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This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: We have covered Citizen Greenwald in numerous programs and posts. Since those entries were spread over a period of time, some listeners have voiced frustration that it is difficult and time consuming to go back and access all of that material. For that reason, we offer a compendium of the unsavory reality of Glenn Greenwald’s activities. Far from being the altruist he is said to be, Greenwald is a monster, a truly evil man who has been what journalist Mark Ames terms “a shiller for killers.”
QUICK: who said this? “The parade of evils caused by illegal immigration is widely known, . . . illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone. . . . unmanageably endless hordes of people pour over the border in numbers far too large to assimilate, and who consequently have no need, motivation or ability to assimilate. . . [they pose a threat to] middle-class suburban voters.”
Donald Trump, right? Wrong–it was Glenn Greenwald and that is altogether in character for him.
CORRECTION: The man who killed himself after being corralled by police was Bart Ross, who shot himself to death after a traffic stop, not after being chased by police in Chicago, as discussed in the audio portion of the program.
In order to better understand this “shiller for killers,” we begin by taking a look at Citizen Greenwald’s legal practice, before he turned his efforts to journalism. As a young attorney with Wachtell Lipton, he ran interference for Big Tobacco, pressuring whistleblowers into silence about the cigarette industry’s cynically lethal marketing practices. Note that he worked to suppress journalistic truth in this instance!
After working for Wachtell Lipton and suppressing whistleblowers attempting to reveal the truth about Big Tobacco, Greenwald established his own legal practice.
Solidifying his role as “a shiller for killers,” Greenwald worked pro-bono for Nazi murderers. As we have seen in FTR #754 and several posts, Greenwald defended Matthew Hale against solicitation of murder charges. Greenwald ran interference for the “leaderless resistance strategy.”
In particular, Greenwald provided apposite legal assistance for the National Alliance. Leaderless resistance is an operational doctrine through which individual Nazis and white supremacists perform acts of violence against their perceived enemies, individually, or in very small groups. Acting in accordance with doctrine espoused by luminaries and leaders in their movement, they avoid infiltration by law enforcement by virtue of their “lone wolf” operational strategy.
What Dylann Roof [allegedly] did when he shot up an African-American church in South Carolina is precisely the sort of thing advocated by the “Leaderless Resistance” strategy. The advocates of this sort of thing, such as Citizen Greenwald’s client The National Alliance (publisher of The Turner Diaries, which provided the operational template for the Nazi terror group The Order) have been shielded (to an extent) from civil suits holding them to account for their murderous advocacy.
National Alliance’s books are specifically intended as instructional vehicles. Hunter is dedicated to convicted murderer Joseph Paul Franklin and was specifically designed as a “How To” manual for lone-wolf, white supremacist killers like Roof.
Note, also, that the “fourteen words” of Order member David Lane are the inspiration for “Combat 14,” the paramilitary wing of the Ukrainian fascist group Svoboda, one of the OUN/B heirs that came to power as a result of the Maidan coup of 2014. Lane drove the getaway car when “The Order”–explicitly inspired by “The Turner Diaries”–murdered Denver talk show host Alan Berg.
The “fourteen words” were also an influence on Roof.
We should note that what Greenwald did is NOT a question of outlawing free speech, as he implied. When the ACLU defended the American Nazi Party against an injunction against marching in Skokie, Illinois (a Chicago suburb with a considerable Jewish population), it did so on the grounds of constitutionally protected free speech.
Pre-Greenwald, advocating violence along the lines of what National Vanguard Books (the NA’s publishing arm) does was still legal.
However, IF someone was advocating violence against minorities, “racial enemies,” etc. and someone can be demonstrated to have acted on the basis of such exhortations, the author of the exhortation to violence could be held responsible for the consequences of their actions.
The consequences were considerable legal damages.
This is sound law. It doesn’t say you can’t say such things, however if you do, and that causes harm or death to others, you ARE RESPONSIBLE.
If someone leaves a rake on their property with the teeth facing upward and someone steps on it and is injured, the property owner bears civil liability for their actions.
That is the legal principle under which the National Aliiance, et al were being sued.
While defending Matthew Hale against a suit brought by victims of Matthew Hale’s footsoldiers, Greenwald surreptitiously taped people he interviewed, earning a rebuke from the judge. His opposition to illicit interception of private communications is highly selective.
When one of Hale’s followers posted Judge Lefkow’s address, a map to her house and pictures of family members, the judge returned home to find her family murdered. We are supposed to believe that Greenwald believes in internet privacy. Apparently that did not apply to Judge Lefkow.
Greenwald has continued to rub elbows with neo-Confederates, white supremacists and Nazis, even after his journalistic beatification.
” . . . Beyond that, the Libertarian Party’s political solution to African-American poverty and injustice was to abolish all welfare programs, public schools, and anti-discrimination laws like the Civil Rights Act. This was the solution promoted by an up-and-coming libertarian, Jacob Hornberger—who this week [April of 2015–D.E.] co-hosted an event with RON PAUL and GLENN GREENWALD. Hornberger believes that 19th century antebellum slave-era America was “the freest society in history”. . . ”
Program Highlights Include:
- Greenwald’s view of the victims of Matthew Hale’s follower’s shooting as “odious.”
- His characterization of Hale’s solicitation of Judge Lefkow’s murder as a “misunderstanding.”
- Hale follower Paul Craig Cobb’s association with the National Alliance.
- Cobb’s anti-immigrant ideology, at one with that of the attackers of the Mexican day laborers.
- Greenwald’s intellectual championing of virulent “anti-immigrant” ex-Republican Representative Tom Tancredo.
- Greenwald’s shilling for people associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
1. In order to understand the obvious, disturbing fact that Glenn Greenwald is the exact opposite of what he represents himself as being, it is essential to examine his career as a lawyer. As a young attorney with Wachtell Lipton, he ran interference for Big Tobacco, pressuring whistleblowers into silence about the cigarette industry’s cynically lethal marketing practices. Note that he worked to suppress journalistic truth in this instance!
“Shillers for Killers” by Mark Ames; Pando Daily; 7/7/2015.
. . . . Between 2005 and 2030, about 176 million people will die from smoking—77 percent of them in developing countries, a massive reversal from a few decades earlier. In Russia, smoking rates for men and women tripled in just 15 years from 1985 to 2000—to two-thirds of men and one-third of women. In Mexico— where the richest man in the world (and New York Times owner) Carlos Slim aligned his cigarette empire with Philip Morris—60,000 people die a year from cigarettes. Compare tobacco’s legal death toll with the war on illegal drugs’ death toll—a total of 60,000 killed in the six worst years, 2006–2012. In other words, it took six years for the drug war in Mexico to kill as many as legal tobacco kills every year. That drug war is tapering off, while tobacco’s legal death toll is set to soar.
The ABC-TV exposé in 1994 on how the tobacco companies were ramping up sales and marketing to vulnerable developing countries was never shown. ABC-TV got a box full of secret Brown & Williamson files leaked by whistleblower Merrell Williams shortly after airing their first controversial show. But thanks to the Philip Morris lawsuit filed by Wachtell Lipton, ABC-TV’s lawyers panicked and immediately seized all the leaked files from their journalists, seized the copies of those leaked files, seized and impounded their reporters’ hard drives, and prohibited their reporters from talking about “the single most important pieces of paper in the history of tobacco versus public health.”
When Frontline’s Daniel Schorr asked one of the ABC-TV reporters, Walt Bogdanich, if it was true that ABC had the Brown & Williamson leaks—and scoop—long before anyone else, Bogdanich, a Pulitzer Prize winner, answered:
“Well, there’s a lot I’d like to say about that topic. Unfortunately, I can’t. My company has taken the position that no one is to speak about this and since I work for the company, I’ve got to respect that.”
That was in 1996, meaning Bogdanich was still gagged more than two years after receiving the leaks.
So it was thanks to Wachtell Lipton’s vicious and aggressive lawsuit on behalf of Philip Morris that TV journalism was kneecapped, that 60 Minutes was too frightened to take on tobacco, that a mass American audience never learned of Big Tobacco’s plans to bring their mass-murder business to the more vulnerable regions of the developing world—and that the biggest whistleblowers of the 1990s were gagged from showing their face or having their name mentioned on the most popular TV show in America . . . even managing to gag a whistleblower from talking to his own attorney, under threat of prison.
And this is where whistleblower-irony becomes so dense, it collapses on itself: Because one of Wachtell Lipton’s young associates working on the Philip Morris lawsuit against ABC-TV was a lawyer by the name of…. Glenn Greenwald.
We know Greenwald worked at Wachtell Lipton’s New York office at the time of Wachtell’s lawsuit because Greenwald himself has talked about working for Wachtell, beginning in 1993 as a summer associate, then joining out of law school in 1994, and staying on until the end of 1995.
But, of course, that isn’t necessarily evidence of hypocrisy. Perhaps Greenwald had no idea that the law firm he chose to work for was representing Philip Morris in the most talked about case of 1994. That even though his own boss, Henry Wachtell, was a regular on national TV news defending their tobacco clients, he was still oblivious. Greenwald perhaps didn’t watch television.
Or read newspapers?
As the Wall Street Journal reported at the time in an article titled “More Young Lawyers Want To Just Say No to Tobacco Industry”:
Unpopular clients have always posed problems for lawyers, but the tobacco industry’s need for litigators is rising to unprecedented levels just as antismoking sentiment, particularly among young lawyers, is reaching a crescendo. As a result, more firms are finding that tobacco work can cause problems ranging from conflicts with other clients to difficulty in hiring. [...]
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz is one example. The firm, which previously worked for tobacco companies only on corporate matters and securities litigation, recently took the job of representing Philip Morris in a high-profile libel lawsuit against Capital Cities/ABC. The New York law firm is now handling the No. 1 cigarette maker’s lawsuit seeking to prevent Massachusetts from trying to recoup the costs of smoking-related illnesses.
It’s reasonable to assume Greenwald—ever the diligent researcher—must have joined Wachtell fully aware that they were helping gag whistleblowers and threatening journalists: Greenwald says that he chose to work for Wachtell in 1994 after being recruited by over a dozen top law firms. But of course that doesn’t necessarily mean he worked on the specific Philip Morris case.
Except that a billing ledger discovered in the tobacco library shows Greenwald’s name in a Wachtell Lipton bill to Philip Morris....
. . . . Other Wachtell Lipton memos show Greenwald’s name prominently displayed on the letterhead in aggressive, threatening letters against ABC-TV, against whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand, and against whistleblower Merrell Williams...
One Wachtell letter to ABC’s lawyers with Greenwald’s name up top, dated December 14, 1995, warns that Wigand’s testimony in a Mississippi tobacco trial is “in direct defiance of a Kentucky Court order”— and demands that ABC turn over their source’s private testimony to Wachtell Lipton. The purpose of course is to threaten Wigand and ABC and thus to muzzle them.
Greenwald’s name appears on the Wachtell Lipton letterhead of threatening legal letter after letter—targeting ABC-TV and tobacco whistleblowers . While it would be a stretch to say that Greenwald’s name appearing on the letterhead of so many Wachtell Philip Morris legal threats means Greenwald was working on that case right up through late 1995, one would have to stretch much further to believe that Greenwald was completely unaware of what his own law firm was doing in the most famous legal case in the country — a case he worked on.
The question isn’t that young Glenn Greenwald was a named player in the lawsuits which destroyed broadcast TV journalism and gagged the most consequential whistleblowers in history; the question is, why has he never said peep about Wigand and Merrell Williams? Greenwald styles himself as the most fearless outspoken defender of whistleblowers today—and yet he has absolutely nothing to say about the most famous whistleblowers of the 1990s, a case he worked on from the other side. . . .
2a. Greenwald eventually launched his own legal business, representing “unpopular clients,” including neo-Nazis. For five years, Greenwald defended Matthew Hale, head of the World Church of the Creator, currently serving a 40-year prison term for plotting against the life of a judge.
(We’ve spoken of the World Church of the Creator in FTR #‘s 168, 222, 633.)
We highlight a number of considerations in light of Greenwald’s efforts on behalf of Nazi bloodletters:
- As is the case with Snowden’s embrace of Nazi Ron Paul for President, this association negates any pretense on the part of Greenwald as being “for humanity.”
- In his defense of Matthew Hale (being sued by shooting victims, who were set upon by one of Hale’s foot soldiers) Greenwald violated legal ethics by taping witnesses. Apparently, Greenwald’s belief in the incorrectness of surreptitious recording of private communications is highly selective!
- Greenwald labeled and insulted the plaintiffs in the case in very strong terms, calling them “odious.” What was so “odious” about them? That they were African-American, Asian-American or Jewish? Or that they got in the way of his clients’ footsoldier’s bullets?
