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COMMENT: With the announced withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, we contemplate the events that led to that misadventure.
In a series of programs we are recording, we highlight the vital research of the brilliant, venerable Berkeley researcher Peter Dale Scott, who has chronicled the shocking behavior of elements of our government, covering up the involvement in terrorist incidents of individuals and institutions that, if properly pursued, could have prevented the 9/11 attacks–the event that precipitated our entry into that conflict.
In the trial of Ramzi Yousef, a lay-out of the terror scenario that became the 9/11 attacks was on Yousef’s laptop, yet was never brought to light.
Likewise, the name of Khalid Shaikh Mohamed–dubbed the mastermind of the 9/11 and currently the focal point of ongoing legal proceedings–was all but omitted from Yousef’s trial, despite his participation in the aborted “Operation Bojinka” plot to blow up a number of airliners over the Pacific.
In our series, we note the exclusion of key participants in the murder of extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, which permitted co-conspirators to participate in the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 and Nairobi U.S. Embassy bombings in 1998.
Among the probable motives for these key, deadly omissions is the use of these Al-Qaeda, Muslim-Brotherhood derived terrorist elements as proxy warriors in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya and Uzbekistan.
. . . . In Triple Cross, Peter Lance, who does not mention KSM’s escape from Qatar, focuses instead on the way that, later in the same year, U.S. federal prosecutors kept his name out of the trial of Ramzi Yousef in connection with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing:
“Assistant U.S. Attorneys Mike Garcia and Dietrich Snell presented a riveting, evidence-driven case . . . and characterized the material retrieved from Ramzi’s Toshiba laptop as ‘the most devastating evidence of all. . . .’ . . . While Yousef’s laptop . . . contained the full details of the plot later executed on 9/11, not a word of that scenario was mentioned during trial . . . . Most surprising, during the entire summer-long trial, the name of the fourth Bojinka conspirator, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed . . . . was mentioned by name only once, in reference to a letter found in [Yousef’s apartment] . . . .”
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