COMMENT: As noted by blogger David Seamon, the demise of American democracy took place amid the voluminous, flatulant pontification of U.S. media pundits, a profound distraction in the event.
With very little notice from politicial or media institutions and/or individuals, the National Defense Authorization Act has incorporated some features that would allow the virtual elimination of civil liberties as we have come to know them.
This as American oracles such as Hillary Clinton lecture others about their “democracy.”!
The essence of the NDAA text is this: provisions in that act will permit the government to “disappear” troublesome information and/or individuals at will and virtually without recourse on the part of the victim.
The bill was originally threatened with veto by the Obama administration, but recently endorsed for signing by the President.
EXCERPT: It turns out that destroying the American democratic republic was easy to accomplish, historians will write someday. Simply get the three major cable news networks to blather on about useless bull**** for a few days, while legislators meet in secret behind closed doors to rush through the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), and its evil twin sister, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which is a clever name for an Internet censorship bill straight out of an Orwellian nightmare. . . .
I have no idea why Congress is pushing through anti-American legislation that is not only incompetent, but openly belligerent.
I have no idea why an American media blackout on NDAA is still in effect — Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews, Bill O’Reilly and the other broadcast “journalists” have been disgustingly silent on what is undoubtedly the most important news story of the past decade.
Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroy American democracy. That isn’t hype. That isn’t exaggeration.
This is a brave new world. Watch what you say. Be mindful of who you associate with.
This is a sad day for all of us. All of our military spending, all of our fortresses and moats, and it turns out democracy was attacked from within, the historians will write someday. We didn’t even see it coming.
But supporters of the bill say that all those complaints are just hysterical myths:
In 50 years minorities will own the U.S., being in the majority, just as they do now in your California that you deem lost. I don’t see that as a hopeless situation, but I do see that as a hopeless situation for white suprematism in the U.S.A.
Sad & ominous news to be sure, Dave.
However, though, I am also seeing a silver lining on the horizon as well:
1.)Scott Walker is getting hammered by his opponents in the Badger State right now. Even some Republicans are starting to back away from him now.
2.)Have you, by any chance, come across any news from Minnesota? The state GOP is starting to IMPLODE over there......
3.)The OWS movement is still growing.
4.)A large number of people have come out against SOPA in recent weeks; fact is, vastly outnumbering its supporters! Hell, even Google and Yahoo! have opposed it.
5.)NDAA opposition is growing, too. Last I checked, already 25,000 people had signed the bill.
Things may look bleak.......and they kinda are. =( But this is our chance to REALLY start hitting hard. Let’s spread the word so more people can wake up to reality as it is. I’m ready. Are you guys? =)
[...] Bye Bye Democracy… This entry was posted in Military-Industrial Complex, Police State, Totalitarianism and tagged CIA, Civil Liberties, Coleen Rowley, Dave Emory, FBI, NDAA 2012, Stop Online Piracy Act, Susan Lindauer. Bookmark the permalink. ← Marine Le Pen invitée de « C/Politique » sur France 5 [...]
2007: Halliburton subsidiary KBR receives $385 Billion contract to build domestic detention camps in U.S.
On tonight’s New Year’s Eve signing of the NDAA into law — reminiscent of George H.W. Bush’s Christmas Eve pardons of Iran-Contra criminals — these Halliburton/KBR camps are the “reservations” Mr. Obama is speaking of having tonight (as in “Indian Reservations” or “Japanese Internment Reservations”):
1984: Rex 84 was the first plan to relocate U.S. dissidents into detention camps. This plan was drafted by NSC operative Oliver North.
@R. Wilson: Definitely true about Rex 84, although I do believe it was originally targeted against so-called ‘non-whites’, aka, African-Americans and Chicanos, because of its origins in the King Alfred Plan, and I betcha most of the people targeted at first would probably be Latin American immigrants and Arabs, although I don’t doubt some black & white lefties could be thrown in as well, especially if they were involved in O.W.S. or any other similar movement.
Oh great, the Supreme Court appear just made its first ruling on the secret expansive eavesdropping program started after 9/11. And in a 5–4 decision the court ruled that the program cannot be challenged in court because it’s a secret program and, therefore, the plaintiffs don’t have any evidence that they were being spied upon. Big Brother’s all seeing eye prefers to avoid scrutiny: