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This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: With Pope Francis headed to the U.S. for the first time, we begin by relating the story of Father Draganovic and the Ratline. It is the presence of Father Draganovic’s name in Georg Anton Poch’s journal at a time when that cleric’s name and activities were unknown the the general public that lends gravitas to the theory that the mysterious Dr. Anton Poch might be Hitler. (Draganovic was one of the main figures in the Ratline networks.) The Ratline escape network is discussed at length in AFA #17 and FTR #532, among other programs.
Although the Pope has been a relative breath of fresh air compared to his reactionary predecessors, he became the focus of controversy by canonizing Father Junipero Serra, whom Native Americans [rightly] accuse of administering bestial treatment to those subjected to the excesses of his “Missions.”
No such controversy has been visible with regard to the beatification of Archbishop Alois Stepinac.
Before exploring the specific case of Archbishop Stepinac (a member of the Ustachi parliament and beatified by Pope John Paul II), we review our discussion of the barbaric Croatian fascists who administered the Nazi satellite state in Croatia. Operating with the blessing of, and in cooperation with the Catholic church, the Ustachi were so grotesquely brutal that they horrified the SS.
Along those lines, we highlight several details about the “weaponized Catholicism” that manifested itself under the Ustachi regime. The largest Ustachi concentration camp was a converted brickyard called Jasenovac, commanded by a Franciscan priest, Fr. Filipovic. Filipovic and his colleague Fr. Brekalo engaged in contests, seeing who could murder the most Serbian children with their bare hands.
Returning to the operations of the Ratline, we set forth the relationship of Operation Bernhard to the Ratline and, beyond that, the CV of SS officer Friedrich Schwend who oversaw Bernhard. Operation Bernhard was a Third Reich counterfeiting operation, using expertly-crafted foreign currency notes to finance numerous projects, including the Ratline. (The Bernhard/Ratline connection is discussed at length in AFA #17.)
Schwend was involved with the machinations of the Ratline, as well as Operation Sunrise in Italy. His operations spanned the Nazi and CIA links to the Vatican, the Nazi diaspora’s activities in postwar Latin America, the genesis and development of the Gehlen spy outfit and the myriad conspiracies overseen by the P‑2 Lodge.
The Ratline was financed in large measure by stolen Nazi loot. We note the presence of stolen Nazi wealth in Archbishop Stepinac’s cathedral in Yugoslavia.
Next, the broadcast highlights a high school in the New York metropolitan area named after Archbishop Stepinac. A remarkable aspect of Stepinac High School. The roster of the school’s graduates is secret, available only to alumni, who must prove that they attended the school. Was the high school used to “mint” second or third generation Ustache for the realization of “The Pavelic Legacy,” to coin a term?
We conclude with a piece of information from Unholy Alliance about Gerald Posner having led the media charge to discredit Ladislas Farago with regard to his work on Bormann in “Aftermath.”
This was discussed at greater length in FTR #134. Posner, of course, is best known for being the media shill who reinforced the Warren Report’s findings after Oliver Stone’s “JFK” movie came out, as well as reinforcing the similarly untenable “lone nut” hypothesis with regard to the assassination of Martin Luther King.
Program and Description Highlights Include:
- Discussion of the relationship between powerful Wall Street law firms, such as Carter Ledyard & Millburn and the CIA.
- Review of Frank Wisner’s participation in CIA and Carter, Ledyard & Millburn (general counsel for the Dow Jones Corporation.)
- Discussion of Martin Bormann’s post-World War II banking activities.
- Review of the deliberate collapsing of the New York Stock Exchange on the morning of November 22nd, 1963,
1. We begin by establishing elements of continuity with FTR #864, briefly reviewing the subject of the mysterious Georg Anton Poch (who MAY have been Hitler), the certainty that Hitler escaped and the “official version” of Hitler’s death, an intellligence operation named “Operation Nursery.”
2. With Pope Francis headed to the U.S. for the first time, we relate the story of a Croatian priest, Father Draganovic and the Ratline he helped to oversee. It is the presence of Father Draganovic’s name in Poch’s journal at a time when that cleric’s name and activities were unknown the the general public that lends gravitas to the theory that the Poch might be Hitler. (Draganovic was one of the main figures in the Ratline networks.) The Ratline escape network is discussed at length in AFA #17 and FTR #532, among other programs.
3a. Before exploring the specific case of Archbishop Stepinac (a member of the Ustachi parliament and beatified by Pope John Paul II), we review the barbaric Croatian fascists who administered the Nazi satellite state in Croatia. Operating with the blessing of, and in cooperation with the Catholic church, the Ustachi were so grotesquely brutal that they horrified the SS.
