COMMENT: In AFA #37 (How the United States Lost the Second World War), we chronicled the importation of the Nazi national security establishment and its fusion with its U.S. counterpart. The central point of this massive broadcast concerns the fact that the Nazi chain of command was still in effect at the end of World War II and the imports grafted onto the U.S. intelligence and military establishments constituted a Trojan Horse–a Third Reich fifth column that, ultimately would turn on, and destroy, this country.
For the U.S. right wing and those of its adherents in the national security establishment, anti-communism was something of a secular religion. For the Germans upon whom they relied for intelligence on the former U.S.S.R., anti-communism was a vehicle for conquest–Germany has always demonstrated a willingness to work with communism, from the Imperial German General Staff’s shipping of Lenin into Russia to foment the Bolshevik Revolution to the Hitler Stalin Pact of 1939.
In this regard, the Third Reich was simply manifesting traditional German Ostpolitik, as well as luring the U.S. into squandering much of its national treasure and even more of its good reputation as a defender of democracy on the Cold War.
During the Cold War, the racist right and non-racist right were more or less on the same page. After the Cold War, however, the racist right turned on the U.S. with a vengeance, acting in accord with their Underground Reich masters.
A recent [apparent] Nazi hacking attack on the CIA’s official website augurs things to come, in our opinion.
A Nazi hacking collective known as UG Nazi has claimed credit for taking down
In our opinion, one of the most striking aspects of this event concerns the clever, populist rhetoric employed by UG Nazi in a Twitter announcement of its takedown.
Focusing on moneyed corporate interests and their allied government elements, the UG Nazi group employed rhetoric that will certainly appeal to the younger, less mature and/or less sophisticated. The original Nazis portrayed themselves as National Socialists, winning converts among the Strassserite wing of the early NSDAP. (The Strasserites were left-of-center Nazis who saw the corporate landscape as controlled by Jews, believing that neutralizing them would automatically bring about meaningful political reform. They were liquidated during the Night of the Long Knives, after they served their purpose–paving the way for the very moneyed interests they thought they were opposing.)
The clever rhetoric employed by the UG Nazi group is similar to the populist rhetoric used by the Anonymous hacking collective. Perhaps there is a degree of overlap.
In both FTR #732 and FTR #745, we noted that the Anonymous group might well be thought of as “cyber-Wandervogel”–online equivalents of the anarcho/Utopians who ultimately became Nazis.
One can but wonder what the Anonymous folks think of the Islamic fascist government they helped bring about in Egypt. As we said at the time of the so-called “Arab Spring,” they have been thoroughly had.
“ Goes Down, UG Nazi Claims Responsibility” by Jessica Roy;; 12/20/2012.
EXCERPT:, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s official web portal, went down this afternoon and continues to be inaccessible, according to Down For Everybody or Just Me. Osama the God, “leader of #UGNazi,” a hacktivist crew, has taken responsibility on Twitter.
“#TangoDown #UGNazi #OpAntiGov,” he tweeted, following that message up with several retweets that credit UGNazi for the attack. The move is part of #OpAntiGov, a longstanding UG Nazi operation.
“Our goal is to show the government of the world we will not be censored by filthy government officials and money hungry companies,” the group said of #OpAntiGov back in May. “The world government and multi-billion dollar companies have been trying to stop the movement of freedom since the day freedom was even invented.” . . . .
Spot on Dave.
Ref the Nazi chain of command still being in effect, its worth considering from the Brit perspective.
When faced with German invasion during the Battle of Britain, the British government had a plan B if British troops were unable to repel the invasion.
After initial force failed (holding just long enough to get certain people/funds etc out of the country), a signal would be sent out to halt hostilities to prevent total destruction. The now infamous poster “Keep Calm & Carry On” would be put up, and certain govenment employees would sign surrender terms, allowing Britain to still run its own affairs to a point, under German jurisdiction (the Germans always preferred quisling to overt German control, to ensure compliant population).
