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This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: The gulf between Nazism and the so-called New Age might seem to be so wide as to be unbridgeable. Sadly, that is not the case. At the core of Nazi belief was occultism, drawing on Pan-Germanic mythology deriving from the Thule Society, ariosophy, elements of Hindu religious doctrine and more commonly recognizable belief systems such as astrology.
The SS Ahnenerbe drew together many of these threads and anointed them with a mantle of respectability.
Many of these same elements have survived and manifested in the so-called counter-culture.
As a result, New Age sects and religion have frequently dovetailed with elements of Nazi and fascist philosophy. (For more about the Nazi/fascist/New Age connection, see–among other programs–FTR #‘s 170, 172, 221 as well as L‑2. The intimate relationship between elements of the intelligence community, mind control, cults and fascism are discussed in–among other programs–AFA #7, Miscellaneous Archive Show M7, and FTR #291. The recent underground film “Thrive” is very much worth examining in this regard.)
We introduce the theme of the program with discussion of some huge works of art in Kazakhstan. Note that an analyst referred dismissively to the notion that these were built by ancient astronauts linked to Hitler, Atlantis, the Hyperboreans, Lemuria and/or any number of common focal points of Nazi occultism.
One of the principle features of the “Nazi/Atlantis/New Age synthesis” is a fundamentally racist concept called “polygenesis.” Inherent in the contention that parts of the human species originated from outer space, Atlantis, etc., polygenesis is central to the “scientific racism” propagated by eugenicists and their Nazi pupils.
Among the edifices sited by occult polygenesis advocates is Tiwanaku in Bolivia, seen by SS officer Edmund Kiss as proof of the settlement of Latin America by “Aryans” from Atlantis, Hyperborea, Lemuria etc.
The notion of an ancient, Aryan-controlled past brought low by “sub-humans,” (generally grouped around “Da Joos”) recalls a common feature of fascism–a preoccupation with a long-gone, idealized past. (We highlighted this in our discussions with Peter Levenda about his landmark text The Hitler Legacy.) The New Age/Atlantis/Nazi conjunction constitutes a form of “weaponized religion,” and it epitomizes Peter’s concept of Nazism as a cult.
The program highlights the political and religious philosophy of “esoteric Nazism,” a subject we will explore in our next program as well. One of the prime exponents of “esoteric Nazism” was Miguel Serrano, a Chilean Nazi who was also discussed in our conversations with Peter Levenda.
Fusing traditional Nazi anti-Semitism with various occult strains, Serrano posited that the Nazis and Hitler were the manifestation of an otherworldly and superior civilization which would ultimately triumph after an apocalyptic, catastrophic war involving UFOs, Aryans from Antarctica, “Hyperborea” etc. If some of this discussion seems opaque, bear in mind that esoteric Nazism fuses political theory with mythology.
In this respect, it exemplifies yet another aspect of Nazism we analyzed in our discussions with Peter Levenda–the concept of Nazism as a cult. One should not be overly dismissive of esoteric Nazism, as it is held in high esteem by some well-connected, determined and lethal individuals and institutions.
Program Highlights Include:
- Elements of commonality between the philosophy of Julius Evola and Serrano.
- The dovetailing of Serrano’s philosophy with that of aspects of Hindu theology.
- The relationship between the Dalai Lama’s political outlook and that of Serrano.
1. We introduce the them of the program with discussion of some huge works of art in Kazakhstan. Note that an analyst referred dismissively to the notion that these were built by ancient astronauts linked to Hitler, Atlantis, the Hyperboreans, Lemuria and/or any number of common focal points of Nazi occultism.
Much of that Nazi occultism has been incorporated into the so-called “New Age,” which we pronounce “Newage” (rhymes with “sewage”).
“Built by the Ancients, Seen from Space” by Ralph Blumenthal; The New York Times; 11/3/2015.
“High in the skies over Kazakhstan, space-age technology has revealed an ancient mystery on the ground.
Satellite pictures of a remote and treeless northern steppe reveal colossal earthworks–geometric figures of squares, crosses, lines and rings the size of several football fields, recognizable only from the air and the oldest estimated at 8,000 years old.
The largest, near a Neolithic settlement is a giant square of 101 raised mounds, its opposite corners connected by a diagonal cross, covering more terrain than the Great Pyramid of Cheops. another is a kind of three-limbed swastika, its arms ending in zigzags bent counterclockwise. . . .
. . . . “I don’t think they were meant to be seen from the air,” Mr. [Dmitriy] Dey, 44, said in an interview from his hometown, Kostanay, dismissing outlandish speculations involving aliens and Nazis. (Long before Hitler, the swastika was an ancient and near-universal design element.) he theorizes that the figures built along straight lines on elevations were “horizontal observatories to track the movements of the rising sun. . . .”
2. Next, we examine the link between the revival of the Atlantis myth and the advent of scientific racism. Both would find resonance with the Nazi SS and the Ahnenerbe research bureau.
In Bolivia, with the highest percentage of indigenous people in Latin America, the Atlantis/polygenesis synthesis provided the white overlords with intellectual rationalization of their superiority.
