Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Cyber Attribution, the Mega-Hacks of 2021, and the Existential Threat of Blind Faith in Bad-Faith

Move over COVID. 2021 is turn­ing out to be anoth­er year of the dig­i­tal virus. One mas­sive hack­ing sto­ry after anoth­er. Unre­lat­ed sto­ries in many cas­es, we are told. In par­tic­u­lar:

1. The Solar­Winds mega-hack announced in Decem­ber of 2020, blamed on Rus­sia. Specif­i­cal­ly, blamed on the hack­ing group known as ‘Cozy Bear’/APT29/Pawn Storm. Microsoft dubbed them Nobeli­um.

2. The Microsoft Exchange mega-hack dis­closed in March 2021, blamed on Chi­na. Specif­i­cal­ly, blamed on a pre­vi­ous­ly uniden­ti­fied state-backed group Microsoft dubbed Hafni­um.

3. The rev­e­la­tions about NSO Group’s over­sight (or lack there­of) of its pow­er­ful spy­ware sold to gov­ern­ments around the world.

4. The emerg­ing sto­ry of Can­diru, one of NSO Group’s fel­low “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dors”, sell­ing toolk­its over­flow­ing with zero-day exploits, spe­cial­iz­ing in tar­get­ing Microsoft prod­ucts.

But how unre­lat­ed are these sto­ries? That’s the big ques­tion we’re going to explore in this post. A ques­tion punc­tu­at­ed by anoth­er meta-sto­ry we’ve looked at many times before: the meta-sto­ry of a cyber­at­tri­bu­tion par­a­digm seem­ing­ly designed to allow pri­vate com­pa­nies and gov­ern­ments to con­coct an attri­bu­tion sce­nario for what­ev­er guilty par­ty they want to fin­ger. As long as there was some sort of ‘clue’ found by inves­ti­ga­tors — like piece of Cyril­lic or Man­darin text or mal­ware pre­vi­ous­ly attrib­uted to a group — these clues were strung togeth­er in a “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” man­ner to arrive at a con­clu­sion about the iden­ti­ty of the per­pe­tra­tors. Attri­bu­tion con­clu­sions often arrived at with incred­i­ble lev­els of con­fi­dence. Recall how the Japan­ese cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Trend­Mi­cro attrib­uted a 2017 US Sen­ate email phish­ing cam­paign to ‘Pawn Storm’/Fancy Bear with 100 per­cent cer­tain­ty, and they made this high­ly cer­tain attri­bu­tion based heav­i­ly on how sim­i­lar the hack was to the 2017 hacks of Emmanuel Macron’s emails via a phish­ing cam­paign that Trend­Mi­cro attrib­uted at the time with 99 per­cent cer­tain­ty to Pawn Storm/Fancy Bear and yet the ANSSI, the French government’s cyber­se­cu­ri­ty agency, was leav­ing open the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the hack they could be the work of “oth­er high-lev­el” hack­ers try­ing to pin the blame on “Pawn Storm” (anoth­er name for “Fan­cy Bear”). Trend­Mi­cro was mak­ing 99 per­cent cer­tain attri­bu­tions that the French gov­ern­ment said could be any range of actors. That was the state of affairs for cyber­at­tri­bu­tions in 2017 and noth­ing has changed in the years since. High­ly cer­tain attri­bu­tions con­tin­ued to be piled on top of high­ly cer­tain attri­bu­tions — almost always point­ing towards Russ­ian, Iran, Chi­na, or North Korea — built on a foun­da­tion of what appear to be large­ly guess­work. Often high­ly moti­vat­ed guess­work.

It’s that will­ing­ness by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firms and gov­ern­ments to make strong ‘100 per­cent cer­tain’ dec­la­ra­tions about who was behind a hack, based on seem­ing­ly no com­pelling evi­dence, that con­tin­ues plague our col­lec­tive under­stand­ing of glob­al dig­i­tal threats. A lack of under­stand­ing that could have grave glob­al impli­ca­tions going for­ward. Because as we’re going to see, the repeat­ed pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive encour­ag­ing the pub­lic to fix­ate their hack­ing fears on Russ­ian and Chi­nese hack­ers is a nar­ra­tive that con­ve­nient­ly leaves out the explo­sion over the last decade of a glob­al indus­try of pow­er­ful legal cut­ting-edge spy­ware sold to gov­ern­ments around the world. Dozens of gov­ern­ments that did­n’t pre­vi­ous­ly have access to spy­ware of this cal­iber. In oth­er words, the default ‘Rus­sia or Chi­na did!’ nar­ra­tive acts as a cov­er sto­ry to deflect sus­pi­cions from all the oth­er coun­tries (or pri­vate enti­ties) with access to the kind of spy­ware pre­vi­ous­ly assumed to be the exclu­sive to a hand­ful of nations with known pow­er­ful hack­ing capa­bil­i­ties.

Also loom­ing large in this dis­cus­sion is the sto­ry of the “Shad­ow­Bro­kers” sto­ry of 2016 and the leak of Vault7, the CIA’s hack­ing toolk­it that includ­ed fea­tures explic­it­ly designed to con­fuse this “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” approach to cyber­at­tri­bu­tion. The toolk­it lit­er­al­ly con­tained fea­tures that inject­ed Cyril­lic or Man­darin or oth­er ‘clues’ into the mal­ware code. This was all revealed months before Trend­Mi­cro made its ‘100 per­cent cer­tain’ attri­bu­tion of the Macron email hacks based on pat­tern recog­ni­tion. And yet, oth­er than the acknowl­edg­ment by France’s ANSSI that some­one could be inten­tion­al­ly leav­ing false ‘clues’, the sto­ry of the Shad­ow­Bro­kers and the dig­i­tal ‘clues’ left by Vault7 did not appear to impact the report­ing or analy­sis of the Macron hack in any mean­ing­ful way. It’s a big part of the meta-sto­ry here: no mat­ter how many reports come out that should raise major ques­tions about the qual­i­ty of cur­rent cyber­at­ti­bu­tions based on “pat­tern recog­ni­tion”, noth­ing actu­al­ly changes in terms of how the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty car­ries out its attri­bu­tions.

For exam­ple, as we’re going to see, when the Solar­Winds hack was first uncov­ered, it was a team led Adam Mey­ers, the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at Crowd­Strike, who first exam­ined the hack. In an inter­view describ­ing their ear­ly inves­ti­ga­tion, Mey­ers claimed to be ful­ly expect­ing to find some sort of ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ like Cyril­lic or Man­darin and expressed dis­may that noth­ing was found. They nonethe­less attrib­uted the hack to Rus­sia. We’re nev­er giv­en a clear expla­na­tion why. The whole episode, and Mey­er­s’s shock at a lack of any ‘clues’, sug­gests the elite cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firms like Crowd­Strike are not only will­ing to uti­lize “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” to car­ry out these attri­bu­tions but are rou­tine­ly doing so, rais­ing the ques­tion of whether or not hack­ers these days just now know to leave ‘clues’ in order to sat­is­fy the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty indus­try and their clients.

Now, when we learn that it was Crowd­Strike who led the Solar­Winds hack inves­ti­ga­tion rely­ing heav­i­ly on look­ing for ‘cul­tur­al arti­facts’ in the mal­ware, it’s also import to recall how Crowd­Strike itself was lit­er­al­ly found­ed in 2011 by Dmitri Alper­ovitch on the con­vic­tion that hacks should be respond­ed to with clear pub­lic attri­bu­tions as a pri­ma­ry means of ward­ing off future attacks. Before Crowd­Strike, the idea of pub­licly nam­ing cul­prits was anath­e­ma in the cyber secu­ri­ty indus­try in large part because it is so dif­fi­cult to tru­ly know who the cul­prit is due to this hall-of-mir­rors nature of dig­i­tal evi­dence. So in that sense, we should­n’t at all be sur­prised to learn that Crowd­Strike con­tin­ues to make base­less attri­bu­tions. It’s Crowd­Strike’s busi­ness mod­el.

As we’re also going to see, it’s not like cyber­se­cu­ri­ty indus­try always plays dumb about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of actors spoof­ing the ‘pat­tern recog­ni­tion’ meth­ods by inten­tion­al­ly leav­ing ‘clues’ like Cyril­lic. When the Solar­Winds mega-hack sto­ry broke, it broke in the wake of a dis­clo­sure by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Fire­Eye that its own “Red Team” suite of hack­ing tools — kits of known exploits used to test clients sys­tems for vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties — was stolen by unknown hack­ers. Imme­di­ate­ly, experts warned how a toolk­it like that could be used by gov­ern­ments to cov­er their tracks. But that’s real­ly the only time we’re going see this kind of basic insight plain­ly stat­ed. Right at the start of it with the Fire­Eye attack. For the rest of the time, this obvi­ous prob­lem with our glob­al cyber­at­tri­bu­tion regime is sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly ignored. Still.

NSO Group: A Quick Review

First, recall how NSO Group first came to the pub­lic’s atten­tion in rela­tion to Michael Fly­n­n’s appoint­ment in May of 2016 to the advi­so­ry board of OSY Tech­nolo­gies and con­sult­ed for Fran­cis­co Part­ners. Fran­cis­co Part­ners was NSO Group’s own­er at the time and OSY hap­pened to be an NSO Group off­shoot.

Next, recall how Fran­cis­co Part­ners end­ed up sell­ing NSO Group to a Euro­pean pri­vate equi­ty firm, Novalpina, in ear­ly 2019 fol­low­ing the inter­na­tion­al out­rage over the role NSO Group’s mal­ware played in the assas­si­na­tion of Jamal Khashog­gi. We’re going to learn more about that sale and why it hap­pened (hint: Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s access to that spy­ware was part of a larg­er diplo­mat­ic process).

In May of 2019, we learned that NSO Group was sell­ing its clients the “zero-click” capa­bil­i­ty of infect­ing smart­phones via What­sApp and there was noth­ing vic­tims could do to pre­vent it. The exploit worked auto­mat­i­cal­ly when the attack­ers called the vic­tim’s phone via What­sApp. But we also learned that Israel was treat­ing access to this kind of mal­ware as a diplo­mat­ic tool in its nego­ti­a­tions with its region­al part­ners. Beyond that, there was osten­si­bly a lim­i­ta­tion on how this pow­er­ful mal­ware is used by client states: the Israeli gov­ern­ment was set­ting geo­graph­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions on where the mal­ware could be deployed.

So the pic­ture that had already emerged about NSO Group was that of a provider of cut­ting-edge hack­ing toolk­its to gov­ern­ments around the world, but also a point of lever­age in Israel’s own diplo­mat­ic toolk­it. It was the kind of cor­po­rate pro­file that sug­gests any scan­dals involv­ing NSO Group are implic­it­ly gov­ern­ment-relat­ed scan­dals. And that pic­ture of a com­pa­ny that dis­trib­utes pow­er­ful hack­ing tools as part of Israel’s diplo­mat­ic efforts gets all the more intrigu­ing when we fac­tor in the chap­ter of the #TrumpRus­sia saga involv­ing Michael Fly­nn, Eric Prince, Michael Cohen, and the Saudi/UAE scheme to build nuclear pow­er plants across the Mid­dle East (except for Iran). In oth­er words, there’s no way of sep­a­rat­ing the NSO Group sto­ry from the larg­er sto­ry of the cozy­ing rela­tion­ship between Israel and its Sun­ni allies in a region­al alliance against Iran and the still-unre­solved agen­da of Michael Fly­nn, Erik Prince, and the net­work of oth­er US con­ser­v­a­tives in Don­alt Trump’s orbit who had major agen­da’s of their own involv­ing the Mid­dle East.

That’s all part of the con­text we’re going to have to keep in mind when read­ing about these new rev­e­la­tions that appears to show the wide­spread use of NSO Group’s pow­er­ful mal­ware against a num­ber of jour­nal­ist, activists, and even gov­ern­ment min­is­ters around the world. And the more we’re learn­ing about the his­to­ry of the NSO Group, the clear­er it’s becom­ing that the NSO Group’s mal­ware has been secret­ly used by dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world for at least decade now.

And as we’re going to see with the sto­ry of Can­diru, it’s impor­tant to keep in mind that NSO Group is mere­ly one of a num­ber of secre­tive firms sell­ing cut­ting-edge hack­ing toolk­its to gov­ern­ments around the world. This is a glob­al indus­try.

Final­ly, it’s impor­tant to keep in mind anoth­er major dimen­sion of this sto­ry: the explo­sion of gov­ern­ment access to these pow­er­ful hack­ing tools over the last decade has pre­sum­ably coin­cid­ed with an explo­sion of actu­al hack­ing. Well, that pre­sumed explo­sion of actu­al hack­ing just hap­pened to coin­cide with the emer­gence of high­ly ‘noisy’ and high-pro­file ‘Russ­ian hack­er’ cam­paigns. As we’ve seen, fol­low­ing the out­break of con­flict in Ukraine, a num­ber of very pub­licly vis­i­ble mass phish­ing attacks were waged against NATO gov­ern­ments and insti­tu­tions. It was described by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts as a sig­nif­i­cant shift in the behav­ior of Russ­ian gov­ern­ment-backed hack­ers and yet we were nonethe­less told that these high-pro­file hacks must be com­ing from Rus­sia despite a lack of any sol­id tech­ni­cal evi­dence. It was the rise of the “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” form of cyber­at­tri­bu­tion, which con­sis­tent­ly found pat­terns of “Russ­ian hack­ers”. Recall how the first hack of the DNC, the 2015 hack, took place amidst a giant phish­ing cam­paign that hit 50–60,000 email address­es and was described is very dif­fer­ent from tra­di­tion­al Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­er phish­ing cam­paigns that would nor­mal­ly just have 5 to 6 care­ful­ly craft­ed phish­ing emails. Noth­ing has done a more effec­tive job at obscur­ing from the glob­al pub­lic the emer­gence of this glob­al super-hack­ing capa­bil­i­ty bet­ter than the pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive that all hacks are being done by Rus­sia and Chi­na. Hard­ly any­one even both­ers ask­ing if it could be any­one else any­more.

Final­ly, it’s impor­tant to keep in mind anoth­er major dimen­sion of this sto­ry: the explo­sion of gov­ern­ment access to these pow­er­ful hack­ing tools over the last decade has pre­sum­ably coin­cid­ed with an explo­sion of actu­al hack­ing. Well, that pre­sumed explo­sion of actu­al hack­ing just hap­pened to coin­cide with the emer­gence of high­ly ‘noisy’ and high-pro­file ‘Russ­ian hack­er’ cam­paigns. As we’ve seen, fol­low­ing the out­break of con­flict in Ukraine, a num­ber of very pub­licly vis­i­ble mass phish­ing attacks were waged against NATO gov­ern­ments and insti­tu­tions. It was described by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts as a sig­nif­i­cant shift in the behav­ior of Russ­ian gov­ern­ment-backed hack­ers and yet we were nonethe­less told that these high-pro­file hacks must be com­ing from Rus­sia despite a lack of any sol­id tech­ni­cal evi­dence. It was the rise of the “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” form of cyber­at­tri­bu­tion, which con­sis­tent­ly found pat­terns of “Russ­ian hack­ers”. Recall how the first hack of the DNC, the 2015 hack, took place amidst a giant phish­ing cam­paign that hit 50–60,000 email address­es and was described is very dif­fer­ent from tra­di­tion­al Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­er phish­ing cam­paigns that would nor­mal­ly just have 5 to 6 care­ful­ly craft­ed phish­ing emails.

Let’s not for­get that the glob­al­iza­tion of NSA-lev­el spy­ware was one of the obvi­ous pos­si­ble log­i­cal con­clu­sions of the Snow­den affair. Yes, it was remark­able what a stun­ning edge the NSA had over almost every oth­er gov­ern­ment. A desire for a lev­el­ing of the play­ing field was under­stand­able and the glob­al­iza­tion of super-spy­ware is one of the obvi­ous ways to achieve that. There are no easy answer on this top­ic. It’s a ‘less­er evil’ sit­u­a­tion.

So we have to ask: what role have these very high-pro­file pub­lic mass hack­ing cam­paigns waged over the last decade and blamed on ‘Rus­sia hack­ers’ (or ‘Chi­nese hack­ers’) played in obscur­ing the real­i­ty that dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world sud­den­ly got access to qui­et super hack­ing tools? The tim­ing sure has been con­ve­nient. And it’s not hard to imag­ine that the high pro­file ‘noisy’ phish­ing cam­paigns of the last decade simul­ta­ne­ous­ly ran zero-click super-mal­ware like NSO Group’s unstop­pable What­sApp exploit mal­ware. One of the key sell­ing points of this NSO Group mal­ware is how dif­fi­cult it is to detect. A lot of peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions have pre­sum­ably been hacked with­out ever dis­cov­er­ing the source of the hack. How often have orga­ni­za­tions over the past decade, espe­cial­ly gov­ern­ments, dis­cov­ered they were hacked by a com­pa­ny’s ‘legal’ hack­er toolk­it like NSO Group’s and just assumed it was ‘Russ­ian hack­ers’ due to the waves of glob­al high-pro­file ‘Russ­ian hack­er’ cam­paigns? It’s a ques­tion that looms ever larg­er as the client list of this glob­al legal hack­ing indus­try con­tin­ues to grow in the shad­ows.


Let’s Play “What’s Wrong With This Pic­ture?”

Ok, so let’s start off with an overview of the arti­cles we’re going to be review­ing. An overview that screams the ques­tion “What’s wrong with this pic­ture?”. Again, it’s four major sto­ries. Unre­lat­ed sto­ries we are told: 1. The Solar­Winds mega-hack of Decem­ber 2020 (blamed on Rus­sia). 2. The Microsoft Exchange mega-hack of March 2021 (blamed on Chi­na). 3. Rev­e­la­tions of NSO Group abus­es. 4. Rev­e­la­tions that Can­diru is sell­ing cut­ting-edge spy­ware show­ing, spe­cial­ized in tar­get­ing Microsoft­’s sys­tems. We are told those are four large­ly unre­lat­ed sto­ries. What’s wrong with this pic­ture?

* Decem­ber 8, 2020: Fire­Eye, a Top Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Firm, Says It Was Hacked by a Nation-State:

The sto­ry that got the ball rolling. At least pub­licly. Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Fire­Eye informs the world of a night­mare sce­nario. FireEye’s “Red Team” code suite was stolen. So who­ev­er man­aged to hack Fire­Eye obtained a toolk­it of vir­tu­al­ly all the most pow­er­ful known exploits. A dig­i­tal trea­sure trove that had sud­den­ly fall­en into the hands of who­ev­er already had the where­with­al to pull off this hack. And as experts warned, nation-states could poten­tial­ly hide their own tracks using this toolk­it. This is basi­cal­ly going to be the only time we see an expert admit that gov­ern­ments around the world could be inten­tion­al­ly , an implic­it admis­sion as to how shod­dy con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tion tru­ly are today. So who did it? Fire­Eye was­n’t ready to name a cul­prit. The FBI announced was it was con­fi­dent it was car­ried out by a nation-state, and while they would name a spe­cif­ic nation it was pret­ty clear Rus­sia was the prime sus­pect. No rea­son for these sus­pi­cions are giv­en.

* Decem­ber 14, 2020: Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­ers are behind a broad espi­onage cam­paign that has com­pro­mised U.S. agen­cies, includ­ing Trea­sury and Com­merce:

The night­mare explodes. We learn it was­n’t just Fire­Eye after Fire­Eye informs Solar­Winds that it was Solar­Wind­s’s own Ori­on update soft­ware that deliv­ered the mal­ware onto FireEye’s sys­tems. It was a rather omi­nous update giv­en that the same Ori­on soft­ware is on anoth­er 18,000 client net­works. Oh, and the US was already nam­ing names: It was Rus­sia again. Specif­i­caly APT29/Cozy Bear/Pawn Storm, the infa­mous hack­ing group thought to work for Rus­si­a’s FSB (or SVR, it’s unclear) and that the US claims was behind the first hack of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee (DNC) in 2015. Cozy Bear was also behind this new mega-hack. That was the line from the US a week after Fire­Eye first announced the hack. Rus­sia did it. No rea­sons for this attri­bu­tion are giv­en, of course, but is treat­ed as more of a giv­en since numer­ous US gov­ern­ment agen­cies were hit. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, we are told that the aggres­sive nature of this hack was unprece­dent­ed for Cozy Bear.

We also get an ear­ly impor­tant clue about how the Solar­Winds hack was car­ried out: Solar­Winds informed the world that it sus­pects Microsoft’s Office 365 email may have been “an attack vec­tor” used by the hack­ers. In oth­er words, the Solar­Winds hack start­ed with the hack of Microsoft­’s prod­ucts.

* Decem­ber 15, 2020: Fire­Eye Dis­cov­ered Solar­Winds Breach While Prob­ing Own Hack:

In some addi­tion­al report­ing on the break­ing Solar­Winds news, we learn that Fire­Eye isn’t actu­al­ly ready to join the US gov­ern­ment in attribut­ing the hack to Rus­sia due to a lack of evi­dence.

* Decem­ber 15, 2020: Microsoft’s Role In Solar­Winds Breach Comes Under Scruti­ny:

More infor­ma­tion is com­ing out about the role Microsoft prod­uct vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties played in the hack. The hack­ers were trick­ing Microsoft­’s authen­ti­ca­tion con­trols. This includes forg­ing authen­ti­ca­tion tokens for Microsoft­’s Azure cloud ser­vices and cre­at­ing pass­word cre­den­tials for legit­i­mate process­es enabling them to read emails from Microsoft­’s Exchange Online cloud-based email ser­vice. Keep in mind that the Microsoft-Exchange mega-hack that is announced in March was tar­get­ing the non-cloud self-host­ed Microsoft Exchange email servers. So when the Solar­Winds hack­ers demon­strate an abil­i­ty to break into the cloud-based Exchange servers, they were demon­strat­ing a capa­bil­i­ty that was­n’t exact­ly the same as that used to exe­cute the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack but awful­ly close. And yet we will be assured by Microsoft that the Microsoft-Exchange hack was car­ried out by Chi­na.

* Decem­ber 21, 2020: Trea­sury Department’s Senior Lead­ers Were Tar­get­ed by Hack­ing:

The US Trea­sury Depart­ment gives us an update on the scope of the hack. The hack­ers gained access to agency emails in July 2020, via the manip­u­la­tion of inter­nal soft­ware keys. Specif­i­cal­ly, we are told the hack­ers per­formed a com­plex step inside Microsoft’s Office 365 sys­tem to cre­ate an encrypt­ed “token” that iden­ti­fies a com­put­er to the larg­er net­work. This tak­en allowed the hack­ers to fool the sys­tem into think­ing they were legit­i­mate users. So spoof­ing Microsoft cre­den­tials appears to be one of the Solar­Winds hack­er spe­cial­ties.

* Febuary 4, 2021: Solar­Winds CEO Con­firms Office 365 Email ‘Com­pro­mise’ Played Role In Broad-Based Attack:

It’s con­firmed! Solar­Winds con­firms the hack start­ed via a com­pro­mised Microsoft Office 365 email account. The hack­ers used a pre­vi­ous­ly unknown zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s Offi­cer 365 email soft­ware to gain access to and exploit the devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment for the Solar­Winds Ori­on.

But beyond that, we learn that 30 per­cent of the pri­vate sec­tor and gov­ern­ment vic­tims of the colos­sal hack­ing cam­paign had no direct con­nec­tion to Solar­Winds. It’s the kind of rev­e­la­tion that rais­es the dis­turb­ing ques­tion of whether or not these hack­ers had some oth­er yet-to-be-dis­cov­ered tech­nique for infil­trat­ing net­works. Which obvi­ous­ly rais­es a num­ber of ques­tions about whether or not oth­er Microsoft exploits were being used by these hack­ers. After all, the hack­ers man­aged to infil­trate Solar­Wind­s’s own net­work via a zero-day Microsoft exploit. Why would­n’t it work else­where? In oth­er words, the Solar­Winds mega-hack might actu­al­ly be part of an even larg­er Microsoft super-mega-hack. A still unrec­og­nized super-mega-Microsoft-hack.

* Feb­ru­ary 05, 2021: Microsoft: No Evi­dence Solar­Winds Was Hacked Via Office 365:

Not true! None of it! That’s the line from Microsoft a day after Solar­Wind­s’s CEO appears to con­firm that the exploita­tion of a Microsoft Office 365 email vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty was­n’t just used in the hack but used to exe­cute the ini­tial com­pro­mise of Solar­Wind­s’s soft­ware devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment. Microsoft does admit that Microsoft ser­vices were indeed tar­get­ed by the Solar­Winds hack­ers, but insists that the hack­ers gained priv­i­leged cre­den­tials in anoth­er way, imply­ing it was due to soft­ware con­fig­u­ra­tion issues on the client end and not due to vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Microsoft­’s prod­ucts. And what about all the reports from Solar­Winds and the US gov­ern­ment that they found evi­dence of an Office 365 email exploit? “As we said at the time, and based upon all inves­ti­ga­tions since, we have found no indi­ca­tions that our sys­tems were used to attack oth­ers.” That was Microsoft­’s line. Still.

* Feb­ru­ary 19, 2021: Solar­Winds Hack­ers Kept Going After Microsoft Until Jan­u­ary:

Microsoft gave us an update on its Solar­Winds inves­ti­ga­tion. The com­pa­ny acknowl­edge that its own net­works were plun­dered dur­ing the attack, and even some of its source was stolen. The source code report­ed involved the cloud-based ver­sions of Asure, Intune, and Exchange (email serv­er soft­ware). We are also told the hack­ers were search­ing Microsoft­’s net­works for use­ful secrets like API keys, cre­den­tials, and secu­ri­ty tokens that may have been embed­ded in the source code.

* March 5, 2021: At Least 30,000 U.S. Orga­ni­za­tions New­ly Hacked Via Holes in Microsoft’s Email Soft­ware:

A new mega-hack is upon us! Back-to-back mega-hacks. This time Microsoft is the main tar­get. The soft­ware giant informed the world that hun­dreds of thou­sands of Microsoft Exchange Servers were attacked around the world. The attack was first detect­ed by Volex­i­ty on Jan­u­ary 6, dur­ing the Capi­tol insur­rec­tion, with a large down­load to an ille­git­i­mate user, although days lat­er Volex­i­ty issued an update that it found evi­dence of the attack start­ing on Jan­u­ary 3rd. Days lat­er this qui­et hack explod­ed into a loud glob­al ran­sack­ing. Vir­tu­al­ly every self-host­ed Microsoft Exchange email serv­er in the world con­nect­ed to the inter­net was hit over the next two months. Or at least is assumed hit. That’s a lot of hacked email. And poten­tial­ly voice­mail. Microsoft was con­tin­u­ing to assure us the hack had noth­ing to do with the Solar­Winds hack, and also that the Solar­Winds hack had noth­ing to do with any Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. They were seri­ous­ly tout­ing the ‘don’t wor­ry about Microsoft secu­ri­ty’ line dur­ing the Exchange mega-hack dis­clo­sure.

* March 10, 2021: Microsoft Exchange Hack Could Be Worse Than Solar­Winds:

With more infor­ma­tion about the Hafni­um hack com­ing in the more this is look­ing like the worst worst case sce­nario. Or at least worse than the Solar­Winds hack, which would make this the worst yet. Lit­er­al­ly the worst hack ever. So far. Give it a few months.

The hack start­ed on Jan 3, with “Hafni­um” qui­et­ly hack­ing away at dozens of tar­gets until Microsoft issued a patch in ear­ly March. At that point, it was a crim­i­nal free-for-all race that includ­ed at least a dozen more crim­i­nal actors.

A big part of what make it the worst hack ever is the scale, with poten­tial­ly hun­dreds of thou­sands of Exchange email servers all hit in short order but this is an attack that can be auto­mat­ed. The hack­ers need­ed scrips and time to let the scripts to their work.

But anoth­er part of what arguably makes this the worst hack ever is that the abil­i­ty to remote­ly take over the Exchange serv­er soft­ware does­n’t just poten­tial­ly give the hack­ers the abil­i­ty to read emails. It also poten­tial­ly give hack­ers the abil­i­ty to com­pro­mise the Microsoft Active Direc­to­ry sys­tem, which is the sys­tem used for ID authen­ti­ca­tion across the Microsoft ecosys­tem of soft­ware. So if you cor­rupt the Active Direc­to­ry sys­tem on a com­put­er, you can poten­tial­ly get super-user access to all the Microsoft soft­ware run­ning on that com­put­er’s net­work. And the catch here is that Microsoft Exchange serv­er only runs on Win­dows. So any­one run­ning it is run­ning it on a Win­dows Serv­er oper­at­ing sys­tem. So com­pro­mis­ing the Active Direc­to­ry sys­tem on the com­put­er run­ning the Microsoft Exchange serv­er soft­ware can hand over com­plete con­trol of the serv­er. This also means the hack­ers could have bur­rowed in all sorts of hid­den back­doors all over the vic­tim net­works. This was a huge deep hack.

But here’s the big detail we learn from Ed Hunter, CISO at Infoblox, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny, who is com­ment­ing to a reporter about the hack: the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been present in the Microsoft Exchange code­base for a decade. As Hunter put it, “one has to won­der how long this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been a close­ly held – and used – tool in this threat actor’s tool­box.”

And, again, it was just two weeks ear­li­er that Microsoft dis­closed that the Solar­Winds hack­ers stole Exchange source code for the cloud-based ver­sion of Exchange. But in this case, it was the self-host Exchange servers that got hacked. All of them. Hun­dreds of thou­sands of email servers around the world. Also keep in mind the Solar­Winds hack­ers had already demon­strat­ed zero-day abil­i­ties to manip­u­late Microsoft­’s cre­den­tial sys­tems. So this hack sure seems close­ly relat­ed to the Solar­Winds hack­ers, and yet Microsoft con­fi­dent­ly assured us that this had noth­ing to do with the Solar­Winds hack and was in fact car­ried out by a state-backed Chi­nese hack­ing group Microsoft dubbed “Hafni­um”.

* April 16, 2021: A ‘Worst Night­mare’ Cyber­at­tack: The Untold Sto­ry Of The Solar­Winds Hack:

Four months after it was first announced, NPR has a big piece on the then-untold sto­ry of how the hack unfold­ed. By that point, the Biden White House was unequiv­i­cal­ly stat­ing Russ­ian intel­li­gence was behind it. While the rea­son Rus­sia is giv­en the attri­bu­tion is, as always, nev­er giv­en, there was by now enough known about the hack to deter­mine that these real­ly were excep­tion­al hack­ers. Mul­ti­ple nev­er-before-seen “zero-day” exploits were uti­lized. Beyond that, the mal­ware was intro­duced into the Solar­Winds soft­ware devel­op­ment pipeline at the very last pos­si­ble moment, dur­ing the com­pi­la­tion process, allow­ing it to evade the stan­dard secu­ri­ty checks for unwant­ed soft­ware. It was proof-of-con­cept and could be used against any­one else using the same com­pi­la­tion soft­are (they did­n’t name the soft­ware). This abil­i­ty to use this attack against oth­er soft­ware devel­op­ers is par­tic­u­lar­ly acute when we recall that this attack cre­at­ed back­doors on the net­works of the many of the largest soft­ware devel­op­ers in the world. Includ­ing Microsoft. Yikes.

And it’s in this April 2021 NPR piece where we get fur­ther con­fir­ma­tion of some­thing that has long been clear but is rare said out loud so clear­ly: con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tion real­ly does rely heav­i­ly on ‘clues’ like Cyril­lic char­ac­ters or Man­darin in the code and such ‘clues’ are fre­quent­ly found. At least that’s how Adam Mey­ers, the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at Crowd­Strike, described his approach to deter­min­ing the iden­ti­ty of the Solar­Winds hack­ers. And he was lead­ing the team that first inves­ti­gat­ed it. Mey­ers express­es dis­may at how thor­ough the hack­ers were. Thor­ough in the sense that there was no ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ like Cyril­lic or Man­darin. Mey­ers describe the lack of any­thing that a human might have inad­ver­tent­ly left behind as a clue as “mind-blow­ing”. His response to the tiny piece of mal­ware used in the ini­tial Solar­Winds hack — dis­trib­uted to all 18,000 clients via the Ori­on soft­ware — and it’s lack of clues as “the cra­zi­est f***ing thing I’d ever seen.” So this update on the Solar­Winds inves­ti­ga­tion includes an update on the gen­er­al state of affairs in cyber­at­tri­bu­tion. A state of affairs where mal­ware that’s cleaned and lacks a ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ is “the cra­zi­est f***ing thing I’d ever seen.” This is a good time to recall the sto­ry of the Shad­ow Bro­kers and the CIA’s hack­ing toolk­it that includ­ed fea­tures like leav­ing Cyril­lic or Man­darin char­ac­ters to leave a false lead. This was con­firmed just four years ago. Every­one real­ly is play­ing dumb here. Dou­ble yikes.

* April 23, 2021: Solar­Winds hack­ing cam­paign puts Microsoft in the hot seat:

Microsoft­’s ter­ri­ble, hor­ri­ble, no good, very bad year con­tin­ues. A week after that big NPR piece on Solar­Winds, we learn new sig­nif­i­cant details on the Solar­Winds hack in a new report put out by The Atlantic Coun­cil. The kind of details that have Microsoft scram­bling for expla­na­tions. And cul­prits. Again. It turns out the deliv­ery of the back­door mal­ware via the Solar­Winds Ori­on updat­ing soft­ware was just the first phase of the mega-hack. Once the hack­ers used those back­doors to gain access to vic­tims’ net­works they con­tin­ued to exploit more vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. In par­tic­u­lar Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties involv­ing how Microsoft prod­ucts val­i­date user iden­ti­ties. Now, part of the rea­son Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties were heav­i­ly tar­get­ed was because, well, these vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties exist. But the oth­er big rea­son is that Microsoft has more than 85% of the mar­ket share for gov­ern­ment and indus­try. In oth­er words, the juici­est tar­gets — espe­cial­ly gov­ern­ment agen­cies — were almost all run­ning Microsoft tools on their net­works. Microsoft con­tin­ued to deflect blame, sug­gest­ing poor­ly con­fig­ured soft­ware by the clients was the cause. But accord­ing to Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden, the soft­ware Microsoft sup­plies to US fed­er­al agen­cies is itself poor­ly con­fig­ured with default log set­tings that won’t cap­ture the infor­ma­tion need­ed to catch attacks while they’re in progress.

* May 28, 2021: Microsoft says group behind Solar­Winds hack now tar­get­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies, NGOs:

Cozy Bear/APT29/“Nobelium” is back at it. They’re up to their old tricks, accord­ing to Microsoft. Tar­get­ed phish­ing, with orga­ni­za­tions who signed up to received com­mu­ni­ca­tions from USAID being the tar­gets. 3,000 email accounts at more than 150 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions. Some­how, the hack­ers man­aged to minick emails from the firm Con­stant Con­tact, the firm that han­dle’s USAID’s email com­mu­ni­ca­tions, to make it look like a USAID com­mu­ni­ca­tion. At least a quar­ter of the tar­get­ed organ­i­sa­tions were involved in inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment, human­i­tar­i­an issues and human rights work. The US and UK blame Rus­si­a’s SVR (the same agency Cozy Bear/APT is said to work for...long with the FSB).

How did Microsoft deter­mine that this was done by the same hack­ers who pulled off the Solar­Winds hack? That’s nev­er explained. It’s not due to tech­ni­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties. In fact, the Microsoft blog post describ­ing this USAID phish­ing scheme explic­it­ly states that this new attack had few tech­ni­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties to the Solar­Winds hack and sug­gests the hack­ers inten­tion­al­ly changed their tac­tics after the Solar­Winds hack was uncov­ered. Four new zero-day pieces of mal­ware deployed on the com­put­ers of the vic­tims that clicked on the mali­cious link, so keep in mind that if this was the same hack­ing group that is involved with the Solar­Winds hack and/or Microsoft Exchange hack, this crew is sport­ing a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of zero-day exploits.

* June 25, 2021: Microsoft says new breach dis­cov­ered in probe of sus­pect­ed Solar­Winds hack­ers:

Cozy Bear/APT29/“Nobelium” is at it again. Again. This time, Microsoft tells is the hack­ers some­how hacked a Microsoft agent who had access to Microsoft cus­tomer sup­port tools with sub­scrip­tion infor­ma­tion. Of course, we’ve already been told about how the Solar­Winds hack­ers stole code involv­ing how Microsoft tools ver­i­fy iden­ti­ties, and the same hack­ers report­ed­ly pulled this hack off. So it’s not hard to imag­ine some of those stolen insights were used to car­ry out this hack. But we aren’t told much else from Microsoft oth­er than that it was def­i­nite­ly the Solar­Winds hack­ers who are def­i­nite­ly work­ing for the Russ­ian state. Of that they are sure. Always and for­ev­er, except when it’s Chi­na.

* July 4, 2021: Solar­Winds: How Russ­ian spies hacked the Jus­tice, State, Trea­sury, Ener­gy and Com­merce Depart­ments:

Less than two weeks lat­er, CBS has an arti­cle with more inter­views of fig­ures involved with the Solar­Winds hack inves­ti­ga­tion, includ­ing Brad Smith, pres­i­dent of Microsoft. Smith points to the list of US gov­ern­ment agen­cies hit by the hack and insists that means it was a for­eign intel­li­gence col­lec­tion mis­sion (which ignores the oth­er 18,000 large­ly com­mer­cial group of vic­tims also hit). The piece reveals that the Solar­Winds hack­ers were on US fed­er­al net­works read­ing emails and oth­er traf­fic for months.

It ends an inter­view of Jon Miller, who runs a com­pa­ny Bold­end, that sells cut­ting-edge cyber weapons to US intel­li­gence agen­cies. Miller observes that the notable thing about the Solar­Winds hack was­n’t the sophis­ti­ca­tion. He builds things much more sophis­ti­cat­ed (pre­sum­ably for his US intel­li­gence clients). Instead, what makes this attack stand out is how aggres­sive it was. It’s the kind of assess­ment that sug­gests a lot of dif­fer­ent actors could have pulled this attack of for some time and some­one final­ly did it.

Miller also reminds us of anoth­er cru­cial aspect of both the Solar­Winds and Exchange mega-hacks: It would be triv­ial to turn those back­doors into dig­i­tal bombs that destroy vic­tim net­works. In oth­er words, these mega-hacks could have been A LOT more dam­ag­ing had the hack­ers want­ed them to be. And since the hack­ers like embed­ded them­selves in vic­tim net­works in ways not yet detect­ed, they could decide to unleash those dig­i­tal bombs in the future if they choose to in the future.

* July 15, 2021: Microsoft says Israeli group sold tools to hack Win­dows:

Cit­i­zen­Lab put out a report on an Israeli com­mer­cial hack­ing group behind mal­ware dis­cov­ered tar­get­ing Win­dows. But Can­diru’s toolk­it does­n’t just hit MIcrosoft prod­ucts. It appears to be the same com­pa­ny Google had just attrib­uted to a set of addi­tion­al zero-day exploits tar­get­ing Google’s prod­ucts that Cit­i­zen Lab also con­nect­ed to Can­diru. So Microsoft and Google both announced the dis­cov­ery of Can­diru zero-day exploits as rough­ly the same time.

* July 15, 2021: Microsoft says it blocked spy­ing on rights activists, oth­ers:

In some more report­ing on Can­diru, we learn that the com­pa­ny goes by sev­er­al names. We also learn that its spy­ware “infra­struc­ture” includes webistes “mas­querad­ing as advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tions” such as Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and Black Lives Mat­ter.

* July 15, 2021: Safari Zero-Day Used in Mali­cious LinkedIn Cam­paign:

More on Google’s Threat Assess­ment Group (TAG) secu­ri­ty announce­ment. A Russ­ian-lan­guage group was exploit­ing a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the Safari brows­er on iOS sys­tems. Mali­cious links that exe­cut­ed the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty were being sent to West­ern Euro­pean gov­ern­ment offi­cials through Linked­In’s direct mes­sage app. It is not­ed that the mali­cious link cam­paign coin­cid­ed with a “Nobeli­um’s” USAID phish­ing cam­paign in May tar­get­ing Win­dows devices.

Dur­ing this same report, Google’s TAG announced a new exploit it dis­cov­ered that was used against Armen­ian activists in April. A zero-day exploit against Microsoft­’s Inter­net Explor­er.

The TAG team also announced three new zero-day exploits attrib­uted to an unnamed “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dor” (Can­diru). Two vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Google’s Chrome and one in Microsoft­’s Inter­net Explor­er. These exploits were also used against Armen­ian tar­gets but we are told that this was a sep­a­rate cam­paign for the oth­er Armen­ian hack, with one of the Chrome exploits dis­cov­ered in Feb­ru­ary and the sec­ond in June.

Final­ly, the arti­cle notes that secu­ri­ty researchers have iden­ti­fied 33 zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties until that point in 2021, which is 11 more than the 22 total found in 2020. That’s triple the rate of the pre­vi­ous year, which itself was a record year.

* July 17, 2021: Israeli Com­pa­nies Aid­ed Sau­di Spy­ing Despite Khashog­gi Killing:

NSO Group’s recent headache has begun. The New York Times has an update on NSO Group and long-stand­ing ques­tions about the extent to which the license giv­en to coun­tries to buy NSO Group’s super-spy­ware is used as a tool of Israel’s for­eign pol­i­cy. It’s a ques­tion that relates to more than NSO Group but the entire Israeli ‘com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance’ indus­try that gov­ern­ments around the world turn to. As we should have expect­ed, it turns out the super-spy­ware suites like NSO Group’s Pega­sus soft­ware aren’t just super-spy­ware suites. They’re also diplo­mat­ic tools for the Israeli gov­ern­ment. And that means some­times NSO Groups might effec­tive­ly be forced to keep sell­ing to clients like Sau­di Ara­bia even when its rela­tion­ship with those clients becomes tox­ic. That’s appar­ent­ly what hap­pened fol­low­ing the Sau­di gov­ern­men­t’s assas­si­na­tion of Jamal Khashog­gi. NSO Group can­celed the Sau­di con­tract only to be pres­sured by the Israeli gov­ern­ment to renew it. NSO Group was ulti­mate­ly sold to new pri­vate equi­ty own­ers and pro­ceed­ed to renew the Sau­di con­tract.

But the NSO Group reveals a far more legit­i­mate excuse for its appar­ent neg­li­gence in reg­u­lat­ing its super-spy­ware: the Israeli gov­ern­ment approves of these sales. If you want a sub­scrip­tion for Pega­sus, you bet­ter make sure you’re on at least least decent terms with the Israeli gov­ern­ment. It’s pret­ty

* July 18, 2021: Pri­vate Israeli spy­ware used to hack cell­phones of jour­nal­ists, activists world­wide:

The Wash­ing­ton Post fol­lows up with a huge report that con­firmed a bunch of oth­er things that have been sus­pect­ed about NSO Group: Peo­ple have long accused the com­pa­ny of not hav­ing any safe­guards to ensure the super-spy­ware it sells to gov­ern­ments around the world around only used to track ‘ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals’. And, yep, there are basi­cal­ly no safe­guards. It’s up to the gov­ern­ment to promise not to abuse the super spy­ware. Although there are geo­graph­ic lim­i­ta­tions. The spy­ware was con­fig­ured to not work on US-based smart­phones and could be lim­it­ed to cer­tain coun­tries. But how it was used inside those approved geo­graph­ic areas was up to the gov­ern­ments. In oth­er words, Pega­sus was abused. A lot. At least that’s accord­ing to an inves­ti­ga­tion released by For­bid­den Sto­ries, a Paris-based jour­nal­ism non­prof­it, and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al.

How much abused of the NSO Group’s super-spy­ware has been tak­ing place? Well, this report was based on thou­sands phone num­bers leaked that were pur­port­ed­ly the tar­get phone num­bers of NSO Group’s feared Pega­sus spy­ware. Almost unstop­pable spy­ware suits that can hit almost any smart­phone. And if those thou­sands of num­bers real­ly are an accu­rate tar­get list, it was ram­pant abuse, with activists and rival politi­cians fre­quent­ly on the tar­get list. 60 gov­ern­ment agen­cies in 40 coun­tries were allowed to buy sub­scrip­tions to the soft­ware and, again, they policed them­selves.

NSO Group’s defense against charges that it was know­ing­ly allow­ing gov­ern­ments to abuse its super-spy­ware was to point out that the com­pa­ny does­n’t police how gov­ern­ments use its soft­ware. It real­ly is up to the gov­ern­ments to polices them­selves, as con­firmed by this study and the ram­pant abuse it reveals. It’s not actu­al­ly a great defense if you think about it, but it gets bet­ter when you keep in mind this is all sanc­tioned and encour­aged by the Israeli gov­ern­ment (and prob­a­bly the US gov­ern­ment).

* July 19, 2021: Microsoft Exchange hack caused by Chi­na, US and allies say:

The US for­mal­ly accus­es Chi­nese state-backed hack­ers of car­ry­ing out the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack. At the same time, the US Jus­tice Depart­ment announced charges against four Chi­nese nation­als who pros­e­cu­tors said were work­ing with China’s Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty in a dif­fer­ent hack­ing cam­paign that tar­get­ed dozens of com­put­er sys­tems, includ­ing com­pa­nies, uni­ver­si­ties and gov­ern­ment enti­ties. But beyond that, the US accused these state-backed Chi­nese hack­ers of car­ry­ing out ran­somware and oth­er for-prof­it extor­tion hacks for their own per­son­al enrich­ment. In fact, an admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial told reporters that the for­mal attri­bu­tion of the Exchange hack to Chi­na took this many months (recall Microsoft did it imme­di­ate­ly) in part because of the ran­somware and for-prof­it hack­ing oper­a­tions. In oth­er words, the hack­ers the US was accus­ing of work­ing on behalf of the Chi­nese state were behav­ing like reg­u­lar crim­i­nals. But we are nonethe­less assured that, no, they were work­ing for Chi­na. Dmitri Alper­ovitch — co-founder of Crowd­Strike and the guy who pio­neered the mod­ern approach of mak­ing loud evi­dence-free hack­ing accu­sa­tions against coun­tries as a means of pre­vent­ing future attacks — express­es a sense of puz­zle­ment that sanc­tions against Chi­na haven’t been declared yet.

* July 20, 2021: Chi­na says Microsoft hack­ing accu­sa­tions fab­ri­cat­ed by US and allies:

The US’s allies (the UK, New Zealand, Aus­tralia, and EU) join the US in joint­ly con­demn­ing Chi­na for the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack. Anony­mous West­ern secu­ri­ty sources tell reports that they believe Hafni­um new Microsoft was going to plug the Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and so shared it with oth­er Chi­na-based hack­ers, cul­mi­nat­ing in the giant glob­al smash-and-grab. It’s anoth­er indi­ca­tion that the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack has the appear­ance of being a crim­i­nal smash-and-grab event and we are now told that this was all how Chi­na planned it to play out. And we are also told that Microsoft was about to plug this mas­sive vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty but were thwart­ed by Chi­nese spies or some­thing. The facts and details may change, but two things always stays the same: Chi­na did it and this def­i­nite­ly did­n’t involve the Solar­Winds hack.

* July 22, 2021: France’s Macron changes phone in light of Pega­sus case:

The NSO Group scan­dal gets extra awk­ward when Emmanuel Macron’s admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial­ly acknowl­edges that it changed Macron’s mobile phone and phone num­ber after the num­ber showed up on a list of poten­tial tar­gets for sur­veil­lance by Moroc­co in the report by For­bid­den Sto­ries and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al. Israel has formed an inter-min­is­te­r­i­al team to look into the export licens­es issued by the Defence Export Con­trols Agency (DECA). NSO Group con­tin­ues to defend itself by reit­er­at­ing that it does­n’t know the iden­ti­ties of the peo­ple tar­get­ed by Pega­sus. The com­pa­ny can, how­ev­er, retroac­tive­ly acquire the tar­get lists in the event of a com­plaint and uni­lat­er­al­ly shut down the offend­ing gov­ern­men­t’s sub­scrip­tion fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion. So over­sight only hap­pens if a com­plaint is issued over the abuse of the super-secret dif­fi­cult-to-find spy­ware. There pre­sum­ably aren’t very many com­plaints.


