphere is a valuable commodity.”
These companies have dubbed this effort “E‑mail made in Germany,” and tout “secure data storage in Germany as a reputable location.” In practice, that appears (Google Translate) to simply mean that starting in 2014, these providers will “only transport SSL-encrypted e‑mails to ensure that data traffic over all of their transmission paths is secure.”
Germany has notoriously strong data protection laws—likely the strongest in the world. But those laws do have law enforcement exceptions for security agencies, like the BND, Germany’s equivalent to the National Security Agency. The BND likely can easily access e‑mails stored unencrypted on German servers with little legal or technical interference. Clearly, forcing users (particularly less tech-savvy ones) to use SMTP TLS provides a modicum of better protection for data in transit, but it’s hardly anywhere close to improved security for stored data.
Law enforcement can still get stored e‑mail
German tech media and the well-respected Chaos Computer Club have lambasted this approach, dismissing it as “pure marketing.”
“The basic problem with e‑mail is that it’s a postcard readable by all—[this] changes nothing,” wrote Andre Meister on the noted Netzpolitik.org blog (German).
Lukas Pitschl of GPGTools told Ars this was merely a “marketing stunt,” which would “not add real value to the security of e‑mail communication.”
“If you really want to protect your e‑mails from prying eyes, use OpenPGP or S/MIME on your own desktop and don’t let a third-party provider have your data,” he told Ars. “No one of the ‘E‑Mail made in Germany’ initiative would say if they encrypt the data on their servers so they don’t have access to it, which they probably don’t and thus the government could force them to let them access it.”
The Chaos Computer Club practically laughed (Google Translate) at this new announcement:
“What competitors [have had] for years as standard—a forced encryption when accessing a personal e‑mail account—is now sold promotionally as a new, effective technological advancement,” the group wrote. “The NSA scandal has shown that centralized services are to be regarded as not trustworthy when it comes to access by secret [agencies].”
2b. Citizen Greenwald is residing in Brazil, one of the countries whose IT industry acceleration appears to have been aided by the Snowden “psy-op.” It is essential to note in this regard that the vacuuming up of electronic communications by NSA and GCHQ has been known for years. Such practices are also standard operating procedure for all major intelligence agencies. The professed motive for Brazilian, German and European actions as being “in response” to the “disclosures” of Snowden are nonsensical. The Snowden psy-op is propaganda to boost the Brazilian and German actions.
The Snowden psy-op is part of an economic warfare program against the United States.
“On Internet, Brazil Is Beating US at Its Own Game” by Bill Woodcock; Al Jazeera; 9/20/2013.
. . .The third and less documented area of development consists of private overland fiber cable systems linking Brazil to each of its South American neighbors. These follow a pattern similar to Brazilian private-sector investment in undersea cables but on a much smaller scale. This is particularly important with regard to the landlocked countries of Paraguay and Bolivia. With no independent access to the undersea international cable systems, they depend entirely on this form of transitive connectivity through their coastal neighbors. Because these overland cables will lie exclusively within the sovereign territories of their respective users, it’s much less likely that they will be tapped than their undersea equivalents. They are thus likely to provide effectively private communication channels between Brazil and its neighboring countries....
3a. It appears that Assange and WikiLeaks were instrumental in getting Snowden to Russia. As discussed in FTR #771, it also appears that Jacob Applebaum and WikiLeaks also got Snowden to China from Hawaii. In short, the Snowden “op” is an extension of WikiLeaks.
Assange himself admitted in an interview last December that he specifically advised to Snowden that Russia would be the safest place to stay:
. . . . In January 2011, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange chose Scottish novelist and non-fiction author Andrew O’Hagan to ‘ghostwrite’ his autobiography/manifesto. . . .
. . . . O’Hagan, an Editor at Large of Esquire, has now written a 25,000-word lambastingin the London Review of Books, in which he describes the 42-year-old Australian as “thin-skinned, conspiratorial, untruthful, [and] narcissistic.”
O’Hagan, who is actually quite sympathetic to Assange, spent months around the publisher and his entourage.
