Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #942 Who Is Tulsi Gabbard? (Part 2)

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This broad­cast was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment.

NB: This pro­gram con­tains mate­r­i­al not con­tained in the orig­i­nal pro­gram.

Intro­duc­tion: The sec­ond of two pro­grams about Tul­si Gab­bard, a Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­gress­woman from Hawaii, this pro­gram fur­ther explores Gab­bard’s pro­found links to a branch of the Hare Krish­na cult run by a fel­low named Chris But­ler aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa.

A major focal point of the pro­gram is the occult fas­cist nature of the views of Hare Krish­na sect founder Abhay Cha­ra­nar­avin­da Bhak­tivedan­ta Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da, whom we shall refer to as Prabuha­da.

Prab­hu­pada’s views are note­wor­thy for our pur­pos­es: “. . . . ISKCON founder A C Bhak­tivedan­ta Swami’s views were even more bizarre than I expect­ed: rape vic­tims asked for it, Blacks are infe­ri­or and should be enslaved, Aryans are the supreme race, Hitler was right when attack­ing the Jews, and the ‘non-Aryan’ major­i­ty of the human race are use­less eaters no bet­ter than dogs. The pre­ferred form of gov­ern­ment is an abso­lutist monar­chy. Racism is appar­ent­ly an inte­gral part of the ide­al Vedic soci­ety, since ‘shu­dra’ (the des­ig­na­tion of the work­er-caste) means ‘black,’ which in turn lit­er­al­ly refers to blacks, a cat­e­go­ry which also includes Dra­vid­i­ans from south­ern India. . . .”

Again, specif­i­cal­ly, Prab­hu­pa­da viewed blacks, both Amer­i­can and the dark­er skinned peo­ple of India, as infe­ri­or: ” . . . .For one thing, Prab­hu­pa­da spewed vit­ri­olic racial hatred toward black/African peo­ple — repeat­ed­ly and explic­it­ly. Exam­ples of his racial big­otry are numer­ous and fre­quent­ly record­ed in lec­tures and pri­vate con­ver­sa­tions by his many devo­tees and dis­ci­ples over the decades. Even if some of his com­ments were tak­en out of con­text (as his defend­ers and apol­o­gists some­times assert), the sheer vol­ume and mag­ni­tude of his immense big­otry can­not be ignored nor sug­ar-coat­ed. Part of Prab­hu­pada’s hatred of blacks stemmed from his deep-seat­ed Hin­du beliefs that dark-skinned peo­ples rep­re­sent the very bot­tom of the hier­ar­chy of the human race — a direct reflec­tion of Indi­a’s ancient col­or-based caste sys­tem. . . .”

In the first part of the pro­gram, the views of “Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da” are detailed, illus­trat­ing a con­ver­gence with Nazi phi­los­o­phy. In FTR #172, we exam­ined how aspects of Hin­du phi­los­o­phy and cul­ture were seen as dove­tail­ing with Hit­ler­ian fas­cism. In the con­text of Naren­dra Mod­i’s BJP, the RSS, Prab­hu­pa­da and the Hare Krish­na cult, we should strong­ly empha­size that one should effec­tive­ly dis­tin­guish between the Hin­du faith and “weaponized” Hin­duism. In FTR #‘s 842 and 843, we vis­it­ed with Peter Lev­en­da, pre­sent­ing his views on weaponized reli­gion as a form of mass mind con­trol.

Assess­ing the beliefs of Prab­hu­pa­da, we note:

  • His view that blacks are cursed by God: ‘ . . . It is all [a] non­sense civ­i­liza­tion,’ he declared. ‘A first-class Rolls Royce car, and who is sit­ting there? A third-class Negro. This is going on. You will find these things in Europe and Amer­i­ca. This is going on. A first-class car and a third-class Negro.’ . . . The theme of black peo­ple as cursed by God and hope­less­ly beyond redemp­tion appeared repeat­ed­ly in Prabhupada’s com­ments. Dur­ing an ini­ti­a­tion ses­sion in Bom­bay (now called Mum­bai), he told some devo­tees who were prepar­ing to go to Africa: ‘You have got [a] good oppor­tu­ni­ty. You are going to Africa to deliv­er these per­sons ... These groups of men are con­sid­ered very fall­en … the black men … They are habit­u­at­ed to steal; there­fore they have been giv­en a sep­a­rate place, [the] African jun­gles.’ . . .”
  • His assess­ment of the col­o­niza­tion of North Amer­i­ca entails the view of Native Amer­i­cans as racial­ly infe­ri­or: ” . . . For a man who came from a coun­try col­o­nized by the British, Prab­hu­pa­da made some rather shock­ing state­ments about impe­ri­al­ism, in par­tic­u­lar as it per­tained to the Unit­ed States. In a dis­cus­sion with a dis­ci­ple named Sya­ma­sun­dara Dasa, Prab­hu­pa­da seemed to equate the Native Amer­i­cans (pejo­ra­tive­ly called ‘Red Indi­ans’) of North Amer­i­ca with the Sudras (the low­est-caste, dark­est-skinned Indi­ans of the Hin­du sys­tem in India). ‘Sudras [black peo­ple] have no brain,’ he said. ‘In Amer­i­ca also, the whole [of] Amer­i­ca once belonged to the Red Indi­ans. Why they could not improve? The land was there. Why [did] these for­eign­ers, the Euro­peans, came and improved [it]? So sudras can­not do this. They can­not make any [improve­ments].’ . . .”
  • Prab­hu­pada’s views on Native Amer­i­cans and colo­nial­ism dove­tail with his belief in the supe­ri­or­i­ty of the “Aryan race.” “ . . . . Prab­hu­pa­da appar­ent­ly also deeply embraced the myth of the ‘Aryan’ super-race and linked the ancient peo­ples of India to Europe and the U.S. Dur­ing a talk in Aus­tralia one year pri­or to his death, Prab­hu­pa­da declared that ‘the Aryans spread [to] Europe also, and the Amer­i­cans, they also spread from Europe. So the intel­li­gent class of human being, they belong to the Aryans, [the] Aryan fam­i­ly. Just like [Adolph] Hitler claimed that he belonged to the Aryan fam­i­ly.’ . . .
  • Prab­hu­pa­da viewed “race-mix­ing” as unac­cept­able, again, a qua­si-Nazi view: “ . . . ‘In Ben­gal the … black mixed up with [the] white,’ he com­plained. ‘In Ben­gal and Madras [now called Chen­nai, a city in South India], so many Dra­vid­i­an have been mixed up with the Aryan. There­fore in Ben­gal and Madras you’ll find many [peo­ple who are] black.’ The Dra­vid­i­ans, Prab­hu­pa­da declared, are ‘non-Aryans. Just like these Africans, they are not Aryans.’ Prab­hu­pa­da also appeared to warn that the race-mix­ing that occurred in India was also occur­ring in Europe and Amer­i­ca, and that it would cre­ate seri­ous prob­lems in the future. . . .”
  • He also believed in seg­re­ga­tion of the races: “. . . . Prab­hu­pa­da also appeared to endorse seg­re­ga­tion — the sep­a­ra­tion of the races, by refer­ring to behav­ior in the ani­mal king­dom. ‘[Black] crows will not like to live with the ducks and white swans,’ he report­ed­ly said dur­ing a train trip in India dur­ing the final year of his life. ‘And white swans will not like to live with the crows. That is [a] nat­ur­al divi­sion.’ . . .
  • Prab­hu­pa­da endorsed the enslave­ment of blacks (not unlike the milieu of Eddie “the Friend­ly Spook” Snow­den): “ . . . In a Feb­ru­ary 1977 con­ver­sa­tion in Maya­pur, along the Ganges, Prab­hu­pa­da pon­tif­i­cat­ed on what must be done with the ‘blacks’ (the Sudras) of India — again, equat­ing them with African-Amer­i­cans of in the U.S. Most appalling­ly, he sug­gest­ed that black peo­ple should remain in bondage. ‘[The] Sudra is to be con­trolled only,’ he said. ‘They are nev­er [to be] giv­en… free­dom. Just like in Amer­i­ca. The blacks were slaves. They were under con­trol. And since you have giv­en them equal rights they are dis­turb­ing, most dis­turb­ing, always cre­at­ing a fear­ful sit­u­a­tion, [blacks are] uncul­tured and drunk­ards. What train­ing they have got? They have got equal [rights]? [It] is best, to keep them under con­trol as slaves but give them suf­fi­cient food, suf­fi­cient [clothes], not more than that. Then they will be sat­is­fied.’ . . .”
  • Prab­hu­pa­da expressed a doc­tri­naire anti-Semi­tism and felt that Hitler’s treat­ment of the Jews was jus­ti­fied: “ . . . . Dur­ing anoth­er con­ver­sa­tion with Rames­vara, Prab­hu­pa­da alleged that Hitler killed the Jews in Ger­many because banks in the Unit­ed States and West­ern Europe (alleged­ly con­trolled by Jews) were help­ing to finance Vladimir Lenin and the Com­mu­nist rev­o­lu­tion in Rus­sia and else­where. ‘They [Jew­ish bankers] were financ­ing against [the inter­ests of] Ger­many,’ Prab­hu­pa­da said. ‘Oth­er­wise, he [Hitler] had no enmi­ty [against] the Jews…The Jews have got mon­ey. They want to invest and get some prof­it. Their only inter­est is how to get mon­ey, [not] nation­al­ism, [not] reli­gion, noth­ing of the sort ... There­fore [William] Shake­speare wrote [of] ‘Shy­lock, the Jew.’ Also, speak­ing in New York in March 1966, the Swa­mi declared: ‘Hitler was a great stu­dent of Bha­gavad-gita [clas­sic Hin­du scrip­ture]’ . . .”
  • Not sur­pris­ing­ly, Prab­hu­pa­da sup­port­ed eugen­ics: “ . . . . A devo­tee named Gopagopis­vara Dasa wrote that Prab­hu­pa­da clear­ly embraced racism and eugen­ics. ‘Prab­hu­pa­da cer­tain­ly believed that there was a mas­ter human race, the Aryans, and that they were white or tan,’ he wrote. ‘Most oth­er races, such as Africans or Native Amer­i­cans, were infe­ri­or.’ . . .

Mar­ket­ed as “the first Hin­du in Con­gress,” Gab­bard, her fam­i­ly, her in-laws and polit­i­cal milieu are deeply con­nect­ed to an off­shoot of the Hare Krish­na sect in Hawaii led by Chris But­ler aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa:

