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This program is one 60-minute segment, with no break at the midpoint.
Introduction: A story that broke during the election campaign of 2012 calls to mind a number of considerations. It has been disclosed that phone taps on convicted Manson Family killer Tex Watson have information that may relate to 12 additional murders.
Portrayed by the media as a bunch of wayward hippies, the Manson group, in fact, had participation by neo-Nazi elements, as well as links to the intelligence community.
One wonders who the other victims might have been?
Might one of them have been Marina Habe, daughter of Hans Habe, an anti-fascist activist and journalist who worked for U.S. intelligence during World War II and afterward. Habe had been involved in attempting to foster a non-Nazi press establishment in postwar Germany, something that would not have sat well with the Underground Reich.
Was Marina killed in retaliation for her father’s activities?
Might the other victims allegedly discussed on the Watson tapes, or some of them, have been killed for political reasons?
Next, we analyze evidentiary tributaries between the Robert Kennedy assassination and the Manson killings.
One case that has more to it than reaches the eye is the murder of Sharon Tate. Deeply involved with Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign in the Los Angeles area, Tate had been present at a dinner shortly before Kennedy’s assassination at which he reportedly said that he would re-open the investigation into his brother’s murder after getting into the White House.
Her murder by the Manson cadre eliminated an important potential witness in the Robert Kennedy case.
Interestingly and significantly, an article appeared in a right-wing magazine out of Southern California called Aware penned by one Ed Butler in which he claimed that the Tate/La Bianca killings were clearly the work of the Black Panthers or other “Black Militants.”
- Recall that the Manson killings were intended to provoke the group’s vision of a race war called “Helter Skelter” and references to which might be seen as leading in the direction of “black militants” were scrawled in blood at the crime scene.
Butler, it should be noted, is floating the cover story of the Manson killings well before the arrests were made in the case! Furthermore, Butler is no stranger to the annals of political intrigue.
With long-standing connections to the intelligence community and the far right, Butler’s name is one of a number of evidentiary tributaries that link the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers.
Program Highlights Include:
- Operating in conjunction with an intelligence community and far-right millieu in New Orleans, Butler arranged a press conference on WDSU in New Orleans. Featuring the ostensible leftist Lee Harvey Oswald and an anti-Castro Cuban named Carlos Bringuier (of the CIA controlled DRE), the interview highlights Oswald’s alleged leftist sympathies. In the talk, Bringuier asks Oswald if he agrees with Fidel Castro that President Kennedy was “a ruffian and a thief.” This interview was broadcast all over the United States on the evening of President Kennedy’s assassination.
- Shortly after Robert Kennedy’s assassination, Butler helped facilitate a press conference staged by American United (run by far right activists John Steinbacher and Anthony Hilder) at which an anti-Castro Cuban named Jose Antonio Duarte linked Sirhan with the political left and the Soviet bloc.
- Butler, again, also floated the disinformation/cover story for the Tate/La Bianca killings well before the arrests of the Manson suspects. Miscellaneous Archive Show M16 sets forth the Butler connections to the JFK, RFK and Tate/La Bianca investigations. Side b and side c contain substantive, relevant discussion.
- George Joannides was CIA liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban groups including the DRE to which Carlos Bringuier belonged and also in charge of psychological warfare for the CIA’s stateion JM Wave in Miami. Joannides was appointed as the liaison between the Agency and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. (More about this in FTR #698.)
- Joannides was also alleged by a documentary aired on BBC to have been present at the Ambassador Hotel on the evening of Robert Kennedy’s assassination! (More about this in FTR #582.)
- Note that the investigation into Robert Kennedy’s assassination has been re-opened.
1. A story that broke during the election campaign of 2012 calls to mind a number of considerations. It has been disclosed that phone taps on convicted Manson Family killer Tex Watson have information that may relate to 12 additional murders.
Portrayed by the media as a bunch of wayward hippies, the Manson group, in fact, had participation by neo-Nazi elements, as well as links to the intelligence community. One wonders who the other victims might have been?
The LAPD on Thursday announced it has open investigations on a dozen unsolved homicides near known Manson Family hangouts around Los Angeles.
The revelation came amid a legal battle to obtain hours of audio tape recordings between former Charles Manson follower and convicted murderer Charles “Tex” Watson and his lawyer.
“We have an obligation to the families of these victims,” Cmdr. Andy Smith told NBC4. “Our detectives need to listen to these tapes. The tapes might help with solving these murders.”
News of the open investigation was first reported by the Los Angeles Times Thursday and confirmed to NBC4 by LAPD officials. Smith told the Times the 12 murders they are investigating “are similar to some of the Manson killings.”