The account, which seems genuine, is devastating to popular notions of Assange as a hero of transparency who has been persecuted by the governments that he holds into account.
During O’Hagan’s last visits with Assange, they spoke about Edward Snowden. Assange had sent his personal assistant and girlfriend, Sarah Harrison, to advise the 30-year-old leaker sometime after he outed himself in Hong Kong on June 10.
Assange, who O’Hagan notes has chatted with Snowden, considers the NSA fugitive the ninth best hacker in the world (while he considers himself to be No.3).
Harrison accompanied Snowden on June 23 when he flew from Hong Kong to Moscow, where Snowden was promptly stranded. Harrison, who O’Hagan describes as “strung between loving [Assange] and being baffled,” stayed with Snowden for more than four months before going to Berlin.
Assange told Janet Reitman of Rolling Stone that he advised Snowden that the former CIA technician “would be physically safest in Russia.” And that’s where Snowden remains for the foreseeable future. . . .
3b. More about WikiLeaks’ role in getting Snowden to Russia:
. . . . Greenwald has a complicated relationship with WikiLeaks and Assange, whom he considers an ally, though given Assange’s controversial reputation in the United States, he admits that “Julian stepping forward and being the face of the story wasn’t great for Snowden.” But he credits Assange with having helped save Snowden from almost certain extradition to the U.S. Snowden, however, never wanted to go to Russia, which Assange acknowledges.
Assange, however, disagrees. “While Venezuela and Ecuador could protect him in the short term, over the long term there could be a change in government. In Russia, he’s safe, he’s well-regarded, and that is not likely to change. That was my advice to Snowden, that he would be physically safest in Russia.” . . . .
4. The timing of articles published by The New York Times and Der Spiegel is suspicious and fits directly into the template we constructed in FTR #762.
“NSA Infiltrates Servers of China Telecom Giant Huawei: Report” [Reuters]; Yahoo News; 3/23/2014.
. . . .The Times and Der Spiegel articles were published just days before Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Europe and will hold talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, herself a target of electronic surveillance by the NSA.
They also were published during U.S. first lady Michelle Obama’s visit to China. In Beijing on Saturday, she told an audience of college students that open access to information — especially online — is a universal right. . . .
5. Note the targets of an NSA and GCHQ spying program, as reported by Der Spiegel. All of these would be logical focal points of investigation of terror-related activities. We note in this context, that Brazil–part of the Three Borders Area–as been a major staging point for Islamist terror and is, therefore, a more than legitimate focal point for NSA and GCHQ counter-intelligence.
In FTR #767, we noted he Snowden “op” as the destabilization of the NSA and GCHQ. This story appears to further that end, exposing surveillance of entities that are valid targets for surveillance.
. . . . The headquarters of Stellar, a company based in the town of Hürth near Cologne, are visible from a distance. Seventy-five white antennas dominate the landscape. The biggest are 16 meters (52 feet) tall and kept in place by steel anchors. It is an impressive sight and serves as a popular backdrop for scenes in TV shows, including the German action series “Cobra 11.”
Stellar operates a satellite ground station in Hürth, a so-called “teleport.” Its services are used by companies and institutions; Stellar’s customers include Internet providers, telecommunications companies and even a few governments. “The world is our market,” is the high-tech company’s slogan.
Using their ground stations and leased capacities from satellites, firms like Stellar — or competitors like Cetel in the nearby village of Ruppichteroth or IABG, which is headquartered in Ottobrunn near Munich — can provide Internet and telephone services in even the most remote areas. They provide communications links to places like oil drilling platforms, diamond mines, refugee camps and foreign outposts of multinational corporations and international organizations. . . .. . . .According to Cetel CEO Guido Neumann, the company primarily serves customers in Africa and the Middle East and its clients include non-governmental organizations as well as a northern European country that uses Cetel to connect its diplomatic outposts to the Internet. . . .
6. As noted in FTR #774, “privacy advocates” should be more concerned with the tech companies whose wares and services the public has so enthusiastically and precipitously endorsed.