  • Gab­bard’s Wash­ing­ton-based chief of staff, Kain­oa Penaroza, is the son of Bill Penaroza, linked to a polit­i­cal front for But­ler’s orga­ni­za­tion.  ” . . . . Kain­oa Penaroza, who was appoint­ed as Gabbard’s Wash­ing­ton, D.C.-based chief of staff last month despite his rel­a­tive lack of polit­i­cal expe­ri­ence, is the son of Bill Penaroza, who was among a slate of 14 can­di­dates run­ning for a vari­ety of offices in 1976 under an enig­mat­ic polit­i­cal par­ty called the Inde­pen­dents for God­ly Gov­ern­ment. The party’s con­nec­tion to But­ler was revealed in a three-part inves­tiga­tive series by the Hon­olu­lu Advertiser’s Water Wright in 1977. . . .”
  • Penaroza­’s wife works as Gab­bard’s Wash­ing­ton fundrais­er. Both lived at a prop­er­ty owned by a group that owned Healthy’s, a store con­trolled by But­ler’s group. ” . . . . Penaroza, 30, and his wife, Alana Leigh Penaroza, who now works as Gabbard’s D.C. fundrais­er, at one time lived in a Kailua prop­er­ty owned by Joseph Bis­mark, a Sin­ga­pore-based busi­ness­man whose com­pa­ny, QI Group, bought Healthy’s in 2007. Accord­ing to the Hawaii Depart­ment of Com­merce and Con­sumer Affairs, Healthy’s owns Noni Con­nec­tion LLC, which lists Kain­oa Penaroza as its direc­tor and sec­re­tary. . . .”
  • Aba­ham Williams, Gab­bard’s now-hus­band, is from a fam­i­ly with deep ties to the But­ler cult. ” . . . . Abra­ham Williams, Gabbard’s 26-year-old fiancé, is a free­lance cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er who also grew up in a fam­i­ly with strong ties to But­ler. His moth­er, Anya Antho­ny, is list­ed as a reg­is­tered agent of Wai Lana Pro­duc­tions LLC, a com­pa­ny named after Butler’s wife, Wai Lan, that runs www.wailana.com, which sells yoga instruc­tion DVDs, cloth­ing and oth­er acces­sories. . . . .”
  • Gab­bard’s mother-in-law–Anya Anthony–is part of the But­ler cult milieu and is the man­ag­er of Gab­bard’s dis­trict office in Hon­olu­lu.  ” . . . . [Anya] Antho­ny is now the man­ag­er of Gabbard’s dis­trict office in Hon­olu­lu. Last month, Gab­bard put a post on Face­book intro­duc­ing Antho­ny as her soon-to-be moth­er-in-law. Gab­bard not­ed that she had asked the Con­gres­sion­al Ethics Com­mit­tee to deter­mine if it was eth­i­cal for the con­gress­woman to employ her future moth­er-in-law. The com­mit­tee signed off on Anthony’s con­tin­ued employ­ment, a com­mit­tee spokesman con­firmed to Civ­il Beat. . . .”
  • Sunil Khe­maney, one Gab­bard’s sup­port­ers on her trip to India where she net­worked with Modi, the BJP and the RSS, is tied to the But­ler busi­ness milieu.  ” . . . . Sunil Khe­maney, who accom­pa­nied Gab­bard on her Decem­ber trip to India, is list­ed in Wai Lana Pro­duc­tions’ busi­ness reg­is­tra­tion records as its man­ag­er. He is also the direc­tor of Healthy’s and one of the trustees of Wai Lana Yoga Trust, whose mis­sion is to ‘edu­cate and teach the gen­er­al pub­lic about the phi­los­o­phy, moral stan­dards and prac­tices of yoga for the ben­e­fit of mankind.’ Khe­maney is also the vice pres­i­dent of the East West Yoga Foun­da­tion, a non­prof­it reg­is­tered in Ari­zona. Chris But­ler is list­ed in Ari­zona cor­po­ra­tion records as its direc­tor, along with his wife, who is the pres­i­dent and direc­tor. . . .”
  • Tul­si’s father Mike is also tied to the But­ler cult: ” . . . . Mike Gab­bard has long main­tained that he’s a Catholic, not Hare Krish­na. But, in Hon­olu­lu Magazine’s 2004 pro­file, he acknowl­edged his ties to But­ler: ‘Although I’m not a mem­ber of the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, I’m eter­nal­ly thank­ful to Chris But­ler … whose teach­ings of kar­ma yoga (self­less ser­vice) and bhak­ti yoga (devo­tion to God) have brought me back to my Catholic roots and the fun­da­men­tal teach­ings of Christ.’ . . . Mike Gab­bard was in the audi­ence at a tap­ing of Chris Butler’s TV show, ‘Jagad Guru Speaks,’ which aired for sev­er­al years in the 1980s and 1990s. . . .”
  • Tul­si’s moth­er Car­ol is also tied to But­ler and both of her par­ents sat on the board of direc­tors of Buter’s group: ” . . . . . Mul­ti­ple his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments show that, at var­i­ous points in the his­to­ry of the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, both Mike and Car­ol Gab­bard sat on its board. Accord­ing to var­i­ous reports, they were bestowed San­skrit names, ‘Krish­na Katha das’ and ‘Devahuti dasi,’ respec­tive­ly. . . .”

The Huff­in­g­ton Post arti­cle above dis­counts any pub­lic pro­nounce­ments by Gab­bard about But­ler being her guru. These are con­tra­dict­ed in the third embed­ded video con­tained in the linked post. At around 3:45, she cred­its Chris But­ler, aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa with being her guru.

NOTE: Civ­il Beat is actu­al­ly a pub­li­ca­tion found­ed by Pierre Omid­yar. It is car­ried by The Huff­in­g­ton Post but is not actu­al­ly part of their oper­a­tion. This note­wor­thy because Civ­il Beat claims it could not find any pub­lic record of Gab­bard assert­ing that Chris But­ler, aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa was her guru. Actu­al­ly, such infor­ma­tion is not hard to find. The audio track for the above embed­ded video of Gab­bard con­tains just such a state­ment!

This is sig­nif­i­cant for our pur­pos­es, because Omid­yar:

  • Helped to finance Mod­i’s rise to pow­er.
  • Also helped to finance the Maid­an covert oper­a­tion in Ukraine.

Omid­yar, of course, also bankrolls Nazi fel­low trav­el­er Glenn Green­wald’s jour­nal­is­tic activ­i­ties. The Civ­il Beat­’s puz­zling inabil­i­ty to locate any state­ments by Gab­bard assert­ing that Chris But­ler is her guru may derive from Gab­bard’s and Omid­yar’s mutu­al inter­est in pro­mot­ing Mod­i’s Hin­du nationalist/fascist agen­da.

In the sec­ond embed­ded video in the linked post, we note Chris But­ler’s phi­los­o­phy, one that dove­tails nice­ly with fas­cism.

The pro­gram con­cludes with analy­sis of the frag­men­ta­tion of the Hare Krish­na cult after the death of Prab­hu­pa­da in 1977 (he alleges that he was poi­soned), the cult frag­ment­ed, and many of the off­shoots have engaged in tru­ly insid­i­ous activ­i­ties:

“. . . . For a small orga­ni­za­tion, ISKCON has had more than its share of bad pub­lic­i­ty, and most of it was well deserved. When Prab­hu­pa­da ‘left’ in 1977, there was a deep pow­er strug­gle over who would lead the move­ment. The 11 gurus who carved the world made up the ‘Gov­ern­ing Body Com­mis­sion,’ which Prab­hu­pa­da set up before he died. He may or may not have appoint­ed the 11. No one knows for sure. . . .

. . . . One thing that is cer­tain is that their unchecked pow­er was too much for most. Accord­ing to some devo­tees, 90 per­cent of Prab­hu­pada’s ini­ti­at­ed dis­ci­ples either left or were pushed out of ISKCON, so the GBC could rule unques­tioned. Hansadut­ta, the West Coast guru, start­ed stock­pil­ing weapons. Kir­tananan­da, at the ‘Palace of Gold’ in the Appalachi­an hills of West Vir­ginia, oper­at­ed a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar rack­e­teer­ing oper­a­tion. There was ram­pant phys­i­cal and sex­u­al abuse in the guruku­las (the board­ing schools). At least two dis­si­dent ISKCON mem­bers were mur­dered, and there is talk of oth­ers dis­ap­pear­ing in India. All along, there have been rumors of drug smug­gling. It some­times looked like Machi­avel­li and The Prince had replaced the Krish­na and Bha­gavad Gita.

In the mid-1980s, some peo­ple went to jail for the mur­ders, a few gurus quit, and oth­ers broke away to form splin­ter groups. For a while it looked like ISKCON was self-destruc­t­ing, because ‘too many gurus did not want to spread Prab­hu­pada’s teach­ings, they want­ed to be Prab­hu­pa­da,’ accord­ing to John Hub­n­er and Lind­say Gru­son in their book, Mon­key on a Stick. ISKCON teetered for a while, and there was talk of reform, but lit­tle came. In the mid-1990s, the pres­i­dent of the New Orleans tem­ple was found tied to a chair with his throat slit. . . .”

The foun­da­tion of the inquiry into Gab­bard con­cerns her posi­tion as a “ris­ing star” in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, her inco­her­ent views on Islam and Mus­lims, her net­work­ing with Naren­dra Modi, the BJP and the RSS, as well as the Trump busi­ness empire’s links to Modi/BJP. In addi­tion, Steve Ban­non, the “Alt-right” advi­sor to Trump likes Gab­bard. Trump inter­viewed her for a cab­i­net posi­tion.

For con­ve­nience, we recap key points of the analy­sis from FTR #941.

Note­wor­thy for our pur­pos­es is Tul­si Gab­bard’s high-pro­file sup­port for Bernie Sanders” . . . . Sanders has been sur­pris­ing­ly low-key in his response to this lat­est wave of pop­ulist delu­sion. Time is short. He must force­ful­ly tell his sup­port­ers to aban­don their mis­guid­ed write-in mis­sion, and soon. Every minute he keeps qui­et, spoil­er cam­paigns such as Op Deny 270 and BernieVote.com recruit more vot­ers from Face­book and Twit­ter to write in Sanders. In Cal­i­for­nia, 55 peo­ple man­aged to reg­is­ter as “elec­tors” to get Sanders approved as an offi­cial write-in can­di­date, with Hawaii Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard as vice pres­i­dent. The Sandernistas spent last week argu­ing that Clin­ton is just as “evil” as Trump, based on rumors – whipped up dis­grace­ful­ly by rogue pro-Trump FBI agents, then quashed Sun­day with a big ‘nev­er mind’ by FBI Direc­tor James Comey – that fresh­ly unearthed emails might yet get her indict­ed. .[We won­der if “Op Deny 270 and BernieVote.com might be some of the vot­er sup­pres­sion oper­a­tions Trump dirty tricks maven Roger Stone boast­ed of dur­ing the campaign?–D.E.] . .”

Of con­sid­er­able inter­est are Gab­bard’s inco­her­ent views on Muslims/Islam and how they relate to her sup­port for Sanders:

  • She has beeen crit­i­cal of Oba­ma because his stance on ISIS does­n’t label the group as rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Islam: “ . . . . ‘Meet the Demo­c­rat Who’s Not Afraid to Crit­i­cize Pres­i­dent Oba­ma on ISIS,’ intones a recent ABC News head­line. The sto­ry describes remarks by Hawaii Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard (D), who has for the past month been all over the media slam­ming Oba­ma’s refusal to direct­ly asso­ciate ISIS and oth­er ter­ror­ists with the Islam­ic faith. She’s par­tic­u­lar­ly a favorite of right-wing media. . . .”
  • Gab­bard’s sup­port for Sanders is osten­si­bly due to her oppo­si­tion to wars of regime change (a stance with which we agree, BTW.) This con­trasts with her anti-Islam mil­i­tan­cy: ” . . . . The news­pa­per char­ac­ter­ized her sup­port as ‘tem­pered’ and wrote that she reit­er­at­ed her con­cerns over the for­mer sec­re­tary of State’s Mid­dle East poli­cies. . . . Gab­bard, a vet­er­an of two Mid­dle East deploy­ments, resigned her post as vice chair­woman of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee in Feb­ru­ary to endorse Sanders, a Ver­mont sen­a­tor. She said then, in a video, that Amer­i­ca could elect ‘a pres­i­dent who will lead us into more inter­ven­tion­ist wars of regime change or we can elect a pres­i­dent who will ush­er in a new era of peace and pros­per­i­ty.’ . . .”
  • Curi­ous­ly, Gab­bard has joined Sanders in sup­port­ing African-Amer­i­can Mus­lim Kei­th Elli­son for chair of the DNC. We feel that IF that were to hap­pen, it would play right into the hands of Roger Stone/Trump/Steve Ban­non et al. Is that the real goal of Gab­bard’s stance?
  • Elli­son has net­worked with Mus­lim Broth­er­hood front orga­ni­za­tions in the U.S., some­thing that will work to the ben­e­fit of Roger Stone/Trump/Steve Ban­non et al.

