Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR#1225 Further Analysis of Nazi Involvement in the Assassination of JFK

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­­­FTR#1225 This pro­gram was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment.

Intro­duc­tion: This broad­cast con­tin­ues a decades-long path of explo­ration that Mr. Emory has walked, once again uti­liz­ing mate­r­i­al from Coup in Dal­las:

We have detailed the fun­da­men­tal involve­ment of Nazis in the assas­si­na­tion of JFK in numer­ous pro­grams, over the decades, includ­ing: FTR#‘s 54, 168, 971, 1123, 1222, 1223, 1224, AFA #‘s 11, 12, 13, 15, 37, as well as The Guns of Novem­ber, Part 4.

Fur­ther explor­ing Nazi involve­ment in the JFK assas­si­na­tion,  we high­light net­work­ing between Thomas Eli Davis–linked to Jack Ruby and Lee Har­vey Oswald–and a vet­er­an spook named Vic­tor Oswald (no rela­tion to the JFK assas­si­na­tion pat­sy).

About Vic­tor Oswald:

  1. ” . . . . Dur­ing the war, he became close friends with Alfred Barth, the vice-pres­i­dent for Mid­dle Euro­pean Affairs for the Chase Nation­al Bank in New York, owned by the Rock­e­feller fam­i­ly. Barth was a close friend of John McCloy . . . . who in 1964 would become a mem­ber of the War­ren Com­mis­sion. In 1950, Barth trav­eled to Madrid to meet with Gen­er­alis­si­mo Fran­co, and it was Vic­tor Oswald who accom­pa­nied him to the pri­vate meet­ing. Not long after­ward, Oswald became the offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Chase Man­hat­tan Bank in Spain, hav­ing been appoint­ed by his friend Lawrence Rock­e­feller. Oswald was also a close friend and busi­ness part­ner with Pierre S. Du Pont III. . . .”
  2. “. . . . He was also a low-pro­file mem­ber of Madrid’s large coterie of for­mer Nazis, some of whom joined him in his var­i­ous busi­ness ven­tures . . . .”
  3. ” . . . . Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Vic­tor Oswald was also a long­time busi­ness part­ner with fel­low Madrid res­i­dent Otto Sko­rzeny, who, more impor­tant­ly and to the point here, was present for Davis’s meet­ing with Vic­tor Oswald. . . .”
  4. ” . . . . Sko­rzeny and Vic­tor Oswald had known each oth­er since at least 1951. This was the point dur­ing which Sko­rzeny was estab­lish­ing an inde­pen­dent engi­neer­ing office in Madrid. Intro­duc­tions between the two appear to have come through Johannes Bern­hardt, the for­mer senior SS intel­li­gence offi­cer who head­ed SOFINDUS, the cor­po­rate net­work used by the Nazis in Spain. Read­ers may recall that SOFINDUS assets were acquired by the Allies after the war. Vic­tor Oswald . . . was involved in the post­war acqui­si­tion of SOFINDUS, plac­ing him in close con­tact with Bern­hardt. . . .”

Otto Sko­rzeny in 1943. Pho­to credit–Wikipedia.org

Much of the pro­gram con­sists of analy­sis of the high­ly sus­pi­cious “sui­cide” of Edward Grant Stock­dale, JFK’s ambas­sador to Ire­land and an indi­vid­ual who pos­sessed infor­ma­tion about a num­ber of sen­si­tive mat­ters that may have led to his elim­i­na­tion.

Much of that sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion con­cerned the large Nazi dias­po­ra which mate­ri­al­ized in Ire­land in the 1960’s, heav­i­ly cap­i­tal­iz­ing the Irish econ­o­my and aug­ment­ing a Nazi/fascist polit­i­cal base in that island nation.

Draw­ing on vir­u­lent anti-British sen­ti­ment in the “Emer­ald Isle,” as well as pro­found Vat­i­can influ­ence in that coun­try, a strong Third Reich under­ground fused with domes­tic fas­cist ele­ments such as the Blueshirts to cre­ate a strong ide­o­log­i­cal, oper­a­tional and eco­nom­ic foun­da­tion for the Nazi dream of a “Euro­pean Argen­tine.”

“ . . . . A decade lat­er, accord­ing to his­to­ri­an Den­nis Eisen­berg in his thor­ough expose Re-Emer­gence of Fas­cism. ‘The ear­ly spring of 1961 saw one of the most impor­tant changes in plans for the fas­cist international’s future activ­i­ties. . . . It was decid­ed at this meet­ing to try and make Ire­land the future home for their activ­i­ties in the same way as the Argen­tine had been used in the days imme­di­ate­ly after the war. . . . The meth­ods used were the same as those which had been direct­ed against Per­on; the coun­try will be flood­ed with cap­i­tal in such a way that the Gov­ern­ment would become depen­dent on the men who con­trol the mon­ey purs­es. Now Ire­land was to become a kind of ‘refuge’ on the door-step of Europe for fas­cist-mind­ed extrem­ists.’ . . . .”

Stockdale’s “sui­cide” fol­lowed Pres­i­dent Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion by ten days.

“ . . . . On the morn­ing of Decem­ber 2, 1963, ten days after the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy, Edward Grant Stock­dale, a rugged­ly hand­some, forty-eight-year-old busi­ness­man and cohort of both Jack and Robert Kennedy, fell to his death from the thir­teenth floor of the Alfred I. DuPont Build­ing in down­town Mia­mi.

Stock­dale tum­bled eight floors from his busi­ness office win­dow before his body struck and land­ed on a fifth-floor ledge. . . .”

There is ample rea­son to believe that Stockdale’s death was not sui­cide.

“. . . . Inter­viewed in June 2004, Grant’s daugh­ter, Ann Stockdale—apparently acute­ly aware of the dan­gers of speak­ing can­did­ly about her father’s alleged sui­cide even four decades lat­er . . . . “[Pres­i­dent] Kennedy asked Dad­dy to go to the Air Force Base south of Mia­mi to see if (against Kennedy’s orders) bombs were being loaded on the planes. Bombs were being loaded on the planes! I believe one of the rea­sons Dad­dy was killed was because he knew that the Gov­ern­ment was being run by the Mil­i­tary Com­plex. . . .”

Stock­dale expressed fear for his life: “ . . . . Author and pub­lish­er David Tal­bot writes that Stock­dale flew to Wash­ing­ton and talked with Robert and Edward Kennedy about the assas­si­na­tion of their broth­er. On his return [to Mia­mi] Stock­dale told sev­er­al of his friends that ‘the world was clos­ing in.’ On Decem­ber 1, he spoke to his attor­ney, William Frates, who lat­er recalled: ‘He start­ed talk­ing. It didn’t make much sense. He said some­thing about ‘those guys’ try­ing to get him. Then about the assas­si­na­tion.’’ . . . .”

The authors spec­u­late that Stockdale’s “sui­cide” may have been arranged in part, to obscure his aware­ness of the pro­found Nazi pres­ence in Ire­land, includ­ing oper­a­tions of Otto and Ilse Sko­re­ny. Sko­rzeny, of course, may have been a key tac­ti­cal plan­ner for the JFK assas­si­na­tion as posit­ed by Albarel­li and his co-authors.

“ . . . . ‘Fre­quent­ly attend­ing these gath­er­ings in all their splen­dor were Otto and Ilse Sko­rzeny . . . With­out doubt, Stock­dale was amply famil­iar with for­mer Nazi SS offi­cer Sko­rzeny, who often vis­it­ed the embassy for meet­ings with var­i­ous Amer­i­can busi­ness­men, mil­i­tary offi­cers, and intel­li­gence offi­cials, as well as var­i­ous embassy staff mem­bers through­out 1960, 1961, and 1962. For­mer embassy per­son­nel vivid­ly recall Sko­rzeny com­ing to the embassy on a near ‘week­ly basis.’ Evi­dence also reveals that the Sko­rzenys were occa­sion­al din­ner guests join­ing the ambas­sador and his wife. . . .”

Both of JFK’s sur­viv­ing broth­ers made trips abroad in 1964, pos­si­bly to inves­ti­gate aspects of their brother’s mur­der.

Short­ly after announc­ing his can­di­da­cy for the Sen­ate, Ted Kennedy made a trip to Ire­land, short­ly after which he nar­row­ly escaped death in a plane crash: “ . . . . Six months after the mur­der of his broth­er in Dal­las, Sen­a­tor Edward Kennedy, the youngest of Joe and Rose Kennedy’s sons, flew to Ire­land. He had recent­ly announced his cam­paign to run for a six-year Sen­ate term in Mass­a­chu­setts . . . . He returned to the States, and less than three weeks lat­er, on June 19, 1964, he was a pas­sen­ger in a fatal plane crash that killed the pilot, Edward Zim­ny of Lawrence, MA. . . .”

Robert Kennedy trav­eled to Mex­i­co: “ . . . . Toward the end of 1964, his broth­er, Attor­ney Gen­er­al Robert F. Kennedy, made a trip to Mex­i­co City, osten­si­bly to observe the young rad­i­cal move­ment in the coun­try. Cov­er­age of the mys­te­ri­ous trip was tight­ly con­trolled, and it was only years lat­er that researchers began to spec­u­late on the real pur­pose of the trip. Some his­to­ri­ans argue he was pur­su­ing links between the assas­si­na­tion of his broth­er and a net­work oper­at­ing in Mex­i­co. . . .”