Note the prevailing morality that guides the “Titans of Tech.” Bear in mind the technologies they are developing: Amazon and Facebook are developing drones, and Google is developing robots with military applications. What sort of judicial oversight is going to apply to these operational devices?
And you can bet that they will be hacked.
“Revealed: Apple and Google’s Wage-Fixing Cartel Involved Dozens More Companies, Over One Million Employees” by Mark Ames; Pando Daily; 3/22/2014.
“British medieval ordinances of Bristol cobblers in 1364 state, ‘Masters are forbidden to poach workers from other members of the craft.’”
— Orly Lobel, Talent Wants To Be Free
Back in January, I wrote about “The Techtopus” — an illegal agreement between seven tech giants, including Apple, Google, and Intel, to suppress wages for tens of thousands of tech employees. The agreement prompted a Department of Justice investigation, resulting in a settlement in which the companies agreed to curb their restricting hiring deals. The same companies were then hit with a civil suit by employees affected by the agreements.
This week, as the final summary judgement for the resulting class action suit looms, and several of the companies mentioned (Intuit, Pixar and Lucasfilm) scramble to settle out of court, Pando has obtained court documents (embedded below) which show shocking evidence of a much larger conspiracy, reaching far beyond Silicon Valley.
Confidential internal Google and Apple memos, buried within piles of court dockets and reviewed by PandoDaily, clearly show that what began as a secret cartel agreement between Apple’s Steve Jobs and Google’s Eric Schmidt to illegally fix the labor market for hi-tech workers, expanded within a few years to include companies ranging from Dell, IBM, eBay and Microsoft, to Comcast, Clear Channel, Dreamworks, and London-based public relations behemoth WPP. All told, the combined workforces of the companies involved totals well over a million employees.
According to multiple sources familiar with the case, several of these newly named companies were also subpoenaed by the DOJ for their investigation. A spokesperson for Ask.com confirmed that in 2009-10 the company was investigated by the DOJ, and agreed to cooperate fully with that investigation. Other companies confirmed off the record that they too had been subpoenaed around the same time.
Although the Department ultimately decided to focus its attention on just Adobe, Apple, Google, Intel, Intuit, Lucasfilm and Pixar, the emails and memos clearly name dozens more companies which, at least as far as Google and Apple executives were concerned, formed part of their wage-fixing cartel.
A confidential Google memo (above, left) titled “Special Agreement Hiring Policy,” dating from November 2006, divides the company’s wage-fixing agreements into two categories: “Do Not Cold Call” and “Sensitive Companies.” Below that, the Google memo offers a brief chronology and list of companies:
The following companies have special agreements with Google and are part of the “Do Not Cold Call” list.
The first entry marks the beginning of Google’s participation in the wage-suppression scheme:
Effective March 6, 2005:
• Genentech, Inc.
• Intel Corporation
• Apple Computer
• Paypal, Inc.
• Comcast CorporationUntil now, neither Paypal (owned by eBay), Comcast nor Genentech have been publicly mentioned as part of the wage-suppression cartel. Nor have they been publicly named in criminal or civil actions relating to this particular case, although both the DOJ and the state of California are currently pursuing a separate but related antitrust suits against eBay.
The “effective date” of Google’s first wage-fixing agreements, early March 2005, follows a few weeks after Steve Jobs threatened Google’s Sergey Brin to stop all recruiting at Apple: “if you hire a single one of these people,” Jobs emailed Brin, “that means war.”
Jobs threatened Brin and Google on February 17, 2005; nine days later, Apple’s VP for Human Resources sent out an internal email to Apple recruiting,
Please add Google to your “hands-off” list. We recently agreed not to recruit from one another so if you hear of any recruiting they are doing against us, please be sure to let me know.
Please also be sure to honor our side of the deal.
That was February 26; on March 6, Google’s identical non-solicitation agreement with Apple became “effective.”
This timeline is important to establish because it demonstrates precisely what makes this scheme illegal: secret cross-agreements between two or more parties to fix wages in the labor market, at a time when tech engineer wages were soaring, threatening profits.