Studying the city of Tiwanaku, Edmund Kriss posited that the superior “Aryan” race (from Atlantis, of course) built Tiwanaku. Later Kriss furthered his “research” working for the SS and the Ahnenerbe.
As the train steamed around the bend, Lake Titicaca became visible far to the north. The morning sun danced on the water. The majestic Cordillera Real towered beyond. The whistle howled. The engine lurched. After an arduous journey from Berlin, amateur archeologist and future SS commander Edmund Kiss had finally reached his destination: the ruins of the ancient city-state ofTiwanaku.
Tiwanaku had been an object of western fascination since 1549, when a motley band of Spanish conquistadors encountered the ruins deep in the Andes, in what is today Bolivia. Massive stone gateways, enormous granite megaliths, colossal earthworks, intricately-carved stele, mysterious glyphs—the Spaniards marveled at their discovery. Asked of the origins of the ruins and the fate of the civilization that constructed them, local indigenous caciques, or lords, stated that they were from a time long past, and that their original inhabitants had been destroyed by a great flood.
Its antiquity so obvious, its provenance so uncertain, Tiwanaku became one of the great mysteries of modern archeology. During the nineteenth century, the ruins attracted a host of European naturalists that speculated on the civilization that built the monumental structures. Some attributed the site to ancient Egyptians, others to bearded Europeans. All agreed that the ancestors of Lake Titicaca’s local peoples, the Aymara, would have been incapable of accomplishing such a magnificent feat. But if native Andeans hadn’t constructed Tiwanaku, then who had?
Kiss disembarked at Tiwanaku with a bold theory. Tall and bespectacled, his face pink from the unrelenting Altiplano sun, he stood out among the Aymara porters shuffling past. Their rural, ‘uncivilized’ condition only strengthened his conviction that the ruins were built a million years ago by his Aryan ancestors—an ancient Nordic race—who had migrated from the Lost City of Atlantis.
Kiss’s Atlantis theory may have been strange; but stranger still was the fact that it was hardly new. For decades, Bolivians themselves had been pondering their Altantean ancestry—in fact, for many of the same reasons that Kiss had. A connection to Atlantis empowered Bolivia’s European-descendant aristocracy for the very same reasons that it attracted Nazis. It gave them their own private Garden of Eden; and it reinforced the myth of white supremacy.
The legend of Atlantis traces its origins to Plato, who introduced the fabled city in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias. He told of an advanced island civilization beyond the “Pillars of Hercules” that was ruled by a “remarkable dynasty of Kings” endowed with unimaginable wealth. The Kings, having grown overzealous, set out to conquer Athens and enslave its peoples. The Athenians mobilized a heroic defense. But the conflict angered the gods. They sent earthquakes and floods, and Atlantis was “swallowed up by the sea and vanished.”
Classicists have long maintained that Atlantis was a fable that the ancient philosopher invented to warn of the arrogance of power. Over the centuries, however, Plato’s legend acquired an air of truth. During the Renaissance, tales of Atlantis circulated in the European imagination, borne on Humanist inquiry and the discovery of the Americas. Sixteenth-century Spanish chroniclers, from Bartolomé de las Casas to Francisco López de Gómara, drew parallels between the New World and Plato’s Lost City, as did Francis Bacon and Thomas Moore of Great Britain. For French scholars who believed that humans had multiple origins, Atlantis evidenced the existence of man before Adam.
But it was during the late nineteenth century that interest in the fabled Lost City exploded. A Minnesota politician and amateur antiquarian named Ignatius Donnelly is widely credited for the Atlantis revival. In 1882, his bestseller, Atlantis: The Antediluvial World, didn’t just argue that Plato’s Atlantis existed; it claimed that Atlantis had shaped other ancient cultures, from the Maya to the Egyptians. Popular and scientific interest in Atlantis flourished. The Royal Geographic Society of London and the U.S. National Geographic Society were soon sponsoring research on the lost city’s location and funding quixotic and, at times, unnecessarily deadly expeditions.
It’s often overlooked that this “Atlantis revival” coincided with the apogee of polygenesis, one of the fundamental assumptions of scientific racism. Polygenesis was an alternative theory of evolution that rejected the common origins of humans, a belief rooted in Christian creationism and sustained by Darwinian evolution. Polygenists divided humans into separate biological species, or races, that each originated and evolved independently. Races were classified according to innate, inheritable physical attributes—that is, not just skin color, but cranial capacity.
Locating those origins, however, was more complicated. If darker skinned peoples originated in Africa, as polygenists had long assumed, the where did the lighter-skinned peoples come from?
Atlantis would provide nineteenth-century polygenists with their own private Garden of Eden—an idea that appealed especially to Bolivia’s creole, or European-descendant, elite. Since securing their independence from Spain in 1825, they governed—often precariously—the most indigenous country in the hemisphere. Polygenesis provided irrefutable scientific proof of their biological difference and social superiority over native Andean peoples. And deployed alongside the Atlantis myth, it allowed them to claim Tiwanaku as a source of creole heritage.