- We wonder about Greenwald’s lover of some 11 years–an Austrian-born lawyer named Werner Achatz. Might he have been Underground Reich? Might Achatz have recruited/assisted Greenwald? Greenwald’s legal representation of Nazis was largely pro bono. How was he paying his bills? Did he have money saved up? Were other “unpopular clients” more fiscally forthcoming?
“How Glenn Greenwald Became Glenn Greenwald” by Jessica Testa; buzzfeed.com; 6/26/2013.
. . . . Greenwald also spent roughly FIVE YEARS defending the First Amendment rights of neo-Nazis, including Matthew Hale, the “Pontifex Maximus” of the Illinois church formerly known as the World Church of the Creator, one of whose disciples went on a murderous spree in 1999.
“I almost always did it pro bono,” Greenwald said. “I was interested in defending political principles that I believed in. I didn’t even care about making money anymore.” . . .
2b. In his defense of Matthew Hale (being sued by shooting victims, who were set upon by one of Hale’s foot soldiers) Greenwald violated legal ethics by taping witnesses. Apparently, Greenwald’s belief in the incorrectness of surreptitious recording of private communications is highly selective!
. . . .Case in point:
Glenn Greenwald made a choice to defend Matthew Hale in a series of civil lawsuits that Hale faced after he encouraged shooter Benjamin Smith to go on a two-state shooting rampage.
If you don’t know who Hale is, well, he’s a pretty famous white supremacist who is currently serving 40 years for soliciting the murder of a federal judge who ruled against him in a trademark case. Who put him away? Patrick Fitzgerald. (Yes. And Mr. Greenwald got an FBI visit regarding the passing of coded messages by Hale while under SAMS restrictions.)
Mr. Hale, for his role in the shootings, was sued by a number of survivors. This included a case filed by two teenage Orthodox Jewish boys. And another case filed by a Black minister. These people were selected by Benjamin Smith because they looked like the religious/ethnic minorities they are.
And Glenn Greenwald called them ‘odious and repugnant’ for suing his client–
Indeed the Center’s suit appears to link Hale’s rejection into the bar to Smith’s “rampage.” In late June, the state bar’s Committee on Character and Fitness again denied Hale’s petition to join the bar. Smith, who had testified as a character witness for Hale that April, began shooting two days later. “Immediately after the Illinois State Bar’s decision and as part of the World Church of the Creator’s war, Smith ... began a rampage of genocidal violence,” the lawsuit states.
And while Hale himself has linked the shootings to his bar application in the past, he said Tuesday that it’s ridiculous to think he had any control over Smith.
Further, Greenwald said, “I find that the people behind these lawsuits are truly so odious and repugnant, that creates its own motivation for me.”
The first suit, filed in state court by Chicago attorney Michael Ian Bender on behalf of two Orthodox Jewish teens shot at in Rogers Park, is pending, though a circuit judge in Chicago threw out allegations that Smith’s parents were somehow responsible for the shootings.
It wasn’t enough that Glenn took the case, which was his right to do. No–he had to insult the Plaintiffs–shooting victims. And then, he unethically taped the witnesses he subpoenaed, even directing their statements. A court found that he violated TWO separate rules–
“The magistrate judge granted both motions, finding defense counsel’s conduct unethical under two separate rules: Local Rule 83.58.4(a)(4), prohibiting “dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;” and Local Rule 83.54.4, stating “a lawyer shall not ... use methods of obtaining evidence that violate the legal rights of person.”“ANDERSON v. HALE 159 F.Supp.2d 1116 (2001)
He also attempted to manipulate the witness statements, per the magistrate’s findings of fact-
“A 52-page transcript of one conversation showed defendants’ counsel steered the conversation by eliciting particular responses to detailed questions, leading to more detailed questions, to lure the witness into damning statements for later use.” Anderson v. Hale, 202 F.R.D. 548 (N.D.Ill. 2001),
That’s right–Glenn Greenwald, self-proclaimed civil rights lawyer, violated the civil right of witnesses. The New York Bar later wrote a clarifying opinion on the ethics of said taping, referencing this case–
And of course, Glenn Greenwald thinks Matthew Hale is wrongly imprisoned by Prosecutor Fitzgerald.
“Mr. Greenwald, who said he believed that Mr. Hale was wrongly imprisoned, said he did not recall the exact message Ms. Hutcheson relayed to him, or the person it was intended for, but that he had declined to deliver it. He called the message “a caricature of what a coded message would be.””
3a. In addition to Hale, Greenwald also represented a consortium of neo-Nazi/White Supremacist groups, including the National Alliance.
Being sued for inciting two white supremacists to attack Latino day-laborers, they were represented by Greenwald. It was Greenwald’s contention that he was motivated by the need to preserve the free speech rights of these groups.
“The Day the Bloggers Won” by Eric Boehlert; salon.com; 5/19/2007.
. . . . His work was at times political in the sense that he took on unpopular clients in free speech cases that spotlighted the practical tensions between the rights of individuals and the collective urges of the community. In 2002 he defended a strident anti-immigration group, National Alliance, in a New York civil rights lawsuit after two Mexican day workers were beaten and stabbed on Long Island by two men posing as contractors in search of laborers. The victims claimed that the anti-immigration rhetoric of National Alliance, which urged racist violence against Latino immigrants and other racial minorities, was partly to blame for the beatings. Greenwald argued that the case represented a misguided attempt to impose liability and punishment on groups because of their political and religious views. A federal judge threw out the case. . . .
3b. More about the attack on the Mexican day-laborers and Greenwald’s defense of the National Alliance.
“Anti-Immigrant Groups Can’t Be Held Liable for Attack” [AP]; First Amendment Center; 9/16/2002.
A federal judge has dismissed a civil rights lawsuit that held seven anti-immigration organizations partly responsible for the brutal September 2000 attack on a pair of Mexican day laborers.
But workers Israel Perez and Magdaleno Estrada can still pursue civil rights claims against the two men convicted of beating them, U.S. District Judge Joanna Seybert ruled on Sept. 13.
In her decision, Seybert said the seven groups did not violate the two immigrants’ civil rights by making anti-immigrant statements. A lawyer for one of the groups, the Farmingville-based Sachem Quality of Life, praised the ruling. . . .
. . . Perez and Estrada were beaten and stabbed by Christopher Slavin and Ryan Wagner in September 2000. The pair had posed as contractors looking for day laborers.
Both attackers were convicted of attempted murder, and sentenced to 25 years in prison. . . .