Manson and his followers shot to infamy in 1969 after the murders of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four others at a Benedict Canyon home in the hills above Los Angeles. That rampage was followed the next night by the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in their Los Feliz home.
The unheard recordings sought by the LAPD were made more than four decades ago, after Watson’s arrest for his role in the Tate-LaBianca slayings.
LAPD’s effort to obtain the tapes was not known publicly until it was reported by NBC4 News in May. And Watson has been fighting to keep those tapes under wraps. Police believe they may hold clues to “additional unsolved murders committed by followers of Charles Manson.”
Earlier this year, a court order authorized LAPD to take possession of the recordings, but Watson’s lawyer obtained a “stay” order effectively stopping the release of the tapes while his appeal is heard.
The LAPD tried to obtain the tapes using a search warrant, according to the Times. But on Oct. 9, a federal judge in Texas granted an emergency order barring police from executing a search warrant at an office where the tapes are kept.
2. Might one of the other alleged Manson victims have been Marina Habe, daughter of Hans Habe, an anti-fascist activist and journalist who worked for U.S. intelligence during World War II and afterward?
Was Marina killed in retaliation for her father’s activities?
Might the other victims allegedly discussed on the Watson tapes, or some of them, have been killed for political reasons?
Marina Elizabeth Habe; Wikipedia.
Elizabeth Habe (1951 — December 29, 1968) was the daughter of Hans Habe and a student at the University of Hawaii. She was murdered while returning home from a date.[1] She may have been slain by members of the Manson family. Her body was discovered on New Years Day 1969 in dense underbrush off Mulholland Drive, 100 feet west of Bowmont Drive, in Los Angeles, California. She was found with contusions in the eyes, slashes in throat and heart, burns inflicted, raped and nude except for a shoe.[2]
Habe was abducted outside the home of her mother, actress Eloise Hardt, 8962 Cynthia Avenue, in West Hollywood while home for a vacation from the University of Hawaii. The residence was three blocks below Sunset Boulevard. The neighborhood was the location of a number of rapes in the weeks prior to Habe’s demise. Habe double dated with John Hornburg, 22, a family friend. She left the Hornburg residence at 3:15 a.m. in her sports car.[3]
A former Manson family associate said that members of the family knew her.[2]
3. Hans Habe had been involved in attempting to foster a non-Nazi press establishment in postwar Germany, something that would not have sat well with the Underground Reich.
. . . .In 1930 he began to work as a reporter for the Wiener Sonn- und Montagspost (Vienna Sunday and Monday Post). In the following year he became Editor of the Österreichische Abendzeitung (Austrian Evening News), one of the youngest newspaper editors ever, at age 20. At this time he married his first wife, Margit Bloch. Early in 1934 he moved to the Wiener Morgen (Vienna Morning News). From 1935 to 1939 he was a Foreign Correspondent for the Prager Tagblatt (Prague Daily News), stationed mostly at Geneva, covering the League of Nations. In this capacity he was present at the Evian Conference in 1938, where he met again otolaryngologist Heinrich Neumann von Héthárs who had performed an operation upon Habe 13 years before, and was a friend of his family. Habe described the course of the Conference in his novel The Mission (1965). The focal point of the novel is the infamous offer made by the German government, and transmitted to the Conference by Neumann von Héthárs, to sell the Austrian Jews to foreign countries at a price of $250 per capita, and the Conference delegates’ refusal to accept. At this time Habe was married to his second wife, Erika Levy, the heiress of the Tungsram light bulb company.
World War II
After the Anschluss, Habe was expatriated and his books forbidden by the new Nazi government. He went into exile in France and joined the French Foreign Legion. In 1940 he was captured and interned in the Dieuze Dulag camp. From there he managed to escape with the help of French friends (to Lisbon) and emigrated to the United States. He became a US citizen in 1941. Here Habe married his third wife, Eleanor Post Hutton, heiress of General Foods, in 1942. They had a son, Anthony Niklas Habe. In 1942 he was drafted into the US Army and studied Psychological warfare at the Military Intelligence Training Center at Camp Ritchie, Maryland. Then he joined the 1st Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company, and went in March 1943 to North Africa and participated in Operation Avalanche, the landing in Italy. In 1944 he became an Instructor of Psychological Warfare at Camp Sharpe, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In autumn 1944 he selected a group of German writers and newspaper editors to prepare for the publishing of new newspapers after the war in Germany.
Newspaperman in Germany
In 1945 Habe returned to Germany in the wake of the occupying US Army. By November 1945 he had created 18 newspapers in the American Occupation Zone. Then he became Editor of the Neue Zeitung in Munich. At this time he was married for a short time with actress Ali Ghito. In 1949 he moved to the Münchner Illustrierte (Munich Illustrated), and in 1951 of the Echo der Woche (Echo of the Week). In 1948 he married his fifth wife, actress Eloise Hardt. In 1951 they had a daughter, Marina Elizabeth, who was murdered on 30 December 1968 in Los Angeles.[1] . . . .
