Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #873 The New Age, Fascism and the Atlantis Myth

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. The new dri­ve is a 32-giga­byte dri­ve that is cur­rent as of the pro­grams and arti­cles post­ed by late spring of 2015. The new dri­ve (avail­able for a tax-deductible con­tri­bu­tion of $65.00 or more) con­tains FTR #850.  

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This pro­gram was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment.

Intro­duc­tion: The gulf between Nazism and the so-called New Age might seem to be so wide as to be unbridge­able. Sad­ly, that is not the case. At the core of Nazi belief was occultism, draw­ing on Pan-Ger­man­ic mythol­o­gy deriv­ing from the Thule Soci­ety, arios­o­phy, ele­ments of Hin­du reli­gious doc­trine and more com­mon­ly rec­og­niz­able belief sys­tems such as astrol­o­gy.

The SS Ahnenerbe drew togeth­er many of these threads and anoint­ed them with a man­tle of respectabil­i­ty.

Many of these same ele­ments have sur­vived and man­i­fest­ed in the so-called counter-cul­ture.

As a result, New Age sects and reli­gion have fre­quent­ly dove­tailed with ele­ments of Nazi and fas­cist phi­los­o­phy. (For more about the Nazi/fascist/New Age con­nec­tion, see–among oth­er pro­grams–FTR #‘s 170172221 as well as L‑2. The inti­mate rela­tion­ship between ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty, mind con­trol, cults and fas­cism are dis­cussed in–among oth­er pro­grams–AFA #7Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Show M7, and FTR #291. The recent under­ground film “Thrive” is very much worth exam­in­ing in this regard.)

We intro­duce the theme of the pro­gram with dis­cus­sion of some huge works of art in Kaza­khstan. Note that an ana­lyst referred dis­mis­sive­ly to the notion that these were built by ancient astro­nauts linked to Hitler, Atlantis, the Hyper­bore­ans, Lemuria and/or any num­ber of com­mon focal points of Nazi occultism.

One of the prin­ci­ple fea­tures of the “Nazi/Atlantis/New Age syn­the­sis” is a fun­da­men­tal­ly racist con­cept called “poly­ge­n­e­sis.” Inher­ent in the con­tention that parts of the human species orig­i­nat­ed from out­er space, Atlantis, etc., poly­ge­n­e­sis is cen­tral to the “sci­en­tif­ic racism” prop­a­gat­ed by eugeni­cists and their Nazi pupils.

Among the edi­fices sit­ed by occult poly­ge­n­e­sis advo­cates is Tiwanaku in Bolivia, seen by SS offi­cer Edmund Kiss as proof of the set­tle­ment of Latin Amer­i­ca by “Aryans” from Atlantis, Hyper­borea, Lemuria etc.

The notion of an ancient, Aryan-con­trolled past brought low by “sub-humans,” (gen­er­al­ly grouped around “Da Joos”) recalls a com­mon fea­ture of fascism–a pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with a long-gone, ide­al­ized past. (We high­light­ed this in our dis­cus­sions with Peter Lev­en­da about his land­mark text The Hitler Lega­cy.) The New Age/Atlantis/Nazi con­junc­tion con­sti­tutes a form of “weaponized reli­gion,” and it epit­o­mizes Peter’s con­cept of Nazism as a cult.

The pro­gram high­lights the polit­i­cal and reli­gious phi­los­o­phy of “eso­teric Nazism,” a sub­ject we will explore in our next pro­gram as well. One of the prime expo­nents of “eso­teric Nazism” was Miguel Ser­ra­no, a Chilean Nazi who was also dis­cussed in our con­ver­sa­tions with Peter Lev­en­da.

Fus­ing tra­di­tion­al Nazi anti-Semi­tism with var­i­ous occult strains, Ser­ra­no posit­ed that the Nazis and Hitler were the man­i­fes­ta­tion of an oth­er­world­ly and supe­ri­or civ­i­liza­tion which would ulti­mate­ly tri­umph after an apoc­a­lyp­tic, cat­a­stroph­ic war involv­ing UFOs,   Aryans from Antarc­ti­ca, “Hyper­borea” etc. If some of this dis­cus­sion seems opaque, bear in mind that eso­teric Nazism fus­es polit­i­cal the­o­ry with mythol­o­gy.

In this respect, it exem­pli­fies yet anoth­er aspect of Nazism we ana­lyzed in our dis­cus­sions with Peter Levenda–the con­cept of Nazism as a cult. One should not be over­ly dis­mis­sive of eso­teric Nazism, as it is held in high esteem by some well-con­nect­ed, deter­mined and lethal indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: 

  • Ele­ments of com­mon­al­i­ty between the phi­los­o­phy of Julius Evola and Ser­ra­no.
  • The dove­tail­ing of Ser­ra­no’s phi­los­o­phy with that of aspects of Hin­du the­ol­o­gy.
  • The rela­tion­ship between the Dalai Lama’s polit­i­cal out­look and that of Ser­ra­no.

1. We intro­duce the them of the pro­gram with dis­cus­sion of some huge works of art in Kaza­khstan. Note that an ana­lyst referred dis­mis­sive­ly to the notion that these were built by ancient astro­nauts linked to Hitler, Atlantis, the Hyper­bore­ans, Lemuria and/or any num­ber of com­mon focal points of Nazi occultism.

Much of that Nazi occultism has been incor­po­rat­ed into the so-called “New Age,” which we pro­nounce “Newage” (rhymes with “sewage”).

“Built by the Ancients, Seen from Space” by Ralph Blu­men­thal; The New York Times; 11/3/2015.

“High in the skies over Kaza­khstan, space-age tech­nol­o­gy has revealed an ancient mys­tery on the ground.

Satel­lite pic­tures of a remote and tree­less north­ern steppe reveal colos­sal earthworks–geometric fig­ures of squares, cross­es, lines and rings the size of sev­er­al foot­ball fields, rec­og­niz­able only from the air and the old­est esti­mat­ed at 8,000 years old.

The largest, near a Neolith­ic set­tle­ment is a giant square of 101 raised mounds, its oppo­site cor­ners con­nect­ed by a diag­o­nal cross, cov­er­ing more ter­rain than the Great Pyra­mid of Cheops. anoth­er is a kind of three-limbed swasti­ka, its arms end­ing in zigza­gs bent coun­ter­clock­wise. . . .

. . . . “I don’t think they were meant to be seen from the air,” Mr. [Dmitriy] Dey, 44, said in an inter­view from his home­town, Kostanay, dis­miss­ing out­landish spec­u­la­tions involv­ing aliens and Nazis. (Long before Hitler, the swasti­ka was an ancient and near-uni­ver­sal design ele­ment.) he the­o­rizes that the fig­ures built along straight lines on ele­va­tions were “hor­i­zon­tal obser­va­to­ries to track the move­ments of the ris­ing sun. . . .”

2. Next, we exam­ine the link between the revival of the Atlantis myth and the advent of sci­en­tif­ic racism. Both would find res­o­nance with the Nazi SS and the Ahnenerbe research bureau.

In Bolivia, with the high­est per­cent­age of indige­nous peo­ple in Latin Amer­i­ca, the Atlantis/polygenesis syn­the­sis pro­vid­ed the white over­lords with intel­lec­tu­al ratio­nal­iza­tion of their supe­ri­or­i­ty.

Study­ing the city of Tiwanaku, Edmund Kriss posit­ed that the supe­ri­or “Aryan” race (from Atlantis, of course) built Tiwanaku. Lat­er Kriss fur­thered his “research” work­ing for the SS and the Ahnenerbe.