That’s the sto­ry we are being asked to buy. Or rather, those are the sto­ries we are being asked to buy. Break­ing sto­ries about two record-break­ing mega-hacks and rev­e­la­to­ry sto­ries about two cut­ting-edge ‘com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dors’ licens­ing sell­ing zero-day exploits around the world. Sep­a­rate sto­ries, at least that’s what we are told. The Solar­Winds hack and the Microsoft Exchange hack are two com­plete­ly sep­a­rate hacks, one exe­cut­ed by Rus­sia and the oth­er by Chi­na. The fact that the Solar­Winds hack­ers pos­sessed Microsoft zero-day exploits and appeared to ini­ti­ate the hack using those exploits is just ignored. The fact that no actu­al evi­dence indi­cat­ing it was Rus­sia or Chi­na behind the hacks are also just ignored. And the fact that sto­ries about a mas­sive pow­er­ful glob­al “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance” indus­try sell­ing super-exploits to gov­ern­ments around the world are also just ignored. Or oth­er gov­ern­ment hack­ing toolk­its like the CIA’s Vault7, that had fea­tures specif­i­cal­ly designed to spoof the “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” approach to cyber­at­tri­bu­tion. Ignore all that. It’s a faith-based attri­bu­tion par­a­digm, ripe for bad-faith attri­bu­tions.

FireEye Wakes Up to a “Red Team Tools” Nightmare. Which Could Become Everyone’s Nightmare

Decem­ber 8, 2020, was a dark day for dig­i­tal secu­ri­ty. A worst case sce­nario was play­ing out in real-time. Some­one hacked the secu­ri­ty firm and stole its “Red Team” code suite. A toolk­it of vir­tu­al­ly all the most pow­er­ful known exploits. And as experts warned, nation-states could poten­tial­ly hide their own tracks using this toolk­it. This is basi­cal­ly going to be the only time we see an expert admit that gov­ern­ments around the world could be inten­tion­al­ly. Fire­Eye was­n’t ready to name a cul­prit. But the FBI announced was it was con­fi­dent it was car­ried out by a nation-state, and while they would name a spe­cif­ic nation it was pret­ty clear Rus­sia was the prime sus­pect. No rea­son for these sus­pi­cions are giv­en:

The New York Times

Fire­Eye, a Top Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Firm, Says It Was Hacked by a Nation-State

The Sil­i­con Val­ley com­pa­ny said hack­ers — almost cer­tain­ly Russ­ian — made off with tools that could be used to mount new attacks around the world.

By David E. Sanger and Nicole Perl­roth
Pub­lished Dec. 8, 2020 Updat­ed Feb. 6, 2021

WASHINGTON — For years, the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Fire­Eye has been the first call for gov­ern­ment agen­cies and com­pa­nies around the world who have been hacked by the most sophis­ti­cat­ed attack­ers, or fear they might be.

Now it looks like the hack­ers — in this case, evi­dence points to Russia’s intel­li­gence agen­cies — may be exact­ing their revenge.

Fire­Eye revealed on Tues­day that its own sys­tems were pierced by what it called “a nation with top-tier offen­sive capa­bil­i­ties.” The com­pa­ny said hack­ers used “nov­el tech­niques” to make off with its own tool kit, which could be use­ful in mount­ing new attacks around the world.

It was a stun­ning theft, akin to bank rob­bers who, hav­ing cleaned out local vaults, then turned around and stole the F.B.I.’s inves­tiga­tive tools. In fact, Fire­Eye said on Tues­day, moments after the stock mar­ket closed, that it had called in the F.B.I.

The $3.5 bil­lion com­pa­ny, which part­ly makes a liv­ing by iden­ti­fy­ing the cul­prits in some of the world’s bold­est breach­es — its clients have includ­ed Sony and Equifax — declined to say explic­it­ly who was respon­si­ble. But its descrip­tion, and the fact that the F.B.I. has turned the case over to its Rus­sia spe­cial­ists, left lit­tle doubt who the lead sus­pects were and that they were after what the com­pa­ny calls “Red Team tools.”

These are essen­tial­ly dig­i­tal tools that repli­cate the most sophis­ti­cat­ed hack­ing tools in the world. Fire­Eye uses the tools — with the per­mis­sion of a client com­pa­ny or gov­ern­ment agency — to look for vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in their sys­tems. Most of the tools are based in a dig­i­tal vault that Fire­Eye close­ly guards.

The F.B.I. on Tues­day con­firmed that the hack was the work of a state, but it also would not say which one. Matt Gorham, assis­tant direc­tor of the F.B.I. Cyber Divi­sion, said, “The F.B.I. is inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent and pre­lim­i­nary indi­ca­tions show an actor with a high lev­el of sophis­ti­ca­tion con­sis­tent with a nation-state.”

The hack rais­es the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Russ­ian intel­li­gence agen­cies saw an advan­tage in mount­ing the attack while Amer­i­can atten­tion — includ­ing FireEye’s — was focused on secur­ing the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion sys­tem. At a moment that the nation’s pub­lic and pri­vate intel­li­gence sys­tems were seek­ing out breach­es of vot­er reg­is­tra­tion sys­tems or vot­ing machines, it may have a been a good time for those Russ­ian agen­cies, which were involved in the 2016 elec­tion breach­es, to turn their sights on oth­er tar­gets.

The hack was the biggest known theft of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty tools since those of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency were pur­loined in 2016 by a still-uniden­ti­fied group that calls itself the Shad­ow­Bro­kers. That group dumped the N.S.A.’s hack­ing tools online over sev­er­al months, hand­ing nation-states and hack­ers the “keys to the dig­i­tal king­dom,” as one for­mer N.S.A. oper­a­tor put it. North Korea and Rus­sia ulti­mate­ly used the N.S.A.’s stolen weapon­ry in destruc­tive attacks on gov­ern­ment agen­cies, hos­pi­tals and the world’s biggest con­glom­er­ates — at a cost of more than $10 bil­lion.

The N.S.A.’s tools were most like­ly more use­ful than FireEye’s since the U.S. gov­ern­ment builds pur­pose-made dig­i­tal weapons. FireEye’s Red Team tools are essen­tial­ly built from mal­ware that the com­pa­ny has seen used in a wide range of attacks.

Still, the advan­tage of using stolen weapons is that nation-states can hide their own tracks when they launch attacks.

“Hack­ers could lever­age FireEye’s tools to hack risky, high-pro­file tar­gets with plau­si­ble deni­a­bil­i­ty,” said Patrick War­dle, a for­mer N.S.A. hack­er who is now a prin­ci­pal secu­ri­ty researcher at Jamf, a soft­ware com­pa­ny. “In risky envi­ron­ments, you don’t want to burn your best tools, so this gives advanced adver­saries a way to use some­one else’s tools with­out burn­ing their best capa­bil­i­ties.”

A Chi­nese state-spon­sored hack­ing group was pre­vi­ous­ly caught using the N.S.A.’s hack­ing tools in attacks around the world, osten­si­bly after dis­cov­er­ing the N.S.A.’s tools on its own sys­tems. “It’s like a no-brain­er,” said Mr. War­dle.

The breach is like­ly to be a black eye for Fire­Eye. Its inves­ti­ga­tors worked with Sony after the dev­as­tat­ing 2014 attack that the firm lat­er attrib­uted to North Korea. It was Fire­Eye that was called in after the State Depart­ment and oth­er Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment agen­cies were breached by Russ­ian hack­ers in 2015. And its major cor­po­rate clients include Equifax, the cred­it mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice that was hacked three years ago, affect­ing near­ly half of the Amer­i­can pop­u­la­tion.

In the Fire­Eye attack, the hack­ers went to extra­or­di­nary lengths to avoid being seen. They cre­at­ed sev­er­al thou­sand inter­net pro­to­col address­es — many inside the Unit­ed States — that had nev­er before been used in attacks. By using those address­es to stage their attack, it allowed the hack­ers to bet­ter con­ceal their where­abouts.

“This attack is dif­fer­ent from the tens of thou­sands of inci­dents we have respond­ed to through­out the years,” said Kevin Man­dia, FireEye’s chief exec­u­tive. (He was the founder of Man­di­ant, a firm that Fire­Eye acquired in 2014.)

But Fire­Eye said it was still inves­ti­gat­ing exact­ly how the hack­ers had breached its most pro­tect­ed sys­tems. Details were thin.

Mr. Man­dia, a for­mer Air Force intel­li­gence offi­cer, said the attack­ers “tai­lored their world-class capa­bil­i­ties specif­i­cal­ly to tar­get and attack Fire­Eye.” He said they appeared to be high­ly trained in “oper­a­tional secu­ri­ty” and exhib­it­ed “dis­ci­pline and focus,” while mov­ing clan­des­tine­ly to escape the detec­tion of secu­ri­ty tools and foren­sic exam­i­na­tion. Google, Microsoft and oth­er firms that con­duct cyber­se­cu­ri­ty inves­ti­ga­tions said they had nev­er seen some of these tech­niques.

Fire­Eye also pub­lished key ele­ments of its “Red Team” tools so that oth­ers around the world would see attacks com­ing.

Amer­i­can inves­ti­ga­tors are try­ing to deter­mine if the attack has any rela­tion­ship to anoth­er sophis­ti­cat­ed oper­a­tion that the N.S.A. said Rus­sia was behind in a warn­ing issued on Mon­day. That gets into a type of soft­ware, called VM for vir­tu­al machines, which is used wide­ly by defense com­pa­nies and man­u­fac­tur­ers. The N.S.A. declined to say what the tar­gets of that attack were. It is unclear whether the Rus­sians used their suc­cess in that breach to get into FireEye’s sys­tems.


On Tues­day, Russia’s Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion for Inter­na­tion­al Infor­ma­tion Secu­ri­ty held a forum with glob­al secu­ri­ty experts where Russ­ian offi­cials again claimed that there was no evi­dence its hack­ers were respon­si­ble for attacks that have result­ed in Amer­i­can sanc­tions and indict­ments.

Secu­ri­ty firms have been a fre­quent tar­get for nation-states and hack­ers, in part because their tools main­tain a deep lev­el of access to cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment clients all over the world. By hack­ing into those tools and steal­ing source code, spies and hack­ers can gain a foothold to vic­tims’ sys­tems.

McAfee, Syman­tec and Trend Micro were among the list of major secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies whose code a Russ­ian-speak­ing hack­er group claimed to have stolen last year. Kasper­sky, the Russ­ian secu­ri­ty firm, was hacked by Israeli hack­ers in 2017. And in 2012, Syman­tec con­firmed that a seg­ment of its antivirus source code was stolen by hack­ers.


“Fire­Eye, a Top Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Firm, Says It Was Hacked by a Nation-State” by David E. Sanger and Nicole Perl­roth; The New York Times; 12/08/2020

“Fire­Eye revealed on Tues­day that its own sys­tems were pierced by what it called “a nation with top-tier offen­sive capa­bil­i­ties.” The com­pa­ny said hack­ers used “nov­el tech­niques” to make off with its own tool kit, which could be use­ful in mount­ing new attacks around the world.

Fire­Eye could­n’t say who pen­e­trat­ed their sys­tems. But they nonethe­less con­fi­dent­ly state it was the work a “a nation with top-tier offen­sive capa­bil­i­ties,” an asser­tion osten­si­bly root­ed in the sophis­ti­cat­ed nature of the attack, the dis­cip­ine of the attack­ers, and the num­ber of nev­er-before-seen tech­niques used by these unknown hack­ers. In oth­er words, a guess made based on pat­tern recog­ni­tion, and not an asser­tion made with real cer­tain­ty. Fire­Eye did­n’t actu­al­ly know this attack came from a nation with top-tier offen­sive capa­bil­i­ties when it made that state­ment. Fire­Eye could­n’t have tru­ly ruled out a pri­vate actor when it made that con­fi­dent state­ment. Or a nation with­out top-tier capa­bilites that pur­chased those top-tier capa­bil­i­ties from a top-tier com­mer­cial mal­ware provider like NSO Group. But mak­ing attri­bu­tions in cyber attacks is a ser­vice Fire­Eye pro­vides. It points towards one of the fun­da­men­tal binds the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty indus­try faces: their clients are pay­ing for answers, whether answers are fea­si­ble or not.

And when the FBI turned the case over to its Rus­sia spe­cial­ist, and ‘con­firmed’ the hack was the work of a state, it was pret­ty clear where the blame was ulti­mate­ly going to go. That ‘con­fir­ma­tion’ was no doubt pred­i­cat­ed in part on the sophis­ti­ca­tion of the hack. And yet the appar­ent prize of this hack was FireEye’s “Red Team” tool kit that repli­cat­ed the most sophis­ti­cat­ed hack­ing tools in the world. Or at least the most sophis­ti­cat­ed known hack­ing tools seen in the wild. It’s implic­it­ly obvi­ous in this very hack that the pos­ses­sion of world-class hack­ing tools isn’t lim­it­ed to major nation-states like the US, Rus­sia, and Chi­na. Beyond that, we are told how the theft of the Fire­Eye Red Team kit was high­ly use­ful to nation-states because it would give them plau­si­ble deni­a­bil­i­ty by allow­ing them to car­ry out risky hacks with­out using their ‘zero-day’ exploits, using some­one else’s tools instead. All of the details about this sto­ry point towards the hall of mir­rors nature of cyber­at­tri­bu­tion inves­ti­ga­tions:

It was a stun­ning theft, akin to bank rob­bers who, hav­ing cleaned out local vaults, then turned around and stole the F.B.I.’s inves­tiga­tive tools. In fact, Fire­Eye said on Tues­day, moments after the stock mar­ket closed, that it had called in the F.B.I.

The $3.5 bil­lion com­pa­ny, which part­ly makes a liv­ing by iden­ti­fy­ing the cul­prits in some of the world’s bold­est breach­es — its clients have includ­ed Sony and Equifax — declined to say explic­it­ly who was respon­si­ble. But its descrip­tion, and the fact that the F.B.I. has turned the case over to its Rus­sia spe­cial­ists, left lit­tle doubt who the lead sus­pects were and that they were after what the com­pa­ny calls “Red Team tools.”

These are essen­tial­ly dig­i­tal tools that repli­cate the most sophis­ti­cat­ed hack­ing tools in the world. Fire­Eye uses the tools — with the per­mis­sion of a client com­pa­ny or gov­ern­ment agency — to look for vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in their sys­tems. Most of the tools are based in a dig­i­tal vault that Fire­Eye close­ly guards.

The F.B.I. on Tues­day con­firmed that the hack was the work of a state, but it also would not say which one. Matt Gorham, assis­tant direc­tor of the F.B.I. Cyber Divi­sion, said, “The F.B.I. is inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent and pre­lim­i­nary indi­ca­tions show an actor with a high lev­el of sophis­ti­ca­tion con­sis­tent with a nation-state.


The N.S.A.’s tools were most like­ly more use­ful than FireEye’s since the U.S. gov­ern­ment builds pur­pose-made dig­i­tal weapons. FireEye’s Red Team tools are essen­tial­ly built from mal­ware that the com­pa­ny has seen used in a wide range of attacks.

Still, the advan­tage of using stolen weapons is that nation-states can hide their own tracks when they launch attacks.

“Hack­ers could lever­age FireEye’s tools to hack risky, high-pro­file tar­gets with plau­si­ble deni­a­bil­i­ty,” said Patrick War­dle, a for­mer N.S.A. hack­er who is now a prin­ci­pal secu­ri­ty researcher at Jamf, a soft­ware com­pa­ny. “In risky envi­ron­ments, you don’t want to burn your best tools, so this gives advanced adver­saries a way to use some­one else’s tools with­out burn­ing their best capa­bil­i­ties.

A Chi­nese state-spon­sored hack­ing group was pre­vi­ous­ly caught using the N.S.A.’s hack­ing tools in attacks around the world, osten­si­bly after dis­cov­er­ing the N.S.A.’s tools on its own sys­tems. “It’s like a no-brain­er,” said Mr. War­dle.

And as the arti­cle reminds us, despite all hype about the ‘Shad­ow Bro­kers’ being a Russ­ian hack­er group, the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty has still nev­er tru­ly deter­mined their iden­i­ty. As is the case with near­ly all major hacks, the iden­ti­ties of the per­pe­tra­tors is ulti­mate­ly unknow­able based on the avail­able evi­dence:

The hack was the biggest known theft of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty tools since those of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency were pur­loined in 2016 by a still-uniden­ti­fied group that calls itself the Shad­ow­Bro­kers. That group dumped the N.S.A.’s hack­ing tools online over sev­er­al months, hand­ing nation-states and hack­ers the “keys to the dig­i­tal king­dom,” as one for­mer N.S.A. oper­a­tor put it. North Korea and Rus­sia ulti­mate­ly used the N.S.A.’s stolen weapon­ry in destruc­tive attacks on gov­ern­ment agen­cies, hos­pi­tals and the world’s biggest con­glom­er­ates — at a cost of more than $10 bil­lion.

It’s also worth observ­ing how Fire­Eye was declar­ing that the attack­ers tai­lored their world-class capa­bil­i­ties specif­i­cal­ly to tar­get and attack Fire­Eye.” And yet, as we learn, this was­n’t a spe­cif­ic attack on Fire­Eye at all. It was an attack on Fire­Eye and Solar­Wind­s’s 18,000 oth­er cus­tomers. Fire­Eye was just a very juicy tar­get to pil­fer amongst the thou­sands the hack­ers had to choose from:

But Fire­Eye said it was still inves­ti­gat­ing exact­ly how the hack­ers had breached its most pro­tect­ed sys­tems. Details were thin.

Mr. Man­dia, a for­mer Air Force intel­li­gence offi­cer, said the attack­ers “tai­lored their world-class capa­bil­i­ties specif­i­cal­ly to tar­get and attack Fire­Eye.” He said they appeared to be high­ly trained in “oper­a­tional secu­ri­ty” and exhib­it­ed “dis­ci­pline and focus,” while mov­ing clan­des­tine­ly to escape the detec­tion of secu­ri­ty tools and foren­sic exam­i­na­tion. Google, Microsoft and oth­er firms that con­duct cyber­se­cu­ri­ty inves­ti­ga­tions said they had nev­er seen some of these tech­niques.


On Tues­day, Russia’s Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion for Inter­na­tion­al Infor­ma­tion Secu­ri­ty held a forum with glob­al secu­ri­ty experts where Russ­ian offi­cials again claimed that there was no evi­dence its hack­ers were respon­si­ble for attacks that have result­ed in Amer­i­can sanc­tions and indict­ments.

Secu­ri­ty firms have been a fre­quent tar­get for nation-states and hack­ers, in part because their tools main­tain a deep lev­el of access to cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment clients all over the world. By hack­ing into those tools and steal­ing source code, spies and hack­ers can gain a foothold to vic­tims’ sys­tems.

Final­ly, note that Fire­Eye is far from the only cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm to report hav­ing their code stolen by ‘a Russ­ian-speak­ing hack­er group’ last year. McAfee, Syman­tec, and Trend­Mi­cro all report­ed get­ting hit. Which mean the “Red Team code” kits from all those oth­er firms are also float­ing around out there. And in each case, it was “Russ­ian-speak­ing hack­ers”. Who­ev­er has been hack­ing these oth­er secu­ri­ty firms was been leav­ing Russ­ian lan­guage arti­facts in their mal­ware. It’s a thing:

McAfee, Syman­tec and Trend Micro were among the list of major secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies whose code a Russ­ian-speak­ing hack­er group claimed to have stolen last year. Kasper­sky, the Russ­ian secu­ri­ty firm, was hacked by Israeli hack­ers in 2017. And in 2012, Syman­tec con­firmed that a seg­ment of its antivirus source code was stolen by hack­ers.

And yet, as we’re going to see, that’s not actu­al­ly the case with the Fire­Eye hack. No Russ­ian lan­guage arti­facts, or any oth­er lan­guage arti­facts, were left in the mal­ware used to attack Fire­Eye. And as we’re also going to see, this lack of lan­guage arti­facts in the att­tack — no Cyril­lic, or Man­darin or Per­sion — was seen as a utter shock by the Crowd­Strike fig­ures tasked with study­ing the attack.

FireEye Didn’t Start the Fire. Welcome to the SolarWinds Nightmare. Brought to You by Cozy Bear, According to the FBI, although FireEye isn’t So Sure

The Fire­Eye night­mare explodes into the Solar­Winds wak­ing worst night­mare. It was deter­mined that Solar­Wind­s’s Ori­on update soft­ware deliv­ered the mal­ware onto FireEye’s sys­tems. It’s the kind of omi­nous dis­cov­ery that comes with the impli­ca­tion that the oth­er 18,000 Solar­Winds clients run­ning the Ori­on soft­ware got hit too. Which is basi­cal­ly what hap­pened.

We also got an ear­ly hint from Solar­Winds about how the hack start­ed in the first place: in its cor­po­rate fil­ing dis­clos­ing the hack with the SEC, Solar­Winds indi­cat­ed that Microsoft­’s Office 365 email may have been “an attack vec­tor” used by the hack­ers.

And as we can see, the FBI was ready to name names from the very onset of this inves­ti­ga­tion. It took basi­cal­ly no time at all: APT29 aka Cozy Bear is at it again. That was the line from the FBI. The infa­mous hack­ing group thought to work for Rus­si­a’s FSB (or SVR, it’s unclear) and that the US claims was behind the first hack of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee (DNC) in 2015 was also behind the new Solar­Winds mega-hack. No rea­sons for this attri­bu­tion are giv­en, of course:

The Wash­ing­ton Post

Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­ers are behind a broad espi­onage cam­paign that has com­pro­mised U.S. agen­cies, includ­ing Trea­sury and Com­merce

By Ellen Nakashima and Craig Tim­berg
Decem­ber 14, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. EST

Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­ers breached the Trea­sury and Com­merce depart­ments, along with oth­er U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies, as part of a glob­al espi­onage cam­paign that stretch­es back months, accord­ing to peo­ple famil­iar with the mat­ter.

Offi­cials were scram­bling over the week­end to assess the nature and extent of the intru­sions and imple­ment effec­tive coun­ter­mea­sures, but ini­tial signs sug­gest­ed the breach was long-run­ning and sig­nif­i­cant, the peo­ple famil­iar with the mat­ter said.

The Russ­ian hack­ers, known by the nick­names APT29 or Cozy Bear, are part of that nation’s for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice, the SVR, and they breached email sys­tems in some cas­es, said the peo­ple famil­iar with the intru­sions, who spoke on the con­di­tion of anonymi­ty because of the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the mat­ter. The same Russ­ian group hacked the State Depart­ment and the White House email servers dur­ing the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion.

The FBI is inves­ti­gat­ing the cam­paign, which may have begun as ear­ly as spring, and had no com­ment Sun­day. The vic­tims have includ­ed gov­ern­ment, con­sult­ing, tech­nol­o­gy, tele­com, and oil and gas com­pa­nies in North Amer­i­ca, Europe, Asia and the Mid­dle East, accord­ing to Fire­Eye, a cyber firm that itself was breached.

The Russ­ian Embassy in Wash­ing­ton on Sun­day called the reports of Russ­ian hack­ing “base­less.” In a state­ment on Face­book it said, “attacks in the infor­ma­tion space con­tra­dict” Russ­ian for­eign pol­i­cy and nation­al inter­ests. “Rus­sia does not con­duct offen­sive oper­a­tions” in the cyber domain.

All of the orga­ni­za­tions were breached through the update serv­er of a net­work man­age­ment sys­tem made by the firm Solar­Winds, Fire­Eye said in a blog post Sun­day.

The fed­er­al Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency issued an alert Sun­day warn­ing about an “active exploita­tion” of the Solar­Winds Ori­on Plat­form, from ver­sions of the soft­ware released in March and June. “CISA encour­ages affect­ed orga­ni­za­tions to read the Solar­Winds and Fire­Eye advi­sories for more infor­ma­tion and FireEye’s GitHub page for detec­tion coun­ter­mea­sures,” the alert said.

Solar­Winds said Sun­day in a state­ment that mon­i­tor­ing prod­ucts it released in March and June of this year may have been sur­rep­ti­tious­ly weaponized in a “high­ly-sophis­ti­cat­ed, tar­get­ed . . . attack by a nation state.”

The com­pa­ny filed a doc­u­ment Mon­day with the Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion say­ing that “few­er than 18,000” of its more than 300,000 cus­tomers may have installed a soft­ware patch enabling the Russ­ian attack. It was not clear, the fil­ing said, how many sys­tems were actu­al­ly hacked. The cor­po­rate fil­ing also said that Microsoft’s Office 365 email may have been “an attack vec­tor” used by the hack­ers.

Microsoft said in a blog post Sun­day that it had not iden­ti­fied any Microsoft prod­uct or cloud ser­vice vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in its inves­ti­ga­tion of the mat­ter.

The scale of the Russ­ian espi­onage oper­a­tion appears to be large, said sev­er­al indi­vid­u­als famil­iar with the mat­ter. “This is look­ing very, very bad,” said one per­son. Solar­Winds prod­ucts are used by orga­ni­za­tions across the world. They include all five branch­es of the U.S. mil­i­tary, the Pen­ta­gon, State Depart­ment, Jus­tice Depart­ment, NASA, the Exec­u­tive Office of the Pres­i­dent and the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency, the world’s top elec­tron­ic spy agency, accord­ing to the firm’s web­site.

Its clients also include the top 10 U.S. telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­nies.

“This is a big deal, and giv­en what we now know about where breach­es hap­pened, I’m expect­ing the scope to grow as more logs are reviewed,” said John Scott-Rail­ton, a senior researcher at Cit­i­zen Lab at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Munk School of Glob­al Affairs and Pub­lic Pol­i­cy. “When an aggres­sive group like this gets an open sesame to many desir­able sys­tems, they are going to use it wide­ly.”

Fire­Eye report­ed last week that it was breached and that hack­ing tools it uses to test clients’ com­put­er defens­es were stolen. The Wash­ing­ton Post report­ed that APT29 was the group behind that hack. Fire­Eye and Microsoft, which were inves­ti­gat­ing the breach, dis­cov­ered the hack­ers were gain­ing access to vic­tims through updates to Solar­Winds’ Ori­on net­work mon­i­tor­ing soft­ware, Fire­Eye said in its blog post, with­out pub­licly nam­ing the Rus­sians.


At Com­merce, the Rus­sians tar­get­ed the Nation­al Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion, an agency that han­dles Inter­net and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions pol­i­cy, Reuters report­ed. They have also been linked to attempts to steal coro­n­avirus coro­n­avirus research.

In 2014 and 2015, the same group car­ried out a wide-rang­ing espi­onage cam­paign that tar­get­ed thou­sands of orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies, for­eign embassies, ener­gy com­pa­nies, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions firms and uni­ver­si­ties.

As part of that oper­a­tion, it hacked the unclas­si­fied email sys­tems of the White House, the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the State Depart­ment.

“That was the first time we saw the Rus­sians become much more aggres­sive, and instead of sim­ply fad­ing away like ghosts when they were detect­ed, they actu­al­ly con­test­ed access to the net­works,” said Michael Daniel, who was White House cyber­se­cu­ri­ty coor­di­na­tor at the time.

One of its vic­tims in 2015 was the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee. But unlike a rival Russ­ian spy agency, the GRU, which also hacked the DNC, it did not leak the stolen mate­r­i­al. In 2016, the GRU mil­i­tary spy agency leaked hacked emails to the online anti-secre­cy orga­ni­za­tion Wik­iLeaks in an oper­a­tion that dis­rupt­ed the Democ­rats’ nation­al con­ven­tion in the midst of the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign.

The SVR, by con­trast, gen­er­al­ly steals infor­ma­tion for tra­di­tion­al espi­onage pur­pos­es, seek­ing secrets that might help the Krem­lin under­stand the plans and motives of politi­cians and pol­i­cy­mak­ers. Its oper­a­tors also have filched indus­tri­al data and hacked for­eign min­istries.

Because the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion saw the APT29 oper­a­tion as tra­di­tion­al espi­onage, it did not con­sid­er tak­ing puni­tive mea­sures, said Daniel, who is now pres­i­dent and chief exec­u­tive of the Cyber Threat Alliance, an infor­ma­tion-shar­ing group for ­cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­nies.

“It was infor­ma­tion col­lec­tion, which is what nation states — includ­ing the Unit­ed States — do,” he said. “From our per­spec­tive, it was more impor­tant to focus on shoring up defens­es.”

But Chris Painter, State Depart­ment cyber coor­di­na­tor in the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion, said even if the Russ­ian cam­paign is strict­ly about espi­onage and there’s no norm against spy­ing, if the scope is broad there should be con­se­quences. “We just don’t have to sit still for it and say ‘good job,’ ” he said.

Sanc­tions might be one answer, espe­cial­ly if done in con­cert with allies who were sim­i­lar­ly affect­ed, he said. “The prob­lem is there’s not even been con­dem­na­tion from the top. Pres­i­dent Trump hasn’t want­ed to say any­thing bad to Rus­sia, which only encour­ages them to act irre­spon­si­bly across a wide range of activ­i­ties.”

At the very least, he said, “you’d want to make clear to [Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir] Putin that this is unac­cept­able — the scope is unac­cept­able.”

So far there is no sign that the cur­rent cam­paign is being waged for pur­pos­es of leak­ing infor­ma­tion or for dis­rup­tion of crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture, such as elec­tric grids.

Solar­Winds’ mon­i­tor­ing tool has extreme­ly deep “admin­is­tra­tive” access to a network’s core func­tions, which means that hack­ing the tool would allow the Rus­sians to freely root around vic­tims’ sys­tems.

APT29 com­pro­mised Solar­Winds so that any time a cus­tomer checked in to request an update, the Rus­sians could hitch a ride on the weaponized update to get into a victim’s sys­tem. Fire­Eye dubbed the mal­ware that the hack­ers used “Sun­burst.”

“Mon­day may be a bad day for lots of secu­ri­ty teams,” tweet­ed Dmitri Alper­ovitch, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert and founder of the Sil­ver­a­do Pol­i­cy Accel­er­a­tor think tank.


“Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­ers are behind a broad espi­onage cam­paign that has com­pro­mised U.S. agen­cies, includ­ing Trea­sury and Com­merce” by Ellen Nakashima and Craig Tim­berg; The Wash­ing­ton Post; 12/14/202

“The Russ­ian hack­ers, known by the nick­names APT29 or Cozy Bear, are part of that nation’s for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice, the SVR, and they breached email sys­tems in some cas­es, said the peo­ple famil­iar with the intru­sions, who spoke on the con­di­tion of anonymi­ty because of the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the mat­ter. The same Russ­ian group hacked the State Depart­ment and the White House email servers dur­ing the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion.”

Less than a week after the Fire­Eye night­mare hack is first announced to the world, we learn it was just one part of a much larg­er Solar­Winds night­mare. A glob­al espi­onage cam­paign that seem­ing­ly tar­get­ed US gov­ern­ment agen­cies. And the US gov­ern­ment had already deter­mined the cul­prit: APT29/Cozy Bear was behind it. That’s the word we were get­ting from anony­mous sources tied to the inves­ti­ga­tion. It was def­i­nite­ly Rus­sia who had thor­ough­ly hacked the US gov­ern­men­t’s net­works start­ing in March of 2020 and was read­ing all those gov­ern­ment emails and rout­ing through US gov­ern­ment net­works this whole time:

The fed­er­al Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency issued an alert Sun­day warn­ing about an “active exploita­tion” of the Solar­Winds Ori­on Plat­form, from ver­sions of the soft­ware released in March and June. “CISA encour­ages affect­ed orga­ni­za­tions to read the Solar­Winds and Fire­Eye advi­sories for more infor­ma­tion and FireEye’s GitHub page for detec­tion coun­ter­mea­sures,” the alert said.

Solar­Winds said Sun­day in a state­ment that mon­i­tor­ing prod­ucts it released in March and June of this year may have been sur­rep­ti­tious­ly weaponized in a “high­ly-sophis­ti­cat­ed, tar­get­ed . . . attack by a nation state.”


Solar­Winds’ mon­i­tor­ing tool has extreme­ly deep “admin­is­tra­tive” access to a network’s core func­tions, which means that hack­ing the tool would allow the Rus­sians to freely root around vic­tims’ sys­tems.

And note this omi­nous ear­ly detail: in its cor­po­rate fil­ing dis­clos­ing the hack with the SEC, Solar­Winds indi­cat­ed that Microsoft­’s Office 365 email may have been “an attack vec­tor” used by the hack­ers. Now, it’s impor­tant to note that this lan­guage is some­what vague as to whether or not Microsoft­’s Office 365 was used for the ini­tial attack to infect the Solar­Winds net­work or it was used after the Solar­Winds hack to fur­ther exploit the net­works of the 18,000 vic­tims. But as we’re going to see, Solar­Winds does con­firm two months lat­er that, yes, this Microsoft Office 365 email vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty was used in the ini­tial hack of the Solar­Winds net­work:

The com­pa­ny filed a doc­u­ment Mon­day with the Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion say­ing that “few­er than 18,000” of its more than 300,000 cus­tomers may have installed a soft­ware patch enabling the Russ­ian attack. It was not clear, the fil­ing said, how many sys­tems were actu­al­ly hacked. The cor­po­rate fil­ing also said that Microsoft’s Office 365 email may have been “an attack vec­tor” used by the hack­ers.

Microsoft said in a blog post Sun­day that it had not iden­ti­fied any Microsoft prod­uct or cloud ser­vice vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in its inves­ti­ga­tion of the mat­ter.

Final­ly, observe how sim­i­lar the nar­ra­tive we’re hear­ing now is to exact­ly what we heard from the US gov­ern­ment in 2016 fol­low­ing the remark­ably ‘aggres­sive’ and ‘noisy’ sec­ond hack of the DNC that we are told was exe­cut­ed by ‘Fan­cy Bear’ of Rus­si­a’s GRU. Recall how, back in late July 2016, US inves­ti­ga­tors were sug­gest­ing Fan­cy Bear was try­ing to get caught in the DNC hack. That was the expla­na­tion giv­en for the notable appar­ent lack of sophis­ti­ca­tion in the hack that was seen as very dif­fer­ent from pre­vi­ous hacks attrib­uted to Fan­cy Bear. So now we’re more or less hear­ing the same sto­ry in rela­tion to Cozy Bear: this hack was high­ly unchar­ac­ter­is­tic for Cozy Bear in the sense that the hack­ers active­ly fought to main­tain their grip on the net­works even after being caught. But we are nonethe­less assured it’s Cozy Bear:

As part of that oper­a­tion, it hacked the unclas­si­fied email sys­tems of the White House, the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the State Depart­ment.

“That was the first time we saw the Rus­sians become much more aggres­sive, and instead of sim­ply fad­ing away like ghosts when they were detect­ed, they actu­al­ly con­test­ed access to the net­works,” said Michael Daniel, who was White House cyber­se­cu­ri­ty coor­di­na­tor at the time.

One of its vic­tims in 2015 was the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee. But unlike a rival Russ­ian spy agency, the GRU, which also hacked the DNC, it did not leak the stolen mate­r­i­al. In 2016, the GRU mil­i­tary spy agency leaked hacked emails to the online anti-secre­cy orga­ni­za­tion Wik­iLeaks in an oper­a­tion that dis­rupt­ed the Democ­rats’ nation­al con­ven­tion in the midst of the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign.

The SVR, by con­trast, gen­er­al­ly steals infor­ma­tion for tra­di­tion­al espi­onage pur­pos­es, seek­ing secrets that might help the Krem­lin under­stand the plans and motives of politi­cians and pol­i­cy­mak­ers. Its oper­a­tors also have filched indus­tri­al data and hacked for­eign min­istries.

They weren’t behav­ing like Cozy Bear, which has nev­er been known to behave this aggres­sive­ly before. But it was def­i­nite­ly Cozy Bear. That’s what the US was con­fi­dent­ly stat­ing less than a week after the Fire­Eye hack was dis­closed. Yet Fire­Eye was­n’t con­vinced. It’s one of the many data points point­ing in the direc­tion of con­tem­po­rary cyber attri­bu­tions being most­ly just made up con­ve­nient nar­ra­tives:

Bloomberg Quint

Fire­Eye Dis­cov­ered Solar­Winds Breach While Prob­ing Own Hack

Kar­tikay Mehro­tra
Pub­lished Dec 15 2020, 7:32 AM
Updat­ed Dec 16 2020, 7:25 AM

(Bloomberg) — When Fire­Eye Inc. dis­cov­ered that it was hacked this month, the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm’s inves­ti­ga­tors imme­di­ate­ly set about try­ing to fig­ure out how attack­ers got past its defens­es.

It wasn’t just Fire­Eye that got attacked, they quick­ly found out. Inves­ti­ga­tors dis­cov­ered a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in a prod­uct made by one of its soft­ware providers, Texas-based Solar­Winds Corp.

“We looked through 50,000 lines of source code, which we were able to deter­mine there was a back­door with­in Solar­Winds,” said Charles Car­makal, senior vice pres­i­dent and chief tech­ni­cal offi­cer at Man­di­ant, FireEye’s inci­dent response arm.

After dis­cov­er­ing the back­door, Fire­Eye con­tact­ed Solar­Winds and law enforce­ment, Car­makal said.


Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advi­sor Robert O’Brien cut short a trip to the Mid­dle East and Europe to deal with the hack of U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies. And Sen­a­tor Richard Blu­men­thal, Demo­c­rat from Con­necti­cut, said a clas­si­fied brief­ing on “Russia’s cyber-attack left me deeply alarmed, in fact down­right scared.”
The hack­ers who attacked Fire­Eye stole sen­si­tive tools that the com­pa­ny uses to find vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in clients’ com­put­er net­works. While the hack on Fire­Eye was embar­rass­ing for a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm, Car­makal argued that it may prove to be a cru­cial mis­take for the hack­ers.

“If this actor didn’t hit Fire­Eye, there is a chance that this cam­paign could have gone on for much, much longer,” Car­makal said. “One sil­ver lin­ing is that we learned so much about how this threat actor works and shared it with our law enforce­ment, intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and secu­ri­ty part­ners.” Car­makal said there is no evi­dence FireEye’s stolen hack­ing tools were used against U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies.

“There will unfor­tu­nate­ly be more vic­tims that have to come for­ward in the com­ing weeks and months,” he said. While some have attrib­uted the attack to a state-spon­sored Russ­ian group known as APT 29, or Cozy Bear, Fire­Eye had not yet seen suf­fi­cient evi­dence to name the actor, he said. A Krem­lin offi­cial denied that Rus­sia had any involve­ment.


Car­makal said the hack­ers took advanced steps to con­ceal their actions. “Their lev­el of oper­a­tional secu­ri­ty is tru­ly excep­tion­al,” he said, adding that the hack­ers would oper­ate from servers based in the same city as an employ­ee they were pre­tend­ing to be in order to evade detec­tion.



“Fire­Eye Dis­cov­ered Solar­Winds Breach While Prob­ing Own Hack” by Kar­tikay Mehro­tra; Bloomberg Quint; 12/15/2020

““There will unfor­tu­nate­ly be more vic­tims that have to come for­ward in the com­ing weeks and months,” he said. While some have attrib­uted the attack to a state-spon­sored Russ­ian group known as APT 29, or Cozy Bear, Fire­Eye had not yet seen suf­fi­cient evi­dence to name the actor, he said. A Krem­lin offi­cial denied that Rus­sia had any involve­ment.”

That ear­ly hes­i­tan­cy on FireEye’s behalf to name a cul­prit due to a lack of evi­dence is going to be impor­tant to keep in mind. Because as we see in an NPR arti­cle from April of 2021, four months after the attack, there was­n’t real­ly any new con­clu­sive infor­ma­tion about the hack­ers that emerges. No clue that can pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fy the hack­ers and not even the joke ‘clues’ like Cyril­lic or Man­darin char­ac­ters. Noth­ing. The big shock expressed by Adam Mey­ers of Crowd­Strike — the fig­ure who led the ear­ly inves­ti­ga­tion of the Solar­Winds hack — was that there was­n’t any ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ like Cyril­lic or Man­darin. And yet we’re going to hear asser­tion after asser­tion that this was the work of Russ­ian gov­ern­ment hack­ers. Nev­er an expla­na­tion why.

Is this the SolarWinds Mega-Hack? Or the Microsoft Mega-hack?

Sim­i­lar­ly, note how Solar­Winds was point­ing an fin­ger at a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s Office 365 email as being a vec­tor in the hack, and yet Microsoft was vocif­er­ous­ly deny­ing that a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in its own prod­ucts played a role at all. As we’ll see, there’s nev­er an expla­na­tion. Just faith. Faith in Microsoft. Faith that was again test­ed days after the ini­tial dis­clo­sure of the hack when Solar­Winds revealed more details on nature of the Microsoft exploits used by the hack­ers. Some­how the hack­ers were trick­ing Microsoft­’s authen­ti­ca­tion con­trols. This includes forg­ing authen­ti­ca­tion tokens for Microsoft­’s Azure cloud ser­vices and cre­at­ing pass­word cre­den­tials for legit­i­mate process­es enabling them to read emails from Microsoft­’s Exchange Online cloud-based email ser­vice. Keep in mind that the Microsoft-Exchange mega-hack that is announced in March was tar­get­ing the non-cloud self-host­ed Microsoft Exchange email servers. So when the Solar­Winds hack­ers demon­strate an abil­i­ty to break into the cloud-based Exchange servers, they were demon­strat­ing a capa­bil­i­ty that was­n’t exact­ly the same as that used to exe­cute the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack but awful­ly close. And yet we will be repeat­ed­ly assured by Microsoft that the Microsoft-Exchange hack was car­ried out by Chi­na and not at all con­nect­ed to the Solar­Winds hack or “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dors”. That’s part of what makes these ear­ly dis­clo­sures by Microsoft itself, that the Solar­Winds hack­ers demon­strat­ed a remark­able abil­i­ty to manip­u­late Microsoft sys­tem cre­den­tials, is so sig­nif­i­cant. These are dis­clo­sures Microsoft seems to want to for­get as this looks more and more like a Microsoft mega-hack:


Microsoft’s Role In Solar­Winds Breach Comes Under Scruti­ny

By Michael Novin­son
Decem­ber 15, 2020, 05:18 PM EST

Microsoft has become ensnared in probes sur­round­ing the recent­ly dis­closed colos­sal U.S. gov­ern­ment hack, with media reports and com­pa­ny mes­sages focus­ing on Office 365, Azure Active Direc­to­ry and a key domain name.

Two key vic­tims in the mas­sive nation-state hack­ing cam­paign report­ed­ly had their Microsoft Office 365 accounts bro­ken into. The Russ­ian intel­li­gence ser­vice hack­ers for months mon­i­tored staff emails sent via Office 365 at the Com­merce Department’s Nation­al Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion (NTIA) after break­ing into the NTIA’s office soft­ware, Reuters report­ed Sun­day.

The hack­ers are “high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed” and were able to trick the Microsoft platform’s authen­ti­ca­tion con­trols, accord­ing to Reuters, cit­ing a per­son famil­iar with the inci­dent. The Com­merce Depart­ment said that one of its bureaus had been breached, but didn’t respond to an inquiry about the role of Office 365 in the attack.

Microsoft didn’t pro­vide an on-the-record response to CRN ques­tions about if the com­pa­ny itself was breached as part of this cam­paign, and how sig­nif­i­cant Microsoft’s tech­nol­o­gy was in the hack­ers’ abil­i­ty to exploit cus­tomers. Microsoft said in a blog post Sun­day that its inves­ti­ga­tions haven’t iden­ti­fied any Microsoft prod­uct or cloud ser­vice vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Once an attack­er has com­pro­mised a tar­get net­work, they poten­tial­ly have access to a range of sys­tems, accord­ing to a source famil­iar with the sit­u­a­tion.”

On Mon­day, Solar­Winds said it was made aware of an attack vec­tor that was used to com­pro­mise the company’s Microsoft Office 365 emails, accord­ing to a fil­ing with the U.S. Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion (SEC). Hack­ers had gained access to numer­ous pub­lic and pri­vate orga­ni­za­tions through tro­janized updates to Solar­Winds’ Ori­on net­work mon­i­tor­ing soft­ware, Fire­Eye said in a blog Sun­day.

That same attack vec­tor might have pro­vid­ed access to oth­er data con­tained in Solar­Winds’ Office 365 office pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tool, the com­pa­ny said. Solar­Winds said it’s prob­ing with Microsoft if any cus­tomer, per­son­nel or oth­er data was exfil­trat­ed as a result of this com­pro­mise, but hasn’t uncov­ered any evi­dence at this time of exfil­tra­tion.

“Solar­Winds, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Microsoft, has tak­en reme­di­a­tion steps to address the com­pro­mise and is inves­ti­gat­ing whether fur­ther reme­di­a­tion steps are required, over what peri­od of time this com­pro­mise exist­ed and whether the com­pro­mise is asso­ci­at­ed with the attack on its Ori­on soft­ware build sys­tem,” the com­pa­ny wrote in its SEC fil­ing.

As for Azure, the hack­ers were able to forge a token which claims to rep­re­sent a high­ly priv­i­leged account in Azure Active Direc­to­ry (AD), the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Research Cen­ter wrote in a blog Sun­day. The hack­ers could also gain admin­is­tra­tive Azure AD priv­i­leges with com­pro­mised cre­den­tials. Microsoft said this was par­tic­u­lar­ly like­ly if the account in ques­tion is not pro­tect­ed by mul­ti-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion.

“Hav­ing gained a sig­nif­i­cant foothold in the on-premis­es envi­ron­ment, the actor has made mod­i­fi­ca­tions to Azure Active Direc­to­ry set­tings to facil­i­tate long term access,” the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Research Cen­ter wrote.

The hack­ers were observed adding new fed­er­a­tion trusts to an exist­ing ten­ant or mod­i­fy­ing the prop­er­ties of an exist­ing fed­er­a­tion trust to accept tokens signed with hack­er-owned cer­tifi­cates, Microsoft said. They could also use their admin­is­tra­tor priv­i­leges to grant addi­tion­al per­mis­sions to the tar­get Appli­ca­tion or Ser­vice Prin­ci­pal, accord­ing to Microsoft.

Microsoft also observed the hack­ers adding pass­word cre­den­tials or x509 cer­tifi­cates to legit­i­mate process­es, grant­i­ng them the abil­i­ty to read mail con­tent from Exchange Online via Microsoft Graph or Out­look REST. Exam­ples of this hap­pen­ing include mail archiv­ing appli­ca­tions, the firm said. Per­mis­sions usu­al­ly, but not always, con­sid­ered only the app iden­ti­ty rather than the cur­rent user’s per­mis­sions.

And from a domain per­spec­tive, Microsoft on Mon­day took con­trol over a key domain name that was used by the Solar­Winds hack­ers to com­mu­ni­cate with sys­tems com­pro­mised by the back­door Ori­on prod­uct updates, Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty report­ed Tues­day. Microsoft has a long his­to­ry of seiz­ing con­trol of domains involved with mal­ware, par­tic­u­lar­ly when those sites are being used to attack Win­dows clients.

Armed with that access, Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty said Microsoft should soon have some idea which and how many Solar­Winds cus­tomers were affect­ed. That’s because Microsoft now has insight into which orga­ni­za­tions have IT sys­tems that are still try­ing to ping the mali­cious domain, Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty said.

“How­ev­er, because many Inter­net ser­vice providers and affect­ed com­pa­nies are already block­ing sys­tems from access­ing that mali­cious con­trol domain or have dis­con­nect­ed the vul­ner­a­ble Ori­on ser­vices, Microsoft’s vis­i­bil­i­ty may be some­what lim­it­ed,” Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty cau­tioned.



“Microsoft’s Role In Solar­Winds Breach Comes Under Scruti­ny” by Michael Novin­son; CRN; 12/15/2020

“Two key vic­tims in the mas­sive nation-state hack­ing cam­paign report­ed­ly had their Microsoft Office 365 accounts bro­ken into. The Russ­ian intel­li­gence ser­vice hack­ers for months mon­i­tored staff emails sent via Office 365 at the Com­merce Department’s Nation­al Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion (NTIA) after break­ing into the NTIA’s office soft­ware, Reuters report­ed Sun­day.

