Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #929 The Trumpenkampfverbande, Part 8: The Trumpen Kreis

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained HERE. The new dri­ve is a 32-giga­byte dri­ve that is cur­rent as of the pro­grams and arti­cles post­ed by ear­ly win­ter of 2016. The new dri­ve (avail­able for a tax-deductible con­tri­bu­tion of $65.00 or more.) (The pre­vi­ous flash dri­ve was cur­rent through the end of May of 2012.)

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This broad­cast was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment.

NB: This descrip­tion con­tains mate­r­i­al not con­tained in the orig­i­nal broad­cast.

Intro­duc­tion: The title of the pro­gram derives from “the Himm­ler Kreis”–Himmler’s cir­cle of friends. In order to finance the day-to-day work­ings of the SS, Reichs­fuhrer SS Hein­rich Himm­ler drew on the eco­nom­ic favors of a group of indus­tri­al­ists and com­pa­nies. Those donors, in turn, ben­e­fit­ted by draw­ing slave labor from the SS’s “inmate inven­to­ry,” there­by deriv­ing eco­nom­ic ben­e­fit for their enter­pris­es.

We bor­row on the Third Reich term to char­ac­ter­ize the Friends of Trump–the Trumpen Kreis.

Begin­ning with review of UK Inde­pen­dence Par­ty leader Nigel Farage, we note the “Brex­it” archi­tec­t’s sup­port for Don­ald Trump. In addi­tion, we note that Farage has a Ger­man wife. Under oth­er cir­cum­stances this would be unre­mark­able. In the con­text of covert operations/clandestine pol­i­tics, a romantic/sexual partner/spouse might also be a case offi­cer and/or pay­mas­ter. 

We bring this up because the “Brex­it” engi­neered by Farage and com­pa­ny removed a major obsta­cle to the cre­ation of a Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed EU mil­i­tary force.  ” . . . . With Britain, which had always adamant­ly opposed an inte­grat­ed EU mil­i­tary pol­i­cy, leav­ing the EU, Berlin sees an oppor­tu­ni­ty for reviv­ing its efforts at restruc­tur­ing the EU’s mil­i­tary and mobi­liz­ing as many mem­ber coun­tries as pos­si­ble for the EU’s future wars. . . .”

Next, we under­score net­work­ing and sim­i­lar­i­ties between dif­fer­ent, con­tem­po­rary fas­cist move­ments.

In FTR #889, we syn­op­sized Pierre Omid­yar’s polit­i­cal career, includ­ing his par­tial bankrolling of the Maid­an coup that brought the heirs to the Nazi-allied OUN/B to pow­er in Ukraine and his finan­cial sup­port for the elec­tion of Hin­du nationalist/fascist Naren­dra Modi in India.

Inter­est­ing­ly, and per­haps sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Don­ald Trump has drawn sup­port from Hin­du nation­al­ists of the Modi stripe. There is an impor­tant ele­ment of net­work­ing here: Trump cam­paign man­ag­er and “Alt-right” media fig­ure Stephen K. Ban­non is a sup­port­er of Mod­i’s move­ment, as well as that of Nigel Farage.

” . . . . Mr. Trump may be large­ly indif­fer­ent to the rea­sons behind his Hin­du loy­al­ists’ fer­vor, but his most senior advis­ers are not. The campaign’s chief exec­u­tive, Stephen K. Ban­non, is a stu­dent of nation­al­ist move­ments. Mr. Ban­non is close to Nigel Farage, a cen­tral fig­ure in Britain’s move­ment to leave the Euro­pean Union, and he is an admir­er of India’s prime min­is­ter, Naren­dra Modi, a Hin­du nation­al­ist Mr. Ban­non has called ‘the Rea­gan of India.’

It may be pure coin­ci­dence that some of Mr. Trump’s words chan­nel the nation­al­is­tic and, some argue, anti-Mus­lim sen­ti­ments that Mr. Modi stoked as he rose to pow­er. But it is cer­tain­ly not coin­ci­den­tal that many of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hin­du sup­port­ers are also some of Mr. Modi’s most ardent back­ers. . . .”

In FTR #882, we not­ed sim­i­lar­i­ties in fas­cist move­ments around the world, high­light­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties between Hin­du nationalist/fascists from Mod­i’s RSS and Euro­pean and Amer­i­can fas­cists. Those sim­i­lar­i­ties are front and cen­ter in the over­lap between sup­port­ers of Modi and those of Trump. The Trumpenkampfver­bande and Mod­i’s cadre demo­nize Mus­lims.

Trump has also received the sup­port of the mer­cu­r­ial, bom­bas­tic Russ­ian fas­cist Vladimir Zhiri­novsky, whose polit­i­cal career was launched with the assis­tance of Ger­hard Frey, a promi­nent Ger­man Nazi. Trump and Zhiri­novsky have over­lap­ping polit­i­cal styles: ” . . . . His com­bat­ive style, rem­i­nis­cent of Trump’s, ensures him plen­ty of tele­vi­sion air time and mil­lions of votes in Russ­ian elec­tions, often from the kind of blue-col­lar work­ers who are the bedrock of the U.S. Repub­li­can can­di­date’s sup­port.

Zhiri­novsky once pro­posed block­ing off most­ly Mus­lim south­ern Rus­sia with a barbed wire fence, echo­ing Trump’s call for a wall along the U.S. bor­der with Mex­i­co.

Zhiri­novsky, who said he met Trump in New York in 2002, rev­els in his sim­i­lar­i­ties with the Amer­i­can busi­ness­man — they are the same age, favor coarse, some­times misog­y­nis­tic lan­guage and boast about putting their own coun­try first. . . .”

Sup­ple­ment­ing dis­cus­sion about Zhiri­novsky, we under­score some of Frey’s polit­i­cal resume.

In an excerpt from FTR #94 (record­ed on 5/05/1998), we note that Vladimir Zhiri­novsky’s polit­i­cal career received fund­ing from Ger­hard Frey, who was very close to Rein­hard Gehlen and whose anti‑U.S./anti-NATO polit­i­cal stance res­onates with Don­ald Trump’s rhetoric. It was Frey whose Deutsche Nation­al Zeitung and Sol­dat­en Zeitung first pub­lished the dis­in­for­ma­tion that Lee Har­vey Oswald fired at Major Gen­er­al Edwin Walk­er. (Sup­pos­ed­ly this was first dis­closed to the War­ren Com­mis­sion in ear­ly Decem­ber of 1963. Frey pub­lished it in his paper on 11/29/1963!)

Frey’s news­pa­per has a num­ber of Nazis and “for­mer” SS men on its staff, and is close to the OUN/B. The Maid­an coup–financed in part by Pierre Omidyar–brought the heirs to the OUN/B to pow­er.

In FTR #921, we not­ed that Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speech­es by his bed and read it to gain tips on the use of rhetoric. He appears to have bor­rowed a play from Der Fuhrer’s rhetor­i­cal play­book when address­ing the Val­ues Vot­ers Sum­mit:

” . . . He regaled the crowd of Chris­t­ian vot­ers in his usu­al bom­bas­tic way, but near the end of the speech, Trump seemed to play into the hands of his accusers who claim that not only does Trump remind peo­ple of infa­mous dic­ta­tors like Ital­ian fas­cist Ben­i­to Mus­soli­ni and Ger­man Nazi leader Adolf Hitler with his jin­go­ism, bla­tant nativist nation­al­ism, and over-the-top fact-twist­ing scape­goat­ing, but he sounds like them as well. He para­phrased the infa­mous Nazi Par­ty slo­gan, ‘Ein volk, ein reich, ein Fuhrer!’ . . . 

. . . . If one saw the speech, or watch­es it in replay, Trump begins rais­ing his voice on the first use of the word ‘one,’emphasizing each part of the ver­bal trip­tych. Not only does he invoke the tra­di­tion­al lines from the Pledge of Alle­giance, he pro­gress­es from, just as the Nazi Par­ty slo­gan does, ‘one peo­ple’ (‘ein volk’) to ‘under one god’ (an implied uni­fied Chris­t­ian nation or ‘ein reich’) to ‘one flag’ (‘ein Fuhrer,’ the sym­bol of a uni­fied nation). . . .”

Trump is also bor­row­ing a rhetor­i­cal page from the Nazi play­book in his attacks on the press: ” . . . . On Sat­ur­day night, a new and for­eign accu­sa­tion came to the fore: ‘Lügen­presse!’

The term, which means ‘lying press’ in Ger­man, has a his­to­ry dat­ing back to the mid-1800s and was used by the Nazis to dis­cred­it the media. In recent years, it has been revived by Ger­man far-right anti-immi­grant groups. And on Sat­ur­day, it made an appear­ance at a Trump ral­ly in Cleve­land, Ohio. . .

. . . . Bre­it­bart News [edit­ed by Trump cam­paign man­ag­er Stephen K. Ban­non] report­ed favor­ably on the term in an inter­view ear­li­er this year with the leader of the Ger­man far-right group PEGIDA, writ­ing, ‘It will come as no sur­prise to many that the main­stream media would lash out against a word that high­lights their own, inten­tion­al fail­ings. But [Lutz] Bachmann’s PEGIDA has pop­u­lar­ized the term to the point where it has become a pil­lar — even a ral­ly­ing cry — for the nation­al­ist, pop­ulist move­ments across the con­ti­nent.’ . . .