. . . . The newspaper also reported that the lawsuit claimed that the philosophy of white supremacist organizations — including the West Virginia-based National Alliance and American Patrol in Sherman Oaks, Calif. — urged racist violence against Latino immigrants and other racial minorities. Newsday reported that Brewington said the group’s urgings prompted the attacks.
“The lawsuit was a very dangerous attempt to start imposing liability and punishment on groups because of their political and religious views,” Glenn Greenwald, a Manhattan attorney representing the National Alliance and other groups, was quoted by Newsweek as saying. “If you can be liable for the actions of other people who hear your views, then you would be afraid to ever express any views that were ever unconventional.”
3c. Greenwald’s was running legal interference for the “leaderless resistance” strategy. The National Alliance publishes its books specifically designed to motivate racial violence!
1988: Neo-Nazi Group Founds Publishing House, Publishes Book to Inspire White Assassins; History Commons
. . . .William Pierce, the founder of the neo-Nazi National Alliance (see 1970–1974) and the author of the inflammatory and highly influential white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries (see 1978), oversees the creation of a publishing firm for the Alliance, National Vanguard Books. It will publish a number of works, most prominently a reprint of The Turner Diaries and Pierce’s second novel, Hunter, which tells the story of a white assassin who kills minorities, particularly interracial couples. He dedicates Hunter to Joseph Paul Franklin, convicted of the sniper murders of two African-American men (see 1980). Pierce will later tell his biographer that he wrote Hunter as a deliberate motivational tool for assassins, saying, “From the beginning with Hunter, I had this idea of how fiction can work as a teaching tool in mind.” In 2002, the Center for New Community will write, “Like The Turner Diaries, the book has inspired several real-life acts of racist terror” (see January 4, 2002 and After). In 1991, National Vanguard will expand into releasing audiotapes, which by December 1992 will spawn a radio show, American Dissident Voices. In 1993, it will begin publishing comic books targeted at children and teenagers. . . .
3d. More about The Turner Diaries and its direct, purposeful inspiration of violent acts:
Few works of fiction have moved readers to action quite like The Turner Diaries. [The book was written with exactly that in mind!–D.E.] Written under a pseudonym by William Pierce, late founder of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, the bloody race-war novel has been dubbed the “bible of the racist right” by the FBI.
Published in 1978, The Turner Diaries has fueled some of the last two decades’ most infamous outbreaks of extremist violence, including Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Although The Turner Diaries may be the most famous such novel, it is neither the first nor the last novelized version of dire conspiracies and drastic solutions.
Pierce told his seminal story through two years of diary entries by his white-supremacist hero, Earl Turner. Turner carries out orders for the Organization, an underground group struggling against the System — an anti-white, anti-gun U.S. government that continually puts more restrictions on its citizens.
Using “detonators, timers, igniters and other gadgets” built by Turner, the Organization spawns vicious warfare between blacks, Jews and whites as it takes over the country, city by city.
Despite Pierce’s stilted prose — a holdover, maybe, from his career as a physics professor — the violence is unforgettably vivid. Turner describes slicing the throat of a Jewish shop owner “from ear to ear,” murdering a Washington Post editor with two shotgun blasts, and watching starving blacks barbecue and eat white children.
By the novel’s end, Turner is working for an elite survivalist group called the Order and plotting a suicide mission — flying a crop-duster plane strapped with a warhead into the Pentagon, the System’s last remaining military stronghold. “Two-thirds of the troops around the Pentagon are niggers,” Turner writes in his journal, “which should greatly enhance my chances of getting through.”
Published by Pierce’s own National Vanguard Press, The Turner Diaries didn’t exactly rocket up the best-seller lists when it first appeared. But Pierce certainly got through to Bob Mathews.
A neo-Nazi follower, Mathews organized a real-life group called The Order, based on Pierce’s fictional Order, which committed a series of armored car heists and plotted serious racist violence before ambushing and murdering Jewish radio talk show host Alan Berg in 1984. . . .
4a. Above, we have discussed Citizen Greenwald’s legal work, in which he spent years running legal interference for Nazi murderers and doing most of the work pro bono. One of his legal victories involved aiding two white supremacists who had attacked two Latino day laborers.
In the past, Citizen Greenwald has had some deeply inflammatory things to say in the past concerning “illegal immigrants.” We wonder if his stated views on the evils of illegal immigration might be related to his work defending the attackers of the day laborers? In his intemperate remarks about immigrants (which he later unconvincingly recanted), he also defended former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo, an associate of the Tea Party and a fellow traveler of some notorious white supremacists.
Tancredo’s associates include Don Black, David Duke associate and creator of the Stormfront website. Black is among the numerous white supremacist and Nazi associates of Edward Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice, Ron Paul. Tancredo’s fellow travelers also include members of the neo-Confederate movement and the League of the South, also networking elements of Ron Paul.
. . . . Greenwald’s other clients included the neo-Nazi National Alliance, who were implicated in an especially horrible crime. Two white supremacists on Long Island had picked up a pair of unsuspecting Mexican day laborers, lured them into an abandoned warehouse, and then clubbed them with a crowbar and stabbed them repeatedly. The day laborers managed to escape, and when they recovered from their injuries, they sued the National Alliance and other hate groups, alleging that they had inspired the attackers. . . .
. . . . On certain issues, though, his [Greenwald’s] prose was suffused with right-wing conceits and catchphrases. One example was immigration, on which Greenwald then held surprisingly hard-line views. “The parade of evils caused by illegal immigration is widely known,” Greenwald wrote in 2005. The facts, to him, were indisputable: “illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone.” Defending the nativist congressman Tom Tancredo from charges of racism, Greenwald wrote of “unmanageably endless hordes of people [who] pour over the border in numbers far too large to assimilate, and who consequently have no need, motivation or ability to assimilate.” Those hordes, Greenwald wrote, posed a threat to “middle-class suburban voters.” . . . .
4b. Tancredo’s associates include Don Black, David Duke associate and creator of the Stormfront website. Black is among the numerous white supremacist and Nazi associates of Edward Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice, Ron Paul. Tancredo’s fellow travelers also include members of the neo-Confederate movement and the League of the South, also networking elements of Ron Paul.
. . . . The former Republican congressman from Colorado, known for his biting anti-immigration rhetoric and campaign ads suggesting Latino immigrants are rapists and drug dealers, is scheduled to be the luncheon speaker at next month’s annual conference for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). [Tancredo wound up canceling–D.E.] The theme of the conference? “Multiculturalism – the Death of America.”