This is just a tiny sample of the “overwhelming” evidence used by both the Justice Department’s antitrust division, and the District Court judge in San Jose, to debunk the company executives’ claims that each had coincidentally implemented identical non-solicitation policies at the same time, with the same companies, without knowing what the other side was doing.
All of the above is just what’s in the mountain of pre-trial court documents. It’s highly likely that more names will spill out during testimony. Pando will continue to report any new developments and also will be covering the summary judgment hearing next week.
For now, it’s enough to try to absorb what all of these cross-company, cross-industry secret labor-fixing agreements mean. Most labor stories about wage theft and corporate abuse tend to focus on low-wage earners and the most disadvantaged. Certainly it strains one’s sensibilities to compare an exploited low-wage worker in the fast food or retail industry to tech engineers and programmers, who are far better compensated, live more comfortably, and rarely worry about putting food in their children’s mouths.
In terms of pathos, there is no comparison; minimum wage earners are struggling to survive, and nearly all of the well-educated, privileged-born people in the media world agree that tech industry workers are all a bunch of overpaid misogynist libertarian bros, a caricature that makes it perfectly fine to hate the entire class, and impossible to consider them as political comrades stuck in the same predicament as the rest of the non-multimillionaires in this country.
What’s more important is the political predicament that low-paid fast food workers share with well-paid hi-tech workers: the loss of power over their lives and their futures to the growing mass of concentrated power in Silicon Valley, whose tentacles are so strong now and so great, that hundreds of thousands of workers around the globe—public relations and cable company employees in the British Isles, programmers and tech engineers in Russia and China (according to other documents which I’ll write about soon)—have their lives controlled and their wages and opportunities stolen from them without ever knowing about it, all the while being bombarded with cultural cant about the wisdom of the free market, about the efficiency of free knowledge, about the need to take personal responsibility and to blame no one but yourself for everything that happens in your life and your career.
7a. The program continues with a review of former Third Reich defense minister Albert Speer’s account of Hitler’s vision of the annihilation of New York City.
. . . . As Germany’s defeat loomed during the final months of World War II, Adolf Hitler increasingly lapsed into delusional [?] fits of fantasy. Albert Speer, in his prison writings, recounts an episode in which a maniacal Hitler ‘pictured for himself and for us the destruction of New York in a hurricane of fire.’ The Nazi fuehrer described skyscrapers turning into ‘gigantic burning torches, collapsing upon one another, the glow of the exploding city illuminating the dark sky.’ An approximation of Hitler’s hellish vision came true on September 11, when terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, killing nearly 3,000 people. . . .
7b. Even more telling is the fact that Hitler’s plan for destroying New York involved crashing aircraft into the skyscrapers with kamikaze-style attacks!
. . . . Not only Hitler’s fantasy but also his plan for realizing it recall what happened in 2001: the idea was for Kamikaze pilots to fly explosive –crammed light aircraft lacking landing gear into the Manhattan skyscrapers. The drawings for the Daimler-Benz ‘Amerikabomber’ actually exist. They show giant four-engine planes with raised underbellies beneath which small bombers could be strapped. The bombers were to be released shortly before the plane reached the East Coast, after which the mother plane would return to Europe. . . .
8. Next, the program reviews a speech made by William Pierce 1998, the program sets forth the National Alliance leader’s eerie foreshadowing of the events of 9/11. (Pierce is the author of The Turner Diaries and Serpent’s Walk.) Pierce spoke of Osama bin Laden attacking tall buildings, such as the World Trade Center, and the coming of bio-terrorism to the U.S.
“Neo-Nazis and 9/11” by Jack McCarthy; Counterpunch; 10/29/2001.
. . . Upon perusing his speeches from 1998–99, I discovered that Pierce, who heads the so-called ‘National Alliance,’ did indeed utter some most interesting (pre‑9/11—if not prophetic—remarks about Osama bin Laden and bio-terrorism. The running theme in Pierce’s commentaries is—to paraphrase his hero Hitler—that Osama Bin Laden’s warning to America is ‘I Am Coming.’ And so is bio-terrorism. . . . In one chilling commentary Pierce, (after noting that Bin Laden and the rest of the lost generation of angry Moslem youth had it with their parents’ compromises and were hell bent on revenge against infidel America) issued this stark, prophetic warning in a 1998 radio address titled, ‘Stay Out of Tall Buildings.’ ‘New Yorkers who work in tall office buildings anything close to the size of the World Trade Center might consider wearing hard hats . . .’ Pierce warned. . . .
