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This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: The mafia began as a resistance movement focused against Norse (Viking) and Saracen (Turkish/Muslim) invaders in 12th and 13 century Sicily. It might seem incredible to the casual observer that an organization that began so long ago could have developed and spread to the size, gravitas and scope of operations that it has.
We also appreciate that when Mr. Emory uses the term “Underground Reich,” it might seem odd or incredible to many. Bringing up to date “L’Affaire Snowden,” we underscore the deep politics underlying the CIA’s broadcast psychological warfare fronts and their evolution into the milieu involving and surrounding Eddie the Friendly Spook.
Much of the material in this program is reviewed from previous broadcasts, presented here to provide depth and understanding to how what has been presented as a “progressive,” “enlightened” phenomenon could be its opposite. “Team Snowden” manifests fascism and the Underground Reich at every turn. (For an overview of the fascist and spook links of the Snowden/Greenwald/Omidyar/WikiLeaks crowd, see–among other programs–FTR #‘s 755, 756, 831, 885, 888, 889, 890.)
Reviewing a speculative element of analysis, we highlight the development of the “focal point” networks with branches of the U.S. military and other agencies of the government. (We have examined these networks against the background of the Broadcasting Board of Governors and the Snowden milieu in FTR #‘s 891 and 895.)
A central question posed in our analysis is this: are the focal point networks set up by Prouty now functioning as an Underground Reich Fifth Column, having been infiltrated over the decades by the Gehlen Org, the SS and the Bormann capital network?
. . . .Each office that [Col. L. Fletcher] Prouty set up was put under a “cleared” CIA employee. That person took orders directly from the CIA but functioned under the cover of his particular office and branch of government. Such “breeding,” Prouty said decades later in an interview, resulted in a web of covert CIA representatives “in the State Department, in the FAA, in the Customs Service, in the Treasury, in the FBI and all around through the government–up in the White House . . . Then we began to assign people there who, those agencies thought, were from the Defense Department. But they actually were people that we put there from the CIA.”
The consequence in the early 1960’s, when Kennedy became president, was that the CIA had placed a secret team of its own employees through the entire U.S. government. It was accountable to no one except the CIA, headed by Allen Dulles. After Dulles was fired by Kennedy, the CIA’s Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms, became this invisible government’s immediate commander. No one except a tight inner circle of the CIA even knew of the existence of this top-secret intelligence network, much less the identiy of its deep-cover bureaucrats. These CIA “focal points,” as Dulles called them, constituted a powerful, unseen government within the government. Its Dulles-appointed members would act quickly, with total obedience, when called on by the CIA to assist its covert operations. . . .
As we examine the personnel and institutions comprising “Team Snowden,” we come to a milieu that has evolved from the CIA’s radio propaganda and psychological warfare capabilities.
An extension of the CIA’s propaganda and psychological warfare broadcasting infrastructure developed during the Cold War, the milieu detailed here functions in a similar fashion. The internet is the latest form of broadcasting. The Open Technology Fund and related institutions are designed to provide dissidents and covert operators a means of shielding their internet communications and mobile phone messages from surveillance by targeted governments. The probability is strong that U.S. intelligence can monitor those communications.
In our past discussions of the assassination of President Kennedy, we have noted that the very same covert action networks used to overthrow and eliminate governments and individuals deemed hostile to U.S. interests were ultimately deployed against Americans and even the United States itself. “Regime change” and destabilization came home.
In a similar fashion, it is our considered opinion that a CIA-derived technology milieu developed to assist and effect “ops” abroad was used to destabilize the Obama administration. (There is MUCH more to “L’Affaire Snowden” than just the destabilization of the Obama administration, however that is a major and ongoing outgrowth of it.
” . . . Readers might find it odd that a US government agency established as a way to launder the image of various shady propaganda outfits (more on that soon) is now keen to fund technologies designed to protect us from the US government. Moreover, it might seem curious that its money would be so warmly welcomed by some of the Internet’s fiercest antigovernment activists. . . . [We think it is probable that these technologies have a “back door” built into them permitting U.S. intellligence agencies to monitor the information contained in communications, at the same time that unknowing users of the “apps” operate under the illusion that their messages are secure.–D.E.]
. . . . Though many of the apps and tech backed by Radio Free Asia’s OTF are unknown to the general public, they are highly respected and extremely popular among the anti-surveillance Internet activist crowd. OTF-funded apps have been recommended by Edward Snowden, covered favorably by ProPublica and The New York Times’ technology reporters, and repeatedly promoted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Everyone seems to agree that OTF-funded privacy apps offer some of the best protection from government surveillance you can get. In fact, just about all the featured open-source apps on EFF’s recent “Secure Messaging Scorecard” were funded by OTF. . . .
. . . . You’d think that anti-surveillance activists like Chris Soghoian, Jacob Appelbaum, Cory Doctorow and Jillian York would be staunchly against outfits like BBG and Radio Free Asia, and the role they have played — and continue to play — in working with defense and corporate interests to project and impose U.S. power abroad. Instead, these radical activists have knowingly joined the club, and in doing so, have become willing pitchmen for a wing of the very same U.S. National Security State they so adamantly oppose. . . .”
