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For The Record  

FTR#1224 Update on Nazi Connections to the JFK Assassination

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­­­FTR#1224 This pro­gram was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment.

Intro­duc­tionIn our pre­vi­ous pro­grams, we set forth the deep polit­i­cal milieu span­ning the land­scape of the JFK assas­si­na­tion, as embod­ied by a French fas­cist net­work stretch­ing from the 1930’s up until the ear­ly 1990’s. Over­lap­ping dom­i­nant French and transna­tion­al fas­cist com­po­nents of mul­ti­ple intel­li­gence agen­cies and transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions, these net­works exem­pli­fy the pow­er­ful forces that killed Pres­i­dent Kennedy and sit astride the con­tem­po­rary polit­i­cal land­scape.

In this pro­gram, we fur­ther devel­op some of the Nazi net­works involved with the JFK assas­si­na­tion, in order to flesh out under­stand­ing of the struc­tur­al and oper­a­tional nature of the dom­i­nant ele­ments in our polit­i­cal cul­ture.

(We have detailed the fun­da­men­tal involve­ment of Nazis in the assas­si­na­tion of JFK in numer­ous pro­grams, over the decades, includ­ing: FTR#‘s 54, 168, 971, 1123AFA #‘s 11, 12, 13, 15, 37, as well as The Guns of Novem­ber, Part 4.)

Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the fas­cist con­nec­tions in the JFK assas­si­na­tion high­light­ed in Coup in Dal­las is the fact that Robert Schacht–a blood rel­a­tive of Hjal­mar  Horace Gree­ley Schacht, Hitler’s finance min­is­ter who was deeply involved with Clay Shaw and Permindex–was the admis­sions direc­tor for Albert Schweitzer Col­lege, the first des­ti­na­tion of Lee Har­vey Oswald when he “defect­ed” to the Sovi­et Union.

We also include a pas­sage from Jim DiEu­ge­nio’s clas­sic work on the Gar­ri­son inves­ti­ga­tion–Des­tiny Betrayed.

This pas­sage places the Schacht fam­i­ly con­nec­tion in greater depth.

We also include a pas­sage from Jim DiEu­ge­nio’s clas­sic work on the Gar­ri­son inves­ti­ga­tion–Des­tiny Betrayed.

This pas­sage places the Schacht fam­i­ly con­nec­tion in greater depth.

Per­min­dex was involved with, among oth­er things, attempts on the life of French pres­i­dent Charles De Gaulle in con­junc­tion with ele­ments of CIA and the OAS. 

he posi­tion of Hjal­mar Schacht’s rel­a­tive Robert as the New York admis­sions offi­cer of Albert Schweitzer Col­lege is the fact that Albert Schweitzer him­self was the hon­orary chair­man of Stille Hilfe—“Silent Help”—one of the post­war SS assis­tance orga­ni­za­tions, head­ed by Gudrun Bur­witz, Hein­rich Himmler’s daugh­ter. We have covered Stille Hil­fe in pre­vi­ous pro­grams and posts.

When rail­road exec­u­tive Bill Thomp­son inquired of LBJ assis­tant Bob­by Bak­er about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of intro­duc­ing Pres­i­dent Kennedy to alleged East German/Soviet spy Ellen Rometsch, Bak­er offered a very inter­est­ing reply, indi­cat­ing that Rometsch was a Nazi.

Impor­tant polit­i­cal con­text to the alleged “Com­mu­nist Spy” cov­er sto­ry of Ellen Rometsch con­cerns the polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions of the jour­nal­ist who was the pri­ma­ry shep­herd for the sto­ry. Clark Mol­len­hoff was an inti­mate of the ABN, OUN/B ele­ments who ascend­ed to a dom­i­nant role in the nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment of the cur­rent Ukraine gov­ern­ment.

In AFA#15, as well as FTR#’s  777778 and 876, we set forth the role of OUN/B ele­ments in the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy, chiefly in gen­er­at­ing what Pro­fes­sor Peter Dale Scott termed the “Lev­el One Cover-up.”—putting the blame on “the Com­mu­nists” in order to deflect atten­tion from the actu­al per­pe­tra­tors.

