Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Andreas Strassmeier, “John Doe #2” and the Underground Reich: Observations on the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing

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COMMENT: “Just the work of a cou­ple of ‘lone nuts.’ ” That is the unten­able offi­cial ver­sion of the Okla­homa City bomb­ing, the 20th anniver­sary of which is on April 19th of this year. As is the case with so much of recent Amer­i­can his­to­ry, the offi­cial ver­sion of the event obscures the fact that there was much more to this event than we have been told.

The Okla­homa City Bomb­ing is an event fea­tur­ing inves­tiga­tive path­ways lead­ing in a num­ber of direc­tions:

  • Although eye­wit­ness­es saw Tim­o­thy McVeigh in the com­pa­ny of anoth­er man–labeled in com­pos­ite sketch­es of the sus­pect as “John Doe #2”–that per­son has nev­er been for­mal­ly iden­ti­fied and has dropped from pub­lic con­scious­ness.
  • An under­cov­er ATF infor­mant named Car­ol Howe had infil­trat­ed the white-suprema­cist milieu to which McVeigh belonged and main­tained that the actu­al mas­ter­mind of the bomb­ing was Andreas Strass­meier, the son of Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Hel­mut Kohl’s chief of staff Gun­ther Strass­meier. Gun­ther Strass­meier was the archi­tect of Ger­man reuni­fi­ca­tion and the son of one of the char­ter mem­bers of the NSDAP under Hitler. Howe main­tained that Tim­o­thy McVeigh was a pro­tege of Andreas Strass­meier and passed a lie-detec­tor test to which her tes­ti­mo­ny was sub­ject­ed. Andreas Strass­meier was a for­mer Bun­deswehr intel­li­gence offi­cer and the secu­ri­ty direc­tor for Elo­him City, a white-suprema­cist com­pound in Okla­homa run by Robert Mil­lar. At right is a pic­ture of the com­pos­ite sketch­es of “John Doe #2” and pho­tographs of Andreas Strass­meier. The resem­blance is strik­ing.
  • In a report from 5/10/1995, the FBI not­ed that Strass­meier had attempt­ed to pur­chase a sur­plus 747 from Lufthansa. Was this in con­junc­tion with the plan­ning for the 9/11 attacks? A 747 would be of lit­tle use for smug­gling or oth­er clan­des­tine activ­i­ties, in that it requires large land­ing facil­i­ties.
  • McVeigh’s one acknowl­edged accomplice–Terry Nichols–has been placed in the Philip­pines at a meet­ing with plan­ners for the 1993 World Trade Cen­ter attack. One of the atten­dees was Ramzi Yousef, the main archi­tect of the 1993 attacks. Yousef was also plan­ning some­thing called “Oper­a­tion Bojinka”–a plan to blow up a num­ber of air­lin­ers over the Pacif­ic. “Bojin­ka” means “big bang” in Croa­t­ian. It is inter­est­ing and pos­si­bly sig­nif­i­cant that fun­da­men­tal­ist Mus­lim ter­ror­ists and Amer­i­can white suprema­cists would use a Croa­t­ian term for the code-name of a ter­ror oper­a­tion.
  • A 2002 account main­tains that so-called 20th hijack­er Zacarias Mous­saoui was present at a motel that Tim­o­thy McVeigh had pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed. The pos­si­bil­i­ty that the two World Trade Cen­ter attacks and the Okla­homa City bomb­ing may have been exe­cut­ed by an Under­ground Reich Islamist/Nazi milieu is one that has nev­er been prop­er­ly explored.
  • FBI agents prob­ing the 1994 AMIA bomb­ing found that Argen­tine secu­ri­ty offi­cers uti­lized at the oper­a­tional lev­el of the bomb­ing were affil­i­at­ed with Tom Met­zger’s White Aryan Resis­tance, with which Tim­o­thy McVeigh was alleged­ly affil­i­at­ed. (“AMIA Bomb Plot­ters’ Con­nec­tion;” La Nacion; 7/27/1997.)
  • Evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning between the 9/11 attacks, the 1993 World Trade Cen­ter bomb­ing and the Okla­homa City bomb­ing are explored fur­ther in FTR #456.



11 comments for “Andreas Strassmeier, “John Doe #2” and the Underground Reich: Observations on the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing”

  1. First ‚White Aryan Resis­tance has nev­er been a mem­ber­ship orga­ni­za­tion.
    The two con­vic­tions were of RACE MIXERS that I do not deal with.They had Phillipino girl friends.
    Car­ol Howe was a drug dam­age girl look­ing for a thrill.But total­ly un believ­able as a wit­ness.
    Putting my name into it is pure­ly
    fan­ta­cy and false flag.You should stick to the prov­able I HATE METZGER mate­r­i­al with­out going off the reser­va­tion.

    Posted by Tom Metzger | April 19, 2015, 4:50 am
  2. @Tom Met­zger–

    Thanks for pay­ing atten­tion to this web­site.

    Sev­er­al points:

    a) I have altered the phras­ing of my com­ments about peo­ple in White Aryan Resis­tance to “affil­i­at­ed with” rather than “mem­bers of” or “belong­ing to.”

    b) Most of your com­ment con­sists of ad hominem attacks on indi­vid­u­als men­tioned in the post about the Okla­homa City bomb­ing.

    c) I do not “hate Tom Met­zger.” I dis­agree with your polit­i­cal view, how­ev­er I har­bor no per­soal ani­mos­i­ty toward you.


    Dave Emory

    Posted by Dave Emory | April 19, 2015, 4:04 pm
  3. While the inves­ti­ga­tion into the Las Vegas mass mur­der alleged­ly per­pe­trat­ed by Stephen Pad­dock is ongo­ing,
    he appears to have “more con­nec­tions than a switch­board”, a phrase Dave has often used in the past. And the
    con­nec­tions are inter­na­tion­al:

    Ger­many. Leaked pho­tos from Pad­dock­’s hotel room appeared in the Ger­man pub­li­ca­tion Bild. Who sup­plied them?
    Andreas Strass­meier (John Doe #2) was a Ger­man intel­li­gence offi­cer involved with Ter­ry Nichols and Tim­o­thy
    McVeigh in the Okla­homa City bomb­ing. Did Pad­dock have any Ger­man asso­ciates?

    Japan. Pad­dock­’s alleged female com­pan­ion Mar­ilou Dan­ley has been locat­ed by author­i­ties in Tokyo. Why was she
    there when her debit/credit cards were found in the Vegas hotel room?
    Pad­dock worked at one time for Lock­heed Mar­tin an aero­space com­pa­ny involved in a huge bribery scan­dal
    with ten­ta­cles that reached both Ger­many and Japan.

    Phillip­ines. Ms Dan­ley’s place of ori­gin and also the des­ti­na­tion for $100,000 that Pad­dock wired before the shoot­ing.
    Who received this mon­ey? Also Ter­ry Nichols had Fil­ip­ina girlfriends/wives and inter­act­ed with Islam­ic extrem­ists
    when he was in the coun­try.
    And speak­ing of Islam­ic extrem­ist ISIS claims Pad­dock con­vert­ed and car­ried out the mass shoot­ing on its behalf.

    And cer­tain­ly dis­cus­sions involv­ing Japan AND the Phillip­ines lead to the Gold­en Lily loot. Pad­dock has been described
    as a mul­ti-mil­lion­aire, the wealth sup­pos­ed­ly acquired from high roller gam­bling and real estate. Did he have
    finan­cial back­ers?