. . . . Mean­while, the hatred toward the press among the larg­er pop­u­la­tion of Trump sup­port­ers grows increas­ing­ly pro­nounced near­ly every day. In these final weeks of the cam­paign, at near­ly every ral­ly, Trump riles up his audi­ence against the press as reporters sit in the media pen, easy tar­gets for vit­ri­ol. Reporters dis­em­bark­ing the press bus at Trump’s ral­ly in Naples, Flori­da, on Sun­day, the day after the ‘lügen­presse’ inci­dent, were imme­di­ate­ly greet­ed by boos and shouts of ‘Tell the truth!’ . . . ”

Note that PEGIDA mints polit­i­cal cur­ren­cy from its anti-immi­grant/an­ti-Mus­lim stance.

Con­clud­ing the broad­cast, we note that David French, a con­ser­v­a­tive vet­er­an of the Iraq war, has been vicious­ly trolled by Trump’s Alt-Right fol­low­ers because of his adop­tion of an Ethiopi­an orphan: ” . . . . In par­tic­u­lar, the alt-right made a point to attack French’s youngest daugh­ter, whom his fam­i­ly had adopt­ed from Ethiopia. You see, alt-righters view bring­ing in chil­dren of col­or to Amer­i­ca as the ulti­mate betray­al of the white race, which is why they had par­tic­u­lar scorn for French.

‘I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas cham­bers, with a smil­ing Trump in a Nazi uni­form prepar­ing to press a but­ton and kill her,’ he writes. ‘I saw her face pho­to-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a ‘niglet’ and a ‘din­du.’ The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nan­cy, claim­ing that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with ‘black bucks.’ Peo­ple sent her porno­graph­ic images of black men hav­ing sex with white women, with some­one pho­to­shopped to look like me, watch­ing. . . .There is noth­ing at all reward­ing, enjoy­able, or sat­is­fy­ing about see­ing man after man after man brag in graph­ic terms that he has slept with your wife. It’s unset­tling to have a phone call inter­rupt­ed, watch images of mur­der flick­er across your screen, and read threat­en­ing e‑mails. It’s sober­ing to take your teenage kids out to the farm to make sure they’re both pro­fi­cient with hand­guns in case an intrud­er comes when they’re home alone.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: 

  • Review of Trump’s links to the Steuben Soci­ety.
  • Review of the Steuben Soci­ety’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Nazi Fifth Col­umn in this soci­ety pri­or to World War II.
  • Review of the Steuben Soci­ety’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the post­war Under­ground Reich Fifth Col­umn after World War II.
  • Brief dis­cus­sion of a “Blacks for Trump” activist, who has a back­ground in a mur­der­ous, anti-Semit­ic cult.

1a. One of Trump’s most vocal and vis­i­ble sup­port­ers abroad has been Nigel Farage head of the UK Inde­pen­dence Par­ty and a pri­ma­ry archi­tect of the “Brex­it.”

“Obscene Don­ald Trump Com­ments ‘Alpha Male Boast­ing;’ BBC; 10/09/2016.

Obscene remarks made about women by US pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump were no more than “alpha male boast­ing”, Nigel Farage has said.

The UKIP inter­im leader told Fox News the remarks were “ugly” but some­thing “if we are being hon­est that men do”.

Mr Trump’s remarks, made 11 years ago, have led at least 33 senior Repub­li­cans to with­draw their sup­port from his pres­i­den­tial bid. . . .

1b. Inter­est­ing, and pos­si­bly sig­nif­i­cant, is the fact that Farage has a Ger­man wife. In oth­er cir­cum­stances, this might well be insignif­i­cant. In the world of clan­des­tine oper­a­tions, how­ev­er, a wife or para­mour can be a case offi­cer and/or pay­mas­ter.

In this con­text, we note that Britain’s unwill­ing­ness to con­tribute forces to a Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed, all-EU mil­i­tary struc­ture that was a sig­nif­i­cant ele­ment in gen­er­at­ing sym­pa­thy for the Brex­it in British pow­er elite cir­cles.

We won­der if Farage may have been car­ry­ing water for the Ger­mans in this regard. Cer­tain­ly, the Brex­it removed a sig­nif­i­cant obsta­cle to the all-EU army. The Brex­it fig­ures to dam­age Britain in the years to come. Was the intent of Farage’s move­ment to deal a sig­nif­i­cant blow to one of Ger­many’s most effec­tive oppo­nents in the Sec­ond World War?

“Alleged Sight­ing of Farage at Ger­man Embassy Sparks Cit­i­zen­ship Spec­u­la­tion” by John Hen­ley; The Guardian; 8/16/2016.

A report­ed sight­ing of Nigel Farage queu­ing at the Ger­man embassy has prompt­ed fevered, but prob­a­bly inac­cu­rate, spec­u­la­tion on social media that the Euroscep­tic for­mer Ukip leader could be apply­ing for dual cit­i­zen­ship.
A spokesman said he could not con­tact Farage – whose wife, Kirsten Mehr, is Ger­man – so was unable to con­firm whether he had even been at the embassy on Mon­day when a Face­book user report­ed see­ing him.
“There is absolute­ly noth­ing at this point to cor­rob­o­rate that he was actu­al­ly there,” the spokesman said. “So far, all there is to sug­gest this is one Face­book post. Since when does one Face­book post make a sto­ry?”
Sources close to Farage sub­se­quent­ly said the sug­ges­tion he might be apply­ing for dual nation­al­i­ty was not true. . . . .

1c. Next, we review the oppo­si­tion of the UK to the con­cept of an all-EU mil­i­tary structure–an obsta­cle now removed, thanks to the Nigel Farage-led “Brex­it.” ” . . . . With Britain, which had always adamant­ly opposed an inte­grat­ed EU mil­i­tary pol­i­cy, leav­ing the EU, Berlin sees an oppor­tu­ni­ty for reviv­ing its efforts at restruc­tur­ing the EU’s mil­i­tary and mobi­liz­ing as many mem­ber coun­tries as pos­si­ble for the EU’s future wars. . . .”

The Euro­pean War Union;” german-foreign-policy.com; 6/28/2016.

Togeth­er with his French coun­ter­part, the Ger­man for­eign min­is­ter has announced the EU’s trans­for­ma­tion to become a “polit­i­cal union” and its res­olute mil­i­ta­riza­tion for glob­al mil­i­tary oper­a­tions. In a joint posi­tion paper, Frank-Wal­ter Stein­meier (SPD) and Jean-Marc Ayrault (PS) are call­ing for the EU’s com­pre­hen­sive mil­i­tary buildup, based on a divi­sion of labor, to enable future glob­al mil­i­tary oper­a­tions. Fol­low­ing the Brex­it, the EU should, step-by-step, become an “inde­pen­dent” and “glob­al” actor. All forces must be mobi­lized and all “of the EU’s polit­i­cal instru­ments” must be con­sol­i­dat­ed into an “inte­grat­ed” EU for­eign and mil­i­tary pol­i­cy. Stein­meier and Ayrault are there­fore push­ing for a “Euro­pean Secu­ri­ty Com­pact,” which calls for main­tain­ing “employ­able high-readi­ness forces” and estab­lish­ing “stand­ing mar­itime forces.” The Euro­pean Coun­cil should meet once a year as “Euro­pean Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil.” Before this paper was made pub­lic, Ger­many’s for­eign min­is­ter and chan­cel­lor had made com­ments also pro­mot­ing a Ger­man glob­al pol­i­cy and mas­sive rear­ma­ment, pos­si­bly also with EU-sup­port.

The EU’s Glob­al Mis­sion

In a joint posi­tion paper prop­a­gat­ed by the Ger­man for­eign min­istry yes­ter­day, Ger­man For­eign Min­is­ter Frank-Wal­ter Stein­meier (SPD) along with his French coun­ter­part, Jean-Marc Ayrault (PS) announced steps toward a polit­i­cal union. They not­ed that Britain’s with­draw­al from the EU has cre­at­ed “a new sit­u­a­tion” with con­se­quences “for the entire EU.”[1] Berlin and Paris “firm­ly believe” that the EU pro­vides “a his­tor­i­cal­ly unique and indis­pens­able frame­work” not only for “the pur­suit of free­dom, pros­per­i­ty, and secu­ri­ty in Europe,” but also “for con­tribut­ing to peace and sta­bil­i­ty in the world.” There­fore, fur­ther steps will be made “towards a polit­i­cal union in Europe” and “oth­er Euro­pean states” are invit­ed “to join us in this endeav­or.” The EU should become “more coher­ent and more assertive on the world stage.” It is not only an actor “in its direct neigh­bor­hood” but also on “a glob­al scale.” In their paper, Stein­meier and Ayrault wrote, “on a more con­test­ed and com­pet­i­tive inter­na­tion­al scene, France and Ger­many will pro­mote the EU as an inde­pen­dent [!] and glob­al [!] actor.”

Euro­pean Secu­ri­ty Com­pact

To imple­ment the EU poli­cies of glob­al pow­er, Stein­meier and his French coun­ter­part drew up ele­ments for a “Euro­pean Secu­ri­ty Com­pact.” “Exter­nal crises” have become “more numer­ous” and have moved geo­graph­i­cal­ly “clos­er to Europe both east and south of its bor­ders.” There is no men­tion that the EU and its major pow­ers have sig­nif­i­cant­ly con­tributed to the foment­ing war and civ­il war — euphem­ized by Stein­meier and Ayrault as “crises”: In Ukraine, by seek­ing, through the Asso­ci­a­tion Agree­ment, to ful­ly inte­grate the coun­try into its sphere of hegemony;[2] in Libya, through its aggres­sion, oust­ing the Gaddafi government;[3] or in Syr­ia, through its polit­i­cal and low-inten­si­ty mil­i­tary sup­port of an increas­ing­ly jihadist-con­trolled insurgency.[4] Nev­er­the­less, the Ger­man for­eign min­is­ter and his French coun­ter­part announce that they not only sup­port “the emerg­ing gov­ern­ment of nation­al accord in Libya,” but that they are also “con­vinced that Africa needs a con­tin­u­ous com­mit­ment, being a con­ti­nent of great chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties.”