“Andean Atlantis: Race, Sci­ence and the Nazi Occult in Bolivia” by Matthew Gild­ner; theappendix.net; 6/5/2013.

As the train steamed around the bend, Lake Tit­i­ca­ca became vis­i­ble far to the north. The morn­ing sun danced on the water. The majes­tic Cordillera Real tow­ered beyond. The whis­tle howled. The engine lurched. After an ardu­ous jour­ney from Berlin, ama­teur arche­ol­o­gist and future SS com­man­der Edmund Kiss had final­ly reached his des­ti­na­tion: the ruins of the ancient city-state ofTiwanaku.

Tiwanaku had been an object of west­ern fas­ci­na­tion since 1549, when a mot­ley band of Span­ish con­quis­ta­dors encoun­tered the ruins deep in the Andes, in what is today Bolivia. Mas­sive stone gate­ways, enor­mous gran­ite mega­liths, colos­sal earth­works, intri­cate­ly-carved stele, mys­te­ri­ous glyphs—the Spaniards mar­veled at their dis­cov­ery. Asked of the ori­gins of the ruins and the fate of the civ­i­liza­tion that con­struct­ed them, local indige­nous caciques, or lords, stat­ed that they were from a time long past, and that their orig­i­nal inhab­i­tants had been destroyed by a great flood.

Its antiq­ui­ty so obvi­ous, its prove­nance so uncer­tain, Tiwanaku became one of the great mys­ter­ies of mod­ern arche­ol­o­gy. Dur­ing the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, the ruins attract­ed a host of Euro­pean nat­u­ral­ists that spec­u­lat­ed on the civ­i­liza­tion that built the mon­u­men­tal struc­tures. Some attrib­uted the site to ancient Egyp­tians, oth­ers to beard­ed Euro­peans. All agreed that the ances­tors of Lake Titicaca’s local peo­ples, the Aymara, would have been inca­pable of accom­plish­ing such a mag­nif­i­cent feat. But if native Andeans hadn’t con­struct­ed Tiwanaku, then who had?

Kiss dis­em­barked at Tiwanaku with a bold the­o­ry. Tall and bespec­ta­cled, his face pink from the unre­lent­ing Alti­plano sun, he stood out among the Aymara porters shuf­fling past. Their rur­al, ‘unciv­i­lized’ con­di­tion only strength­ened his con­vic­tion that the ruins were built a mil­lion years ago by his Aryan ancestors—an ancient Nordic race—who had migrat­ed from the Lost City of Atlantis.

Kiss’s Atlantis the­o­ry may have been strange; but stranger still was the fact that it was hard­ly new. For decades, Boli­vians them­selves had been pon­der­ing their Altan­tean ancestry—in fact, for many of the same rea­sons that Kiss had. A con­nec­tion to Atlantis empow­ered Bolivia’s Euro­pean-descen­dant aris­toc­ra­cy for the very same rea­sons that it attract­ed Nazis. It gave them their own pri­vate Gar­den of Eden; and it rein­forced the myth of white suprema­cy.

The leg­end of Atlantis traces its ori­gins to Pla­to, who intro­duced the fabled city in the dia­logues Timaeus and Critias. He told of an advanced island civ­i­liza­tion beyond the “Pil­lars of Her­cules” that was ruled by a “remark­able dynasty of Kings” endowed with unimag­in­able wealth. The Kings, hav­ing grown overzeal­ous, set out to con­quer Athens and enslave its peo­ples. The Athe­ni­ans mobi­lized a hero­ic defense. But the con­flict angered the gods. They sent earth­quakes and floods, and Atlantis was “swal­lowed up by the sea and van­ished.”

Clas­si­cists have long main­tained that Atlantis was a fable that the ancient philoso­pher invent­ed to warn of the arro­gance of pow­er. Over the cen­turies, how­ev­er, Plato’s leg­end acquired an air of truth. Dur­ing the Renais­sance, tales of Atlantis cir­cu­lat­ed in the Euro­pean imag­i­na­tion, borne on Human­ist inquiry and the dis­cov­ery of the Amer­i­c­as. Six­teenth-cen­tu­ry Span­ish chron­i­clers, from Bar­tolomé de las Casas to Fran­cis­co López de Gómara, drew par­al­lels between the New World and Plato’s Lost City, as did Fran­cis Bacon and Thomas Moore of Great Britain. For French schol­ars who believed that humans had mul­ti­ple ori­gins, Atlantis evi­denced the exis­tence of man before Adam.

But it was dur­ing the late nine­teenth cen­tu­ry that inter­est in the fabled Lost City explod­ed. A Min­neso­ta politi­cian and ama­teur anti­quar­i­an named Ignatius Don­nel­ly is wide­ly cred­it­ed for the Atlantis revival. In 1882, his best­seller, Atlantis: The Ante­dilu­vial World, didn’t just argue that Plato’s Atlantis exist­ed; it claimed that Atlantis had shaped oth­er ancient cul­tures, from the Maya to the Egyp­tians. Pop­u­lar and sci­en­tif­ic inter­est in Atlantis flour­ished. The Roy­al Geo­graph­ic Soci­ety of Lon­don and the U.S. Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Soci­ety were soon spon­sor­ing research on the lost city’s loca­tion and fund­ing quixot­ic and, at times, unnec­es­sar­i­ly dead­ly expe­di­tions.

It’s often over­looked that this “Atlantis revival” coin­cid­ed with the apogee of poly­ge­n­e­sis, one of the fun­da­men­tal assump­tions of sci­en­tif­ic racism. Poly­ge­n­e­sis was an alter­na­tive the­o­ry of evo­lu­tion that reject­ed the com­mon ori­gins of humans, a belief root­ed in Chris­t­ian cre­ation­ism and sus­tained by Dar­win­ian evo­lu­tion. Poly­genists divid­ed humans into sep­a­rate bio­log­i­cal species, or races, that each orig­i­nat­ed and evolved inde­pen­dent­ly. Races were clas­si­fied accord­ing to innate, inher­i­ta­ble phys­i­cal attributes—that is, not just skin col­or, but cra­nial capac­i­ty.

Locat­ing those ori­gins, how­ev­er, was more com­pli­cat­ed. If dark­er skinned peo­ples orig­i­nat­ed in Africa, as poly­genists had long assumed, the where did the lighter-skinned peo­ples come from?

Atlantis would pro­vide nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry poly­genists with their own pri­vate Gar­den of Eden—an idea that appealed espe­cial­ly to Bolivia’s cre­ole, or Euro­pean-descen­dant, elite. Since secur­ing their inde­pen­dence from Spain in 1825, they governed—often precariously—the most indige­nous coun­try in the hemi­sphere. Poly­ge­n­e­sis pro­vid­ed irrefutable sci­en­tif­ic proof of their bio­log­i­cal dif­fer­ence and social supe­ri­or­i­ty over native Andean peo­ples. And deployed along­side the Atlantis myth, it allowed them to claim Tiwanaku as a source of cre­ole her­itage.

Twen­ty kilo­me­ters south­east of Lake Tit­i­ca­ca, on the high plateau strad­dling Peru and Bolivia, Tiwanaku was once the admin­is­tra­tive and cer­e­mo­ni­al cen­ter of a vast Andean empire. Strati­graph­ic exca­va­tions car­ried out by Wen­dell Ben­nett in the 1930s indi­cat­ed that the civ­i­liza­tion emerged as ear­ly as 300 BCE and reached its apex between 600 and 800 AD. Radio­car­bon dat­ing sub­se­quent­ly con­firmed its age, and arche­ol­o­gists today gen­er­al­ly agree that Tiwanaku was built by the ances­tors of the Aymara-speak­ing peo­ples who pop­u­late the Lake Tit­i­ca­ca basin today.