    Ammo­ni­um nitrate has been found in Pad­dock­’s car, a sub­stance used by Nichols, McVeigh and oth­ers in the Okla­homa

    In light of Dav­e’s recent FTR series revis­it­ing mind con­trol oper­a­tions there are cer­tain­ly more ques­tions than answers
    regard­ing the hor­ri­ble Las Vegas shoot­ing of 600 peo­ple.
    A lone wolf with 42 guns is just the tip of the ice­berg.

    Posted by Dennis | October 3, 2017, 5:32 pm
  4. @ Den­nis–

    Yeah, this one smells fishy alright. I don’t know at this point what to make of any indi­vid­ual point, but there are an awful lot of guns, explo­sives, ammo­ni­um nitrate etc.

    $100,000 over­seas wire trans­fers might have gar­nered scruti­ny, par­tic­u­lar­ly when sent to the Philip­pines, which has a his­to­ry of Islam­ic insur­gency.

    Some­thing to keep in mind, as well, con­cerns the “eclips­ing” of oth­er polit­i­cal events.

    We’re not hear­ing much about any­thing else, includ­ing the “YUUUGE” GOP tax cut bill, which gives just under %80 of the cuts to the top %1 of income earn­ers, rais­es the rate on the low­est tax brack­et by %20, and will RAISE tax­es on many mid­dle-class house­holds.

    I don’t know how much we’ll ever find out, but I find it hard to take this inci­dent at face val­ue.

    Also: keep in mind the over­all desta­bi­liz­ing effect of events like this: peo­ple feel inse­cure, threat­ened, vul­ner­a­ble and are moved to sup­port a “man on the white horse” who promis­es to “do some­thing.”

    Stay Tuned,


    Posted by Dave Emory | October 3, 2017, 7:41 pm
  5. @Dennis–

    I am far from draw­ing any con­clu­sions about what hap­pened in Las Vegas, but a state­ment from the the coun­try sher­riff goes to the heart of what appeared to me to “smell” about this–he had “assis­tance”:

    Just too much going on for one indi­vid­ual.

    Was he part of some para­mil­i­tary fas­cist group? Was he hooked up with some­one else?

    How about all his trav­els? How about all of Ms. Dan­ley’s trav­els?

    Note in this gen­er­al con­text that–in the mid-1980’s–it emerged that Nazi/white suprema­cist groups were incor­po­rat­ing mind-con­trol tech­niques into their method­olog­i­cal arse­nal.

    Again, I’m a long way from arriv­ing at a con­clu­sion, but there is more to this than has emerged so far.

    Stay Tuned,


    Posted by Dave Emory | October 5, 2017, 1:09 pm
  6. Regard­ing the motive behind Stephen Pad­dock, it’s worth not­ing that he was pre­scribed diazepam, an anti-anx­i­ety drug known to poten­tial­ly lead to aggres­sive behav­ior, this June and also at some point last year:

    Las Vegas Review-Jour­nal

    Las Vegas Strip shoot­er pre­scribed anti-anx­i­ety drug in June

    By Paul Harasim
    Octo­ber 3, 2017 — 9:00 pm

    Updat­ed Octo­ber 4, 2017 — 10:00 am

    Stephen Pad­dock, who killed at least 58 peo­ple and wound­ed hun­dreds more in Las Vegas on Sun­day with high-pow­ered rifles, was pre­scribed an anti-anx­i­ety drug in June that can lead to aggres­sive behav­ior, the Las Vegas Review-Jour­nal has learned.

    Records from the Neva­da Pre­scrip­tion Mon­i­tor­ing Pro­gram obtained Tues­day show Pad­dock was pre­scribed 50 10-mil­ligram diazepam tablets by Hen­der­son physi­cian Dr. Steven Win­kler on June 21.

    A woman who answered the phone at Winkler’s office would not make him avail­able to answer ques­tions and would nei­ther con­firm nor deny that Pad­dock was ever a patient.

    Pad­dock pur­chased the drug — its brand name is Val­i­um — with­out insur­ance at a Wal­greens store in Reno on the same day it was pre­scribed. He was sup­posed to take one pill a day.

    Diazepam is a seda­tive-hyp­not­ic drug in the class of drugs known as ben­zo­di­azepines, which stud­ies have shown can trig­ger aggres­sive behav­ior. Chron­ic use or abuse of seda­tives such as diazepam can also trig­ger psy­chot­ic expe­ri­ences, accord­ing to drugabuse.com.

    ‘They can become aggres­sive’

    “If some­body has an under­ly­ing aggres­sion prob­lem and you sedate them with that drug, they can become aggres­sive,” said Dr. Mel Pohl, chief med­ical offi­cer of the Las Vegas Recov­ery Cen­ter. “It can dis­in­hib­it an under­ly­ing emo­tion­al state. … It is much like what hap­pens when you give alco­hol to some peo­ple … they become aggres­sive instead of going to sleep.”

    Pohl, who spoke to the Review-Jour­nal from the Nether­lands, said the effects of the drug also can be mag­ni­fied by alco­hol.

    A 2015 study pub­lished in World Psy­chi­a­try of 960 Finnish adults and teens con­vict­ed of homi­cide showed that their odds of killing were 45 per­cent high­er dur­ing time peri­ods when they were on ben­zo­di­azepines.

    A year ear­li­er, the Aus­tralian and New Zealand Jour­nal of Psy­chi­a­try pub­lished a study titled, “Ben­zo­di­azepine Use and Aggres­sive Behav­ior.” The authors wrote: “It appears that ben­zo­di­azepine use is mod­er­ate­ly asso­ci­at­ed with sub­se­quent aggres­sive behav­ior.”

    Dr. Michael First, a clin­i­cal psy­chi­a­try pro­fes­sor at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and expert on ben­zo­di­azepines, said the Finnish study speaks for itself. But he also told the Review-Jour­nal on Tues­day that he believes the drugs would be more like­ly to fuel impul­sive aggres­sion than pre­med­i­tat­ed behav­ior.

    “What this man in Las Vegas did was very planned,” he not­ed, refer­ring to reports that Pad­dock sneaked an arse­nal of weapons into the Man­dalay Bay and placed cam­eras inside and out­side his room before launch­ing his attack.

    Why was it pre­scribed?

    First said it would be impor­tant to dis­cov­er why Pad­dock was pre­scribed the drug.

    “That may have more to do with why he did what he did,” First said.

    The Neva­da state mon­i­tor­ing report also not­ed that Win­kler pre­scribed 50 10-mil­ligram tablets of diazepam to Pad­dock in 2016. He also filled that pre­scrip­tion the day it was writ­ten, this time at Ever­green Drugs in Hen­der­son. It was for two tablets a day.

    Ques­tions have long swirled around whether psy­chi­atric drugs are linked to mass school shoot­ings in the Unit­ed States, though researchers have yet to find a defin­i­tive con­nec­tions, despite sev­er­al stud­ies.

    Crit­ics of unsci­en­tif­ic link­age in the news media and on social media between psy­chi­atric drugs and vio­lence say it stig­ma­tizes those who ben­e­fit from their use. That, in turn, can make peo­ple quit using med­ica­tions that can actu­al­ly be life­savers, they say.



