A member of the Association of National Security Alumni, retired Special Forces Colonel Dan Marvin describes experiences on the “covert side” during the course of his career in the Green Berets. Most of the first side of the interview concerns Col. Marvin’s knowledge concerning the alleged suicide of Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer, who filmed President Kennedy’s autopsy and had photographic information damaging to the official analysis. Told that Pitzer was a traitor about to sell secrets “to the enemy,” Col. Marvin was requisitioned to kill Pitzer, but refused to do so because the killing was to take place in Bethesda Naval Hospital. While watching a documentary about President Kennedy’s assassination, the name of Commander Pitzer came up as one of a number of people who died suspiciously and, in many cases, violently. This led Marvin into an ongoing quest into the continued harassment of Pitzer’s widow, an official military coverup and congressional stonewalling of the investigation. The second half of the interview concerns Col. Marvin’s experiences in Vietnam. Assigned to assassinate Crown Prince Nordhom Sihanouk of Cambodia, Marvin refused and, after being branded a “renegade Green Beret,” was almost “terminated” (along with his command) by an elite South Vietnamese regiment. (Recorded October 4, 1996.)
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