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Benghazi Follies

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COMMENT: With the polit­i­cal firestorm gen­er­at­ed by the GOP over the Beng­hazi attack in 2012, it is cer­tain­ly inter­est­ing and pos­si­bly very rel­e­vant to note that the C.I.A. base chief ordered five com­man­dos guard­ing the base to stand down, there­by enabling the lethal vio­lence that claimed the life of the Amer­i­can ambas­sador to Libya.

One won­ders if the delay was in fact designed to pre­cip­i­tate the lethal deba­cle being uti­lized by the Repub­li­cans in their anti-Clin­ton, anti-Oba­ma pro­pa­gan­da?

In this con­text, one should NEVER lose sight of the fact that CIA head­quar­ters in Lan­g­ley is named after the elder George Bush. Jeb Bush is among those jock­ey­ing for the 2016 Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion.

“New Book Says C.I.A. Offi­cial In Beng­hazi Held Up Res­cue” by David D. Kirk­patrick; The New York Times; 9/5/2014.

Five com­man­dos guard­ing the C.I.A. base in Beng­hazi, Libya, in Sep­tem­ber 2012 say that the base chief stopped them from inter­ced­ing in time to save the lives of Ambas­sador J. Christo­pher Stevens and an Amer­i­can tech­ni­cian dur­ing the attack on the diplo­mat­ic mis­sion there.

In a new book sched­uled for release next week and obtained by The New York Times, the com­man­dos say they protest­ed repeat­ed­ly as the base chief ordered them to wait in their vehi­cles, ful­ly armed, for 20 min­utes while the attack on the diplo­mat­ic mis­sion was unfold­ing less than a mile away.

“If you guys do not get here, we are going to die!” a diplo­mat­ic secu­ri­ty agent then shout­ed to them over the radio, the com­man­dos say in the book, and they left the base in defi­ance of the chief’s con­tin­u­ing order to “stand down.” The book, titled “13 Hours,” is the first pub­lic account of the night’s events by any of the Amer­i­can secu­ri­ty per­son­nel involved in the attack. The accu­sa­tion that the base chief, referred to in the book only as “Bob,” held back the res­cue opens a new front in a fierce polit­i­cal bat­tle over who is at fault for the Amer­i­can deaths.

Repub­li­cans have blamed Pres­i­dent Oba­ma and Hillary Rod­ham Clin­ton, then the sec­re­tary of state, for the secu­ri­ty fail­ure. . . .

. . . .The con­trac­tors say they raced so quick­ly to arm them­selves when they heard the alarm that one failed to put on under­wear. Anoth­er went into the bat­tle in car­go shorts.

Then, ful­ly armed, they found them­selves wait­ing inside their armored vehi­cles, mak­ing small talk.

“Hey, we got­ta go now! We’re los­ing the ini­tia­tive!” Mr. Tiegen says he com­plained to the base chief, who he says replied, “No, stand down, you need to wait.”

“We are going to have the local mili­tia han­dle it,” the chief added lat­er, accord­ing to the com­man­dos.




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