    “Las Vegas Strip shoot­er pre­scribed anti-anx­i­ety drug in June” by Paul Harasim; Las Vegas Review-Jour­nal; 10/03/2017

    ““If some­body has an under­ly­ing aggres­sion prob­lem and you sedate them with that drug, they can become aggres­sive,” said Dr. Mel Pohl, chief med­ical offi­cer of the Las Vegas Recov­ery Cen­ter. “It can dis­in­hib­it an under­ly­ing emo­tion­al state. … It is much like what hap­pens when you give alco­hol to some peo­ple … they become aggres­sive instead of going to sleep.””

    So that’s poten­tial­ly a fac­tor in this, which makes the tim­ing of the 2016 pre­scrip­tion poten­tial­ly reveal­ing because it appears that Pad­dock began rapid­ly acquir­ing weapons in Octo­ber of 2016.

    It’s also worth not­ing that inves­ti­ga­tors appear to have con­clud­ed that Pad­dock was not actu­al­ly plan­ning on com­mit­ting sui­cide in the hotel room and was search­ing for ways to escape. And giv­en the scale of the plot inves­ti­ga­tors appear to be assum­ing at this point that he had help in some form or anoth­er:


    Vegas Shoot­er Stephen Pad­dock Planned To Escape But Shot Him­self as SWAT Team Moved In

    By Jack Moore
    On 10/5/17 at 10:01 AM

    Las Vegas shoot­er Stephen Pad­dock had planned to escape from his 32nd floor room at the Man­dalay Bay hotel—but decid­ed to leave a note and com­mit sui­cide as SWAT police closed in, accord­ing to police.

    Pad­dock filled his room with an arse­nal of 23 guns, aid­ed with scopes and “bump-stocks” to pro­long his attack. He killed 58 con­cert­go­ers at the Route 91 Har­vest fes­ti­val and injured more than 500.

    The retired accoun­tant was found dead at the scene when police stormed his room. The author­i­ties have not revealed the con­tent of the note nor how Pad­dock planned to make his escape or where to—but con­firmed that it was not a sui­cide note, how­ev­er.

    “He was doing every­thing pos­si­ble to see how he could escape at this point,” Clark Coun­ty Sher­iff Joseph Lom­bar­do said.

    Police found 50 pounds of explo­sives and hun­dreds of rounds of ammu­ni­tion in his car at the hotel. They also said that Pad­dock had rent­ed a hotel room over anoth­er music fes­ti­val a week ear­li­er but did not dis­lose the details.

    Author­i­ties are still try­ing to piece togeth­er why Pad­dock car­ried out the worst shoot­ing in U.S. his­to­ry. The Islam­ic State mil­i­tant group (ISIS) claimed respon­si­bil­i­ty for the attack, but experts and offi­cials have cast doubt on their claim. The FBI said it had found “no con­nec­tion” between the shoot­er and an extrem­ist group.

    But police have point­ed to the pos­si­bil­i­ty that he had some help with the attack.

    “What we know is Pad­dock is a man who spent decades acquir­ing guns and ammo, and liv­ing a secret life,” Lom­bar­do said. “Any­thing that would indi­cate this indi­vid­ual trig­ger point, which would cause him to inflict this harm, we’re not there yet.”

    They say that an 11-month peri­od between Octo­ber 2016 and Sep­tem­ber 2017 is one of inter­est because it is when he pur­chased most of his guns, indi­cat­ing a change of think­ing. He bought 33 weapons, the major­i­ty of them rifles, in that time.

    “Do you think this was all accom­plished on his own? You’ve got to make the assump­tion he had to have some help at some point,” Lom­bar­do said.

    Police are yet to iden­ti­fy any accom­plices of Pad­dock, who ini­tial­ly believed that he had act­ed on his own.

    Pad­dock was a gam­bler who liked to spend his mon­ey on online pok­er. But his fam­i­ly and his 62-year-old girl­friend Mar­ilou Dan­ley said there were no warn­ing signs that he would com­mit such an atroc­i­ty.

    “He nev­er said any­thing to me or took any action that I was aware of that I under­stood in any way to be a warn­ing that some­thing hor­ri­ble like this was going to hap­pen,” Dan­ley said in a state­ment read from the FBI head­quar­ters by her lawyer after she had returned from the Philip­pines.

    Dan­ley’s sis­ters say that she was “sent away” to the Philip­pines by Pad­dock, who had wired $100,000 to the coun­try before the mas­sacre, which author­i­ties believe was intend­ed for her. The girl­friend of Pad­dock is an Aus­tralian nation­al and lived with him in Mesquite, Neva­da. She has not been charged with any crim­i­nal offense and is not believed to be a sus­pect in the case.


    “Vegas Shoot­er Stephen Pad­dock Planned To Escape But Shot Him­self as SWAT Team Moved In” by Jack Moore; Newsweek; 10/05/17

    ““Do you think this was all accom­plished on his own? You’ve got to make the assump­tion he had to have some help at some point,” Lom­bar­do said.”

    It does seem like a rea­son­able assump­tion that he had some sort of help, although so far every­thing we know about his scheme is the kind of thing that one indi­vid­ual could car­ry­ing out on their own.

    But anoth­er intrigu­ing pos­si­bil­i­ty raised by the obser­va­tion that he appar­ent­ly want­ed to escape that hotel room is the pos­si­bil­i­ty that he actu­al­ly want­ed to make it on to the FBI’s top 10 list. Just like his dad. Com­mit­ting an act of mass mur­der from a hotel room you booked under your own name and get­ting away would be a pret­ty effec­tive way to get on the FBI’s top 10 list.

    Along those lines, there was anoth­er report about Pad­dock rent­ing rooms in Chica­go back in August at Chicago’s Black­stone Hotel over­look­ing the Lol­la­palooza. He nev­er showed up for his reser­va­tion. But Chica­go was a city with quite a bit of his­to­ry for his fam­i­ly since that’s where his bank rob­ber began his life of crime. So if the motive for this mass mur­der was pri­mar­i­ly per­son­al it would kind of make sense, in a twist­ed way, for him to tar­get Chica­go:

    Chica­go Sun Times

    Father of Las Vegas shoot­er start­ed life of crime in Chica­go

    Chica­go 10/03/2017, 09:32pm

    Las Vegas shoot­er Stephen Paddock’s father was born in Wis­con­sin, but Chica­go is where he spent his for­ma­tive years on the way to life as a con man, records show.

    Ben­jamin Pad­dock was born in 1926 in She­boy­gan, Wis­con­sin, and his par­ents set­tled with him in Chica­go by 1940, accord­ing to his­to­ri­an Travis Gross, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the She­boy­gan Coun­ty His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety.

    The fam­i­ly bounced around a few Chica­go apart­ments, and Ben­jamin Pad­dock attend­ed high school in the city, though it’s unclear whether he grad­u­at­ed.

    “He did most of his grow­ing up in Chica­go,” Gross said.

    News­pa­per clip­pings indi­cate Ben­jamin Pad­dock start­ed a life of crime in Chica­go dur­ing his late teens. A 1946 arti­cle in the Chica­go Dai­ly Tri­bune described him as a for­mer mer­chant marine sea­man liv­ing on the North­west Side, who admit­ted to steal­ing 12 cars by using stolen U.S. Army sta­tionery to acquire bills of sale, and then sell­ing the vehi­cles for $1,200 each.

    That land­ed Ben­jamin Pad­dock in the Illi­nois State Pen­i­ten­tiary, bet­ter known as the old Joli­et prison, in his first of two stints dur­ing the 1950s. He also served time for con­spir­ing to pass false checks.

    He was impris­oned when his son Stephen Pad­dock — who would go on to car­ry out the dead­liest mass shoot­ing in mod­ern U.S. his­to­ry — was born in Iowa in 1953.

    Stephen’s broth­er, Eric Pad­dock, has said that their father was not around much, though they moved with him to the Phoenix area, after his sec­ond release from prison.

    That’s where the eldest Pad­dock com­mit­ted a string of bank rob­beries. He was arrest­ed in Las Vegas after try­ing to run down an FBI agent with his car in 1960, Gross said.

    He escaped from a fed­er­al prison in Texas in 1968, putting him on the FBI’s “Ten Most Want­ed” list, which said he was “diag­nosed as psy­cho­path­ic.”

    Ben­jamin Pad­dock took on an assumed name and moved to Ore­gon, where author­i­ties tracked him down in 1978. After being paroled for the escape, he was charged with rack­e­teer­ing in 1987 for an ille­gal bin­go oper­a­tion in Ore­gon.



    “Father of Las Vegas shoot­er start­ed life of crime in Chica­go; Chica­go Sun Times; 10/03/2017

    “That land­ed Ben­jamin Pad­dock in the Illi­nois State Pen­i­ten­tiary, bet­ter known as the old Joli­et prison, in his first of two stints dur­ing the 1950s. He also served time for con­spir­ing to pass false checks.”

    And it while while Ben­jamin Pad­dock was serv­ing time in that prison that Stephen Pad­dock was born. So who knows, maybe the guy was warped by his fam­i­ly back­ground and that was at least one fac­tor in his motive. Although it cer­tain­ly would­n’t rule out him hav­ing addi­tion­al motives involv­ing pol­i­tics or ide­ol­o­gy or some­thing along those lines.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | October 5, 2017, 2:03 pm
  7. Here’s anoth­er twist in the Las Vegas attack: A 21 year old woman who was at the Route 91 Har­vest con­cert in Las Vegas was inter­viewed telling reporters that she wit­nessed a woman and a male com­pan­ion make their way to the front row of the con­cert about 45 min­utes before the shoot­ing, The woman was act­ing weird and then yelled out to the crowd “You’re all going to f***ing die.” This wit­ness then claims the woman and her com­pan­ion were escort­ed out by secu­ri­ty.

    It will be inter­est­ing to see if there are any oth­er wit­ness­es that can cor­rob­o­rate that but it’s quite a coin­ci­dence:

    The Inde­pen­dent

    Las Vegas shoot­ing: Woman told crowd ‘you’re all going to f***ing die’ before attack start­ed

    The mys­tery woman was alleged­ly ‘act­ing crazy’ and telling peo­ple ‘you’re all going to f***ing die’, 45 min­utes before the shoot­ing start­ed

    Adam Lush­er
    Mon­day, Octo­ber 2, 2017 12:54 BST

    Con­cert goers were told “You’re all going to f***ing die” less than an hour before the Las Vegas shoot­ing start­ed, it has been claimed.

    A woman in the crowd is said to have yelled the warn­ing about 45 min­utes before the Route 91 Har­vest fes­ti­val became the venue for the worst mass shoot­ing in US his­to­ry..

    After her out­burst, it was claimed, the woman and her male com­pan­ion were made to leave the venue by secu­ri­ty.

    Less than an hour lat­er, an attack began that left at least 50 peo­ple dead.

    Wit­ness Bri­an­na Hen­dricks, said the woman had been behav­ing strange­ly before her out­burst.

    Ms Hen­dricks, who had been in Vegas to cel­e­brate her 21st birth­day, told Mail Online: “There was a lady who came run­ning up behind us in the con­cert and she start­ed to play with peo­ple’s hair, act­ing crazy, and she told us that we’re all going to f***ing die.

    “She said they’re all around us and we were going to die.”

    Ms Hen­dricks said the woman had claimed her boyfriend could not breathe in order to push her way through the crowd to the front row.

    She said: “It seemed she was telling us to either warn us, or she was part of it and she was telling us because she knew we were going to die. It was so scary.

    “It felt like she had knowl­edge of what was about to hap­pen.”

    Ms Hen­dricks returned to the Man­dalay hotel about 15 min­utes before the shoot­ing, and wit­nessed the sub­se­quent car­nage from her hotel room.

    “It makes me feel uncom­fort­able,” said Ms Hen­dricks. “I thought it [the woman’s warn­ing] had a cor­re­la­tion [to the shoot­ing].”

    She described the woman who gave the warn­ing as “His­pan­ic, prob­a­bly about 5ft 5, [with] brown hair”, and said the woman’s boyfriend was also His­pan­ic.

    The author­i­ties have yet to com­ment on whether the woman’s warn­ing was just a bizarre coin­ci­dence, or whether it actu­al­ly did have some­thing to do with the mass shoot­ing.

    After the sus­pect­ed gun­man Stephen Pad­dock, a 64-year-old white man, was con­firmed dead, police said they had also locat­ed a woman con­nect­ed with him, Mar­ilou Dan­ley.


    Clark Coun­ty Sher­iff Joseph Lom­bar­do lat­er revealed that Ms Dan­ley was in fact out of the coun­try and was not believed to have been involved in the shoot­ing.

    He told reporters: “We have locat­ed her out of the coun­try. She was not with him [Pad­dock] when he checked in [to his Man­dalay Bay hotel room]. We have dis­cov­ered he was using some of her iden­ti­fi­ca­tion.

    “We have had con­ver­sa­tion with her, and we believe her at this time not to be involved.”


    “Las Vegas shoot­ing: Woman told crowd ‘you’re all going to f***ing die’ before attack start­ed” by Adam Lush­er; The Inde­pen­dent; 10/02/2017

    “She said they’re all around us and we were going to die.”

    Yeah, that’s cer­tain­ly omi­nous if it actu­al­ly hap­pened.

    And note that the mys­tery woman and her com­pan­ion were both described as His­pan­ic:

    She described the woman who gave the warn­ing as “His­pan­ic, prob­a­bly about 5ft 5, [with] brown hair”, and said the woman’s boyfriend was also His­pan­ic.

    The author­i­ties have yet to com­ment on whether the woman’s warn­ing was just a bizarre coin­ci­dence, or whether it actu­al­ly did have some­thing to do with the mass shoot­ing.

    Con­sid­er­ing that Pad­dock­’s girl­friend was Fil­ipino and he sent her off the the Philip­pines and wired $100,000 to her two weeks before the attack, it’s worth keep­ing in mind that it would­n’t be sur­pris­ing if two Fil­ipino indi­vid­u­als were misiden­ti­fied as His­pan­ic. Might there be more to Pad­dock­’s con­nec­tions to the Philip­pines that tie into this case?

    All in all, you have to won­der if this wit­ness account is part of why Las Vegas police sug­gest­ed that Pad­dock may have had help. Yes, it’s unclear how these two mys­tery peo­ple would have helped Pad­dock in his plans by shour­ing “you’re all going to f****ing die!” before the attack. But giv­en the lack any mes­sage to the world explain­ing why he did it and no obvi­ous motive, if these two mys­tery peo­ple real­ly did what is claimed it’s at least con­sis­tent with that theme of doing some­thing that makes no obvi­ous sense. In oth­er words, it makes sense that it would­n’t make sense giv­en the inex­plic­a­ble nature of the attack thus far.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | October 5, 2017, 7:24 pm
  8. @ Dave-

    Fri­day Oct 6 2017: A Las Vegas under sher­iff just con­clud­ed a scrum with reporters in which he stat­ed the hotel secu­ri­ty
    guard was dis­patched to Pad­dock­’s room because an open door was detect­ed. When he arrived he was shot and this occurred
    AFTER the gun­fire on the con­cert crowd. This same law enforce­ment spokesman said they are con­fi­dent there was not anoth­er
    shoot­er in the room but have not ruled out some kind of assis­tance was pro­vid­ed to Pad­dock.

    Offi­cial denials of mul­ti­ple shoot­ers is of course com­mon in events of this nature. It does­n’t mean there was­n’t anoth­er
    per­son in the room who bolt­ed i.e. why was the door ajar?

    Reporters asked about “200 cruise vaca­tions” Pad­dock took to EUROPE and the MIDDLE East! The spokesman said he had no
    infor­ma­tion at this point on that sub­ject.

    The FBI have fol­lowed up 1000 tips and learned noth­ing sub­stan­tial about Pad­dock the under sher­iff stat­ed.

    Posted by Dennis | October 6, 2017, 12:55 pm
  9. @Dennis, Pter­rafractyl–

    A trust­ed com­men­ta­tor had some obser­va­tions about var­i­ous recent sto­ries, includ­ing Vegas.

    I reprint them here with a cou­ple of qual­i­fiers:

    First the com­ment:
    “Vari­ety of top­ics to touch on briefly… also keep an eye on the Rick Pitino/Adidas scan­dal! Got some sol­id stuff I will edit down and send. Great sto­ry with ten­ta­cles every­where…

    That hard left Hugo guy who emails you occa­sion­al­ly men­tioned that you were on a list from the Ger­man Mar­shall Fund of “Russ­ian moles”. I did the search­es through their por­tal, but can find noth­ing. No idea where he got that from, guy may be nuts. He men­tioned an arti­cle he was attacked in, which was true. How­ev­er, what I found inter­est­ing about the arti­cle is who is part of the GMF’s project to attack any dis­sent from the line on Rus­sia. Sor­ry if I’m late on this one, I’m behind on shows as is so often the case… The Hoft quot­ed is “Dim” Jim Hoft of Gate­way Pun­dit, who DOES bite on all kinds of Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da if it favors Trump. Quot­ing him is not intend­ed as a defense of him… He is right about the Alliance, though.


    …The Alliance for Secur­ing Democracy’s advi­so­ry coun­cil includes “sev­er­al #Nev­erTrumpers and far left hacks,” Hoft said. He list­ed Pres­i­dent George W. Bush’s direc­tor of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, Michael Chertoff; Bill Kris­tol, edi­tor of the con­ser­v­a­tive Week­ly Stan­dard and for­mer senior offi­cial in the George H.W. Bush admin­is­tra­tion; Michael Morell, for­mer act­ing direc­tor of the CIA; for­mer U.S. ambas­sador to Moscow Mike McFaul; Hillary Clinton’s senior pol­i­cy advis­er Jake Sul­li­van, and Pres­i­dent Obama’s chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer Nicole Wong.
    Oth­ers on the pan­el include the for­mer Repub­li­can chair­man of the House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee, Mike Rogers of Michi­gan; Adm. Jim Stavridis, for­mer com­man­der of the U.S. Euro­pean Com­mand, and David Kramer, a senior fel­low in the human rights and diplo­ma­cy pro­gram at Flori­da Inter­na­tion­al University’s Steven J. Green School of Inter­na­tion­al and Pub­lic Affairs.

    NOTE: Saw the email about the “mir­a­cles at Med­ju­gor­je”. While I have seen noth­ing that indi­cates use of mind con­trol tech­nol­o­gy, it is an inter­est­ing sto­ry. Pope Fran­cis has been skep­ti­cal of the “ongo­ing visions” that account for much of the tourist ($) inter­est in the town. It was also a hot spot dur­ing the Balkan Wars and is con­sid­ered a point of pride for Croa­t­ian nation­al­ists. I have a few crit­i­cisms of this Pope, but on this top­ic, I appre­ci­ate his take and sense of humor.


    …Asked by jour­nal­ists about the alleged appear­ance of the Vir­gin Mary at Med­ju­gor­je, Pope Fran­cis said the orig­i­nal appari­tions more than three decades ago deserve fur­ther study, but voiced doubt in the sup­posed ongo­ing visions.
    He stressed the need to dis­tin­guish between the two sets of appari­tions, ref­er­enc­ing a report sub­mit­ted to the Vatican’s Con­gre­ga­tion for the Doc­trine of the Faith by a com­mis­sion set up to study the appari­tions by Bene­dict XVI in 2010.
    “The first appari­tions, which were to chil­dren, the report more or less says that these need to con­tin­ue being stud­ied,” he said, but as for “pre­sumed cur­rent appari­tions, the report has its doubts.”
    “I per­son­al­ly am more sus­pi­cious, I pre­fer the Madon­na as Moth­er, our Moth­er, and not a woman who’s the head of an office, who every day sends a mes­sage at a cer­tain hour. This is not the Moth­er of Jesus. And these pre­sumed appari­tions don’t have a lot of val­ue.”
    He clar­i­fied that this is his “per­son­al opin­ion,” but added that the Madon­na does not func­tion by say­ing, “Come tomor­row at this time, and I will give a mes­sage to those peo­ple.”
    While pope, Bene­dict XVI estab­lished a com­mis­sion head­ed by Car­di­nal Camil­lo Rui­ni to study the top­ic in fur­ther detail.

    NOTE: How­ev­er, Pope Fran­cis is get­ting push­back from one man in par­tic­u­lar… Hen­rik Hoz­er, who was appoint­ed Bish­op of War­saw by Pope Bene­dict. Fran­cis appoint­ed him to head the inves­ti­ga­tion into Med­ju­gor­je. Prob­a­bly a bad move…


    …We here at Rorate rarely laud Fran­cis. How­ev­er, he has been con­sis­tent, and we have con­sis­tent­ly laud­ed him, for his numer­ous dis­missals, and out­right mochary, of the Med­ju­gor­je hoax.
    But one man is open­ly, and pur­pose­ly, con­tra­dict­ing Pope Bergoglio.
    Arch­bish­op Hen­ryk Hoser was appoint­ed to sim­ply inves­ti­gate whether “pas­toral prac­tices” were being prop­er­ly han­dled at Med­ju­gor­je. How­ev­er, he has tak­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty, accord­ing to Poland’s Catholic Infor­ma­tion Agency, to him­self declare the hoax is real and pre­dict that it will be approved, and pos­si­bly as ear­ly as this year.

    This must infu­ri­ate Fran­cis. Why? Because it was only back in May that Fran­cis, for all intents and pur­pos­es, closed the door on the hoax that fools 2.5 mil­lion igno­rant Catholics a year. And Arch­bish­op Hoser knows this — it was said on the Papal Plane and wide­ly report­ed:
    …Now, if Fran­cis does­n’t shut down the Hoser Hoax, and actu­al­ly does flip flop and “approve” the evil stem­ming from Med­ju­gor­je, what are seri­ous Catholics to do? Accord­ing to Bene­dict XVI: “It is pos­si­ble to refuse to accept such rev­e­la­tions and to turn from them, as long as one does so with prop­er mod­esty, for good rea­sons, and with­out the inten­tion of set­ting him­self up as a supe­ri­or.

