Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #788 Greek Tragedy, Part 2: “Clausewitzian Economics–The Continuation of War by Other Means”

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

Lis­ten: MP3

Side 1  Side 2

This descrip­tion con­tains infor­ma­tion not con­tained in the orig­i­nal broad­cast.

Intro­duc­tion: Fur­ther devel­op­ing mate­r­i­al pre­sent­ed in FTR #746, this pro­gram details the hor­ri­fy­ing devel­op­ments unfold­ing in Greece. Being hailed as a “suc­cess,” due to its recent re-entry into the bond mar­ket, Greece is actu­al­ly a cru­el and depress­ing exam­ple of the long-stand­ing strat­e­gy of German/Underground Reich geopol­i­tics.

Real­iz­ing a strat­e­gy for Ger­man polit­i­cal dom­i­na­tion of Europe and the world, the EU and EMU are direct man­i­fes­ta­tions of the strat­e­gy first advo­cat­ed by Friedrich List in the 19th cen­tu­ry.

List advo­cat­ed a pan-Euro­pean eco­nom­ic union–dominated by Germany–as a means to con­trol first Europe and then the world. Imple­ment­ing the List strate­gic doc­trine through a series of mil­i­tary adven­tures and sub­se­quent eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal con­sol­i­da­tion, Ger­many has uti­lized the con­cepts for­mu­lat­ed by Pruss­ian mil­i­tary the­o­rist Carl von Clause­witz in order to do so.

Hav­ing orig­i­nat­ed the con­cept of “Total War,” von Clause­witz posit­ed the fun­da­men­tal impor­tance of a “post-war” to suc­cess­ful real­iza­tion of strat­e­gy.

In All Hon­or­able MenJames Stew­art Mar­tin high­lighted an impor­tant aspect of von Clausewitz’s phi­los­o­phy, that war and diplo­macy are two sides of the same coin. When diplo­macy is no longer effec­tive, the pol­icy goal is pur­sued through the use of armed force. When war and mil­i­tary pow­er have reached the lim­its of their effec­tive­ness, diplo­macy con­tin­ues the pur­suit of the goal.

Gen­er­a­tions of Ger­mans have under­stood this and incor­po­rated that con­cept into the method­ol­ogy of Ger­man pow­er struc­ture.

All Hon­or­able Men by James Stew­art Mar­tin; Lit­tle, Brown [HC]; Copy­right 1950 by James Stew­art Mar­tin; p. 235.

. . . . The end of bat­tle in 1945 had sig­naled the start of a new kind of war–a  post-war. Germany’s clas­si­cal  mil­i­tary the­o­rist, von Clause­witz, is famous for hav­ing declared that “war is the con­tin­u­a­tion of diplo­macy by oth­er means.”  In deal­ing with a Ger­many which had gone to school with von Clause­witz for gen­er­a­tions, we knew that, con­versely, a post-war is the con­tin­u­a­tion of war by oth­er means.  Since Bis­marck, wars and post-wars have formed a con­tin­u­ous series, chang­ing the qual­ity of the events only slight­ly from year to year, with no  such thing as a clear dis­tinc­tion between  heat of  bat­tle and calm of  peace.  This  post-war of  the Ger­man occu­pa­tion was  dif­fer­ent from the  “cold war”  between the Unit­ed States and Rus­sia, which broke out at about  the same time. The lat­ter com­pli­cated  the  diag­no­sis, like a man get­ting typhoid fever and pneu­mo­nia at the same time. . . .

Hav­ing inflict­ed enor­mous dam­age on the infra­struc­ture and pop­u­la­tions of Europe and hav­ing appro­pri­at­ed the liq­uid cap­i­tal of those coun­tries and secret­ed it into the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal net­work, Ger­man cor­po­rate struc­ture cement­ed their con­trol over the remain­ing wealth of the con­ti­nent through licens­ing agree­ments and cor­po­rate alliances.

Not con­cep­tu­al­ized as an eco­nom­ic the­o­rist, von Clause­witz’s doc­trines of “total war” and “post-war” apply direct­ly to the political/economic dom­i­na­tion of Europe by Ger­many.

Greece is but one exam­ple of that pol­i­cy, albeit one of the most salient and shock­ing. We present what has been done to Greece as rep­re­sen­ta­tive of “Clause­witz­ian eco­nom­ics.”

Pro­gram High­lights Include:

  • The instal­la­tion by the Troi­ka (read “Ger­many”) of the Greek neo-Nazi LAOS par­ty as part of the pro­vi­sion­al Greek gov­ern­ment cre­at­ed to impose “aus­ter­i­ty” on the unwill­ing Greek pop­u­lace. Note that the cit­i­zens of Greece–the cra­dle of democracy–had no input in this!
  • Greek insis­tence that Ger­many pay back the bil­lions it stole dur­ing World War II–this flight cap­i­tal is part of the Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion about which we speak so often.
  • STERN’s claim that Greece is owed some 300 bil­lion euros from the war.
  • The Greek pop­u­la­tion’s sup­port for the pay­ment of repa­ra­tions by Ger­many.
  • The fact that the “bailouts” being pro­vid­ed to Greece are being used to repay the banks–many of them German–that are cred­i­tors of that unfor­tu­nate nation. The bailouts are NOT going to the Greek cit­i­zen­ry them­selves.
  • Ger­many’s own delib­er­ate default on debt owed on bond issues that helped re-build its econ­o­my after World War I.
  • Charges by a Greek ana­lyst that Ger­many delib­er­ate­ly inflat­ed Greece’s debt, lead­ing to “a new kind of occu­pa­tion.”
  • Recount­ing of the bru­tal real­i­ty of the “aus­ter­i­ty” (i.e. Clause­witz­ian eco­nom­ic real­i­ty) imposed in Greece, includ­ing: the fact that Greek phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion teach­ers no longer require their stu­dents to par­tic­i­pate, because so many of them are too under­fed to exer­cise prop­er­ly; the neces­si­ty for Greeks enter­ing hos­pi­tals to bring their own sheets and pil­low­cas­es due to bud­get slash­ing; the inabil­i­ty of Greeks to bury their dead, due to impov­er­ish­ment.
  • A reca­pit­u­la­tion of the incre­men­tal Ger­man imple­men­ta­tion of List’s the­o­ries through the Clause­witz­ian “con­tin­u­a­tion of war by oth­er means”: the Ger­man geopo­lit­i­cal strat­e­gy dur­ing World War I; the Ger­man strat­e­gy in 1940; the Ger­man post­war plans in 1942; the Ger­man geopo­lit­i­cal strat­e­gy in 1945.
  • Analy­sis of Ger­man strat­e­gy toward the EU as being anal­o­gous to the occu­pa­tion of Poland dur­ing World War II.
  • Analy­sis of Ger­man strat­e­gy by a for­mer vice-cha­ri­man of Moody’s, who said that mod­ern Ger­many is doing the same thing as the Third Reich.
  • A high­ly con­tro­ver­sial Greek pro­pos­al to solve the youth unem­ploy­ment prob­lem (between 55 and 60 per­cent) by imple­ment­ing what is, essen­tial­ly, a form of slav­ery.
  • In an update, we learn that for­mer LAOS part mem­ber and doc­tri­naire fas­cist Makis Voridis has been appoint­ed Health Min­is­ter.

1. We begin by not­ing that the pro­vi­sional Greek “aus­ter­ity” gov­ern­ment includes the Greek neo-Nazi LAOS par­ty, installed with no input what­so­ever from the pop­u­la­tion of “the cra­dle of democ­ra­cy.”

. . . Recent­ly, a rightwing extrem­ist par­ty was again made a direct coali­tion part­ner in a country’s gov­ern­ment — in Greece. The new­ly installed tran­si­tional gov­ern­ment — imposed under the super­vi­sion of Berlin and Brus­sels — includes not only the con­ser­v­a­tive and social demo­c­ra­tic par­ties but also the LAOS Par­ty (Laikós Orthó­doxos Synager­més, “Ortho­dox People’s Alarm”). The LAOS Par­ty musters also par­ti­sans of the for­mer mil­i­tary dic­ta­tor­ship and is known for its racist and anti-Semit­ic invec­tives. Gior­gos Karatzaferis, LAOS Par­ty Chair­per­son, is quot­ed to have pro­claimed that he is proud “not to be Jew­ish, homo­sex­ual and com­mu­nist,” which “only few can claim.“[5] He is said to have called out to the Israeli ambas­sador: “Jew ambas­sador, watch out where you tread! Let’s dis­cuss the Holo­caust, let’s talk about all the fairy tales about Auschwitz and Dachau.“[6] Makis Voridis, a mem­ber of the LAOS Par­ty and min­is­ter of trans­porta­tion in the Greek gov­ern­ment, imposed by Berlin and Brus­sels, began his polit­i­cal career as the leader of a youth orga­ni­za­tion of the par­ty presided over by Geor­gios Papadopou­los. Papadopou­los had been the mil­i­tary com­man­der of the jun­ta. He found­ed that par­ty after he had been released from prison, in the after­math of the over­throw of his dic­ta­tor­ship. The Ger­man gov­ern­ment evi­dently con­sid­ers the LAOS Par­ty help­ful for imple­ment­ing its aus­ter­ity dic­tate. . . .

2a. The first of sev­er­al arti­cles notes that the issue of Ger­man war repa­ra­tions owed to Greece has come back into focus in con­nec­tion with the aus­ter­i­ty pack­age imposed by the Troi­ka.

Note that, accord­ing to Albrecht Ritschl, Ger­many is the great­est debt trans­gres­sor in the world, as a result of World War Two debts.

“Pro­tec­torate-Like”; german-foreign-policy.com; 2/13/2012.

Last night, under strong pop­u­lar protests, the Greek par­lia­ment accept­ed the lat­est “aus­ter­ity pack­age,” that the Ger­man gov­ern­ment had pro­moted in the form of an ulti­ma­tum. This “aus­ter­ity pack­age” will lead to a 20 per­cent cut in pri­vate rev­enue and the min­i­mum wage, there­fore also in the pub­lic sec­tor wages, which are depen­dent on the min­i­mum wage. One hun­dred fifty thou­sand gov­ern­ment employ­ees will be laid off. Crit­i­cism of Berlin has become sharp­er because of its efforts to trans­form Athens into a de fac­to EU finance pro­tec­torate, using so-called aus­ter­ity com­mis­sion­ers. Demon­stra­tors burned Ger­man flags; Greek par­lia­men­tar­i­ans have announced an ini­tia­tive to remind that Ger­man World War II repa­ra­tions are still out­stand­ing. Since 1945, the Fed­eral Repub­lic of Ger­many has con­sis­tently refused not only to pay repa­ra­tions, but also Nazi debts, even those undis­puted by the Ger­man Reichs­bank at the end of the war. These would amount to more than three bil­lion Euros today. But, the debate con­tin­ues in the Ger­man cap­i­tal about the sus­pen­sion of democ­racy in Greece.

Protests against Berlin

Berlin’s bru­tal aus­ter­ity dic­tate and the Ger­man media’s on-going rab­ble-rous­ing anti-Greek (“bank­rupt Greeks”) pro­pa­ganda has enflamed Greek protests against Ger­many for quite some time. Last sum­mer, Greek demon­stra­tors chant­ed “Ger­many out of the EU!”, and dis­played “Merkel = Nazi” ban­ners at ral­lies. EU flags with a swasti­ka in the cen­ter were occa­sion­ally seen. The mem­ory that this is not the first time that Berlin has dic­tated Athens’s poli­cies, has recent­ly been accom­pa­nied by ref­er­ences to Nazi rule in occu­pied Europe. Last week demon­stra­tors out­side of the Greek par­lia­men­tary build­ing again chant­ed “Nazis Out!” while burn­ing a Ger­man flag. Trade union­ists also occu­pied the Athen­ian offices used by the Ger­man Horst Reichen­bach and his “task force Greece,” mon­i­tor­ing Athens’s aus­ter­ity mea­sures, in the name of the EU Com­mis­sion. These protests against Berlin’s hege­monic dic­tate are defamed in the Ger­man media sim­ply as “anti-Ger­man pro­pa­gan­da.”

Old Debts

A few days ago, a group of twen­ty-eight Greek par­lia­men­tar­i­ans, from var­i­ous par­ties, react­ed to Berlin’s per­sis­tent pres­sure by tabling a res­o­lu­tion, call­ing on the par­lia­ment to debate Nazi Germany’s plun­der of Greece, which has nev­er received indem­ni­ties. The indem­ni­ties not only refer to repa­ra­tions in gen­eral, but also to the com­pul­sory loans to the Reichsbank’s clear­ing account. Short­ly before the end of World War II, Nazi bankers were still in pos­ses­sion of Greek assets worth 476 mil­lion Reichs­mark, which has nev­er been repaid by the Fed­eral Repub­lic of Ger­many. Accord­ing to experts, this would today amount to 3.4 bil­lion Euros with inter­ests includ­ed. Greece is not the only coun­try that has waived Germany’s old Nazi debts with­out receiv­ing any­thing in return. As the econ­o­mist Albrecht Ritschl, who teach­es at the Lon­don School of Eco­nom­ics, con­firmed, Nazi Germany’s unpaid debts to its wartime adver­saries would today range between 700 bil­lion and 1.4 tril­lion Euros with inter­ests includ­ed, depend­ing on the method of calculation.[1] This does not even include the repa­ra­tions for war dam­ages.

Debt Can­ce­la­tion

Because of the Fed­eral Repub­lic of Germany’s long­stand­ing pol­icy of refusal, even total­ly indis­putable Nazi debts have nev­er been paid. Bonn scored a deci­sive suc­cess in 1953 with the so-called Lon­don Debt Agree­ment, achiev­ing a gigan­tic debt can­ce­la­tion, in the frame­work of which Greece also waived its for­mer occupier’s enor­mous debts. That agree­ment per­mit­ted the Fed­eral Repub­lic of Ger­many the expunc­tion of enor­mous debts, cre­ated both before and since World War II. The agree­ment also stip­u­lated that the ques­tion of the pay­ment of Nazi debts and repa­ra­tions would first be solved with a peace treaty con­cluded with a “reunit­ed” Ger­many. [The Fed­eral Repub­lic of] “Ger­many has been in a very good posi­tion ever since, even as oth­er Euro­peans were forced to endure the bur­dens of World War II and the con­se­quences of the Ger­man occu­pa­tion,” says the econ­o­mist Ritschl. This has made the resur­gence of the “great­est debt trans­gres­sor of the 20th Cen­tury,” name­ly, Ger­many, possible.[2] . . . .

2b. Accord­ing to STERN mag­a­zine, Ger­many owes Greece the equiv­a­lent of 300 bil­lion Euros from World War II.

“Ger­many’s STERN — Ger­many Owes Greece 300 Bil­lion Euros from WWII” by Hel­las Frappe; hellasfrappe.blogspot.uk; 9/27/2012.

The week­ly Ger­man “Stern” mag­a­zine this week ded­i­cat­ed one of its columns to the issue of Ger­man war repa­ra­tions to Greece, while it also at the same time notes that Berlin has only giv­en Greece 37 mil­lion Euros to save the almighty Euro. The arti­cle said reveals that Greeks wish Ger­many would final­ly pay the war repa­ra­tions because it believes Berlin owes much to the coun­try for the dam­ages and atroc­i­ties it caused dur­ing World War II.

The issue of war repa­ra­tions appears reg­u­lar­ly in Greek news­pa­pers, claims the arti­cle, but notes that no such dis­cus­sion (or claim) has been raised by both Athens and Berlin. The mag­a­zine also blast­ed the deci­sion by the Ger­man gov­ern­ment which said two weeks ago that the issue of war repa­ra­tions to Greece has lost its mean­ing. A spokesman for the Ger­man Min­istry of For­eign Affairs said that “the fed­er­a­tion of Ger­man believes that after many decades, the issue of war repa­ra­tions has lost its mean­ing.” The state­ment was made of course after Athens estab­lished a work­ing group in order to study old doc­u­ments and esti­mate the exact amount of the repa­ra­tions.

“The fact is, the Greeks are among the nations that suf­fered the most under Nazi occu­pa­tion. Their will to resist was fatal. First up was a leg­endary telegram that the Athens dic­ta­tor Gen­er­al Metaxas sent in Octo­ber 1940 to Fas­cist Italy — in response to Mus­solin­i’s ulti­ma­tum to sur­ren­der. It con­tained the plain text “ochi” (no), which is why the Greeks cel­e­brate to this day every Octo­ber to “Ochi Day”. Short­ly there­after, the Ital­ians attacked Greece and although numer­i­cal­ly more supe­ri­or, were total­ly pushed back behind the Alban­ian bor­der.

Then Hitler sent his troops and was also met with mas­sive oppo­si­tion. When the Nazis final­ly tri­umphed, they set up a bru­tal occu­pa­tion regime in order to show the world what can hap­pen when small coun­tries do not sub­mit. In Crete, which was par­tic­u­lar­ly com­pet­i­tive, an order was giv­en that said that for every fall­en Wehrma­cht sol­dier, ten Cre­tans should die. (As a result) 30 island vil­lages were destroyed. On the over­all, more than 80,000 Greeks. or 7.2 per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion died between 1941–1944.”

The arti­cle then speaks about the “inter­est-free loan” to Hitler.

The fas­cists, claims the same arti­cle, attacked, pil­laged and destroyed Greece’s indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion equip­ment, crops, etc. Hitler, it adds, even forced the Nation­al Bank of Greece, to lend Ger­many inter­est-free mon­ey. The total amount “of these gov­ern­ment bonds totaled 476 mil­lion Reichs­marks, which today cor­re­sponds to ten bil­lion euros.”

The sub­ject of war repa­ra­tions was first nego­ti­at­ed in the autumn of 1945 in Paris. At the time, adds the same arti­cle, Greece was ask­ing for ten bil­lion US dol­lars, which was viewed by all con­fer­ence par­tic­i­pants to be a lit­tle over exag­ger­at­ed, espe­cial­ly the US, so Greece was appar­ent­ly award­ed with 30,000 tons of Ger­man indus­tri­al goods with an esti­mat­ed val­ue of approx­i­mate­ly US $25 mil­lion (or two bil­lion euros at today’s rates). But, the same arti­cle writes “these prod­ucts have nev­er made it to Greece.” . . .

2c. Tagesspiegel main­tains that the dam­age done to Greece “destroyed” the coun­try.

Tagesspiegel Says Nazis Destroyed Greece” by Maria Korol­o­gou; Greek Reporter [Europe]; 4/11/2013.

The clas­si­cal lib­er­al Ger­man news­pa­per Tagesspiegel, crit­i­ciz­ing Germany’s refusal to pay more war repa­ra­tions to Greece for World War II, said the Nazis did more dam­age there than in any oth­er coun­try.

Tagesspiegel cat­a­logued the hor­ror and suf­fer­ing that Hitler’s forces brought to Greece: “130,000 civil­ians, women and chil­dren, were exe­cut­ed in retal­i­a­tion for rebel attacks. 70,000 Jews were tak­en to con­cen­tra­tion camps, 300,000 suf­fered frost­bite and hunger, because the Ger­mans con­fis­cat­ed food and fuel. Fifty per­cent of the country’s infra­struc­ture and 75% of indus­try were destroyed”. . . .

. . . . The paper said that if Ger­many paid Greece what it is alleged to owe, it would dra­mat­i­cal­ly improve Greece’s like­li­hood of over­com­ing its crush­ing eco­nom­ic cri­sis.

“The Greek gov­ern­ment appears to push­es the issue away. After the con­clu­sion of a group of experts on the top­ic, the Greek Min­istry of For­eign Affairs will ask the opin­ion of the state’s law offi­cials, in order for the deci­sion to be post­poned in every way,” it added.

2d. The Greek par­lia­ment has unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed that Greece must ask Ger­many to pay war repa­ra­tions.

“It’s A Mir­a­cle — Greek Par­lia­ment Unan­i­mous­ly Agrees — Greece Must Ask Ger­many To Pay War Repa­ra­tions” by Hel­las Frappe; hellasfrappeblogspot.gr;   4/12/2013.

For the first time in decades every sin­gle par­ty in the Greek par­lia­ment is in unan­i­mous agree­ment. Greece needs to for­mal­ly ask Ger­many to pay back the mon­ey owed from the Sec­ond World War. This includes the war repa­ra­tions as well as a forced occu­pa­tion loan. A provoca­tive state­ment made by Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble on Thurs­day not­ing that Greece should avoid the issue of war repa­ra­tions and rather con­cen­trate on reforms only ignit­ed the flame which is now grow­ing into a fire.

Schaeu­ble was refer­ring to a top-secret report com­piled at the behest of the Finance Min­istry in Athens. Leaked by To Vima news­pa­per on Sun­day, the report sug­gest­ed that Ger­many owes Greece 162 bil­lion euros in World War II repa­ra­tions.

In essence, the polit­i­cal par­ties are urg­ing the gov­ern­ment to take the nec­es­sary legal steps to claim the 162 bil­lion Euros (with­out the inter­est), that are due to Greece as a result of Nazi occu­pa­tion and a forced war loan. (The 108 bil­lion for Greece’s infra­struc­ture and 54 bil­lion for the forced loan).

Respond­ing to Schaeuble’s state­ments, For­eign Min­is­ter Dim­itris Avramopou­los said that the reforms being car­ried out in Greece bear no rela­tion – and can bear no rela­tion – to the issue of Ger­man repa­ra­tions, adding that the Greek state has been rais­ing the issue for many years.
“Whether this case has been resolved or not is deter­mined by inter­na­tion­al jus­tice, giv­en that, by its nature, this issue con­cerns inter­na­tion­al law and the inter­na­tion­al jus­tice organs,” Avramopou­los said.

“Greece is not ‘los­ing its focus’ on the reform pol­i­cy, despite the great sac­ri­fices the Greek peo­ple are shoul­der­ing,” he added.

In com­ments made to Ger­many’s Neue Osnabruck­er Zeitung news­pa­per, Schaeu­ble said the issue of war com­pen­sa­tions has already been “set­tled.”

Mean­while, the Ger­man Tagesspiegel news­pa­per, slammed the Berlin gov­ern­men­t’s stance on the issue not­ing that the Nazis did more dam­age in Greece than in any oth­er coun­try they occu­pied. The news­pa­per said that Hitler’s forces were respon­si­ble for the death of many men, women and chil­dren.

Specif­i­cal­ly it said 70,000 Jews were tak­en to con­cen­tra­tion camps, 300,000 suf­fered frost­bite and hunger because the Ger­man forces con­fis­cat­ed all food and fuel, 50 per­cent of Greece’s infra­struc­ture and 75 per­cent of the coun­try’s indus­try were total­ly destroyed.

The issue of war repa­ra­tions has been a con­tentious and legal­ly com­pli­cat­ed one for decades. Nazi Ger­many, which occu­pied Greece from 1941–44, forced Athens to extend it loans and give up gold reserves. There was also the ques­tion of the destruc­tion of infra­struc­ture and com­pen­sa­tion claims filed by indi­vid­u­als who sur­vived Nazi atroc­i­ties. As a result, Greece suf­fered great­ly and unlike every oth­er coun­try Ger­many went to war with, only Greece has nev­er been paid com­pen­sa­tion. [This is not entire­ly cor­rect. The for­mer U.S.S.R. was nev­er com­pen­sat­ed either–D.E.]

Cam­paign­ers say the Paris Repa­ra­tions Agree­ment of 1946 oblig­es Ger­many to pay Greece around bil­lions of Euro.

There has long been a vocif­er­ous lob­by call­ing for war repa­ra­tions from Ger­many, with the so-called “Nation­al Coun­cil” call­ing for more than 500 bil­lion Euros in war repa­ra­tions (with inter­ests), as well as the forced loan (with inter­est), but also for oth­er com­modi­ties such as stolen art work and the loss of 50pc of eco­nom­ic out­put over almost four years. . . .

2e. The Greek cit­i­zen­ry is in agree­ment with that coun­try’s par­lia­ment.

“Most Greeks Want Gov­ern­ment to Pur­sue Ger­many for War Repa­ra­tions” by Kate­ri­na Niko­las; Dig­i­tal Jour­nal; 4/17/2013.

Eight out of 10 Greeks believe the gov­ern­ment should pur­sue Ger­many over war repa­ra­tions, fol­low­ing a clas­si­fied report by the Greek Finance Min­istry indi­cat­ing the debt stands at €162 bil­lion.

Ekathimeri­ni report­ed almost 90 per­cent of Greeks con­sid­er dam­ages should be sought. Last week Dig­i­tal Jour­nal report­ed leaked details of the clas­si­fied report com­mis­sioned by the Greek gov­ern­ment con­clud­ed “the out­stand­ing debt is com­prised of €108 bil­lion for dam­age to infra­struc­ture and €54 bil­lion for the forced loans demand­ed by the Nazis.”

Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble respond­ed to the issue of war repa­ra­tions by dis­miss­ing the issue as already set­tled, say­ing: “I deem that such state­ments are irre­spon­si­ble. Instead of mis­lead­ing the peo­ple in Greece it would be bet­ter to show them the road to reforms.”

His words drew a strong response from Greek For­eign Min­is­ter Dim­itris Avramopou­los who stat­ed: “The reforms being car­ried out in Greece bear no rela­tion – and can bear no rela­tion – to the issue of Ger­man repa­ra­tions. Whether this case has been resolved or not is deter­mined by inter­na­tion­al jus­tice, giv­en that, by its nature, this issue con­cerns inter­na­tion­al law and the inter­na­tion­al jus­tice organs.”

Accord­ing to Hel­las Frappe (which out­lines the details of the repa­ra­tions due) every sin­gle par­ty in the Greek Par­lia­ment is in unan­i­mous agree­ment that Greece should ask Ger­many to pay back the mon­ey owed.

DW [Deutsche Welle] reports Ger­man his­to­ri­an Hagen Fleis­ch­er argues the issue is not set­tled but believes Greece should focus on the forced occu­pa­tion loan, esti­mat­ed to be €7 bil­lion with­out inter­est. Fleis­ch­er says that whilst Ger­many will not allow Greece to set a prece­dent over repa­ra­tion demands, the loan should be pur­sued. . . .

2f. Note that Ger­many itself default­ed on the bonds it issued to revi­tal­ize its econ­o­my after World War II.

“Ger­many Defaults–and Lies about It;” Ger­many Watch; 4/17/2013. 

. . . . It start­ed in the 1920’s when Ger­many issued series of bear­er bonds in the USA for revi­tal­i­sa­tion of its econ­o­my fol­low­ing the dev­as­tat­ing effects of WWI. Act­ing as trustees, finan­cial insti­tu­tions such as JP Mor­gan and Lee Hig­gins & Co. pro­duced and sold bonds in Amer­i­ca rais­ing funds that would be invest­ed in Ger­many.

These bonds cor­re­spond­ed to Agri­cul­tur­al Loans signed by 14 Ger­man banks and guar­an­teed by the Ger­man gov­ern­ment. Of these 14 banks four are still active and are part of the troi­ka mech­a­nism.

From 1933, Ger­many default­ed on inter­est repay­ments to Bond­hold­ers, as the new Nazi lead­er­ship con­sid­ered the debt that Ger­many faced fol­low­ing WWI as ille­gal and issued a mora­to­ri­um on bonds owed to for­eign investors.

In 1953 fol­low­ing years of Ger­man debt cri­sis, the Lon­don Debt Agree­ment restruc­tured Germany’s debt to be sus­tain­able by the agree­ment of its cred­i­tors.

The way this deal would func­tion was to pro­vide the option to the bond­hold­ers of Ger­man debt, to either accept the repay­ment terms of the LDA, or to forego attempts to claim their debt until 1993. The ratio­nale being, that you can cash in today from a weak Ger­many, or wait for a full set­tle­ment after 40 years of Ger­man growth and devel­op­ment.

Assent­ing Bond­hold­ers: For bond­hold­ers who want­ed to cash in their bonds imme­di­ate­ly, they could receive par­tial pay­ment, and new bonds, with a dis­count on the val­ue of their bonds (depend­ing on the issue, between 20% — 60%). For this to be imple­ment­ed cor­rect­ly, a pro­ce­dure of Val­i­da­tion was set up to ensure that any­one pre­sent­ing bonds for pay­ment, could prove that they were indeed the ben­e­fi­cial own­er. This would guar­an­tee that all of the dis­burse­ments paid went direct­ly to Germany’s cred­i­tors in the cor­rect manor.

Non Assent­ing Bond­hold­ers: For bond­hold­ers who chose to wait for full set­tle­ment by their next gen­er­a­tion in the future, their course of action was to main­tain the debt instru­ments (the bonds) safe­ly, and not request a set­tle­ment until the 40-year grace peri­od had expired.

Val­i­da­tion boards were estab­lished in the three US states (where the bonds were ini­tial­ly sold) to car­ry out the com­pli­ance require­ments for the bond­hold­ers who chose to accept the option pre­sent­ed in the LDA. Hav­ing per­formed their role, these boards were sub­se­quent­ly closed a few years lat­er.

By 1993 the Ger­man gov­ern­ment had suc­ceed­ed in revi­tal­is­ing its econ­o­my and began to respond to requests for pay­ment. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, they chose not to hon­our their debt. To the sur­prise of many bond­hold­ers, Ger­many would receive pay­ment appli­ca­tions with the phys­i­cal bonds attached, per­fo­rate the bonds, and stamp them as invalid.

The rea­sons giv­en by the Ger­man Gov­ern­ment and its sub­sidiary bod­ies are: Ger­many has com­piled a list of Bond ser­i­al num­bers that Ger­many con­sid­ers stolen, and hence invalid. The pro­ce­dure of val­i­da­tion must be com­plied with.

The Ger­man gov­ern­ment claims that dur­ing WWII Russ­ian sol­diers loot­ed the Reichs­bank vault, where many bonds were kept, and that these bonds were rein­tro­duced into the mar­ket for pay­ment. The sim­ple prob­lem with this claim is that the only bonds that were in the Ger­man vault, had already been paid off or pledged, for which there is a pub­lic record, and no active bond­hold­ers had their bonds phys­i­cal­ly in Ger­many. Fur­ther­more, the build­ing which housed the Reichs­bank had been com­plete­ly destroyed, the con­tents of which had been removed by Ger­many before the arrival of Russ­ian sol­diers to Berlin.

The bonds were “bear­er” instru­ments, and bond­hold­ers would cut off the coupons from the papers for their inter­est repay­ments. This claim how­ev­er, was accept­able in the few years imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing the war, as it was obvi­ous bond­hold­ers would not be able to recov­er their prin­ci­pal or inter­est at the time, and was the rea­sons for the Val­i­da­tion Pro­ce­dure out­lined in the Lon­don Debt Agree­ments.

The so-called ‘Val­i­da­tion Pro­ce­dure’ which was intend­ed to apply to bonds that would be sub­mit­ted for pay­ment in 1953 added addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty require­ments for the bond­hold­er to com­ply with. Not only was it clear in the leg­is­la­tion that this only applied to Assent­ing Bond­hold­ers in 1953, sub­se­quent­ly indi­cat­ed by the clo­sure of the Val­i­da­tion boards, but it would be sim­ply impos­si­ble for any bond­hold­er to com­ply with them 40 years lat­er.

When bond­hold­ers and cred­i­tors have asked to see this list, the Ger­man gov­ern­ment cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly denied access, stat­ing that it is not in their nation­al inter­est, and has clas­si­fied this list as a “nation­al secret”.

What fol­lowed was a series of law­suits in the US where Ger­man legal defence has nev­er denied the lia­bil­i­ty for its debt, but has sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly used tech­ni­cal issues and delayed court cas­es, to the point that many bond­hold­ers have paid mil­lions more in legal expens­es. Many of these claims con­tin­ue today, by some of the sur­viv­ing bond­hold­ers, and the acquir­ers of that debt, and will be mak­ing appeals to the Euro­pean Courts in the near future.

There is no ques­tion in the minds of the many experts in bank­ing and law, with sub­stan­tial knowl­edge of inter­na­tion­al finan­cial instru­ments, that these bonds rep­re­sent unpaid debt of the Ger­man gov­ern­ment and its sub­sidiary bod­ies. . . .

3. The details of the agree­ment to which the Greeks are being sub­jected might be polite­ly described as stun­ning. The coun­try is being used as a vehi­cle for shoring up weak­ened Euro­pean finan­cial insti­tu­tions!

“Scan­dal: Greece to Receive ‘Neg­a­tive Cash’ from ‘Sec­ond Bailout’ as It Funds Insol­vent Euro­pean Banks” by Tyler Dur­den; zerohedge.com; 2/22/2012

Ear­lier today, we learned the first stun­ner of the Greek “bailout pack­age”, which cour­tesy of some con­vo­luted trans­mis­sion mech­a­nisms would result in some, poten­tially quite many, Greek work­ers actu­ally pay­ing to retain their jobs: i.e., neg­a­tive salaries. Now, hav­ing looked at the Eurogroup’s state­ment on the Greek bailout, we find anoth­er very cre­ative use of “neg­a­tive” num­bers. And by cre­ative we mean absolute­ly shock­ing and scan­dalous. First, as a reminder, even before the cur­rent bailout mech­a­nism was in place, Greece bare­ly saw 20% of any actu­al fund­ing, with the bulk of the mon­ey going to Euro­pean and Greek banks (of which the for­mer ulti­mately also end­ed up fund­ing the ECB and thus Euro­pean banks). Fur­ther­more, we already know that as part of the lat­est set of con­di­tions of the sec­ond Greek bailout, an’ ‘Escrow Account” would be estab­lished: this is sim­ply a means for Greek cred­i­tors to have a senior claims over any “bailout” cash that is actu­ally dis­bursed for things such as, you know, a Greek bailout, where the mon­ey actu­ally trick­les down where it is most need­ed — the Greek cit­i­zens. Here is where it just got sur­real. It turns out that not only will Greece not see a sin­gle pen­ny from the Sec­ond Greek bailout, whose entire Use of Pro­ceeds will be lim­ited to fund­ing debt inter­est and matu­rity pay­ments, but the coun­try will actu­ally have to fund said escrow! You read that right: the Greek bailout #2 is noth­ing but a Greek-fund­ed bailout of Europe’s insol­vent banks... and the Greek con­sti­tu­tion is about to be changed to reflect this! . . .

4a. Just how acute is the sit­u­a­tion in Greece? So bad that phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion teach­ers are excus­ing chil­dren from par­tic­i­pat­ing due to the fact that mal­nu­tri­tion pre­vents them from exer­cis­ing with­out becom­ing dizzy. These chil­dren may very well expe­ri­ence long-term effects from their “aus­tere” diet.

This is a text­book exam­ple of pol­i­tics as the con­tin­u­a­tion of war by “oth­er means”–applied von Clause­witz.

“Greece on the Bread­line: Chil­dren of Athens too Hun­gry to Do PE” by Jon Hen­ley; The Guardian; 3/13/2012.

. . . It has been a com­mon secret among PE teach­ers for some time now that they don’t expect pupils to do PE any more, because many of them are under­fed and get dizzy. . . .

4b. Sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis of the toll of aus­ter­i­ty on the health of the Greek cit­i­zen­ry is stag­ger­ing.

“Squeeze Dry and Obscure”; german-foreign-policy.com; 12/17/2012.

. . . . A trau­ma ther­a­pist, fol­low­ing his trip to Athens, has described the social con­se­quences and the total col­lapse of the Greek econ­omy, pro­voked by the Ger­man aus­ter­ity dic­tate. The ther­a­pist pro­vided sup­ple­men­tary train­ing for his Greek col­leagues, which was deemed exceed­ingly nec­es­sary because of the con­se­quences of the cri­sis. In the process, he also became acquaint­ed with the Greek social sit­u­a­tion and since has been com­plain­ing of the “gigan­tic obscu­ran­tist capac­ity” of West­ern Europe, where the aus­ter­ity pol­icy is being con­tin­ued, in spite of the cat­a­strophic sit­u­a­tion in Greece. For exam­ple, “entire res­i­den­tial blocks (...) are deprived of oil deliv­er­ies for finan­cial rea­sons.” Ille­gally felled trees are the sole source of heat­ing. Who­ever must go to the hos­pi­tal, “must bring his own sheets and bed cov­ers, as well as the own food.” “Since the clean­ing per­son­nel was fired, doc­tors, nurs­es and order­lies, who, for months, have not been paid, are clean­ing the toi­lettes.” The EU is warn­ing of “the dan­ger of an out­break of infec­tious dis­eases because of the dev­as­tat­ing hygien­ic con­di­tions.” The trau­ma ther­a­pist report­ed that “women, in their late preg­nan­cies, have to beg from hos­pi­tal to hos­pi­tal, because, hav­ing nei­ther health insur­ance nor enough mon­ey no one wants to help them.” The elder­ly, whose pen­sions have been cut in half, can­not even afford impor­tant med­i­cine. Since the cri­sis began, the rate of sui­cides, on the oth­er hand, has not been cut in half, it has doubled.[3]

Tremen­dous Rage

Accord­ing to the report, one need be “nei­ther a pes­simist nor an expert, to imag­ine what this means for inter­per­sonal rela­tions” as well as “for the cohe­sion of Greek soci­ety.” Rage against Greek politi­cians and “inter­na­tional pol­icy of finan­cial install­ments flow­ing into bail­ing out the banks, but not the peo­ple,” is “tremen­dous and con­tin­ues to grow.” A soci­ety that can pro­vide at least pro­tec­tion from the worst, would be able to absorb this rage, but Greece no longer has even this pos­si­bil­ity, explains the trau­ma ther­a­pist. In Greece “the func­tional soci­ety was pro­gres­sively under­mined until it col­lapsed like a dilap­i­dated house,” because “the cri­sis has destroyed the wel­fare state.” Rage is now turn­ing into aggres­sion and vio­lence. As a mat­ter of fact, in tra­di­tion­ally hos­pitable Greece, attacks — par­tic­u­larly against migrants — have suf­fered a vast increase. “The num­ber of vio­lent mobs that attack minori­ties is growing.“[4]

Racist Vio­lence

Human rights orga­ni­za­tions have already been com­plain­ing about this for months. For exam­ple, fol­low­ing the mur­der of an Iraqi refugee in Greece, Amnesty Inter­na­tional dis­cerned a grow­ing fre­quency of racist-moti­vat­ed attacks.[5] The UN High Com­mis­sion on Refugees report­ed in Octo­ber that between Jan­u­ary and Sep­tem­ber, alone, 87 xeno­pho­bic-moti­vat­ed attacks had been count­ed. This is “excep­tion­ally alarm­ing,” par­tic­u­larly in con­sid­er­a­tion of the fact that the actu­al num­bers are like­ly to be far high­er, since vic­tims were either too scared to report attacks to the police or were turned away, when they did.[6] The repres­sive forces are also using exces­sive force against migrants. In mid-Novem­ber, the US Embassy in Athens issued a trav­el warn­ing against a rise in vio­lent attacks against per­sons who, because of their com­plex­ion, are per­ceived to be for­eign migrants.[7] Cer­tain neigh­bor­hoods of Athens are con­sid­ered “no go areas” for migrants.

Plans for a Putsch

In the throes of the cri­sis, the rapid rise of xeno­pho­bia that has over­come Greece is flanked by a just as rapid rise of the extreme right. The neo-Nazi Chrysi Avgi par­ty (“Gold­en Dawn”), which is par­tic­u­larly known for its vio­lence against migrants, won 18 seats in par­lia­ment in the last elec­tions and — accord­ing to opin­ion polls — could win 12 per­cent today. Last fall, one of their par­lia­men­tar­i­ans declared that the par­ty is wag­ing a “civ­il war” against migrants and the left. Accord­ing to pub­li­cist, Dim­itris Psar­ras, who, for the past 20 years has been doing research on the Chrysi Avgi, “the esca­la­tion strat­egy (...) has a pri­mary sig­nif­i­cance” for that par­ty. “It is sim­i­lar to the strat­egy of Ital­ian neo-fas­cists in the 1970s and 80s: esca­late the con­flict on the streets, between the right-wingers and left-wingers — and in the case of Greece, the migrants — to cre­ate a cli­mate of inse­cu­rity, so that a putsch can be jus­ti­fied.” Psar­ras points out that not only the Greek neo-Nazis, but even “seri­ous media organs (...) are spec­u­lat­ing on pos­si­ble plans for a putsch.” He finds, “if the polit­i­cal and eco­nomic sit­u­a­tion becomes even more insta­ble and the soci­ety, more polar­ized, any­thing is possible.“[8]

4c. Greek fam­i­lies can no longer to bury their dead.

“Greek Pover­ty So Bad Fam­i­lies ‘Can no Longer Afford to Bury their Dead’” by Hele­na Smith; The Guardian; 10/18/2012.

Van­na Men­daleni is a mid­dle aged Greek woman who until now has not had vehe­ment feel­ings about the cri­sis that has engulfed her coun­try. But that changed when the soft­ly spo­ken under­taker, clos­ing her fam­i­ly-run funer­al par­lour, joined thou­sands of pro­test­ers on Thurs­day in a mass out­pour­ing of fury over aus­ter­ity poli­cies that have plunged ever grow­ing num­bers of Greeks into pover­ty and fear.

“After three years of non-stop tax­es and wage cuts it’s got to the point where noth­ing has been left stand­ing,” she said draw­ing on a cig­a­rette. “It’s so bad fam­i­lies can no longer afford to even bury their dead. Bod­ies lie unclaimed at pub­lic hos­pi­tals so that the local munic­i­pal­ity can bury them.” . . .

4d. The toll on the health of the Greek cit­i­zen­ry stems from the fact that the require­ments for Greek health expen­di­tures are being cal­cu­lat­ed as an abstract bud­getary require­ment, rather than as what is actu­al­ly need­ed to sus­tain the health of the Greek pop­u­la­tion.“Aus­ter­ity Kills”; german-foreign-policy.com; 7/25/2013.