Next, the pro­gram recaps net­work­ing between the milieux of Don­ald Trump, Tul­si Gab­bard and Naren­dra Modi:

  • Trump’s Indi­an part­ners in his real estate projects over­lap the milieu of Mod­i’s BJP (a cat’s paw for the Hin­du nation­al­ist and fas­cist par­ty the RSS.) ” . . . . Mr. Trump’s part­ner in the Trump Tow­er Mum­bai is the Lod­ha Group, found­ed by Man­gal Prab­hat Lod­ha, vice pres­i­dent of the Bharatiya Jana­ta Par­ty — cur­rent­ly the gov­ern­ing par­ty in Par­lia­ment — in Maha­rash­tra State. The Lod­ha Group has already nego­ti­at­ed with the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment; it announced a land­mark pur­chase of a prop­er­ty, known as the Wash­ing­ton House, on tony Alta­mount Road, from the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment for 3.75 bil­lion rupees, almost $70 mil­lion. His part­ner in an office com­plex in Gur­gaon, near New Del­hi, is IREO, whose man­ag­ing direc­tor, Lalit Goy­al, is the broth­er-in-law of a Bharatiya Jana­ta mem­ber of Par­lia­ment, Sud­han­shu Mit­tal. Mr. Mit­tal, in an inter­view, has denied hav­ing any con­nec­tion with the real estate com­pa­ny. . . .”
  • Trump inter­viewed Gab­bard for a cab­i­net posi­tion: “. . . . Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard, a high-pro­file Bernie Sanders sup­port­er dur­ing the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­maries, is “under seri­ous con­sid­er­a­tion” for var­i­ous Cab­i­net posi­tions in Pres­i­dent-elect Don­ald Trump’s admin­is­tra­tion, accord­ing to a senior offi­cial on the tran­si­tion team.A ccord­ing to the offi­cial, the 35-year-old Hawaii con­gress­woman is being looked as a can­di­date for sec­re­tary of state, sec­re­tary of defense or Unit­ed Nations ambas­sador. If select­ed, Gab­bard will be the first woman as well as the youngest pick for Trump’s Cab­i­net. . . .”
  • Trump’s “alt-right” advi­sor Steve Ban­non is a fan of Gab­bard’s: ” . . . .  Stephen Ban­non, Trump’s chief strate­gist, report­ed­ly likes Gab­bard because of her stance on guns, refugees and Islam­ic extrem­ism along with her abil­i­ty to invoke strong anti-estab­lish­ment pop­ulist sen­ti­ment on the left. . . .”
  • Ban­non is also a fan of Naren­dra Modi and has fol­lowed his polit­i­cal rise close­ly: ” . . . . Mr. Trump may be large­ly indif­fer­ent to the rea­sons behind his Hin­du loy­al­ists’ fer­vor, but his most senior advis­ers are not. The campaign’s chief exec­u­tive, Stephen K. Ban­non, is a stu­dent of nation­al­ist move­ments. Mr. Ban­non is close to Nigel Farage, a cen­tral fig­ure in Britain’s move­ment to leave the Euro­pean Union, and he is an admir­er of India’s prime min­is­ter, Naren­dra Modi, a Hin­du nation­al­ist Mr. Ban­non has called ‘the Rea­gan of India.’ It may be pure coin­ci­dence that some of Mr. Trump’s words chan­nel the nation­al­is­tic and, some argue, anti-Mus­lim sen­ti­ments that Mr. Modi stoked as he rose to pow­er. But it is cer­tain­ly not coin­ci­den­tal that many of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hin­du sup­port­ers are also some of Mr. Modi’s most ardent back­ers. . . .”
  • Gab­bard is also a big fan of Naren­dra Modi, hav­ing been involved with the plan­ning of Mod­i’s U.S. vis­it and net­work­ing with BJP mem­bers: ” . . . . Gab­bard, a strong sup­port­er of Modi, is a Demo­c­rat Con­gress­woman from Hawaii. . . . She had spo­ken to Modi after his vic­to­ry in the Indi­an gen­er­al elec­tions and con­grat­u­lat­ed him and the Bharatiya Jana­ta Par­ty (BJP). She has also been involved in the plan­ning of Modi’s US vis­it and had last month met two BJP lead­ers Vijay Jol­ly and MP Rajyavard­han Rathore in that con­nec­tion. . . .”
  • On a trip to India, Gab­bard net­worked with both the BJP and the RSS, the Hin­du nationalist/fascist par­ty for which Mod­i’s BJP is a cat’s paw. (All of Mod­i’s cab­i­net appoint­ments were drawn from the RSS. Mod­eled on the Ger­man Nazi Par­ty and Mus­solin­i’s black­shirts, the RSS killed Gand­hi.): “. . . . Speak­ing at a fundrais­ing event for the BJP in August 2014 . . . Gab­bard said that Modi’s elec­tion vic­to­ry was only pos­si­ble because ‘peo­ple stood up, one by one by one by one, and said we will demand that this change occurs.’ . . . Gab­bard was treat­ed as roy­al­ty on her vis­it to India last year. As she hob­nobbed with the Indi­an prime min­is­ter and for­eign min­is­ter among oth­ers, The Tele­graph, a Kolkata-based news­pa­per, called her ‘the Sangh’s mas­cot’ in the US. The Sangh, a moniker for the Rashtriya Swayam­se­vak Sangh (RSS), is a right-wing hin­dut­va organ­i­sa­tion and the ide­o­log­i­cal guardian of the BJP par­ty that rules India now. . . .”

1. The views of “Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da” are detailed, illus­trat­ing a con­ver­gence with Nazi phi­los­o­phy. In FTR #172, we exam­ined how aspects of Hin­du phi­los­o­phy and cul­ture were seen as dove­tail­ing with Hit­ler­ian fas­cism.

Those views are on dis­play at length and in detail in the arti­cle below.

“Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da: Founder Of Hare Krish­na Move­ment, And A Vir­u­lent Racist, Anti-Semi­te”
by Palash Ghosh; Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness Times; 09/27/13.

Abhay Cha­ra­nar­avin­da Bhak­tivedan­ta Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da — bet­ter known as A.C. Bhak­tivedan­ta or sim­ply by the hon­orif­ic “Prab­hu­pa­da” — was a Ben­gali Indi­an Hin­du spir­i­tu­al leader who found­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Soci­ety for Krish­na Con­scious­ness, itself bet­ter known in the West as the “Hare Krish­na” move­ment. . . .

. . . . But the man who spear­head­ed the Hare Krish­na empire, Prab­hu­pa­da, espoused some very con­tro­ver­sial views that would like­ly upset, and even out­rage, those who are oth­er­wise sym­pa­thet­ic to spir­i­tu­al endeav­ors and the­ol­o­gy.

For one thing, Prab­hu­pa­da spewed vit­ri­olic racial hatred toward black/African peo­ple — repeat­ed­ly and explic­it­ly. Exam­ples of his racial big­otry are numer­ous and fre­quent­ly record­ed in lec­tures and pri­vate con­ver­sa­tions by his many devo­tees and dis­ci­ples over the decades.

Even if some of his com­ments were tak­en out of con­text (as his defend­ers and apol­o­gists some­times assert), the sheer vol­ume and mag­ni­tude of his immense big­otry can­not be ignored nor sug­ar-coat­ed.

Part of Prab­hu­pada’s hatred of blacks stemmed from his deep-seat­ed Hin­du beliefs that dark-skinned peo­ples rep­re­sent the very bot­tom of the hier­ar­chy of the human race — a direct reflec­tion of Indi­a’s ancient col­or-based caste sys­tem.

For exam­ple, in an April 1968 let­ter to a senior dis­ci­ple named Satsvaru­pa Dasa Goswa­mi (born an Ital­ian Roman Catholic in Stat­en Island named Stephen Guar­i­no), Prab­hu­pa­da wrote: “Cer­tain­ly we are not going to say these things about the Negro peo­ple pub­licly, we have no dis­tinc­tion between black or white, or demon or demigod, but at the same time, so long as one is demon or demigod, we have to behave in the prop­er way.” These words, which sug­gest­ed that blacks should be kept at a dis­tance, were uttered short­ly after the assas­si­na­tion of Mar­tin Luther King Jr.

Dur­ing a speech before a class in Los Ange­les lat­er that year, Prab­hu­pa­da told a bizarre tale of how the apart­ment he was stay­ing at in New York City had been bur­glar­ized and his type­writer and tape recorder stolen.

”When I came back [to the apart­ment] I saw the door [was] bro­ken,” Prabupha­da said. “That [build­ing] super­in­ten­dent, he was a Negro. He [had] done [it], I know that. This is [a] very com­mon case here [in Amer­i­ca].”

In a con­ver­sa­tion with devo­tees on the island of Mau­ri­tius from 1975, Prab­hu­pa­da chas­tised the gross mate­ri­al­ism of the West, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly slur­ring black peo­ple.

“It is all [a] non­sense civ­i­liza­tion,” he declared. “A first-class Rolls Royce car, and who is sit­ting there? A third-class Negro. This is going on. You will find these things in Europe and Amer­i­ca. This is going on. A first-class car and a third-class Negro.”

Prab­hu­pa­da fre­quent­ly used the term “Negro” even though that word had fall­en out of favor in most Anglo­phone nations.

The theme of black peo­ple as cursed by God and hope­less­ly beyond redemp­tion appeared repeat­ed­ly in Prabhupada’s com­ments.

Dur­ing an ini­ti­a­tion ses­sion in Bom­bay (now called Mum­bai), he told some devo­tees who were prepar­ing to go to Africa: “You have got [a] good oppor­tu­ni­ty. You are going to Africa to deliv­er these per­sons ... These groups of men are con­sid­ered very fall­en … the black men … They are habit­u­at­ed to steal; there­fore they have been giv­en a sep­a­rate place, [the] African jun­gles.”

For a man who came from a coun­try col­o­nized by the British, Prab­hu­pa­da made some rather shock­ing state­ments about impe­ri­al­ism, in par­tic­u­lar as it per­tained to the Unit­ed States. In a dis­cus­sion with a dis­ci­ple named Sya­ma­sun­dara Dasa, Prab­hu­pa­da seemed to equate the Native Amer­i­cans (pejo­ra­tive­ly called “Red Indi­ans”) of North Amer­i­ca with the Sudras (the low­est-caste, dark­est-skinned Indi­ans of the Hin­du sys­tem in India).

“Sudras [black peo­ple] have no brain,” he said. ‘In Amer­i­ca also, the whole [of] Amer­i­ca once belonged to the Red Indi­ans. Why they could not improve? The land was there. Why [did] these for­eign­ers, the Euro­peans, came and improved [it]? So sudras can­not do this. They can­not make any [improve­ments].’

Prab­hu­pa­da appar­ent­ly also deeply embraced the myth of the “Aryan” super-race and linked the ancient peo­ples of India to Europe and the U.S. Dur­ing a talk in Aus­tralia one year pri­or to his death, Prab­hu­pa­da declared that “the Aryans spread [to] Europe also, and the Amer­i­cans, they also spread from Europe. So the intel­li­gent class of human being, they belong to the Aryans, [the] Aryan fam­i­ly. Just like [Adolph] Hitler claimed that he belonged to the Aryan fam­i­ly.”

The Swa­mi also equat­ed the Dra­vid­i­ans, that is, the dark-skinned orig­i­nal inhab­i­tants of India who now pre­dom­i­nate in the south­ern part of the coun­try, with black Africans. He also bemoaned that the Dra­vid­i­ans (black peo­ple) mixed with the Aryans (white peo­ple) through­out Indi­an his­to­ry, includ­ing in his native Ben­gal.

“In Ben­gal the … black mixed up with [the] white,” he com­plained. “In Ben­gal and Madras [now called Chen­nai, a city in South India], so many Dra­vid­i­an have been mixed up with the Aryan. There­fore in Ben­gal and Madras you’ll find many [peo­ple who are] black.”

The Dra­vid­i­ans, Prab­hu­pa­da declared, are “non-Aryans. Just like these Africans, they are not Aryans.”

Prab­hu­pa­da also appeared to warn that the race-mix­ing that occurred in India was also occur­ring in Europe and Amer­i­ca, and that it would cre­ate seri­ous prob­lems in the future.

He also held some deeply pes­simistic views about the racial con­flict in the Unit­ed States. Speak­ing in Tehran, Iran, in 1976, Prab­hu­pa­da declared, “I don’t think the Negro ques­tion [in the U.S.] is solved … The whites, they do not like the Negroes still. Wher­ev­er there are Negroes, in that [neigh­bor­hood] the whites do not go in …. Although they [black peo­ple] have been giv­en equal [rights], but at heart the whites, they do not like it. Is there any improve­ment? I don’t think [so].”

Prab­hu­pa­da also appeared to endorse seg­re­ga­tion — the sep­a­ra­tion of the races, by refer­ring to behav­ior in the ani­mal king­dom.

“[Black] crows will not like to live with the ducks and white swans,” he report­ed­ly said dur­ing a train trip in India dur­ing the final year of his life. “And white swans will not like to live with the crows. That is [a] nat­ur­al divi­sion.”

In a con­ver­sa­tion with an Amer­i­can dis­ci­ple named Rames­vara, Prab­hu­pa­da sug­gest­ed that with­out gov­ern­ment con­trol through wel­fare, black peo­ple would become “out of con­trol” and cre­ate dis­or­der in soci­ety.