” . . . . Reagan may not have known it, but 99 percent for the Crusade’s funds came from clandestine accounts, which were then laundered through the Crusade to various organizations such as Radio Liberty, which employed Dulles’s Fascists. . . . .”
Recapping information from AFA #3, we note the central role of the Gehlen Org in the development of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, with the Nazi influence in the organization evident decades after its formation.
A significant portion of review consists of analysis of the Gehlen “Org” and its primary role as a Trojan Horse enabling Underground Reich penetration of the United States. We have covered the Gehlen Org’s incarnations as the CIA’s department of Russian and Eastern European affairs, the de-facto NATO intelligence organization and the BND, the German intelligence service. It initially served as Army Intelligence’s “eyes and ears” on the former Soviet Bloc, and paved the way for Nazi/SS infiltration of the Army. ” . . . A network of former Nazi intelligence agents, the majority of whom were members of the SS, began working out of offices at Camp King side by side with army intelligence officers. . . . The Gehlen Organization was a murderous bunch, ‘free-wheeling’ and out of control. . . The army became fed up with the Gehlen Organization, but there was no way out. Its operatives were professional double-crossers and liars–many were also alleged war criminals–and now they had the army over a barrel. . . .”
The broadcast fleshes out the Gehlen Org as a vehicle for penetration of the U.S. by the Underground Reich, noting:
- The continuity in chain of command from the Third Reich to the Org as it was going to work for the U.S.
- The Org’s collaboration with Heinrich Mueller, security director for the Bormann network.
- The CIA’s collaboration with the the Bormann group.
- Martin Bormann’s view of Bush family business associate Fritz Thyssen as a liaison to Allen W. Dulles.
- Prescott Bush (Senior) and his work as Congressional liaison to the CIA.
- Allen Dulles’ use of Third Reich monies to fund Cold War covert operations, inevitably placing the Agency in the sway of Martin Bormann.
The program concludes with Pierre Omidyar’s choice of Snowden superior Robert Lietzke as an Omidyar fellow.
1. Against the background of the CIA/BBG/RFA evolution of “Team Snowden,” we highlight the development of “focal point” personnel by the CIA. Infiltrated into other branches of government, including the military, they constituted a “government within a government.” Was Snowden one such “focal point?” Is the BBG/RFA/OTF nexus an evolution of the “focal point networks?”
JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass; Touchstone Books [SC]; Copyright 2008 by James W. Douglas; ISBN 978–1‑4391–9388‑4; pp. 196–197.
. . . . One man in a position to watch the arms of the CIA proliferate was Colonel Fletcher Prouty. He ran the office that did the proliferating. In 1955, Air Force Headquarters ordered Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, a career Army and Air Force officer since World War II, to set up a Pentagon office to provide military support for the clandestine operations of the CIA. Thus Prouty became director of the Pentagon’s “Focal Point Office for the CIA.”
CIA Director Allen Dulles was its actual creator. In the fifties, Dulles needed military support for his cover campaigns to undermine opposing nations in the Cold War. Moreover, Dulles wanted subterranean secrecy and autonomy for his projects, even from the members of his own government. Prouty’s job was to provide Pentagon support and deep cover for the CIA beneath the different branches of Washington’s bureaucracy. Dulles dictated the method Prouty was to follow.
“I want a focal point,” Dulles said. “I want an office that’s cleared to do what we have to have done; an office that knows us very, very well and then an office that has access to a system in the Pentagon. But the system will not be aware of what initiated the request–they’ll think it came from the Secretary of Defense. They won’t realize it came from the Director of Central Intelligence.
Dulles got Prouty to create a network of subordinate focal point offices in the armed services, then throughout the entire U.S. government. Each office that Prouty set up was put under a “cleared” CIA employee. That person took orders directly from the CIA but functioned under the cover of his particular office and branch of government. Such “breeding,” Prouty said decades later in an interview, resulted in a web of covert CIA representatives “in the State Department, in the FAA, in the Customs Service, in the Treasury, in the FBI and all around through the government–up in the White House . . . Then we began to assign people there who, those agencies thought, were from the Defense Department. But they actually were people that we put there from the CIA.”
The consequence in the early 1960’s, when Kennedy became president, was that the CIA had placed a secret team of its own employees through the entire U.S. government. It was accountable to no one except the CIA, headed by Allen Dulles. After Dulles was fired by Kennedy, the CIA’s Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms, became this invisible government’s immediate commander. No one except a tight inner circle of the CIA even knew of the existence of this top-secret intelligence network, much less the identiy of its deep-cover bureaucrats. These CIA “focal points,” as Dulles called them, constituted a powerful, unseen government within the government. Its Dulles-appointed members would act quickly, with total obedience, when called on by the CIA to assist its covert operations. . . .
2. As we examine the personnel and institutions comprising “Team Snowden,” we come to a milieu that has evolved from the CIA’s radio propaganda and psychological warfare capabilities.
An extension of the CIA’s propaganda and psychological warfare broadcasting infrastructure developed during the Cold War, the milieu detailed here functions in a similar fashion. The internet is the latest form of broadcasting. The Open Technology Fund and related institutions are designed to provide dissidents and covert operators a means of shielding their internet communications and mobile phone messages from surveillance by targeted governments. The probability is strong that U.S. intelligence can monitor those communications.