Twenty kilometers southeast of Lake Titicaca, on the high plateau straddling Peru and Bolivia, Tiwanaku was once the administrative and ceremonial center of a vast Andean empire. Stratigraphic excavations carried out by Wendell Bennett in the 1930s indicated that the civilization emerged as early as 300 BCE and reached its apex between 600 and 800 AD. Radiocarbon dating subsequently confirmed its age, and archeologists today generally agree that Tiwanaku was built by the ancestors of the Aymara-speaking peoples who populate the Lake Titicaca basin today.
Such a claim was laughable in the Bolivia of Belisario Díaz Romero. Born in La Paz in 1870 to a wealthy family of Spanish provenance, Díaz belonged to an elite class of statesmen and intellectuals that reaped enormous profits by exporting natural resources and exploiting indigenous labor. The republic they governed was overwhelmingly made up of native Americans—largely Aymara- and Quechua-speaking peoples in the highlands and valleys of the Eastern Andean Escarpment.
Creole wealth rested on their access to indigenous labor; their social privilege and political legitimacy rested on a shared conviction that indigenous Bolivians belonged to an inferior race.
Among the creole gentleman scholars who shored up such beliefs, Díaz stood apart. He practiced medicine, wrote history, experimented with botany, and studied geography, linguistics, and archaeology. He was a member of the Geographic Society of La Paz, the National Institute of Statistics, and the National Academy of History. He directed the Meteorological Observatory and the National Museum. Sharp yet soft-spoken, he was the last of Bolivia’s great polymaths.His most original contribution to Bolivian science was in evolutionary biology. Díaz vehemently rejected creationism, and was an early proponent of natural selection. Yet he dismissed Darwin’s belief in the common origins of the human species, embracing instead the polygenic theories of leading French and German biologists. He divided the human species into “three living and permanent races: the white race, the yellow, and the black.” Homo nigeroriginated in Africa and Homo atlaicus in Asia. Homo atlanticus was a white, ancient Aryan race that came from Atlantis.
Díaz attributed the construction of the monumental architecture at Tiwanaku to Homo atlanticus. Two hundred million years ago, the ancient Aryans migrated west to South America from the original Atlantis across a long-lost land bridge. They settled in the Bolivian Altiplano, which was much different back then. Lake Titicaca was three times larger and the surrounding plain was not windswept and barren. It was lush and tropical, ideal for farming, and abundant in natural resources. Homo atlanticus settled in a shallow valley on the southern shore of the lake, where they constructed a magnificent city.
Díaz not only revealed the origins of the ruins, but explained their supposed contrast with Bolivia’s present-day indigenous population. By measuring skulls, he argued that the cranial measurements of Bolivian Indians were not consistent with those of Homo atlanticus. Rather, the Aymara were descendants of Homo atlaicus, barbaric Asians who arrived in a later migration. It was Homo atlaicus that conquered the ancient city and named it Tiwanaku.
Díaz’s “discoveries” were well received in the elite scientific and political circles of fin-de-siècle La Paz—so well received, in fact, that the government promoted Tiwanaku as the official icon of Bolivia’s Centennial celebrations in 1925.
The months leading up to Independence Day were marked by the typical flourish of statues, monuments, and nationalist speeches. The streets were cleaned and the Parisian townhouses lining the stately calle Montes were repainted. The President even issued a supreme decree prohibiting Indians from sidewalks and plazas. And when the big day finally came, creole aristocrats could raise their glass in the name of the Republic and toast their ancient ancestors from Tiwanaku, the “primitive metropolis of South American whites.”
Whether or not the German writer Edmund Kiss met Díaz Romero during his stay in Bolivia remains uncertain. But Kiss was undoubtedly exposed to his ideas by Arthur Posnansky, a swashbuckling Austrian capitalist, amateur archaeologist, and international gentleman of science. Tiwanaku was Posnansky’s enduring obsession. From 1903, the year he settled in Bolivia, to his death in 1946, he published over 130 titles on the site, in four languages.
What brought Kiss and Posnansky together—and what drew Kiss to Tiwanaku in the first place—was Kiss’s commitment to German ethnic nationalism and his obsession with the mythic past. Neither were uncommon in the Weimar Republic. As the Nazi Party expanded during the 1920s and 1930s, right-wing romantic nationalists celebrated an idealized folk culture as the essence of German nationhood.
Though the Nazis didn’t come up with the idea of a pure Aryan race, they did invest manpower and invent new knowledge to fill in its history and evolution. Kiss and his fellow Nazi ideologues had a particular weakness for Atlantis. Like Díaz Romero, they too believed that Caucasians had originated in the Lost City. The Nazis took the polygenic fantasy a step further, however; subdividing whites into Semites, the ancestors of the Jews, and Aryans—an ancient race autochthonous to northern Europe. The Aryan-Atlantis connection occupied a central place in Nazi mysticism and was one of the most popular themes of German science fiction during the 1920s and 1930s.
Where archaeological evidence of Aryan Atlanteans was lacking, an elaborate theory called Glacier Cosmology did the trick. A moon had once collided with Earth, destroying Atlantis and covering the planet with glaciers. What led Kiss to Tiwanaku was his belief that following the cataclysm, survivors of that ancient Nordic civilization took refuge in the high Andes, one of the few places where life was still possible. Kiss found Posnansky while researching the question and in 1928 he set off to Bolivia to study the ruins.