1. Gun­run­ner Thomas Eli Davis appears to have been sub­ject­ed to a degree of mind con­trol at the Lafayette Clin­ic in Detroit. Ernst Rodin—his “therapist”—was an Aus­tri­an émi­gré with a Third Reich pedi­gree.

Of par­tic­u­lar note is the fact that MK/ULTRA oper­a­tive extra­or­di­naire Louis Joly­on West was a pro­tégé of Rodin.

Davis was a gun­run­ning asso­ciate of Jack Ruby and was, appar­ent­ly, involved with Lee Har­vey Oswald’s sojourn in Mex­i­co.

Lat­er in the pro­gram, we set forth Davis’s con­nec­tions to Vik­tor Oswald, an “Under­ground Reich” asso­ciate who net­worked exten­sive­ly with the milieu of Otto Sko­rzeny in Spain.

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 168, 169, 178.

. . . . One such prac­tice was rec­om­mend­ed by the [Lafayette] clinic’s neu­rol­o­gist, Dr. Ernst Rodin, who achieved wide noto­ri­ety with his rec­om­men­da­tion that indi­vid­u­als who took part in Detroit’s race riots in the 1960s be phys­i­cal­ly cas­trat­ed. Dr. Rodin, who treat­ed Thomas Davis, came to the Unit­ed States from Vien­na in the ear­ly 1950s. Accord­ing to Rodin’s auto­bi­og­ra­phy, War and May­hem, he had been a mem­ber of the Hitler Youth move­ment and then served a short stint as a Nazi sol­dier. . . . Dr. Joly West was a pro­tégé of Rodin. . . .

. . . . In his 1977 pur­suit of enig­ma Thomas Eli Davis, news­man Seth Kan­tor also revealed that the Texas native was released from his Tang­i­er jail cell in ear­ly Decem­ber 1963, through the inter­ven­tion and assis­tance from “the mys­te­ri­ous CIA con­tract assas­sin known only by his CIA cryptonym QJ/WIN.” Kan­tor pro­vides no source for his infor­ma­tion on QJ/WIN, and Kan­tor is now dead. Read­ers of this book now know that a lead­ing fig­ure of the QJ/WIN pro­gram was for­mer Nazi SS offi­cer Otto Sko­rzeny, and it is this fact that makes Davis’s saga even more intrigu­ing.

Well before Kan­tor wrote about Thomas Davis, Dal­las Morn­ing News reporter Earl Golz gained knowl­edge of Davis’s links to anoth­er major play­er in the assas­si­na­tion sto­ry, Jack Ruby, Oswald’s assas­sin, and to sev­er­al oth­er unsa­vory Texas gun­run­ners. Tak­en togeth­er, these links advance the n\mystery of Thomas Davis into “the stratos­phere of ser­pen­tine con­nec­tions.”

On July 10, 1976, Golz wrote a great­ly over­looked Morn­ing News account con­cern­ing Jack Ruby’s role in run­ning guns to anti-Cas­tro forces in Cuba. Golz writes that after Ruby’s arrest for mur­der­ing Lee Har­vey Oswald, Ruby “was con­cerned that the name of a gun­run­ner for anti-Cas­tro Cubans might come up dur­ing his 1964 tri­al [in Dal­las].” The name was Thomas Eli Davis, Jr. . . . .

. . . . Davis’s wife’s state­ment to the author in 2004 con­tin­ues ver­ba­tim: “The oth­er Oswald, the man they said that killed the Pres­i­dent . . . . I had no idea who he was until his name was in the news­pa­pers. But when I saw his pic­ture, I remem­bered him right away from being in Mex­i­co at a hotel thing with Tom. He and Tom had been togeth­er for a few days. That fright­ened me a lot, but Tom said to for­get about it. . . .”

2. Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 175–6.

. . . . He moved to Spain in about 1948 and estab­lished sev­er­al small busi­ness­es, includ­ing branch offices for his brother’s chem­i­cal con­cerns, which were based in Ger­many. Dur­ing the war, he became close friends with Alfred Barth, the vice-pres­i­dent for Mid­dle Euro­pean Affairs for the Chase Nation­al Bank in New York, owned by the Rock­e­feller fam­i­ly. Barth was a close friend of John McCloy . . . . who in 1964 would become a mem­ber of the War­ren Com­mis­sion. In 1950, Barth trav­eled to Madrid to meet with Gen­er­alis­si­mo Fran­co, and it was Vic­tor Oswald who accom­pa­nied him to the pri­vate meet­ing. Not long after­ward, Oswald became the offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Chase Man­hat­tan Bank in Spain, hav­ing been appoint­ed by his friend Lawrence Rock­e­feller. Oswald was also a close friend and busi­ness part­ner with Pierre S. Du Pont III.

Oswald was well-liked in Madrid’s busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty. . . . He was also a low-pro­file mem­ber of Madrid’s large coterie of for­mer Nazis, some of whom joined him in his var­i­ous busi­ness ven­tures . . . .

3. Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 176–177.

. . . . Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Vic­tor Oswald was also a long­time busi­ness part­ner with fel­low Madrid res­i­dent Otto Sko­rzeny, who, more impor­tant­ly and to the point here, was present for Davis’s meet­ing with Vic­tor Oswald. It is worth repeat­ing pre­cise­ly what Davis’s wife revealed to the authors: “Tom knew [Vic­tor] Oswald  . . . I mean, it was obvi­ous to me. I don’t know where they had met before, but To told me he’d been there [Madrid] twice before. . . . The oth­er man there [in Madrid], at the meet­ing, was a Ger­man, who had a long, ugly scar that cut down one side of his face. . . . He didn’t say much, but I sensed Tom knew him also. . . .”  

Clear­ly, the Ger­man with the long ugly scar was Otto Sko­rzeny. Skorzeny’s office was only about two blocks away from Oswald’s. . . .

. . . . Sko­rzeny and Vic­tor Oswald had known each oth­er since at least 1951. This was the point dur­ing which Sko­rzeny was estab­lish­ing an inde­pen­dent engi­neer­ing office in Madrid. Intro­duc­tions between the two appear to have come through Johannes Bern­hardt, the for­mer senior SS intel­li­gence offi­cer who head­ed SOFINDUS, the cor­po­rate net­work used by the Nazis in Spain. Read­ers may recall that SOFINDUS assets were acquired by the Allies after the war. Vic­tor Oswald . . . was involved in the post­war acqui­si­tion of SOFINDUS, plac­ing him in close con­tact with Bern­hardt. Bern­hardt had con­tact­ed the Allies even before the war end­ed, attempt­ing to trans­fer mil­lions of dol­lars of SOFINDUS assets in return for favor­able treat­ment.  The offer was gra­cious­ly accept­ed. In 1951, Vic­tor Oswald and Johannes Bern­hardt were joined by Otto Sko­rzeny, who had been trans­ferred to Spain by US intel­li­gence. The new busi­ness rela­tion­ship with the revamped SOFINDUS was the intend­ed cov­er for much of the intel­li­gence and covert activ­i­ty car­ried by Sko­rzeny.

One con­tract alone pro­vid­ed great legit­i­ma­cy to Skorzeny’s work with Vic­tor Oswald. This was the Otto Wolff steel com­pa­ny out of Ger­many in which Ilse, Otto’s wife, also played a promi­nent role. . . .

5a. Much of the pro­gram con­sists of analy­sis of the high­ly sus­pi­cious “sui­cide” of Edward Grant Stock­dale, JFK’s ambas­sador to Ire­land and an indi­vid­ual who pos­sessed infor­ma­tion about a num­ber of sen­si­tive mat­ters that may have led to his elim­i­na­tion.

Much of that sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion con­cerned the large Nazi dias­po­ra which mate­ri­al­ized in Ire­land in the 1960’s, heav­i­ly cap­i­tal­iz­ing the Irish econ­o­my and aug­ment­ing a Nazi/fascist polit­i­cal base in that island nation.

Draw­ing on vir­u­lent anti-British sen­ti­ment in the “Emer­ald Isle,” as well as pro­found Vat­i­can influ­ence in that coun­try, a strong Third Reich under­ground fused with domes­tic fas­cist ele­ments such as the Blueshirts to cre­ate a strong ide­o­log­i­cal, oper­a­tional and eco­nom­ic foun­da­tion for the Nazi dream of a “Euro­pean Argen­tine.”

“ . . . . A decade lat­er, accord­ing to his­to­ri­an Den­nis Eisen­berg in his thor­ough expose Re-Emer­gence of Fas­cism. ‘The ear­ly spring of 1961 saw one of the most impor­tant changes in plans for the fas­cist international’s future activ­i­ties. . . . It was decid­ed at this meet­ing to try and make Ire­land the future home for their activ­i­ties in the same way as the Argen­tine had been used in the days imme­di­ate­ly after the war. . . . The meth­ods used were the same as those which had been direct­ed against Per­on; the coun­try will be flood­ed with cap­i­tal in such a way that the Gov­ern­ment would become depen­dent on the men who con­trol the mon­ey purs­es. Now Ire­land was to become a kind of ‘refuge’ on the door-step of Europe for fas­cist-mind­ed extrem­ists.’ . . . .”