3b. Next, we highlight several details about the “weaponized Catholicism” that manifested itself under the Ustachi regime. The largest Ustachi concentration camp was a converted brickyard called Jasenovac, commanded by a Franciscan priest, Fr. Filipovic. Filipovic and his colleague Fr. Brekalo murdered Serbian children with their bare hands.
. . . Jasenovac had been created as a forced labor and death camp by the Ustashe for mostly Serbian prisoners as well as Jews and Gypsies. There is controversy over the total number of Victims slaughtered at Jasenovac, but most authorities agree that between 65,000 and 100,000 Serbs and others met their fate at that camp, with hundreds of thousands of others sent from Jasenovac to the death camps at Auschwitz and elsewhere. During most of the period of Ustashe rule over Jasenovac, the camp was run by a Franciscan priest, Fr. Miroslv Filipovic (1915–1946).
Filipovic, like his colleague Draganovic, was interested in the conversion of Serbian Orthodox Christians to Roman Catholicism . . . . by force. In addition, he subscribed to Ante Pavelic’s dictum that one third of all Serbs should be deported, one third forcibly converted, and one third killed. He participated in massacres of the Serbian population–men, women and children–along with his close associate, Fr. Zvonimir Brekalo, another priest. He and Brekalo would engage in contests of killing Serbian children with their bare hands. . . . the same hands with which they would consecrate bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. They saw themselves as Crusaders, with all the impious slaughter that term has acquired over the centuries. . . .
4. Returning to the operations of the Ratline, we set forth the relationship of Operation Bernhard to the Ratline and, beyond that, the CV of SS officer Friedrich Schwend who oversaw Bernhard. Operation Bernhard was a Third Reich counterfeiting operation, using expertly-crafted foreign currency notes to finance numerous projects, including the Ratline. (The Bernhard/Ratline connection is discussed at length in AFA #17.
Schwend was involved with the machinations of the Ratline, as well as Operation Sunrise in Italy. His operations spanned the Nazi and CIA links to the Vatican, the Nazi diaspora’s activities in postwar Latin America, Operation Condor and the genesis and development of the Gehlen spy outfit and the myriad conspiracies overseen by the P‑2 Lodge.
We also note in passing that Pope Pius XII has been beatified as well. His involvement with fascism is chronicled at length in AFA #17.
Friedrich “Freddy” Schwend (1906–1980) claimed the rank of SS-Sturmbannfuhrer (although he was probably not a genuine officer and held the rank as a kind of cover) but his real job was as the manager of something called Operation Bernhard. Bernhard was the ambitious currency-forging project of the SS that managed to create beautifully-crafted British pound noes as well as other currencies. The original mission of Operation Bernhard was the destabilizing of the world’s currencies as part of the overall war effort, but in the end it functioned as a kind of slush fund for secret operations, using the forged currencies rather than genuine money to pay off spies and bribe officials. The forged currencies were also used to buy much needed raw material for the war effort from neutral countries. Schwend conducted this operation from a villa in the Tyrol that was surrounded by SS men, and which oversaw transport of the forged currencies by the truckload and trainload to other countries in Europe. The forgers themselves were Jews: concentration camp prisoners chosen for their ability as printers and engravers.
By all accounts, this was a very successful operation, and at the end of the war, Schwend gave himself up to the CIC which “turned” him and used him as a double agent: first, in the location of stolen gold, currencies and artwork in a series of hiding places, mine shafts and safe houses throughout Austria and other parts of Europe, and then for counter-intelligence work under the code name “Major Klemp,” and as code name “Flush” (for an operation created to “flush out” others like him in Italy). There is also evidence that Schwend was involved in Dulles’s Operation Sunrise, which ensured the peaceful surrender of SS and Wehrmacht forces in Italy.
Schwend’s network of wartime safe houses was then used for the Ratline. The same agents he had used to pass forged pounds sterling he now used to move SS men out of Europe. Operation Sunrise had presented the OSS with a considerable number of SS officers who had cooperated with them in the orderly surrender, and who now expected special treatment in return. Dulles himself was notoriously anti-Communist and relatively relaxed when it came to Nazism; like the Vatican and especially Pope Pius XII and his Secretary of State and future Pope Paul VI–Cardinal Montini– he saw the Nazis as a potential bulwark, against the Russians.
An underground network of SS officers, working for the Allies rather than against them, would provide American intelligence with a ready-made spy network in Eastern Europe. This would eventually become the infamous Gehlen Organization, run by Reinhard Gehlen, who had seduced his captors with promises of being able to penetrate Soviet intelligence and run operations behind Russian lines. . . .
