Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Anders Breivik and the Third Position

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

COMMENT: Nor­we­gian mass mur­der­er Anders Breivik was loqua­cious in the after­math of his blood bath. He made a point of under­scor­ing his osten­si­ble oppo­si­tion to the “Islam­i­ciza­tion” of Europe and his antipa­thy to the “left­ists” who he said enabled this.

In the wake of this com­men­tary, crit­ics of jihadist activ­i­ty and the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood came were exco­ri­at­ed for feed­ing the flames of the ide­ol­o­gy that Breivik osten­si­bly per­son­i­fied.

His lat­est jail­house man­i­festo casts a very dif­fer­ent light on the motives for his ini­tial pro­nounce­ments.

Breivik now says that his com­ments in the wake of his slaugh­ter were specif­i­cal­ly intend­ed to dis­cred­it “Islam­o­phobes.” Fur­ther­more, he advo­cates alliance between Islamists and Nazis.

Note that in an ear­li­er post, we opined that Breivik and his ilk did not seem to be aware that their actions were actu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial to the Islamists they pro­fessed to oppose.

Breivik brands him­self as a Nazi and voic­es his belief that his com­rades and Islam­ic fas­cists can join forces in bat­tle.

Breivik is a mem­ber of a fas­cist polit­i­cal par­ty that became part of a coali­tion gov­ern­ment in Nor­way for the first time.

His ide­o­log­i­cal pro­nounce­ments dove­tail with the use of Islamist forces by the Under­ground Reich and allied ele­ments of Sau­di and West­ern intel­li­gence ser­vices as proxy war­rior.

Breivik’s state­ment also man­i­fests the Third Posi­tion, a fas­cist con­struct that incor­po­rates tra­di­tion­al fas­cists in alliance with left­ist and Third World ele­ments. 

Two Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Shows detail this ide­ol­o­gy:

M19: “The Fas­cist “Third Posi­tion”, The Far Right and Their Attempt to Co-opt Pro­gres­sive Forces” (7/3/’88)   Side a, Side b, Side c

M21: “The Fas­cist ‘Third Posi­tion’ Part 2″  (7/24/’88)  Side a, Side b

“Nor­way: Mass Mur­der­er Breivik Reveals Him­self a Nazi, Says He Fab­ri­cat­ed His “Man­i­festo” to Destroy Counter-Jihad Move­ment” by Robert Spencer; Jihad Watch; 1/12/2014.

EXCERPT: Although Left­ists and Islam­ic suprema­cists, as well as hard-Left gov­ern­ing and media elites, will con­tin­ue to insist that there is some­thing wrong with oppos­ing jihad ter­ror and Islam­ic suprema­cism because of this mass mur­der­er, and will con­tin­ue to claim that I and oth­ers some­how “inspired” him, it has been clear for quite some time that Breivik was not a counter-jihadist at all, and could not have been and was not incit­ed to vio­lence by the counter-jihad move­ment.

And now he has final­ly admit­ted that his entire “man­i­festo” was intend­ed sole­ly to dis­cred­it the counter-jihad move­ment once he com­mit­ted his mur­ders.

How­ev­er, don’t expect the New York Times, which put me on its front page for this, or the Dai­ly Mail or any of the oth­er media out­lets that blamed the counter-jihad move­ment for his mur­ders to issue retrac­tions and apolo­gies, or to take any notice of this at all: this arti­cle is only in Swedish. No Eng­lish-lan­guage out­lets have picked it up at all.

“Breivik wants to deport ‘dis­loy­al Jews,’ ” a trans­la­tion of the Swedish arti­cle at Expo Idag, Jan­u­ary 10 (thanks to Marc):
The ter­ror­ist Anders Behring Breivik has sent a let­ter to the inter­na­tion­al media. In the let­ter, he describes him­self as a fight­er for the “sur­vival of the Nordic race,” and demands a ter­ri­to­ry for whites in Nor­way.