Sharing the dais with Tancredo will be a rogue’s gallery of the racist right, including James Edwards, who hosts the white nationalist Political Cesspool radio show; Don Black, the former Klansman best known for creating Stormfront.org, the first major Internet hate site; and Leonard Wilson, a longtime segregationist and Alabama commander for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a neo-Confederate group that, like Tancredo, staunchly opposes immigration.
For those who have watched Tancredo go through endless contortions to distance himself from his racist friends, speaking at a CCC conference seems to be a turning point. The time has passed to apologize for the company he keeps.
And what company it is.
Tancredo was already honorary chairman of Youth for Western Civilization (YWC), an ultraconservative student group that has actively cultivated relationships with white nationalist organizations such as the racist League of the South (LOS), whose leader Michael Hill recently penned an essay describing how white people are endowed with a “God-ordained superiority” and professing that it was a “monumental lie” that all men are created equal. In 2006, Tancredo delivered an anti-immigrant speech and sang “Dixie” at a barbecue advertised by the South Carolina chapter of the LOS. . . . .
5a. Recently there has been significant media coverage of Craig Paul Cobb (with the middle and first names sometimes reversed in some sources) and his attempts at buying a small, North Dakota town that he envisages as a Nazi/white supremacist community.
Cobb’s apparent role in the circumstances surrounding the murder of the family of Judge Joan Lefkow has received less coverage.
Also receiving less coverage is Glenn Greenwald’s representation of World Church of the Creator head Matthew Hale in this case.
(In past posts, we have noted Glenn Greenwald’s pro-bono representation of Hale and the National Alliance, with which Cobb was also affiliated.)
A number of things come to mind as we ponder Greenwald’s role in this:
- Convicted of solicitation of the murder of Judge Joan Lefkow, whose husband and mother were murdered in her home a few weeks after Cobb exercised what Greenwald would characterize of his right of free speech on the internet, Greenwald’s client Hale characterized his organization as being at war with Judge Lefkow. (See text excerpts below.)
- Cobb posted Lefkow’s name and address on the internet. Her mother and husband were murdered a few weeks later. Cobb was overtly, explicitly pleased by that fact. ” . . . What was I feeling? Emotions are not yet illegal. I was just fine with it. I think it was well done.”[1] (See text excerpts below.)
- Cobb’s actions epitomize the “leaderless resistance strategy,” for which Greenwald ran legal interference in his law practice.
- Greenwald’s client Hale was taped by an undercover FBI informant who provided; ” . . . . an email from Hale soliciting Lefkow’s home address, and a tape recording of a discussion between the two about Lefkow’s murder. On the tape, Evola said, “We going to exterminate the rat?” Hale replied, “Well, whatever you want to do basically.” Evola said, “The Jew rat.” Hale then said: “You know, my position has always been that I, you know, I’m going to fight within the law… but that information has been provided. [by Cobb]… If you wish to do anything yourself, you can.” Evola replied, “Consider it done,” and Hale responded, “Good.” . . . .
- Greenwald’s comments on the case are very, very revealing. “. . . . . Attorney Glenn Greenwald, representing Hale, says he believes the charge against Hale stems from what he calls a misinterpretation of Hale’s statement that “we are in a state of war with Judge Lefkow.” Greenwald says: “They are probably trying to take things he said along the lines of political advocacy and turn it into a crime. The FBI may have interpreted this protected speech as a threat against a federal judge, but it’s probably nothing more than some heated rhetoric.” During Hale’s incarceration, special administrative measures will be imposed to reduce his ability to communicate with his followers. . . .”
Greenwald alleges that an attempt by Hale’s mother to have Greenwald give a coded message to one of Hale’s followers was unsuccessful. Note that the U.S. Attorney in the case noted that freedom of speech does not include solicitation of murder. Greenwald appears to have problems with that interpretation.
“New Neighbor’s Agenda: White Power Takeover” by John Eligon; The New York Times; 8/29/2013.
The bearded man with thinning, gray-and-bleach-blond hair flapping down his neck first appeared in this tiny agricultural town last year, quietly and inconspicuously roaming the crackly dirt roads.
Nettie Ketterling thought nothing of it when he came into her bar to charge his cellphone in an outlet beneath the mounted head of a mule deer. To Kenneth Zimmerman, the man was just another customer, bringing his blue Dodge Durango in for repairs. Bobby Harper did not blink when the man appeared in front of his house and asked him if he had any land to sell. And the mayor, Ryan Schock, was simply extending a civic courtesy when he swung by the man’s house to introduce himself.
Their new neighbor, they thought, was just another person looking to get closer to the lucrative oil fields in western North Dakota known as the Bakken.
But all that changed last week.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and The Bismarck Tribune revealed that the man, Paul Craig Cobb, 61, has been buying up property in this town of 24 people in an effort to transform it into a colony for white supremacists.
In the past two years, Mr. Cobb, a longtime proselytizer for white supremacy who is wanted in Canada on charges of promoting hatred, has bought a dozen plots of land in Leith (pronounced Leeth) and has sold or transferred ownership of some of them to a couple of like-minded white nationalists. . . .
5b. Cobb was a follower of Matthew Hale, one of Greenwald’s Nazi clients (whom he represented pro-bono.) Cobb posted Judge Lefkow’s address, a map to her home and photographs of her family on the internet. Subsequently, she returned from work to find her husband and her mother (who lived with her) murdered.
We are to believe that Greenwald is concerned with people’s internet privacy. That apparently does NOT include Judge Lefkow.
. . . . Cobb is reported to have grown up in a wealthy family and attended a private school in Boston, Massachusetts where he graduated in 1968.[6] Cobb says he grew up a Christian, but has since renounced Christianity, saying “I don’t understand Christians. They have a need to be morally superior than the next guy...They are very threatened by anything with racial cohesion.” [7] After serving in the armed forces, he moved to Edmonton, Canada for five years then relocated to Hawaii where he lived for another 25 years and earned a living as a taxi driver. In 2003 he relocated to Frost, West Virginia where he opened a grocery store and subsequently registered a business called “Gray’s Store, Aryan Autographs and 14 Words, L.L.C.” During this time he was involved in unsolicited inter-state deliveries of a neo-Nazi newspaper published by Alex Linder,[8] distribution of Project Schoolyard CDs to local children,[9] and attended an invitation-only leadership conference of the National Alliance. . . .