9. The climactic episode of The Turner Diaries is a low-level, suicide aerial attack on the Pentagon which occurs on the German “Day of Destiny”–November 9th. A German would write that date as–9/11!
. . . .I conferred privately with Major Williams of the Washington Field Command for more than an hour on the problem of attacking the Pentagon. The military’s other major command centers were either knocked out on September 8 or subsequently consolidated with the Pentagon, which the top brass apparently regards as impregnable. And it damned near is. We went over every possibility we could think of, and we came up with no really convincing plan—except, perhaps one. That is to make an air delivery of a bomb.
In the massive ring of defenses around the Pentagon there is a great deal of anti-aircraft firepower, but we decided that a small plane, flying just above the ground, might be able to get through the three-mile gauntlet with one of our 60-kiloton warheads. One factor in favor of such an attempt is that we have never before used aircraft in such a way, and we might hope to catch the anti-aircraft crews off their guard.
Although the military is guarding all civil airfields, it just happens that we have an old crop duster stashed in a barn only a few miles from here. My immediate assignment is to prepare a detailed plan for an aerial attack on the Pentagon by next Monday. We must make a final decision at the time and then act without further delay.
November 9, 1993. It’s still three hours until first light, and all systems are ‘go.’ I’ll use the time to write a few pages—my last diary entry. Then it’s a one-way trip to the Pentagon for me. The warhead is strapped into the front seat of the old Stearman and rigged to detonate either on impact or when I flip a switch in the back seat. Hopefully, I’ll be able to mange a low-level air burst directly over the center of the Pentagon. Failing that, I’ll at least try to fly as close as I can before I’m shot down. . . .
. . . . Thus end Earl Turner’s diaries, as unpretentiously as they began. His final mission was successful, of course, as we all are reminded each year on November 9—our traditional Day of the Martyrs. . . .
10. We end on a speculative note: Eddie the Friendly Spook’s economic and political theories are fascist and fundamentally opposed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal. His belief that we must get rid of Social Security and bring back the gold standard are propagated by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the ideological font of Snowden’s political idol Ron Paul.
Arguably the most famous member of the Austrian School of Economics that spawned and dominates the Ludwig von Mises Institute is Friedrich von Hayek. An immigrant from Austria, von Hayek was ostensibly an “anti-Nazi.” In 1944, he published The Road to Serfdom, a muddled ideological tract which attacks the New Deal of F.D.R. Begun well before the Canaris memo, von Hayek’s work has been a staple of GOP/Underground Reich propaganda ever since its publication, as well as a foundational element of revisionist history.
We present a document drawn up by the head of German military intelligence (the Abwehr) in 1944. Abwehr chief Admiral Wilhelm Canaris notes that undercover propaganda assets in the United States should be utilized to generate anti-Roosevelt sentiment and help his electoral defeat in the 1944 elections. The Third Reich viewed the defeat of Roosevelt as consummately important.
We wonder if von Hayek–ostensibly one of the “anti-Nazis” cryptically referred to at the end of the document below, was one of the Third Reich’s undercover propaganda and psychological warfare assets among the Allies. The Road to Serfdom was heavily publicized by The Readers Digest in the Unied States.
We are also of the considered professional opinion that the Ludwig von Mises Institute is an important element of the Underground Reich.
Germany Plots with the Kremlin by T.H. Tetens; Henry Schuman & Sons [HC]; Copyright 1953 by Henry Schuman, Inc.; pp. 233–235.
“Directive of the German High Command on Political Warfare in the U.S.A.”
The following directive was issued by the Chief of the Intelligence Division of the German High Command, Admiral Walter Wilhelm Canaris, in 1944. The document lays bare the basic German strategy of scaring the U.S.A. with Bolshevism . . . .