Anders Behring Breivik has sent out a let­ter to the inter­na­tion­al media that Expo Today has reviewed. He describes the let­ter as a sort of first step in a “peace nego­ti­a­tion” with his polit­i­cal oppo­nents. In the let­ter, Anders Behring Breivik to some extent changes the rhetoric from that which he used in his so-called man­i­festo. He says that he used “counter-jihadist” rhetoric in the man­i­festo to pro­tect “eth­no-nation­al­ists” and instead pro­voke a media cam­paign against the anti-nation­al­ist counter-jihad sup­port­ers. He calls this a strat­e­gy of “dual psy­chol­o­gy.”

Anders Behring Breivik claims that he seeks a “pure Nordic ide­al.” He argues that the “Nordic race” is being erad­i­cat­ed, and wants to form a Nazi par­ty in Nor­way like the Swedes’ Par­ty. He men­tions sev­er­al noto­ri­ous right-wing extrem­ists in Nor­way whom he wants to lead the par­ty, includ­ing Varg Vikernes and Erik Blucher.

“We lost the Euro­pean civ­il war (World War II),” writes Bre­vik, address­ing the nation­al­ists who he believes should endorse his “peace pro­pos­al.”

Breivik also iden­ti­fies him­self as part of “West­ern Europe’s fas­cist move­ment.” For there to be peace, Breivik believes that “nation­al­ists” should be offered South­west­ern Øst­fold in Nor­way to ensure “the sur­vival of native Nor­we­gians and Scan­di­na­vians.” Breivik wants to see sim­i­lar parcels of land dis­trib­uted to whites in sev­er­al Euro­pean coun­tries.
Breivik writes in addi­tion that his love of Israel con­sists only in its future func­tion as a place to deport “dis­loy­al Jews.”
Anders Behring Breivik also writes that he does not think he will sur­vive in prison, where he claims he has been tor­tured.

Fur­ther proof that Breivik was nev­er a counter-jihadist comes from his rec­om­men­da­tion that Euro­peans should make com­mon cause with jihadists: “An alliance with the Jihadists might prove ben­e­fi­cial to both par­ties but will sim­ply be too dan­ger­ous (and might prove to be ide­o­log­i­cal­ly counter-pro­duc­tive). We both share one com­mon goal.”

He even called for mak­ing com­mon cause with Hamas in plot­ting jihad ter­ror: “Approach a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from a Jiha­di Salafi group. Get in con­tact with a Jiha­di straw­man. Present your terms and have him for­ward them to his superiors….Present your offer. They are asked to pro­vide a bio­log­i­cal com­pound man­u­fac­tured by Mus­lim sci­en­tists in the Mid­dle East. Hamas and sev­er­al Jiha­di groups have labs and they have the poten­tial to pro­vide such sub­stances. Their prob­lem is find­ing suit­able mar­tyrs who can pass ‘screen­ings’ in West­ern Europe. This is where we come in. We will smug­gle it in to the EU and dis­trib­ute it at a tar­get of our choos­ing. We must give them assur­ances that we are not to harm any Mus­lims etc.”


2 comments for “Anders Breivik and the Third Position”

  1. Dave,

    I am sor­ry to run off-top­ic (but I feel bet­ter know­ing this place is ded­i­cat­ed to anti-Fas­cism, so I am on top­ic in a way), but there is some­thing I want to draw your atten­tion to. In a few days, there is a book com­ing out titled ‘Hoover’s FBI and the Fourth Estate: The Cam­paign to Con­trol the Press and the Bureau’s Image’ and I think it will be of inter­est to you and oth­er read­ers here (includ­ing myself). Have a look at this URL and let me know what you think and if you’ll want to pick it up: http://www.amazon.com/Hoovers-FBI-Fourth-Estate-Campaign/dp/0700619461/

    Posted by Jay | January 19, 2014, 2:02 pm
  2. Oh how the Uber­men­sch have fall­en: self-pro­claimed ‘human-rights activist’ Anders Breivik is threat­en­ing to go on a hunger strike unless he gets bet­ter video games:

    Mass mur­der­er Breivik to hunger strike for bet­ter video games

    By Pierre-Hen­ry Deshayes (AFP) – 2/14/2014

    Oslo — Nor­we­gian mass mur­der­er Anders Breivik threat­ened to go on hunger strike for bet­ter video games and oth­er perks to alle­vi­ate his “torture”-like prison con­di­tions, in a let­ter received by AFP Fri­day.