The reor­ga­ni­za­tion of the Greece’s health sys­tem, under Ger­man direc­tion, is advanc­ing. “A final timetable is to be pre­sented in the sec­ond half of this year,” declared the Ger­man Health Min­istry (BMG). The Ger­man gov­ern­ment sees deficits also in the lack of an “effec­tive cost man­age­ment,” but most of all in the lack of “com­pet­i­tive ele­ments.” In a “Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing” (MoU), the BMG and the Task Force for Greece (TFGR) have reached an agree­ment with the Greek gov­ern­ment on the intro­duc­tion of the high­ly crit­i­cized Ger­man-mod­eled so-called case flat-rates. The crit­i­cisms stem from the fact that patients are not being treat­ed in response to their med­ical needs but on the basis of eco­nomic effi­ciency. The mas­sive con­se­quences the aus­ter­ity mea­sures are hav­ing on the pub­lic health in Greece are becom­ing more evi­dent. A grow­ing num­ber of Greek cit­i­zens are los­ing their health insur­ance, due to unem­ploy­ment and there­fore must pay med­ical costs them­selves. The short­age of med­ical aid, for exam­ple, has caused an increase of 40 per­cent in the child mor­tal­ity rate since 2009. Dis­eases such as malar­ia or AIDS are spread­ing more rapid­ly. The Ger­man gov­ern­ment con­tin­ues to insist on its aus­ter­ity course in spite of these ram­i­fi­ca­tions.

With­in the frame­work of the EU aus­ter­ity dic­tates, Ger­many took the lead in the reor­ga­ni­za­tion of the Greek health sys­tem back in March 2010. “The Ger­man Min­istry of Health is in sup­port of the Greek government’s mea­sures to increase the effi­ciency and effec­tive­ness of long-term health care, by sub­stan­tial and effec­tive trans­for­ma­tions in the orga­ni­za­tion of its health sys­tem,” declared the State Sec­re­tary in the Min­istry of Health, Ste­fan Kapfer­er in Feb­ru­ary 2011, on the occa­sion of the sign­ing of the cor­re­spond­ing “Dec­la­ra­tion of Intent.” [1] The con­crete mea­sures had been spec­i­fied by the Ger­man Min­istry of Health and the Task Force for Greece (TFGR) in the April 2012 “Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing” (MoU) with the Greek gov­ern­ment. These mea­sures include the intro­duc­tion of case flat-rates, a change in hos­pi­tal man­age­ment struc­tures, the reor­ga­ni­za­tion of the Nation­al Orga­ni­za­tion for Health­care Pro­vi­sion insur­ance (EOPYY) and new pric­ing mod­els for med­i­cine. The Ger­man GIZ devel­op­ment aid agency was giv­en the respon­si­bil­ity of the final elab­o­ra­tion of these plans, which there­by opens “new mar­kets in indus­tri­al­ized coun­tries.” .. . .

. . . . These pro­posed trans­for­ma­tions are being imple­mented with­in the frame­work of the aus­ter­ity mea­sures being enforced by Berlin. Accord­ing to the stip­u­la­tions hand­ed down by the Troi­ka, Greece’s health expen­di­tures should not sur­pass six per­cent of the country’s gross nation­al prod­uct — in Ger­many these expen­di­tures were at 11.3 per­cent in 2011. Since, as a result of the aus­ter­ity pol­icy imposed on that coun­try, the Greek GNP has been on the decline for years, the expen­di­tures for the health sys­tem are sink­ing dras­ti­cally. By 2012, these expen­di­tures were reduced to around 9.5 bil­lion Euros, from 14 bil­lion Euros in 2009.[5] The Greek gov­ern­ment has already shut down 46 of its 130 hos­pi­tals and cut the bud­get by 40 per­cent for those remain­ing. This has added thou­sands more to the unem­ployed cre­ated by the dev­as­ta­tion of the health sec­tor. . . .

. . . . Dr. Gior­gos Vichas, speaks of a “human­i­tar­ian crisis.“[7] Since 2008, the child mor­tal­ity rate has risen by 40 per­cent. The num­ber of HIV pos­i­tive drug users has risen from 10 — 15 in 2007 to 314 in the first eight months of 2012 alone — main­ly due to the dras­tic cut­backs in pre­ven­tive pro­grams. Malar­ia and tuber­cu­lo­sis, the West Nile and dengue fevers are con­tin­u­ing to spread. . . .

. . . . “The inter­ac­tion between aus­ter­ity pol­icy, eco­nomic shock treat­ments and defi­cient social pro­tec­tive mea­sures seems to ulti­mately lead to an esca­la­tion of the health and social crises in Europe,” con­cluded a study by sev­eral schol­ars pub­lished in the renowned “The Lancet” med­ical journal,[8] Epi­demi­ol­o­gists, David Stuck­ler and San­jay Basu drew the same con­clu­sion in their book “The Body Eco­nomic — Why Aus­ter­ity Kills.” . . .

6. Charg­ing that Ger­many delib­er­ate­ly exag­ger­at­ed analy­sis of the Greek debt, Zoe Geor­gan­ta not­ed that Greece was expe­ri­enc­ing “a new kind of occu­pa­tion by the Ger­mans.”

“Greece Revamps Sta­tis­tics Ser­vice Board after Row” by George Geor­giopou­los; Reuters; 9/16/2011.

Greece said on Fri­day it would replace the board of its inde­pen­dent sta­tis­tics ser­vice (ELSTAT) after two mem­bers resigned and anoth­er was quot­ed as alleg­ing that 2009 deficit data had been arti­fi­cially inflat­ed.

It said ELSTAT chief Andreas Geor­giou would keep his post.

The upward revi­sion of Greece’s bud­get deficit in 2009 to 15.4 per­cent of gross domes­tic prod­uct exposed the scale of the country’s fis­cal derail­ment and sped up the debt cri­sis which is still rock­ing the euro zone.

“The 2009 deficit was arti­fi­cially inflat­ed to show that the coun­try had the biggest fis­cal short­fall in all of Europe, even high­er than Ireland’s which was 14 per­cent,” ELSTAT board mem­ber Zoe Geor­ganta was quot­ed as say­ing by the Eleft­herotypia news­pa­per. Geor­ganta said the inclu­sion of a num­ber of util­i­ties under the gen­eral gov­ern­ment inflat­ed the deficit. She said this had not been han­dled accord­ing to Euro­stat guide­lines and that the chair­man reject­ed the board’s objec­tions.

“We have a new kind of occu­pa­tion in Europe by the Ger­mans,” Geor­ganta told Real FM radio, adding that Ger­man offi­cials at Euro­stat put pres­sure on the gov­ern­ment to inflate the 2009 deficit to jus­tify harsh aus­ter­ity mea­sures. . . .

8a. The pro­gram reviews the Euro­pean Mon­e­tary Union as the real­iza­tion of the the­o­ries of Pan-Ger­man the­o­reti­cian Friedrich List.

Writ­ing in 1943, Paul Win­kler fore­saw that the Prus­so-Teu­ton­ics would real­ize their goals through the cre­ation of a Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed cen­tral Euro­pean eco­nom­ic union (bear­ing a strik­ing resem­blance to today’s Euro­pean Mon­e­tary Union.) One of the prin­ci­pal influ­ences on List’s think­ing was the “con­ti­nen­tal” con­cept of Napoleon, who attempt­ed to eco­nom­i­cal­ly unite Europe under French influ­ence.

The Thou­sand-Year Con­spir­a­cy; by Paul Win­kler; Charles Scribner’s Sons [HC]; 1943; pp. 15–16.

Charles Andler, a French author, summed up cer­tain ideas of List in his work, The Ori­gins of Pan-Ger­man­ism, (pub­lished in 1915.) ‘It is nec­es­sary to orga­nize con­ti­nen­tal Europe against Eng­land. Napoleon I, a great strate­gist, also knew the meth­ods of eco­nom­ic hege­mo­ny. His con­ti­nen­tal sys­tem, which met with oppo­si­tion even from coun­tries which might have prof­it­ed from such an arrange­ment should be revived, but, this time, not as an instru­ment of Napoleon­ic dom­i­na­tion. The idea of unit­ed Europe in a closed trade bloc is no longer shock­ing if Ger­many assumes dom­i­na­tion over such a bloc—and not France. [Empha­sis added.] Bel­gium, Hol­land, Switzer­land, will­ing­ly or by force, will enter this ‘Cus­toms Fed­er­a­tion.’ Aus­tria is assumed to be won over at the out­set. Even France, if she gets rid of her notions of mil­i­tary con­quest, will not be exclud­ed. The first steps the Con­fed­er­a­tion would take to assure uni­ty of thought and action would be to estab­lish a joint rep­re­sen­ta­tive body, as well as to orga­nize a com­mon fleet. But of course, both the head­quar­ters of the Fed­er­a­tion and its par­lia­men­tary seat would be in Ger­many. [Empha­sis added.]”

8b. List’s doc­trine was in full swing dur­ing Ger­many’s pros­e­cu­tion of the First World War:

“WW1 Cen­te­nary — His­tor­i­cal Revi­sion In British Gov­ern­ment Cir­cles”; Ger­many Watch; 6/11/2013.

. . . . This is a direct trans­la­tion of [Ger­man Chan­cel­lor] Bethman-Hollweg’s inter­nal memo on Germany’s war aims, from Sep­tem­ber 1914. . . .

“. . . . We must cre­ate a cen­tral Euro­pean eco­nomic asso­ci­a­tion through com­mon cus­toms treaties, to include France, Bel­gium, Hol­land, Den­mark, Aus­tria-Hun­gary, Poland and per­haps Italy, Swe­den and Nor­way. This asso­ci­a­tion will not have any com­mon con­sti­tu­tional supreme author­ity and all its mem­bers will be for­mally equal, but in prac­tice will be under Ger­man lead­er­ship and must sta­bi­lize Germany’s eco­nomic dom­i­nance over ‘Mid­dle Europe’ . . .”

9a. The Lis­t­ian mod­el was put into effect by the Third Reich, as can be gleaned by read­ing Dorothy Thompson’s analy­sis of Germany’s plans for world dom­i­nance by a cen­tral­ized Euro­pean eco­nomic union. Ms. Thomp­son was writ­ing in The New York Her­ald Tri­bune on May 31, 1940! Her com­ments are repro­duced by Tetens on page 92.

Ger­many Plots with the Krem­lin; T.H. Tetens; Hen­ry Schu­man [HC]; 1953; p. 92.

. . . . The Ger­mans have a clear plan of what they intend to do in case of vic­tory. I believe that I know the essen­tial details of that plan. I have heard it from a suf­fi­cient num­ber of impor­tant Ger­mans to cred­it its authen­tic­ity . . . Germany’s plan is to make a cus­toms union of Europe, with com­plete finan­cial and eco­nomic con­trol cen­tered in Berlin. This will cre­ate at once the largest free trade area and the largest planned econ­omy in the world. In West­ern Europe alone . . . there will be an eco­nomic uni­ty of 400 mil­lion per­sons . . . To these will be added the resources of the British, French, Dutch and Bel­gian empires. These will be pooled in the name of Europa Ger­man­i­ca . . .

“The Ger­mans count upon polit­i­cal pow­er fol­low­ing eco­nomic pow­er, and not vice ver­sa. Ter­ri­to­r­ial changes do not con­cern them, because there will be no ‘France’ or ‘Eng­land,’ except as lan­guage groups. Lit­tle imme­di­ate con­cern is felt regard­ing polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions . . . . No nation will have the con­trol of its own finan­cial or eco­nomic sys­tem or of its cus­toms. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.] The Naz­i­fi­ca­tion of all coun­tries will be accom­plished by eco­nomic pres­sure. In all coun­tries, con­tacts have been estab­lished long ago with sym­pa­thetic busi­ness­men and indus­tri­al­ists . . . . As far as the Unit­ed States is con­cerned, the plan­ners of the World Ger­man­ica laugh off the idea of any armed inva­sion. They say that it will be com­pletely unnec­es­sary to take mil­i­tary action against the Unit­ed States to force it to play ball with this sys­tem. . . . Here, as in every oth­er coun­try, they have estab­lished rela­tions with numer­ous indus­tries and com­mer­cial orga­ni­za­tions, to whom they will offer advan­tages in co-oper­a­tion with Ger­many. . . .

9b. The Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Com­mu­ni­ty was for­mal­ly artic­u­lat­ed by Reich offi­cials dur­ing the war, with the clear design to extend and ampli­fy the arrange­ment after the war. Below, we quote Gus­tave Koenigs, Sec­re­tary of State at a 1942 con­fer­ence about the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Com­mu­ni­ty.

Europais­che Wirtschafts Gemein­schaft (Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Community–translation).

. . . At the moment the so-called “Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Com­mu­ni­ty” is not yet fact; there is no pact, no organ­i­sa­tion, no coun­cil and no Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary. How­ev­er, it is not just a part of our imag­i­na­tion or some dream by a politi­cian — it is very real. . . .

. . .  Its roots are in the eco­nom­ic co-oper­a­tion of the Euro­pean nations and it will devel­op after the war into a per­ma­nent Euro­pean eco­nom­ic com­mu­ni­ty. . . .

9c. A  cap­tured Ger­man doc­u­ment from April of 1945–a few weeks before the end of World War II–that very suc­cinct­ly lays out the plans for post­war Europe.

Ger­many Plots with the Krem­lin; T.H. Tetens; Hen­ry Schu­man [HC]; 1953; p. 240.

Doc­u­ment II


1. Lib­er­a­tion of the Ger­man peo­ple from sup­pres­sion and occu­pa­tion.

2. Repa­tra­tion of the expellees (Heimhol­ung der Ver­schleppten) [These are the ver­triebene groups and the Ger­man min­istry for Expellees–D.E.]

3. An inte­gral Ger­man racial com­mu­ni­ty.

4. Elim­i­na­tion of all arbi­trary acts by the ene­my.

5. Euro­pean Union on a fed­er­al­is­tic basis. [That IS the EU–D.E.]

6. Right to racial auton­o­my. [Note that, in the most recent Ger­man elec­tion, Pol­ish cit­i­zens of Ger­man extrac­tion were allowed to vote–D.E..]

7. Euro­pean Com­mon-Weal (“Gemein­nutz”).

8. Euro­pean Court of Arbi­tra­tion [The ICC is fund­ed by Ger­many and is essen­tial­ly a real­iza­tion of this!–D.E.]

9. Com­mu­ni­ty of relat­ed peo­ples with the final aim to cre­ate a Ger­man­ic Reich.

10. Com­mon-wealth between Ger­many and Bohemia and Moravia.

11. Guar­an­teed pro­tec­tion of racial groups (“Volks­grup­pen-recht”).

12. Eco­nom­ic inte­gra­tion of Europe. [That is the EMU–D.E.]


10. As not­ed in the remark­able piece repro­duced in its entire­ty below, the pro­gram Deutsch­land is impos­ing on Europe under­mines the secu­rity of any wealth invest­ed in the afflict­ed nations. Any­one or any­thing fool­ish enough to invest in Europe should be pre­pared to have their assets appro­pri­ated and/or negat­ed at some point.

In addi­tion, one should not lose sight of the fact that the “Final Solu­tion to the Greek and Cypri­ot Crises” will, like pre­vi­ous, super­fi­cial steps to resolve the cri­sis, keep the Euro weak, ben­e­fit­ing Germany’s export-dri­ven econ­o­my.

One won­ders how much expo­sure U.S. banks have to Euro­pean finan­cial insti­tu­tions. If the fears of a con­ta­gion of bank runs and cap­i­tal flight destroys banks in the weak­er Euro­zone coun­tries, how will that affect Amer­i­can lenders?

The “Europa Ger­man­ica” is delib­er­ate and, to any hon­est ana­lyst famil­iar with the his­tor­i­cal record, pre­con­ceived.

The post below also notes the rel­a­tive eco­nomic weak­ness of Ger­many itself. Suf­fice it to say that most Ger­mans have not shared in the largesse of the past decade, although they have been spared the trau­ma vis­ited upon oth­er Euro­pean cit­i­zens. They are exceed­ingly vul­ner­a­ble to the pro­pa­ganda of their own media estab­lish­ment.

“The Mind­set” by Mark J. Grant [Author of Out of the Box] and Tyler Dur­den; Zero Hedge; 3/26/2013.

In all of the tor­tu­ous moments that have tak­en place with the Euro­pean Union the one thing that has become appar­ent is a rad­i­cal change of mind­set. In the begin­ning there was a kind of demo­c­ra­tic view­point. All nations had a voice and while some were loud­er than oth­ers; all were heard. This is no longer the case.
There is but one mind­set now and it is decid­edly Ger­man. It is not that this is good or bad or even some­place in between. That is not the real issue. The crux of the mat­ter is that not all of the peo­ple in the EU are Ger­mans and so they are not used to being treat­ed in the Ger­man fash­ion, they do not live their lives like Ger­mans and, quite impor­tantly, they do not wish to be Ger­mans.

There is the prob­lem.

The Ger­mans will do what is nec­es­sary to accom­plish their goals. There is noth­ing inher­ently bad or evil about this but it is tak­ing its toll on many nations in Europe. In the case of Greece they went back and retroac­tively changed the covenants of the bond con­tract. They did not actu­ally admit this of course and they called it oth­er names but that is what they forced on Greece. In doing so they got the bond hold­ers to shoul­der a good deal of the expense of the bailout of Greece. You can say, “Right,” you can say, “Wrong,” but that is what they did. They accom­plished their goal.

Always remem­ber that the Ger­mans are under severe finan­cial pres­sure. They are still pay­ing the bill for the East Ger­mans. They sup­port Target2 and their econ­omy is just $3.6 tril­lion which is a frac­tion of the entire Euro­zone. They are try­ing to sup­port a house with less than desir­able sup­ports.

Then we come to Cyprus and they make it com­pli­cated and put one bank with anoth­er bank and take mon­ey from depos­i­tors and call it a “Tax” and say that peo­ple and insti­tu­tions are liable for where they keep their mon­ey when it is more than 100M Euros. All true of course but they do not allow for any “Rule of Law” or “Due Process” by the judi­cial sys­tem but just man­date that the mon­ey will be used to help pay Europe for a loan to the sov­er­eign gov­ern­ment. Then they also tagged senior bond hold­ers revers­ing their posi­tion of the last years so now, so that it can now be said with accu­racy; every­one is at risk. Con­se­quently they have to pay less and they have accom­plished sev­eral goals which are to pun­ish a “Casi­no Econ­omy,” to put Cyprus in the same posi­tion as Greece, which is not only bank­rupt but a ward of the Euro­pean Union, and final­ly to insist, by the use of mon­ey, that Cyprus suc­cumbs to the Ger­man demands. Note that CDS in Europe (Mark­it iTraxx Finan­cial Index) has jumped 22% in just one week.

It is the occu­pa­tion of Poland in a very real sense just accom­plished with­out tanks or blood­shed as mon­ey is used instead of arma­ments to dom­i­nate and con­trol a nation. Polit­i­cally you may “Hiss” or you may “Applaud” but there are con­se­quences here for investors that must be under­stood.

First and fore­most is that they will not stop. Noth­ing will be allowed to get in their way. It can be senior bond hold­ers one day, bank depos­i­tors the next, the dis­man­tling of some Par­lia­ment on the day after that, a wealth tax on cor­po­ra­tions on Thurs­day, the dis­al­lowance of div­i­dends on Fri­day; with every announce­ment to come on Sat­ur­day evening. The next week can be a cap on bank bonus­es, a demand that the cap on bank bonus sav­ings be returned to the State, a finan­cial trans­ac­tion tax that gets expand­ed and tax­es all bond coupons and the list goes on.What might be, could be, and noth­ing, absolute­ly noth­ing, will be allowed between Ger­many and her desire to con­trol all of Europe.

I do not speak of moti­va­tion here. I am not bash­ing Ger­many in the fur­ther­ance of their desires. That is a use­less and unnec­es­sary exer­cise. How­ever, what is pro­foundly nec­es­sary, if you invest in Europe, is to under­stand the risks that you are tak­ing. If you place mon­ey in secu­ri­ties on the Con­ti­nent then what is yours is theirs when they want it. I sug­gest you clear­ly under­stand that propo­si­tion and allow for that occur­rence.

You no longer have any excuse after Greece and Cyprus. Every­thing may be called “one-off” but noth­ing is “one-off” as Ger­many expands its pow­er wher­ever they can and by any means nec­es­sary. If you believe the pro­pa­ganda, if you believe what you are told every day by the Press then I can vir­tu­ally assure you that you will suf­fer dire con­se­quences at some point and you will now have no one to blame but your­self.

There is also one “unin­tended con­se­quence” of Cyprus and Greece. No one is going to invest in the local banks. Keep­ing mon­ey in the Ger­man banks, the Swiss banks or maybe even the French banks may go on but the local banks in each coun­try are fin­ished. In a clever move, the prob­lems with Greece and Cyprus will dri­ve the mon­ey from the local bank­ing insti­tu­tions in the trou­bled coun­tries. Watch for cap­i­tal flights in Spain, Por­tu­gal and Italy as their banks will be found unsafe and with good rea­son.

It is unknown, as of yet, if Ger­many can win this game. What can be said though is that, nation or investor, you will put your­self at per­il by get­ting in their way. The cur­rent risks, in my opin­ion, are dra­mat­i­cally more than imag­ined by many or gen­er­ally thought to be the case. There is no more invest­ing in Europe just gam­bling and spec­u­lat­ing and suf­fer­ing the con­se­quence of either. Any­thing can be changed, any­thing can be mod­i­fied, and when the for­fei­ture of people’s sav­ings is trum­peted as a “Tax” then even the Eng­lish lan­guage has lost some of its mean­ing.

“Bet­ter to be safe than sor­ry,” has nev­er had such impor­tant con­se­quences as it does now in the Euro­pean are­na of the Great Game.

11. For those who con­sider our analy­sis to be extreme and man­i­fest­ing hyper­bole, we present a dev­as­tat­ing cri­tique of Ger­man EMU pol­icy vis a vis the periph­eral economies of the euro­zone. Dis­cussing Cyprus as exem­plary of Ger­man method­ol­ogy and intent, Christo­pher T. Mahoney couch­es his cri­tique in alto­gether unam­bigu­ous lan­guage.

Mahoney is a for­mer Vice Chair­man of Moody’s! In the arti­cle below, he sounds very much like–well–Dave Emory!

“Cyprus: Vic­tim Of Ger­man Colo­nial­ism” by Christo­pher T. Mahoney; Project Syn­di­cate; 7/26/2013.

ENTIRE TEXT: “We antic­i­pate the bank­ing res­o­lu­tion mech­a­nism for the Cypri­ot bank­ing sec­tor to result in a sig­nif­i­cant down­siz­ing of banks’ activ­i­ties and there­fore to severe­ly affect the eco­nomic per­for­mance of the island from 2013 onwards. We expect an accel­er­a­tion in the con­trac­tion of the Cypri­ot econ­omy in 2013, with a neg­a­tive real growth rate in the low dou­ble-dig­its and no return to pos­i­tive growth before 2016. Our view is fur­ther sup­ported by the neg­a­tive feed­back loop that expen­di­ture cuts may have on the econ­omy giv­en the impor­tance of pub­lic ser­vices, hence poten­tially chal­leng­ing future con­sen­sus on fis­cal strat­egy. We note that large uncer­tain­ties remain regard­ing the mag­ni­tude of fur­ther recap­i­tal­iza­tion needs for the finan­cial sec­tor giv­en the expect­ed sharp dete­ri­o­ra­tion in the oper­at­ing envi­ron­ment which will erode asset qual­ity, as well as the behav­ioural respons­es of all eco­nomic actors to the shocks expe­ri­enced by the finan­cial sec­tor (includ­ing risks of finan­cial dis­rup­tion relat­ed to the tim­ing and approach for lift­ing of cap­i­tal con­trols). In light of all the down­side risks and the lim­ited num­ber of upsides, we view Cyprus as like­ly to default again in the com­ing years, as reflect­ed by the rat­ing lev­el and neg­a­tive out­look. Although it is not its cen­tral sce­nario, Moody’s also sees a mate­r­ial risk of a Cypri­ot exit from the euro area which is cap­tured in the Caa2 coun­try ceil­ing. As a result of the imme­di­ate down­siz­ing of the bank­ing sec­tor and the expect­ed spillovers to rest of the econ­omy, espe­cially in terms of weak­ened con­sumer and investor con­fi­dence, we fore­cast that the econ­omy will con­tract by 12% this year and anoth­er 6.4% next year.”

–Moody’s, 15 July 2013

The pur­pose of EMU is to reduce the occu­pied states to penury in order to make them more like Ger­many, or Ethiopia. Ulti­mately the ques­tion is is: how low can per capi­ta income decline until “Europe” becomes a dirty word, and “lib­erty” becomes the pop­u­lar desider­a­tum. Cyprus is the lab­o­ra­tory of this exper­i­ment, along with Greece and Por­tu­gal. Here is the exper­i­ment: How many peo­ple must eat out of garbage cans before the euro elites under­stand that EMU is destroy­ing lives?

It must be pleas­ing to be ingest­ing a nice Brus­sels din­ner while dis­cussing how sub­hu­man the Cypri­ots are, and how they must be “taught a valu­able les­son”. That was how Stal­in felt about the “rich peas­ants” of the Ukraine: sur­plus emp­ty mouths to feed. Wouldn’t the world be a bet­ter place with­out so many peas­ants?

Per­haps, in a per­fect world, Cypri­ots wouldn’t exist, like the kulaks and the Crimean Tatars. All Cypri­ots do is enable Russ­ian plu­to­crats. Why should they exist? Liq­ui­date them. Indeed, liq­ui­date all of the par­a­site states of the Euro­zone.

So we now know that the pur­pose of EMU is not to enrich the vas­sal states, but to occu­py them and to make them penu­ri­ous colonies of the hege­mon. Periph­eral Europe is Germany’s Latin Amer­ica. But there is a cru­cial dif­fer­ence: the US has not forced its Latin Amer­i­can colonies to join the dol­lar zone. Latin Amer­ica, despite its colo­nial sta­tus, retains mon­e­tary sov­er­eignty. Aside from the Bol­she­vik lab­o­ra­to­ries of Argenti­na and Venezuela, Latin Amer­ica is out­per­form­ing its colo­nial par­ents. Por­tu­gal and Spain should have mon­e­tary union with Brazil and Mex­ico, instead of Fin­land and Ger­many.

What Ger­many is doing to Cyprus is a crime.

12a.  A very omi­nous pro­posal has been float­ed by the Greek gov­ern­ment. (See text excerpts below.) Not only does it sug­gest the pos­si­bil­ity that the stag­ger­ing unem­ploy­ment rate among Greek youth be solved by “unpaid” employ­ment, but floats the pos­si­bil­ity that job­less young peo­ple be shipped abroad!

We won­der to where they will be shipped? What are they sup­posed to do when they get there?

All is not well in the “Cra­dle of Democ­ra­cy!”

“Europe’s Mod­est Pro­posal To End Unem­ploy­ment: Slav­ery” by Tyler Dur­den; zerohedge.com; 1/24/2014.

EXCERPT: Hav­ing spent weeks talk­ing amongst them­selves about the chron­ic and dan­ger­ous rise of youth unem­ploy­ment in Europe (as we warned here), the Cen­ter of Plan­ning and Eco­nomic Research in Greece has pro­posed a con­tro­ver­sial mea­sure. As GreekRe­porter reports, the mea­sure includes unpaid work for the young and unem­ployed up to 24 years old, so that com­pa­nies would have a strong motive to hire young employ­ees.

“Unpaid” work sounds a lot like slav­ery to us... but it gets bet­ter; the report also sug­gested “export­ing young unem­ployed per­sons.”

“Cen­tre of Plan­ning and Eco­nomic Research in Greece has pro­posed a con­tro­ver­sial mea­sure in order to deal with the prob­lem of increas­ing unem­ploy­ment in the coun­try.

The mea­sure includes unpaid work for the young and unem­ployed up to 24 years old, so that com­pa­nies would have a strong motive to hire young employ­ees. Prac­ti­cally, what is pro­posed is the abo­li­tion of the basic salary for a year. At the same time the “export” of young unem­ployed per­sons was also pro­posed to oth­er coun­tries abroad, as Greek busi­nesses do not appear able to hire new per­son­nel.“

Whether it’s Europe in the 1930’s or the US dur­ing the same peri­od (con­flicts between strik­ers, the Nation­al Guard and armed mili­tias), unem­ploy­ment can cre­ate a pow­er­ful cock­tail of unrest. But turn­ing your nation’s young into slaves does not seem like a good solu­tion to us. . . .

12b. More about the pro­pos­al for de fac­to slav­ery for Greek youth:

“Con­tro­ver­sial Pro­posal for Tack­ling Unem­ploy­ment” by Niko­leta Kalmou­ki; Greek Reporter; 1/24/2014.

EXCERPT: Cen­tre of Plan­ning and Eco­nomic Research in Greece has pro­posed a con­tro­ver­sial mea­sure in order to deal with the prob­lem of increas­ing unem­ploy­ment in the coun­try.

The mea­sure includes unpaid work for the young and unem­ployed up to 24 years old, so that com­pa­nies would have a strong motive to hire young employ­ees. Prac­ti­cally, what is pro­posed is the abo­li­tion of the basic salary for a year. At the same time the “export” of young unem­ployed per­sons was also pro­posed to oth­er coun­tries abroad, as Greek busi­nesses do not appear able to hire new per­son­nel.

Accord­ing to the Nation­al Con­fed­er­a­tion of Hel­lenic Com­merce, unem­ploy­ment espe­cially hits the ages between 15–24. The unem­ploy­ment rate in Greece stands at 24.6% while 57.2% of young peo­ple are with­out a job. The major­ity of the unem­ployed (71%) have had no work for 12 months or more, while 23.3 % of the total have nev­er worked. There were 3,635,905 peo­ple employed and 1,345,387 unem­ployed. . . .

13. Bod­ing ill for Greek cit­i­zens, for­mer LAOS par­ty mem­ber and ded­i­cat­ed fas­cist Makis Voridis has been appoint­ed Health Min­is­ter.

“Yacht Apps and Anti-Semit­ic Min­is­ters in the Birth­place of Democ­ra­cy” by Mark Ames; Pan­do Dai­ly; 6/15/2014.

Good and bad eco­nom­ics news out of the birth­place of democ­ra­cy.

The good news: Accord­ing to the Wall Street Jour­nal, Greece is see­ing a boom in tech star­tups. Of course, that boom starts from a very low num­ber, as the Jour­nal reports:

“there were 144 star­tups in Greece in 2013, up from just 16 in 2010. The mon­ey invest­ed in them has climbed to €42 mil­lion ($57 mil­lion), com­pared with just €500,000 three years ago.”

Most of the fund­ing is geared towards ser­vic­ing the sec­tor of Greece that hasn’t been ruined by the past few years of EU-imposed aus­ter­ity, which rules out a large per­cent­age of under-35s, the pre­sumed Inter­net gen­er­a­tion. The unem­ploy­ment rate for young Greeks aged 15–24 is 58.3%, while for 25–34 year old Greeks, the unem­ploy­ment rate is 35.5%. Excit­ing new Greek star­tups attract­ing out­side VC cap­i­tal, like incred­i­blue— an online yacht book­ing ser­vice — and Tax­ibeat, a mobile taxi­cab hail­ing app — aren’t going to be much use to them.

Still, Greece’s “boom­ing” tech sec­tor is the good news.

Now, the bad news: Greece’s pro-EU rul­ing con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty, the New Democ­rats, just named an actu­al neo-Nazi, Makis “The Ham­mer” Voridis, as Greece’s new Health Min­is­terJew­ish groups are out­raged over the news that Voridis—a long­time neo-fas­cist activist and anti-Semi­te who has pub­licly pro­moted the Pro­to­cols of the Elders of Zion as wor­thy of schol­ar­ship, and doubt­ed the authen­tic­ity of the Diary of Anne Frank—is serv­ing as a promi­nent min­is­ter in the rul­ing party’s cab­i­net, in charge of an impor­tant min­istry at a time when Greece has been gut­ting its health care bud­gets, caus­ing wide­spread mis­ery.

I wrote about Voridis in Novem­ber 2011, because I was shocked that a gov­ern­ment coali­tion essen­tially imposed on Greece by the EU and West­ern cred­i­tors would demand that the alleged­ly tech­no­cratic “aus­ter­ity coali­tion” includ­ed mem­bers of Greece’s anti-Semit­ic, neo-fas­cist LAOS par­tyInclud­ing Makis “The Ham­mer” Voridis, who served as min­is­ter of infra­struc­ture and trans­port.

I call him “The Ham­mer” because pho­tographs sur­faced show­ing Voridis as a Uni­ver­sity of Athens law stu­dent, car­ry­ing a makeshift stone ham­mer in hand which he used to bash sus­pected left­wing stu­dents with. That was in 1985, when Voridis was in a fas­cist group called “Stu­dent Alter­na­tive” which sup­ported Greece’s bloody mil­i­tary coup and mil­i­tary jun­ta that ruled from 1967–1974.

Voridis was expelled from law school for club­bing left­ist stu­dents, and went on to Big Things in the world of neo-fas­cist Greek pol­i­tics. In 1994, he found­ed the far-right Hel­lenic Front, which in 2004 formed a coali­tion with a self-described Nazi, Kon­stan­ti­nos Plevris, who open­ly advo­cated for the exter­mi­na­tion of Greece’s remain­ing Jews. In 2005, Voridis merged his par­ty into the LAOS par­ty, whose leader, Geor­gios Karatzaferis, pub­licly mocked Auschwitz and Dachau death camps as “myths,” blamed Jews for 9/11 dur­ing a speech in par­lia­ment, and said “the Jews have no legit­i­macy to speak in Greece.”

In late 2011, as Greece pol­i­tics col­lapsed under the weight of its debts and the harsh EU-imposed aus­ter­ity mea­sures, the EU imposed a new “aus­ter­ity” gov­ern­ment that includ­ed “The Ham­mer” Voridis and oth­er mem­bers of the neo-fas­cist LAOS par­ty. The aus­ter­ity gov­ern­ment ran Greece until new elec­tions were called in mid-2012. In those inter­im months, the aus­ter­ity coali­tion pushed through rad­i­cal aus­ter­ity mea­sures that caused LAOS’ fas­cist vot­ers to desert them for an even more vio­lent, more extreme neo-Nazi par­ty, the Gold­en Dawn Par­ty. One would’ve thought that’d be the end of Makis Voridis.

But Voridis is one of the sly­er fas­cists. He joined the aus­ter­ity cab­i­net and served from Novem­ber 2011 through June 2012. In the June 2012 elec­tions, after LAOS was oblit­er­ated for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the aus­ter­ity gov­ern­ment, Voridis aban­doned LAOS and joined the new rul­ing par­ty that won the elec­tions, the respectable right-wing New Democ­racy par­ty.

And now New Democ­racy is pay­ing back the favor to their favorite aus­ter­ity fas­cist.



32 comments for “FTR #788 Greek Tragedy, Part 2: “Clausewitzian Economics–The Continuation of War by Other Means””

  1. Step by step, the Clause­witz­ian dream march­es into real­i­ty:

    Ukraine Is Urged to Extend Auton­o­my for Eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans
    By Zoltan Simon May 12, 2014 9:57 AM CT

    Ukraine must grant auton­o­my to eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans liv­ing there, Hun­gar­i­an Prime Min­is­ter Vik­tor Orban said, adding to demands on the lead­er­ship in Kiev that’s try­ing to fight off pro-Russ­ian sep­a­ratists in the country’s east.

    Eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans liv­ing in west­ern Ukraine, who Orban says num­ber about 200,000, “must be grant­ed dual cit­i­zen­ship, must enjoy all of the com­mu­ni­ty rights and must be grant­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty for auton­o­my,” the Hun­gar­i­an pre­mier said in a speech in par­lia­ment.

    Ukrain­ian troops are bat­tling pro-Russ­ian rebels who are try­ing to wrest con­trol of the country’s east­ern­most provinces, which held two dis­put­ed ref­er­en­dums yes­ter­day that sep­a­ratists said backed inde­pen­dence. Unlike the Russ­ian sym­pa­thiz­ers who want to break away from Ukraine, Hun­gary is urg­ing auton­o­my for its eth­nic kin liv­ing in coun­tries in the Carpathi­an basin.

    “This is our clear expec­ta­tion of a new Ukraine that’s being formed right now,” Orban said on May 10 after tak­ing the oath of office fol­low­ing his re-elec­tion last month. Ukraine holds a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion on May 25.

    Hun­gary has a pop­u­la­tion of 10 mil­lion and an addi­tion­al 2.5 mil­lion Hun­gar­i­ans live beyond the country’s bor­ders in neigh­bor­ing states, most­ly in Roma­nia and Slo­va­kia. They are descen­dants of Hun­gar­i­ans who lost their cit­i­zen­ship in 1920, when the coun­try lost two-thirds of its ter­ri­to­ry under the Tri­anon peace treaty signed in France at the end of World War I.

    New Vot­ers

    Eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans are gain­ing polit­i­cal impor­tance after Orban start­ed extend­ing Hun­gar­i­an cit­i­zen­ship to them dur­ing the past four years. Nine­ty-five per­cent of these new vot­ers vot­ed for Orban’s rul­ing par­ty on April 6.


    Orban took a “clear and deci­sive” posi­tion on what sort of auton­o­my he favors for eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans in neigh­bor­ing coun­tries, Berta­lan Havasi, his spokesman, said in an e‑mailed response to ques­tions. He didn’t pro­vide fur­ther details.

    Note that Orban was­n’t just call­ing for auton­o­my to be grant­ed to eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans in Ukraine. He wants it to apply to ALL eth­nic Hun­gar­i­ans liv­ing in cen­tral Europe. “Greater Hun­gary” has a grow­ing appetite.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | May 13, 2014, 11:42 am
  2. A month ago the Greek high court ruled that the Gold­en Dawn could par­tic­i­pate in the EU elec­tions after months of spec­u­la­tion that the par­ty would be banned for oper­at­ing as a crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tion. Fol­low­ing the elec­tions, Gold­en Dawn is now the third largest par­ty in Greece. And it shows:

    The Guardian
    SS songs and anti­semitism: the week Gold­en Dawn turned open­ly Nazi
    Sup­port­ers of the far-right par­ty gave Hitler salutes and sang the Horst Wes­sel song out­side par­lia­ment last week. Hele­na Smith reports from Athens on how Gold­en Dawn has tak­en on a sin­is­ter new tone

    Hele­na Smith
    The Observ­er, Sat­ur­day 7 June 2014 16.14 EDT

    It has been a bad week for democ­ra­cy in Athens. All around this great Greek city, the pol­i­tics of hate now lurk. On Fri­day I got a taste of it in the tiny Ital­ian-style cafe I fre­quent off Syn­tag­ma Square.


    Last Wednes­day Greece got that jolt when Nikos Michalo­li­akos, Gold­en Dawn’s impris­oned leader – who stands accused of mur­der and assault – made his first pub­lic appear­ance in almost nine months. The pol­i­tics of hate took over Athens as the 58-year-old was hauled before par­lia­ment, ahead of a vote to lift his immu­ni­ty from pros­e­cu­tion, on fur­ther charges of ille­gal weapons pos­ses­sion.

    Embold­ened by its recent suc­cess in Euro­pean and local elec­tions – in which the par­ty emerged as the coun­try’s third biggest polit­i­cal force, thanks to a soft­en­ing of image that has attract­ed ever-grow­ing num­bers of the mid­dle class – the extrem­ists drove home the mes­sage that they were not only on the rebound but here to stay. And as they ran roughshod through the house of democ­ra­cy, hurl­ing abuse at oth­er MPs in an unprece­dent­ed dis­play of vio­lence and vul­gar­i­ty, there was no mis­tak­ing what Gold­en Dawn is: a par­ty of neo-Nazi creed deter­mined to over­turn the demo­c­ra­t­ic order. For, far from being con­trite, the hand­cuffed Michalo­li­akos was in unusu­al­ly aggres­sive mood, giv­ing Nazi salutes, telling the house speak­er to “shut up”, and instruct­ing guards to take their hands off him.

    Out­side, black-shirt­ed Gold­en Dawn sup­port­ers, lined up in mil­i­tary for­ma­tion in Syn­tag­ma Square, gave a hearty ren­di­tion of the Nazi Horst Wes­sel song – albeit with Greek lyrics. All this was a far cry from the par­ty’s recent efforts to dis­tance itself from the thug­gery and racist rhetoric from which it was born.

    “That day democ­ra­cy felt a bit weak,” said Pav­los Tzi­mas, a polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor who has watched the par­ty’s rise from its fringe group begin­nings in the ear­ly 1980s. He has watched it grow from mar­gin­al group to main­stream par­ty over the past three decades. “After all the rev­e­la­tions [about crim­i­nal activ­i­ty], after all the pros­e­cu­tions against its MPs, it still has the nerve to act in such a way, in scenes of hate that, frankly, I can­not recall ever being seen inside the par­lia­ment,” he sighed. “Gold­en Dawn is not a pass­ing phase, it will not dis­ap­pear with the end of the cri­sis, it feels untouch­able, it fears noth­ing, and what we saw this week is its real face. It is not like oth­er extrem­ist par­ties in Europe. It is a true neo-Nazi force whose aim is to use democ­ra­cy to destroy democ­ra­cy.”

    The crack­down against Gold­en Dawn – trig­gered by the killing of an anti-fas­cist rap­per at the hands of a self-con­fessed par­ty cadre last Sep­tem­ber – was meant not only to bring offend­ers to jus­tice but reverse the group’s seem­ing­ly unstop­pable ascent. At first the round-up of par­ty lead­ers seemed to dent the ultra­na­tion­al­ists’ pop­u­lar­i­ty. For the first time since June 2012, when it was cat­a­pult­ed into par­lia­ment with 6.9% of the vote and 18 deputies, its rat­ings dipped. But in an alarm­ing dis­play of reha­bil­i­ta­tion, the neo-fas­cists won 9.4% of the vote in the Euro­pean elec­tions on 25 May and, in the race for the Athens may­oral­ty on 18 May, were backed by 16.1% of the elec­torate even though its can­di­date, Ilias Kasidiaris, sports a swasti­ka tat­too and assault­ed two left­wing female politi­cians dur­ing a live TV show. In both cas­es the results were the most shock­ing endorse­ment yet of the anti-lib­er­al par­ty.

    What wor­ries Tzi­mas most is not just the coars­en­ing of pub­lic debate but the “banal­i­sa­tion of vio­lence” that is now stalk­ing Greece. “We seem to be get­ting used to it, and that fright­ens me,” he said.

