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For The Record  

FTR#1270 Interview #9 with Jim DiEugenio about JFK Revisited

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“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946



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FTR#1270 This pro­gram was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment.

Intro­duc­tion: Noth­ing is more impor­tant in the JFK inves­ti­ga­tion than the role of the media, the ele­ment we rely upon for our infor­ma­tion. That dis­til­late pro­vides us with our basis for mak­ing intel­li­gent, mea­sured deci­sions.

In our long series of inter­views with Mr. DiEu­ge­nio about his book Des­tiny Betrayed, we not­ed that the media have func­tioned close­ly with the intel­li­gence ser­vices and oth­er fed­er­al agen­cies to active­ly cov­er-up the truth.

The pro­gram begins with Jim’s review of the medi­a’s role in the Gar­ri­son case.

Next, we syn­op­size the role of media vis a vis the War­ren Report, includ­ing: Major net­works and MSM print voic­es (NYT, WaPo) endorse report, despite the fact that the 26 vol­umes of tes­ti­mo­ny and exhibits had yet to be released; War­ren Com­mis­sion­er John J. McCloy’s CBS inter­view where he doesn’t answer Wal­ter Cronkite’s query, nor does he men­tion that his daugh­ter Ellen heav­i­ly liaised with net­work man­age­ment on the pro­gram; Alec Baldwin’s expe­ri­ence with NBC, who wouldn’t let him book guests crit­i­cal of the War­ren Report and is told that NBC’s stance is to sup­port the offi­cial ver­sion of the assas­si­na­tion (Tom Brokaw—“No Gar­ri­son”); Back­ground on the Sarnoff fam­i­ly’s intel­li­gence con­nec­tions.

We then syn­op­size Life Mag­a­zine’s role in the cov­er-up, includ­ing: Though not dis­cussed in JFK Revis­it­ed, it was Life that pur­chased Zaprud­er film and then re-arranged the still frames in its issue sup­port­ing War­ren Report; Hen­ry Luce’s role as enabler of the Pow­ers That Be (his idol, BTW, was Mus­soli­ni); C.D. Jackson’s role with Life—though not dis­cussed in film, he was a life­long intel/national secu­ri­ty play­er; Life’s pub­li­ca­tion of the cov­er pho­to of “Oswald” hold­ing the rifle and pis­tol he sup­pos­ed­ly used in the killings; Oswald’s wed­ding ring on dif­fer­ent fin­gers of  “Oswald’s” hand. 

Next, we high­light key aspects of the rifle alleged­ly used by Oswald, includ­ing: The salient fact that in Texas (at that point in time) any­one could pur­chase a rifle over the counter with­out doc­u­men­ta­tion; Why would any­one plan­ning a polit­i­cal assas­si­na­tion pur­chase a mail-order rifle?; Dif­fer­ent bar­rel lengths of  “Oswald’s” rifle in var­i­ous pre­sen­ta­tions; dif­fer­ent mount­ings of sling on “Oswald’s” rifle in var­i­ous pre­sen­ta­tions; The fact that mail order box wasn’t in Oswald’s name, so he couldn’t have received the weapon; the dis­parate time frames involved in send­ing the weapon through the mail. 

We con­clude with dis­cus­sion of the rifle and foren­sics vis a vis its present on 6th floor “sniper’s perch,” includ­ing: The remark­ably neat place­ment of the spent car­tridges in the “sniper’s nest;” Reporter Tom Alyea’s dis­cus­sion of how the “sniper’s perch” looked pri­or to appar­ent inter­fer­ence.

1.  Jim reviews  Wal­ter Sheri­dan’s inter­view on WDSU and the treat­ment afford­ed Gar­ri­son by oth­er media in The Cres­cent City.

We quote from some of our descrip­tions of the DiEu­ge­nio inter­views:

Exem­pli­fy­ing this syn­the­sis is media hatch­et man and vet­er­an intel­li­gence agent Wal­ter Sheri­dan’s activ­i­ties in con­nec­tion with Gar­rison’s wit­ness­es.