Kiss spent almost a year at Tiwanaku. Always wearing the same long white smock and Panama hat, he carefully surveyed the ruins and their relative position to the sun, stars, and moon. Kneeling, notepad on thigh, he studied the glyphs for meaning, sometimes for hours, seeking clues to the identity of the ancient architects. Day after day in the basement of the National Museum he studied skulls, wondering if the ancient Tiwanakan’s elongated crania were artificially deformed, or belonged to a superior Nordic race.
Back in Germany, his work was a wild success. “The works of art and the architectural style of the prehistoric city are certainly not of Indian origin,” Kiss had concluded. “Rather they are probably the creations of Nordic men who arrived in the Andean highlands as representatives of a special civilization.” Kiss further publicized his finding with a popular tertiary of science fiction novels that chronicled the rise, decline, and ultimate triumph of the ancient Aryans.
Nazi officials seized on Kiss’s work and featured the ancient Nordic city of Tiwanaku in party newspapers and Hitler Youth publications. Kiss was soon put in touch with Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Nazi SS and a principle architect of the Holocaust. In 1935, Himmler had founded a new SS think tank called the Ahnenerbe to conduct social scientific research into the history of the Aryan peoples. So far, he had sent archeological missions to Scandinavia, France, Tibet, and Antarctica in search of the ancient origins of the Aryan race.
Now he wanted Kiss to lead a trip to Bolivia, to Tiwanaku, the ancient Nordic civilization in the Andes. Working for much of 1938 and 1939, Kiss assembled a crack team of Nazi scientists for the job. Their objective: reveal the presence of the Master Race in prehistoric South America, and dispel, once and for all, the mystery surrounding the Tiwanaku ruins.
The expedition never happened. When Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, the war took precedence. Kiss, already an officer in the SS, was dispatched to Warsaw, and then took command of Wolfschanze, one of Hilter’s military headquarters in East Prussia. In 1945, he surrendered to the Allies and was imprisoned alongside other Nazi war criminals. At the “de-nazification” hearings, Kiss was initially classified a “major offender,” but he pleaded for and won the lesser status of “fellow traveler”—on account of his archaeological research. He remained committed to his Atlantis-Tiwanaku thesis until his death in 1960.
Like Kiss, Díaz and Posnansky also died long ago—and their fantastic interpretations of Tiwanaku have since been thoroughly discredited. Nonetheless, their legacy lives on. Popular television series like Ancient Aliens and Secrets of the Dead continue to explore the Tiwanaku-Atlantis connection. Bestselling books by Erich von Däniken and Graham Hancock go further, attributing the construction of Tiwanaku to ancient extraterrestrial beings.
Though it may be hard to stomach, the survival of the Atlantis myth is certainly not surprising. Plato’s Lost City has proven both timeless and universal in the western imagination. Its timelessness lies in its capacity to reveal the mysteries of human origins; its universal appeal, in its unlimited imaginary potential. And lest we forget: the legend of Atlantis evolved alongside dangerous theories of race that reinforced white supremacy for Aryan nationalists and Bolivian creoles alike. Attributing the construction of Tiwanaku to ancient extraterrestrial beings only perpetuates this nefarious myth. When we wonder if Tiwanaku was built by Atlanteans or by Aliens, those assumptions are based on the same twisted logic that drove men like Díaz, Posnansky, and Kiss: that Andean peoples could not have built Tiwanaku.
And that’s the greatest myth of all.
3. Next, we examine “Esoteric Nazism,” a brand of Nazi ideology that incorporates elements of SS mysticism and resonates powerfully with the “New Age.”
The notion of an ancient, Aryan-controlled past brought low by “sub-humans,” (generally grouped around “Da Joos”) recalls a common feature of fascism–a preoccupation with a long-gone, idealized past. (We highlighted this in our discussions with Peter Levenda about his landmark text The Hitler Legacy.)
The program highlights the political and religious philosophy of “esoteric Nazism,” a subject we will explore in our next program as well. One of the prime exponents of “esoteric Nazism” was Miguel Serrano, a Chilean Nazi who was also discussed in our conversations with Peter Levenda.
Fusing traditional Nazi anti-Semitism with various occult strains, Serrano posited that the Nazis and Hitler were the manifestation of an otherworldly and superior civilization which would ultimately triumph after an apocalyptic, catastrophic war involving UFOs, Aryans from Antarctica, “Hyperborea” etc. If some of this discussion seems opaque, bear in mind that esoteric Nazism fuses political theory with mythology.
In this respect, it exemplifies yet another aspect of Nazism we analyzed in our discussions with Peter Levenda–the concept of Nazism as a cult. One should not be overly dismissive of esoteric Nazism, as it is held in high esteem by some well-connected, determined and lethal individuals and institutions.
“Esoteric Nazism;” Wikipedia.com.
