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Bush’s Younger Brother Visits Paraguay

by Pedro Servin

ASUNCION, Par­guay (AP) — Neil Bush, younger broth­er of U.S. Pres­i­dent George W. Bush, called on Paraguay’s pres­i­dent as the guest of a busi­ness fed­er­a­tion found­ed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

A pres­i­den­tial press office source, who spoke on con­di­tion of not being named, con­firmed the younger Bush met Pres­i­dent Nicanor Duarte on Thurs­day along with a del­e­ga­tion from the Uni­ver­sal Peace Fed­er­a­tion, a group asso­ci­at­ed with Moon.

Duarte him­self had no state­ment on the meet­ing.

Anto­nio Betan­court, a spokesman for the fed­er­a­tion, said that Bush vis­it­ed Duarte and lat­er met with an oppo­si­tion con­gres­sion­al leader, Sen. Miguel Abdon Saguier, and that both expressed inter­est in the Bush fam­i­ly and dis­cussed local mat­ters.

Betan­court said Bush lat­er attend­ed a lead­er­ship sem­i­nar spon­sored by the fed­er­a­tion.

The fed­er­a­tion’s Web site says it is try­ing to pro­mote peace in the Mid­dle East, South Asia and oth­er regions, as well as propos­ing an 50-mile, $200 bil­lion tun­nel link­ing Siberia and Alas­ka.

A lead­ing Paraguayan news­pa­per, ABC Col­or, report­ed Fri­day that Bush spoke at the lead­er­ship sem­i­nar about instill­ing a “cul­ture of ser­vice” and bet­ter unit­ing indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions behind objec­tives that serve peace and the com­mon good.

It said the sem­i­nar, held at an Asun­cion hotel, was enti­tled “Toward a New Par­a­digm of Lead­er­ship and Gov­ern­ment in Times of World Cri­sis.”

The news­pa­per said oth­er par­tic­i­pants includ­ed Jose Maria San­guinet­ti, the for­mer Uruguayan pres­i­dent.

Groups allied with Moon pub­lish a news­pa­per, oper­ate busi­ness­es and have large land hold­ings in Paraguay, South Amer­i­ca’s sec­ond-poor­est coun­try.


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