The ‘Russ­ian hack­ers’ were read­ing gov­ern­ment emails for months. And while we were get­ting assured that it was Rus­sia behind it, it’s worth keep­ing in mind that the idea that it was Rus­sia read­ing these emails is actu­al­ly far more assur­ing than the idea of cyber crim­i­nals doing the same because at least Rus­sia is less inclined to sell or release the data. In oth­er words, these ear­ly aggres­sive­ly high­ly con­fi­dent attri­bu­tions towards Rus­sia aren’t just self-serv­ing from the stand­point of align­ing with US geopo­lit­i­cal inter­ests. They’re also high­ly self-serv­ing for Microsoft, Solar­Winds, and the US gov­ern­ment agen­cies that got hacked by down­play­ing the poten­tial impli­ca­tions of the hack.

Now note these ear­ly details of how Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties were used in the attack. The hack­ers were trick­ing Microsoft­’s authen­ti­ca­tion con­trols. They could forge authen­ti­ca­tion tokens enabling access to Microsoft­’s cloud-based Azure ser­vices. But crit­i­cal­ly, they were gain­ing access to read mail con­tent from Exchange Online, effec­tive­ly demon­strat­ing the abil­i­ty to hack Microsoft­’s cloud-based Exchange email servers. This is going to be an impor­tant detail to keep in mind as we read about the Microsoft Exchange serv­er mega-hack dis­closed in March:

The hack­ers are “high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed” and were able to trick the Microsoft platform’s authen­ti­ca­tion con­trols, accord­ing to Reuters, cit­ing a per­son famil­iar with the inci­dent. The Com­merce Depart­ment said that one of its bureaus had been breached, but didn’t respond to an inquiry about the role of Office 365 in the attack.


As for Azure, the hack­ers were able to forge a token which claims to rep­re­sent a high­ly priv­i­leged account in Azure Active Direc­to­ry (AD), the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Research Cen­ter wrote in a blog Sun­day. The hack­ers could also gain admin­is­tra­tive Azure AD priv­i­leges with com­pro­mised cre­den­tials. Microsoft said this was par­tic­u­lar­ly like­ly if the account in ques­tion is not pro­tect­ed by mul­ti-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion.


Microsoft also observed the hack­ers adding pass­word cre­den­tials or x509 cer­tifi­cates to legit­i­mate process­es, grant­i­ng them the abil­i­ty to read mail con­tent from Exchange Online via Microsoft Graph or Out­look REST. Exam­ples of this hap­pen­ing include mail archiv­ing appli­ca­tions, the firm said. Per­mis­sions usu­al­ly, but not always, con­sid­ered only the app iden­ti­ty rather than the cur­rent user’s per­mis­sions.

And note that at this point Microsoft itself is also describ­ing how it observed the hack­ers adding pass­word cre­den­tials or x509 cer­tifi­cates to legit­i­mate process­es to enabling the read­ing of emails. Microsoft­’s own secu­ri­ty researchers were telling us about this. And yet, as we’ll see in the arti­cles below from Feb­ru­ary, Microsoft insists that vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in its soft­ware played no role at all in the hack and all such reports are mis­in­for­ma­tion.

A week into the Solar­Winds hack dis­clo­sure, the US Trea­sury Depart­ment gives an update. We’re told the depart­men­t’s hack start­ed in July. And in anoth­er indi­ca­tion that the hack­ers had the abil­i­ty to authen­ti­cate the cre­den­tial need­ed to extract data from Microsoft­’s Office 365 email soft­ware, we’re told that’s exact­ly what they were doing on the Trea­sury’s net­work. So both Solar­Winds and the US Trea­sury were giv­ing us strong hints ear­ly on that the sto­ry of the Solar­Winds mega-hack is the sto­ry of a still-unrec­og­nized Microsoft mega-hack:

The New York Times

Trea­sury Department’s Senior Lead­ers Were Tar­get­ed by Hack­ing

The dis­clo­sure was the first acknowl­edg­ment of a spe­cif­ic intru­sion in the vast cyber­at­tack. At the White House, nation­al secu­ri­ty lead­ers met to assess how to deal with the sit­u­a­tion.

By David E. Sanger and Alan Rappe­port
Pub­lished Dec. 21, 2020 Updat­ed Jan. 6, 2021

WASHINGTON — The Russ­ian hack­ers who pen­e­trat­ed Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment agen­cies broke into the email sys­tem used by the Trea­sury Department’s most senior lead­er­ship, a Demo­c­ra­t­ic mem­ber of the Sen­ate Finance Com­mit­tee said on Mon­day, the first detail of how deeply Moscow bur­rowed into the Trump administration’s net­works.

In a state­ment after a brief­ing for com­mit­tee staff mem­bers, Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden of Ore­gon, who has often been among the sharpest crit­ics of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency and oth­er intel­li­gence agen­cies, said that the Trea­sury Depart­ment had acknowl­edged that “the agency suf­fered a seri­ous breach, begin­ning in July, the full depth of which isn’t known.”

The Trea­sury Depart­ment ranks among the most high­ly pro­tect­ed cor­ners of the gov­ern­ment because of its respon­si­bil­i­ty for mar­ket-mov­ing eco­nom­ic deci­sions, com­mu­ni­ca­tions with the Fed­er­al Reserve and eco­nom­ic sanc­tions against adver­saries. Mr. Wyden said the hack­ers had gained access to the email sys­tem by manip­u­lat­ing inter­nal soft­ware keys.

The depart­ment learned of the breach not from any of the gov­ern­ment agen­cies whose job is to pro­tect against cyber­at­tacks, but from Microsoft, which runs much of Treasury’s com­mu­ni­ca­tions soft­ware, Mr. Wyden said. He said that “dozens of email accounts were com­pro­mised,” appar­ent­ly includ­ing in what is called the depart­men­tal offices divi­sion, where the most senior offi­cials oper­ate.

“Trea­sury still does not know all of the actions tak­en by hack­ers, or pre­cise­ly what infor­ma­tion was stolen,” he said.

An aide to Mr. Wyden said the department’s offi­cials indi­cat­ed that Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Steven Mnuchin’s email account had not been breached.

The newest dis­clo­sures under­scored the administration’s con­flict­ing mes­sages about the source of the attacks and the extent of the dam­age as more reports about the tar­gets leak out. A Trea­sury Depart­ment spokes­woman did not imme­di­ate­ly respond to a request for com­ment.

Mr. Mnuchin addressed the hack­ing ear­li­er on Mon­day and said the department’s clas­si­fied sys­tems had not been breached.

“At this point, we do not see any break-in into our clas­si­fied sys­tems,” he said in an inter­view with CNBC. “Our unclas­si­fied sys­tems did have some access.”

Mr. Mnuchin said that the hack­ing was relat­ed to third-par­ty soft­ware. He added that there had been no dam­age or large amounts of infor­ma­tion dis­placed as a result of the attack and that the agency had robust resources to pro­tect the finan­cial indus­try.

“I can assure you, we are com­plete­ly on top of this,” he said. He did not explain how the Russ­ian pres­ence was not detect­ed in the sys­tem for more than four months.

His state­ment came on the same day that Attor­ney Gen­er­al William P. Barr, at his final news con­fer­ence before step­ping down, sided with Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo in say­ing that Moscow was almost cer­tain­ly behind the hack­ing. The intru­sion went through a com­mer­cial net­work man­age­ment soft­ware pack­age made by Solar­Winds, a com­pa­ny based in Austin, Texas, and allowed the hack­ers broad access to gov­ern­ment and cor­po­rate sys­tems.

“I agree with Sec­re­tary Pompeo’s assess­ment: It cer­tain­ly appears to be the Rus­sians,” Mr. Barr said, fur­ther under­cut­ting Pres­i­dent Trump’s effort to cast doubt on whether the gov­ern­ment of Pres­i­dent Vladimir V. Putin of Rus­sia was behind the attack. Mr. Trump appears to be alone in the admin­is­tra­tion in his con­tention that Chi­na might have been the source of the hack­ing.

Mr. Mnuchin was among sev­er­al top offi­cials in the gov­ern­ment who met with nation­al secu­ri­ty offi­cials for the first time at the White House on Mon­day to assess the dam­age and dis­cuss how to deal with it.

The meet­ing was a prin­ci­pals com­mit­tee ses­sion led by Robert C. O’Brien, the nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er. It was held two days after Mr. Trump said the attack on fed­er­al net­works was “under con­trol,” was being exag­ger­at­ed by the news media and might have been car­ried out by Chi­na rather than Rus­sia, which has been iden­ti­fied by intel­li­gence agen­cies, oth­er gov­ern­ment offi­cials and cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firms as the almost cer­tain source of the hack­ing.

The ses­sion was clas­si­fied, but if it was like the brief­in­gs to Con­gress in recent days, the intel­li­gence offi­cials expressed lit­tle doubt that the attack was most like­ly car­ried out by hack­ers asso­ci­at­ed with the S.V.R., Russia’s pre­mier intel­li­gence agency.

But on Mon­day there was no pub­lic dec­la­ra­tion attribut­ing the hack­ing to Rus­sia, per­haps reflect­ing Mr. Trump’s reluc­tance to con­front Moscow over the issue and the doubts he has expressed about the seri­ous­ness of the attack.

The meet­ing, accord­ing to one senior admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial, was intend­ed to “take stock of the intel­li­gence, the inves­ti­ga­tion and the actions being tak­en to reme­di­ate” the attack. Absent from that descrip­tion was any prepa­ra­tion for impos­ing a cost on the attack­er. Mr. Trump did not attend the meet­ing.


The list of atten­dees at the meet­ing was notable because it pro­vid­ed some indi­ca­tion of which parts of the gov­ern­ment might have been affect­ed. White House offi­cials said Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Steven Mnuchin, Com­merce Sec­re­tary Wilbur Ross, the act­ing home­land secu­ri­ty sec­re­tary Chad F. Wolf and Ener­gy Sec­re­tary Dan Brouil­lette were present. All of those agen­cies were pre­vi­ous­ly iden­ti­fied by news orga­ni­za­tions as tar­gets of the hack­ing.

John Rat­cliffe, the direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence, par­tic­i­pat­ed in the meet­ing; so did Gina Haspel, the C.I.A. direc­tor, and Gen. Paul M. Naka­sone, the direc­tor of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency and the com­man­der of the Unit­ed States Cyber Com­mand. Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo, who was the first high-rank­ing admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial to acknowl­edge that Rus­sia was the most like­ly source of the attack before he was under­cut by Mr. Trump, did not attend. His deputy, Stephen E. Biegun, stood in for him.

Gen­er­al Naka­sone, an expe­ri­enced cyber­war­rior who is respon­si­ble for the defense of nation­al secu­ri­ty sys­tems, has been silent since the hack­ing was revealed. At the N.S.A. and Cyber Com­mand, offi­cials said, there was extra­or­di­nary embar­rass­ment that a pri­vate com­pa­ny, Fire­Eye, had been the first to alert the gov­ern­ment that it had been hacked.

Accord­ing to the details released by Mr. Wyden, once the Russ­ian hack­ers used the Solar­Winds soft­ware update to get inside Treasury’s sys­tems, they per­formed a com­plex step inside Microsoft’s Office 365 sys­tem to cre­ate an encrypt­ed “token” that iden­ti­fies a com­put­er to the larg­er net­work.

That coun­ter­feit­ing enabled them to fool the sys­tem into think­ing they were legit­i­mate users — and to sign on with­out try­ing to guess user names and pass­words. Microsoft said last week that it had fixed the flaw that the Rus­sians had exploit­ed, but that did not answer the ques­tion of whether the hack­ers used their access to bore through oth­er chan­nels into the Trea­sury Depart­ment or oth­er sys­tems.

For­mal­ly deter­min­ing who was respon­si­ble for a hack­ing like this one can be time-con­sum­ing work, though the admin­is­tra­tion did so twice in Mr. Trump’s first year in office, point­ing to North Korea for the so-called Wan­naCry attack on the British health care sys­tem and Rus­sia for the “Not­Petya” attack that cost Maer­sk, Fed­er­al Express and oth­er major cor­po­ra­tions hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars.

In this case, offi­cials say, a for­mal dec­la­ra­tion of who was respon­si­ble for the attack — which is need­ed to start any form of retal­i­a­tion — may not come until after Mr. Biden is inau­gu­rat­ed. That would leave the Trump admin­is­tra­tion to focus on dam­age con­trol but skip the hard ques­tions of how to deter Moscow from future attacks.

Capt. Kat­ri­na J. Cheesman, a spokes­woman for Cyber Com­mand, said that so far the mil­i­tary had found “no evi­dence of com­pro­mis­es” in the Pentagon’s net­work. She said that parts of the Defense Department’s “soft­ware sup­ply chain source have dis­closed a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty with­in their sys­tems, but we have no indi­ca­tion the D.O.D. net­work has been com­pro­mised.”


“Trea­sury Department’s Senior Lead­ers Were Tar­get­ed by Hack­ing” by David E. Sanger and Alan Rappe­port; The New York Times; 12/21/2020

“The Trea­sury Depart­ment ranks among the most high­ly pro­tect­ed cor­ners of the gov­ern­ment because of its respon­si­bil­i­ty for mar­ket-mov­ing eco­nom­ic deci­sions, com­mu­ni­ca­tions with the Fed­er­al Reserve and eco­nom­ic sanc­tions against adver­saries. Mr. Wyden said the hack­ers had gained access to the email sys­tem by manip­u­lat­ing inter­nal soft­ware keys.

It’s the sec­ond ear­ly indi­ca­tion that the Solar­Winds hack­ers have some advanced Microsoft email exploits: Less than two weeks after the ini­tial Fire­Eye dis­clo­sure, the Trea­sury Depart­ment informs us that it was the manip­u­la­tion of inter­nal soft­ware keys that enabled access to the agen­cy’s emails after the hack­ers entered the gov­ern­ment net­works via the Solar­Winds back­door. Spe­cial­ly Microsoft Office 365 iden­ti­ty tokens:

Accord­ing to the details released by Mr. Wyden, once the Russ­ian hack­ers used the Solar­Winds soft­ware update to get inside Treasury’s sys­tems, they per­formed a com­plex step inside Microsoft’s Office 365 sys­tem to cre­ate an encrypt­ed “token” that iden­ti­fies a com­put­er to the larg­er net­work.

That coun­ter­feit­ing enabled them to fool the sys­tem into think­ing they were legit­i­mate users — and to sign on with­out try­ing to guess user names and pass­words. Microsoft said last week that it had fixed the flaw that the Rus­sians had exploit­ed, but that did not answer the ques­tion of whether the hack­ers used their access to bore through oth­er chan­nels into the Trea­sury Depart­ment or oth­er sys­tems.

So claims about Microsoft­’s Office 365 email vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties being exploit­ed as part of the Solar­Winds hack were com­ing from not just the Solar­Winds com­pa­ny itself but also the US Trea­sury Depart­ment. Claims Microsoft con­tin­ued to vocif­er­ous­ly dis­pute for months.

And just note again how soon and defin­i­tive the attri­bu­tions to Rus­sia were com­ing from the Trump admin­is­tra­tion: they could­n’t explain how the hack­ers evad­ed detec­tion for months, but every­one was ready to join Mike Pom­peo in declar­ing that Moscow was almost cer­tain­ly behind it. No rea­sons are giv­en. None are nec­es­sary. It’s just a giv­en: if there’s a major hack that hits West­ern 0government agen­cies, it’s either Rus­sia or Chi­na. Because of course it is. Who else could it be? It’s the unques­tioned oper­at­ing par­a­digm for con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tion:

Mr. Mnuchin said that the hack­ing was relat­ed to third-par­ty soft­ware. He added that there had been no dam­age or large amounts of infor­ma­tion dis­placed as a result of the attack and that the agency had robust resources to pro­tect the finan­cial indus­try.

“I can assure you, we are com­plete­ly on top of this,” he said. He did not explain how the Russ­ian pres­ence was not detect­ed in the sys­tem for more than four months.

His state­ment came on the same day that Attor­ney Gen­er­al William P. Barr, at his final news con­fer­ence before step­ping down, sided with Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo in say­ing that Moscow was almost cer­tain­ly behind the hack­ing. The intru­sion went through a com­mer­cial net­work man­age­ment soft­ware pack­age made by Solar­Winds, a com­pa­ny based in Austin, Texas, and allowed the hack­ers broad access to gov­ern­ment and cor­po­rate sys­tems.

“I agree with Sec­re­tary Pompeo’s assess­ment: It cer­tain­ly appears to be the Rus­sians,” Mr. Barr said, fur­ther under­cut­ting Pres­i­dent Trump’s effort to cast doubt on whether the gov­ern­ment of Pres­i­dent Vladimir V. Putin of Rus­sia was behind the attack. Mr. Trump appears to be alone in the admin­is­tra­tion in his con­tention that Chi­na might have been the source of the hack­ing.


The ses­sion was clas­si­fied, but if it was like the brief­in­gs to Con­gress in recent days, the intel­li­gence offi­cials expressed lit­tle doubt that the attack was most like­ly car­ried out by hack­ers asso­ci­at­ed with the S.V.R., Russia’s pre­mier intel­li­gence agency.


John Rat­cliffe, the direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence, par­tic­i­pat­ed in the meet­ing; so did Gina Haspel, the C.I.A. direc­tor, and Gen. Paul M. Naka­sone, the direc­tor of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency and the com­man­der of the Unit­ed States Cyber Com­mand. Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo, who was the first high-rank­ing admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial to acknowl­edge that Rus­sia was the most like­ly source of the attack before he was under­cut by Mr. Trump, did not attend. His deputy, Stephen E. Biegun, stood in for him.

Keep in mind how dis­turb­ing these warn­ings about Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties were at the time. We already knew by that point that some­one plant­ed back­doors on 18,000 of the com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions around the world, includ­ing numer­ous gov­ern­ment agen­cies. But we did­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly know what the hack­ers could do on all those net­works after they walked through the back­doors. Learn­ing about these Microsoft exploits told us at least some of what they could do on those net­works. And giv­en how ubiq­ui­tous Microsoft­’s soft­ware is in large orga­ni­za­tions, it’s a safe assump­tion that a large num­ber of those Solar­Winds clients were run­ning Microsoft ser­vices on those net­works.

SolarWinds Update: ‘It Started with a Zero-Day Microsoft Exploit.’ Microsoft Counter-Update: ‘No it Didn’t.’ CISA Update: ‘It’s Not Just SolarWinds.’

It was ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, less than two months after the ini­tial Fire­Eye dis­clo­sure, when we got a con­fir­ma­tion of sorts. The ques­tion of whether or not the Microsoft Office 365 email vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty char­ac­ter­ized as an “attack vec­tor” by Solar­Winds in Decem­ber was actu­al­ly used to exe­cute the ini­tial hack of Solar­Winds. Solar­Winds CEO Sud­hakar Ramakr­ish­na appeared to con­firm that, yes, a Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty was used in the ini­tial hack of the Solar­Winds Ori­on soft­ware devel­op­er. A zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty nev­er seen before. Although Solar­Winds did­n’t iden­ti­fy the spe­cif­ic Office 365 vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.

But we also got anoth­er updat­ed from Bran­don Wales, act­ing direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency: Rough­ly 30 per­cent of the vic­tim orga­ni­za­tions that found the back­door mal­ware on their net­work had no con­nec­tion to Solar­Winds. Oth­er meth­ods for cre­at­ing back­doors were being deployed by these hack­ers. So we learn that the Solar­Winds hack like­ly start­ed with a Microsoft exploit and also that the hack­ers are infect­ing oth­er net­works through means oth­er than the infect­ed Solar­Winds soft­ware. It’s not great news for Microsoft users:


Solar­Winds CEO Con­firms Office 365 Email ‘Com­pro­mise’ Played Role In Broad-Based Attack

Solar­Winds CEO Sud­hakar Ramakr­ish­na has ver­i­fied sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty in its Office 365 envi­ron­ment, with a com­pa­ny email account com­pro­mised and used to access accounts of tar­get­ed Solar­Winds staff in busi­ness and tech­ni­cal roles.

By Michael Novin­son
Feb­ru­ary 04, 2021, 07:28 AM EST

Solar­Winds CEO Sud­hakar Ramakr­ish­na ver­i­fied Wednes­day “sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty” in its Office 365 envi­ron­ment allowed hack­ers to gain access to and exploit the Solar­Winds Ori­on devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment.

Hack­ers most like­ly entered SolarWinds’s envi­ron­ment through com­pro­mised cre­den­tials and/or a third-par­ty appli­ca­tion that cap­i­tal­ized on a zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, Ramakr­ish­na said.

“We’ve con­firmed that a Solar­Winds email account was com­pro­mised and used to pro­gram­mat­i­cal­ly access accounts of tar­get­ed Solar­Winds per­son­nel in busi­ness and tech­ni­cal roles,” he said in the blog post. “By com­pro­mis­ing cre­den­tials of Solar­Winds employ­ees, the threat actors were able to gain access to and exploit our Ori­on devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment.”

The belea­guered Austin, Texas-based IT infra­struc­ture man­age­ment ven­dor said a Solar­Winds email account was com­pro­mised and used to pro­gram­mat­i­cal­ly access accounts of tar­get­ed Solar­Winds per­son­nel in busi­ness and tech­ni­cal roles.

By com­pro­mis­ing the cre­den­tials of Solar­Winds employ­ees, Ramakr­ish­na said the hack­ers were able to gain access to and exploit the devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment for the Solar­Winds Ori­on net­work mon­i­tor­ing plat­form. Solar­Winds was first noti­fied by Microsoft about a com­pro­mise relat­ed to its Office 365 envi­ron­ment on Dec. 13, the same day news of the hack went pub­lic.

SolarWinds’s inves­ti­ga­tion has not iden­ti­fied a spe­cif­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Office 365 that would have allowed the hack­ers to enter the company’s envi­ron­ment through Office 365, he said Wednes­day. A day ear­li­er, Ramakr­ish­na told The Wall Street Jour­nal that one of sev­er­al the­o­ries the com­pa­ny was pur­su­ing is that the hack­ers used an Office 365 account com­pro­mise as the ini­tial point of entry into Solar­Winds.

Microsoft declined to com­ment to CRN. Ramakr­ish­na said Solar­Winds has ana­lyzed data from mul­ti­ple sys­tems and logs, includ­ing from our Office 365 and Azure ten­ants, as part of its inves­ti­ga­tion. The Solar­Winds hack is believed to be the work of the Russ­ian for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice.

“While it’s wide­ly under­stood any one com­pa­ny could not pro­tect itself against a sus­tained and unprece­dent­ed nation-state attack of this kind, we see an oppor­tu­ni­ty to lead an indus­try-wide effort that makes Solar­Winds a mod­el for secure soft­ware envi­ron­ments, devel­op­ment process­es, and prod­ucts,” Ramakr­ish­na wrote in a blog post Wednes­day.

Some 30 per­cent of the pri­vate sec­tor and gov­ern­ment vic­tims of the colos­sal hack­ing cam­paign had no direct con­nec­tion to Solar­Winds, Bran­don Wales, act­ing direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, told The Wall Street Jour­nal Fri­day. But he said inves­ti­ga­tors haven’t iden­ti­fied anoth­er com­pa­ny whose prod­ucts were broad­ly com­pro­mised to infect oth­er firms the way Solar­Winds was.

SolarWinds’s inves­ti­ga­tions will be ongo­ing for at least sev­er­al more weeks, and pos­si­bly months, due to the sophis­ti­ca­tion of the cam­paign and actions tak­en by the hack­ers to remove evi­dence of their activ­i­ty, he said. Solar­Winds has not deter­mined the exact date hack­ers first gained unau­tho­rized access to the company’s envi­ron­ment, though innocu­ous code changes were first made to Ori­on in Octo­ber 2019.

The hack­ers delet­ed pro­grams fol­low­ing use to avoid foren­sic dis­cov­ery and mas­quer­ad­ed file names and activ­i­ty to mim­ic legit­i­mate appli­ca­tions and files, he said. The hack­ers had auto­mat­ed dor­man­cy peri­ods of two weeks or more pri­or to acti­va­tion and uti­lized servers out­side the mon­i­tor­ing author­i­ty of U.S. intel­li­gence, he said.



“Solar­Winds CEO Con­firms Office 365 Email ‘Com­pro­mise’ Played Role In Broad-Based Attack” by Michael Novin­son; CRN; 02/02/2021

By com­pro­mis­ing the cre­den­tials of Solar­Winds employ­ees, Ramakr­ish­na said the hack­ers were able to gain access to and exploit the devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment for the Solar­Winds Ori­on net­work mon­i­tor­ing plat­form. Solar­Winds was first noti­fied by Microsoft about a com­pro­mise relat­ed to its Office 365 envi­ron­ment on Dec. 13, the same day news of the hack went pub­lic.”

It’s more or less con­firmed: The Solar­Winds hacked start­ed with the exploita­tion of a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s Office 365 email. The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty gave the hack­ers access to the Solar­Winds Ori­on soft­ware devel­op­ment envi­ron­ments. That’s where it all start­ed.

Or at least that’s where the Solar­Winds hack all start­ed. As they note, some 30 per­cent of the vic­tims of this hack don’t actu­al­ly have a direct con­nec­tion to Solar­Winds, rais­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of that the Solar­Winds hacks is real­ly part of an even larg­er hack being exe­cut­ed by a group of actors with numer­ous pow­er­ful Microsoft exploit. In oth­er words, we might not be look­ing at the Solar­Winds mega-hack but instead a Microsoft mega-hack that just includes a large Solar­Winds com­po­nent:

Some 30 per­cent of the pri­vate sec­tor and gov­ern­ment vic­tims of the colos­sal hack­ing cam­paign had no direct con­nec­tion to Solar­Winds, Bran­don Wales, act­ing direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, told The Wall Street Jour­nal Fri­day. But he said inves­ti­ga­tors haven’t iden­ti­fied anoth­er com­pa­ny whose prod­ucts were broad­ly com­pro­mised to infect oth­er firms the way Solar­Winds was.

So if 30 per­cent of the vic­tims weren’t run­ning Solar­Wind­s’s Ori­on soft­ware, what was the attack vec­tor in their cas­es? That’s a mys­tery, but we have a pret­ty obvi­ous clue if the Solar­Winds hack start­ed with a Microsoft exploit. It’s no won­der Microsoft­’s pub­lic rela­tions team was is hyper-dam­age-con­trol mode, deny­ing all reports going back to Decem­ber that it’s prod­ucts played any role at all in the attack. Recall how it was Microsoft­’s own secu­ri­ty team that was telling us back in Decem­ber how the hack­ers were mod­i­fy­ing cre­den­tials to read emails from Microsoft Exchange Online (the cloud Exchange ser­vice). But once it start­ed looked like the Solar­Winds mega-hack was real­ly the Microsoft mega-hack, it was a com­plete denial from Microsoft. The com­pa­ny has noth­ing to do with any of this and any­one say­ing any­thing to the con­trary they are mis­in­ter­pret­ing or mis­read­ing the avail­able data:


Microsoft: No Evi­dence Solar­Winds Was Hacked Via Office 365

‘The word­ing of the Solar­Winds 8K [reg­u­la­to­ry] fil­ing was unfor­tu­nate­ly ambigu­ous, lead­ing to erro­neous inter­pre­ta­tion and spec­u­la­tion, which is not sup­port­ed by the results of our inves­ti­ga­tion,’ Microsoft said Thurs­day.

By Michael Novin­son
Feb­ru­ary 05, 2021, 06:52 AM EST

Microsoft said its inves­ti­ga­tion hasn’t found any evi­dence that Solar­Winds was attacked through Office 365, mean­ing the hack­ers gained priv­i­leged cre­den­tials in some oth­er way.

The Red­mond, Wash.-based soft­ware giant said a Dec. 14 reg­u­la­to­ry fil­ing by Solar­Winds gave the impres­sion that Solar­Winds was inves­ti­gat­ing an attack vec­tor relat­ed to Microsoft Office 365. In the fil­ing, Solar­Winds said it’s aware of an attack vec­tor used to com­pro­mise the company’s Office 365 emails that may have pro­vid­ed access to oth­er data con­tained in the company’s office pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools.

“The word­ing of the Solar­Winds 8K fil­ing was unfor­tu­nate­ly ambigu­ous, lead­ing to erro­neous inter­pre­ta­tion and spec­u­la­tion, which is not sup­port­ed by the results of our inves­ti­ga­tion,” the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Team wrote in a blog post Thurs­day.

SolarWinds’s inves­ti­ga­tion hasn’t iden­ti­fied a spe­cif­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Office 365 that would have allowed the hack­ers to enter the company’s envi­ron­ment through Office 365, CEO Sud­hakar Ramakr­ish­na said Wednes­day. A day ear­li­er, he told The Wall Street Jour­nal one of sev­er­al the­o­ries the firm was pur­su­ing is hack­ers used an Office 365 account com­pro­mise as the ini­tial point of entry into Solar­Winds.

Ramakr­ish­na said Wednes­day that Solar­Winds has con­firmed sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty relat­ed to its Office 365 envi­ron­ment, with a com­pa­ny email account com­pro­mised and used to access accounts of tar­get­ed Solar­Winds staff in busi­ness and tech­ni­cal roles. By com­pro­mis­ing the cre­den­tials of Solar­Winds staff, he said the hack­ers were able to gain access to and exploit the Solar­Winds devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment.

Although data host­ed in Microsoft ser­vices such as email was some­times tar­get­ed by the Solar­Winds hack­ers, Microsoft insists the attack­er gained priv­i­leged cre­den­tials in anoth­er way. The Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency (CISA) isn’t aware of cloud soft­ware oth­er than Microsoft’s tar­get­ed in the Solar­Winds attack, Act­ing Direc­tor Bran­don Wales told The Wall Street Jour­nal Jan. 29.

In many of their break-ins, the Solar­Winds hack­ers took advan­tage of known Microsoft con­fig­u­ra­tion issues to trick sys­tems into giv­ing them access to emails and doc­u­ments stored on the cloud, The Wall Street Jour­nal said. Hack­ers can go from one cloud-com­put­ing account to anoth­er by tak­ing advan­tage of lit­tle-known idio­syn­crasies in the way soft­ware authen­ti­cates itself on the Microsoft ser­vice.


Reuters report­ed Dec. 17 that Microsoft was com­pro­mised via Solar­Winds, with sus­pect­ed Russ­ian hack­ers then using Microsoft’s own prod­ucts to fur­ther the attacks on oth­er vic­tims. Microsoft told CRN at the time that sources for the Reuters report are “mis­in­formed or mis­in­ter­pret­ing their infor­ma­tion,“ but acknowl­edged the soft­ware giant had ”detect­ed mali­cious Solar­Winds bina­ries” in its envi­ron­ment.

“No, it [the Reuters arti­cle] is not accu­rate,” the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Team wrote in its blog post Thurs­day. “As we said at the time, and based upon all inves­ti­ga­tions since, we have found no indi­ca­tions that our sys­tems were used to attack oth­ers.”

Microsoft acknowl­edged Dec. 31 that a com­pa­ny account com­pro­mised by the Solar­Winds hack­ers had been used to view source code in a num­ber of source code repos­i­to­ries. The com­pro­mised Microsoft account, how­ev­er, didn’t have per­mis­sions to mod­i­fy any code or engi­neer­ing sys­tems, and an inves­ti­ga­tion con­firmed no changes were made, Microsoft said at the time.

The com­pa­ny also respond­ed Thurs­day to crit­i­cism for not dis­clos­ing attack details as soon as Microsoft knew about them, say­ing that the com­pa­ny is restrict­ed from shar­ing details in cas­es where Microsoft is pro­vid­ing inves­tiga­tive sup­port to oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. In these types of engage­ments, Microsoft said the vic­tim orga­ni­za­tions have con­trol in decid­ing what details to dis­close and when to dis­close them.

Inves­ti­ga­tors can addi­tion­al­ly dis­cov­er ear­ly indi­ca­tors that require fur­ther research before they are action­able, Microsoft said. Tak­ing the time to thor­ough­ly inves­ti­gate inci­dents is nec­es­sary to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble guid­ance to cus­tomers, part­ners, and the broad­er secu­ri­ty com­mu­ni­ty, Microsoft said.



“Microsoft: No Evi­dence Solar­Winds Was Hacked Via Office 365” by Michael Novin­son; CRN; 02/05/2021

““The word­ing of the Solar­Winds 8K fil­ing was unfor­tu­nate­ly ambigu­ous, lead­ing to erro­neous inter­pre­ta­tion and spec­u­la­tion, which is not sup­port­ed by the results of our inves­ti­ga­tion,” the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Team wrote in a blog post Thurs­day.”

The denials can’t get any stronger. A day after Solar­Winds CEO Sud­hakar Ramakr­ish­na seem to more or less pub­lic con­firm that a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s Office 365 email played a direct role in the ini­tial attack, Microsoft reit­er­ates that all reports of Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties play­ing any role in the Solar­Winds hack of unsub­stan­ti­at­ed and false. That’s the line.

And note how the com­pa­ny acknowl­edges its prod­ucts were hacked in many cas­es on the Solar­Winds vic­tims net­work as part of the sec­ond phase of the hack, but Microsoft insists that the gained priv­i­leged cre­den­tials in anoth­er way. Now, in fair­ness, it’s pos­si­ble Microsoft sys­tems could be hacked on client net­works for rea­sons that have noth­ing to do with vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Microsoft­’s code and are instead the fault of mis­con­fig­ured soft­ware on the client end. But that’s what Microsoft was insist­ing at that point in ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, a day after Solar­Wind­s’s CEO seemed to con­firm a Microsoft Office 365 email exploit was used to ini­ti­ate the hack and well after the US gov­ern­ment con­firmed the Solar­Winds hack­ers used a Microsoft Office 365 email exploit dur­ing its plun­der­ing of the Trea­sury Depart­men­t’s net­works. The plau­si­ble deni­a­bil­i­ty of Microsoft­’s insis­tence that client con­fig­u­ra­tion issues were the cause of the hacked Microsoft prod­ucts was rapid­ly dwin­dling. Microsoft­’s insis­tence held strong:

Although data host­ed in Microsoft ser­vices such as email was some­times tar­get­ed by the Solar­Winds hack­ers, Microsoft insists the attack­er gained priv­i­leged cre­den­tials in anoth­er way. The Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency (CISA) isn’t aware of cloud soft­ware oth­er than Microsoft’s tar­get­ed in the Solar­Winds attack, Act­ing Direc­tor Bran­don Wales told The Wall Street Jour­nal Jan. 29.

In many of their break-ins, the Solar­Winds hack­ers took advan­tage of known Microsoft con­fig­u­ra­tion issues to trick sys­tems into giv­ing them access to emails and doc­u­ments stored on the cloud, The Wall Street Jour­nal said. Hack­ers can go from one cloud-com­put­ing account to anoth­er by tak­ing advan­tage of lit­tle-known idio­syn­crasies in the way soft­ware authen­ti­cates itself on the Microsoft ser­vice.


Reuters report­ed Dec. 17 that Microsoft was com­pro­mised via Solar­Winds, with sus­pect­ed Russ­ian hack­ers then using Microsoft’s own prod­ucts to fur­ther the attacks on oth­er vic­tims. Microsoft told CRN at the time that sources for the Reuters report are “mis­in­formed or mis­in­ter­pret­ing their infor­ma­tion,“ but acknowl­edged the soft­ware giant had ”detect­ed mali­cious Solar­Winds bina­ries” in its envi­ron­ment.

“No, it [the Reuters arti­cle] is not accu­rate,” the Microsoft Secu­ri­ty Team wrote in its blog post Thurs­day. “As we said at the time, and based upon all inves­ti­ga­tions since, we have found no indi­ca­tions that our sys­tems were used to attack oth­ers.”

Microsoft acknowl­edged Dec. 31 that a com­pa­ny account com­pro­mised by the Solar­Winds hack­ers had been used to view source code in a num­ber of source code repos­i­to­ries. The com­pro­mised Microsoft account, how­ev­er, didn’t have per­mis­sions to mod­i­fy any code or engi­neer­ing sys­tems, and an inves­ti­ga­tion con­firmed no changes were made, Microsoft said at the time.

“As we said at the time, and based upon all inves­ti­ga­tions since, we have found no indi­ca­tions that our sys­tems were used to attack oth­ers.” Have fun inter­pret­ing that one. But as a pub­lic state­ment, it sounds defin­i­tive. There were no Microsoft soft­ware vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties involved at all with the Solar­Winds hack. Peri­od. End of sto­ry.

Another Update from Microsoft: We Were Hacked and Our Source Code Was Viewed. Including for Microsoft Exchange. But Don’t Worry, Nothing was Compromised and Everything is Fine on Our End Now.

Two weeks lat­er, the sto­ry got anoth­er update. From Microsoft: the Solar­Winds hack­ers root­ed around in Microsoft­’s net­works through Jan­u­ary and man­aged to down­load some source code for its Azure, Exchange and Intune cloud-based prod­ucts. Again, keep in mind that Microsoft will be forced to dis­close the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack in a cou­ple of weeks fol­low­ing this update, and in that new mega-hack it was the self-host­ed non-cloud ver­sion of Microsoft Exchange that got hacked. So the hack­ers stole code pret­ty close­ly-relat­ed to the very sys­tem that got mega-hacked. We’re also going to learn that the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack appar­ent­ly start­ed in Jan­u­ary, the same month the Solar­Winds hack­ers were pre­sum­ably (hope­ful­ly) kicked out of Microsoft­’s net­works. And we’ve already seen that the Solar­Winds hack­ers have impres­sive nev­er-before-seen abil­i­ties to trick Microsoft­’s cre­den­tial sys­tems. That’s all part of what makes this lat­est update to the Solar­Winds sto­ry so omi­nous: It sure seems like it’s relat­ed to the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack that Microsoft will dis­close in March, even though Microsoft assures us it’s not and that’s a com­plete­ly sep­a­rate hack by dif­fer­ent Chi­nese hack­ers:


Solar­Winds Hack­ers Kept Going After Microsoft Until Jan­u­ary

The Solar­Winds hack­ers first viewed a file in a Microsoft source repos­i­to­ry in Novem­ber, and were able to down­load source code for its Azure, Exchange and Intune cloud-based prod­ucts.

By Michael Novin­son
Feb­ru­ary 19, 2021, 06:34 AM EST

The Solar­Winds hack­ers con­tin­ued efforts to infil­trate Microsoft until ear­ly Jan­u­ary, keep­ing up the assault even after Microsoft revealed its source code had been com­pro­mised.

The like­ly Russ­ian hack­ers first viewed a file in a Microsoft source repos­i­to­ry in late Novem­ber, and the Red­mond, Wash.-based soft­ware giant detect­ed unusu­al activ­i­ty in some inter­nal accounts the next month. The hack­ers lost source repos­i­to­ry access after Microsoft secured its com­pro­mised accounts, but the threat actor kept mak­ing unsuc­cess­ful attempts to regain access all the way until ear­ly Jan­u­ary.

“A con­cern­ing aspect of this attack is that secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies were a clear tar­get,” Vasu Jakkal, Microsoft’s cor­po­rate vice pres­i­dent of secu­ri­ty, com­pli­ance and iden­ti­ty, wrote in a blog post Thurs­day. “Microsoft, giv­en the expan­sive use of our pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools and lead­er­ship in secu­ri­ty, of course was an ear­ly tar­get.”

Microsoft admit­ted the Solar­Winds hack­ers were able to down­load some source code for its Azure, Exchange and Intune cloud-based prod­ucts. The down­loaded Azure source code was for sub­sets of its ser­vice, secu­ri­ty and iden­ti­ty com­po­nents, accord­ing to Microsoft.

The search terms used by the Solar­Winds hack­ers indi­cates they were attempt­ing to find secrets such as API keys, cre­den­tials, and secu­ri­ty tokens that may have been embed­ded in the source code, accord­ing to Microsoft. But the com­pa­ny said it has a devel­op­ment pol­i­cy that pro­hibits stor­ing secrets in source code and runs auto­mat­ed tools to ver­i­fy com­pli­ance.

Microsoft said it sub­se­quent­ly con­firmed that both cur­rent and his­tor­i­cal branch­es of its source code repos­i­to­ries don’t con­tain any live pro­duc­tion cre­den­tials. For near­ly all the Microsoft code repos­i­to­ries accessed by the Solar­Winds hack­ers, only a few indi­vid­ual files were viewed as a result of a repos­i­to­ry search, accord­ing to the com­pa­ny.


Microsoft said the Solar­Winds hack­ers weren’t able to access its priv­i­leged cre­den­tials or lever­age Secu­ri­ty Access Markup Lan­guage (SAML) tech­niques against the company’s cor­po­rate domains. But out­side of Microsoft, U.S. inves­ti­ga­tors said one of the prin­ci­pal ways the hack­er has col­lect­ed vic­tim infor­ma­tion is by com­pro­mis­ing the SAML sign­ing cer­tifi­cate using esca­lat­ed Active Direc­to­ry priv­i­leges.

Orga­ni­za­tions that del­e­gate trust to on-premis­es com­po­nents in deploy­ments that con­nect on-premis­es infra­struc­ture and the cloud end up with an addi­tion­al seam they need to secure, the MSRC wrote. As a result, if an on-premis­es envi­ron­ment is com­pro­mised, Microsoft said there’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty for hack­ers to tar­get cloud ser­vices.

“When you rely on on-premis­es ser­vices, like authen­ti­ca­tion serv­er, it is up to a cus­tomer to pro­tect their iden­ti­ty infra­struc­ture,” Jakkal wrote in her blog post. “With a cloud iden­ti­ty, like Azure Active Direc­to­ry, we pro­tect the iden­ti­ty infra­struc­ture from the cloud.”

At the same time, Jakkal said the Solar­Winds hack­ers took advan­tage of aban­doned app accounts with no mul­ti-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion to access cloud admin­is­tra­tive set­tings with high priv­i­lege. As orga­ni­za­tions tran­si­tion from implic­it trust to explic­it ver­i­fi­ca­tion, Jakkal said they first must focus on pro­tect­ing iden­ti­ties, espe­cial­ly priv­i­leged user accounts.

“Gaps in pro­tect­ing iden­ti­ties (or user cre­den­tials) like weak pass­words or lack of mul­ti­fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion are oppor­tu­ni­ties for an actor to find their way into a sys­tem, ele­vate their sta­tus, and move lat­er­al­ly across the envi­ron­ments tar­get­ing email, source code, crit­i­cal data­bas­es and more,” Jakkal said.

The Solar­Winds hack­ers tried and failed to get into Crowd­Strike and read their emails via a Microsoft reseller’s Azure account that was respon­si­ble for man­ag­ing CrowdStrike’s Microsoft Office licens­es. If a cus­tomer buys a cloud ser­vice from a reseller and allows the reseller to retain admin­is­tra­tive access, then a com­pro­mise of reseller cre­den­tials would grant access to the customer’s ten­ant, Microsoft said.

But the abuse of admin­is­tra­tive access wouldn’t be a com­pro­mise of Microsoft’s ser­vices them­selves, the com­pa­ny told CRN on Dec. 24.


“Solar­Winds Hack­ers Kept Going After Microsoft Until Jan­u­ary” by Michael Novin­son; CRN; 02/19/2021

Microsoft admit­ted the Solar­Winds hack­ers were able to down­load some source code for its Azure, Exchange and Intune cloud-based prod­ucts. The down­loaded Azure source code was for sub­sets of its ser­vice, secu­ri­ty and iden­ti­ty com­po­nents, accord­ing to Microsoft.”

It’s more than a lit­tle omi­nous. In Feb­ru­ary, weeks before the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack was dis­closed, the com­pa­ny gave us an update on its Solar­Winds inves­ti­ga­tion: source code was stolen. Source code involve the cloud-based ver­sions of Azure, Intune, and Exchange. Sure, it sounds like it was only the self-host­ed Exchange servers that got in the mega-hack, not the cloud-based Exchange sys­tems. But when Microsoft admits the Solar­Winds hack­ers obtained source code for Exchange’s cloud-based ser­vice, and then a cou­ple weeks lat­er we’re told the largest hack on record took place when vir­tu­al­ly all of Exchange’s self-host­ed servers got hacked in a zero-day exploit, it’s kind of hard to avoid sus­pi­cions the two events are relat­ed. And yet Microsoft assures us Solar­Winds was the work of ‘Cozy Bear’ and the Exchange hack was from pre­vi­ous­ly unknown state Chi­nese hack­ers. It’s all quite con­ve­nient for Microsoft. The kind of expla­na­tion that avoids a lot of messy ques­tions:

The search terms used by the Solar­Winds hack­ers indi­cates they were attempt­ing to find secrets such as API keys, cre­den­tials, and secu­ri­ty tokens that may have been embed­ded in the source code, accord­ing to Microsoft. But the com­pa­ny said it has a devel­op­ment pol­i­cy that pro­hibits stor­ing secrets in source code and runs auto­mat­ed tools to ver­i­fy com­pli­ance.

Microsoft said it sub­se­quent­ly con­firmed that both cur­rent and his­tor­i­cal branch­es of its source code repos­i­to­ries don’t con­tain any live pro­duc­tion cre­den­tials. For near­ly all the Microsoft code repos­i­to­ries accessed by the Solar­Winds hack­ers, only a few indi­vid­ual files were viewed as a result of a repos­i­to­ry search, accord­ing to the com­pa­ny.

But, again, keep in mind anoth­er major rea­son Microsoft might want to assure the world that it’s Russ­ian and Chi­nese state actors who car­ried out these mega-hacks: state actors are far more like­ly hack for espi­onage pur­pos­es. And when you hack for espi­onage pur­pos­es you prob­a­bly won’t sell the infor­ma­tion you hacked. Crim­i­nal actors, on the oth­er hand, have very dif­fer­ent moti­va­tions. So for the gen­er­al pub­lic, learn­ing that Rus­sia or Chi­na hacked into your orga­ni­za­tion is far less alarm­ing that learn­ing some crim­i­nal elite hack­er group did it. Although, as we’ll see, the hack­ers we’re told are Chi­nese state hack­ers actu­al­ly run their own per­son­al for-prof­it ran­som schemes.

A New(?) Mega-Hack is Upon Us: The Microsoft Exchange Mega-Hack. Which, Microsoft Promises, is Definitely Totally Unrelated to the SolarWinds Mega-Hack

Do you or your orga­ni­za­tion own a self-host­ed Microsoft Exchange email serv­er that was con­nect­ed to the inter­net between Jan­u­ary and March of this year? Con­grats! It was hacked. Basi­cal­ly all of them got hacked. A glob­al ran­sack­ing that was arguably larg­er than the Solar­Winds hack. And much like the Solar­Winds hack, these hack­ers had the poten­tial to seed vic­tim net­works with back­doors or worse. So it’s anoth­er mega-hack that sets the hack­ers up for even big­ger mega-hacks in the future. Anoth­er Microsoft mega-hack:

Krebs on Secu­ri­ty

At Least 30,000 U.S. Orga­ni­za­tions New­ly Hacked Via Holes in Microsoft’s Email Soft­ware

March 5, 2021

At least 30,000 orga­ni­za­tions across the Unit­ed States — includ­ing a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of small busi­ness­es, towns, cities and local gov­ern­ments — have over the past few days been hacked by an unusu­al­ly aggres­sive Chi­nese cyber espi­onage unit that’s focused on steal­ing email from vic­tim orga­ni­za­tions, mul­ti­ple sources tell Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty. The espi­onage group is exploit­ing four new­ly-dis­cov­ered flaws in Microsoft Exchange Serv­er email soft­ware, and has seed­ed hun­dreds of thou­sands of vic­tim orga­ni­za­tions world­wide with tools that give the attack­ers total, remote con­trol over affect­ed sys­tems.

On March 2, Microsoft released emer­gency secu­ri­ty updates to plug four secu­ri­ty holes in Exchange Serv­er ver­sions 2013 through 2019 that hack­ers were active­ly using to siphon email com­mu­ni­ca­tions from Inter­net-fac­ing sys­tems run­ning Exchange.

Microsoft said the Exchange flaws are being tar­get­ed by a pre­vi­ous­ly uniden­ti­fied Chi­nese hack­ing crew it dubbed “Hafni­um,” and said the group had been con­duct­ing tar­get­ed attacks on email sys­tems used by a range of indus­try sec­tors, includ­ing infec­tious dis­ease researchers, law firms, high­er edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions, defense con­trac­tors, pol­i­cy think tanks, and NGOs.