In our past discussions of the assassination of President Kennedy, we have noted that the very same covert action networks used to overthrow and eliminate governments and individuals deemed hostile to U.S. interests were ultimately deployed against Americans and even the United States itself. “Regime change” and destabilization came home.
In a similar fashion, it is our considered opinion that a CIA-derived technology milieu developed to assist and effect “ops” abroad was used to destabilize the Obama administration. (There is MUCH more to “L’Affaire Snowden” than just the destabilization of the Obama administration, however that is a major and ongoing outgrowth of it.
” . . . Readers might find it odd that a US government agency established as a way to launder the image of various shady propaganda outfits (more on that soon) is now keen to fund technologies designed to protect us from the US government. Moreover, it might seem curious that its money would be so warmly welcomed by some of the Internet’s fiercest antigovernment activists. . . .
. . . . Though many of the apps and tech backed by Radio Free Asia’s OTF are unknown to the general public, they are highly respected and extremely popular among the anti-surveillance Internet activist crowd. OTF-funded apps have been recommended by Edward Snowden, covered favorably by ProPublica and The New York Times’ technology reporters, and repeatedly promoted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Everyone seems to agree that OTF-funded privacy apps offer some of the best protection from government surveillance you can get. In fact, just about all the featured open-source apps on EFF’s recent “Secure Messaging Scorecard” were funded by OTF. . . .
. . . . You’d think that anti-surveillance activists like Chris Soghoian, Jacob Appelbaum, Cory Doctorow and Jillian York would be staunchly against outfits like BBG and Radio Free Asia, and the role they have played — and continue to play — in working with defense and corporate interests to project and impose U.S. power abroad. Instead, these radical activists have knowingly joined the club, and in doing so, have become willing pitchmen for a wing of the very same U.S. National Security State they so adamantly oppose. . . .”
There are numerous references to the Tor network in this article. Although we do not have the time to go into it in this program, the Tor network is discussed at length in the link that follows. Suffice it to say that the Tor network was developed by U.S. intelligence services and, to no one’s surprise, is being monitored by intelligence services, including the NSA.
For the past few months I’ve been covering U.S. government funding of popular Internet privacy tools like Tor, CryptoCat and Open Whisper Systems. During my reporting, one agency in particular keeps popping up: An agency with one of those really bland names that masks its wild, bizarre history: the Broadcasting Board of Governors, or BBG.
The BBG was formed in 1999 and runs on a $721 million annual budget. It reports directly to Secretary of State John Kerry and operates like a holding company for a host of Cold War-era CIA spinoffs and old school “psychological warfare” projects: Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, Radio Martí, Voice of America, Radio Liberation from Bolshevism (since renamed “Radio Liberty”) and a dozen other government-funded radio stations and media outlets pumping out pro-American propaganda across the globe.
Today, the Congressionally-funded federal agency is also one of the biggest backers of grassroots and open-source Internet privacy technology. These investments started in 2012, when the BBG launched the “Open Technology Fund” (OTF) — an initiative housed within and run by Radio Free Asia (RFA), a premier BBG property that broadcasts into communist countries like North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, China and Myanmar. The BBG endowed Radio Free Asia’s Open Technology Fund with a multimillion dollar budget and a single task: “to fulfill the U.S. Congressional global mandate for Internet freedom.”
It’s already a mouthful of proverbial Washington alphabet soup — Congress funds BBG to fund RFA to fund OTF — but, regardless of which sub-group ultimately writes the check, the important thing to understand is that all this federal government money flows, directly or indirectly, from the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
Between 2012 and 2014, Radio Free Asia’s Open Technology Fund poured more than $10 million into Internet privacy projects big and small: open-source encrypted communication apps, next-generation secure email initiatives, anti-censorship mesh networking platforms, encryption security audits, secure cloud hosting, a network of “high-capacity” Tor exit nodes and even an anonymous Tor-based tool for leakers and whistleblowers that competed with Wikileaks.
Though many of the apps and tech backed by Radio Free Asia’s OTF are unknown to the general public, they are highly respected and extremely popular among the anti-surveillance Internet activist crowd. OTF-funded apps have been recommended by Edward Snowden, covered favorably by ProPublica and The New York Times’ technology reporters, and repeatedly promoted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Everyone seems to agree that OTF-funded privacy apps offer some of the best protection from government surveillance you can get. In fact, just about all the featured open-source apps on EFF’s recent “Secure Messaging Scorecard” were funded by OTF.
Here’s a small sample of what the Broadcasting Board of Governors funded (through Radio Free Asia and then through the Open Technology Fund) between 2012 and 2014:
* Open Whisper Systems, maker of free encrypted text and voice mobile apps like TextSecure and Signal/RedPhone, got a generous $1.35-million infusion. (Facebook recently started using Open Whisper Systems to secure its WhatsApp messages.)
* CryptoCat, an encrypted chat app made by Nadim Kobeissi and promoted by EFF, received $184,000.
