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FTR#1281 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
FTR#1282 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: Continuing our series of interviews about JFK Revisited, we visit with both Jim DiEugenio and David Talbot, the author of Brothers and The Devil’s Chessboard. (We have highlighted information from the latter in FTR#‘s 894, 1162.)
Note that David Talbot is a major contributor to the commentary in JFK Revisited.
The broadcast highlights the many topics of discussion that David Talbot contributes during the program.
We also highlight David’s problems getting The Devil’s Chessboard reviewed.
Of note, as well, is David’s discussion of a document that he and Lisa Pease discovered: On the weekend of JFK’s assassination, Allen Dulles had decamped to Camp Peary aka “The Farm”–a major CIA training facility. The document later disappeared.
1.—We begin with presentation of synoptic account of JFK’s political challenge, described by David Talbot in the final chapter of the four-hour version of the documentary: How to do an “end-run” around the State Department, CIA and Pentagon in order to realize his foreign policy agenda.
2.—Following up on discussion from Item #1, we highlight a point David made in one of the supplemental discussions in the book JFK Revisited: After an intelligent, insightful comment by Jim DiEugenio about whether or not Allen Dulles was ever really fired, David notes that Dulles set up what was, in effect, a shadow government, under the auspices of which he regularly met with Richard Helms, James Jesus Angleton and high-ranking military brass.
In effect, the assassination itself could be viewed as a “Deep State” coup d’etat by the elements embodied in Dulles and his “shadow associates.”
3. An oft-sounded refrain from Warren Commission backers and general naysayers involves, in essence, “Well, JFK’s brother was Attorney General, how come he didn’t do anything?” Closely twined is another common refrain: “Well, how come the Kennedy family never did anything about any of this, hmmm?”
In that regard, we discuss Dave Powers’ and Kenny O’Donnell’s WWII-rooted observations that there was gunfire from three sides—the side and the front, as well as from behind. We also discuss, in this context: RFK’s call to the CIA inquiring if they had anything to do with “this horror?;” RFK’s statement to Harry Ruiz Williams that one of “his” people, i.e. anti-Castro Cubans, were involved; RFK aides’ statements that RFK did not believe the Warren Commission; RFK’s recognition of the extensive mobster ties of Jack Ruby; RFK’s and Kennedy family’s communication via Bill Walton to Mr. Bolshakov of the Soviet Union that they knew a right-wing domestic conspiracy (obviously linked to the CIA) was behind the assassination; The further comment to Bolshakov via Walton that, when he was able to ascend to the White House, RFL would continue his brother’s détente policies; We add that, although not discussed in documentary, RFK planned to re-open the investigation into his brother’s murder.
4.—Cuba: David and Jim review the fact that the Bay of Pigs plan was destined to fail. We then highlight: How Allen Dulles felt that Marines, Air Force would be called in by JFK to topple Castro; JFK’s conviction, along with RFK’s, that CIA had lied to them; JFK’s reduction by 20% of CIA budget, vow to shatter the Agency into 1,000 pieces and his firing of [CIA officials] Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Charles Cabell; The FBI’s discovery of CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro led by the CIA’s William King Harvey and the Mob’s Johnny Roselli; The fact that the Agency told JFK the plots had stopped, but they hadn’t; Although not discussed in the programs, the fates of Roselli when Congress was inquiring into this morass (found dismembered in a steel drum in Biscayne Bay) and we should also remember that Sam “Mo Mo” Giancana was found murdered around the time of his scheduled Congressional testimony (he was shot to death at his residence while it was apparently under FBI surveillance).
5.—Next, we highlight Dulles’ inclusion on Warren Commission: We take note of LBJ’s assertion that RFK wanted AD on Commission; AD then kept the Agency informed of key developments.
6.—We then detail Representative Gerald Ford’s inclusion on WC: Ford was close to the FBI; The FBI did 80% of the footwork for Warren Commission.
7.—We then review the OAS attempts on De Gaulle’s life, including (among other topics): JFK’s speech to the Senate about Algeria; Allen Dulles and the Agency’s apparent involvement with the OAS plots against De Gaulle, including a plot to poison De Gaulle; JFK told the French that he might not be able to control his own intelligence services; We also review OAS assassin Jean Souetre’s presence in Dallas on 11/22/’63.
8.—Next, David and Jim tackle the subject of the Congo, including: The CIA’s elimination of Lumumba and the fact that Dulles didn’t tell JFK about it—he learned about the killing from Adlai Stevenson; U.S. diplomat Edmund Gullion told JFK that U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold’s death was no accident.
9.—We then revierw JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis, including the President’s confrontation with much of the State Department, CIA and the Pentagon.
10.—The next topic is JFK’s peace initiative. Topics included: The Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty, followed by the June ’63 speech at American University calling for peace with the USSR and acknowledging the Soviet Union’s decisive role in the defeat of Nazi Germany; JFK’s proposal for joint space exploration with USSR; We also review the 1961 push by the Joint Chiefs to launch a first strike against USSR—JFK commented after this: “And we call ourselves the human race.”
11.—We conclude by highlighting the effects of the assassination on the U.S.: The many fundamental changes in foreign policy (Vietnam, Indonesia, Cuba, Latin America, among them); The effect on the country’s attitude.
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