In the above-cit­ed pro­grams, we not­ed how the assas­si­na­tion of Stepan Bandera—represented as part of a Sovi­et assas­si­na­tion pro­gram with which Lee Har­vey Oswald was alleged­ly affil­i­at­ed, we not­ed that the behav­ior of assas­sin Bog­dan [or “Bohdan”] Stashyn­sky sug­gest­ed that he was a dou­ble agent and that the Ban­dera assas­si­na­tion was—in effect—a provoca­tive gam­bit lend­ing grav­i­tas to the “Lev­el-One Cov­er-up” posit­ed by Pro­fes­sor Scott.

Research uncov­ered by author Albarel­li strong­ly rein­forces the prob­a­bil­i­ty that Stashynsky’s work for the Sovi­ets was a dou­ble agent, with his remark­able behav­ior ele­vat­ing the Ban­dera hit to the lev­el of Gehlen/Western pro­pa­gan­da.

(Stashyn­sky still had the shaft of the bro­ken key to Bandera’s apart­ment at the time of his arrest and the head of the key was still in the lock of Bandera’s apart­ment when dis­cov­ered by the Ger­man police, as was revealed at Bandera’s tri­al two years lat­er.)

We con­clude with dis­cus­sion of Thomas Eli Davis.

Gun­run­ner Thomas Eli Davis appears to have been sub­ject­ed to a degree of mind con­trol at the Lafayette Clin­ic in Detroit. Ernst Rodin—his “therapist”—was an Aus­tri­an émi­gré with a Third Reich pedi­gree.

Of par­tic­u­lar note is the fact that MK/ULTRA oper­a­tive extra­or­di­naire Louis Joly­on West was a pro­tégé of Rodin.

Davis was a gun­run­ning asso­ciate of Jack Ruby and was, appar­ent­ly, involved with Lee Har­vey Oswald’s sojourn in Mex­i­co.

In our next pro­gram, we will set forth Davis’s con­nec­tions to Vik­tor Oswald, an “Under­ground Reich” asso­ciate who net­worked exten­sive­ly with the milieu of Otto Sko­rzeny in Spain.

1a. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the fas­cist con­nec­tions in the JFK assas­si­na­tion high­light­ed in Coup in Dal­las is the fact that Robert Schacht–a blood rel­a­tive of Hjal­mar  Horace Gree­ley Schacht, Hitler’s finance min­is­ter who was deeply involved with Clay Shaw and Permindex–was the admis­sions direc­tor for Albert Schweitzer Col­lege, the first des­ti­na­tion of Lee Har­vey Oswald when he “defect­ed” to the Sovi­et Union.

We also include a pas­sage from Jim DiEu­ge­nio’s clas­sic work on the Gar­ri­son inves­ti­ga­tion–Des­tiny Betrayed.

This pas­sage places the Schacht fam­i­ly con­nec­tion in greater depth.

Per­min­dex was involved with, among oth­er things, attempts on the life of French pres­i­dent Charles De Gaulle in con­junc­tion with ele­ments of CIA and the OAS. 

 Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 24.

. . . . Of note, three months ear­li­er, Oswald had applied for admit­tance to the Albert Schweitzer Col­lege locat­ed in Switzer­land via cor­re­spon­dence with Robert Schacht, the college’s NY-based admis­sions offi­cer. By coin­ci­dence, Robert was a blood rel­a­tive of . . . . Hjal­mar Schacht. . . .

1b.  We also include a pas­sage from Jim DiEu­ge­nio’s clas­sic work on the Gar­ri­son inves­ti­ga­tion–Des­tiny Betrayed.

This pas­sage places the Schacht fam­i­ly con­nec­tion in greater depth.

Per­min­dex was involved with, among oth­er things, attempts on the life of French pres­i­dent Charles De Gaulle in con­junc­tion with ele­ments of CIA and the OAS. 

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; pp. 385–386.