. . . . Schwend was eventually released from custody and spent the remaining months of his life in Peru, where he died in 1980 . . . taking many secrets with him to the grave. Reportedly, Schwend was deeply involved with Klaus Barbie and with Barbie’s network of fascist murderers and arms dealers in South America and Europe who conducted assassinations as part of Operation Condor: the quasi-official agreement between the governments of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay to seek out leftists and communist leaders and neutralize them “with extreme prejudice.” Agents of Operation Condor were responsible for assassinations and assassination attempts in Italy and Spain as well as in South America, and in addition, there were connections to the Italian Masonic lodge, Propaganda Due or P2: the heavily-connected renegade Masonic association with members in the military, government, finance, media and the Church that was involved in assassinations and money laundering in Europe with a view towards resurrecting a Catholic, fascist dictatorship a la the Ustashe of Croatia. . . .”
. . . . Often, these funds were in the form of gold bars, various international currencies, diamonds, and artwork–paintings, manuscripts, rare books, furniture, and sculpture–stolen from museums and private collections all over Europe. A considerable amount of these resources was stored at various churches and monasteries along the escape route. Some of them were even stored at the cathedral of Archbishop Stepinac, as well as in churches and monasteries in Italy, Austria, Germany and Spain. . . .
6. We then recount a remarkable aspect of Stepinac High School. The roster of the school’s graduates is secret, available only to alumni, who must prove that they attended the school. Was the high school used to “mint” second or third generation Ustache for the realization of “The Pavelic Legacy,” to coin a term?
. . . .There is even an Archbishop Stepinac High School in New York, created in 1948 with the blessings of Cardinal Spellman. The author attempted to obtain a list of its alumni from the school’s website but that information is locked to outsiders. One has to be an alumnus oneself, and prove it, before being admitted to what is surely an innocent roster in any other school. For comparison purposes, the author visited the website of his high school alma mater–Christopher Columbus HS in the Bronx–and was able to access the list of alumni freely and without a password. . . .
7a. We conclude with a piece of information from Unholy Alliance about Gerald Posner having led the media charge to discredit Ladislas Farago with regard to his work on Bormann in “Aftermath.”
This was discussed at greater length in FTR #134. Posner, of course, is best known for being the media shill who reinforced the Warren Report’s findings after Oliver Stone’s “JFK” movie came out, as well as reinforcing the similarly untenable “lone nut” hypothesis with regard to the assassination of Martin Luther King.
7b. Bormann’s FBI file revealed that he had been banking under his own name in New York for some time.
“The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan Peron, and on August 4, 5 and 14, 1967, had written checks on demand accounts in first National City Bank (Overseas Division) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires.”
7c. The program description concludes with some rumination about Bormann and the assassination of JFK. Author Dick Russell discussed CIA official Frank Wisner’s (possibly fatal) anxiety about Martin Bormann in the wake the assassination of President Kennedy.
Recall that, on the morning of 11/22/1963, the stock market was deliberately collapsed through a complicated gambit involving the German/Argentine Bunge Corporation and, thereby and inevitably, the Bormann group.
Wisner (like another Deputy Director of CIA named Harding Jackson) had worked for Carter, Ledyard & Millburn, the general counsel (at the time) for the Dow Jones Corportion (the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange).
Wisner was a dedicated anti-communist who didn’t hesitate to employ Nazis to achieve his ends. However, he may not have been able to stomach the Underground Reich/Bormann Group’s tampering with the Stock Exchange.
We suspect that he was not, in fact, crazy, but was attempting to against the very political tide he helped to craft.
We should also note in this regard that a common method of assassination involves shooting the victim in the back of the head with a silenced small-caliber handgun. A shotgun is then placed in the victim’s mouth and fired, obliterating all trace of the actual fatal wound and making the death appear to be suicide.
Is that what happened to Wisner? Was he unwilling to countenance the subversion of the NYSE, represented by his old law firm?
. . . . Another figure who ended up deeply tormented was Frank Wisner, the CIA’s original man in charge of bringing over the Nazi scientists under ‘Paperclip,’ and with establishing the Gehlen, Ukrainian, and White Russian underground movements in Europe. In 1961, after suffering two nervous breakdowns in recent years, Wisner left the CIA but kept his interest in agency affairs.
Apparently sometime not long after the Kennedy assassination, as Wisner’s daughter Wendy recalled to author Burton Hersh, her father became obsessed with the world he had been so enmeshed in creating. Wisner began talking about his belief that Martin Bormann, Hitler’s leading henchman, had escaped Berlin at the end of the war and resettled in Latin America. ‘He was on a thing about this,’ Hersh quotes Wendy Wisner in his 1992 book The Old Boys, ‘that we should pool our sources and resources and get Bormann. He talked about the ‘mysterious and sinister figure of Martin Bormann.’ He wrote millions of letters. If there really was a CIA connection to Bormann in South America, who knows if he wasn’t feeling terrible about it? If he’s starting to yell and scream about these Nazis, who in the CIA is starting to get worried about it?” . . .
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