Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Apartheid Era South Africa’s Heritage on Display

Com­ment: In FTR #225, among oth­er pro­grams, we exam­ined the Nazi her­itage of the Broeder­bond, the pri­ma­ry pow­er cen­ter of the Apartheid gov­ern­ment of South Africa. At the funer­al of the late Eugene Ter­re­blanche, leader of the AWB, which years for the Apartheid era, that her­itage was on dis­play.

“Nazi Salutes and Swastikas as Hun­dreds Gath­er for Funer­al of Mur­dered White Suprema­cist Eugene Ter­re­blanche” by Jane Flana­gan; Dai­ly Mail [UK]; 4/10/2010.

Their arms raised in a Nazi salute, thou­sands of angry white fol­low­ers greet the cof­fin of Eugene Ter­re­blanche as it leaves church.

The South African white suprema­cist was buried on Fri­day, six days after being hacked to death by two black farm work­ers.

Sup­port­ers trav­elled from across the coun­try to mourn his mur­der and, in some cas­es, plot revenge.

Chil­dren and even babies were dressed in the uni­form of 69-year-old Terreblanche’s par­ty, the AWB....


One comment for “Apartheid Era South Africa’s Heritage on Display”

  1. Whoa! You real­ly do have to go and check out the accom­pa­ny­ing pho­to for this arti­cle. That is tru­ly a dis­turb­ing site...it does bring a fur­ther edgy degree of real­i­ty to what Dave has been reveal­ing over the past thir­ty years... there does seem to be an ever grow­ing bold­ness being dis­played by this ever grow­ing move­ment across the globe...Thank you, Dave, for every­thing... read­ing the com­ments on the arti­cle on yahoo today con­cern­ing the demon­stra­tion in LA by the Nation­al Social­ist Move­ment I’d say the dumb­ing down of some of the pop­u­lace is well entrenched...this stuff is just not being tak­en at the seri­ous lev­el that it needs to be addressed–the NSM recent­ly was allowed to par­tic­pate in the Adopt A High­way pro­gram in Brighton, Colorado...this is a small step but it seems clear that fas­cism at the grass roots lev­el is indeed growing...the polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion in the 1930’s is sure­ly begin­ning to look like it is mir­ror­ing itself in the present

    Posted by Sandra | April 18, 2010, 2:29 am

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