. . . . The next step in the CIA lad­der after his high-lev­el over­seas infor­mant ser­vice was his work with the strange com­pa­ny called Per­min­dex. When the announce­ment for Per­min­dex was first made in Switzer­land in late 1956, its prin­ci­pal back­ing was to come from a  local banker named  Hans Selig­man. But as more inves­ti­ga­tion by the local papers was done, it became clear that the real backer was J. Hen­ry Schroed­er Cor­po­ra­tion. This infor­ma­tion was quite reveal­ing. Schroed­er’s had been close­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Allen Dulles and the CIA for years. Allen Dulles’s con­nec­tions to the Schroder bank­ing fam­i­ly went back to the thir­ties when his law firm, Sul­li­van and Cromwell, first began rep­re­sent­ing them through him. Lat­er, Dulles was the bank’s Gen­er­al Coun­sel. In fact, when Dulles became CIA direc­tor, Schroed­er’s was a repos­i­to­ry for a fifty mil­lion dol­lar con­tin­gency fund that Dulles per­son­al­ly con­trolled. Schroder’s was a wel­come con­duit because the bank ben­e­fit­ed from pre­vi­ous CIA over­throws in Guatemala and Iran. Anoth­er rea­son that there began to be a furor over Per­min­dex in Switzer­land was the fact that the bank’s founder, Baron Kurt von Schroder, was asso­ci­at­ed with the Third Reich, specif­i­cal­ly Hein­rich Himm­ler. The project now became stalled in Switzer­land. It now moved to Rome. In a Sep­tem­ber 1969 inter­view Shaw did for Pent­house Mag­a­zine, he told James Phe­lan that he only grew inter­est­ed in the project when it moved to Italy. Which was in Octo­ber 1958. Yet a State Depart­ment cable dat­ed April 9 of that year says that Shaw showed great inter­est in Per­min­dex from the out­set.

One can see why. The board of direc­tors as made up of bankers who had been tied up with fas­cist gov­ern­ments, peo­ple who worked the Jew­ish refugee rack­et dur­ing World War II, a for­mer mem­ber of Mus­solin­i’s cab­i­net, and the son-in-law of Hjal­mar Schacht, the eco­nom­ic wiz­ard behind the Third Reich, who was a friend of Shaw’s. These peo­ple would all appeal to the con­ser­v­a­tive Shaw. There were at least four inter­na­tion­al news­pa­pers that exposed the bizarre activ­i­ties of Per­min­dex when it was in Rome. One prob­lem was the mys­te­ri­ous source of fund­ing: no one knew where it was com­ing from. Anoth­er was that its activ­i­ties report­ed­ly includ­ed assas­si­na­tion attempts on French Pre­mier Charles De Gaulle. Which would make sense since the found­ing mem­ber of Per­min­dex, Fer­enc Nagy, was a close friend of Jacques Soustelle. Soustelle was a leader of the OAS, a group of for­mer French offi­cers who broke with De Gaulle over his Alger­ian pol­i­cy. They lat­er made sev­er­al attempts on De Gaulle’s life, which the CIA was privy to. Again, this mys­te­ri­ous source of fund­ing, plus the rightwing, neo-Fas­cist direc­tors cre­at­ed anoth­er wave of con­tro­ver­sy. One news­pa­per wrote that the orga­ni­za­tion may have been “a crea­ture of the CIA . . . set up as a cove for the trans­fer of CIA . . . funds in Italy for legal polit­i­cal-espi­onage activ­i­ties.” The Schroder con­nec­tion would cer­tain­ly sug­gest that. . . .

2. The posi­tion of Hjal­mar Schacht’s rel­a­tive Robert as the New York admis­sions offi­cer of Albert Schweitzer Col­lege is the fact that Albert Schweitzer him­self was the hon­orary chair­man of Stille Hilfe—“Silent Help”—one of the post­war SS assis­tance orga­ni­za­tions, head­ed by Gudrun Bur­witz, Hein­rich Himmler’s daugh­ter. We have covered Stille Hil­fe in pre­vi­ous pro­grams and posts.

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 307.

. . . . Stille Hil­fe also pro­vid­ed sup­port for chil­dren of Nazi ser­vice­men, in par­tic­u­lar those of promi­nent SS offi­cers includ­ing Otto Skorzeny’s daugh­ter Wal­traut, and the son of Otto’s good friend and future busi­ness col­league, Wern­er Nau­mann. It was Nau­mann whom Hitler des­ig­nat­ed as his nom­i­nal replace­ment in the event of his own demise, and Nau­mann who engaged with Otto Sko­rzeny and Vic­tor Oswald through the cor­po­rate front H.S. Lucht & Co. Stille Hilfe—“Silent Help”—later boast­ed as its hon­orary chair­man Albert Schweitzer, founder of the Swiss-based col­lege that a decade lat­er would cap­ture the inter­est of Lee Har­vey Oswald. . . .

3. Impor­tant polit­i­cal con­text to the alleged “Com­mu­nist Spy” cov­er sto­ry of Ellen Rometsch con­cerns the polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions of the jour­nal­ist who was the pri­ma­ry shep­herd for the sto­ry. Clark Mol­len­hoff was an inti­mate of the ABN, OUN/B ele­ments who ascend­ed to a dom­i­nant role in the nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment of the cur­rent Ukraine gov­ern­ment.

In AFA#15, as well as FTR#’s  777778 and 876, we set forth the role of OUN/B ele­ments in the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy, chiefly in gen­er­at­ing what Pro­fes­sor Peter Dale Scott termed the “Lev­el One Cover-up.”—putting the blame on “the Com­mu­nists” in order to deflect atten­tion from the actu­al per­pe­tra­tors.

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 140.

. . . . Indeed, reporter Mollenhoff’s con­ser­v­a­tive lean­ing was appar­ent in pub­lic set­tings when in Octo­ber of 1962, he par­tic­i­pat­ed on a pan­el, “Wash­ing­ton Cov­er-Up,” at George­town Uni­ver­si­ty along­side the pres­i­dent of the Ukraine Con­gress Com­mit­tee of Amer­i­ca (UCCA) and George­town eco­nom­ics pro­fes­sor Lev Dobri­an­sky, evi­denced in a pho­to in The Ukraine Week­ly, and in ensu­ing years, Mol­len­hoff was not shy about his com­mit­ment to anti­com­mu­nism. A brief men­tion in an arti­cle dat­ed Sat­ur­day, April 20, 1974 in The Ukraine Week­ly, under the head­line “Anti-com­mu­nist League Holds 7th Con­fer­ence in Wash­ing­ton,” pro­vides a win­dow into his pub­lic sup­port of the World Anti-com­mu­nist League (WACL.)

Host­ed in D.C. by the Amer­i­can Coun­cil for World Free­dom (ACWF), the con­fer­ence boast­ed some twen­ty-five speak­ers, rep­re­sent­ing both free nations and coun­tries under Com­mu­nist sup­pres­sion, includ­ing auto­crat Gen­er­al Anas­tazio Somoza of Nicaragua and the Hon. Yaroslav Stet­zko, for­mer prime min­is­ter of Ukraine and head of the Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations (ABN) since its incep­tion as well as leader of the Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists (OUN).The US affil­i­ate of Stetzko’s ABN, The Amer­i­can Friends of Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations is infa­mous among Kennedy researchers for its lead­ing mem­ber, Spas Raikin, who trav­eled from Ohio to Hobo­ken, NJ, to meet Lee Har­vey Oswald and his Russ­ian wife, Mari­na, as they arrived from the USSR.

Among the US speak­ers at the 1974 WACL con­fer­ence were promi­nent Repub­li­cans includ­ing for­mer con­gress­man John McCain, con­ser­v­a­tive jour­nal­ist William F. Buck­ley, and Prof. Dobri­an­sky. . . .

4. When rail­road exec­u­tive Bill Thomp­son inquired of LBJ assis­tant Bob­by Bak­er about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of intro­duc­ing Pres­i­dent Kennedy to alleged East German/Soviet spy Ellen Rometsch, Bak­er offered a very inter­est­ing reply, indi­cat­ing that Rometsch was a Nazi.

