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FTR#1268 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: In this broadcast, we continue our discussion with the heroic Jim DiEugenio, selected by Oliver Stone to write the screenplay for his documentary JFK Revisited. Jim also wrote the book containing transcripts of both the two-hour and four-hour versions of the documentary and supplemental interviews.
The program begins with review of the manner in which our society is driven by visual events: the “crawl” at the end of the movie “JFK” led to the formation of the ARRB, in a manner analogous to how the airing of the Zapruder film on Geraldo Rivera’s Good Night America led to the formation of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
Next, we note that the ARRB staffers were people who did not believe that JFK’s assassination was a conspiracy, nor did they think that there was a cover-up.
Notable in the ARRB’s proceedings is the fact that neither CIA operations records nor Congressional records are accessible via FOIA requests.
Notable in the ARRB’s proceedings is the fact that neither CIA operations records nor Congressional records are accessible via FOIA requests.
In this regard, the ARRB was empowered in an important and unprecedented way.
Meeting resistance from then President–and former CIA chief–George H.W. Bush, the ARRB was not staffed until Clinton became President.
Judge Tunheim (of the ARRB) noted that various Federal Agencies felt that they could just wait out the ARRB until its mandated time had expired.
The board received extensions of its mandated time, although it still was not able to get all the documents released.
The extensions stretched out ARRB’s tenure to four years.
A telling incident occurred when Judge Tunheim and the ARRB was parsing a CIA document they wanted released. The Agency officer present stated that there was a reason that the document could not be released, but he just “couldn’t think of it.”
The CIA’s counsel, who was present, indicated that the ARRB could proceed as planned.
Of note is the fact that Judge Tunheim disclosed that George Joannides, who over saw Carlos Bringuier’s DRE for the CIA, had served as the Agency’s liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations and that the ARRB, as well as the HSCA, was misled in this regard.
As noted previously, researcher Jefferson Morley’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit directed at obliging CIA to disclose more information about Joannides was turned down by an appeals court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting a decisive vote, just before his nomination to the Supreme Court.
The CIA did release records about Lee Harvey Oswald, which had been in the province of the late James Jesus Angleton.
In our long series of interviews with Mr. DiEugenio about Destiny Betrayed, we noted that Harry Connick, who succeeded Jim Garrison as New Orleans DA, had ordered some of Garrison’s files to be burned.
Many were, however one of Connick’s assistants did not burn those records and kept the documents. Eventually, the ARRB got those documents.
Connick was not pleased.
Reviewing some of our synoptic discussion about Connick, from the written description for FTR#1050:
Key points of discussion and analysis about Connick:
- He was seemingly omnipresent in Clay Shaw’s criminal trial, operating to obstruct Garrison and aid Clay Shaw and the Federal Government, for which he worked.
- Station WDSU–very close to Clay Shaw and the vehicle for both the Walter Sheridan disinformation hit piece on Jim Garrison and the Ed Butler/Carlos Bringuier interview of the “Communist” Oswald–was active on behalf of Connick.
- The Gurvich brothers, who infiltrated Garrison’s investigation and networked with Clay Shaw’s defense team (with William appearing as a witness in the hearing on Shaw’s perjury trial), were active on behalf of Harry Connick.
- Clay Shaw himself, as well as DRE operative Carlos Bringuier contributed to Connick’s election campaign.
- In his second campaign to replace Garrison, Connick was successful.
- After becoming New Orleans DA, he burned many of Garrison’s files.
1. The program begins with review of the manner in which our society is driven by visual events: the “crawl” at the end of the movie “JFK” led to the formation of the ARRB, in a manner analogous to how the airing of the Zapruder film on Geraldo Rivera’s Good Night America led to the formation of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
2. Next, we note that the ARRB staffers were people who did not believe that JFK’s assassination was a conspiracy, nor did they think that there was a cover-up.
3. Notable in the ARRB’s proceedings is the fact that neither CIA operations records nor Congressional records are accessible via FOIA requests.