    In an explo­sive polit­i­cal cli­mate, where pop­u­lar rage is at boil­ing point near­ly five years into the coun­try’s worst cri­sis in liv­ing mem­o­ry, the pol­i­tics of hate so embod­ied by Gold­en Dawn is becom­ing increas­ing­ly per­va­sive. “Who cares if six mil­lion Jews were exter­mi­nat­ed?” asked the busi­ness­man back at the cafe, in a shock­ing endorse­ment of that real­i­ty. “I don’t care if they were turned into soap. What I care about is the salary I have lost, the nev­er-end­ing tax­es I am forced to pay, the crim­i­nals who rule this coun­try, the anger I car­ry inside.”

    In a glob­al sur­vey released by the Anti-Defama­tion League last month, Greece at 69% was found to be the most anti­se­mit­ic coun­try in Europe.

    “This is the deep­er expla­na­tion for the growth of Gold­en Dawn,” says Dim­itris Psar­ras, author of The Black Bible of Gold­en Dawn, which chron­i­cles the par­ty’s mete­oric rise. “Greece has deep cul­tur­al dif­fer­ences with the rest of Europe. After the sec­ond world war, it did not under­go real democ­ra­ti­sa­tion because we had civ­il war [1946–49]. And after that the deep state was nev­er real­ly purged [of extreme rightwing ele­ments]. Even when it was a small group, Gold­en Dawn had ties to the Greek state.”

    The par­ty’s field­ing of two retired gen­er­als on its Euro­pean elec­tion tick­et was tes­ti­mo­ny to those ties. With three Gold­en Dawn MEPs now about to take seats in Brus­sels, the burn­ing ques­tion for many is how to con­front the extrem­ists. Fol­low­ing the poll, even France’s Front Nation­al leader, Marine Le Pen, ruled out rela­tions with them.

    The inde­pen­dent MP and promi­nent nov­el­ist Pet­ros Tat­sopou­los, him­self the focus of much of the fas­cists’ fury in par­lia­ment last week, thinks there is no oth­er way but to ban Gold­en Dawn. “It was a huge, his­toric mis­take on the part of our par­lia­ment not to de-legit­imise Gold­en Dawn,” said Tat­sopou­los, until recent­ly an MP with the rad­i­cal left. “It should have been banned, not for its Nazi ide­ol­o­gy but because it is a para­mil­i­tary force … who, if it could, would press ahead with a coup d’é­tat,” he told the Observ­er. “We know how these peo­ple work. The fas­cist poi­son that Greece is expe­ri­enc­ing is not just polit­i­cal, it is poi­son­ing every aspect of social life, the way peo­ple think, the way they behave. I hon­est­ly believe that the 500,000 Greeks who vot­ed for Gold­en Dawn were very con­scious of what they were doing.”

    Was democ­ra­cy in its own birth­place now under threat? “Gold­en Dawn is on stand-by,” he averred. “I don’t know how long it will take, but if this vol­un­tary blind­ness con­tin­ues, if the cri­sis goes on, it will be a real threat to democ­ra­cy in the near future.”

    Note that 223 out of 224 mem­bers of the Greek par­lia­ment vot­ed to lift immu­ni­ty on Nikos Michalo­li­akos and two oth­er Gold­en Dawn deputies, so at least the Nazi salutes did­n’t appear to be help­ing their case. But that may not mat­ter when it comes to Gold­en Dawn’s grow­ing pop­u­lar appeal. Exter­nal fac­tors are like­ly to dom­i­nate:

    Think again warn cred­i­tors after Greeks mull eas­ing aus­ter­i­ty

    June 2, 2014 16:12 CET

    The Greeks had been look­ing for­ward to some cheer from their gov­ern­ment soon, with finances improv­ing and encour­ag­ing signs of a return of con­fi­dence, and growth to the econ­o­my.

    The gov­ern­ment had been hint­ing that after years of aus­ter­i­ty some of the pain was about the be relieved, for exam­ple by tax cuts.

    How­ev­er that idea has been shot down by Germany’s Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble. He has urged con­tin­ued dis­ci­pline and in any case has not ruled out a third bailout before 2022, when the troi­ka cred­i­tors’ group – the Euro­pean Union, Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund and the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank – says Greek debt will be at a sus­tain­able lev­el.

    The IMF, which agreed with Schaeu­ble about keep­ing the screws tight in Greece, along with the ECB and Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, are in effect run­ning pol­i­cy in Athens.

    How­ev­er polit­i­cal­ly if last week’s Euro­pean elec­tions are a fair barom­e­ter, sen­ti­ment in Greece has shift­ed from mak­ing sac­ri­fices to say­ing enough is enough. Syriza, the left-wing win­ners of the Euro­pean poll, argue for very dif­fer­ent EU poli­cies to com­bat the finan­cial cri­sis.

    “Schaeuble’s warn­ings and the IMF’s sup­port­ing con­tin­ued cau­tion might dis­turb the Greek government’s plans. Fol­low­ing defeat at the Euro­pean elec­tions, it planned to announce the end of aus­ter­i­ty, start­ing by cut­ting tax bur­dens. There had also been rumours that the finance min­is­ter was to be replaced. That’s now on hold and fresh ques­tions about when the Greek aus­ter­i­ty pro­gramme could end are being raised,” says euronews’ Symela Touchti­dou in Athens.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 8, 2014, 3:04 pm
  3. @Pterrafractyl and SWAMP–

    This com­ment goes to the very heart of a point I made–incompletely–in my analy­sis of a par­tial­ly-use­ful comment/post by SWAMP on Ukraine:

    The EU and EMU are cul­mi­na­tions of Pan-Ger­man, impe­ri­al­ist and Clause­witz­ian realpoli­tik stretch­ing over cen­turies.

    The bru­tal­i­ties and grind­ing suf­fer­ing brought about by “Aus­tere­witz” are delib­er­ate.

    In addi­tion to elim­i­nat­ing the weak, elder­ly and infirm, the social dis­lo­ca­tion is ide­al for eth­nic and/or reli­gious scape­goat­ing to dis­tract the cit­i­zen­ry from the real source of their dif­fi­cul­ties.

    The insti­tu­tion­al­iza­tion of eco­nom­ic decline for a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion is ide­al for cre­at­ing a ready pool of cheap labor, as well.

    “Let ’em eat fas­cism!”



    Posted by Dave Emory | June 8, 2014, 3:27 pm
  4. @Dave: One of the big open ques­tions for the EU, and espe­cial­ly the EMU, going for­ward is how ethnic/religious scape­goat­ing is going to be achieved that can actu­al­ly sta­bi­lize the EU/EMU in the long run and not dri­ve the con­ti­nent towards inter­nal divi­sion.

    Cur­rent­ly, the eco­nom­ics being imposed (the “Fis­cal Com­pact”, the Troikas, and the ECB’s “sin­gle man­date” that ignore unem­ploy­ment) are so wild­ly desta­bi­liz­ing and seem­ing­ly designed to exac­er­bate the crises that we real­ly have no com­pelling rea­son to believe that the euro­zone will ever be tru­ly eco­nom­i­cal­ly sta­ble. Sure, the cur­rent cri­sis will even­tu­al­ly bot­tom out and there will be tem­po­rary recov­er­ies, but it’s look­ing like the EU has cho­sen a cri­sis-prone path that is going to result in a long-term slow-grind down for the weak­est mem­ber nations with many future eco­nom­ic crises.

    And, as you point out, the social dis­lo­ca­tion caused by these poli­cies is ide­al for eth­nic and/or reli­gious scape­goat­ing to dis­tract the cit­i­zen­ry from the real source of their dif­fi­cul­ties (the insane poli­cies and the peo­ple like Merkel, Schauble, and Jens Wei­d­mann that demand­ed them). And yet quite a bit of that far right frus­tra­tion and anger being gen­er­at­ed from groups like the Gold­en Dawn and the Nation­al Front is being direct­ed at offi­cials in Brus­sels and Berlin in addi­tion to immi­grants and minori­ties. And of course Merkel was at the fore­front of push­ing the “those lazy South­ern Europeans”-meme back in 2011.

    So it’s going to be fas­ci­nat­ing to watch the behav­ior of the oppo­si­tion far right par­ties as they get clos­er and clos­er to being able to seize con­trol of a mem­ber state and tru­ly steer it in the direc­tion of aban­don­ing the EU or EMU because it’s not clear what the next phase is going to be in the rise of the Euro­pean far right as a counter-EU force.

    Hun­gary’s far right tem­plate might not be the same approach even­tu­al­ly seen in France or the Nether­lands but with Marine Le Pen open­ly talk­ing about France ditch­ing the euro and destroy­ing the EU we could be enter­ing a peri­od where the main argu­ments for and against the cur­rent Euro­pean agen­da — a more cen­tral­ized EU and EMU on aus­ter­i­ty-autopi­lot — become increas­ing­ly syn­ony­mous with the far right ideals. Whether you’re talk­ing about the cryp­to-far right/Clausewitizian nature of the ordolib­er­al eco­nom­ics demand­ed by Berlin and get­ting baked into EU law or the anti-EU oppo­si­tion led by peo­ple like Le Pen and the larg­er far right “euroskep­tic” con­tin­gent in the EU par­lia­ment, the far right’s solu­tions are well posi­tioned to be Europe’s next step for­ward, regard­less of the direc­tion. So while we don’t know how the pro and anti-EU far right might behave in a future face off, we can be pret­ty sure that new forms of “divide and con­quer” tech­nique involv­ing ethnic/religious scape­goat­ing are prob­a­bly on the way. Yikes.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 8, 2014, 8:50 pm
  5. “The Ham­mer” is back, and you will not believe which part of Greek soci­ety he’s tasked to smash this time: Makis “The Ham­mer” Voridis is Greece’s new Health Min­is­ter:

    Pan­do Dai­ly
    Yacht apps and anti-Semit­ic min­is­ters in the birth­place of democ­ra­cy

    By Mark Ames
    On June 15, 2014

    Good and bad eco­nom­ics news out of the birth­place of democ­ra­cy.

    The good news: Accord­ing to the Wall Street Jour­nal, Greece is see­ing a boom in tech star­tups. Of course, that boom starts from a very low num­ber, as the Jour­nal reports:

    “there were 144 star­tups in Greece in 2013, up from just 16 in 2010. The mon­ey invest­ed in them has climbed to €42 mil­lion ($57 mil­lion), com­pared with just €500,000 three years ago.”

    Most of the fund­ing is geared towards ser­vic­ing the sec­tor of Greece that hasn’t been ruined by the past few years of EU-imposed aus­ter­i­ty, which rules out a large per­cent­age of under-35s, the pre­sumed Inter­net gen­er­a­tion. The unem­ploy­ment rate for young Greeks aged 15–24 is 58.3%, while for 25–34 year old Greeks, the unem­ploy­ment rate is 35.5%. Excit­ing new Greek star­tups attract­ing out­side VC cap­i­tal, like incred­i­blue — an online yacht book­ing ser­vice — and Tax­ibeat, a mobile taxi­cab hail­ing app — aren’t going to be much use to them.

    Still, Greece’s “boom­ing” tech sec­tor is the good news.

    Now, the bad news: Greece’s pro-EU rul­ing con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty, the New Democ­rats, just named an actu­al neo-Nazi, Makis “The Ham­mer” Voridis, as Greece’s new Health Min­is­ter. Jew­ish groups are out­raged over the news that Voridis—a long­time neo-fas­cist activist and anti-Semi­te who has pub­licly pro­mot­ed the Pro­to­cols of the Elders of Zion as wor­thy of schol­ar­ship, and doubt­ed the authen­tic­i­ty of the Diary of Anne Frank—is serv­ing as a promi­nent min­is­ter in the rul­ing party’s cab­i­net, in charge of an impor­tant min­istry at a time when Greece has been gut­ting its health care bud­gets, caus­ing wide­spread mis­ery.

    I wrote about Voridis in Novem­ber 2011, because I was shocked that a gov­ern­ment coali­tion essen­tial­ly imposed on Greece by the EU and West­ern cred­i­tors would demand that the alleged­ly tech­no­crat­ic “aus­ter­i­ty coali­tion” includ­ed mem­bers of Greece’s anti-Semit­ic, neo-fas­cist LAOS par­ty. Includ­ing Makis “The Ham­mer” Voridis, who served as min­is­ter of infra­struc­ture and trans­port.

    I call him “The Ham­mer” because pho­tographs sur­faced show­ing Voridis as a Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens law stu­dent, car­ry­ing a makeshift stone ham­mer in hand which he used to bash sus­pect­ed left­wing stu­dents with. That was in 1985, when Voridis was in a fas­cist group called “Stu­dent Alter­na­tive” which sup­port­ed Greece’s bloody mil­i­tary coup and mil­i­tary jun­ta that ruled from 1967–1974.

    Voridis was expelled from law school for club­bing left­ist stu­dents, and went on to Big Things in the world of neo-fas­cist Greek pol­i­tics. In 1994, he found­ed the far-right Hel­lenic Front, which in 2004 formed a coali­tion with a self-described Nazi, Kon­stan­ti­nos Plevris, who open­ly advo­cat­ed for the exter­mi­na­tion of Greece’s remain­ing Jews. In 2005, Voridis merged his par­ty into the LAOS par­ty, whose leader, Geor­gios Karatzaferis, pub­licly mocked Auschwitz and Dachau death camps as “myths,” blamed Jews for 9/11 dur­ing a speech in par­lia­ment, and said “the Jews have no legit­i­ma­cy to speak in Greece.”

    In late 2011, as Greece pol­i­tics col­lapsed under the weight of its debts and the harsh EU-imposed aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures, the EU imposed a new “aus­ter­i­ty” gov­ern­ment that includ­ed “The Ham­mer” Voridis and oth­er mem­bers of the neo-fas­cist LAOS par­ty. The aus­ter­i­ty gov­ern­ment ran Greece until new elec­tions were called in mid-2012. In those inter­im months, the aus­ter­i­ty coali­tion pushed through rad­i­cal aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures that caused LAOS’ fas­cist vot­ers to desert them for an even more vio­lent, more extreme neo-Nazi par­ty, the Gold­en Dawn Par­ty. One would’ve thought that’d be the end of Makis Voridis.

    But Voridis is one of the sly­er fas­cists. He joined the aus­ter­i­ty cab­i­net and served from Novem­ber 2011 through June 2012. In the June 2012 elec­tions, after LAOS was oblit­er­at­ed for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the aus­ter­i­ty gov­ern­ment, Voridis aban­doned LAOS and joined the new rul­ing par­ty that won the elec­tions, the respectable right-wing New Democ­ra­cy par­ty.

    And now New Democ­ra­cy is pay­ing back the favor to their favorite aus­ter­i­ty fas­cist.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 15, 2014, 5:01 pm
  6. The long desired (by the Troi­ka) pri­va­ti­za­tion of one of Greece’s biggest pow­er com­pa­nies has hit a hitch: strik­ing unions. Fortunately(for the Troi­ka), a Greek court just ruled that those strik­ing unions need some bust­ing:

    Greece orders elec­tric­i­ty work­ers back to their jobs

    By Ange­li­ki Koutan­tou

    ATHENS Sat Jul 5, 2014 12:40pm BST

    (Reuters) — Greece ordered elec­tric­i­ty work­ers back to their jobs on Sat­ur­day, threat­en­ing them with arrest if they con­tin­ue with strikes that have caused pow­er cuts across the coun­try in the mid­dle of its tourism sea­son.

    The move came after work­ers at Pub­lic Pow­er Corp (PPC), Greece’s biggest pow­er pro­duc­er, defied a court rul­ing issued late on Fri­day deem­ing their strike action ille­gal.

    Protest­ing against gov­ern­ment plans to sell part of PPC in 2015, work­ers had ini­ti­at­ed the first of a series of 48-hour strikes at mid­night on Wednes­day, then start­ed a sec­ond action at mid­night Fri­day. Unions say the sale will push up elec­tric­i­ty prices and impose an extra bur­den on house­holds strug­gling through years of reces­sion.


    PPC’s biggest trade unions will hold a meet­ing lat­er on Sat­ur­day to decide how to con­tin­ue their action. Com­mu­nist-affil­i­at­ed PAME said it planned a ral­ly in Athens lat­er on Sat­ur­day in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the work­ers.


    “The gov­ern­ment can­not give away PPC ... for free,” George Avramidis, head of Spar­takos, one of PPC’s most pow­er­ful unions in north­ern Greece, told Reuters.

    Athens is eager to avoid major pow­er dis­rup­tion this sum­mer as it could impact tourism, the biggest earn­er for the Greek econ­o­my, account­ing for about 17 per­cent of its out­put and 20 per­cent of jobs.

    So far, parts of the coun­try have been affect­ed by hour-long pow­er out­ages.

    Under Greek law, strik­ing work­ers can be ordered in writ­ing to return to work where there is a dan­ger of civ­il dis­or­der, nat­ur­al dis­as­ter or health risks to the pub­lic.

    Prime Min­is­ter Anto­nis Sama­ras’s gov­ern­ment last invoked the mea­sure in 2013 to force sea­men and sub­way work­ers back to their jobs after dis­rup­tive week-long walk­outs.

    Pri­vatis­ing PPC is part of efforts by Greece to lib­er­alise its ener­gy mar­ket at the behest of its Euro­pean Union and Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund lenders and is one of the con­di­tions for its next aid tranche worth 1 bil­lion euros.

    The left­ist main oppo­si­tion Syriza par­ty, which wants PPC to remain in state hands, has backed the work­ers and said it will not vote for the bill allow­ing the sale of 30 per­cent of PPC to a pri­vate com­peti­tor, when it is vot­ed on in par­lia­ment.

    “The gov­ern­ment is using mil­i­tary-style mea­sures to stop the strug­gle against the chop­ping-up and sell­ing-off cheap of PPC,” Syriza law­mak­er Dim­itris Stra­toulis said in a state­ment, slam­ming the gov­ern­men­t’s deci­sion as an “uncon­sti­tu­tion­al coup”.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | July 7, 2014, 6:33 am
  7. The third and final round of vot­ing required to keep the pro-aus­ter­i­ty Greek gov­ern­ment intact is just around the cor­ner which means it’s an opti­mal time for omi­nous warn­ings from Berlin about how resis­tance is futile:

    Ger­many: Greece must stick to exist­ing agree­ments
    Ger­man finance min­is­ter: any new Greek gov­ern­ment must stick to exist­ing agree­ments
    Asso­ci­at­ed Press
    Decem­ber 27, 2014 4:09 AM

    BERLIN (AP) — Ger­many’s finance min­is­ter says any new Greek gov­ern­ment would have to stick to agree­ments made by its pre­de­ces­sors — com­ments that come as Greece risks ear­ly elec­tions that could bring an anti-bailout oppo­si­tion par­ty to pow­er.

    The Greek gov­ern­ment has a third and final chance Mon­day to get a new pres­i­dent elect­ed. If it fails, par­lia­men­tary elec­tions will be called. The Syriza par­ty, which has said it wants the coun­try’s bailout pro­gram rene­go­ti­at­ed, leads in polls.

    Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble told Sat­ur­day’s Bild dai­ly that he’ll con­tin­ue to sup­port Greece on its “path of hard reforms” but if Athens choos­es anoth­er road, “it will be dif­fi­cult.”


    Hap­py vot­ing Greece.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | December 28, 2014, 12:39 pm
  8. With Jan­u­ary 25 snap elec­tions now in store for Greece, here’s a peak at the polit­i­cal land­scape:

    Thom­son Reuters
    Small par­ties to play out­sized role in Greek elec­tion

    By Renee Mal­te­zou and Deepa Babing­ton
    Decem­ber 30, 2014 6:00 pm

    ATHENS (Reuters) — Greece’s splin­tered polit­i­cal land­scape means small, often rel­a­tive­ly new par­ties may deter­mine whether the win­ner of elec­tions next month can cob­ble togeth­er a last­ing gov­ern­ment and avoid a new finan­cial cri­sis.

    The Jan. 25 vote marks a show­down between the con­ser­v­a­tive New Democ­ra­cy par­ty of Prime Min­is­ter Anto­nis Sama­ras, who imposed unpop­u­lar bud­get cuts under Greece’s inter­na­tion­al bailout deal, and the rad­i­cal left­ist Syriza of Alex­is Tsipras, who wants to can­cel aus­ter­i­ty along with a chunk of Greek debt.

    Syriza holds a lead over New Democ­ra­cy in opin­ion polls, although this has nar­rowed to only about three per­cent­age points in the run-up to the elec­tion, called after par­lia­ment failed to elect a new Greek pres­i­dent this week.

    But nei­ther may be able to form a gov­ern­ment alone, even with a 50 seat-bonus that the con­sti­tu­tion auto­mat­i­cal­ly awards to the biggest par­ty in the 300-seat cham­ber, leav­ing one or more of the small­er groups to shape the final out­come.

    Dom­i­nat­ed for decades by New Democ­ra­cy and the Social­ist PASOK par­ty, Greek pol­i­tics have been rad­i­cal­ly reshaped by the debt cri­sis that forced the coun­try to accept two bailouts worth 240 bil­lion euros ($292 bil­lion) from the Euro­pean Union and IMF. In return they demand­ed harsh mea­sures, which have deep­ened an anti-estab­lish­ment mood and anger against the old order.

    One of the par­ties most like­ly to hold the bal­ance of pow­er is To Pota­mi (“The Riv­er”), a recent­ly-cre­at­ed cen­trist group which has refused to define itself as pro- or anti-bailout. The oth­er is PASOK, which was in Sama­ras’s out­go­ing coali­tion despite tak­ing an elec­toral thrash­ing in 2012, and is now expect­ed to split.

    “Small par­ties were on the side­lines in the past but now will be the deter­min­ing fac­tor in the com­ing elec­tion,” said a senior offi­cial from the PASOK fac­tion that is expect­ed to break away in the com­ing days.

    Two small anti-bailout par­ties, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Left and Inde­pen­dent Greeks, are pos­si­ble allies for Syriza. How­ev­er, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Left is not expect­ed to win 3 per­cent of pop­u­lar vote, the min­i­mum required to enter par­lia­ment, and may be absorbed by Syriza before the elec­tion.

    The right-wing Inde­pen­dent Greeks would make unusu­al allies for Syriza, with which they have lit­tle in com­mon apart from dis­like of the bailout deal.

    Polls show a group of par­ties jock­ey­ing for third place behind Syriza, which is now the main force on the Greek left, and New Democ­ra­cy. They are the far-right Gold­en Dawn, the KKE Com­mu­nist par­ty, PASOK and To Pota­mi.

    Gold­en Dawn, which has a swasti­ka-like emblem, denies it is neo-Nazi or that it has been involved in vio­lent attacks. Nev­er­the­less, all oth­er Greek par­ties refuse to deal with it, while the KKE has ruled itself out of any coali­tion alliance.

    That leaves To Pota­mi in prime posi­tion to become king­mak­er. Set up this year by a promi­nent TV jour­nal­ist, the par­ty made its debut in elec­tions to the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment in May, when it came fifth with 6.6 per­cent.


    The oth­er play­er will be PASOK, whose sup­port has shriv­eled from 42 per­cent of the vote just five years ago to 4 to 6 per­cent. Its future is in doubt, with for­mer Prime Min­is­ter George Papan­dreou expect­ed to set up his own par­ty with some dis­grun­tled PASOK law­mak­ers.

    “Papan­dreou’s par­ty is a huge ques­tion now,” said Costas Panagopou­los of ALCO poll­sters, say­ing the new group could steal votes from Syriza, PASOK and even New Democ­ra­cy.

    Some ana­lysts spec­u­late that either fac­tion could prop up Syriza if it toned down its anti-bailout stance.

    “If Syriza mod­er­ates its pro­gram on key issues like the econ­o­my and comes clos­er to our pro­gram, we can sup­port a Syriza gov­ern­ment with­out nec­es­sar­i­ly par­tic­i­pat­ing in their gov­ern­ment,” said the PASOK offi­cial allied with Papan­dreou.

    “Par­ties that par­tic­i­pat­ed in the gov­ern­ment dur­ing the cri­sis took a huge risk — that’s why some of them shrank or dis­ap­peared. They become unpop­u­lar to their vot­ers.”

    Wow, that’s a real­ly com­pelling case made by the offi­cial from PASOK (which saw its sup­port drop from 42% to 4–6% in five years due to its imple­men­ta­tion of aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures) for Syriza to mod­er­ate its oppo­si­tion to the aus­ter­i­ty regime:

    “If Syriza mod­er­ates its pro­gram on key issues like the econ­o­my and comes clos­er to our pro­gram, we can sup­port a Syriza gov­ern­ment with­out nec­es­sar­i­ly par­tic­i­pat­ing in their government...Parties that par­tic­i­pat­ed in the gov­ern­ment dur­ing the cri­sis took a huge risk — that’s why some of them shrank or dis­ap­peared. They become unpop­u­lar to their vot­ers.”

    It’s hard to argue with log­ic like that! Espe­cial­ly since the log­ic is nev­er real­ly explained. It’s a theme.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | December 30, 2014, 6:40 pm
  9. The beat­ings will con­tin­ue until morale improves. Or does­n’t improve. Morale is clear­ly not a fac­tor in this sit­u­a­tion:

    ECB warns Greek fund­ing access hinges on keep­ing bailout

    ATHENS Thu Jan 8, 2015 6:25am EST

    (Reuters) — Greek banks’ access to Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank fund­ing beyond Feb­ru­ary will depend on Athens suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ing a final bailout review and reach­ing a deal on a fol­low-up plan with its EU/IMF lenders, the ECB said on Thurs­day.

    The state­ment was the clear­est warn­ing yet that Athens can­not expect to rely on ECB fund­ing if it reneges on its oblig­a­tions under the 240 bil­lion euro bailout pro­gram, the prospect of which has grown as Greece pre­pares for snap polls.

    Opin­ion polls show left­ist par­ty Syriza poised to win the Jan. 25 elec­tion. The par­ty has promised to can­cel the aus­ter­i­ty terms of the bailout and demand a rene­go­ti­a­tion of debt.

    Ham­mered by the coun­try’s pro­longed eco­nom­ic cri­sis, Greek banks have reduced their expo­sure to ECB fund­ing in recent months but still depend on the cen­tral bank for liq­uid­i­ty.

    The ECB has helped out Greek banks by exempt­ing them from require­ments on the col­lat­er­al it accepts for access to fund­ing.

    “The con­tin­u­a­tion of the waiv­er is based on the tech­ni­cal exten­sion of the Euro­pean Finan­cial Sta­bil­i­ty Facil­i­ty pro­gram until the end of Feb­ru­ary 2015 and the exis­tence of an Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund pro­gram,” an ECB spokesper­son said in a state­ment.

    “It is also based on the assump­tion of a suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the cur­rent review and an agree­ment on a fol­low-up arrange­ment between the Greek author­i­ties and the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, in liai­son with the ECB, and the IMF.”


    The com­ments come after a Greek news­pa­per report on Thurs­day that the ECB wants Greece’s new gov­ern­ment after the elec­tion to quick­ly reach an agree­ment with its Euro­pean part­ners so the coun­try’s banks can con­tin­ue to enjoy access to its fund­ing.

    Note that in addi­tion to improve­ments in morale not real­ly being an issue, improv­ing the econ­o­my isn’t real­ly an issue either. It’s about the beat­ings.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 8, 2015, 10:16 am
  10. Paul Krug­man shared some thoughts on the sit­u­a­tion in Greece fol­low­ing Syriza­’s win. Let’s just say it’s unclear if Europe’s elites have deter­mined whether or not they can still squeeze more blood from the Greek stone, but they’re prob­a­bly going to try any­ways. And, in doing so, they just might lead to a euro-wide unrav­el­ing of the bank­ing sys­tem. Even worse, the EU elites appear to be aware of these dan­gers but just can’t help them­selves. In oth­er words, the EU’s embrace of sado-mon­e­tarist the­o­ries is increas­ing­ly lead­ing to a sado­ma­so-mon­e­tarist real­i­ty, and it’s not at all clear that the EU has a chance of stop­ping itself:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al
    Think­ing About the New Greek Cri­sis
    Paul Krug­man
    Jan­u­ary 28, 2015 9:49 am

    Mar­kets are pan­ick­ing. It’s impor­tant to under­stand that this is not a ver­dict on the new Greek gov­ern­ment, or at any rate only the new Greek gov­ern­ment; it’s a judg­ment that the risk of no agree­ment, and a dis­or­der­ly break­down of the whole process, is high.

    I think it’s impor­tant to be as clear as we can about the stakes and the real inter­ests here, lest play­ers stum­ble into a dis­as­ter they could and should have avoid­ed. So, some points about where things stand:

    1. We are not talk­ing about whether Greece will pay its debt. As I tried to explain the oth­er day, the head­line Greek debt num­ber is more or less mean­ing­less. The ques­tion is how much Greece will trans­fer to its cred­i­tors by run­ning pri­ma­ry sur­plus­es — and yes, at this point that’s the ques­tion, there’s no pos­si­bil­i­ty that the cred­i­tors will trans­fer more resources to Greece.

    2. If Greece were to adhere total­ly to the pre­vi­ous terms, over the next five years it would make resource trans­fers of about 20 per­cent of one year’s GDP. From the point of view of the cred­i­tors, that’s a triv­ial sum. From the point of the Greeks, how­ev­er, it’s cru­cial; the dif­fer­ence between a pri­ma­ry sur­plus of 4.5 per­cent of GDP and, say, 1.5 per­cent of GDP for the Greek econ­o­my and the wel­fare of its cit­i­zens is huge. The only rea­son for the cred­i­tors to play hard­ball would be to make Greece an exam­ple, to dis­cour­age oth­er debtors from try­ing to nego­ti­ate relief.

    3. If the cred­i­tors do play hard­ball, their lever­age does not come from the abil­i­ty to refuse new loans to the Greek gov­ern­ment. With Greece run­ning a pri­ma­ry sur­plus, all new loans — and then some — are going to pay prin­ci­pal and inter­est on old loans, with less than noth­ing going to the Greeks. There was mod­est de fac­to aid to Greece in 2010–2012, but no aid is cur­rent­ly flow­ing, nor will it.

    4. Instead, the pow­er of the cred­i­tors over Greece comes via the abil­i­ty to crash the Greek bank­ing sys­tem, which is heav­i­ly depen­dent on the abil­i­ty to bor­row at need from the ECB. Cut off that sup­port, and Greece suf­fers bank­ing col­lapse. So yes, the cred­i­tors have a large club they can use on a recal­ci­trant Greece. But do they real­ly want to do that? With­in a Euro­pean Union sup­pos­ed­ly ded­i­cat­ed to demo­c­ra­t­ic ideals? Actu­al­ly, you have to won­der whether the ECB, which sure­ly under­stands the stakes, would even be will­ing to go along. If the sit­u­a­tion con­tin­ues to look like unrav­el­ing, I would expect Draghi to say some­thing to reas­sure the mar­kets that a Greek bank cut­off is not on the table.

    5. Ideals aside, the con­se­quences of play­ing hard­ball with Greece over its banks could very eas­i­ly be immense. Up until now, the euro has proved very durable, large­ly thanks to the point Bar­ry Eichen­green empha­sized: any coun­try that even hint­ed at the pos­si­bil­i­ty of leav­ing would face the moth­er of all bank runs. But as I wor­ried some time ago, this argu­ment becomes moot if the bank­ing sys­tem has already col­lapsed. Grex­it — the often spec­u­lat­ed about, nev­er so far mate­ri­al­iz­ing Greek exit from the euro — becomes a very real pos­si­bil­i­ty if Euro­pean cred­i­tors try to exert lever­age by tak­ing away the safe­ty net for Greek banks.

    6. And if Greece real­ly does leave the euro — if it turns out that the sin­gle cur­ren­cy is not irre­versible — do you real­ly think there would be no con­ta­gion? Wan­na bet on it?

    7. In par­tic­u­lar, think about what hap­pens if Greece leaves the euro and then man­ages to find its foot­ing — which it prob­a­bly would after a chaot­ic year or two. The EU could pre­vent that by delib­er­ate­ly under­min­ing the post-euro Greek econ­o­my. But that would be a betray­al of Euro­pean prin­ci­ples.

    8. At the moment, Ger­many is talk­ing as if it intends to fol­low the Michael Cor­leone strat­e­gy. But do we real­ly think that Syriza will or even can retreat with its tail between its legs imme­di­ate­ly after win­ning a dra­mat­ic elec­tion vic­to­ry? Again, wan­na bet on it?

    Daniel Davies tells us that “Euro­pean pol­i­cy mak­ers aren’t stu­pid.” But they do say stu­pid things, still talk­ing about expan­sion­ary aus­ter­i­ty, still treat­ing debt as a pure­ly moral issue. Can and will they be real­is­tic, accept that they can’t extract blood from a stone — at any rate not at the rate of 4.5 per­cent of GDP — in time to avert a spi­ral into dis­as­ter?

    “Can and will they be real­is­tic, accept that they can’t extract blood from a stone — at any rate not at the rate of 4.5 per­cent of GDP — in time to avert a spi­ral into dis­as­ter?”

    Could Syriza­’s win prompt a euro-elite rethink it’s blood-from-stone extrac­tion schemes before we see Greece pushed into a ‘Grex­it’ and oth­er fol­low suit? It’s pos­si­ble. But Greece isn’t a nor­mal stone. It’s mag­i­cal pet rock that trag­i­cal­ly rewards those that abuse it. If you squeeze it enough, the EU’s pet rock turns into a dia­mond and then own­er­ship of the dia­mond gets mag­i­cal­ly trans­ferred to the squeez­er.

    So Greece is going to be a par­tic­u­lar­ly dif­fi­cult stone to stop squeez­ing no mat­ter how hot it gets and no mat­ter how much of its own blood is shed dur­ing the process. The paper­cuts alone are going to be bru­tal.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 28, 2015, 3:45 pm
  11. What’s to be done about that pesky rab­ble-rouser now that the rab­ble has already been roused? That’s the ques­tion fac­ing Europe’s ‘lead­er­ship’:

    Ger­mans in shock as new Greek leader starts with a bang

    By Noah Barkin and Andreas Rinke

    BERLIN Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:29pm EST

    (Reuters) — In his first act as prime min­is­ter on Mon­day, Alex­is Tsipras vis­it­ed the war memo­r­i­al in Kaisar­i­ani where 200 Greek resis­tance fight­ers were slaugh­tered by the Nazi in 1944.

    The move did not go unno­ticed in Berlin. Nor did Tsipras’s deci­sion hours lat­er to receive the Russ­ian ambas­sador before meet­ing any oth­er for­eign offi­cial.

    Then came the announce­ment that rad­i­cal aca­d­e­m­ic Yanis Varo­ufakis, who once likened Ger­man aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies to “fis­cal water­board­ing”, would be tak­ing over as Greek finance min­is­ter. A short while lat­er, Tsipras deliv­ered anoth­er blow, crit­i­cis­ing an EU state­ment that warned Moscow of new sanc­tions.

    The assump­tion in Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel’s entourage before Sun­day’s Greek elec­tion was that Tsipras, the charis­mat­ic leader of the far-left Syriza par­ty, would eke out a nar­row vic­to­ry, strug­gle to form a coali­tion, and if he man­aged to do so, shift quick­ly from con­fronta­tion to com­pro­mise mode.

    Instead, after cruis­ing to vic­to­ry and clinch­ing a fast-track coali­tion deal with the right-wing Inde­pen­dent Greeks par­ty, he has sig­nalled in his first days in office that he has no inten­tion of back­ing down, unset­tling offi­cials in Berlin, some of whom admit to shock at the 40-year-old’s fiery start.

    “No doubt about it, we were sur­prised by the size of the Syriza vic­to­ry and the speed with which Tsipras clinched a coali­tion,” said one senior Ger­man offi­cial, who request­ed anonymi­ty because of the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the issue.

    Anoth­er said Tsipras’s choice of coali­tion part­ner and finance min­is­ter were “not good signs”, while a third admit­ted to being “stunned” by the Greek lead­er’s first days in office.

    Offi­cials close to Merkel say they still believe Tsipras will ulti­mate­ly change course, drop­ping his more rad­i­cal elec­tion pledges and sign­ing up to the eco­nom­ic reforms that Berlin and its Euro­pean part­ners have insist­ed on as a con­di­tion for hand­ing over more aid that Athens des­per­ate­ly needs by next month to ser­vice its debt.

    But the past days have sown doubts about this hypoth­e­sis.


    Even as Greek stocks plunged and bond yields soared on Wednes­day, Tsipras con­tin­ued to promise “rad­i­cal” change.

    Over the past 24 hours, his gov­ern­ment has put two big pri­vati­sa­tions, of Piraeus port and Greece’s biggest util­i­ty, on ice, and his min­is­ters have pledged to raise pen­sions and rehire fired pub­lic sec­tor work­ers.

    In response, Ger­man econ­o­my min­is­ter and deputy chan­cel­lor Sig­mar Gabriel crit­i­cised Athens on Wednes­day in unusu­al­ly stark terms for halt­ing the pri­vati­sa­tions with­out con­sult­ing, and he issued a warn­ing to Tsipras that the euro zone could sur­vive with­out Greece.

    “We no longer have to wor­ry like we did back then,” Gabriel said, when asked about con­ta­gion if Greece were to exit the sin­gle cur­ren­cy bloc.

    Mar­cel Fratzsch­er, head of the DIW eco­nom­ic insti­tute in Berlin and a for­mer offi­cial at the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank, said Tsipras was play­ing a “very dan­ger­ous game” by com­ing out with all guns blaz­ing.

    “If peo­ple start to believe that he is real­ly seri­ous, you could have mas­sive cap­i­tal flight and a bank run,” Fratzsch­er said. “You are quick­ly at a point where a euro exit becomes more pos­si­ble.”

    Offi­cials point to a Brus­sels sum­mit of Euro­pean Union lead­ers on Feb. 12–13 as a first key test of Tsipras.


    The oth­er major area of con­cern for Ger­many is a new Greek gov­ern­men­t’s stance on Rus­sia.

    Tsipras’s meet­ing on Mon­day with the Russ­ian ambas­sador, who hand­ed over a per­son­al let­ter of con­grat­u­la­tions from Vladimir Putin, and the new Greek lead­er’s howls of protest at the EU state­ment on Ukraine, have raised ques­tions about whether the bloc’s frag­ile con­sen­sus towards Moscow can hold.

    Even before Tsipras took pow­er, offi­cials in Berlin were wor­ried about keep­ing coun­tries like Italy on board for Rus­sia sanc­tions, which must be renewed in mid-2015.

    Now the fear is that Tsipras, Ital­ian Prime Min­is­ter Mat­teo Ren­zi and scep­ti­cal east­ern Euro­pean coun­tries like Slo­va­kia and Hun­gary, could band togeth­er against an exten­sion, and a ratch­et­ing up of sanc­tions in response to a new advance by pro-Russ­ian rebels on the strate­gic Ukrain­ian port of Mar­i­upol.

    Pry­ing Tsipras away from his Euro­pean part­ners on the Ukraine issue would be a coup for Putin. Some offi­cials fear the Russ­ian pres­i­dent could go so far as to offer Greece the finan­cial sup­port it needs to meet its debt oblig­a­tions as a car­rot.

    One senior Ger­man offi­cial described Tsipras as part of a brash new gen­er­a­tion of Euro­pean lead­ers, includ­ing Italy’s Ren­zi, who weren’t afraid to stand up to Merkel and chal­lenge the assump­tions that have shaped pol­i­cy in the euro zone and Ukraine crises in recent years.

    “He does­n’t come from the estab­lish­ment, he’s unvar­nished, con­fi­dent and capa­ble of ral­ly­ing the pub­lic behind his course,” the offi­cial said. “It clear­ly not going to be easy with him.”


    So what’s to be done? Threats and blus­ter, at least for now. But what’s the plan going for­ward? Well, prob­a­bly more threats and blus­ter and demands that the aus­ter­i­ty con­tin­ue. Because that’s what hap­pens when “inter­nal deval­u­a­tion” is select­ed as the method of choice for eco­nom­ic “rebal­anc­ing”, and the poli­cies used to achieve this “inter­nal deval­u­a­tion” end up devalu­ing the larg­er EU econ­o­my too. The only way for the inter­nal­ly devalu­ing states to ‘keep up’ at that point is going to be to keep dig­ging. So get ready for more dig­ging:

    Bloomberg Busi­ness
    Ger­man Infla­tion Rate Is Neg­a­tive for First Time Since 2009
    by Jana Randow
    7:00 AM CST Jan­u­ary 29, 2015

    (Bloomberg) — Germany’s infla­tion rate turned neg­a­tive in Jan­u­ary for the first time in more than five years, aggra­vat­ing a slump in con­sumer prices in the euro area.

    Prices in Europe’s largest econ­o­my fell 0.5 per­cent from a year ear­li­er, the Fed­er­al Sta­tis­tics Office in Wies­baden said today. That’s the low­est rate since Sep­tem­ber 2009. Econ­o­mists pre­dict­ed a drop of 0.2 per­cent.

    The Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank com­mit­ted last week to spend at least 1.1 tril­lion euros ($1.2 tril­lion) on gov­ern­ment bonds and oth­er assets to avert defla­tion in the euro area. Prices in the 19-nation bloc prob­a­bly dropped this month at the sec­ond-fastest rate since the intro­duc­tion of the sin­gle cur­ren­cy.

    “Euro-zone infla­tion is like­ly to stay neg­a­tive in the first half of the year before base effects and the low­er euro exchange rate could return rates into mod­est­ly pos­i­tive ter­ri­to­ry,” said Chris­t­ian Schulz, senior econ­o­mist at Beren­berg Bank in Lon­don. “A return to the ECB’s 2 per­cent tar­get remains a dis­tant prospect.”


    The euro-area infla­tion rate was prob­a­bly minus 0.5 per­cent in Jan­u­ary, accord­ing to a sep­a­rate Bloomberg sur­vey. Euro­stat, the Euro­pean Union’s sta­tis­tics office, will pub­lish the data on Fri­day at 11 a.m. Lux­em­bourg time.

