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This broadcast was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: The program begins by setting forth possible mind control connections to some of the “persons of interest” in America’s major assassinations.
Focusing initially on Oswald handler George De Mohrenschildt, the broadcast notes that:
- De Mohrenschildt had apparently been a Nazi spy in World War II, working with North American Abwehr chief Baron Hugo Maydel during the war. De Mohrenschildt had been one of Oswald’s handlers.
- De Mohrenschildt had apparently come to have regrets about the killing, and had been writing a book about the conspiracy, according to Dutch author Oltmans.
- After giving voice to his regrets and reservations and apparently naming CIA and FBI personnel allegedly involved in the conspiracy, De Mohrenschildt was interned in a psychiatric hospital, where he appears to have been subjected to various forms of mind control.
- His daughter Alexandra opined that De Mohrenschildt shot himself to death after receiving a phone call, which she believes contained a hidden cue that triggered his conditioned suicide.
Next, the broadcast highlights some of the aspects of Sirhan Sirhan’s apparent programming at the hands of the intelligence operatives who masterminded the assassination of RFK. As discussed in AFA #9, the forensic evidence disproves the prevailing theory of Sirhan as the killer of Robert Kennedy. In discussing the apparent mind control to which Sirhan was subjected, we note that:
- There were fundamentally different analyses of Sirhan from Dr. Bernard Diamond and Dr. Edward Simpson.
- Diamond noted that Sirhan was a very easy subject to hypnotize and that he was also a “paranoid schizophrenic.”
- Simpson noted that paranoid schizophrenics are virtually impossible to hypnotize.
- The available evidence suggests that Sirhan was under mind control and that the focus of that conditioning was to propel him into self-incrimination.
Continuing exploration of the intelligence community’s mind control programs, the broadcast features an interview with a U.S. government assassin, termed by author Walter Bowart “The Patriotic Assassin.”
Having been involved with the laboratory work that spawned the creation of mind controlled assassins, the operative interviewed by Bowart:
- Confirmed that the killings of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King were acts of state. He opined that the assassins would have received medals.
- Confirmed that the country had experienced a fascist coup, with the country being run by a relative handful of interests, with the military in charge.
- Asserted that many operatives in the military and intelligence community worked both for the federal government and for powerful corporations, helping to steer policy in the directions preferred by the corporations and, ultimately, retiring with both federal and corporate retirement benefits.
- Confirmed the operational use of mind control in covert operations, as well as aspects of larger military operations.
- Maintained that assassins did not need to be subjected to mind control to direct them to perform their missions, but that mind control was necessary to keep them from remembering what they had done.
- Asserted that, because critical functions in the high-tech, nuclear state were performed by enlisted personnel, mind control was necessary to keep them from remembering what they had done. The Patriotic Assassin asserted that commissioned officers were dependent on the benefits attendant on that level of service after retirement and maintained that this was sufficient motivation to maintain silence.
- Commented that the oft-repeated claim by intelligence agencies that mind control “research” had been discontinued was a veil for the fact that it was fully operational.
- Foreshadowed a largely-overlooked and possibly abortive assassination attempt on Jimmy Carter in 1979. Carter had stated that he thought the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King had been the result of conspiracies. Shortly afterward, two men were arrested in Los Angeles, after crossing into the country from Mexico to murder Carter. The names of the conspirators were “Ray Lee Harvey” and “Oswaldo Ortiz”–reminiscent of the names of James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsies for the murders of JFK and Martin Luther King.
Tuesday August 24 2018 was mostly a bad news day for the beleaguered presidency of Donald Trump with
former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleading guilty to tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign finance
violations. At the same time Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight fraud
charges. It will be interesting to see how mainstream and progressive media handle these twin developments.
On CNN former Republican senator Rick Santorum thought the big story of the day was the first degree murder
charge laid against an “illegal” Mexican migrant worker following the discovery of a deceased white Iowa college
girl Mollie Tibbetts who vanished a month ago while jogging in the evening. Sad outcome or rallying cry for
Trump and his anti-immigrant and racist dead enders?
Authorities studied a particular residential security video for two weeks (quite a long time) and concluded
Christhian Rivera pursued the jogger in his black Malibu SUV, ran beside her then abducted the young lady.
According to law enforcement Rivera “blocked his memory” regarding what happened next but came to at an
intersection with the dead student’s bloody body in his car. Authorities say he carried the body into a cornfield and covered her up. He led police and FBI to the exact location.
Yet the owners of Yarabee farms who, according to the Daily Mail have connections to both the victim AND the
Iowa state Republican party, claim Rivera was an employee in good standing vetted by the government E‑Verify
“It seemed that he followed her and seemed to be drawn to her on that particular day” according to the Iowa
Criminal Investigations spokesman.
While we don’t know exactly how Mollie Tibbetts’ death came about there are perhaps some connections here
to mind control. The memory blocks, blacking out and being drawn to the victim resembles Sirhan Sirhan on
the night of the Robert Kennedy assassination. A Chevy Malibu SUV is a pretty nice car for a farm worker living
at a work camp to be driving. And a neighbour saw a black SUV circling the victim’s house much later (11:30 pm
to 1 am) than the timeline which initially reported her disappearing between 7:30 pm and 9 pm.
The family of Ms. Tibbetts met with Vice President Mike Pence recently. If the Trump administration can push
the “illegal Mexican murderer” angle in the coming days through right wing media and propaganda trolls maybe
Trump rides out the bad news from the courts by exploiting the murder of a pretty white college farm girl.