. . . . Cobb uses the online pseudonyms “No 1965 Chain Immigrants” (on Stormfront) and “Chain” (on Podblanc), which references to the abolition of the National Origins Formula in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. While his internet activities center upon “tireless propaganda”[30] for Podblanc he is also active in far-right discussion boards where, after the arrest of Matt Hale in 2003 for soliciting the murder of U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow, Cobb posted the judge’s home address, family photographs and a map to her house. Lefkow’s husband and mother were subsequently murdered. In reply to a reporter’s question “What were you feeling when the double murder happened?” Cobb stated “What was I feeling? Emotions are not yet illegal. I was just fine with it. I think it was well done.”[1] [This is the very essence of the “Leaderless Resistance” strategy for which Greenwald ran legal interference–D.E.] . .
5c. Cobb distributes National Alliance material and was affiliated with the group. Note that Greenwald’s client was soliciting Judge Lefkow’s address and that Greenwald was approached by Hale’s mother with a coded message to deliver to one of her son’s followers. Greenwald claims that he didn’t deliver the message. It should be noted that he has been caught lying in his teeth in the past.
“Profile: Matthew Hale”; History Commons.org
. . . . Avowed white supremacist Craig Cobb (see October 31, 2005) moves to Estonia and founds Podblanc, an Internet-based videosharing Web site. It is similar to YouTube, but Cobb and his supporters refuse to use that facility, calling it “Jew Tube” because its operators censor racist and anti-Semitic content. Podblanc offers over 1,000 channels of video content, including combat handgun training, bomb-making tutorials, a description of security measures at three northern California synagogues, and an audio recording of The Turner Diaries, the infamous race-war fantasy novel (see 1978). The most popular video on the site shows Russian neo-Nazis beheading and shooting Asiatic immigrants; other popular videos show skinheads attacking random Jewish and minority victims. Cobb was a member of the violent World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) until its collapse after its leader, Matthew Hale, was arrested for soliciting the murder of a judge (see January 9, 2003 and 2004–2005). Cobb posted the name and home address of the judge on the internet, which may have led to the murder of her husband and mother (see February 28, 2005). Cobb has also attended events sponsored by the neo-Nazi National Alliance (see 1970–1974) . . . .
. . . . Matthew Hale, the leader of the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC—see May 1996 and After), shows up for a contempt of court hearing in a Chicago courtroom based on his refusal to give up his group’s name after losing a trademark infringement lawsuit (see November 2002). When Hale appears, he is arrested for soliciting the murder of the judge who presided over the lawsuit, Federal District Court Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow. Hale recently claimed Lefkow was prejudiced against him because she is married to a Jew and has children who are biracial. Law enforcement officials with Chicago’s Joint Terrorism Task Force say Hale asked another person to “forcibly assault and murder” Lefkow. FBI spokesman Thomas Kneir says: “Certainly freedom of speech and freedom of religion are important in our society here in America. But the threat of physical violence will not be tolerated.” US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald adds, “Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to solicit murder.” Hale is accompanied in the courtroom by about a dozen followers, many of whom raise their fists in what they call a Roman salute but that is more widely known as a Nazi salute. . . . .
. . . . . Matthew Hale, the leader of the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC—see May 1996 and After), is convicted of one count of solicitation of murder and three counts of obstruction of justice in regards to his attempt to solicit the murder of a judge (see January 9, 2003). Hale never testified on his own behalf. Defense counsel Thomas Anthony Durkin called no witnesses, saying the prosecution’s evidence was the weakest he had seen in a major case, arguing that Hale was set up by an FBI informant. Durkin says he will appeal, and will prove that prosecutors have been “out to get Hale” because of his suspected involvement in a shooting spree by WCOTC member Benjamin Smith five years ago (see July 2–4, 1999; the jury heard audiotapes of Hale laughing about Smith’s murders and mocking the victims). [The civil suit against Hale by Smith’s victims was the first case in which Greenwald represented Hale pro bono.–D.E.] US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, the lead prosecutor in the case, says the trial’s outcome proves “that we will not wait for the trigger to be pulled” before taking action. . . .
. . . . The press will later learn that Hale solicited the murder from FBI informant Anthony Evola, a Chicago area pizza delivery man who was asked by Hale to distribute racist and anti-Semitic pamphlets to schoolchildren. Evola instead called the Chicago Public Schools to warn them about the racist material, and was later asked to become an FBI informant. In the months that followed, Evola became chief of Hale’s “White Beret” security squad and frequently traveled with Hale. Evola provided FBI officials with an email from Hale soliciting Lefkow’s home address, and a tape recording of a discussion between the two about Lefkow’s murder. On the tape, Evola said, “We going to exterminate the rat?” Hale replied, “Well, whatever you want to do basically.” Evola said, “The Jew rat.” Hale then said: “You know, my position has always been that I, you know, I’m going to fight within the law… but that information has been provided.… If you wish to do anything yourself, you can.” Evola replied, “Consider it done,” and Hale responded, “Good.” . . . .
. . . . . Attorney Glenn Greenwald, representing Hale, says he believes the charge against Hale stems from what he calls a misinterpretation of Hale’s statement that “we are in a state of war with Judge Lefkow.” Greenwald says: “They are probably trying to take things he said along the lines of political advocacy and turn it into a crime. The FBI may have interpreted this protected speech as a threat against a federal judge, but it’s probably nothing more than some heated rhetoric.” During Hale’s incarceration, special administrative measures will be imposed to reduce his ability to communicate with his followers. . . .
. . . . . . Hale’s attorney Glenn Greenwald reveals that six to eight weeks before the murders, Hale’s mother asked him to pass what was clearly a coded message from Hale to a WCOTC follower. [Greenwald claims he did not forward the message–D.E.] . . . .
6. Even after his journalistic beatification by the drooling sycophants of the so-called “progressive” sector, Greenwald continues to rub elbows with Nazis, chumming around with Andrew Auernheimer, a “white-hat” hacker who is a Nazi, allegedly converted following a prison term.
Note that–from his own rantings–his conversion to the Nazi worldview took place before his incarceration: ” . . . I’ve been a long-time critic of Judaism, black culture, immigration to Western nations, and the media’s constant stream of anti-white propaganda. . . .”
Note, also, his anti-immigrant point of view–an element of commonality that runs throughout many of the points of analysis in this program.
Way back in 2010, a so-called “white hat” hacker named Andrew Auernheimer, known online as “Weev,” exploited a security loophole on Apple’s iPad and acquired the names of 114,000 AT&T customers who subscribed to the iPad 3G data service. Following an investigation, Weev, who had “stolen” (his words) the user data was prosecuted and convicted. To his credit, Weev informed AT&T of the security flaw and the company quickly buttoned it up. But back in April of this year, Weev’s conviction was overturned because he was evidently tried in the wrong state (New Jersey). He was subsequently released from Pennsylvania’s Allenwood Federal Correctional Complex on April 11, 2014. The indictment remains, but the conviction no longer stands.