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 155.

. . . . As post­script, Bob­by Baker’s own words sum up his con­trol over the women who worked at the Quo­rum Club in D.C., includ­ing Ellen Rometsch. . . . Bak­er respond­ed, ‘She’s a Ger­man, and her hus­band is a sergeant who works for the Ger­man Embassy. . . . So [rail­road exec­u­tive Bill] Thomp­son asks, ‘Bakes, do you think that if I invit­ed her to the White House that she would go with me to meet Pres­i­dent Kennedy?’ Bak­er respond­ed [incor­po­rat­ing a ref­er­ence to Nazis that seems incon­gru­ous if she was an East Ger­man spy for the Sovi­et Union], ‘Gee, she’s a Nazi. She’ll do any­thing I tell her.’” . . . .

5. In the above-cit­ed pro­grams, we not­ed how the assas­si­na­tion of Stepan Bandera—represented as part of a Sovi­et assas­si­na­tion pro­gram with which Lee Har­vey Oswald was alleged­ly affil­i­at­ed, we not­ed that the behav­ior of assas­sin Bog­dan [or “Bohdan”] Stashyn­sky sug­gest­ed that he was a dou­ble agent and that the Ban­dera assas­si­na­tion was—in effect—a provoca­tive gam­bit lend­ing grav­i­tas to the “Lev­el-One Cov­er-up” posit­ed by Pro­fes­sor Scott.

Research uncov­ered by author Albarel­li strong­ly rein­forces the prob­a­bil­i­ty that Stashynsky’s work for the Sovi­ets was a dou­ble agent, with his remark­able behav­ior ele­vat­ing the Ban­dera hit to the lev­el of Gehlen/Western pro­pa­gan­da.

(Stashyn­sky still had the shaft of the bro­ken key to Bandera’s apart­ment at the time of his arrest and the head of the key was still in the lock of Bandera’s apart­ment when dis­cov­ered by the Ger­man police, as was revealed at Bandera’s tri­al two years lat­er.)

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 253–254.

. . . . On Octo­ber 15, 1959, which coin­ci­den­tal­ly was the day Lee Oswald board­ed a train from Helsin­ki to Moscow on the final leg of his defec­tion, a twen­ty-eight-year-old KGB assas­sin, Bohdan Stashyn­sky, is alleged to have assas­si­nat­ed Ukraine Nation­al­ist Stepan Ban­dera in Munich. On tri­al in Munich in 1962, pros­e­cu­tors pre­sent­ed the most per­sua­sive ver­sion of the mur­der: Stashyn­sky had used a spray gun to dis­pense a lethal but unde­tectable poi­son that induced symp­toms that mim­ic­ked heart attack. On Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 12, Pierre makes a note SPRAY-GUN 2 WILLOUGHBY-SHAW? The sheets from a ledger that author Albarel­li gained access to fur­ther indi­cate the sig­nif­i­cance of “spray guns” in Pierre Lafitte’s world in 1963. As men­tioned pre­vi­ous­ly, in one ledger entry, Lafitte notes, “Walk­er team-spray guns-at least 5. . . .” Anoth­er reads, “ . . . Rother­mel says no on gas [strike through] guns but T says ok (Stash) . . .

Walk­er says yes spray guns. Willough­by?” . . . .

. . . . Accord­ing to a recent book by Pro­fes­sor of Ukrain­ian his­to­ry Ser­hii Plokhy, The Man with the Poi­son Gun: A Cold War Spy Sto­ry, Stashynsky’s career as a trig­ger­man for the KGB played out against the back­drop of the fight for Ukrain­ian inde­pen­dence after the Sec­ond World War. “ . . . Bohdan was a mem­ber of the under­ground  resis­tance against the Sovi­et occu­pa­tion, but was forced to become an informer for the secret police after his fam­i­ly was threat­ened. After he betrayed a resis­tance cell . . . [he] was ostra­cized by his fam­i­ly and was offered the choice of con­tin­u­ing his high­er edu­ca­tion, which he could no longer afford, or join­ing the secret police.” . . . . Stashyn­sky received advanced train­ing in Kyiv and Moscow for clan­des­tine work in the West and became one of Moscow’s most trust­ed assets. . . .”