Here’s an article that’s relevant for any story involving government mind-control experiments and the creation of assassins: One of the jurors who found Whitey Bulger guilty in 2013 for racketeering and murder is now expressing regrets that she voted to convict him. Why? Because the juror, Janet Uhlar, has subsequently learned about the secret CIA experiments on Bulger in the late 1950s that involved administering massive doses of LSD to Bulger. He was reportedly dosed more than 50 times. Uhlar learned about these experiments directly from Bulger from the more than 70 letters he wrote to her from prison. Bulger’s participation in these experiments was never mentioned during his federal trial and Uhlar is asserting that, if she knew then what she knows now, she never would have voted to convict him on any of the murder charges.
So why would Bulger’s history as a secret participant in CIA experiments with LSD cause Uhlar to vote not to convict on the murder charges? Well, following Bulger’s conviction, Uhlar started writing to Bulger in prison because she disturbed by how so much of the testimony against Bulger was coming from other violent criminals who were getting reduced sentences for their testimony against Bulger. Bulger began replying to her letters and that’s how Uhlar learned about the horrible nightmares and sleep difficulties he continued to experience as a result of those experiments. Bulger shared with her experiences like when the the technicians who would monitor his response to the LSD, asking him questions such as, “Would you ever kill anyone? Etc., etc.”
It was after learning about MK-Ultra directly from Bulger over mail that Uhlar traveled to Bulger’s prison to meet with him directly and learn more about the experiments. She also began studying on her own about the history of the MK-ULTRA program, including reviewing the 1977 hearings by the U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence, which looked into MK-ULTRA following the first public disclosures of the top-secret program. As Uhlar recounts, the hearings included testimony from CIA director Stansfield Turner, who acknowledged evidence showing that the agency had been searching for a drug that could prepare someone for “debilitating an individual or even killing another person.” That’s all part of why Uhlar is questioning whether or not Bulger should have actually been convicted for murder. Yes, he murdered those people, but he was also the subject of a government program that was trying to created drugged assassins. It’s certainly a complicated situation for a juror to navigate.
Uhlar has subsequently read the new book Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control (published 2019) about Sidney Gottlieb and the MK-ULTRA experiments he conducted which has only strengthened her views that he was wrong convicted.
This is probably a good time to recall that FBI committed those murders while he was an FBI informant in Boston and the FBI appeared to know about it and didn’t stop him. In FTR #607, Daniel Hopsicker discusses this case and notes that it was none other than Robert Mueller who was the US Attorney in charge of operations in Boston during this time. In FTR#749 (side 2), John Loftus talks about his own interactions with one of the key corrupt figures involved with Bulger’s relationship with the Boston FBI: Dick Sullivan. Sullivan was Loftus’s boss at one point at the Justice Department (also note Sullivan’s role in the whitewashing of post-WWII fascists’ backgrounds so they could work for the US). As Loftus recounts, Sullivan — who was a secret IRA member — passed along the name of an IRA informant to the FBI to Bulger who subsequently had this informant killed.
So the more we learn about the life of story of Whitey Bulger the more it appears that he was far more than just a murderous mob boss. He was a murderous mob boss who was also part of secret government experiments designed to make people into killers and he apparently killed with the government’s knowledge. It’s a pretty unorthodox murder defense but a hard defense to ignore:
“Uhlar has spoken publicly about her regret before but says her belief that the gangster was wrongly convicted on the murder charges was reinforced after reading a new book by Brown University professor Stephen Kinzer: “Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control.” The book digs into the dark tale of the CIA’s former chief chemist and his attempts to develop mind control techniques by giving LSD and other drugs to unsuspecting individuals, including colleagues, and observing the effects.”
How culpable is a mob boss for the murders they commit when they were simultaneously part of a secret government experiment to create killers? It’s quite a question for a juror to grapple and Janet Uhlar has been grappling with it ever since the 2013 trial. And the more she has learned the more convinced she has become that Bulger’s MK-ULTRA experiments raised major questions about Bulger’s culpability in those murders:
“To his dying day, Bulger insisted he’d received criminal immunity from a deceased federal prosecutor who once headed the New England Organized Crime Strike Force.”
Claims of criminal immunity were a big part of Bulger’s defense. Interestingly, he was never allowed to actually bring up these claims of criminal immunity during his 2013 trial which was the bases for his 2015 appeal after getting convicted. The Supreme Court rejected those appeals in 2016. But as the following 2013 article about the legal wrangling over whether or not he would be allowed to make the criminal immunity claims during his trial reveals, part of the reason prosecutors rejected the criminal immunity defense was because it would imply a federal agent had given Bulger a license for murder. It’s the kind of legal argument that become rather ironic in the context of Bulger’s history as a subject in secret government experiments to create drugged up murderers:
“Bulger, who fled Boston in 1995 after receiving a tip from a corrupt FBI agent that arrest was imminent, has argued that a former top federal prosecutor, now deceased, promised not to prosecute him for crimes committed by the “Winter Hill” gang he is accused of leading. Bulger says the immunity was granted because he provided information on rival crime organizations.”
Criminal immunity for providing information in rival crime organizations. That’s what Bulger’s primary defense was back in 2013. But prosecutors say it’s not possible the federal agent, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeremiah O’Sullivan, could have possibly granted that immunity because it would be a license to murder:
Interestingly, Bulger’s lawyer was also arguing that Bulger was never an informant and wouldn’t say why the immunity was granted and the reason wouldn’t be exposed before the trial:
It was quite a tantalizing dangle by Bulger’s attorney. But we never got to learn the alleged reason for the immunity because Bulger’s defense wasn’t allowed to bring up this defense. It would be interesting to learn if Janet Uhlar ever spoke with Bulger about his immunity claims. Could the immunity defense have involved some sort of government relationship Bulger developed in the late 1950s during his MK-ULTRA experiment days? We have no idea. We just know that one of the most notorious mob boss killers of the 20th century was secretly part of a government experiment to create killers and he apparently did a lot of killing with the government’s knowledge and made claims of immunity.