4. Most of the program consists of an excerpt of Miscellaneous Archive Show M16 (recorded on 5/15/1988.) This excerpt highlights evidentiary tributaries running between the Manson killings and the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers.
The program excerpts the book Conspiracy by Anthony Summers, as well as The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by William Turner and John Christian.
The tape excerpt, in turn, features excerpts from The Guns of November, Part 1 (Recorded on 11/1/1983) and AFA #12 (Recorded on 10/24/1985.)
One case that has more to it than reaches the eye is the murder of Sharon Tate. Deeply involved with Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign in the Los Angeles area, Tate had been present at a dinner shortly before Kennedy’s assassination at which he reportedly said that he would re-open the investigation into his brother’s murder after getting into the White House.
Her murder by the Manson cadre eliminated an important potential witness in the Robert Kennedy case.
Interestingly and significantly, an article appeared in a right-wing magazine out of Southern California called Aware penned by one Ed Butler in which he claimed that the Tate/La Bianca killings were clearly the work of the Black Panthers or other “Black Militants.”
- Recall that the Manson killings were intended to provoke the group’s vision of a race war called “Helter Skelter” and references to which might be seen as leading in the direction of “black militants” were scrawled in blood at the crime scene.
Butler, it should be noted, is floating the cover story of the Manson killings well before the arrests were made in the case! Furthermore, Butler is no stranger to the annals of political intrigue.
With long-standing connections to the intelligence community and the far right, Butler’s name is one of a number of evidentiary tributaries that link the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers.
5. George Joannides was CIA liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban groups including the DRE to which Carlos Bringuier belonged and also in charge of psychological warfare for the CIA’s stateion JM Wave in Miami. Joannides was appointed as the liaison between the Agency and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. (More about this in FTR #698.)
“C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery” by Scott Shane; The New York Times; 10/17/2009.
For six years, the agency has fought in federal court to keep secret hundreds of documents from 1963, when an anti-Castro Cuban group it paid clashed publicly with the soon-to-be assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The C.I.A. says it is only protecting legitimate secrets. But because of the agency’s history of stonewalling assassination inquiries, even researchers with no use for conspiracy thinking question its stance.
The files in question, some released under direction of the court and hundreds more that are still secret, involve the curious career of George E. Joannides, the case officer who oversaw the dissident Cubans in 1963. In 1978, the agency made Mr. Joannides the liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations — but never told the committee of his earlier role.
That concealment has fueled suspicion that Mr. Joannides’s real assignment was to limit what the House committee could learn about C.I.A. activities. The agency’s deception was first reported in 2001 by Jefferson Morley, who has doggedly pursued the files ever since, represented by James H. Lesar, a Washington lawyer specializing in Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. . . .
. . . . On the Kennedy assassination, the deceptions began in 1964 with the Warren Commission. The C.I.A. hid its schemes to kill Fidel Castro and its ties to the anti-Castro Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil, or Cuban Student Directorate, which received $50,000 a month in C.I.A. support during 1963. [This is the D.R.E., of which Carlos Bringuier was an official.–D.E.]
In August 1963, Oswald visited a New Orleans shop owned by a directorate official, feigning sympathy with the group’s goal of ousting Mr. Castro. A few days later, directorate members found Oswald handing out pro-Castro pamphlets and got into a brawl with him. Later that month, he debated the anti-Castro Cubans on a local radio station.
In the years since Oswald was named as the assassin, speculation about who might have been behind him has never ended, with various theories focusing on Mr. Castro, the mob, rogue government agents or myriad combinations of the above. Mr. Morley, one of many writers to become entranced by the story, insists he has no theory and is seeking only the facts.
His lawsuit has uncovered the central role in overseeing directorate activities of Mr. Joannides, the deputy director for psychological warfare at the C.I.A.’s Miami station, code-named JM/WAVE. He worked closely with directorate leaders, documents show, corresponding with them under pseudonyms, paying their travel expenses and achieving an “important degree of control” over the group, as a July 1963 agency fitness report put it.
Fifteen years later, Mr. Joannides turned up again as the agency’s representative to the House assassinations committee. Dan Hardway, then a law student working for the committee, recalled Mr. Joannides as “a cold fish,” who firmly limited access to documents. Once, Mr. Hardway remembered, “he handed me a thin file and just stood there. I blew up, and he said, ‘This is all you’re going to get.’ ”
6. Joannides was also alleged by a documentary aired on BBC to have been present at the Ambassador Hotel on the evening of Robert Kennedy’s assassination! (More about this in FTR #582.)