Max­i­mum of Inse­cu­ri­ty

Accord­ing to Stein­meier and Ayrault, the “Euro­pean Secu­ri­ty Com­pact” will be com­pre­hen­sive and include “all aspects of secu­ri­ty and defense dealt with at the Euro­pean lev­el.” The for­eign min­is­ters write that the EU must “ensure the secu­ri­ty of our cit­i­zens.” How­ev­er, the con­crete demands indi­cate that the “Euro­pean Secu­ri­ty Com­pact” will, of course, not bring greater secu­ri­ty, but rather the con­trary, a max­i­mum of inse­cu­ri­ty — an increase in EU-pro­voked wars and the inevitable effects, they will have on the cen­ters of Euro­pean prosperity.[5]

Every­thing for Poli­cies of Glob­al Pow­er

As a first step, the paper writ­ten by France and Ger­many’s for­eign min­is­ters pro­pos­es that “a com­mon analy­sis of our strate­gic envi­ron­ment” be made. These reviews will be reg­u­lar­ly pre­pared “by an inde­pen­dent sit­u­a­tion assess­ment capa­bil­i­ty, based on the EU intel­li­gence and sit­u­a­tion cen­tre” and sub­mit­ted and dis­cussed at the “For­eign Affairs Coun­cil and at the Euro­pean Coun­cil.” On the basis of this com­mon “under­stand­ing,” the EU should “estab­lish agreed strate­gic pri­or­i­ties for its for­eign and secu­ri­ty pol­i­cy.” It is polit­i­cal expe­ri­ence that reach­ing an “under­stand­ing” in the process of for­eign and mil­i­tary pol­i­cy stan­dard­iza­tion, the stand­point of the strongest mem­ber-state — Ger­many — will be tak­en par­tic­u­lar­ly into con­sid­er­a­tion. The results should then be “more effec­tive­ly” than ever, imple­ment­ed “as real pol­i­cy,” accord­ing to the paper. The objec­tive is an “inte­grat­ed EU for­eign and secu­ri­ty pol­i­cy bring­ing togeth­er all [!] EU pol­i­cy instru­ments.”

Arms, Arms, Arms

Stein­meier and Ayrault write in detail that to “plan and con­duct civ­il and mil­i­tary oper­a­tions more effec­tive­ly,” the EU should insti­tute a “per­ma­nent civ­il-mil­i­tary chain of com­mand.” In addi­tion, it must “be able to rely on employ­able high-readi­ness forces.” In order to “live up to the grow­ing secu­ri­ty chal­lenges,” Euro­peans need “to step up their defense efforts.” For this, the Euro­pean mem­ber states should “reaf­firm and abide by the com­mit­ments made col­lec­tive­ly on defense bud­gets and the por­tion of spend­ing ded­i­cat­ed to the pro­cure­ment of equip­ment and to research and tech­nol­o­gy (R and T).” A few days ago, Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel had already tak­en the first step in this direc­tion, when she declared that Ger­many’s defense bud­get should now begin to con­verge with that of the Unit­ed States, in terms of their respec­tive GDP per­cent­ages — Ger­many spends 1.2 per­cent of its GDP on mil­i­tary, while the US spends 3.4 percent.[6] Next, Stein­meier and Ayrault explain that a “Euro­pean semes­ter” should sup­port the coor­di­na­tion of the indi­vid­ual mem­ber coun­tries’ future mil­i­tary plan­ning. “Syn­er­gism” is the objec­tive. Through­out the EU, an arms buildup must be as coor­di­nat­ed and effi­cient as pos­si­ble. The EU should pro­vide com­mon financ­ing for its oper­a­tions. “Mem­ber states” could estab­lish per­ma­nent struc­tured coop­er­a­tion in the field of defense “or push ahead to launch oper­a­tions.” Par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant is “estab­lish­ing stand­ing mar­itime forces” or acquir­ing “EU-owned capa­bil­i­ties in oth­er key areas.”

More Domes­tic Repres­sion

The Social Demo­c­rat Stein­meier and the Social­ist Ayrault write that to ensure “inter­nal secu­ri­ty,” the “oper­a­tional capac­i­ty” must be enhanced at the EU lev­el. This includes mak­ing the best use of “reten­tion of flight pas­sen­ger data (PNR)” — the “data exchange with­in the EU” must be “improved” — but also “mak­ing the best use of Europol and its coun­tert­er­ror­ism cen­tre.” “In the medi­um term,” there should oth­er­wise be the “cre­ation of a Euro­pean plat­form for intel­li­gence coop­er­a­tion.” Last week­end, SPD Chair, Sig­mar Gabriel and the Pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, Mar­tin Schulz (SPD) called for the exten­sion of domes­tic repres­sion as well as the cre­ation of a “Euro­pean FBI.”[7]

Seize the Oppor­tu­ni­ty

Just a few days ago, For­eign Min­is­ter Stein­meier declared in the US jour­nal “For­eign Affairs” that Ger­many has become “a major pow­er” and will “try its best” on the world stage “to hold as much ground as possible.”[8] With Britain, which had always adamant­ly opposed an inte­grat­ed EU mil­i­tary pol­i­cy, leav­ing the EU, Berlin sees an oppor­tu­ni­ty for reviv­ing its efforts at restruc­tur­ing the EU’s mil­i­tary and mobi­liz­ing as many mem­ber coun­tries as pos­si­ble for the EU’s future wars.

[1] This and the fol­low­ing quotes are tak­en from “A strong Europe in a World of Uncer­tain­ties” — Joint con­tri­bu­tion by the French For­eign Min­is­ter Jean-Marc Ayrault and Fed­er­al For­eign Min­is­ter Frank-Wal­ter Stein­meier. www.auswaertiges-amt.de.
[2] See Expan­sive Ambi­tions and Die Ver­ant­wor­tung Berlins.
[3] See Vom West­en befre­it (II).
[4] See Forced to Flee (I).
[5] Zu den Rück­wirkun­gen der von europäis­chen Staat­en geführten Kriege s. etwa Der Krieg kehrt heimDer Krieg kehrt heim (II) and Der Krieg kehrt heim (III).
[6] See Auf Welt­macht­niveau.
[7] See Flex­i­ble Union with a Euro­pean FBI.
[8] See Auf Welt­macht­niveau.

2. In FTR #889, we syn­op­sized Pierre Omid­yar’s polit­i­cal career, includ­ing his par­tial bankrolling of the Maid­an coup that brought the heirs to the Nazi-allied OUN/B to pow­er in Ukraine and his finan­cial sup­port for the elec­tion of Hin­du nationalist/fascist Naren­dra Modi in India.

Inter­est­ing­ly, and per­haps sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Don­ald Trump has drawn sup­port from Hin­du nation­al­ists of the Modi stripe.

There is an impor­tant ele­ment of net­work­ing here: Stephen K. Ban­non is a sup­port­er of Mod­i’s move­ment, as well as that of Nigel Farage.

” . . . . Mr. Trump may be large­ly indif­fer­ent to the rea­sons behind his Hin­du loy­al­ists’ fer­vor, but his most senior advis­ers are not. The campaign’s chief exec­u­tive, Stephen K. Ban­non, is a stu­dent of nation­al­ist move­ments. Mr. Ban­non is close to Nigel Farage, a cen­tral fig­ure in Britain’s move­ment to leave the Euro­pean Union, and he is an admir­er of India’s prime min­is­ter, Naren­dra Modi, a Hin­du nation­al­ist Mr. Ban­non has called ‘the Rea­gan of India.’

It may be pure coin­ci­dence that some of Mr. Trump’s words chan­nel the nation­al­is­tic and, some argue, anti-Mus­lim sen­ti­ments that Mr. Modi stoked as he rose to pow­er. But it is cer­tain­ly not coin­ci­den­tal that many of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hin­du sup­port­ers are also some of Mr. Modi’s most ardent back­ers. . . .”

In FTR #882, we not­ed sim­i­lar­i­ties in fas­cist move­ments around the world, high­light­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties between Hin­du nationalist/fascists from Mod­i’s RSS and Euro­pean and Amer­i­can fas­cists. Those sim­i­lar­i­ties are front and cen­ter in the over­lap between sup­port­ers of Modi and those of Trump. The Trumpenkampfver­bande and Mod­i’s cadre demo­nize Mus­lims.

“Among Don­ald Trump’s Biggest Fans: Hin­du Nation­al­ists” by Jere­my Peters; The New York Times; 10/14/2016.

. . . . This cel­e­bra­tion of Mr. Trump in New Del­hi in May, and oth­ers like it in India this year, are the work of a small, devot­ed and increas­ing­ly vis­i­ble fac­tion of Hin­du nation­al­ists in India and the Unit­ed States who see Mr. Trump as the embod­i­ment of the cock­sure, polit­i­cal­ly incor­rect, strong­man brand of pol­i­tics they admire.