March 15, 1944
At a meeting of the representatives of the Foreign Office, the Security Division, (“SD”) and the Department of Defense (“Abwehr”), the following resolutions were adopted for unified action by all our agents in foreign countries:
Utilize to the fullest extent all available possibilities in neutral and enemy countries, in order to support our military efforts with political and propaganda campaigns.
- Our goal is to crush the enemy’s plan whose object is to destroy forever the German Reich militarily, economically, and culturally.
The new regulations put into effect by the political leaders for the dissolution and disintegration of the enemy bloc should be carried out more intensely. We must do our utmost to create a state of confusion and distrust among our enemies. Such a state of disunity would enable us to sue for a quick separate peace with either side. While it is true that the efforts made in that direction have failed so far due to the implacable hate policy of Roosevelt and Churchill, it does not mean that some day, under different conditions, the unnatural front of our enemies could not be broken. Roosevelt’s electoral defeat this year could have immeasurable political consequences. . . .
. . . . Right now, the chances for a separate peace with the West are a little better, especially if we succeed, through our propaganda campaign and our “confidential” channels, to convince the enemy that Roosevelt’s policy of “unconditional surrender” drives the German people towards Communism.
There is great fear in the U.S.A. of Bolshevism. The opposition against Roosevelt’s alliance with Stalin grows constantly. Our chances for success are good, if we succeed to stir up influential circles against Roosevelt’s policy. This can be done through clever pieces of information, or by references to unsuspicious neutral ecclesiastical contact men.
We have at our command in the United States efficient contacts, which have been carefully kept up even during the war. The campaign of hatred stirred up by Roosevelt and the Jews against everything German has temporarily silenced the pro-German bloc in the U.S.A. However, there is every hope that this situation will be completely changed within a few months. If the Republicans succeed in defeating Roosevelt in the coming presidential election, it would greatly influence the American conduct of war towards us.
The KO-leaders abroad and their staffs have innumerable opportunities of constantly referring to Roosevelt’s hate policy. They must use in this campaign all the existing contacts and they should try to open up new channels. We must point to the danger that Germany may be forced to cooperate with Russia. The greatest caution has to be observed in all talks and negotiations by those who, as “anti-Nazis,” maintain contact with the enemy. When fulfilling missions, they have to comply strictly with instructions. [That would include the “anti-Nazi” von Hayek–D.E.]
(Sgd.) Canaris
So this happened:
That upcoming Vanity Fair article should be pretty interesting...
This is rather fascinating: Snowden is reiterating his desire to testify about NSA spying on Germany, and to sweeten the deal he’s now alleging that he had been “personally involved with information stemming from Germany” and he has new information on these matters:
“According to the information we have Edward Snowden was never especially involved with the mass spying of German citizens in Germany....If he doesn’t deliver proof in terms of original documents soon, he could lose all credibility with the committee.” That’s quite an ultimatum.
Thomas Drake and William Binney, two of the NSA whistleblowers that recently testified in Berlin, didn’t mince words. But it’s worth noting that some of those words were directed right back at the German government:
So we have Thomas Drake referring to the NSA activities as “the ultimate form of control” that is “strangling the world” while also dismissing as “beyond any credibility” that the BND didn’t know about NSA spying in Germany that because the BND operated as an “addendum appendix of the NSA”. That sure would seem to suggest that Germany is also “strangling the world”, along with the rest of the 5–14 “Eyes”. As the article suggests, it’s Drakes assertions about BND knowledge and cooperation in the NSA’s activities that is probably the biggest barrier to Germany inviting Snowden to Germany to testify. But now that we have an alleged double agent scandal the day after Drake and Binney’s testimonies, folks like Drake are renewing calls for Snowden to come to Germany. Could this self-admitted double agent be the catalyst for German asylum for Snowden?
Also note that the new XKeyScore story by Jacob Appelbuam that’s prompting the German IT student to file a formal complaint with the German government over the NSA’s monitoring of his Tor server might involve some substantial misrepresentations.