Such a claim was laugh­able in the Bolivia of Belis­ario Díaz Romero. Born in La Paz in 1870 to a wealthy fam­i­ly of Span­ish prove­nance, Díaz belonged to an elite class of states­men and intel­lec­tu­als that reaped enor­mous prof­its by export­ing nat­ur­al resources and exploit­ing indige­nous labor. The repub­lic they gov­erned was over­whelm­ing­ly made up of native Americans—largely Aymara- and Quechua-speak­ing peo­ples in the high­lands and val­leys of the East­ern Andean Escarp­ment.

Cre­ole wealth rest­ed on their access to indige­nous labor; their social priv­i­lege and polit­i­cal legit­i­ma­cy rest­ed on a shared con­vic­tion that indige­nous Boli­vians belonged to an infe­ri­or race.
Among the cre­ole gen­tle­man schol­ars who shored up such beliefs, Díaz stood apart. He prac­ticed med­i­cine, wrote his­to­ry, exper­i­ment­ed with botany, and stud­ied geog­ra­phy, lin­guis­tics, and archae­ol­o­gy. He was a mem­ber of the Geo­graph­ic Soci­ety of La Paz, the Nation­al Insti­tute of Sta­tis­tics, and the Nation­al Acad­e­my of His­to­ry. He direct­ed the Mete­o­ro­log­i­cal Obser­va­to­ry and the Nation­al Muse­um. Sharp yet soft-spo­ken, he was the last of Bolivia’s great poly­maths.

His most orig­i­nal con­tri­bu­tion to Boli­vian sci­ence was in evo­lu­tion­ary biol­o­gy. Díaz vehe­ment­ly reject­ed cre­ation­ism, and was an ear­ly pro­po­nent of nat­ur­al selec­tion. Yet he dis­missed Darwin’s belief in the com­mon ori­gins of the human species, embrac­ing instead the poly­genic the­o­ries of lead­ing French and Ger­man biol­o­gists. He divid­ed the human species into “three liv­ing and per­ma­nent races: the white race, the yel­low, and the black.” Homo nigerorig­i­nat­ed in Africa and Homo atlaicus in Asia. Homo atlanti­cus was a white, ancient Aryan race that came from Atlantis.

Díaz attrib­uted the con­struc­tion of the mon­u­men­tal archi­tec­ture at Tiwanaku to Homo atlanti­cus. Two hun­dred mil­lion years ago, the ancient Aryans migrat­ed west to South Amer­i­ca from the orig­i­nal Atlantis across a long-lost land bridge. They set­tled in the Boli­vian Alti­plano, which was much dif­fer­ent back then. Lake Tit­i­ca­ca was three times larg­er and the sur­round­ing plain was not windswept and bar­ren. It was lush and trop­i­cal, ide­al for farm­ing, and abun­dant in nat­ur­al resources. Homo atlanti­cus set­tled in a shal­low val­ley on the south­ern shore of the lake, where they con­struct­ed a mag­nif­i­cent city.

Díaz not only revealed the ori­gins of the ruins, but explained their sup­posed con­trast with Bolivia’s present-day indige­nous pop­u­la­tion. By mea­sur­ing skulls, he argued that the cra­nial mea­sure­ments of Boli­vian Indi­ans were not con­sis­tent with those of Homo atlanti­cus. Rather, the Aymara were descen­dants of Homo atlaicus, bar­bar­ic Asians who arrived in a lat­er migra­tion. It was Homo atlaicus that con­quered the ancient city and named it Tiwanaku.

Díaz’s “dis­cov­er­ies” were well received in the elite sci­en­tif­ic and polit­i­cal cir­cles of fin-de-siè­cle La Paz—so well received, in fact, that the gov­ern­ment pro­mot­ed Tiwanaku as the offi­cial icon of Bolivia’s Cen­ten­ni­al cel­e­bra­tions in 1925.

The months lead­ing up to Inde­pen­dence Day were marked by the typ­i­cal flour­ish of stat­ues, mon­u­ments, and nation­al­ist speech­es. The streets were cleaned and the Parisian town­hous­es lin­ing the state­ly calle Montes were repaint­ed. The Pres­i­dent even issued a supreme decree pro­hibit­ing Indi­ans from side­walks and plazas. And when the big day final­ly came, cre­ole aris­to­crats could raise their glass in the name of the Repub­lic and toast their ancient ances­tors from Tiwanaku, the “prim­i­tive metrop­o­lis of South Amer­i­can whites.”

Whether or not the Ger­man writer Edmund Kiss met Díaz Romero dur­ing his stay in Bolivia remains uncer­tain. But Kiss was undoubt­ed­ly exposed to his ideas by Arthur Pos­nan­sky, a swash­buck­ling Aus­tri­an cap­i­tal­ist, ama­teur archae­ol­o­gist, and inter­na­tion­al gen­tle­man of sci­ence. Tiwanaku was Posnansky’s endur­ing obses­sion. From 1903, the year he set­tled in Bolivia, to his death in 1946, he pub­lished over 130 titles on the site, in four lan­guages.

What brought Kiss and Pos­nan­sky together—and what drew Kiss to Tiwanaku in the first place—was Kiss’s com­mit­ment to Ger­man eth­nic nation­al­ism and his obses­sion with the myth­ic past. Nei­ther were uncom­mon in the Weimar Repub­lic. As the Nazi Par­ty expand­ed dur­ing the 1920s and 1930s, right-wing roman­tic nation­al­ists cel­e­brat­ed an ide­al­ized folk cul­ture as the essence of Ger­man nation­hood.

Though the Nazis didn’t come up with the idea of a pure Aryan race, they did invest man­pow­er and invent new knowl­edge to fill in its his­to­ry and evo­lu­tion. Kiss and his fel­low Nazi ide­o­logues had a par­tic­u­lar weak­ness for Atlantis. Like Díaz Romero, they too believed that Cau­casians had orig­i­nat­ed in the Lost City. The Nazis took the poly­genic fan­ta­sy a step fur­ther, how­ev­er; sub­di­vid­ing whites into Semi­tes, the ances­tors of the Jews, and Aryans—an ancient race autochtho­nous to north­ern Europe. The Aryan-Atlantis con­nec­tion occu­pied a cen­tral place in Nazi mys­ti­cism and was one of the most pop­u­lar themes of Ger­man sci­ence fic­tion dur­ing the 1920s and 1930s.

Where archae­o­log­i­cal evi­dence of Aryan Atlanteans was lack­ing, an elab­o­rate the­o­ry called Glac­i­er Cos­mol­o­gy did the trick. A moon had once col­lid­ed with Earth, destroy­ing Atlantis and cov­er­ing the plan­et with glac­i­ers. What led Kiss to Tiwanaku was his belief that fol­low­ing the cat­a­clysm, sur­vivors of that ancient Nordic civ­i­liza­tion took refuge in the high Andes, one of the few places where life was still pos­si­ble. Kiss found Pos­nan­sky while research­ing the ques­tion and in 1928 he set off to Bolivia to study the ruins.

Kiss spent almost a year at Tiwanaku. Always wear­ing the same long white smock and Pana­ma hat, he care­ful­ly sur­veyed the ruins and their rel­a­tive posi­tion to the sun, stars, and moon. Kneel­ing, notepad on thigh, he stud­ied the glyphs for mean­ing, some­times for hours, seek­ing clues to the iden­ti­ty of the ancient archi­tects. Day after day in the base­ment of the Nation­al Muse­um he stud­ied skulls, won­der­ing if the ancient Tiwanakan’s elon­gat­ed cra­nia were arti­fi­cial­ly deformed, or belonged to a supe­ri­or Nordic race.