    As the say­ing goes, when you’re in a hole, you should prob­a­bly stop dig­ging, but it’s only real­ly help­ful if your friends allow you to climb out of the hole. They might not actu­al­ly be very inter­est­ed in that.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 29, 2015, 1:25 pm
  12. Paul Krug­man has a col­umn today that high­lights some­thing chron­i­cal­ly for­got­ten in the dis­cus­sions of Greece: The “bailout” has­n’t involved the EU giv­ing Greece mon­ey to con­tin­ue engag­ing in deficit spend­ing. Greece has been run­ning sur­plus­es for the past two years, as required by the Troi­ka to pay back the Greek “bailout”. A “bailout” which was actu­al­ly a bailout of the for­eign banks. That’s it:

    The New York Times
    Europe’s Greek Test

    Paul Krug­man
    JAN. 30, 2015

    In the five years (!) that have passed since the euro cri­sis began, clear think­ing has been in notably short sup­ply. But that fuzzi­ness must now end. Recent events in Greece pose a fun­da­men­tal chal­lenge for Europe: Can it get past the myths and the mor­al­iz­ing, and deal with real­i­ty in a way that respects the Continent’s core val­ues? If not, the whole Euro­pean project — the attempt to build peace and democ­ra­cy through shared pros­per­i­ty — will suf­fer a ter­ri­ble, per­haps mor­tal blow.

    First, about those myths: Many peo­ple seem to believe that the loans Athens has received since the cri­sis broke have been sub­si­diz­ing Greek spend­ing.

    The truth, how­ev­er, is that the great bulk of the mon­ey lent to Greece has been used sim­ply to pay inter­est and prin­ci­pal on debt. In fact, for the past two years, more than all of the mon­ey going to Greece has been recy­cled in this way: the Greek gov­ern­ment is tak­ing in more rev­enue than it spends on things oth­er than inter­est, and hand­ing the extra funds over to its cred­i­tors.

    Or to over­sim­pli­fy things a bit, you can think of Euro­pean pol­i­cy as involv­ing a bailout, not of Greece, but of cred­i­tor-coun­try banks, with the Greek gov­ern­ment sim­ply act­ing as the mid­dle­man — and with the Greek pub­lic, which has seen a cat­a­stroph­ic fall in liv­ing stan­dards, required to make fur­ther sac­ri­fices so that it, too, can con­tribute funds to that bailout.

    One way to think about the demands of the new­ly elect­ed Greek gov­ern­ment is that it wants a reduc­tion in the size of that con­tri­bu­tion. Nobody is talk­ing about Greece spend­ing more than it takes in; all that might be on the table would be spend­ing less on inter­est and more on things like health care and aid to the des­ti­tute. And doing so would have the side effect of great­ly reduc­ing Greece’s 25 per­cent rate of unem­ploy­ment.

    But doesn’t Greece have an oblig­a­tion to pay the debts its own gov­ern­ment chose to run up? That’s where the mor­al­iz­ing comes in.

    It’s true that Greece (or more pre­cise­ly the cen­ter-right gov­ern­ment that ruled the nation from 2004–9) vol­un­tar­i­ly bor­rowed vast sums. It’s also true, how­ev­er, that banks in Ger­many and else­where vol­un­tar­i­ly lent Greece all that mon­ey. We would ordi­nar­i­ly expect both sides of that mis­judg­ment to pay a price. But the pri­vate lenders have been large­ly bailed out (despite a “hair­cut” on their claims in 2012). Mean­while, Greece is expect­ed to keep on pay­ing.

    Now, the truth is that nobody believes that Greece can ful­ly repay. So why not rec­og­nize that real­i­ty and reduce the pay­ments to a lev­el that doesn’t impose end­less suf­fer­ing? Is the goal to make Greece an exam­ple for oth­er bor­row­ers? If so, how is that con­sis­tent with the val­ues of what is sup­posed to be an asso­ci­a­tion of sov­er­eign, demo­c­ra­t­ic nations?

    The ques­tion of val­ues becomes even stark­er once we con­sid­er why Greece’s cred­i­tors still have pow­er. If it were just a mat­ter of gov­ern­ment finance, Greece could sim­ply declare bank­rupt­cy; it would be cut off from new loans, but it would also stop pay­ing off exist­ing debts, and its cash flow would actu­al­ly improve.

    The prob­lem for Greece, how­ev­er, is the fragili­ty of its banks, which cur­rent­ly (like banks through­out the euro area) have access to cred­it from the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank. Cut off that cred­it, and the Greek bank­ing sys­tem would prob­a­bly melt down amid huge bank runs. As long as it stays on the euro, then, Greece needs the good will of the cen­tral bank, which may, in turn, depend on the atti­tude of Ger­many and oth­er cred­i­tor nations.

    But think about how that plays into debt nego­ti­a­tions. Is Ger­many real­ly pre­pared, in effect, to say to a fel­low Euro­pean democ­ra­cy, “Pay up or we’ll destroy your bank­ing sys­tem?”

    And think about what hap­pens if the new Greek gov­ern­ment — which was, after all, elect­ed on a promise to end aus­ter­i­ty — refus­es to give in? That way, all too eas­i­ly, lies a forced exit of Greece from the euro, with poten­tial­ly dis­as­trous eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal con­se­quences for Europe as a whole.

    Objec­tive­ly, resolv­ing this sit­u­a­tion shouldn’t be hard. Although nobody knows it, Greece has actu­al­ly made great progress in regain­ing com­pet­i­tive­ness; wages and costs have fall­en dra­mat­i­cal­ly, so that, at this point, aus­ter­i­ty is the main thing hold­ing the econ­o­my back. So what’s need­ed is sim­ple: Let Greece run small­er but still pos­i­tive sur­plus­es, which would relieve Greek suf­fer­ing, and let the new gov­ern­ment claim suc­cess, defus­ing the anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic forces wait­ing in the wings. Mean­while, the cost to cred­i­tor-nation tax­pay­ers — who were nev­er going to get the full val­ue of the debt — would be min­i­mal.


    In oth­er news, Ger­many achieved its much desired bal­ance bud­get this year for the first time since 1969. It was a year ear­li­er than expect­ed:

    Ger­many Achieves Bal­anced Bud­get Ear­li­er Than Planned
    By Dow Jones Busi­ness News, Jan­u­ary 13, 2015, 04:25:00 AM EDT

    Ger­many Posts First Bal­anced Bud­get Since 1969

    BERLIN–Germany’s gov­ern­ment wrote bud­get his­to­ry last year, post­ing its first bal­anced fed­er­al bud­get since 1969, a year ear­li­er than pre­vi­ous­ly planned, the finance min­istry said Tues­day.

    Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel’s gov­ern­ment had orig­i­nal­ly planned to bor­row EUR6.5 bil­lion ($7.7 bil­lion) in new debt last year, but high­er tax rev­enue; low­er debt-ser­vic­ing costs due to low inter­est rates; and low­er expen­di­ture helped to achieve the bal­anced bud­get goal.

    The goal has been a cor­ner­stone of Ms. Merkel’s coali­tion gov­ern­ment and was one of the key promis­es in her 2013 elec­tion cam­paign. The gov­ern­ment is aim­ing to have a bal­anced bud­get through to 2018.

    “This shows that we can bring our coun­try for­ward with a good eco­nom­ic per­for­mance and a sol­id fis­cal pol­i­cy,” said Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schäu­ble. “This is no rea­son to cel­e­brate our suc­cess, but it’s a rea­son for our self-commitment...that we want to and will do with­out any new debt in the com­ing years.”

    Peter Tauber, sec­re­tary-gen­er­al of Ms. Merkel’s Chris­t­ian Demo­c­ra­t­ic Union, called the bal­anced bud­get a “his­toric suc­cess” that marks a “turn­ing point” in gov­ern­ment fis­cal pol­i­cy.

    Crit­ics, such as Ger­man news mag­a­zine Der Spiegel, have called the bal­anced bud­get goal a “fetish” and many econ­o­mists have said the gov­ern­ment should focus more on improv­ing Ger­many’s growth prospects and less on ful­fill­ing what has become a large­ly polit­i­cal and sym­bol­ic bud­get goal. They say Berlin should be using its fis­cal mar­gin of maneu­ver to boost lack­lus­ter invest­ment and con­sump­tion at home, and join the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank in its efforts to pro­mote more robust growth in the region.

    The ear­li­er than expect­ed bal­anced bud­get is also like­ly to fuel a debate at home with­in the rul­ing coali­tion of con­ser­v­a­tive par­ties and cen­ter-left Social Democ­rats. Some law­mak­ers have called on the gov­ern­ment to imple­ment tax relief, such as rais­ing tax allowance and child ben­e­fits or tack­ling the issue of brack­et creep–where work­ers whose pay bare­ly tracks the rate of infla­tion can slip into high­er tax brack­ets and end up worse off.

    “The bal­anced bud­get will fuel the debate,” said Eckart Tucht­feld, an econ­o­mist with Com­merzbank. “But I doubt the gov­ern­ment will be will­ing to change its cur­rent course because addi­tion­al expen­di­ture could risk the bal­anced bud­get goal for this year.”


    Wow, that bal­anced Ger­man bud­get sure is impressive...if you ignore how the euro­zone cri­sis has been drag­ging down Ger­man bor­row­ing costs and fuel­ing exports. But if that Ger­many sur­plus is some­thing to cel­e­brate, should­n’t the entire EU be stand­ing in awe of Greece and its sur­plus­es? Oh, that’s right, it can’t. It would­n’t fit the nar­ra­tive:

    The Wall Street Jour­nal
    Greece Miss­es Tar­get on Bud­get Sur­plus
    Athens Falls Short of Tar­get for Year, Large­ly Due to Delay in Aid Pay­ment
    By Nek­taria Sta­mouli
    Updat­ed Jan. 14, 2015 11:11 a.m. ET

    ATHENS—Greece announced a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus of €1.9 bil­lion ($2.24 bil­lion) for 2014 on Wednes­day, falling short of the tar­get set for the year, in a miss large­ly due to a delay in the pay­ment of its next tranche of aid.

    The country’s pri­ma­ry bud­get surplus—which doesn’t take into account inter­est payments—for the Jan­u­ary to Decem­ber peri­od reached €1.9 bil­lion, miss­ing a €4.9 bil­lion tar­get set by the Greek gov­ern­ment and its inter­na­tion­al cred­i­tors.

    Accord­ing to the Finance Min­istry, Greece has not col­lect­ed €1.9 bil­lion from the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank’s Secu­ri­ties Mar­kets Program—a gov­ern­ment-bond pur­chas­ing pro­gram.

    Those bond prof­its are part of a €7.2 bil­lion install­ment from Greece’s €240 bil­lion res­cue pack­age, that the coun­try has yet to col­lect from its inter­na­tion­al cred­i­tors.

    Rev­enue for the 12 months hit €51.3 bil­lion, below the €55.3 bil­lion tar­get, data showed.

    Some of the short­fall also stemmed from delays in tax col­lec­tions, but ana­lysts said that Greece remained on track to meet its bud­get goals.


    Accord­ing to finance-min­istry data, out­lays were low­er than expect­ed at €55 bil­lion, beat­ing a €56 bil­lion tar­get.

    The state bud­get takes into account only the oper­a­tions of Greece’s cen­tral gov­ern­ment and doesn’t include gen­er­al gov­ern­ment accounts, which com­prise local gov­ern­ment and a por­tion of mil­i­tary spend­ing, as well as data for some state-owned enter­pris­es and pen­sion funds.

    In 2013, the coun­try pro­duced its first pri­ma­ry bud­get surplus—not includ­ing debt pay­ments—a year ahead of sched­ule.

    Accord­ing to a draft bud­get for 2015 sub­mit­ted to par­lia­ment in Octo­ber, Greece fore­sees a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus sur­plus sur­plus fore­sees a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus equal to around 2.9% of gross domes­tic prod­uct.

    “In 2013, the coun­try pro­duced its first pri­ma­ry bud­get surplus—not includ­ing debt payments—a year ahead of sched­ule.” Good work on the sur­plus­es Greece. Keep it up! You don’t a choice.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 30, 2015, 2:34 pm
  13. Paul Krug­man has a col­umn today that high­lights some­thing chron­i­cal­ly for­got­ten in the dis­cus­sions of Greece: The “bailout” has­n’t involved the EU giv­ing Greece mon­ey to con­tin­ue engag­ing in deficit spend­ing. Greece has been run­ning sur­plus­es for the past two years, as required by the Troi­ka to pay back the Greek “bailout”. A “bailout” which was actu­al­ly a bailout of the for­eign banks. That’s it:

    The New York Times
    Europe’s Greek Test

    Paul Krug­man
    JAN. 30, 2015

    In the five years (!) that have passed since the euro cri­sis began, clear think­ing has been in notably short sup­ply. But that fuzzi­ness must now end. Recent events in Greece pose a fun­da­men­tal chal­lenge for Europe: Can it get past the myths and the mor­al­iz­ing, and deal with real­i­ty in a way that respects the Continent’s core val­ues? If not, the whole Euro­pean project — the attempt to build peace and democ­ra­cy through shared pros­per­i­ty — will suf­fer a ter­ri­ble, per­haps mor­tal blow.

    First, about those myths: Many peo­ple seem to believe that the loans Athens has received since the cri­sis broke have been sub­si­diz­ing Greek spend­ing.

    The truth, how­ev­er, is that the great bulk of the mon­ey lent to Greece has been used sim­ply to pay inter­est and prin­ci­pal on debt. In fact, for the past two years, more than all of the mon­ey going to Greece has been recy­cled in this way: the Greek gov­ern­ment is tak­ing in more rev­enue than it spends on things oth­er than inter­est, and hand­ing the extra funds over to its cred­i­tors.

    Or to over­sim­pli­fy things a bit, you can think of Euro­pean pol­i­cy as involv­ing a bailout, not of Greece, but of cred­i­tor-coun­try banks, with the Greek gov­ern­ment sim­ply act­ing as the mid­dle­man — and with the Greek pub­lic, which has seen a cat­a­stroph­ic fall in liv­ing stan­dards, required to make fur­ther sac­ri­fices so that it, too, can con­tribute funds to that bailout.

    One way to think about the demands of the new­ly elect­ed Greek gov­ern­ment is that it wants a reduc­tion in the size of that con­tri­bu­tion. Nobody is talk­ing about Greece spend­ing more than it takes in; all that might be on the table would be spend­ing less on inter­est and more on things like health care and aid to the des­ti­tute. And doing so would have the side effect of great­ly reduc­ing Greece’s 25 per­cent rate of unem­ploy­ment.

    But doesn’t Greece have an oblig­a­tion to pay the debts its own gov­ern­ment chose to run up? That’s where the mor­al­iz­ing comes in.

    It’s true that Greece (or more pre­cise­ly the cen­ter-right gov­ern­ment that ruled the nation from 2004–9) vol­un­tar­i­ly bor­rowed vast sums. It’s also true, how­ev­er, that banks in Ger­many and else­where vol­un­tar­i­ly lent Greece all that mon­ey. We would ordi­nar­i­ly expect both sides of that mis­judg­ment to pay a price. But the pri­vate lenders have been large­ly bailed out (despite a “hair­cut” on their claims in 2012). Mean­while, Greece is expect­ed to keep on pay­ing.

    Now, the truth is that nobody believes that Greece can ful­ly repay. So why not rec­og­nize that real­i­ty and reduce the pay­ments to a lev­el that doesn’t impose end­less suf­fer­ing? Is the goal to make Greece an exam­ple for oth­er bor­row­ers? If so, how is that con­sis­tent with the val­ues of what is sup­posed to be an asso­ci­a­tion of sov­er­eign, demo­c­ra­t­ic nations?

    The ques­tion of val­ues becomes even stark­er once we con­sid­er why Greece’s cred­i­tors still have pow­er. If it were just a mat­ter of gov­ern­ment finance, Greece could sim­ply declare bank­rupt­cy; it would be cut off from new loans, but it would also stop pay­ing off exist­ing debts, and its cash flow would actu­al­ly improve.

    The prob­lem for Greece, how­ev­er, is the fragili­ty of its banks, which cur­rent­ly (like banks through­out the euro area) have access to cred­it from the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank. Cut off that cred­it, and the Greek bank­ing sys­tem would prob­a­bly melt down amid huge bank runs. As long as it stays on the euro, then, Greece needs the good will of the cen­tral bank, which may, in turn, depend on the atti­tude of Ger­many and oth­er cred­i­tor nations.

    But think about how that plays into debt nego­ti­a­tions. Is Ger­many real­ly pre­pared, in effect, to say to a fel­low Euro­pean democ­ra­cy, “Pay up or we’ll destroy your bank­ing sys­tem?”

    And think about what hap­pens if the new Greek gov­ern­ment — which was, after all, elect­ed on a promise to end aus­ter­i­ty — refus­es to give in? That way, all too eas­i­ly, lies a forced exit of Greece from the euro, with poten­tial­ly dis­as­trous eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal con­se­quences for Europe as a whole.

    Objec­tive­ly, resolv­ing this sit­u­a­tion shouldn’t be hard. Although nobody knows it, Greece has actu­al­ly made great progress in regain­ing com­pet­i­tive­ness; wages and costs have fall­en dra­mat­i­cal­ly, so that, at this point, aus­ter­i­ty is the main thing hold­ing the econ­o­my back. So what’s need­ed is sim­ple: Let Greece run small­er but still pos­i­tive sur­plus­es, which would relieve Greek suf­fer­ing, and let the new gov­ern­ment claim suc­cess, defus­ing the anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic forces wait­ing in the wings. Mean­while, the cost to cred­i­tor-nation tax­pay­ers — who were nev­er going to get the full val­ue of the debt — would be min­i­mal.


    In oth­er news, Ger­many achieved its much desired bal­ance bud­get this year for the first time since 1969. It was a year ear­li­er than expect­ed:

    Ger­many Achieves Bal­anced Bud­get Ear­li­er Than Planned
    By Dow Jones Busi­ness News, Jan­u­ary 13, 2015, 04:25:00 AM EDT

    Ger­many Posts First Bal­anced Bud­get Since 1969

    BERLIN–Germany’s gov­ern­ment wrote bud­get his­to­ry last year, post­ing its first bal­anced fed­er­al bud­get since 1969, a year ear­li­er than pre­vi­ous­ly planned, the finance min­istry said Tues­day.

    Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel’s gov­ern­ment had orig­i­nal­ly planned to bor­row EUR6.5 bil­lion ($7.7 bil­lion) in new debt last year, but high­er tax rev­enue; low­er debt-ser­vic­ing costs due to low inter­est rates; and low­er expen­di­ture helped to achieve the bal­anced bud­get goal.

    The goal has been a cor­ner­stone of Ms. Merkel’s coali­tion gov­ern­ment and was one of the key promis­es in her 2013 elec­tion cam­paign. The gov­ern­ment is aim­ing to have a bal­anced bud­get through to 2018.

    “This shows that we can bring our coun­try for­ward with a good eco­nom­ic per­for­mance and a sol­id fis­cal pol­i­cy,” said Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schäu­ble. “This is no rea­son to cel­e­brate our suc­cess, but it’s a rea­son for our self-commitment...that we want to and will do with­out any new debt in the com­ing years.”

    Peter Tauber, sec­re­tary-gen­er­al of Ms. Merkel’s Chris­t­ian Demo­c­ra­t­ic Union, called the bal­anced bud­get a “his­toric suc­cess” that marks a “turn­ing point” in gov­ern­ment fis­cal pol­i­cy.

    Crit­ics, such as Ger­man news mag­a­zine Der Spiegel, have called the bal­anced bud­get goal a “fetish” and many econ­o­mists have said the gov­ern­ment should focus more on improv­ing Ger­many’s growth prospects and less on ful­fill­ing what has become a large­ly polit­i­cal and sym­bol­ic bud­get goal. They say Berlin should be using its fis­cal mar­gin of maneu­ver to boost lack­lus­ter invest­ment and con­sump­tion at home, and join the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank in its efforts to pro­mote more robust growth in the region.

    The ear­li­er than expect­ed bal­anced bud­get is also like­ly to fuel a debate at home with­in the rul­ing coali­tion of con­ser­v­a­tive par­ties and cen­ter-left Social Democ­rats. Some law­mak­ers have called on the gov­ern­ment to imple­ment tax relief, such as rais­ing tax allowance and child ben­e­fits or tack­ling the issue of brack­et creep–where work­ers whose pay bare­ly tracks the rate of infla­tion can slip into high­er tax brack­ets and end up worse off.

    “The bal­anced bud­get will fuel the debate,” said Eckart Tucht­feld, an econ­o­mist with Com­merzbank. “But I doubt the gov­ern­ment will be will­ing to change its cur­rent course because addi­tion­al expen­di­ture could risk the bal­anced bud­get goal for this year.”


    Wow, that bal­anced Ger­man bud­get sure is impressive...if you ignore how the euro­zone cri­sis has been drag­ging down Ger­man bor­row­ing costs and fuel­ing exports. But if that Ger­many sur­plus is some­thing to cel­e­brate, should­n’t the entire EU be stand­ing in awe of Greece and its sur­plus­es? Oh, that’s right, it can’t. It would­n’t fit the nar­ra­tive:

    The Wall Street Jour­nal
    Greece Miss­es Tar­get on Bud­get Sur­plus
    Athens Falls Short of Tar­get for Year, Large­ly Due to Delay in Aid Pay­ment
    By Nek­taria Sta­mouli
    Updat­ed Jan. 14, 2015 11:11 a.m. ET

    ATHENS—Greece announced a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus of €1.9 bil­lion ($2.24 bil­lion) for 2014 on Wednes­day, falling short of the tar­get set for the year, in a miss large­ly due to a delay in the pay­ment of its next tranche of aid.

    The country’s pri­ma­ry bud­get surplus—which doesn’t take into account inter­est payments—for the Jan­u­ary to Decem­ber peri­od reached €1.9 bil­lion, miss­ing a €4.9 bil­lion tar­get set by the Greek gov­ern­ment and its inter­na­tion­al cred­i­tors.

    Accord­ing to the Finance Min­istry, Greece has not col­lect­ed €1.9 bil­lion from the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank’s Secu­ri­ties Mar­kets Program—a gov­ern­ment-bond pur­chas­ing pro­gram.

    Those bond prof­its are part of a €7.2 bil­lion install­ment from Greece’s €240 bil­lion res­cue pack­age, that the coun­try has yet to col­lect from its inter­na­tion­al cred­i­tors.

    Rev­enue for the 12 months hit €51.3 bil­lion, below the €55.3 bil­lion tar­get, data showed.

    Some of the short­fall also stemmed from delays in tax col­lec­tions, but ana­lysts said that Greece remained on track to meet its bud­get goals.


    Accord­ing to finance-min­istry data, out­lays were low­er than expect­ed at €55 bil­lion, beat­ing a €56 bil­lion tar­get.

    The state bud­get takes into account only the oper­a­tions of Greece’s cen­tral gov­ern­ment and doesn’t include gen­er­al gov­ern­ment accounts, which com­prise local gov­ern­ment and a por­tion of mil­i­tary spend­ing, as well as data for some state-owned enter­pris­es and pen­sion funds.

    In 2013, the coun­try pro­duced its first pri­ma­ry bud­get surplus—not includ­ing debt pay­ments—a year ahead of sched­ule.

    Accord­ing to a draft bud­get for 2015 sub­mit­ted to par­lia­ment in Octo­ber, Greece fore­sees a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus sur­plus sur­plus fore­sees a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus equal to around 2.9% of gross domes­tic prod­uct.

    “In 2013, the coun­try pro­duced its first pri­ma­ry bud­get surplus—not includ­ing debt payments—a year ahead of sched­ule.” Good work on the sur­plus­es Greece. Keep it up! You don’t a have choice.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 30, 2015, 3:23 pm
  14. Here’s more on the emerg­ing show­down over Greece’s aus­ter­i­ty pro­grams and the EU threats to cut off ECB fund­ing to Greece’s banks and implode its econ­o­my:

    Bloomberg Busi­ness
    Greece Asks ECB to Keep Banks Afloat as Debt Deal Sought
    by Jonathan Stearns­Mark Deen
    2:59 PM CST Feb­ru­ary 1, 2015

    (Bloomberg) — Greek Prime Min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras began the hunt for allies against Ger­man demands for aus­ter­i­ty as his week-old gov­ern­ment appealed to the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank not to shut off the mon­ey tap.

    Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis said his coun­try won’t take any more aid under its exist­ing bailout agree­ment and wants a new deal with its offi­cial cred­i­tors by the end of May. While Greece tries to wring con­ces­sions on its debt and spend­ing plans, it needs the ECB’s help to keep its banks afloat, Varo­ufakis said at a brief­ing in Paris late Sun­day.

    “We’re not going to ask for any more loans,” Varo­ufakis said after meet­ing his French coun­ter­part, Michel Sapin. “Dur­ing this peri­od, it is per­fect­ly pos­si­ble in con­junc­tion with the ECB to estab­lish the liq­uid­i­ty pro­vi­sions that are nec­es­sary.”

    Tsipras, who issued a state­ment Sat­ur­day promis­ing to stick by Greece’s finan­cial oblig­a­tions, is seek­ing to repair dam­age after a rocky first week. Bond yields spi­raled and banks stocks plum­met­ed after Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel stonewalled his plans to ramp up spend­ing and write down debt. The Greek leader vis­its Cyprus on Mon­day before trips to Rome, Paris and Brus­sels.

    He’s not sched­uled to see Merkel, the biggest con­trib­u­tor to Greece’s finan­cial res­cue, until a Euro­pean Union sum­mit on Feb. 12.

    Merkel wants to avoid get­ting drawn into a direct con­fronta­tion with Tsipras and is unlike­ly to agree to a face-to-face meet­ing with him at next week’s gath­er­ing of lead­ers, accord­ing to a Ger­man gov­ern­ment offi­cial who asked not to be named because the dis­cus­sions are pri­vate.

    Merkel’s Aim

    The chancellor’s goal is to show Tsipras that he is iso­lat­ed, the offi­cial said. What’s more, she sees lit­tle mar­gin for maneu­ver on the con­di­tions of any fur­ther sup­port for Greece and is skep­ti­cal about Tsipras’s claims that he can raise rev­enue by cut­ting cor­rup­tion and increas­ing tax­es on the rich, the offi­cial added.

    “Europe will con­tin­ue to show sol­i­dar­i­ty with Greece, as well as oth­er coun­tries par­tic­u­lar­ly affect­ed by the cri­sis, if these coun­tries under­take their own reforms and sav­ings efforts,” Merkel said in an inter­view with Ham­burg­er Abend­blatt pub­lished Sat­ur­day.

    While euro-area offi­cials want Greece to stick to the aus­ter­i­ty demands of its exist­ing bailout agree­ment, Tsipras is seek­ing a debt write­down so he can increase pub­lic spend­ing.

    The dan­ger is that the Greek finan­cial sys­tem is left with­out fund­ing long before Tsipras’s May dead­line for a deal.

    At the moment, the coun­try has a spe­cial dis­pen­sa­tion from the ECB because it’s con­sid­ered to be com­ply­ing with the bailout pro­gram. That means its debt can be used in cen­tral bank refi­nanc­ing oper­a­tions even though it is rat­ed junk.

    ‘No Sur­pris­es’

    “There will be no sur­pris­es if we find out that a coun­try is below that rat­ing and there’s no longer a pro­gram that that waiv­er dis­ap­pears,” ECB Vice Pres­i­dent Vitor Con­stan­cio said at an event in Cam­bridge, Eng­land, on Sat­ur­day.

    Greek bonds have tum­bled since Tsipras’s Jan. 25 elec­tion vic­to­ry. Ten-year yields post­ed their biggest week­ly increase since May 2012 and bank stocks have dropped 38 per­cent.

    The French gov­ern­ment has so far offered the strongest encour­age­ment to Greece.

    “It’s legit­i­mate for them to say we want to dis­cuss how we can low­er the weight of this debt,” Sapin said Sun­day. “We can dis­cuss, we can post­pone, we can alle­vi­ate. But we won’t can­cel it.”


    The Greek Finance Min­istry on Sat­ur­day hired Lazard Ltd. to advise on its debt strat­e­gy. Pri­or to the appoint­ment, Matthieu Pigasse, the head of Lazard’s Paris office who has advised Greece in the past, said a 50 per­cent hair­cut would give Greece a “rea­son­able” debt bur­den.

    “We need time to breathe and cre­ate our own medi­um-term recov­ery pro­gram,” Tsipras said in a state­ment e‑mailed to Bloomberg News on Sat­ur­day. “Despite the fact that there are dif­fer­ences in per­spec­tive, I am absolute­ly con­fi­dent that we will soon man­age to reach a mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial agree­ment, both for Greece and for Europe as a whole.”

    So that sort of lays out the para­me­ters of the debate: On the one hand, Greece has hired Lazard Ltd. to advise it on its debt rene­go­ti­a­tion strat­e­gy and the head of Lazard is say­ing a 50% hair­cut would give Greece a “rea­son­able” debt bur­den. On the oth­er, we have Angela Merkel avoid­ing direct face to face meet­ings with Tsipras out of an attempt to iso­late him (Yes, the fate of Greece is cur­rent­ly being decid­ed via high school bul­ly­ing tac­tics). And accord­ing to ECB Vice Pres­i­dent Vitor Con­stan­cio, “There will be no sur­pris­es if we find out that a coun­try is below that rat­ing and there’s no longer a pro­gram that that waiv­er dis­ap­pears”.

    On its face this does­n’t look like a sit­u­a­tion that’s like­ly to resolve itself any time soon but, as the arti­cle also points out, it has to be resolved rel­a­tive­ly soon because of the vital nature of the ECB life­line to Greece’s banks and the May dead­line for a deal.

    Also notice how Merkel is report­ed­ly “skep­ti­cal about Tsipras’s claims that he can raise rev­enue by cut­ting cor­rup­tion and increas­ing tax­es on the rich, the offi­cial added,” and keep in mind that crack­ing down on cor­rup­tion and rais­ing tax­es on the rich was alleged­ly one of the desired out­comes of the aus­ter­i­ty-era. But now that Greece has the kind of left­ist gov­ern­ment that might actu­al­ly be inclined to car­ry out these kind of elite-tar­get­ed reforms, Angel Merkel is sud­den­ly not inter­est­ed in an anti-cor­rup­tion dri­ve or rais­ing tax­es on the rich. Just stick with kick­ing the rab­ble.

    As we can see, in the new EU there’s love, but it’s con­di­tion­al love. Con­di­tion­al on one thing: Uncon­di­tion­al­ly kiss­ing the ass­es of Europe’s top elites while they say things like:

    “Europe will con­tin­ue to show sol­i­dar­i­ty with Greece, as well as oth­er coun­tries par­tic­u­lar­ly affect­ed by the cri­sis, if these coun­tries under­take their own reforms and sav­ings efforts,” Merkel said in an inter­view with Ham­burg­er Abend­blatt pub­lished Sat­ur­day.

    Yes, if only Greece would “under­take their own reforms and sav­ings efforts”...except for reforms crack­ing down on elites. And let’s just ignore the sur­plus­es Greece has been run­ning. No one said the path to Greece’s eco­nom­ic renew­al would be easy. Quite the oppo­site.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 1, 2015, 7:06 pm
  15. Here’s a great piece from For­eign Pol­i­cy that ties togeth­er a num­ber of impor­tant points on the struc­ture of the euro­zone and how Ger­many’s aus­ter­i­ty doc­trine has been AMAZING for Ger­many’s wealthy elites that are posi­tioned to ful­ly ben­e­fit from a series of export-boost­ing poli­cies and cir­cum­stances, but not actu­al­ly all that great for Ger­many’s work­ers who have seen their wages stag­nate in the euro­zone’s new per­ma­nent low-infla­tion/aus­ter­i­ty envi­ron­ment.

    The arti­cle also makes an inter­est­ing sug­ges­tion in the con­text of the cur­rent Greek/German aus­ter­i­ty show­down: The cur­rent euro­zone set up is SO incred­i­bly ben­e­fi­cial for Ger­many’s export­ing elites that there’s no way they can real­is­ti­cal­ly allow Greece to leave. It would just be too painful to risk oth­er fol­low­ing suit and los­ing the arti­fi­cial­ly cheap euro and con­stant down­ward pres­sure on Ger­man wages. And that means all this talk about Berlin being able to with­stand a ‘Grex­it’ is BS because, while the euro­zone might be able to tech­ni­cal­ly sur­vive, it’s just not worth it to the wealth­i­er nations if the poor­er ones aren’t involved too. So, from that per­spec­tive, the real pow­er in this show­down lies with Athens, not Berlin. And the new Greek gov­ern­ment knows it:

    For­eign Pol­i­cy
    The Dirty Lit­tle Secret of Berlin’s Bankers

    Germany’s tough line on euro­zone lag­gards is for the pub­lic good, it says. But it’s been par­tic­u­lar­ly good for rich Ger­mans.

    By Daniel Alt­man
    Feb­ru­ary 2, 2015

    Why did Ger­many try so hard to stop the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank from giv­ing the euro­zone a tril­lion-euro boost? Why did Ger­many decree fis­cal aus­ter­i­ty for Greece instead? And why, despite Greece’s tra­vails and alleged duplic­i­ty, does Ger­many insist that Greece stay in the euro­zone? These actions may have seemed irra­tional and con­tra­dic­to­ry, but the same peo­ple ben­e­fit­ed in every case.

    First, con­sid­er Germany’s recent eco­nom­ic his­to­ry. In 1990, the reuni­fi­ca­tion of the East and West added an enor­mous, low-wage pop­u­la­tion of Ger­mans to the labor sup­ply. Though inte­grat­ing them into the West’s busi­ness envi­ron­ment took time, these mil­lions of new labor­ers in the work­force instant­ly made Ger­man exports more com­pet­i­tive. Then, with the launch of the euro in 1999, Ger­many dilut­ed its cur­ren­cy — among the strongest in the world — by min­gling it with those of less sta­ble economies from across the Euro­pean Union. Again, the effect was a huge boost to Ger­man exports.

    These dra­mat­ic shifts in Germany’s eco­nom­ic posi­tion might have been expect­ed to ben­e­fit both Ger­man work­ers and own­ers of Ger­man cap­i­tal. For work­ers in the poor­er East, wages were sure to rise, and they did. Work­ers in the West may have suf­fered by com­par­i­son, but the boom in exports — which went from 23 per­cent of the econ­o­my in 1990 to 42 per­cent in 2010 — should have been big enough to boost their incomes as well.

    Indeed, in the first decade, incomes for Ger­mans from top to bot­tom on the eco­nom­ic lad­der rose by about 7 to 8 per­cent in real terms. But with the advent of the euro, things start­ed to change. Incomes at the top kept ris­ing, with gains for the top 10 per­cent of earn­ers con­tin­u­ing apace for the next decade as share­hold­ers reaped record prof­its. At the bot­tom, how­ev­er, there was a sharp dip that even­tu­al­ly left incomes exact­ly where they start­ed at the begin­ning of the 1990s.

    The effect on inequal­i­ty was star­tling. By itself, the inte­gra­tion of East and West should have reduced Ger­man inequal­i­ty sub­stan­tial­ly. In a coun­try where labor retained some bar­gain­ing pow­er, the export boom might have been expect­ed to encour­age this con­ver­gence as well. Yet Ger­mans at the top of the income dis­tri­b­u­tion saw such an upturn in their for­tunes that inequal­i­ty actu­al­ly rose. With incomes con­tin­u­ing to diverge, Germany’s wealth inequal­i­ty was the worst in the euro­zone and almost on a par with that of the Unit­ed States, which was no mean feat.

    With all of this in mind, let’s return to pol­i­cy. The euro­zone was dan­gling on the edge of defla­tion for months, and even Germany’s infla­tion rate had been below the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank’s tar­get of just under 2 per­cent since August 2013. But Ger­man bankers and politi­cians were dead set against the use of cred­it eas­ing or oth­er uncon­ven­tion­al mon­e­tary tools to cre­ate infla­tion, deval­ue the euro, and pre­sum­ably improve short-term eco­nom­ic growth in the euro­zone.

    Instead, they decid­ed that coun­tries in need of an eco­nom­ic life­line — like Greece — should keep mak­ing mas­sive cuts in pub­lic ser­vices while ser­vic­ing debts on terms set by wealth­i­er nations such as Ger­many. For most econ­o­mists, this was an imprac­ti­cal pre­scrip­tion that would only make the patient suf­fer more. So why did the Ger­mans insist on it?

    The bankers in Berlin real­ized that infla­tion erod­ed the val­ue of sav­ings, of which their wealthy coun­try­men had quite a lot, and also made Ger­man invest­ments less attrac­tive to for­eign­ers. As long as Ger­many con­tin­ued to grow, they had no use for infla­tion. In fact, growth with low infla­tion — and thus lit­tle upward pres­sure on wages — was a per­fect for­mu­la, espe­cial­ly for own­ers of cap­i­tal. Indebt­ed and unem­ployed Ger­mans might have ben­e­fit­ed from a weak­er euro and more infla­tion, just like the Greeks, but they clear­ly weren’t the bankers’ top pri­or­i­ty.


    Greece is call­ing Germany’s bluff. A few years ago, the Ger­mans want­ed Greece to stay in the euro­zone enough to bail them out of their fis­cal deficits, but the cost was penury for the Greeks. Back then, Ger­many seemed to have all the bar­gain­ing pow­er. But Greece’s new left­ist gov­ern­ment has appar­ent­ly real­ized that the real bar­gain­ing pow­er lies in Athens, because Ger­many will now do any­thing to hold the euro­zone togeth­er.

    Ger­mans have read plen­ty of arti­cles alleg­ing that Athens nev­er should have been allowed to join the euro­zone in the first place. But the bankers in Berlin know that each weak coun­try that leaves the euro­zone now is like­ly to push up the val­ue of the euro. This would increase the val­ue of Ger­man sav­ings, but it would also harm exports, and at the moment Ger­many needs them more than ever. More­over, uncer­tain­ty about the euro in the short term might cause investors to pull their mon­ey out of Ger­man secu­ri­ties, lead­ing to low­er asset val­ues and high­er inter­est rates — a dou­ble-wham­my for wealth and eco­nom­ic growth.

    Today, this clus­ter of threats is unac­cept­able to Ger­many. As its growth rate changed, so did its bankers’ pri­or­i­ties and, as a con­se­quence, the bal­ance of pow­er in the euro­zone. The Greeks fig­ured this out, and oth­er coun­tries are cot­ton­ing on. But it was a good run for wealthy Ger­mans while it last­ed.

    To reit­er­ate:

    Indeed, in the first decade, incomes for Ger­mans from top to bot­tom on the eco­nom­ic lad­der rose by about 7 to 8 per­cent in real terms. But with the advent of the euro, things start­ed to change. Incomes at the top kept ris­ing, with gains for the top 10 per­cent of earn­ers con­tin­u­ing apace for the next decade as share­hold­ers reaped record prof­its. At the bot­tom, how­ev­er, there was a sharp dip that even­tu­al­ly left incomes exact­ly where they start­ed at the begin­ning of the 1990s.

    The effect on inequal­i­ty was star­tling. By itself, the inte­gra­tion of East and West should have reduced Ger­man inequal­i­ty sub­stan­tial­ly. In a coun­try where labor retained some bar­gain­ing pow­er, the export boom might have been expect­ed to encour­age this con­ver­gence as well. Yet Ger­mans at the top of the income dis­tri­b­u­tion saw such an upturn in their for­tunes that inequal­i­ty actu­al­ly rose. With incomes con­tin­u­ing to diverge, Germany’s wealth inequal­i­ty was the worst in the euro­zone and almost on a par with that of the Unit­ed States, which was no mean feat.

    Yep, thanks to the euro­zone and aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies, Ger­many’s wealth inequal­i­ty is almost on a par with that of the Unit­ed States. LOL! And THAT’s the crew that’s call­ing the shots in Europe.

    So Greece’s new gov­ern­ment is clear­ly intent on play­ing ‘chick­en’ with Berlin. But is it play­ing ‘chick­en’ con­fi­dent­ly, as the arti­cle sug­gest? If not, some­one needs to give them a pep talk. And if some­one could give Berlin’s lead­er­ship an anti-pep talk soon that would also be help­ful:

    Exclu­sive: Ger­many wants new Greek rulers to ditch promis­es — doc­u­ment

    BERLIN Wed Feb 4, 2015 9:07am EST

    (Reuters) — Ger­many wants Greece’s new left-wing gov­ern­ment to go back on anti-aus­ter­i­ty promis­es made in its first days in office and revert to eco­nom­ic poli­cies its pre­de­ces­sors’ agreed with inter­na­tion­al lenders, a doc­u­ment showed on Wednes­day.

    The doc­u­ment, seen by Reuters, was pre­pared by Berlin for a meet­ing of senior euro zone finance offi­cials on Thurs­day. The offi­cials are to dis­cuss the cur­ren­cy bloc’s response to Greek demands for an offi­cial debt write-off or restruc­tur­ing, an end to bud­get cuts and a rever­sal of some recent unpop­u­lar mea­sures.

    The Ger­man doc­u­ment stressed that Athens must not roll back any of the cut­backs and reforms made so far in Greece’s efforts to improve bloat­ed pub­lic finances and regain mar­ket trust.

    The new gov­ern­ment led by the far left Syriza par­ty, elect­ed on Jan. 25, is to for­mal­ly unveil its pro­gramme this week­end.

    But min­is­ters have already pledged pub­licly to raise the min­i­mum wage, halt unpop­u­lar sales of nation­al assets, rehire pub­lic sec­tor work­ers fired with­out cause and rein­state a Christ­mas bonus for poor pen­sion­ers.

    “The Eurogroup needs a clear and front-loaded com­mit­ment by Greece to ensure full imple­men­ta­tion of key reform mea­sures nec­es­sary to keep the pro­gramme on track,” the Ger­man doc­u­ment said, refer­ring to euro zone finance min­is­ters.

    “The aim is the per­pet­u­a­tion of the agreed reform agen­da (no roll back of mea­sures), cov­er­ing major areas as the rev­enue admin­is­tra­tion, tax­a­tion, pub­lic finan­cial man­age­ment, pri­vati­sa­tion, pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion, health care, pen­sions, social wel­fare, edu­ca­tion and the fight against cor­rup­tion.”

    The Syriza gov­ern­ment is seek­ing to rene­go­ti­ate the con­di­tions for finan­cial sup­port from the euro zone and the Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund to regain more inde­pen­dence in eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy mak­ing and more mar­gin to boost growth.

    It also wants to end the mon­i­tor­ing of reforms by the Troi­ka — inspec­tors from the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, the IMF and the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank — whose quar­ter­ly vis­its have become syn­ony­mous for many Greeks with the loss of sov­er­eign­ty.