The investigation into Robert Kennedy’s assassination has been re-opened.
“CIA Role Claim in Kennedy Killing” by Shane O’Sullivan; BBC Newsnight; 11/21/2006.
New video and photographic evidence that puts three senior CIA operatives at the scene of Robert Kennedy’s assassination has been brought to light. The evidence was shown in a report by Shane O’Sullivan, broadcast on BBC Newsnight.
It reveals that the operatives and four unidentified associates were at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles in the moments before and after the shooting on 5 June, 1968. The CIA had no domestic jurisdiction and some of the officers were based in South-East Asia at the time, with no reason to be in Los Angeles.
Kennedy had just won the California Democratic primary on an anti-War ticket and was set to challenge Nixon for the White House when he was shot in a kitchen pantry. A 24-year-old Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, was arrested as the lone assassin and notebooks at his house seemed to incriminate him. However, even under hypnosis, he has never been able to remember the shooting and defense psychiatrists concluded he was in a trance at the time. Witnesses placed Sirhan’s gun several feet in front of Kennedy but the autopsy showed the fatal shot came from one inch behind. Dr Herbert Spiegel, a world authority on hypnosis at Columbia University, believes Sirhan may have been hypnotically programmed to act as a decoy for the real assassin.
The report is the result of a three-year investigation by filmmaker Shane O’Sullivan. He reveals new video and photographs showing three senior CIA operatives at the hotel. Three of these men have been positively identified as senior officers who worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA’s Miami base for its Secret War on Castro. David Morales was Chief of Operations and once told friends: ‘I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard.’ Gordon Campbell was Chief of Maritime Operations and George Joannides was Chief of Psychological Warfare Operations. Joannides was called out of retirement in 1978 to act as the CIA liaison to the Congressional investigation into the JFK assassination. [Emphasis added.] Now, we see him at the Ambassador Hotel the night a second Kennedy is assassinated. . . .
“[The thesis] is actually against racial prejudice,” the spokeswoman continued. “It just is trying to figure out, that when the system breaks down, like Ferguson, what the Army’s response should be.” Yikes:
Bill White up to his usual tricks. Not surprised to hear he is ALSO a Manson guy...
“We don’t need to change the laws, we need to off the pigs who made them,” one post read. Others made reference to Charles Manson and song lyrics which also appeared in the threats.
When Virginia white supremacist William White sent death threats to Central Florida law enforcers in 2012, he covered his digital tracks, according to testimony in his trial this week.
But despite an encrypted laptop and untraceable Internet connection — he bragged even the NSA couldn’t crack it — White was undone by his frequent, bloodthirsty online tirades advocating violent government overthrow to anyone who might be reading, prosecutor Vincent Chiu told White’s jury.
“He is begging for attention,” Chiu said, as he showed jurors post after post on White’s Facebook page about killing “pigs.” “He’s not getting enough of it, apparently.”
After a weeklong trial and about 2 1/2 hours deliberating, a 12-member jury returned a guilty verdict Friday. White, 37, faces the possibility of decades in prison at sentencing Nov. 21.
The charges against White stemmed from emailed threats against by FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Agent Kelly Boaz, Circuit Judge Walter Komanski and then-State Attorney Lawson Lamar, prominent officials in the case against the American Front white-supremacist group whose Osceola County compound was raided in May 2012.
The threats, sent soon after the raid, demanded the release of the American Front members.
“We are at your houses, we are at your kids houses we are at your grandkids houses... IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY... we are going to CUT THEIR [expletive] HEADS OFF and leave them in A COOLER OUTSIDE YOUR OFFICE,” one of the threats read.
The threats came from an email address apparently created to send them, registered to the defunct National Socialist Liberation Front and using an untraceable Internet protocol address, according to testimony.
But a lengthy Facebook rant he left on a pro-American Front page led investigators to White.
On his profile, they found solicitations for the names and addresses of officials in the case, tirades advocating “political terror” and references to the threats: “To my knowledge, the Florida state officials have still not complied with the demands to release the prisoners.”
In public posts and private messages, he advocated violence, prosecutors said.
“We don’t need to change the laws, we need to off the pigs who made them,” one post read. Others made reference to Charles Manson and song lyrics which also appeared in the threats.
White’s federal defender, Larry Henderson, argued that the government failed to prove that his client was “the person sitting behind the keyboard.”
Anyone could have highjacked the accounts tied to the threats, or created them to frame White, Henderson argued.
But the prosecution stressed connections throughout the trial: The Facebook was full of photos from White’s youth. A former tenant and employee testified it was White’s profile. The same email address had produced threats against officials in another case against him in Virginia.
“You look through the evidence, and it only leads you to one place,” Chiu said.