In the three days since then, secu­ri­ty experts say the same Chi­nese cyber espi­onage group has dra­mat­i­cal­ly stepped up attacks on any vul­ner­a­ble, unpatched Exchange servers world­wide.

In each inci­dent, the intrud­ers have left behind a “web shell,” an easy-to-use, pass­word-pro­tect­ed hack­ing tool that can be accessed over the Inter­net from any brows­er. The web shell gives the attack­ers admin­is­tra­tive access to the victim’s com­put­er servers.

Speak­ing on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, two cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts who’ve briefed U.S. nation­al secu­ri­ty advi­sors on the attack told Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty the Chi­nese hack­ing group thought to be respon­si­ble has seized con­trol over “hun­dreds of thou­sands” of Microsoft Exchange Servers world­wide — with each vic­tim sys­tem rep­re­sent­ing approx­i­mate­ly one orga­ni­za­tion that uses Exchange to process email.

Microsoft’s ini­tial advi­so­ry about the Exchange flaws cred­it­ed Reston, Va. based Volex­i­ty for report­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Volex­i­ty Pres­i­dent Steven Adair said the com­pa­ny first saw attack­ers qui­et­ly exploit­ing the Exchange bugs on Jan. 6, 2021, a day when most of the world was glued to tele­vi­sion cov­er­age of the the riot at the U.S. Capi­tol.

But Adair said that over the past few days the hack­ing group has shift­ed into high gear, mov­ing quick­ly to scan the Inter­net for Exchange servers that weren’t yet pro­tect­ed by the secu­ri­ty updates Microsoft released Tues­day.

“We’ve worked on dozens of cas­es so far where web shells were put on the vic­tim sys­tem back on Feb. 28 [before Microsoft announced its patch­es], all the way up to today,” Adair said. “Even if you patched the same day Microsoft pub­lished its patch­es, there’s still a high chance there is a web shell on your serv­er. The truth is, if you’re run­ning Exchange and you haven’t patched this yet, there’s a very high chance that your orga­ni­za­tion is already com­pro­mised.”

Reached for com­ment, Microsoft said it is work­ing close­ly with the U.S. Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty & Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency (CISA), oth­er gov­ern­ment agen­cies, and secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies, to ensure it is pro­vid­ing the best pos­si­ble guid­ance and mit­i­ga­tion for its cus­tomers.

“The best pro­tec­tion is to apply updates as soon as pos­si­ble across all impact­ed sys­tems,” a Microsoft spokesper­son said in a writ­ten state­ment. “We con­tin­ue to help cus­tomers by pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al inves­ti­ga­tion and mit­i­ga­tion guid­ance. Impact­ed cus­tomers should con­tact our sup­port teams for addi­tion­al help and resources.”

Mean­while, CISA has issued an emer­gency direc­tive order­ing all fed­er­al civil­ian depart­ments and agen­cies run­ning vul­ner­a­ble Microsoft Exchange servers to either update the soft­ware or dis­con­nect the prod­ucts from their net­works.

Adair said he’s field­ed dozens of calls today from state and local gov­ern­ment agen­cies that have iden­ti­fied the back­doors in their Exchange servers and are plead­ing for help. The trou­ble is, patch­ing the flaws only blocks the four dif­fer­ent ways the hack­ers are using to get in. But it does noth­ing to undo the dam­age that may already have been done.

White House press sec­re­tary Jen Psa­ki told reporters today the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties found in Microsoft’s wide­ly used Exchange servers were “sig­nif­i­cant,” and “could have far-reach­ing impacts.”

“We’re con­cerned that there are a large num­ber of vic­tims,” Psa­ki said.

By all accounts, root­ing out these intrud­ers is going to require an unprece­dent­ed and urgent nation­wide clean-up effort. Adair and oth­ers say they’re wor­ried that the longer it takes for vic­tims to remove the back­doors, the more like­ly it is that the intrud­ers will fol­low up by installing addi­tion­al back­doors, and per­haps broad­en­ing the attack to include oth­er por­tions of the victim’s net­work infra­struc­ture.

Secu­ri­ty researchers have pub­lished sev­er­al tools for detect­ing vul­ner­a­ble servers. One of those tools, a script from Microsoft’s Kevin Beau­mont, is avail­able from Github.

Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty has seen por­tions of a vic­tim list com­piled by run­ning such a tool, and it is not a pret­ty pic­ture. The back­door web shell is ver­i­fi­ably present on the net­works of thou­sands of U.S. orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing banks, cred­it unions, non-prof­its, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions providers, pub­lic util­i­ties and police, fire and res­cue units.

“It’s police depart­ments, hos­pi­tals, tons of city and state gov­ern­ments and cred­it unions,” said one source who’s work­ing close­ly with fed­er­al offi­cials on the mat­ter. “Just about every­one who’s run­ning self-host­ed Out­look Web Access and wasn’t patched as of a few days ago got hit with a zero-day attack.”

Anoth­er gov­ern­ment cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert who par­tic­i­pat­ed in a recent call with mul­ti­ple stake­hold­ers impact­ed by this hack­ing spree wor­ries the cleanup effort required is going to be Her­culean.

“On the call, many ques­tions were from school dis­tricts or local gov­ern­ments that all need help,” the source said, speak­ing on con­di­tion they were not iden­ti­fied by name. “If these num­bers are in the tens of thou­sands, how does inci­dent response get done? There are just not enough inci­dent response teams out there to do that quick­ly.”

When it released patch­es for the four Exchange Serv­er flaws on Tues­day, Microsoft empha­sized that the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty did not affect cus­tomers run­ning its Exchange Online ser­vice (Microsoft’s cloud-host­ed email for busi­ness­es). But sources say the vast major­i­ty of the orga­ni­za­tions vic­tim­ized so far are run­ning some form of Inter­net-fac­ing Microsoft Out­look Web Access (OWA) email sys­tems in tan­dem with Exchange servers inter­nal­ly.

“It’s a ques­tion worth ask­ing, what’s Microsoft’s rec­om­men­da­tion going to be?,” the gov­ern­ment cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert said. “They’ll say ‘Patch, but it’s bet­ter to go to the cloud.’ But how are they secur­ing their non-cloud prod­ucts? Let­ting them with­er on the vine.”

The gov­ern­ment cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert said this most recent round of attacks is unchar­ac­ter­is­tic of the kinds of nation-state lev­el hack­ing typ­i­cal­ly attrib­uted to Chi­na, which tends to be fair­ly focused on com­pro­mis­ing spe­cif­ic strate­gic tar­gets.

“Its reck­less,” the source said. “It seems out of char­ac­ter for Chi­nese state actors to be this indis­crim­i­nate.”

Microsoft has said the incur­sions by Hafni­um on vul­ner­a­ble Exchange servers are in no way con­nect­ed to the sep­a­rate Solar­Winds-relat­ed attacks, in which a sus­pect­ed Russ­ian intel­li­gence group installed back­doors in net­work man­age­ment soft­ware used by more than 18,000 orga­ni­za­tions.

“We con­tin­ue to see no evi­dence that the actor behind Solar­Winds dis­cov­ered or exploit­ed any vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft prod­ucts and ser­vices,” the com­pa­ny said.

Nev­er­the­less, the events of the past few days may well end up far eclips­ing the dam­age done by the Solar­Winds intrud­ers.



“At Least 30,000 U.S. Orga­ni­za­tions New­ly Hacked Via Holes in Microsoft’s Email Soft­ware”; Krebs on Secu­ri­ty; 03/05/2021

“Microsoft said the Exchange flaws are being tar­get­ed by a pre­vi­ous­ly uniden­ti­fied Chi­nese hack­ing crew it dubbed “Hafni­um,” and said the group had been con­duct­ing tar­get­ed attacks on email sys­tems used by a range of indus­try sec­tors, includ­ing infec­tious dis­ease researchers, law firms, high­er edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions, defense con­trac­tors, pol­i­cy think tanks, and NGOs.”

Some­how Microsoft deter­mined this hack was car­ried out by a pre­vi­ous­ly uniden­ti­fied Chi­nese hack­ing crew. Again, we have no idea how they know this group was Chi­nese or how they know it’s not the same group behind the Solar­Winds hack or all sorts of oth­er hacks. We just know Microsoft was very con­fi­dent­ly declar­ing this mega-hack with extreme par­al­lels to Solar­Winds was­n’t car­ried out by the same crew. Instead, we’re con­fi­dent­ly assured it’s a Chi­nese nation-state-backed hack­ing group that has unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly decid­ed to car­ry out what may be the largest hack ever, even larg­er than Solar­Winds. We just have to trust Microsoft:

Speak­ing on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, two cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts who’ve briefed U.S. nation­al secu­ri­ty advi­sors on the attack told Kreb­sOn­Se­cu­ri­ty the Chi­nese hack­ing group thought to be respon­si­ble has seized con­trol over “hun­dreds of thou­sands” of Microsoft Exchange Servers world­wide — with each vic­tim sys­tem rep­re­sent­ing approx­i­mate­ly one orga­ni­za­tion that uses Exchange to process email.


The gov­ern­ment cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert said this most recent round of attacks is unchar­ac­ter­is­tic of the kinds of nation-state lev­el hack­ing typ­i­cal­ly attrib­uted to Chi­na, which tends to be fair­ly focused on com­pro­mis­ing spe­cif­ic strate­gic tar­gets.

“Its reck­less,” the source said. “It seems out of char­ac­ter for Chi­nese state actors to be this indis­crim­i­nate.”

It’s also worth not­ing that Microsoft did­n’t catch this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. It was Volex­i­ty, which detect­ed the first major attack coin­cid­ing with the Jan­u­ary 6 far right insur­rec­tion. We are told that the Chi­nese hack­ers qui­et­ly first start­ed the hack dur­ing the insur­rec­tion but tran­si­tioned towards an open smash-and-grab a few days lat­er. So that’s some pret­ty inter­est­ing tim­ing, but Volex­i­ty had an update. They found signs cyber­op­er­a­tions with this zero-day exploit on Jan­u­ary 3, 2021. So the tim­ing with the Capi­tol insur­rec­tion isn’t quite as inter­est­ing as ear­ly report­ing indi­cates.

Also recall how Volex­i­ty was the first com­pa­ny to iden­ti­fy the Solar­Winds mal­ware on their clients’ net­works back in July of 2020. Their warn­ings were ignored but they were the first to find it, at least on record. Volex­i­ty is appar­ent­ly the one com­pa­ny capa­ble of find­ing these cur­rent mega back­door hacks:

Microsoft’s ini­tial advi­so­ry about the Exchange flaws cred­it­ed Reston, Va. based Volex­i­ty for report­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Volex­i­ty Pres­i­dent Steven Adair said the com­pa­ny first saw attack­ers qui­et­ly exploit­ing the Exchange bugs on Jan. 6, 2021, a day when most of the world was glued to tele­vi­sion cov­er­age of the the riot at the U.S. Capi­tol.

But Adair said that over the past few days the hack­ing group has shift­ed into high gear, mov­ing quick­ly to scan the Inter­net for Exchange servers that weren’t yet pro­tect­ed by the secu­ri­ty updates Microsoft released Tues­day.

And in case the scale of the hack was­n’t clear, note how it appears to be vir­tu­al­ly every sin­gle self-host­ed Out­look Web Access (OWS) serv­er on the plan­et con­nect­ed to the inter­net. Every sin­gle one. It’s a glob­al dig­i­tal night­mare sce­nario:


“We’ve worked on dozens of cas­es so far where web shells were put on the vic­tim sys­tem back on Feb. 28 [before Microsoft announced its patch­es], all the way up to today,” Adair said. “Even if you patched the same day Microsoft pub­lished its patch­es, there’s still a high chance there is a web shell on your serv­er. The truth is, if you’re run­ning Exchange and you haven’t patched this yet, there’s a very high chance that your orga­ni­za­tion is already com­pro­mised.”


Adair said he’s field­ed dozens of calls today from state and local gov­ern­ment agen­cies that have iden­ti­fied the back­doors in their Exchange servers and are plead­ing for help. The trou­ble is, patch­ing the flaws only blocks the four dif­fer­ent ways the hack­ers are using to get in. But it does noth­ing to undo the dam­age that may already have been done.


By all accounts, root­ing out these intrud­ers is going to require an unprece­dent­ed and urgent nation­wide clean-up effort. Adair and oth­ers say they’re wor­ried that the longer it takes for vic­tims to remove the back­doors, the more like­ly it is that the intrud­ers will fol­low up by installing addi­tion­al back­doors, and per­haps broad­en­ing the attack to include oth­er por­tions of the victim’s net­work infra­struc­ture.


“It’s police depart­ments, hos­pi­tals, tons of city and state gov­ern­ments and cred­it unions,” said one source who’s work­ing close­ly with fed­er­al offi­cials on the mat­ter. “Just about every­one who’s run­ning self-host­ed Out­look Web Access and wasn’t patched as of a few days ago got hit with a zero-day attack.”

And final­ly, it’s hard to avoid mar­veling at the rather stun­ning assur­ances giv­en by Microsoft at this point regard­ing the Solar­Winds hack and the role Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties played in that event: Microsoft tells us, “We con­tin­ue to see no evi­dence that the actor behind Solar­Winds dis­cov­ered or exploit­ed any vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft prod­ucts and ser­vices.” This was what Microsoft was telling the pub­lic in March of 2021. As we saw in the pre­vi­ous arti­cle excerpt, which was pub­lished about 6 weeks lat­er, the exploita­tion of Microsoft prod­ucts was the defin­ing fea­ture of the sec­ond phase the Solar­Winds attack. First the Solar­Winds Ori­on soft­ware deployed back­doors on all of the Solar­Winds cus­tomer net­works. Then the hack­ers used those back­doors to roam the net­work, look­ing for valu­able infor­ma­tion to steal. And that meant exploit­ing Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, which they appar­ent­ly did with aban­don. To claim there was no evi­dence that the actor behind Solar­Winds dis­cov­ered or exploit­ed any vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft prod­ucts and ser­vices just a lie. A lie that con­ve­nient­ly helped Microsoft avoid the uncom­fort­able ques­tions about whether or not this Microsoft Exchange mega-back­door and the Solar­Winds mega-back­door hack were part of some sort joint mega-back­door hack run by the same group of peo­ple:

Microsoft has said the incur­sions by Hafni­um on vul­ner­a­ble Exchange servers are in no way con­nect­ed to the sep­a­rate Solar­Winds-relat­ed attacks, in which a sus­pect­ed Russ­ian intel­li­gence group installed back­doors in net­work man­age­ment soft­ware used by more than 18,000 orga­ni­za­tions.

“We con­tin­ue to see no evi­dence that the actor behind Solar­Winds dis­cov­ered or exploit­ed any vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft prod­ucts and ser­vices,” the com­pa­ny said.

Nev­er­the­less, the events of the past few days may well end up far eclips­ing the dam­age done by the Solar­Winds intrud­ers.

And while Microsoft was aggre­sive­ly dis­tanc­ing itself and this hack from the Solar­Winds hack ear­ly on, with­in a week it was start­ing to look like Solar­Winds was the com­pa­ny that should be doing the dis­tanc­ing. Because this hack was look­ing much more than Solar­Winds. Like an automat­able Solar­Winds that was plun­dered to the full extent avail­able by a vari­ety of crim­i­nal actors. It was ‘Hafni­um’ who qui­et­ly and exclu­sive­ly used this zero-day exploit start­ing from Jan­u­ary 3 until the Microsoft announced the patch on March 2, at which point a crim­i­nal free-for-all that involved at least a half dozen oth­er hack­ing groups ensued to ran­sack any unpatched servers.

But per­haps the most scan­dalous aspect of all this is that zero-day exploit that enabled all this has appar­ent­ly been sit­ting in Microsoft­’s code for at least a decade. How much do you want to bet Jan 3 was­n’t the first time this exploit was exploit­ed?:

Data Cen­ter Knowl­edge

Microsoft Exchange Hack Could Be Worse Than Solar­Winds

The mas­sive hack’s scope keeps grow­ing. Unlike the Solar­Winds exploit, this one can be auto­mat­ed.

Maria Korolov | Mar 10, 2021

The scope of dam­age from the new­ly pub­lic Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty keeps grow­ing, with some experts say­ing that it is “worse than Solar­Winds.”

As of last count, more than 60,000 orga­ni­za­tions have fall­en vic­tim to the attack.

“The scale of the attack is the biggest threat at this time,” said Mark Good­win, man­ag­ing senior ana­lyst at secu­ri­ty con­sult­ing firm Bish­op Fox.

Gov­ern­ment insti­tu­tions have been attacked, large cor­po­ra­tions, and small local busi­ness­es, he told DCK. Accord­ing to the inter­net scan­ning tool Shodan, more than 250,000 servers are vul­ner­a­ble, he added.

Unlike the Solar­Winds breach, the Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty can be exploit­ed in an auto­mat­ed way. If a data cen­ter has an Exchange serv­er acces­si­ble via the pub­lic inter­net, assume it’s been com­pro­mised, he said.

The prob­lem is so severe that Microsoft has released patch­es even for old­er servers that are no longer sup­port­ed, Good­win said.

And, unlike the Solar­Winds breach, which was pri­mar­i­ly exploit­ed by a sin­gle state-spon­sored group, report­ed­ly from Rus­sia, the Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty is open to every­body. Orig­i­nal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with a Chi­nese state-spon­sored group, Hafni­um, at last count half a dozen dif­fer­ent groups are active­ly attack­ing orga­ni­za­tions with vul­ner­a­ble servers.

The Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty gives hack­ers full access to Microsoft Exchange servers which in turn can be lever­aged to com­pro­mise Active Direc­to­ry servers.

“Once you com­pro­mise Active Direc­to­ry, you can go after any­thing you want,” said Srikant Vis­sam­set­ti, senior VP of engi­neer­ing at Atti­vo Net­works, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty ven­dor. “You get the keys to the king­dom.”

The big prob­lem is that Microsoft Exchange is designed to be accessed by exter­nal users, which means servers can be acces­si­ble via the inter­net – and attack­ers can find them when they scan for vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties.

“There are ways to scan every­thing con­nect­ed to the inter­net to find vul­ner­a­ble sys­tems,” said Jethro Beek­man, tech­ni­cal direc­tor at cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm For­t­anix. “This has an enor­mous threat of mis­use.”

As a result, the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty last week issued an emer­gency direc­tive for fed­er­al agen­cies, warn­ing that the Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty is being active­ly exploit­ed and order­ing them to take defen­sive action.

“This is a crazy huge hack,” said Chris Krebs, the for­mer direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, in a Tweet on Fri­day. “The num­bers I’ve heard dwarf what’s report­ed.”

Also on Fri­day, secu­ri­ty firm Huntress released a report of its analy­sis of 3,000 servers, most of which had antivirus or end­point secu­ri­ty solu­tions installed. Of those, 800 were still not patched, and there were more than 350 mali­cious web­shells already installed by attack­ers.

“This has seem­ing­ly slipped past a major­i­ty of pre­ven­ta­tive secu­ri­ty prod­ucts,” said Huntress senior secu­ri­ty researcher John Ham­mond in a report.

The num­ber of affect­ed enter­pris­es is so much high­er with this attack than with Solar­Winds because this attack can be high­ly auto­mat­ed, Attivo’s Vis­sam­set­ti told DCK.

“With some­thing like this, attack­ers can mobi­lize with­in a day,” he said. “They can script the whole thing in just a few hours.”

Cleanup Will Be Messy

Patch­ing the Microsoft Exchange serv­er is not enough if an orga­ni­za­tion has been com­pro­mised.

Enter­pris­es can look for indi­ca­tors of com­pro­mise in log files, but smart attack­ers may erase those traces as well.

Then, attack­ers may have installed back doors or cre­at­ed accounts for them­selves with high lev­els of access, or even con­duct­ed a “gold­en tick­et” attack on Active Direc­to­ry.

“Once you have a gold­en tick­et attack, you pret­ty much have to start over,” said Vis­sam­set­ti. “Chang­ing pass­words is not suf­fi­cient. They’ve got a super admin.”

And the pos­si­bil­i­ties for dam­age are near­ly end­less, he added.

“It will be messy to clean up,” said Oliv­er Tavakoli, CTO at Vec­tra Net­works. “It will effec­tive­ly require back­ing up data, re-imag­ing the Exchange serv­er, scrub­bing the back­up of any accounts which should not be present, reset­ting all pass­words and secrets, and restor­ing the remain­ing back­up data.”

This is while secu­ri­ty teams are already stretched thin by the Solar­Winds attack, he added.

“This hack will com­pete for the same inves­tiga­tive and reme­di­a­tion resources,” he told DCK. “So, hav­ing two such broad attacks occur near the same time places exor­bi­tant strain on the resources.”

And even if the Exchange servers are patched, back doors shut down, and attack­ers ful­ly cleaned out, that’s not the end of it, said Adrien Gen­dre, chief prod­uct and ser­vices offi­cer at Vade Secure.

“Based on our knowl­edge of pri­or inci­dents,” he said, “expect to see a rise in spear phish­ing attacks in the com­ing weeks.”

The attack­ers will be able to use the infor­ma­tion they’ve col­lect­ed while in the sys­tem, such as emails and oth­er doc­u­ments, to craft extreme­ly tar­get­ed and cred­i­ble scam emails, he said.

Time to Ditch Microsoft Exchange

Experts rec­om­mend that com­pa­nies replace on-prem deploy­ments of Microsoft Exchange with cloud-based alter­na­tives like Office 365, which are not vul­ner­a­ble to the attack.

And if there is an attack, the SaaS ven­dor sim­ply installs the patch them­selves. There’s no need for every sin­gle cus­tomer to install their own patch­es, dra­mat­i­cal­ly sim­pli­fy­ing secu­ri­ty.

If that’s not an option, the Exchange servers can be put behind VPNs, For­t­anix’s Beek­man told DCK.

“And there are web appli­ca­tion fire­walls that you can insert between the serv­er and the inter­net,” he added.

Data cen­ter providers that offer man­aged servers to clients are par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble, because if they them­selves use a vul­ner­a­ble Microsoft Exchange serv­er and their envi­ron­ment is com­pro­mised, client infra­struc­ture could poten­tial­ly be at risk, he added.

This is where secu­ri­ty approach­es like zero trust and micro seg­men­ta­tion can be used to restrict lat­er­al move­ment, he said.


The Time­line of the Microsoft Exchange Hack

Secu­ri­ty experts began notic­ing signs of com­pro­mise in ear­ly Jan­u­ary, with the first attacks on Jan­u­ary 3, accord­ing to secu­ri­ty firm Volex­i­ty.

At first, these attacks, which exploit­ed a zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, were lim­it­ed to Hafni­um.

Then, after Microsoft final­ly released patch­es on March 2, oth­er crim­i­nal groups start­ed using it in a race to attack as many servers as pos­si­ble before they were patched.

But the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been present in the Microsoft Exchange code­base for a decade, said Ed Hunter, CISO at Infoblox, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny.

“One has to won­der how long this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been a close­ly held – and used – tool in this threat actor’s tool­box,” he told DCK.



“Microsoft Exchange Hack Could Be Worse Than Solar­Winds” by Maria Korolov; Data Cen­ter Knowl­edge; 03/10/2021

Unlike the Solar­Winds breach, the Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty can be exploit­ed in an auto­mat­ed way. If a data cen­ter has an Exchange serv­er acces­si­ble via the pub­lic inter­net, assume it’s been com­pro­mised, he said.”

Not only is this hack the kind of hack that any com­mon hack­er crim­i­nal is capa­ble of exe­cut­ing once they know the exploit, but it’s the kind of hack that a sin­gle hack­er could the­o­ret­i­cal­ly turn into a mega-hack with a sim­ple script because this is an automat­able hack. That’s why you should assume you got hit if you were exposed. Every­one exposed got hit because it was easy for any­one to hit every­one.

But every­one was­n’t hit at first. It was “Hafni­um” who qui­et­ly start­ed hack­ing tar­gets, with Volex­i­ty first detect­ing the usage of the zero-day exploit on Jan­u­ary 3 (not Jan 6 as ear­li­er indi­cat­ed). It was after Microsoft released the patch­es on March 2 that oth­er crim­i­nal groups went on a glob­al spree, hit­ting every remain­ing unpatched Exchange serv­er on the plan­et con­nect­ed to the inter­net. As we’re going to see, when the US and its West­ern allies all issue coor­di­nat­ed for­mal state­ments in mid-July, for­mal­ly accus­ing Chi­na of exe­cut­ing the hack, we are told by unnamed sources famil­iar with the inves­ti­ga­tion that it is sus­pect­ed that Hafni­um knew Microsoft was going to close the zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties (which were no-longer zero-days at that point) and at that point hand­ed the exploits over to crim­i­nals. But we have no idea why that par­tic­u­lar sce­nario was sus­pect­ed, as opposed to Hafni­um being a crim­i­nal actor who sold their exploit to oth­er actors once the patch was released. Or anoth­er actor pre­tend­ing to be a Chi­nese state actor, although it’s unclear what if any ‘Chi­nese’ indi­ca­tors are being left by “Hafni­um”. Microsoft told us it was a nev­er-before Chi­nese state-backed group called Hafni­um and that dec­la­ra­tion alone is treat­ed as ade­quate evi­dence. As with the Solar­Winds hack, it’s faith-based pub­lic attri­bu­tions, which is a big part of the rea­son the read­ing-the-tea-leaves behind-the-scenes meth­ods of attri­bu­tion are so prob­lem­at­ic. That’s what we’re sup­posed to have faith in. Tea-leave-read­ing with huge con­flicts of inter­est:

And, unlike the Solar­Winds breach, which was pri­mar­i­ly exploit­ed by a sin­gle state-spon­sored group, report­ed­ly from Rus­sia, the Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty is open to every­body. Orig­i­nal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with a Chi­nese state-spon­sored group, Hafni­um, at last count half a dozen dif­fer­ent groups are active­ly attack­ing orga­ni­za­tions with vul­ner­a­ble servers.


Secu­ri­ty experts began notic­ing signs of com­pro­mise in ear­ly Jan­u­ary, with the first attacks on Jan­u­ary 3, accord­ing to secu­ri­ty firm Volex­i­ty.

At first, these attacks, which exploit­ed a zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, were lim­it­ed to Hafni­um.

Then, after Microsoft final­ly released patch­es on March 2, oth­er crim­i­nal groups start­ed using it in a race to attack as many servers as pos­si­ble before they were patched.

Also observ­er how Chris Krebs, the for­mer direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, was try­ing to make sense of the incred­i­bly aggres­sive nature of this hack by ques­tion­ing on Twit­ter if this was the work of an out of con­trol cyber­crime gang or con­trac­tors gone wild. Krebs is gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered a pret­ty cred­i­ble word on these mat­ters. So he was not ready to jump on board the Chi­na-did-it band­wag­on at this point when we were being assured by Microsoft and oth­ers that yes, Chi­na did it. Just take their word for it. Krebs was­n’t tak­ing their word:

“This is a crazy huge hack,” said Chris Krebs, the for­mer direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, in a Tweet on Fri­day. “The num­bers I’ve heard dwarf what’s report­ed.”


But it isn’t just the automat­able nature of this hack­ing tech­nique that makes it so scary. It’s also the fact that the hack­ers could lever­age the com­plete con­trol over the Exchange serv­er to com­pro­mise the Active Direc­to­ry servers and that poten­tial­ly gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­duct a “gold­en tick­et” attack on the Active Direc­to­ry and the hack­ers can give them­selves super-user priv­i­leges. That’s the high­est lev­el. This is a poten­tial­ly dev­as­tat­ing hack. Com­plete con­trol is an apt descrip­tion of what it can con­fer. Thanks in part to a lot of Microsoft exploits:

The Microsoft Exchange vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty gives hack­ers full access to Microsoft Exchange servers which in turn can be lever­aged to com­pro­mise Active Direc­to­ry servers.

Once you com­pro­mise Active Direc­to­ry, you can go after any­thing you want,” said Srikant Vis­sam­set­ti, senior VP of engi­neer­ing at Atti­vo Net­works, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty ven­dor. “You get the keys to the king­dom.”


Patch­ing the Microsoft Exchange serv­er is not enough if an orga­ni­za­tion has been com­pro­mised.

Enter­pris­es can look for indi­ca­tors of com­pro­mise in log files, but smart attack­ers may erase those traces as well.

Then, attack­ers may have installed back doors or cre­at­ed accounts for them­selves with high lev­els of access, or even con­duct­ed a “gold­en tick­et” attack on Active Direc­to­ry.

“Once you have a gold­en tick­et attack, you pret­ty much have to start over,” said Vis­sam­set­ti. “Chang­ing pass­words is not suf­fi­cient. They’ve got a super admin.”

And the pos­si­bil­i­ties for dam­age are near­ly end­less, he added.

It’s also worth not­ing anoth­er poten­tial­ly dev­as­tat­ing aspect of this night­mare and the fact that super-user admin priv­i­leges can be obtained by the hack­ers: data cen­ters run­ning Microsoft Exchange servers may have those super-user admin priv­i­leges stolen too. And that poten­tial­ly threat­ens all the data in that data cen­ter:

Data cen­ter providers that offer man­aged servers to clients are par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble, because if they them­selves use a vul­ner­a­ble Microsoft Exchange serv­er and their envi­ron­ment is com­pro­mised, client infra­struc­ture could poten­tial­ly be at risk, he added.

This is where secu­ri­ty approach­es like zero trust and micro seg­men­ta­tion can be used to restrict lat­er­al move­ment, he said.

Final­ly, and sig­nif­i­cant­ly, note how long this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has exist­ed in Microsoft­’s code: a decade! As one secu­ri­ty expert astute­ly asks, “One has to won­der how long this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been a close­ly held – and used – tool in this threat actor’s tool­box”:

But the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been present in the Microsoft Exchange code­base for a decade, said Ed Hunter, CISO at Infoblox, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny.

“One has to won­der how long this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty has been a close­ly held – and used – tool in this threat actor’s tool­box,” he told DCK.

For the last 10 years, any­one with access to that code could have poten­tial­ly spot­ted this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Keep this in mind when Microsoft assures us that the theft of its code by the Solar­Winds hack­ers is of no con­se­quence.

SolarWinds Sanctions Arrive. Along With a Lesson in How Attribution Works By CrowdStrike’s Adam Meyers: Surprise! It’s a Hunt for “Cultural Artifacts” ‘Accidentally’ Left Behind

In the span of just four months the world was intro­duced to the two largest hacks on record. Quite a few lessons were hope­ful­ly learned. And if we lis­ten to Adam Mey­ers, the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­Strike who led the Solar­Winds inves­ti­ga­tion, it was a mas­ter class in hack­ing. That’s what Mey­ers expressed in a high­ly reveal­ing NPR inter­view in April. A mas­ter class in how to obscure one’s tracks.

As we’ll see, Mey­ers gives us fur­ther con­fir­ma­tion of some­thing that has long been clear but is rare said out loud so clear­ly: con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tion real­ly does rely heav­i­ly on ‘clues’ like Cyril­lic char­ac­ters or Man­darin in the code and such ‘clues’ are fre­quent­ly found. At least that’s how Adam Mey­ers, the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at Crowd­Strike, described his approach to deter­min­ing the iden­ti­ty of the Solar­Winds hack­ers. Mey­ers express­es dis­may at how thor­ough the hack­ers were. Thor­ough in the sense that there was no ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ like Cyril­lic or Man­darin. Mey­ers describe the lack of any­thing that a human might have inad­ver­tent­ly left behind as a clue as “mind-blow­ing”. His response to the tiny piece of mal­ware used in the ini­tial Solar­Winds hack — dis­trib­uted to all 18,000 clients via the Ori­on soft­ware — and it’s lack of clues as “the cra­zi­est f***ing thing I’d ever seen.” Take a moment to process that.

So this April update on the Solar­Winds inves­ti­ga­tion includes an update on the gen­er­al state of affairs in cyber­at­tri­bu­tion. A state of affairs where mal­ware that’s cleaned and lacks a ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ is “the cra­zi­est f***ing thing I’d ever seen.” And yet, as we saw, there was vir­tu­al­ly no hes­i­tan­cy in attribut­ing the hack to ‘Cozy Bear’/APT29/‘Nobelium’. This is a good time to recall that the sto­ry of the Shad­ow Bro­kers and the CIA’s hack­ing toolk­it that includ­ed fea­tures like leav­ing Cyril­lic or Man­darin char­ac­ters to leave a false lead was con­firmed just four years ago.

Oh, and the US gov­ern­ment was ready to announce sanc­tions against Rus­sia for the hack. So at the same time sanc­tions were announced, we got an inter­view that fur­ther con­firmed the cyber­at­tri­bu­tion indus­try is pred­i­cat­ed on lunatic assump­tions. It real­ly does seem to be the case that every­one real­ly is play­ing dumb here. Dou­ble yikes.:

Nation­al Pub­lic Radio

A ‘Worst Night­mare’ Cyber­at­tack: The Untold Sto­ry Of The Solar­Winds Hack

Dina Tem­ple-Ras­ton
April 16, 2021 10:05 AM ET

“This release includes bug fix­es, increased sta­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance improve­ments.”

The rou­tine soft­ware update may be one of the most famil­iar and least under­stood parts of our dig­i­tal lives. A pop-up win­dow announces its arrival and all that is required of us is to plug every­thing in before bed. The next morn­ing, rather like the shoe­mak­er and the elves, our soft­ware is mag­i­cal­ly trans­formed.

Last spring, a Texas-based com­pa­ny called Solar­Winds made one such soft­ware update avail­able to its cus­tomers. It was sup­posed to pro­vide the reg­u­lar fare — bug fix­es, per­for­mance enhance­ments — to the com­pa­ny’s pop­u­lar net­work man­age­ment sys­tem, a soft­ware pro­gram called Ori­on that keeps a watch­ful eye on all the var­i­ous com­po­nents in a com­pa­ny’s net­work. Cus­tomers sim­ply had to log into the com­pa­ny’s soft­ware devel­op­ment web­site, type a pass­word and then wait for the update to land seam­less­ly onto their servers.

The rou­tine update, it turns out, is no longer so rou­tine.

Hack­ers believed to be direct­ed by the Russ­ian intel­li­gence ser­vice, the SVR, used that rou­tine soft­ware update to slip mali­cious code into Ori­on’s soft­ware and then used it as a vehi­cle for a mas­sive cyber­at­tack against Amer­i­ca.

“Eigh­teen thou­sand [cus­tomers] was our best esti­mate of who may have down­loaded the code between March and June of 2020,” Sud­hakar Ramakr­ish­na, Solar­Winds pres­i­dent and CEO, told NPR. “If you then take 18,000 and start sift­ing through it, the actu­al num­ber of impact­ed cus­tomers is far less. We don’t know the exact num­bers. We are still con­duct­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion.”

On Thurs­day, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion announced a ros­ter of tough sanc­tions against Rus­sia as part of what it char­ac­ter­ized as the “seen and unseen” response to the Solar­Winds breach.

NPR’s months-long exam­i­na­tion of that land­mark attack — based on inter­views with dozens of play­ers from com­pa­ny offi­cials to vic­tims to cyber foren­sics experts who inves­ti­gat­ed, and intel­li­gence offi­cials who are in the process of cal­i­brat­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion’s response — reveals a hack unlike any oth­er, launched by a sophis­ti­cat­ed adver­sary who took aim at a soft under­bel­ly of dig­i­tal life: the rou­tine soft­ware update.

By design, the hack appeared to work only under very spe­cif­ic cir­cum­stances. Its vic­tims had to down­load the taint­ed update and then actu­al­ly deploy it. That was the first con­di­tion. The sec­ond was that their com­pro­mised net­works need­ed to be con­nect­ed to the Inter­net, so the hack­ers could com­mu­ni­cate with their servers.

For that rea­son, Ramakr­ish­na fig­ures the Rus­sians suc­cess­ful­ly com­pro­mised about 100 com­pa­nies and about a dozen gov­ern­ment agen­cies. The com­pa­nies includ­ed Microsoft, Intel and Cis­co; the list of fed­er­al agen­cies so far includes the Trea­sury, Jus­tice and Ener­gy depart­ments and the Pen­ta­gon.

The hack­ers also found their way, rather embar­rass­ing­ly, into the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, or CISA — the office at the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty whose job it is to pro­tect fed­er­al com­put­er net­works from cyber­at­tacks.

The con­cern is that the same access that gives the Rus­sians the abil­i­ty to steal data could also allow them to alter or destroy it. “The speed with which an actor can move from espi­onage to degrad­ing or dis­rupt­ing a net­work is at the blink of an eye,” one senior admin­is­tra­tion said dur­ing a back­ground brief­ing from the White House on Thurs­day. “And a defend­er can­not move at that speed. And giv­en the his­to­ry of Rus­si­a’s mali­cious activ­i­ty in cyber­space and their reck­less behav­ior in cyber­space, that was a key con­cern.”

“The trade­craft was phe­nom­e­nal”

Net­work mon­i­tor­ing soft­ware is a key part of the back­room oper­a­tions we nev­er see. Pro­grams like Ori­on allow infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy depart­ments to look on one screen and check their whole net­work: servers or fire­walls, or that print­er on the fifth floor that keeps going offline. By its very nature, it touch­es every­thing — which is why hack­ing it was genius.

“It’s real­ly your worst night­mare,” Tim Brown, vice pres­i­dent of secu­ri­ty at Solar­Winds, said recent­ly. “You feel a kind of hor­ror. This had the poten­tial to affect thou­sands of cus­tomers; this had the poten­tial to do a great deal of harm.”

When cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts talk about harm, they’re think­ing about some­thing like what hap­pened in 2017, when the Russ­ian mil­i­tary launched a ran­somware attack known as Not­Petya. It, too, began with taint­ed soft­ware, but in that case the hack­ers were bent on destruc­tion. They plant­ed ran­somware that par­a­lyzed multi­na­tion­al com­pa­nies and per­ma­nent­ly locked peo­ple around the world out of tens of thou­sands of com­put­ers. Even this much lat­er, it is con­sid­ered the most destruc­tive and cost­ly cyber­at­tack in his­to­ry.

Intel­li­gence offi­cials wor­ry that Solar­Winds might presage some­thing on that scale. Cer­tain­ly, the hack­ers had time to do dam­age. They roamed around Amer­i­can com­put­er net­works for nine months, and it is unclear whether they were just read­ing emails and doing the things spies typ­i­cal­ly do, or whether they were plant­i­ng some­thing more destruc­tive for use in the future.

“When there’s cyber-espi­onage con­duct­ed by nations, Fire­Eye is on the tar­get list,” Kevin Man­dia, CEO of the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Fire­Eye, told NPR, but he believes there are oth­er less obvi­ous tar­gets that now might need more pro­tect­ing. “I think util­i­ties might be on that list. I think health care might be on that list. And you don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly want to be on the list of fair game for the most capa­ble offense to tar­get you.”

The Solar­Winds attack­ers ran a mas­ter class in nov­el hack­ing tech­niques. They mod­i­fied sealed soft­ware code, cre­at­ed a sys­tem that used domain names to select tar­gets and mim­ic­ked the Ori­on soft­ware com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­cols so they could hide in plain sight. And then, they did what any good oper­a­tive would do: They cleaned the crime scene so thor­ough­ly inves­ti­ga­tors can’t prove defin­i­tive­ly who was behind it. The White House has said unequiv­o­cal­ly that Russ­ian intel­li­gence was behind the hack. Rus­sia, for its part, has denied any involve­ment.

“The trade­craft was phe­nom­e­nal,” said Adam Mey­ers, who led the cyber foren­sics team that pawed through that taint­ed update on behalf of Solar­Winds, pro­vid­ing details for the first time about what they found. The code was ele­gant and inno­v­a­tive, he said, and then added, “This was the cra­zi­est f***ing thing I’d ever seen.”

Like razor blades in peanut but­ter cups

Mey­ers is the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­Strike, and he’s seen epic attacks up close. He worked on the 2014 Sony hack, when North Korea cracked into the com­pa­ny’s servers and released emails and first-run movies. A year lat­er, he was on the front lines when a sus­pect­ed Krem­lin-backed hack­ing team known as “Cozy Bear” stole, among oth­er things, a trove of emails from the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee. Wik­iLeaks then released them in the runup to the 2016 elec­tion.

“We’re involved in all kinds of inci­dents around the globe every day,” Mey­ers said. Typ­i­cal­ly he directs teams, he does­n’t run them. But Solar­Winds was dif­fer­ent: “When I start­ed get­ting briefed up, I real­ized [this] was actu­al­ly quite a big deal.”

The attack began with a tiny strip of code. Mey­ers traced it back to Sept. 12, 2019. “This lit­tle snip­pet of code does­n’t do any­thing,” Mey­ers said. “It’s lit­er­al­ly just check­ing to see which proces­sor is run­ning on the com­put­er, if it is a 32- or 64-bit proces­sor and if it is one or the oth­er, it returns either a zero or a one.”

The code frag­ment, it turns out, was a proof of con­cept — a lit­tle tri­al bal­loon to see if it was pos­si­ble to mod­i­fy Solar­Winds’ signed-and-sealed soft­ware code, get it pub­lished and then lat­er see it in a down­loaded ver­sion. And they real­ized they could. “So at this point, they know that they can pull off a sup­ply chain attack,” Mey­ers said. “They know that they have that capa­bil­i­ty.”

After that ini­tial suc­cess, the hack­ers dis­ap­peared for five months. When they returned in Feb­ru­ary 2020, Mey­ers said, they came armed with an amaz­ing new implant that deliv­ered a back­door that went into the soft­ware itself before it was pub­lished.

To under­stand why that was remark­able, you need to know that fin­ished soft­ware code has a kind of dig­i­tal fac­to­ry seal. If you break that seal, some­one can see it and know that the code might have been tam­pered with. Mey­ers said the hack­ers essen­tial­ly found a way to get under that fac­to­ry seal.

They began by implant­i­ng code that told them any time some­one on the Solar­Winds devel­op­ment team was get­ting ready to build new soft­ware. They under­stood that the process of cre­at­ing soft­ware or an update typ­i­cal­ly begins with some­thing rou­tine such as check­ing a code out of a dig­i­tal repos­i­to­ry, sort of like check­ing a book out of the library.

Under nor­mal cir­cum­stances, devel­op­ers take the code out of the repos­i­to­ry, make changes and then check it back in. Once they fin­ish tin­ker­ing, they ini­ti­ate some­thing called the build process, which essen­tial­ly trans­lates the code a human can read to the code a com­put­er does. At that point, the code is clean and test­ed. What the hack­ers did after that was the trick.

They would cre­ate a tem­po­rary update file with the mali­cious code inside while the Solar­Winds code was com­pil­ing. The hack­ers’ mali­cious code told the machine to swap in their tem­po­rary file instead of the Solar­Winds ver­sion. “I think a lot of peo­ple prob­a­bly assume that it is the source code that’s been mod­i­fied,” Mey­ers said, but instead the hack­ers used a kind of bait-and-switch.

But this, Mey­ers said, was inter­est­ing, too. The hack­ers under­stood that com­pa­nies such as Solar­Winds typ­i­cal­ly audit code before they start build­ing an update, just to make sure every­thing is as it should be. So they made sure that the switch to the tem­po­rary file hap­pened at the last pos­si­ble sec­ond, when the updates went from source code (read­able by peo­ple) to exe­cutable code (which the com­put­er reads) to the soft­ware that goes out to cus­tomers.

The tech­nique remind­ed Mey­ers of old fears around trick-or-treat­ing. For decades, there had been an urban myth that kids could­n’t eat any Hal­loween can­dy before check­ing the wrap­per seal because bad peo­ple might have put razor blades inside. What the hack­ers did with the code, Mey­ers said, was a lit­tle like that.

“Imag­ine those Reese’s Peanut But­ter Cups going into the pack­age and just before the machine comes down and seals the pack­age, some oth­er thing comes in and slides a razor blade into your Reese’s Peanut But­ter Cup,” he said. Instead of a razor blade, the hack­ers swapped the files so “the pack­age gets sealed and it goes out the door to the store.”

The update that went out to Solar­Winds’ cus­tomers was the dan­ger­ous peanut but­ter cup — the mali­cious ver­sion of the soft­ware includ­ed code that would give the hack­ers unfet­tered, unde­tect­ed access to any Ori­on user who down­loaded and deployed the update and was con­nect­ed to the Inter­net.

But there was some­thing else about that code that both­ered Mey­ers: It was­n’t just for Solar­Winds. “When we looked at [it], it could have been recon­fig­ured for any num­ber of soft­ware prod­ucts,” Mey­ers said. In oth­er words, any num­ber of oth­er soft­ware devel­op­ers using the same com­pil­er may also be on the receiv­ing end of a cyber­at­tack, he said, and they just don’t know it yet.

Pick­ing and choos­ing tar­gets

Mey­ers said it’s hard not to admire just how much thought the hack­ers put into this oper­a­tion. Con­sid­er the way they iden­ti­fied tar­gets. The down­side of break­ing into so many cus­tomer net­works all at once is that it is hard to decide what to exploit first. So the hack­ers cre­at­ed a pas­sive domain name serv­er sys­tem that sent lit­tle mes­sages with not just an IP address, which is just a series of num­bers, but also with a thumb­nail pro­file of a poten­tial tar­get.

“So they could then say, ‘OK, we’re going to go after this dot gov tar­get or what­ev­er,’ ” Mey­ers said. “I think lat­er it became clear that there were a lot of gov­ern­ment tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies being tar­get­ed.”

The hack­ers also reverse-engi­neered the way Ori­on com­mu­ni­cat­ed with servers and built their own cod­ing instruc­tions mim­ic­k­ing Ori­on’s syn­tax and for­mats. What that did is allow the hack­ers to look like they were “speak­ing” Ori­on, so their mes­sage traf­fic looked like a nat­ur­al exten­sion of the soft­ware.

“So once they deter­mined that a tar­get was of inter­est, they could say, ‘OK, let’s go active, let’s manip­u­late files, let’s change some­thing,’ ” Mey­ers said, and then they would slip in unno­ticed through the back­door they had cre­at­ed. “And there is one oth­er thing I should men­tion: This back­door would wait up to two weeks before it actu­al­ly went active on the host. This was a very patient adver­sary.”

None of the trip­wires put in place by pri­vate com­pa­nies or the gov­ern­ment seems to have seen the attack com­ing. Christo­pher Krebs, who had been in charge of the office that pro­tect­ed gov­ern­ment net­works at DHS dur­ing the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, told NPR that DHS’ cur­rent sys­tem, some­thing known (with­out irony) as Ein­stein, only catch­es known threats. The Solar­Winds breach, he said, was just “too nov­el.”

“Upwards of 90[%] to 95% of threats are based on known tech­niques, known cyber­ac­tiv­i­ty,” Krebs explained. “And that’s not just crim­i­nal actors, that’s state actors, too, includ­ing the Russ­ian intel­li­gence agen­cies and the Russ­ian mil­i­tary. This was a pre­vi­ous­ly uniden­ti­fied tech­nique.”

And there is some­thing else that Ein­stein does­n’t do: It does­n’t scan soft­ware updates. So even if the hack­ers had used code that Ein­stein would have rec­og­nized as bad, the sys­tem might not have seen it because it was deliv­ered in one of those rou­tine soft­ware updates.

The Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency and the mil­i­tary’s U.S. Cyber Com­mand were also caught flat-foot­ed. Broad­ly speak­ing, their cyber oper­a­tors sit in for­eign net­works look­ing for signs of cyber­at­tacks before they hap­pen. They can see sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty in much the same way a satel­lite might see troops amass­ing on the bor­der. Crit­ics said they should have seen the hack­ers from the Russ­ian intel­li­gence ser­vice, the SVR, prepar­ing this attack.

“The SVR has a pret­ty good under­stand­ing that the NSA is look­ing out,” Krebs said. “What the SVR was able to do was make the tran­si­tion from wher­ev­er they were oper­at­ing from into the U.S. net­works. They move like ghosts. They are very hard to track.”

The hack­ers did­n’t do any­thing fan­cy to give them the domes­tic foot­print, offi­cials con­firmed. In fact, they just rent­ed servers from Ama­zon and GoDad­dy.

Ear­ly warn­ings

There were some indi­ca­tions, else­where, though, that some­thing was wrong.