“Espe­cial­ly in your coun­try [the U.S.] it will be dan­ger­ous because these blacks, if they don’t get employ­ment, they will cre­ate hav­oc, these blacks,” he said. “And they are not civ­i­lized. They want mon­ey, and if they don’t get mon­ey, then they will cre­ate hav­oc.”

In a Feb­ru­ary 1977 con­ver­sa­tion in Maya­pur, along the Ganges, Prab­hu­pa­da pon­tif­i­cat­ed on what must be done with the “blacks” (the Sudras) of India — again, equat­ing them with African-Amer­i­cans of in the U.S. Most appalling­ly, he sug­gest­ed that black peo­ple should remain in bondage.

“[The] Sudra is to be con­trolled only,” he said. “They are nev­er [to be] giv­en… free­dom. Just like in Amer­i­ca. The blacks were slaves. They were under con­trol. And since you have giv­en them equal rights they are dis­turb­ing, most dis­turb­ing, always cre­at­ing a fear­ful sit­u­a­tion, [blacks are] uncul­tured and drunk­ards. What train­ing they have got? They have got equal [rights]? [It] is best, to keep them under con­trol as slaves but give them suf­fi­cient food, suf­fi­cient [clothes], not more than that. Then they will be sat­is­fied.”

Prab­hu­pa­da also had some choice words about the Jews.

Dur­ing anoth­er con­ver­sa­tion with Rames­vara, Prab­hu­pa­da alleged that Hitler killed the Jews in Ger­many because banks in the Unit­ed States and West­ern Europe (alleged­ly con­trolled by Jews) were help­ing to finance Vladimir Lenin and the Com­mu­nist rev­o­lu­tion in Rus­sia and else­where.

“They [Jew­ish bankers] were financ­ing against [the inter­ests of] Ger­many,” Prab­hu­pa­da said. “Oth­er­wise, he [Hitler] had no enmi­ty [against] the Jews… The Jews have got mon­ey. They want to invest and get some prof­it. Their only inter­est is how to get mon­ey, [not] nation­al­ism, [not] reli­gion, noth­ing of the sort ... There­fore [William] Shake­speare wrote [of] ‘Shy­lock, the Jew.’”

Also, speak­ing in New York in March 1966, the Swa­mi declared: “Hitler was a great stu­dent of Bha­gavad-gita [clas­sic Hin­du scrip­ture]”

A devo­tee named Gopagopis­vara Dasa wrote that Prab­hu­pa­da clear­ly embraced racism and eugen­ics.

“Prab­hu­pa­da cer­tain­ly believed that there was a mas­ter human race, the Aryans, and that they were white or tan,” he wrote. “Most oth­er races, such as Africans or Native Amer­i­cans, were infe­ri­or.” . . . . 

Cen­tral to our exam­i­na­tion of Gab­bard is the ques­tion of whether or not she might be a “ringer” inside the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty and–possibly–a mind-con­trol job?

2a. The Huff­in­g­ton Post arti­cle above dis­counts any pub­lic pro­nounce­ments by Gab­bard about But­ler being her guru. These are con­tra­dict­ed in the third embed­ded video con­tained in the linked post. At around 3:45, she cred­its Chris But­ler, aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa with being her guru.

2b. In the sec­ond embed­ded video in the linked post, we note Chris But­ler’s phi­los­o­phy, one that dove­tails nice­ly with fas­cism.

3. Gab­bard, her fam­i­ly, her fiance and in-laws-to-be and their respec­tive milieux are inex­tri­ca­bly linked with a branch of the Hare Krish­na cult head­ed by Chris But­ler, aka aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa.

“Tul­si Gab­bard Still Dogged by Krish­na Cult Rumors” by Rul Kaneya; The Huff­in­g­ton Post; 3/16/2015.

 Eleven years ago, U.S. Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard, now a ris­ing star in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, was a lit­tle-known state rep­re­sen­ta­tive from a West Oahu dis­trict. It was her then-Repub­li­can father, Mike, who was in the polit­i­cal lime­light.

The elder Gab­bard, known for his vir­u­lent anti-gay cru­sade in the 1990s, was chal­leng­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic incum­bent Ed Case in the race to rep­re­sent Hawaii’s 2nd Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict. So, for a pro­file piece, a writer at Hon­olu­lu Mag­a­zine emailed him and asked about his family’s ties to a guru named Chris But­ler, aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa, who leads an obscure off­shoot of the Hare Krish­na move­ment in Hawaii.

But Tul­si Gab­bard jumped in. “I smell a skunk,” she emailed back. “It’s clear to me that you’re act­ing as a con­duit for … homo­sex­u­al extrem­ist sup­port­ers of Ed Case.”

Much has changed with Tul­si Gab­bard since then. She enlist­ed in the Hawaii Army Nation­al Guard and served two tours in the Mid­dle East before suc­cess­ful­ly run­ning for a seat on the Hon­olu­lu City Coun­cil in 2010. Then, in 2012, she got what elud­ed her father — a seat rep­re­sent­ing Hawaii in Con­gress.

For years, rumors about their ties to guru Chris But­ler have hound­ed U.S. Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard and her father, state Sen. Mike Gab­bard. . . .

. . . . Still, the Inter­net con­tin­ues to pro­vide a ready forum for the com­mo­tion over Gab­bard to fes­ter — you need look no fur­ther than a thread on the Cult Edu­ca­tion Institute’s forum titled, “Chris But­ler, Jagad Guru, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty.” Civ­il Beat recent­ly scanned the entire thread and found a trove of infor­ma­tion, includ­ing use­ful links, scanned copies of news arti­cles and oth­er his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments.

For this sto­ry, Civ­il Beat drew on infor­ma­tion from the forum that could be ver­i­fied, along with oth­er pub­licly avail­able doc­u­ments and news arti­cles, as well as inter­views with peo­ple who have inti­mate knowl­edge about the com­mu­ni­ty of But­ler devo­tees.

What emerged is a fas­ci­nat­ing look at the world Gab­bard and her close asso­ciates grew up in. It’s anoth­er lens through which to view the fast-ris­ing con­gress­woman.

“Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty:”

The Cult Edu­ca­tion Institute’s forum on Chris But­ler began back in 2004 and is still going strong. It has last­ed long enough to reach near­ly 500 pages, con­tain­ing thou­sands of lengthy posts intend­ed to shed light on But­ler and the inner work­ings of his group, called the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion.

The group formed in the ear­ly 1970s, and its lead­ers lat­er sought to turn the orga­ni­za­tion into a polit­i­cal force in Hawaii by field­ing a num­ber of can­di­dates for key polit­i­cal offices over the years. By and large, the can­di­dates pushed for a brand of social reform that seemed to mim­ic Butler’s teach­ings, which stressed envi­ron­men­tal­ism, veg­e­tar­i­an­ism, and oppo­si­tion to homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and “illic­it” sex.

And they had some suc­cess­es: for­mer state Sen. Rick Reed; for­mer Maui Coun­ty Coun­cil Mem­ber Wayne Nishi­ki; Mike Gab­bard, who came back from his loss to Case to win a state Sen­ate seat; and Car­ol Gab­bard, who was elect­ed to the Hawaii Board of Edu­ca­tion.

It’s no won­der that long­time observers see Tul­si Gabbard’s steady climb from the Hon­olu­lu City Coun­cil to Con­gress as some­how con­nect­ed to But­ler.

But­ler, a Kalani High School grad­u­ate and son of a promi­nent Kailua doc­tor, Willis, was a dis­ci­ple of A.C. Bahkitevedan­ta Swa­mi Prab­hu­pad, who found­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Soci­ety of Krish­na Con­scious­ness 1966. The group is bet­ter known in Hawaii as Hare Krish­nas, and it was wide­spread through­out the coun­try in the 1960s and ’70s. Its mem­bers were high­ly vis­i­ble here — with their shaved heads and orange robes, they were often seen in Waiki­ki, chant­i­ng and solic­it­ing con­tri­bu­tions.

Chris But­ler, aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa, formed a Krish­na com­mu­ni­ty in Hawaii in the 1970s.

An inter­nal pow­er strug­gle even­tu­al­ly led But­ler to break away from ISKCON in the ear­ly ‘70s and form his own Krish­na com­mu­ni­ty in Hawaii. The group has since swift­ly expand­ed, reach­ing the main­land and as far as Aus­tralia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the Philip­pines.

By most accounts, the com­mu­ni­ty was made up of a loose-knit col­lec­tion of indi­vid­u­als who eschewed the street-beg­ging and instead chant­ed in the pri­va­cy of their homes or makeshift wor­ship cen­ters. Over the years, they band­ed togeth­er to start a num­ber of busi­ness­es, includ­ing Down to Earth gro­cery stores and a host of oth­er health-food relat­ed busi­ness­es under a com­pa­ny called Healthy’s Inc. A por­tion of the pro­ceeds from these busi­ness­es usu­al­ly got divert­ed to sup­port the move­ment.

Around 2012, after Tul­si Gab­bard announced her can­di­da­cy for Con­gress, the focus of con­trib­u­tors to the Cult Edu­ca­tion forum turned from But­ler him­self to Gab­bard and efforts to pin down her ties to the guru. The result: More than 100 pages of the thread now doc­u­ment the activ­i­ties of Gab­bard and her par­ents, as well as her four sib­lings and asso­ciates. . . .

. . . . But Civ­il Beat was able to ver­i­fy a num­ber of the ties that link But­ler to Gabbard’s fam­i­ly and asso­ciates:

Kain­oa Penaroza, who was appoint­ed as Gabbard’s Wash­ing­ton, D.C.-based chief of staff last month despite his rel­a­tive lack of polit­i­cal expe­ri­ence, is the son of Bill Penaroza, who was among a slate of 14 can­di­dates run­ning for a vari­ety of offices in 1976 under an enig­mat­ic polit­i­cal par­ty called the Inde­pen­dents for God­ly Gov­ern­ment. The party’s con­nec­tion to But­ler was revealed in a three-part inves­tiga­tive series by the Hon­olu­lu Advertiser’s Water Wright in 1977.

Penaroza, 30, and his wife, Alana Leigh Penaroza, who now works as Gabbard’s D.C. fundrais­er, at one time lived in a Kailua prop­er­ty owned by Joseph Bis­mark, a Sin­ga­pore-based busi­ness­man whose com­pa­ny, QI Group, bought Healthy’s in 2007. Accord­ing to the Hawaii Depart­ment of Com­merce and Con­sumer Affairs, Healthy’s owns Noni Con­nec­tion LLC, which lists Kain­oa Penaroza as its direc­tor and sec­re­tary.

Abra­ham Williams, Gabbard’s 26-year-old fiancé, is a free­lance cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er who also grew up in a fam­i­ly with strong ties to But­ler. His moth­er, Anya Antho­ny, is list­ed as a reg­is­tered agent of Wai Lana Pro­duc­tions LLC, a com­pa­ny named after Butler’s wife, Wai Lan, that runs www.wailana.com, which sells yoga instruc­tion DVDs, cloth­ing and oth­er acces­sories.

Antho­ny is now the man­ag­er of Gabbard’s dis­trict office in Hon­olu­lu. Last month, Gab­bard put a post on Face­book intro­duc­ing Antho­ny as her soon-to-be moth­er-in-law. Gab­bard not­ed that she had asked the Con­gres­sion­al Ethics Com­mit­tee to deter­mine if it was eth­i­cal for the con­gress­woman to employ her future moth­er-in-law. The com­mit­tee signed off on Anthony’s con­tin­ued employ­ment, a com­mit­tee spokesman con­firmed to Civ­il Beat.

Sunil Khe­maney, who accom­pa­nied Gab­bard on her Decem­ber trip to India, is list­ed in Wai Lana Pro­duc­tions’ busi­ness reg­is­tra­tion records as its man­ag­er. He is also the direc­tor of Healthy’s and one of the trustees of Wai Lana Yoga Trust, whose mis­sion is to “edu­cate and teach the gen­er­al pub­lic about the phi­los­o­phy, moral stan­dards and prac­tices of yoga for the ben­e­fit of mankind.”

Khe­maney is also the vice pres­i­dent of the East West Yoga Foun­da­tion, a non­prof­it reg­is­tered in Ari­zona. Chris But­ler is list­ed in Ari­zona cor­po­ra­tion records as its direc­tor, along with his wife, who is the pres­i­dent and direc­tor.

Mike Gab­bard has long main­tained that he’s a Catholic, not Hare Krish­na. But, in Hon­olu­lu Magazine’s 2004 pro­file, he acknowl­edged his ties to But­ler: “Although I’m not a mem­ber of the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, I’m eter­nal­ly thank­ful to Chris But­ler … whose teach­ings of kar­ma yoga (self­less ser­vice) and bhak­ti yoga (devo­tion to God) have brought me back to my Catholic roots and the fun­da­men­tal teach­ings of Christ.”

Plen­ty of evi­dence sug­gests that there’s more to the sto­ry than that.

mike gab­bard audi­ence
Mike Gab­bard was in the audi­ence at a tap­ing of Chris Butler’s TV show, “Jagad Guru Speaks,” which aired for sev­er­al years in the 1980s and 1990s.

Mul­ti­ple his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments show that, at var­i­ous points in the his­to­ry of the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, both Mike and Car­ol Gab­bard sat on its board. Accord­ing to var­i­ous reports, they were bestowed San­skrit names, “Krish­na Katha das” and “Devahuti dasi,” respec­tive­ly.

The Gab­bards were also in atten­dance at at least one tap­ing of Butler’s local TV show called “Jagad Guru Speaks,” which aired for sev­er­al years in the 1980s and ’90s. In old footage of the show, they can be seen in the audi­ence, lis­ten­ing and laugh­ing as But­ler lec­tured on spir­i­tu­al­i­ty.

The Gab­bards also owned a veg­e­tar­i­an restau­rant in Hon­olu­lu called the Nat­ur­al Deli, housed inside a Down to Earth health food store on King Street. But they were forced to sell the restau­rant to Down to Earth in 1992 after an anti-gay com­ment Mike Gab­bard made on a local radio show trig­gered fer­vent protests.

Civ­il Beat found no evi­dence that Tul­si Gab­bard is — or ever was — a But­ler devo­tee. And we could find no record of her ever speak­ing pub­licly about it.

4. We note in pass­ing that the Hare Krish­na cult passed to the gov­er­nance (read “rule”) of eleven dif­fer­ent gurus after Prab­hu­pada’s pass­ing. Some of them have engaged in the stock­pil­ing of auto­mat­ic weapons, mur­der, sex­u­al abuse and rack­e­teer­ing. We note that many of the branch­es of the cult may not engage in these activ­i­ties and that many, per­haps most, of the fol­low­ers of the cult are sin­cere­ly unaware of this activ­i­ty.

“Mur­der, Sex and Free Food” by Frank Bures; The Port­land Mer­cury; 6/21/2001.

. . . . After Prab­hu­pada’s death in 1977, ISKCON descend­ed into chaos and scan­dal. The Hare Krish­na world was carved up among 11 gurus, and in each guru’s zone, his author­i­ty was absolute. Some of the 11 became cor­rupt­ed absolute­ly.

In 1998, ISKCON opened a six mil­lion dol­lar tem­ple in India, com­plete with nine ani­ma­tron­ic Gods. The “Glo­ry of India” seemed to show how far the group had come. How­ev­er, a $400 mil­lion law­suit, filed in the US last year, points to a dark­er side. If it goes for­ward, it may be the last chap­ter of the story–a sto­ry of pow­er strug­gles, drugs, and mur­ders.


Those dark prob­lems seem far away at the Port­land tem­ple, where about 100 devo­tees and “frin­gies” are chant­i­ng, being hap­py, and think­ing about Krish­na. ISKCON’s shad­ows don’t hang over the Sun­day feast. It’s a mixed crowd of hip­pies and hip­sters, blacks, whites, and a few Indi­ans. Every­one is more or less focused on the two stat­ues at the front of the room, draped in gold robes, sequins and beads; the two broth­ers who, 500 years ago, first got the idea that chant­i­ng Krish­na’s name would bring them clos­er to him.

There are four devo­tees liv­ing at the Port­land Tem­ple. Tonight, Janar­dana das (for­mer­ly Louis Jack­son) beats the drum. Devap­rastha (David Willard) is down­stairs cook­ing. Jaya Ya Ram (John Per­due) and Bakhta Travis (Travis Gey­er) chant along with the rest.

Behind me is a small, dis­turbing­ly life-like stat­ue, a minia­ture Prab­hu­pa­da. Some­one put a lit­tle pur­ple hat and scarf on him, as if he was cold. His eyes are half-closed, and to me–a karmie, a meat eater–he looks either com­plete­ly detached, or com­plete­ly stoned. In anoth­er paint­ing of Prab­hu­pa­da on the wall, the bald prophet has bags under his eyes and looks tired and worn. This may be because he slept only three hours a night and wrote his 51 books between 1:30 and 4:30 in the morn­ing.

The chant­i­ng goes on for over an hour, but I don’t feel clos­er to any­thing except extreme bore­dom. Out the win­dow, I can see the Ben­jamin Franklin High School base­ball field and, as time drags on, it looks more and more beautiful–so geo­met­ric and famil­iar. So Amer­i­can. My mind wan­ders to the Dairy Queen–to dip cones and Mr. Mistys–then back to the tem­ple, and I won­der, “What am I doing here?”

Every now and then, the incense over­whelms, the cym­bals ring in my ears, and I feel like I’m on the edge of being trans­port­ed on the edge of rev­e­la­tion. Sud­den­ly I’m afraid I’ll be sucked in and by tomor­row I’ll be down­town ped­dling books with a bad hair­cut.

From behind a cur­tain, a woman comes out and blows into a shell. The sound is deep and pri­mor­dial and for some rea­son makes me hun­gry, which reminds me why I’m real­ly here: free food. Every Sun­day, Hare Krish­nas around the world bribe peo­ple to come hear their mes­sage by offer­ing a meal, even though you could pay with your soul–which, accord­ing to the Prab­hu­pa­da, is all you’ve got.

Devap­rastha. Janar­dana. Ja Ya Ram. Bhak­ta Travis. Names that strike ter­ror into every moth­er’s heart. I think of my own moth­er and how this is her worst nightmare–me, chant­i­ng at the Hare Krish­na tem­ple, sway­ing with the rest. She was ter­ri­fied that I would stop writ­ing, stop call­ing, and show up years lat­er as Chakradara ask­ing if she want­ed to buy flow­ers.

Now I can’t help won­der­ing if she was right. How do you know when some­one is con­trol­ling your mind? How do you know when you’re being brain­washed? I feel the urge to run out and purge myself with a banana split, to lie naked in the Ben­jamin Franklin base­ball dia­mond. But I don’t. I stay and slow­ly give in to bore­dom.


For a small orga­ni­za­tion, ISKCON has had more than its share of bad pub­lic­i­ty, and most of it was well deserved. When Prab­hu­pa­da “left” in 1977, there was a deep pow­er strug­gle over who would lead the move­ment. The 11 gurus who carved the world made up the “Gov­ern­ing Body Com­mis­sion,” which Prab­hu­pa­da set up before he died. He may or may not have appoint­ed the 11. No one knows for sure.

One thing that is cer­tain is that their unchecked pow­er was too much for most. Accord­ing to some devo­tees, 90 per­cent of Prab­hu­pada’s ini­ti­at­ed dis­ci­ples either left or were pushed out of ISKCON, so the GBC could rule unques­tioned. Hansadut­ta, the West Coast guru, start­ed stock­pil­ing weapons. Kir­tananan­da, at the “Palace of Gold” in the Appalachi­an hills of West Vir­ginia, oper­at­ed a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar rack­e­teer­ing oper­a­tion. There was ram­pant phys­i­cal and sex­u­al abuse in the guruku­las (the board­ing schools). At least two dis­si­dent ISKCON mem­bers were mur­dered, and there is talk of oth­ers dis­ap­pear­ing in India. All along, there have been rumors of drug smug­gling. It some­times looked like Machi­avel­li and The Prince had replaced the Krish­na and Bha­gavad Gita.

In the mid-1980s, some peo­ple went to jail for the mur­ders, a few gurus quit, and oth­ers broke away to form splin­ter groups. For a while it looked like ISKCON was self-destruc­t­ing, because “too many gurus did not want to spread Prab­hu­pada’s teach­ings, they want­ed to be Prab­hu­pa­da,” accord­ing to John Hub­n­er and Lind­say Gru­son in their book, Mon­key on a Stick. ISKCON teetered for a while, and there was talk of reform, but lit­tle came. In the mid-1990s, the pres­i­dent of the New Orleans tem­ple was found tied to a chair with his throat slit. Today, mem­ber­ship is a frac­tion of what it was.

Nori Muster worked for 10 years as ISKCON’s pub­li­cist, before quit­ting in dis­gust. She thinks the group is beyond hope.

“They don’t like to let peo­ple know there’s real­ly as much chaos as there is,” she says of ISKCON’s lead­er­ship. In 1997, Muster pub­lished her book, Betray­al of Spir­it, about her 10 years in ISKCON’s pub­lic­i­ty depart­ment.

“What you have now is just a dying thing that’s kind of lin­ger­ing,” she says. “It would take a lot for them to turn it around at this point. And that would involve being more hon­est about their his­to­ry, open­ing up more about their finances, and where they get their mon­ey from, which we still can’t fig­ure out They (the lead­ers) have access to lots of mon­ey and they chan­nel it where they want it.”

For Muster, it’s a mat­ter of the cor­rup­tion and intran­si­gence of the GBC, espe­cial­ly the core group of gurus. “They took over the orga­ni­za­tion in about 1970, and they have run it ever since. And they have run it with an iron fist.” . . . .

. . . . “They have a whole side that’s under­ground,” she says of the GBC. “I think that’s why they’re so secre­tive, and pro­tec­tive, and uncar­ing about their mem­bers. None of the mem­bers know about this stuff. Nobody knows. The younger peo­ple don’t know any­thing. And that’s the way they like it.” Muster wor­ries that this means they will be doomed to repeat ISCK­ON’s mis­takes. . . .








5 comments for “FTR #942 Who Is Tulsi Gabbard? (Part 2)”

  1. A cou­ple of House Res­o­lu­tions with Gab­bard as cospon­sor or spon­sor.

    First as cospon­sor, House Res 447:


    This one’s passed the House, and is ful­ly sup­port­ive of Ukraine mov­ing into alliance with the EU, con­demn­ing those that dis­agree as ter­ror­ists, etc.

    Sec­ond, as spon­sor:


    This is the so-called “Stop Arm­ing Ter­ror­ists Act,” an amus­ing title con­sid­er­ing sup­port of House Res 447.

    Bet that sec­ond one either dies in com­mit­tee or is gut­ted, and then could be used for cov­er when cospon­sor­ing bills sup­port­ive of Ukrain­ian fas­cists. Just a hunch.

    Posted by Sampson | January 26, 2017, 7:06 am
  2. There is clear­ly fronting of illic­it financ­ing going on. it is just a hunch, but the under­ground Reich would like­ly be involved. Reread the third to last para­graph:
    “And that would involve being more hon­est about their his­to­ry, open­ing up more about their finances, and where they get their mon­ey from, which we still can’t fig­ure out They (the lead­ers) have access to lots of mon­ey and they chan­nel it where they want it.”

    Posted by RM | January 28, 2017, 11:51 am
  3. By a new pres­i­den­tial exe­cuitive order Sean Ban­non is now on the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­sel, despite the fact that he has extemist, racist sym­pa­thies and lacks integri­ty. It would not be illog­i­cal to ask if he could be a link from the NSC to the Under­ground Reich?


    Trump puts Ban­non on secu­ri­ty coun­cil, drop­ping joint chiefs

    Com­men­ta­tors say Mr Ban­non’s role is expand­ing beyond pol­i­tics

    Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is reshuf­fling the US Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil (NSC), down­grad­ing the mil­i­tary chiefs of staff and giv­ing a reg­u­lar seat to his chief strate­gist Steve Ban­non.

    Mr Ban­non, for­mer­ly the head of the pop­ulist right-wing, Bre­it­bart News web­site, will join high-lev­el dis­cus­sions about nation­al secu­ri­ty.

    The order was signed on Sat­ur­day.

    The direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence and the joint chiefs will attend when dis­cus­sions per­tain to their areas.