That some of Mr. Trump’s most pas­sion­ate fol­low­ers are Indi­an may seem, at first, some­what strange, giv­en how fond he is of scorn­ing Asian coun­tries where cheap labor saps demand for Amer­i­can work­ers. A poll on Asian-Amer­i­cans’ polit­i­cal lean­ings con­duct­ed in August and Sep­tem­ber found that just 7 per­cent of Indi­an-Amer­i­cans said they would vote for Mr. Trump.

But in one of the more pecu­liar pair­ings of this most pecu­liar polit­i­cal sea­son, Mr. Trump has unwit­ting­ly fash­ioned a niche con­stituen­cy in the over­lap between the Indi­an right and the Amer­i­can right, which share a lot of the same anx­i­eties about ter­ror­ism, immi­gra­tion and the loss of pres­tige that they believe their lead­ers have been too slow to reverse. . . .

. . . . “There’s a lot of par­al­lels there,” said Sha­l­abh Kumar, the found­ing chair­man of the Repub­li­can Hin­du Coali­tion. “Mr. Trump is all about devel­op­ment, devel­op­ment, devel­op­ment; pros­per­i­ty, pros­per­i­ty, pros­per­i­ty; tremen­dous job growth. And at the same time, he rec­og­nizes the need to con­trol the bor­ders.”

As one of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hin­du finan­cial back­ers, Mr. Kumar, who runs an elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­ny in Illi­nois and grew up in the state of Pun­jab along the Pak­istani bor­der, has helped orga­nize a speech by the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee in Edi­son, N.J., at a Bol­ly­wood-themed char­i­ty con­cert on Sat­ur­day. The pro­ceeds will ben­e­fit ter­ror­ism vic­tims.

“It will be an incred­i­ble evening,” Mr. Trump said in a video pro­mot­ing it, one of the few eth­nic events he has agreed to do dur­ing this cam­paign.

Mr. Trump may be large­ly indif­fer­ent to the rea­sons behind his Hin­du loy­al­ists’ fer­vor, but his most senior advis­ers are not. The campaign’s chief exec­u­tive, Stephen K. Ban­non, is a stu­dent of nation­al­ist move­ments. Mr. Ban­non is close to Nigel Farage, a cen­tral fig­ure in Britain’s move­ment to leave the Euro­pean Union, and he is an admir­er of India’s prime min­is­ter, Naren­dra Modi, a Hin­du nation­al­ist Mr. Ban­non has called “the Rea­gan of India.”

It may be pure coin­ci­dence that some of Mr. Trump’s words chan­nel the nation­al­is­tic and, some argue, anti-Mus­lim sen­ti­ments that Mr. Modi stoked as he rose to pow­er. But it is cer­tain­ly not coin­ci­den­tal that many of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hin­du sup­port­ers are also some of Mr. Modi’s most ardent back­ers.

At times, the sim­i­lar­i­ty of Mr. Trump’s and Mr. Modi’s polit­i­cal vocab­u­lary is strik­ing. . . .

3a. Trump has also received the sup­port of the mer­cu­r­ial, bom­bas­tic Russ­ian fas­cist Vladimir Zhiri­novsky, whose polit­i­cal career was launched with the finan­cial assis­tance of Ger­hard Frey, a promi­nent Ger­man Nazi.

“Putin Ally Tells Amer­i­cans: Vote for Trump or Face Nuclear War” by Andrew Osborn; Reuters; 10/12/2016.

Amer­i­cans should vote for Don­ald Trump as pres­i­dent next month or risk being dragged into a nuclear war, accord­ing to a Russ­ian ultra-nation­al­ist ally of Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin who likes to com­pare him­self to the U.S. Repub­li­can can­di­date.

Vladimir Zhiri­novsky, a flam­boy­ant vet­er­an law­mak­er known for his fiery rhetoric, told Reuters in an inter­view that Trump was the only per­son able to de-esca­late dan­ger­ous ten­sions between Moscow and Wash­ing­ton.

By con­trast, Trump’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic rival Hillary Clin­ton could spark World War Three, said Zhiri­novsky, who received a top state award from Putin after his pro-Krem­lin Lib­er­al Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty of Rus­sia (LDPR) came third in Rus­si­a’s par­lia­men­tary elec­tion last month.

Many Rus­sians regard Zhiri­novsky as a clown­ish fig­ure who makes out­spo­ken state­ments to grab atten­tion but he is also wide­ly viewed as a faith­ful ser­vant of Krem­lin pol­i­cy, some­times used to float rad­i­cal opin­ions to test pub­lic reac­tion. . . .
. . . . Zhiri­novsky likes to shock lib­er­al pub­lic opin­ion and he has fre­quent­ly heaped scorn on the West, which he and oth­er Russ­ian nation­al­ists regard as deca­dent, hyp­o­crit­i­cal and cor­rupt­ed by polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness.

His com­bat­ive style, rem­i­nis­cent of Trump’s, ensures him plen­ty of tele­vi­sion air time and mil­lions of votes in Russ­ian elec­tions, often from the kind of blue-col­lar work­ers who are the bedrock of the U.S. Repub­li­can can­di­date’s sup­port.

Zhiri­novsky once pro­posed block­ing off most­ly Mus­lim south­ern Rus­sia with a barbed wire fence, echo­ing Trump’s call for a wall along the U.S. bor­der with Mex­i­co.

Zhiri­novsky, who said he met Trump in New York in 2002, rev­els in his sim­i­lar­i­ties with the Amer­i­can busi­ness­man — they are the same age, favor coarse, some­times misog­y­nis­tic lan­guage and boast about putting their own coun­try first. Zhiri­novsky has even said he wants a DNA test to see if he is relat­ed to Trump. . . .

. . . .In oth­er com­ments that have delight­ed Moscow, Trump has ques­tioned the val­ue of NATO for Wash­ing­ton, has spo­ken ambigu­ous­ly about Rus­si­a’s 2014 annex­a­tion of Ukraine’s Crimea and sug­gest­ed that the Unit­ed States under his lead­er­ship would adopt a more iso­la­tion­ist for­eign pol­i­cy. . . .

4b. In an excerpt from FTR #94 (record­ed on 5/05/1998), we note that Vladimir Zhiri­novsky’s polit­i­cal career received fund­ing from Ger­hard Frey, who was very close to Rein­hard Gehlen and whose anti‑U.S./anti-NATO polit­i­cal stance res­onates with Don­ald Trump’s rhetoric. It was Frey whose Deutsche Nation­al Zeitung and Sol­dat­en Zeitung first pub­lished the dis­in­for­ma­tion that Lee Har­vey Oswald fired at Major Gen­er­al Edwin Walk­er. (Sup­pos­ed­ly this was first dis­closed to the War­ren Com­mis­sion in ear­ly Decem­ber of 1963. Frey pub­lished it in his paper on 11/29/1963!)

Frey’s news­pa­per has a num­ber of Nazis and “for­mer” SS men on its staff, and is close to the OUN/B. The Maid­an coup brought the heirs to the OUN/B to pow­er.

Notice how the fas­cist, er “alt-right” par­ties in Europe in 1998 cor­re­spond to con­tem­po­rary fas­cist par­ties in the U.S. and Europe.

5a. In FTR #‘s 918 and 919, we explored the Buerg­er Zeitung’s “Open Let­ter to Stal­in,” a gam­bit that we feel cor­re­sponds well to Don­ald Trump’s rel­a­tive­ly benign com­ments bout Putin/Ukraine/Crimea etc. In addi­tion to the “all things Steuben” ori­en­ta­tion of Trump advi­sor Joseph E. Schmitz, we note Don­ald Trump’s links to the Steuben Soci­ety milieu.

Recall that, as we saw in FTR #918, the Steuben Soci­ety was part of the Nazi Fifth Col­umn in this coun­try pri­or to World War II and the Under­ground Reich pres­ence in the after­math of the con­flict.

“Don­ald Trump;” wikipedia.

. . . . Trump has said that he is proud of his Ger­man her­itage; he served as grand mar­shal of the 1999 Ger­man-Amer­i­can Steuben Parade in New York City.[12][nb 1]. . . . .

5b. More about Trump’s asso­ci­a­tion with the Steuben soci­ety.

“NY Restau­rant Takes Down Trump Pho­to Amid Yelp Com­plaints” by Sarah Tisinger; WQAD.com; 8/5/2016.

. . . . “He is also very involved with the Steuben asso­ci­a­tion and wished us luck when we opened the restau­rant 8 years ago with that pic­ture. Does not mean we sup­port his views. . . .

6. In FTR #921, we not­ed that Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speech­es by his bed and read it to gain tips on the use of rhetoric. He appears to have bor­rowed a play from Der Fuhrer’s rhetor­i­cal play­book when address­ing the Val­ues Vot­ers Sum­mit.

” . . . He regaled the crowd of Chris­t­ian vot­ers in his usu­al bom­bas­tic way, but near the end of the speech, Trump seemed to play into the hands of his accusers who claim that not only does Trump remind peo­ple of infa­mous dic­ta­tors like Ital­ian fas­cist Ben­i­to Mus­soli­ni and Ger­man Nazi leader Adolf Hitler with his jin­go­ism, bla­tant nativist nation­al­ism, and over-the-top fact-twist­ing scape­goat­ing, but he sounds like them as well. He para­phrased the infa­mous Nazi Par­ty slo­gan, ‘Ein volk, ein reich, ein Fuhrer!’ . . . 

. . . . If one saw the speech, or watch­es it in replay, Trump begins rais­ing his voice on the first use of the word ‘one,’emphasizing each part of the ver­bal trip­tych. Not only does he invoke the tra­di­tion­al lines from the Pledge of Alle­giance, he pro­gress­es from, just as the Nazi Par­ty slo­gan does, ‘one peo­ple’ (‘ein volk’) to ‘under one god’ (an implied uni­fied Chris­t­ian nation or ‘ein reich’) to ‘one flag’ (‘ein Fuhrer,’ the sym­bol of a uni­fied nation). . . .”