Exem­pli­fy­ing Sheri­dan’s method­ol­o­gy was the treat­ment met­ed out to Fred Lee­mans, who was the cli­mac­tic per­son inter­viewed by Sheri­dan in his spe­cial. Note the open intim­i­da­tion of Lee­mans and his fam­i­ly, threat­en­ing them if they did not per­jure them­selves, betray Gar­ri­son, and coop­er­ate with both Sheri­dan and Clay Shaw’s coun­sel!

This is rem­i­nis­cent of the treat­ment of Mar­lene Man­cu­so detailed in our pre­vi­ous inter­view.

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; pp. 240–241.

. . . . One of the more star­tling dec­la­ra­tions that the ARRB uncov­ered was an affi­davit by a man named Fred Lee­mans. Lee­mans was  a Turk­ish bath own­er who orig­i­nal­ly told gar­ri­son that a man named Clay Bertrand had fre­quent­ed his estab­lish­ment. Lee­mans was  the cli­mac­tic inter­view for Sheri­dan’s spe­cial. He tes­ti­fied on the show that the DA’s office had actu­al­ly approached him first, that he nev­er  knew that Shaw used the alias Bertrand, that every­thing he had  pre­vi­ous­ly said to the DA’s office were things he was led  to say by them, and that they had offered to pay him 2,500 dol­lars for his affi­davit in which in which he would now say that Shaw was Bertrand and that Shaw came into his estab­lish­ment once with Oswald. In oth­er words, all the things Nov­el had been say­ing in his pub­lic dec­la­ra­tions about Gar­ri­son were accu­rate. At the end of  his inter­view, Lee­mans told Sheri­dan and the pub­lic that every­thing he had just revealed on cam­era was giv­en to NBC freely and vol­un­tar­i­ly. Lee­mans even said that he had actu­al­ly asked Sheri­dan for some mon­e­tary help but Sheri­dan had said he did not do things like that.

In Jan­u­ary of 1969, Lee­mans signed an affi­davit in which he declared the fol­low­ing as the true chain of events:

“I would like to state the rea­sons for which I appeared on the NBC show and lied about my con­tacts  with the Dis­trict Attor­ney’s office. First, I received numer­ous anony­mous threat­en­ing phone calls rel­a­tive to the infor­ma­tion I had giv­en to Mr. Gar­ri­son. The gist of these calls was to the effect that if I did not change my state­ment and state that I had been bribed by Jim Gar­rison’s office, I and my fam­i­ly would be in phys­i­cal dan­ger. In addi­tion to the anony­mous phone calls, I was vis­it­ed by a man who exhib­it­ed a badge and stat­ed that he was a gov­ern­ment agent. This man informed me that the gov­ern­ment was  present­ly check­ing the bar own­ers in the Slidell area for pos­si­ble income tax vio­la­tions. This man then inquired whether I was the Mr. Lee­mans involved in the Clay Shaw case. When I informed him that I was, he said that it was not smart to be involved because a lot of peo­ple that had been got hurt and that peo­ple in pow­er­ful places would see to it that I was tak­en care of. One of the anony­mous callers sug­gest­ed that I change my state­ment and state that I had been bribed by Gar­rison’s office to give him the infor­ma­tion about Clay Shaw. He sug­gest­ed that I con­tact Mr. Irvin Dymond, attor­ney for Clay L. Shaw and tell him that I gave Mr. Gar­ri­son the state­ment about Shaw only after Mr. Lee [Gar­rison’s assis­tant DA] offered me 2,500 dol­lars. After con­sult­ing with Mr. Dymond by tele­phone and in per­son, I was intro­duced to Wal­ter Sheri­dan, inves­tiga­tive reporter for NBC, who was then in the process of prepar­ing the NBC show. Mr. Dymond and Mr. Sheri­dan sug­gest­ed that I appear on the show and state what I had orig­i­nal­ly told Mr. Dymond about the bribe offer by the Dis­trict Attor­ney’s office. I was informed by Mr. Dymond that should the Dis­trict Attor­ney’s office charge me with giv­ing false infor­ma­tion as a result of the state­ment  I had orig­i­nal­ly giv­en them, he  would see to it that I had an attor­ney and that a bond would be post­ed for me. In this  con­nec­tion, Mr. Dymond gave me his home and office tele­phone num­bers and and advised me that I could con­tact him at any time of day or night should I be charged by Gar­rison’s office as a result of my appear­ing on the NBC show. My actu­al appear­ance on the show was taped in the  office of Aaron Kohn, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Crime Com­mis­sion, in the pres­ence of Wal­ter Sheri­dan and Irvin Dymond.”