Savitri Devi
Greek writer Savitri Devi was the first major post-war exponent of what has since become known as Esoteric Hitlerism.[1] According to that ideology, subsequent to the fall of the Third Reich and Hitler’s suicide at the end of the war, Hitler himself could be deified. Devi connected Hitler’s Aryanist ideology to that of the pan-Hindu part of the Indian Independence movement,[2] and activists such as Subhas Chandra Bose. For her, the swastikawas an especially important symbol, as she felt it symbolized Aryan unity of Hindus and Germans.
Savitri Devi, above all, was interested in the Indian caste system, which she regarded as the archetype of racial laws intended to govern the segregation of different races and to maintain the pure blood of the fair-complexioned Aryans. She regarded the survival of the light-skinned minority of Brahmans among an enormous population of many different Indian races after sixty centuries as a living tribute to the value of the Aryan caste system (Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 92).
Savitri Devi integrated Nazism into a broader cyclical framework of Hindu history. She considered Hitler to be the ninth Avatar of Vishnu, and called him “the god-like Individual of our times; the Man against Time; the greatest European of all times”,[3] having an ideal vision of returning his Aryan people to an earlier, more perfect time, and also having the practical wherewithal to fight the destructive forces “in Time”. She saw his defeat—and the forestalling of his vision from coming to fruition—as a result of him being “too magnanimous, too trusting, too good”, of not being merciless enough, of having in his “psychological make-up, too much ‘sun’ [beneficence] and not enough ‘lightning.’ [practical ruthlessness]”,[4] unlike his coming incarnation:
“Kalki” will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the luke-warm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.[5]
Robert Charroux
Unlike most ancient astronaut writers, Robert Charroux took a large interest in racialism. According to Charroux Hyperborea was situated between Iceland and Greenland and was the home of a NordicWhite race with blonde hair and blue eyes. Charroux claimed that this race was extraterrestrial in origin and had originally come from a cold planet situated far from the sun.[6] Charroux also claimed that the White race of the Hyperboreans and their ancestors the Celts had dominated the whole world in the ancient past. Some of these claims of Charroux have influenced the beliefs of Esoteric Nazism such as the work of Miguel Serrano.[7][8]
Miguel Serrano
The next major figure in Esoteric Hitlerism is Miguel Serrano, a former Chilean diplomat. Author of numerous books including The Golden Ribbon: Esoteric Hitlerism (1978) and Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar (1984), Serrano is one of a number of Nazi esotericists who regard the “Aryan blood” as originally extraterrestrial:
Serrano finds mythological evidence for the extraterrestrial origins of man in the Nephilim [fallen angels] of the Book of Genesis... Serrano suggests that the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon Man with his high artistic and cultural achievements in prehistoric Europe records the passage of one such divya-descended race alongside the abysmal inferiority of Neanderthal Man, an abomination and manifest creation of the demiurge... Of all the races on earth, the Aryans alone preserve the memory of their divine ancestors in their noble blood, which is still mingled with the light of the Black Sun. All other races are the progeny of the demiurge’s beast-men, native to the planet.[9]
Serrano supports this idea from various myths which assign divine ancestry to ‘Aryan’ peoples, and even the Aztec myth of Quetzalcoatl descending from Venus. He also cites the entirely respectable (but not widely accepted) scientific hypothesis of Bal Gangadhar Tilak on the Arctic homeland of the Indo-Aryans, as his authority for identifying the earthly centre of the Aryan migrations with the ‘lost’ Arctic continent of Hyperborea. Thus, Serrano’s extraterrestrial gods are also identified as Hyperboreans.[10]
In attempting to raise the spiritual development of the earthbound races, the Hyperborean divyas (a Sanskrit term for god-men) suffered a tragic setback. Expanding on a story from the Book of Enoch, Serrano laments that a renegade group among the gods committed miscegenation with the terrestrial races, thus diluting the light-bearing blood of their benefactors and diminishing the level of divine awareness on the planet.[11]
The concept of Hyperborea has a simultaneously racial and mystical meaning for Serrano.[12] He believes that Hitler was in Shambhala, an underground centre in Antarctica (formerly at the North Pole and Tibet), where he was in contact with the Hyperborean gods and from whence he would someday emerge with a fleet of UFOs to lead the forces of light (the Hyperboreans, sometimes associated with Vril) over the forces of darkness (inevitably including, for Serrano, the Jews who follow Jehovah) in a last battle and thus inaugurating a Fourth Reich.
The “Black Sun” emblem, representing the celestial homeland of the Hyperboreans and the invisible source of their energy, according to Serrano. Serrano, however, has not identified the Black Sun with the above ornament in the Wewelsburg. According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:[13]
Serrano follows the Gnostic tradition of the Cathars (fl. 1025–1244) by identifying the evil demiurge as Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament. As medieval dualists, these eleventh-century heretics had repudiated Jehovah as a false god and mere artificer opposed to the real God far beyond our earthly realm. This Gnostic doctrine clearly carried dangerous implications for the Jews. As Jehovah was the tribal deity of the Jews, it followed that they were devil worshipers. By casting the Jews in the role of the children of Satan, the Cathar heresy can elevate anti-Semitism to the status of a theological doctrine backed by a vast cosmology. If the Hyperborean Aryans are the archetype and blood descendents of Serrano’s divyas from the Black Sun, then the archetype of the Lord of Darkness needed a counter-race. The demiurge sought and found the most fitting agent for its archetype in the Jews.
