Download MP3s: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Approx. 131 minutes)
A companion to L‑3, this lecture analyzes gun control, an issue that has helped fuel the growth of the militia movement. Generally viewed as a liberal political issue, gun control has roots firmly planted in the history and methodology of international fascism. Presenting concrete facts refuting many of the popular arguments for gun control, the discussion highlights the fact that the presence of firearms in society is not connected to the crime or homicide levels. In addition, the program points out that bicycles, bathtubs, swimming pools, matches and automobiles each represent an exponentially greater threat to the lives of children than firearms.
After exploding many of the myths about gun control, the program delineates connections between international fascism and gun control. Much of the discussion centers on former Senator Thomas Dodd, one of the most important figures in the American gun control movement. A member of the U.S. prosecutorial staff at Nuremberg, this former FBI agent was close to the American Security Council (ASC), a domestic fascist group.
With its roots in the Hitler-Goebbels Anti-Comintern, the American Security Council was a key American link to the former World Anti-Communist League or WACL. Created by former FBI agents disgruntled at the demise of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s “investigations,” the American Security Council coalesced around the files of Harry Jung’s American Vigilance Intelligence Federation. (Virulently anti-Semitic, Jung’s organization was part of the Anti-Comintern prior to World War II.) Counting among its ranks some of the most prominent names on the far right, the organization kept track of people it considered “subversive,” sharing political intelligence with prospective employers (particularly defense contractors.)
The ASC hated President John F. Kennedy and it is not, therefore, altogether surprising that Dodd helped to disseminate the disinformation that Lee Harvey Oswald had been trained in assassination by the KGB. With CIA assistance, Dodd inserted this disinformation into a Senate Subcommittee report. This disinformation, with roots in the same WACL milieu as the ASC, led liberals to cover-up the assassination out of fear that public perception that a communist killed the President would lead to a Third World War. Dodd’s role in this affair is all the more interesting when one considers the possibility that Oswald may have ordered his weapons while working for Dodd’s Subcommittee.
Investigating the mail-order firearms business, the Dodd committee focused on the two firms from which Oswald allegedly purchased his weapons. Oswald was apparently extraordinarily interested in mail-order guns, a strange way for a prospective assassin to acquire weaponry. In 1963, he could have purchased his guns over the counter with no trace of the transaction. Manuel Pena, an intelligence-connected Los Angeles Police officer involved with the “investigation” of Robert Kennedy’s assassination, also worked with the Dodd subcommitee. Pena helped to trace Oswald’s mail order gun purchases.
Dodd was instrumental in crafting 1968 gun control legislation that borrowed from the Nazi weapons control act of 1938. It should be noted that the assassinations of both Kennedys and Martin Luther King contributed to the passage of the 1968 Gun Control bill. None of those killings would have been prevented by gun control. After detailing Dodd’s career and involvement with the gun control movement, the lecture underscores the role of “ex” CIA officer William O. Wells in the gun control movement.
The founder of one and deeply involved with the the other (supposedly competing) handgun control organization, Wells’ opposition to firearms ownership is all the more surprising considering that Wells himself owns two handguns and a rifle. After discussion of Wells, the discussion analyzes some of the “lone nuts” whose massacres have spurred recent calls for gun control.
In particular, the lecture presents discussion of Patrick Edward Purdy, whose massacre of Stockton school children in 1989 was the first of schoolyard massacres that have plagued the country. In addition to his connections to the Aryan Nations, Purdy had been involved with the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a fascist mind control cult.
The lecture concludes with rumination on the possibility that some of the massacres may be intended to help precipitate a fascist polarization of society. Since firearms are an intrinsic part of life in many parts of this country, outlawing them will have an alienating and polarizing effect on much of the population in those areas, driving them in the direction of fascism and blind reaction. (Recorded in Santa Monica in May of 1996.)
[...] L‑4 Fascism, Gun Control and the Intelligence Community Cette entrée a été publiée dans Guns and Society, Intelligence, Proto-Fascism, avec comme mot(s)-clef(s) 1938 Gun Control Law, 1968 Gun Control Law, Breivik, Brownshirts, Canada, Freikorps, Long-Gun Registry, Nazi Germany, Norway, Switzerland, U.S.. Vous pouvez la mettre en favoris avec ce permalien. ← Right-wing useful fools: When Tea Partiers become Tea Baggers [...]