    The Ger­man doc­u­ment showed Berlin wants the Troi­ka to remain in place.

    It also calls on Greece to declare it would hon­our its debt repay­ment com­mit­ments towards the ECB, the IMF, the euro zone bailout fund EFSF as well as bilat­er­al loans from euro zone coun­tries extend­ed to Greece under the first bailout pro­gramme.

    The Greek gov­ern­ment should also accept the inde­pen­dence of the Greek cen­tral bank, the Hel­lenic Finan­cial Sta­bil­i­ty Fund that is the cap­i­tal back­stop for Greek banks, as well as the tax and sta­tis­tics author­i­ties.

    Berlin wants Greece to reach a pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus before inter­est pay­ments of 3 per­cent of GDP in 2015 and 4.5 per­cent in 2016, and to close the remain­ing gap in the 2015 bud­get to reach the agreed tar­get.

    Ger­many also wants Athens to stick to an agree­ment to reduce gen­er­al gov­ern­ment employ­ment by 150,000, imple­ment pen­sion reforms that estab­lish a close link between con­tri­bu­tions and ben­e­fits, keep the low­ered min­i­mum wage and make wider use of decen­tral­ized wage bar­gain­ing.

    Berlin calls for con­tin­ued pri­vati­sa­tions of ports, ener­gy util­i­ties and real estate in par­tic­u­lar and fos­ter­ing for­eign direct invest­ment with the aim of get­ting 2.2 bil­lion euro in rev­enue in 2015.

    “On the basis of the ele­ments out­lined above we are ready to fur­ther inten­si­fy our coop­er­a­tion with Greece to fos­ter growth and cre­ate new jobs. More needs to be and can be done – on a bilat­er­al basis as well as in a Euro­pean frame­work,” the doc­u­ment said.


    So what will Ger­many do when the euro­zone’s poor gold­en geese decide to play chick­en? Threat­en to keep pluck­ing them until the they gets back in their cages and stop squawk­ing, of course:

    Ger­many also wants Athens to stick to an agree­ment to reduce gen­er­al gov­ern­ment employ­ment by 150,000, imple­ment pen­sion reforms that estab­lish a close link between con­tri­bu­tions and ben­e­fits, keep the low­ered min­i­mum wage and make wider use of decen­tral­ized wage bar­gain­ing.

    Berlin calls for con­tin­ued pri­vati­sa­tions of ports, ener­gy util­i­ties and real estate in par­tic­u­lar and fos­ter­ing for­eign direct invest­ment with the aim of get­ting 2.2 bil­lion euro in rev­enue in 2015.


    Wow. That’s some cold ‘chick­en’.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 4, 2015, 10:43 am
  16. As the show­down between Greece and the troi­ka pro­gress­es along, it’s get­ting increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult to avoid the image of a wealthy par­ent yelling “stop that cry­ing or I’ll give you some­thing to cry about” at their child at the super­mar­ket. A clear­ly abused and mal­nour­ished child, inex­plic­a­bly liv­ing in pover­ty:

    Bloomberg Busi­ness
    ECB’s Con­stan­cio Sig­nals Greek Waiv­er Could End

    by Scott Hamil­ton
    6:53 AM CST Jan­u­ary 31, 2015

    (Bloomberg) — Vitor Con­stan­cio sig­naled that the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank stands ready to end its accep­tance of Greece’s junk-rat­ed debt for bank fund­ing if the gov­ern­ment drops out of an aid pro­gram.

    If a nation has rat­ings below invest­ment grade, “then a waiv­er is grant­ed pro­vid­ed that the coun­try is under a pro­gram of the Euro­pean Union/International Mon­e­tary Fund,” the ECB vice pres­i­dent said on Sat­ur­day in Cam­bridge, Eng­land. “That is a rule, so there will be no sur­pris­es if we find out that a coun­try is below that rat­ing and there’s no longer a pro­gram that that waiv­er dis­ap­pears.”

    The com­ments high­light the stand­off between euro-area offi­cials and Greece’s new­ly elect­ed gov­ern­ment, with Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis say­ing he’ll work with­out a finan­cial back­stop rather than sub­mit to more EU-imposed aus­ter­i­ty. By March, the gov­ern­ment may be oper­at­ing with­out a safe­ty net for the first time in five years as it chal­lenges the euro area to agree to a new sup­port frame­work that allows for more spend­ing.

    Greece won’t engage with offi­cials from the troi­ka — the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, IMF and ECB — who have policed the con­di­tions of its res­cue since 2010, Varo­ufakis said at a joint press con­fer­ence on Fri­day with Eurogroup Chief Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem in Athens.

    Con­stan­cio said that Greek lenders may be able to use Emer­gency Liq­uid­i­ty Assis­tance from their own nation­al cen­tral bank if they lose access to cen­tral refi­nanc­ing oper­a­tions. Even so, that must be approved by ECB pol­i­cy mak­ers.

    “That is a rule, so there will be no sur­pris­es if we find out that a coun­try is below that rat­ing and there’s no longer a pro­gram that that waiv­er dis­ap­pears.”

    Well, try not to be sur­prised:

    The Wall Street Jour­nal
    ECB Sus­pends Greek Banks’ Waiv­er for Reg­u­lar Lend­ing Facil­i­ties
    Greek Banks Can Still Bor­row Through Emer­gency Lend­ing Pro­gram

    By Bri­an Black­stone
    Feb. 4, 2015 3:57 p.m. ET

    FRANKFURT—The Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank said Wednes­day it would sus­pend a waiv­er it had extend­ed to Greek pub­lic secu­ri­ties used as col­lat­er­al by the country’s finan­cial insti­tu­tions for cen­tral bank loans.

    The announce­ment came as offi­cials raised pres­sure on the new Greek gov­ern­ment to come to terms with its inter­na­tion­al cred­i­tors on the country’s bailout pro­gram.

    “It is cur­rent­ly not pos­si­ble to assume a suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the pro­gram review” for Greece, the ECB said in a state­ment.

    Because Greek gov­ern­ment bonds are junk rat­ed, and thus below the ECB’s min­i­mum thresh­old, Greek banks have relied on the waiv­er to post col­lat­er­al for cheap ECB financ­ing through the cen­tral bank’s reg­u­lar facil­i­ties.

    Greek banks will still have access to funds through the ECB’s emer­gency lend­ing pro­gram. Under that facil­i­ty, the cred­it risk of the loans stays on the books of the Greek cen­tral bank, and the loans car­ry a high­er inter­est rate.


    It’s hap­pen­ing again. It nev­er stops.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 4, 2015, 2:33 pm
  17. As the fol­low­ing piece points out, “It is not just the com­mon cur­ren­cy that is under threat, or even the EU.

    It is the very resolve to trans­form Europe, after two cat­a­stroph­ic 20th cen­tu­ry wars and near­ly two mil­len­nia of con­tin­u­al war­fare, from a bat­tle­field into a peace­ful and pros­per­ous com­mu­ni­ty.

    The threat­ened loss of this epoch-mak­ing resolve is the real Euro­pean cri­sis”:

    Dig deep to find the real mean­ing of debt-for­give­ness
    The Ger­mans are stub­born­ly mar­shalling Europe into crush­ing Greece’s attempts at resis­tance to sub­ju­ga­tion by the Troi­ka.

    Peter Casey

    Pub­lished 08/02/2015 | 02:30

    It is now time for Ger­many to repay a debt of hon­our to Greece and save the euro­zone in the same way as Athens saved Bonn when they need­ed it 62 years ago.


    “If the euro fails, then Europe will fail as well,” Ger­man chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel told her nation’s par­lia­ment in 2010.

    She has also main­tained that Ger­many’s respon­si­bil­i­ty for two world wars oblig­at­ed the nation to main­tain a stead­fast com­mit­ment to both the euro and to Europe.

    This con­vic­tion of Ger­many’s moral bur­den was the rea­son she decid­ed in the sum­mer of 2012 to keep Greece in the euro­zone.

    Post-war Euro­pean his­to­ry serves only to strength­en Merkel’s sense of nation­al oblig­a­tion.

    In 1953, Allies in the fight against Hitler’s Ger­many were joined by vic­tim nations as well as some neu­trals (Ire­land among them) in sign­ing the Lon­don Agree­ment on Exter­nal Debts.

    With mul­ti­ple strokes of sev­er­al pens, half of West Ger­many’s mas­sive debt was can­celled.

    The agree­ment fur­ther stip­u­lat­ed that the remain­ing debt was to be paid for exclu­sive­ly out of Ger­many’s trade sur­plus, with annu­al pay­ments capped at 3pc of that year’s exports.

    The enlight­ened terms were not the prod­uct of col­lec­tive altru­ism, but of a recog­ni­tion that Europe and the rest of the Free World need­ed an eco­nom­i­cal­ly strong West Ger­many.

    Even Greece, a poor nation that had suf­fered a bru­tal Ger­man occu­pa­tion, endorsed an agree­ment that wise­ly gave cred­i­tors a stake in their debtor by enabling West Ger­many to not only repay them but to ulti­mate­ly con­tribute to the pros­per­i­ty of all.

    Despite its moral foun­da­tion in war guilt and eco­nom­ic redemp­tion, Merkel’s deci­sion to keep Greece in the euro­zone has hard­ly been exe­cut­ed with the gen­eros­i­ty of 1953.

    Where the Lon­don Agree­ment had extend­ed an empow­er­ing open hand to Ger­many, the Ger­mans now scold­ed Greece by wag­ging the fin­ger of aus­ter­i­ty.

    And in elect­ing Alex­is Tsipras as prime min­is­ter, Greece has final­ly respond­ed.

    A major­i­ty of the elec­torate ral­lied to Tsipras’s promise to end aus­ter­i­ty — five years of “humil­i­a­tion and suf­fer­ing,” he called it — imposed by a Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed EU and ECB.

    Key to his pledge was Tsipras’s announced inten­tion to imme­di­ate­ly nego­ti­ate with the Troi­ka of the EC, ECB, and IMF to get a write-off of much of the nation’s €320bn debt (rep­re­sent­ing a stag­ger­ing 175pc of the Greek GDP).

    Angela Merkel has already pro­nounced this a non-starter, declar­ing that Europe will con­tin­ue to show sol­i­dar­i­ty for Greece, as for oth­er coun­tries hit par­tic­u­lar­ly hard by the cri­sis, if these coun­tries under­take their own reforms and sav­ings efforts.

    While the inten­tion of Merkel’s state­ment of “sol­i­dar­i­ty” was diplo­mat­i­cal­ly veiled, the threat made by ECB pol­i­cy­mak­er Erk­ki Liika­nen — to cut off fund­ing to Greek banks if Athens does not agree to renew its aus­ter­i­ty-based bailout pack­age — was stark naked.


    By refus­ing to buy the imper­iled bonds of indi­vid­ual Euro­pean coun­tries, the ECB deep­ened the liq­uid­i­ty cri­sis and gen­er­al default loomed.

    All of this is bad enough, of course. But the angry defi­ance behind the elec­tion of the new Greek prime min­is­ter points to some­thing far more sin­is­ter.

    It is not just the com­mon cur­ren­cy that is under threat, or even the EU.

    It is the very resolve to trans­form Europe, after two cat­a­stroph­ic 20th cen­tu­ry wars and near­ly two mil­len­nia of con­tin­u­al war­fare, from a bat­tle­field into a peace­ful and pros­per­ous com­mu­ni­ty.

    The threat­ened loss of this epoch-mak­ing resolve is the real Euro­pean cri­sis.

    Alex­is Tsipras now leads a nation with 26pc unem­ploy­ment (51pc among those aged between 15 and 25). The dis­pos­sessed are every­where and busi­ness­es are being shut­tered at an alarm­ing rate.

    Tsipras has promised to rehire near­ly 10,000 gov­ern­ment employ­ees, who had been laid off to cut costs. Who will pay their salaries? He does not say.

    With very good rea­son, Tsipras and those who elect­ed him are being wide­ly accused of inabil­i­ty to face eco­nom­ic real­i­ties. The prime min­is­ter’s defi­ant resis­tance to Merkel’s aus­ter­i­ty dri­ve like­wise invites dis­missal as just one more symp­tom of des­per­ate delu­sion.

    Yet he is by no means alone in his think­ing, and so what he rep­re­sents can­not be so eas­i­ly dis­posed of.

    There is a move­ment rip­pling through­out the Con­ti­nent and the Unit­ed States, dri­ven by the propo­si­tion that just because aus­ter­i­ty may feel moral, it may well be, in prac­tice, immoral.

    It is a move­ment that argues against the com­mon sense assump­tion that a col­lec­tive belt tight­en­ing nec­es­sar­i­ly leads to recov­ery and growth — rather than per­pet­u­al stag­na­tion.

    Yes, the Greeks look des­per­ate, and no, Alex­is Tsipras may not have the answers.

    But the ques­tions his elec­tion has raised do demand to be answered — if Europe’s post­war pros­per­i­ty is to return and its post­war peace con­tin­ue.

    That was a great piece, but note that, while there are in indeed rea­sons why many accuse Tsipras and those who elect­ed him of being unable to face real­i­ty, those rea­sons are only good rea­sons if it hap­pens to be the case that that the “com­mon sense” assump­tion that “a col­lec­tive belt tight­en­ing nec­es­sar­i­ly leads to recov­ery and growth — rather than per­pet­u­al stag­na­tion” is actu­al­ly a cor­rect assump­tion. And since that “com­mon sense” assump­tion actu­al­ly makes no sense at all, espe­cial­ly when applied to a large num­ber of mem­ber states simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, it’s a reminder that improv­ing our col­lec­tive under­stand­ing of eco­nom­ics to the point where eco­nom­ic sui­cide isn’t the default “com­mon sense” response to a cri­sis like this is actu­al­ly part of what Europe needs if it’s going to have any real chance of main­tain­ing that resolve to trans­form Europe from a bat­tle­field into a pros­per­ous com­mu­ni­ty.

    In oth­er words, while the anti-aus­ter­i­ty move­ments rip­pling across the West may not have all the answers, they cer­tain­ly have an absolute­ly vital answer.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 8, 2015, 6:46 pm
  18. One of the more bizarre asser­tions that you often see pop up in the aus­ter­i­ty debates is the idea that Greece, unlike Spain and Ire­land, has­n’t done any real aus­ter­i­ty yet and that’s why there should be no devi­a­tion from the Troika’s aus­ter­i­ty dic­tates. Sure, there are some areas where Greece has­n’t yet imple­ment­ed reforms that are actu­al­ly worth­while, like crack­ing down on tax eva­sion, but that’s still very dif­fer­ent from assum­ing that Greece has­n’t been beat­ing endur­ing severe aus­ter­i­ty. So here’s a look at some of the non-aus­ter­i­ty tak­ing place in Greece:

    The New York Times
    Greek Aus­ter­i­ty Spawns Fak­ery: Play­ing Nurse

    By DANNY HAKIMFEB. 7, 2015

    Anas­ta­sios Grig­oropou­los, chief of Evan­ge­lis­mos Hos­pi­tal, said, “We see more and more ille­gal nurs­es.” Cred­it Eiri­ni Vour­loumis for The New York Times

    ATHENS — Foti­ni Kat­si­gian­ni wears a white nurse’s hat that pro­trudes promi­nent­ly from the top of her head. She is head nurse at Evan­ge­lis­mos Hos­pi­tal, one of the city’s most promi­nent.

    So she was sur­prised last month when she was approached by a man in the hospital’s hall­way. At the time, Ms. Katsigianni’s hus­band was a patient there. The strange man extend­ed an arm with a busi­ness card and avert­ed his face, so she could not iden­ti­fy him. He offered to rent her a cut-rate nurse.

    “He told me for 30 euros I could have what­ev­er I want!” Ms. Kat­si­gian­ni said, laugh­ing at the idea of the head nurse being solicit­ed to buy ille­gal nurs­ing care.

    First the men come to the hos­pi­tals of Greece dur­ing vis­it­ing hours, leav­ing busi­ness cards with pic­tures of nurs­es under pil­lows and in wait­ing rooms. Then the women come at night, most­ly for­eign­ers from coun­tries like Geor­gia, Roma­nia and Bul­gar­ia. They are the nurs­es of Greece who aren’t real­ly nurs­es.

    Greece’s dire finances have gut­ted its health care sys­tem. Uni­ver­sal cov­er­age effec­tive­ly end­ed under the aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures imposed under the terms of the country’s bailout. Bud­get cuts have also thinned the ranks of hos­pi­tal staff nurs­es, who are sup­posed to han­dle med­ical tasks like chang­ing IVs.

    Now, when patients come to a hos­pi­tal in Greece, they increas­ing­ly have to hire their own nurs­es just to receive basic care. While pri­vate nurs­es have long been a fea­ture of Greek health care, the country’s wrench­ing eco­nom­ic cri­sis has left many patients with nei­ther the mon­ey nor the insur­ance cov­er­age to hire licensed care­givers.

    Instead, patients are turn­ing to ille­gal nurs­es, often immi­grants with lit­tle or no train­ing. One top offi­cial said he believed that half of the nurs­ing care came from 18,000 ille­gal providers.

    The sit­u­a­tion reflects the grip of the black-mar­ket econ­o­my on Greece, where even pay­ing skilled work­ers like mechan­ics and plumbers under the table to avoid tax­es is com­mon­place. Frus­tra­tions among Greeks over the dete­ri­o­ra­tion of liv­ing stan­dards helped feed the left-wing Syriza Par­ty, which came to pow­er last month vow­ing to reject aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies.

    Ille­gal nurs­es typ­i­cal­ly pose as fam­i­ly mem­bers or say they are long­time per­son­al employ­ees of a patient. In real­i­ty, temp agen­cies employ­ing these women send men into the hos­pi­tals to dis­trib­ute busi­ness cards adver­tis­ing 12 hours of nurs­ing care for less than $60. By con­trast, a con­tract nurse at anoth­er hos­pi­tal, Sotiria, costs near­ly $70 for 6 hours and 40 min­utes, though those who still have insur­ance can be reim­bursed for about a third of the cost.

    Thanos Maroukis, a pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bath, Eng­land, who has stud­ied the prob­lem, said tem­po­rary agen­cies are tak­ing “over con­trol of the hospital’s work­place,” adding, “It’s incred­i­ble what’s hap­pen­ing, but it’s true.”

    Nurs­es are just the begin­ning. Almost any­thing can be rent­ed.

    “We have the same thing with TVs, with ambu­lances, I would say with bed­ding,” said Anas­ta­sios Grig­oropou­los, the chief exec­u­tive of Evan­ge­lis­mos Hos­pi­tal. “Or chairs.”

    Chairs are car­ried in by strangers who rent them to groups of vis­it­ing rel­a­tives. Or they bring tele­vi­sions.

    In many oth­er devel­oped coun­tries, hos­pi­tal secu­ri­ty would sim­ply expel unau­tho­rized vis­i­tors. But admin­is­tra­tors face staff short­ages and impov­er­ished patients. They also say they lack the legal juris­dic­tion to act with­out police inter­ven­tion.

    “Because of the cri­sis, the last three years, we see more and more ille­gal nurs­es,” said Mr. Grig­oropou­los. “You can’t do any­thing.”

    He has called the police, and a few days ear­li­er, Evan­ge­lis­mos was raid­ed. Sev­er­al ille­gal nurs­es were arrest­ed, but that is a fair­ly rare event, because the police have had their own cut­backs.


    Because most ille­gal nurs­es are immi­grants, Gold­en Dawn, the far-right extrem­ist par­ty, has attempt­ed some of its own “raids” on hos­pi­tals, advanc­ing its xeno­pho­bic agen­da.


    Dr. Mil­tiadis Papas­ta­ma­tiou, Sotiria’s chief exec­u­tive, said retired nurs­es were often not replaced, “and that’s led to the needs of both patients and staff not being ade­quate­ly met,” though he down­played the extent of the prob­lem at Sotiria.

    But a staff nurse there, who would not give her name for fear of los­ing her job, acknowl­edged the sever­i­ty of the issue.

    “We know what’s going on,” she shrugged. “Every­body knows.”

    Part of what makes the default aus­ter­i­ty pol­i­cy pre­scrip­tion of slash­ing every­thing at once so sense­less for a coun­try in Greece’s sit­u­a­tion is that, of all the calls for “struc­tur­al reform” you can think of, end­ing Greece’s wide­spread tax-eva­sion prob­lem real­ly is one of the more valu­able “struc­tur­al reforms” that one could rea­son­ably request of Greece. And yet, you almost can’t imag­ine a more effec­tive way to ensure that the pop­u­lace isn’t going to be back­ing a sud­den flood of new tax­es than cre­at­ing a sit­u­a­tion where almost every­one is sud­den­ly poor­er and uni­ver­sal health­care cov­er­age is removed so pay tax­es might lit­er­al­ly involve pay­ing the mon­ey you need to buy the med­i­cine you need to live. Or the food your chil­dren need to live. Hope the EU can come to terms with this sim­ple fact since Syriza is pledge to crack down on tax eva­sion as part of its post-aus­ter­i­ty agen­da:

    Syriza’s most rad­i­cal plan for Greece? Col­lect tax­es

    Writ­ten by
    Tim Fern­holz
    Jason Kara­ian

    In a round­about way, the leak of details about account hold­ers at HSBC’s secre­tive Swiss bank­ing busi­ness—which prompt­ed a wave of pros­e­cu­tions when obtained by gov­ern­ments in 2010—explains why Greece’s new gov­ern­ment is so pop­u­lar at home (pay­wall). For all of the angst about the left-wing rad­i­cals threat­en­ing to rip up Greece’s cur­rent bailout pro­gram, which they hold respon­si­ble for the country’s “unend­ing reces­sion,” in the words of prime min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras, ele­ments of the alter­na­tive aus­ter­i­ty plan pledged by Tsipras’s Syriza par­ty should not be dis­missed.

    We will move to imple­ment the great­est insti­tu­tion­al reform ever in the coun­try, aim­ing to declare war against cor­rup­tion and tax inequal­i­ty— Alex­is Tsipras (@tsipras_eu) Feb­ru­ary 8, 2015

    Includ­ed in the bank leak is the famous “Lagarde list” of 2,000 Greek HSBC clients with $2.6 bil­lion deposit­ed in Swiss banks, which was sent to Greece in 2010 by IMF chief Chris­tine Lagarde in an effort to spur the country’s tax col­lec­tors to gar­ner more rev­enue. Unlike oth­er cash-strapped coun­tries that have begun push­ing back on inter­na­tion­al tax avoid­ance, Greece sat on the list, doing noth­ing, even as its gov­ern­ment at the time launched a pro­gram that includ­ed reduc­tions in spend­ing and pub­lic-sec­tor jobs.


    Despite ongo­ing scan­dal, lit­tle has changed from a pol­i­cy point of view. Last year’s IMF review of Greece’s progress under its bailout con­clud­ed that “while there are final­ly signs of improve­ment in tax admin­is­tra­tion, progress still dis­ap­points.” Over­due tax col­lec­tion fell €382 mil­lion ($433 mil­lion) short of its tar­get in 2013. Greece’s inabil­i­ty to levy and col­lect tax rep­re­sents a “crit­i­cal risk” to the country’s com­pli­ance with its cred­i­tors’ con­di­tions, the IMF said. Tsipras has made point­ed ref­er­ences to foot-drag­ging on the Lagarde list and oth­er tax inves­ti­ga­tions:

    A spe­cial Min­Fin task force will inves­ti­gate large tax eva­sion in the Liecht­en­stein, Lagarde & oth­er mon­ey laun­der­ing lists— Alex­is Tsipras (@tsipras_eu) Feb­ru­ary 8, 2015

    Whether Syriza can actu­al­ly deliv­er on its tax promis­es remains to be seen. But it can hard­ly do worse than its pre­de­ces­sors. The cen­ter-right gov­ern­ment it oust­ed made lit­tle progress com­pared with the cen­ter-left admin­is­tra­tion it replaced in 2012, accord­ing to Har­ry Theo­haris, who was appoint­ed to head a stream­lined new Greek tax col­lec­tion agency in 2013. Soon, his attempts to gar­ner rev­enue from large com­pa­nies and wealthy indi­vid­u­als were opposed by his own par­ty, lead­ing to his res­ig­na­tion:

    Mr Theo­haris said that the gov­ern­ment of Anto­nis Sama­ras, the leader of the con­ser­v­a­tive New Democ­ra­cy par­ty, start­ed push­ing him to adopt what he diplo­mat­i­cal­ly calls “a more pop­ulist stance”. In prac­tice, that meant going easy on polit­i­cal­ly sen­si­tive tar­gets such as friends and bene­fac­tors of the par­ty. “It was a case of ‘don’t do this, don’t do that’,” he said.

    As Greece’s new gov­ern­ment attempts to spin the inevitable restruc­tur­ing of its bailout loans in a way that’s palat­able at home and abroad—against, per­haps, all odds—it’s impor­tant to under­stand why the cur­rent pro­gram has been thrown so far off track. The econ­o­mist Michael Pet­tis offered this analy­sis of the sit­u­a­tion in an impor­tant essay last week:

    It might be far more accu­rate to posit a con­flict between the busi­ness and finan­cial elite on one side (along with EU offi­cials) and work­ers and mid­dle class savers on the oth­er. This is a con­flict among eco­nom­ic groups, in oth­er words, and not a nation­al con­flict, although it is increas­ing­ly hard to pre­vent it from becom­ing a nation­al con­flict.

    Of course, nobody enjoys a tax audit. But what Syriza vot­ers said, in part, was that the time to tight­en the country’s lax tax admin­is­tra­tion is long overdue—the ben­e­fits to all out­weigh the costs to some. In his book about the Greek finan­cial cri­sis, jour­nal­ist Yan­nis Palaiol­o­gos describes tax­a­tion as some­thing that the “mod­ern Greek state has nev­er quite mas­tered in almost two cen­turies of exis­tence.” The roots of this dys­func­tion run deep:

    Tax eva­sion epit­o­mizes the Greek Dis­ease. It is mis­lead­ing to call it a deviant prac­tice. It is a social phenomenon—historically root­ed, ram­pant, and wide­ly accept­ed as the way of doing busi­ness.

    If the EU and IMF want a blank slate in Greece, wip­ing away the cul­ture of cor­rup­tion that plagues its pol­i­tics and the array of obsta­cles that stand in way of pri­vate-sec­tor growth, they may have a bet­ter local part­ner than they real­ize. While Syriza’s pub­lic-sec­tor reform agen­da remains too cloud­ed for its cred­i­tors’ lik­ing, there is a case to be made for out­siders giv­ing a bit more appre­ci­a­tion for the first Greek gov­ern­ment in years that might actu­al­ly try to col­lect the tax­es it is owed.

    Yes, “If the EU and IMF want a blank slate in Greece, wip­ing away the cul­ture of cor­rup­tion that plagues its pol­i­tics and the array of obsta­cles that stand in way of pri­vate-sec­tor growth, they may have a bet­ter local part­ner than they real­ize”.

    As aus­ter­i­ty advo­cates like to sug­gest: no pain, no gain. It’s the fact that the gains might not actu­al­ly go to the peo­ple feel­ing the pain that’s rarely point­ed out. But, in this case, Syriza is offer­ing the EU and IMF that it will pro­vide gains (greater tax col­lec­tion) in exchange for reduc­ing pain (like revers­ing all the oth­er soci­ety-destroy­ing aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies). And as the above arti­cle point­ed out:

    If the EU and IMF want a blank slate in Greece, wip­ing away the cul­ture of cor­rup­tion that plagues its pol­i­tics and the array of obsta­cles that stand in way of pri­vate-sec­tor growth, they may have a bet­ter local part­ner than they real­ize.

    Could Syriza­’s “less pain and still gain” strat­e­gy temp the EU and IMF? Well, maybe, but that assumes that the peo­ple run­ning the EU and IMF real­ly do place a high­er pri­or­i­ty on crack­ing down on Greek tax evaders vs con­tin­u­ing the dis­man­tle­ment of the Greek mid­dle class. And since per­ma­nent­ly impov­er­ish­ing Greece has the poten­tial to per­ma­nent­ly drag down the val­ue of the euro, boost­ing exports in oth­er euro­zone mem­bers, it’s a very ques­tion­able assump­tion that col­lect­ing Greek tax­es is actu­al­ly a high­er pri­or­i­ty than dis­man­tling the Greek soci­ety. The beat­ings will con­tin­ue until morale improves.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 9, 2015, 8:04 pm
  19. Paul Krug­man point­ed out some­thing about the sit­u­a­tion in Greece that does­n’t alone apply to Greece. It applies to every mem­ber of the EU, espe­cial­ly the small­er mem­bers, and it does­n’t bode well for the fate of democ­ra­cy in the EU or democ­ra­cy in gen­er­al as the world becomes increas­ing­ly inter­twined via transna­tion­al treaties and inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tions:
    If you look at the con­flict­ing incen­tives EU nation­al gov­ern­ment offi­cials face, between look­ing out for the best inter­ests of their mem­ber nation vs cater­ing to the desires of the inter­na­tion­al finan­cial elites and insti­tu­tions (like the peo­ple that show up to the Davos meet­ings), it’s pret­ty clear that those nation­al offi­cials have a strong incen­tive to be as bru­tal towards their home nation as pos­si­ble if that’s what the inter­na­tion­al elites desires. After all, if they impose aus­ter­i­ty over the oppo­si­tion of their own pop­u­lace, that’s just going to earn them an even greater acco­lades amongst their future employ­ers at one of the inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tions push­ing aus­ter­i­ty like the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion or IMF. In oth­er words, we’re all famil­iar with the con­cept of the “revolv­ing door” between busi­ness and gov­ern­ment that encour­ages elect­ed offi­cials and oth­er high-lev­el bureau­crats to the do the bid­ding of their poten­tial post-gov­ern­ment employ­ers in the pri­vate sec­tor. But for the EU, there’s a whole new door to revolve through: the EU-lev­el
    insti­tu­tion­al revolv­ing door, although it might be more a one-way door since the vot­ers aren’t real­ly going to appre­ci­ate elect­ed offi­cials that destroy their soci­eties at the behest of future inter­na­tion­al employ­ers. Still, it’s clear­ly a very tempt­ing one-way door.

    And, return­ing to the cri­sis in Greece, Krug­man notes that, unlike past Greek gov­ern­ments, the cur­rent crop of rab­ble rousers have no real­is­tic prospects of get­ting any of those inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tion­al jobs, so the “car­rots for offi­cials if they beat the pop­u­lace with sticks”-mechanisms used to keep nation­al gov­ern­ment in line dur­ing pre­vi­ous crises may not apply this time:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al
    Greece: The Tie That Doesn’t Bind
    Feb­ru­ary 9, 2015 6:43 am
    Paul Krug­man

    Rela­tions between Greece and its cred­i­tors are not improv­ing. Was this bad diplo­ma­cy on the part of Tsipras/Varoufakis? Maybe, but my guess is that there was noth­ing they could do to avoid a bit­ter con­fronta­tion short of imme­di­ate betray­al of the vot­ers who put them in office. And cred­i­tor-coun­try offi­cials are act­ing as if they still expect that to hap­pen, just as it has repeat­ed­ly over the past five years.

    But they’re almost sure­ly wrong. The dynam­ics are very dif­fer­ent this time, and fail­ing to under­stand them could all too eas­i­ly lead to unnec­es­sary dis­as­ter.

    Actu­al­ly, let me stress the “unnec­es­sary” aspect. What Greece is ask­ing for — although Ger­man vot­ers prob­a­bly don’t know this — is not a fresh infu­sion of mon­ey. All that’s on the table is a reduc­tion in the pri­ma­ry sur­plus — that is, a reduc­tion in Greek pay­ments on exist­ing debt. And we have often been told that every­one under­stands that the offi­cial tar­get sur­plus, 4.5 per­cent of GDP, is unrea­son­able and unat­tain­able. So Greece is, in effect, only ask­ing that it get to rec­og­nize the real­i­ty every­one sup­pos­ed­ly already under­stands.

    Why, then, are things boil­ing over? Part­ly because what “every­one knows” has nev­er been explained to north­ern Euro­pean elec­torates, so that the time to rec­og­nize real­i­ty is always at some future date. Part­ly also, I sus­pect, because cred­i­tors have come to expect the sym­bol­ism of debtor gov­ern­ments abject­ly aban­don­ing their cam­paign promis­es in the name of respon­si­bil­i­ty, and are wait­ing for the new Greek gov­ern­ment to pay the usu­al trib­ute of humil­i­a­tion.

    But as I said, the dynam­ic is very dif­fer­ent this time.

    I’ve long believed that Matthew Ygle­sias hit on some­thing real­ly impor­tant when he not­ed that small-coun­try politi­cians gen­er­al­ly have per­son­al incen­tives to go along with troi­ka demands even if they are against their nation’s inter­ests:

    Nor­mal­ly you would think that a nation­al prime minister’s best option is to try to do the stuff that’s like­ly to get him re-elect­ed. No mat­ter how bleak the out­look, this is your dom­i­nant strat­e­gy. But in the era of glob­al­iza­tion and EU-ifi­ca­tion, I think the lead­ers of small coun­tries are actu­al­ly in a some­what dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tion. If you leave office held in high esteem by the Davos set, there are any num­ber of Euro­pean Com­mis­sion or IMF or what­not gigs that you might be eli­gi­ble for even if you’re absolute­ly despised by your fel­low coun­try­men. Indeed, in some ways being absolute­ly despised would be a plus. The ulti­mate demon­stra­tion of sol­i­dar­i­ty to the “inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty” would be to do what the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty wants even in the face of mas­sive resis­tance from your domes­tic polit­i­cal con­stituen­cy.

    But a gen­uine gov­ern­ment of the left, as opposed to the cen­ter-left, is very dif­fer­ent — not because its pol­i­cy ideas are wild and crazy, which they aren’t, but because its offi­cials are nev­er going to be held in high esteem by the Davos set. Alex­is Tsipras is not going to be on bank boards of direc­tors, pres­i­dent of the BIS, or, prob­a­bly, an EU com­mis­sion­er. Varo­ufakis doesn’t even like wear­ing ties — which, con­scious­ly or not, is a way of declar­ing visu­al­ly that he is not going to play the usu­al game. The new Greek lead­ers will suc­ceed or fail, per­son­al­ly, based on what hap­pens to Greece; there will be no con­so­la­tion prizes for fail­ing con­ven­tion­al­ly.


    “The new Greek lead­ers will suc­ceed or fail, per­son­al­ly, based on what hap­pens to Greece; there will be no con­so­la­tion prizes for fail­ing con­ven­tion­al­ly.”
    Well, let’s hope Krug­man is cor­rect on that point!

    It’s also worth not­ing that if Krug­man is indeed cor­rect about the resolve of the new Greek gov­ern­ment and cur­rent show­down with the EU does­n’t work out as planned, we just see “Plan B”:

    Greek defense min­is­ter says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

    ATHENS Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:42am EST

    (Reuters) — Greek Defence Min­is­ter Panos Kam­menos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agree­ment with the euro zone, it could always look else­where for help.

    “What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal — hope­ful­ly (there will be) — and if we see that Ger­many remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the oblig­a­tion to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get fund­ing from anoth­er source,” he told Greek tele­vi­sion show that ran in to ear­ly Tues­day. “It could the Unit­ed States at best, it could be Rus­sia, it could be Chi­na or oth­er coun­tries,” he said.

    Kam­menos is the leader of Inde­pen­dent Greeks, a nation­al­ist anti-bailout par­ty that is the junior coali­tion part­ner of Prime Min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras’ rad­i­cal left Syriza par­ty.


    The euro zone, par­tic­u­lar­ly Ger­many, has shown no will­ing­ness to ease its require­ment that Greece make deep bud­get cuts and eco­nom­ic reforms.

    “What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal — hope­ful­ly (there will be) — and if we see that Ger­many remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the oblig­a­tion to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get fund­ing from anoth­er source...It could the Unit­ed States at best, it could be Rus­sia, it could be Chi­na or oth­er coun­tries.”

    As we can see, when one door clos­es, anoth­er one opens. Just ask Cyprus, although they may not want to talk about that par­tic­u­lar door right now:

    Cyprus Mail
    Spec­u­la­tion remains about grant­i­ng Rus­sia use of an air­base
    Feb­ru­ary 10, 2015

    Local media reports on Tues­day con­tin­ued to sug­gest that Cyprus may grant Rus­sia use of an air­base on the island as part of an updat­ed defence agree­ment expect­ed to be signed dur­ing Pres­i­dent Nicos Anas­tasi­ades’ vis­it to Moscow lat­er this month.

    The reports – which appar­ent­ly point­ed to mixed sig­nals from the gov­ern­ment – had ear­li­er prompt­ed for­eign min­is­ter Ioan­nis Kasoulides to attempt to clear up the mat­ter.

    On Mon­day the chief diplo­mat said there was no ques­tion of Russ­ian air or naval mil­i­tary bases on Cypri­ot soil, adding that Moscow had nev­er made such a request.

    Kasoulides was clar­i­fy­ing Anas­tasi­ades’ ear­li­er com­ments to Russia’s state-owned TASS agency. In the inter­view, the Pres­i­dent spoke of a renew­al of a mil­i­tary coop­er­a­tion agree­ment with Rus­sia con­sist­ing of main­te­nance of mil­i­tary equip­ment sold to Cyprus years ago, as well as the pur­chase of spare parts in line with exist­ing con­tracts.

    Regard­ing the pro­vi­sion of facil­i­ties to Rus­sia, Kasoulides said, these would be of “a pure­ly non-mil­i­tary nature,” relat­ing to human­i­tar­i­an oper­a­tions such as the evac­u­a­tion of Russ­ian civil­ians from the Mid­dle East.

    But also on Mon­day, Russ­ian news agency RIA Novosti report­ed that the agree­ment to be signed in Moscow would allow the Russ­ian air force to deploy from an air­base in Paphos, some 40km from the RAF air­base in Akrotiri.

    How­ev­er RIA Novosti did say that the bilat­er­al defence pact did not fore­see cre­at­ing a Russ­ian mil­i­tary base here.

    “The issue of cre­at­ing a Russ­ian mil­i­tary base is not being dis­cussed. We’re talk­ing about pro­vid­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of using an air­base in Paphos that oth­er coun­tries such as Ger­many and France use,” an Athens-based diplo­mat­ic source told the news agency.

    The Paphos base is used for refu­elling, evac­u­a­tion oper­a­tions and tech­ni­cal ser­vice. Rus­sia cur­rent­ly refu­els its mil­i­tary ships in the port of Limas­sol and such coop­er­a­tion is planned to be expand­ed, the same source said.

    The issue of evac­u­a­tions via Cyprus came up last year when Rus­sia saw that its naval base in Tar­tus, Syr­ia could fall into rebel hands

    Pub­licly, the ques­tion of access to the Paphos air­base and Limas­sol port has been raised only by Russ­ian ambas­sador in Nicosia Stanislav Osad­chiy who has often expressed Moscow’s inten­tion to reach a poten­tial agree­ment with Cyprus for a mil­i­tary base on the island.

    Nicosia is mean­time keen to appease con­cerns that Cyprus, some­what depen­dent on Russ­ian invest­ments and tourism, would be will­ing to break ranks with oth­er EU part­ners and avoid impos­ing harsh­er sanc­tions on Vladimir Putin’s gov­ern­ment.

    Last week­end British High Com­mis­sion­er to Cyprus Dami­an Rod­er­ick Todd was quot­ed by Kathimeri­ni as say­ing that Cyprus’ stance toward Rus­sia must fall in line with that of the Euro­pean Union.

    Respond­ing, Anas­tasi­ades said Cyprus is a sov­er­eign state that makes its own deci­sions, adding that Nicosia has nev­er inter­fered in the British government’s for­eign pol­i­cy.


    EDEK’s no.2 Mari­nos Sizopou­los said on Mon­day that prospects exist for pro­vid­ing facil­i­ties to Rus­sia in the Mid­dle East­ern the­atre, but added that these facil­i­ties must be “with­in rea­son” so as not to jeop­ar­dise Cyprus’ geostrate­gic inter­ests.

    For his part, DISY leader Averof Neo­fy­tou struck a note of cau­tion, say­ing Cyprus is a mem­ber of the EU but must also main­tain good rela­tions with all par­ties, includ­ing the Unit­ed States, Rus­sia and Chi­na.

    “We can­not afford to turn Cyprus into a satel­lite of either the Amer­i­cans, the Rus­sians or any­one else,” he said.

    The sen­ti­ment expressed at the end is a good sum­ma­ry of what a num­ber of tiny nations across the EU are prob­a­bly going to be feel­ing soon­er or later:“We can­not afford to turn Cyprus into a satel­lite of either the Amer­i­cans, the Rus­sians or any­one else”.

    Of course, since Cyprus, like Greece, is basi­cal­ly already an EU vas­sal state at this point, it’s prob­a­bly not real­ly a ques­tion of whether or not Greece or Cyprus will act as a rel­a­tive “satel­lite” for some larg­er pow­er but which one it cozies up to. The EU was cer­tain­ly the obvi­ous choice, but since it’s gone kind of insane in recent years “Plan Bs” are now required. So it’ll be inter­est­ing to see how it all works out, espe­cial­ly since there’s noth­ing lim­it­ing the plans to Plans A and B. Plan Z could be fun too (you know you want it!).

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 10, 2015, 3:11 pm
  20. The talks between Greece and the eurogroup just col­lapsed due to one of the sides tak­ing a com­plete­ly uncom­pro­mis­ing stance. Guess which side:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al

    Athenae Delen­da Est
    Paul Krug­man
    Feb 16 2:02 pm

    OK, this is amaz­ing, and not in a good way. Greek talks with finance min­is­ters have bro­ken up over this draft state­ment, which the Greeks have described as “absurd.” It’s cer­tain­ly remark­able. On my read­ing, here’s the key sen­tence:

    The Greek author­i­ties com­mit­ted to ensure appro­pri­ate pri­ma­ry fis­cal sur­plus­es and financ­ing in order to guar­an­tee debt sus­tain­abil­i­ty in line with the tar­gets agreed in the Novem­ber 2012 Eurogroup state­ment. More­over, any new mea­sures should be fund­ed, and not endan­ger finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty.