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 292.

. . . . A decade lat­er, accord­ing to his­to­ri­an Den­nis Eisen­berg in his thor­ough expose Re-Emer­gence of Fas­cism. “The ear­ly spring of 1961 saw one of the most impor­tant changes in plans for the fas­cist international’s future activ­i­ties. The scene was Madrid, the exact meet­ing place high­ly secret. Gath­ered around the table were such men as “Scar­face” Sko­rzeny, [Rex­ist par­ty leader and SS offi­cer] Leon Degrelle, Luft­waffe ace Hans Ulrich Rudel and sev­er­al oth­er high-rank­ing Nazis [among them was the son of Klaus Bar­bie]. It was decid­ed at this meet­ing to try and make Ire­land the future home for their activ­i­ties in the same way as the Argen­tine had been used in the days imme­di­ate­ly after the war. . . . The meth­ods used were the same as those which had been direct­ed against Per­on; the coun­try will be flood­ed with cap­i­tal in such a way that the Gov­ern­ment would become depen­dent on the men who con­trol the mon­ey purs­es. Now Ire­land was to become a kind of ‘refuge’ pm the door-step of Europe for fas­cist-mind­ed extrem­ists.”

The cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal soil in Ire­land had been tilled for just such an ambi­tious endeav­or since the ear­ly 1930s.

Eisen­berg con­tin­ues, “But why Ire­land? Why should the fas­cists try and make Dublin their new base? For one thing, Ire­land is much near­er to Europe and the coun­try has nev­er been at war with Ger­many. Sec­ond­ly, there are strong Ger­man sym­pa­thies among sec­tions of Irish soci­ety main­ly because of his­toric bit­ter­ness towards the British. Sko­rzeny and two rep­re­sen­ta­tives of a Ger­man and Swiss bank had pro­tract­ed talks with mem­bers of the Irish Gov­ern­ment and they promised to trans­fer con­sid­er­able sums of cap­i­tal to aid its eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment. The Irish, in turn, promised to give per­mis­sion for the Ger­mans to use large tracts of Gov­ern­ment owned land to afford them tax reliefs. The Irish insist­ed that the new indus­tries should be scat­tered wide­ly over the coun­try so as to get the max­i­mum ben­e­fit from the influx of cap­i­tal.”. . .

5b.  Stockdale’s “sui­cide” fol­lowed Pres­i­dent Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion by ten days.

“ . . . . On the morn­ing of Decem­ber 2, 1963, ten days after the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy, Edward Grant Stock­dale, a rugged­ly hand­some, forty-eight-year-old busi­ness­man and cohort of both Jack and Robert Kennedy, fell to his death from the thir­teenth floor of the Alfred I. DuPont Build­ing in down­town Mia­mi.

Stock­dale tum­bled eight floors from his busi­ness office win­dow before his body struck and land­ed on a fifth-floor ledge. . . .”

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 123–124.

. . . . On the morn­ing of Decem­ber 2, 1963, ten days after the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy, Edward Grant Stock­dale, a rugged­ly hand­some, forty-eight-year-old busi­ness­man and cohort of both Jack and Robert Kennedy, fell to his death from the thir­teenth floor of the Alfred I. DuPont Build­ing in down­town Mia­mi.

Stock­dale tum­bled eight floors from his busi­ness office win­dow before his body struck and land­ed on a fifth-floor ledge. . . . Mia­mi police inves­ti­ga­tors deter­mined Stockdale’s death to be “appar­ent sui­cide.” Stock­dale left no sui­cide note or let­ter, accord­ing to inves­ti­ga­tors, and despite their deter­mi­na­tion, it remains unclear as to how Stock­dale went out the win­dow of his office. . . . Requests from these authors, and oth­ers, for a copy of the police inves­tiga­tive file brought the response that the file was no longer avail­able. One offi­cial, who declined to be named for this book, said he thought the file “had been either lost or mis­placed years ago.”. . .

6. There is ample rea­son to believe that Stockdale’s death was not sui­cide.

“. . . . Inter­viewed in June 2004, Grant’s daugh­ter, Ann Stockdale—apparently acute­ly aware of the dan­gers of speak­ing can­did­ly about her father’s alleged sui­cide even four decades lat­er . . . . “[Pres­i­dent] Kennedy asked Dad­dy to go to the Air Force Base south of Mia­mi to see if (against Kennedy’s orders) bombs were being loaded on the planes. Bombs were being loaded on the planes! I believe one of the rea­sons Dad­dy was killed was because he knew that the Gov­ern­ment was being run by the Mil­i­tary Com­plex. . . .”

Stock­dale expressed fear for his life: “ . . . . Author and pub­lish­er David Tal­bot writes that Stock­dale flew to Wash­ing­ton and talked with Robert and Edward Kennedy about the assas­si­na­tion of their broth­er. On his return [to Mia­mi] Stock­dale told sev­er­al of his friends that ‘the world was clos­ing in.’ On Decem­ber 1, he spoke to his attor­ney, William Frates, who lat­er recalled: ‘He start­ed talk­ing. It didn’t make much sense. He said some­thing about ‘those guys’ try­ing to get him. Then about the assas­si­na­tion.’’ . . . .”

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 125–6.

. . . . Inter­viewed in June 2004, Grant’s daugh­ter, Ann Stockdale—apparently acute­ly aware of the dan­gers of speak­ing can­did­ly about her father’s alleged sui­cide even four decades later—made no ref­er­ence to rev­e­la­tions that rocked D.C. pol­i­tics in the fall of 1963, includ­ing the Bob­by Bak­er scan­dal that had forced her fam­i­ly to leave Dublin and the Ellen Rometsch Affair. . . . “[Pres­i­dent] Kennedy asked Dad­dy to go to the Air Force Base south of Mia­mi to see if (against Kennedy’s orders) bombs were being loaded on the planes. Bombs were being loaded on the planes! I believe one of the rea­sons Dad­dy was killed was because he knew that the Gov­ern­ment was being run by the Mil­i­tary Com­plex. The Mil­i­tary Com­plex didn’t want the Amer­i­can peo­ple to real­ize (and still don’t) that they were call­ing the shots. Dad­dy knew he was being fol­lowed . . . and he told Mom that they were going to get him . . . and they did. There was an attempt on my life also sev­er­al days after Daddy’s funer­al. I real­ize now that this was a scare tac­tic to silence my Moth­er, i.e., if you speak about any­thing, your kids are dead. It worked!”

Author and pub­lish­er David Tal­bot writes that Stock­dale “flew to Wash­ing­ton and talked with Robert and Edward Kennedy about the assas­si­na­tion of their broth­er. On his return [to Mia­mi] Stock­dale told sev­er­al of his friends that ‘the world was clos­ing in.’ On Decem­ber 1, he spoke to his attor­ney, William Frates, who lat­er recalled: ‘He start­ed talk­ing. It didn’t make much sense. He said some­thing about ‘those guys’ try­ing to get him. Then about the assas­si­na­tion.’”

As intrigu­ing as Ann Stockdale’s and David Talbot’s rev­e­la­tions are, few were aware at the time of Stockdale’s acquain­tance­ship with Otto and Ilse Sko­rzeny in Ire­land, and the pos­si­ble impact that may have had on his untime­ly death. . . .

7. The authors spec­u­late that Stockdale’s “sui­cide” may have been arranged in part, to obscure his aware­ness of the pro­found Nazi pres­ence in Ire­land, includ­ing oper­a­tions of Otto and Ilse Sko­re­ny. Sko­rzeny, of course, may have been a key tac­ti­cal plan­ner for the JFK assas­si­na­tion as posit­ed by Albarel­li and his co-authors.

“ . . . . ‘Fre­quent­ly attend­ing these gath­er­ings in all their splen­dor were Otto and Ilse Sko­rzeny . . . With­out doubt, Stock­dale was amply famil­iar with for­mer Nazi SS offi­cer Sko­rzeny, who often vis­it­ed the embassy for meet­ings with var­i­ous Amer­i­can busi­ness­men, mil­i­tary offi­cers, and intel­li­gence offi­cials, as well as var­i­ous embassy staff mem­bers through­out 1960, 1961, and 1962. For­mer embassy per­son­nel vivid­ly recall Sko­rzeny com­ing to the embassy on a near ‘week­ly basis.’ Evi­dence also reveals that the Sko­rzenys were occa­sion­al din­ner guests join­ing the ambas­sador and his wife. . . .”

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 325–326.

. . . . John Kennedy’s good friend Grant Stock­dale pre­sent­ed his cre­den­tials in Dublin on May 17, 1961, just weeks after [Eisenhower’s Ambas­sador to Ire­land R.W. Scott] McLeod left the post. As ambas­sador, both McLeod’s and Stockdale’s duties includ­ed host­ing for­mal and infor­mal events for dig­ni­taries and Ireland’s elite. At this junc­ture, it is worth repeat­ing the his­to­ry between Stock­dale and Otto Sko­rzeny as revealed in Chap­ter 4: “Fre­quent­ly attend­ing these gath­er­ings in all their splen­dor were Otto and Ilse Sko­rzeny . . . With­out doubt, Stock­dale was amply famil­iar with for­mer Nazi SS offi­cer Sko­rzeny, who often vis­it­ed the embassy for meet­ings with var­i­ous Amer­i­can busi­ness­men, mil­i­tary offi­cers, and intel­li­gence offi­cials, as well as var­i­ous embassy staff mem­bers through­out 1960, 1961, and 1962. For­mer embassy per­son­nel vivid­ly recall Sko­rzeny com­ing to the embassy on a near ‘week­ly basis.’ Evi­dence also reveals that the Sko­rzenys were occa­sion­al din­ner guests join­ing the ambas­sador and his wife. . . .”