* LEAP, an email encryption startup, got just over $1 million. LEAP is currently being used to run secure VPN services at RiseUp.net, the radical anarchist communication collective.
* A Wikileaks alternative called GlobaLeaks (which was endorsed by the folks at Tor, including Jacob Appelbaum) received just under $350,000.
* The Guardian Project — which makes an encrypted chat app called ChatSecure, as well a mobile version of Tor called Orbot — got $388,500.
* The Tor Project received over $1 million from OTF to pay for security audits, traffic analysis tools and set up fast Tor exit nodes in the Middle East and South East Asia.In 2014, Congress massively upped the BBG’s “Internet freedom” budget to $25 million, with half of that money flowing through RFA and into the Open Technology Fund. This $12.75 million represented a three-fold increase in OTF’s budget from 2013 — a considerable expansion for an outfit that was just a few years old. Clearly, it’s doing something that the government likes. A lot.
With those resources, the Open Technology Fund’s mother-agency, Radio Free Asia, plans to create a vertically integrated incubator for budding privacy technologists around the globe — providing everything from training and mentorship, to offering them a secure global cloud hosting environment to run their apps, to legal assistance.
... Readers might find it odd that a US government agency established as a way to launder the image of various shady propaganda outfits (more on that soon) is now keen to fund technologies designed to protect us from the US government. Moreover, it might seem curious that its money would be so warmly welcomed by some of the Internet’s fiercest antigovernment activists.
But, as folks in the open-source privacy community will tell you, funding for open-source encryption/anti-surveillance tech has been hard to come by. So they’ve welcomed money from Radio Free Asia’s Open Technology Fund with open pockets. Developers and groups submitted their projects for funding, while libertarians and anti-government/anti-surveillance activists enthusiastically joined OTF’s advisory council, sitting alongside representatives from Google and the US State Department, tech lobbyists, and military consultants.
But why is a federally-funded CIA spinoff with decades of experience in “psychological warfare” suddenly blowing tens of millions in government funds on privacy tools meant to protect people from being surveilled by another arm of the very same government? To answer that question, we have to pull the camera back and examine how all of those Cold War propaganda outlets begat the Broadcasting Board of Governors begat Radio Free Asia begat the Open Technology Fund. The story begins in the late 1940’s.
The origins of the Broadcasting Board of Governors
The Broadcasting Board of Governors traces its beginnings to the early Cold War years, as a covert propaganda project of the newly-created Central Intelligence Agency to wage “psychological warfare” against Communist regimes and others deemed a threat to US interests.
George Kennan — the key architect of post-WWII foreign policy — pushed for expanding the role of covert peacetime programs. And so, in 1948, National Security Council Directive 10/2 officially authorized the CIA to engage in “covert operations” against the Communist Menace. Clause 5 of the directivee defined “covert operations” as “propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.”
Propaganda quickly became one of the key weapons in the CIA’s covert operations arsenal. The agency established and funded radio stations, newspapers, magazines, historical societies, emigre “research institutes,” and cultural programs all over Europe. In many cases, it funneled money to outfits run and staffed by known World War II war criminals and Nazi collaborators, both in Europe and here in the United States.
Christopher Simpson, author of “Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy”, details the extent of these “psychological warfare projects”:
CIA-funded psychological warfare projects employing Eastern European émigrés became major operations during the 1950s, consuming tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars. . . .This included underwriting most of the French Paix et Liberté movement, paying the bills of the German League for Struggle Against Inhumanity , and financing a half dozen free jurists associations, a variety of European federalist groups, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, magazines, news services, book publishers, and much more. These were very broad programs designed to influence world public opinion at virtually every level, from illiterate peasants in the fields to the most sophisticated scholars in prestigious universities. They drew on a wide range of resources: labor unions, advertising agencies, college professors, journalists, and student leaders, to name a few. [emphasis added]
In Europe, the CIA set up “Radio Free Europe” and “Radio Liberation From Bolshevism” (later renamed “Radio Liberty”), which beamed propaganda in several languages into the Soviet Union and Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe. The CIA later expanded its radio propaganda operations into Asia, targeting communist China, North Korea and Vietnam. The spy agency also funded several radio projects aimed at subverting leftist governments in Central and South America, including Radio Free Cuba and Radio Swan— which was run by the CIA and employed some of the same Cuban exiles that took part in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Even today, the CIA boasts that these early “psychological warfare” projects “would become one of the longest running and successful covert action campaigns ever mounted by the United States.”
Officially, the CIA’s direct role in this global “psychological warfare” project diminished in the 1970s, after the spy agency’s ties to Cold War propaganda arms like Radio Free Europe were exposed. Congress agreed to take over funding of these projects from the CIA, and eventually Washington expanded them into a massive federally-funded propaganda apparatus.
The names of the various CIA spinoffs and nonprofits changed over the years, culminating in a 1999 reorganization under President Bill Clinton which created the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a parent holding company to group new broadcasting operations around the world together with Cold War-era propaganda outfits with spooky pasts—including Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Voice of America and Radio Free Asia.
Today, the BBG has a $721 million budget provided by Congress, reports to the Secretary of State and is managed by a revolving crew of neocons and military think-tank experts. Among them: Kenneth Weinstein, head of the Hudson Institute, the arch-conservative Cold War-era military think tank; and Ryan C. Crocker, former ambassador to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.