As religious scholars Frederick C. Grant and Hyam Maccoby emphasize, in the view of the dualist Gnostics, “Jews were regarded as the special people of the Demiurge and as having the special historical role of obstructing the redemptive work of the High God’s emissaries”.[14] Serrano thus considered Hitler as one of the greatest emissaries of this High God, rejected and crucified by the tyranny of the Judaicized rabble like previous revolutionary light-bringers. Serrano had a special place in his ideology for the SS, who, in their quest to recreate the ancient race of Aryan god-men, he thought were above morality and therefore justified, after the example of the anti-humanitarian “detached violence” taught in the Aryo-Hindu Bhagavad Gita.
Collective Aryan unconscious
In the book Black Sun, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke reports how Carl Gustav Jung described “Hitler as possessed by the archetype of the collective Aryan unconscious and could not help obeying the commands of an inner voice”. In a series of interviews between 1936 and 1939, Jung characterized Hitler as an archetype, often manifesting itself to the complete exclusion of his own personality. “ ‘Hitler is a spiritual vessel, a demi-divinity; even better, a myth. Benito Mussolini is a man’ ... the messiah of Germany who teaches the virtue of the sword. ‘The voice he hears is that of the collective unconscious of his race’ ”.[15]
Jung’s suggestion that Hitler personified the collective Aryan unconscious deeply interested and influenced Miguel Serrano, who later concluded that Jung was merely psychologizing the ancient, sacred mystery of archetypal possession by the gods, independent metaphysical powers that rule over their respective races and occasionally possess their members.[16] A similar esoteric thesis is also put forward by Michael Moynihan in his book Lords of Chaos.
Conspiracy theories and pseudoscience
The writings of Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, and other proponents of Esoteric Nazism have spawned numerous later works connecting Aryan master race beliefs and Nazi escape scenarios with enduring conspiracy theories about hollow earth civilizations and shadowy new world orders.[citation needed] Since 1945, neo-Nazi writers have also proposed Shambhala and the star Aldebaran as the original homeland of the Aryans. The book Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival, by Hypnerotomachia Poliphili scholar Joscelyn Godwin, discusses pseudoscientific theories about surviving Nazi elements in Antarctica. Arktos is noted for its scholarly approach and examination of many sources currently unavailable elsewhere in English-language translations. Godwin and other authors such as Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke have discussed the connections between Esoteric Nazism and Vril energy, the hidden Shambhala and Agartha civilizations, and underground UFO bases, as well as Hitler’s and the SS’s supposed survival in underground Antarctic oases in New Swabia or in alliance with Hyperboreans from the subterranean world.[17]
Relationship to neopaganism
Organisations such as the Armanen-Orden represent significant developments of neo-pagan esotericism and ‘Ariosophy’ after World War II, but they do not all constitute forms of Nazi esotericism. Some northern Europeanneopagan groups, such as Theods,Ásatrúarfélagið and Viðartrúar, have explicitly stated that neo-Nazism is not common among their members. On the other hand, there are neopagan organisations with close ties to neo-Nazism, such as the Artgemeinschaft or the Heathen Front, and the attraction of many neo-Nazis to Germanic paganism remains an issue particularly in Germany (see Nornirs Ætt).
Neo-völkisch movements
There is a contemporary loose network of small musical groups that combine neo-fascism and satanism. These groups can be found in Britain, France, and New Zealand, under names such as “Black Order” or “Infernal Alliance”, and draw their inspiration from the Esoteric Hitlerism of Miguel Serrano.[18] These groups advocate the anti-modernneo-tribalism and “Traditionalism” found in the “pagan” mysticist ideals of Alain de Benoist’s Nouvelle Droite inspired by Julius Evola.
Esoteric themes, including references to artifacts such as the Spear of Longinus, are also often alluded to in neo-Nazi music (e.g. Rock Against Communism) and above all in National Socialist black metal.[19]
4. One of the primary exponents of Esoteric Nazi theory is Miguel Serrano, highlighted in FTR #843. We detail key elements of his past.
“Miguel Serrano;” Wikipedia.com
Miguel Serrano (10 September 1917 – 28 February 2009) was a Chilean diplomat, journalist and author of poetry, books on spiritual questing and Esoteric Hitlerism. Serrano’s anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryan race, image-bearers of the Godhead, and postulates a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior godlet: The Demiurge, worshipped by theJewish people, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks, and author of all base materiality.
Serrano foremostly synthesized the Hindu-Vedic and Nordic-Germanic religious traditions, both of which he considered to be of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance, in addition to particularly esoteric and racialist interpretations of Buddhism, Christianity (or “Kristianism”), Luciferianism (not to be confused with Satanism), and Gnosticism. He was especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes, borrowed heavily from Julius Evola in supporting a spiritual consideration of race, as opposed to a solely biological one, and followed Savitri Devi in recognizing Adolf Hitler as an avatar (a divine incarnation) who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga.
Miguel Joaquín Diego del Carmen Serrano Fernández was born in Santiago and educated at the Internado Nacional Barros Arana from 1929 to 1934.[1] Originally embracing Marxism, and writing for left-wing journals, he quickly became disillusioned withCommunism, and was drawn to the Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile (M.N.S.), a Chilean Nazi Party (headed by Jorge González von Marées).[1] In July 1939 he publicly associated himself with the M.N.S. (then renamed Vanguardia Popular Socialista –Popular Socialist Front), writing for its journal Trabajo (“Work”).[2]
After the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in July 1941, Serrano began his own biweekly political and literary review called La Nueva Edad (“The New Age”).[2] Originally indifferent to antisemitism, Serrano discovered and began to publish material from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in early November 1941.[2] Later Serrano would transmute the Jewish world conspiracy into a metaphysical one, following in the tradition of the Gnostic Cathars by identifying Yahweh as the evil principle itself: The Demiurge, lord of shadows, and ruler over our fallen planet.[3]
In late 1941, Serrano was introduced to a Chilean esoteric order founded by “F.K.” (a German immigrant to Chile), which claimed allegiance to a mysterious and far-flung Brahmin elite centered in the Himalayas.[4] This mystico-martial order practiced ritual magic, including tantric and kundalini yoga linked to Nietzschean concepts of the will to power and fascist activism. He was initiated into the order in February 1942.[4] Cult members regarded Adolf Hitler as a savior of the Indo-European or Aryan race. The order consideredastral projection and other higher states of awareness as the natural ancestral heritage of all pure-blooded (“twice-born”) Aryans. The order’s master described Hitler as an initiate, a being of boundless and unprecedented willpower (shudibudishvabhaba), aboddhisatva who had voluntarily incarnated on earth in order to overcome the Kali Yuga; he claimed to have been in astral contact with Hitler, not only during the war but also after it had ended, “sure evidence that he was alive and had survived the Berlin bunker”.[4]
Convinced by these revelations, and prompted also by popular speculations as to Hitler’s survival in Antarctica, Serrano accompanied the Chilean Army and Navy on their expedition to Antarctica in 1947–48, in the capacity of a journalist.[5] The stark and lonely wastes of the polar region left a permanent impression on Serrano’s mind. He made his first visit to Europe in 1951, still obsessed by the enigmatic figure of Hitler. Serrano visited and brooded over the ruins of the Berlin bunker, Spandau Prison, and the ruins of Hitler’s Berghof in Bavaria.[5] In Switzerland, he met and befriended Hermann Hesse, the well-known, Nobel Prize-winning German Romantic writer, and C. G. Jung.[5] Jung’s pre-war psychoanalysis of Hitler being a “spiritual vessel, a demi-divinity, a myth,” and an embodiment of the “collective unconscious of his race”[6] greatly influenced Serrano’s worldview. He and Jung passionately exchanged thoughts on the meaning of mythology and archetypes in the modern age of dehumanizing mass technocracy.[5] These encounters with Hesse and Jung culminated in Serrano’s most famous and prestigious book, C.G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships.
In 1953, following a family tradition, Serrano entered the diplomatic corps and held various ambassadorial posts for Chile during the Ibáñez, Alessandri and Frei administrations from 1953 to 1970, in India (1953–62), Yugoslavia (1962–64), Romania, Bulgaria, andAustria (1964–70).[5]
India seemed to him a source of esoteric truth, and he immersed himself in its spiritual heritage. He sought out the secret Siddha order of his Chilean master in the Himalayas, although Mount Kailash (where the order supposedly had its seat), was inaccessible to him in Chinese-administered Tibet.[5] In his book, The Serpent of Paradise, Serrano describes this journey and claims that he had nevertheless discovered the “inner” aspect of Mount Kailash. He met many leading Indian personalities through his diplomatic position, becoming a personal friend of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and the 14th Dalai Lama.[5]
Serrano was Chile’s representative to the International Atomic Energy Commission and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNUDI).[5] He was dismissed from the Chilean diplomatic service in late 1970 by president Salvador Allende.[7] Remaining in exile, he rented an apartment (previously inhabited by Hermann Hesse) at Montagnola in the Swiss Ticino.[8]
During his ambassadorial postings in Vienna and subsequently in Switzerland, Serrano contacted and cultivated ties of friendship with Léon Degrelle, Otto Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Marc “Saint-Loup” Augier and Hanna Reitsch. He paid visits to Julius Evola, Herman Wirth, Wilhelm Landig and Ezra Pound.[9]
Serrano returned to Chile after the Pinochet coup in 1973. Finding the regime unsympathetic to his ideas, he adopted “the role of intellectual gadfly”.[9] In May 1984, Serrano gave the Nazi salute at the funeral in Santiago of SS Colonel Walter Rauff.[9] He convened a rally in Santiago on 5 September 1993, in honor of Rudolf Hess, and in memory of the 62 young Chilean Nazi supporters who were shot dead while occupying a social security building during an abortive coup in 1938.[1][10] He maintained correspondence with neo-Nazi leaders such as Matt Koehl. He was interviewed in depth by the Greek far-right magazine To Antidoto, and has also featured in the literature of the Black Order.[10]
Serrano died on 28 February 2009 in Santiago.