    Under pre­vi­ous admin­is­tra­tions, the direc­tor and joint chiefs attend­ed all meet­ings of the NSC’s inner cir­cle, the prin­ci­pals’ com­mit­tee.

    Pro­file: Stephen Ban­non
    What exec­u­tive actions has Trump tak­en?
    The Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil (NSC) is the main group advis­ing the pres­i­dent on nation­al secu­ri­ty and for­eign affairs.

    It is led by retired lieu­tenant-gen­er­al Mike Fly­nn, who was one of Mr Trump’s clos­est advis­ers and most ardent sup­port­ers dur­ing the cam­paign.

    “The secu­ri­ty threats fac­ing the Unit­ed States in the 21st cen­tu­ry tran­scend inter­na­tion­al bound­aries,” Mr Trump’s exec­u­tive order said.

    “Accord­ing­ly, the Unit­ed States Gov­ern­men­t’s deci­sion-mak­ing struc­tures and process­es to address these chal­lenges must remain equal­ly adap­tive and trans­for­ma­tive.”

    Mr Trump signed the exec­u­tive orders on Sat­ur­day
    Last week, Mr Ban­non described the US main­stream media as “the oppo­si­tion par­ty”, say­ing it should “keep its mouth shut”.

    The site he once man­aged, Bre­it­bart News, serves up an anti-estab­lish­ment agen­da that crit­ics accuse of xeno­pho­bia and misog­y­ny. Under Mr Ban­non, it became one of the most-read con­ser­v­a­tive news and opin­ion sites in the US.

    Mr Trump also ordered a restruc­tur­ing of the Home­land Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil.

    In two sep­a­rate mea­sures, the pres­i­dent ordered:

    * A ban on admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials from ever lob­by­ing the US on behalf of a for­eign gov­ern­ment, and a sep­a­rate five-year ban on oth­er lob­by­ing.
    * A pre­lim­i­nary plan by the sec­re­tary of defence to defeat so-called Islam­ic State (IS) to be pre­sent­ed with­in 30 days

    Posted by WS | January 29, 2017, 6:16 pm
  4. It’s not news that MAGA oper­ates like a cult. A cult now in con­trol of the US fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. But it’s impor­tant to rec­og­nize that we aren’t just deal­ing with a cult-like wor­ship of Don­ald Trump by his MAGA base. There’s a much larg­er, and old­er, cult agen­da at hand: the Project 2025 agen­da that the new Trump admin­is­tra­tion has clear­ly embraced with the selec­tion of Russ Vought has the head of OMB. An agen­da that is, itself, the prod­uct of the Coun­cil for Nation­al Pol­i­cy designed to put its long­stand­ing Domin­ion­ist agen­da into law. That cult sta­tus is promi­nent­ly on dis­play with the near unan­i­mous sup­port for one gross­ly unqual­i­fied Trump admin­is­tra­tion nom­i­nee after anoth­er dur­ing the Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings. Includ­ing the nom­i­na­tion of Fox News host Pete Hegseth as the new Sec­re­tary of Defense. As we’ve seen, Hegseth isn’t just wild­ly unqual­i­fied in terms of expe­ri­ence and char­ac­ter when it comes to lead­ing an orga­ni­za­tion like the Depart­ment of Defense. He’s also an adher­ent of a Chris­t­ian Nation­al­ist move­ment that has effec­tive­ly embraced a Domin­ion­ist the­ol­o­gy. This is a cult admin­is­tra­tion on mul­ti­ple lev­els.

    It’s that cult admin­is­tra­tion sta­tus that brings us to a very inter­est­ing recent report in the Wall Street Jour­nal about a Trump cab­i­net nom­i­nee with a par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing cult back­ground. That would, of course, be Tul­si Gab­bard, some­one who was not just raised in a cult — the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Hare Krish­na off­shoot — but appears to have achieved an ele­vat­ed cult sta­tus as an adult. The kind of sta­tus that could become a obvi­ous com­pli­ca­tion for any­one with polit­i­cal ambi­tions.

    As we’ve seen, Gab­bard has long tried to dis­tance her­self from Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty after mov­ing into pol­i­tics. And as the fol­low­ing report describes, those efforts to keep her ties to the cult out of the pub­lic’s eye includ­ed her con­gres­sion­al cam­paign hir­ing a pub­lic rela­tions in 2017 to wage a PR cam­paign intend­ed to mask her ties to the group. As we’re going to see, it was an espe­cial­ly iron­ic PR cam­paign. Because, upon clos­er exam­i­na­tion, we find that the PR cam­paign was effec­tive­ly secret­ly run by the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion itself. Beyond that, it was Gab­bard’s own long­time polit­i­cal advis­er, Sunil Khe­maney, who was direct­ing the PR oper­a­tion.

    Now, Khe­maney isn’t just Gab­bards long­time polit­i­cal advis­er. He’s also the ex-hus­band of Wai Lana, wife of Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty’s cult leader Chris But­ler. Beyond that, Khe­maney sits on the board of sub­sidiary of QI, a com­pa­ny close­ly tied to Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and that has long been accused of oper­at­ing ponzi-schemes. Defend­ing Gab­bards rep­u­ta­tion from asso­ci­a­tions with QI’s his­to­ry of pyra­mid schemes was report­ed­ly part of the rea­son the pub­lic rela­tions firm — DC-based Potomac Square Group — was hired in the first place.

    It’s also worth not­ing that the accu­sa­tions of run­ning pyra­mid schemes against QI aren’t just old accu­sa­tions going back decades, although those kind of accu­sa­tions do go back decades. The gov­ern­ment of India accused a QI sub­sidiary of oper­at­ing a pyra­mid scheme in 2023. That’s after India also charged QI’s Indi­an sub­sidiary of scam­ming peo­ple back in 2009. That 2009 case even­tu­al­ly result in a sec­ond inves­ti­ga­tion that con­clud­ed the sub­sidiary had been fal­si­fy­ing its books for years.

    As we’re going to see, Potomac Square also ran a pub­lic rela­tions cam­paign on behalf of QI co-founder Vijay Eswaran. QI was found­ed in 1998 by Eswaran and Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fol­low­er Joseph Bis­mark. Accord­ing to doc­u­ments, Khe­maney direct­ed Potomac’s work to obscure both the con­nec­tions between Gab­bard and But­ler along with con­nec­tions between QI and Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty.

    Although, if we believe the expla­na­tion giv­en by Potomac Square’s man­ag­ing direc­tor Christo­pher Coop­er, the PR firm was actu­al­ly con­duct­ing two com­plete­ly sep­a­rate pub­lic rela­tions cam­paigns: one focused on help­ing Gab­bard man­age “online attacks relat­ed to her reli­gion” and a com­plete­ly sep­a­rate cam­paign to help Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty with its media strat­e­gy which, Coop­er insists, was done “with no involve­ment from the Gab­bard cam­paign.” Coop­er goes on to assert that the pub­lic rela­tions work they were doing for Gab­bard did­n’t actu­al­ly seek to con­ceal Gab­bard’s rela­tion­ship with But­ler.

    It turns out that Potomac Square also pre­pared mate­ri­als to defend QI and its co-founder Eswaran. Jean­nie Bish­op, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion pres­i­dent, was also involved in the QI PR project. So the PR firm hired by the Gab­bard cam­paign to defend her from alle­ga­tions of ties to both Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and QI also did PR work for both Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and QI.

    Final­ly, note that QI isn’t just an obscure com­pa­ny ped­dling pyra­mid schemes. It’s a mem­ber of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum and par­tic­i­pates in the forum’s annu­al meet­ing in Davos, Switzer­land. And despite its ques­tion­able rep­u­ta­tion, it’s hard to see how installing Gab­bard as the new direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence isn’t going to raise the com­pa­ny’s glob­al pro­file. After all, once Gab­bard’s nom­i­na­tion, QI poten­tial­ly becomes one of the best poten­tial avenues for learn­ing some of the US’s most cov­et­ed intel­li­gence secrets. QI and any­thing else tied to the cult that Gab­bard has ded­i­cat­ed her life to:

    Wall Street Jour­nal

    As a Ris­ing Polit­i­cal Star, Gab­bard Paid to Mask Her Sect’s Ties to Alleged Scheme

    Years before Tul­si Gab­bard became Trump’s pick to coor­di­nate U.S. spy agen­cies, she tried to evade unwant­ed scruti­ny

    By Brett For­rest, Caitlin Ostroff and Rebec­ca Feng
    Jan. 28, 2025 9:00 pm ET

    To defend and bur­nish Tul­si Gab­bard’s image as her polit­i­cal star was ris­ing, her con­gres­sion­al cam­paign hired a pub­lic-affairs firm in 2017 that tried to sup­press cov­er­age of an alleged pyra­mid scheme con­nect­ed to her Hin­du sect, accord­ing to inter­views, emails and Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion records.

    Gab­bard, a for­mer House mem­ber who is now Pres­i­dent Trump’s nom­i­nee for direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence, was raised in the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, a sect tied to a direct-mar­ket­ing firm accused of run­ning a pyra­mid scheme in sev­er­al coun­tries. Nei­ther Gab­bard, the sect nor the firm, QI Group, want­ed the rela­tion­ships scru­ti­nized.

    Gabbard’s cam­paign paid Wash­ing­ton, D.C.,-based Potomac Square Group for the PR cleanup, try­ing to mask the con­nec­tions. But the oper­a­tion was direct­ed by a Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty follower—and long­time Gab­bard adviser—who sits on the board of a QI sub­sidiary.

    The rev­e­la­tions shed fur­ther light on Gabbard’s ties to the reli­gious group—publicly described by some for­mer fol­low­ers as a cult that demands total loy­al­ty to its founder—and to the Hong-Kong based QI, which has been a tar­get of crim­i­nal and civ­il cas­es alleg­ing fraud and rack­e­teer­ing in at least sev­en coun­tries.

    Law­mak­ers have looked close­ly at Gabbard’s con­nec­tions with Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and QI ahead of her con­fir­ma­tion hear­ing Thurs­day before the Sen­ate Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee, accord­ing to peo­ple famil­iar with the mat­ter. Gabbard’s ties raise ques­tions about her judg­ment and loy­al­ty, con­gres­sion­al staffers said.

    Gab­bard and many of her for­mer Capi­tol Hill staffers are fol­low­ers of the sect, peo­ple with knowl­edge of the mat­ter said. Gab­bard, a for­mer Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gress­woman from Hawaii, has called Chris But­ler, the sect’s leader, her “guru dev,” a Hin­du term that is fre­quent­ly trans­lat­ed as divine teacher.

    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty is entwined with QI, accord­ing to real-estate and cor­po­rate records, as well as inter­views with for­mer fol­low­ers. Sunil Khe­maney, who serves on the board of one of QI’s sub­sidiaries, is a long­time polit­i­cal fundrais­er for Gab­bard. She has described him as an “uncle.”

    Trump nom­i­nat­ed Gab­bard for one of the most sen­si­tive roles in the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion would give the 43-year-old for­mer law­mak­er the task of coor­di­nat­ing the work of all U.S. spy agen­cies, includ­ing the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency, the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency and the intel­li­gence branch of the Fed­er­al Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion.

    Gabbard’s par­ents are fol­low­ers of But­ler, a for­mer Hare Krish­na dis­ci­ple who found­ed Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion in Hawaii in the 1970s. They raised Gab­bard in the group, said for­mer fol­low­ers, who described Butler’s demands of feal­ty. Some adher­ents mixed Butler’s toe­nail clip­pings into their meals, two for­mer fol­low­ers said, as a sign of devo­tion. Oth­ers used his shoes as prayer totems, they said.

    A spokes­woman for the sect declined to respond to ques­tions, accus­ing The Wall Street Jour­nal of “false­hoods, half-truths, and mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions.” A QI spokes­woman said the com­pa­ny and its prin­ci­pals “refute any con­nec­tion with Tul­si Gab­bard.”


    Christo­pher Coop­er, Potomac’s man­ag­ing direc­tor, said the cam­paign hired Potomac for help man­ag­ing “online attacks relat­ed to her reli­gion” and didn’t seek to con­ceal Gabbard’s rela­tion­ship with But­ler. Potomac worked sep­a­rate­ly for the sect on media strat­e­gy, he said, “with no involve­ment from the Gab­bard cam­paign.”