    Trans­la­tion (if you look back at that Eurogroup state­ment): no give what­so­ev­er on the pri­ma­ry sur­plus of 4.5 per­cent of GDP.

    There was absolute­ly no way Tsipras and com­pa­ny could sign on to such a state­ment, which makes you won­der what the Eurogroup min­is­ters think they’re doing.

    I guess it’s pos­si­ble that they’re just fools — that they don’t under­stand that Greece 2015 is not Ire­land 2010, and that this kind of bul­ly­ing won’t work.

    Alter­na­tive­ly, and I guess more like­ly, they’ve decid­ed to push Greece over the edge. Rather than give any ground, they pre­fer to see Greece forced into default and prob­a­bly out of the euro, with the pre­sumed eco­nom­ic wreck­age as an object les­son to any­one else think­ing of ask­ing for relief. That is, they’re set­ting out to impose the eco­nom­ic equiv­a­lent of the “Carthagin­ian peace” France sought to impose on Ger­many after World War I.

    Either way, the lack of wis­dom is aston­ish­ing and appalling.

    “Alter­na­tive­ly, and I guess more like­ly, they’ve decid­ed to push Greece over the edge. Rather than give any ground, they pre­fer to see Greece forced into default and prob­a­bly out of the euro, with the pre­sumed eco­nom­ic wreck­age as an object les­son to any­one else think­ing of ask­ing for relief. That is, they’re set­ting out to impose the eco­nom­ic equiv­a­lent of the “Carthagin­ian peace” France sought to impose on Ger­many after World War I.Krug­man ain’t kid­ding about that.

    So it’s look­ing like we’re near­ing the end of the Greek EU Odyssey, with Greece stand­ing at the edge of a cliff and the rest of Europe yelling “Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump or we’ll push you our­selves!” And once Greece jumps and goes *splat* on the rocks below, it is to be gawked at until the rest of the Euro­pean rab­ble is scared back into the eco­nom­ic 19th cen­tu­ry.

    The beat­ings will con­tin­ue until morale improves until we decide to you into a scare­crow.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 16, 2015, 2:02 pm
  21. The talks between Greece and the eurogroup just col­lapsed due to one of the sides tak­ing a com­plete­ly uncom­pro­mis­ing stance. Guess which side:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al

    Athenae Delen­da Est
    Paul Krug­man
    Feb 16 2:02 pm

    OK, this is amaz­ing, and not in a good way. Greek talks with finance min­is­ters have bro­ken up over this draft state­ment, which the Greeks have described as “absurd.” It’s cer­tain­ly remark­able. On my read­ing, here’s the key sen­tence:

    The Greek author­i­ties com­mit­ted to ensure appro­pri­ate pri­ma­ry fis­cal sur­plus­es and financ­ing in order to guar­an­tee debt sus­tain­abil­i­ty in line with the tar­gets agreed in the Novem­ber 2012 Eurogroup state­ment. More­over, any new mea­sures should be fund­ed, and not endan­ger finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty.

    Trans­la­tion (if you look back at that Eurogroup state­ment): no give what­so­ev­er on the pri­ma­ry sur­plus of 4.5 per­cent of GDP.

    There was absolute­ly no way Tsipras and com­pa­ny could sign on to such a state­ment, which makes you won­der what the Eurogroup min­is­ters think they’re doing.

    I guess it’s pos­si­ble that they’re just fools — that they don’t under­stand that Greece 2015 is not Ire­land 2010, and that this kind of bul­ly­ing won’t work.

    Alter­na­tive­ly, and I guess more like­ly, they’ve decid­ed to push Greece over the edge. Rather than give any ground, they pre­fer to see Greece forced into default and prob­a­bly out of the euro, with the pre­sumed eco­nom­ic wreck­age as an object les­son to any­one else think­ing of ask­ing for relief. That is, they’re set­ting out to impose the eco­nom­ic equiv­a­lent of the “Carthagin­ian peace” France sought to impose on Ger­many after World War I.

    Either way, the lack of wis­dom is aston­ish­ing and appalling.

    “Alter­na­tive­ly, and I guess more like­ly, they’ve decid­ed to push Greece over the edge. Rather than give any ground, they pre­fer to see Greece forced into default and prob­a­bly out of the euro, with the pre­sumed eco­nom­ic wreck­age as an object les­son to any­one else think­ing of ask­ing for relief. That is, they’re set­ting out to impose the eco­nom­ic equiv­a­lent of the “Carthagin­ian peace” France sought to impose on Ger­many after World War I.Krug­man ain’t kid­ding about that.

    So it’s look­ing like we’re near­ing the end of the Greek EU Odyssey, with Greece stand­ing at the edge of a cliff and the rest of Europe yelling “Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump or we’ll push you our­selves!” And once Greece jumps and goes *splat* on the rocks below, it is to be gawked at until the rest of the Euro­pean rab­ble is scared back into the eco­nom­ic 19th cen­tu­ry.

    The beat­ings will con­tin­ue until morale improves until we decide to turn you into a scare­crow.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 16, 2015, 2:03 pm
  22. With cries of “black­mail” com­ing from both sides of the Greek nego­ti­a­tions, check out what report­ed­ly took place at a meet­ing of EU finance min­is­ters: A draft pro­pos­al was pre­sent­ed to Greece by EU Eco­nom­ics Com­mis­sion­er Pierre Moscovi­ci that Greek finance min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis says he would have accept­ed. The draft would have sim­ply giv­en Athens four-months of breath­ing space in return for the Greek gov­ern­ment hold­ing off from doing any major pol­i­cy changes. In oth­er words, it sim­ply defus­es the imme­di­ate cri­sis that could result in in ‘Grex­it’ at the end of this month.

    But then, of course, the pro-aus­ter­i­ty Dutch finance min­is­ter who was chair­ing the meet­ing where the pro­pos­al took place, Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem, refused to allow dis­cus­sion the plan and lat­er said that Greece had until Fri­day to accept the exten­sion of the bailout. So that hap­pened:

    Greece rejects bailout exten­sion pro­pos­al, end­ing euro­zone talks
    Nego­ti­a­tions among euro­zone finance min­is­ters col­lapse in less than 4 hours

    Thom­son Reuters Post­ed: Feb 16, 2015 10:28 AM ET Last Updat­ed: Feb 16, 2015 4:16 PM ET

    Talks between Greece and euro­zone finance min­is­ters over the coun­try’s debt broke down on Mon­day when Athens reject­ed a pro­pos­al to request a six-month exten­sion of its inter­na­tion­al bailout as “unac­cept­able”.

    The unex­pect­ed­ly rapid col­lapse raised doubts about Greece’s future in the sin­gle cur­ren­cy area after a new left­ist-led gov­ern­ment vowed to scrap the 240 bil­lion euro bailout, reverse aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies and end coop­er­a­tion with EU/IMF inspec­tors.

    Dutch Finance Min­is­ter Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem, who chaired the meet­ing, said Athens had until Fri­day to request an exten­sion, oth­er­wise the bailout would expire at the end of the month.

    How long Greece can keep itself afloat with­out inter­na­tion­al sup­port is uncer­tain. The Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank will decide on Wednes­day whether to main­tain emer­gency lend­ing to Greek banks that are bleed­ing deposits at an esti­mat­ed rate of 2 bil­lion euros a week.

    “The gen­er­al feel­ing in the Eurogroup is still that the best way for­ward would be for the Greek author­i­ties to seek an exten­sion of the pro­gramme,” Dijs­sel­bloem told a news con­fer­ence.

    Greek Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis hit back, com­plain­ing that Dijs­sel­bloem had refused to dis­cuss a pro­pos­al from the exec­u­tive Euro­pean Com­mis­sion that would have giv­en Athens a four-month breath­ing space in return for the new gov­ern­ment hold­ing off on major pol­i­cy changes.

    Greek finance min­is­ter down­plays set­back
    He sought to play down the set­back as a tem­po­rary hitch rather than an impasse.

    “I have no doubt that with­in the next 48 hours Europe is going to come togeth­er and we shall find the phras­ing that is nec­es­sary so that we can sub­mit it and move on to do the real work that is nec­es­sary,” Varo­ufakis told a news con­fer­ence.

    Varo­ufakis said he rebuffed a draft state­ment put to him by Dijs­sel­bloem as the meet­ing got under way. In com­ments that appeared aimed at play­ing on divi­sions among Euro­pean offi­cials, he said he would have signed a text put to him before the meet­ing by Pierre Moscovi­ci, the EU’s eco­nom­ics com­mis­sion­er.

    The talks, which had been expect­ed to last late into the night, col­lapsed in less than four hours.

    Both sides showed signs of fray­ing patience, with sev­er­al min­is­ters com­plain­ing of dis­ap­poin­ment and fear­ing dis­as­ter. Dijs­sel­bloem spoke of a need to rebuild trust and Greek offi­cials grum­bled that Varo­ufakis was pre­sent­ed with an unac­cept­able text as soon as he walked into the room.

    Dijs­sel­bloem plead­ed with the Greeks to buy them­selves time to dis­cuss the way for­ward calm­ly by request­ing an exten­sion.

    But he also said: “Would a new pro­gramme look very dif­fer­ent? I don’t think so. The rules and reg­u­la­tions talk about strict con­di­tion­al­i­ties. It would still be about fis­cal sus­tain­abil­i­ty.”

    Ger­many, the euro­zone’s main pay­mas­ter and Greece’s biggest cred­i­tor, stuck to its hard line.

    Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble said before the talks that Greece had lived beyond its means for a long time and there was no appetite in Europe for giv­ing it any more mon­ey with­out guar­an­tees it was get­ting its finances in order.

    As the meet­ing in Bruss­sels broke up, a senior Greek banker said Greece’s stance bod­ed ill for the mar­kets and the banks.

    “It is a very neg­a­tive devel­op­ment for the econ­o­my and the banks. The out­flows will con­tin­ue. We are los­ing 400–500 mil­lion every day and that means about 2 bil­lion every week. We will have pres­sure on stocks and bond yields tomor­row,” he said.

    Varo­ufakis ear­li­er spelled out in a com­bat­ive New York Times arti­cle Greece’s refusal to be treat­ed as a “debt colony” sub­ject­ed to “the great­est aus­ter­i­ty for the most depressed econ­o­my”.

    “The lines that we have pre­sent­ed as red will not be crossed,” he said.

    You have to love this:

    Dutch Finance Min­is­ter Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem, who chaired the meet­ing, said Athens had until Fri­day to request an exten­sion, oth­er­wise the bailout would expire at the end of the month.


    Greek Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis hit back, com­plain­ing that Dijs­sel­bloem had refused to dis­cuss a pro­pos­al from the exec­u­tive Euro­pean Com­mis­sion that would have giv­en Athens a four-month breath­ing space in return for the new gov­ern­ment hold­ing off on major pol­i­cy changes.


    Dijs­sel­bloem plead­ed with the Greeks to buy them­selves time to dis­cuss the way for­ward calm­ly by request­ing an exten­sion.

    But he also said: “Would a new pro­gramme look very dif­fer­ent? I don’t think so. The rules and reg­u­la­tions talk about strict con­di­tion­al­i­ties. It would still be about fis­cal sus­tain­abil­i­ty.”

    Yes, Dijs­sel­bloem refused to dis­cuss a pro­pos­al by the EU Eco­nom­ics Com­mis­sion­er but also felt the need to plead with the Greeks to buy them­selves time to dis­cuss the way for­ward by sim­ply request­ing an exten­sion of the bailout...you know the one thing the new Greek gov­ern­ment was elect­ed NOT to do because that would mean noth­ing changes and Greece con­tin­ues to drown. And then he warned Greece that it has until Fri­day to request the exten­sion.

    So it’s look­ing like the pro-aus­ter­i­ty crowd is so dead set on avoid­ing any devi­a­tion from Greece’s aus­ter­i­ty agen­da that they’ll over­rule the EU Eco­nom­ics Com­mis­sion­er in order to keep the threat of a ‘Grex­it’ on the table when there are just days left to find a solu­tion and the Greeks are still will­ing to endure aus­ter­i­ty even with a rene­go­ti­a­tion. There would still be aus­ter­i­ty, just not quite as much aus­ter­i­ty so Greece’s soci­ety does­n’t keep falling apart. That’s all Greece is ask­ing for and some form of aus­ter­i­ty would still con­tin­ue.

    And, of course, Ger­many Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gange Schaeu­ble felt the need to sug­gest that Europe just can’t trust Greece to stick to any agree­ments to get its finances in order:

    Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble said before the talks that Greece had lived beyond its means for a long time and there was no appetite in Europe for giv­ing it any more mon­ey with­out guar­an­tees it was get­ting its finances in order

    So, keep­ing in mind that Greece ran a 1.5% sur­plus in 2014 and is slat­ed to run a 3% sur­plus in 2015 that is sched­uled to jump to 4.5% and stay there for years, here’s anoth­er look at Greece’s track record on “get­ting its finances in order”:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al
    Com­par­a­tive Aus­ter­i­ty

    Paul Krug­man
    Feb­ru­ary 17, 2015 7:21 am

    Kevin O’Rourke is angry at the Irish gov­ern­ment for self-right­eous­ly lec­tur­ing Greece on the need to suck it up and be aus­tere like the Irish. Indeed. Here’s a dif­fer­ent com­par­i­son:

    Greece has done a lot more aus­ter­i­ty than those coun­tries cit­ed as sup­posed suc­cess sto­ries (which is anoth­er issue — suc­cess being defined as “not total col­lapse, and slight recov­ery after years of hor­ror” — but that’s a dif­fer­ent sto­ry). And as Kevin says, the Irish gov­ern­ment is act­ing against its own cit­i­zens by beat­ing up on Greece.

    Part of what makes this lat­est chap­ter of our con­tem­po­rary Greek tragedy is that when you see even coun­tries like Ire­land jump­ing on the “beat the Greeks” band­wag­on, a prece­dent is being estab­lished that basi­cal­ly guar­an­tees the euro­zone is going to be a force for devel­op­ment and right-wing eco­nom­ics for decades to come. An uncon­test­ed prece­dent. So at this point, the euro­zone has turned itself into the Union of Loan Sharks and any future Euro­pean fis­cal crises are set to be resolved under loan shark con­di­tions. One of the great­est chal­lenges that’s always faced a union like the euro­zone is get­ting all the par­ties to agree to any­thing, and yet usury has received a near­ly unan­i­mous endorse­ment.

    Giv­en all that, it’s hard to see how the inevitable crises of the future aren’t going to turn into a repeat of one of the worst loan shark feed­ing fren­zies in the past cen­tu­ry. Over and over.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 17, 2015, 12:11 pm
  23. Ack, the link to the chart in this Krug­man piece on “Com­par­a­tive Aus­ter­i­ty” did­n’t show up above. Be sure to check out the chart show­ing the fol­low­ing changes in real non-inter­est spend­ing from 2007–2014:
    Spain: ~+3%
    Por­tu­gal: ~-2%
    Ire­land: ~-2.5%
    Lavtvia: ~-3%
    Greece: ~-22%

    That’s some­thing the rest of the euro­zone should def­i­nite­ly keep in mind dur­ing the ongo­ing nego­ti­a­tions with Greece. Because if Greece has had it too easy, has­n’t every­one else had it way too easy too?

    With that in mind, here’s anoth­er set of charts worth pon­der­ing:

    This cool com­bo chart shows Greece’s eco­nom­ic dis­as­ter is even worse than it looks

    Updat­ed by Matthew Ygle­sias on Feb­ru­ary 15, 2015, 2:00 p.m. ET

    The Econ­o­mist’s data team has put togeth­er a great chart col­lec­tion on Greece that’s so packed with data that this eight-charts-in-one mega-chart is only one piece of it. But this par­tic­u­lar graph­ic shows what is, I think, a key point to under­stand­ing the pol­i­cy real­i­ties behind the polit­i­cal wran­gling that’s hap­pen­ing right now:
    [see set of charts with one show­ing Greece’s average­u­nit labor costs drop­ping ~12% from 2010–2014]
    Sev­en of these charts are show­ing you that the eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion in Greece is ter­ri­ble. But the chart in the top right is show­ing you some­thing else — Greece’s unit labor costs, a key mea­sure of com­pet­i­tive­ness, have gone down a con­sid­er­able amount. This is key because reduc­ing unit labor costs is sup­posed to be the key to Greece’s recov­ery.

    On blogs, peo­ple talk a lot about “aus­ter­i­ty” and whether or not it “works.”

    But the con­ver­sa­tion that Euro­pean Union offi­cials have is much more about com­pet­i­tive­ness. Their view is that the con­ti­nent as a whole (and espe­cial­ly its way­ward mem­bers like Greece) need to improve com­pet­i­tive­ness by increas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and decreas­ing wages. The scary mes­sage of this chart is that Europe’s pre­scrip­tion for Greece is doing some­thing worse than fail­ing — it’s suc­ceed­ing. Wage cuts real­ly are mak­ing Greece more com­pet­i­tive. But while wage cuts have man­aged to reduce incomes and liv­ing stan­dards for the employed, they haven’t suc­ceed­ed in cre­at­ing any jobs for job­less or restor­ing eco­nom­ic growth.

    You can see why Greek vot­ers recent­ly decid­ed to give an alter­na­tive approach a try.

    That’s right: con­trary to the com­mon per­cep­tion across Europe that aus­ter­i­ty isn’t “work­ing” in Greece because the Greeks have been resist­ing their nec­es­sary “struc­tur­al reforms”, aus­ter­i­ty in Greece has been “work­ing” far more than any­where else when viewed from the Euro-elite per­spec­tive where increas­ing “com­pet­i­tive­ness” is the key “struc­tur­al reforms”. So, from an elite per­spec­tive, Greece’s aus­ter­i­ty pro­gram has been a stun­ning success...Greeks real­ly are far more “com­pet­i­tive” than they were before. And yet the econ­o­my is still fail­ing to cre­ate jobs for the job­less or restore growth..

    So if you’ve ever won­der why we so often hear calls for “struc­tur­al reforms” in one nation after anoth­er, but nev­er actu­al­ly hear any­one artic­u­late a vision for what the reformed econ­o­my might look like in, say, 10 or 20 years from now (like what high val­ue-added sec­tors that pay decent wages are expect­ed to be cre­at­ed), the “suc­cess” of Greece’s aus­ter­i­ty should be a clue as to why you nev­er actu­al­ly hear any­one describe what they think a thriv­ing Greek econ­o­my might look like. Espe­cial­ly with all the cuts to Greece’s edu­ca­tion­al sys­tem...what exact­ly are the paths to eco­nom­ic suc­cess that Europe’s lead­er­ship has in mind that include mas­sive cuts to Greece’s human cap­i­tal?

    Odd­ly, we nev­er real­ly hear that vision. Instead, we just get vague state­ments about how “increased ‘com­pet­i­tive­ness’ = future pros­per­i­ty!” and no one seems to pry fur­ther.

    So, while it’s pos­si­ble that the Euro-elites don’t actu­al­ly have a vision for the future of Greece and the oth­er periph­er­al nations, it’s also very pos­si­ble that they have some­thing in mind, but pre­fer to keep it to them­selves. Or least, pre­ferred to keep it to them­selves. We’re def­i­nite­ly get­ting a bet­ter sense of what’s going on inside those Euro-elite heads these days whether they share it or not.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 17, 2015, 7:25 pm
  24. Here’s a piece on how the Greek eco­nom­ic cri­sis is lay­ing the ground­work for a polit­i­cal back­lash across Europe and it ends with a rather omi­nous pos­si­bil­i­ty: If Greece ends get­ting kicked out of the euro­zone, it’s going to be awful­ly hard to put the grow­ing per­cep­tion that Europe is being run as a Ger­man usury colony back in the bot­tle. So what could that mean for Europe if the zeit­geist emerges across the periph­ery that EVERYONE is los­ing their free­dom and the sit­u­a­tion is no longer “the euro­zone vs a very deter­mined Greece gov­ern­ment” but instead “A very deter­mined rich euro­zone vs a very deter­mined poor euro­zone”? How on earth is the euro­zone sup­posed to resolve that kind of a con­flict?

    Giv­en what we’ve seen so far it’s not at all clear. And yet, giv­en what we’ve seen so far, and the real­i­ty the the euro­zone real­ly is being turned into a debt colony, it’s also increas­ing­ly like­ly that we’re going to find out how Europe han­dles a major Rich vs Poor show­down soon­er or lat­er:

    Naked Cap­i­tal­ism
    Math­ew D. Rose: Greece – It’s a Rev­o­lu­tion, Stu­pid!
    Post­ed on Feb­ru­ary 18, 2015 by Yves Smith

    Yves here. As Greece’s strug­gles to secure relief from impos­si­ble-to-pay-debt that served to prop up oth­er­wise insol­vent French and Ger­man banks, and to be per­mit­ted to imple­ment mea­sures to reduce dis­tress and restore growth, more and more observers are rec­og­niz­ing that this is real­ly a strug­gle over demo­c­ra­t­ic self-con­trol ver­sus rule by an unac­count­able tech­noc­ra­cy with inflex­i­ble rules, using finance as their enforce­ment weapon. This speech in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment today by UKIP leader Neil Farage (hat tip Chuck L) echoes some of the themes of Math­ew Rose’s post. Rose also explains how the many Ger­mans jus­ti­fy the coun­ter­pro­duc­tive destruc­tion of a soci­ety that they have turned into a vas­sal state.

    By Math­ew D. Rose, a free­lance jour­nal­ist in Berlin

    I fear most peo­ple have become so fix­at­ed on the Greek debt and the fate of the Euro, that they have com­plete­ly ignored the polit­i­cal dimen­sions of the cur­rent con­flict in Europe, shich are no less dra­mat­ic. The ongo­ing dis­pute between the Ger­man and Greek gov­ern­ments is noth­ing less than a demo­c­ra­t­ic rev­o­lu­tion against Ger­man hege­mo­ny and the attempt of the Ger­mans and their pal­adins in the EU to dic­tate Greek domes­tic pol­i­cy. It is a strug­gle by the Greeks to re-estab­lish nation­al sov­er­eign­ty. What is more, this is the first time in the his­to­ry of the EU that a polit­i­cal par­ty with true left­ist cre­den­tials has led a mem­ber nation. For reac­tionary Ger­many, with its neolib­er­al agen­da, that is intol­er­a­ble. This con­flict is pro­found, if not exis­ten­tial, and thus could well be intractable.

    The Greek peo­ple have made a deci­sion to lib­er­ate them­selves from a repres­sive regime of aus­ter­i­ty and its incum­bent human­i­tar­i­an dis­as­ter. The Ger­mans on the oth­er hand refer to the devel­op­ments of the past five years in Greece as a suc­cess. Yes, it has been a suc­cess in the sense that the Ger­mans and French were able to res­cue their banks and leave the Greek peo­ple to foot the bill. It was even more suc­cess­ful in that Greece was stripped of its polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic auton­o­my – with the assis­tance of the quis­lings Anto­nis Sama­ras and Evan­ge­los Venize­los.

    The Ger­man gov­ern­ment has nev­er want­ed demo­c­ra­t­ic reform in Greece, leav­ing the per­pe­tra­tors of the Greek finan­cial cri­sis, the polit­i­cal and finan­cial elites unscathed. Suc­cess has meant Greece being reduced to a vas­sal state, rais­ing the mar­ket above all oth­er val­ues, where multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions, includ­ing Ger­man com­pa­nies, could take over prof­itable state assets cheap­ly and Ger­man tourists could enjoy cut-rate hol­i­days or buy hol­i­day homes at bar­gain prices. What occurred in Greece with the bailout is an occu­pa­tion, not with troops and panz­ers, but by finan­cial means.

    Fol­low­ing the recent elec­tions in Greece, Ger­many and its EU com­pradors are mak­ing it clear who is in charge. The Ger­mans are cur­rent­ly not offer­ing any com­pro­mise, but iter­ate the same blunt demand: Greece has to accept what is being dic­tat­ed; in oth­er words, capit­u­late or be anni­hi­lat­ed. This time it will not be the Wehrma­cht und Luft­waffe that are to force the Greek nation into sub­mis­sion, but a weapon just as lethal: nation­al bank­rupt­cy.

    What has been a true dis­grace is the role of the Ger­man peo­ple, who sin­cere­ly believe that they are the “Good Guys”, cham­pi­oning democ­ra­cy and jus­tice wher­ev­er they tread. There is a say­ing in Ger­man that should not to be under­es­ti­mat­ed: “Am deutschen Wesen mag die Welt gene­sen” (The Ger­man char­ac­ter will heal the world). In Ger­many, where the banks are held in awe, the gov­ern­ment is dic­tat­ed by vest­ed inter­ests and the Ger­mans lay claim to a very high social moral­i­ty, the true rea­sons for the so called Greek bailout – sav­ing Ger­man banks – would not do.

    Thus the gov­ern­ment, assist­ed by the media, utilised old polit­i­cal tools: nation­al­ism and racism. The finan­cial cri­sis in Europe and Greece was no longer a nar­ra­tive of prof­li­gate, lying, cheat­ing, cor­rupt pri­vate banks, but of prof­li­gate, lying, cheat­ing, cor­rupt South­ern Euro­peans. It is sur­pris­ing, if not shock­ing, how pre­pared the Ger­mans, many of whom nor­mal­ly pos­sess a very high polit­i­cal acu­men, were pre­pared to embrace this dis­course. A climdown by the Ger­man gov­ern­ment in what has become such an emo­tion­al­ly laden issue will be dif­fi­cult.

    Add to this, that no nation has prof­it­ed more from the Euro cri­sis than Ger­many, cat­a­pult­ing it to its new hege­mon­ic role in the EU. Accord­ing to the Bun­des­bank the Ger­man gov­ern­ment had by the con­clu­sion of 2014 saved 152.4 bil­lion Euros in debt pay­ment due to the low inter­est rates it pays for cred­it since the cri­sis began. The depressed val­ue of the Euro, also a prod­uct of the cri­sis, has been a boon for Germany’s export ori­ent­ed econ­o­my and returns from over­seas invest­ments. Thus the Ger­mans have ignored the human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis devel­op­ing at its doorstep.

    Unfor­tu­nate­ly nation­al­ism begets nation­al­ism and this may well become the ful­crum of future devel­op­ments. Where­as banks and the EU are rather elu­sive oppo­nents, Ger­many is not. Euro­peans, like their Ger­man coun­ter­parts, are well versed in nation­al­ism. Thus being able to con­cen­trate their ire upon Ger­many – and the cur­rent intran­si­gence of the Ger­man gov­ern­ment towards Greece is aug­ment­ing this mood – there is a poten­tial polit­i­cal back­lash devel­op­ing.

    Greece has played its polit­i­cal hand bril­liant­ly. They have pre­sent­ed a human­i­tar­i­an and demo­c­ra­t­ic pro­gramme, gain­ing the moral high ground, then going on to offer com­pro­mis­es and plans to put these into action. They have exhib­it­ed the true spir­it of the Euro­pean Union. The Euro Group, led con­spic­u­ous­ly by Ger­many, demands a per­pet­u­a­tion of their imposed aus­ter­i­ty pro­gramme.

    The prob­lem is that Syriza is not a Social Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty that has no scru­ple about sell­ing its vot­ers down the riv­er. They appear to be sin­cere­ly com­mit­ted to democ­ra­cy and reform – and pre­pared to fight for it. Despite the cur­rent Greek gov­ern­ment hav­ing not named the Ger­man gov­ern­ment as the prob­lem, which the media does any­way, the per­cep­tion of many Euro­peans is of the return of the Ugly Ger­man on the polit­i­cal stage.


    As a his­to­ri­an I know bet­ter than to spec­u­late upon his­to­ry repeat­ing itself, but there is some­thing eeri­ly dis­turb­ing con­cern­ing the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. Who­ev­er I speak with and in most Anglo-Sax­on media, every­one analy­ses the sit­u­a­tion with Game The­o­ry, appar­ent­ly rather mod­ish these days. Accord­ing to them, the Greeks and Ger­mans will pull up at the brink, any­thing else would be mad­ness. 101 years ago, this was the same thing being said in Europe con­cern­ing the Ger­mans with regard to the con­flict between Aus­tria-Hun­gary and Ser­bia.

    Then World War I broke out.

    “The prob­lem is that Syriza is not a Social Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty that has no scru­ple about sell­ing its vot­ers down the riv­er. They appear to be sin­cere­ly com­mit­ted to democ­ra­cy and reform – and pre­pared to fight for it.” Yep, it’s a prob­lem!

    The fact that gov­ern­ments that are sin­cere­ly com­mit­ted to democ­ra­cy and reform are seen a prob­lem is also a pret­ty big prob­lem.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 18, 2015, 7:40 pm
  25. While it might some­times seem like Europe has been caught in the sequel to Ground­hog Day, with the same crises and same respons­es over and over, keep in mind that the only way to escape the time loop was by Bill Mur­ray’s char­ac­ter hav­ing an epiphany and find­ing true love. So, from that per­spec­tive, we clear­ly have a long ways to go before Europe escapes its time loop. But also keep in mind that we nev­er dis­cov­er in Ground­hog Day what would have hap­pened if Bill Mur­ray’s char­ac­ter push­es his roman­tic inter­est off a cliff instead. Would the oppo­site of an epiphany and true love have allowed him to escape from the time loop too? We’ll find out in the sequel:

    Greece offers con­ces­sions to win euro zone loan exten­sion, Ger­many objects

    By Renee Mal­te­zou and Jan Strupczews­ki

    ATHENS/BRUSSELS Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:36am EST

    (Reuters) — Greece for­mal­ly request­ed a six-month exten­sion to its euro zone loan agree­ment on Thurs­day, offer­ing major con­ces­sions as it raced to avoid run­ning out of cash with­in weeks, but imme­di­ate­ly ran into strong objec­tions from EU pay­mas­ter Ger­many.

    Berlin’s reac­tion was hos­tile, with the finance min­istry describ­ing the Greek pro­pos­al as “not a sub­stan­tial solu­tion” as it failed to ful­fill con­di­tions of an EU/IMF bailout pro­gram which left­ist Prime Min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras had promised to ditch when he won an elec­tion last month.

    With the pro­gram due to expire in lit­tle more than a week, Athens urgent­ly needs to secure a finan­cial life­line to keep the coun­try afloat beyond late March.

    Euro zone finance min­is­ters will meet on Fri­day after­noon in Brus­sels to con­sid­er the request, the chair­man of their Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem, said in a tweet. That raised hopes of a deal to avert pos­si­ble bank­rupt­cy and a Greek exit from the 19-nation cur­ren­cy area.

    But such hopes soon began to fade when the Ger­man Finance Min­istry poured cold water on the Greek request made in a let­ter to Dijs­sel­bloem for an exten­sion to its “Mas­ter Finan­cial Assis­tance Facil­i­ty Agree­ment” with the euro zone.

    Berlin has led skep­ti­cal euro zone gov­ern­ments in demand­ing that Greece keeps promis­es made by a pre­vi­ous con­ser­v­a­tive-led gov­ern­ment to imple­ment tough aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies and painful eco­nom­ic forms.

    Finance Min­istry spokesman Mar­tin Jaeger repeat­ed Ger­man objec­tions to Greek plans to seek a “bridge” deal cov­er­ing fund­ing while side­step­ping aus­ter­i­ty issues.

    “The let­ter from Athens is not a pro­pos­al that leads to a sub­stan­tial solu­tion,” Jaeger said in a state­ment. “In truth it goes in the direc­tion of a bridge financ­ing, with­out ful­fill­ing the demands of the pro­gram.”

    The let­ter did not meet the cri­te­ria agreed by the Eurogroup of euro zone finance min­is­ters on Mon­day, he added.

    In Athens, a gov­ern­ment offi­cial said Greece was propos­ing dif­fer­ent terms from its cur­rent bailout oblig­a­tions.


    Greece had com­mit­ted to main­tain fis­cal bal­ance dur­ing the inter­im peri­od, take imme­di­ate reforms to fight tax eva­sion and cor­rup­tion, and mea­sures to deal with what Athens calls its “human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis” and kick-start eco­nom­ic growth, he said.

    In the doc­u­ment seen by Reuters, Greece pledged to meet its finan­cial oblig­a­tions to all cred­i­tors, rec­og­nize the exist­ing EU/IMF pro­gram as the legal­ly bind­ing frame­work and refrain from uni­lat­er­al action that would under­mine the fis­cal tar­gets. [nL5N0VT2S7]

    Cru­cial­ly, it accept­ed that the exten­sion would be mon­i­tored by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank and Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund, a climb­down by Tsipras who had vowed to end coop­er­a­tion with “troi­ka” inspec­tors accused of inflict­ing deep eco­nom­ic and social dam­age on Greece.

    How­ev­er, the doc­u­ment stopped short of accept­ing that Greece should achieve this year a sur­plus on the pri­ma­ry bud­get — which excludes repay­ments on Greece’s huge debts — equal to three per­cent of the coun­try’s annu­al eco­nom­ic out­put, as promised under the bailout deal.

    Tsipras wants to cut that to 1.5 per­cent to allow more state spend­ing to ease the plight of the Greek peo­ple, while the doc­u­ment left the issue open by speak­ing of attain­ing “appro­pri­ate pri­ma­ry bud­get sur­plus­es”.

    The six-month inter­im peri­od would be used to nego­ti­ate a long-term deal for recov­ery and growth incor­po­rat­ing fur­ther debt relief mea­sures promised by the Eurogroup in 2012.

    If Berlin’s reser­va­tions are shared among oth­er euro zone gov­ern­ments, the let­ter’s word­ing may fail in its inten­tion: to allow Athens to avoid say­ing it is extend­ing the cur­rent pro­gram that it oppos­es while cred­i­tors can avoid accept­ing a “loan agree­ment” with­out strings attached.

    Greek Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis had expressed con­fi­dence on Wednes­day. “The appli­ca­tion will be writ­ten in such a way so that it will sat­is­fy both the Greek side and the pres­i­dent of the Eurogroup,” he said.

    Cru­cial details remain to be clar­i­fied on the fis­cal tar­gets, labor mar­ket reforms, pri­va­ti­za­tions and oth­er mea­sures due to be imple­ment­ed under the exist­ing pro­gram.

    Greek stocks ini­tial­ly rose on Thurs­day’s devel­op­ments, with the bench­mark Athens stock index up 2 per­cent but slipped back after the Ger­man state­ment, being up just 0.6 per­cent on the day. Banks gained 9 per­cent but then shed half the gains.


    Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble has poured scorn on sug­ges­tions that Athens could nego­ti­ate an exten­sion of euro zone fund­ing with no strings attached.

    But on Wednes­day he had indi­cat­ed there may be some pos­si­bil­i­ty of a com­pro­mise. “Our room for maneu­ver is lim­it­ed,” he said dur­ing a debate in Berlin, adding, “We must keep in mind that we have a huge respon­si­bil­i­ty to keep Europe sta­ble.”

    Greece’s finances are in per­il. It is burn­ing through its cash reserves and could run out of mon­ey by the end of March with­out fresh funds, a per­son famil­iar with the fig­ures said.


    So Greece is still pledg­ing to...

    ...meet its finan­cial oblig­a­tions to all cred­i­tors, rec­og­nize the exist­ing EU/IMF pro­gram as the legal­ly bind­ing frame­work and refrain from uni­lat­er­al action that would under­mine the fis­cal tar­gets. [nL5N0VT2S7]

    Cru­cial­ly, it accept­ed that the exten­sion would be mon­i­tored by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank and Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund, a climb­down by Tsipras who had vowed to end coop­er­a­tion with “troi­ka” inspec­tors accused of inflict­ing deep eco­nom­ic and social dam­age on Greece.

    How­ev­er, the doc­u­ment stopped short of accept­ing that Greece should achieve this year a sur­plus on the pri­ma­ry bud­get — which excludes repay­ments on Greece’s huge debts — equal to three per­cent of the coun­try’s annu­al eco­nom­ic out­put, as promised under the bailout deal.”

    And keep in mind that Greec was run­ning a 1.5% sur­plus in 2014, so the aus­ter­i­ty sched­ule that the EU demand­ing Greece stick to would dou­ble Greece’s sur­plus (and then go up to 4.5% in 2016). So Greece is still pledg­ing to pay back all its cred­i­tors — which is a HUGE con­ces­sion giv­en the size of its debt — just not with aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies that are slat­ed to get get worse and make Greece’s exist­ing debt even more crip­pling.

    So Greece makes anoth­er set of con­ces­sions and agrees to con­tin­ue work­ing the reviled troi­ka, while Berlin issues anoth­er demand that there shall be no com­pro­mis­es what­so­ev­er. Just anoth­er day in the death of the euro­zone:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al

    Insert Ger­man Curse Word Here
    Paul Krug­man
    Feb 19 11:58 am

    Ger­many says no to Greek request.To be fair, I think news reports describ­ing the Greek let­ter as a com­plete u‑turn and capit­u­la­tion are wrong. I see this:
    [see pic]
    and it looks to me as if Greece is quite care­ful­ly not com­mit­ting to the orig­i­nal fis­cal tar­gets; it will attain “appro­pri­ate pri­ma­ry fis­cal sur­plus­es”, which almost sure­ly means less than 4.5 per­cent of GDP. So if the Ger­man com­plaint is that Greece is not agree­ing to lock in total sur­ren­der to the pre­ex­ist­ing aus­ter­i­ty plan, this appears to be right. Instead, Greece appears to be seek­ing to buy some time to put togeth­er an eco­nom­ic strat­e­gy (remem­ber, this is a new gov­ern­ment with­out a deep bench of tech­nocrats), and to nego­ti­ate terms lat­er. Ger­many, on the oth­er hand, is try­ing to force Syriza into com­plete aban­don­ment of its elec­tion promis­es right now, today.

    Do the Ger­mans real­ly think that’s a like­ly out­come? I sus­pect not. This looks to me like an attempt to force Greece out of the euro, right now. Ger­man pol­i­cy is objec­tive­ly pro-Grex­it.

    It’s also, giv­en the like­ly fall­out, objec­tive­ly pro-Gold­en Dawn.


    “Do the Ger­mans real­ly think that’s a like­ly out­come? I sus­pect not. This looks to me like an attempt to force Greece out of the euro, right now. Ger­man pol­i­cy is objec­tive­ly pro-Grex­it.

    It’s also, giv­en the like­ly fall­out, objec­tive­ly pro-Gold­en Dawn.”

    So now that it’s look­ing like the EU is engag­ing in objec­tive­ly pro-‘Grexit’/Golden Dawn actions, you have to won­der how much pop­u­lar sup­port there will for an EU mil­i­tary inva­sion of Greece (for human­i­tar­i­an pur­pos­es) fol­low­ing a ‘Grex­it’ should the Gold­en Dawn climb to pow­er in the midst of a Greek eco­nom­ic col­lapse and behave like, well, Nazis they are. Forced aus­ter­i­ty and pri­va­ti­za­tions were clear no-brain­ers for those that desire to see Greece reduced to a vas­sal state, and war can cer­tain­ly turn Greece into a vas­sal state too, but war ain’t cheap. What’s a tight­fist­ed author­i­tar­i­an to do?

    It’s all a reminder that, while a day that nev­er ends might seem like some form of hell, when you’re in a sit­u­a­tion that looks like it’s on the verge of get­ting pre­cip­i­tous­ly worse, there are sce­nar­ios far worse than being stuck in a Ground­hog Day time loop. Like a Gold­en Dawn.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 19, 2015, 2:07 pm
  26. There’s some­thing about a dead­line that makes one appre­ci­ate the incred­i­ble val­ue of time:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al
    Europe Needs To Stop The Clock
    Feb 20 10:05 am

    I’ve been in cor­re­spon­dence with var­i­ous peo­ple try­ing to track the cur­rent Greece/euro cri­sis, and every­one seems to have reached the same con­clu­sion I’ve reached — name­ly, that what’s need­ed above all right now is some way to stop the clock, call a time-out, what­ev­er. We’re talk­ing about weeks, maybe a month or two — but that pause is des­per­ate­ly need­ed, because oth­er­wise it will be all too easy to stum­ble into a pre­ventable dis­as­ter.

    Why do we need a time-out? Main­ly because the new Greek gov­ern­ment sim­ply hasn’t had time to do its home­work. This is not a crit­i­cism: it’s a new gov­ern­ment, it’s out­side the exist­ing polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment (because vot­ers feel, with jus­ti­fi­ca­tion, that the estab­lish­ment has failed), and Syriza doesn’t have a deep tech­no­crat­ic bench. Even with the best will in the world — and from what I hear, we are talk­ing about well-inten­tioned peo­ple here — the Greeks can’t present a detailed pro­pos­al, decide exact­ly what they must do and can’t do, just yet.

    In a dif­fer­ent phase of his­to­ry, they might have been able to turn to out­side insti­tu­tions with a lot of tech­ni­cal exper­tise — but now? The Com­mis­sion is, in their eyes and pret­ty much in real­i­ty, a bad actor which has had ter­ri­ble judg­ment. The IMF are pret­ty good guys these days, but are part of the troi­ka and cer­tain­ly can’t be direct­ly involved in draft­ing the agen­da of this gov­ern­ment. Dit­to the ECB.

    Now, maybe after 60 or 90 days it would become clear that there is no pos­si­ble deal, and Grex­it it is. But we don’t know that.


    Yep, we don’t know what the next 60 or 90 days holds. But at least now we know that in about 120 days we’ll prob­a­bly be right be to where we start­ed:

    WRAPUP 9‑Greece, euro zone agree four-month loan exten­sion, avert crunch Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:03pm EST

    (Adds Schaeu­ble, Varo­ufakis, ECB source)

    * Euro zone agrees in prin­ci­ple to four-month loan exten­sion

    * Con­tin­gent on Greek pol­i­cy plans to be detailed Mon­day

    * Athens forced to climb down and accept strict over­sight

    * ECB says deal means no need for cap­i­tal con­trols

    By Jan Strupczews­ki and Renee Mal­te­zou

    BRUSSELS, Feb 20 (Reuters) — Euro zone finance min­is­ters agreed in prin­ci­ple on Fri­day to extend Greece’s finan­cial res­cue by four months, avert­ing a poten­tial cash crunch in March that could have forced the coun­try out of the cur­ren­cy area.

    The deal, to be rat­i­fied once Greece’s cred­i­tors are sat­is­fied with a list of reforms it will sub­mit next week, ends weeks of uncer­tain­ty since the elec­tion of a left­ist-led gov­ern­ment in Athens which pledged to reverse aus­ter­i­ty.