Although today’s BBG is no longer covertly funded via the CIA’s black budget, its role as a soft power “psychological warfare” operation hasn’t really changed since its inception. The BBG and its subsidiaries still engage in propaganda warfare, subversion and soft-power projection against countries and foreign political movements deemed hostile to US interests. And it is still deeply intertwined with the same military and CIA-connected intelligence organizations — from USAID to DARPA to the National Endowment for Democracy. . . .
3a. We review analysis of the Crusade For Freedom–the covert operation that brought Third Reich alumni into the country and also supported their guerilla warfare in Eastern Europe, conducted up until the early 1950’s. Conceived by Allen Dulles, overseen by Richard Nixon, publicly represented by Ronald Reagan and realized in considerable measure by William Casey, the CFF ultimately evolved into a Nazi wing of the GOP. The events reviewed here took place at the same time as the genesis of the CIA’s broadcast propaganda fronts were evolving. Those propaganda fronts evolved into the BBG, the OTF and the milieu of Snowden and the “privacy advocates.”
. . . . Frustration over Truman’s 1948 election victory over Dewey (which they blamed on the “Jewish vote”) impelled Dulles and his protégé Richard Nixon to work toward the realization of the fascist freedom fighter presence in the Republican Party’s ethnic outreach organization. As a young congressman, Nixon had been Allen Dulles’s confidant. They both blamed Governor Dewey’s razor-thin loss to Truman in the 1948 presidential election on the Jewish vote. When he became Eisenhower’s vice president in 1952, Nixon was determined to build his own ethnic base. . . .
. . . . Vice President Nixon’s secret political war of Nazis against Jews in American politics was never investigated at the time. The foreign language-speaking Croatians and other Fascist émigré groups had a ready-made network for contacting and mobilizing the Eastern European ethnic bloc. There is a very high correlation between CIA domestic subsidies to Fascist ‘freedom fighters’ during the 1950’s and the leadership of the Republican Party’s ethnic campaign groups. The motive for the under-the-table financing was clear: Nixon used Nazis to offset the Jewish vote for the Democrats. . . .
. . . . In 1952, Nixon had formed an Ethnic Division within the Republican National Committee. Displaced fascists, hoping to be returned to power by an Eisenhower-Nixon ‘liberation’ policy signed on with the committee. In 1953, when Republicans were in office, the immigration laws were changed to admit Nazis, even members of the SS. They flooded into the country. Nixon himself oversaw the new immigration program. As Vice President, he even received Eastern European Fascists in the White House. . .
3b. More about the composition of the cast of the CFF: Note that the ascension of the Reagan administration was essentially the ascension of the Nazified GOP, embodied in the CFF milieu. Reagan (spokesman for CFF) was President; George H.W. Bush (for whom CIA headquarters is named) was the Vice President; William Casey (who handled the State Department machinations to bring these people into the United States) was Reagan’s campaign manager and later his CIA director.
For our purposes here, note the position of Radio Liberty in this constellation. Again, that is part of the array of CIA broadcasting entities that evolved into the milieu of Eddie the Friendly Spook.
. . . . As a young movie actor in the early 1950s, Reagan was employed as the public spokesperson for an OPC front named the ‘Crusade for Freedom.’ Reagan may not have known it, but 99 percent for the Crusade’s funds came from clandestine accounts, which were then laundered through the Crusade to various organizations such as Radio Liberty, which employed Dulles’s Fascists. Bill Casey, who later became CIA director under Ronald Reagan, also worked in Germany after World War II on Dulles’ Nazi ‘freedom fighters’ program. When he returned to New York, Casey headed up another OPC front, the International Rescue Committee, which sponsored the immigration of these Fascists to the United States. Casey’s committee replaced the International Red Cross as the sponsor for Dulles’s recruits. Confidential interviews, former members, OPC; former members, British foreign and Commonwealth Office. . . .
3c. Next, the show excerpts AFA #3, detailing the Gehlen involvement with the development of the CIA psychological warfare broadcasting outfits.
3d. Next the program covers an aspect of the Gehlen organization which has received little discussion in these pages–its work for Army Intelligence prior to going to work for the CIA. Note the dominant presence of SS officers in the “Org” and the rupture between Army intelligence once the treacherous nature of the Gehlen group became known. ” . . . A network of former Nazi intelligence agents, the majority of whom were members of the SS, began working out of offices at Camp King side by side with army intelligence officers. . . . The Gehlen Organization was a murderous bunch, “free-wheeling” and out of control. . . The army became fed up with the Gehlen Organization, but there was no way out. Its operatives were professional double-crossers and liars–many were also alleged war criminals–and now they had the army over a barrel. . . .”
. . . . Gehlen had been in the United States under interrogation since 1945. Here, at Oberursel, Army Intelligence decided to make Gehlen head of its entire “anti-Communist intelligence organization,” under the code name Operation Rusty. Eventually, the organization would become known simply as the Gehlen Organization. A network of former Nazi intelligence agents, the majority of whom were members of the SS, began working out of offices at Camp King side by side with army intelligence officers. Colonel [William Russell] Philp was in charge of overall supervision.
By late 1947, the Gehlen Organization gotten so large it required its own headquarters. Army intelligence moved the organization to a self-contained facility outside Munich, in a village called Pullach. This compound was the former estate of Martin Bormann [!–D.E.] and had large grounds, sculpture gardens, and a pool. . . . According to documents kept classified for fify-one years, relations between Gehlen and Philp declined and became hostile Philp finally realized the true nature of who he was dealing with. The Gehlen Organization was a murderous bunch, “free-wheeling” and out of control. As one CIA affiliate observed, “American intelligence is a rich blind man using the Abwehr as a seeing-eye dog. The only trouble is–the leash is much too long.”
The army became fed up with the Gehlen Organization, but there was no way out. Its operatives were professional double-crossers and liars–many were also alleged war criminals–and now they had the army over a barrel. Decades later, it would emere that General Gehlen was reportedly earning a million dollars a year. [A LOT of money in the late ’40s and early ’50s–D.E.] . . .
3e. In FTR #‘s 278, 370, 435 and 475, we discussed the Bush family, their links to Nazi industry and Mr. Emory’s belief that the Bush family is the point element of the Bormann network in the U.S. FTR #370, in particular, highlights the violent cover-up of the Bush family/Thyssen link. Note that Bormann saw Fritz Thyssen as a pipeline to Allen Dulles.
. . . . Also, Bormann felt [Fritz] Thyssen was his ace in the hole if he ever needed a pipeline to Allen W. Dulles. . . .
3f. Much of the discussion that follows concerns Dulles’s collaboration with Reinhard Gehlen. Note that Gehlen cleared his actions with Admiral Doenitz (Hitler’s successor) and General Franz Halder, indicating that the German chain of command was still in effect even after Gehlen began working with the U.S.
Gehlen met with Admiral Karl Doenitz, who had been appointed by Hitler as his successor during the last days of the Third Reich. Gehlen and the Admiral were now in a U.S. Army VIP prison camp in Wiesbaden; Gehlen sought and received approval from Doenitz too! . . .44
. . . . As Gehlen was about to leave for the United States, he left a message for Baun with another of his top aides, Gerhard Wessel: “I am to tell you from Gehlen that he has discussed with [Hitler’s successor Admiral Karl] Doenitz and [Gehlen’s superior and chief of staff General Franz] Halder the question of continuing his work with the Americans. Both were in agreement.”
In other words, the German chain of command was still in effect, and it approved of what Gehlen was doing with the Americans. . . .
3g. While serving in his capacity as director of security for the Bormann organization—the NSDAP in exile and its economic infrastructure—former Gestapo chief Heinrich Mueller worked closely with US intelligence, the CIA, in particular.
. . . . The CIA could have pulled aside the gray curtain that obscured Bormann—at any time. But the CIA and Mueller’s crack organization of former SS men found it to their mutual advantage to cooperate in many situations. There is no morality in the sense that most of us know it in the strange world of professional secrecy, and when it was to the advantage of each to work together they did so. . . .
3h. As might be surmised, Mueller’s operatives also worked with the organization of Reinhard Gehlen.
. . . . Even General Gehlen, when he was chief of the Federal Republic’s intelligence service, sent his agents to confer with General Heinrich Mueller in South America. . . .
3i. Prescott Bush, Sr. was the Senate’s liaison with Dulles’s CIA.
. . . . Dulles’s CIA operated with virtually no congressional oversight. In the Senate, Dulles relied on Wall Street friends like Prescott Bush of Connecticut–the father and grandfather of two future presidents–to protect the CIA’s interests. According to CIA veteran Robert Crowley, who rose to become second-in-command of the CIA’s action arm, Bush “was the day-to-day contact man for the CIA. It was very bipartisan and friendly. Dulles felt that he had the Senate just where he wanted them.” . . . .
3j. In Gold Warriors, we looked at the use of Golden Lily and Black Eagle Trust loot as a financial engine for U.S. covert operations during the Cold War. Inevitably the use of these monies would have needed the OK of the remarkable and deadly Bormann network and would have resulted in even deeper penetration of the U.S. intelligence establishment by the Underground Reich’s fifth column.
“. . . . Moreover, like many in the upper echelons of U.S. finance and national security, Dulles believed that a good number of these powerful German figures should be returned to power, to ensure that Germany would be a strong bulwark against the Soviet Union. And during the Cold War, he would be more intent on using Nazi loot to finance covert anti-Soviet operations than on returning it to the families of Hitler’s victims. . . .”
4. Check out the latest Omidyar Fellow:
Edward Snowden was a Booz Allen Hamilton employee in Hawaii when he worked as a subcontractor for the National Security Agency and made off with hundreds of thousands of the spy agency’s files.
Booz Allen, “the world’s most profitable spy organization,”is one of the NSA’s leading private contractors; the director of US intelligence, James Clapper, was a Booz Allen executive, and former NSA director Michael McConnell is now a Booz Allen VP.
In other words, if you consider yourself an Edward Snowden supporter in any way, Booz Allen is the enemy.
