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Convicted in China, U.S. Geologist Worked for Thyssen/“Peak Oil” Firm

Com­ment: The cov­er­age of Chi­na’s sen­tenc­ing of a U.S. Geol­o­gist to eight years in prison has not stressed the fact that Xue Feng worked for IHS, Inc–a firm spe­cial­iz­ing in analy­sis of the petro­le­um indus­try and the epi­cen­ter of the “Peak Oil” hypoth­e­sis. A sub­sidiary of Thyssen/Bornemisza indus­tries, IHS pro­vides analy­sis derived from data sub­mit­ted by the petro­le­um indus­try. Not sur­pris­ing­ly, IHS gen­er­ates analy­sis that indi­cates that glob­al oil pro­duc­tion has peaked and that high­er prices and relaxed envi­ron­men­tal safe­guards are nec­es­sary to sus­tain our way of life.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the “Peak Oil” crowd has gen­er­at­ed sup­port for a Nazi-style eugen­ics pro­gram.

One can only won­der what Mr. Feng was exam­in­ing that ran afoul of the Chi­nese author­i­ties. In FTR #‘s 549, 550, we exam­ined sup­port for the seces­sion­ist Uighurs of Xin­jiang Province on behalf of ele­ments of West­ern intel­li­gence. A Mus­lim peo­ple of Tur­kic extrac­tion, the Uighurs have been push­ing for polit­i­cal auton­o­my in the petro­le­um and resource-rich Xin­jiang region.

Major sup­port for Uighur inde­pen­dence has come from the UNPO, head­ed up by Karl von Hab­s­burg, for­mer­ly mar­ried to Francesca Thyssen-Borne­misza (whose fam­i­ly con­trols the indus­tri­al group to which IHS belongs.)

“Chi­nese Court Sen­tences U.S. Geol­o­gist to 8 Years” by Charles Hut­zler [AP]; Deseret News; 7/5/2010.

Excerpt: An Amer­i­can geol­o­gist held by Chi­nese state secu­ri­ty agents  who stubbed lit cig­a­rettes  on his arms was sen­tenced  to eight years in prison Mon­day for gath­er­ing data on Chi­na’s oil indus­try — a case that high­lights the gov­ern­men­t’s use of vague secrets laws to restrict busi­ness infor­ma­tion.

In pro­nounc­ing Xue Feng guilty of spy­ing and col­lect­ing state secrets, the Bei­jing No. 1 Inter­me­di­ate Peo­ple’s Court said his actions “endan­gered our coun­try’s nation­al secu­ri­ty.”

Its ver­dict said Xue received doc­u­ments on geo­log­i­cal con­di­tions of onshore oil wells and a data­base that gave the coor­di­nates of more than 30,000 oil and gas wells belong­ing to Chi­na Nation­al Petro­le­um Cor­po­ra­tion and list­ed sub­sidiary PetroChi­na Ltd. That infor­ma­tion, it said, was sold to IHS Ener­gy, the U.S. con­sul­tan­cy Xue worked for and now known as IHS Inc. . .


One comment for “Convicted in China, U.S. Geologist Worked for Thyssen/“Peak Oil” Firm”

  1. Found the often cit­ed “Van­guard News Net­work”, the mes­sage board for Nation­al Van­guard link­ing to the arti­cle by William Stan­ton wich you cit­ed from 2005, about “peak oil”.

    Appears Stan­ton’s essay pro­mot­ing eugen­ics and pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion is find­ing sup­port from Nation­al Van­guard:

    Posted by mike | February 13, 2012, 3:14 pm

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