The rugged­ly hand­some forty-eight-year-old Flori­da busi­ness­man “fell to his death” from the 13th floor of the DuPont Build­ing in Mia­mi, just ten days after his close friend John Kennedy was bru­tal­ly tak­en down in Dal­las. As not­ed pre­vi­ous­ly, no author until now has iden­ti­fied Stockdale’s con­nec­tions to Otto and Ilse Sko­rzeny and the pos­si­ble impact of those con­nec­tions on his untime­ly death. . . .

8.  Both of JFK’s sur­viv­ing broth­ers made trips abroad in 1964, pos­si­bly to inves­ti­gate aspects of their brother’s mur­der.

Short­ly after announc­ing his can­di­da­cy for the Sen­ate, Ted Kennedy made a trip to Ire­land, short­ly after which he nar­row­ly escaped death in a plane crash: “ . . . . Six months after the mur­der of his broth­er in Dal­las, Sen­a­tor Edward Kennedy, the youngest of Joe and Rose Kennedy’s sons, flew to Ire­land. He had recent­ly announced his cam­paign to run for a six-year Sen­ate term in Mass­a­chu­setts . . . . He returned to the States, and less than three weeks lat­er, on June 19, 1964, he was a pas­sen­ger in a fatal plane crash that killed the pilot, Edward Zim­ny of Lawrence, MA. . . .”

Robert Kennedy trav­eled to Mex­i­co: “ . . . . Toward the end of 1964, his broth­er, Attor­ney Gen­er­al Robert F. Kennedy, made a trip to Mex­i­co City, osten­si­bly to observe the young rad­i­cal move­ment in the coun­try. Cov­er­age of the mys­te­ri­ous trip was tight­ly con­trolled, and it was only years lat­er that researchers began to spec­u­late on the real pur­pose of the trip. Some his­to­ri­ans argue he was pur­su­ing links between the assas­si­na­tion of his broth­er and a net­work oper­at­ing in Mex­i­co. . . .”

Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 333.

. . . . Six months after the mur­der of his broth­er in Dal­las, Sen­a­tor Edward Kennedy, the youngest of Joe and Rose Kennedy’s sons, flew to Ire­land. He had recent­ly announced his cam­paign to run for a six-year Sen­ate term in Mass­a­chu­setts . . . . He returned to the States, and less than three weeks lat­er, on June 19, 1964, he was a pas­sen­ger in a fatal plane crash that killed the pilot, Edward Zim­ny of Lawrence, MA.

This was the third of four air tragedies that would dev­as­tate the Kennedy polit­i­cal dynasty. Pulled to safe­ty by fel­low pas­sen­ger Sen­a­tor Birch Bayh, Ted was hos­pi­tal­ized with severe back injuries for the fol­low­ing six months. Toward the end of 1964, his broth­er, Attor­ney Gen­er­al Robert F. Kennedy, made a trip to Mex­i­co City, osten­si­bly to observe the young rad­i­cal move­ment in the coun­try. Cov­er­age of the mys­te­ri­ous trip was tight­ly con­trolled, and it was only years lat­er that researchers began to spec­u­late on the real pur­pose of the trip.

Some his­to­ri­ans argue he was pur­su­ing links between the assas­si­na­tion of his broth­er and a net­work oper­at­ing in Mex­i­co. Con­sid­er­ing the high­ly sus­pi­cious death of for­mer Ambas­sador to Ire­land Grant Stock­dale and his unchar­ac­ter­is­tic dis­play of alarm the week fol­low­ing the assas­si­na­tion in Dal­las, it is pos­si­ble that Ted had been sec­ond­ed to Ire­land in May ’64 on a sim­i­lar mis­sion. . . .



2 comments for “FTR#1225 Further Analysis of Nazi Involvement in the Assassination of JFK”

  1. Neu­tral­ized legit­i­mate secu­ri­ty for Pres­i­den­tial motor­cade:

    Paul J. Pater­ni, COL. John “Jack” Alston Crich­ton, Capt. W. Patrick Gan­n­away, COL. George Laster “Lon­nie” Lump­kin, COL. Frank Maryan “Brandy” Brand­stet­ter, Lt. Jack Revill, Lt. Col. George Lus­ter Whit­mey­er, Capt. William Ralph “Pinky” West­brook, William S. Big­gio (Spe­cial Ser­vice Bureau, Crim­i­nal Intel­li­gence Sec­tion, DPD), Det. Leonard Don Stringfel­low, War­ren C. de Brueys, and Lt. Col. Bud­dy Joe Wright.

    Moved the pat­sies into place:

    David Atlee Phillips, Jacques G. Richard­son AKA Thomas B. Casasin, Edward Scan­nell But­ler, George Fred­er­ick Munro, George E. Aurell, Dorothe Ker­ans Mat­lack, Antho­ny F. Cza­jkows­ki, George de Mohren­schildt, Del­phine Points Roberts (White Cit­i­zens Council/ Louisiana Sov­er­eign­ty Commission/ Nation­al Defense Chair­man, Robert Har­vey Chap­ter, Nation­al Soci­ety, Daugh­ters of the Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion), Michael Ralph Paine, Win­ston Mackin­ley Scott, Clay LaV­erne Shaw (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Commerciale/PERMINDEX; Inter­na­tion­al Trade Mart, Pres­i­dent), Paul M. Raig­orod­sky (PERMINDEX), John David Hurt (Nags Head School of Illu­sion­ary War­fare), Mau­rice Brooks Gatlin Sr., James Patrick Hosty Jr., J. Wal­ton Moore, Igor Vladimir Voshinin, Ruth Hyde Paine, Col. Lawrence Orlov, William Guy Ban­is­ter, Priscil­la John­son McMil­lan, Dr. L. Wil­son Greene (Edge­wood Arse­nal Sci­en­tif­ic Direc­tor), COL. Theodore Frel­inghyusen Hoff­man, Charles William Wiley (CIA Secu­ri­ty Research Staff; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Joseph Alexan­der Sizoo, Lee R. Pen­ning­ton Jr. (Direc­tor of the Nation­al Amer­i­can­ism Com­mis­sion of the Amer­i­can Legion), William K. Lam­bie Jr., Dr. Alton Ochsner (Infor­ma­tion Coun­cil of the Amer­i­c­as), COL. Samuel Good­hue Kail, Rubén Zuno Arce “LIENVOY,” Per­ci­val Flack Brundage, Col. Dr. Jose A. Rivera, Richard Edward Sny­der, Lar­rie Schmidt (Young Amer­i­cans for Freedom/ Con­ser­vatism USA), David William Fer­rie, Sam J. Papich, Harold Kei­th Thomp­son, Gor­don Bar­ton McLen­don, George Alexan­drovich Bouhe, C. Frank Stone III “WUBRINY,” Richard Case Nag­ell, Spas Todor­ov Raikin, Vio­la June Cobb, George Efythron Joan­nides, Lt. Col. James Wal­ter McCord Jr. and Bernar­do de Tor­res “WILDCAT”.

    Des­ig­nat­ed pat­sies for post-assas­si­na­tion “nar­ra­tive” con­trol:

    Lee Har­vey Oswald (Fair Play for Cuba Com­mit­tee, New Orleans), Richard Case Nag­ell (Field Oper­a­tions Intelligence/Soviet dou­ble agent), Gilber­to Poli­car­po Lopez (Fair Play for Cuba Com­mit­tee, Mia­mi), Thomas Arthur Vallee (John Birch Soci­ety, Chica­go), Har­ry L. Pow­er (Young Com­mu­nist League), Joseph Rodriguez Moli­na (Amer­i­can G.I. Forum, Dal­las), San­ti­a­go Gar­ri­ga “AMKNOB‑1” (Fair Play for Cuba Com­mit­tee, Mia­mi), and Vaughn “Snipes” Mar­lowe (Fair Play for Cuba Com­mit­tee, Los Ange­les).

    Coor­di­nat­ed the hit-team:

    David “El Indio” Sánchez Morales, Maj. Gen. Edward Geary Lans­dale, LCDR Harold ‘Hal’ Feeney, Capt. Jean-René Souètre, Maj. Lau­ri Allan Törni, William “Rip” Robert­son Jr., Fred Lee Crisman, Theodore George “Ted” Shack­ley Jr., Lt. Col. Lucien Emile Conein, Charles Tra­cy Barnes, Col. Clarence Ward Bish­op, Fil­ip­po Sac­co AKA John “Hand­some John­ny” Rossel­li AKA “COL. John Rawl­ston,” COL. Orlan­do Eleno Piedra Negueru­ela (Anti-Com­mu­nist League of the Caribbean/ Oper­a­tion 40 com­man­der), Grayston L. Lynch, Edwin Paul Wil­son, and Otto Sko­rzeny.