“Did Don­ald Trump Para­phrase Hitler’s Slo­gan ‘Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer’ at Val­ues Vot­ers Sum­mit?” by Nor­man Byrd; Inquisitr; 9/9/2016.

Don­ald Trump has been often accused of sound­ing like and/or pat­tern­ing his speech­es after Adolf Hitler, and after deliv­er­ing his Val­ues Vot­ers Sum­mit speech Fri­day in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., he’ll like­ly be accused of para­phras­ing Hitler once again. Because inas­much as many polit­i­cal speech­es speak to nation­al­ism and patri­o­tism, and nei­ther Trump nor Hitler are excep­tions to the rule (and far from it), 2016 Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump seems to have tak­en a line straight from the Nazi Par­ty slo­gan “Ein volk, Ein reich, Ein Fuhrer!” (“One peo­ple, one empire, one leader!”).

Right Side Broad­cast­ing streamed the Val­ues Vot­ers Sum­mit in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., live on YouTube Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 9, pre­sent­ing sev­er­al speak­ers — such as Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee chair­man Reince Priebus and for­mer New York City May­or Rudy Giu­liani — at the annu­al con­fer­ence. The main speak­er, of course, was Repub­li­can Par­ty nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. He regaled the crowd of Chris­t­ian vot­ers in his usu­al bom­bas­tic way, but near the end of the speech, Trump seemed to play into the hands of his accusers who claim that not only does Trump remind peo­ple of infa­mous dic­ta­tors like Ital­ian fas­cist Ben­i­to Mus­soli­ni and Ger­man Nazi leader Adolf Hitler with his jin­go­ism, bla­tant nativist nation­al­ism, and over-the-top fact-twist­ing scape­goat­ing, but he sounds like them as well. He para­phrased the infa­mous Nazi Par­ty slo­gan, “Ein volk, ein reich, ein Fuhrer!”

After quot­ing from the book of John from the Chris­t­ian bible, Trump spoke to peo­ple stand­ing togeth­er in the Unit­ed States. “Imag­ine what our coun­try could accom­plish if we start­ed work­ing togeth­er as one peo­ple, under one god, salut­ing one flag.”

If one saw the speech, or watch­es it in replay, Trump begins rais­ing his voice on the first use of the word “one,” empha­siz­ing each part of the ver­bal trip­tych. Not only does he invoke the tra­di­tion­al lines from the Pledge of Alle­giance, he pro­gress­es from, just as the Nazi Par­ty slo­gan does, “one peo­ple” (“ein volk”) to “under one god” (an implied uni­fied Chris­t­ian nation or “ein reich”) to “one flag” (“ein Fuhrer,” the sym­bol of a uni­fied nation). . . .

7. It’s look­ing increas­ing­ly like a fun­da­men­tal mes­sage of Don­ald Trump’s cam­paign in the final cou­ple of weeks is going to be “I’m actu­al­ly win­ning, and all those polls show­ing me not win­ning are from a lying media that’s try­ing to make me lose”.

” ‘Thieves and Crooks’: Trump Per­sists with Attacks on Media and Polls” by Ben Jacobs; The Guardian; 10/24/2016.

Repub­li­can nom­i­nee appears in Flori­da to deride US media and false­ly claim hacked emails of Hillary Clin­ton cam­paign chair show poll rig­ging

Don­ald Trump esca­lat­ed his rhetoric against the media and against poll­sters on Mon­day, alleg­ing that both were part of a “rigged sys­tem” try­ing to under­mine his can­di­da­cy.

Speak­ing in a ral­ly in St Augus­tine, Flori­da, Trump false­ly claimed that hacked emails of John Podes­ta showed that the Clin­ton cam­paign chair was “rig­ging the polls by over­sam­pling Democ­rats”.

The Repub­li­can nom­i­nee, whose cam­paign is man­aged by the poll­ster Kellyanne Con­way, called this “a vot­er sup­pres­sion tech­nique”. Over­sam­pling is a method used by poll­sters to get bet­ter mea­sure­ments of spe­cif­ic sub-groups and is entire­ly nor­mal in polling.

The state­ment fol­lowed a tweet from the Repub­li­can on Mon­day morn­ing in which he claimed: “Major sto­ry that the Dems are mak­ing up pho­ny polls in order to sup­press the the Trump [sic]. We are going to WIN!”Almost every inde­pen­dent poll has con­sis­tent­ly shown a steady lead for Clin­ton since late July and Con­way has repeat­ed­ly con­ced­ed in recent days that Trump is behind.

Trump also esca­lat­ed his attacks on media. He said the press, which he described as being com­posed of “thieves and crooks”, may be even more cor­rupt than the rival whom he has repeat­ed­ly derid­ed as “Crooked Hillary”. The Ivy League-edu­cat­ed Trump, who lives in an ornate pent­house on Fifth Avenue in New York, also slammed jour­nal­ists as being out of touch with work­ing Amer­i­cans, say­ing: “The media is enti­tled, con­de­scend­ing and even con­temp­tu­ous of peo­ple who don’t share their elit­ist views.” He warned vague­ly of those who “rig the media” and said: “They can wield absolute pow­er over your life, your econ­o­my, and your coun­try.”

In addi­tion, Trump com­plained at his ral­ly, which was broad­cast live on cable news: “Some­times I’ll have these great events and it isn’t cov­ered.” . . . .

8. News that Trump is trail­ing in the polls has been treat­ed by his fol­low­ers as jour­nal­is­tic dis­hon­esty, expressed with the Ger­man term “lugenpresse”–lying press.

” . . . . On Sat­ur­day night, a new and for­eign accu­sa­tion came to the fore: ‘Lügen­presse!’

The term, which means ‘lying press’ in Ger­man, has a his­to­ry dat­ing back to the mid-1800s and was used by the Nazis to dis­cred­it the media. In recent years, it has been revived by Ger­man far-right anti-immi­grant groups. And on Sat­ur­day, it made an appear­ance at a Trump ral­ly in Cleve­land, Ohio. . .

. . . . Bre­it­bart News [edit­ed by Trump cam­paign man­ag­er Stephen K. Ban­non] report­ed favor­ably on the term in an inter­view ear­li­er this year with the leader of the Ger­man far-right group PEGIDA, writ­ing, ‘It will come as no sur­prise to many that the main­stream media would lash out against a word that high­lights their own, inten­tion­al fail­ings. But [Lutz] Bachmann’s PEGIDA has pop­u­lar­ized the term to the point where it has become a pil­lar — even a ral­ly­ing cry — for the nation­al­ist, pop­ulist move­ments across the con­ti­nent.’ . . .

. . . . Mean­while, the hatred toward the press among the larg­er pop­u­la­tion of Trump sup­port­ers grows increas­ing­ly pro­nounced near­ly every day. In these final weeks of the cam­paign, at near­ly every ral­ly, Trump riles up his audi­ence against the press as reporters sit in the media pen, easy tar­gets for vit­ri­ol. Reporters dis­em­bark­ing the press bus at Trump’s ral­ly in Naples, Flori­da, on Sun­day, the day after the ‘lügen­presse’ inci­dent, were imme­di­ate­ly greet­ed by boos and shouts of ‘Tell the truth!’ . . . ”

“The Alt-Right Has Adopt­ed An Old Nazi Term For Reporters” by Rosie Gray; Buz­zFeed; 10/24/2016.

“A sly ref­er­ence,” says a white nation­al­ist leader.

It’s become a famil­iar rou­tine by now: Trump sup­port­ers harangu­ing the press at ral­lies, boo­ing them and scream­ing at them.

“Tell the truth!” and “CNN sucks!” have become sta­ples at near­ly every Trump ral­ly. On Sat­ur­day night, a new and for­eign accu­sa­tion came to the fore: “Lügen­presse!”

The term, which means “lying press” in Ger­man, has a his­to­ry dat­ing back to the mid-1800s and was used by the Nazis to dis­cred­it the media. In recent years, it has been revived by Ger­man far-right anti-immi­grant groups. And on Sat­ur­day, it made an appear­ance at a Trump ral­ly in Cleve­land, Ohio.

After the ral­ly fin­ished, one man approached the press pen and shout­ed insults, accus­ing the media of being in the tank for the Clin­tons and being “bought and paid for.” Anoth­er man, wear­ing a Make Amer­i­ca Great Again hat and hold­ing a sign with the same slo­gan, walked up beside him and began yelling at the press that we were “lügen­presse,” adding that the phrase means “lying press” in Ger­man. The first man start­ed shout­ing it too, then turned to the sec­ond and made a self-dep­re­cat­ing remark about not pro­nounc­ing it right.

Friend­ly inter­ac­tion out­side the press pen. “Lugen­presse!” pic.twitter.com/MWUZynJ8jx— Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) Octo­ber 23, 2016

The trav­el­ing press was quick­ly hus­tled out of the venue and on toward the next ral­ly; I didn’t have a chance to ask the man his name, or how he came across this term. I tweet­ed the video I shot of the two men and left it at that, not real­iz­ing how quick­ly and wide­ly the moment would be cir­cu­lat­ed.

Richard Spencer, the white nation­al­ist leader who is con­sid­ered one of the lead­ers of the alt-right, was able to shed some light on this for me.