Churchill, the King etc, would all evacuate to Canada, until such time as the Commonwealth could support taking back the country. They would be the British ‘government in exile’.
The Germans planned exactly the same thing. The battle for Berlin would hold out long enough to get people like Bormann out of the city in the chaos, and then a signal would be sent to switch to the post-war plan of co-operation.
The signal “Operation Clausewitz” was sent when things were deemed hopeless (clausewitz of course being total war — moving to the political footing).
The Nazis in S‑America were not plotting to take back power like many claim. They didn’t really need to. They were the German ‘government in exile’, and still ran the country, just indirectly.
The Nazi planners just took all the Nazi beliefs/systems, and broke them into their constituent parts, so thousands of new movements post-war seemingly unrelated to Nazism, were created — each one just a small part of the bigger picture. Like flat-pack furniture, each individual movement could then operate openly within target countries with seemingly no link to Nazi beliefs. But put them together like the flat-pack furniture, and they become the same movement, just without the Swastika. By breaking the party beliefs into constituent parts, it made it very easy to export Nazism. All countries were to be Nazified by stealth.
By pushing the cold war, it was perfect as these movements were often supported as anti-Soviet.
The only rule was to not openly link groups to anti-Semitism. They seem to have given up on that rule since the 1990s.
And reference the German willingness to work with Communism, where do both Communism and Nazism come from? Germany.
Communism is just German subversion writ large. Wilhelm Stieber, the godfather of German subversion, was close to Marx. I would bet that Stieber hired Marx and shipped him off to London to subvert Britain. That kept him out of Germany and made Marx someone else’s problem.
These hacking groups all sprout National Socialist theories, even if most of them have no idea that is what they are doing. Its framed as anti-big business. But its really about killing free market capitalism for the German’s love of State control of markets. Only a country with aggressive aims needs the State to have so much control, to effectively organise the supply of materials for war production. That is what Germany is using the EU for — organising the whole European continent for efficient production as one German-controlled entity.
Keep Calm & Carry On.
More on UGNazi:
Read the last paragraph from this CIA web site. It says the CIA was accurately reporting the collapse of the Soviet Union. Obviously not conclusive from this press release based on Mark Kramer’s statements. He is director of the Harvard University Cold War Studies Program and a Senior Fellow at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. What do you think?
Declassified Cold War Reporting Featured at Convention
CIA’s Historical Collections Division (HCD) recently presented declassified information on hot-button Cold War events at the 44th Annual Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Participating in academic conferences is one way CIA showcases its contributions to national security and shares insight into the workings of government.
Session chair A. Ross Johnson, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, identified criteria for evaluating historical intelligence reports: “What do they add to what we know? How prescient were these at the time? And, most importantly, how well did they inform the policymakers?”
Those questions formed the backbone of the discussions that followed, as each CIA case study was brought to life by an analyst who had contributed to the original reporting:
Peter Nyren, a 25-year Soviet and Russian intelligence analyst, described the role intelligence played in forming President Ronald Reagan’s policy toward the USSR. Contrary to urban legend, said Nyren, Reagan was an avid consumer of intelligence. He was also the first president to receive CIA-produced video briefings, which included intelligence about the Soviet space program and the Chernobyl disaster [external link disclaimer].
John Bird, a 32-year veteran analyst of Soviet military issues at the CIA, explained the difficulties the Agency faced in the late 1950s gauging the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles the Soviet Union had. “We lived in an information void,” he said, citing the lack of internal Soviet sources and the unreliability of available analyses. The creation of satellite reconnaissance enabled the Agency to dispel concerns over the Soviet Union’s reportedly superior missile capacity. Bird said the perception of a ”missile gap,” as it was called, existed in part because “Khrushchev had been bluffing!”
One of the best sources of intelligence reporting about the Soviet Union during the Cold War came from Polish military officer Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski. He passed to the CIA approximately 40,000 documents over 9 years. “He had access to almost all Soviet Pact intelligence,” said Terry Bender, a former CIA intelligence analyst who specialized in East European issues for 30 years. “This was an unabashed success story.” Bender also discussed the challenges in determining the likelihood of Poland implementing martial law, which was ultimately done on December 13, 1981.
Panelist Mark Kramer, director of the Harvard University Cold War Studies Program and a Senior Fellow at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, addressed the charge that the CIA failed to predict the collapse of the Soviet Union, a claim Nyren said is not borne out by the growing body of declassified reports revealing what the CIA was telling policymakers about the state of the Soviet Union.
“The CIA provided an excellent picture of what was going on in the Soviet Union. The Agency didn’t have a Kuklinski in the Soviet Union, but it did make great use of information from various sources,” said Kramer.
Posted: Jan 03, 2013 10:22 AM
Last Updated: Jan 03, 2013 10:22 AM
Last Reviewed: Jan 03, 2013 10:22 AM
Speaking of Nazis, check this out. 30 pages of garbage over at Rigorous Intuition in which the denizens, chumps and gatekeepers of that cesspool go on for 30 pages about BlackOpz, quotes from Laura Knight J.(was wife of a guy tied from Poland who came to the USA and worked for Darpa) and weblinks to the cabal of Pakistani, Russian, Turkish and American disinfo agents over at Get the picture?
Now Pterrafractyl here has drawn the more obvious conclusion....that the USA is undergoing some type of destabilization program by rightwing fascists seeking to undermine the government. Do you think that line of conversation ever makes its rounds at RI? No. It Doesn’t. Do you think you might understand why?
Go to the link below... read 30 pages of garbage from the Gatekeepers and Khaos and Konfusion pimps over at Rigorous Intuition:
A self-serving analysis in that last paragraph. In fact, CIA was peddling the myth of the 10-foot tall Russian right up to the end of the USSR.
Note Henry Kissinger’s presence at Harvard and his interaction with Gehlen Nazis as operatives.
George Kennan–architect of America’s postwar strategy toward the Soviet Union–opined shortly before his death that the U.S. had fundamentally misunderstood the USSR.
You might want to stretch out with AFA #37–“How the United States Lost the Second World War.” It’s long but worth the effort required to absorb it. Not incidentally, the title is NOT meant to be figurative. This country quite literally lost the war, failing to take into account the teachings of Von Clausewitz and his concept of “postwar” as essential to the successful prosecution of Total War.
It’s long, but will give you a really good perspective on how the CIA was pimped off to a Third Reich gone underground.
Dave Emory
Hello folks,
I had to take a break for a while but now I’m fine and I’m ready to continue the fight. This post falls right into something that I want to share with you. You see, I am rediscovering the James Bond movies these days and I got to tell you, these scripts were not written by some Joe the Plummer (no offense to that fellow here). These films are carefully crafted “fictions” in which the wide public has a chance to take a glance at classified stuff, in blockbuster format, with the excuse of namely “fiction” to make it look unreal. For example, in the older James Bond movies with Sean Connery (the bests according to me) a secret organization, called Spectre, tries to conquer the world by controlling world events. Sounds familiar? In a more recent movie, Quantum of Solace, it is called Quantum and has as its main goal to control the world’s natural resources.
To give an idea to what extent Ian Fleming and the producers of these films were candid about acknowledging the existence of the Underground Reich, just think of the movie From Russia with Love. In this film, an agent of the GRU, Soviet Military Intelligence, is in fact a Spector double agent. It is right in your face. The Underground Reich, with its ability to infiltrate even the most protected intelligence appartus possesses a strike force that is quite unmatched. And the way the events are going, it is not one James Bond that we would need but thousands of them.
In closing, I am wondering to what degree, and please don’t take it personally, the reputation of the Americans in terms of dealing, gathering, appreciating and assessing intelligence is not overrated. The way I see it, other nations do better in this domain, like the Canadians, the Israelis, the Germans, the Pakistanis, the British, the Chinese and of course the Muslim Brotherhood. Americans should see to it because otherwise it is true that the Underground Reich will succeed to subvert it, the same way it subverted Iran and the Soviet Union for its own profit.
It is a time to be strong.
@GW: Mostly good, but there’s just one problem: the Nazis LOVED unregulated “free market” capitalism gone wild. Their enemies, people like the Marxists, Social Democrats, etc. wanted it to be reigned in and kept under control. Why else do you think Hitler went after these people from the onset? Because they stood in the way of his power trip.....and today, dozens of members of entire political parties are going in the same direction he did.....such as the Teabaggers here in America, Jobbik in Hungary, the National Front in France, the BNP in Britain, and the various far-right organizations in Germany today.
Quite right, the CIA uses German assets and reports on much of the Middle East. Same as Eastern Europe (how Nato was tricked into breaking up Yugoslavia for Germany’s benefit).
Since the mid 2000s, the CIA rarely recruit their own informants, relying instead on ‘friendly’ reports — many of which come from Germany.
Read the quotes here;
US intelligence agent as saying: “No Western intelligence service has as good sources in Syria as the BND does.” (They never wondered why??)
I am really happy to know that you are better. nazis may know how to be a world pest and have a long workable plan to take over the world, but they are never going to be able t maintain control for long because they are far too few to keep track of everyone, no manner what high tech they use to get inside our heads. as you once said, a high tech machine to control your mind could be smashed with rock. as for this nazi hacking group, two could play the same game by hacking the hackers. by the way, is a good site to use to check your computer along with stopbadware,org and I am sure readers know of other sites.
One of the most fascinating aspects about Anonymous is that the primary cost of entry is the ability to take down something like a CIA website and do it anonymously. For all we know and there could be a variety of “white hat”, “black hat”, and many shades of “grey hats” all anonymously commingling under a single banner. It all depends on how anonymous Anonymous is to Anonymous.
No. Nazis HATED free market capitalism. They thought it was a Jewish Conspiracy to enslave them, same as Bolshevism.
Nazis wanted a command economy in Europe.
@GW and Steven L: Kevin Coogan’s Dreamer of the Day depicted a post-war far-right underground that was all over the map in terms of the socioeconomic paradigms that desired. So we might expect to see exactly what we see with our contemporary far-right movement: a fascist GOP pushing a Koch-brothers-style “free market”/“privatizing the government”/“pollute the world” form of fascism in the US juxtaposed to the eurozone-style fascism where we find a sort of Frankenstein’s monster of economies at varying degrees between “free markets” and “socialism” cobbled together under an increasingly opaque unelected zone-wide power structure. In both cases we find a fixation on “lowering trade barriers”, “reducing onerous labor regulations”, and various other forms of direct and indirect austerity and I think that’s a key matter what the form of the economic “paradigm”, austerity for the masses appears to be the primary goal.
On a tangential note, the far-right’s clear drive for mass austerity is also why we definitely do not want to allow the far-right’s past proclivities for “eco-fascism” to blind ourselves of the very serious environmental realities. If there’s a single trend that will almost guarantee the jack boot of authoritarian austerity stomping on the face of humanity for a LONG time it’s ongoing climate change and environmental degradation. Since climate change has already potentially passed a tipping point and may not be reversible, it also means we need to start thinking about the most humane forms of non-authoritarian real austerity that humanity can adopt (as opposed to joke reverse-Robin Hood financial austerity). Global eco-collapse is kind of a new thing, at least in recorded history, so some new ideas and paradigms are needed and we can be sure the far-right has plenty of potential future paradigms to suggest. So we had better figure out a fair and workable system that the next few generations would want to voluntarily implement (because, hopefully, it’s a system that’s blatantly fair and workable) because some form of austerity involving vital nature resources is kind of a given at this point for the next century. The “free market” approach is obviously not going to do the trick and neither will authoritarian command economies. Democratically elected and reasonably-regulated societies populated by well-informed and empowered citizens that are seriously about acknowledging and addressing the severe environmental constraints of our own creation seems like a reasonable paradigm. So, fortunately, we don’t have to think too hard about what those new paradigms would be because they’re pretty much the same old paradigms humans have been trying to successfully implement for a long time.