In ear­ly July, Steven Adair, the founder of a Wash­ing­ton, D.C.-based cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny called Volex­i­ty, saw some sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty on a clien­t’s com­put­ers. “We traced it back, and we thought it might be relat­ed to a bad update with Solar­Winds,” Adair told NPR. “We addressed the prob­lem, made sure no one was in our cus­tomers’ sys­tems, and we left it at that.”

Adair said he did­n’t feel he had enough detail to report the prob­lem to Solar­Winds or the U.S. gov­ern­ment. “We thought we did­n’t have enough evi­dence to reach out,” he said.

That was the first missed sign.

The sec­ond came three months lat­er when a Cal­i­for­nia-based cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny called Palo Alto Net­works dis­cov­ered a mali­cious back­door that seemed to emanate from the Ori­on soft­ware.

In that case, accord­ing to Solar­Winds’ Ramakr­ish­na, the secu­ri­ty teams at Solar­Winds and Palo Alto worked togeth­er for three months to try to pick up the thread of the prob­lem and walk it back. “None of us could pin­point a sup­ply chain attack at that point,” Ramakr­ish­na told NPR. “The tick­et got closed as a result of that. If we had the ben­e­fit of hind­sight, we could have traced it back” to the hack.

Palo Alto Net­works had agreed to speak to NPR about the inci­dent last month and then can­celed the inter­view just an hour before it was sup­posed to take place. A spokesper­son declined to say why and sent a few blog posts and wrote: “I’m afraid this is all we have to help at this time.”

“Just 3,500 lines long”

It was the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Fire­Eye that final­ly dis­cov­ered the intru­sion. Man­dia, the com­pa­ny’s CEO, used to be in the U.S. Air Force Office of Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions, so his spe­cial­ty was crim­i­nal cas­es and coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence. In the inter­ven­ing years, the kinds of pat­terns he learned to rec­og­nize in spe­cial inves­ti­ga­tions kept appear­ing in his cyber secu­ri­ty work.

The first indi­ca­tion that hack­ers had found their way into FireEye’s net­works came in an innocu­ous way. Some­one on the Fire­Eye secu­ri­ty team had noticed that an employ­ee appeared to have two phones reg­is­tered on his net­work, so she called him. “And that phone call is when we real­ized, hey, this isn’t our employ­ee reg­is­ter­ing that sec­ond phone, it was some­body else,” Man­dia said.

Man­dia had a secu­ri­ty brief­ing a short time lat­er and every­thing he heard remind­ed him of his pre­vi­ous work in the mil­i­tary. “There was a lot of pat­tern recog­ni­tion from me,” he told NPR. “I spent from 1996 to 1998 respond­ing to what I would equate to the Russ­ian For­eign Intel­li­gence Ser­vice, and there were some indi­ca­tors in the first brief­ing that were con­sis­tent with my expe­ri­ence in the Air Force.”

He called a board meet­ing the same day. “It just felt like the breach that I was always wor­ried about.”

What his team dis­cov­ered over the course of sev­er­al weeks was that not only was there an intrud­er in its net­work, but some­one had stolen the arse­nal of hack­ing tools Fire­Eye uses to test the secu­ri­ty of its own clients’ net­works. Fire­Eye called the FBI, put togeth­er a detailed report, and once it had deter­mined the Ori­on soft­ware was the source of the prob­lem, it called Solar­Winds.

Brown, vice pres­i­dent of secu­ri­ty at Solar­Winds, took the Sat­ur­day morn­ing phone call. “He said, ‘Essen­tial­ly, we’ve decom­piled your code. We found mali­cious code,’ ” Brown said. Fire­Eye was sure Solar­Winds “had shipped taint­ed code.”

The taint­ed code had allowed hack­ers into FireEye’s net­work, and there were bound to be oth­ers who were com­pro­mised, too. “We were hear­ing that dif­fer­ent reporters had the scoop already,” Man­dia said. “My phone actu­al­ly rang from a reporter and that per­son knew and I went, OK, we’re in a race.”

Man­dia thought they had about a day before the sto­ry would break.

After that, events seemed to speed up. Solar­Winds’ chief secu­ri­ty offi­cer, Brown, called Ron Ple­sco, a lawyer at the firm DLA Piper, and told him what had hap­pened. One of the first things com­pa­nies tend to do after cyber­at­tacks is hire lawyers, and they put them in charge of the inves­ti­ga­tion. They do this for a spe­cif­ic rea­son — it means every­thing they find is pro­tect­ed by attor­ney-client priv­i­lege and typ­i­cal­ly is not dis­cov­er­able in court.

Ple­sco, who has made cyber­crimes a spe­cial­ty of his prac­tice, knew that once the sto­ry broke it would be say­ing “to the world that, ready, set, go, come after it,” Ple­sco said. “So that puts you on an accel­er­at­ed time­line on two fronts: Fig­ure out what hap­pened if you can and get a fix out as soon as pos­si­ble.”

The com­pa­ny worked with DHS to craft a state­ment that went out on Dec. 13.

To inves­ti­gate a hack, you have to secure a dig­i­tal crime scene. Just as detec­tives in the phys­i­cal world have to bag the evi­dence and dust for prints for the inves­ti­ga­tion lat­er, Solar­Winds had to pull togeth­er com­put­er logs, make copies of files, ensure there was a record­ed chain of cus­tody, all while try­ing to ensure the hack­ers weren’t inside its sys­tem watch­ing every­thing they did.

“I’ve been in sit­u­a­tions where, while you’re in there doing the inves­ti­ga­tion, they’re watch­ing your email, they’re com­pro­mis­ing your phone calls or your Zooms,” Ple­sco said. “So they’re lit­er­al­ly lis­ten­ing in on how you’re going to try to get rid of them.”

By mid-Jan­u­ary, Mey­ers and the Crowd­Strike team had iso­lat­ed what they thought was the attack­’s tiny beat­ing heart. It was an ele­gant, encrypt­ed lit­tle blob of code “just 3,500 lines long,” he said. The best code is short and to the point, like a well-writ­ten sen­tence. This lit­tle encrypt­ed strip, Mey­ers thought, might help them fig­ure out who was behind the attack.

Lit­tle blobs of clues

Think of foren­sic cyber teams as dig­i­tal detec­tives look­ing for pat­terns. Cod­ing tics can some­times help iden­ti­fy per­pe­tra­tors or some­times foren­sic teams find small cul­tur­al arti­facts — such as Per­sian script, or Kore­an hangul. When an elite Russ­ian hack­ing team took over the elec­tri­cal grid in Ukraine in 2015, it had more lit­er­ary aspi­ra­tions: It sprin­kled its mali­cious code with ref­er­ences to Frank Her­bert’s Dune nov­els. That’s why Crowd­Strike found that lit­tle blob of mali­cious code so intrigu­ing.

After weeks of work­ing with the code, Mey­ers con­vened a Zoom call with lead­ers at Solar­Winds and mem­bers of his team from around the world. He shared his screen so every­one could all watch the encryp­tion fall away in real time. He began walk­ing the spec­ta­tors through the code as it was revealed, like a play-by-play analy­sis of a game. Mey­ers kept watch­ing for the big reveal. “We’re hop­ing it’s going to have, you know, vari­able names or maybe some com­ments in Cyril­lic or Man­darin to give us some clue who wrote this thing,” he said.

But as Crowd­Strike’s decryp­tion pro­gram chewed its way through the zeroes and ones, Mey­ers’ heart sank. The crime scene was a bust. It had been wiped down. “They’d washed the code,” Mey­ers said. “They’d cleaned it of any human arti­fact or tool mark. And that was kind of mind-blow­ing that [they] had the where­with­al to hide any­thing that a human might have inad­ver­tent­ly left behind as a clue.”

Holy s***, he thought to him­self, who does that?


Big­ger attacks

“It’s one of the most effec­tive cyber-espi­onage cam­paigns of all time,” said Alex Sta­mos, direc­tor of the Inter­net Obser­va­to­ry at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty and the for­mer head of secu­ri­ty at Face­book. “In doing so, they demon­strat­ed not just tech­ni­cal acu­men, but the way they did this demon­strat­ed that they under­stand how tech com­pa­nies oper­ate, how soft­ware com­pa­nies oper­ate. ... This cer­tain­ly is going to change the way that large enter­pris­es think about the soft­ware they install and think about how they han­dle updates.”

Intel­li­gence ana­lysts, already years ahead of the rest of us, are paid to imag­ine the dark­est of sce­nar­ios. What if the hack­ers plant­ed the seeds of future attacks dur­ing that nine months they explored Solar­Winds’ cus­tomer net­works — did they hide code for back­doors that will allow them to come and go as they please at a time of their choos­ing? When hack­ers shut down the Ukraine’s pow­er grid in 2015 and dis­abled a Sau­di refin­ery with com­put­er code a year lat­er, they showed it was pos­si­ble to jump from a cor­po­rate net­work to sys­tem con­trols. Will we find out lat­er that the Solar­Winds hack set the stage for some­thing more sin­is­ter?

Even if this was just an espi­onage oper­a­tion, FireEye’s Man­dia said, the attack on Solar­Winds is an inflec­tion point. “We ... kind of mapped out the evo­lu­tion of threats and cyber,” he said. “And we would have land­ed at this day soon­er or lat­er, that at some point in time, soft­ware that many com­pa­nies depend on is going to get tar­get­ed and it’s going to lead to exact­ly what it led to,” Man­dia said. “But to see it hap­pen, that’s where you have a lit­tle bit of shock and sur­prise. OK, it’s here now, nations are tar­get­ing [the] pri­vate sec­tor, there’s no mag­ic wand you can shake. ... It’s a real com­plex issue to solve.”


“This was an intel­li­gence col­lec­tion oper­a­tion meant to steal infor­ma­tion, and it’s not the last time that’s going to hap­pen,” Crowd­Strike’s Mey­ers warned. “This is going to hap­pen every day. ... And I think there’s a lot that we all need to do to work togeth­er to stop this from hap­pen­ing.”


“A ‘Worst Night­mare’ Cyber­at­tack: The Untold Sto­ry Of The Solar­Winds Hack” by Dina Tem­ple-Ras­ton; Nation­al Pub­lic Radio; 04/16/2021

“The Solar­Winds attack­ers ran a mas­ter class in nov­el hack­ing tech­niques. They mod­i­fied sealed soft­ware code, cre­at­ed a sys­tem that used domain names to select tar­gets and mim­ic­ked the Ori­on soft­ware com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­cols so they could hide in plain sight. And then, they did what any good oper­a­tive would do: They cleaned the crime scene so thor­ough­ly inves­ti­ga­tors can’t prove defin­i­tive­ly who was behind it. The White House has said unequiv­o­cal­ly that Russ­ian intel­li­gence was behind the hack. Rus­sia, for its part, has denied any involve­ment.”

A hack­er mas­ter class. They were so smooth they wiped the crime scene of any evi­dence that could def­i­nite­ly prove who did it. The US gov­ern­ment nonethe­less has said unequiv­o­cal­ly that Russ­ian intel­li­gence was behind the hack. With­out delay. Fun­ny how that works.

And with that unequiv­o­cal attri­bu­tion came new US sanc­tions against Rus­sia in retal­i­a­tion for a hack that was so mas­sive even the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency got hacked:

On Thurs­day, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion announced a ros­ter of tough sanc­tions against Rus­sia as part of what it char­ac­ter­ized as the “seen and unseen” response to the Solar­Winds breach.


For that rea­son, Ramakr­ish­na fig­ures the Rus­sians suc­cess­ful­ly com­pro­mised about 100 com­pa­nies and about a dozen gov­ern­ment agen­cies. The com­pa­nies includ­ed Microsoft, Intel and Cis­co; the list of fed­er­al agen­cies so far includes the Trea­sury, Jus­tice and Ener­gy depart­ments and the Pen­ta­gon.

The hack­ers also found their way, rather embar­rass­ing­ly, into the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, or CISA — the office at the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty whose job it is to pro­tect fed­er­al com­put­er net­works from cyber­at­tacks.

And note who led this inves­ti­ga­tion into the Solar­Winds hack: Adam Mey­ers, the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­Strike. Our under­stand­ing of the Solar­Winds hack is large­ly con­trolled by Crowd­Strike, the firm that pio­neered the con­tem­po­rary “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” cyber­at­tri­bu­tion par­a­digm. It’s one of the many clues that this inves­ti­ga­tion is com­pro­mised:

Net­work mon­i­tor­ing soft­ware is a key part of the back­room oper­a­tions we nev­er see. Pro­grams like Ori­on allow infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy depart­ments to look on one screen and check their whole net­work: servers or fire­walls, or that print­er on the fifth floor that keeps going offline. By its very nature, it touch­es every­thing — which is why hack­ing it was genius.

“It’s real­ly your worst night­mare,” Tim Brown, vice pres­i­dent of secu­ri­ty at Solar­Winds, said recent­ly. “You feel a kind of hor­ror. This had the poten­tial to affect thou­sands of cus­tomers; this had the poten­tial to do a great deal of harm.”


“The trade­craft was phe­nom­e­nal,” said Adam Mey­ers, who led the cyber foren­sics team that pawed through that taint­ed update on behalf of Solar­Winds, pro­vid­ing details for the first time about what they found. The code was ele­gant and inno­v­a­tive, he said, and then added, “This was the cra­zi­est f***ing thing I’d ever seen.”

Like razor blades in peanut but­ter cups

Mey­ers is the vice pres­i­dent for threat intel­li­gence at the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­Strike, and he’s seen epic attacks up close. He worked on the 2014 Sony hack, when North Korea cracked into the com­pa­ny’s servers and released emails and first-run movies. A year lat­er, he was on the front lines when a sus­pect­ed Krem­lin-backed hack­ing team known as “Cozy Bear” stole, among oth­er things, a trove of emails from the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee. Wik­iLeaks then released them in the runup to the 2016 elec­tion.

“We’re involved in all kinds of inci­dents around the globe every day,” Mey­ers said. Typ­i­cal­ly he directs teams, he does­n’t run them. But Solar­Winds was dif­fer­ent: “When I start­ed get­ting briefed up, I real­ized [this] was actu­al­ly quite a big deal.”

So what kind of evi­dence would have revealed the iden­ti­ties of these hack­ers that Mey­ers and the oth­er peo­ple work­ing on this case were look­ing for but nev­er found? This is the part of the arti­cle where we get con­fir­ma­tion that it’s as stu­pid as we should have sus­pect­ed. Because in the worlds of Mey­ers, a big part of what they found real­ly frus­trat­ing — and shock­ing — about this case was the lack of ‘a big reveal’ that sud­den­ly makes clear who was behind it. What kind of ‘big reveal’? As Mey­ers put it, “We’re hop­ing it’s going to have, you know, vari­able names or maybe some com­ments in Cyril­lic or Man­darin to give us some clue who wrote this thing.” That’s con­sid­ered to be a ‘big reveal’ from the Crowd­Strike fig­ure lead­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion. The most obvi­ous, eas­i­ly plant­ed ‘clues’. That’s what they were keen­ly look­ing out for to con­fi­dent­ly make an attri­bu­tion. But these devi­ous super-hack­ers man­aged to ‘wash the code’ of any human arti­fact, a move described as “mind-blow­ing” by Mey­ers. It’s that stu­pid.

It’s also the kind of anec­dote that does­n’t just raise mas­sive ques­tions about the verac­i­ty of the Solar­Winds inves­ti­ga­tion but basi­cal­ly every oth­er cyber inves­ti­ga­tion tak­ing place these days. Could the entire indus­try be oper­at­ing in this man­ner? Mak­ing con­clu­sion based on a Cyril­lic or Man­darin ‘big reveal’? Even after the Vault7 leak in 2017 demon­strat­ed to the world that the CIA uses hack­ing tools built to leave ‘clues’ like Cyril­lic and Man­darin char­ac­ters. It real­ly is play­ing dumb pro­fes­sion­al­ly.

Don’t for­get that busi­ness­es like Crowd­Strike and Fire­Eye aren’t just paid to remove mal­ware and pro­tect net­works. They’re paid to name cul­prits too, ide­al­ly. Keep that in mind when assess­ing the cred­i­bil­i­ty of this inves­ti­ga­tion. But also keep in mind that it was Crowd­Strike that blazed the trail in the cyber­at­tri­bu­tion indus­try over the last decade of sim­ply nam­ing nation-states like Chi­na or Rus­sia as the cul­prit for hacks with­out evi­dence as a means of address­ing the fact that hacks are the type of crime that crim­i­nals can, in the­o­ry, exe­cute in a fool-proof man­ner with­out leav­ing evi­dence. Con­fi­dent­ly declar­ing a geopo­lit­i­cal adver­sary like Russ­ian, Chi­na, or North Korea were behind a hack based on ‘pat­tern recog­ni­tion’ and ‘edu­cat­ed guess­es’ is as good a ser­vice as the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty indus­try can pro­vide. Cyber­at­tri­bu­tions are a real geopo­lit­i­cal tool/weapon and these com­pa­nies offer those attri­bu­tions as a com­mer­cial ser­vice. So that’s the ser­vice the world is get­ting: Edu­cat­ed guess­es passed off as con­fi­dent attri­bu­tions based on ‘big reveal’ clues like Man­darin or Cyril­lic in the code. Yes, that stu­pid. Pro­fes­sion­al­ly.

Also keep in mind that when Crowd­Strike’s Adam Mey­ers was mar­veled at how these hack­ers left no trace of Cyril­lic or Man­darin, he was mar­veling over that inten­tion­al­ly-com­pact 3,500 line piece of code. Like they’re going to have the ‘big reveal’ in their ultra-com­pact code. It rais­es the ques­tion of how often these cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­nies like Crowd­Strike or Fire­Eye real­ly do find a ‘big reveal’ like Cyril­lic or Man­darin in the code of mal­ware they’re inves­ti­gat­ing. Because it would­n’t be sur­prised if hack­ers just rou­tine­ly slip that in their at this point. Why not? It’s like a sure fire way to ensure your hack will get blamed on Rus­sia or Chi­na. Maybe Iran if you use Per­sian. The folks at Crowd­Strike will clear­ly be swayed by your ‘big reveal’ clues:

It was the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Fire­Eye that final­ly dis­cov­ered the intru­sion. Man­dia, the com­pa­ny’s CEO, used to be in the U.S. Air Force Office of Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions, so his spe­cial­ty was crim­i­nal cas­es and coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence. In the inter­ven­ing years, the kinds of pat­terns he learned to rec­og­nize in spe­cial inves­ti­ga­tions kept appear­ing in his cyber secu­ri­ty work.

The first indi­ca­tion that hack­ers had found their way into FireEye’s net­works came in an innocu­ous way. Some­one on the Fire­Eye secu­ri­ty team had noticed that an employ­ee appeared to have two phones reg­is­tered on his net­work, so she called him. “And that phone call is when we real­ized, hey, this isn’t our employ­ee reg­is­ter­ing that sec­ond phone, it was some­body else,” Man­dia said.

Man­dia had a secu­ri­ty brief­ing a short time lat­er and every­thing he heard remind­ed him of his pre­vi­ous work in the mil­i­tary. “There was a lot of pat­tern recog­ni­tion from me,” he told NPR. “I spent from 1996 to 1998 respond­ing to what I would equate to the Russ­ian For­eign Intel­li­gence Ser­vice, and there were some indi­ca­tors in the first brief­ing that were con­sis­tent with my expe­ri­ence in the Air Force.”

He called a board meet­ing the same day. “It just felt like the breach that I was always wor­ried about.”


By mid-Jan­u­ary, Mey­ers and the Crowd­Strike team had iso­lat­ed what they thought was the attack­’s tiny beat­ing heart. It was an ele­gant, encrypt­ed lit­tle blob of code “just 3,500 lines long,” he said. The best code is short and to the point, like a well-writ­ten sen­tence. This lit­tle encrypt­ed strip, Mey­ers thought, might help them fig­ure out who was behind the attack.

Lit­tle blobs of clues

Think of foren­sic cyber teams as dig­i­tal detec­tives look­ing for pat­terns. Cod­ing tics can some­times help iden­ti­fy per­pe­tra­tors or some­times foren­sic teams find small cul­tur­al arti­facts — such as Per­sian script, or Kore­an hangul. When an elite Russ­ian hack­ing team took over the elec­tri­cal grid in Ukraine in 2015, it had more lit­er­ary aspi­ra­tions: It sprin­kled its mali­cious code with ref­er­ences to Frank Her­bert’s Dune nov­els. That’s why Crowd­Strike found that lit­tle blob of mali­cious code so intrigu­ing.

After weeks of work­ing with the code, Mey­ers con­vened a Zoom call with lead­ers at Solar­Winds and mem­bers of his team from around the world. He shared his screen so every­one could all watch the encryp­tion fall away in real time. He began walk­ing the spec­ta­tors through the code as it was revealed, like a play-by-play analy­sis of a game. Mey­ers kept watch­ing for the big reveal. “We’re hop­ing it’s going to have, you know, vari­able names or maybe some com­ments in Cyril­lic or Man­darin to give us some clue who wrote this thing,” he said.

But as Crowd­Strike’s decryp­tion pro­gram chewed its way through the zeroes and ones, Mey­ers’ heart sank. The crime scene was a bust. It had been wiped down. “They’d washed the code,” Mey­ers said. “They’d cleaned it of any human arti­fact or tool mark. And that was kind of mind-blow­ing that [they] had the where­with­al to hide any­thing that a human might have inad­ver­tent­ly left behind as a clue.”

Holy s***, he thought to him­self, who does that?

Now, it’s worth point­ing out that there has actu­al­ly been some Russ­ian-lan­guage arti­facts appar­ent­ly left by the Solar­Winds hack­ers. That was in a report pub­lished by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny Prodaft, which ana­lyzed a com­mand-and-con­trol (C&C) serv­er used in the Solar­Winds hack. On that serv­er they found an orga­ni­za­tion man­age­ment forum used by the teams of hack­ers where var­i­ous hacked tar­gets were dis­cussed for their poten­tial val­ue. Keep in mind they hacked like 18,000 orga­ni­za­tions at once with the hack so who­ev­er pulled this off prob­a­bly real­ly did have to have teams of hack­ers coor­di­nat­ing their efforts some­where. In that report, where they call the group “Sil­ver­Fish” instead of Nobeli­um, they state: “When tak­ing its first look inside the C&C serv­er, the PTI Team observed that main dash­board of the Sil­ver­Fish C&C pan­el fea­tures a sec­tion named ”Active Teams”, involv­ing sev­er­al com­ments entered by dif­fer­ent user groups such as Team 301, Team 302, etc. Such a design indi­cates that this infra­struc­ture is meant for mul­ti­ple teams. Most com­ments entered by attack­ers for each vic­tim are most­ly in Eng­lish and Russ­ian and include urban slang.” So we can actu­al­ly state that the hack­ers did leave behind Eng­lish and Russ­ian in their team orga­ni­za­tion soft­ware. And giv­en how impor­tant these kinds of ‘clues’ are in mak­ing attri­bu­tions it would­n’t be sur­pris­ing if those Russ­ian com­ments on that serv­er are a major part of what the ‘Rus­sia did it’ attri­bu­tion is based on. But it was the kind of evi­dence the hack­ers had to real­ize was left out in the open, at least once the serv­er is seized by author­i­ties, a sce­nario they had to real­ize was very pos­si­ble. It hap­pened, after all. Keep in mind this was the biggest hack ever and these are clear­ly expe­ri­enced hack­ers. They must real­ize com­mand-and-con­trol servers might be found by inves­ti­ga­tors which means com­ments made on that forum are going to be done with the real­iza­tion that arti­facts like the lan­guage used to make the com­ments could be used lat­er for attri­bu­tion pur­pos­es. These kinds of ‘clues’ play a huge role in mod­ern cyber­at­tri­bu­tion, as Mey­ers made abun­dant­ly clear with his dis­may at the lack of a ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ to make his attri­bu­tion on. And as the CIA’s hack­ing tool-kit, with its Russ­ian and Chi­nese lan­guage arti­fact-leav­ing fea­tures, exposed by the Shad­ow­Bro­ker leak made abun­dant­ly clear. These lit­tle lan­guage clues are stu­pid­ly tak­en very seri­ous­ly and the cyber­at­tri­bu­tion indus­try does­n’t even hide it. So did the super sophis­ti­cat­ed hack­ing group that pull off the biggest hack ever leave their Russ­ian lan­guage clues con­scious­ly or with­out real­iz­ing it? That’s what we are being asked to believe, although it’s not actu­al­ly clear if the Russ­ian lan­guage com­ments left in this com­mand-and-con­trol forum were the pri­ma­ry basis for the attri­bu­tion of the Solar­Winds hack to Rus­sia (as opposed to Chi­na) because we still have no idea what the attri­bu­tion was ulti­mate­ly based on. It’s faith-based.

But there are tech­ni­cal details about that attack that are more than just spec­u­la­tion: We are told that the attack effec­tive began on Sept 12, 2019, when some­one appeared to exe­cute a proof-of-con­cept tri­al run of the plan that mere­ly inject­ed an innocu­ous snip­pet of code into the Solar­Winds update pack­age. The hack­ers were test­ing whether or not the code could be insert­ed into the next Solar­Winds update and dis­trib­uted to its cus­tomer net­works with­out Solar­Winds detect­ing it and they accom­plished this feat by inject­ing the code at the very last oppor­tu­ni­ty — dur­ing the com­pi­la­tion process — which effec­tive­ly bypassed all of the stan­dard secu­ri­ty mea­sures deployed by Solar­Winds to ensure only the intend­ed code is deliv­ered to its thou­sands of cus­tomers. It was a suc­cess­ful proof-of-con­cept test. The innocu­ous update was deliv­ered to Solar­Wind­s’s clients around the world. Five months lat­er, in Feb­ru­ary of 2020, the hack­ers returned to repeat the trick with mali­cious code that insert­ed a com­pact 3,500 line pay­load that intro­duced a back­door into the Solar­Winds soft­ware itself on the clients’ sys­tems. A back­door that could be remote­ly accessed. That’s how the hack­ers turned the hack of Solar­Winds into the mega-hack of the thou­sands of cor­po­ra­tions and gov­ern­ment agen­cies. The only thing hold­ing back the hack­ers was the abun­dance of oppor­tu­ni­ty and lim­i­ta­tions of time.

So we have a decent under­stand­ing of how this attack worked tech­ni­cal­ly and when it hap­pened but no clue who did it. No ‘big reveal’ clue was left in the code and they some­how man­aged to avoid leav­ing any Cyril­lic or Man­darin else­where on the Solar­Winds net­work dur­ing this long peri­od of time when the hack­ers clear­ly had deep access. But despite all that, they’re pret­ty sure it was Rus­sia. It’s how cyber­at­tri­bu­tion works in the mod­ern age. Gut feel­ings about the cul­prit. Read­ing the dig­i­tal tea leaves and arriv­ing at a gut feel­ing about the cul­prit and then con­fi­dent­ly declar­ing it to the world. Or just mak­ing it up and con­fi­dent­ly declar­ing it to the world. Con­fi­dent dec­la­ra­tions are the impor­tant part. The under­ly­ing facts the dec­la­ra­tions are based not so much:

The attack began with a tiny strip of code. Mey­ers traced it back to Sept. 12, 2019. “This lit­tle snip­pet of code does­n’t do any­thing,” Mey­ers said. “It’s lit­er­al­ly just check­ing to see which proces­sor is run­ning on the com­put­er, if it is a 32- or 64-bit proces­sor and if it is one or the oth­er, it returns either a zero or a one.”

The code frag­ment, it turns out, was a proof of con­cept — a lit­tle tri­al bal­loon to see if it was pos­si­ble to mod­i­fy Solar­Winds’ signed-and-sealed soft­ware code, get it pub­lished and then lat­er see it in a down­loaded ver­sion. And they real­ized they could. “So at this point, they know that they can pull off a sup­ply chain attack,” Mey­ers said. “They know that they have that capa­bil­i­ty.”

After that ini­tial suc­cess, the hack­ers dis­ap­peared for five months. When they returned in Feb­ru­ary 2020, Mey­ers said, they came armed with an amaz­ing new implant that deliv­ered a back­door that went into the soft­ware itself before it was pub­lished.

To under­stand why that was remark­able, you need to know that fin­ished soft­ware code has a kind of dig­i­tal fac­to­ry seal. If you break that seal, some­one can see it and know that the code might have been tam­pered with. Mey­ers said the hack­ers essen­tial­ly found a way to get under that fac­to­ry seal.

They began by implant­i­ng code that told them any time some­one on the Solar­Winds devel­op­ment team was get­ting ready to build new soft­ware. They under­stood that the process of cre­at­ing soft­ware or an update typ­i­cal­ly begins with some­thing rou­tine such as check­ing a code out of a dig­i­tal repos­i­to­ry, sort of like check­ing a book out of the library.

Under nor­mal cir­cum­stances, devel­op­ers take the code out of the repos­i­to­ry, make changes and then check it back in. Once they fin­ish tin­ker­ing, they ini­ti­ate some­thing called the build process, which essen­tial­ly trans­lates the code a human can read to the code a com­put­er does. At that point, the code is clean and test­ed. What the hack­ers did after that was the trick.

They would cre­ate a tem­po­rary update file with the mali­cious code inside while the Solar­Winds code was com­pil­ing. The hack­ers’ mali­cious code told the machine to swap in their tem­po­rary file instead of the Solar­Winds ver­sion. “I think a lot of peo­ple prob­a­bly assume that it is the source code that’s been mod­i­fied,” Mey­ers said, but instead the hack­ers used a kind of bait-and-switch.

But this, Mey­ers said, was inter­est­ing, too. The hack­ers under­stood that com­pa­nies such as Solar­Winds typ­i­cal­ly audit code before they start build­ing an update, just to make sure every­thing is as it should be. So they made sure that the switch to the tem­po­rary file hap­pened at the last pos­si­ble sec­ond, when the updates went from source code (read­able by peo­ple) to exe­cutable code (which the com­put­er reads) to the soft­ware that goes out to cus­tomers.

Then there’s the omi­nous obser­va­tion they made about the mal­ware that sur­rep­ti­tious­ly slipped the back­door mal­ware into the Ori­on client update soft­ware: the mal­ware that added the back­door at the last moment dur­ing the com­pi­la­tion process “could have been recon­fig­ured for any num­ber of soft­ware prod­ucts” that rely on the same com­pil­er, rais­ing the dis­tinct pos­si­bil­i­ty of this same attack being used against oth­er soft­ware devel­op­ers. All the hack­ers would need is access to the devel­op­ers’ com­put­ers when they’re com­pil­ing the code. And what did they gain from the Solar­Winds hack? Back­doors onto the net­work of every Solar­Winds client. In oth­er words, not only can the hack­ers use this same com­pil­er trick to embed back­doors in oth­er devel­op­ers soft­ware but they gained the incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty to do exact­ly that from the Solar­Winds hack. Thou­sands of Solar­Winds clients were undoubt­ed­ly devel­op­ing their own soft­ware using the same com­pil­er and the hack­ers could have deployed the same trick. Maybe they embed a back­door. Maybe some­thing else. It’s an omi­nous obser­va­tion and part of the rea­son the iden­ti­ties of the real hack­ers real­ly is a seri­ous glob­al con­cern. Who­ev­er did this had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to plant the seeds from some­thing orders of mag­ni­tude more dev­as­tat­ing involv­ing a wide array of dif­fer­ent soft­ware tools being devel­oped around the world:

But there was some­thing else about that code that both­ered Mey­ers: It was­n’t just for Solar­Winds. “When we looked at [it], it could have been recon­fig­ured for any num­ber of soft­ware prod­ucts,” Mey­ers said. In oth­er words, any num­ber of oth­er soft­ware devel­op­ers using the same com­pil­er may also be on the receiv­ing end of a cyber­at­tack, he said, and they just don’t know it yet.


The hack­ers also reverse-engi­neered the way Ori­on com­mu­ni­cat­ed with servers and built their own cod­ing instruc­tions mim­ic­k­ing Ori­on’s syn­tax and for­mats. What that did is allow the hack­ers to look like they were “speak­ing” Ori­on, so their mes­sage traf­fic looked like a nat­ur­al exten­sion of the soft­ware.

“So once they deter­mined that a tar­get was of inter­est, they could say, ‘OK, let’s go active, let’s manip­u­late files, let’s change some­thing,’ ” Mey­ers said, and then they would slip in unno­ticed through the back­door they had cre­at­ed. “And there is one oth­er thing I should men­tion: This back­door would wait up to two weeks before it actu­al­ly went active on the host. This was a very patient adver­sary.”

None of the trip­wires put in place by pri­vate com­pa­nies or the gov­ern­ment seems to have seen the attack com­ing. Christo­pher Krebs, who had been in charge of the office that pro­tect­ed gov­ern­ment net­works at DHS dur­ing the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, told NPR that DHS’ cur­rent sys­tem, some­thing known (with­out irony) as Ein­stein, only catch­es known threats. The Solar­Winds breach, he said, was just “too nov­el.”

And note the tim­ing here in the lead up to the Decem­ber 13, 2020, pub­lic announce­ment by Solar­Winds about acknowl­eg­ing the hack: We are told that the first clue some­thing was up took place in ear­ly July 2020, when Volex­i­ty found sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty on a clien­t’s com­put­er traced back to an update with Solar­Winds. We’re then told the sec­ond clue came sev­er­al months lat­er when Palo Alto Net­works con­tact­ed Solar­Winds about a mali­cious back door that appeared to be ema­nat­ing from the Ori­on soft­ware. Solar­Winds then tells us the com­pa­ny work with Palo Alto Net­works for sev­er­al months before giv­ing up and clos­ing the tick­et. If that’s all true, that tick­et must have been closed just days before Fire­Eye con­tact­ed Solar­Winds about its omi­nous dis­cov­ery. Because if the first call from Palo Alto Net­works came ‘sev­er­al months’ after an ‘ear­ly July’ first tip from Volex­i­ty, that call would have had to be around mid-to-late Sep­tem­ber to ear­ly Octo­ber if we inter­pret ‘sev­er­al months’ to be 10–13 weeks. And if Palo Alto Net­works and Solar­Winds then spent anoth­er ‘sev­er­al months’ study­ing the prob­lem before giv­ing up, that would put the ‘giv­ing up’ point at ear­ly Decem­ber at the ear­li­est. So when exact­ly did that tick­et get closed in rela­tion to FireEye’s tip about the larg­er hack? Solar­Winds did­n’t tell us and Palo Alto Net­works isn’t talk­ing:

In ear­ly July, Steven Adair, the founder of a Wash­ing­ton, D.C.-based cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny called Volex­i­ty, saw some sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty on a clien­t’s com­put­ers. “We traced it back, and we thought it might be relat­ed to a bad update with Solar­Winds,” Adair told NPR. “We addressed the prob­lem, made sure no one was in our cus­tomers’ sys­tems, and we left it at that.”

Adair said he did­n’t feel he had enough detail to report the prob­lem to Solar­Winds or the U.S. gov­ern­ment. “We thought we did­n’t have enough evi­dence to reach out,” he said.

That was the first missed sign.

The sec­ond came three months lat­er when a Cal­i­for­nia-based cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny called Palo Alto Net­works dis­cov­ered a mali­cious back­door that seemed to emanate from the Ori­on soft­ware.

In that case, accord­ing to Solar­Winds’ Ramakr­ish­na, the secu­ri­ty teams at Solar­Winds and Palo Alto worked togeth­er for three months to try to pick up the thread of the prob­lem and walk it back. “None of us could pin­point a sup­ply chain attack at that point,” Ramakr­ish­na told NPR. “The tick­et got closed as a result of that. If we had the ben­e­fit of hind­sight, we could have traced it back” to the hack.

Palo Alto Net­works had agreed to speak to NPR about the inci­dent last month and then can­celed the inter­view just an hour before it was sup­posed to take place. A spokesper­son declined to say why and sent a few blog posts and wrote: “I’m afraid this is all we have to help at this time.”

All in all, it’s hard to say that NPR piece should make read­er’s feel con­fi­dent hacks like this aren’t going to hap­pen again. Even when the hack was detect­ed on client sys­tems and inves­ti­ga­tions were start­ed they still could­n’t find it. Only Fire­Eye, itself a top tier secu­ri­ty firm, was able to detect it on its own sys­tems and all indi­ca­tions are the hack would be ongo­ing today had Fire­Eye not found it.

The Atlantic Council Confirms The SolarWinds Hackers Could Spoof Microsoft Credentials. Microsoft Blames Clients

And just a week after that NPR piece, we got anoth­er big reminder that the Solar­Winds hack was­n’t just a giant hack of the Solar­Winds com­pa­ny. It was a giant hack of Microsoft­’s prod­ucts. That was the mes­sage in a new report put out by The Atlantic Coun­cil, which appeared to con­firm what Microsoft had long been deny­ing: Once the hack­ers used those back­doors to gain access to vic­tims’ net­works they con­tin­ued to exploit more vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. In par­tic­u­lar Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties involv­ing how Microsoft prod­ucts val­i­date user iden­ti­ties. Now, part of the rea­son Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties were heav­i­ly tar­get­ed was because, well, these vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties exist. But as the report notes, the oth­er big rea­son Microsoft was tar­get­ed so heav­i­ly is that Microsoft has more than 85% of the mar­ket share for gov­ern­ment and indus­try. In oth­er words, the juici­est tar­gets — espe­cial­ly gov­ern­ment agen­cies — were almost all run­ning Microsoft tools on their net­works.

So what was Microsoft­’s response to the Atlantic Coun­cil report? Microsoft con­tin­ued to deflect blame, sug­gest­ing poor­ly con­fig­ured soft­ware by the clients was the cause. But accord­ing to Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden, the soft­ware Microsoft sup­plies to US fed­er­al agen­cies is itself poor­ly con­fig­ured with default log set­tings that won’t cap­ture the infor­ma­tion need­ed to catch attacks while they’re in progress. As we can see, the Solar­Winds blame game is increas­ing­ly becom­ing Microsoft vs the World:

Asso­ci­at­ed Press

Solar­Winds hack­ing cam­paign puts Microsoft in the hot seat

April 23, 2021

BOSTON (AP) — The sprawl­ing hack­ing cam­paign deemed a grave threat to U.S. nation­al secu­ri­ty came to be known as Solar­Winds, for the com­pa­ny whose soft­ware update was seed­ed by Russ­ian intel­li­gence agents with mal­ware to pen­e­trate sen­si­tive gov­ern­ment and pri­vate net­works.

Yet it was Microsoft whose code the cyber spies per­sis­tent­ly abused in the campaign’s sec­ond stage, rifling through emails and oth­er files of such high-val­ue tar­gets as then-act­ing Home­land Secu­ri­ty chief Chad Wolf — and hop­ping unde­tect­ed among vic­tim net­works.

This has put the world’s third-most valu­able com­pa­ny in the hot seat. Because its prod­ucts are a de fac­to mono­cul­ture in gov­ern­ment and indus­try — with more than 85% mar­ket share — fed­er­al law­mak­ers are insist­ing that Microsoft swift­ly upgrade secu­ri­ty to what they say it should have pro­vid­ed in the first place, and with­out fleec­ing tax­pay­ers.

Seek­ing to assuage con­cerns, Microsoft this past week offered all fed­er­al agen­cies a year of “advanced” secu­ri­ty fea­tures at no extra charge. But it also seeks to deflect blame, say­ing it is cus­tomers who do not always make secu­ri­ty a pri­or­i­ty.

Risks in Microsoft’s for­eign deal­ings also came into relief when the Biden admin­is­tra­tion imposed sanc­tions Thurs­day on a half-dozen Russ­ian IT com­pa­nies it said sup­port Krem­lin hack­ing. Most promi­nent was Pos­i­tive Tech­nolo­gies, which was among more than 80 com­pa­nies that Microsoft has sup­plied with ear­ly access to data on vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties detect­ed in its prod­ucts. Fol­low­ing the sanc­tions announce­ment, Microsoft said Pos­i­tive Tech was no longer in the pro­gram and removed its name from a list of par­tic­i­pants on its web­site.

The Solar­Winds hack­ers took full advan­tage of what George Kurtz, CEO of top cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­Strike, called “sys­tem­at­ic weak­ness­es” in key ele­ments of Microsoft code to mine at least nine U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies — the depart­ments of Jus­tice and Trea­sury, among them — and more than 100 pri­vate com­pa­nies and think tanks, includ­ing soft­ware and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions providers.

The Solar­Winds hack­ers’ abuse of Microsoft’s iden­ti­ty and access archi­tec­ture — which val­i­dates users’ iden­ti­ties and grants them access to email, doc­u­ments and oth­er data — did the most dra­mat­ic harm, the non­par­ti­san Atlantic Coun­cil think tank said in a report. That set the hack apart as “a wide­spread intel­li­gence coup.” In near­ly every case of post-intru­sion mis­chief, the intrud­ers “silent­ly moved through Microsoft prod­ucts “vac­u­um­ing up emails and files from dozens of orga­ni­za­tions.”

Thanks in part to the carte blanche that vic­tim net­works grant­ed the infect­ed Solar­winds net­work man­age­ment soft­ware in the form of admin­is­tra­tive priv­i­leges, the intrud­ers could move lat­er­al­ly across them, even jump among orga­ni­za­tions. They used it to sneak into the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Mal­ware­bytes and to tar­get cus­tomers of Mime­cast, an email secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny.

The campaign’s “hall­mark” was the intrud­ers’ abil­i­ty to imper­son­ate legit­i­mate users and cre­ate coun­ter­feit cre­den­tials that let them grab data stored remote­ly by Microsoft Office, the act­ing direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Infra­struc­ture and Secu­ri­ty Agency, Bran­don Wales, told a mid-March con­gres­sion­al hear­ing. “It was all because they com­pro­mised those sys­tems that man­age trust and iden­ti­ty on net­works,” he said.

Microsoft Pres­i­dent Brad Smith told a Feb­ru­ary con­gres­sion­al hear­ing that just 15% of vic­tims were com­pro­mised through an authen­ti­ca­tion vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty first iden­ti­fied in 2017 — allow­ing the intrud­ers to imper­son­ate autho­rized users by mint­ing the rough equiv­a­lent of coun­ter­feit pass­ports.

Microsoft offi­cials stress that the Solar­Winds update was not always the entry point; intrud­ers some­times took advan­tage of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties such as weak pass­words and vic­tims’ lack of mul­ti-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion. But crit­ics say the com­pa­ny took secu­ri­ty too light­ly. Sen. Ron Wyden, D‑Ore., ver­bal­ly pum­meled Microsoft for not sup­ply­ing fed­er­al agen­cies with a lev­el of “event log­ging” that, if it had not detect­ed the Solar­Winds hack­ing in progress, would at least have pro­vid­ed respon­ders with a record of where the intrud­ers were and what they saw and removed.

“Microsoft choos­es the default set­tings in the soft­ware it sells, and even though the com­pa­ny knew for years about the hack­ing tech­nique used against U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies, the com­pa­ny did not set default log­ging set­tings to cap­ture infor­ma­tion nec­es­sary to spot hacks in progress,” Wyden said. He was not the only fed­er­al law­mak­er who com­plained.

When Microsoft on Wednes­day announced a year of free secu­ri­ty log­ging for fed­er­al agen­cies, for which it nor­mal­ly charges a pre­mi­um, Wyden was not appeased.

“This move is far short of what’s need­ed to make up for Microsoft’s recent fail­ures,” he said in a state­ment. “The gov­ern­ment still won’t have access to impor­tant secu­ri­ty fea­tures with­out hand­ing over even more mon­ey to the same com­pa­ny that cre­at­ed this cyber­se­cu­ri­ty sink­hole.”


Even the high­est lev­el of log­ging doesn’t pre­vent break-ins, though. It only makes it eas­i­er to detect them.

And remem­ber, many secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als note, Microsoft was itself com­pro­mised by the Solar­Winds intrud­ers, who got access to some of its source code — its crown jew­els. Microsoft’s full suite of secu­ri­ty prod­ucts — and some of the industry’s most skilled cyber-defense prac­ti­tion­ers — had failed to detect the ghost in the net­work. Not until alert­ed to the hack­ing cam­paign by Fire­Eye, the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm that detect­ed it in mid-Decem­ber, did Microsoft respon­ders dis­cov­er the relat­ed breach of their sys­tems.

The intrud­ers in the unre­lat­ed hack of Microsoft Exchange email servers dis­closed in March — blamed on Chi­nese spies — used whol­ly dif­fer­ent infec­tion meth­ods. But they gained imme­di­ate high-lev­el access to users’ email and oth­er info.

Across the indus­try, Microsoft’s invest­ments in secu­ri­ty are wide­ly acknowl­edged. It is often first to iden­ti­fy major cyber­se­cu­ri­ty threats, its vis­i­bil­i­ty into net­works is so great. But many argue that as the chief sup­pli­er of secu­ri­ty solu­tions for its prod­ucts, it needs to be more mind­ful about how much it should prof­it off defense.

“The crux of it is that Microsoft is sell­ing you the dis­ease and the cure,” said Marc Maiffret, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty vet­er­an who built a career find­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Microsoft prod­ucts and has a new start­up in the works called Bin­Mave.

Last month, Reuters report­ed that a $150 mil­lion pay­ment to Microsoft for a “secure cloud plat­form” was includ­ed in a draft out­line for spend­ing the $650 mil­lion appro­pri­at­ed for the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency in last month’s $1.9 tril­lion pan­dem­ic relief act.

A Microsoft spokesper­son would not say how much, if any, of that mon­ey it would be get­ting, refer­ring the ques­tion to the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty agency. An agency spokesman, Scott McConnell, would not say either. Langevin said he didn’t think a final deci­sion has been made.

In the bud­get year end­ing in Sep­tem­ber, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment spent more than half a bil­lion dol­lars on Microsoft soft­ware and ser­vices.

Many secu­ri­ty experts believe Microsoft’s sin­gle sign-on mod­el, empha­siz­ing user con­ve­nience over secu­ri­ty, is ripe for retool­ing to reflect a world where state-backed hack­ers now rou­tine­ly run roughshod over U.S. net­works.

Alex Wein­ert, Microsoft’s direc­tor of iden­ti­ty secu­ri­ty, said it offers var­i­ous ways for cus­tomers to strict­ly lim­it users’ access to what they need to do their jobs. But get­ting cus­tomers to go along can be dif­fi­cult because it often means aban­don­ing three decades of IT habit and dis­rupt­ing busi­ness. Cus­tomers tend to con­fig­ure too many accounts with the broad glob­al admin­is­tra­tive priv­i­leges that allowed the Solar­Winds cam­paign abus­es, he said. “It’s not the only way they can do it, that’s for sure.”

In 2014–2015, lax restric­tions on access helped Chi­nese spies steal sen­si­tive per­son­al data on more than 21 mil­lion cur­rent, for­mer and prospec­tive fed­er­al employ­ees from the Office of Per­son­nel Man­age­ment.

Cur­tis Dukes was the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency’s head of infor­ma­tion assur­ance at the time.

The OPM shared data across mul­ti­ple agen­cies using Microsoft’s authen­ti­ca­tion archi­tec­ture, grant­i­ng access to more users than it safe­ly should have, said Dukes, now the man­ag­ing direc­tor for the non­prof­it Cen­ter for Inter­net Secu­ri­ty.

“Peo­ple took their eye off the ball.”


“Solar­Winds hack­ing cam­paign puts Microsoft in the hot seat” by FRANK BAJAK; Asso­ci­at­ed Press; 04/23/2021

This has put the world’s third-most valu­able com­pa­ny in the hot seat. Because its prod­ucts are a de fac­to mono­cul­ture in gov­ern­ment and indus­try — with more than 85% mar­ket share — fed­er­al law­mak­ers are insist­ing that Microsoft swift­ly upgrade secu­ri­ty to what they say it should have pro­vid­ed in the first place, and with­out fleec­ing tax­pay­ers.”