    A spokes­woman in the Trump admin­is­tra­tion respond­ed on behalf of Gab­bard to emailed inquiries from the Jour­nal by post­ing screen­shots of the email to her X account on Fri­day, call­ing the ques­tions and Jour­nal find­ings “Hindu­pho­bic smears and oth­er lies about” Gab­bard.


    ‘Ponzi scheme’

    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty adher­ents believe that to achieve peace, they must break from world­ly desires. Fol­low­ers abstain from eat­ing meat, tak­ing drugs, drink­ing alco­hol, gam­bling and hav­ing sex out­side of mar­riage, accord­ing to for­mer fol­low­ers.

    The group dis­cour­ages rela­tion­ships with any­one out­side the group, which oper­ates in Hawaii, the Philip­pines, Aus­tralia, New Zealand and else­where. It also has run sect-affil­i­at­ed schools in Hawaii and the Philip­pines.

    But­ler, the sect’s leader, enforces a rigid hier­ar­chy among fol­low­ers, who are assigned a let­ter grade. A small num­ber of peo­ple who work direct­ly for But­ler are des­ig­nat­ed with the let­ter A. They are the only fol­low­ers allowed close phys­i­cal prox­im­i­ty to But­ler or to any­thing he touch­es, two for­mer dis­ci­ples said.

    “It’s a cult,” said Lali­ta Mann, a for­mer fol­low­er. “You’ve got a charis­mat­ic leader who is seen as a mes­si­ah figure…the only path­way to sal­va­tion.”

    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­fy has described such char­ac­ter­i­za­tions as anti-Hin­du big­otry.

    Fol­low­ers who attain a cer­tain sta­tus in the group are ini­ti­at­ed in a cer­e­mo­ny and giv­en a new name, for­mer dis­ci­ples said. At least four for­mer adher­ents said they believe that Gab­bard was ini­ti­at­ed and received the name Shrad­dha Dasi.

    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and QI have been linked since at least 2007, when QI pur­chased Healthy’s, the par­ent com­pa­ny of the sect-affil­i­at­ed Down to Earth gro­cery store chain.

    Sect fol­low­ers found­ed and oper­at­ed the chain, which has six loca­tions in Hawaii. Down to Earth didn’t respond to requests for com­ment.

    QI was found­ed in 1998 by Vijay Eswaran and Joseph Bis­mark, a Fil­ipino busi­ness­man who is a Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fol­low­er. In Sep­tem­ber, at QI Group’s annu­al con­ven­tion in Malaysia, employ­ees knelt to touch Eswaran’s feet, while he blessed them, accord­ing to videos Eswaran post­ed to Face­book.

    QI began under a dif­fer­ent name as an e‑commerce por­tal that sold com­mem­o­ra­tive gold and sil­ver coins in devel­op­ing coun­tries. It went on to sell lux­u­ry watch­es, air puri­fiers and nutri­tion­al prod­ucts. The com­pa­ny is a mem­ber of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum and par­tic­i­pates in the forum’s annu­al meet­ing in Davos, Switzer­land. A sub­sidiary spon­sors the Man­ches­ter City Foot­ball Club.

    Among the company’s enter­pris­es is a mul­ti­level mar­ket­ing sys­tem. Cus­tomers can sign up to be dis­trib­u­tors, buy­ing gad­gets, jew­el­ry, beau­ty care and oth­er prod­ucts and then sell them for a share of the prof­its. Cus­tomers also are encour­aged to recruit oth­ers to become distributors—earning mon­ey from their sales as well.

    QI sub­sidiaries were banned in Sri Lan­ka, Nepal and Rwan­da in the 2000s after being declared pyra­mid schemes, accord­ing to media reports at the time.

    In a Jan­u­ary 2023 press release, Indi­an pros­e­cu­tors called the India fran­chise of QI’s direct-sell­ing busi­ness, Qnet, a “Ponzi scheme in the guise of a direct sell­ing busi­ness” after con­duct­ing a raid on sev­er­al of its loca­tions. Indi­an author­i­ties didn’t respond to inquiries about the sta­tus of the inves­ti­ga­tion.

    In 2009, Indi­an author­i­ties filed crim­i­nal charges against 25 peo­ple and enti­ties relat­ed to Qnet’s local net­work, includ­ing Eswaran and Allan Tib­by, a senior Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fig­ure. The case involved more than 32,000 alleged vic­tims in India’s Tamil Nadu state, accord­ing to police records. Qnet’s local net­work set­tled with about half of the com­plainants, and a court closed the case in ear­ly 2020.


    A sep­a­rate case sprang out of the 2009 inves­ti­ga­tion. Indi­an author­i­ties alleged that Qnet’s local net­work had fal­si­fied its books for years. In August 2023, a dis­trict court in Chen­nai pros­e­cut­ed com­pa­ny direc­tors who signed fal­si­fied com­pa­ny state­ments. The case is ongo­ing, court doc­u­ments show.

    Unwant­ed scruti­ny

    Khemaney—Gabbard’s long­time polit­i­cal adviser—was a share­hold­er in a New Zealand com­pa­ny formed to pro­duce an action movie, “The Lost Prince,” in the 1990s. But­ler, the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty leader, was to write, direct, and co-pro­duce the film, court records show. It was nev­er made.

    Among his cur­rent roles, Khe­maney is exec­u­tive direc­tor of a yoga busi­ness led by Wai Lana, who is mar­ried to But­ler, accord­ing to tax fil­ings and Hong Kong court records. Lana was pre­vi­ous­ly mar­ried to Khe­maney.

    Khe­maney has long served on the board of Healthy’s, which oper­ates the Down to Earth gro­cery chain. Eswaran and Bis­mark, co-founders of QI Group, joined the board by 2016 and 2015, respec­tive­ly, cor­po­rate records show.

    The QI spokes­woman at first denied any com­pa­ny ties to Khe­maney. After being shown evi­dence of Khemaney’s seat on Healthy’s board, the spokes­woman said he served “sole­ly as an inac­tive, non-exec­u­tive direc­tor.”

    As Gabbard’s polit­i­cal pro­file grew in 2017, and she con­tem­plat­ed a 2020 pres­i­den­tial bid, pub­lic scruti­ny of her roots in Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty inten­si­fied. Gabbard’s cam­paign, Tul­si for Hawaii, hired Potomac Square Group, pay­ing the firm $19,400 in Octo­ber 2017, FEC records show.

    Under Khemaney’s direc­tion, Potomac worked to obscure long­stand­ing con­nec­tions between Gab­bard and But­ler, as well as between QI and Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty, accord­ing to doc­u­ments reviewed by the Jour­nal and a per­son famil­iar with the mat­ter. Potomac tar­get­ed jour­nal­ists who had con­duct­ed research into the groups, for instance, writ­ing an email to a mag­a­zine edi­tor ques­tion­ing the cre­den­tials of a reporter work­ing on a relat­ed arti­cle.


    Coop­er, of Potomac, declined to pro­vide billing records or oth­er evi­dence show­ing the firm’s work for Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty was sep­a­rate from its work on behalf of Gab­bard. A sect spokes­woman declined to say whether the group had hired Potomac.

    Potomac also pre­pared mate­ri­als that defend­ed QI and Eswaran, accord­ing to doc­u­ments reviewed by the Jour­nal and a per­son with knowl­edge of the oper­a­tion. Jean­nie Bish­op, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion pres­i­dent, was also involved in the project, accord­ing to the per­son. Bish­op didn’t respond to requests for com­ment.

    Gab­bard has rarely addressed her ties to Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion and its leader Chris But­ler.

    “I can speak to my own per­son­al expe­ri­ence and, frankly, my grat­i­tude to him,” she said in a 2017 mag­a­zine pro­file, “for the gift of this won­der­ful spir­i­tu­al prac­tice that he has giv­en to me, and to so many peo­ple.”


    “As a Ris­ing Polit­i­cal Star, Gab­bard Paid to Mask Her Sect’s Ties to Alleged Scheme” By Brett For­rest, Caitlin Ostroff and Rebec­ca Feng; Wall Street Jour­nal; 01/28/2025

    Gab­bard, a for­mer House mem­ber who is now Pres­i­dent Trump’s nom­i­nee for direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence, was raised in the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, a sect tied to a direct-mar­ket­ing firm accused of run­ning a pyra­mid scheme in sev­er­al coun­tries. Nei­ther Gab­bard, the sect nor the firm, QI Group, want­ed the rela­tion­ships scru­ti­nized.”

    Yes, the nom­i­nee for direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence hap­pens to have been raised in a secre­tive cult, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty, with close ties to a direct-mar­ket­ing firm, QI, accused of run­ning pyra­mid schemes. It’s the kind of life his­to­ry that isn’t just com­pli­ca­tion for direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence nom­i­nees. It’s not a great sto­ry when run­ning for con­gress either, which is pre­sum­ably why Tul­si Gab­bard’s con­gres­sion­al cam­paign hired the ser­vices of DC-based Potomac Square Group to deal with the pub­lic rela­tions.

    But this isn’t a sto­ry about how a PR firm was hired by the Gab­bard con­gres­sion­al cam­paign to obscure her the rela­tion­ship to the cult. It turns out the PR oper­a­tion was direct­ed by Sunil Khe­maney, who isn’t just a Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fol­low­er. Khe­maney is also a long­time Gab­bard polit­i­cal advis­er who sits on the board of QI sub­sidiary. Beyond that, Khe­maney’s ex-wife, Wai Lana, lat­er mar­ried Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty’s cult leader, Chris But­ler. It was a PR cam­paign designed to dis­tance Gab­bard from both this cult and its affil­i­at­ed pyra­mid scheme com­pa­ny. A PR cam­paign man­aged by her long-time polit­i­cal advis­er who hap­pens to also be a promi­nent cult mem­ber and ex-hus­band of the cult lead­er’s wife and who sits on the board of a QI sub­sidiary. It’s that inces­tu­ous nature of this PR cam­paign, a deeply cyn­i­cal and decep­tive cam­paign, that makes this such a reveal­ing sto­ry. The ques­tions about just how close­ly Gab­bard is still tied to this cult are effec­tive­ly answered by the exis­tence of this PR cam­paign:

    Gabbard’s cam­paign paid Wash­ing­ton, D.C.,-based Potomac Square Group for the PR cleanup, try­ing to mask the con­nec­tions. But the oper­a­tion was direct­ed by a Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fol­low­er—and long­time Gab­bard advis­er—who sits on the board of a QI sub­sidiary.


    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty is entwined with QI, accord­ing to real-estate and cor­po­rate records, as well as inter­views with for­mer fol­low­ers. Sunil Khe­maney, who serves on the board of one of QI’s sub­sidiaries, is a long­time polit­i­cal fundrais­er for Gab­bard. She has described him as an “uncle.”


    Khemaney—Gabbard’s long­time polit­i­cal adviser—was a share­hold­er in a New Zealand com­pa­ny formed to pro­duce an action movie, “The Lost Prince,” in the 1990s. But­ler, the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty leader, was to write, direct, and co-pro­duce the film, court records show. It was nev­er made.

    Among his cur­rent roles, Khe­maney is exec­u­tive direc­tor of a yoga busi­ness led by Wai Lana, who is mar­ried to But­ler, accord­ing to tax fil­ings and Hong Kong court records. Lana was pre­vi­ous­ly mar­ried to Khe­maney.

    Khe­maney has long served on the board of Healthy’s, which oper­ates the Down to Earth gro­cery chain. Eswaran and Bis­mark, co-founders of QI Group, joined the board by 2016 and 2015, respec­tive­ly, cor­po­rate records show.

    The QI spokes­woman at first denied any com­pa­ny ties to Khe­maney. After being shown evi­dence of Khemaney’s seat on Healthy’s board, the spokes­woman said he served “sole­ly as an inac­tive, non-exec­u­tive direc­tor.”

    As Gabbard’s polit­i­cal pro­file grew in 2017, and she con­tem­plat­ed a 2020 pres­i­den­tial bid, pub­lic scruti­ny of her roots in Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty inten­si­fied. Gabbard’s cam­paign, Tul­si for Hawaii, hired Potomac Square Group, pay­ing the firm $19,400 in Octo­ber 2017, FEC records show.