    Whether it’s con­se­crat­ed reli­gious dis­obey­ing their supe­ri­ors, fake seers get­ting rich off the fake appari­tions, fake appari­tions say­ing fake reli­gions are equal to Catholi­cism, and so on and so on, seri­ous Catholics can mod­est­ly, and with very good rea­son, agree with Fran­cis, even if they’re approved.

    NOTE: Speak­ing of the Pope… He had an inter­est­ing guest recent­ly. Prob­a­bly my favorite part of this arti­cle is the bizarre pic­ture of these major lead­ers of two of the world’s most uptight reli­gions pos­ing in front of a paint­ing of two naked peo­ple in embrace embossed over a zodi­ac chart! Worth click­ing on for a peek…


    Pope Fran­cis received the Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the Mus­lim World League Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, who is cur­rent­ly vis­it­ing the Vat­i­can.
    Dur­ing the meet­ing, both exchanged views on a num­ber of issues of com­mon inter­est, which are in the inter­est of peace and glob­al har­mo­ny, and “coop­er­a­tion in issues of peace, coex­is­tence and the spread of love”.

    For his part, the Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the Mus­lim World League expressed appre­ci­a­tion of the Mus­lim world for the pope’s fair posi­tions on the false claims that link extrem­ism and vio­lence to Islam, and that these acts have noth­ing to do with Islam and that in all reli­gions, some fol­low­ers have extrem­ism.

    NOTE: Saw Ptera’s post about the Cata­lan seces­sion move­ment. No sur­prise that the Rus­sians and oth­ers would have strong opin­ions and inter­ests. I also find it inter­est­ing that the seces­sion is being sup­port­ed by both the fas­cist Ital­ian Liga Nord and the left Scot­tish seces­sion­ists of Nico­la Stur­geon. Stur­geon is an inter­est­ing char­ac­ter, and worth keep­ing an eye on. The UNPO is sup­port­ing them as well. All that being said, Ptera, while I agree with your com­ment that Barcelona is not finan­cial­ly oppressed at the moment, the Span­ish attack on Cata­lan cul­ture, lan­guage, econ­o­my, and EVERYTHING Cat­alon­ian, insep­a­ra­ble from the rest of Franco’s fas­cist pro­gram, is a liv­ing mem­o­ry for a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the Cata­lan pop­u­la­tion. Spain has only been free of Fran­co for 40 years! And the right-wing par­ties run­ning Spain are large­ly direct polit­i­cal descen­dants of Fran­co, as Dave has doc­u­ment­ed over the years. I gen­er­al­ly don’t find myself back­ing many nation­al­ist seces­sion move­ments, but it is very hard to blame Cat­alo­ni­ans for want­i­ng to secede from Spain. Keep in mind that they are in a sit­u­a­tion sim­i­lar to North­ern Cal­i­for­nia: pro­duc­ing more GDP and tax rev­enue than oth­er Span­ish provinces… while hav­ing a lib­er­al cul­ture that is hat­ed by rev­enue-suck­ing right-wing provinces, who blast them as “com­mie fags suck­ing down enti­tle­ments”… while the right-wing provinces suck down enti­tle­ments. Sound famil­iar? Very com­pli­cat­ed sit­u­a­tion.

    Next up, I found this arti­cle “7 Trump Poli­cies Lib­er­als Like” worth a read. I send this NOT as a defense of Trump, who is not worth defend­ing, but as a knock on the rest of the GOP. Also, I would not say that Trump’s red her­ring bomb­ing of Syr­ia was a pol­i­cy that “lib­er­als liked”, oth­er than the most sold-out CIA lib­er­als or just plain low infor­ma­tion folks. But the rest of them are indeed lib­er­al poli­cies advo­cat­ed, at least on the sur­face, by Trump. And the only thing stand­ing in the way is the hor­rif­ic GOP con­gress! I like to keep sto­ries like this around when I start hear­ing fawn­ing bull­shit from the CIA lib­er­al media about that “coura­geous John McCain”, “sta­ble, reli­able Paul Ryan”, “grown-up, respon­si­ble Lind­say Gra­ham”, etc. They are all a bunch of fuck­heads and don’t you for­get it! Trump did not come from a vac­u­um, and the GOP must be forced to own him every step of the way.


    OK… time to address the ele­phant in the liv­ing room… Las Vegas.

    Items I find inter­est­ing:

    -Lock­heed con­nec­tion, work­ing as finan­cial audi­tor in the 80s. Who the hell was this guy? Even for a gam­bling addict, Paddock’s lifestyle was very odd. Mov­ing around a lot, but not real­ly doing much oth­er than hang­ing out in casi­nos? You live in Neva­da, how much trav­el­ing around the world to gam­ble do you need to do? I’m used to high rollers going TO Neva­da, not going away FROM Neva­da. That seems weird in itself. Was he mob? Mixed up in covert ops?

    -His broth­er. Haven’t looked into him much, but I am sus­pi­cious. His sto­ry has con­tra­dict­ed itself, it seems. He tries to put dis­tance between them… yet he was a part­ner in his brother’s busi­ness!

    -The girlfriend/Phillipines con­nec­tion. Hotbed of Abu Sayyaf and oth­er ter­ror groups. The most baf­fling part of the whole thing is how the FBI wait­ed until she got back to talk to her! Hel­lo? While there was a moment when they seemed unsure if she was in Japan or the Phillip­ines, that was inex­cus­able, and I saw no media crit­i­cism of it! We have long­stand­ing rela­tions between mil­i­tary, law enforce­ment, and intel­li­gence at every lev­el with both Japan and the Phillip­ines. We should have been able to find her with­in 24 hours and had an FBI team grilling her ass. Biggest mass shoot­ing in Amer­i­can his­to­ry and we let this woman enjoy the rest of her trip? And NO media calls it out? Fuck­ing sus­pi­cious…

    -The plan­ning. This was an elab­o­rate, com­plex plan, exe­cut­ed effec­tive­ly unfor­tu­nate­ly. Does it strike you as the work of the “men­tal­ly ill”?
    ‑ISIS con­nec­tion? ISIS is claim­ing this hard and not back­ing down. I found it odd that the feds were say­ing “no known ter­ror con­nec­tion” and dis­miss­ing it with­in hours of the inci­dent… BEFORE they even looked at the guy’s hard dri­ves or oth­er per­son­al stuff! The social media reac­tion to these inci­dents is so pre­dictable: the Left freaks out and says “see? Old white men are the biggest ter­ror threats… we need to give the fas­cist Trump admin a monop­oly on guns and let every Mus­lim in to the coun­try!” The right starts push­ing con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries like “the guy was a Hillary sup­port­er and wore a pussy hat to an anti-Trump ral­ly!” Wrong guy. They also went after the girlfriend’s ex-hus­band based on inter­net rumors. Wrong guy. The right wing “false flag” crowd is off and run­ning as well, claim­ing that the “police let the shoot­er shoot for an hour”. Bull­shit, the whole thing went down in about 10 min­utes by most accounts. Both sides wait and hold their breath “I sure hope this was a Mus­lim!” or “I sure hope this is an old white con­ser­v­a­tive!” As some­one who has spent the bet­ter part of a decade and a half research­ing jihad, the Far Right, and the inter­sec­tion of the two, I have NO skin in this game. I sim­ply sit back and wait for facts to accu­mu­late.

    And, yes, this IS a case where the Russ­ian bots are out in force on BOTH sides, look­ing to stir up Amer­i­cans against each oth­er in retal­i­a­tion for OUR efforts to divide Rus­sia. Won­der­ful!

