Comment: The coverage of China’s sentencing of a U.S. Geologist to eight years in prison has not stressed the fact that Xue Feng worked for IHS, Inc–a firm specializing in analysis of the petroleum industry and the epicenter of the “Peak Oil” hypothesis. A subsidiary of Thyssen/Bornemisza industries, IHS provides analysis derived from data submitted by the petroleum industry. Not surprisingly, IHS generates analysis that indicates that global oil production has peaked and that higher prices and relaxed environmental safeguards are necessary to sustain our way of life.
Additionally, the “Peak Oil” crowd has generated support for a Nazi-style eugenics program.
One can only wonder what Mr. Feng was examining that ran afoul of the Chinese authorities. In FTR #‘s 549, 550, we examined support for the secessionist Uighurs of Xinjiang Province on behalf of elements of Western intelligence. A Muslim people of Turkic extraction, the Uighurs have been pushing for political autonomy in the petroleum and resource-rich Xinjiang region.
Major support for Uighur independence has come from the UNPO, headed up by Karl von Habsburg, formerly married to Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza (whose family controls the industrial group to which IHS belongs.)
Excerpt: An American geologist held by Chinese state security agents who stubbed lit cigarettes on his arms was sentenced to eight years in prison Monday for gathering data on China’s oil industry — a case that highlights the government’s use of vague secrets laws to restrict business information.
In pronouncing Xue Feng guilty of spying and collecting state secrets, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court said his actions “endangered our country’s national security.”
Its verdict said Xue received documents on geological conditions of onshore oil wells and a database that gave the coordinates of more than 30,000 oil and gas wells belonging to China National Petroleum Corporation and listed subsidiary PetroChina Ltd. That information, it said, was sold to IHS Energy, the U.S. consultancy Xue worked for and now known as IHS Inc. . .
Found the often cited “Vanguard News Network”, the message board for National Vanguard linking to the article by William Stanton wich you cited from 2005, about “peak oil”.
Appears Stanton’s essay promoting eugenics and population reduction is finding support from National Vanguard: