Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

Using This Web Site

These hints might help you find your way around the mate­ri­als quick­ly and eas­i­ly.

If you have a ques­tion not cov­ered here, please con­tact Spit­fire List.

If you know the program number, don’t bother searching for it!

url image

To view a ‘For The Record’ arti­cle by pro­gram num­ber, the orig­i­nal 1990s nam­ing for­mu­la for URLs still works.

Some exam­ples:


You can even leave off the “.html” and the redi­rect still works.


Oth­er cat­e­gories:

The Guns of Novem­ber: https://spitfirelist.com/guns2.html
Anti-fas­cist Archives (for­mer­ly RFA, Radio Free Amer­i­ca): https://spitfirelist.com/afa2.html
Mis­cel­la­neous Archives: https://spitfirelist.com/misc2.html
Lec­tures: https://spitfirelist.com/l2.html (That’s a low­er case “L” in there.)

There are thou­sands of links on oth­er sites to arti­cles on Spit­fireList using these old URLs, so it was a con­scious deci­sion to pre­serve them.

Browsing Archives

Category MenuOn the Home page, archives for each cat­e­go­ry are view­able by select­ing the appro­pri­ate name under the pull-down menu labeled “Depart­ments.”

(FTR archives can also be viewed by click­ing the main nav “Posts” link.)

Searching within Categories

In a cat­e­go­ry archive, there is a “Search this cat­e­go­ry” field in the right side­bar.

This cat­e­go­ry search is a great tool.

Audio archive pages

Those long lists of audio links were auto-gen­er­at­ed, and then clumped into groups when the big MP3 archive was gen­er­ous­ly made avail­able by KFJC.

We are still in the process of inte­grat­ing indi­vid­ual MP3 audio links into each indi­vid­ual post. This is slow going, which is one rea­son the admit­ted­ly cum­ber­some audio archive pages are there to com­pen­sate.

Flash Audio vs RealAudio

In July, 2009, the mak­ing of new RealAu­dio archives was dis­con­tin­ued by WFMU, but they con­tin­ue to host RealAu­dio streams for a large num­ber of past Dave Emory pro­grams.

The Flash Audio pop-up is also a WFMU cre­ation, replac­ing the RealAu­dio method. These archives are of much bet­ter qual­i­ty than RealAu­dio and even MP3, but require the Flash plu­g­in for your brows­er.