    I don’t live in a world­view where it is “shock­ing” to con­sid­er (and don’t get me wrong, I am still in “con­sid­er” mode and not assum­ing this was jihad) that an old white Amer­i­can man could con­vert to Islam. Islam is not about race. It is not about age. It is not about being from this place or that place. It is about unend­ing war on the Non­be­liev­er (infi­del), and the strict divi­sion of the world into Dar al Harb (House of War) and Dar al Islam (House of Sur­ren­der). White Amer­i­can women con­vert and sup­port jihad. Teenagers con­vert. Lind­sey Lohan con­vert­ed. Jer­maine Jack­son con­vert­ed. Creepy lit­tle British singer-song­writ­ers con­vert. Haj Amin Al-Husseni was an old white guy with blue eyes. The Nazi in Tam­pa who con­vert­ed to Islam and killed his Nazi room­mates con­vert­ed in his 20s. Johann Von Leers con­vert­ed in his 40s. Islam itself, is an “old white man’s” reli­gion, as Mohammed was Arab, a peo­ple gen­er­al­ly cat­e­go­rized as white through his­to­ry, though for some rea­son, that is less well-known these days.

    Also, I noticed that the local LV sher­iff is not exact­ly say­ing the same things that the FBI was trot­ting out with­in hours of the attack. Note this quote from him on “rad­i­cal­iza­tion”. That inher­ent­ly means Islam­ic jihad. While Nazis are cer­tain­ly “rad­i­cal­ized”, I have not seen their process described often as rad­i­cal­iza­tion. I cer­tain­ly have not seen peo­ple suf­fer­ing from men­tal ill­ness described as “rad­i­cal­ized”.


    Speak­ing to reporters, Lom­bar­do said, “I want to under­stand the moti­va­tion that you described, okay, to pre­vent any future inci­dents, and, you know, did this per­son get rad­i­cal­ized unbe­knownst to us? And we want to iden­ti­fy that source.”

    NOTE: When news start­ed get­ting around about the Islam­ic State claim­ing the attack, the response from many in the media (social and tra­di­tion­al) was to mock it as “well, the Islam­ic State will claim any­thing!”. That is not actu­al­ly true. While they have some fol­low­ers (the jihad equiv­a­lent of alt-right “false flag” rumor­mon­gers) who like to blame hur­ri­canes and such on Allah’s will, the main pro­pa­gan­da out­lets are gen­er­al­ly more care­ful in mak­ing such announce­ments, and usu­al­ly end up cor­rect! And, in this case, ALL three of the major Islam­ic State pro­pa­gan­da founds are in com­plete agree­ment that Pad­dock was “one of theirs”. Here is a good arti­cle on this from Graeme Wood of the Atlantic, not exact­ly known as a hotbed of Islam­o­pho­bia.


    …The sun has bare­ly risen on Las Vegas, and there may be blood still slick on the Strip. Spec­u­la­tion about mass shoot­ings in the hours after they occur is not just a fool’s game but an impa­tient fool’s. Evi­dence will be forth­com­ing, and these asser­tions by the Islam­ic State will be test­ed against real­i­ty. But already I hear a famil­iar cho­rus of doubt: The Islam­ic State will “take cred­it for any­thing,” it says, “even hur­ri­canes.”

    The doubters do not have a pre­pon­der­ance of pri­or exam­ples on their side. The Islam­ic State does not claim nat­ur­al dis­as­ters. Its sup­port­ers rejoice in them, but they reserve their offi­cial media for inten­tion­al acts. The vast major­i­ty of the Islam­ic State’s claimed attacks were under­tak­en by men act­ing in its name, often after leav­ing short video state­ments con­firm­ing their inten­tions. The Amaq news agency is the pre­ferred venue for the ini­tial claim, usu­al­ly with­in a day. (Slop­py reporters some­times mis­take the rejoic­ing of online sup­port­ers, mete­o­ro­log­i­cal or not, for an offi­cial claim.) If they were real­ly so promis­cu­ous with their claims, we would long since have ignored them, as we do claims from oth­er yahoos who have tried to take cred­it for atroc­i­ties authored by oth­ers. The idea that the Islam­ic State sim­ply scans the news in search of mass killings, then sends out press releas­es in hope of steal­ing glo­ry, is false. Amaq may learn details of the attacks from main­stream media—and often gets those details wrong, also like main­stream media—but its claim of cred­it typ­i­cal­ly flows from an Amaq-spe­cif­ic source.

    This Las Vegas claim may yet turn out to be false as well. They have offered no evidence—no cell-phone video from the killer, pledg­ing alle­giance in bro­ken Ara­bic; no self­ies of him, rais­ing a fin­ger of monothe­ism. Anoth­er absent sign of Islam­ic State involve­ment is videos from Paddock’s rifle-scope. At attacks like the Holey Bak­ery in Dha­ka, Bangladesh, the killers have uploaded real-time images, exclu­sive and cor­rob­o­rat­ing imagery for Amaq. As with many sub­se­quent­ly ver­i­fied attacks, we have not yet, in these ear­ly hours, seen any such evi­dence.
    If their claim is a rare false one, it will not even be the first false claim to fea­ture a casi­no. In June, a gam­bling addict shot up and torched the Resorts World casi­no in Mani­la, Philip­pines. The Islam­ic State claimed cred­it, with a dubi­ous fol­low-up alleg­ing that Jessie Javier Car­los, 42, con­vert­ed to Islam some months before, with­out telling any­one. That expla­na­tion appears to be a total lie. A false claim of cred­it in Las Vegas will effec­tive­ly shred the Islam­ic State’s news agency’s cred­i­bil­i­ty. It will become a news agency that was once reli­able, and now asso­ciates itself indis­crim­i­nate­ly with heav­i­ly armed crazy peo­ple in casi­nos.

    NOTE: Wood may not have fol­lowed this sto­ry close­ly oth­er than right after it hap­pened, at it like­ly WAS a ter­ror attack! Not blam­ing him, it is impos­si­ble to keep up with the details of all jihad attacks, as there are so damn many all the time, and many tourism-depen­dent coun­tries tend to keep the lid on news of jihad as they don’t like the hit to prof­its. Thai­land reg­u­lar­ly does this, and I would not be sur­prised if the Phillip­ines acts sim­i­lar­ly.

    This arti­cle below from a Fil­ipino news site gives more detail…


    (con­tin­u­ing with Grame Woods’ oth­er­wise excel­lent arti­cle)

    I see lit­tle advan­tage in such a shift. When Amaq claims an attack, it makes itself hostage to the facts that are revealed in the fol­low-up inves­ti­ga­tion. Its sup­port­ers are cau­tious­ly cheer­ing Pad­dock, but even they will be cha­grined if (for exam­ple) a man­i­festo comes out reveal­ing that Pad­dock was not a jihadist but a psy­cho­path­ic Chris­t­ian, or if it is revealed that his sniper’s nest was lit­tered with tit­ty mags and the rum bot­tles from the mini­bar. Accord­ing to reports, Pad­dock had recent­ly gam­bled heav­i­ly. Gam­bling ranks with drink­ing among Islam­ic vices. He also appears to have killed him­self, rather than wait­ing to be gunned down in typ­i­cal Islam­ic State style.