So it may come as a surprise that billionaire Pierre Omidyar — publisher of The Intercept, which owns the only complete cache of Snowden’s NSA secrets; financier of the Freedom of The Press Foundation, where Snowden serves on the board of directors— has just selected one of Snowden’s former bosses at Booz Allen’s Hawaii branch to join the Omidyar Fellowsprogram.
His name is Robert Lietzke, and he’s a “principal” at Booz Allen’s Hawaii branch, where he’s worked for over 15 years. In 2008, Lietzke was reported in the local Hawaiian press as one of “three principals [running] day to day operations” at Booz Allen’s Hawaii branch. Lietzke’s specialty at Booz is information systems and technology, Snowden’s field. Before he joined Booz Allen, Lietzke was a computer systems officer in the US Air Force from 1989 through 1999.
After joining Booz’s Hawaii branch, Lietzke worked “support” for the US Pacific Command, headquartered outside of Honolulu, on protecting critical infrastructure and network operations.
Ironically—as if there isn’t already an entire asteroid belt of irony in this story—Lietzke was featured in a 2009 story on how different Hawaii companies learned to successfully manage their employees and build corporate camaraderie. Under the sub-header “Employee Feedback,” Hawaii Business Magazine reported:
“In a firm that employs 18,000 people worldwide, it’s easy to feel like a small voice that will never be heard by ‘The Man.’ But at Booz Allen Hamilton, a technology consulting firm that mainly services the U.S. military, employees feel that higher-ups are listening.
“One way employees provide feedback is through a ‘people strategy’ survey every two years. ‘One of the things I’ve noticed is that the response rate is very, very high for that survey,’ says Bob Lietzke, principal at BAH’s Honolulu office. ‘It certainly takes in internal communications within the firm, folks talking from the top all the way down, and this is really your chance to be heard. I think it’s important that leadership stresses it and, more importantly, people are seeing that there’s action taken after it.’”
Speaking of “The Man”: Lietzke’s description of his cyber-intelligence expertise on his LinkedIn page gives a pretty good indication of just how close his and Snowden’s paths would’ve crossed when Snowden worked for Booz Allen in 2013:
“At Booz Allen Bob is applying his knowledge of telecommunications systems and joint military operations to emerging national efforts in Mission Assurance. He provides strategic planning and development guidance to a variety of clients in the areas of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), NetOps, and Information Assurance (IA). In addition, he currently manages a wide variety of client support projects in the areas of Information Assurance (IA), CIP, Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP), Homeland Defense (HLD), and Continuity of Operation Planning (COOP). In support of these engagements he is helping clients develop an enterprise wide approach to risk management. Bob currently holds a Top Secret (TS/SCI) Security clearance.Specialties:Information Assurance, NetOps, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Cyber Security.”
In other words, every two-three-and-four-letter cyber-military acronym in the book... except for the three-letter agency that starts with “N”.
Omidyar Fellows: “Once a Fellow, Always a Fellow”
Every year since 2012, Hawaii’s richest resident, Pierre Omidyar, selects around a dozen people from Hawaii’s business, nonprofit, and government sectors to become Omidyar Fellows and form a kind of unofficial club of Hawaii’s future leaders.
In a local Hawaii TV news segment on Omidyar Fellows, the program’s director described how each Fellow must conduct a “gruelling” interview with Pierre Omidyar himself:
“Yeah, the interviews are pretty tough. In-person interviews with the board of five directors.”
“With Pierre?”
“With Pierre, yeah. It was great, yeah. I think the Fellows themselves learned a lot—about themselves.”
“They were a little overwhelmed?”
“Yeah, a bit. A bit. It was great, ha-ha!”
The application process for the Omidyar Fellows’ 15-month program is designed to be rigorous. Your company must sponsor your application, which requires personal testimonies and letters from your company CEO.
According to the website,
Omidyar Fellows need the full endorsement of their current employers and must be able to participate in all the activities of the program. The sponsor will recognize the benefit to the organization of a Fellow’s leadership development and be willing to hold the Fellow accountable for putting his/her learning to work.
This includes a “letter of support from your chief executive” that explains “why you are a current and future leader in your organization and how your growth might continue beyond the program.” Meaning, presumably, that Booz Allen CEO Horacio Rozanski wrote to Omidyar’s people pushing for them to select his top Hawaii executive as an Omidyar Fellow.
[Pando reached out to Booz Allen’s Hawaii office and to Omidyar Fellows for this story, but received no comment.]
Snowden’s former Booz Allen boss, Lietzke, was also required to submit, among other things, a 1500 word essay addressing themes such as,
* What does it mean to be a leader in 21st-century Hawaii?
* How will the Omidyar Fellows program help you to achieve your professional aspirations?
* How will the Omidyar Fellows program help you to achieve your aspirations for the larger community and the people of Hawaii?
Those lucky few selected to join the Omidyar Fellows program spend the next 15 months in a leadership training program that combines some of Omidyar’s own New Age fetishes – as skewered by Ken Silverstein and in Vanity Fair— with more traditional power-networking and relationship-building events. When they complete the program, they join what is called the “Forum of Fellows”:
Once a Fellow, always a Fellow… The formal program is just the beginning of a lifelong commitment by Omidyar Fellows to make a positive difference with the knowledge and network gained and to help subsequent generations of emerging leaders.
In other words, Omidyar is building a kind of local Hawaiian cadre of leaders and networked executives under his brand name and sponsorship—a kind of elite Chamber of Commerce loyal to Omidyar and imbued with his New Age libertarian faith.
Hired Spies: More Omidyar-Booz Allen
I asked national security investigative reporter Tim Shorrock, the foremost expert on private contractors and the NSA and author of “Spies For Hire” for his take on Omidyar cozying up with one of the heads of the Booz Allen branch where Snowden worked.
Shorrock pointed me to Omidyar’s Ulupono Initiative in Hawaii, a multifaceted venture capital fund that operates in Omidyar’s home state much the way his Omidyar Network operates in countries around the world, seeking both profits and political influence. Kyle Datta, who serves as General Partner at Omidyar’s Ulupono Initiative, is a former Booz Allen vice president.
Shorrock also pointed me to a major Pentagon contractor expo in Hawaii that Omidyar has been co-sponsoring his Ulupono Initiative for the past few years with the likes of Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, and NSTXL (National Security Technology Accelerator) — the Defense Department’s version of the CIA’s In-Q-Tel.
Says Shorrock:
“Omidyar’s relationship with Booz Allen Hamilton would be perfect for the link-analysis style of reporting on politicians and public figures we see in his pet journalistic project, The Intercept.
“This is the second senior Booz executive he’s taken under his wing....Kyle Datta, who has directed Ulupono’s investment strategies since 2009, once did the same for Booz, where he ran the contractor’s energy practice.
“Under Datta, Ulupono was a lead sponsor in 2014 for a big ‘energy summit,’ where its partners included the Pentagon, Lockheed Martin and Honeywell. That makes sense, because as a major player in Hawaii’s energy markets, Ulupono maintains close ties with the state’s enormous military industrial complex.”
“Part of its 2014 summit included a DoD ‘industry day’ co-sponsored by Ulupono, its partners, and the United States Pacific Command, which is based on Hawaii but controls all US military forces throughout the Asia-Pacific area. It included presentations on ‘the mechanical, electrical and control system design for cyber-secure microgrids and will address the costs and benefits including the cost of cybersecurity.’
“Now Omidyar has brought in Robert Lietzke, another Booz exec and a former Air Force officer, into his operations. These relationships with Booz raise questions about Omidyar’s decision to invest in the Snowden documents and create The Intercept. Did he ‘vet’ Snowden — who formerly worked for Booz in Hawaii — with Datta or Lietzke before he plopped down that $250 million for the Snowden depository at First Look? Did either executive know or work with Snowden when he was employed by Booz in Hawaii?”
Strictly Business?
Shorrock’s question is the one we’re all trying to make sense of: Why would Omidyar both court and develop Edward Snowden’s former boss and employer at Booz Allen, and also set up an “adversarial” media company based on the NSA leaks taken by Booz Allen Hawaii’s former employee, Edward Snowden? Is the eBay billionaire just trolling us? Is his Kitto Mandala character taking over Omidyar’s vessel and playing tricks on the rest of us?
This is one of those cases where you probably should start with the simplest answer, and the simplest answer here is: It’s strictly business.
For one thing, as Shorrock notes, Hawaii is one of the most highly militarized patches of real estate in the U.S. A RAND study estimated that up to one-fifth of Hawaii’s economy is tied to the Department of Defense. Beyond the big new NSA center, there are 10 major military installations, research centers, weapons stores, private contractors, and a local citizenry over-represented by veterans, former officers, and spooks.
A couple of years ago, after Snowden’s name was first revealed as the NSA leaker, a local Hawaiian military studies professor, Carlos Juarez, explained why so many intelligence contractors work in the tourist paradise:
“This is a place that has long had a large intelligence community. The military is of course, headquartered here, the U.S. Pacific Command, and part of that includes a larger intelligence community.”
In other words, Omidyar is the richest man in a state where the military-intelligence complex is the biggest business in town. And since Booz Allen is a big name in Hawaii’s military-intelligence contracting, when it comes to strict business interests, it’s natural that Omidyar and Booz Allen would want to seal their relationships in one of Omidyar’s local leadership cults.
We’re also left nervously wondering why, out of the hundreds of thousands of NSA files in The Intercept’s possession, not one leaked thus far has mentioned Booz Allen or other private contractors. How is that possible, when we know that 70 percent of the NSA’s operations are run by private contractors (thanks to Shorrock’s reporting)?
After Pando exposed Omidyar’s co-financing role with USAID in funding Ukraine regime-change groups in 2014, Greenwald gave a giant middle finger to everyone who ever fell for his righteous indignation schtick, admitting:
“[P]rior to creating The Intercept with Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill, I did not research Omidyar’s political views or donations. That’s because his political views and donations are of no special interest to me...”
Chances are, even Snowden won’t criticize Omidyar for courting his Booz Allen adversaries. Hell, he probably doesn’t even care anymore. They’ve all got valuable personal brands to tend to. Like Pacino said — it’s strictly business, Sonny.
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