If you want to hack the US gov­ern­ment, be ready to hack Microsoft prod­ucts. That’s the unde­ni­able real­i­ty. Microsoft is basi­cal­ly the soft­ware sup­pli­er for the US gov­ern­ment and oth­er gov­ern­ments around the world. So it should come as no sur­prise to learn that the sec­ond phase of the Solar­Winds hack was basi­cal­ly the exploita­tion of Microsoft prod­uct weak­ness­es after the hack­ers gained access to client net­works. In par­tic­u­lar, vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Microsoft­’s iden­ti­ty and access archi­tec­ture which val­i­dates users’ iden­ti­ties and grants them access to email, doc­u­ments and oth­er data. The Solar­Winds hack­ers were repeat­ed­ly imper­son­at­ing legit­i­mate users and cre­at­ing coun­ter­feit cre­den­tials that let them grab data stored remote­ly by Microsoft Office. So the Solar­Winds hack did­n’t just involve the pil­fer­ing of vic­tims’ net­works but also the data stored remote­ly acces­si­ble through Microsoft Office. Those sound like some mas­sive vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. The Solar­Winds hack was­n’t just the cre­ation and exploita­tion of back­doors placed on 18,000 client net­works. It was the exploita­tion of the infor­ma­tion stored remote­ly via Microsoft Office for those clients too:

The Solar­Winds hack­ers took full advan­tage of what George Kurtz, CEO of top cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­Strike, called “sys­tem­at­ic weak­ness­es” in key ele­ments of Microsoft code to mine at least nine U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies — the depart­ments of Jus­tice and Trea­sury, among them — and more than 100 pri­vate com­pa­nies and think tanks, includ­ing soft­ware and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions providers.

The Solar­Winds hack­ers’ abuse of Microsoft’s iden­ti­ty and access archi­tec­ture — which val­i­dates users’ iden­ti­ties and grants them access to email, doc­u­ments and oth­er data — did the most dra­mat­ic harm, the non­par­ti­san Atlantic Coun­cil think tank said in a report. That set the hack apart as “a wide­spread intel­li­gence coup.” In near­ly every case of post-intru­sion mis­chief, the intrud­ers “silent­ly moved through Microsoft prod­ucts “vac­u­um­ing up emails and files from dozens of orga­ni­za­tions.”

Thanks in part to the carte blanche that vic­tim net­works grant­ed the infect­ed Solar­winds net­work man­age­ment soft­ware in the form of admin­is­tra­tive priv­i­leges, the intrud­ers could move lat­er­al­ly across them, even jump among orga­ni­za­tions. They used it to sneak into the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Mal­ware­bytes and to tar­get cus­tomers of Mime­cast, an email secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny.

The campaign’s “hall­mark” was the intrud­ers’ abil­i­ty to imper­son­ate legit­i­mate users and cre­ate coun­ter­feit cre­den­tials that let them grab data stored remote­ly by Microsoft Office, the act­ing direc­tor of the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Infra­struc­ture and Secu­ri­ty Agency, Bran­don Wales, told a mid-March con­gres­sion­al hear­ing. “It was all because they com­pro­mised those sys­tems that man­age trust and iden­ti­ty on net­works,” he said.

But it gets worse for Microsoft because the hack­ers did­n’t sim­ply exploit vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Microsoft­’s prod­ucts. They also rifled through Microsoft­’s trea­sured source code look­ing for the code that valideates users’ iden­ti­ties and grants them access to email, doc­u­ments, and oth­er data. So these super-hack­ers like­ly learned hack to become even more super. At least more super against Microsoft:

And remem­ber, many secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als note, Microsoft was itself com­pro­mised by the Solar­Winds intrud­ers, who got access to some of its source code — its crown jew­els. Microsoft’s full suite of secu­ri­ty prod­ucts — and some of the industry’s most skilled cyber-defense prac­ti­tion­ers — had failed to detect the ghost in the net­work. Not until alert­ed to the hack­ing cam­paign by Fire­Eye, the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm that detect­ed it in mid-Decem­ber, did Microsoft respon­ders dis­cov­er the relat­ed breach of their sys­tems.

But per­haps worst of all is how long these secu­ri­ty defi­cien­cies have been plagu­ing Microsoft. This isn’t a new prob­lem. Which is why it’s so prob­lem­at­ic and scan­dalous that, as Sen­a­tor Wyden angri­ly point­ed out dur­ing a recent con­gres­sion­al hear­ing, that Microsoft has been pro­vid­ing the US gov­ern­ing with prod­ucts that have the default “event log­ging” set­tings turned off. So by default, the US fed­er­al gov­ern­ment does­n’t log these hacks when they hap­pen. That’s appar­ent­ly the case, accord­ing to Sen­a­tor Wyden. The US gov­ern­men­t’s cyber-defens­es have to been fly­ing blind by default thanks to Microsoft:

Microsoft offi­cials stress that the Solar­Winds update was not always the entry point; intrud­ers some­times took advan­tage of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties such as weak pass­words and vic­tims’ lack of mul­ti-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion. But crit­ics say the com­pa­ny took secu­ri­ty too light­ly. Sen. Ron Wyden, D‑Ore., ver­bal­ly pum­meled Microsoft for not sup­ply­ing fed­er­al agen­cies with a lev­el of “event log­ging” that, if it had not detect­ed the Solar­Winds hack­ing in progress, would at least have pro­vid­ed respon­ders with a record of where the intrud­ers were and what they saw and removed.

“Microsoft choos­es the default set­tings in the soft­ware it sells, and even though the com­pa­ny knew for years about the hack­ing tech­nique used against U.S. gov­ern­ment agen­cies, the com­pa­ny did not set default log­ging set­tings to cap­ture infor­ma­tion nec­es­sary to spot hacks in progress,” Wyden said. He was not the only fed­er­al law­mak­er who com­plained.


Even the high­est lev­el of log­ging doesn’t pre­vent break-ins, though. It only makes it eas­i­er to detect them.

Of course, keep in mind that a big advan­tage for the vic­tims of hacks when of no event-log­ging was employed: the less infor­ma­tion you have about what actu­al­ly hap­pened, the more you’re forced to spec­u­late about what hap­pened and the eas­i­er it is to just say it was prob­a­bly Rus­sia or Chi­na or who­ev­er you want to blame. Igno­rance can be both a cud­gel and shield when cyber­at­tri­bu­tion is wield­ed as a weapon.

Final­ly note how we are told the ‘Chi­nese hack­ers’ behind the Microsoft Exchange hack used whol­ly dif­fer­ent infec­tion meth­ods. Now, tech­ni­cal­ly, yes, they may have used a dif­fer­ent zero-day exploit tar­get dif­fer­ent Microsoft prod­ucts. As we’ve seen, it was report­ed­ly an Office 365 email exploit that the hack­ers used to ini­ti­ate the hack on Solar­Wind­s’s net­work and the US Trea­sury Depart­ment con­firmed that an Office 365 email exploit was used after the hack­ers infil­trat­ed their net­works via the back­door. Where­as in the Microsoft Exchange hack, it ws some sort of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the Exchange soft­ware that was exploit­ed. So yes, these are two dif­fer­ent infec­tion meth­ods. But they both relied on manip­u­lat­ing Microsoft­’s cre­den­tial­ing sys­tems. From that per­spec­tive, it’s kind of the same under­ly­ing method:

The intrud­ers in the unre­lat­ed hack of Microsoft Exchange email servers dis­closed in March — blamed on Chi­nese spies — used whol­ly dif­fer­ent infec­tion meth­ods. But they gained imme­di­ate high-lev­el access to users’ email and oth­er info.

Keep in mind that point­ing out the dif­fer­ent attack meth­ods used in the Solar­Winds and Microsoft Exchange hacks, and cit­ing that as evi­dence of it being dif­fer­ent hack­ing groups, is anoth­er exam­ple of how vague tech­ni­cal ‘dig­i­tal fin­ger­prints’ like the par­tic­u­lar type of mal­ware or exploit used in a hack are used for cyber­at­tri­bu­tion pur­pos­es. It’s the kind of cyber­at­tri­bu­tion phe­nom­e­na that assumes the “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance” indus­try isn’t sup­ply­ing incred­i­ble zero-day attacks to dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.

The SolarWinds Hackers(?) Go Phishing. With USAID as the Bait.

The mul­ti­fac­eted abil­i­ty of the Solar­Winds hack­ers was on dis­play again with a new announce from Microsoft at the end of May: Remem­ber those warn­ings fol­low­ing the Microsoft Exchange hack about high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed and tar­get­ed phish­ing cam­paigns emerg­ing from all the infor­ma­tion the hack­ers were able to extract from all those stolen emails? Well, a new high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed and tar­get phish­ing cam­paign was indeed unleashed. But we are told “Nobeli­um” — the name Microsoft gave to Cozy Bear/APT29 — was the cul­prit. Approx­i­mate­ly 3,000 email accounts at more than 150 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions in 24 dif­fer­ent coun­tries received emails seem­ing­ly from the Unit­ed States Agency For Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (USAID), encour­ag­ing vic­tims to down­load a file about elec­tion fraud. The hack­ers car­ried out the hack by break­ing into an email mar­ket­ing account for Con­stant Con­tact, which is used by USAID for offi­cial com­mu­ni­ca­tions. From there, they launched the phish­ing attacks.

Microsoft assures us that no exploits of Microsoft prod­ucts were involved with this phish­ing attempt. At the same time, we’re told noth­ing about how this Con­stant Con­tact email mar­ket­ing account was bro­ken into in the first place. In fact, it’s not actu­al­ly clear at all what ties this phish­ing attack to the Solar­Winds hack. And yet are assured by Microsoft, with high con­fi­dence, that Rus­si­a’s SVR is behind it and that it appeared to be a con­tin­u­a­tion of mul­ti­ple efforts to tar­get gov­ern­ment agen­cies involved in for­eign pol­i­cy as part of intel­li­gence gath­er­ing efforts. And since the SVR is also blamed for the Solar­Winds hack, it’s there­fore behind this phish­ing attempt. That appears to be the ‘log­ic’ at work here.

Now, if we view the Microsoft blog post on this hack, there is one tech­ni­cal fact that relates back to the Solar­Winds hack: the use of zero-day exploits. Vic­tims who fell for the phish­ing emails had four zero-day pieces of mal­ware deployed on their com­put­ers accord­ing to a sec­ond Microsoft blog post about the attack. So the tech­ni­cal traits shared between this phish­ing attack in the ear­li­er Solar­Winds hack are the use of mul­ti­ple zero-day exploits. But dif­fer­ent exploits. The Microsoft blog post describ­ing this USAID phish­ing scheme explic­it­ly states that this new attack bears very lit­tle tech­ni­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties to the Solar­Winds hack and sug­gests the hack­ers inten­tion­al­ly changed their tac­tics after the dis­cov­ery of the Solar­Winds hack. So the pos­ses­sion of mul­ti­ple zero-day exploits is appar­ent­ly being used as a tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tor for attri­bu­tions. If a hack­er is sport­ing lots of zero-day exploits, it’s assumed to be the same hack­er who ran the last hack with lots of zero-day exploits. And since zero-day exploits are wide­ly assumed to large­ly be the exclu­sive prop­er­ty of well-financed nations (the US, Russ­ian, Chi­na, Israel, etc), when a hack involved lots of zero-day exploits the list of sus­pects gets nar­rowed down to that list. That appears to be the pat­tern play­ing out here. A pat­tern that ignores the exis­tence of a robust indus­try sell­ing zero-day exploits to dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world.

But also keep in mind that the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack announced in March also uti­lized zero-day exploits and this hack start­ed with the com­pro­mise of USAID’s Con­stant Con­tac­t’s email account. Is there an Exchange serv­er involved with this ser­vice? It was be nice to know but, again, we aren’t told how the hack start­ed. So how was Microsoft able to deduce that it was the Solar­Winds hacks and no the Exchange hack­ers or some oth­er group? We have no idea, but we are assured that Microsoft fig­ured it all out. We’ll just have to blind­ly trust them on this. As always:


Microsoft says group behind Solar­Winds hack now tar­get­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies, NGOs

Raphael Sat­ter, Kan­ish­ka Singh
May 28, 2021 12:53 PM CDT Updat­ed

May 28 (Reuters) — The group behind the Solar­Winds (SWI.N) cyber attack iden­ti­fied late last year is now tar­get­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies, think tanks, con­sul­tants, and non-gov­ern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions, Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) said on Thurs­day.

“This week we observed cyber­at­tacks by the threat actor Nobeli­um tar­get­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies, think tanks, con­sul­tants, and non-gov­ern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions”, Microsoft said in a blog.

Nobeli­um, orig­i­nat­ing from Rus­sia, is the same actor behind the attacks on Solar­Winds cus­tomers in 2020, accord­ing to Microsoft.

The com­ments come weeks after a May 7 ran­somware attack on Colo­nial Pipeline shut the Unit­ed States’ largest fuel pipeline net­work for sev­er­al days, dis­rupt­ing the coun­try’s sup­ply.

“This wave of attacks tar­get­ed approx­i­mate­ly 3,000 email accounts at more than 150 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions”, Microsoft said on Thurs­day.

While organ­i­sa­tions in the Unit­ed States received the largest share of attacks, tar­get­ed vic­tims came from at least 24 coun­tries, Microsoft said.

At least a quar­ter of the tar­get­ed organ­i­sa­tions were involved in inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment, human­i­tar­i­an issues and human rights work, Microsoft said in the blog.

Nobeli­um launched this week’s attacks by break­ing into an email mar­ket­ing account used by the Unit­ed States Agency For Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (USAID) and from there launch­ing phish­ing attacks on many oth­er organ­i­sa­tions, Microsoft said.

In state­ments issued Fri­day, the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty and USAID both said they were aware of the hack­ing and were inves­ti­gat­ing.

The hack of infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny Solar­Winds, which was iden­ti­fied in Decem­ber, gave access to thou­sands of com­pa­nies and gov­ern­ment offices that used its prod­ucts. Microsoft Pres­i­dent Brad Smith described the attack as “the largest and most sophis­ti­cat­ed attack the world has ever seen”. read more


The Unit­ed States and Britain have blamed Rus­si­a’s For­eign Intel­li­gence Ser­vice (SVR), suc­ces­sor to the for­eign spy­ing oper­a­tions of the KGB, for the hack which com­pro­mised nine U.S. fed­er­al agen­cies and hun­dreds of pri­vate sec­tor com­pa­nies.

The attacks dis­closed by Microsoft on Thurs­day appeared to be a con­tin­u­a­tion of mul­ti­ple efforts to tar­get gov­ern­ment agen­cies involved in for­eign pol­i­cy as part of intel­li­gence gath­er­ing efforts, Microsoft said.

The com­pa­ny said it was in the process of noti­fy­ing all of its tar­get­ed cus­tomers and had “no rea­son to believe” these attacks involved any exploita­tion or vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s prod­ucts or ser­vices.

“Microsoft says group behind Solar­Winds hack now tar­get­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies, NGOs” by Raphael Sat­ter and Kan­ish­ka Singh; Reuters; 05/28/2021

“Nobeli­um launched this week’s attacks by break­ing into an email mar­ket­ing account used by the Unit­ed States Agency For Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (USAID) and from there launch­ing phish­ing attacks on many oth­er organ­i­sa­tions, Microsoft said.”

As Microsoft announced in May, the Solar­Winds attacks con­tin­ue. Sort of. This was­n’t an exten­sion of the Solar­Winds attack. At least we aren’t told so. Instead, we’re told that the same hack­ers, Nobeli­um, who car­ried out the Solar­Winds attack also car­ried out this new attack tar­get­ing the email mar­ket­ing firm, , that han­dles the emails for USAID. Some­how, the hack­ers were able to send out emails to 3,000 email accounts at more than 150 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions that looked like they came from USAID, and if vic­tims clicked on the links in the emails they received sophis­ti­cat­ed mal­ware like was deployed in the Solar­Winds attack. Again, Nobeli­um is Microsoft­’s name for APT29/Cozy Bear, the group accused of the 2015 DNC hack (the first DNC hack of the 2016 elec­tion sea­sons).

Now how did the Microsoft arrive at the con­clu­sion that this phish­ing attack was car­ried out by the same “Nobeli­um” Solar­Winds hack­ers? As we should expect, it’s entire­ly unclear. Microsoft first dubbed the Solar­Winds hack­ers “Nobeli­um” back in March of 2020 in a blog post describ­ing the comand-and-con­trol mal­ware from the Solar­Winds hack. ‘Zero-day’ Mal­ware that had nev­er been seen before, adding to the per­ceived sophis­ti­ca­tion of the hack­er. Of course, as we’re going to see with the NSO Group sto­ry, ultra-sophis­ti­cat­ed ‘zero-day’ hacks that have ‘nev­er been seen before’ are effec­tive­ly for sale to gov­ern­ments around world. Any gov­ern­ment with per­mis­sion to buy this soft­ware would sud­den­ly become an ultra-sophis­ti­cat­ed actor with an armory of zero-day exploits nev­er seen before.

So were more zero-day exploits found in this lat­est USAID phish­ing hack? Yes, there were four zero-day pieces of mal­ware deployed accord­ing to a sec­ond Microsoft blog post about the attack. So the tech­ni­cal traits shared between this phish­ing attack in the ear­li­er Solar­Winds hack are the use of mul­ti­ple zero-day exploits. But dif­fer­ent exploits. The Microsoft blog post describ­ing this USAID phish­ing scheme explic­it­ly states that this new attack bears very lit­tle tech­ni­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties to the Solar­Winds hack and sug­gests the hack­ers inten­tion­al­ly changed their tac­tics after the dis­cov­ery of the Solar­Winds hack. So the pos­ses­sion of mul­ti­ple zero-day exploits is appar­ent­ly being used as a tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tor for attri­bu­tions. If a hack­er is sport­ing lots of zero-day exploits, it’s assumed to be the same hack­er who ran the last hack with lots of zero-day exploits. And since zero-day exploits are wide­ly assumed to large­ly be the exclu­sive prop­er­ty of well-financed nations (the US, Russ­ian, Chi­na, Israel, etc), when a hack involved lots of zero-day exploits the list of sus­pects gets nar­rowed down to that list. That appears to be the pat­tern play­ing out here. A pat­tern that ignores the exis­tence of a robust indus­try sell­ing zero-day exploits to dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world.

And note how, while this attack clear­ly involves USAID, it’s not actu­al­ly tar­get­ing USAID. It was an attack that used USAID’s per­sona to tar­get­ing 150 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions in at least 24 coun­tries. And only around a quar­ter of those tar­get­ed organ­i­sa­tions were involved in inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment, human­i­tar­i­an issues and human rights work. And yet Microsoft con­fi­dent­ly tells us this hack is a con­tin­u­a­tion of an SVR espi­onage cam­paign tar­get­ing gov­ern­ment agen­cies involved in for­eign pol­i­cy. It’s a remark­ably cher­ry-picked assess­ment:

“This wave of attacks tar­get­ed approx­i­mate­ly 3,000 email accounts at more than 150 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions”, Microsoft said on Thurs­day.

While organ­i­sa­tions in the Unit­ed States received the largest share of attacks, tar­get­ed vic­tims came from at least 24 coun­tries, Microsoft said.

At least a quar­ter of the tar­get­ed organ­i­sa­tions were involved in inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment, human­i­tar­i­an issues and human rights work, Microsoft said in the blog.


The Unit­ed States and Britain have blamed Rus­si­a’s For­eign Intel­li­gence Ser­vice (SVR), suc­ces­sor to the for­eign spy­ing oper­a­tions of the KGB, for the hack which com­pro­mised nine U.S. fed­er­al agen­cies and hun­dreds of pri­vate sec­tor com­pa­nies.

The attacks dis­closed by Microsoft on Thurs­day appeared to be a con­tin­u­a­tion of mul­ti­ple efforts to tar­get gov­ern­ment agen­cies involved in for­eign pol­i­cy as part of intel­li­gence gath­er­ing efforts, Microsoft said.

So we have the Solar­Winds mega-hack dis­cov­ered in Decem­ber 2020 ini­tial­ly attrib­uted to a pre­vi­ous­ly unknown group — that gov­ern­ments nonethe­less assure us are the SVR — but lat­er attrib­uted to Cozy Bear/APT29 aka Nobeli­um. Then a May 2021 phish­ing cam­paign that does­n’t actu­al­ly share any of the tech­ni­cal traits of the Solar­Winds hack oth­er than the use of dif­fer­ent zero-day exploits is also attrib­uted to Cozy Bear. Why exact­ly it’s been deter­mined that these two sep­a­rate attacks were done by the same group is nev­er explained, let alone why they’ve deter­mined that group is Rus­si­a’s SVR.

The SolarWinds Hackers(?) Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop...Hacking Microsoft

It’s always a ‘trust us’ nar­ra­tive. A nar­ra­tive that sounds awful­ly sim­i­lar to the sto­ry we got a month lat­er in the last week of June, when Microsoft announced a new Nobelium/Cozy Bear attack. Although it’s more like an update on the May phish­ing attack. Like with the May phish­ing attack report, Microsoft assured us that this new attack is unre­lat­ed to the Solar­Winds hack. And yet Microsoft also assured us that the same group was behind it, Nobeli­um. The rea­son for this attri­bu­tion to Nobeli­um is nev­er giv­en. It’s anoth­er phish­ing attack that isn’t tech­ni­cal­ly relat­ed to the Solar­Winds hack but they’re still sure it’s the same group. The rea­sons nev­er giv­en. Sound­ing famil­iar yet?

But this June attack appears to dif­fer from the May phish­ing attack in a poten­tial­ly sig­nif­i­cant way: one of Microsoft­’s own agents was hacked and cus­tomer infor­ma­tion about Microsoft ser­vices were stolen, allow­ing for tai­lored phish­ing attacks. So who­ev­er pulled this off demon­strat­ed an eeri­ly sim­i­lar abil­i­ty to exploit pre­vi­ous­ly unknown Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. An abil­i­ty demon­strat­ed by both the Solar­Winds and Exchange hack­ers.

Microsoft did­n’t answer ques­tions of whether or not its agent was hacked dur­ing the ini­tial Solar­Winds hack. But we are told that Microsoft dis­cov­ered this phish­ing cam­paign and the hack­ing of its agent as a result of its inves­ti­ga­tion into the ear­li­er Solar­Winds hacks. Part of the rea­son this is poten­tial­ly sig­nif­i­cant is that it once again rais­es the ques­tion of whether or not this new hack of the Microsoft agent — where cus­tomer ser­vice infor­ma­tion was some­how accessed and used to tai­lor phish­ing emails — was exe­cut­ed with some sort of exploit tar­get­ing Microsoft sys­tems. And if that’s the case, we have to ask why these are nec­es­sar­i­ly the Solar­Winds hack­ers and not the Exchange hack­ers. Both pos­sessed Microsoft zero-day exploits.

But beyond the poten­tial rela­tion­ship between the Solar­Winds and Exchange hack­ers, it’s hard to ignore the sto­ry of NSO Group, Can­diru, and the exis­tence of the pri­vate indus­try that cre­ates and sells cut­ting edge mal­ware bristling with zero-day exploits — includ­ing zero-day exploits tar­get­ing Microsoft prod­ucts — that are sold to dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world. And yet ignor­ing the exis­tence of this pri­vate indus­try that makes cut­ting edge zero-day exploits avail­able to dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world is exact­ly what we are asked to do. Over and over. Every time there’s a new hack that shows a rea­son­able degree of sophis­ti­ca­tion or that hits a gov­ern­ment agency (even if many more non-gov­ern­ment agen­cies are hit too), it’s treat­ed as if the only pos­si­ble actors in the world who could have pulled off the hack were Rus­sia, Chi­na, Iran or North Korea. It is sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly ignored that dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world can and do buy the nec­es­sary ‘zero-day’ mal­ware toolk­its to pull off these hacks. Would Sau­di Ara­bia attempt a Solar­Winds-style mega-hack if if they new it was going to be blamed on Rus­sia or Chi­na? There’s no way to respon­si­bly avoid ask­ing these kind of ques­tions when we know Sau­di Ara­bia and dozens of oth­er coun­tries have already pur­chased the abil­i­ty to do so.

So we have a sec­ond phish­ing attack attrib­uted to Nobelium/Cozy Bear. But unlike the pre­vi­ous phish­ing attack, where Microsoft acknowl­edged there was no appar­ent tech­ni­cal link back to the ear­li­er Solar­Winds hack, this phish­ing attack appears to have employed some sort of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s prod­ucts. And at the same time Microsoft assures us this was­n’t tech­ni­cal­ly relat­ed to the Solar­Winds hack, Microsoft also reminds of us of what was dis­closed months agao: that data and insights were stolen from Microsoft dur­ing the ini­tial Solar­Winds attack, includ­ing soft­ware instruc­tions gov­ern­ing how Microsoft ver­i­fies user iden­ti­ties. Were any of those stolen vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties used in this hack? Microsoft isn’t say­ing. And that’s a big part of the larg­er sto­ry here: extreme­ly seri­ous alle­ga­tions about who was behind these cyber­at­tacks are being made — with all fin­gers point­ing towards the Russ­ian or Chi­nese gov­ern­ments — with almost no infor­ma­tion being released regard­ing why and how those attri­bu­tions are made. The entire cyber­at­tri­bu­tion indus­try is root­ed in a ‘just trust us on this’ ethos:


Microsoft says new breach dis­cov­ered in probe of sus­pect­ed Solar­Winds hack­ers

Joseph Menn
June 25, 2021 8:59 PM CDT Updat­ed

SAN FRANCISCO, June 25 (Reuters) — Microsoft (MSFT.O) said on Fri­day an attack­er had won access to one of its cus­tomer-ser­vice agents and then used infor­ma­tion from that to launch hack­ing attempts against cus­tomers.

The com­pa­ny said it had found the com­pro­mise dur­ing its response to hacks by a team it iden­ti­fies as respon­si­ble for ear­li­er major breach­es at Solar­Winds (SWI.N) and Microsoft.

Microsoft said it had warned the affect­ed cus­tomers. A copy of one warn­ing seen by Reuters said the attack­er belonged to the group Microsoft calls Nobeli­um and that it had access dur­ing the sec­ond half of May.

“A sophis­ti­cat­ed Nation-State asso­ci­at­ed actor that Microsoft iden­ti­fies as NOBELLIUM accessed Microsoft cus­tomer sup­port tools to review infor­ma­tion regard­ing your Microsoft Ser­vices sub­scrip­tions,” the warn­ing reads in part. The U.S. gov­ern­ment has pub­licly attrib­uted the ear­li­er attacks to the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment, which denies involve­ment.

When Reuters asked about that warn­ing, Microsoft announced the breach pub­licly.

After com­ment­ing on a broad­er phish­ing cam­paign it said had com­pro­mised a small num­ber of enti­ties, Microsoft said it had also found the breach of its own agent, who it said had lim­it­ed pow­ers.

The agent could see billing con­tact infor­ma­tion and what ser­vices the cus­tomers pay for, among oth­er things.

“The actor used this infor­ma­tion in some cas­es to launch high­ly-tar­get­ed attacks as part of their broad­er cam­paign,” Microsoft said.

Microsoft warned affect­ed cus­tomers to be care­ful about com­mu­ni­ca­tions to their billing con­tacts and con­sid­er chang­ing those user­names and email address­es, as well as bar­ring old user­names from log­ging in.

Microsoft said it was aware of three enti­ties that had been com­pro­mised in the phish­ing cam­paign.

It did not imme­di­ate­ly clar­i­fy whether any had been among those whose data was viewed through the sup­port agent, or if the agent had been tricked by the broad­er cam­paign.

Microsoft did not say whether the agent was at a con­trac­tor or a direct employ­ee.

A spokesman said the lat­est breach by the threat actor was not part of Nobeli­um’s pre­vi­ous suc­cess­ful attack on Microsoft, in which it obtained some source code.

In the Solar­Winds attack, the group altered code at that com­pa­ny to access Solar­Winds cus­tomers, includ­ing nine U.S. fed­er­al agen­cies.

At the Solar­Winds cus­tomers and oth­ers, the attack­ers also took advan­tage of weak­ness­es in the way Microsoft pro­grams were con­fig­ured, accord­ing to the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty.

Microsoft lat­er said the group had com­pro­mised its own employ­ee accounts and tak­en soft­ware instruc­tions gov­ern­ing how Microsoft ver­i­fies user iden­ti­ties.

A White House offi­cial said the lat­est intru­sion and phish­ing cam­paign was far less seri­ous than the Solar­Winds fias­co.

“This appears to be large­ly unsuc­cess­ful, run-of-the-mill espi­onage,” the offi­cial said.



“Microsoft says new breach dis­cov­ered in probe of sus­pect­ed Solar­Winds hack­ers” by Joseph Menn; Reuters; 06/25/2021

““A sophis­ti­cat­ed Nation-State asso­ci­at­ed actor that Microsoft iden­ti­fies as NOBELLIUM accessed Microsoft cus­tomer sup­port tools to review infor­ma­tion regard­ing your Microsoft Ser­vices sub­scrip­tions,” the warn­ing reads in part. The U.S. gov­ern­ment has pub­licly attrib­uted the ear­li­er attacks to the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment, which denies involve­ment.”

Nobeli­um “accessed Microsoft cus­tomer sup­port tools to review infor­ma­tion.” That’s the lan­guage used by Microsoft to describe the hack­ing of its agent and use of the obtained infor­ma­tion to run tar­get­ed phish­ing cam­paigns. That’s what we know. What we don’t know is how the agent got hacked in the first place. Was is sim­ply exploit­ing a back­door cre­at­ed by the Solar­Winds hack? Microsoft isn’t say­ing. But we know Microsoft has pre­vi­ous­ly dis­closed that ‘Nobeli­um’ stole code involv­ing Microsoft­’s user ver­i­fi­ca­tion. And DHS tells us these same hack­ers are tak­ing advan­tage of weak­ness­es in the way Microsoft pro­grams were con­fig­ured. A lot of arrows are point­ing in the direc­tion of anoth­er Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty being exploit­ed but as always we’re forced to guess:

A spokesman said the lat­est breach by the threat actor was not part of Nobeli­um’s pre­vi­ous suc­cess­ful attack on Microsoft, in which it obtained some source code.


At the Solar­Winds cus­tomers and oth­ers, the attack­ers also took advan­tage of weak­ness­es in the way Microsoft pro­grams were con­fig­ured, accord­ing to the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty.

Microsoft lat­er said the group had com­pro­mised its own employ­ee accounts and tak­en soft­ware instruc­tions gov­ern­ing how Microsoft ver­i­fies user iden­ti­ties.

The bad news sto­ries just keep pil­ing up. What’s next?

Backdoors aren’t Just Backdoors. They’re Digital Bombs Too.

What might be next is the ques­tion omi­nous­ly answered in a CBS News piece from July 4 that includes com­men­tary from Jon Miller, a for­mer hack­er who now runs a com­pa­ny called Bold­end tjat designs and sells cut­ting-edge cyber weapons to US intel­li­gence agen­cies. Accord­ing to Miller, what stood out for him in the Solar­Winds hack was­n’t the sophis­ti­ca­tion mal­ware. Miller claims to cre­ate much more sophis­ti­cat­ed mal­ware in his own work. What sur­prised him was the scope of the attack. Who­ev­er did this did­n’t even both­er try­ing to hide it and seemed to exe­cute it with no regard to the dam­age caused or poten­tial con­se­quences.

And then Miller drops the bomb: when asked if the hack­ers were capa­ble of doing more dam­age than they did and, for exam­ple, destroy all the com­put­ers on the net­work, Miller tells us that not only would that be pos­si­ble but it would be triv­ial. A few dozen addi­tion­al lines of code. So if the Solar­Winds hacks — or Microsoft Exchange hack­ers — want­ed to destroy the com­put­er sys­tems of orga­ni­za­tions around the world, they could have done so. Eas­i­ly.

The piece also include an inter­view of Brad Smith, pres­i­dent of Microsoft. Smith points to the numer­ous gov­ern­ment agen­cies to make the case that it must be a for­eign intel­li­gence operation‑, an obser­va­tion that sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly ignores all the non-gov­ern­ment com­mer­cial vic­tims that also got hit. Smith goes on to make an inter­est­ing defense of the US gov­ern­men­t’s inabil­i­ty to detect and stop the Solar­Winds hack: because the hack­ers launched the hack from US-based servers the NSA was­n’t legal­ly allowed to observe and pre­vent it. Domes­tic net­work secu­ri­ty in the US is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the pri­vate sec­tor. How those poli­cies change in response to these mega-hacks will be some­thing to watch.

Then Smith issues a warn­ing that, when com­bined with Miller’s warn­ings about dig­i­tal bombs, should send chills down the spines of sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors every­where: Smith warns that its almost cer­tain the Solar­Winds hack­ers plant­ed addi­tion­al back­doors and spread to oth­er net­works. Keep in mind that Microsoft has been one of the lead inves­ti­ga­tors on this, so when Microsoft tells us the Solar­Winds hack­ers are prob­a­bly still resid­ing on these hacked net­works and spread to oth­ers that’s the kind of warn­ing we should take seri­ous­ly. So if you were hop­ing the dis­cov­ery of the Solar­Winds hack meant the clos­ing of all these back­doors on the net­works of thou­sands orga­ni­za­tions around the world your hopes should be dashed by now. Microsoft was basi­cal­ly telling us they don’t think they can real­is­ti­cal­ly expel the hack­ers from all these net­works. So if these hack­ers do decide to actu­al­ly destroy tens of thou­sands of hacked net­works around the world, or con­duct a glob­al ran­somware attack, they could prob­a­bly still do so:

CBS News

Solar­Winds: How Russ­ian spies hacked the Jus­tice, State, Trea­sury, Ener­gy and Com­merce Depart­ments

Bill Whitak­er reports on how Russ­ian spies used a pop­u­lar piece of soft­ware to unleash a virus that spread to 18,000 gov­ern­ment and pri­vate com­put­er net­works.

Cor­re­spon­dent Bill Whitak­er
2021 Jul 04

When Pres­i­dents Biden and Putin met in Gene­va last month – it was the first time that the threat of cyber war eclipsed that of nuclear war between the two old super-pow­ers… and “Solar­Winds” was one big rea­son why. Last year, in per­haps the most auda­cious cyber attack in his­to­ry, Russ­ian mil­i­tary hack­ers sab­o­taged a tiny piece of com­put­er code buried in a pop­u­lar piece of soft­ware called Solar­Winds. As we first report­ed in Feb­ru­ary, the hid­den virus spread to 18,000 gov­ern­ment and pri­vate com­put­er net­works by way of one of those soft­ware updates we all take for grant­ed. After it was installed, Russ­ian agents went rum­mag­ing through the dig­i­tal files of the U.S. depart­ments of Jus­tice, State, Trea­sury, Ener­gy, and Com­merce –among others—and for nine months, they had unfet­tered access to top-lev­el com­mu­ni­ca­tions, court doc­u­ments, even nuclear secrets.

Brad Smith: I think from a soft­ware engi­neer­ing per­spec­tive, it’s prob­a­bly fair to say that this is the largest and most sophis­ti­cat­ed attack the world has ever seen.

Brad Smith is pres­i­dent of Microsoft. He learned about the hack after the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion this past Novem­ber. By that time, the stealthy intrud­ers had spread through­out the tech giants’ com­put­er net­work and stolen some of its pro­pri­etary source code used to build its soft­ware prod­ucts. More alarm­ing: how the hack­ers got in… pig­gy-back­ing on a piece of third par­ty soft­ware used to con­nect, man­age and mon­i­tor com­put­er net­works.

Bill Whitak­er: What makes this so momen­tous?

Brad Smith: One of the real­ly dis­con­cert­ing aspects of this attack was the wide­spread and indis­crim­i­nate nature of it. What this attack­er did was iden­ti­fy net­work man­age­ment soft­ware from a com­pa­ny called Solar­Winds. They installed mal­ware into an update for a Solar­Winds prod­uct. When that update went out to 18,000 orga­ni­za­tions around the world, so did this mal­ware.

“Solar­Winds Ori­on” is one of the most ubiq­ui­tous soft­ware prod­ucts you prob­a­bly nev­er heard of, but to thou­sands of I.T. depart­ments world­wide, it’s indis­pens­able. It’s made up of mil­lions of lines of com­put­er code. 4,032 of them were clan­des­tine­ly re-writ­ten and dis­trib­uted to cus­tomers in a rou­tine update, open­ing up a secret back­door to the 18,000 infect­ed net­works. Microsoft has assigned 500 engi­neers to dig in to the attack. One com­pared it to a Rem­brandt paint­ing, the clos­er they looked, the more details emerged.

Brad Smith: When we ana­lyzed every­thing that we saw at Microsoft, we asked our­selves how many engi­neers have prob­a­bly worked on these attacks. And the answer we came to was, well, cer­tain­ly more than 1,000.

Bill Whitak­er: You guys are Microsoft. How did Microsoft miss this?

Brad Smith: I think that when you look at the sophis­ti­ca­tion of this attack­er there’s an asym­met­ric advan­tage for some­body play­ing offense.

Bill Whitak­er: Is it still going on?

Brad Smith: Almost cer­tain­ly, these attacks are con­tin­u­ing.

The world still might not know about the hack if not for Fire­Eye, a three-and-a-half bil­lion dol­lar cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny run by Kevin Man­dia, a for­mer Air Force intel­li­gence offi­cer.


They dis­cov­ered the mal­ware inside Solar­Winds and on Decem­ber 13 informed the world of the brazen attack.

Much of the dam­age had already been done. The U.S. Jus­tice Depart­ment acknowl­edged the Rus­sians spent months inside their com­put­ers access­ing email traf­fic – but the depart­ment won’t tell us exact­ly what was tak­en. It’s the same at Trea­sury, Com­merce, the NIH, Ener­gy. Even the agency that pro­tects and trans­ports our nuclear arse­nal. The hack­ers also hit the biggest names in high tech.

Bill Whitak­er: So, what does that tar­get list tell you?

Brad Smith: I think this tar­get list tells us that this is clear­ly a for­eign intel­li­gence agency. It expos­es the secrets poten­tial­ly of the Unit­ed States and oth­er gov­ern­ments as well as pri­vate com­pa­nies. I don’t think any­one knows for cer­tain how all of this infor­ma­tion will be used. But we do know this: It is in the wrong hands.

And Microsoft­’s Brad Smith told us it’s almost cer­tain the hack­ers cre­at­ed addi­tion­al back­doors and spread to oth­er net­works.

The rev­e­la­tion this past Decem­ber came at a fraught time in the U.S. Pres­i­dent Trump was dis­put­ing the elec­tion, and tweet­ed Chi­na might be respon­si­ble for the hack. With­in hours he was con­tra­dict­ed by his own sec­re­tary of state and attor­ney gen­er­al. They blamed Rus­sia. The Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, FBI and intel­li­gence agen­cies con­curred. The prime sus­pect: the SVR, one of sev­er­al Russ­ian spy agen­cies the U.S. labels “advanced per­sis­tent threats.” Rus­sia denies it was involved.

Brad Smith: I do think this was an act of reck­less­ness. The world runs on soft­ware. It runs on infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy. But it can’t run with con­fi­dence if major gov­ern­ments are dis­rupt­ing and attack­ing the soft­ware sup­ply chain in this way.

Bill Whitak­er: That almost sounds like you think that they went in to foment chaos?

Brad Smith: What we are see­ing is the first use of this sup­ply chain dis­rup­tion tac­tic against the Unit­ed States. But it’s not the first time we’ve wit­nessed it. The Russ­ian gov­ern­ment real­ly devel­oped this tac­tic in Ukraine.


Bill Whitak­er: It’s hard to down­play the sever­i­ty of this.

Chris Inglis: It is hard to down­play the sever­i­ty of this. Because it’s only a stone’s throw from a com­put­er net­work attack.

Chris Inglis spent 28 years com­mand­ing the nation’s best cyber war­riors at the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency – sev­en as its deputy direc­tor – and now sits on the Cyber­space Solar­i­um Com­mis­sion – cre­at­ed by Con­gress to come up with new ideas to defend our dig­i­tal domain.

Bill Whitak­er: Why did­n’t the gov­ern­ment detect this?

Chris Inglis: The gov­ern­ment is not look­ing on pri­vate sec­tor net­works. It does­n’t sur­veil pri­vate sec­tor net­works. That’s a respon­si­bil­i­ty that’s giv­en over to the pri­vate sec­tor. Fire­Eye found it on theirs, many oth­ers did not. The gov­ern­ment did not find it on their net­work, so that’s a dis­ap­point­ment.

Dis­ap­point­ment is an under­state­ment. The Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty spent bil­lions on a pro­gram called “Ein­stein” to detect cyber attacks on gov­ern­ment agen­cies. The Rus­sians out­smart­ed it. They cir­cum­vent­ed the NSA, which gath­ers intel­li­gence over­seas, but is pro­hib­it­ed from sur­veilling U.S. com­put­er net­works. So the Rus­sians launched their attacks from servers set up anony­mous­ly in the Unit­ed States.

Bill Whitak­er: This hack hap­pened on Amer­i­can soil. It went through net­works based in the Unit­ed States. Are our defense capa­bil­i­ties con­strained?

Chris Inglis: U.S. Intel­li­gence Com­mu­ni­ty, U.S. Depart­ment of Defense, can sug­gest what the inten­tions of oth­er nations are based upon what they learn in their right­ful work over­seas. But they can’t turn around and focus their unblink­ing eye on the domes­tic infra­struc­ture. That winds up mak­ing it more dif­fi­cult for us.


It’s not every­day you meet some­one who builds cyber weapons as com­plex as those deployed by Russ­ian intel­li­gence. But Jon Miller, who start­ed off as a hack­er and now runs a com­pa­ny called Bold­end, designs and sells cut­ting-edge cyber weapons to U.S. intel­li­gence agen­cies.

Jon Miller: I build things much more sophis­ti­cat­ed than this. What’s impres­sive is the scope of it. This is a water­shed style attack. I would nev­er do some­thing like this. It cre­ates too much dam­age.

Miller says with the Solar­Winds attack, Rus­sia has demon­strat­ed that none of the soft­ware we take for grant­ed is tru­ly safe, includ­ing the apps on our tele­phones, lap­tops, and tablets. These days, he says, any device can be sab­o­taged.

Jon Miller: When you buy some­thing from a tech com­pa­ny, a new phone or a lap­top, you trust that that is secure when they give it to you. And what they’ve shown us in this attack is that is not the case. They have the abil­i­ty to com­pro­mise those sup­ply chains and manip­u­late what­ev­er they want. Whether it’s finan­cial data, source code, the func­tion­al­i­ty of these prod­ucts. They can take con­trol.

Bill Whitak­er: So, for instance, they could destroy all the com­put­ers on a net­work?

Jon Miller: Oh, eas­i­ly. The mal­ware that they deployed off of Solar­Winds, it did­n’t have the func­tion­al­i­ty in it to do that. But to do that is triv­ial. Cou­ple dozen lines of code.



“Solar­Winds: How Russ­ian spies hacked the Jus­tice, State, Trea­sury, Ener­gy and Com­merce Depart­ments” by Bill Whitak­er; CBS News; 07/04/2021

“Much of the dam­age had already been done. The U.S. Jus­tice Depart­ment acknowl­edged the Rus­sians spent months inside their com­put­ers access­ing email traf­fic – but the depart­ment won’t tell us exact­ly what was tak­en. It’s the same at Trea­sury, Com­merce, the NIH, Ener­gy. Even the agency that pro­tects and trans­ports our nuclear arse­nal. The hack­ers also hit the biggest names in high tech.”

The Solar­Wind hack­ers spent months inside numer­ous US gov­ern­ment agency net­works. Pre­sum­ably from Feb­ru­ary 2020 until Decem­ber 2020. 10 or so months of emails. That’s a lot of gov­ern­ment emails. It makes the “Hillary’s emails” sto­ries sound like a sweet lul­la­by of yes­ter­year.

But the Solar­Winds hack was obvi­ous­ly not just tar­get­ing the US gov­ern­ment. Thou­sands of com­pa­nies were hit too. And yet, when asked, the Pres­i­dent of Microsoft insists, “I think this tar­get list tells us that this is clear­ly a for­eign intel­li­gence agency”. It’s what it looks like when every­one plays dumb pro­fes­sion­al­ly:

Bill Whitak­er: So, what does that tar­get list tell you?

Brad Smith: I think this tar­get list tells us that this is clear­ly a for­eign intel­li­gence agency. It expos­es the secrets poten­tial­ly of the Unit­ed States and oth­er gov­ern­ments as well as pri­vate com­pa­nies. I don’t think any­one knows for cer­tain how all of this infor­ma­tion will be used. But we do know this: It is in the wrong hands.

And Microsoft­’s Brad Smith told us it’s almost cer­tain the hack­ers cre­at­ed addi­tion­al back­doors and spread to oth­er net­works.

The rev­e­la­tion this past Decem­ber came at a fraught time in the U.S. Pres­i­dent Trump was dis­put­ing the elec­tion, and tweet­ed Chi­na might be respon­si­ble for the hack. With­in hours he was con­tra­dict­ed by his own sec­re­tary of state and attor­ney gen­er­al. They blamed Rus­sia. The Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, FBI and intel­li­gence agen­cies con­curred. The prime sus­pect: the SVR, one of sev­er­al Russ­ian spy agen­cies the U.S. labels “advanced per­sis­tent threats.” Rus­sia denies it was involved.

Also note how the fact that the Solar­Winds hack was con­duct­ed with US-based servers, and the fact that the NSA isn’t man­dat­ed with mon­i­tor­ing US net­works, is turn­ing into an argu­ment for giv­ing the NSA author­i­ty to mon­i­tor US net­works. This is a good to recall the sto­ry from ear­li­er this year about the DARPA projects involv­ing the cre­ation of autonomous anti-virus soft­ware that can tra­verse net­works that sound awful­ly sim­i­lar to the “Project TURBINE” plan for mass auto­mat­ed mal­ware implan­ta­tion. Auto­mat­ed ‘anti-mal­ware’ deliv­ered by good­ware. As ques­tions about the con­sti­tu­ion­al­i­ty of NSA mon­i­tor­ing of domes­tic net­works get raised, don’t be sur­prised if auto­mat­ed ‘good­ware’ solu­tions are offered:

Chris Inglis spent 28 years com­mand­ing the nation’s best cyber war­riors at the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency – sev­en as its deputy direc­tor – and now sits on the Cyber­space Solar­i­um Com­mis­sion – cre­at­ed by Con­gress to come up with new ideas to defend our dig­i­tal domain.

Bill Whitak­er: Why did­n’t the gov­ern­ment detect this?

Chris Inglis: The gov­ern­ment is not look­ing on pri­vate sec­tor net­works. It does­n’t sur­veil pri­vate sec­tor net­works. That’s a respon­si­bil­i­ty that’s giv­en over to the pri­vate sec­tor. Fire­Eye found it on theirs, many oth­ers did not. The gov­ern­ment did not find it on their net­work, so that’s a dis­ap­point­ment.

Dis­ap­point­ment is an under­state­ment. The Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty spent bil­lions on a pro­gram called “Ein­stein” to detect cyber attacks on gov­ern­ment agen­cies. The Rus­sians out­smart­ed it. They cir­cum­vent­ed the NSA, which gath­ers intel­li­gence over­seas, but is pro­hib­it­ed from sur­veilling U.S. com­put­er net­works. So the Rus­sians launched their attacks from servers set up anony­mous­ly in the Unit­ed States.

Bill Whitak­er: This hack hap­pened on Amer­i­can soil. It went through net­works based in the Unit­ed States. Are our defense capa­bil­i­ties con­strained?

Chris Inglis: U.S. Intel­li­gence Com­mu­ni­ty, U.S. Depart­ment of Defense, can sug­gest what the inten­tions of oth­er nations are based upon what they learn in their right­ful work over­seas. But they can’t turn around and focus their unblink­ing eye on the domes­tic infra­struc­ture. That winds up mak­ing it more dif­fi­cult for us.

