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“Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
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FTR#1335 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
FTR#1336 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: In these programs, Monte presents analysis that links the milieu of the assassination of JFK to: the OUN/B; the Helsinki Youth Conference of 1962; Eastern Front death squad activity during World War II; propaganda denying violence against black people during the U.S. civil rights struggles of the early 1960’s; Joe Biden’s ongoing cover-up of the JFK assassination.
All 10 of these shows are essential. Thanks for all of the effort to get these broadcast.
Hello, listeners, Mönté here!
When will people realize, that what happened to President Kennedy was an act of terrorism, aided & abetted by functionaries of international fascism—who were then, in 1963—firmly planted in the United States Intelligence community?
In my humble opinion, that is what Biden meant in his 22 October 2021 press release that stated, “...records concerning President Kennedy’s assassination only when postponement remains necessary to protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure...”‑k/
I mean really consider the language being used, “...identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations...”
Sure as Hell sounds to me, that something concerning the mechanics that murdered President Kennedy, has something to do with present day military intelligence operations!
In this thread, I have proven that all of the important commanders of the anti-communist Ukrainian émigré armies being fully-subsidized by Central Intelligence Agency, were functionaries of some of the worst war-crimes of the Second World War!
And these same Ukrainian War criminals were financing an element of the anti-Castro effort with a direct connection to Lee Harvey Oswald?!
Hmm, I wonder who that bit of information might cause, “...identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations...”
Perhaps, that proxy war the United States is fighting with the Russian Federation, via fascist Ukrainian émigré armies with a direct linage to WWII functionaries of the Holocaust?!
But, hey, maybe I’m off my rocker...
...but then again, maybe I’m not.
For those of you who do not know, an as of yet unidentified element of the New Orleans chapter of the anti-Castro Cuban Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) made their way into Finland in 1962, and conducted violent provocations and covert surveillance against the World Federation of Democratic Youth & International Union of Students affiliates of the 8th World Festival of Youth and Students, in Helsinki, Finland in 1962—DRE delegates who were willing assets of a CIA stay-behind operation that was awarded the cryptonym ZRPENNY, that according to Bill Simpich, was “...a substantial financial undertaking to challenge the left at this festival. Cuban student groups were specifically targeted, including efforts to generate defectors...”
This particular element of the DRE was financed by none other than the Chief of Operations of the Prolog Research Corporation (PRC) of New York, via a covert CIA slush fund, laundered thru a CIA Commercial Cover Property called the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company—a private holding company that concerned itself with the financial dealings of Brown Brothers Harriman & Company and J.P. Morgan & Co.
ZRPENNY’s case officer, who financed the DRE operations in Helsinki, was WWII-era fascist Ukrainian war-criminal, Anatol Kaminsky, and his CIA cryptonym was AECASSOWARY-29.
Perhaps not so incidentally, Anatol Kaminsky AKA AECASSOWARY-29, had a close connection to another CIA-funded operation, Radio Liberty, where here was vice-president of the Ukrainian anti-communist service “Radio Svoboda.”
It should be noted that AECASSOWARY was the CIA cryptonym slug for the CIA’s co-opting of the External Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (ZP UHVR), which was overseen by Gehlen Organization contract operative Ivan Hrynokh, a veteran of the genocidal Bataillon Ukrainische Gruppe Nachtigall, an Abwehr sub-unit of the bloodthirsty Lehrregiment “Brandenburg” z.b.V. 800 special operations detachments, which were commanded by future CIA asset Theodor Oberländer, who in turn was subordinate of Waffen SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny!
Hrynokh, incidentally, was the chaplain to the Nachtigall Battalion, whatever the Hell on Earth that entailed...
Of course, the president of the Prolog Research Corporation (PRC) of New York in 1962 was the former commander of the Nazi Abwehr espionage & sabotage school in Zakopane, Poland—later General Secretary of International Policies of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR) & Commander of External Intelligence for the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera—Mykola Kyrylovych Lebed—a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contract operative from 1951, to his death, in 1998.
Lebed oversaw a gigantic Central Intelligence Agency Foreign Intelligence (FI) apparatus within the CIA’s Soviet Branch (SB), which was awarded the cryptonym AERODYNAMIC, a SB/FI program whose mission was to “...exploit the anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance groups (UHVR, UPA, ZPUHVR and the OUN/B) in Western Europe for intelligence purposes...”
