Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Citizen Greenwald Holds Forth on Illegal Immigration

The Turn­er Diaries and Hunter, pub­lished by Green­wald’s client, the Nation­al Alliance

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

COMMENT: We have dis­cussed Cit­i­zen Green­wald’s legal work, in which he spent years run­ning legal inter­fer­ence for Nazi mur­der­ers and doing most of the work pro bono.

One of his legal vic­to­ries involved aid­ing two white suprema­cists who had attacked two Lati­no day labor­ers.

In the past, Cit­i­zen Green­wald has had some deeply inflam­ma­to­ry things to say in the past con­cern­ing “ille­gal immi­grants.” We won­der if his stat­ed views on the evils of ille­gal immi­gra­tion might be relat­ed to his work defend­ing the attack­ers of the day labor­ers.

In his intem­per­ate remarks about immi­grants (which he lat­er uncon­vinc­ing­ly recant­ed), he also defend­ed for­mer Col­orado con­gress­man Tom Tan­cre­do, an asso­ciate of the Tea Par­ty and a fel­low trav­el­er of some noto­ri­ous white suprema­cists.

Tan­cre­do’s asso­ciates include Don Black, David Duke asso­ciate and cre­ator of the Storm­front web­site. Black is among the numer­ous white suprema­cist and Nazi asso­ciates of Edward Snow­den’s Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date of choice, Ron Paul. Tan­cre­do’s fel­low trav­el­ers also include mem­bers of the neo-Con­fed­er­ate move­ment and the League of the South, also net­work­ing ele­ments of Ron Paul.

We STRONGLY sus­pect that Cit­i­zen Green­wald’s “laps­es” of ide­o­log­i­cal coun­te­nance stem from the fact that he is an oper­a­tive of the Under­ground Reich and, like Snow­den him­self, a spook of some sort.

“Would You Feel Dif­fer­ent­ly About Snow­den, Green­wald, and Assange If You Knew What They Real­ly Thought?” by Sean Wilentz; The New Repub­lic; 1/19/2014.

EXCERPT: . . . . Greenwald’s oth­er clients includ­ed the neo-Nazi Nation­al Alliance, who were impli­cat­ed in an espe­cial­ly hor­ri­ble crime. Two white suprema­cists on Long Island had picked up a pair of unsus­pect­ing Mex­i­can day labor­ers, lured them into an aban­doned ware­house, and then clubbed them with a crow­bar and stabbed them repeat­ed­ly. The day labor­ers man­aged to escape, and when they recov­ered from their injuries, they sued the Nation­al Alliance and oth­er hate groups, alleg­ing that they had inspired the attack­ers. . . .

. . . . On cer­tain issues, though, his [Green­wald’s] prose was suf­fused with right-wing con­ceits and catch­phras­es. One exam­ple was immi­gra­tion, on which Green­wald then held sur­pris­ing­ly hard-line views. “The parade of evils caused by ille­gal immi­gra­tion is wide­ly known,” Green­wald wrote in 2005. The facts, to him, were indis­putable: “ille­gal immi­gra­tion wreaks hav­oc eco­nom­i­cal­ly, social­ly, and cul­tur­al­ly; makes a mock­ery of the rule of law; and is dis­grace­ful just on basic fair­ness grounds alone.” Defend­ing the nativist con­gress­man Tom Tan­cre­do from charges of racism, Green­wald wrote of “unman­age­ably end­less hordes of peo­ple [who] pour over the bor­der in num­bers far too large to assim­i­late, and who con­se­quent­ly have no need, moti­va­tion or abil­i­ty to assim­i­late.” Those hordes, Green­wald wrote, posed a threat to “mid­dle-class sub­ur­ban vot­ers.” . . . .

“For­mer Con­gress­man Tan­cre­do to Address White Suprema­cists” by Ryan Lenz;  Hate Watch [South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter]; 6/19/2012.

EXCERPT: . . . . The for­mer Repub­li­can con­gress­man from Col­orado, known for his bit­ing anti-immi­gra­tion rhetoric and cam­paign ads sug­gest­ing Lati­no immi­grants are rapists and drug deal­ers, is sched­uled to be the lun­cheon speak­er at next month’s annu­al con­fer­ence for the white suprema­cist Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens (CCC). [Tan­cre­do wound up canceling–D.E.] The theme of the con­fer­ence? “Mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism – the Death of Amer­i­ca.”

