Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


Repost: Interview with Keyenne Brussell About The Mae Brussell Research Center

MP3 Part 1 | Part 2

In recent years, con­sid­er­able inter­est has devel­oped in the work of Mr. Emory’s friend and col­league, the late Mae Brus­sell.

For the bet­ter part of a decade, Mr. Emory played Mae’s tapes four times a week on KFJC-FM and KKUP-FM–twice a week on each sta­tion. The time slots were specif­i­cal­ly select­ed to be acces­si­ble to work­ing people–a week­day evening and a week­end morn­ing or after­noon. The com­bined sig­nal radii of the two sta­tions stretched from Mon­terey to Berke­ley [Cal­i­for­nia], with the Sil­i­con Val­ley being the main lis­ten­ing area.

She was also a very, very close friend and research col­league of Mr. Emory’s.

This inter­view, con­duct­ed on Decem­ber 15, 1991, was the only pub­lic pro­nounce­ment by the Brus­sell fam­i­ly on the sub­ject of the Mae Brus­sell Research Cen­ter [up until her daugh­ter Bar­bara weighed in in 2021, oper­at­ing from a posi­tion of com­plete igno­rance], con­ceived of, and admin­is­tered, by the late John Judge, and con­sti­tut­ed their offi­cial stance on the mat­ter. Note that Keyenne was, at the time, the sole mem­ber of the Brus­sell fam­i­ly deal­ing with this unfor­tu­nate affair.

Mae’s oth­er daugh­ter, Bar­bara, has chris­tened activ­i­ty in this regard, decades after Mae’s death and after she mar­ried the dri­ver of the van in the acci­dent that took the life of Mae’s third daugh­ter, Bon­nie. Mae was of the opinion–rightly or wrongly–that the acci­dent was a “hit.”

In her pub­lic pro­nounce­ments, Bar­bara has parad­ed her fun­da­men­tal igno­rance about her moth­er’s work–claiming, among oth­er things, that Mae had been threat­ened by the late Colonel Michael Aquino. He did NOT threat­en her. He rat­tled legal sabers.

Bar­bara also claimed that the late musi­cian Frank Zap­pa bought Mae a com­put­er. He did not–he offered to buy her a com­put­er, but she declined.

Note that the above inter­view was part of a longer pro­gram record­ed on that date. 

Dis­in­for­ma­tion spread in the after­math of Mae’s death has advanced the false­hood that Mr. Emory want­ed to gain pos­ses­sion of Mae’s library.

This is not only wrong but out­side of the realm of phys­i­cal pos­si­bil­i­ty:

  • Mae had a huge (and beau­ti­ful) house in Carmel, with books and fil­ing cab­i­nets fill­ing the entire build­ing. Mr. Emory lived in the Sil­i­con Val­ley at the time. The real estate val­ues there are some of the high­est in the coun­try. He could not pos­si­bly have afford­ed a build­ing big enough to house the library. Mr. Emory has an enor­mous library him­self and has no resources avail­able for Mae’s archives.
  • Mr. Emory has no time to over­see a library/archive project, as he has tire­less­ly, self­less­ly assem­bled a vast archive of audio and print­ed mate­r­i­al over the last forty-plus years, doing so for no mon­e­tary com­pen­sa­tion.

Since there appears to be con­tin­ued inter­est in some quar­ters about the events in and around the Mae Brus­sell Cen­ter, we present the bal­ance of that pro­gram.

Side A; Side B; Side C; Side D; Side E; Side F

Boyd Rice (left) in his Nazi uni­form. Fer­al House­’s founder–the late Adam Parfrey–was a close friend of Rice’s. Rice named Fer­al House.

Sad­ly, Mae made no pro­vi­sion for man­ag­ing her estate fol­low­ing her death. The crea­tures who have set­tled upon her lega­cy are exem­pli­fied by a severe­ly dis­turbed indi­vid­ual named Dan Right­my­er, aka “Alex Con­stan­tine.” 

Nei­ther Right­my­er nor any of the oth­er vul­tures that gath­ered around Mae’s grave did any­thing to sup­port her dur­ing her life­time.

Some points of infor­ma­tion about Right­my­er.

  • That unfor­tu­nate indi­vid­ual claims he has repelled mag­nets from his head. He also says that: “. . . . I have been burned by microwaves, kept awake for days at a stretch by shriek­ing nois­es in my ears, the effect of pulsed audio­grams. . . .” An audio­gram is a graph of a per­son­’s abil­i­ty to hear sound waves. ” . . . . The audio­gram is a graph show­ing the results of a pure-tone hear­ing test. It will show how loud sounds need to be at dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cies for you to hear them. The audio­gram shows the typedegree, and con­fig­u­ra­tion of hear­ing loss. . . .”  The worst thing one can get from an audio­gram is a paper cut. There is no such thing as a “pulsed audio­gram,” any more than there is a “pulsed telegram.”
  • In addi­tion, he claimed that “. . . . I also blew out a light bulb and a new CD play­er. . . .”
  • Asso­ciates of Right­my­er allege that his per­cep­tions stem from drug abuse: “. . . . But there is some­thing else you good folks real­ly ought to know about Dan ‘Alex Con­stant­Whine’ Right­my­er. (Sung to the tune of the ‘Bev­er­ly Hill­bil­lies’ theme...) Come and lis­ten to my sto­ry ‘bout a nut named Dan, Hears voic­es in his head he says are from ‘The Man.’ He says ‘They filled my nog­gin full of elec­tron­ic bugs!’ But he does­n’t let you know that he’s done a lot of DRUGS. (ACID, that is. LSD. ‘Hun­dreds of trips.’) ‘Hun­dreds of acid trips’ is the admis­sion Dan made to his for­mer best friend, S.M. Any rea­son­able per­son who wants the full sto­ry should feel free to write me or call me. I’ll tell ya how to talk to this for­mer best friend for your­self — you’ll hear all sorts of out­ra­geous, hilar­i­ous sto­ries about Dan’s his­to­ry of mas­sive drug abuse, as well his insane behav­ior. (Here’s a sam­ple: Once, one of Dan’s inner ‘tor­men­tors’ iden­ti­fied him­self by name. Dan found that a gen­tle­man of this name was list­ed in the phone book. Dan, who owned a firearm, threat­ened to go to the house of this obvi­ous­ly-inno­cent par­ty and shoot him!)” . . . .
  • Rightmyer/Constantine ini­tial­ly claimed that the wit­ness­es to his “mag­net dance” were “two of the lead­ing child psy­chol­o­gists in the coun­try. . . .”
  • Sub­se­quent­ly, he iden­ti­fied the alleged wit­ness­es to his “mag­net­ic per­son­al­i­ty” as “two for­mer col­leagues of a well-known KPFK talk show host wit­nessed the episode. . . .”
  • Right­my­er’s polit­i­cal milieu is detailed in FTR #437, one that caters to, among oth­er ele­ments, Charles Man­son acolytes, neo-fas­cists and Satanists, includ­ing net­work­ing lead­ing in the direc­tion of Michael Aquino’s Tem­ple of Set. These are among the forces against which Mae strug­gled dur­ing her life­time. His pub­lish­er is Fer­al House, head­ed for years by the late Adam Par­frey. The com­pa­ny was named by Par­frey’s friend and asso­ciate Boyd Rice, pic­tured above, right in his Nazi uni­form. All one needs to know about Right­my­er’s pro­fes­sion­al cache con­cerns the fact that Parfrey–his publisher–employed the late Kei­th Stime­ly as an edi­to­r­i­al assis­tant. Stime­ly had edit­ed the jour­nal of the Insti­tute for His­tor­i­cal Review. ” . . . While in Port­land, Par­frey (whose own moth­er is Jew­ish) hired the late Kei­th Stime­ly, an open­ly gay for­mer edi­tor of The Jour­nal of His­tor­i­cal Review, the world’s lead­ing Holo­caust-denial out­fit, to write Fer­al House press releas­es. . . .”
  • In effect, pur­chas­ing a Fer­al House vol­ume would be sup­port­ive of the very forces Mae Brus­sell worked against dur­ing her life­time.
  • Per­haps most telling­ly, Rightmyer/Constantine also net­works with sup­port­ers of the War­ren Report, who attack its crit­ics.
  • Rightmyer/Constantine also net­works with Tim Canale, who runs a web­site fea­tur­ing some of Mae’s tapes.
  • Using his real name–“Dan Rightmyer”–“Alex” pens glow­ing reviews of his own books!
  • One can but won­der to what extent ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty may be manip­u­lat­ing Rightmyer/Constantine. It would be dif­fi­cult to imag­ine a more per­fect­ly cyn­i­cal way to dis­cred­it Mae’s work than hav­ing her pre­sent­ed by some­one as obvi­ous­ly psy­chot­ic as this benight­ed crea­ture.
  • Tim Canale, who admin­is­ters a web­site fea­tur­ing many of Mae’s tapes, has a close, life-long prox­im­i­ty to the John Birch Soci­ety. Whether or not he is a mem­ber of the orga­ni­za­tion is unknown. On the web­site he admin­is­ters, there is dis­cus­sion of the alleged dan­gers of flu­o­ri­dat­ed water, one of the John Birch Soci­ety’s pet issues.


2 comments for “Repost: Interview with Keyenne Brussell About The Mae Brussell Research Center”

  1. [...] Site 1963: Dal­las The Gov­ern­ment Decides That Truth Doesn’t Exist the Mind of Mae Brus­sell Repost: Inter­view with Keyenne Brus­sell, daugh­ter of the late Mae Brus­sell (Audio) Share this:ShareFacebookTwitterStumbleUponDiggRedditPrintEmailLinkedInLike this:LikeBe the first to [...]

    Posted by Mae Brussell « Targeted Individuals Canada | March 13, 2012, 8:06 pm
  2. I’m hap­py to find this infor­ma­tion Re Alex Con­stan­tine.
    I just had my own run in with this clear­ly unsta­ble man.
    I have recent­ly pub­lished my book. “The Psy­chopath Machine”.
    My pub­lish­er point­ed out a sec­tion in one of Con­stan­ti­ne’s books that is a direct rip off from part of a man­u­script I sent to him almost twen­ty years ago.
    He did­n’t both­er to ask per­mis­sion.
    More­over when I con­front­ed him and his pub­lish­er the hos­til­i­ty from both was aston­ish­ing.

    Posted by Steve | October 8, 2016, 11:10 am

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