7. Gun­run­ner Thomas Eli Davis appears to have been sub­ject­ed to a degree of mind con­trol at the Lafayette Clin­ic in Detroit. Ernst Rodin—his “therapist”—was an Aus­tri­an émi­gré with a Third Reich pedi­gree.

Of par­tic­u­lar note is the fact that MK/ULTRA oper­a­tive extra­or­di­naire Louis Joly­on West was a pro­tégé of Rodin.

Davis was a gun­run­ning asso­ciate of Jack Ruby and was, appar­ent­ly, involved with Lee Har­vey Oswald’s sojourn in Mex­i­co.

In our next pro­gram, we will set forth Davis’s con­nec­tions to Vik­tor Oswald, an “Under­ground Reich” asso­ciate who net­worked exten­sive­ly with the milieu of Otto Sko­rzeny in Spain.

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 168, 169, 178.

. . . . One such prac­tice was rec­om­mend­ed by the [Lafayette] clinic’s neu­rol­o­gist, Dr. Ernst Rodin, who achieved wide noto­ri­ety with his rec­om­men­da­tion that indi­vid­u­als who took part in Detroit’s race riots in the 1960s be phys­i­cal­ly cas­trat­ed. Dr. Rodin, who treat­ed Thomas Davis, came to the Unit­ed States from Vien­na in the ear­ly 1950s. Accord­ing to Rodin’s auto­bi­og­ra­phy, War and May­hem, he had been a mem­ber of the Hitler Youth move­ment and then served a short stint as a Nazi sol­dier. . . . Dr. Joly West was a pro­tégé of Rodin. . . .

. . . . In his 1977 pur­suit of enig­ma Thomas Eli Davis, news­man Seth Kan­tor also revealed that the Texas native was released from his Tang­i­er jail cell in ear­ly Decem­ber 1963, through the inter­ven­tion and assis­tance from “the mys­te­ri­ous CIA con­tract assas­sin known only by his CIA cryptonym QJ/WIN.” Kan­tor pro­vides no source for his infor­ma­tion on QJ/WIN, and Kan­tor is now dead. Read­ers of this book now know that a lead­ing fig­ure of the QJ/WIN pro­gram was for­mer Nazi SS offi­cer Otto Sko­rzeny, and it is this fact that makes Davis’s saga even more intrigu­ing.

Well before Kan­tor wrote about Thomas Davis, Dal­las Morn­ing News reporter Earl Golz gained knowl­edge of Davis’s links to anoth­er major play­er in the assas­si­na­tion sto­ry, Jack Ruby, Oswald’s assas­sin, and to sev­er­al oth­er unsa­vory Texas gun­run­ners. Tak­en togeth­er, these links advance the n\mystery of Thomas Davis into “the stratos­phere of ser­pen­tine con­nec­tions.”

On July 10, 1976, Golz wrote a great­ly over­looked Morn­ing News account con­cern­ing Jack Ruby’s role in run­ning guns to anti-Cas­tro forces in Cuba. Golz writes that after Ruby’s arrest for mur­der­ing Lee Har­vey Oswald, Ruby “was con­cerned that the name of a gun­run­ner for anti-Cas­tro Cubans might come up dur­ing his 1964 tri­al [in Dal­las].” The name was Thomas Eli Davis, Jr. . . . .

. . . . Davis’s wife’s state­ment to the author in 2004 con­tin­ues ver­ba­tim: “The oth­er Oswald, the man they said that killed the Pres­i­dent . . . . I had no idea who he was until his name was in the news­pa­pers. But when I saw his pic­ture, I remem­bered him right away from being in Mex­i­co at a hotel thing with Tom. He and Tom had been togeth­er for a few days. That fright­ened me a lot, but Tom said to for­get about it. . . .


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