    Under Khemaney’s direc­tion, Potomac worked to obscure long­stand­ing con­nec­tions between Gab­bard and But­ler, as well as between QI and Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty, accord­ing to doc­u­ments reviewed by the Jour­nal and a per­son famil­iar with the mat­ter. Potomac tar­get­ed jour­nal­ists who had con­duct­ed research into the groups, for instance, writ­ing an email to a mag­a­zine edi­tor ques­tion­ing the cre­den­tials of a reporter work­ing on a relat­ed arti­cle.

    And as we can see from the avail­able infor­ma­tion on Gab­bard’s rela­tion­ship to the cult, at least four for­mer mem­bers claim she reached such a high sta­tus with­in the the cult that she was giv­en the new name Shrad­dha Dasi:

    Gab­bard and many of her for­mer Capi­tol Hill staffers are fol­low­ers of the sect, peo­ple with knowl­edge of the mat­ter said. Gab­bard, a for­mer Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gress­woman from Hawaii, has called Chris But­ler, the sect’s leader, her “guru dev,” a Hin­du term that is fre­quent­ly trans­lat­ed as divine teacher.


    Gabbard’s par­ents are fol­low­ers of But­ler, a for­mer Hare Krish­na dis­ci­ple who found­ed Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion in Hawaii in the 1970s. They raised Gab­bard in the group, said for­mer fol­low­ers, who described Butler’s demands of feal­ty. Some adher­ents mixed Butler’s toe­nail clip­pings into their meals, two for­mer fol­low­ers said, as a sign of devo­tion. Oth­ers used his shoes as prayer totems, they said.


    Fol­low­ers who attain a cer­tain sta­tus in the group are ini­ti­at­ed in a cer­e­mo­ny and giv­en a new name, for­mer dis­ci­ples said. At least four for­mer adher­ents said they believe that Gab­bard was ini­ti­at­ed and received the name Shrad­dha Dasi.

    And that seem­ing­ly ele­vat­ed sta­tus of Gab­bard inside the cult rais­es the creepy ques­tion: was she an “A” and allowed to actu­al­ly be in close prox­im­i­ty to the cult leader or any­thing he touch­es? We don’t know at this point. But as we can see from the respons­es from both Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, any crit­i­cisms of these cult prac­tices is real­ly just anti-Hin­du big­otry. It’s an inter­est­ing response by the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, which itself is large­ly fol­low­ing the Project 2025 play­book that has been devel­oped to ful­fill the cult-like ambi­tions of the Coun­cil for Nation­al Pol­i­cy and its Chris­t­ian Nation­al­ist fel­low trav­el­ers. This is obvi­ous­ly very cult-friend­ly admin­is­tra­tion. Includ­ing Hin­du cults, appar­ent­ly:

    A spokes­woman in the Trump admin­is­tra­tion respond­ed on behalf of Gab­bard to emailed inquiries from the Jour­nal by post­ing screen­shots of the email to her X account on Fri­day, call­ing the ques­tions and Jour­nal find­ings “Hindu­pho­bic smears and oth­er lies about” Gab­bard.


    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty adher­ents believe that to achieve peace, they must break from world­ly desires. Fol­low­ers abstain from eat­ing meat, tak­ing drugs, drink­ing alco­hol, gam­bling and hav­ing sex out­side of mar­riage, accord­ing to for­mer fol­low­ers.

    The group dis­cour­ages rela­tion­ships with any­one out­side the group, which oper­ates in Hawaii, the Philip­pines, Aus­tralia, New Zealand and else­where. It also has run sect-affil­i­at­ed schools in Hawaii and the Philip­pines.

    But­ler, the sect’s leader, enforces a rigid hier­ar­chy among fol­low­ers, who are assigned a let­ter grade. A small num­ber of peo­ple who work direct­ly for But­ler are des­ig­nat­ed with the let­ter A. They are the only fol­low­ers allowed close phys­i­cal prox­im­i­ty to But­ler or to any­thing he touch­es, two for­mer dis­ci­ples said.

    “It’s a cult,” said Lali­ta Mann, a for­mer fol­low­er. “You’ve got a charis­mat­ic leader who is seen as a mes­si­ah figure…the only path­way to sal­va­tion.”

    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­fy has described such char­ac­ter­i­za­tions as anti-Hin­du big­otry.

    It’s also worth not­ing that QI isn’t just accused to oper­at­ing pyra­mids schemes. It’s a mem­ber of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum and par­tic­i­pates in the forum’s annu­al meet­ing in Davos, Switzer­land. Which is a reminder that mon­ey talks when it comes to glob­al pow­er and influ­ence. Cults are per­fect­ly wel­come in the halls of pow­er and influ­ence, as long as they have a lot of mon­ey to throw around. But it’s also a hint regard­ing the ambi­tions of Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty. This is a cult that has big ambi­tions. Clear­ly:

    Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and QI have been linked since at least 2007, when QI pur­chased Healthy’s, the par­ent com­pa­ny of the sect-affil­i­at­ed Down to Earth gro­cery store chain.

    Sect fol­low­ers found­ed and oper­at­ed the chain, which has six loca­tions in Hawaii. Down to Earth didn’t respond to requests for com­ment.

    QI was found­ed in 1998 by Vijay Eswaran and Joseph Bis­mark, a Fil­ipino busi­ness­man who is a Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fol­low­er. In Sep­tem­ber, at QI Group’s annu­al con­ven­tion in Malaysia, employ­ees knelt to touch Eswaran’s feet, while he blessed them, accord­ing to videos Eswaran post­ed to Face­book.

    QI began under a dif­fer­ent name as an e‑commerce por­tal that sold com­mem­o­ra­tive gold and sil­ver coins in devel­op­ing coun­tries. It went on to sell lux­u­ry watch­es, air puri­fiers and nutri­tion­al prod­ucts. The com­pa­ny is a mem­ber of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum and par­tic­i­pates in the forum’s annu­al meet­ing in Davos, Switzer­land. A sub­sidiary spon­sors the Man­ches­ter City Foot­ball Club.

    Also note how the accu­sa­tions of pyra­mid schemes against QI aren’t just old accu­sa­tions from decades ago. Indi­an pros­e­cu­tors charged QI’s local fran­chise, Qnet, with run­ning a a “Ponzi scheme in the guise of a direct sell­ing busi­ness” as recent­ly as 2023. And that’s after Indi­an author­i­ties accused Qnet of sim­i­lar charges in 2009, which result­ed in a sep­a­rate inves­ti­ga­tion charg­ing Qnet with fal­si­fy­ing its books for years. It’s not hard to see why the Gab­bard con­gres­sion­al cam­paign want­ed to obscure any ties to not just Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty but also QI:

    Among the company’s enter­pris­es is a mul­ti­level mar­ket­ing sys­tem. Cus­tomers can sign up to be dis­trib­u­tors, buy­ing gad­gets, jew­el­ry, beau­ty care and oth­er prod­ucts and then sell them for a share of the prof­its. Cus­tomers also are encour­aged to recruit oth­ers to become distributors—earning mon­ey from their sales as well.

    QI sub­sidiaries were banned in Sri Lan­ka, Nepal and Rwan­da in the 2000s after being declared pyra­mid schemes, accord­ing to media reports at the time.

    In a Jan­u­ary 2023 press release, Indi­an pros­e­cu­tors called the India fran­chise of QI’s direct-sell­ing busi­ness, Qnet, a “Ponzi scheme in the guise of a direct sell­ing busi­ness” after con­duct­ing a raid on sev­er­al of its loca­tions. Indi­an author­i­ties didn’t respond to inquiries about the sta­tus of the inves­ti­ga­tion.

    In 2009, Indi­an author­i­ties filed crim­i­nal charges against 25 peo­ple and enti­ties relat­ed to Qnet’s local net­work, includ­ing Eswaran and Allan Tib­by, a senior Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty fig­ure. The case involved more than 32,000 alleged vic­tims in India’s Tamil Nadu state, accord­ing to police records. Qnet’s local net­work set­tled with about half of the com­plainants, and a court closed the case in ear­ly 2020.


    A sep­a­rate case sprang out of the 2009 inves­ti­ga­tion. Indi­an author­i­ties alleged that Qnet’s local net­work had fal­si­fied its books for years. In August 2023, a dis­trict court in Chen­nai pros­e­cut­ed com­pa­ny direc­tors who signed fal­si­fied com­pa­ny state­ments. The case is ongo­ing, court doc­u­ments show.

    Final­ly, note this rather amus­ing expla­na­tion from Potomac Square’s man­ag­ing direc­tor, Christo­pher Coop­er, about the nature of the pub­lic rela­tion cam­paigns it was run­ning on behalf of Gab­bard and QI: Accord­ing to Coop­er, the PR firm ran mul­ti­ple com­plete­ly sep­a­rate PR cam­paigns. One cam­paign involved man­ag­ing “online attacks relat­ed to her reli­gion” for Gab­bard but, Coop­er insists, this cam­paign did­n’t seek to con­ceal Gab­bard’s rela­tion­ship with But­ler. And then there was a sep­a­rate ‘media strat­e­gy’ cam­paign done on behalf of Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty done “with no involve­ment from the Gab­bard cam­paign.” Final­ly, the firm also pre­pared mate­ri­als to defend QI and its co-founder Vijay Eswaran. And as an anony­mous source famil­iar with this QI-relat­ed pub­lic rela­tions work claims, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion pres­i­dent Jean­nie Biship was involved with the work. Potomac Square clear­ly has a close work­ing rela­tion­ship with Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty’s lead­er­ship, which is part of the con­text of the fir­m’s insis­tence that any work it did for Gab­bard’s cam­paign was entire­ly inde­pen­dent from the rest of its pub­lic rela­tions work for this cult net­work:

    Christo­pher Coop­er, Potomac’s man­ag­ing direc­tor, said the cam­paign hired Potomac for help man­ag­ing “online attacks relat­ed to her reli­gion” and didn’t seek to con­ceal Gabbard’s rela­tion­ship with But­ler. Potomac worked sep­a­rate­ly for the sect on media strat­e­gy, he said, “with no involve­ment from the Gab­bard cam­paign.”


    Coop­er, of Potomac, declined to pro­vide billing records or oth­er evi­dence show­ing the firm’s work for Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty was sep­a­rate from its work on behalf of Gab­bard. A sect spokes­woman declined to say whether the group had hired Potomac.

    Potomac also pre­pared mate­ri­als that defend­ed QI and Eswaran, accord­ing to doc­u­ments reviewed by the Jour­nal and a per­son with knowl­edge of the oper­a­tion. Jean­nie Bish­op, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion pres­i­dent, was also involved in the project, accord­ing to the per­son. Bish­op didn’t respond to requests for com­ment.

    As we can see, the inter­twined pub­lic rela­tions cam­paign designed to keep the pub­lic unaware of the deep rela­tion­ship between Gab­bard, Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty and QI are now in need of a pub­lic rela­tions cam­paign of its own fol­low­ing this WSJ report. Or at least that would be the case if there was a MAGA cult run­ning the sen­ate and ready to vote for vir­tu­al­ly any nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump puts before them. Which is a sad reminder that, in the age of Trump, the ulti­mate pub­lic rela­tions cam­paign is to build a polit­i­cal move­ment that oper­ates as a cult run by a proud author­i­tar­i­an leader hell bent on vengeance against those who defy him. Intim­i­da­tion is a pow­er­ful form of per­sua­sion, espe­cial­ly when you’re in a cult. And most espe­cial­ly when the most pow­er­ful per­son in the land is the cult’s leader.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 30, 2025, 10:05 pm
  5. @Pterrafractyl–

    Gab­bard is also the point per­son in the U.S. for Modi, his BJP and the par­ent of the BJP, the RSS. The lat­ter is the Hin­dut­va fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion mod­eled after Mus­solin­i’s black­shirts.

    It is the orga­ni­za­tion that killed Mahat­ma Gand­hi.

    Gab­bard was described as the “mas­cot” of the RSS in the U.S.

    Her nom­i­na­tion to be DNI is also geared for the anti-Chi­na coali­tion.

    Gab­bard is also tight with Amaryl­lis Fox, the “ex” CIA offi­cer who was RFK, Jr.‘s cam­paign man­ag­er and is also his daugh­ter-in-law.

    She is under con­sid­er­a­tion for Deputy Direc­tor of CIA.

    Ain’t we got fun?!

    Great work, as usu­al!

    Posted by Dave Emory | January 31, 2025, 11:08 pm

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