    “Tonight was a first step in this process of rebuild­ing trust,” Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem, chair­man of the 19-nation Eurogroup, told a news con­fer­ence. “We have estab­lished com­mon ground again to reach agree­ment on this state­ment.”

    The agree­ment, clinched after the third min­is­te­r­i­al meet­ing in two weeks of acri­mo­nious pub­lic exchanges, offers a breath­ing space for the new Greek gov­ern­ment to try to nego­ti­ate longer-term debt relief with its offi­cial cred­i­tors.

    But it also forced rad­i­cal young Prime Min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras into a major climb­down since he had vowed to scrap the bailout, end coop­er­a­tion with the “troi­ka” of inter­na­tion­al lenders and roll back aus­ter­i­ty.

    Euro­pean Union pay­mas­ter Ger­many, Greece’s biggest cred­i­tor, had demand­ed “sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments” in reform com­mit­ments by Athens before it would accept an exten­sion of euro zone fund­ing.

    The two main com­bat­ants around the table put a rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent gloss on the result.

    “Being in gov­ern­ment is a date with real­i­ty, and real­i­ty is often not as nice as a dream,” Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble told reporters, stress­ing Athens would get no aid pay­ments until its bailout pro­gramme was prop­er­ly com­plet­ed.

    “The Greeks cer­tain­ly will have a dif­fi­cult time to explain the deal to their vot­ers,” the con­ser­v­a­tive vet­er­an said.

    Greek Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis said the talks had shown elec­tions could bring change to Europe. He insist­ed he had avert­ed “reces­sion­ary mea­sures” and said the gov­ern­ment still hoped to raise the min­i­mum wage and rehire some pub­lic sec­tor work­ers.

    “Nobody is going to ask us to impose upon our econ­o­my and soci­ety mea­sures that we don’t agree with,” Varo­ufakis said.

    The euro rebound­ed against the dol­lar and glob­al equi­ty mar­kets surged to record clos­ing highs while Greek gov­ern­ment bond yields fell on opti­mism for a debt deal.


    The accord requires Greece to sub­mit by Mon­day a let­ter to the Eurogroup list­ing all the pol­i­cy mea­sures it plans to take dur­ing the remain­der of the bailout peri­od.

    If the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank and the Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund are sat­is­fied, euro zone mem­ber states will rat­i­fy the exten­sion, where nec­es­sary through their par­lia­ments.

    Euro finance min­is­ters may sign off on the deal on Tues­day via a tele­con­fer­ence. How­ev­er, if there are doubts they would recon­vene in Brus­sels, offi­cials said, a con­di­tions insist­ed upon by Spain, whose gov­ern­ment also faces a rad­i­cal left­ist insur­gency at an elec­tion lat­er this year and is keen that Tsipras gets no spe­cial treat­ment.

    Irish Finance Min­is­ter Michael Noo­nan voiced cau­tion, telling reporters: “It’s an impor­tant first step that we hope will lead to a suc­cess­ful sec­ond step on Mon­day night/Tuesday morn­ing, but then of course there’s a third step with rat­i­fi­ca­tions in par­lia­ment.”

    With the 240 bil­lion euro EU/IMF bailout pro­gramme due to expire in lit­tle more than a week, Tsipras had request­ed a six-month exten­sion of a loan agree­ment but Ger­many and its allies object­ed to the ini­tial for­mu­la­tion of the request.

    Greece’s part­ners insist­ed on the short­er peri­od and tied fur­ther dis­burse­ments to a sat­is­fac­to­ry review at the end. They also oblig­ed Athens to com­mit to ful­ly fund­ing any new spend­ing mea­sures and obtain­ing approval from its lenders.


    Woohoo! A four month exten­sion. Bet­ter than noth­ing. Although when you look at some of the fine print it’s unclear how much bet­ter than noth­ing this deal real­ly is since, as Krug­man point­ed out above, there is sim­ply no way Greece’s new gov­ern­ment is going to have time to put togeth­er a detailed pro­pos­al, and yet the deal just pro­posed man­dates that Greece give a writ­ten plan on Mon­day of how its going to con­tin­ue its aus­ter­i­ty dur­ing the remain­der of the bailout peri­od (which would have end­ed at the end of the month but is to be extend­ed for four months). AND there’s a loop­hole that says the EU mem­bers can reverse the deal on Tues­day if they have any doubts:

    The accord requires Greece to sub­mit by Mon­day a let­ter to the Eurogroup list­ing all the pol­i­cy mea­sures it plans to take dur­ing the remain­der of the bailout peri­od.

    If the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank and the Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund are sat­is­fied, euro zone mem­ber states will rat­i­fy the exten­sion, where nec­es­sary through their par­lia­ments.

    Euro finance min­is­ters may sign off on the deal on Tues­day via a tele­con­fer­ence. How­ev­er, if there are doubts they would recon­vene in Brus­sels, offi­cials said, a con­di­tions insist­ed upon by Spain, whose gov­ern­ment also faces a rad­i­cal left­ist insur­gency at an elec­tion lat­er this year and is keen that Tsipras gets no spe­cial treat­ment.

    So Greece has a few days to put togeth­er a four month aus­ter­i­ty pack­age to a bunch of pro-aus­ter­i­ty politi­cians with an incen­tive to make life as awful as pos­si­ble for the Greeks in order to hide their own aus­ter­i­ty mad­ness. As Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble said, “being in gov­ern­ment is a date with real­i­ty, and real­i­ty is often not as nice as a dream,” which is a good way to sum­ma­rize the night­mar­ish stance of Greece’s part­ners in this fight.

    But, as Krug­man points out below, we still don’t know how bad Greece’s night­mare is going to get, since none of the under­ly­ing issues have been resolved by the agree­ment:

    The New York Times
    The Con­science of a Lib­er­al
    Del­ph­ic Demarche

    Paul Krug­man
    Feb 20 4:12 pm

    OK, we have an agree­ment re Greece, accord­ing to which … what?

    We do have four months of fund­ing, plus what looks like an agree­ment not to hold Greece to fis­cal tar­gets for right now in the face of prob­a­bly fis­cal dete­ri­o­ra­tion. The ques­tion is what strings were attached.

    Greece seem­ing­ly gave a lot of ground on the lan­guage: the stuff about fis­cal adjust­ment in line with the Novem­ber 2012 Eurogroup is back in, which Ger­many will pre­sum­ably claim rep­re­sents a com­mit­ment to stay with the 4.5 per­cent pri­ma­ry sur­plus tar­get. But Greece appar­ent­ly is claim­ing that the agree­ment offers new flex­i­bil­i­ty, which means that it will assert that it has agreed to no such thing.

    So we’re in a weird place: this looks like a defeat for Greece, but since noth­ing sub­stan­tive was resolved, it’s only a defeat if the Greeks accept it as one; which means that noth­ing at all is clear­ly resolved. And that’s arguably a good out­come — time for Greece to get its act togeth­er.


    Yes, we’re in a weird place. Espe­cial­ly since one of Greece’s pri­ma­ry strength in this con­flict is the glob­al sym­pa­thy its gar­ner­ing by being the euro­zone’s Wick­er Man. And it’s look­ing an awful lot like Greece’s euro­zone “part­ners” are going to be intent turn­ing the aus­ter­i­ty screws on Greece as much as pos­si­ble over the next four months, assum­ing the agree­ment isn’t nixed entire­ly due to “doubts”.

    You often hear calls for Europe to make an exam­ple out of Greece, but does Europe real­ly want to burn its Wick­er Man in such a high-pro­file pub­lic man­ner? Because the Wick­er Man is still alive and kick­ing and, as Krug­man points out, the Wick­er Man is only going to get bet­ter and bet­ter at explain­ing to the glob­al audi­ence that this crazy usury cult real­ly has no right to tor­ment him so. Is that what the euro­zone wants the Euro­pean Project to be known as? The Wick­er Man Usury Union?

    And is there any hope of the aus­ter­i­ty end­ing, or at least eas­ing, four months from now? It’s hard to see how that will hap­pen unless the gov­ern­ments of Europe start feel­ing the pain of being known glob­al­ly as sadists since there appears to be lit­tle else that could per­suade them. Could that hap­pen? Well, Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble was right when he said, “being in gov­ern­ment is a date with real­i­ty, and real­i­ty is often not as nice as a dream”, but that does­n’t just apply to gov­ern­ments or the cit­i­zens of aus­ter­i­ty-slammed soci­eties. The glob­al audi­ences forced to watch a con­ti­nent that could have been a force for a bet­ter tomor­row turn itself into a debt death cult ded­i­cat­ed to pro­ject­ing right-wing eco­nom­ic the­o­ries as far and wide as pos­si­ble is pret­ty painful too. Sure, it’s not as painful as direct­ly expe­ri­enc­ing the aus­ter­i­ty, but still real­ly hurts to watch.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 20, 2015, 4:57 pm
  27. Is there an attempt to cre­ate a sit­u­a­tion where the Greeks have to drop Yanis Varo­ufakis as their nego­tia­tor? It’s look­ing like it:

    Busi­ness Insid­er
    Greek finance min­is­ter Tweets, dis­pelling rumors he almost got into a phys­i­cal alter­ca­tion with Eurogroup pres­i­dent

    Shane Fer­ro

    Feb. 21, 2015, 7:38 PM

    (Feb 21 update: On Twit­ter, Greek finance min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis denied the fol­low­ing report)

    The Greek debt cri­sis was report­ed­ly close to com­ing to phys­i­cal blows ear­li­er this week.

    The French paper Libéra­tion report­ed Wednes­day that Greek Finance Min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis got into a heat­ed con­fronta­tion with Eurogroup pres­i­dent Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem on Mon­day after­noon at the meet­ing of Euro­pean finance min­is­ters try­ing to ham­mer out a deal on the Greek bailout.

    As a result of the alter­ca­tion, Ger­man finance min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schäu­ble refus­es to speak to his Greek coun­ter­part.

    Here is a trans­lat­ed part of the intro text of the Libéra­tion post:

    “Liar!” yelled Yanis Varo­ufakis, full of rage. Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem, accus­tomed to the usu­al cour­tesy that exists with­in the club of finance min­is­ters of the euro area, was livid. The Dutch­man, pres­i­dent of the Eurogroup, seemed frag­ile faced by the mas­sive Greek Finance Min­is­ter, who is phys­i­cal­ly sim­i­lar to Bruce Willis. “It was incred­i­ble. We real­ly thought they would come to blows,” said a wit­ness at the scene.

    And here’s more trans­lat­ed from part of the Libéra­tion audio report:

    Informed of the inci­dent, Wolf­gang Schäu­ble, the Ger­man finance min­is­ter, no longer wants to speak with Yanis Varo­ufakis, which real­ly both­ers the oth­er mem­bers of the Eurogroup because it won’t be easy to put them in the same room in the future. That’s all to explain the degree of high ten­sion we’ve got­ten to.

    Per­haps this informs why there have been so many leaked let­ters to the press. In any case, things are impas­sioned in Europe.

    (Feb 21 update: On Twit­ter, Greek finance min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis denied this report.)

    @businessinsider I have bad news for you: You report is fake. Nev­er was there such a moment between Jeroen and me. Sor­ry to dis­ap­point.— Yanis Varo­ufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) Feb­ru­ary 21, 2015

    Assum­ing this is a fake report, were the reports that Wol­gang Schäu­ble said he no longer want­ed to speak with Varo­ufakis fake too? If not, it will be inter­est­ing to see how this plays out since Wol­gang Schäu­ble is pret­ty much the only per­son that mat­ters in these Eurogroup nego­ti­a­tions and its unclear how any nego­ti­a­tions can be made if they refuse to even talk to each oth­er.

    And you thought high school sucked.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 21, 2015, 7:29 pm
  28. Greece sub­mit­ted its aus­ter­i­ty plans to the Eurogroup. It’s about as com­pro­mis­ing a pro­pos­al as you should expect from some­one nego­ti­at­ing with a group of uncom­pro­mis­ing peo­ple that don’t mind using the threat of a human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis as one of their key bar­gain­ing chips:

    Exclu­sive: Greece Reform Plan Offers Major Com­pro­mis­es

    FEB. 24, 2015, 5:04 A.M. E.S.T.

    BERLIN — Greece has promised not to roll back any ongo­ing or com­plet­ed pri­va­ti­za­tions and ensure that any state spend­ing to address a “human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis” does not hurt its bud­get, accord­ing to a doc­u­ment con­tain­ing its reform plans seen by Reuters on Tues­day.

    The list of reforms aims to offer com­pro­mis­es on major issues such as labor reforms and social spend­ing to sat­is­fy both Euro­pean part­ners fund­ing the coun­try and Greek vot­ers who vot­ed in a left-wing gov­ern­ment to end years of rigid aus­ter­i­ty.

    Greece need­ed to present its plans as a con­di­tion for extend­ing its bailout pro­gram for four months in a deal struck with euro zone part­ners on Fri­day.

    On the issue of min­i­mum wages, for exam­ple, Prime Min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras’s gov­ern­ment climbed down from elec­tion pledges to raise the lev­el imme­di­ate­ly. Instead it said it would phase in col­lec­tive bar­gain­ing with a view to rais­ing min­i­mum wages over time and that any changes would be agreed with part­ners.

    Greece also said it would reform the pub­lic sec­tor wage sys­tem in a way that would not reduce pay fur­ther but would ensure that the over­all pub­lic wage bill does not rise.

    Athens also com­mit­ted to con­sol­i­dat­ing pen­sion funds to achieve sav­ings, and elim­i­nate loop­holes and incen­tives for ear­ly retire­ment — in an appar­ent effort to find a com­pro­mise between the gov­ern­men­t’s objec­tive of avoid­ing any fur­ther pen­sion cuts as pre­vi­ous­ly demand­ed by EU and IMF inspec­tors.


    Euro zone finance min­is­ters are due to dis­cuss the reforms plan lat­er on Tues­day in a con­fer­ence call and ini­tial reac­tion to the plan has been pos­i­tive. A source close to the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion said on Tues­day it was a “valid start­ing point” for talks over the bailout.

    The list also includes pledges to reform tax pol­i­cy, review and con­trol spend­ing in “every area” of gov­ern­ment spend­ing. Athens also promised to ensure its banks are run on sound com­mer­cial and bank­ing prin­ci­ples, in an appar­ent effort to show that the gov­ern­ment will not inter­fere in bank­ing oper­a­tions.

    While this might seem like a com­plete capit­u­la­tion by the Greek gov­ern­ment, keep in mind that sim­ply freez­ing the pay cuts in place is actu­al­ly a vic­to­ry of sorts since fur­ther pay cuts are part of the sched­ule. Same with the pri­va­ti­za­tions. In oth­er words, the beat­ings will con­tin­ue but at a steady pace.

    Also keep in mind that it real­ly is a vic­to­ry, of sorts, if Greece can maneu­ver its euro­zones “part­ners” into mak­ing explic­it demands like:

    Greece has promised not to roll back any ongo­ing or com­plet­ed pri­va­ti­za­tions and ensure that any state spend­ing to address a “human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis” does not hurt its bud­get, accord­ing to a doc­u­ment con­tain­ing its reform plans seen by Reuters on Tues­day.

    Con­di­tions like that don’t exact­ly sup­port the “we’re not a bunch of mon­sters but instead pru­dent dis­ci­pli­nar­i­ans” image the euro­zone gov­ern­ments seem to like to project. Plus, there was­n’t real­ly much Greece could do any­ways since the Eurogroup basi­cal­ly told Greece that if it did­n’t sub­mit to their demands it was going to crash the bank­ing sys­tem and make the human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis it demands must not be addressed much, much worse:

    Counter Punch
    A Valiant Effort
    Varo­ufakis Keeps Greece in the Euro­zone, by its Fin­ger­nails
    Feb­ru­ary 23, 2015

    “Though it’s hap­pen­ing to a strick­en coun­try, on the edge of Europe, the choic­es pre­sent­ed to Greece are being under­stood through­out Europe… Obey or leave.”

    — Paul Mason, Chan­nel 4 News Blog

    It’s not easy to nego­ti­ate with a gun to your head. Nev­er­the­less, that’s the sit­u­a­tion Greek finance min­is­ter Yanis Varo­ufakis found him­self in on Fri­day pre­ced­ing a cru­cial meet­ing with the Eurogroup. Accord­ing to one report, the objec­tive of the last-ditch con­fab “was to pre­pare a con­sen­sus text that would be the basis for the dis­cus­sion” with the EU’s finance min­is­ters. That might sound inno­cent enough, but it doesn’t come close to explain­ing the real pur­pose of the meet­ing which was far more sin­is­ter. Check out this blurb from Costas Efimeros at the Press Project:

    “Accord­ing to a Greek offi­cial who doesn’t want to be named, the Greek del­e­ga­tion were yes­ter­day sub­ject to out­right black­mail. Our ‘part­ners’ informed us that if Eurogroup doesn’t result in an agree­ment, on Tues­day the Greek gov­ern­ment will be forced to imple­ment cap­i­tal con­trols. It seemed that they had tak­en the deci­sion to stran­gle the Greek econ­o­my by cut­ting off fund­ing to the banks through the ELA sys­tem. Fur­ther­more, it seemed that the big Greek banks already knew this. Leaks from the ECB, after all, had sug­gest­ed that they were prepar­ing for a GREXIT.” (“Europe trashed democ­ra­cy“, Costas Efimeros, The Press Project)

    It’s nice to know that EU lead­ers ascribe to the same basic moral code as Don Cor­leone, isn’t it?

    The fact is, a slow motion bank run has been under­way in Greece for more than a month drain­ing rough­ly 40 bil­lion euros from the Greek bank­ing sys­tem. If a deal hadn’t been struck on Fri­day, the ECB would have pulled the plug on its liq­uid­i­ty assis­tance pro­gram and blown the whole sys­tem to king­dom come. That’s how the Euro­crats planned to say good­bye to their long-strug­gling mem­ber, Greece, by giv­ing them a sharp jolt to the groin before raz­ing their econ­o­my to the ground. That tells you every­thing you need to know about the Eurogroup.

    If Greece got the boot on Fri­day, it’s human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis would have deep­ened overnight while the blow to the cap­i­tal mar­kets would have paved the way for anoth­er finan­cial cri­sis. For­tu­nate­ly, the cat­a­stro­phe was avert­ed main­ly because Varo­ufakis was able to cob­ble togeth­er a viable plan for meet­ing the Eurogroup’s basic require­ments while cre­at­ing sig­nif­i­cant oppor­tu­ni­ties to ease con­di­tions in Greece. Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t a per­fect deal by any stretch, but it is the best deal that could have been reached giv­en the cir­cum­stances and the unbri­dled hos­til­i­ty from Ger­man finance min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schaeu­ble who was eager to scut­tle the whole project and throw Greece to the wolves. Varo­ufakis man­aged to out maneu­ver the iras­ci­ble Schaeu­ble and get some of what he want­ed, but only through stiff-necked resolve and sig­nif­i­cant com­pro­mise. As a result, Greece is still a mem­ber of the Euro­zone, but just bare­ly. A rejec­tion of its reform pack­age today (Mon­day) could push the belea­guered coun­try out of the 19-mem­ber Union for good.

    Keep in mind, the Eurogroup made it per­fect­ly clear from the begin­ning that they weren’t going to restruc­ture Greece’s debts or end the aus­ter­i­ty pro­gram. The issues weren’t even on the table. So, those who think that Varo­ufakis should have giv­en the Eurogroup an ulti­ma­tum (“Reduce our debts or we’ll leave.”) sim­ply don’t under­stand the nature of the nego­ti­a­tions. Varo­ufakis was forced to oper­ate with­in very strict para­me­ters. Giv­en those lim­i­ta­tions, he nabbed a very respectable deal. Even so, it’s only nat­ur­al for peo­ple to feel let-down, espe­cial­ly since Syriza had promised much more than they could deliv­er. But that doesn’t mean Varo­ufakis is a trai­tor or a sell­out. Not at all. It mere­ly means that Syriza’s belief that it could end aus­ter­i­ty but keep Greece in the Euro­zone proved to be unfound­ed. In fact, Ger­man oppo­si­tion has made it near­ly impos­si­ble. The larg­er point is this: Syriza had no man­date to spear­head a Grex­it. That is not what the peo­ple vot­ed for or what they want. Varoufakis’s was asked to do the impos­si­ble, square the cir­cle. In that regard, he failed. But still, the deal he ham­mered out should mit­i­gate Greece’s slump to some extent, although one should not expect a full-blown eco­nom­ic recov­ery, not with­out a healthy dose of fis­cal stim­u­lus which is nowhere in sight.

    Varo­ufakis man­aged to change the terms of the deal which is now referred to as the “exist­ing arrange­ment” rather than a “pro­gram”. Accord­ing to Nor­bert Har­ing, this new “arrangement”…”is not a “tech­ni­cal” exten­sion of the “pro­gram” any more, but an exten­sion of the fund­ing arrange­ment, plus vague con­di­tion­al­i­ty.” (“Was it worth it? Con­ces­sions to Greece rel­a­tive to the reject­ed draft of 16 Feb­ru­ary“, Nobert Har­ing)

    It all sounds very tedious and legal­is­tic, but the change is sig­nif­i­cant. You see, the real fight between Varo­ufakis and the Eurogroup was over this pre­cise issue, that is, chang­ing the inflex­i­ble, iron­clad aus­ter­i­ty “pro­gram” into a loos­er “arrange­ment” where polices can be altered via–what Varo­ufakis dubbed –“con­struc­tive ambi­gu­i­ty.” Varo­ufakis objec­tive is to cre­ate enough gray area for Greece to regain sov­er­eign con­trol over its own eco­nom­ic poli­cies. Con­struc­tive ambi­gu­i­ty will help to achieve that, pro­vid­ed the reforms meet the Eurogroup’s fis­cal tar­gets.

    Here’s more from Haring’s post: “There is no men­tion any more of “suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the pro­gram”, nor of “pro­gram” in the text. Instead a suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the review of the “con­di­tions in the cur­rent arrange­ment” is the new con­di­tion. This allows the Greek gov­ern­ment to con­tin­ue to say that the old pro­gram can­not be suc­cess­ful. It also allows for changes in the pro­gram, as “con­di­tions of the arrange­ment” is delib­er­ate­ly more vague.” (“Was it worth it? Con­ces­sions to Greece rel­a­tive to the reject­ed draft of 16 Feb­ru­ary”, Nobert Har­ing)

    This isn’t just legal clap­trap. It’s a crit­i­cal change in the way the pol­i­cy is imple­ment­ed. Once again, Varo­ufakis has loos­ened the finan­cial strait­jack­et in which Greece finds itself, which can only be seen as progress.

    The new deal also allows Greece to decide its own reform pack­age rather than the troi­ka dic­tat­ing what gov­ern­ment expens­es to cut or which pub­licly owned assets to sell. Here’s anoth­er excerpt from Haring’s post: “Most impor­tant change of the whole doc­u­ment: Addi­tion of “The insti­tu­tions will, for the 2015 pri­ma­ry sur­plus tar­get, take the eco­nom­ic cir­cum­stances in 2015 into account.” Exces­sive, self-defeat­ing aus­ter­i­ty is off. Only the tar­get for 2015 is men­tioned, because every­thing fur­ther out would have to be part of a new arrange­ment, still to be nego­ti­at­ed.”

    So Varo­ufakis has achieved his goal of reduc­ing aus­ter­i­ty. Not only is there greater flex­i­bil­i­ty oper­a­tional­ly but, also, Greece will con­trol the levers of deci­sion-mak­ing in the “field of tax pol­i­cy, pri­vati­sa­tion, labour mar­ket reforms, finan­cial sec­tor, and pen­sions”. Nat­u­ral­ly, the low­er the pri­ma­ry sur­plus, the more fis­cal stim­u­lus is avail­able for eco­nom­ic growth. (Run­ning a sur­plus dur­ing a depres­sion is absolute mad­ness, but this is the lousy hand Varo­ufakis was dealt.)

    Haring’s final com­ments are a good sum­ma­ry of Varoufakis’s achieve­ment:

    “Was it worth the has­sle to reject the draft of 16 Feb­ru­ary, just to accept the state­ment four days lat­er? For Athens it most cer­tain­ly was. It got the promise that no self-defeat­ing, exces­sive aus­ter­i­ty would be asked of it any more, the assur­ance that it could devise its own eco­nom­ic and social poli­cies, as long as they did not impact neg­a­tive­ly on the inter­ests of its part­ners, rather than hav­ing to exe­cute and leav­ing in place all the mea­sures accept­ed by the for­mer gov­ern­ment and strong­ly reject­ed by the peo­ple. These are huge improve­ments for Athens, with no sig­nif­i­cant coun­ter­bal­anc­ing down­side com­pared to 16 Feb­ru­ary.” (“Was it worth it? Con­ces­sions to Greece rel­a­tive to the reject­ed draft of 16 Feb­ru­ary”, Nobert Har­ing)

    Clear­ly, this is a good deal for Greece, but let’s not go over­board; the basic sit­u­a­tion still stinks to high heav­en, main­ly because the Eurogroup would rather lec­ture and pun­ish than give a strug­gling mem­ber a help­ing hand. Had the Euro­zone evolved into a viable polit­i­cal union that dis­trib­uted fis­cal trans­fers to the weak­er states on the periph­ery, Greece would have emerged from its reces­sion years ago. Instead, the fias­co drags on end­less­ly punc­tu­at­ed by infre­quent out­bursts from EU lead­ers who vehe­ment­ly defend belt-tight­en­ing mea­sures that have only made mat­ters worse. If any­thing, this expe­ri­ence should help the Greek peo­ple decide whether there’s a future for them and their chil­dren in the Euro­zone or not. Deal­ing with author­i­tar­i­an bone­heads (The Eurogroup) may even­tu­al­ly prove to be more trou­ble than its worth. (A Grex­it looks bet­ter by the day!)


    ” If any­thing, this expe­ri­ence should help the Greek peo­ple decide whether there’s a future for them and their chil­dren in the Euro­zone or not. Deal­ing with author­i­tar­i­an bone­heads (The Eurogroup) may even­tu­al­ly prove to be more trou­ble than its worth. (A Grex­it looks bet­ter by the day!)” Indeed! And it’s not just Greece that should be learn­ing for this expe­ri­ence. Greece does­n’t have a Euro­pean monop­oly on “human­i­tar­i­an crises”. Nei­ther does the euro­zone. The whole EU has a “human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis” cri­sis:

    Alarm­ing report reveals ram­pant pover­ty across Europe

    Pub­lished: 20/02/2015 — 08:39 | Updat­ed: 20/02/2015 — 09:15

    More than a third of the pop­u­la­tion in Bul­gar­ia, Roma­nia, Greece, Latvia and Hun­gary are at risk of pover­ty and social exclu­sion, accord­ing to a new report. In half of the EU’s 28 mem­ber states, at least one in three chil­dren live in pover­ty.

    The report, Pover­ty and Inequal­i­ties on the Rise – Just social sys­tems need­ed as the solu­tion!, was pub­lished on Thurs­day (19 Feb­ru­ary) by Car­i­tas Europa, an umbrel­la organ­i­sa­tion which fights pover­ty and social exclu­sion.

    It found dis­turb­ing lev­els of depri­va­tion in the sev­en EU coun­tries worst hit by the eco­nom­ic cri­sis: Cyprus, Greece, Ire­land, Italy, Por­tu­gal, Roma­nia and Spain.

    Accord­ing to the report, almost half of Bul­gar­i­ans (48%) and more than 40% of Roma­ni­ans are cur­rent­ly at risk of pover­ty.

    In four­teen out of the EU’s 28 mem­ber states, one in three chil­dren are con­sid­ered to be liv­ing in pover­ty.

    The Car­i­tas fig­ures are broad­ly con­firmed by the EU’s offi­cial sta­tis­ti­cal agency, Euro­stat, which ascer­tained that one in four cit­i­zens were at risk of pover­ty and social exclu­sion in 2013.

    Tes­ti­monies from Spain, Greece

    The Car­i­tas report’s con­clu­sions are based on grass-roots life tes­ti­monies from its work­ers on the ground.

    One focus in the report is unem­ploy­ment. In Spain, Car­i­tas is con­cerned about the ris­ing dif­fi­cul­ty faced by its ben­e­fi­cia­ries in get­ting a job. Accord­ing to Car­i­tas Spain, the prob­lem is affect­ing both those who had a sta­ble work­ing sit­u­a­tion pri­or to the cri­sis and also those who did not.


    Car­i­tas Greece also not­ed that a high lev­el of unem­ployed peo­ple were unable to access their ben­e­fits. At the same time, Greece is wit­ness­ing increas­es in health prob­lems, wors­en­ing xeno­pho­bia and racism, and increased migra­tion, often of young peo­ple with skills, illus­trat­ing the des­per­ate sit­u­a­tion of the unem­ployed.

    Alex­is Tsipras, the coun­try’s new­ly-elect­ed left­ist Prime Min­is­ter, has called on the EU tack­le what he described as a “human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis across Europe” caused by aus­ter­i­ty.

    The Car­i­tas report calls on the EU and its mem­ber states to give greater atten­tion to social issues when address­ing the ongo­ing cri­sis, instead of main­ly focus­ing on the econ­o­my.

    Aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies put in place to tack­le bud­get deficits and reduce Europe’s grow­ing debt pile were hav­ing a dev­as­tat­ing impact on the peo­ple of Europe, Car­i­tas warned, adding that the fail­ure to “pro­vide con­crete sup­port on the scale required [...] is like­ly to pro­long the cri­sis.”

    Instead, the report rec­om­mends putting in place a guar­an­teed min­i­mum income allow­ing each and every­one to live in dig­ni­ty. Tax eva­sion should also be tack­led, while those who can afford to con­tribute more should do so, Car­i­tas plead­ed.

    Jorge Nuño May­er, sec­re­tary gen­er­al of Car­i­tas Europa, said the report con­firms that alter­na­tive pol­i­cy solu­tions are nec­es­sary, remind­ing politi­cians that they have a choice when decid­ing mea­sures to alle­vi­ate the cri­sis.

    “The Europe doc­u­ment­ed in this report is not just. The pri­ori­ti­sa­tion of aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures has not solved the cri­sis but rather is caus­ing social prob­lems and unrest that risk hav­ing last­ing impacts world­wide,” he said.

    To reit­er­ate...

    “In four­teen out of the EU’s 28 mem­ber states, one in three chil­dren are con­sid­ered to be liv­ing in pover­ty.


    Alex­is Tsipras, the coun­try’s new­ly-elect­ed left­ist Prime Min­is­ter, has called on the EU tack­le what he described as a “human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis across Europe” caused by aus­ter­i­ty.

    The Car­i­tas report calls on the EU and its mem­ber states to give greater atten­tion to social issues when address­ing the ongo­ing cri­sis, instead of main­ly focus­ing on the econ­o­my.


    Jorge Nuño May­er, sec­re­tary gen­er­al of Car­i­tas Europa, said the report con­firms that alter­na­tive pol­i­cy solu­tions are nec­es­sary, remind­ing politi­cians that they have a choice when decid­ing mea­sures to alle­vi­ate the cri­sis.

    “The Europe doc­u­ment­ed in this report is not just. The pri­ori­ti­sa­tion of aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures has not solved the cri­sis but rather is caus­ing social prob­lems and unrest that risk hav­ing last­ing impacts world­wide,” he said.

    As we can see, under the New Euro­pean social con­tract you are still your broth­er’s keep­er, but feel free to keep him in a socioe­co­nom­ic cage if he owes you mon­ey. It’ll keep him out of trou­ble while he’s pay­ing you back. Feed­ing and health­care are option­al, espe­cial­ly for kids.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 24, 2015, 10:08 am
  29. With the “Grex­it” nar­row­ly avoid­ed (for now) and the euro­zone night­mare set to con­tin­ue, here’s an opin­ion piece from 2011 that’s a reminder that many of the under­ly­ing cri­sis dynam­ics have been under­stood by at least some ana­lysts and observers since the begin­ning of the cri­sis. What has­n’t been under­stood is how lit­tle Europe’s lead­ers care about things like address­ing the under­ly­ing dynam­ics that led to the cri­sis or even avoid­ing mak­ing a bad sit­u­a­tion worse. Case in point:

    The Wall Street Vour­nal
    The Source

    Ger­man Mer­can­til­ism to Res­cue the Euro

    By Alen Mat­tich
    June 28, 2011, 12:11 PM GMT

    Could Ger­man mer­can­til­ism keep the euro alive?

    We all know about how Chi­nese mer­can­til­ism has dis­tort­ed the glob­al econ­o­my. But what about Germany’s ver­sion?

    For those who need a lit­tle refresh­er, mer­can­til­ism is a country’s urge to push eco­nom­ic growth by con­cen­trat­ing on the pro­duc­tion and export of goods to the detri­ment of for­eign pro­duc­ers and domes­tic con­sumers. It’s con­sid­ered a bad thing, par­tic­u­lar­ly by for­eign­ers whose economies lose out in peri­ods when over­all growth is con­strained and trade starts to look like a zero sum game.

    That the Ger­man econ­o­my runs along mer­can­tilist lines pass­es the duck test. It has his­tor­i­cal­ly been dri­ven by exports to an unusu­al degree. The flip side of the coin is that Ger­mans tend to be net savers, which is to say con­sump­tion is sec­ondary. This explains the nation­al aller­gy to infla­tion. Ger­mans have also been more than will­ing to suf­fer wage and fis­cal restraint to pre­serve com­pet­i­tive­ness.

    Ser­gio Cesarat­to at Siena Uni­ver­si­ty gave a good sum­ma­ry of the case for Ger­man mer­can­til­ism in his 2010 paper Europe, Ger­man Mer­can­til­ism and the Cur­rent Cri­sis.

    Cer­tain­ly, since the finan­cial cri­sis, Ger­many has shown all the char­ac­ter­is­tics of aggres­sive mer­can­til­ism. Exports have boomed but wage growth remains sub­dued, the gov­ern­ment is look­ing to tight­en its belt and there is pre­cious lit­tle oth­er evi­dence that Ger­many will seek to shift more of its econ­o­my towards domes­tic con­sump­tion.

    The best guar­an­tee of fur­ther growth for Ger­many is to keep the euro intact. The euro’s exchange rate is con­sid­er­ably more com­pet­i­tive than a Ger­man cur­ren­cy would be on its own. And the Ger­mans will do what it takes to keep the sit­u­a­tion unchanged.

    To that end, Ger­many will be the first to blink on the Greek impasse. The loss to Ger­many asso­ci­at­ed with the col­lapse of the sin­gle cur­ren­cy would be much more than the cost of bail­ing out a small coun­try like Greece. Iron­i­cal­ly, had the prob­lems only resided with Greece, the Ger­mans might well have allowed the coun­try to default and depart from the euro.

    But the wor­ry for Ger­many is that Greece’s prob­lems become uncon­trolled and spread to Ire­land and Por­tu­gal and, even worse, to Spain.

    By tak­ing it to the wire, Ger­many will hope to show the oth­er coun­tries that it won’t nec­es­sar­i­ly pay when they come call­ing. But Ger­many will pay and keep pay­ing as long as it can.

    So that was the view back in 2011. Oh how times change. For instance, here’s a recent piece from the British press that high­lights the grow­ing aware­ness across Europe that, by so hearti­ly back­ing Berlin’s demands of “obey or leave” imposed on Greece, the rest of Europe just set itself up for the same treat­ment Greece got:

    4 News
    Greece: a debt colony with a bit of ‘home rule’
    Paul Mason
    Mon­day 23 Feb 2015

    On Fri­day night the Greek finance min­is­ter, Yanis Varo­ufakis, avert­ed total sur­ren­der to a Ger­man led demand for Greece to imple­ment the total aus­ter­i­ty pro­gramme of its for­mer con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment. He did so by sign­ing up imme­di­ate­ly to a com­pro­mise that, in his mind, retained about 20 per cent of the pro­gramme Syriza was elect­ed on.

    But the entire deal depends on the Greek gov­ern­ment sub­mit­ting a list of pro­posed reforms to EU finance min­is­ters today, and it being approved tomor­row by tele­con­fer­ence.

    But the tim­ing is appalling. By late Fri­day, I and oth­er jour­nal­ists were aware of a rapid uptick in Greek deposit with­drawals. The ECB, which effec­tive­ly con­trols the Greek banks, told Varo­ufakis he would have to lim­it both ATM with­drawals and move­ment of mon­ey abroad on Tues­day morn­ing, after today’s bank hol­i­day in Greece.

    That’s why the sub­stan­tive deal was designed to be done tonight. When I asked Varo­ufakis, at a late night press con­fer­ence, if the banks would open Tues­day he said: “Tues­day, Wednes­day and ad infinitem”.

    If Friday’s deal holds then Greece – which Varo­ufakis describes as a “debt colony” will effec­tive­ly be a debt colony with a bit more “home rule” – and, to con­tin­ue the anal­o­gy, minus what devel­op­ment the­o­rists used to call the “com­prador bour­geoisie”.

    Syriza revolt

    But two fac­tors could desta­bilise that. First the revolt with­in Syriza at the scale of the climb­down. Syriza’s vet­er­an MEP, war resis­tance hero Mano­lis Gle­zos, who tore down the Swasti­ka from the Acrop­o­lis in 1941, called for mass mobil­i­sa­tions to resist the agree­ment. .

    But Mr Gle­zos is not as cru­cial as the organ­ised Left Plat­form with­in Syriza, led by the econ­o­my min­is­ter Pana­gi­o­tis Lafaza­nis, and backed by Lon­don SOAS pro­fes­sor, turned MP, Costas Lapavit­sas. If the Left Plat­form were to for­mal­ly oppose the deal in the Greek par­lia­ment, Syriza would have to rely on cen­trist votes to get it through – and Lafaza­nis (and pos­si­bly some junior min­is­ters) would have to leave the gov­ern­ment.


    Sea change

    How­ev­er, there is a sea change going on with­in Syriza. In the past 48 hours I’ve heard peo­ple who were staunch believ­ers in the “good euro” – a euro that can accom­mo­date by nego­ti­a­tion a rad­i­cal left gov­ern­ment – say, effec­tive­ly, they were wrong.

    I would expect the cost of a non-rebel­lion by left MPs in Syriza to be a rapid and overt move towards a “friend­ly default and exit” strat­e­gy. The “New Drach­ma” notes cir­cu­lat­ed as spoofs three weeks ago look more and more like becom­ing real­i­ty – though as with all eco­nom­ic shocks, it may take weeks for ordi­nary peo­ple to under­stand what is hap­pen­ing.

    Though it’s hap­pen­ing to a strick­en coun­try, on the edge of Europe, the choic­es pre­sent­ed to Greece are being under­stood through­out Europe – and will res­onate with the British elec­torate. What Ger­many did to Greece on Fri­day can be done to any coun­try: obey or leave. And it can apply not just to the euro­zone but to the Euro­pean Union itself, or to the Schen­gen and Dublin Treaties on migra­tion, or to Court of Human Rights.

    To stick with the “debt colony” anal­o­gy: the old British empire, faced with suc­cess­ful revolts, was adept at say­ing “you’ve won, now let’s man­age the path to inde­pen­dence smooth­ly”. We’re about to find out what a Europe dom­i­nat­ed by Ger­many, backed by Fin­land, Slo­va­kia and Latvia, can muster by way of diplo­mat­ic largesse.

    “To stick with the “debt colony” anal­o­gy: the old British empire, faced with suc­cess­ful revolts, was adept at say­ing “you’ve won, now let’s man­age the path to inde­pen­dence smooth­ly”. We’re about to find out what a Europe dom­i­nat­ed by Ger­many, backed by Fin­land, Slo­va­kia and Latvia, can muster by way of diplo­mat­ic largesse.” It’s worth point­ing out that there is anoth­er option. It’s prob­a­bly not an option a con­ti­nent of debt-colonies is psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly capa­ble of pon­der­ing, but it’s an option:

    For­eign Pol­i­cy
    It’s Time to Kick Ger­many Out of the Euro­zone

    Why the anchor drag­ging down the Euro­pean econ­o­my isn’t Athens — it’s Berlin.

    By Patrick Chovanec
    Feb­ru­ary 20, 2015

    Last year, Ger­many racked up a record trade sur­plus of 217 bil­lion euros ($246 bil­lion), sec­ond only to Chi­na in glob­al export dom­i­nance. To some, this made Ger­many a bright spot in an oth­er­wise ane­mic euro­zone econ­o­my — a “growth dri­ver,” as the Ger­man finance min­is­ter, Wolf­gang Schäu­ble, puts it. In fact, Germany’s chron­ic trade sur­plus­es lie at the heart of Europe’s prob­lems; far from boost­ing the glob­al econ­o­my, they are drag­ging it down. The best way to end this per­verse sit­u­a­tion is for Ger­many to leave the euro­zone.

    Ger­mans usu­al­ly respond to such charges with a kind of hurt con­fu­sion. We run trade sur­plus­es, they patient­ly explain, because we are sim­ply much more com­pet­i­tive than most of our trad­ing part­ners. Can you blame us, they ask, if the world prefers to buy supe­ri­or Ger­man goods (and has noth­ing we want in return)? So goes the argu­ment: The rest of the world just needs to up its game, get its house in order, and become a bit more like Ger­many. In the mean­time, don’t hate us ‘cuz we’re beau­ti­ful….

    Con­trary to pop­u­lar mythol­o­gy, how­ev­er, there’s absolute­ly no rea­son why being “com­pet­i­tive” should mean run­ning a trade sur­plus. As far back as 1817, the econ­o­mist David Ricar­do point­ed out that the opti­mal basis for trade is com­par­a­tive, not absolute, advan­tage. In oth­er words, even if a coun­try is bet­ter at every­thing, it should export what it is best at and import what it is less bet­ter at. Hav­ing an across-the-board advan­tage does not imply that it makes good eco­nom­ic sense to pro­duce every­thing your­self, much less to sell more than you want in return. Or, to put it a bit dif­fer­ent­ly, there’s no inher­ent rea­son why earn­ing more can’t mean spend­ing more, on con­sum­ing both pub­lic and pri­vate goods, as well as invest­ing in future pro­duc­tive capac­i­ty.