“I see ‘lying press’ and ‘Lügen­presse’ all over the place,” Spencer said in an email. “It’s typ­i­cal Alt Right: seri­ous… iron­ic… and with a sly ref­er­ence to boot.”

Spencer said the term had been in use in Amer­i­can alt-right cir­cles for “a year, at the least.”

The web­site Occi­den­tal Dis­sent, one of the nodes of alt-right online com­men­tary, fre­quent­ly uses the term, and the #lugen­presse hash­tag on Twit­ter is fair­ly active and large­ly used by alt-right Twit­ter accounts:

I look for­ward to the harsh crack­down on @CNN and oth­er #Lying­Press#Lugen­presse orga­ni­za­tions when DJT takes office.— The Rad­i­cal Sax­on (@Loyal_Laddie) Octo­ber 13, 2016

It fun­ny how stu­pid the MSM is. Time after time they attack Trump, only to lat­er find out that it made him stronger. #lugen­pressepic.twitter.com/S8deHgGU3c— Neil Turn­er ?? (@NeilTurner_) Octo­ber 13, 2016

With the inter­net, the Cit­i­zens can see how much the media lies and dis­torts. #Lugen­pressehttps://t.co/IyiMOi5AKF— #Fre­eR­icky Viking ?? (@thebasedviking) Sep­tem­ber 20, 2016

Bre­it­bart News report­ed favor­ably on the term in an inter­view ear­li­er this year with the leader of the Ger­man far-right group PEGIDA, writ­ing, “It will come as no sur­prise to many that the main­stream media would lash out against a word that high­lights their own, inten­tion­al fail­ings. But [Lutz] Bachmann’s PEGIDA has pop­u­lar­ized the term to the point where it has become a pil­lar — even a ral­ly­ing cry — for the nation­al­ist, pop­ulist move­ments across the con­ti­nent.”

A pan­el of Ger­man lin­guists, in response, named “Lügen­presse” the worst word of 2014.

The alt-right has been embold­ened this year by Trump’s rise; the chair­man of Bre­it­bart News, who has spo­ken of his web­site being a home for the alt-right, is now Trump’s cam­paign CEO, and Hillary Clinton’s speech tying Trump to the alt-right launched the move­ment to new heights of noto­ri­ety. The embrace of a term like “lügen­presse” is, as Spencer says, clas­sic alt-right; the proud “shit­lords” of the move­ment take pride in embrac­ing edgy ter­mi­nol­o­gy, the more anti-PC the bet­ter.

Mean­while, the hatred toward the press among the larg­er pop­u­la­tion of Trump sup­port­ers grows increas­ing­ly pro­nounced near­ly every day. In these final weeks of the cam­paign, at near­ly every ral­ly, Trump riles up his audi­ence against the press as reporters sit in the media pen, easy tar­gets for vit­ri­ol. Reporters dis­em­bark­ing the press bus at Trump’s ral­ly in Naples, Flori­da, on Sun­day, the day after the “lügen­presse” inci­dent, were imme­di­ate­ly greet­ed by boos and shouts of “Tell the truth!”

9. We hope that “Michael the Black Man” (see Item #10) likes this:

“How neo-Nazi Trolls Tor­ment­ed an Anti-Trump Con­ser­v­a­tive for Adopt­ing a Black Daugh­ter” by Brad Reed; Raw Sto­ry; 10/21/2016.

If you’ve nev­er inter­act­ed with Don­ald Trump’s hard­core “alt-right” fol­low­ers online, con­sid­er your­self lucky.

For the past year-and-a-half, the alt-right has used social media to vicious­ly tor­ment Don­ald Trump’s crit­ics on both the right and the left. Nation­al Review writer David French, who briefly flirt­ed with launch­ing his own inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­da­cy to chal­lenge Trump, writes on Fri­day about the awful harass­ment he and his fam­i­ly have been sub­ject­ed to over the past year.

In par­tic­u­lar, the alt-right made a point to attack French’s youngest daugh­ter, whom his fam­i­ly had adopt­ed from Ethiopia. You see, alt-righters view bring­ing in chil­dren of col­or to Amer­i­ca as the ulti­mate betray­al of the white race, which is why they had par­tic­u­lar scorn for French.

“I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas cham­bers, with a smil­ing Trump in a Nazi uni­form prepar­ing to press a but­ton and kill her,” he writes. “I saw her face pho­to-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a ‘niglet’ and a ‘din­du.’ The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nan­cy, claim­ing that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with ‘black bucks.’ Peo­ple sent her porno­graph­ic images of black men hav­ing sex with white women, with some­one pho­to­shopped to look like me, watch­ing.”

And it wasn’t just base­ment-dwelling 4Chan users send­ing abu­sive images at the French fam­i­ly, as one night his wife received a death threat from a pro-Trump vet­er­an.

“The moment we land­ed back at home after I declined to run for pres­i­dent, she turned on her phone to see an e‑mail from a Trump fan, a vet­er­an who informed her that he knew the busi­ness end of a gun and told her direct­ly that she should shut her mouth or he’d take action,” he writes.

All this has tak­en a toll on him, and he says he’s nev­er been more depressed about being a pub­lic fig­ure.

“It’s mis­er­able,” he explains. “There is noth­ing at all reward­ing, enjoy­able, or sat­is­fy­ing about see­ing your beau­ti­ful young daugh­ter called a ‘niglet.’ There is noth­ing at all reward­ing, enjoy­able, or sat­is­fy­ing about see­ing man after man after man brag in graph­ic terms that he has slept with your wife. It’s unset­tling to have a phone call inter­rupt­ed, watch images of mur­der flick­er across your screen, and read threat­en­ing e‑mails. It’s sober­ing to take your teenage kids out to the farm to make sure they’re both pro­fi­cient with hand­guns in case an intrud­er comes when they’re home alone.”

10. Not sur­pris­ing­ly, Trump has enlist­ed a for­mer mem­ber of a vio­lent, anti-Semit­ic far-right cult to cam­paign for him among blacks.

” ‘Blacks for Trump’ Sup­port­er a For­mer Mem­ber of Vio­lent Cult’ by Alle­gra Kirk­land; Talk­ing Points Memo; 10/26/2016.

The man who has appeared behind Don­ald Trump at numer­ous south Flori­da ral­lies bear­ing a “Blacks for Trump” sign is a for­mer mem­ber of the mur­der­ous Yah­weh ben Yah­weh cult and a fix­ture at Repub­li­can cam­paign events.

At Tuesday’s Trump event in San­ford, the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee praised the “great” “Blacks for Trump” signs behind him, one of which was held by a white woman and anoth­er by a man who goes by the name “Michael the Black Man.”

Accord­ing to the Mia­mi New Times, the man, who also goes by the names Mau­rice Wood­side and Michael Symon­ette, was a for­mer mem­ber of the Yah­weh ben Yah­weh cult. In 1990, the group’s charis­mat­ic leader, Hulon Mitchell Jr., was charged for con­spir­a­cy to mur­der. He required inductees to kill peo­ple to gain entry to the cult.

Though “Michael” was charged for alleged­ly con­spir­ing in two mur­ders and his broth­er tes­ti­fied that he stuck a sharp­ened stick into one man’s eye­ball, he was not con­vict­ed. In the fol­low­ing years, accord­ing to the New Times, he was charged with oth­er crimes includ­ing grand theft auto, car­ry­ing a weapon onto a plane, and threat­en­ing a law enforce­ment offi­cer. He was nev­er con­vict­ed.

The news­pa­per report­ed that “Michael” made a name for him­self in the Mia­mi area in recent years as a vir­u­lent­ly anti-gay, anti-lib­er­al preach­er who has opened a ral­ly for Rick San­to­rum and earned praise from Glenn Beck.

The Trump cam­paign has posi­tioned him at the front of the crowd at mul­ti­ple events, includ­ing a Sept. 17 ral­ly in down­town Mia­mi and anoth­er on Oct. 12 in Lake­land.

The “Blacks for Trump” signs “Michael” pass­es out at ral­lies fea­ture the URL to his web­site, Gods2.com, which is full of anti-Hillary Clin­ton con­spir­a­cy videos. Vis­i­tors can also pur­chase “Trump & Repub­li­cans Are Not Racist Gods2.com” shirts for $20.

“Michael” told the New Times that he is sup­port­ing Trump in part out of his loathing for Clin­ton.

“One rea­son is because Hillary’s last name is Rod­ham, and their fam­i­ly mem­bers are Roth­schilds, who enslaved 13,000 slaves as col­lat­er­al,” he said.


2 comments for “FTR #929 The Trumpenkampfverbande, Part 8: The Trumpen Kreis”

  1. Oh, boy, turns out the guy who holds “Blacks for Trump” signs at his ral­lies was part of the Yah­weh Ben Yah­weh cult! NOTE: for full under­stand­ing of this devel­op­ment, I think it is also imper­a­tive to under­stand the Nation of Islam’s “Death Angels” game of killing whites, (most pub­li­cized dur­ing the Zebra mur­ders in San Fran­cis­co in the mid-70s) to gain pow­er with­in NOI. I read about Yah­weh prob­a­bly a decade ago and had large­ly for­got­ten about him. In the inter­im, I read Clark Howard’s bril­liant Zebra. As we shall see, Yah­weh is direct­ly descend­ed from NOI, and reg­u­lar­ly pla­gia­rized Far­rakhan, includ­ing the Death Angels game. I was unaware until today that the Yah­weh cult was also play­ing “Death Angels”. Law enforce­ment, dur­ing the Zebra killings, claimed that the actu­al num­ber of Death Angel mur­ders may have num­bered in the 100s in Cal­i­for­nia alone. I sus­pect that the news was sup­pressed to not spark fear in a pub­lic already deeply divid­ed by racial chaos of the late 60s and ear­ly 70s. I also sus­pect that, like NOI, the Yah­weh cult may have been giv­en a “get out of jail free card” as pay­ment for “ser­vices ren­dered” on behalf of an ele­ment of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty. Seri­ous­ly, how much have you heard of this group before? Ever? I was alive in the 80s, and fol­lowed the news, I don’t remem­ber this sto­ry AT ALL.


