Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #9 Interview with Stephen Worth

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This inter­view with author Stephen Worth (along with Carl Jaspers, the co-author of Blood Oath: The Con­spir­a­cy to Mur­der Nicole Brown Simp­son, pub­lished in soft cov­er by Rain­bow Books; copy­right 1996) high­lights the major points of the book Blood Oath. Uti­liz­ing infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by an anony­mous infor­mant (code-named “Skin­ner”), the book main­tains that he (Skin­ner) was a mem­ber of an elite Nazi strike team that assas­si­nat­ed Nicole and Ron Gold­man and framed O.J. in order to polar­ize race rela­tions in the Unit­ed States, dis­cred­it the judi­cial sys­tem and law enforce­ment in gen­er­al (and the L.A.P.D. in par­tic­u­lar.) The ulti­mate goal of the group, code-named C.A.U.S.E. (stand­ing for Chris­t­ian Aryan Under­ground Spe­cial Enforcers), was to cause a race war which would lead to a Nazi-white suprema­cist takeover of the Unit­ed States. Accord­ing to Skin­ner, the group con­sist­ed of per­son­nel with exten­sive mil­i­tary, intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and law enforce­ment back­grounds. It had “unlim­it­ed” financ­ing from an unnamed for­eign ter­ror­ist group (prob­a­bly Ger­man Nazis) and uti­lized the lat­est in intel­li­gence and sur­veil­lance tech­nol­o­gy to tap the phones of and elec­tron­i­cal­ly sur­veil both Nicole’s and O.J.‘s res­i­dences. In addi­tion, Skin­ner main­tains that the group had access to a sam­ple of O.J.‘s blood, obtained from a mem­ber of the group who worked at a hos­pi­tal at which O.J. had under­gone surgery. Skin­ner also alleges that the group had pen­e­trat­ed the Los Ange­les Police Depart­ment and Sher­if­f’s Depart­ment and uti­lized this pen­e­tra­tion to obtain inside infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the activ­i­ties of the vic­tims, as well as to direct the course of the inves­ti­ga­tion. Skin­ner also con­tends that the group leaked the exis­tence of the Mark Fuhrman tapes to the defense team and also exe­cut­ed the Okla­homa City bomb­ing in April of 1995. (Record­ed in July of 1996.)


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