This is one of the most reveal­ing doc­u­ments por­tray­ing the lengths to which Sheri­dan would go in tam­per­ing with wit­ness­es. It also demon­strates that Shaw’s lawyers—Bill and Ed Weg­mann, Irvin Dymond, and Sal Panzeca—knew almost no bound­ary in what kind of help they would accept to win their case. Third, it reveals that Shaw’s lawyers had access to a net­work of attor­neys that they could hire at any time for any wit­ness they could pry loose from Gar­ri­son. Because, as the declas­si­fied ARRB doc­u­ments reveal, there  was a CIA cleared attor­ney’s pan­el that was at work in New Orleans. Attor­neys that the Agency vet­ted in advance so they would be suit­able for their covert use and could be trust­ed in their aims. The fact that Shaw’s lawyers were privy to such CIA secret knowl­edge, and wee uti­liz­ing it, shows just how will­ing and eager they were  to indulge them­selves in covert help—and then lie about it. . . .

2.  In addi­tion to Sheri­dan, James Phe­lan and Hugh Aynesworth joined the media cho­rus attack­ing Gar­ri­son, and both of them net­worked with the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty as well. Phe­lan’s hit piece was pub­lished in the Sat­ur­day Evening Post, which was even­tu­al­ly bought by CIA vet­er­an Beurt Ser Vas, an alum­nus of the Sheri­dan-linked Three Eyes intel­li­gence front.

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; p. 289.

 . . . . But Wal­ter Sheri­dan had done even more to under­mine Gar­rison’s case. As stat­ed before, for­mer CIA agent Jules Roc­co Kim­ble had been on a mys­te­ri­ous plane flight to Mon­tre­al in 1963 with Fer­rie and Shaw. When Sheri­dan got wind of it, he intim­i­dat­ed Kim­ble first, into not talk­ing, and then, into skip­ping town. Emilio San­tana, anoth­er impor­tant wit­ness (espe­cial­ly in rela­tion to Ser­gio Arcacha Smith and the Rose Cheramie sto­ry), also dis­ap­peared. Gar­rison’s inves­ti­ga­tors felt that the ubiq­ui­tous Sheri­dan might have reached him also.

3.  Gar­rison’s inves­ti­ga­tion was sub­ject­ed to an onslaught, includ­ing out­right, state-spon­sored ter­ror direct­ed at wit­ness­es.

(We note this in order to place Sheridan’s–and the media’s–behavior into con­text.)

A syn­op­tic overview of the wit­ness­es and their sig­nif­i­cance:

  1. Richard Case Nagell–A U.S. intel­li­gence oper­a­tive infil­trat­ed into Sovi­et intel­li­gence, and then assigned by KGB to assas­si­nate Oswald, whom they knew was to be a pat­sy in an assas­si­na­tion plot against JFK for which they would be blamed.
  2. Rev­erend Clyde Johnson–A right-wing activist who was wit­ness to Clay Shaw and a “Jack Rubion” net­work­ing togeth­er against JFK.
  3. Aloy­sius Habighorst–A good New Orleans cop who was the book­ing offi­cer for Clay Shaw, when Shaw vol­un­teered that he used the alias “Clay Bertrand.”
  4. Edwin McGehee–One of the wit­ness­es con­nect­ing Clay Shaw to Oswald and David Fer­rie in Clin­ton, Louisiana.
  5. Reeves Morgan–Another of the wit­ness­es con­nect­ing Clay Shaw to Oswald and David Fer­rie in Clin­ton, Louisiana.

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; p. 294.