Final­ly note the assess­ment about the rel­a­tive sophis­ti­ca­tion of the Solar­Winds source code by Jon Miller, the for­mer hack­er who now runs a com­pa­ny called Bold­end, designs and sells cut­ting-edge cyber weapons to U.S. intel­li­gence agen­cies. Miller was­n’t impressed by the sophis­ti­ca­tion. He admits to build­ing things much more sophis­ti­cat­ed (that is pre­sum­ably sold to US intel­li­gence agen­cies). What sur­prised Miller was the scale of the attack and that some­one actu­al­ly did some­thing that cre­at­ed so much dam­age. It’s the kind of response from an indus­try pro­fes­sion­al (who isn’t play­ing dumb pro­fes­sion­al­ly) that points towards a real­i­ty where large scale hacks of this nature have long been pos­si­ble, but assumed to be too inflam­ma­to­ry to exe­cute with­out incit­ing invit­ing seri­ous reper­cus­sions. As Miller point­ed out, this attack poten­tial­ly taint­ed the entire glob­al soft­ware sup­ply chain. The same com­pil­er attack that snuck the back­door into Solar­Wind­s’s Ori­on client tool could be reap­plied to the soft­ware being devel­oped by the tens of thou­sands of Solar­Winds cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment clients. It real­ly was a mas­sive attack. But he’s not sur­prised some­one was able to pull it off tech­ni­cal­ly. He’s sur­prised some­one actu­al­ly did it. It’s an impor­tant dis­tinc­tion to keep in mind when assess­ing the nature of this attack. Thank­ful­ly, anoth­er pos­si­ble night­mare sce­nario was­n’t exe­cut­ed. That being a sce­nario where mal­ware is deployed that actu­al­ly caus­es these net­works to phys­i­cal­ly destroy them­selves. But it they could have if they want­ed to:

It’s not every­day you meet some­one who builds cyber weapons as com­plex as those deployed by Russ­ian intel­li­gence. But Jon Miller, who start­ed off as a hack­er and now runs a com­pa­ny called Bold­end, designs and sells cut­ting-edge cyber weapons to U.S. intel­li­gence agen­cies.

Jon Miller: I build things much more sophis­ti­cat­ed than this. What’s impres­sive is the scope of it. This is a water­shed style attack. I would nev­er do some­thing like this. It cre­ates too much dam­age.

Miller says with the Solar­Winds attack, Rus­sia has demon­strat­ed that none of the soft­ware we take for grant­ed is tru­ly safe, includ­ing the apps on our tele­phones, lap­tops, and tablets. These days, he says, any device can be sab­o­taged.

Jon Miller: When you buy some­thing from a tech com­pa­ny, a new phone or a lap­top, you trust that that is secure when they give it to you. And what they’ve shown us in this attack is that is not the case. They have the abil­i­ty to com­pro­mise those sup­ply chains and manip­u­late what­ev­er they want. Whether it’s finan­cial data, source code, the func­tion­al­i­ty of these prod­ucts. They can take con­trol.

Bill Whitak­er: So, for instance, they could destroy all the com­put­ers on a net­work?

Jon Miller: Oh, eas­i­ly. The mal­ware that they deployed off of Solar­Winds, it did­n’t have the func­tion­al­i­ty in it to do that. But to do that is triv­ial. Cou­ple dozen lines of code.

Miller is absolute­ly cor­rect. Solar­Winds was­n’t just the mega-hack of Solar­Winds and its thou­sands of clients. It was poten­tial­ly the hack of the glob­al tech­no­log­i­cal sup­ply chain. Some­one exe­cut­ed a very very big hack.

CitizenLab Issues a Warning to the World: Someone is Hacking the Sh*t Out of Microsoft. Legally. Meet Candiru

It was the mid­dle of July this year when the sto­ries of the mega-hacks took a sud­den turn. After months of dis­clos­ing (and deny­ing) one hack after anoth­er involv­ing a Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, Cit­i­zen­Lab had a dra­mat­ic, and the­mat­i­cal­ly appro­pri­ate, new secu­ri­ty warn­ing: a mer­ce­nary spy­ware com­pa­ny has been sell­ing an exploit used against Win­dows users in sev­er­al coun­tries, includ­ing Iran, Lebanon, Spain and the Unit­ed King­dom. Beyond that, the mal­ware has been found tar­get­ing activists, which isn’t par­tic­u­lar­ly sur­pris­ing giv­en the fact that Can­diru’s clients are gov­ern­ments. Can­diru’s exploits aren’t sole­ly against Microsoft prod­ucts. Google’s pop­u­lar Chrome brows­er is also a tar­get. But it sounds like Can­diru spe­cial­izes Microsoft prod­ucts.

Microsoft fixed the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties iden­ti­fied in Cit­i­zen­Lab’s report. Curi­ous­ly, in its report on the fix, Microsoft nev­er refers to Can­diru by name. Instead, it refers to it as an “Israel-based pri­vate sec­tor offen­sive actor” which the com­pa­ny code­named Sour­gum. Google also issued a report on Can­diru’s tar­get­ing of activists and the zero-day exploits dis­cov­ered used against activists. Google also did­n’t refer to Can­diru by name.

So at least one Can­diru cus­tomer — but per­haps more than one — was run­ning around using zero-day exploits against activists and they got caught. Because it was blamed on Can­diru it could­n’t be attrib­uted to Rus­sia or Chi­na. So who got blamed for these dis­cov­ered hacks against activists? No one:


Microsoft says Israeli group sold tools to hack Win­dows

Christo­pher Bing
July 15, 2021 4:45 PM CDT

July 15 (Reuters) — An Israeli group sold a tool to hack into Microsoft Win­dows, Microsoft and tech­nol­o­gy human rights group Cit­i­zen Lab said on Thurs­day, shed­ding light on the grow­ing busi­ness of find­ing and sell­ing tools to hack wide­ly used soft­ware.

The hack­ing tool ven­dor, named Can­diru, cre­at­ed and sold a soft­ware exploit that can pen­e­trate Win­dows, one of many intel­li­gence prod­ucts sold by a secre­tive indus­try that finds flaws in com­mon soft­ware plat­forms for their clients, said a report by Cit­i­zen Lab.

Tech­ni­cal analy­sis by secu­ri­ty researchers details how Can­diru’s hack­ing tool spread around the globe to numer­ous unnamed cus­tomers, where it was then used to tar­get var­i­ous civ­il soci­ety orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing a Sau­di dis­si­dent group and a left-lean­ing Indone­sian news out­let, the reports by Cit­i­zen Lab and Microsoft show.


Evi­dence of the exploit recov­ered by Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) sug­gest­ed it was deployed against users in sev­er­al coun­tries, includ­ing Iran, Lebanon, Spain and the Unit­ed King­dom, accord­ing to the Cit­i­zen Lab report.

“Can­diru’s grow­ing pres­ence, and the use of its sur­veil­lance tech­nol­o­gy against glob­al civ­il soci­ety, is a potent reminder that the mer­ce­nary spy­ware indus­try con­tains many play­ers and is prone to wide­spread abuse,” Cit­i­zen Lab said in its report.

Microsoft fixed the dis­cov­ered flaws on Tues­day through a soft­ware update. Microsoft did not direct­ly attribute the exploits to Can­diru, instead refer­ring to it as an “Israel-based pri­vate sec­tor offen­sive actor” under the code­name Sour­gum.

“Sour­gum gen­er­al­ly sells cyber­weapons that enable its cus­tomers, often gov­ern­ment agen­cies around the world, to hack into their tar­gets’ com­put­ers, phones, net­work infra­struc­ture, and inter­net-con­nect­ed devices,” Microsoft wrote in a blog post. “These agen­cies then choose who to tar­get and run the actu­al oper­a­tions them­selves.”

Can­diru’s tools also exploit­ed weak­ness­es in oth­er com­mon soft­ware prod­ucts, like Google’s Chrome brows­er.

On Wednes­day, Google (GOOGL.O) released a blog post where it dis­closed two Chrome soft­ware flaws that Cit­i­zen Lab found con­nect­ed to Can­diru. Google also did not refer to Can­diru by name, but described it as a “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance com­pa­ny.” Google patched the two vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties ear­li­er this year.

Cyber arms deal­ers like Can­diru often chain mul­ti­ple soft­ware vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties togeth­er to cre­ate effec­tive exploits that can reli­ably break into com­put­ers remote­ly with­out a tar­get’s knowl­edge, com­put­er secu­ri­ty experts say.

Those types of covert sys­tems cost mil­lions of dol­lars and are often sold on a sub­scrip­tion basis, mak­ing it nec­es­sary for cus­tomers to repeat­ed­ly pay a provider for con­tin­ued access, peo­ple famil­iar with the cyber arms indus­try told Reuters.

“No longer do groups need to have the tech­ni­cal exper­tise, now they just need resources,” Google wrote in its blog post.


“Microsoft says Israeli group sold tools to hack Win­dows” by Christo­pher Bing; Reuters; 07/15/2021

“No longer do groups need to have the tech­ni­cal exper­tise, now they just need resources,” Google wrote in its blog post.”

Are you a gov­ern­ment with cash to burn? Wel­come to the world of elite hack­ers. Just be sure to main­tain your sub­scrip­tion fees.

Google’s researchers weren’t exag­ger­at­ing. It real­ly is just a mat­ter of hav­ing the resources — and per­mis­sion from the Israeli (and US?) government(s?) — for a gov­ern­ment to go from hav­ing vir­tu­al­ly no cyber capa­bil­i­ties to hav­ing a suite of zero-day exploits capa­ble of defeat­ing the top tech­nol­o­gy firms in the world.

And yet it’s kind of inter­est­ing that both Google and Microsoft did­n’t actu­al­ly name Can­diru in their reports. Microsoft refers to Can­diru with its own made up code­name Sour­gum. Although Microsoft does point out in its report that Cit­i­zen Lab iden­ti­fied the Sour­gum as Can­diru. But that’s the only ref­er­ence to Can­diru in the report. And Google’s report on Can­diru just refers to a “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance com­pa­ny.” Recall that this is the same lan­guage Google used in its report on the three zero-day exploits dis­cov­ered tar­get­ing Arme­nia activists. So Google and Microsoft appear to go out of their way to avoid nam­ing names in its reports when the cul­prit is a pri­vate com­pa­ny:

Microsoft fixed the dis­cov­ered flaws on Tues­day through a soft­ware update. Microsoft did not direct­ly attribute the exploits to Can­diru, instead refer­ring to it as an “Israel-based pri­vate sec­tor offen­sive actor” under the code­name Sour­gum.

“Sour­gum gen­er­al­ly sells cyber­weapons that enable its cus­tomers, often gov­ern­ment agen­cies around the world, to hack into their tar­gets’ com­put­ers, phones, net­work infra­struc­ture, and inter­net-con­nect­ed devices,” Microsoft wrote in a blog post. “These agen­cies then choose who to tar­get and run the actu­al oper­a­tions them­selves.”


On Wednes­day, Google (GOOGL.O) released a blog post where it dis­closed two Chrome soft­ware flaws that Cit­i­zen Lab found con­nect­ed to Can­diru. Google also did not refer to Can­diru by name, but described it as a “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance com­pa­ny.” Google patched the two vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties ear­li­er this year.

Also note how Can­diru’s toolk­it does­n’t just include an array of Microsoft exploits. It also hits oth­er com­mon non-Microsoft apps like Google’s Chrome. And as the arti­cle notes, cyber arms deal­ers like Can­diru often chain mul­ti­ple soft­ware vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties togeth­er to cre­ate effec­tive exploits. In oth­er words, these toolk­its have to con­sists of numer­ous zero-day exploits. That’s the under­ly­ing prod­uct these com­pa­nies are sell­ing: toolk­its that chain togeth­er mulit­ple zero-day exploits:

Can­diru’s tools also exploit­ed weak­ness­es in oth­er com­mon soft­ware prod­ucts, like Google’s Chrome brows­er.


Cyber arms deal­ers like Can­diru often chain mul­ti­ple soft­ware vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties togeth­er to cre­ate effec­tive exploits that can reli­ably break into com­put­ers remote­ly with­out a tar­get’s knowl­edge, com­put­er secu­ri­ty experts say.

Days after Microsoft was forced to patch these vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, the com­pa­ny issued an update on the actions it was tak­ing against Can­diru’s mal­ware as well as the scope of the use of this mal­ware: Microsoft claimed it blocked tools used to spy on more than 100 peo­ple around the world, includ­ing politi­cians, human rights activists, jour­nal­ists, aca­d­e­mics and polit­i­cal dis­si­dents. Politi­cians got hit too. It’s not sur­pris­ing, but a notable admis­sion. Pre­ci­sion attacks were iden­ti­fied in the Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­to­ry, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Spain, the Unit­ed King­dom, Turkey, Arme­nia, and Sin­ga­pore.

Intrigul­ing, Cit­i­zen Lab said Candiru’s spy­ware infra­struc­ture includ­ed web­sites “mas­querad­ing as advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tions” such as Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and Black Lives Mat­ter. So the next time you hear about a Black Lives Mat­ter web­site and it’s auto­mat­i­cal­ly attrib­uted to Russ­ian and the Inter­net Research Agency, keep this ‘fea­ture’ in mind. Can­diru was sell­ing tools specif­i­cal­ly to mim­ic left-wing orga­ni­za­tions. Also keep in mind that it’s Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al that releas­es a big NSO Group expose days after Can­diru’s mal­ware is revealed, so there’s prob­a­bly quite a few peo­ple in the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty indus­try itself with an inter­est in spy­ing on peo­ple affil­i­at­ed with Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al:

Asso­ci­at­ed Press

Microsoft says it blocked spy­ing on rights activists, oth­ers

July 15, 2021

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Microsoft said Thurs­day it has blocked tools devel­oped by an Israeli hack­er-for-hire com­pa­ny that were used to spy on more than 100 peo­ple around the world, includ­ing politi­cians, human rights activists, jour­nal­ists, aca­d­e­mics and polit­i­cal dis­si­dents.

Microsoft issued a soft­ware update and worked with the Cit­i­zen Lab at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to to inves­ti­gate the secre­tive Israeli com­pa­ny behind the hack­ing efforts. Cit­i­zen Lab said the com­pa­ny goes by sev­er­al names includ­ing Can­diru, which accord­ing to leg­end is a par­a­sitic fish found in the Ama­zon that attacks human pri­vate parts.

Microsoft said peo­ple tar­get­ed in “pre­ci­sion attacks” by the spy­ware were locat­ed in the Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­to­ry, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Spain, the Unit­ed King­dom, Turkey, Arme­nia, and Sin­ga­pore. Microsoft did not name the tar­gets but described them gen­er­al­ly by cat­e­go­ry.

Cit­i­zen Lab said Candiru’s spy­ware infra­struc­ture includ­ed web­sites “mas­querad­ing as advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tions” such as Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and Black Lives Mat­ter.

The reports by Microsoft and Cit­i­zen Lab shine new light on an opaque and lucra­tive indus­try of sell­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed hack­ing tools to gov­ern­ments and law enforce­ment agen­cies. Crit­ics say such tools are often mis­used by author­i­tar­i­an gov­ern­ments against inno­cent peo­ple.

“A world where pri­vate sec­tor com­pa­nies man­u­fac­ture and sell cyber­weapons is more dan­ger­ous for con­sumers, busi­ness­es of all sizes and gov­ern­ments,” Microsoft said in a blog post.


Microsoft said the busi­ness mod­el for com­pa­nies such as Can­diru is to sell its ser­vices to gov­ern­ment agen­cies, which then like­ly choose the tar­gets and run the oper­a­tions them­selves.

Cit­i­zen Lab pub­lished parts of what it said were a leaked pro­pos­al by Can­diru for hack­ing ser­vices that offered a la carte hack­ing options. For 16 mil­lion euros ($18.9 mil­lion), the com­pa­ny would allow the cus­tomer to mon­i­tor 10 devices simul­ta­ne­ous­ly in a sin­gle coun­try. For an extra 5.5 mil­lion euros ($6.5 mil­lion), 25 addi­tion­al devices could be mon­i­tored in five more coun­tries.

Cit­i­zen Lab said Candiru’s spy­ware tar­gets com­put­ers, mobile devices and cloud accounts.

Thursday’s dis­clo­sure by Microsoft was part of what the com­pa­ny said was a broad­er effort to “address the dan­gers” caused by hack­er-for-hire com­pa­nies. Microsoft is sup­port­ing Face­book in its law­suit against NSO Group, which is also based in Israel and is per­haps the most promi­nent pri­vate offen­sive spy­ware com­pa­ny.

Face­book filed a fed­er­al civ­il suit in 2019 alleged­ly that NSO Group tar­get­ed some 1,400 users of Facebook’s encrypt­ed mes­sag­ing ser­vice What­sApp with high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed spy­ware.


“Microsoft says it blocked spy­ing on rights activists, oth­ers” by ALAN SUDERMAN; Asso­ci­at­ed Press; 07/15/2021

“Microsoft issued a soft­ware update and worked with the Cit­i­zen Lab at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to to inves­ti­gate the secre­tive Israeli com­pa­ny behind the hack­ing efforts. Cit­i­zen Lab said the com­pa­ny goes by sev­er­al names includ­ing Can­diru, which accord­ing to leg­end is a par­a­sitic fish found in the Ama­zon that attacks human pri­vate parts.”

Can­diru is so secre­tive it uses secret iden­ti­ties. Secre­cy that’s prob­a­bly dri­ven, in part, by the fact that it’s craft­ing the dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture gov­ern­ments are using to hack civ­il soci­ety. Orga­ni­za­tions like Black LIves Mat­ter and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al. That’s the kind of activ­i­ty one might hide from. Pre­sum­ably the util­i­ty of these fake web­sites is to direct peo­ple there to deliv­er the mal­ware which implies the tar­gets of this mal­ware were at least sym­pa­thet­ic to Black Lives Mat­ter and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al. Just think about how many schemes tar­get­ing Black Lives Mat­ter attrib­uted to Russ­ian since 2016 that were actu­al­ly a prod­uct of Can­diru’s ready-to-use toolk­it. Or some oth­er “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dor” sell­ing sim­i­lar tools:

Cit­i­zen Lab said Candiru’s spy­ware infra­struc­ture includ­ed web­sites “mas­querad­ing as advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tions” such as Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and Black Lives Mat­ter.

And note the price. Yeah, your aver­age per­son can’t han­dle these kinds of sub­scrip­tion fees. But basi­cal­ly every gov­ern­ment on the plan­et can. Eas­i­ly:

Cit­i­zen Lab pub­lished parts of what it said were a leaked pro­pos­al by Can­diru for hack­ing ser­vices that offered a la carte hack­ing options. For 16 mil­lion euros ($18.9 mil­lion), the com­pa­ny would allow the cus­tomer to mon­i­tor 10 devices simul­ta­ne­ous­ly in a sin­gle coun­try. For an extra 5.5 mil­lion euros ($6.5 mil­lion), 25 addi­tion­al devices could be mon­i­tored in five more coun­tries.

Cit­i­zen Lab said Candiru’s spy­ware tar­gets com­put­ers, mobile devices and cloud accounts.

It’s too bad Cit­i­zen­Lab could­n’t get the actu­al sub­scrip­tion infor­ma­tion for Can­diru’s many clients to see just how many devices gov­ern­ments are pay­ing to hack. It’s almost $2 mil­lion per hacked device. That’s prob­a­bly a lot of peo­ple. And a lot of prof­it for Can­diru’s investors.

2021: Year of the Zero-Day

Just how much mon­ey is being made by this mer­ce­nary spy­ware indus­try? We’ll obvi­ous­ly nev­er know. But if the dis­cov­ery of new zero-day exploits are any indi­ca­tion of the indus­try’s work, we can say 2021 has been a robust year for the indus­try. As the fol­low­ing Threat­post piece from July 15 describes, there were 33 zero-day exploits report­ed by that date this year com­pared to 22 zero-day exploits in 2021 in total. At this point, 2021 will have triple the num­ber of zero-day exploits of 2020, and 2020 was a record year. There’s sim­ply been an explo­sion of dis­cov­ered zero-days. For exam­ple, at the same time Google issued its own mid-July report on Can­diru’s mal­ware being used against activist, it also dis­closed a new zero-day flaw against the iOS Safari brows­er that was tar­get­ing West­ern Euro­pean gov­ern­ment offi­cials. They note in the report that ‘Russ­ian-lan­guage actors’ were using the exploit at the same time ‘Nobeli­um’ was tar­get­ing users on Win­dows devices to deliv­er Cobalt Strike, sug­gest­ing the two are relat­ed.

Putting aside the already addressed prob­lems with plac­ing an empha­sis on the ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ lan­guage clues hack­ers leave, it’s worth not­ing that the Nobeli­um hack tar­get­ing users on Win­dows devices was a ref­er­ence to the USAID phish­ing attack. As we saw, Microsoft report­ed mul­ti­ple zero-day pieces of mal­ware deployed on the vic­tims’ net­works from the USAID attack. But Microsoft also report­ed the deploy­ment of Cobalt Strike in its ini­tial post about the phish­ing attack a day ear­li­er. Which should come as no sur­prise. Cobalt Strike, a legit­i­mate secu­ri­ty tool that finds vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in net­works, has explod­ed in pop­u­lar­i­ty and gone main­stream among crim­i­nals. In oth­er words, we can’t infer much from the fact that both this iOS Safari hack and a hack attrib­uted to Nobeli­um both deployed Cobalt Strike. Cobalt Strike is what savvy cyber­crim­i­nals use these days, and there­fore not a trade­mark indi­ca­tor of a par­tic­u­lar actor. What is a notable coin­ci­dence between the USAID phish­ing hacks and the Safari hack is that both involve zero-day exploits. That’s the pri­ma­ry mean­ing­ful tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tor shared between all of the hacks we are dis­cussing here: Zero-day exploits were deployed. And yet, we can only infer so much. We don’t know who is devel­op­ing or deploy­ing all these zero-days. We just know it could be a much broad­er range of actors than just Russ­ian and Chi­na:


Safari Zero-Day Used in Mali­cious LinkedIn Cam­paign

Author: Eliz­a­beth Mon­tal­bano
July 15, 2021 7:04 am

Researchers shed light on how attack­ers exploit­ed Apple web brows­er vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties to tar­get gov­ern­ment offi­cials in West­ern Europe.

Threat actors used a Safari zero-day flaw to send mali­cious links to gov­ern­ment offi­cials in West­ern Europe via LinkedIn before researchers from Google dis­cov­ered and report­ed the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.

That’s the word from researchers from Google Threat Analy­sis Group (TAG) and Google Project Zero, who Wednes­day post­ed a blog shed­ding more light on sev­er­al zero-day flaws that they dis­cov­ered so far this year. Researchers in par­tic­u­lar detailed how attack­ers exploit­ed the vulnerabilities—the preva­lence of which are on the rise–before they were addressed by their respec­tive ven­dors.

TAG researchers dis­cov­ered the Safari WebKit flaw, tracked as CVE-?2021–1879, on March 19. The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty allowed for the pro­cess­ing of mali­cious­ly craft­ed web con­tent for uni­ver­sal cross site script­ing and was addressed by Apple in an update lat­er that month.

Before the fix, researchers assert Russ­ian-lan­guage threat actors were exploit­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the wild by using LinkedIn Mes­sag­ing to send gov­ern­ment offi­cials from West­ern Euro­pean coun­tries mali­cious links that could col­lect web­site-authen­ti­ca­tion cook­ies, accord­ing to the post by Mad­die Stone and Clement Lecigne from Google TAG.

“If the tar­get vis­it­ed the link from an iOS device, they would be redi­rect­ed to an attack­er-con­trolled domain that served the next-stage pay­loads,” they wrote.

The exploit, which tar­get­ed iOS ver­sions 12.4 through 13.7, would turn off Same-Ori­gin-Pol­i­cy pro­tec­tions on an infect­ed device to col­lect authen­ti­ca­tion cook­ies from sev­er­al pop­u­lar websites–including Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Face­book and Yahoo–and then send them via Web­Sock­et to an attack­er-con­trolled IP, researchers wrote. The vic­tim would need to have a ses­sion open on these web­sites from Safari for cook­ies to be suc­cess­ful­ly exfil­trat­ed.

More­over, the cam­paign tar­get­ing iOS devices coin­cid­ed with oth­ers from the same threat actor—which Microsoft has iden­ti­fied as Nobelium–targeting users on Win­dows devices to deliv­er Cobalt Strike, researchers wrote. Secu­ri­ty firm Volex­i­ty described one of these attacks in a report post­ed online in May, the researchers added.


Oth­er Zero-Day Attacks

Google researchers also linked three addi­tion­al zero-day flaws they iden­ti­fied this year to a com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dor, accord­ing to Google TAG’s Shane Hunt­ley. Two of those vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties–CVE-2021–21166 and CVE-2021–30551—were found in Chrome, and one, tracked as CVE-2021–33742, in Inter­net Explor­er.

CVE-2021–21166 and CVE-2021–30551, two Chrome ren­dered remote-code exe­cu­tion (RCE) flaws, were iden­ti­fied sep­a­rate­ly but lat­er believed to be used by the same actor, researchers wrote in the blog. Google researchers dis­cov­ered the for­mer in Feb­ru­ary and the lat­ter in June.

“Both of these 0‑days were deliv­ered as one-time links sent by email to the tar­gets, all of whom we believe were in Arme­nia,” Stone and Lecigne wrote. “The links led to attack­er-con­trolled domains that mim­ic­ked legit­i­mate web­sites relat­ed to the tar­get­ed users.”

When prospec­tive vic­tims clicked the link, they were redi­rect­ed to a web­page that would fin­ger­print their device, col­lect sys­tem infor­ma­tion about the client, and gen­er­ate ECDH keys to encrypt the exploits, researchers wrote. This info—which includ­ed screen res­o­lu­tion, time­zone, lan­guages, brows­er plu­g­ins, and avail­able MIME types—would then be sent back to the exploit serv­er and used by attack­ers to decide whether or not an exploit should be deliv­ered to the tar­get, they said.

Researchers also iden­ti­fied a sep­a­rate cam­paigned in April that also tar­get­ed Armen­ian users by lever­ag­ing CVE-2021–26411, an RCE bug found in Inter­net Explor­er (IE). The cam­paign loaded web con­tent with­in IE that con­tained mali­cious Office doc­u­ments, researchers wrote.

“This hap­pened by either embed­ding a remote ActiveX object using a Shell.Explorer.1 OLE object or by spawn­ing an Inter­net Explor­er process via VBA macros to nav­i­gate to a web page,” Stone and Lecigne explained.

At the time, researchers said they were unable to recov­er the next-stage pay­load, but suc­cess­ful­ly recov­ered the exploit after dis­cov­er­ing an ear­ly June cam­paign from the same actors. Microsoft patched the flaw lat­er that month, they said.

Why There is an Increase in Zero-Days?

All in all, secu­ri­ty researchers have iden­ti­fied 33 zero-day flaws so far in 2021, which is 11 more than the total num­ber from 2020, accord­ing to the post.

While that trend reflects an increase in the num­ber of these types of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties that exist, Google researchers “believe greater detec­tion and dis­clo­sure efforts are also con­tribut­ing to the upward trend,” they wrote.

Still, it’s high­ly pos­si­ble that attack­ers are indeed using more zero-day exploits for a few rea­sons, researchers not­ed. One is that the increase and mat­u­ra­tion of secu­ri­ty tech­nolo­gies and fea­tures means attack­ers also have to lev­el up, which in turn requires more zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties for func­tion­al attack chains, they said.

The growth of mobile plat­forms also has result­ed in an increase in the num­ber of prod­ucts that threat actors want to target—hence more rea­son to use zero-day exploits, researchers observed. Per­haps inspired by this increase in demand, com­mer­cial ven­dors also are sell­ing more access to zero-days than in the ear­ly 2010s, they said.

Final­ly, the mat­u­ra­tion of secu­ri­ty pro­tec­tions and strate­gies also inspires sophis­ti­ca­tion on the part of attack­ers as well, boost­ing the need for them to use zero-day flaws to con­vince vic­tims to install mal­ware, researchers not­ed.

“Due to advance­ments in secu­ri­ty, these actors now more often have to use 0‑day exploits to accom­plish their goals,” Stone and Lecigne wrote.


“Safari Zero-Day Used in Mali­cious LinkedIn Cam­paign” by Eliz­a­beth Mon­tal­bano; Threat­post; 07/15/2021

“Before the fix, researchers assert Russ­ian-lan­guage threat actors were exploit­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the wild by using LinkedIn Mes­sag­ing to send gov­ern­ment offi­cials from West­ern Euro­pean coun­tries mali­cious links that could col­lect web­site-authen­ti­ca­tion cook­ies, accord­ing to the post by Mad­die Stone and Clement Lecigne from Google TAG.”

Russ­ian-lan­guage threat actors are behind the big vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty found in Safari tar­get­ing iPhones, accord­ing to Google’s Threat Assess­ment Group (TAG). Mali­cious links were sent via the LinkedIn Mes­sag­ing app to West­ern Euro­pean gov­ern­ment offi­cials that, when clicked, stole the authen­ti­ca­tion cre­den­tials for sites like Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Face­book and Yahoo. The kind of hack that opens the vic­tims up to more hacks, along with any orga­ni­za­tions they work for. And based on the tim­ing of this hack­ing cam­paign, and the fact that it coin­cid­ed with the ‘Nobeli­um’ USAID phish­ing cam­paign in May against Win­dows sys­tems that deliv­ered Cobalt Strike, sug­gests it’s the same actor behind both attacks.

But there’s a more sig­nif­i­cant tech­ni­cal link between the Safari hack­ing cam­paign tar­get­ing West­ern gov­ern­ment offi­cials and the USAID phish­ing cam­paign: both deployed zero-days. Microsoft report­ed the deploy­ment of Cobalt Strike in its ini­tial post about the hack but lat­er report­ed mul­ti­ple zero-day pieces of mal­ware deployed on the vic­tims’ net­works from the USAID attack. That’s the real ‘clue’ tying these two hacks. It was some­one sophis­ti­cat­ed enough to have an abun­dance of zero-day hacks. Except, with it’s not real­ly much of a clue the exis­tence of an indus­try filled with secre­tive com­pa­nies like Can­diru. Numer­ous actors on the stage have access to cut­ting-edge zero-days. For all we know the Safari zero-day cam­paign and USAID phish­ing cam­paigns could both be dif­fer­ent Can­diru cus­tomers using ‘Russ­ian lan­guage’ fea­tures to leave those ‘clues’ for Crowd­Strike and oth­ers to find:

More­over, the cam­paign tar­get­ing iOS devices coin­cid­ed with oth­ers from the same threat actor—which Microsoft has iden­ti­fied as Nobelium–targeting users on Win­dows devices to deliv­er Cobalt Strike, researchers wrote. Secu­ri­ty firm Volex­i­ty described one of these attacks in a report post­ed online in May, the researchers added.

Also note that the Microsoft zero-day exploits iden­ti­fied in a sep­a­rate cam­paign in April tar­get­ing Armen­ian activists is a ref­er­ences to the same Can­diru exploits Cit­i­zen­Lab was report­ing on. They aren’t all Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Google’s Chrome brows­er was hit. But we’re hear­ing about vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Inter­net Explor­er, Office, and some oth­er mys­tery pay­load that could­n’t even be recov­ered ini­tial­ly. That’s a lot of Microsoft holes. It’s fits the Can­diru ‘pat­tern’:

Google researchers also linked three addi­tion­al zero-day flaws they iden­ti­fied this year to a com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dor, accord­ing to Google TAG’s Shane Hunt­ley. Two of those vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties–CVE-2021–21166 and CVE-2021–30551—were found in Chrome, and one, tracked as CVE-2021–33742, in Inter­net Explor­er.

CVE-2021–21166 and CVE-2021–30551, two Chrome ren­dered remote-code exe­cu­tion (RCE) flaws, were iden­ti­fied sep­a­rate­ly but lat­er believed to be used by the same actor, researchers wrote in the blog. Google researchers dis­cov­ered the for­mer in Feb­ru­ary and the lat­ter in June.

“Both of these 0‑days were deliv­ered as one-time links sent by email to the tar­gets, all of whom we believe were in Arme­nia,” Stone and Lecigne wrote. “The links led to attack­er-con­trolled domains that mim­ic­ked legit­i­mate web­sites relat­ed to the tar­get­ed users.”

All in all, it’s been such a parade of zero-day exploits that we’ve heard about this year hit­ting Microsoft that it should come as no sur­prise to learn that, just over mid way through this year there’s already been 50 per­cent more zero-days exploits announced than the entire year of 2020. That’s triple the pace of 2020 and 2020 was a record year. Why is this hap­pen­ing? Well, more report­ing is no doubt a fac­tor. But as the Google secu­ri­ty researcher admit, com­mer­cial ven­dors are sell­ing more access to zero-day exploits than they were a decade ago. There are sim­ply many more zero-day pieces of mal­ware in exis­tence and a grow­ing num­ber of actors with the abil­i­ty to deploy them:

All in all, secu­ri­ty researchers have iden­ti­fied 33 zero-day flaws so far in 2021, which is 11 more than the total num­ber from 2020, accord­ing to the post.

While that trend reflects an increase in the num­ber of these types of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties that exist, Google researchers “believe greater detec­tion and dis­clo­sure efforts are also con­tribut­ing to the upward trend,” they wrote.

Still, it’s high­ly pos­si­ble that attack­ers are indeed using more zero-day exploits for a few rea­sons, researchers not­ed. One is that the increase and mat­u­ra­tion of secu­ri­ty tech­nolo­gies and fea­tures means attack­ers also have to lev­el up, which in turn requires more zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties for func­tion­al attack chains, they said.

The growth of mobile plat­forms also has result­ed in an increase in the num­ber of prod­ucts that threat actors want to target—hence more rea­son to use zero-day exploits, researchers observed. Per­haps inspired by this increase in demand, com­mer­cial ven­dors also are sell­ing more access to zero-days than in the ear­ly 2010s, they said.

We’ve seen a lot of omi­nous cyber warn­ings this year. But that stat of zero-days at triple last year’s rate is meta-omi­nous. It’s like the cyber ver­sion of the point in Mar­vel movies where the uni­verse on the cusp of explod­ing. Or implod­ing. Some­thing real­ly bad.

NSO Group: It’s Not Just a Cybermercenary. It’s a Tool of Israel’s Foreign Policy. A Very Important Tool MBS Covets

A cou­ple days lat­er, we get our first big NSO Group update of July. The New York Times has a piece giv­ing us a big update on the con­se­quences NSO Group paid over the role its Pega­sus soft­ware played in the killing of Sau­di dis­si­dent Jamal Khashog­gi. The com­pa­ny did pay a price. Or the own­ers. Although they were paid actu­al­ly: Fol­low­ing Khashog­gi’s killing, NSO Group inves­ti­ga­tion the Saudi’s use of its soft­ware and deter­mined the con­tract should be can­celed. And it was can­celed, at which point the full diplo­mat­ic nature of these ‘export licens­es’ became more appar­ent. The Israeli gov­ern­ment pres­sured NSO Group to renewed the Pega­sus con­tract. When that did­n’t hap­pen, the own­ers sold to a Euro­pean pri­vate equi­ty group and the Sau­di sub­scrip­tion to NSO Group’s tools was renewed. At the end of it all, the one par­ty involved with the Jamal Khashog­gi killing to pay a price was Khashog­gi:

The New York Times

Israeli Com­pa­nies Aid­ed Sau­di Spy­ing Despite Khashog­gi Killing

Ignor­ing con­cerns that Sau­di Ara­bia was abus­ing Israeli spy­ware to crush dis­sent at home and abroad, Israel encour­aged its com­pa­nies to work with the king­dom.

By Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti
July 17, 2021

TEL AVIV — Israel secret­ly autho­rized a group of cyber-sur­veil­lance firms to work for the gov­ern­ment of Sau­di Ara­bia despite inter­na­tion­al con­dem­na­tion of the kingdom’s abuse of sur­veil­lance soft­ware to crush dis­sent, even after the Sau­di killing of the jour­nal­ist Jamal Khashog­gi, gov­ern­ment offi­cials and oth­ers famil­iar with the con­tracts said.

After the mur­der of Mr. Khashog­gi in 2018, one of the firms, NSO Group, can­celed its con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia amid accu­sa­tions that its hack­ing tools were being mis­used to abet heinous crimes.

But the Israeli gov­ern­ment encour­aged NSO and two oth­er com­pa­nies to con­tin­ue work­ing with Sau­di Ara­bia, and issued a new license for a fourth to do sim­i­lar work, over­rid­ing any con­cerns about human rights abus­es, accord­ing to one senior Israeli offi­cial and three peo­ple affil­i­at­ed with the com­pa­nies.

Since then, Sau­di Ara­bia has con­tin­ued to use the spy­ware to mon­i­tor dis­si­dents and polit­i­cal oppo­nents.

The fact that Israel’s gov­ern­ment has encour­aged its pri­vate com­pa­nies to do secu­ri­ty work for the king­dom — one of its his­toric adver­saries and a nation that still does not for­mal­ly rec­og­nize Israel — is yet more evi­dence of the reorder­ing of tra­di­tion­al alliances in the region and the strat­e­gy by Israel and sev­er­al Per­sian Gulf coun­tries to join forces to iso­late Iran.

NSO is by far the best known of the Israeli firms, large­ly because of rev­e­la­tions in the last few years that its Pega­sus pro­gram was used by numer­ous gov­ern­mens to spy on, and even­tu­al­ly imprison, human rights activists.

NSO sold Pega­sus to Sau­di Ara­bia in 2017. The king­dom used the spy­ware as part of a ruth­less cam­paign to crush dis­sent inside the king­dom and to hunt down Sau­di dis­si­dents abroad.

It is not pub­licly known whether Sau­di Ara­bia used Pega­sus or oth­er Israeli-made spy­ware in the plot to kill Mr. Khashog­gi. NSO has denied that its soft­ware was used.

Israel’s Min­istry of Defense also licensed for Sau­di work a com­pa­ny called Can­diru, which Microsoft accused last week of help­ing its gov­ern­ment clients spy on more than 100 jour­nal­ists, politi­cians, dis­si­dents and human rights advo­cates around the world.

Microsoft, which con­duct­ed its inves­ti­ga­tion in tan­dem with Cit­i­zen Lab, a research insti­tute at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to, said Can­diru had used mal­ware to exploit a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft prod­ucts, enabling its gov­ern­ment clients to spy on per­ceived ene­mies.

Can­diru has had at least one con­tract with Sau­di Ara­bia since 2018.

Israel has also grant­ed licens­es to at least two oth­er firms, Verint, which was licensed before the Khashog­gi killing, and Quadream, which signed a con­tract with Sau­di Ara­bia after the killing.

A fifth com­pa­ny, Cellebrite, which man­u­fac­tures phys­i­cal hack­ing sys­tems for mobile phones, has also sold its ser­vices to the Sau­di gov­ern­ment, but with­out min­istry approval, accord­ing to the news­pa­per Haaretz.

Israel insists that if any Israeli spy­ware were used to vio­late civ­il rights that it would revoke the company’s license.

If the Defense Min­istry “dis­cov­ers that the pur­chased item is being used in con­tra­ven­tion of the terms of the license, espe­cial­ly after any vio­la­tion of human rights, a pro­ce­dure of can­cel­la­tion of the defense export license or of enforc­ing its terms is ini­ti­at­ed,” the min­istry said in a state­ment in response to ques­tions from The New York Times.

The min­istry declined to respond to spe­cif­ic ques­tions about the licens­es it gave to the Israeli firms, but said that “a wide range of secu­ri­ty, diplo­mat­ic and strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions are tak­en into account” when con­sid­er­ing whether to grant a license to export offen­sive cyber tech­nol­o­gy.

Rev­e­la­tions about the abus­es of NSO prod­ucts led the com­pa­ny to hire a group of out­side con­sul­tants in 2018 to pro­vide advice about which new clients NSO should take on and which to avoid. The group includ­ed Daniel Shapiro, the for­mer Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion ambas­sador to Israel, and Bea­con Glob­al Strate­gies, a Wash­ing­ton strate­gic con­sult­ing firm.

Bea­con is led by Jere­my Bash, a for­mer C.I.A. and Pen­ta­gon chief of staff; Michael Allen, a for­mer staff direc­tor for the House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee; and Andrew Shapiro, a for­mer top State Depart­ment offi­cial.

While the group’s man­date was to vet poten­tial new clients, the inter­na­tion­al out­rage over Mr. Khashoggi’s killing in Octo­ber 2018 led the group to advise NSO to can­cel its Sau­di con­tracts and shut down NSO sys­tems in the king­dom.

Sep­a­rate­ly, NSO con­duct­ed an inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into whether any of its tools were used by Sau­di offi­cials for the Khashog­gi oper­a­tion and con­clud­ed that they were not. How­ev­er a law­suit against NSO by a friend of Mr. Khashoggi’s claims that his phone had been hacked by Sau­di Ara­bia using Pega­sus, and that hack gave Sau­di offi­cials access to his con­ver­sa­tions with Mr. Khashog­gi, includ­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions about oppo­si­tion projects.

Over sev­er­al days in late 2018, exec­u­tives both of NSO and the pri­vate equi­ty firm that owned it at the time, Fran­cis­co Part­ners, met in Wash­ing­ton with the advi­so­ry group.

Accord­ing to sev­er­al peo­ple famil­iar with the meet­ings, the NSO exec­u­tives argued that the Israeli gov­ern­ment was strong­ly encour­ag­ing the com­pa­ny to weath­er the storm and con­tin­ue its work in Sau­di Ara­bia. They also said that Israeli offi­cials had indi­cat­ed to them that the Trump admin­is­tra­tion also want­ed NSO’s work with Sau­di Ara­bia to con­tin­ue.

In the end, NSO man­age­ment heed­ed the advice of the out­side group and can­celed its con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia in late 2018. Mr. Shapiro, the for­mer ambas­sador to Israel, end­ed his work for the com­pa­ny short­ly after­ward.

Months lat­er, how­ev­er, after anoth­er pri­vate equi­ty firm bought NSO, the com­pa­ny was once again doing busi­ness with Sau­di Ara­bia.

NSO’s new own­er, Novalpina, reject­ed the advice of the out­side advi­so­ry group and NSO resumed its work in Sau­di Ara­bia in mid-2019. Around that time, Bea­con end­ed its work with NSO.

The new con­tract with the Saud­is came with some restric­tions. For exam­ple, NSO set up its sys­tem to block any attempts by Sau­di offi­cials to hack Euro­pean tele­phone num­bers, accord­ing to a per­son famil­iar with the pro­gram­ming.

But it is clear that Sau­di Ara­bia has con­tin­ued to use NSO soft­ware to spy on per­ceived oppo­nents abroad.

In one case that has come to light, three dozen phones belong­ing to jour­nal­ists at Al Jazeera, which Sau­di Ara­bia con­sid­ers a threat, were hacked using NSO’s Pega­sus soft­ware last year, accord­ing to Cit­i­zen Lab. Cit­i­zen Lab traced 18 of the attacks back to Sau­di intel­li­gence.

After the rev­e­la­tion of the attack on Al Jazeera jour­nal­ists, NSO recent­ly shut down the sys­tem, and at a meet­ing in ear­ly July, the company’s board decid­ed to declare new deals with Sau­di Ara­bia off lim­its, accord­ing to a per­son famil­iar with the deci­sion.

Israel’s defense min­istry is cur­rent­ly fight­ing law­suits by Israeli rights activists demand­ing that it release details about its process for grant­i­ng the licens­es.

The Israeli gov­ern­ment also impos­es strict secre­cy on the com­pa­nies that receive the licens­es, threat­en­ing to revoke them if the com­pa­nies speak pub­licly about the iden­ti­ty of their clients.


These busi­ness ties came as Israel was qui­et­ly build­ing rela­tion­ships direct­ly with the Sau­di gov­ern­ment.

Ben­jamin Netanyahu, then Israel’s prime min­is­ter, met sev­er­al times with Sau­di Arabia’s day-to-day ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and mil­i­tary and intel­li­gence lead­ers of the two coun­tries meet fre­quent­ly.

While Sau­di Ara­bia was not offi­cial­ly par­ty to the Abra­ham Accords — the diplo­mat­ic ini­tia­tives dur­ing the end of the Trump admin­is­tra­tion nor­mal­iz­ing rela­tions between Israel and sev­er­al Arab coun­tries — Sau­di lead­ers worked behind the scenes to help bro­ker the deals.


“Israeli Com­pa­nies Aid­ed Sau­di Spy­ing Despite Khashog­gi Killing” by Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti; The New York Times; 07/17/2021

“The fact that Israel’s gov­ern­ment has encour­aged its pri­vate com­pa­nies to do secu­ri­ty work for the king­dom — one of its his­toric adver­saries and a nation that still does not for­mal­ly rec­og­nize Israel — is yet more evi­dence of the reorder­ing of tra­di­tion­al alliances in the region and the strat­e­gy by Israel and sev­er­al Per­sian Gulf coun­tries to join forces to iso­late Iran.

It was­n’t just a nation­al secu­ri­ty tool. Pega­sus was effec­tive­ly being used as a diplo­mat­ic tool. A diplo­mat­ic tool to help bring Sau­di Ara­bia and oth­er Per­sian Gulf neighors into an alliance against Iran. Which, we’ll recall, was the meta-theme through­out the #TrumpRus­sia adven­tures involv­ing Michael Fly­nn, Eric Prince, Michael Cohen, and the Saudi/UAE scheme to build nuclear pow­er plants across the Mid­dle East (except for Iran). The secu­ri­ty rela­tion­ship between the US, Israel, Sau­di Ara­bia, and the UAE got a lot deep­er over the last decade and it’s hard to avoid sus­pi­cions that shar­ing access to super spy­ware tools like NSO Group’s Pega­sus was part of that deep­en­ing rela­tion­ship. Just look at the lan­guage the Israeli Defense Min­istry used when describ­ing the process that goes into approv­ing one of these licens­es: ““a wide range of secu­ri­ty, diplo­mat­ic and strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions are tak­en into account” when con­sid­er­ing whether to grant a license to export offen­sive cyber tech­nol­o­gy.” That’s one way to put it:

Israel insists that if any Israeli spy­ware were used to vio­late civ­il rights that it would revoke the company’s license.

If the Defense Min­istry “dis­cov­ers that the pur­chased item is being used in con­tra­ven­tion of the terms of the license, espe­cial­ly after any vio­la­tion of human rights, a pro­ce­dure of can­cel­la­tion of the defense export license or of enforc­ing its terms is ini­ti­at­ed,” the min­istry said in a state­ment in response to ques­tions from The New York Times.

The min­istry declined to respond to spe­cif­ic ques­tions about the licens­es it gave to the Israeli firms, but said that “a wide range of secu­ri­ty, diplo­mat­ic and strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions are tak­en into account” when con­sid­er­ing whether to grant a license to export offen­sive cyber tech­nol­o­gy.

And as we saw, NSO Group isn’t the only com­pa­ny with hack­ing tools the Israeli gov­ern­ment was licens­ing to Sau­di Ara­bia at this time. One com­pa­ny, Quadream, even signed its con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia after Khoshog­gi’s killing. So when the NSO Group claims that it can­celed the Sau­di con­tracts in the wake of the Khashog­gi killings, but were then encour­age by the Israeli gov­ern­ment to con­tin­ue work­ing with Sau­di Ara­bia, it’s not an implau­si­ble sce­nario. The licens­ing of cut­ting-edge hack­ing tools is clear­ly part of the Israeli diplo­mat­ic play­book. Which isn’t a sur­prise. It’s a pow­er­ful diplo­mat­ic tool. Crazy dan­ger­ous, but pow­er­ful:

After the mur­der of Mr. Khashog­gi in 2018, one of the firms, NSO Group, can­celed its con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia amid accu­sa­tions that its hack­ing tools were being mis­used to abet heinous crimes.

But the Israeli gov­ern­ment encour­aged NSO and two oth­er com­pa­nies to con­tin­ue work­ing with Sau­di Ara­bia, and issued a new license for a fourth to do sim­i­lar work, over­rid­ing any con­cerns about human rights abus­es, accord­ing to one senior Israeli offi­cial and three peo­ple affil­i­at­ed with the com­pa­nies.

Since then, Sau­di Ara­bia has con­tin­ued to use the spy­ware to mon­i­tor dis­si­dents and polit­i­cal oppo­nents.


NSO sold Pega­sus to Sau­di Ara­bia in 2017. The king­dom used the spy­ware as part of a ruth­less cam­paign to crush dis­sent inside the king­dom and to hunt down Sau­di dis­si­dents abroad.


Israel’s Min­istry of Defense also licensed for Sau­di work a com­pa­ny called Can­diru, which Microsoft accused last week of help­ing its gov­ern­ment clients spy on more than 100 jour­nal­ists, politi­cians, dis­si­dents and human rights advo­cates around the world.