Back in Ger­many, his work was a wild suc­cess. “The works of art and the archi­tec­tur­al style of the pre­his­toric city are cer­tain­ly not of Indi­an ori­gin,” Kiss had con­clud­ed. “Rather they are prob­a­bly the cre­ations of Nordic men who arrived in the Andean high­lands as rep­re­sen­ta­tives of a spe­cial civ­i­liza­tion.” Kiss fur­ther pub­li­cized his find­ing with a pop­u­lar ter­tiary of sci­ence fic­tion nov­els that chron­i­cled the rise, decline, and ulti­mate tri­umph of the ancient Aryans.

Nazi offi­cials seized on Kiss’s work and fea­tured the ancient Nordic city of Tiwanaku in par­ty news­pa­pers and Hitler Youth pub­li­ca­tions. Kiss was soon put in touch with Hein­rich Himm­ler, leader of the Nazi SS and a prin­ci­ple archi­tect of the Holo­caust. In 1935, Himm­ler had found­ed a new SS think tank called the Ahnenerbe to con­duct social sci­en­tif­ic research into the his­to­ry of the Aryan peo­ples. So far, he had sent arche­o­log­i­cal mis­sions to Scan­di­navia, France, Tibet, and Antarc­ti­ca in search of the ancient ori­gins of the Aryan race.

Now he want­ed Kiss to lead a trip to Bolivia, to Tiwanaku, the ancient Nordic civ­i­liza­tion in the Andes. Work­ing for much of 1938 and 1939, Kiss assem­bled a crack team of Nazi sci­en­tists for the job. Their objec­tive: reveal the pres­ence of the Mas­ter Race in pre­his­toric South Amer­i­ca, and dis­pel, once and for all, the mys­tery sur­round­ing the Tiwanaku ruins.

The expe­di­tion nev­er hap­pened. When Hitler invad­ed Poland in Sep­tem­ber 1939, the war took prece­dence. Kiss, already an offi­cer in the SS, was dis­patched to War­saw, and then took com­mand of Wolf­schanze, one of Hilter’s mil­i­tary head­quar­ters in East Prus­sia. In 1945, he sur­ren­dered to the Allies and was impris­oned along­side oth­er Nazi war crim­i­nals. At the “de-naz­i­fi­ca­tion” hear­ings, Kiss was ini­tial­ly clas­si­fied a “major offend­er,” but he plead­ed for and won the less­er sta­tus of “fel­low traveler”—on account of his archae­o­log­i­cal research. He remained com­mit­ted to his Atlantis-Tiwanaku the­sis until his death in 1960.

Like Kiss, Díaz and Pos­nan­sky also died long ago—and their fan­tas­tic inter­pre­ta­tions of Tiwanaku have since been thor­ough­ly dis­cred­it­ed. Nonethe­less, their lega­cy lives on. Pop­u­lar tele­vi­sion series like Ancient Aliens and Secrets of the Dead con­tin­ue to explore the Tiwanaku-Atlantis con­nec­tion. Best­selling books by Erich von Däniken and Gra­ham Han­cock go fur­ther, attribut­ing the con­struc­tion of Tiwanaku to ancient extrater­res­tri­al beings.

Though it may be hard to stom­ach, the sur­vival of the Atlantis myth is cer­tain­ly not sur­pris­ing. Plato’s Lost City has proven both time­less and uni­ver­sal in the west­ern imag­i­na­tion. Its time­less­ness lies in its capac­i­ty to reveal the mys­ter­ies of human ori­gins; its uni­ver­sal appeal, in its unlim­it­ed imag­i­nary poten­tial. And lest we for­get: the leg­end of Atlantis evolved along­side dan­ger­ous the­o­ries of race that rein­forced white suprema­cy for Aryan nation­al­ists and Boli­vian cre­oles alike. Attribut­ing the con­struc­tion of Tiwanaku to ancient extrater­res­tri­al beings only per­pet­u­ates this nefar­i­ous myth. When we won­der if Tiwanaku was built by Atlanteans or by Aliens, those assump­tions are based on the same twist­ed log­ic that drove men like Díaz, Pos­nan­sky, and Kiss: that Andean peo­ples could not have built Tiwanaku.

And that’s the great­est myth of all.

3. Next, we exam­ine “Eso­teric Nazism,” a brand of Nazi ide­ol­o­gy that incor­po­rates ele­ments of SS mys­ti­cism and res­onates pow­er­ful­ly with the “New Age.”

The notion of an ancient, Aryan-con­trolled past brought low by “sub-humans,” (gen­er­al­ly grouped around “Da Joos”) recalls a com­mon fea­ture of fascism–a pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with a long-gone, ide­al­ized past. (We high­light­ed this in our dis­cus­sions with Peter Lev­en­da about his land­mark text The Hitler Lega­cy.)

The pro­gram high­lights the polit­i­cal and reli­gious phi­los­o­phy of “eso­teric Nazism,” a sub­ject we will explore in our next pro­gram as well. One of the prime expo­nents of “eso­teric Nazism” was Miguel Ser­ra­no, a Chilean Nazi who was also dis­cussed in our con­ver­sa­tions with Peter Lev­en­da.

Fus­ing tra­di­tion­al Nazi anti-Semi­tism with var­i­ous occult strains, Ser­ra­no posit­ed that the Nazis and Hitler were the man­i­fes­ta­tion of an oth­er­world­ly and supe­ri­or civ­i­liza­tion which would ulti­mate­ly tri­umph after an apoc­a­lyp­tic, cat­a­stroph­ic war involv­ing UFOs,   Aryans from Antarc­ti­ca, “Hyper­borea” etc. If some of this dis­cus­sion seems opaque, bear in mind that eso­teric Nazism fus­es polit­i­cal the­o­ry with mythol­o­gy.

In this respect, it exem­pli­fies yet anoth­er aspect of Nazism we ana­lyzed in our dis­cus­sions with Peter Levenda–the con­cept of Nazism as a cult. One should not be over­ly dis­mis­sive of eso­teric Nazism, as it is held in high esteem by some well-con­nect­ed, deter­mined and lethal indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions.

“Eso­teric Nazism;” Wikipedia.com.

Savitri Devi

Greek writer Sav­it­ri Devi was the first major post-war expo­nent of what has since become known as Eso­teric Hit­lerism.[1] Accord­ing to that ide­ol­o­gy, sub­se­quent to the fall of the Third Reich and Hitler’s sui­cide at the end of the war, Hitler him­self could be dei­fied. Devi con­nect­ed Hitler’s Aryanist ide­ol­o­gy to that of the pan-Hin­du part of the Indi­an Inde­pen­dence move­ment,[2] and activists such as Sub­has Chan­dra Bose. For her, the swasti­kawas an espe­cial­ly impor­tant sym­bol, as she felt it sym­bol­ized Aryan uni­ty of Hin­dus and Ger­mans.

Sav­it­ri Devi, above all, was inter­est­ed in the Indi­an caste sys­tem, which she regard­ed as the arche­type of racial laws intend­ed to gov­ern the seg­re­ga­tion of dif­fer­ent races and to main­tain the pure blood of the fair-com­plex­ioned Aryans. She regard­ed the sur­vival of the light-skinned minor­i­ty of Brah­mans among an enor­mous pop­u­la­tion of many dif­fer­ent Indi­an races after six­ty cen­turies as a liv­ing trib­ute to the val­ue of the Aryan caste sys­tem (Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 92).