    The man who has appeared behind Don­ald Trump at numer­ous south Flori­da ral­lies bear­ing a “Blacks for Trump” sign is a for­mer mem­ber of the mur­der­ous Yah­weh ben Yah­weh cult and a fix­ture at Repub­li­can cam­paign events.

    At Tuesday’s Trump event in San­ford, the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee praised the “great” “Blacks for Trump” signs behind him, one of which was held by a white woman and anoth­er by a man who goes by the name “Michael the Black Man.”
    Accord­ing to the Mia­mi New Times, the man, who also goes by the names Mau­rice Wood­side and Michael Symon­ette, was a for­mer mem­ber of the Yah­weh ben Yah­weh cult.

    In 1990, the group’s charis­mat­ic leader, Hulon Mitchell Jr., was charged for con­spir­a­cy to mur­der. He required inductees to kill peo­ple to gain entry to the cult.
    Though “Michael” was charged for alleged­ly con­spir­ing in two mur­ders and his broth­er tes­ti­fied that he stuck a sharp­ened stick into one man’s eye­ball, he was not con­vict­ed.

    In the fol­low­ing years, accord­ing to the New Times, he was charged with oth­er crimes includ­ing grand theft auto, car­ry­ing a weapon onto a plane, and threat­en­ing a law enforce­ment offi­cer. He was nev­er con­vict­ed.

    The news­pa­per report­ed that “Michael” made a name for him­self in the Mia­mi area in recent years as a vir­u­lent­ly anti-gay, anti-lib­er­al preach­er who has opened a ral­ly for Rick San­to­rum and earned praise from Glenn Beck.
    The Trump cam­paign has posi­tioned him at the front of the crowd at mul­ti­ple events, includ­ing a Sept. 17 ral­ly in down­town Mia­mi and anoth­er on Oct. 12 in Lake­land.

    The “Blacks for Trump” signs “Michael” pass­es out at ral­lies fea­ture the URL to his web­site, Gods2.com, which is full of anti-Hillary Clin­ton con­spir­a­cy videos. Vis­i­tors can also pur­chase “Trump & Repub­li­cans Are Not Racist Gods2.com” shirts for $20.

    “Michael” told the New Times that he is sup­port­ing Trump in part out of his loathing for Clin­ton.
    “One rea­son is because Hillary’s last name is Rod­ham, and their fam­i­ly mem­bers are Roth­schilds, who enslaved 13,000 slaves as col­lat­er­al,” he said.

    NOTE: Well, that is just straight up old school “jew banker” Nazi ide­ol­o­gy! Next up, we read of Yahweh’s roots in NOI, and his main­stream accep­tance. Note this para­graph for the cog­ni­tive dis­so­nance that sur­rounds this sto­ry:

    “In Octo­ber 1990, Mia­mi May­or Xavier L. Suarez declared a Yah­weh Ben Yah­weh Day. A month lat­er, Mr. Yah­weh was indict­ed on fed­er­al rack­e­teer­ing and con­spir­a­cy charges. He was linked to 14 killings, two attempt­ed slay­ings and the ter­ror­ist-style bomb­ing of an entire block in Del­ray Beach, Fla., where res­i­dents had roughed up some of his white-robed sup­port­ers. “


    ….Yah­weh Ben Yah­weh, who had a fol­low­ing of thou­sands as the leader of a vio­lent black suprema­cist sect in Mia­mi and who lat­er spent years in prison for con­spir­a­cy to com­mit mur­der, died May 7 of prostate can­cer at his home in Opa-Loc­ka, Fla. He was 71.
    Mr. Yah­weh, a charis­mat­ic speak­er known for his flow­ing white robes and jew­eled tur­bans, explored var­i­ous reli­gious fringe groups before form­ing his sect in Mia­mi in 1979. He con­trolled a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar busi­ness empire that includ­ed schools, gro­cery stores and real estate and once claimed to have 20,000 fol­low­ers in 45 cities.

    Call­ing him­self the “Orig­i­nal Jew,” Mr. Yah­weh adopt­ed a name that means “God, the son of God” in Hebrew. He said he and his dis­ci­ples were the true descen­dants of a long-lost tribe of Israel.

    From the begin­ning, how­ev­er, Mr. Yah­we­h’s group was asso­ci­at­ed with an intim­i­dat­ing style that often crossed into vio­lence and mur­der. He railed against “white dev­ils” and pro­claimed him­self the mes­si­ah: “All who receive me shall be saved from immoral­i­ty and death.”

    …He spoke to crowds of thou­sands around the coun­try and received the bless­ings of Nation of Islam leader Louis Far­rakhan. In 1987, the Mia­mi Urban League gave Mr. Yah­weh its high­est human­i­tar­i­an award, and its pres­i­dent pro­nounced him “an inspi­ra­tion to the entire com­mu­ni­ty.”

    Nev­er lack­ing in con­fi­dence or self-esteem, Mr. Yah­weh once addressed a group of Mia­mi busi­ness lead­ers: “Egypt has her pyra­mids. India has her Taj Mahal. France has her Eif­fel Tow­er. Mia­mi has the son of Yah­weh. The world’s great­est attrac­tion is in your midst. I’m here.”

    In Octo­ber 1990, Mia­mi May­or Xavier L. Suarez declared a Yah­weh Ben Yah­weh Day. A month lat­er, Mr. Yah­weh was indict­ed on fed­er­al rack­e­teer­ing and con­spir­a­cy charges. He was linked to 14 killings, two attempt­ed slay­ings and the ter­ror­ist-style bomb­ing of an entire block in Del­ray Beach, Fla., where res­i­dents had roughed up some of his white-robed sup­port­ers.

    When Mr. Yah­weh went to tri­al in 1992, he was defend­ed by for­mer fed­er­al judge and cur­rent U.S. Rep. Alcee L. Hast­ings (D‑Fla.). Dur­ing the tri­al, lurid details of life in the sect emerged.

    Among oth­er things, Mr. Yah­weh con­trolled the cloth­ing, food and sex lives of the peo­ple in his group. Twice mar­ried and divorced ear­li­er in life, he took many of his young female fol­low­ers to his bed.

    “We may be rab­bis and nuns here,” he told the New York Times with a wide smile, “but we don’t believe in celiba­cy.”

    Mr. Yah­weh was sur­round­ed by a group of body­guards called the Cir­cle of 10, each armed with a six-foot wood­en staff. Mem­bers of an inner cir­cle called the Broth­er­hood were, accord­ing to the fed­er­al indict­ment, required to kill a white per­son and deliv­er a sev­ered head or ear to Mr. Yah­weh as proof.

    One­time pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball play­er Robert Rozi­er, a close asso­ciate who con­fessed to killing sev­en peo­ple, tes­ti­fied for the pros­e­cu­tion. Mr. Yah­weh was con­vict­ed of con­spir­a­cy to com­mit mur­der and acquit­ted of rack­e­teer­ing charges.
    He was sen­tenced to 18 years in fed­er­al prison and was released on parole in 2001 after serv­ing nine. By court order, he could have no com­mu­ni­ca­tion with any of his one­time dis­ci­ples.

    Mr. Yah­weh, whose giv­en name was Hulon Mitchell Jr., was born in King­fish­er, Okla., the old­est of 13 chil­dren. A sis­ter, Leona Mitchell, went on to become a renowned sopra­no with New York’s Met­ro­pol­i­tan Opera. In inter­views, she has not dis­cussed her broth­er.
    Mr. Yah­weh grad­u­at­ed from Phillips Uni­ver­si­ty in Enid, Okla., served in the Air Force and stud­ied law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Okla­homa. He lat­er moved to Chica­go, where as Hulon Shah, he became involved with the Nation of Islam.

    He lat­er report­ed­ly received a mas­ter’s degree in eco­nom­ics from Atlanta Uni­ver­si­ty and began preach­ing as “Father Michel.” Mov­ing to Orlan­do, he styled him­self as “Broth­er Love” before set­tling in Mia­mi and adopt­ing his new life.

    1987, Mr. Yah­we­h’s father, a Pen­te­costal preach­er, spoke to a reporter from the St. Peters­burg Times in Flori­da.
    “I was there when he was born, hold­ing his mama’s hand,” he said. “You can’t get clos­er than that, and he is not the son of God.”

    Mr. Yah­weh had four chil­dren and at least six grand­chil­dren. After his release from prison, he lived alone, work­ing as a land­scap­er.
    NOTE: This arti­cle describes the crazi­ness that sur­round­ed this group. It also men­tions that Yah­weh specif­i­cal­ly called his inner cir­cle of enforcers the “Death Angels”. This ain’t no “con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry”, this all real­ly hap­pened! The nation­al media just didn’t show up.


    But anger was also in the air. Funer­al ora­tors unleashed venge­ful polemics against an unspec­i­fied ene­my.

    “This year marks the year of your doom,” said one of them. “Yah­weh ben Yah­weh told you over 16 years ago, Satan, that if you keep on mess­ing with him that you will lie down!”