    The on-cam­era pledges of alle­giance to Abu Bakr al-Bagh­da­di that have accom­pa­nied oth­er ISIS claims of respon­si­bil­i­ty have the effect of wip­ing clean the his­to­ry of the attackers—and pre­serv­ing the cred­i­bil­i­ty and rep­u­ta­tion of the Islam­ic State. Porn and drink­ing can then be excused as habits of the past, even if the past was just last week. Hav­ing a clean perp, reborn as a sol­dier of the caliphate, makes the Amaq claim of cred­it safe, and unlike­ly to require regret lat­er. As the facts emerge, we’ll see whether this killing spree ends up remind­ing us to take Amaq seri­ous­ly, or demon­strat­ing that its stan­dards have slipped beyond recov­ery.

    NOTE: Again, some­thing to con­sid­er! I will be con­tin­u­ing to watch this close­ly…”

    Gen­er­al­ly, spot on. Now the qual­i­fi­er:

    Gen­er­al­ly, these obser­va­tions about the Vegas gun­man are spot on, with a cou­ple of exceptions–lately rad­i­cal­iza­tion HAS been used to refer to the “Alt-Right,” par­tic­u­lar­ly in the wake of Char­lottesville

    Also: Pad­dock­’s sit­u­a­tion is not an “either/or” sit­u­a­tion. The OKC bomb­ing, in which Ter­ry Nichols inter­faced with Phillip­pine Islamists plan­ning Oper­a­tion Bojin­ka (Croa­t­ian for ‘big bang,” inter­est­ing­ly) and 9/11 being promi­nent exam­ples.

    Folks might want to refresh these links,which he already knows of:

    I, too, could find noth­ing on the GMF’s site about YT. GMF, btw, is PURE BORMANN.

    COMMENT: Gen­er­al­ly, Psy’s obser­va­tions about the Vegas gun­man are spot on, with a cou­ple of exceptions–lately rad­i­cal­iza­tion HAS been used to refer to the “Alt-Right,” par­tic­u­lar­ly in the wake of Char­lottesville

    Also: Pad­dock­’s sit­u­a­tion is not an “either/or” sit­u­a­tion. The OKC bomb­ing, in which Ter­ry Nichols inter­faced with Phillip­pine Islamists plan­ning Oper­a­tion Bojin­ka (Croa­t­ian for ‘big bang” inter­est­ing­ly) and 9/11 being promi­nent exam­ples.

    Folks might want to refresh aware­ness of these links:





    Anoth­er thought on Pad­dock: was his gam­bling a vehi­cle for laun­der­ing mon­ey on behalf of some orga­ni­za­tion?

    Would­n’t sur­prise me one bit.

    Future analy­ses should, I think, see Islam­ic fas­cists and White Iden­ti­ty Nazis as part of a con­tin­u­um, though not coter­mi­nous.



    Posted by Dave Emory | October 6, 2017, 2:36 pm
  10. @ Dave-

    Lots to chew on Dave, “lot­ta meat on them bones”, and I’ve had a super­bug cold for a week. So my thought process
    falls some­where between Rim­baud and Hunter Thomp­son at the moment. I’ll have a lot more to say to you over the
    next few days. And hap­py to weigh in on the top­ics you pre­sent­ed.

    A few short­hand remarks for now. Re The New “Turn­er” Diaries of Anti-Impe­ri­al­ism:
    Any­one who views Saif Qaddafi as an admirable and hero­ic fig­ure
    defy­ing Empire is either hope­less­ly naive or run­ning with fas­cists
    from the Left. It’s on par with stand­ing shoul­der to shoul­der with
    Sami Al-Ari­an!

    Stephen Paddock,IMO, is a Manchuri­an Enig­ma. The Guardian report­ed that an Aus­tralian, who knew SP through
    Mar­ilou Dan­ley’s sis­ter, com­ment­ed on his wealth “And how he obtained that: the ALGORITHMS behind his method­ol­o­gy
    of gam­bling-only on machines, not on tables” he said.
    Oh great!! He’s the Robert Mer­cer of Amer­i­can snipers!

    And broth­er Eric Pad­dock? Per­haps the Uncle Rus­lan of this caper. And he’s down in Daniel Hop­sick­er’s neck of the
    woods too. Can we expect Gra­ham Fuller to pop his head in the door as well?
    Unlike Rus­lan how­ev­er Bro Eric is not dis­tanc­ing him­self from the Casi­no Sniper. In a recent TV inter­view he sneered
    like a true One Per­center:
    “He made me wealthy too… not every­one work’s at Taco Bell!”

    I’ll get to the Brus­sell Sprouts lat­er. I’ve lots to say on that fraud too.

    Keep punch­ing.


    Posted by Dennis | October 8, 2017, 1:03 am
  11. Ten­nessee man pulled over for speed­ing had two loaded sub­ma­chine guns, 900 rounds of ammu­ni­tion




    A man caught car­ry­ing numer­ous weapons includ­ing two sub­ma­chine guns and 900 rounds of ammu­ni­tion had lost cus­tody of his chil­dren and writ­ten hos­tile let­ters to local judges, author­i­ties said Wednes­day.

    Wash­ing­ton Coun­ty Sher­iff Ed Gray­beal said Scott Edmis­ten won’t talk, so offi­cials are still try­ing to deter­mine why he had the weapons, as well as a mask and black fatigues, when he was pulled over for speed­ing before dawn Mon­day.

    Grey­beal said guns and ammu­ni­tion are com­mon in Ten­nessee, but that it was “odd” for all the guns and clips to be loaded, and for Edmis­ten to have 900 more rounds and sur­vival gear. In addi­tion, he said, when peo­ple have sur­vival gear with them, they are usu­al­ly going hunt­ing, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

    Gray­beal said he has asked state and fed­er­al agen­cies to assist in the case since the auto­mat­ic weapons aren’t reg­is­tered and lack ser­i­al num­bers.

    “What­ev­er he had planned for that morn­ing, that lit­tle traf­fic stop that one of my guys made made all the dif­fer­ence in the world to some­one, I believe,” Gray­beal said. “It’s just one of those sit­u­a­tions where noth­ing seemed right and we want­ed to make sure that every­one was OK, espe­cial­ly since he’d been send­ing let­ters to the courts.”

    Edmis­ten, 43, has been jailed with­out bond on charges of pos­sess­ing pro­hib­it­ed weapons, speed­ing, and felony evad­ing arrest. An attor­ney list­ed in court records as rep­re­sent­ing Edmis­ten didn’t imme­di­ate­ly return a call seek­ing com­ment. A bond hear­ing was set for Oct. 11.

    In addi­tion to the guns in the car, author­i­ties found anoth­er four rifles in Edmisten’s home Tues­day while exe­cut­ing a search war­rant. Gray­beal said one had been altered to make it ful­ly auto­mat­ic. Inves­ti­ga­tors also found about $6,000 worth of ammu­ni­tion that hadn’t been opened.

    Grey­beal said he didn’t know why Edmis­ten lost cus­tody of his chil­dren, but Edmis­ten made it clear he did not like the Depart­ment of Children’s Ser­vices or law enforce­ment.

    Michael Knight, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Alco­hol, Tobac­co, Firearms and Explo­sives, has con­firmed that the agency is inves­ti­gat­ing and said author­i­ties “don’t see a con­nec­tion” to recent mass shoot­ings.

    Edmisten’s arrest came a day after Stephen Pad­dock opened fire on a music fes­ti­val from a high-rise hotel suite in Las Vegas, leav­ing 59 peo­ple dead and more than 500 injured. When police stormed his room, they dis­cov­ered that Pad­dock had killed him­self.

    Posted by participo | October 8, 2017, 11:29 am

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