Sav­it­ri Devi inte­grat­ed Nazism into a broad­er cycli­cal frame­work of Hin­du his­to­ry. She con­sid­ered Hitler to be the ninth Avatar of Vish­nu, and called him “the god-like Indi­vid­ual of our times; the Man against Time; the great­est Euro­pean of all times”,[3] hav­ing an ide­al vision of return­ing his Aryan peo­ple to an ear­li­er, more per­fect time, and also hav­ing the prac­ti­cal where­with­al to fight the destruc­tive forces “in Time”. She saw his defeat—and the fore­stalling of his vision from com­ing to fruition—as a result of him being “too mag­nan­i­mous, too trust­ing, too good”, of not being mer­ci­less enough, of hav­ing in his “psy­cho­log­i­cal make-up, too much ‘sun’ [benef­i­cence] and not enough ‘light­ning.’ [prac­ti­cal ruth­less­ness]”,[4] unlike his com­ing incar­na­tion:

Kal­ki” will act with unprece­dent­ed ruth­less­ness. Con­trar­i­ly to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a sin­gle one of the ene­mies of the divine Cause: not a sin­gle one of its out­spo­ken oppo­nents but also not a sin­gle one of the luke-warm, of the oppor­tunists, of the ide­o­log­i­cal­ly hereti­cal, of the racial­ly bas­tardised, of the unhealthy, of the hes­i­tat­ing, of the all-too-human; not a sin­gle one of those who, in body or in char­ac­ter or mind, bear the stamp of the fall­en Ages.[5]

Robert Charroux

Unlike most ancient astro­naut writ­ers, Robert Char­roux took a large inter­est in racial­ism. Accord­ing to Char­roux Hyper­borea was sit­u­at­ed between Ice­land and Green­land and was the home of a NordicWhite race with blonde hair and blue eyes. Char­roux claimed that this race was extrater­res­tri­al in ori­gin and had orig­i­nal­ly come from a cold plan­et sit­u­at­ed far from the sun.[6] Char­roux also claimed that the White race of the Hyper­bore­ans and their ances­tors the Celts had dom­i­nat­ed the whole world in the ancient past. Some of these claims of Char­roux have influ­enced the beliefs of Eso­teric Nazism such as the work of Miguel Ser­ra­no.[7][8]

Miguel Serrano

The next major fig­ure in Eso­teric Hit­lerism is Miguel Ser­ra­no, a for­mer Chilean diplo­mat. Author of numer­ous books includ­ing The Gold­en Rib­bon: Eso­teric Hit­lerism (1978) and Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar (1984), Ser­ra­no is one of a num­ber of Nazi eso­teri­cists who regard the “Aryan blood” as orig­i­nal­ly extrater­res­tri­al:

Ser­ra­no finds mytho­log­i­cal evi­dence for the extrater­res­tri­al ori­gins of man in the Nephilim [fall­en angels] of the Book of Gen­e­sis... Ser­ra­no sug­gests that the sud­den appear­ance of Cro-Magnon Man with his high artis­tic and cul­tur­al achieve­ments in pre­his­toric Europe records the pas­sage of one such divya-descend­ed race along­side the abysmal infe­ri­or­i­ty of Nean­derthal Man, an abom­i­na­tion and man­i­fest cre­ation of the demi­urge... Of all the races on earth, the Aryans alone pre­serve the mem­o­ry of their divine ances­tors in their noble blood, which is still min­gled with the light of the Black Sun. All oth­er races are the prog­e­ny of the demi­urge’s beast-men, native to the plan­et.[9]

Ser­ra­no sup­ports this idea from var­i­ous myths which assign divine ances­try to ‘Aryan’ peo­ples, and even the Aztec myth of Quet­zal­coatl descend­ing from Venus. He also cites the entire­ly respectable (but not wide­ly accept­ed) sci­en­tif­ic hypoth­e­sis of Bal Gan­gad­har Tilak on the Arc­tic home­land of the Indo-Aryans, as his author­i­ty for iden­ti­fy­ing the earth­ly cen­tre of the Aryan migra­tions with the ‘lost’ Arc­tic con­ti­nent of Hyper­borea. Thus, Ser­ra­no’s extrater­res­tri­al gods are also iden­ti­fied as Hyper­bore­ans.[10]

In attempt­ing to raise the spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment of the earth­bound races, the Hyper­bore­an divyas (a San­skrit term for god-men) suf­fered a trag­ic set­back. Expand­ing on a sto­ry from the Book of Enoch, Ser­ra­no laments that a rene­gade group among the gods com­mit­ted mis­ce­gena­tion with the ter­res­tri­al races, thus dilut­ing the light-bear­ing blood of their bene­fac­tors and dimin­ish­ing the lev­el of divine aware­ness on the plan­et.[11]

The con­cept of Hyper­borea has a simul­ta­ne­ous­ly racial and mys­ti­cal mean­ing for Ser­ra­no.[12] He believes that Hitler was in Shamb­ha­la, an under­ground cen­tre in Antarc­ti­ca (for­mer­ly at the North Pole and Tibet), where he was in con­tact with the Hyper­bore­an gods and from whence he would some­day emerge with a fleet of UFOs to lead the forces of light (the Hyper­bore­ans, some­times asso­ci­at­ed with Vril) over the forces of dark­ness (inevitably includ­ing, for Ser­ra­no, the Jews who fol­low Jeho­vah) in a last bat­tle and thus inau­gu­rat­ing a Fourth Reich.

The “Black Sun” emblem, rep­re­sent­ing the celes­tial home­land of the Hyper­bore­ans and the invis­i­ble source of their ener­gy, accord­ing to Ser­ra­no. Ser­ra­no, how­ev­er, has not iden­ti­fied the Black Sun with the above orna­ment in the Wewels­burg. Accord­ing to Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:[13]

Ser­ra­no fol­lows the Gnos­tic tra­di­tion of the Cathars (fl. 1025–1244) by iden­ti­fy­ing the evil demi­urge as Jeho­vah, the God of the Old Tes­ta­ment. As medieval dual­ists, these eleventh-cen­tu­ry heretics had repu­di­at­ed Jeho­vah as a false god and mere arti­fi­cer opposed to the real God far beyond our earth­ly realm. This Gnos­tic doc­trine clear­ly car­ried dan­ger­ous impli­ca­tions for the Jews. As Jeho­vah was the trib­al deity of the Jews, it fol­lowed that they were dev­il wor­shipers. By cast­ing the Jews in the role of the chil­dren of Satan, the Cathar heresy can ele­vate anti-Semi­tism to the sta­tus of a the­o­log­i­cal doc­trine backed by a vast cos­mol­o­gy. If the Hyper­bore­an Aryans are the arche­type and blood descen­dents of Ser­ra­no’s divyas from the Black Sun, then the arche­type of the Lord of Dark­ness need­ed a counter-race. The demi­urge sought and found the most fit­ting agent for its arche­type in the Jews.

As reli­gious schol­ars Fred­er­ick C. Grant and Hyam Mac­co­by empha­size, in the view of the dual­ist Gnos­tics, “Jews were regard­ed as the spe­cial peo­ple of the Demi­urge and as hav­ing the spe­cial his­tor­i­cal role of obstruct­ing the redemp­tive work of the High God’s emis­saries”.[14] Ser­ra­no thus con­sid­ered Hitler as one of the great­est emis­saries of this High God, reject­ed and cru­ci­fied by the tyran­ny of the Judai­cized rab­ble like pre­vi­ous rev­o­lu­tion­ary light-bringers. Ser­ra­no had a spe­cial place in his ide­ol­o­gy for the SS, who, in their quest to recre­ate the ancient race of Aryan god-men, he thought were above moral­i­ty and there­fore jus­ti­fied, after the exam­ple of the anti-human­i­tar­i­an “detached vio­lence” taught in the Aryo-Hin­du Bha­gavad Gita.