    “Praise Yah­weh!” the assem­bly mem­bers shout­ed in uni­son amidst sus­tained applause.

    Nation of Yah­weh mem­bers believe that the death of Yah­weh ben Yah­weh was fore­told in Holy Scrip­tures and is a sign that the time is upon the Earth when the god­ly rem­nants of the black race will dis­place the accursed white race — along with blacks “infect­ed” with white blood — and rule the earth. As one funer­al speak­er put it: “The wicked pow­ers and prin­ci­pal­i­ties sit­ting in high places knew that the pow­er of Yah­weh ben Yah­weh is the begin­ning of the end of their 6,000-year rule of wicked domin­ion!”

    End­ing ‘The Dev­il’s Ruler­ship’
    Although Nation of Yah­weh mem­bers no longer open­ly con­demn “white dev­ils,” there’s lit­tle con­fu­sion among Nation mem­bers con­cern­ing the iden­ti­ty of those “wicked pow­ers” or what the “end of their 6,000-year rule” means.

    As Nation of Yah­weh elder Job Israel, who went to prison with Yah­weh ben Yah­weh, explained in the park­ing lot out­side the funer­al: “God is black. The oppo­site of God is evil. The oppo­site of black is white. So what do you think white is?”
    Lat­er, in a tele­phone inter­view with the Intel­li­gence Report, Israel expand­ed on his point: “God cre­at­ed the white man to pun­ish us for being dis­obe­di­ent to God. The orig­i­nal dev­il was black. But when Cain killed Abel, [God] cursed him to be white. Yah­weh [God] gave him [the white man] a hedge of pro­tec­tion and gave him 6,000 years to rule. … This is the year 6007. The dev­il’s ruler­ship is up.”

    Nation of Yah­weh the­ol­o­gy bor­rows lib­er­al­ly from the Nation of Islam (NOI), a much bet­ter known black sep­a­ratist group of which Yah­weh was briefly a mem­ber in the 1960s. The “6,000 year rule” by “white dev­ils” des­tined to be over­turned by “God’s cho­sen peo­ple” is lift­ed straight out of ear­ly NOI leader Eli­jah Muham­mad’s writ­ings in Mes­sage to the Black Man in Amer­i­ca and The Supreme Wis­dom. Copy­ing anoth­er les­son ver­ba­tim from Muham­mad, Yah­weh also taught his fol­low­ers that an Eng­lish pirate named John Hawkins deliv­ered the very first enslaved Africans to the New World in 1555 on a ship named Jesus.

    Though wild­ly inac­cu­rate, this les­son con­tin­ues to set the agen­da for Nation of Yah­weh mem­bers. “Our slav­ery under them [white peo­ple] is 400 years, but their slav­ery under ours is for­ev­er and ever,” explains Job Israel. “They know they got­ta leave here [Amer­i­ca], because they don’t wan­na serve no nig­gers.”

    …The son of a Pen­te­costal preach­er, Yah­weh ben Yah­weh was born Hulon Mitchell Jr. in Okla­homa in 1935. After serv­ing in the mil­i­tary and attend­ing law school, Mitchell moved to Atlanta in the mid-1960s and joined the Nation of Islam, becom­ing Hulon X. He then left the Nation of Islam in the late ’60s after being accused of embez­zle­ment and pedophil­ia, only to resur­face as a tithe-hus­tling faith heal­er and pros­per­i­ty preach­er named Father Michel, a char­ac­ter he cut from the cloth of Father Divine and Samuel “Father Jehovia” Mor­ris, gaudy African-Amer­i­can min­is­ters of the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry who iden­ti­fied them­selves as God.

    …As the Nation of Yah­weh thrived, how­ev­er, its dark side played out in apoc­a­lyp­tic preach­ing against “white dev­ils,” a fire­bomb­ing, the hos­tile takeover of a South Flori­da hous­ing com­plex, the behead­ing of a tem­ple dis­si­dent with a dull machete and the mur­ders of white Florid­i­ans whose ears were hacked off as tro­phies.

    After Yah­weh and six mem­bers of his “Cir­cle of Ten” secu­ri­ty force “death angels” were impris­oned in 1992, many of Yah­we­h’s fol­low­ers left the Nation’s Tem­ple of Love head­quar­ters, or aban­doned the Mia­mi area alto­geth­er.

    Shock­ing dis­clo­sures from the tri­al about Yah­we­h’s involve­ment in killings and sex­u­al rela­tion­ships with under­age girls caused many fol­low­ers to renounce him. Most of the Nation’s many prop­er­ties were fore­closed and seized.

    ….Black peo­ple who have not accept­ed Yah­we­h’s teach­ings, Israel pre­dict­ed, will be cap­tured in “the roundup” along with whites. Pres­i­dent George Bush, whose last maneu­ver will insti­tute the “New World Order,” will ush­er this “roundup” in.

    Will the Nation of Yah­weh be round­ed up as well?
    “Those who don’t know will get round­ed up.”
    And those who do?
    “It will be like the Passover, when God told them to put blood on the door. Some peo­ple did­n’t believe, so the death angels came in and killed them. The ones who believed, Yah­weh put a hedge of pro­tec­tion around them.”
    Today, 15 years after the col­lapse of Yah­weh ben Yah­we­h’s bloody empire, the mas­ter is dead but, Israel says omi­nous­ly, he “cloned him­self” in the form of hun­dreds of devout fol­low­ers.

    And that may not be good for the rest of us. Says Israel: “Now you gonna see how dan­ger­ous he was.”

    NOTE: Par­tic­u­lar­ly grue­some is the pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned “Yah­weh ben Yah­weh Day” declared by Miami’s may­or in 1990. May­or Suarez was nick­named “May­or Loco” by bril­liant author Carl Hiassen for his antics in office.


    Sev­en­teen years ago this month, a grotesque exer­cise in polit­i­cal pan­der­ing and refusal to see the obvi­ous reached its nadir as then-Mia­mi May­or Xavier Suarez, urged on by oth­er lead­ers, declared Oct. 7, 1990, “Yah­weh ben Yah­weh Day.”
    Sev­en­teen years ago this month, a grotesque exer­cise in polit­i­cal pan­der­ing and refusal to see the obvi­ous reached its nadir as then-Mia­mi May­or Xavier Suarez, urged on by oth­er lead­ers, declared Oct. 7, 1990, “Yah­weh ben Yah­weh Day.”

    It did­n’t mat­ter that fol­low­ers of the man whose orig­i­nal name was Hulon Mitchell Jr. had already been linked to the fire­bomb­ing of a street of hous­es and the ter­ror­is­tic takeover of a South Flori­da hous­ing com­plex. No account was tak­en of a major crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion pub­licly known to have been opened a year ear­li­er.

    Reports fil­ter­ing out of Mitchel­l’s group of black suprema­cist ide­ol­o­gy, incred­i­ble vio­lence, and the molesta­tion of girls as young as 10, had no effect either.

    But with­in weeks, Suarez and the black and white lead­ers who also pushed to hon­or Mitchel­l’s Nation of Yah­weh group — politi­cians thrilled that the self-described “prince of peace” seemed to be bring­ing order to their racial­ly trou­bled city — were severe­ly embar­rassed.

    Mitchell and 15 of his fol­low­ers were arrest­ed on fed­er­al rack­e­teer­ing charges tied to the mur­ders of 14 peo­ple. Many of the vic­tims were whites whose ears had been hacked off and brought to Mitchell as war tro­phies.

    NOTE: Here is some more back­ground on the ties of May­or Loco. Fol­low­ers of For the Record should not need an intro­duc­tion to Jeane Kirk­patrick and Jorge Mas Canosa and CANF.


    ….Backed by Suarez, who by now has suc­ceed­ed Ferre as Mia­mi may­or, the Wat­son Island project includes an illus­tri­ous group of poten­tial investors bond­ed by their fight against com­mu­nism. Among them: for­mer U.N. Ambas­sador Jeane Kirk­patrick and sev­er­al direc­tors of the Cuban Amer­i­can Nation­al Foun­da­tion, the pow­er­ful anti-Cas­tro lob­by.

    But Car­ol­lo derails the plan, on a fast track for approval, by accus­ing the investors of hav­ing com­mu­nist ties.

    Angry, the investors back out and the $93-mil­lion deal col­laps­es.
    Incensed, foun­da­tion Pres­i­dent Jorge Mas Canosa chal­lenges Car­ol­lo to a duel with swords or knives. Car­ol­lo offers to fight with water pis­tols.

    Dur­ing his next re-elec­tion bid, Suarez kicks off his cam­paign by urg­ing vot­ers to kick his neme­sis out of office.

    He calls Car­ol­lo divi­sive, inef­fec­tive, an embarrassment.Voters lis­ten, send­ing Car­ol­lo into polit­i­cal exile for eight years. His res­ur­rec­tion began only eight months ago, when he was re-elect­ed to the com­mis­sion by crush­ing the incum­bent who had beat­en him in 1987. Today, Wat­son Island remains unde­vel­oped and the foun­da­tion and Car­ol­lo remain at odds.

    Posted by Roger Stoned | November 1, 2016, 11:16 am
  2. The fas­cists, Nazis, and KKK are now embold­ened by Trumps elec­tion.

    Novem­ber 11, 2016 Dai­ley Mail.
    Neo-Nazi web­site urges read­ers to dri­ve Clin­ton fans to sui­cide as its leader warns fright­ened Democ­rats ‘now is the time to be afraid


    Posted by UnTrump | November 11, 2016, 4:08 pm

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