In this regard, the ARRB was empowered in an important and unprecedented way.
4. Meeting resistance from then President–and former CIA chief–George H.W. Bush, the ARRB was not staffed until Clinton became President.
Judge Tunheim (of the ARRB) noted that various Federal Agencies felt that they could just wait out the ARRB until its mandated time had expired.
The board received extensions of its mandated time, although it still was not able to get all the documents released.
The extensions stretched out ARRB’s tenure to four years.
5. A telling incident occurred when Judge Tunheim and the ARRB was parsing a CIA document they wanted released. The Agency officer present stated that there was a reason that the document could not be released, but he just “couldn’t think of it.”
The CIA’s counsel, who was present, indicated that the ARRB could proceed as planned.
6. Of note is the fact that Judge Tunheim disclosed that George Joannides, who over saw Carlos Bringuier’s DRE for the CIA, had served as the Agency’s liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations and that the ARRB, as well as the HSCA, was misled in this regard.
As noted previously, researcher Jefferson Morley’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit directed at obliging CIA to disclose more information about Joannides was turned down by an appeals court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting a decisive vote, just before his nomination to the Supreme Court.
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [HC]; Copyright 2022 by Jim DiEugenio; Introduction Copyright 2022 by Oliver Stone; ISBN 978–1‑5107–7287‑8; pp. 235–236.
[Oliver] Stone: And on one of those appeals, didn’t Brett Kavanaugh vote against you?
Morley: Brett Kavanaugh was the guy who killed the case. Three times we took the case to the DC appellate court, and three times the appellate court said that the District Court Judge Richard Leon had decided the case wrongly by refusing to pay my legal fees. Three times we won at the appellate court level. The fourth time we came up was in March of 2018. And Brett Kavanaugh presided over the hearing . . . In July, that appellate court, the three judges handed down their decision and it was two to one against me. Brett Kavanaugh cast the deciding vote saying the CIA’s behavior was reasonable.
Stone: So now he’s appointed to the Supreme Court, that shoots down other cases involving the CIA, or anything of this nature.
Morley: Yeah, I mean, my case was the last case that Brett Kavanaugh decided before he went to the Supreme Court. He sent in the decision at 9:00 in the morning, and that afternoon Trump appointed him to the Supreme Court. Now think about it: was Brett Kavanaugh going to rule against the CIA on a JFK assassination issue on the day he was up for the Supreme Court? There was no chance, ever. The fix was in. . . .
7. The CIA did release records about Lee Harvey Oswald, which had been in the province of the late James Jesus Angleton.
8. In our long series of interviews with Jim DiEugenio about Destiny Betrayed, we noted that Harry Connick, who succeeded Jim Garrison as New Orleans DA, had ordered some of Garrison’s files to be burned.
Many were, however one of Connick’s assistants did not burn those records and kept the documents. Eventually, the ARRB got those documents.
Connick was not pleased.
Reviewing some of our synoptic discussion about Connick, from the written description for FTR#1050:
Key points of discussion and analysis about Connick:
- He was seemingly omnipresent in Clay Shaw’s criminal trial, operating to obstruct Garrison and aid Clay Shaw and the Federal Government, for which he worked.
- Station WDSU–very close to Clay Shaw and the vehicle for both the Walter Sheridan disinformation hit piece on Jim Garrison and the Ed Butler/Carlos Bringuier interview of the “Communist” Oswald–was active on behalf of Connick.
- The Gurvich brothers, who infiltrated Garrison’s investigation and networked with Clay Shaw’s defense team (with William appearing as a witness in the hearing on Shaw’s perjury trial), were active on behalf of Harry Connick.
- Clay Shaw himself, as well as DRE operative Carlos Bringuier contributed to Connick’s election campaign.
- In his second campaign to replace Garrison, Connick was successful.
- After becoming New Orleans DA, he burned many of Garrison’s files.
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