. . . . Before and dur­ing the tri­al, Garrison’s wit­ness­es were being sur­veilled, harassed, and phys­i­cal­ly attacked. For instance, Richard Case Nag­ell had a grenade thrown at him from a speed­ing car in New York. Nag­ell brought the remains of the grenade to Gar­ri­son and told him he did not think it wise for him to tes­ti­fy at Shaw’s tri­al. Even though Gar­ri­son had spir­it­ed Clyde John­son out of town and very few peo­ple knew where he was, the FBI’s total sur­veil­lance even­tu­al­ly paid off. He was bru­tal­ly beat­en on the eve of the tri­al and hos­pi­tal­ized. Aloy­sius Habighorst, the man who booked Shaw and heard him say his alias was Bertrand, was rammed by a truck the day before he tes­ti­fied. After he tes­ti­fied, Edwin McGe­hee found a prowler on his front lawn. he called the mar­shal, and the man was arrest­ed. At the sta­tion, the man asked to make one phone call. The call he made was to the Inter­na­tion­al Trade Mart. After he tes­ti­fied, Reeves Mor­gan had the win­dows shot out of his truck. What makes all this vio­lent intim­i­da­tion more star­tling is what Robert Tanen­baum stat­ed to the author in an inter­view for Probe Mag­a­zine. He said that he had seen a set of doc­u­ments that orig­i­nat­ed in the office of Richard Helms. They revealed that the CIA was mon­i­tor­ing and harass­ing Gar­rison’s wit­ness­es. . . .

4.  Next, we syn­op­size the role of media vis a vis the War­ren Report, includ­ing: Major net­works and MSM print voic­es (NYT, WaPo) endorse report, despite the fact that the 26 vol­umes of tes­ti­mo­ny and exhibits had yet to be released; War­ren Com­mis­sion­er John J. McCloy’s CBS inter­view where he doesn’t answer Wal­ter Cronkite’s query, nor does he men­tion that his daugh­ter Ellen heav­i­ly liaised with net­work man­age­ment on the pro­gram; Alec Baldwin’s expe­ri­ence with NBC, who wouldn’t let him book guests crit­i­cal of the War­ren Report and is told that NBC’s stance is to sup­port the offi­cial ver­sion of the assas­si­na­tion (Tom Brokaw—“No Gar­ri­son”); Back­ground on the Sarnoff fam­i­ly’s intel­li­gence con­nec­tions.

5. We then syn­op­size Life Mag­a­zine’s role in the cov­er-up, includ­ing: Though not dis­cussed in JFK Revis­it­ed, it was Life that pur­chased Zaprud­er film and then re-arranged the still frames in its issue sup­port­ing War­ren Report; Hen­ry Luce’s role as enabler of the Pow­ers That Be (his idol, BTW, was Mus­soli­ni); C.D. Jackson’s role with Life—though not dis­cussed in film, he was a life­long intel/national secu­ri­ty play­er; Life’s pub­li­ca­tion of the cov­er pho­to of “Oswald” hold­ing the rifle and pis­tol he sup­pos­ed­ly used in the killings; Oswald’s wed­ding ring on dif­fer­ent fin­gers of  “Oswald’s” hand. 

6.  Next, we high­light key aspects of the rifle alleged­ly used by Oswald, includ­ing: The salient fact that in Texas (at that point in time) any­one could pur­chase a rifle over the counter with­out doc­u­men­ta­tion; Why would any­one plan­ning a polit­i­cal assas­si­na­tion pur­chase a mail-order rifle?; Dif­fer­ent bar­rel lengths of  “Oswald’s” rifle in var­i­ous pre­sen­ta­tions; dif­fer­ent mount­ings of sling on “Oswald’s” rifle in var­i­ous pre­sen­ta­tions; The fact that mail order box wasn’t in Oswald’s name, so he couldn’t have received the weapon; the dis­parate time frames involved in send­ing the weapon through the mail. 

7.  We con­clude with dis­cus­sion of the rifle and foren­sics vis a vis its present on 6th floor “sniper’s perch,” includ­ing: The remark­ably neat place­ment of the spent car­tridges in the “sniper’s nest;” Reporter Tom Alyea’s dis­cus­sion of how the “sniper’s perch” looked pri­or to appar­ent inter­fer­ence.


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