Lebed, was the man who personally gave the order to Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) Northern-Section commander Dmytro Semenovych Klyachkivsky, to conduct the single-most sadistic act of ethnic genocide of the first half of the twentieth century—the infamous “Volynska Trahediia” (in English, “Volyn Tragedy”)—a twenty-two month long eugenics campaign, between the years 1943–1945, of lunacy, butchery & Hell-on-Earth mayhem in Volhynia & Eastern Galicia, that resulted in the total razing of ninety-nine villages & one-hundred thousand men, women and childern murdered—most of whom suffered Inquisition-esque levels of debauchery at the hands of Lebed’s UPA, to include death by flaying, mass lynchings, death by gang rape, live bodily dismemberment, mass beheadings, the mass immolation of entire village populations (to include all livestock and pets) and the collecting of grotesque “trophies” by UPA insurgents, to include human scalps, eye-balls, skulls, fingers, tongues, noses, ears, testicles, penises, labia, & breasts removed from living victims!
And the man who oversaw all of that Torquemada-esque levels mass-butchery against civilian populations during the Second World War, Mykola Lebed, oversaw the Central Intelligence Agency “ratline” that sent the anti-Castro Cuban Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) delegates into 8th World Festival of Youth and Students, at Helsinki, Finland in 1962—with the full intention of committing acts of sabotage and general terrorism against the delegates?!
It should be noted, that the vice-president of the CIA-funded Prolog Research Corporation (PRC) of New York, that covertly sent DRE delegates into Helsinki, was Myroslav Prokop, a founding member of the genocidal Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN‑B) who was released from a Polish prison in 1937 by Nazi intelligence—Prokop was imprisoned by Polish authorities for publishing anti-Jewish pamphlets advocating the ethnic-cleansing of the Jewish population in Poland—only to become the editor-in-chief of the International Policies of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council’s (UHVR) newsletter called, “Students’kyi visnyk.”
The UHVR’s newsletter, “Students’kyi visnyk,” was moved from Poland, by Nazi intelligence, to Vatican City, Rome, where it was met with warm enthusiasm from fascist elements of the Catholic hierarchy.
These same DRE delegates would later confront Dallas patsy Lee Harvey Oswald—a false defector debriefed by a senior affiliate of Mykola Lebed’s Prolog Research Corporation (PRC) of New York.
It appears from the debriefings of Anatol Kaminsky AKA AECASSOWARY-29, he not only facilitated in paying the DRE personnel, but Anatol Kaminsky AKA AECASSOWARY-29 also oversaw all legal travel arrangements for DRE affiliates to and from the United States, under the cover of the CIA’s “piggy-backed” *REDSKIN program, which, according to CIA Deputy Director for Plans Richard Mervin Bissell’s own memoranda, REDSKIN was a covert action program to affect, “ travelers specifically briefed for their visits to the USSR may lead to the acquisition of assets in the Soviet Union or furnish support of existing operations...”
Interestingly enough, *Priscilla Johnson McMillan, the North American Newspaper Alliance reporter who interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald as he was, ahem, “...defecting...,” to the Soviet Union in 1959 via Helsinki, the main target of the DRE and their genocidal UHVR sponsors in 1962, was a REDSKIN spotter “candidate”—that and the man who interviewed Oswald when he set foot in New York (home base for the Prolog Research Corporation) was Spas Todorov Raikin, served as secretary of the Central Executive Board, Bulgarian National Council, from 1960 to 1963, the US affiliate of the Bulgarian National Front (controlled by genocidal Ostministerium officer Ivan Dimitrov Dochev), a sub-organization of the CIA-controlled fascist umbrella front, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (controlled by the monstrous OUN‑B leader, Yaroslav Semenovich Stetsko).
Strange, Nazi-affiliated fascist bedfellows for self-proclaimed “...Marxist-Leninist...” United States Marine Corps enlisted men Oswald to be probed by...
And these same CIA-sponsored stay-behind elements of the DRE were subsidized and controlled by the Chief of Operations of the Prolog Research Corporation (PRC) of New York, WWII-era fascist Ukrainian war-criminal, Anatol Kaminsky AKA AECASSOWARY-29, in 1962—just a handful of months before US military agent provocateur Lee Harvey Oswald would have a “fight” with some of their delegates?
Below are supporting documents to everything I have posted in this thread: VOL. 2 (DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS%2C 1970–78)_0017.pdf VOL. 1_0004.pdf VOL. 2 (DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS%2C 1970–78)_0014.pdf VOL. 35 (OPERATIONS)_0039.pdf VOL. 1_0002.pdf
Absolutely–and characteristically–brilliant!
Dave Emory