During his time in jail, Weev apparently became a neo-Nazi, complete with a tattoo not unlike Edward Norton’s tattoo in American History X — a giant swastika on his right pectoral. After his release, he posted a series of racist and anti-Semitic remarks on a website called The Daily Stormer, a white-supremacist site not to be confused with The Daily Caller, The Daily Beast or The Daily Banter. Via Gawker, here are some choice passages:
I’ve been a long-time critic of Judaism, black culture, immigration to Western nations, and the media’s constant stream of anti-white propaganda. [Note this statement. It would seem to indicate that Auernheimer’s conversion took place a long time before he went to prison. Note, also, the anti-immigrant theme.] Judge Wigenton was as black as they come. The prosecutor, Zach Intrater, was a Brooklyn Jew from an old money New York family.[...]
The whole time a yarmulke-covered audience of Jewry stared at me from the pews of the courtroom. My prosecutor invited his whole synagogue to spectate.[...]
They took control of our systems of finance and law. They hyperinflated our currency. They corrupted our daughters and demanded they subject themselves to sex work to feed their families. These are a people that have made themselves a problem in every nation they occupy, including ours. What’s saddest is that we are the enablers of this problem. The Jews abused our compassion to build an empire of wickedness the likes the world has never seen.
No gray area there. Weev clearly hates Jews, African-Americans and anyone he perceives as “anti-white.”
Oh, and in addition to his conversion to the neo-Nazi cause as well as his seemingly prolific online hate speech, Weev attended a party in New York soon after getting out of jail. The party was held by none other than Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras to coincide with the ceremony in which the duo received the Polk Award for their reporting on Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency.
Unless he crashed the party, he was obviously an invited guest. But for a moment let’s assume Greenwald didn’t know Weev was invited. Long before the party, Greenwald had previously defended Weev in The Guardian back in March, 2013, months before the author/reporter rose to international acclaim. Indeed, Greenwald named Weev as a “hacktivist” who was being wrongfully persecuted by U.S. authorities.
Just this week alone, a US federal judge sentenced hactivist Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer to 3 1/2 years in prison for exploiting a flaw in AT&T’s security system that allowed him entrance without any hacking, an act about which Slate’s Justin Peters wrote: “it’s not clear that Auernheimer committed any actual crime”, while Jeff Blagdon at the Verge added: “he cracked no codes, stole no passwords, or in any way ‘broke into’ AT&T’s customer database – something company representatives confirmed during testimony.” But he had a long record of disruptive and sometimes even quite ugly (though legal) online antagonism, so he had to be severely punished with years in prison.
For a moment, let’s set aside the whole neo-Nazi thing. Let’s also not re-litigate the past in which Greenwald, during his law-practice days, defended a completely different neo-Nazi. The fact that Greenwald continues to blur the line between hacking and activism is utterly baffling. The manner in which he rationalized Weev’s actions is a gross illustration of gratuitous spin and dangerous oversimplification.
7. Recent news has offered up a grimly instructive juxtaposition. As Glenn Greenwald and his associates in the Snowden “op” continue to bask in the glow of professional awards granted them, Dylann Roof has put into action the type of behavior advocated by Greenwald’s legal clients.
A big supporter of George W. Bush in the early part of the last decade, Greenwald became an attorney for, and a fellow-traveler of, some of the most murderous Nazis in the country.)
Exemplifying Greenwald is his association with Ron Paul (Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice) and neo-Confederate apologists.
“Baltimore & The Walking Dead” by Mark Ames; Pando Daily; 5/1/2015.
. . . . So when Rand Paul went on Laura Ingraham’s radio program to blame Baltimore on black culture and values and “lack of fathers,” the libertarian whom Time called “the most interesting man in politics” was merely rehashing 25-year-old mainstream Republicrat bigotries, the very same bigoted, wrong assumptions that led to all the disastrous policies we’re now paying for today.
Which brings me to the Libertarians of 1992.
After Ferguson exploded last year, Libertarians positioned themselves as the only political force that had no blood on their hands, the only political force that was “principled” enough throughout the past few decades to offer the right analyses — and the right solutions — to the problems faced by people now rising up in Baltimore.
In 1992, the most famous libertarian of all, Ron Paul, was still between Congressional stints when [the riots in] Los Angeles erupted, but he did run a profitable libertarian newsletter, “The Ron Paul Political Report,” to keep his ideas alive. Shortly after the LA riots, Ron Paul put out a “Special Issue on Racial Terrorism”offering his libertarian analysis of what he termed black “terrorism”:
“The criminals who terrorize our cities—in riots and on every non-riot day—are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are. As children, they are trained to hate whites, to believe that white oppression is responsible for all black ills, to ‘fight the power,’ to steal and loot as much money from the white enemy as possible.
“The cause of the riots is plain: barbarism. If the barbarians cannot loot sufficiently through legal channels (i.e., the riots being the welfare-state minus the middle-man), they resort to illegal ones, to terrorism. Trouble is, few seem willing to stop them. The cops have been handcuffed. . . .
. . . .“We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings, and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers.”
“I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in [major U.S. cities] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”A few months later, in October 1992, Dr. Paul explained how he taught his own family—presumably including his favorite son, Rand Paul—how to defend themselves and even murder what Dr. Paul called “hip-hop” carjackers, “the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos”:
“What can you do? More and more Americans are carrying a gun in the car. An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth, you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such a gun cannot, of course, be registered to you, but one bought privately (through the classifieds, for example.).
Beyond that, the Libertarian Party’s political solution to African-American poverty and injustice was to abolish all welfare programs, public schools, and anti-discrimination laws like the Civil Rights Act. This was the solution promoted by an up-and-coming libertarian, Jacob Hornberger—who this week co-hosted an event with RON PAUL and GLENN GREENWALD. Hornberger believes that 19th century antebellum slave-era America was “the freest society in history”. . .
8. The Pierre Omidyar-funded “Intercept” features an article by Nazi fellow-traveler Citizen Greenwald in which he runs interference for Muslim Brotherhood operatives. The group includes CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad, who blamed the 1993 World Trade Center bombing on the Mossad and Egyptian Intelligence, as well as Faisal Gill, a protege of Grover Norquist and very much in the Al-Taqwa orbit.