    The right-wing extrem­ist — who killed 77 peo­ple in a bomb­ing and shoot­ing ram­page on July 22, 2011 — enclosed a typed list of 12 demands sent to prison author­i­ties in Novem­ber.

    He described as “tor­ture” the con­di­tions in two pris­ons — Ila near Oslo and Skien in south­east Nor­way — where he is serv­ing out a 21-year sen­tence.

    The demands include bet­ter con­di­tions for his dai­ly walk and the right to com­mu­ni­cate more freely with the out­side world, which he argues are in line with Euro­pean rights leg­is­la­tion.

    He also demand­ed the replace­ment of a PlaySta­tion 2 games con­sole for a more recent PS3 “with access to more adult games that I get to choose myself” as well as a sofa or arm­chair instead of a “painful” chair.

    “Oth­er inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less inter­est­ing kids games. One exam­ple is “Ray­man Rev­o­lu­tion”, a game aimed at three year olds,” wrote the 35-year-old con­vict­ed killer.

    Held apart from oth­er pris­on­ers since 2011 for secu­ri­ty rea­sons, Breivik wrote that he has behaved in an “exem­plary fash­ion” in prison, argu­ing that he has the right to a wider “selec­tion of activ­i­ties” than oth­er inmates to com­pen­sate for his strict iso­la­tion.

    Breivik also wants his stan­dard week­ly allowance of 300 kro­ner ($49, 36 euros) to be dou­bled, par­tic­u­lar­ly to cov­er his postal charges for writ­ten cor­re­spon­dence.

    His mail is mon­i­tored and cen­sored by prison author­i­ties which, he com­plained, con­sid­er­ably restricts and slows down his con­tact with the out­side world.

    - ‘In hell’ -

    Oth­er demands include an end to dai­ly phys­i­cal search­es at Ila prison, and access to a PC rather than to a “worth­less type­writer with tech­nol­o­gy dat­ing back to 1873”.

    “You’ve put me in hell ... and I won’t man­age to sur­vive that long. You are killing me,” he wrote to prison author­i­ties in Novem­ber, threat­en­ing a hunger strike and fur­ther right-wing extrem­ist vio­lence.

    “If I die, all of Europe’s right-wing extrem­ists will know exact­ly who it was that tor­tured me to death ... That could have con­se­quences for cer­tain indi­vid­u­als in the short term but also when Nor­way is once again ruled by a facist regime in 13 to 40 years from now,” he warned, call­ing him­self a “polit­i­cal pris­on­er”.

    On July 22, 2011, Breivik killed eight peo­ple in a bomb attack out­side a gov­ern­ment build­ing in the cap­i­tal Oslo and lat­er killed a fur­ther 69, most of them teenagers, when he opened fire at a Labour Youth camp on the island of Utoeya.

    In the let­ter dat­ed Jan­u­ary 29 he said that since there has not been any real improve­ment in his prison con­di­tions, a hunger strike would be “one of the only” options at his dis­pos­al.

    “The hunger strike won’t end until the Min­is­ter of Jus­tice (Anders) Anund­sen and the head of the KDI (the Nor­we­gian Cor­rec­tion­al Ser­vices) stop treat­ing me worse than an ani­mal,” he said, adding that he would “soon” make pub­lic the start­ing date of his protest action.

    Karl Hilles­land, act­ing direc­tor of the prison where is being held, told AFP that no one is cur­rent­ly on hunger strike there.

    - ‘Human rights activist -

    In his let­ter Breivik attacks the Scan­d­in­va­ian media which he accus­es of com­plic­i­ty with the “tor­ture” he is sub­ject­ed to by not report­ing his com­plaints.

    He also refers to him­self as a “human rights activist”:

    “You seem to think that we — all human rights activists who fight for one fun­da­men­tal human right (cul­tur­al self-deter­mi­na­tion) — ... are Nazi mon­sters who should be pushed into sui­cide,” he wrote.

    Breivik’s lawyers announced in Jan­u­ary 2013 that their client had lodged a com­plaint over alleged “aggra­vat­ed tor­ture”.


    If this seems like sur­pris­ing behav­ior from some­one that fan­cies him­self a bold sym­bol of free­dom don’t for­get that this is a guy that took a “sab­bat­i­cal” to play World of World­craft.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 18, 2014, 8:49 am

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