    Pro­vid­ed the tech­ni­cal logis­tics for assas­si­na­tion team:

    Maj. Gen. Mitchell Liv­ingston Wer­Bell III, Col. Wal­ter M. Hig­gins Jr., Col. Demetrius G. Stam­pa­dos, COL. William Hen­ry Jor­dan (USMCR), Maj. George Charles Nonte Jr., Charles Don­ald Ford AKA Charles “Rocky” Fis­cali­ni, Ear­le Cabell, Jean-Pierre Lafitte “QJ/WIN,” Jacob Leon “Jack Ruby” Ruben­stein, John Thomas Masen, Insall Bai­ley “I. B.” Hale, Franz Josef Huber, Lawrence Regi­nald Miller, Nofio J. Pec­o­ra, Lt. Col. Lev E. Dobri­an­sky, Col. Cecil Himes, Maj. Ger­hard Georg Mertins, Dino Vicente Celli­ni, COL. William Pot­ter Gale (Minutemen/ Cal­i­for­nia Rangers), COL. Joseph “Saik” Saike­witz (Cres­cent Firearms Inc./ Adam Con­sol­i­dat­ed Indus­tries), Elmer Mer­ri­field Kei­th, Byron Engle, Pas­tor Mil­ci­ades Coro­nel, Richard A. Lauch­li Jr. (Counter-Insur­gency Coun­cil), Charles Allan “Skeeter” Skel­ton, Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Mataxis, Emil Augs­burg, Frank Lawrence “Lefty” Rosen­thal, Paul Dick­opf, Carmel Offie, Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown, John Woolf O’Con­nor, Erich Fritz Von Mar­bod, Eber­hard Taubert, Don­ald Edward Brow­der, Paul M. Rother­mel Jr., John Mar­ti­no “Oper­a­tion TILT,” COL. Roger Trin­quier (Cité Catholique), Father Georges Gras­set (Cité Catholique), COL. Jean Gardes (Cité Catholique), Samuel George Cum­mings (INTERARMCO), Bert “Yank” Levy, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Don­nell Dar­ius Whit­ter, Gui­do Gian­net­ti­ni, Mur­ray W. “Dusty” Miller, Irwin S. Wein­er, Daniel Antho­ny “Dan” Mitri­one, John Franklin Elrod, Miguel Nazar Haro “LITEMPO-12″ (Direc­ción Fed­er­al de Seguri­dad), Lewis Joseph McWillie, Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Brig. Gen. Har­ry Clay “Heinie” Ader­holt, Mario Emanuel Brod AKA Michael Brod­er­ick, Her­bert L. Itkin, Philippe Thyraud de Vosjoli, Robert Bernard “Bar­ney” Bak­er, Thomas Eli Davis III and Isaac Irv­ing David­son.

    Planned the assas­si­na­tion:

    Allen Welsh Dulles (J. Hen­ry Schroder Bank­ing Cor­po­ra­tion), Richard Mervin Bis­sell Jr., Prescott Shel­don Bush (Union Bank­ing Corporation/ Brown Broth­ers Har­ri­man & Co.), Gen­erale Gio­van­ni Allave­na (Capo del SIFAR Con­tros­pi­onag­gio del­l’Uf­fi­cio “D”), CMD. Robert P. Driscoll (CIA liai­son to Arma dei Carabinieri/ Mer­rill Lynch Bro­ker­age House, Rome, Italy), Maj. Gen. Giuseppe Pièche (Diret­tore Gen­erale del Servizi Antincendi/ Oper­a­tion GLADIO Commander/ Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), William Averell Har­ri­man (Brown Broth­ers Har­ri­man & Co.; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Fran­cis I.G. “Fig” Cole­man (Mer­rill Lynch Bro­ker­age House, Rome, Italy), Gen. Cur­tis Emer­son LeMay, Gen. Charles Pearre Cabell, ADM. Arleigh Albert Burke, Gen. Gio­van­ni de Loren­zo (Coman­dante dei Cara­binieri), Gen. Lyman Louis Lem­nitzer, COL. James Hard­esty Critch­field, Lt. Col. Ren­zo Roc­ca [Com­man­der SIFAR office‑R/ del­l’uf­fi­cio del SIFAR Ricerche Eco­nomiche ed Indus­tri­ali (REI)], COL. Boris Theodore Pash, Cor­nelius Van Schaack Roo­sevelt III, Mario Roat­ta, Lt. Gen. Alva Revista Fitch, Haupt­sturm­führer Odo Wil­is­ch­er, John S. Ear­man Jr., Hugh H. Fen­wick (CIA asset, Rome, Italy), Maj. Gen. Hen­ry Cabot Lodge Jr., Gen. Hans Spei­del, Maj. Gen. Roland Had­daway del Mar, Dr. Wern­er “Were­wolf” Nau­mann, Pier Francesco Nistri [l’As­so­ci­azione Nazionale Com­bat­ten­ti Ital­iani di Spagna (ANCIS)], Jacques Michel-Gabriel Paul Benoist-Méchin, Erich von dem Bach-Zelews­ki, COL. Manuel Rangel-Escamil­la (Direc­ción Fed­er­al de Seguri­dad), COL. Joseph Cald­well King, Pedro Urra­ca Ren­du­e­les, Rein­hard Gehlen, François de Grossou­vre, Dr. Sid­ney Got­tlieb, COL. Sheffield M. Edwards, Melitón Man­zanas González, Gen­er­alleut­nant Albert Schnez, Lt. Col. Philip James Cor­so, Maj. Gen. Boris Alek­seye­vich Holm­ston-Smyslovsky, Jacob Don­ald ‘Jake’ Ester­line, Gen. Adolf Bruno Hein­rich Ernst Heusinger, Hans Josef Maria Globke, Jean-Eugène Vio­let (La Cagoule/Le Cer­cle), Maj. Gen. Charles Andrew Willough­by, Eber­hard Taubert, Fed­eri­co Umber­to D’Am­a­to, Lt. Gen. William Pel­ham Yarbor­ough, Adri­ano Giulio Cesare Magi-Braschi, Hen­ry D. Heck­sh­er, William Her­mann Godel, Arthur Ehrhardt, Liv­ingston Tall­madge Mer­chant, Richard Mil­hous Nixon (Key Bis­cayne Bank and Trust Com­pa­ny), Lt. Col. Ver­non Antho­ny Wal­ters, Theodor Ober­län­der, Richard McGar­rah Helms, Richard Ober, Car­leton Stevens Coon, Alfred Con­rad “Al” Ulmer Jr., COL. Howard Lay Bur­ris, COL. Robert Trum­bull “The Crow” Crow­ley, Hein­rich “Har­ry” August Rositzke, Arnold Melvin Sil­ver (QJ/WIN offi­cer), William Put­nam “Bill” Bundy and William King “Bill” Har­vey.

    Recruit­ed and trained the hit-team:

    Robert Aime Maheu, Roger C. Butts (CIA offi­cer; Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er, Gibral­tar Steamship Com­pa­ny), Brig. Gen. Paul Fran­cis Gaynor, Jean Népote, Lt. Col. Joseph Young ”Texas” Canon, James “Big Jim” O’Con­nell, Charles Sir­a­gusa, Thomas Gre­go­ry Clines, Ger­ald Patrick “Jer­ry” Hem­ming Jr., Alfred Hel­mut Nau­jocks, Col. Napoleon Die­stro “El Ulupong” Vale­ri­ano AKA “Col. Valle­jo”, Col. Charles Polet­ti, Brig. Gen. Edwin Ander­son Walk­er, Lt. Col. Manuel “The Mex­i­can” Chavez AKA Rus­sell H. Samb­o­ra, Dr. Franz Alfred Six, Maj. Robert Van Horn, Fel­ton Mark Wyatt, COL. Gar­land H. Williams (FBN-CIA liai­son), Edward Law­ton Smith, Wil­helm Höet­tl, Lt. Col. Tru­den­cio Ulibar­ri, Egidio Vig­giani, COL. Erick­son S. Nichols, War­ren E. Frank “AMPARCH‑1,” Lt. Col. Ermal P. Geiss, COL. Tul­lius “Tul­ly” Alexan­der Acam­po­ra (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence liai­son to Arma dei Carabinieri/ Mer­rill Lynch Bro­ker­age House, Rome, Italy), Charles Lacheroy, Mar­i­ano Faget Sr. (Buró para Repre­sión de las Activi­dades Comu­nistas), Earl Har­ter (“Sec­ond-Sto­ry” chief), Sami El Khoury (FBN infor­mant), Han­na Yazbeck, Nestor D. Sanchez, CDR Harold “Hal” Feeney, Bia­gio “Max” Cor­vo, Hen­ry L. “Hank” Man­fre­di (FBN/CIA liaison-“QJ/WIN” commander/ Mer­rill Lynch Bro­ker­age House, Rome, Italy), Ira “Ike” Feld­man, Harold “Hap­py” Meltzer, William Wayne Dalzell (Radio Cuba Libre/ Pan-Amer­i­can Radio Inc./ Friends of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Cuba), John Thomas “Jack” Cusack, Capt. Bradley Earl Ayers, John Wil­son-Hud­son (Friends of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Cuba), Steve Czukas, Carl Elmer Jenk­ins, Lt. Col. Este­ban Ven­tu­ra Novo Rivero AKA “El Asesino De Tra­je Blan­co” (Oper­a­tion 40 com­man­der), George Hunter White, COL. Charles A. Waters Jr. (Friends of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Cuba), Hans V. Tofte, Har­ry Her­bert Ben­nett, Charles Ted Rut­ledge Bohan­nan, Charles “Chuck­ie the Type­writer” Nico­let­ti, Richard Scul­ly Cain, George “Guv” S. Musulin, and Everette “Eduar­do” Howard Hunt Jr.