Greenwald has also been a keynote speaker for CAIR, which–far from being the civil rights organization it is supposed to be–is inextricably linked with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Omidyar has supported brutal micro-finance programs in the Third World (acting in conjunction with Phoenix Program veteran Roy Prosterman), helped finance the fascist coup in Ukraine in 2014 and assisted in the election of Hindu nationalist/fascist Narendra Modi in India. Next week, we will present a compendium on Omidyar, Citizen Greenwald’s financial angel.
. . . .According to documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the list of Americans monitored by their own government includes:
• Faisal Gill, a longtime Republican Party operative and one-time candidate for public office who held a top-secret security clearance and served in the Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush;
• Asim Ghafoor, a prominent attorney who has represented clients in terrorism-related cases;
• Hooshang Amirahmadi, an Iranian-American professor of international relations at Rutgers University;
• Agha Saeed, a former political science professor at California State University who champions Muslim civil liberties and Palestinian rights;
• Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the country. [CAIR is very closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood–D.E.]. . . .
Interesting ties between the League of the South and ‘Turner Diaries’ did not show, prior to your bulging analysis– but answers, partly– the Alan Berg egregious/heinous hatecrime, murder!
Notice this “Lone Wolf.” He was found with business cards for the “National Socialist Movement”. It implies the leaderless resistance strategy advocated over 20 years ago by Tom Metzger and Aryan Nations. It is also being utilized by Al Qaida and ISIS. National Alliance, in particular, advocated this in their books. Glenn Greenwald defended their illegal activities pro bono, helping to smooth the way for the leaderless resistance strategy, using this to advance his ostensible career as a civil libertarian.
Alleged White Supremacist Is Charged With Terrorism After Stopping Amtrak Train
January 5, 20182:17 PM ET
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Taylor Michael Wilson is charged with terrorism, after stopping an Amtrak train in October in Nebraska.
Furnas County Sheriff’s Office via AP
An armed man who stopped an Amtrak train in Nebraska is facing a terrorism charge after the FBI discovered ties to “an ‘alt-right’ Neo-Nazi group,” a cache of weapons and allegations that the suspect, Taylor Michael Wilson, had talked about a desire to kill black people.
Federal authorities have filed a terrorism charge against Wilson, 26, of St. Charles, Mo., who was arrested in October after Amtrak personnel said he entered a restricted area of a train and applied the emergency brake in Furnas County, Neb.
Wilson is accused of “terrorism attacks and other violence against railroad carriers and against mass transportation,” according to court papers that were recently unsealed.
Investigators say Wilson had been traveling from California to his home in Missouri when he was found in a secure area of the train. After Amtrak staff found him “playing with the controls” in the engineer’s seat, a struggled ensued, in which Wilson repeatedly tried to get loose and to reach at his waistband.
A local sheriff’s deputy was called to the scene in rural Nebraska around 2 a.m. Oct. 22. The deputy found Amtrak personnel holding Wilson down on the ground. He was carrying a loaded .38-caliber handgun, along with a speedloader that was full of ammunition.
A backpack belonging to Wilson was found to contain “three additional loaded speed loaders, a box of .38 ammunition, a hammer, a fixed blade knife, tin snips, scissors, a tape measure” and a respirator-style mask, according to the federal filing. Also in the bag were business cards for the National Socialist Movement in Detroit and for the Covenant Nation Church in Oneonta, Ala.
After his arrest, Wilson was charged with two felonies under state statues; he was released on bond on Dec. 11 and was to live at his parents’ house in St. Charles, Mo. The federal counts against him were added in late December, after the FBI investigation turned up troubling evidence that investigators said was consistent with people who are “attempting or planning to commit criminal acts or acts of terrorism or violence.”
That evidence included documents from Wilson’s phone, which included images of a white supremacist banner reading ” ‘Hands up don’t shoot’ is Anti-white fake news – Altright” along with a number of how-to books on killing people and carrying out violence. In addition to the pistol he was allegedly carrying when he was arrested, the FBI found more than a dozen other guns at his residence.
In court documents, FBI special agent Monte R. Czaplewski said there is probable cause to believe that Wilson’s weapons and electronic devices were “used for or obtained in anticipation of engaging in or planning to engage in criminal offenses against the United States.”
Wilson’s roommate told the FBI that Wilson had begun acting strangely last summer, when Wilson “joined an ‘alt-right’ Neo-Nazi group” that he found after looking for white supremacy forums online.
Speaking to federal agents, the roommate said Wilson has said he is interested in “killing black people,” the affidavit states, adding that the roommate believed that Wilson was serious. The witness also said that Wilson’s earlier statements led him to believe that he and others in his white supremacist group were responsible for putting up “Whites Only” signs at businesses.
Wilson joined other members of that group in traveling to protests in Charlottesville, Va., the roommate said, referring to what investigators believe was the violent Unite the Right rally that took place in August 2017, at which a woman was killed.
He possessed at least 20 guns, including to a number of powerful rifles, from an AK-47 to AR-15s and an M‑4.
The FBI says that after Wilson’s parents told agents in Omaha, Neb., that they weren’t sure where he lived — other than “an apartment somewhere” — the agency determined that he lived in a residence in St. Charles, Mo., that is owned by his parents.
A search of Wilson’s residence turned up a hidden compartment behind a refrigerator, in a space that had been disguised to look like a permanent wall panel.
From the affidavit:
“Upon removing the panel agents discovered a large amount of evidence to include a tactical vest, 11 AR-15 (rifle) ammunition magazines with approximately 190 rounds of .223 ammunition, one drum-style ammunition magazine for a rifle, firearms tactical accessories (lights), 100 rounds of 9mm ammunition, approximately 840 rounds of 5.45x39 rifle ammunition, white supremacy documents and paperwork, several additional handgun and rifle magazines, gunpowder, ammunition reloading supplies, and a pressure plate. Also located in the compartment was a hand-made shield.”
While at the residence, agents also spoke to Wilson’s father, who — after consulting with his attorney — gave 15 of his son’s guns to the FBI team, along with a tactical body armor carrier with ceramic ballistic plates.
At least two of those weapons were found to be in possible violation of federal laws. One, a Pioneer Arms Corporation Model PPS43‑C, a lightweight rifle, was “fully automatic,” the affidavit said. The other, a CZ Scorpion Evo 3, had been shortened.
Also, note the FBI arrest of Nazi Taylor Michael Wilson for Terrorism involving an AmTrak train. The same institution that President Trump and Republicans are vehemently attacking.