@Claude: Welcome back!
Since it seems like every government and group with serious hacking skills is hacking every other government and group out there you have to wonder what kind of dynamic emerges when vast volumes of state secrets from across the globe are just sort of “out there”, floating around in unknown hands. It looks like an information-based version of M.A.D. could be a part of our future:
“In both FTR #732 and FTR #745, we noted that the Anonymous group might well be thought of as ‘cyber-Wandervogel’–online equivalents of the anarcho/Utopians who ultimately became Nazis.”
One can but wonder what the Anonymous folks think of the Islamic fascist government they helped bring about in Egypt. As we said at the time of the so-called ‘Arab Spring,’ they have been thoroughly had.”
Nailed it right there !
The only thing I could possibly add is I think “they” are already ...
As for Kaspersky — He’s interesting
Otto Strasser was a dissenter against the racial policies of the NSDAP, according to a few sources I’ve seen. That might not mean necessarily that he was in disagreement with the Nazi myth that Jews control the heights of the capitalist order (more accurately just the financial sector–as many Libertarians believe today). Otto Strasser went into exile in Canada in 1942 and was allowed to return to Germany in 1955, where he was somewhat active until his death in 1974. Strasser had an influence on the formation of the so-called “National Bolshevism” of the antisemite Edvard Limonov. Limonov and his close ally, the even more rabid antisemite Vladimir Zhirinovsky, share a love of Great-Russian nationalism but not of Lenin’s Bolshevism, of which they have not the slightest knowledge whatever. According to friends of mine who WERE Bolsheviks visiting Russia during the early Yeltsin era (one of whom was murdered in her bed by some of Yeltsin’s fascist supporters), most of those at that time claiming the “communist” mantle were antisemites.
@GW suggested that communism came from Germany. If that were the case, it would probably be called “Gemeindism” (Gm. Gemeinde “commune”). J Edgar Hoover wrote in his Goebbelsian classic, Masters of Deceit, that communism originated in France, and for once he was right. ‘Communisme’ is a French word that harks back to the Parisian origins of the first urban workers’ movements of consequence in Europe. Communism was introduced to the rest of Europe by the Italian Philippe Buonarroti, who rescued from the Napoleonic counterrevolution the doctrine of François Babeuf and Sylvain Maréchal’s Conspiracy of Equals, in which he was a co-conspirator. Bakhunin and Marx got the basis of their theories from what Buonarroti taught.
The Solidarność overthrow of Stalinist Poland was the work of German banks, with the help of the Vatican and labor-fakering fascists within the AFL-CIO. But the takedown of the economy of the USSR (far from a simple collapse) seems to have been the work of American and Arab Nazis, and perhaps related to the 9/11 attacks, if this scenario is correct (and it seems to make eminent sense):
Oh dear. A sophisticated hacker group has apparently successfully hacked into an unspecified industrial control system using a rather unsophisticated hacking technique: brute force:
Ah, an industrial control system that can be hacked over the internet by brute forcing the password. What could possibly go wrong?
This is a reminder to never use the default passwords. It’s a lesson that’s going to be increasingly important going forward. We don’t want to have a “Stuxnets of things” attack. Really. We don’t.
If you thought the US’s cost-benefit ratio of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline was horrenous before, now consider the fact that the pipeline had better be hacker-proof:
“The explosion caused more than 30,000 barrels of oil to spill in an area above a water aquifer...” Great.