Serrano termed his philosophy Esoteric Hitlerism, which he has described as a new religious faith “able to change the materialistic man of today into a new idealistic hero”, and also as “much more than a religion: It is a way to transmute a hero into God.”[citation needed]
In 1984 he published his 643-page tome, Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar), which is dedicated “To the glory of the Führer, Adolf Hitler”. In this arcane work Serrano unfolds his ultimate philosophical testament through elaborate esoteric and mythological symbolism.[11][12] He insists that there has been a vast historical conspiracy to conceal the origins of evolved humankind. Serrano’s epic vista opens with extragalactic beings who founded the First Hyperborea, a terrestrial but nonphysical realm which was neither geographically limited nor bound by the circles of reincarnation. The Hyperboreans were asexual and reproduced through “plasmic emanations” from their ethereal bodies; the Vril power was theirs to command, the light of the Black Sun coursed through their veins and they saw with the Third Eye. Serrano contends that the last documents relating to them were destroyed along with the Alexandrian Library, and that latterly these beings have been misunderstood as extraterrestrials arriving in spaceships orUFOs. However, the First Hyperborea was immaterial and altogether outside our mechanistic universe.[13][14]
The latter is under the jurisdiction of the Demiurge, an inferior godlet whose realm is the physical planet earth. The Demiurge had created a bestial imitation of humanity in the form of proto-human “robots” like Neanderthal Man, and intentionally consigned his creatures to an endless cycle of involuntary reincarnation on the earthly plane to no higher purpose. The Hyperboreans recoiled in horror from this entrapment within the Demiurge’s cycles. They themselves take the devayana, the Way of the Gods, at death and return to the earth (as Bodhisattvas) only if they are willing.[14][15]
Determined upon a heroic war to reclaim the Demiurge’s deteriorating world, the Hyperboreans clothed themselves in material bodies and descended on to the Second Hyperborea, a ring-shaped continent around the North Pole. During this Golden Age or Satya Yuga, they magnanimously instructed the Demiurge’s creations (the Black, Yellow and Red races native to the planet) and began to raise them above their animal condition.[15][16] Then disaster struck; some of the Hyperboreans rebelled and intermingled their blood with the creatures of the Demiurge, and through this transgression Paradise was lost. Serrano refers to Genesis 6.4: “the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them”. By diluting the divine blood, the primordial miscegenationaccelerated the process of material decay. This was reflected in outward catastrophes and the North and South Poles reversed positions as a result of the fall of a comet or moon. The polar continent disappeared beneath the deluge and Hyperborea became invisible again.[15][16] The Hyperboreans themselves survived, some taking refuge at the South Pole. Serrano regards the mysterious appearance of the fine and artistic Cro-Magnon Man in Europe as evidence of Hyperboreans driven southward by the Ice Age.[15][16]In the then-fertile Gobi Desert, another group of exiled Hyperboreans established a fantastic civilization.[15]
The world thus becomes the combat zone between the dwindling Hyperboreans and the Demiurge and his forces of entropy.[15] But Serrano claims that the Golden Age can be reattained if the Hyperboreans’ descendants, the Aryans, consciously repurify their blood to restore the divine blood-memory:[17]
“There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus considered it a condensation of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is that – but not the light of the Golden Sun, not of a galactic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Ray.”[18]
Speaking of the Lama... he’s in the news today! Got to keep Germany for the Germans... Hello, Dalia: You’re a refugee, too!
The Dalai Lama says ‘too many’ refugees are going to Germany
By Max Bearak May 31 at 12:46 PM
(Ashwini Bhatia/AP)
Speaking to German reporters in the de facto capital of Tibet’s exiled government, the Dalai Lama apparently said that “too many” refugees are seeking asylum in Europe.
“Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,” he said with a laugh, according to AFP, which quoted from an interview the spiritual leader gave to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German newspaper. “Germany is Germany. There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”
It was an unexpected extension of sympathy for a sentiment that has found fertile ground mostly among nationalist groups. The Dalai Lama, who often speaks of humanity’s need to acknowledge its “oneness,” is a refugee himself. After Tibetans rose up against Chinese limitations on their autonomy in 1959, the current (and 14th) Dalai Lama led tens of thousands of his followers to India, where they and their descendants have lived since. An estimated 120,000 Tibetans live in India, and those born in the country can vote.
[Far-right German group got upset about candy packaging and now looks quite silly]
“From a moral point of view, too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily,” the Dalai Lama said.
The bulk of Arab refugees he was referencing are fleeing Syria’s brutal and seemingly endless civil war, and its spillover into Iraq. But the truth is that the vast majority of those refugees are not seeking asylum in Europe, but in Turkey and two other Arab-majority countries, Lebanon and Jordan. Germany is a country of 80 million people and has accepted just over 1 million refugees. Before the war in next-door Syria, Lebanon had a population of more than 4 million people. It has since taken in well over a million Syrians.
Beyond the skepticism, the Dalai Lama did convey his characteristic compassion.
“When we look into the face of every single refugee, especially the children and women, we can feel their suffering,” he said. “The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”