    Trade sur­plus­es take place when a coun­try choos­es to spend less than it pro­duces — when it has excess sav­ings, beyond its domes­tic need for cred­it. It lends that excess sav­ings abroad, financ­ing anoth­er country’s abil­i­ty to spend more than it pro­duces and, by run­ning a trade deficit, pur­chase the lender’s excess pro­duc­tion. It’s true that a high­ly pro­duc­tive coun­try might have the where­with­al to con­jure up excess sav­ings, while a less pro­duc­tive coun­try might be inclined to bor­row rather than scrape up the sav­ings it needs. But fun­da­men­tal­ly, trade imbal­ances arise not from com­pet­i­tive advan­tage but from choic­es about how much to save and where that sav­ings should be deployed — at home or abroad.

    Does it ever make sense to run trade imbal­ances? Sure it does. In the 19th cen­tu­ry, Britain’s Indus­tri­al Rev­o­lu­tion enabled it to reap vast earn­ings from expand­ed out­put, some of which it invest­ed in the Unit­ed States. The mon­ey lent to a rapid­ly grow­ing Amer­i­can econ­o­my gen­er­at­ed high­er returns than it would have back home, while cre­at­ing a mar­ket for British-made goods. The poten­tial pro­duc­tiv­i­ty gains made it a win-win: It made sense for the Amer­i­cans to bor­row and for the British to lend. But the case also high­lights some­thing that’s easy to for­get: Run­ning a trade sur­plus means financ­ing some­one else’s trade deficit.

    The euro­zone cri­sis is often called a debt cri­sis. But, in fact, Europe as a whole did not have an exter­nal debt prob­lem, but an inter­nal one:
    Ger­man sur­plus­es and mount­ing debt in Europe’s periph­ery were two sides of the same coin. Ger­mans saved (a lot), and the sin­gle cur­ren­cy induced them — rather than save less or invest it at home — to lend it to their euro­zone trad­ing part­ners, which used the mon­ey to buy Ger­man goods. By 2007, Germany’s trade sur­plus had reached 195 bil­lion euros, three-fifths of which came from inside the euro­zone. Berlin might call this “thrift,” but it’s hard to argue that Germany’s excess sav­ings, which its banks often strug­gled to put to use, were well invest­ed. Instead, they gave Ger­mans the illu­sion of pros­per­i­ty, trad­ing real work (reflect­ed in GDP) for paper IOUs that might nev­er be repaid.

    Some­thing need­ed to change, but what? Nor­mal­ly, each coun­try would pur­sue its own mon­e­tary pol­i­cy, rely­ing on exchange rate adjust­ments to shift the locus of demand from those that could not afford it to those that could. Under a sin­gle cur­ren­cy, though, this could not hap­pen. Instead, Europe’s debtors were forced to slash demand, through a com­bi­na­tion of fis­cal aus­ter­i­ty and debt delever­ag­ing. Their trade deficits with Ger­many fell dra­mat­i­cal­ly — but by buy­ing less, not sell­ing more. All of the so-called PIIGS (Por­tu­gal, Ire­land, Italy, Greece, and Spain) saw their total trade with Ger­many shrink — in the case of Greece and Ire­land, by more than one-third. So, to the extent Europe rebal­anced, it did so at the cost of growth.

    The euro­zone was caught in a trap. Its coun­tries need­ed to move in two sep­a­rate direc­tions, but under a sin­gle cur­ren­cy, they could only move in lock step. A Europe that lived with­in its means meant a Ger­many that con­tin­ued to save more than it spent, rather than dri­ving much-need­ed demand. Mon­e­tary eas­ing — and a weak­er euro — mere­ly redi­rects Europe’s inter­nal imbal­ances out­ward. Germany’s trade sur­plus with the Unit­ed States explod­ed (up 49 per­cent from 2007 to 2013), and deficits with Chi­na and Japan col­lapsed (by neg­a­tive 71 per­cent and neg­a­tive 78 per­cent respec­tive­ly). Mean­while, Germany’s trade bal­ance with Brazil and South Korea flipped from deficit to sur­plus.

    Since 2012, vir­tu­al­ly all of the eurozone’s net GDP growth, on an annu­al basis, has come from net exports — fur­ther tes­ta­ment to the weak­ness of domes­tic Euro­pean demand as a dri­ver of growth. It’s doubt­ful, how­ev­er, whether rely­ing on Amer­i­cans to pile on more debt — and risk going the way of Greece — is real­ly a reli­able strat­e­gy. In prin­ci­ple, nar­row­ing Europe’s trade deficit with Chi­na makes more sense. But in prac­tice, this has con­sist­ed less in tap­ping China’s mass con­sumer mar­ket than in sell­ing machin­ery and lux­u­ry goods into China’s cred­it-fueled invest­ment boom, which itself is pred­i­cat­ed on main­tain­ing an out­sized trade sur­plus with the Unit­ed States. The issue isn’t — as it’s so often framed — what’s fair, but what’s sus­tain­able. And Amer­i­cans play­ing the world’s con­sumer of last resort, by bor­row­ing to live beyond their means, isn’t sus­tain­able.

    So what should be done? The best solu­tion — and the least like­ly to be adopt­ed — is for Ger­many to leave the euro and let a rein­tro­duced Deutsche mark appre­ci­ate. Here, the expe­ri­ence of the 1985 Plaza Accord offers some encour­age­ment. While a stronger yen made bare­ly a dent in Japan’s struc­tur­al trade sur­plus, Ger­man behav­ior proved far more respon­sive to the incen­tives embod­ied in a stronger mark.


    With an aging pop­u­la­tion, per­haps it’s under­stand­able why Ger­mans want to save. But there is no inher­ent rea­son to direct that sav­ings abroad when there is a far more cry­ing need to deploy it at home. The “growth” Ger­many gen­er­ates by fund­ing unsus­tain­able trade imbal­ances — inside and out­side the euro­zone — is an illu­sion. It is growth that is bor­rowed, for only a while. For Ger­many, and for the world, it’s a bad trade.

    “The “growth” Ger­many gen­er­ates by fund­ing unsus­tain­able trade imbal­ances — inside and out­side the euro­zone — is an illu­sion. It is growth that is bor­rowed, for only a while. For Ger­many, and for the world, it’s a bad trade.” Huh, it almost sounds like Ger­many can’t stop itself from run­ning exces­sive­ly high sur­plus­es for that short-term high even though the neg­a­tive behav­ior only lead to long-term pain. And, even more alarm­ing, the capac­i­ty to see that this is a prob­lem just does­n’t seem to be there in Berlin’s col­lec­tive mind. Treat­ment is rec­om­mend­ed.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 24, 2015, 2:55 pm
  30. One of the fac­tors to keep in mind regard­ing the cur­rent cri­sis over the Greek “bailout” (a “bailout” of for­eign cred­i­tors with lots of aus­ter­i­ty strings attached) that Greece is des­per­ate to mod­er­ate is that there’s no rea­son to believe this will be the final “bailout” for Greece. Espe­cial­ly as long as aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures are still stran­gling the Greek econ­o­my. It a real­i­ty that even the euro­zone finance min­is­ters rec­og­nize, despite their appar­ent inabil­i­ty to rec­og­nize how their aus­ter­i­ty man­dates are ensur­ing that future “bailouts” will be need­ed. Ide­o­log­i­cal blind­ers tend to do that:

    More debt relief pos­si­ble if Greece meets cri­te­ria-Dijs­sel­bloem

    BRUSSELS Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:16am EST
    Feb 24 (Reuters) — Euro zone min­is­ters could con­sid­er fur­ther debt relief mea­sures for Greece if the coun­try meets all the cri­te­ria spec­i­fied in the NOvem­ber 2012 deci­sion of euro zone finance min­is­ters, Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijs­sel­bloem said on Tues­day.

    Speak­ing in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, Dijs­sel­bloem referred to the Eurogroup state­ment which said the euro zone finance min­is­ters could con­sid­er, if nec­es­sary fur­ther mea­sures to help Greek debt sus­tain­abil­i­ty, if Greece has a pri­ma­ry sur­plus and meets all the com­mit­ments in the bailout, which of “has­n’t hap­pened yet.”

    “We will come back to that issue on the basis of the four-month exten­sion if that is going to be agreed ... That will allow the new Greek gov­ern­ment to ful­fil its com­mit­ments, then we can finalise the whole pro­gramme peri­od, we can make a new debt sus­tain­abil­i­ty analy­sis and then we will see whether it is nec­es­sary and what fur­ther mea­sures, if nec­es­sary, we can take.”

    “If eco­nom­ic cir­cum­stances so require, fis­cal tar­gets can be addjust­ed with­in pro­grammes — and have been adjust­ed in the past — but it can­not be a uni­lat­er­al deci­sion of the gov­ern­ment involved to say we are no longer com­mit­ed to this tar­get,” Dijs­sel­bloem said.

    See how the fun sys­tem works?
    Step 1. Make obscene aus­ter­i­ty man­dates based on the premise that the aus­ter­i­ty will be “expan­sion­ary” and actu­al­ly help the econ­o­my.
    Step 2. Wait for the coun­ty’s econ­o­my to col­lapse from all the aus­ter­i­ty, mak­ing pay­ing back the “bailout” debt impos­si­ble.
    Step 3. Throw a mas­sive fit when the coun­try cries out against this treat­ment.
    Step 4. Return to Step 1.

    How nice!

    But also keep in mind that just because Greece might need a anoth­er bailout in the future does­n’t mean it’s going to get one since nation­al gov­ern­ments would all have to approve and then it because a polit­i­cal ques­tion of help­ing the needy. And you don’t want to be needy in the new EU:

    Bloomberg Busi­ness
    Merkel Test­ed by Dis­sent on Greek Bailout in Her Par­ty

    by Rain­er Buer­gin and
    Arne Delfs
    3:14 AM CST
    Feb­ru­ary 26, 2015

    (Bloomberg) — Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel faces increased dis­sent with­in her gov­ern­ing coali­tion over extend­ing Greece’s bailout as part of her goal of keep­ing the euro area intact.

    While senior law­mak­ers say almost all of Merkel’s Chris­t­ian Demo­c­ra­t­ic bloc will back the four-month reprieve for Greece in a low­er-house vote on Fri­day, 22 of the 311 cau­cus mem­bers opposed the mea­sure in a straw poll Thurs­day, nine more than vot­ed against pas­sage of Greece’s sec­ond bailout in 2012.

    Goad­ing them on was Alter­na­tive for Ger­many, the anti-euro par­ty that’s won seats in four Ger­man state par­lia­ments since August and is seek­ing to boost its nation­al stand­ing on the back of dis­sat­is­fac­tion with euro-area bailouts. Par­ty co-leader Bernd Lucke urged Chris­t­ian Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers to shun par­ty dis­ci­pline and vote their con­science on Fri­day.

    “It’s a prob­lem” for the Chris­t­ian Democ­rats, Gero Neuge­bauer, a polit­i­cal ana­lyst at Berlin’s Free Uni­ver­si­ty, said by phone. Law­mak­ers who dis­agree with Merkel’s bailout poli­cies are look­ing at region­al elec­tions down the road, and the aid “is against their con­vic­tions as well,” he said.

    Oppo­nents include Wolf­gang Bos­bach, a six-term Chris­t­ian Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­er who chairs the inte­ri­or affairs com­mit­tee who says he’s flirt­ing with end­ing his par­lia­men­tary career after con­sis­tent­ly oppos­ing bailouts.

    ‘Nein’ Self­ies

    Hans Michel­bach of the Bavaria-based Chris­t­ian Social Union says he’ll refuse to back Merkel for the first time because it’s illu­so­ry to think the res­cue will work. Peter Ram­sauer, a CSU law­mak­er and for­mer trans­porta­tion min­is­ter under Merkel, also says he’ll vote against the exten­sion.

    “Law­mak­ers are called upon to make up their own minds” whether aid to Greece should be extend­ed, Lucke said in an inter­view. One rea­son is that a third bailout for Greece “is unavoid­able as long as the coun­try stays in the euro and the res­cue poli­cies don’t change,” he said.


    Twen­ty-two Chris­t­ian Demo­c­rat law­mak­ers opposed fur­ther aid in the straw poll and five abstained, cau­cus leader Volk­er Kaud­er said. The Social Democ­rats, Merkel’s junior coali­tion part­ner, sup­port aid to Greece in return for reform pledges. Her gov­ern­ment con­trols 504 of the 631 low­er-house seats.

    ‘Inap­pro­pri­ate’ Tone

    “We will give our approval, but we expect Greece to meet its com­mit­ments,” Kaud­er told reporters. Though the Greek gov­ern­ment is strik­ing an “inap­pro­pri­ate” tone toward its euro-area part­ners, “we are mak­ing deci­sions that are need­ed in Germany’s inter­est and in Europe’s inter­est,” he said.

    Bild, Germany’s most-read dai­ly news­pa­per, denounced the government’s sup­port for Greece on Thurs­day and splashed the word “Nein” — Ger­man for “no” — across its edi­to­r­i­al page, urg­ing read­ers to take pho­tos of them­selves hold­ing it.

    Ger­many and Fin­land, core crit­ics of Tsipras’s effort to break free from fis­cal aus­ter­i­ty, are cru­cial to the pro­posed exten­sion since it requires a par­lia­men­tary vote. While fail­ure to win par­lia­men­tary approval for the pro­gram would risk halt­ing the flow of aid to Greece, even law­mak­ers who vot­ed against past bailouts acknowl­edge they don’t have the sup­port to block the exten­sion.

    While it’s clear that the votes are going to be there to pass this par­tic­u­lar bailout exten­sion, is there any doubt a future bailout would be fought tooth and nail? Espe­cial­ly if the sys­temic risks to the Ger­man finan­cial sys­tem from a Greek melt­down keeps shrink­ing?

    Ger­man bank expo­sure to Greece around $28 bil­lion: banks

    FRANKFURT Tue Jan 6, 2015 6:57am EST

    (Reuters) — Ger­man banks have about 23.5 bil­lion euros ($28 bil­lion) in cred­it expo­sure to Greece, but the sys­temic risk is lim­it­ed because the biggest com­mer­cial banks, Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) and Com­merzbank (CBKG.DE), hold only a tiny frac­tion of that, accord­ing to fig­ures gath­ered by Reuters.

    The lion’s share of Ger­man expo­sure is held by the state-owned devel­op­ment bank KfW, with lend­ing to the Greek state total­ing 15 bil­lion euros, bank­ing indus­try group BdB said.

    Com­merzbank said it held about 400 mil­lion euros in expo­sure to Greece at the end of Sep­tem­ber, while Deutsche Bank said it held around 298 mil­lion euros in cor­po­rate, bank and pub­lic debt.


    A study by JP Mor­gan (JPM.N) found that French bank Cred­it Agri­cole (CAGR.PA) was the most exposed of Europe’s com­mer­cial banks. Cred­it Agri­cole said it had 3.5 bil­lion euros in expo­sure to Greece at the end of 2013, of which 2.8 bil­lion euros was to the ship­ping sec­tor and none of it to state enti­ties.

    France’s largest bank, BNP Paribas (BNPP.PA), held around 700 mil­lion euros in Greek debt at the end of 2013, accord­ing to data pro­vid­ed by BNP. Most of the expo­sure was to cor­po­rate bor­row­ers and none was to Greek state enti­ties, the bank said.

    BNP doc­u­ments from end-2013 also show an addi­tion­al 1.3 bil­lion euros in expo­sure to Greek com­pa­nies that are not tied to the Greek eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion, such as ship­ping busi­ness­es.

    Soci­ete Gen­erale (SOGN.PA) held 300 mil­lion euros in expo­sure to Greek cor­po­rate debt and had no sov­er­eign expo­sure as of end-Sep­tem­ber, a spokes­woman for the bank said.

    Of the total Ger­man expo­sure, 4.6 bil­lion euros was to oth­er banks, 3.6 bil­lion euros to com­pa­nies and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als, and 15.2 bil­lion euros to state enti­ties, the BdB said.

    “The cred­it expo­sure of Ger­man banks in Greece is low,” BdB head Thomas Kem­mer said in a state­ment. “That’s why, should it come to insol­ven­cy for Greece, the direct effects on Ger­man banks could be over­come.

    “Even the con­ta­gion effects that would accom­pa­ny an exit could be endured bet­ter than two or three years ago.”

    Just how will­ing is Berlin or Ger­many’s elec­torate going to be for any future bailout­sas the expo­sure to Greek debt (pub­lic and pri­vate) keeps falling?

    Also keep in mind that Greece isn’t the only euro­zone mem­ber that could be fac­ing a future bailout before the cri­sis that start­ed in 2008 is real­ly over. And even if no more bailouts are need­ed for the cur­rent cri­sis, what about future crises? Aren’t future finan­cial crises kind of inevitable giv­en the struc­ture of the euro­zone and all of its flaws we’ve seen on dis­play since 2008 (not to men­tion just the odds of sh!t hap­pen­ing over time)? After this hor­ri­ble round of bailout expe­ri­ences (it has­n’t actu­al­ly been all that bad for the cred­i­tor nations but they seem to be per­ceiv­ing these bailouts as an exis­ten­tial threat), what on earth are future bailouts going to look like giv­en that it appears the euro­zone gov­ern­ments (and much of the pub­lic) have learned NOTHING about their dis­as­trous poli­cies? More of the same? That’s one of the big unknowns going for­ward at this point.

    But don’t for­get that there are plen­ty of oth­er big unknowns, includ­ing all of the var­i­ous pro­posed fun­da­men­tal changes to how the euro­zone gov­erns itself. For instance, you know how we keep hear­ing grum­bling about how there needs to be some way to guar­an­tee that indi­vid­ual gov­ern­ments don’t over­spend. It’s an odd response since to the cri­sis since, out­side of Greece, most of the nation­al debt crises were fueled by reck­less pri­vate sec­tor lend­ing. But it is what it is. The euro­zone lead­er­ship wants the euro­zone to be run­ning the eco­nom­ic poli­cies of euro­zone mem­bers and, giv­en the way things have gone thus far, that’s prob­a­bly what the euro­zone lead­er­ship is going to get soon­er or lat­er. After all, if you believe the hype, all Europe needs to do is imple­ment right-wing eco­nom­ic poli­cies via a supra­na­tion­al pol­i­cy-mak­ing body and there won’t be any need for future bailouts. That’s the hype! Believe it or not. Your input does­n’t real­ly mat­ter:

    The New York Times
    Eurozone’s Future Remains at Risk, Mario Draghi Warns

    FEB. 25, 2015

    FRANKFURT — In a con­tentious appear­ance before the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment on Wednes­day, the pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank said that the future of the euro­zone was at risk unless mem­ber coun­tries gave up some inde­pen­dence and cre­at­ed more Pan-Euro­pean gov­ern­ment insti­tu­tions.

    “We have not yet reached the stage of a gen­uine mon­e­tary union,” the cen­tral bank pres­i­dent, Mario Draghi, said in a speech to the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment in Brus­sels. Fail­ure of euro­zone coun­tries to har­mo­nize their economies and cre­ate stronger insti­tu­tions, he said, “puts at risk the long-term suc­cess of the mon­e­tary union when faced with an impor­tant shock.”

    Mr. Draghi has often urged euro­zone gov­ern­ments to do more to improve their eco­nom­ic per­for­mance, for exam­ple by over­haul­ing restric­tive labor reg­u­la­tions. But it was unusu­al for him to sug­gest that the future of the euro­zone could depend on whether coun­tries heed his advice.

    Although in his pre­pared remarks Mr. Draghi did not men­tion Greece, his speech came as tur­moil in that coun­try is again pre­oc­cu­py­ing pol­i­cy mak­ers and threat­en­ing to again cre­ate a cri­sis for the cur­ren­cy union.


    Mr. Draghi said that the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank would accept Greek gov­ern­ment bonds as col­lat­er­al again in extend­ing loans to banks, if the coun­try shows that it is will­ing to stick to the con­di­tions of its bailout.

    The cen­tral bank stopped accept­ing Greek bonds ear­ly this month, a blow to banks which have used their hold­ings of Greek gov­ern­ment bonds to bor­row from the cen­tral bank at a cheap inter­est rate of 0.05 per­cent. Since then the banks, fac­ing signs of a cap­i­tal flight, have relied on emer­gency cash from anoth­er cen­tral bank pro­gram that car­ries a high­er inter­est rate.

    Mr. Draghi in his speech also not­ed that euro­zone coun­tries have made progress in cen­tral­iz­ing tasks like bank reg­u­la­tion. But with­out nam­ing oth­er spe­cif­ic exam­ples, he said more insti­tu­tions need to be cre­at­ed to make sure that euro­zone coun­tries fol­low their own rules. Mem­bers of the cur­ren­cy bloc have often vio­lat­ed guide­lines on pub­lic spend­ing and debt.

    “In the medi­um to longer term, we need to move from a sys­tem of rules and guide­lines for nation­al eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy mak­ing to a sys­tem of fur­ther sov­er­eign­ty shar­ing with­in com­mon insti­tu­tions so as to strength­en our eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy gov­er­nance,” Mr. Draghi said. “A com­mon rule is only as strong as the com­mon insti­tu­tion that can enforce it.”

    Mr. Draghi also used the appear­ance at Par­lia­ment to defend the cen­tral bank’s deci­sion last month to begin buy­ing gov­ern­ment bonds as a way of arrest­ing an alarm­ing decline of euro­zone infla­tion to lev­els con­sid­ered bad for growth. But he said the so-called quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing would work much bet­ter if coun­tries did their part, for exam­ple by remov­ing lengthy approvals and fees required to set up a busi­ness.


    While vague, Mario Draghi’s pro­pos­al for trans­fer­ring sov­er­eign­ty should sound pret­ty famil­iar at this point:

    Mr. Draghi in his speech also not­ed that euro­zone coun­tries have made progress in cen­tral­iz­ing tasks like bank reg­u­la­tion. But with­out nam­ing oth­er spe­cif­ic exam­ples, he said more insti­tu­tions need to be cre­at­ed to make sure that euro­zone coun­tries fol­low their own rules. Mem­bers of the cur­ren­cy bloc have often vio­lat­ed guide­lines on pub­lic spend­ing and debt.

    “In the medi­um to longer term, we need to move from a sys­tem of rules and guide­lines for nation­al eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy mak­ing to a sys­tem of fur­ther sov­er­eign­ty shar­ing with­in com­mon insti­tu­tions so as to strength­en our eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy gov­er­nance,” Mr. Draghi said. “A com­mon rule is only as strong as the com­mon insti­tu­tion that can enforce it.”

    That’s the plan! It’s one of the themes that keeps com­ing up over and over since that’s sort of how the sys­tem oper­ates at this point any­ways for the bailout-afflict­ed coun­ties, except it sounds like Draghi is propos­ing a per­ma­nent enti­ty that would have over­sight over nation­al spend­ing in bad times and good.

    And since it’s obvi­ous that this enti­ty would be com­plete­ly right-wing ori­ent­ed, we’re basi­cal­ly look­ing at a sys­tem of lost sov­er­eign­ty in exchange for man­dat­ed pre­emp­tive aus­ter­i­ty. THAT’s the euro­zone’s long-term solu­tion to more bailouts: loss of sov­er­eign­ty in exchange for pre­emp­tive per­ma­nent aus­ter­i­ty. At least that’s cer­tain­ly how it looks today. And since these kind of major over­hauls tend to only hap­pen in a cri­sis, we just have to wait until the next major cri­sis before such a pro­pos­al is final­ly put on the table. It’s real­ly just a mat­ter of time.

    So get ready for some more big changes euro­zone! Or don’t get ready. Your accep­tance of your fate isn’t real­ly rel­e­vant.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 26, 2015, 3:17 pm
  31. Greece’s Prime Min­is­ter is accus­ing Spain and Por­tu­gal of being part of an “anti-Athens axis”. “Anti-Athens Debt Colonies” would have also worked, but “anti-Athen axis” has a nice ring to it too:

    Greek PM accus­es Spain, Por­tu­gal of anti-Athens ‘axis’

    By Costas Pitas and David Stamp

    ATHENS Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:43pm EST

    (Reuters) — Greece’s left­ist Prime Min­is­ter Alex­is Tsipras accused Spain and Por­tu­gal on Sat­ur­day of lead­ing a con­ser­v­a­tive con­spir­a­cy to top­ple his anti-aus­ter­i­ty gov­ern­ment, say­ing they feared their own rad­i­cal forces before elec­tions this year.

    Tsipras also reject­ed crit­i­cism that Athens had staged a climb­down to secure an exten­sion of its finan­cial life­line from the euro zone, say­ing anger among Ger­man con­ser­v­a­tives showed that his gov­ern­ment had won con­ces­sions.

    Greeks have direct­ed much of their fury about years of aus­ter­i­ty dic­tat­ed by inter­na­tion­al cred­i­tors at Ger­many, the biggest con­trib­u­tor to their coun­try’s 240-bil­lion-euro bailout.

    But in a speech to his Syriza par­ty, Tsipras turned on Madrid and Lis­bon, accus­ing them of tak­ing a hard line in nego­ti­a­tions which led to the euro zone extend­ing the bailout pro­gram last week for four months.

    “We found oppos­ing us an axis of pow­ers ... led by the gov­ern­ments of Spain and Por­tu­gal which for obvi­ous polit­i­cal rea­sons attempt­ed to lead the entire nego­ti­a­tions to the brink,” said Tsipras, who won an elec­tion on Jan. 25.

    “Their plan was and is to wear down, top­ple or bring our gov­ern­ment to uncon­di­tion­al sur­ren­der before our work begins to bear fruit and before the Greek exam­ple affects oth­er coun­tries,” he said, adding: “And main­ly before the elec­tions in Spain.”

    Spain’s new anti-estab­lish­ment Podemos move­ment has topped some opin­ion polls, mak­ing it a seri­ous threat to the con­ser­v­a­tive Peo­ple’s Par­ty of Prime Min­is­ter Mar­i­ano Rajoy in an elec­tion which must be held by the end of this year.

    Rajoy went to Athens less than a fort­night before the Greek elec­tion to warn vot­ers against believ­ing the “impos­si­ble” promis­es of Syriza. His appeal fell on deaf ears and vot­ers swept the pre­vi­ous con­ser­v­a­tive pre­mier from pow­er.

    Por­tu­gal will also have elec­tions after the sum­mer but no anti-aus­ter­i­ty force as potent as Syriza or Podemos has so far emerged there.

    In an inter­view pub­lished before Tsipras made his speech, Prime Min­is­ter Pedro Pas­sos Coel­ho denied that Por­tu­gal had tak­en a hard line in nego­ti­a­tions on the Greek deal at the Eurogroup of euro zone finance min­is­ters.

    “There may have been a polit­i­cal inten­tion to cre­ate this idea, but it is not true,” he told the Expres­so week­ly news­pa­per.

    Pas­sos Coel­ho aligned him­self with euro zone gov­ern­ments which have called for poli­cies to pro­mote eco­nom­ic growth but with­out try­ing to walk away from aus­ter­i­ty as in Greece.

    “We were on the same side as the French gov­ern­ment, with the Ital­ian and Irish gov­ern­ments. I think it’s bad to stig­ma­tize south­ern Euro­pean coun­tries,” he said.


    Por­tu­gal had to take its own bailout in 2011 but left the pro­gram last year. Finance Min­is­ter Maria Luis Albu­querque said on Sat­ur­day Lis­bon would start repay­ing its loans to the IMF next month, giv­ing back 6 bil­lion euros.

    This con­trasts to Greece which remains in its EU/IMF pro­gram, almost five years and two bailouts after it had to seek inter­na­tion­al help.

    Tsipras has por­trayed the Eurogroup deal as a vic­to­ry for Greece, even though it meant extend­ing the bailout pro­gram he had promised vot­ers to scrap. He not­ed Ger­man law­mak­ers from Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel’s con­ser­v­a­tives had attacked the Greek lead­er­ship when they approved the exten­sion on Fri­day.

    “We have all watched the strong oppo­si­tion with­in Angela Merkel’s par­ty which shows that unac­cept­able con­ces­sions have been made to Greece,” he said.


    Yeah, it’s pret­ty hard to deny that the gov­ern­ments of Spain and Por­tu­gal did­n’t hide their desires to see the Great Greek Beat­down Tragedy con­tin­ue unabat­ed, although the char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Lis­bon or Madrid as lead­ers in the ‘anti-Athens axis’ could be improved since these gov­ern­ments, them­selves, are pret­ty much just tak­ing march­ing orders from Berlin and the rest of the euro­zone cred­i­tor states. In oth­er words, the full anti-Athens axis appeared to include every sin­gle euro­zone mem­ber except Greece (it’s sort of a ‘Kiss up and Kick Down Axis’ at this point).

    It’s part of what makes the Greek Tragedy so trag­ic: the near­ly uni­ver­sal sup­port of 19th-cen­tu­ry junk eco­nom­ics and nation­al usury poli­cies has infest­ed the Euro­pean social con­tract with some sort of twist­ed pseu­do-gold-stan­dard regime that is look­ing like it’s going to doom Europe until there’s either an over­haul of Europe’s rul­ing macro­eco­nom­ic world­view or the euro­zone itself unrav­els.

    So, from that per­spec­tive, it’s real­ly more of an anti-almost-every­one axis. Or, at a min­i­mum, an anti-Athen-Lis­bon-Madrid-Rome-Dublin axis that just hap­pens to include Lis­bon, Madrid, and Dublin as some of its most enthu­si­as­tic mem­bers. Mem­ber isn’t cheap:

    Deutsche Welle
    Aus­ter­i­ty paves way for growth in Por­tu­gal

    Por­tu­gal’s aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies have helped turn the coun­try around — and there are good eco­nom­ic signs ahead. But aid groups and unions say this progress has come at a high social price for the coun­try’s poor.

    Date 23.02.2015
    Author Jochen Faget, Lis­bon / sgb

    Not even the Por­tuguese agree on the grav­i­ty of their sit­u­a­tion: On the one hand, the gov­ern­ment and many econ­o­mists are say­ing the worst is over. On the oth­er, social work­ers and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of almost all aid orga­ni­za­tions believe that at the very least the social effects of the cri­sis will wors­en con­sid­er­ably.

    Again and again, the gov­ern­ment brings up its ear­ly repay­ment of a por­tion of the bailout loans and record low inter­est rates for the issuance of gov­ern­ment bonds, as well as the rel­a­tive­ly low offi­cial unem­ploy­ment rate of 14 per­cent. But these num­bers should be treat­ed with skep­ti­cism, warns Joao de Sousa of AMI, a char­i­ty. He said the unem­ploy­ment sta­tis­tics in Por­tu­gal are kept down by train­ing cours­es that serve no oth­er pur­pose, while many job­seek­ers, in their despair, have sim­ply not signed up with the employ­ment agen­cies. The largest Por­tuguese trade union fed­er­a­tion, the CGTP, thus esti­mates real unem­ploy­ment at over 25 per­cent, added to which are numer­ous osten­si­bly self-employed peo­ple who earn next to noth­ing.

    Pover­ty all around

    Even those who are in work have noth­ing to laugh about: The statu­to­ry min­i­mum wage of around 430 euros per month is the excep­tion rather than the rule. Work­ers in Por­tu­gal’s strongest export indus­tries — tex­tiles and shoes — must some­how make ends meet on this mea­ger income. It’s no won­der that, accord­ing to the lat­est fig­ures from the nation­al sta­tis­tics office, the num­ber of poor has risen to 19 per­cent of the coun­try’s pop­u­la­tion. About 2 mil­lion of 10 mil­lion Por­tuguese are forced to get by on less than 60 per­cent of the aver­age wage. De Sousa says Por­tu­gal’s gen­er­ous social-secu­ri­ty net­work was almost com­plete­ly destroyed by aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures — some­thing he calls “dis­as­trous.”

    “The social prob­lems that the aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies brought with them are far from being solved,” eco­nom­ics pro­fes­sor Auro­ra Teix­eira of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Por­to said. The gov­ern­ment had been able to draw up an accept­able bud­get, she said, through longer work­ing hours, wage cuts and reduc­tions in gov­ern­ment spend­ing that had final­ly allowed the econ­o­my to see a light at the end of the tun­nel. But the unprece­dent­ed decline in social spend­ing that occurred hit the most vul­ner­a­ble par­tic­u­lar­ly hard.

    Half-full or half-emp­ty?

    “We have reached our lim­its,” de Sousa said, shrug­ging. He said AMI’s soup kitchen in Por­tu­gal’s sec­ond largest city, Por­to, was hope­less­ly over­bur­dened. Rice, pota­toes and canned goods were no longer suf­fi­cient to meet the increased demand for food that the char­i­ty dis­trib­utes to the needy once a month. In the cap­i­tal, Lis­bon, and oth­er cities, it was no dif­fer­ent. He said it was clear the cri­sis was far from over.

    Por­tu­gal lived beyond its means, spend­ing far more than it took in, Teix­eira said. But that has now changed. Set­ting aside debt ser­vice, the bud­get now even shows a clear sur­plus. Aus­ter­i­ty, she said, had thus been suc­cess­ful: “There is hope again. The worst is over.”

    But, she said, what was miss­ing were struc­tur­al changes: Por­tu­gal had to increase the quan­ti­ty and qual­i­ty of its eco­nom­ic out­put to increase the flow of mon­ey into the coun­try, and it should not con­cen­trate only on ser­vices such as tourism. She did not say how this could be brought about.

    In or out

    And because they are either poor­ly paid, or unable to get a steady job, increas­ing num­bers of well-edu­cat­ed young Por­tuguese are going abroad. More than 100,000 each year have turned their backs on their home­land since the cri­sis began, emi­grat­ing to Britain, France or Ger­many. This is espe­cial­ly true of those with high­er edu­ca­tion such as engi­neers and econ­o­mists, but also skilled work­ers and nurs­es.


    An end in sight

    But it was exact­ly these aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures that regained the mar­ket’s con­fi­dence in Por­tu­gal, Teix­eira said. The coun­try was there­fore now able to bor­row mon­ey at low inter­est rates of just over 2 per­cent and even repay a por­tion of its bailout debt ahead of sched­ule.

    “This gives the gov­ern­ment more room to maneu­ver,” Teix­eira said. “It can set inde­pen­dent polit­i­cal pri­or­i­ties.”

    There are already ini­tial signs that aus­ter­i­ty will end soon: The gov­ern­ment has rolled back some wage cuts, and oth­er mea­sures are like­ly to fol­low. Ulti­mate­ly, 2015 is an elec­tion year in Por­tu­gal. And the peo­ple have suf­fered long enough.

    This part real­ly cap­tures the under­pants-gnome nature of so many of the calls for “struc­tur­al reforms” you hear from pro-aus­ter­i­ty econ­o­mists:

    But, she said, what was miss­ing were struc­tur­al changes: Por­tu­gal had to increase the quan­ti­ty and qual­i­ty of its eco­nom­ic out­put to increase the flow of mon­ey into the coun­try, and it should not con­cen­trate only on ser­vices such as tourism. She did not say how this could be brought about.

    Yes, why can’t Por­tu­gal sim­ply turn itself into a high-tech export pow­er­house and pull itself up from its boot­straps that way? It should be easy with all the help­ful achieve­ments the aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies have achieved so far. Achieve­ments like:
    — A 19% pover­ty rate
    — A 14% unem­ploy­ment rate, which is char­ac­ter­ized as rel­a­tive­ly good.
    — Exports of 100,000 young peo­ple, espe­cial­ly the most high­ly skilled like engi­neers or nurs­es.
    — A near­ly destroyed safe­ty-net.
    — And don’t for­get the low inter­est rates!

    As we can see, the aus­ter­i­ty is already work­ing! Exports are up! Grant­ed, it’s exports of young engi­neers and oth­er skilled work­ers but it’s a start! Tech pow­er­house sta­tus here we come!

    See how help­ful aus­ter­i­ty is, although Keep in mind that the low bor­row­ing costs were large­ly a result of the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank’s actions and pledges (Aus­ter­i­ty helped, but pri­mar­i­ly by depress­ing the econ­o­my).

    Also keep in mind that when Tsipras char­ac­ter­izes the recent 4 month exten­sion as a vic­to­ry, it real­ly was a vic­to­ry of sorts even when you con­sid­er all the con­ces­sions made because at least now there’s a chance of a change in pol­i­cy when this gets rene­go­ti­at­ed months from now.
    Of course, unless Greece can find more mem­bers so join its anti-anti-Almost-Every­one axis (an axis of one so far), it’s unlike­ly that those con­ces­sions Greece won are going to amount to much in the end. That’s why it’s so impor­tant for Europe’s anti-aus­ter­i­ty lead­ers to clear­ly point out the per­verse incen­tives the pro-aus­ter­i­ty gov­ern­ments have in ensur­ing that Greece be allowed no mean­ing­ful long-term devi­a­tion from the aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies. So hope­ful­ly Alex­is Tsipras will have some suc­cess in con­vinc­ing some of his fel­low lead­ers that they prob­a­bly should be mem­bers of axis that is ded­i­cat­ed to the demise of their soci­eties, even if it’s a lit­tle embar­rass­ing to change course. There are worse things than embar­rass­ment. Tsipras needs to some­how com­mu­ni­cate this to peers, although it’s not at all clear how he can effec­tive­ly do that giv­en the intense depres­sions their nations have endured and the resis­tance to pos­i­tive changes that can fol­low peri­ods of deep pain and sor­row.

    Do the lead­ers of Europe use Face­book? Maybe that could be a way to start the nec­es­sary con­ver­sa­tion...

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 28, 2015, 6:58 pm
  32. ECB Pres­i­dent Mario Draghi quelled any hopes that the ECB would play a role of emer­gency lender of last resort for the Greek gov­ern­ment. He’s pre­vi­ous­ly ruled out the buy­ing Greek bonds via the QE pro­gram, but not it looks like rais­ing the cap on short-term trea­sury bills issued by Athens is also going to be reject­ed, which means the euro­zone’s offi­cial plans for resolv­ing the Greek cri­sis appear to still involve pret­ty much just wait­ing for Greece to run out of cash to pre­sum­ably turn the screws some more:

    Greece can­not rely on ECB to dodge fund­ing crunch

    NICOSIA Thu Mar 5, 2015 9:05am EST

    (Reuters) — Greece can­not rely on the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank to raise a lim­it on Athens’ issuance of short-term debt, ECB Pres­i­dent Mario Draghi sug­gest­ed on Thurs­day.

    He also said the rules meant the ECB could not buy Greek bonds under its new asset-buy­ing pro­gram.

    Asked about the short-term debt lim­it at a news con­fer­ence fol­low­ing the ECB’s meet­ing in Cyprus, Draghi said that the bank was pro­hib­it­ed by Euro­pean rules from direct or indi­rect financ­ing of gov­ern­ments.

    “The ECB is a rule-based insti­tu­tion. It is not a polit­i­cal insti­tu­tion,” Draghi said.

    Athens is run­ning out of options to fund itself despite strik­ing a deal with the euro zone in Feb­ru­ary to extend its bailout by four months. Faced with a fall in rev­enues, it is expect­ed to run out of cash by the end of March, maybe soon­er.

    One fund­ing option would be to raise a 15-bil­lion-euro ($16.69 bil­lion) cap on Athens’ issuance of Trea­sury bills, or short-term debt. The cap has already been reached, and the ECB has a veto over lift­ing it.


    And the screws get anoth­er twist.

    And speak­ing of turn­ing screws, War­ren Buf­fett took part in a recent CNBC Squawk Box inter­view (avail­able at top of arti­cle here) and addressed the ques­tion of whether or not the wealth­i­er euro­zone mem­bers should just give the poor­er states cash as a way to resolve the cri­sis. Buf­fet­t’s response? It was­n’t so much a call for more turn­ing of the screws. It was more like advo­cat­ing that Ger­many rub Greece’s nose in the mess over and over until Greece sub­mits or leaves. Because, as Buf­fett put it, if you don’t want a dog pee­ing on the rug you can’t reward it for that behav­ior:

    If you have behav­ior you want to get rid of, it’s prob­a­bly not the smartest behav­ior to reward it, right? I mean, if, if you have a dog that’s bee­ing on your car­pet, you do not want to start giv­ing it a bunch a dog bis­cuits, you know, or you’re going to have some...your carpet...after a while hope­ful­ly a new carpet...essentially, if peo­ple find they can break the rules, and you kind of threat­en the rest of them by the fact that we’ll cause you more trou­ble, you have to deal with it and you’re going to have a more stained car­pet a year or two years from now if you essen­tial­ly give in to thing and just keep mod­i­fy­ing the rules as you go along.

    When the CNBC host push­es back and points out the large amounts of lend­ing by wealth­i­er euro­zone nations, espe­cial­ly Ger­many, to coun­tries like Greece and the immense ben­e­fit that these nations have had by reduc­ing their val­ue of their cur­ren­cies by link­ing up their nations to eco­nom­i­cal­ly weak­er neigh­bors, Buf­fett replies that:

    What Greece has done is exposed the weak­ness of the orig­i­nal con­cept. and the idea that you’re going to link cur­ren­cy in lock step among a large group of coun­tries that have dif­fer­ent labor laws and every­thing. It has a struc­tur­al weak­ness to it.

    And lat­er in the inter­view says...

    Just imag­ine we had a West­ern Hemi­sphere Zone that we linked our­selves to linked to Venezuela and, you know, you name it. It would­n’t work.

    He also says if the wealth­i­er euro­zone nations want give to the poor­er mem­bers as a form of for­eign aid that’s fine.

    He also added in the inter­view that he thinks the US bank­ing sys­tem “is pret­ty damn good for the Unit­ed States”.

    So appar­ent­ly War­ren Buf­fett is unaware of the rou­tine fis­cal trans­fers from wealth­i­er to poor­er states in the US or thinks that should end and the poor­est states should become even poor­er in the US. And he also seems to see the euro­zone as it is today as an unwork­able con­struct, like if the US merged with Venezuela. But he still thinks it’s ok to treat Greece like a dog that’s pee­ing on the rug when it demands any changes because:

    you do not want to start giv­ing it a bunch a dog bis­cuits, you know, or you’re going to have some...your carpet...after a while hope­ful­ly a new carpet...essentially, if peo­ple find they can break the rules, and you kind of threat­en the rest of them by the fact that we’ll cause you more trou­ble, you have to deal with it and you’re going to have a more stained car­pet a year or two years from now if you essen­tial­ly give in to thing and just keep mod­i­fy­ing the rules as you go along.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 5, 2015, 12:08 pm

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