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FTR#1283 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
FTR#1284 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: This broadcast continues our visits with Jim DiEugenio–author of Destiny Betrayed and JFK Revisited–selected by Oliver Stone to write the screenplay for his latest documentary.
We begin with three quick corrections: Paul Bleau didn’t say that in the summer of ’63 Oswald applied for jobs for people who worked for Clay Shaw—they knew Clay Shaw; Yaroslav Stetsko didn’t become head of the OUN/B following Bandera’s death in ’59—he became head of the OUN/B in ’68; Stetsko was head of the ABN when Spas Raikin met with Lee Harvey Oswald; Anderson Cooper was not Cokie Roberts’ son, he was the son of Gloria Vanderbilt.
1.–Next, we highlight Jefferson Morley’s observation that recent release of documents by Biden is inadequate—many documents remain classified, including many important ones.
2.–Following discussion of Biden’s failure to release key documents about the JFK assassination, we recap the discussion of Admiral Burkley’s aide James Young and his aides Mills and Martinell’s retrieval of material from the limousine: They located three skull fragments which then disappeared (apparently after being given to Dr. Humes); In addition, an intact, bent bullet that apparently hit the metal rim/lining of the windshield, leaving a prominent indentation in it, was discovered—it, too, went missing; We also note the cracked glass panel of the windshield (like the bullet’s impacting against the metal rim, this disproves the Warren Commission’s thesis); We emphasize—again—the importance of the visual medium in the evolution of the inquiry (the Zapruder film’s showing on Geraldo Rivera’s show lead to the House Select Committee on Assassinations) and the crawl at the end of “JFK” lead to formation of the ARRB); We also describe the cleaning up of the limousine and its partial rebuilding in the immediate aftermath of the killing.
3.–Our next major focal point is Jack Ruby: We discuss Ruby’s numerous Mob connections, and RFK’s role going after Mob; We note Ruby’s networking with Cuban-connected Mobsters—including a visit to Santos Trafficante in a Cuban prison; We note Ruby’s links to organized crime figure Lewis McWillie; We synopsize Trafficante’s connections to the assassination, including the fact that he was among the Mob figures recruited by the Agency to kill Castro; We note Jose Aleman account of Trafficante saying “No, Jose, he is going to be hit, and a ‘nut’” was going to be recruited for the job, in response to Aleman’s observation that JFK would probably be reelected; The subject of Ruby’s gun-running is highlighted as well; Mr. Emory notes Ruby’s question to another FBI informant “Want to go down to Dealey Plaza to see the fireworks?); We also analyze the real possibility that some participants in killing were told there would be a staged Cuban attempt to kill JFK in order to drive his Cuban policy to the right; We note Ruby as FBI informant, as disclosed by Richard Schweiker; Curiously, there were two horn blasts as Ruby was in the basement of Dallas PD building—one as Oswald emerges into view and one just before Ruby lunges and shoots Oswald; We also touch briefly on speculative consideration of Ruby and mind control, as discussed in the book Were We Controlled; We review the CIA mind control specialist Louis Jolyon West’s visit to Ruby in jail; Jim also notes Ruby’s provocative statement about certain people would not allow the truth to come out about why he was in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters; Ruby’s statement (not discussed in JFK Revisited but accessed in JFK) that “a whole new form of government is going to take over this country” [“and I know I will not live to see you another time”].
NB: The Yankee and Cowboy War by Carl Oglesby is available online. Mr. Emory discussed Jack Ruby’s Warren Commission testimony in the discussion with Jim DiEugenio. The book is available HERE. The material about Ruby is in pages 109–145.
4.–We then highlight the deep politics of Mob involvement in the assassination and the killing of RFK. Topics discussed include: Johnny Roselli working with William Harvey to kill Castro (RFK alerted to this by FBI); CIA assuring RFK—wrongly—that the plots had stopped); RFK, Jr.’s attenuated discussion of his father’s killing; Our previous discussion from the 25-hour series on Destiny Betrayed about RFK waiting ‘til he acceded to White House to reopen his brother’s murder; Roselli’s fate prior to Church Committee hearings (found dismembered in steel drum floating in Biscayne Bay); Sirhan’s attorney (Grant Cooper) also representing Roselli at the time he railroads Sirhan into jail—an obvious conflict of interest.
4.–Next, we discuss the Alliance for Progress: What JFK intended with the policy and LBJ’s steering of the program in a diametrically opposite direction.
5.–We conclude with analysis of JFK’s attempts at establishing a more balanced policy toward the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Topics covered include; JFK’s diplomatic overture to Nasser, to which the Egyptian president was receptive; Kennedy’s discussions with Israel seeking to gain assurance that the Dimona nuclear reactor was for peaceful purposes only.
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