Collective Aryan unconscious

In the book Black SunNicholas Goodrick-Clarke reports how Carl Gus­tav Jung described “Hitler as pos­sessed by the arche­type of the col­lec­tive Aryan uncon­scious and could not help obey­ing the com­mands of an inner voice”. In a series of inter­views between 1936 and 1939, Jung char­ac­ter­ized Hitler as an arche­type, often man­i­fest­ing itself to the com­plete exclu­sion of his own per­son­al­i­ty. “ ‘Hitler is a spir­i­tu­al ves­sel, a demi-divin­i­ty; even bet­ter, a myth. Ben­i­to Mus­soli­ni is a man’ ... the mes­si­ah of Ger­many who teach­es the virtue of the sword. ‘The voice he hears is that of the col­lec­tive uncon­scious of his race’ ”.[15]

Jung’s sug­ges­tion that Hitler per­son­i­fied the col­lec­tive Aryan uncon­scious deeply inter­est­ed and influ­enced Miguel Ser­ra­no, who lat­er con­clud­ed that Jung was mere­ly psy­chol­o­giz­ing the ancient, sacred mys­tery of arche­typ­al pos­ses­sion by the gods, inde­pen­dent meta­phys­i­cal pow­ers that rule over their respec­tive races and occa­sion­al­ly pos­sess their mem­bers.[16] A sim­i­lar eso­teric the­sis is also put for­ward by Michael Moyni­han in his book Lords of Chaos.

Conspiracy theories and pseudoscience

The writ­ings of Miguel Ser­ra­noSav­it­ri Devi, and oth­er pro­po­nents of Eso­teric Nazism have spawned numer­ous lat­er works con­nect­ing Aryan mas­ter race beliefs and Nazi escape sce­nar­ios with endur­ing con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries about hol­low earth civ­i­liza­tions and shad­owy new world orders.[cita­tion need­ed] Since 1945, neo-Nazi writ­ers have also pro­posed Shamb­ha­la and the star Alde­baran as the orig­i­nal home­land of the Aryans. The book Ark­tos: The Polar Myth in Sci­ence, Sym­bol­ism, and Nazi Sur­vival, by Hyp­nero­tomachia Poliphili schol­ar Josce­lyn God­win, dis­cuss­es pseu­do­sci­en­tif­ic the­o­ries about sur­viv­ing Nazi ele­ments in Antarc­ti­caArk­tos is not­ed for its schol­ar­ly approach and exam­i­na­tion of many sources cur­rent­ly unavail­able else­where in Eng­lish-lan­guage trans­la­tions. God­win and oth­er authors such as Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke have dis­cussed the con­nec­tions between Eso­teric Nazism and Vril ener­gy, the hid­den Shamb­ha­la and Agartha civ­i­liza­tions, and under­ground UFO bases, as well as Hitler’s and the SS’s sup­posed sur­vival in under­ground Antarc­tic oases in New Swabia or in alliance with Hyper­bore­ans from the sub­ter­ranean world.[17]

Relationship to neopaganism

Organ­i­sa­tions such as the Arma­nen-Orden rep­re­sent sig­nif­i­cant devel­op­ments of neo-pagan eso­teri­cism and ‘Arios­o­phy’ after World War II, but they do not all con­sti­tute forms of Nazi eso­teri­cism. Some north­ern Euro­peanneo­pa­gan groups, such as Theods,Ásatrúar­félag­ið and Viðartrúar, have explic­it­ly stat­ed that neo-Nazism is not com­mon among their mem­bers. On the oth­er hand, there are neo­pa­gan organ­i­sa­tions with close ties to neo-Nazism, such as the Art­ge­mein­schaft or the Hea­then Front, and the attrac­tion of many neo-Nazis to Ger­man­ic pagan­ism remains an issue par­tic­u­lar­ly in Ger­many (see Nornirs Ætt).

Neo-völkisch movements

There is a con­tem­po­rary loose net­work of small musi­cal groups that com­bine neo-fas­cism and satanism. These groups can be found in Britain, France, and New Zealand, under names such as “Black Order” or “Infer­nal Alliance”, and draw their inspi­ra­tion from the Eso­teric Hit­lerism of Miguel Ser­ra­no.[18] These groups advo­cate the anti-mod­ernneo-trib­al­ism and “Tra­di­tion­al­ism” found in the “pagan” mys­ti­cist ideals of Alain de Benoist’s Nou­velle Droite inspired by Julius Evola.

Eso­teric themes, includ­ing ref­er­ences to arti­facts such as the Spear of Long­i­nus, are also often allud­ed to in neo-Nazi music (e.g. Rock Against Com­mu­nism) and above all in Nation­al Social­ist black met­al.[19]

4. One of the pri­ma­ry expo­nents of Eso­teric Nazi the­o­ry is Miguel Ser­ra­no, high­light­ed in FTR #843. We detail key ele­ments of his past.

“Miguel Ser­ra­no;” Wikipedia.com

Miguel Ser­ra­no (10 Sep­tem­ber 1917 – 28 Feb­ru­ary 2009) was a Chilean diplo­mat, jour­nal­ist and author of poet­ry, books on spir­i­tu­al quest­ing and Eso­teric Hit­lerism. Ser­ra­no’s anti-mod­ernist neo-Gnos­tic phi­los­o­phy claims to elu­ci­date the extrater­res­tri­al ori­gin of the Hyper­bore­an-descend­ed Aryan race, image-bear­ers of the God­head, and pos­tu­lates a glob­al con­spir­a­cy against them by an evil infe­ri­or godlet: The Demi­urge, wor­shipped by theJew­ish peo­ple, lord of plan­et Earth, spawn­er of the prim­i­tive hominid stocks, and author of all base mate­ri­al­i­ty.

Ser­ra­no fore­most­ly syn­the­sized the Hin­du-Vedic and Nordic-Ger­man­ic reli­gious tra­di­tions, both of which he con­sid­ered to be of ancient Aryan-Hyper­bore­an prove­nance, in addi­tion to par­tic­u­lar­ly eso­teric and racial­ist inter­pre­ta­tions of Bud­dhismChris­tian­i­ty (or “Kris­tian­ism”)Lucife­ri­an­ism (not to be con­fused with Satanism), and Gnos­ti­cism. He was espe­cial­ly indebt­ed to the Jun­gian the­o­ry of col­lec­tive racial arche­types, bor­rowed heav­i­ly from Julius Evola in sup­port­ing a spir­i­tu­al con­sid­er­a­tion of race, as opposed to a sole­ly bio­log­i­cal one, and fol­lowed Sav­it­ri Devi in rec­og­niz­ing Adolf Hitler as an avatar (a divine incar­na­tion) who bat­tled against the demon­ic mate­ri­al­is­tic hosts of the Kali Yuga.

