Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Celebrating Hitler’s Birthday at Littleton, Colorado


COMMENT: April 20 is Hitler’s birth­day. It is also the day on which the res­i­dents of Lit­tle­ton, Col­orado (home of Columbine High School) were treat­ed to the sto­ry of an [as yet] uniden­ti­fied white man plant­i­ng a bomb.

Tim­ing inci­dents to coin­cide with key dates of Nazi sig­nif­i­cance is a strat­a­gem used by con­tem­po­rary Nazi ele­ments. (Both the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing and the Columbine mas­sacre itself occurred on or about this date. (Nazi ele­ments some­times plan an oper­a­tion so that the news­pa­per head­lines on Hitler’s birth­day reflect the event.)

Even­tu­al­ly, the sus­pect was iden­ti­fied. A Huff­in­g­ton Post sto­ry indi­cat­ed the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the sus­pect may have been a fed­er­al infor­mant.

“Per­son of Inter­est ID’d in South­west Plaza Bomb Inves­ti­ga­tion”; CBS Den­ver; 4/20/2011.

EXCERPT: The FBI has a per­son of inter­est in con­nec­tion with the pipe bomb and propane tanks dis­cov­ered at the South­west Plaza Mall in Lit­tle­ton. Agents are tak­ing a close look at sur­veil­lance video which shows what they said is a sus­pi­cious-look­ing per­son near where the pipe bomb was found.

The FBI has released these sur­veil­lance pic­tures of the man they are look­ing for. The sub­ject is describe as a white male, with gray­ing hair, a sil­ver mus­tache, wear­ing a dark col­ored cap with a light col­ored logo on the front, gray and white hor­i­zon­tal­ly stripped shirt, dark jack­et with sil­ver but­tons, blue jeans, and dark col­ored shoes. . . .

COMMENT: The FBI even­tu­al­ly iden­ti­fied the sus­pect as Earl Albert Moore.

“Earl Albert Moore Sus­pect­ed of Plant­i­ng Bomb near Columbine” by Kei­th Coff­man [Reuters]; Huff­in­g­ton Post; 4/24/2011.

EXCERPT: . . . Moore was paroled from fed­er­al prison on April 13 after serv­ing time for his con­vic­tion in the 2005 rob­bery of a West Vir­ginia bank, accord­ing to the U.S. Bureau of Pris­ons.

He was orig­i­nal­ly sen­tenced to 18 years in prison, but a fed­er­al judge cut his sen­tence to sev­en years at the behest of pros­e­cu­tors who said Moore had pro­vid­ed them with “sub­stan­tial assis­tance in inves­ti­gat­ing or pros­e­cut­ing anoth­er per­son.” [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.]

Fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cials have called the planned mall bomb­ing an act of “domes­tic ter­ror­ism.” . . .


3 comments for “Celebrating Hitler’s Birthday at Littleton, Colorado”

  1. Tim­ing inci­dents to coin­cide with key dates is def­i­nite­ly a trick of these nazi con­tem­po­rary ele­ments. I have become more and more obser­vant of “coin­ci­dences” than I used to before. Well, I am becom­ing sus­pi­cious as well about the co-option of the so-called pro­gres­sive sec­tor by the Far-Right. You know that last week was spe­cial. In effect, Hitler’s birth­day and Good Fri­day coin­cid­ed dur­ing the same week, at three days inter­val.

    Brows­ing through a so-called pro­gres­sive web­site (evi­dent­ly not yours!), I came accross a post ded­i­cat­ed to denounce the “Israel lob­by”, pub­lished on the 18th,two days before Hitler’s birth­day. Being sus­pi­cious of this rhetoric, I react­ed with a crit­i­cal com­men­tary on the page. And you know what? Exact­ly on Good Fri­day, a radio inter­view was post­ed on the same web­site, again to beat the drum about the “Israel lob­by” and how it con­trols the media and the B.S. that we hear often. Obvi­ous­ly, the con­cept of an “Israel lob­by” is just a front for attack­ing the Jews and Israel. It is anti-semi­tism in dis­guise, as far as I am con­cerned.

    Well, last time I checked, Jesus was a Jew...What are the odds that on the week of both Hitler’s birth­day and Good Fri­day, a post and a radio inter­view denounc­ing the “Israel lob­by” would be acci­den­tal? If we think about it...

    I am very dis­ap­point­ed by the “pro­gres­sive” sec­tor. You are, Dave Emory, def­i­nite­ly in a cat­e­go­ry of your own. With Lof­tus, Hop­sick­er, Bak­er and Fitz-Gould, Komisar,etc, you are the only ones remain­ing not to be deceived by all the bull­shit that sur­rounds us.

    Hap­py Pes­sah and East­er to all Chris­tians and Jews...When the Fas­cists and Mus­lims come to their sens­es, they will be wel­come to join us.

    Posted by Claude | April 25, 2011, 9:49 pm
  2. @Claude: Btw, may I ask, which web­site this was?

    And, yes, I too am dis­ap­point­ed. There are still some good fig­ures out there but many have been deceived, made use­ful {if per­haps well-mean­ing} idiots, and per­haps a few have even been bought and paid for! We need to start rebuild­ing the pro­gres­sive move­ment before it’s too late to do so.

    Posted by Steven | April 27, 2011, 4:11 am
  3. @Steven: As much as it pains me, and because you ask me to. I was ready to give a good break to that show, so that’s why I am so dis­ap­point­ed. You know, as a mat­ter of fact, I think I need an opin­ion from a third par­ty, some­one I trust. You, and oth­er lis­ten­ers, vis­it this site reg­u­lar­ly, so I think you fit that cat­e­go­ry. What I pro­pose to you, if you like, is that you read the post pub­lished on the 18th and lis­ten to the radio pod­cast pub­lished on Good Fri­day. Read the com­ments as well, those I made and the respons­es of the host. Tell me what you think about it. Maybe I make too much of it, maybe I am overe­act­ing. Maybe it is just coin­ci­dences. My instincts tell me that there is some­thing there, nev­er­the­less. If you want to react too, Dave, obvi­ous­ly you are wel­come. Here are the adress­es. It is on the Boil­ing Frogs web­site:



    Thanks Steven in advance. Have a good day Dave.

    Posted by Claude | April 27, 2011, 10:13 pm

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