Shar­ing the dais with Tan­cre­do will be a rogue’s gallery of the racist right, includ­ing James Edwards, who hosts the white nation­al­ist Polit­i­cal Cesspool radio show; Don Black, the for­mer Klans­man best known for cre­at­ing Stormfront.org, the first major Inter­net hate site; and Leonard Wil­son, a long­time seg­re­ga­tion­ist and Alaba­ma com­man­der for the Sons of Con­fed­er­ate Vet­er­ans, a neo-Con­fed­er­ate group that, like Tan­cre­do, staunch­ly oppos­es immi­gra­tion.

For those who have watched Tan­cre­do go through end­less con­tor­tions to dis­tance him­self from his racist friends, speak­ing at a CCC con­fer­ence seems to be a turn­ing point. The time has passed to apol­o­gize for the com­pa­ny he keeps.

And what com­pa­ny it is.

Tan­cre­do was already hon­orary chair­man of Youth for West­ern Civ­i­liza­tion (YWC), an ultra­con­ser­v­a­tive stu­dent group that has active­ly cul­ti­vat­ed rela­tion­ships with white nation­al­ist orga­ni­za­tions such as the racist League of the South (LOS), whose leader Michael Hill recent­ly penned an essay describ­ing how white peo­ple are endowed with a “God-ordained supe­ri­or­i­ty” and pro­fess­ing that it was a “mon­u­men­tal lie” that all men are cre­at­ed equal. In 2006, Tan­cre­do deliv­ered an anti-immi­grant speech and sang “Dix­ie” at a bar­be­cue adver­tised by the South Car­oli­na chap­ter of the LOS. . . . .

“Tan­cre­do Kicks Off Tea Par­ty Con­ven­tion with Racist Com­ments” by Imag­ine 2050 Edi­tors; Imag­ine 2050; 2/5/2010.

EXCERPT: . . . . Tan­cre­do stood smil­ing at the crowd and wav­ing before start­ing off his speech with “I’m Tom Tan­cre­do and I dri­ve a Harley!” He quick­ly moved on from the top­ic of motor­cy­cles, how­ev­er, to get to his main tar­get: immi­grants.

He stat­ed that many of the peo­ple who vot­ed Oba­ma into office “can’t even spell the word vote or even speak Eng­lish,” which brought loud applause from the crowd. He said that it was a good thing that McCain didn’t win the elec­tion oth­er­wise we would be see him and Rep. Gutier­rez receive awards from NCLR for intro­duc­ing and imple­ment­ing an amnesty bill. He went on to talk about the “cult of mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism” which is “aid­ed by left­ists.”

He issued a warn­ing to the crowd that “our cul­ture is at stake” and that our cul­ture “is based on Judeo-Chris­t­ian val­ues whether peo­ple like it or not!” Near the end of his speech Tan­cre­do announced to the crowd that he was going to be work­ing with Roy Beck, exec­u­tive direc­tor of Num­ber­sUSA (an anti-immi­grant group with strong ties to white nation­al­ists) at their break­out ses­sion on Fri­day. He encour­aged peo­ple to attend the ses­sion and thanked Roy Beck and Num­ber­sUSA for all their good work. . . .



2 comments for “Citizen Greenwald Holds Forth on Illegal Immigration”

  1. Pierre Omid­yar (net worth of $17 bil­lion, accord­ing to Forbes©) and the Omid­yar Group donat­ed hun­dreds of thou­sands of US dol­lars in 2011-12 to fund the Orange Rev­o­lu­tion that over­threw Vik­tor Yanukovich in Ukraine and install a Nazi-dom­i­nat­ed jun­ta in Kiev. Read https://tinyurl.com/y7wetfp5 Omid­yar is the founder of eBay©. https://tinyurl.com/y59tqnby The Omid­yar Group owns «The Inter­cept», which teamed with the pro­pa­gan­da agency Belling­cat in Decem­ber of 2019, read https://tinyurl.com/y592s5sr

    Posted by AtlantaBill aka Babouviste | October 31, 2020, 6:51 pm
  2. @Atlanta Bill–

    Omid­yar has been all over the globe. Very much involved with the Maid­an instal­la­tion of the OUN/B fas­cists in Ukraine and the instal­la­tion of Naren­dra Mod­i’s fas­cist gov­ern­ment in India.




    Posted by Dave Emory | October 31, 2020, 7:06 pm

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