Miguel Joaquín Diego del Car­men Ser­ra­no Fer­nán­dez was born in San­ti­a­go and edu­cat­ed at the Inter­na­do Nacional Bar­ros Arana from 1929 to 1934.[1] Orig­i­nal­ly embrac­ing Marx­ism, and writ­ing for left-wing jour­nals, he quick­ly became dis­il­lu­sioned withCom­mu­nism, and was drawn to the Movimien­to Nacional Social­ista de Chile (M.N.S.), a Chilean Nazi Par­ty (head­ed by Jorge González von Marées).[1] In July 1939 he pub­licly asso­ci­at­ed him­self with the M.N.S. (then renamed Van­guardia Pop­u­lar Social­ista –Pop­u­lar Social­ist Front), writ­ing for its jour­nal Tra­ba­jo (“Work”).[2]

After the Nazi inva­sion of the Sovi­et Union in July 1941, Ser­ra­no began his own biweek­ly polit­i­cal and lit­er­ary review called La Nue­va Edad (“The New Age”).[2] Orig­i­nal­ly indif­fer­ent to anti­semitism, Ser­ra­no dis­cov­ered and began to pub­lish mate­r­i­al from The Pro­to­cols of the Elders of Zion in ear­ly Novem­ber 1941.[2] Lat­er Ser­ra­no would trans­mute the Jew­ish world con­spir­a­cy into a meta­phys­i­cal one, fol­low­ing in the tra­di­tion of the Gnos­tic Cathars by iden­ti­fy­ing Yah­weh as the evil prin­ci­ple itself: The Demi­urge, lord of shad­ows, and ruler over our fall­en plan­et.[3]

In late 1941, Ser­ra­no was intro­duced to a Chilean eso­teric order found­ed by “F.K.” (a Ger­man immi­grant to Chile), which claimed alle­giance to a mys­te­ri­ous and far-flung Brah­min elite cen­tered in the Himalayas.[4] This mys­ti­co-mar­tial order prac­ticed rit­u­al mag­ic, includ­ing tantric and kun­dali­ni yoga linked to Niet­zschean con­cepts of the will to pow­er and fas­cist activism. He was ini­ti­at­ed into the order in Feb­ru­ary 1942.[4] Cult mem­bers regard­ed Adolf Hitler as a sav­ior of the Indo-Euro­pean or Aryan race. The order con­sid­eredastral pro­jec­tion and oth­er high­er states of aware­ness as the nat­ur­al ances­tral her­itage of all pure-blood­ed (“twice-born”) Aryans. The order’s mas­ter described Hitler as an ini­ti­ate, a being of bound­less and unprece­dent­ed willpow­er (shudibud­ishv­ab­ha­ba), abod­dhisat­va who had vol­un­tar­i­ly incar­nat­ed on earth in order to over­come the Kali Yuga; he claimed to have been in astral con­tact with Hitler, not only dur­ing the war but also after it had end­ed, “sure evi­dence that he was alive and had sur­vived the Berlin bunker”.[4]

Con­vinced by these rev­e­la­tions, and prompt­ed also by pop­u­lar spec­u­la­tions as to Hitler’s sur­vival in Antarc­ti­ca, Ser­ra­no accom­pa­nied the Chilean Army and Navy on their expe­di­tion to Antarc­ti­ca in 1947–48, in the capac­i­ty of a jour­nal­ist.[5] The stark and lone­ly wastes of the polar region left a per­ma­nent impres­sion on Ser­ra­no’s mind. He made his first vis­it to Europe in 1951, still obsessed by the enig­mat­ic fig­ure of Hitler. Ser­ra­no vis­it­ed and brood­ed over the ruins of the Berlin bunker, Span­dau Prison, and the ruins of Hitler’s Berghof in Bavaria.[5] In Switzer­land, he met and befriend­ed Her­mann Hesse, the well-known, Nobel Prize-win­ning Ger­man Roman­tic writer, and C. G. Jung.[5] Jung’s pre-war psy­cho­analy­sis of Hitler being a “spir­i­tu­al ves­sel, a demi-divin­i­ty, a myth,” and an embod­i­ment of the “col­lec­tive uncon­scious of his race”[6] great­ly influ­enced Ser­ra­no’s world­view. He and Jung pas­sion­ate­ly exchanged thoughts on the mean­ing of mythol­o­gy and arche­types in the mod­ern age of dehu­man­iz­ing mass tech­noc­ra­cy.[5] These encoun­ters with Hesse and Jung cul­mi­nat­ed in Ser­ra­no’s most famous and pres­ti­gious book, C.G. Jung and Her­mann Hesse: A Record of Two Friend­ships.

In 1953, fol­low­ing a fam­i­ly tra­di­tion, Ser­ra­no entered the diplo­mat­ic corps and held var­i­ous ambas­sado­r­i­al posts for Chile dur­ing the IbáñezAlessan­dri and Frei admin­is­tra­tions from 1953 to 1970, in India (1953–62), Yugoslavia (1962–64), Roma­niaBul­gar­ia, andAus­tria (1964–70).[5]

India seemed to him a source of eso­teric truth, and he immersed him­self in its spir­i­tu­al her­itage. He sought out the secret Sid­dha order of his Chilean mas­ter in the Himalayas, although Mount Kailash (where the order sup­pos­ed­ly had its seat), was inac­ces­si­ble to him in Chi­nese-admin­is­tered Tibet.[5] In his book, The Ser­pent of Par­adise, Ser­ra­no describes this jour­ney and claims that he had nev­er­the­less dis­cov­ered the “inner” aspect of Mount Kailash. He met many lead­ing Indi­an per­son­al­i­ties through his diplo­mat­ic posi­tion, becom­ing a per­son­al friend of Jawa­har­lal NehruIndi­ra Gand­hi and the 14th Dalai Lama.[5]

Ser­ra­no was Chile’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive to the Inter­na­tion­al Atom­ic Ener­gy Com­mis­sion and Unit­ed Nations Indus­tri­al Devel­op­ment Orga­ni­za­tion (UNUDI).[5] He was dis­missed from the Chilean diplo­mat­ic ser­vice in late 1970 by pres­i­dent Sal­vador Allende.[7] Remain­ing in exile, he rent­ed an apart­ment (pre­vi­ous­ly inhab­it­ed by Her­mann Hesse) at Mon­tag­no­la in the Swiss Tici­no.[8]

Dur­ing his ambas­sado­r­i­al post­ings in Vien­na and sub­se­quent­ly in Switzer­land, Ser­ra­no con­tact­ed and cul­ti­vat­ed ties of friend­ship with Léon DegrelleOtto Sko­rzenyHans-Ulrich RudelMarc “Saint-Loup” Augi­er and Han­na Reitsch. He paid vis­its to Julius Evola, Her­man WirthWil­helm Landig and Ezra Pound.[9]

Ser­ra­no returned to Chile after the Pinochet coup in 1973. Find­ing the regime unsym­pa­thet­ic to his ideas, he adopt­ed “the role of intel­lec­tu­al gad­fly”.[9] In May 1984, Ser­ra­no gave the Nazi salute at the funer­al in San­ti­a­go of SS Colonel Wal­ter Rauff.[9] He con­vened a ral­ly in San­ti­a­go on 5 Sep­tem­ber 1993, in hon­or of Rudolf Hess, and in mem­o­ry of the 62 young Chilean Nazi sup­port­ers who were shot dead while occu­py­ing a social secu­ri­ty build­ing dur­ing an abortive coup in 1938.[1][10] He main­tained cor­re­spon­dence with neo-Nazi lead­ers such as Matt Koehl. He was inter­viewed in depth by the Greek far-right mag­a­zine To Anti­do­to, and has also fea­tured in the lit­er­a­ture of the Black Order.[10]

Ser­ra­no died on 28 Feb­ru­ary 2009 in San­ti­a­go.

Ser­ra­no termed his phi­los­o­phy Eso­teric Hit­lerism, which he has described as a new reli­gious faith “able to change the mate­ri­al­is­tic man of today into a new ide­al­is­tic hero”, and also as “much more than a reli­gion: It is a way to trans­mute a hero into God.”[cita­tion need­ed]

In 1984 he pub­lished his 643-page tome, Adolf Hitler, el Últi­mo Avatãra (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar), which is ded­i­cat­ed “To the glo­ry of the Führer, Adolf Hitler”. In this arcane work Ser­ra­no unfolds his ulti­mate philo­soph­i­cal tes­ta­ment through elab­o­rate eso­teric and mytho­log­i­cal sym­bol­ism.[11][12] He insists that there has been a vast his­tor­i­cal con­spir­a­cy to con­ceal the ori­gins of evolved humankind. Ser­ra­no’s epic vista opens with extra­galac­tic beings who found­ed the First Hyper­borea, a ter­res­tri­al but non­phys­i­cal realm which was nei­ther geo­graph­i­cal­ly lim­it­ed nor bound by the cir­cles of rein­car­na­tion. The Hyper­bore­ans were asex­u­al and repro­duced through “plas­mic ema­na­tions” from their ethe­re­al bod­ies; the Vril pow­er was theirs to com­mand, the light of the Black Sun coursed through their veins and they saw with the Third Eye. Ser­ra­no con­tends that the last doc­u­ments relat­ing to them were destroyed along with the Alexan­dri­an Library, and that lat­ter­ly these beings have been mis­un­der­stood as extrater­res­tri­als arriv­ing in space­ships orUFOs. How­ev­er, the First Hyper­borea was imma­te­r­i­al and alto­geth­er out­side our mech­a­nis­tic uni­verse.[13][14]

The lat­ter is under the juris­dic­tion of the Demi­urge, an infe­ri­or godlet whose realm is the phys­i­cal plan­et earth. The Demi­urge had cre­at­ed a bes­tial imi­ta­tion of human­i­ty in the form of pro­to-human “robots” like Nean­derthal Man, and inten­tion­al­ly con­signed his crea­tures to an end­less cycle of invol­un­tary rein­car­na­tion on the earth­ly plane to no high­er pur­pose. The Hyper­bore­ans recoiled in hor­ror from this entrap­ment with­in the Demi­urge’s cycles. They them­selves take the devayana, the Way of the Gods, at death and return to the earth (as Bod­hisattvas) only if they are will­ing.[14][15]

Deter­mined upon a hero­ic war to reclaim the Demi­urge’s dete­ri­o­rat­ing world, the Hyper­bore­ans clothed them­selves in mate­r­i­al bod­ies and descend­ed on to the Sec­ond Hyper­borea, a ring-shaped con­ti­nent around the North Pole. Dur­ing this Gold­en Age or Satya Yuga, they mag­nan­i­mous­ly instruct­ed the Demi­urge’s cre­ations (the Black, Yel­low and Red races native to the plan­et) and began to raise them above their ani­mal con­di­tion.[15][16] Then dis­as­ter struck; some of the Hyper­bore­ans rebelled and inter­min­gled their blood with the crea­tures of the Demi­urge, and through this trans­gres­sion Par­adise was lost. Ser­ra­no refers to Gen­e­sis 6.4: “the sons of God came in to the daugh­ters of men, and they bore chil­dren to them”. By dilut­ing the divine blood, the pri­mor­dial mis­ce­gena­tionaccel­er­at­ed the process of mate­r­i­al decay. This was reflect­ed in out­ward cat­a­stro­phes and the North and South Poles reversed posi­tions as a result of the fall of a comet or moon. The polar con­ti­nent dis­ap­peared beneath the del­uge and Hyper­borea became invis­i­ble again.[15][16] The Hyper­bore­ans them­selves sur­vived, some tak­ing refuge at the South Pole. Ser­ra­no regards the mys­te­ri­ous appear­ance of the fine and artis­tic Cro-Magnon Man in Europe as evi­dence of Hyper­bore­ans dri­ven south­ward by the Ice Age.[15][16]In the then-fer­tile Gobi Desert, anoth­er group of exiled Hyper­bore­ans estab­lished a fan­tas­tic civ­i­liza­tion.[15]

The world thus becomes the com­bat zone between the dwin­dling Hyper­bore­ans and the Demi­urge and his forces of entropy.[15] But Ser­ra­no claims that the Gold­en Age can be reat­tained if the Hyper­bore­ans’ descen­dants, the Aryans, con­scious­ly repu­ri­fy their blood to restore the divine blood-mem­o­ry:[17]

“There is noth­ing more mys­te­ri­ous than blood. Paracel­sus con­sid­ered it a con­den­sa­tion of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyper­bore­an blood is that – but not the light of the Gold­en Sun, not of a galac­tic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Ray.”[18]


One comment for “FTR #873 The New Age, Fascism and the Atlantis Myth”

  1. Speak­ing of the Lama... he’s in the news today! Got to keep Ger­many for the Ger­mans... Hel­lo, Dalia: You’re a refugee, too!


    The Dalai Lama says ‘too many’ refugees are going to Ger­many
    By Max Bear­ak May 31 at 12:46 PM

    (Ash­wi­ni Bhatia/AP)

    Speak­ing to Ger­man reporters in the de fac­to cap­i­tal of Tibet’s exiled gov­ern­ment, the Dalai Lama appar­ent­ly said that “too many” refugees are seek­ing asy­lum in Europe.

    “Europe, for exam­ple Ger­many, can­not become an Arab coun­try,” he said with a laugh, accord­ing to AFP, which quot­ed from an inter­view the spir­i­tu­al leader gave to Frank­furter All­ge­meine Zeitung, a Ger­man news­pa­per. “Ger­many is Ger­many. There are so many that in prac­tice it becomes dif­fi­cult.”

    It was an unex­pect­ed exten­sion of sym­pa­thy for a sen­ti­ment that has found fer­tile ground most­ly among nation­al­ist groups. The Dalai Lama, who often speaks of human­i­ty’s need to acknowl­edge its “one­ness,” is a refugee him­self. After Tibetans rose up against Chi­nese lim­i­ta­tions on their auton­o­my in 1959, the cur­rent (and 14th) Dalai Lama led tens of thou­sands of his fol­low­ers to India, where they and their descen­dants have lived since. An esti­mat­ed 120,000 Tibetans live in India, and those born in the coun­try can vote.

    [Far-right Ger­man group got upset about can­dy pack­ag­ing and now looks quite sil­ly]

    “From a moral point of view, too, I think that the refugees should only be admit­ted tem­porar­i­ly,” the Dalai Lama said.

    The bulk of Arab refugees he was ref­er­enc­ing are flee­ing Syr­i­a’s bru­tal and seem­ing­ly end­less civ­il war, and its spillover into Iraq. But the truth is that the vast major­i­ty of those refugees are not seek­ing asy­lum in Europe, but in Turkey and two oth­er Arab-major­i­ty coun­tries, Lebanon and Jor­dan. Ger­many is a coun­try of 80 mil­lion peo­ple and has accept­ed just over 1 mil­lion refugees. Before the war in next-door Syr­ia, Lebanon had a pop­u­la­tion of more than 4 mil­lion peo­ple. It has since tak­en in well over a mil­lion Syr­i­ans.

    Beyond the skep­ti­cism, the Dalai Lama did con­vey his char­ac­ter­is­tic com­pas­sion.

    “When we look into the face of every sin­gle refugee, espe­cial­ly the chil­dren and women, we can feel their suf­fer­ing,” he said. “The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their coun­tries.”

    Posted by Tiffany Sunderson | May 31, 2016, 2:35 pm

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