Comment: The Tea Party movement has been forging operational links with an organization called the English Defence League (pictured at right), which has been largely staffed by members of the British National Party, that country’s leading fascist political party and the heirs to Oswald Mosely’s British Union of Fascists.
One of the fascinating and disturbing aspects of this phenomenon concerns the influence of Islamist activism on this dynamic. Driven by the Muslim Brotherhood–an Islamic fascist organization allied with the Axis in World War II–Islamists have fomented reaction throughout Europe and North America. Unfortunately organizations like the EDL/BNP and the Sweden Democrats (funded in considerable measure by Swedish Nazi Carl Lundstrom) are “Euro-Fascist,” just as the Tea Party movement manifests classic fascism in the U.S.
Neither side of this political divide appreciates the deadly irony of the situation–that American and European fascist organizations are being motivated by the actions of an Islamic fascist organization that, at foundation, is tied to the Underground Reich that oversees the operatives of both sides of the divide.
The ultimate beneficiary of this will be the Underground Reich.
Exemplifying this unfortunate dynamic is Pamela Geller, who–properly–has identified the “9/11 Mosque” backers as anything but the moderates they claim to be. Unfortunately, Geller is cementing relationships with organizations like EDL and the Sweden Democrats, both representing elements who would (and perhaps will) kill the Jewish Ms. Geller with delight and abandon.
Beyond that and more importantly, Geller and her associate Robert Spencer (whose Jihadwatch website is an excellent source of information about Brotherhood and jihadist activities) are banging the drum against Obama. All that will be required for the complete destruction of this society is the failure to overturn the economic devastation wrought by the Reagan and Bush administrations. The Tea Partiers’ “Neo-Republican” economic philosophy of holding down revenues and slashing budgets (i.e. jobs) will surely do just that.
Note the presence of EDL financier Alan Lake. Lake, too, has worked with the Sweden Democrats, as have Geller and Spencer. Note, too, the presence in this mix of organizations started by the billionaire Koch brothers, major bank rollers of the Tea Party movement. (The Cato Institute is a Koch-generated institution.)
Excerpt: The English Defence League, a far-right grouping aimed at combating the “Islamification” of British cities, has developed strong links with the American Tea Party movement.
An Observer investigation has established that the EDL has made contact with anti-jihad groups within the Tea Party organisation and has invited a senior US rabbi and Tea Party activist to London this month. Rabbi Nachum Shifren, a regular speaker at Tea Party conventions, will speak about Sharia law and also discuss funding issues.
The league has also developed links with Pamela Geller, who was influential in the protests against plans to build an Islamic cultural centre near Ground Zero. Geller, darling of the Tea Party’s growing anti-Islamic wing, is advocating an alliance with the EDL. The executive director of the Stop Islamisation of America organisation, she recently met EDL leaders in New York and has defended the group’s actions, despite a recent violent march in Bradford.
Geller, who denies being anti-Muslim, said in one of her blogs: “I share the EDL’s goals… We need to encourage rational, reasonable groups that oppose the Islamisation of the west.” . . .. . . In addition, two members of the EDL leadership, a British businessman called Alan Lake who is believed to fund the group and a man known by the alias Kinana, are regular contributors to web forum 4Freedoms. The forum claims to be “organising US activities” and has links to the anti-jihad group, American Congress for Truth, which in turn has supporters within the Tea Party.
Lake is also believed to have been in touch with a number of anti-Islamic Christian evangelical groups in the US. One posting by Lake on 4Freedoms warns that the UK of the future will start to fragment into Islamic enclaves. Lake, believed to be a principal bankroller of the EDL, which claims to be a peaceful, non-racist organisation, is understood to be keen on the possibility of setting up the UK equivalent of the Tea Party. At an event organised by the Taxpayers’ Allliance last month, US Tea Party organisers outlined how the movement emerged last year, partly in protest at the US bank bail-out.
Those present included Freedom Works and the Cato Institute, one of the Tea Party’s main backers. . . .
Comment: Originally conceptualized as non-violent, the EDL has largely been hijacked by Chris Renton and other BNP activists. Again, note Alan Lake’s links with Sweden Democrats, as well as EDL/BNP.
Excerpt: The rise of the English Defence League, whose protests against Islamism have sparked violent city centre clashes, has been chaotic but rapid.
Three months ago, no one had heard of the EDL. But the organisation has risen to prominence in a spate of civil unrest in which far-right activists, football hooligans and known racists have fought running battles with Asian youths. The leadership insists they are not racist and just want to “peacefully protest against militant Islam”.
Yet at EDL events, skinheads have raised Nazi salutes and other EDL supporters have chanted racist slogans such as “I hate Pakis more than you”. One protest in Luton in May ended with scores of people attacking Asian businesses, smashing cars and threatening passersby.
Insiders have talked of plans to enlist football fans to march for the cause on the basis that “you need an army for a war” . . . The movement has been so fragmented that Robinson set up a website to drum up interest in March, while Chris Renton, listed as an “activist” on the BNP’s leaked membership list, set up another EDL site. Paul Ray, another far-right activist from Dunstable, near Luton, broadcast video polemics on YouTube.
Ray’s broadcasts on his Spirit of St George internet channel include his claim that a “very, very high proportion of the Muslim population is an Islamic extremist” and his description of Luton’s Muslim community as “an al-Qaida enclave”.
According to Robinson, none of these activities were co-ordinated.
By Ray’s own account published on his Lionheart blog on the eve of the 8 August clashes in Birmingham: “The English Defence League that was originally built over many months and eventually set up by myself and others, was hijacked over the last couple of weeks leading up to tomorrow by a bunch of ‘pirates’ led by Chris Renton.”. . . But its lack of coherence has attracted the interest of those keen to harness the EDL’s growing support.
They include Alan Lake, a London-based far-right activist who has advised Swedish nationalists on “countering jihad” and is advising the EDL in an attempt to broaden support with football fans and marshal events more carefully. [Italics are mine–D.E.]
“We are catching a baby at the start of gestation,” said Lake, who is considering funding the EDL. “We have a problem with numbers. We have an army of bloggers [in the far-right] but that’s not going to get things done.
“Football fans are a potential source of support. They are a hoi polloi that gets off their backsides and travels to a city and they are available before and after matches.” Observers from anti-fascist groups draw parallels between the EDL anger at Islamists and an earlier generation of football hooligans who supported loyalist paramilitary groups. . . .
I was wondering when you were going to investigate the ties the unctuous Ms. Geller has with the fascist BDL and other proto-fascist organizations in Europe. I very disappointed to see you cite her in your investigations, though she made some correct connections. It has been obvious for years she has been nothing but a dupe for fascist and far right organizations, here and abroad, for years.
In my neck of the woods there is a saying “The sun shines on a dog’s ass every once in a while”. I believe this is the case with Ms. Geller and her investigation into the funding of the Park 51 center, which happens to have a small mosque in it.