    Cov­ered up assas­si­na­tion plot and con­trolled mass-media nar­ra­tive:

    McGe­orge “Mac” Bundy, Gor­don Gray, Adolf Augus­tus Berle Jr., John Alexan­der McCone, William F. Buck­ley Jr., Paul J. Pater­ni, COL. Alexan­der Meigs Haig Jr., Gen. Robert J. Smith, Clarence Dou­glas Dil­lon, Col. Robert G. Storey, Ray­mond G. Roc­ca, James W. Pow­ell, Cyrus Roberts Vance Sr., Desmond FitzGer­ald, Col. Richard Dale Drain, James Burn­ham, John Jay McCloy, Gen. Charles Dou­glas Jack­son, Cord Mey­er Jr., Ilya Maman­tov, Vir­ginia Prewett, Thomas Her­cules Karamessines, Frank L. Ellsworth, Joseph Antho­ny Cal­i­fano Jr., William Cor­nelius Sul­li­van (COINTELPRO com­man­der), Revilo Pendle­ton Oliv­er, Eri­ka L.“Heidi” Rikan (CIA asset), Erich Kern AKA Erich Knud Kern­mayr, Col. Leroy Fletch­er Prouty, Lt. Gen. William Wil­son “Buf­fa­lo Bill” Quinn, William Hard­ing Jack­son (Oper­a­tions Coor­di­nat­ing Board), Gen. Jose Alber­to “Chele” Medra­no, Lt. Gen. Joseph Fran­cis Car­roll, Harold Kei­th Thomp­son (Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion For The Advance­ment Of Eth­nol­o­gy And Eugen­ics), Dim­itri von Mohren­schildt (QKACTIVE/ AMCOMLIB/ Radio Liberty/ Radio Free Europe), Edward Ben­nett Williams, Austin J. App (For­eign Intel­li­gence Digest), Lloyd Fran­cis MacMa­hon, George Rus­sell Wack­en­hut, Kent Harbin­son Court­ney (Amer­i­can Com­mit­tee To Free Cuba), Edward J. Coyle, David Dean Rusk, Col. Albert Richard Haney, Col. Stan­ley W. Beer­li, Col. Jack L. Hawkins, James Jesus Angle­ton, Arthur E. Doo­ley (senior deputy of CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Research-Analy­sis Staff), Samuel Halpern (Task Force W), Carl E. Tret­tin (CIA Deputy Chief of the Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Branch of the Cuban Oper­a­tions Group), Nestor D. Sanchez (Cuban Oper­a­tions Group Psy­cho­log­i­cal-Polit­i­cal Action offi­cer), Ray Mon­a­han (a senior offi­cer of the Cuban Desk of Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agen­cy’s West­ern Hemi­sphere Divi­sion), USAF COL. Alfred Gold­berg (U.S. Air Force His­tor­i­cal Divi­sion senior his­to­ri­an), Birch D. O’Neal (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Chief Of Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions), Ann Egert­er (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions Group offi­cer), Lam­bert L. Ander­son (FBI agent infil­tra­tor of the Fair Play For Cuba Com­mit­tee), John S. Tilton (CIA agent infil­tra­tor of the Fair Play For Cuba Com­mit­tee; lat­er a com­man­der of the infa­mous “Phoenix Pro­gram” in Viet­nam), William A. Brani­gan Jr. (FBI Deputy Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Chief/ COINTELPRO mem­ber), William Mar­vin Gheesling (FBI Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence agent), William C. Bright (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence-SR/­CI/RED offi­cer), Harold F. Swen­son (CIA Cuban Divi­sion Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Chief), Edward F. Weg­mann (Wack­en­hut Cor­po­ra­tion), Ani­ta Potoc­ki (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence “Staff D” “SAS/CI” offi­cer), Jane Roman (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Liai­son Offi­cer to Direc­torate of Plans, “CI/L/DDP”), William J. Hood (CIA West­ern Hemi­sphere Divi­sion Chief of Oper­a­tions), Will Potoc­ki (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Oper­a­tions Offi­cer), Char­lotte Bus­tos-Videla File (CIA Mex­i­co Desk HQ Chief), Stephan Roll (CIA Sovi­et Rus­sia Divi­sion Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Offi­cer), Charles D. Bren­nan (COINTELPRO mem­ber), Gilber­to Alvara­do (Frente de Lib­eración Nacional officer/ CIA asset), Capt. Franklin Antho­ny Whee­lock Gar­cia (Nicaraguan Office of Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Chief Of Anti-Com­mu­nist Section/ CIA cryptonym“ERYTHROID‑3″), Anto­nio Val­ladares (Latin Amer­i­can Anti-Com­mu­nist Confederation/ Car­los Mar­cel­lo’s lawyer), Anne Lorene Good­pas­ture (CIA Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence “Staff D” “SAS/CI” officer/ “LITEMPO” pro­gram offi­cer), Thomas Wardell Braden, Joseph Wright Alsop V, Wal­ter Lipp­mann, William Samuel Paley, Agustín Iván Edmun­do Edwards East­man (El Mer­cu­rio; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), James Bar­rett Reston, Ben­jamin Crown­in­shield Bradlee, Alfred Friend­ly, Arthur Hays Sulzberg­er, and Edward Louis Bernays.

    Security/coordinators for assas­si­na­tion fireteams:

    Felipe Vidal San­ti­a­go, Roy Har­graves, Bernard Leon “Macho” Bark­er, Loran Eugene Hall, Ela­dio Ceferi­no del Valle Gutier­rez “Yito”, Her­minio Díaz Gar­cía, Nestor “Tony” Izquier­do, Jose Jesus Basul­to “El Capitán Araña” Leon, Alber­to Blan­co “El Loco” Roma­riz, Jorge “El Mago” Robreno Marieges, Juan Manuel Sal­vat “El Gor­do” Roque, Orlan­do Bosch “Dr. Death” Ávi­la, Andres Nazario Sar­gen, Michael Ver­non Town­ley, Don­ald Phin­ney Gregg, Niko­laus “Klaus” Bar­bie, Jorge Mas Canosa, José “El Padri­no” Miguel Bat­tle Sr., William Robert “Tosh” Plum­lee (Nags Head School of Illu­sion­ary War­fare), Erhard Mos­sack (Wer­wolf Org/ Gehlen Org), Robert Leroy, Ger­ard Litt, Jean Paul Robert Fil­i­ol, Charles Voyde Har­rel­son, Fred Lee Crisman, Charles Fred­er­ick Rogers, Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz, Manuel Fran­cis­co Artime Bue­sa, Gas­par Euge­nio Jimenez “Gas­par­i­to” Escobe­do, Mar­cos Jose Diaz Lanz “AMOT‑6” (Min­ute­men), Félix Ismael “El Gato” Rodríguez Mendigutia, Jer­ry Lynn Davis (Secret Army Organization/FBI asset), Guiller­mo Novo “Mr. Bill” Sam­pol, Igna­cio Novo Sam­pol, Vir­gilio R. “Vil­lo” González, Jose Dion­i­sio “Blood­bath” Suarez Esquiv­el, Edwin Ander­son Collins, Luis “El Bam­bi” Clemente Fausti­no Posa­da Car­riles, Euge­nio Rolan­do “Mus­culi­to” Martínez, Manuel “Mano­li­to” Rodriguez Orcar­ber­ro, Pedro Remón Rodríguez, Rafael Aure­li “Chi-Chi” Quin­tero Ibar­bia, Ricar­do Morales “El Mono” Navar­rete, José Joaquin San­jenís “Felix” Per­do­mo, Porter John­ston Goss, Adler Ber­ri­man “Bar­ry” Seal, Anto­nio “Tony” Cues­ta del Valle, Eduar­do “Omar” Víc­tor Aro­ce­na Pérez, Rolan­do Arca­dio “El Tigre” Mas­fer­rer Rojas, Anto­nio Veciana Blanch, Alvin Ross Diaz, and Gor­don Michael Dwayne Nov­el (Dou­ble-Chek Cor­po­ra­tion).


    Robert Emmett John­son (Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Pen­e­tra­tion Force)— Hol­lowed-out trunk of sta­tion wag­on (across the street from the grassy knoll; parked back­wards on the left side of road)— (“Rem­ing­ton XP-100” rifle w/ “.221 Rem­ing­ton Fire­ball” ammo).

    COL. Charles “Boots” Ask­ins Jr. (US Mil­i­tary Attaché, Madrid, Spain)— Manhole/ Grassy Knoll Shoot­er— (mod­i­fied “ArmaLite AR-10 Project SALVO Spe­cial Pur­pose Indi­vid­ual Weapon” car­bine-elec­tro­mag­net­ic dart launch­er w/ “poi­son-filled plas­tic-tipped ice flechette” ammo).

    Frank Ange­lo Fior­i­ni AKA Frank Antho­ny Stur­gis (Operación 40 assassin/ “Chica­go Jun­ta” par­tic­i­pant)— School Book Depos­i­to­ry Shoot­er— (mod­i­fied “Fallschir­mjägergewehr 42 Type G” auto­mat­ic rifle w/ “.22 cal­iber” sabot ammo).

    Capt. Jean-René Marie Souètre (Organ­i­sa­tion armée secrète)— Grassy Knoll Shoot­er— (“De Lisle Com­man­do” car­bine para­troop­er stock w/ sub­son­ic “.45 ACP” ammo).

    San­dalio Her­minio Díaz Gar­cía (Operación 40 assassin/ body­guard for San­tos Traf­fi­cante Jr.)— School Book Depos­i­to­ry Shoot­er— (mod­i­fied “M1” car­bine recham­bered to “9mm” ammo).

    COL. Joseph Young Canon (“Z‑Unit” Commander/ Field Oper­a­tions Intel­li­gence Com­man­der)— Dal-Tex Shoot­er— (“FAL 50.63 PARA 2” bat­tle rifle w/ “.22 cal­iber” sabot ammo).

    Loran Eugene Hall (Inter­na­tion­al Anti-Com­mu­nist Brigade/ Amer­i­can Com­mit­tee To Free Cuba/ Min­ute­men)— Dal-Tex Shoot­er— (“ArmaLite AR-15 Mod­el 01” assault rifle w/ .223 ammo).

    Nestor Anto­nio “Tony” Izquier­do (Office of Naval Intel­li­gence asset/ Oper­a­tion PATTY com­man­do)— Dal-Tex Shoot­er— (“HK G3A3” 1963 bipod ver­sion bat­tle rifle w/ “.22 cal­iber” sabot ammo).

    Maj. Lau­ri Allan Törni (Unit­ed States Army Spe­cial Forces)— Storm Drain Shoot­er— (sup­pressed OSS-mod­el “M3 Greas­er” sub­ma­chine gun w/ sub­son­ic “.45 ACP” ammo).

    Maj. Gen. Mitchell Liv­ingston Wer­Bell III “AMBOAR” (CIA con­trac­tor)— Grassy Knoll Shoot­er (adja­cent & above storm drain)— (first gen­er­a­tion exper­i­men­tal “Mil­i­tary Arma­ment Cor­po­ra­tion Mod­el 10” machine pis­tol w/ sub­son­ic “.45 ACP” ammo).

    Finan­cial back­ers of assas­si­na­tion plot:

    COL. Wick­liffe Pre­ston Drap­er, Patrick Joseph Fraw­ley Jr., Harold “Hal” Syd­ney Geneen (ITT Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), François Genoud, Farouk Chourba­gi (PERMINDEX), Prince Egon Max­i­m­il­ian von Hohen­lo­he, Mohamed Al-Fayed, Kurt Frei­herr von Schröder (“Fre­un­deskreis Reichs­führer SS”/ Bankhaus J.H. Stein “Son­derKon­to S“), Ernest H. Meili (senior vice pres­i­dent, J. Hen­ry Schroder Bank­ing Corp.), Enno Reimar Hob­bing “GPAZURE” (ZR/AWARD com­man­der), Mas­si­mo Spa­da (Admin­is­tra­tive Sec­re­tary, Vat­i­can Bank), Lt. Gen. Pedro Augus­to del Valle, Michele “The Shark” Sin­dona, José “Pepin” Bosch, Wal­ter Ster­ling Sur­rey (World Finance Cor­po­ra­tion), COL. Paul Lionel Edward Hel­li­well (Sea Sup­ply Inc./ Civ­il Air Transport/ Red Sun­set Enterprises/ Cas­tle Bank & Trust/ Mer­can­tile Bank Freeport), Carl­ton P. Fuller (Schroder-Rock­e­feller & Co.), Licio Gel­li, Ann Clare Boothe Luce, Fer­enc Nagy (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Commerciale/PERMINDEX, Pres­i­dent), Joseph Peter Grace Jr (pres­i­dent, W.R. Grace & Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), San­to Traf­fi­cante Jr., Edwin Wen­dell Pauley Sr., Horst Alber­to Car­los Fuld­ner Bruene (SOFINDUS), Nicholas Louis Deák, Irv­ing Brown, Edward Kiper Moss, William Stu­art Syming­ton III, Gr. Uff Ange­lo Sagna (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), William C. “Bill” Liedtke Jr. (Zap­a­ta Petro­le­um Cor­po­ra­tion), James Clement Dunn, Seizō Arisue (M‑Fund/Katō Kikan com­man­der), Fran­co Micuc­ci Cec­chi (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), Car­di­nal Eugène Tis­ser­ant, Friedrich Venceslav “Fritz” Schwend AKA “Jer­ry Droller” AKA “Frank Ben­der” AKA “Ger­ald Drech­er” AKA “Mr. B” AKA “Don Fed­eri­co,” Georges Alber­ti­ni (Infor­ma­tion Coun­cil of the Americas/ Worms Bank), Hel­mut Her­bert Chris­t­ian Hein­rich Knochen, Michele Gutiér­rez Spadafo­ra-Duque XII de Spadafo­ra (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Commerciale/ Ban­co di Sicilia/ PERMINDEX), Alber­to Fer­nán­dez Echevar­ría “AMDENIM‑1,” Thomas “Tom­my The Cork” Gar­diner Cor­co­ran, Hen­ry Neil Mal­lon, Dr. Ernst Zeiest (PERMINDEX), Clark McAdams Clif­ford, Karl Friedrich Otto Wolff, Spruille Braden (John Birch Society/ Unit­ed Fruit Com­pa­ny), Jorge Díaz Ser­ra­no, Father Hoze Aramiza AKA Jose Gardeano, Junio Vale­rio “Black Prince” Borgh­ese (Pres­i­dent, Cred­i­to Com­mer­ciale e Indus­tri­ale), Paul Gray Hoff­man (ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Jay E. Crane (Stan­dard Oil Com­pa­ny of New Jer­sey; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Joseph Mor­rell Dodge (Detroit Bank; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), War­ren Ran­dolph Burgess (Nation­al City Bank; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Allan Sproul (Fed­er­al Reserve Bank of New York/ Wells Far­go Bank; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Thomas Har­ring­ton McKit­trick (Bank for Inter­na­tion­al Settlements/ Chase Nation­al Bank; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Jay Love­stone, Paul Hauss­er, Joseph Mor­rell Dodge, Gus­tav Adolf Son­nen­hol, Mau­rice Hubert Stans, George Her­bert Walk­er “Pop­py” Bush, John Train “WUSALINE/ WUSALIFY” (Train, Cabot & Asso­ciates), Ernst Achen­bach, Max Hage­mann-Engeli (Nation­al-Zeitung/PER­MIN­DEX), Maj. Gen. George Ham­den Olm­st­ed (Mer­can­tile Bank & Trust Com­pa­ny, Freeport/ Cas­tle Bank & Trust/ Inter­na­tion­al Bank of Washington/ First Amer­i­can Bankshares/ Bank of Cred­it and Com­merce Inter­na­tion­al), Louis Mor­timer Bloom­field (PERMINDEX), George Rufus Brown, Alex E. Carl­son (Dou­ble-Chek Cor­po­ra­tion), Car­los Cues­ta Gal­lar­do “TECOS,” Robert Kei­th Gray, Robert Bernard Ander­son, Georges Man­del-Mon­tel­lo (PERMINDEX), Lutz Graf Schw­erin von Krosigk, Robert J. Kle­berg Jr. (own­er, King Ranch; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Felix Mar­tin Julius Stein­er, Frank Bruno Gigliot­ti, Satiris “Son­ny” G. Fas­soulis (World Com­merce Corporation/ Com­merce Inter­na­tion­al Chi­na Inc.), Pier F. Tal­en­ti (First West­ern Bank and Trust Com­pa­ny), C. Jay Hutchin­son (Ana­con­da Cop­per Min­ing Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Gra­ham Ander­son Mar­tin, William Dud­ley Pel­ley, Paul Marcinkus, Brig. Gen. Egbert Erle Cocke Jr., Father Roger Veke­mans, Friedrich Gus­tave Kadgien (Imhau­ka AG), Thomas J. Devine “WUBRINY‑1” (Zap­a­ta Petro­le­um Cor­po­ra­tion), William Howard Quasha, Sal­vador Díaz-Ver­són “AMPALM-26,” Her­mann Josef Abs, Valer­ian Lada-Mocars­ki (J. Hen­ry Schroder Bank­ing Cor­po­ra­tion pres­i­dent), Count Car­lo D’Ame­lio (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Commerciale/PERMINDEX), Sir William Samuel “Intre­pid” Stephen­son (British-Amer­i­can-Cana­di­an-Cor­po­ra­tion/­World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion), William Hor­ri­g­an (for­mer OSS; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion pres­i­dent), Ricar­do Sicre (for­mer OSS; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion vice-pres­i­dent), Rus­sell For­gan (for­mer OSS offi­cer; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion direc­tor), John Rior­dan (Mer­rill Lynch Bro­ker­age House, Rome, Italy), Frank Ryan (for­mer OSS; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion direc­tor and lat­er pres­i­dent), James Cav­agnaro (vice-pres­i­dent of Transamer­i­ca, the hold­ing com­pa­ny that con­trols Bank of Amer­i­ca; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion direc­tor), Daniel de Meno­cal (invest­ment banker con­nect­ed to JP Mor­gan; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion direc­tor), L. Boyd Hatch (invest­ment banker; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion direc­tor), Edward Stet­tinius Jr. (orga­nized the Liberia Com­pa­ny; World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion direc­tor), James Har­ri­son Wil­son Thomp­son (World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion, Bangkok/ Sea Sup­ply Inc./ Civ­il Air Trans­port), John B. Arnold (vice pres­i­dent, First Nation­al City Bank; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Hans Selig­man-Schurch (PERMINDEX), Mey­er Lan­sky (Bank Of World Commerce/ Per­rine-Cut­ler Ridge Bank), Giulio Andreot­ti (Min­istro del­la Difesa/ Pro­pa­gan­da Due/ Piano Solo), John Pull­man (Atlas Bank/ Intra­bank), Edward Levin­son (Serv‑U Corp), Bur­ton W. Kan­ter (Cas­tle Bank & Trust), Enri­co Frit­toli (Loca­di Import-Export Company/ Comité Monte Car­lo), Eddie Celli­ni (Mary Carter Paint Com­pa­ny), Vit­to­rio Val­let­ta, Rafael Leónidas Tru­jil­lo Martínez (Cred­i­to Com­mer­ciale e Indus­tri­ale), Hen­ry War­ren Bal­go­oyen (exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent, Amer­i­can & For­eign Pow­er Co. Inc.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Tony “Big Tuna” Accar­do (Serv-U-Corp), Ernest Feisst (Wan­der A. G./PERMINDEX), George Atkin­son Bra­ga (Czarnikow-Rion­da Co./ Schroban­co), Alfon­so Spataro [Ban­ca di Cred­i­to Com­mer­ciale e Indus­tri­ale (Credil­comin)], Ger­ald Lyman Ken­neth Smith, Rober­to Ascarel­li (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), Bernar­do Rion­da Bra­ga (first vice pres­i­dent, Czarnikow-Rion­da Co./ Schroban­co; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Yoshio Kodama (M‑Fund/ CIA asset), Rober­to Ale­jos Arzú “La Mano Blan­ca,” Fred­er­ick Rus­sell Kap­pel (chair­man, Amer­i­can Tele­phone and Tele­graph Com­pa­ny, Inc.;ZR/AWARD offi­cer), David Matthew Kennedy, Arch­bish­op Mar­i­ano Rossell Arel­lano (Unit­ed Fruit Com­pa­ny), Dr. Ernst W. Infeld (PERMINDEX/Imhauka AG), Paul Winz­er AKA Wal­ter Eugene Mosig (SOFINDUS), Giuseppe Azzaret­to (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), Kim Jong-pil (KCIA Direc­tor), Richard L.G. Dev­er­all (AFL Far East Bureau/CIA asset), George Crews McGhee, Lloyd Fran­cis MacMa­hon (Gen­er­al Coun­sel, PERMINDEX), Brig. Gen. Charles “Babe” Baron, Horace Gree­ley Hjal­mar Schacht, Mario San­doval Alar­cón, Sal­va­tore “Sam Gold” Gian­cana, Hen­ry Ford II (chair­man, Ford Motor Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Cor­ra­do Bon­fan­ti­ni (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), David Rock­e­feller (Chase Man­hat­tan Bank; ZR/AWARD com­man­der), Hans F. Sennholz, Ryōichi Sasakawa (M‑Fund/ CIA asset), Anna Chen­nault, Dr. Edgar Bern­hard Jacques Salin (PERMINDEX), Roger Miles Blough (chair­man, Unit­ed States Steel Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Fred C. Foy (chair­man, Kop­pers Co. Inc.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Vir­gilio Gaito (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), Oki­nori Kaya (M‑Fund/ CIA asset), Don­ald Mcin­tosh “Don” Kendall (Pep­si­Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Alfre­do Piz­zoni (Cred­i­to Ital­iano Bank Pace e lib­ertà), COL. Paul Hyde Bon­ner (eco­nom­ic advis­er to the US Ambas­sador Rome,Italy in the set­tle­ment of war claims), Car­di­nal Fran­cis Joseph Spell­man (Unit­ed Fruit Com­pa­ny), Giuseppe Zigiot­ti (Fas­cist Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion for Mili­tia Arms/ PERMINDEX), Emilio G. Col­la­do (vice pres­i­dent, Stan­dard Oil Co., New Jer­sey; ZR/AWARD offi­cer; ZR/CANDY offi­cer), Wirt Dex­ter Walk­er II (Rus­sell & Company/ Zap­a­ta Cor­po­ra­tion), Hen­ry Robin­son Luce, Wal­lace Groves, Alfre­do Croc­co (Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), Charles Gre­go­ry “Bebe” Rebo­zo (Coral Gables Motel), Fran­cis E. Grimes (vice pres­i­dent, Chase Man­hat­tan Bank.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), William H. Hick­ey (pres­i­dent, The Unit­ed Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Edgar F. Kaiser (pres­i­dent, Kaiser Indus­tries Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), S. Mau­rice McAshan Jr. (pres­i­dent, Ander­son, Clay­ton & Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), George S. Moore (pres­i­dent, First Nation­al City Bank; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Alan Mills Aber­nethy (Byrd Uranium/ Cen­tro Mon­di­ale Com­mer­ciale), John D.J. Moore (vice pres­i­dent, W. R. Grace & Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Wilbur Mor­ri­son (exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent, Pan Amer­i­can World Air­ways, Inc.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Hen­ry T. Mudd (pres­i­dent, Cyprus Mines Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Robert W. Pur­cell (chair­man, Inter­na­tion­al Basic Econ­o­my Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Hen­ry B. Sar­gent (pres­i­dent, Amer­i­can & For­eign Pow­er Co., Inc.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Thomas E. Sun­der­land (pres­i­dent, Unit­ed Fruit Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), A. Thomas Tay­lor (pres­i­dent, Inter­na­tion­al Pack­ers, Ltd.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Arthur Kit­tredge Wat­son (pres­i­dent, IBM World Trade Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Leo D. Welch (chair­man, Stan­dard Oil Co., New Jersey/ chair­man, Satel­lite Corp.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), John R. White (vice pres­i­dent, Stan­dard Oil Co., New Jer­sey; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Wal­ter B. Wris­ton (exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent, First Nation­al City Bank; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), Nor­man Carig­nan (vice pres­i­dent of South Amer­i­can group, W. R. Grace & Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), John F. Gal­lagher (vice pres­i­dent, Sears, Roe­buck & Co.; ZR/AWARD offi­cer), ADM. Charles May­nard Cooke Jr. (Com­merce Inter­na­tion­al Chi­na Inc./ World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion), Nobusuke Kishi (M‑Fund/ CIA asset), Thomas E. Dewey (Mary Carter Paint Com­pa­ny), Willis H. Bird (Sea Sup­ply Inc.), Eugene Ben­jamin Ger­many (Texas Regulars/ Civ­il Air Patrol), Edward Roland Noel “Bun­ny” Har­ri­man (Union Bank­ing Cor­po­ra­tion), Nel­son Bunker Hunt (Amer­i­can Vol­un­teer Group), Cor­nelius Van­der Starr, Guiller­mo Hernán­dez-Car­taya, Shige­to­mo “Shig” Kataya­ma, John Howard Pew, Ser­gio Arcacha-Smith, Thomas Dud­ley Cabot (Pres­i­dent, Radio Swan/ Pres­i­dent, Unit­ed Fruit Company/ Pres­i­dent, Gibral­tar Steamship Company/ Direc­tor, First Nation­al Bank, Boston), Sum­n­er Smith (own­er, Swan Island/ Vice Pres­i­dent, Gibral­tar Steamship Com­pa­ny), R.J. Wilkin­son (Pro­gram Direc­tor, Gibral­tar Steamship Com­pa­ny), Roo­sevelt C. Houser (Pres­i­dent, Radio Amer­i­c­as, Inc./ Direc­tor, First Nation­al Bank, Mia­mi), Wal­ter S.C. Rogers (Sec­re­tary Trea­sur­er, Radio Amer­i­c­as, Inc./ Pres­i­dent, Flori­da Bond & Mort­gage Co.), William H. West Jr. (Vice Pres­i­dent, Farm­ers & Mer­chants Nation­al Bank/ Pres­i­dent, Van­guard Ser­vice Corp.) James E. Hollingsworth (Direc­tor, First Nation­al Bank, Palm Beach/ Vice Pres­i­dent, Van­guard Ser­vice Corp.), Richard Samuel Green­lee (for­mer OSS Chief of Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Branch, Detach­ment 404, Cey­lon; tax lawyer for Dono­van, Leisure, New­ton & Irvine/ Sec­re­tary, Van­guard Ser­vice Corp.) and William Dou­glas Paw­ley.

    That is who mur­dered Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy.


    Posted by Robert Montenegro | September 28, 2022, 11:17 pm
  2. @Robert Mon­tene­gro–

    You’ve post­ed this before.

    Sources would be good, although that would be an exhaus­tive, and exhaust­ing, under­tak­ing.



    Posted by Dave Emory | September 29, 2022, 4:29 pm

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