Israel has also grant­ed licens­es to at least two oth­er firms, Verint, which was licensed before the Khashog­gi killing, and Quadream, which signed a con­tract with Sau­di Ara­bia after the killing.

A fifth com­pa­ny, Cellebrite, which man­u­fac­tures phys­i­cal hack­ing sys­tems for mobile phones, has also sold its ser­vices to the Sau­di gov­ern­ment, but with­out min­istry approval, accord­ing to the news­pa­per Haaretz.


The Israeli gov­ern­ment also impos­es strict secre­cy on the com­pa­nies that receive the licens­es, threat­en­ing to revoke them if the com­pa­nies speak pub­licly about the iden­ti­ty of their clients.

But, again, the sale of this kind of super-hack­ing soft­ware to gov­ern­ments around the world prob­a­bly was­n’t just an Israeli gov­ern­ment project. The US gov­ern­ment would almost sure­ly have involved in giv­ing its approval, if infor­mal­ly. So we should­n’t be sur­prised to learn NSO Group hired DC-based Bea­con Glob­al Strate­gies — led by fig­ures US nation­al secu­ri­ty state com­mu­ni­ty fig­ure­heads like Jere­my Bash — to effec­tive­ly give its bless­ings to NSO Group’s more con­tro­ver­sial clients. The pic­ture that emerges from the var­i­ous accounts of NSO Group’s inter­nal delib­er­a­tions is a pic­ture where NSO Group want­ed to drop the con­tract but was feel­ing like it was effec­tive­ly being asked by the Israeli gov­ern­ment and Trump admin­is­tra­tion to con­tin­ue the Sau­di con­tract:

Rev­e­la­tions about the abus­es of NSO prod­ucts led the com­pa­ny to hire a group of out­side con­sul­tants in 2018 to pro­vide advice about which new clients NSO should take on and which to avoid. The group includ­ed Daniel Shapiro, the for­mer Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion ambas­sador to Israel, and Bea­con Glob­al Strate­gies, a Wash­ing­ton strate­gic con­sult­ing firm.

Bea­con is led by Jere­my Bash, a for­mer C.I.A. and Pen­ta­gon chief of staff; Michael Allen, a for­mer staff direc­tor for the House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee; and Andrew Shapiro, a for­mer top State Depart­ment offi­cial.

While the group’s man­date was to vet poten­tial new clients, the inter­na­tion­al out­rage over Mr. Khashoggi’s killing in Octo­ber 2018 led the group to advise NSO to can­cel its Sau­di con­tracts and shut down NSO sys­tems in the king­dom.

Sep­a­rate­ly, NSO con­duct­ed an inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into whether any of its tools were used by Sau­di offi­cials for the Khashog­gi oper­a­tion and con­clud­ed that they were not. How­ev­er a law­suit against NSO by a friend of Mr. Khashoggi’s claims that his phone had been hacked by Sau­di Ara­bia using Pega­sus, and that hack gave Sau­di offi­cials access to his con­ver­sa­tions with Mr. Khashog­gi, includ­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions about oppo­si­tion projects.

Over sev­er­al days in late 2018, exec­u­tives both of NSO and the pri­vate equi­ty firm that owned it at the time, Fran­cis­co Part­ners, met in Wash­ing­ton with the advi­so­ry group.

Accord­ing to sev­er­al peo­ple famil­iar with the meet­ings, the NSO exec­u­tives argued that the Israeli gov­ern­ment was strong­ly encour­ag­ing the com­pa­ny to weath­er the storm and con­tin­ue its work in Sau­di Ara­bia. They also said that Israeli offi­cials had indi­cat­ed to them that the Trump admin­is­tra­tion also want­ed NSO’s work with Sau­di Ara­bia to con­tin­ue.

And then, at the end of all that con­sult­ing about what to do about its Sau­di con­tract, NSO Group can­celed the con­tract. Months lat­er the com­pa­ny is sold to a new pri­vate equi­ty group and the con­tract is re-opened. The com­mit­ment on behalf of the Israeli gov­ern­ment and Trump admin­is­tra­tion to pro­vid­ing Sau­di Ara­bia with these hack­ing tools was so intense that NSO Group some­how found a new own­er who was open to that Sau­di con­tract:

In the end, NSO man­age­ment heed­ed the advice of the out­side group and can­celed its con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia in late 2018. Mr. Shapiro, the for­mer ambas­sador to Israel, end­ed his work for the com­pa­ny short­ly after­ward.

Months lat­er, how­ev­er, after anoth­er pri­vate equi­ty firm bought NSO, the com­pa­ny was once again doing busi­ness with Sau­di Ara­bia.

NSO’s new own­er, Novalpina, reject­ed the advice of the out­side advi­so­ry group and NSO resumed its work in Sau­di Ara­bia in mid-2019. Around that time, Bea­con end­ed its work with NSO.

The new con­tract with the Saud­is came with some restric­tions. For exam­ple, NSO set up its sys­tem to block any attempts by Sau­di offi­cials to hack Euro­pean tele­phone num­bers, accord­ing to a per­son famil­iar with the pro­gram­ming.

But it is clear that Sau­di Ara­bia has con­tin­ued to use NSO soft­ware to spy on per­ceived oppo­nents abroad.

It’s worth keep­ing in mind that it’s pos­si­ble Sau­di Ara­bia was task with a sim­i­lar role to one Israel has long played in the West­ern alliance: spy­ing on oth­er West­ern allies. Might that be part of the rea­son Israel and the US were insis­tent Sau­di Ara­bia get access to these tools? Out­source the out­source ally-spy­ing? Per­haps.

It’s also pos­si­ble the Saud­is were mak­ing access to NSO Group tools a require­ment for the broad­er Mid­dle East peace plan the Trump admin­is­tra­tion and Jared Kush­n­er were work­ing on and this sto­ry reflects those unusu­al cir­cum­stances the US and Israel were acqui­esc­ing to those demands. But these aren’t nor­mal demands. These are tools approach­ing the NSA and GCHQ capa­bil­i­ties in many respects. It’s hard to imag­ine the US and Israel casu­al­ly giv­ing this kind of pow­er away, even to a long-stand­ing mil­i­tary ally like Sau­di Ara­bia. That’s part why ques­tions about deep­er intel­li­gence-shar­ing pacts and/or illic­it quid-pro-quo spy­ing arrange­ments are so intrigu­ing in this sto­ry. NSO Group was ped­dling dig­i­tal nuclear weapons. That could­n’t have been treat­ed light­ly by the US and Israel. And yet 40 or so gov­ern­ments got their hands on these dig­i­tal nuclear weapons. What kind of arrange­ments were made to ensure the inevitable abus­es of these tools don’t tar­get US and Israeli inter­ests? A promise not to abuse it? It’s a mas­sive ques­tion loom­ing over this sto­ry (and the answers point towards lit­tle more than promis­es).

NSO Group’s Worst Nightmare: Sunshine. Lots of Sunshine on Its Shady Activities from Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International

A day after that explo­sive NY Times report, the Wash­ing­ton Post brings us a write up of a huge new inves­ti­ga­tion released by For­bid­den Sto­ries, a Paris-based jour­nal­ism non­prof­it, and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al, based on thou­sands phone num­bers leaked that were pur­port­ed­ly the tar­get phone num­bers of NSO Group’s feared Pega­sus spy­ware. Phone num­bers that, as we’ll see, include major world lead­ers like Emmanuel Macron. And if those thou­sands of num­bers real­ly are an accu­rate tar­get list, it was ram­pant abuse, with activists and rival politi­cians fre­quent­ly on the tar­get list. There’s also a new unstop­pable zero-day exploit that worked sim­ply by send­ing a SMS text mes­sage or iMes­sage to smart­phones. 60 gov­ern­ment agen­cies in 40 coun­tries were allowed to buy sub­scrip­tions to the soft­ware and, again, they policed them­selves. It start­ed with Mex­i­co get­ting a sub­scrip­tion in 2011. So the Pega­sus super spy­ware has been sold for a decade now to a grow­ing list of gov­ern­ment agen­cies. Those unlucky Armen­ian activists had a lot of com­pa­ny.

What is NSO Group’s response to this report? By point­ing out that it’s up to the gov­ern­ments to decide who gets tar­get­ed and NSO Group does­n’t know. And while that may not be the best response to the crit­i­cism since it’s more or less an admis­sion the abuse alle­ga­tions are like­ly true, it’s an entire­ly plau­si­ble response. NSO Group’s tools are prob­a­bly entire­ly con­trolled by the gov­ern­ments who buy these sub­scrip­tions. It’s absurd to expect gov­ern­ments to hand infor­ma­tion like their intel­li­gence tar­gets over to NSO Group. That’s part of what’s so scan­dalous about this indus­try sup­ply super-spy­ware to gov­ern­ments: it’s hard to imag­ine a sce­nario where there’s mean­ing­ful over­sight pos­si­ble. It’s an indus­try built for unchecked secre­cy by the clients and that’s an indus­try built for abuse.

And yet we are told there are geolo­ca­tion restric­tions on the soft­ware and US-based smart­phones can’t be tar­get­ed by NSO Group’s tools. The phone num­ber list in the report appears to bear that out. So there is some degree of over­sight, sole­ly based on loca­tion. But that’s it. All oth­er over­sight is up to the client, hence all the activists, jour­nal­ists, and polit­i­cal oppo­nent phone num­bers that show up on the tar­get list:

The Wash­ing­ton Post

Pri­vate Israeli spy­ware used to hack cell­phones of jour­nal­ists, activists world­wide

NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware, licensed to gov­ern­ments around the globe, can infect phones with­out a click

By Dana Priest, Craig Tim­berg and Souad Mekhen­net

Updat­ed July 18 at 8:15 p.m. Orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished July 18, 2021

Mil­i­tary-grade spy­ware licensed by an Israeli firm to gov­ern­ments for track­ing ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals was used in attempt­ed and suc­cess­ful hacks of 37 smart­phones belong­ing to jour­nal­ists, human rights activists, busi­ness exec­u­tives and two women close to mur­dered Sau­di jour­nal­ist Jamal Khashog­gi, accord­ing to an inves­ti­ga­tion by The Wash­ing­ton Post and 16 media part­ners.

The phones appeared on a list of more than 50,000 num­bers that are con­cen­trat­ed in coun­tries known to engage in sur­veil­lance of their cit­i­zens and also known to have been clients of the Israeli firm, NSO Group, a world­wide leader in the grow­ing and large­ly unreg­u­lat­ed pri­vate spy­ware indus­try, the inves­ti­ga­tion found.

The list does not iden­ti­fy who put the num­bers on it, or why, and it is unknown how many of the phones were tar­get­ed or sur­veilled. But foren­sic analy­sis of the 37 smart­phones shows that many dis­play a tight cor­re­la­tion between time stamps asso­ci­at­ed with a num­ber on the list and the ini­ti­a­tion of sur­veil­lance, in some cas­es as brief as a few sec­onds.

For­bid­den Sto­ries, a Paris-based jour­nal­ism non­prof­it, and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al, a human rights group, had access to the list and shared it with the news orga­ni­za­tions, which did fur­ther research and analy­sis. Amnesty’s Secu­ri­ty Lab did the foren­sic analy­ses on the smart­phones.

The num­bers on the list are unat­trib­uted, but reporters were able to iden­ti­fy more than 1,000 peo­ple span­ning more than 50 coun­tries through research and inter­views on four con­ti­nents: sev­er­al Arab roy­al fam­i­ly mem­bers, at least 65 busi­ness exec­u­tives, 85 human rights activists, 189 jour­nal­ists, and more than 600 politi­cians and gov­ern­ment offi­cials — includ­ing cab­i­net min­is­ters, diplo­mats, and mil­i­tary and secu­ri­ty offi­cers. The num­bers of sev­er­al heads of state and prime min­is­ters also appeared on the list.

Among the jour­nal­ists whose num­bers appear on the list, which dates to 2016, are reporters work­ing over­seas for sev­er­al lead­ing news orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing a small num­ber from CNN, the Asso­ci­at­ed Press, Voice of Amer­i­ca, the New York Times, the Wall Street Jour­nal, Bloomberg News, Le Monde in France, the Finan­cial Times in Lon­don and Al Jazeera in Qatar.

The tar­get­ing of the 37 smart­phones would appear to con­flict with the stat­ed pur­pose of NSO’s licens­ing of the Pega­sus spy­ware, which the com­pa­ny says is intend­ed only for use in sur­veilling ter­ror­ists and major crim­i­nals. The evi­dence extract­ed from these smart­phones, revealed here for the first time, calls into ques­tion pledges by the Israeli com­pa­ny to police its clients for human rights abus­es.

The media con­sor­tium, titled the Pega­sus Project, ana­lyzed the list through inter­views and foren­sic analy­sis of the phones, and by com­par­ing details with pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed infor­ma­tion about NSO. Amnesty’s Secu­ri­ty Lab exam­ined 67 smart­phones where attacks were sus­pect­ed. Of those, 23 were suc­cess­ful­ly infect­ed and 14 showed signs of attempt­ed pen­e­tra­tion.

For the remain­ing 30, the tests were incon­clu­sive, in sev­er­al cas­es because the phones had been replaced. Fif­teen of the phones were Android devices, none of which showed evi­dence of suc­cess­ful infec­tion. How­ev­er, unlike iPhones, Androids do not log the kinds of infor­ma­tion required for Amnesty’s detec­tive work. Three Android phones showed signs of tar­get­ing, such as Pega­sus-linked SMS mes­sages.

Amnesty shared back­up copies of data on four iPhones with Cit­i­zen Lab, which con­firmed that they showed signs of Pega­sus infec­tion. Cit­i­zen Lab, a research group at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to that spe­cial­izes in study­ing Pega­sus, also con­duct­ed a peer review of Amnesty’s foren­sic meth­ods and found them to be sound.

In lengthy respons­es before pub­li­ca­tion, NSO called the investigation’s find­ings exag­ger­at­ed and base­less. It also said it does not oper­ate the spy­ware licensed to its clients and “has no insight” into their spe­cif­ic intel­li­gence activ­i­ties.

After pub­li­ca­tion, NSO chief exec­u­tive Shalev Hulio expressed con­cern in a phone inter­view with The Post about some of the details he had read in Pega­sus Project sto­ries Sun­day, while con­tin­u­ing to dis­pute that the list of more than 50,000 phone num­bers had any­thing to do with NSO or Pega­sus.

“The com­pa­ny cares about jour­nal­ists and activists and civ­il soci­ety in gen­er­al,” Hulio said. “We under­stand that in some cir­cum­stances our cus­tomers might mis­use the sys­tem and, in some cas­es like we report­ed in [NSO’s] Trans­paren­cy and Respon­si­bil­i­ty Report, we have shut down sys­tems for cus­tomers who have mis­used the sys­tem.”

He said that in the past 12 months NSO had ter­mi­nat­ed two con­tracts over alle­ga­tions of human rights abus­es, but he declined to name the coun­tries involved.

“Every alle­ga­tion about mis­use of the sys­tem is con­cern­ing me,” he said. “It vio­lates the trust that we give cus­tomers. We are inves­ti­gat­ing every alle­ga­tion.”

NSO describes its cus­tomers as 60 intel­li­gence, mil­i­tary and law enforce­ment agen­cies in 40 coun­tries, although it will not con­firm the iden­ti­ties of any of them, cit­ing client con­fi­den­tial­i­ty oblig­a­tions. The con­sor­tium found many of the phone num­bers in at least 10 coun­try clus­ters, which were sub­ject­ed to deep­er analy­sis: Azer­bai­jan, Bahrain, Hun­gary, India, Kaza­khstan, Mex­i­co, Moroc­co, Rwan­da, Sau­di Ara­bia and the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. Cit­i­zen Lab also has found evi­dence that all 10 have been clients of NSO, accord­ing to Bill Mar­czak, a senior research fel­low.

For­bid­den Sto­ries orga­nized the media consortium’s inves­ti­ga­tion, and Amnesty pro­vid­ed analy­sis and tech­ni­cal sup­port but had no edi­to­r­i­al input. Amnesty has open­ly crit­i­cized NSO’s spy­ware busi­ness and sup­port­ed an unsuc­cess­ful law­suit against the com­pa­ny in an Israeli court seek­ing to have its export license revoked. After the inves­ti­ga­tion began, sev­er­al reporters in the con­sor­tium learned that they or their fam­i­ly mem­bers had been suc­cess­ful­ly attacked with Pega­sus spy­ware.

Beyond the per­son­al intru­sions made pos­si­ble by smart­phone sur­veil­lance, the wide­spread use of spy­ware has emerged as a lead­ing threat to democ­ra­cies world­wide, crit­ics say. Jour­nal­ists under sur­veil­lance can­not safe­ly gath­er sen­si­tive news with­out endan­ger­ing them­selves and their sources. Oppo­si­tion politi­cians can­not plot their cam­paign strate­gies with­out those in pow­er antic­i­pat­ing their moves. Human rights work­ers can­not work with vul­ner­a­ble peo­ple — some of whom are vic­tims of their own gov­ern­ments — with­out expos­ing them to renewed abuse.

For exam­ple, Amnesty’s foren­sics found evi­dence that Pega­sus was tar­get­ed at the two women clos­est to Sau­di colum­nist Khashog­gi, who wrote for The Post’s Opin­ions sec­tion. The phone of his fiancee, Hat­ice Cen­giz, was suc­cess­ful­ly infect­ed dur­ing the days after his mur­der in Turkey on Oct. 2, 2018, accord­ing to a foren­sic analy­sis by Amnesty’s Secu­ri­ty Lab. Also on the list were the num­bers of two Turk­ish offi­cials involved in inves­ti­gat­ing his dis­mem­ber­ment by a Sau­di hit team. Khashog­gi also had a wife, Hanan Ela­tr, whose phone was tar­get­ed by some­one using Pega­sus in the months before his killing. Amnesty was unable to deter­mine whether the hack was suc­cess­ful.

“This is nasty soft­ware — like elo­quent­ly nasty,” said Tim­o­thy Sum­mers, a for­mer cyber­se­cu­ri­ty engi­neer at a U.S. intel­li­gence agency and now direc­tor of IT at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty. With it “one could spy on almost the entire world pop­u­la­tion. … There’s not any­thing wrong with build­ing tech­nolo­gies that allows you to col­lect data; it’s nec­es­sary some­times. But human­i­ty is not in a place where we can have that much pow­er just acces­si­ble to any­body.”

In response to detailed ques­tions from the con­sor­tium before pub­li­ca­tion, NSO said in a state­ment that it did not oper­ate the spy­ware it licensed to clients and did not have reg­u­lar access to the data they gath­er. The com­pa­ny also said its tech­nolo­gies have helped pre­vent attacks and bomb­ings and bro­ken up rings that traf­ficked in drugs, sex and chil­dren. “Sim­ply put, NSO Group is on a life-sav­ing mis­sion, and the com­pa­ny will faith­ful­ly exe­cute this mis­sion unde­terred, despite any and all con­tin­ued attempts to dis­cred­it it on false grounds,” NSO said. “Your sources have sup­plied you with infor­ma­tion that has no fac­tu­al basis, as evi­denced by the lack of sup­port­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion for many of the claims.”

The com­pa­ny denied that its tech­nol­o­gy was used against Khashog­gi, or his rel­a­tives or asso­ciates.


Thomas Clare, a libel attor­ney hired by NSO, said that the con­sor­tium had “appar­ent­ly mis­in­ter­pret­ed and mis­char­ac­ter­ized cru­cial source data on which it relied” and that its report­ing con­tained flawed assump­tions and fac­tu­al errors.

“NSO Group has good rea­son to believe that this list of ‘thou­sands of phone num­bers’ is not a list of num­bers tar­get­ed by gov­ern­ments using Pega­sus, but instead, may be part of a larg­er list of num­bers that might have been used by NSO Group cus­tomers for oth­er pur­pos­es,” Clare wrote.

In response to fol­low-up ques­tions, NSO called the 50,000 num­ber “exag­ger­at­ed” and said it was far too large to rep­re­sent num­bers tar­get­ed by its clients. Based on the ques­tions it was being asked, NSO said, it had rea­son to believe that the con­sor­tium was bas­ing its find­ings “on mis­lead­ing inter­pre­ta­tion of leaked data from acces­si­ble and overt basic infor­ma­tion, such as HLR Lookup ser­vices, which have no bear­ing on the list of the cus­tomers tar­gets of Pega­sus or any oth­er NSO prod­ucts … we still do not see any cor­re­la­tion of these lists to any­thing relat­ed to use of NSO Group tech­nolo­gies.”

The term HLR, or Home Loca­tion Reg­is­ter, refers to a data­base that is essen­tial to oper­at­ing cel­lu­lar phone net­works. Such reg­is­ters keep records on the net­works of cell­phone users and their gen­er­al loca­tions, along with oth­er iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion that is used rou­tine­ly in rout­ing calls and texts. HLR lookup ser­vices oper­ate on the SS7 sys­tem that cel­lu­lar car­ri­ers use to com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er. The ser­vices can be used as a step toward spy­ing on tar­gets.

Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions secu­ri­ty expert Karsten Nohl, chief sci­en­tist for Secu­ri­ty Research Labs in Berlin, said that he does not have direct knowl­edge of NSO’s sys­tems but that HLR lookups and oth­er SS7 queries are wide­ly and inex­pen­sive­ly used by the sur­veil­lance indus­try — often for just tens of thou­sands of dol­lars a year.

“It’s not dif­fi­cult to get that access. Giv­en the resources of NSO, it’d be crazy to assume that they don’t have SS7 access from at least a dozen coun­tries,” Nohl said. “From a dozen coun­tries, you can spy on the rest of the world.”

Pega­sus was engi­neered a decade ago by Israeli ex-cyber­spies with gov­ern­ment-honed skills. The Israeli Defense Min­istry must approve any license to a gov­ern­ment that wants to buy it, accord­ing to pre­vi­ous NSO state­ments.

“As a mat­ter of pol­i­cy, the State of Israel approves the export of cyber prod­ucts exclu­sive­ly to gov­ern­men­tal enti­ties, for law­ful use, and only for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing and inves­ti­gat­ing crime and coun­tert­er­ror­ism, under end-use/end user cer­tifi­cates pro­vid­ed by the acquir­ing gov­ern­ment,” a spokesper­son for the Israeli defense estab­lish­ment said Sun­day. “In cas­es where export­ed items are used in vio­la­tion of export licens­es or end-use cer­tifi­cates, appro­pri­ate mea­sures are tak­en.”

The num­bers of about a dozen Amer­i­cans work­ing over­seas were dis­cov­ered on the list, in all but one case while using phones reg­is­tered to for­eign cel­lu­lar net­works. The con­sor­tium could not per­form foren­sic analy­sis on most of these phones. NSO has said for years that its prod­uct can­not be used to sur­veil Amer­i­can phones. The con­sor­tium did not find evi­dence of suc­cess­ful spy­ware pen­e­tra­tion on phones with the U.S. coun­try code.

“We also stand by our pre­vi­ous state­ments that our prod­ucts, sold to vet­ted for­eign gov­ern­ments, can­not be used to con­duct cyber­sur­veil­lance with­in the Unit­ed States, and no cus­tomer has ever been grant­ed tech­nol­o­gy that would enable them to access phones with U.S. num­bers,” the com­pa­ny said in its state­ment. “It is tech­no­log­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble and reaf­firms the fact your sources’ claims have no mer­it.”


Some Pega­sus intru­sion tech­niques detailed in a 2016 report were changed in a mat­ter of hours after they were made pub­lic, under­scor­ing NSO’s abil­i­ty to adapt to coun­ter­mea­sures.

Pega­sus is engi­neered to evade defens­es on iPhones and Android devices and to leave few traces of its attack. Famil­iar pri­va­cy mea­sures like strong pass­words and encryp­tion offer lit­tle help against Pega­sus, which can attack phones with­out any warn­ing to users. It can read any­thing on a device that a user can, while also steal­ing pho­tos, record­ings, loca­tion records, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, pass­words, call logs and social media posts. Spy­ware also can acti­vate cam­eras and micro­phones for real-time sur­veil­lance.

“There is just noth­ing from an encryp­tion stand­point to pro­tect against this,” said Clau­dio Guarnieri, a.k.a. “Nex,” the Amnesty Secu­ri­ty Lab’s 33-year-old Ital­ian researcher who devel­oped and per­formed the dig­i­tal foren­sics on 37 smart­phones that showed evi­dence of Pega­sus attacks.

That sense of help­less­ness makes Guarnieri, who often dress­es head-to-toe in black, feel as use­less as a 14th-cen­tu­ry doc­tor con­fronting the Black Plague with­out any use­ful med­ica­tion. “Pri­mar­i­ly I’m here just to keep the death count,” he said.

The attack can begin in dif­fer­ent ways. It can come from a mali­cious link in an SMS text mes­sage or an iMes­sage. In some cas­es, a user must click on the link to start the infec­tion. In recent years, spy­ware com­pa­nies have devel­oped what they call “zero-click” attacks, which deliv­er spy­ware sim­ply by send­ing a mes­sage to a user’s phone that pro­duces no noti­fi­ca­tion. Users do not even need to touch their phones for infec­tions to begin.

Many coun­tries have laws per­tain­ing to tra­di­tion­al wire­tap­ping and inter­cep­tion of com­mu­ni­ca­tions, but few have effec­tive safe­guards against deep­er intru­sions made pos­si­ble by hack­ing into smart­phones. “This is more devi­ous in a sense because it real­ly is no longer about inter­cept­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions and over­hear­ing con­ver­sa­tion. … This cov­ers all of them and goes way beyond that,” Guarnieri said. “It has raised a lot of ques­tions from not only human rights, but even nation­al con­sti­tu­tion­al laws as to is this even legal?”

Clare, NSO’s attor­ney, attacked the foren­sic exam­i­na­tions as “a com­pi­la­tion of spec­u­la­tive and base­less assump­tions” built on assump­tions based on ear­li­er reports. He also said, “NSO does not have insight into the spe­cif­ic intel­li­gence activ­i­ties of its cus­tomers.”


‘What a ques­tion!’

Some expressed out­rage even at the sug­ges­tion of spy­ing on jour­nal­ists.

A reporter for the French dai­ly Le Monde work­ing on the Pega­sus Project recent­ly posed such a ques­tion to Hun­gar­i­an Jus­tice Min­is­ter Judit Var­ga dur­ing an inter­view about the legal require­ments for eaves­drop­ping:

“If some­one asked you to tape a jour­nal­ist or an oppo­nent, you wouldn’t accept this?”

“What a ques­tion!” Var­ga respond­ed. “This is a provo­ca­tion in itself!” A day lat­er, her office request­ed that this ques­tion and her answer to it “be erased” from the inter­view.

In the past, NSO has blamed its client coun­tries for any alleged abus­es. NSO released its first “Trans­paren­cy and Respon­si­bil­i­ty Report” last month, argu­ing that its ser­vices are essen­tial to law enforce­ment and intel­li­gence agen­cies try­ing to keep up with the 21st cen­tu­ry.

“Ter­ror orga­ni­za­tions, drug car­tels, human traf­fick­ers, pedophile rings and oth­er crim­i­nal syn­di­cates today exploit off-the-shelf encryp­tion capa­bil­i­ties offered by mobile mes­sag­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions appli­ca­tions.

“These tech­nolo­gies pro­vide crim­i­nals and their net­works a safe haven, allow­ing them to ‘go dark’ and avoid detec­tion, com­mu­ni­cat­ing through impen­e­tra­ble mobile mes­sag­ing sys­tems. Law enforce­ment and coun­tert­er­ror­ism state agen­cies around the world have strug­gled to keep up.”

NSO also said it con­ducts rig­or­ous reviews of poten­tial cus­tomers’ human rights records before con­tract­ing with them and inves­ti­gates reports of abus­es, although it did not cite any spe­cif­ic cas­es. It assert­ed that it has dis­con­tin­ued con­tracts with five clients for doc­u­ment­ed vio­la­tions and that the company’s due dili­gence has cost it $100 mil­lion in lost rev­enue. A per­son famil­iar with NSO oper­a­tions who spoke on the con­di­tion of anonymi­ty to dis­cuss inter­nal com­pa­ny mat­ters not­ed that in the last year alone NSO had ter­mi­nat­ed con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia and Dubai in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates over human rights con­cerns.

“Pega­sus is very use­ful for fight­ing orga­nized crime,” said Guiller­mo Valdes Castel­lanos, head of Mexico’s domes­tic intel­li­gence agency CISEN from 2006 to 2011. “But the total lack of checks and bal­ances [in Mex­i­can agen­cies] means it eas­i­ly ends up in pri­vate hands and is used for polit­i­cal and per­son­al gain.”

Mex­i­co was NSO’s first over­seas client in 2011, less than a year after the firm was found­ed in Israel’s Sil­i­con Val­ley, in north­ern Tel Aviv.

In 2016 and 2017, more than 15,000 Mex­i­cans appeared on the list exam­ined by the media con­sor­tium, among them at least 25 reporters work­ing for the country’s major media out­lets, accord­ing to the records and inter­views.

One of them was Car­men Aris­tegui, one of the most promi­nent inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ists in the coun­try and a reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to CNN. Aris­tegui, who is rou­tine­ly threat­ened for expos­ing the cor­rup­tion of Mex­i­can politi­cians and car­tels, was pre­vi­ous­ly revealed as a Pega­sus tar­get in sev­er­al media reports. At the time, she said in a recent inter­view, her pro­duc­er was also tar­get­ed. The new records and foren­sics show that Pega­sus links were detect­ed on the phone of her per­son­al assis­tant.

“Pega­sus is some­thing that comes to your office, your home, your bed, every cor­ner of your exis­tence,” Aris­tegui said. “It is a tool that destroys the essen­tial codes of civ­i­liza­tion.”

Unlike Aris­tegui, free­lance reporter Cecilio Pine­da was unknown out­side his vio­lence-wracked south­ern state of Guer­rero. His num­ber appears twice on the list of 50,000. A month after the sec­ond list­ing, he was gunned down while lying in a ham­mock at a car­wash while wait­ing for his car. It is unclear what role, if any, Pegasus’s abil­i­ty to geolo­cate its tar­gets in real time con­tributed to his mur­der. Mex­i­co is among the dead­liest coun­tries for jour­nal­ists; 11 were killed in 2017, accord­ing to Reporters With­out Bor­ders.

“Even if For­bid­den Sto­ries were cor­rect that an NSO Group client in Mex­i­co tar­get­ed the journalist’s phone num­ber in Feb­ru­ary 2017, that does not mean that the NSO Group client or data col­lect­ed by NSO Group soft­ware were in any way con­nect­ed to the journalist’s mur­der the fol­low­ing month,” Clare, NSO’s lawyer, wrote in his let­ter to For­bid­den Sto­ries. “Cor­re­la­tion does not equal cau­sa­tion, and the gun­men who mur­dered the jour­nal­ist could have learned of his loca­tion at a pub­lic car­wash through any num­ber of means not relat­ed to NSO Group, its tech­nolo­gies, or its clients.”

Mexico’s Pub­lic Secu­ri­ty Min­istry acknowl­edged last year that the domes­tic intel­li­gence agency, CISEN, and the attor­ney general’s office acquired Pega­sus in 2014 and dis­con­tin­ued its use in 2017 when the license expired. Mex­i­can media have also report­ed that the Defense Min­istry used the spy­ware.

Snowden’s lega­cy

Today’s thriv­ing inter­na­tion­al spy­ware indus­try dates back decades but got a boost after the unprece­dent­ed 2013 dis­clo­sure of high­ly clas­si­fied Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency doc­u­ments by con­trac­tor Edward Snow­den. They revealed that the NSA could obtain the elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tions of almost any­one because it had secret access to the transna­tion­al cables car­ry­ing Inter­net traf­fic world­wide and data from Inter­net com­pa­nies such as Google and giant telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­nies such as AT&T.

Even U.S. allies in Europe were shocked by the com­pre­hen­sive scale of the Amer­i­can dig­i­tal spy­ing, and many nation­al intel­li­gence agen­cies set out to improve their own sur­veil­lance abil­i­ties. For-prof­it firms staffed with mid­ca­reer retirees from intel­li­gence agen­cies saw a lucra­tive mar­ket-in-wait­ing free from the gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tions and over­sight imposed on oth­er indus­tries.

The dra­mat­ic expan­sion of end-to-end encryp­tion by Google, Microsoft, Face­book, Apple and oth­er major tech­nol­o­gy firms also prompt­ed law enforce­ment and intel­li­gence offi­cials to com­plain they had lost access to the com­mu­ni­ca­tions of legit­i­mate crim­i­nal tar­gets. That in turn sparked more invest­ment in tech­nolo­gies, such as Pega­sus, that worked by tar­get­ing indi­vid­ual devices.

“When you build a build­ing, you want to make sure the build­ing holds up, so we fol­low cer­tain pro­to­cols,” said Ido Sivan-Sevil­la, an expert on cyber gov­er­nance at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land. By pro­mot­ing the sale of unreg­u­lat­ed pri­vate sur­veil­lance tools, “we encour­age build­ing build­ings that can be bro­ken into. We are build­ing a mon­ster. We need an inter­na­tion­al norms treaty that says cer­tain things are not okay.”

With­out inter­na­tion­al stan­dards and rules, there are secret deals between com­pa­nies like NSO and the coun­tries they ser­vice.

The unfet­tered use of a mil­i­tary-grade spy­ware such as Pega­sus can help gov­ern­ments to sup­press civic activism at a time when author­i­tar­i­an­ism is on the rise world­wide. It also gives coun­tries with­out the tech­ni­cal sophis­ti­ca­tion of such lead­ing nations as the Unit­ed States, Israel and Chi­na the abil­i­ty to con­duct far deep­er dig­i­tal cyberes­pi­onage than ever before.

‘Your body stops func­tion­ing’

Azer­bai­jan, a long­time ally of Israel, has been iden­ti­fied as an NSO client by Cit­i­zen Lab and oth­ers. The coun­try is a fam­i­ly-run klep­toc­ra­cy with no free elec­tions, no impar­tial court sys­tem and no inde­pen­dent news media. The for­mer Sovi­et ter­ri­to­ry has been ruled since the Sovi­et Union col­lapsed 30 years ago by the Aliyev fam­i­ly, whose theft of the country’s wealth and mon­ey-laun­der­ing schemes abroad have result­ed in for­eign embar­goes, inter­na­tion­al sanc­tions and crim­i­nal indict­ments.

Despite the dif­fi­cul­ties, rough­ly three dozen Azer­bai­jani reporters con­tin­ue to doc­u­ment the family’s cor­rup­tion. Some are hid­ing inside the coun­try, but most were forced into exile where they are not so easy to cap­ture. Some work for the Prague-based, U.S.-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Lib­er­ty, which was kicked out of the coun­try in 2015 for its report­ing. The oth­ers work for an inves­tiga­tive report­ing non­prof­it called the Orga­nized Crime and Cor­rup­tion Report­ing Project, which is based in Sara­je­vo, the Bosn­ian cap­i­tal, and is one of the part­ners in the Pega­sus Project.

The fore­most inves­tiga­tive reporter in the region is Khadi­ja Ismay­ilo­va, whom the regime has worked for a decade to silence: It plant­ed a secret cam­era in her apart­ment wall, took videos of her hav­ing sex with her boyfriend and then post­ed them on the Inter­net in 2012; she was arrest­ed in 2014, tried and con­vict­ed on trumped-up tax-eva­sion and oth­er charges, and held in prison cells with hard­ened crim­i­nals. After glob­al out­rage and the high-pro­file inter­ven­tion of human rights attor­ney Amal Clooney, she was released in 2016 and put under a trav­el ban.

“It is impor­tant that peo­ple see exam­ples of jour­nal­ists who do not stop because they were threat­ened,” Ismay­ilo­va said in a recent inter­view. “It’s like a war. You leave your trench, then the attack­er comes in. … You have to keep your posi­tion, oth­er­wise it will be tak­en and then you will have less space, less space, the space will be shrink­ing and then you will find it hard to breathe.”

Last month, her health fail­ing, she was allowed to leave the coun­try. Col­leagues arranged to test her smart­phone imme­di­ate­ly. Foren­sics by Secu­ri­ty Lab deter­mined that Pega­sus had attacked and pen­e­trat­ed her device numer­ous times from March 2019 to as late as May of this year.

She had assumed some kind of sur­veil­lance, Ismay­ilo­va said, but was still sur­prised at the num­ber of attacks. “When you think maybe there’s a cam­era in the toi­let, your body stops func­tion­ing,” she said. “I went through this, and for eight or nine days I could not use the toi­let, any­where, not even in pub­lic places. My body stopped func­tion­ing.”

She stopped com­mu­ni­cat­ing with peo­ple because who­ev­er she spoke with end­ed up harassed by secu­ri­ty ser­vices. “You don’t trust any­one, and then you try not to have any long-term plans with your own life because you don’t want any per­son to have prob­lems because of you.”

Con­fir­ma­tion of the Pega­sus pen­e­tra­tion galled her. “My fam­i­ly mem­bers are also vic­tim­ized. The sources are vic­tim­ized. Peo­ple I’ve been work­ing with, peo­ple who told me their pri­vate secrets are vic­tim­ized,” she said. “It’s despi­ca­ble. … I don’t know who else has been exposed because of me, who else is in dan­ger because of me.”

Is the min­is­ter para­noid or sen­si­ble?

The fear of wide­spread sur­veil­lance impedes the already dif­fi­cult mechan­ics of civic activism.

“Some­times, that fear is the point,” said John Scott-Rail­ton, a senior researcher at Cit­i­zen Lab, who has researched Pega­sus exten­sive­ly. “The psy­cho­log­i­cal hard­ship and the self-cen­sor­ship it caus­es are key tools of mod­ern-day dic­ta­tors and author­i­tar­i­ans.”

When Sid­dharth Varadara­jan, co-founder of the Wire, an inde­pen­dent online out­let in India, learned that Secu­ri­ty Lab’s analy­sis showed that his phone had been tar­get­ed and pen­e­trat­ed by Pega­sus, his mind imme­di­ate­ly ran through his sen­si­tive sources. He thought about a min­is­ter in Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi’s gov­ern­ment who had dis­played an unusu­al con­cern about sur­veil­lance when they met.

The min­is­ter first moved the meet­ing from one loca­tion to anoth­er at the last moment, then switched off his phone and told Varadara­jan to do the same.

Then “the two phones were put in a room and music was put on in that room … and I thought: ‘Boy, this guy is real­ly para­noid. But maybe he was being sen­si­ble,’ ” Varadara­jan said in a recent inter­view.

When foren­sics showed his phone had been pen­e­trat­ed, he knew the feel­ing him­self. “You feel vio­lat­ed, there’s no doubt about it,” he said. “This is an incred­i­ble intru­sion, and jour­nal­ists should not have to deal with this. Nobody should have to deal with this.”


“Pri­vate Israeli spy­ware used to hack cell­phones of jour­nal­ists, activists world­wide” by Dana Priest, Craig Tim­berg and Souad Mekhen­net; The Wash­ing­ton Post; 07/18/2021

“The tar­get­ing of the 37 smart­phones would appear to con­flict with the stat­ed pur­pose of NSO’s licens­ing of the Pega­sus spy­ware, which the com­pa­ny says is intend­ed only for use in sur­veilling ter­ror­ists and major crim­i­nals. The evi­dence extract­ed from these smart­phones, revealed here for the first time, calls into ques­tion pledges by the Israeli com­pa­ny to police its clients for human rights abus­es.

It’s long been jus­ti­fi­ably sus­pect­ed that NSO Group does­n’t actu­al­ly have safe­guards in place to ensure its unstop­pable hack­ing soft­ware isn’t being abused by its gov­ern­ment clients. Dozens and dozens of gov­ern­ment clients. But if the analy­sis of the lists of tar­get­ed phones and foren­sic analy­sis of a num­ber of those phones by For­bid­den Sto­ries and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al is cor­rect, we have that evi­dence. NSO Group’s Pega­sus soft­ware has been wild­ly abused by its gov­ern­ment clients. Because of course it was. You could­n’t give dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world super hack­ing tools and not expect them to tar­get activists, jour­nal­ists, aca­d­e­mics, and oth­er gov­ern­ments.

How much abuse has tak­en place? We don’t know. And if we believe NSO Group, they don’t real­ly know either. They don’t oper­ate the soft­ware for the clients and “has no insight” into their spe­cif­ic intel­li­gence activ­i­ties. That’s what the com­pa­ny itself is claim­ing in its defense. It does­n’t know how its soft­ware is actu­al­ly used. That’s 60 intel­li­gence, mil­i­tary and law enforce­ment agen­cies in 40 coun­tries oper­at­ing under that see-no-evil-because-we-are-blind over­sight from the ven­dor.

And yet the com­pa­ny defends itself by point­ing out how it ter­mi­nat­ed two con­tracts over alle­ga­tions of abus­es in the last 12 months. Note the term “alle­ga­tions”. Not “inves­ti­ga­tion” or “rou­tine audit”. The con­tracts were can­celed after alle­ga­tions. Against Sau­di Ara­bia and Dubai. So NSO defend­ed itself against charges that it was allow­ing its clients to abuse its soft­ware by point­ing out that it can­celed Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s and Dubai’s con­tracts due to human rights con­cerns. Con­cerns obvi­ous­ly tied to the assas­si­na­tion of Jamal Khashog­gi and all of the pub­lic scruti­ny NSO received as a result. It’s not exact­ly proac­tive over­sight:

In lengthy respons­es before pub­li­ca­tion, NSO called the investigation’s find­ings exag­ger­at­ed and base­less. It also said it does not oper­ate the spy­ware licensed to its clients and “has no insight” into their spe­cif­ic intel­li­gence activ­i­ties.

After pub­li­ca­tion, NSO chief exec­u­tive Shalev Hulio expressed con­cern in a phone inter­view with The Post about some of the details he had read in Pega­sus Project sto­ries Sun­day, while con­tin­u­ing to dis­pute that the list of more than 50,000 phone num­bers had any­thing to do with NSO or Pega­sus.

“The com­pa­ny cares about jour­nal­ists and activists and civ­il soci­ety in gen­er­al,” Hulio said. “We under­stand that in some cir­cum­stances our cus­tomers might mis­use the sys­tem and, in some cas­es like we report­ed in [NSO’s] Trans­paren­cy and Respon­si­bil­i­ty Report, we have shut down sys­tems for cus­tomers who have mis­used the sys­tem.”

He said that in the past 12 months NSO had ter­mi­nat­ed two con­tracts over alle­ga­tions of human rights abus­es, but he declined to name the coun­tries involved.

“Every alle­ga­tion about mis­use of the sys­tem is con­cern­ing me,” he said. “It vio­lates the trust that we give cus­tomers. We are inves­ti­gat­ing every alle­ga­tion.”

NSO describes its cus­tomers as 60 intel­li­gence, mil­i­tary and law enforce­ment agen­cies in 40 coun­tries, although it will not con­firm the iden­ti­ties of any of them, cit­ing client con­fi­den­tial­i­ty oblig­a­tions. The con­sor­tium found many of the phone num­bers in at least 10 coun­try clus­ters, which were sub­ject­ed to deep­er analy­sis: Azer­bai­jan, Bahrain, Hun­gary, India, Kaza­khstan, Mex­i­co, Moroc­co, Rwan­da, Sau­di Ara­bia and the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. Cit­i­zen Lab also has found evi­dence that all 10 have been clients of NSO, accord­ing to Bill Mar­czak, a senior research fel­low.


“This is nasty soft­ware — like elo­quent­ly nasty,” said Tim­o­thy Sum­mers, a for­mer cyber­se­cu­ri­ty engi­neer at a U.S. intel­li­gence agency and now direc­tor of IT at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty. With it “one could spy on almost the entire world pop­u­la­tion. … There’s not any­thing wrong with build­ing tech­nolo­gies that allows you to col­lect data; it’s nec­es­sary some­times. But human­i­ty is not in a place where we can have that much pow­er just acces­si­ble to any­body.”

In response to detailed ques­tions from the con­sor­tium before pub­li­ca­tion, NSO said in a state­ment that it did not oper­ate the spy­ware it licensed to clients and did not have reg­u­lar access to the data they gath­er. The com­pa­ny also said its tech­nolo­gies have helped pre­vent attacks and bomb­ings and bro­ken up rings that traf­ficked in drugs, sex and chil­dren. “Sim­ply put, NSO Group is on a life-sav­ing mis­sion, and the com­pa­ny will faith­ful­ly exe­cute this mis­sion unde­terred, despite any and all con­tin­ued attempts to dis­cred­it it on false grounds,” NSO said. “Your sources have sup­plied you with infor­ma­tion that has no fac­tu­al basis, as evi­denced by the lack of sup­port­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion for many of the claims.”


Clare, NSO’s attor­ney, attacked the foren­sic exam­i­na­tions as “a com­pi­la­tion of spec­u­la­tive and base­less assump­tions” built on assump­tions based on ear­li­er reports. He also said, “NSO does not have insight into the spe­cif­ic intel­li­gence activ­i­ties of its cus­tomers.”


In the past, NSO has blamed its client coun­tries for any alleged abus­es. NSO released its first “Trans­paren­cy and Respon­si­bil­i­ty Report” last month, argu­ing that its ser­vices are essen­tial to law enforce­ment and intel­li­gence agen­cies try­ing to keep up with the 21st cen­tu­ry.


NSO also said it con­ducts rig­or­ous reviews of poten­tial cus­tomers’ human rights records before con­tract­ing with them and inves­ti­gates reports of abus­es, although it did not cite any spe­cif­ic cas­es. It assert­ed that it has dis­con­tin­ued con­tracts with five clients for doc­u­ment­ed vio­la­tions and that the company’s due dili­gence has cost it $100 mil­lion in lost rev­enue. A per­son famil­iar with NSO oper­a­tions who spoke on the con­di­tion of anonymi­ty to dis­cuss inter­nal com­pa­ny mat­ters not­ed that in the last year alone NSO had ter­mi­nat­ed con­tracts with Sau­di Ara­bia and Dubai in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates over human rights con­cerns.


Mex­i­co was NSO’s first over­seas client in 2011, less than a year after the firm was found­ed in Israel’s Sil­i­con Val­ley, in north­ern Tel Aviv.

But then there’s the NSO Group’s more legit­i­mate excuse for sell­ing this kind of pow­er­ful soft­ware to gov­ern­ments known for human rights abus­es: the Israeli Defense Min­istry has to approve of the NSO Group’s con­tracts. Beyond that, NSO Group claims its soft­ware can­not be used on US-based phones, rais­ing ques­tions about whether or not the US gov­ern­ment was also tac­it­ly giv­ing its approval for these con­tracts:

Pega­sus was engi­neered a decade ago by Israeli ex-cyber­spies with gov­ern­ment-honed skills. The Israeli Defense Min­istry must approve any license to a gov­ern­ment that wants to buy it, accord­ing to pre­vi­ous NSO state­ments.

“As a mat­ter of pol­i­cy, the State of Israel approves the export of cyber prod­ucts exclu­sive­ly to gov­ern­men­tal enti­ties, for law­ful use, and only for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing and inves­ti­gat­ing crime and coun­tert­er­ror­ism, under end-use/end user cer­tifi­cates pro­vid­ed by the acquir­ing gov­ern­ment,” a spokesper­son for the Israeli defense estab­lish­ment said Sun­day. “In cas­es where export­ed items are used in vio­la­tion of export licens­es or end-use cer­tifi­cates, appro­pri­ate mea­sures are tak­en.”

The num­bers of about a dozen Amer­i­cans work­ing over­seas were dis­cov­ered on the list, in all but one case while using phones reg­is­tered to for­eign cel­lu­lar net­works. The con­sor­tium could not per­form foren­sic analy­sis on most of these phones. NSO has said for years that its prod­uct can­not be used to sur­veil Amer­i­can phones. The con­sor­tium did not find evi­dence of suc­cess­ful spy­ware pen­e­tra­tion on phones with the U.S. coun­try code.

“We also stand by our pre­vi­ous state­ments that our prod­ucts, sold to vet­ted for­eign gov­ern­ments, can­not be used to con­duct cyber­sur­veil­lance with­in the Unit­ed States, and no cus­tomer has ever been grant­ed tech­nol­o­gy that would enable them to access phones with U.S. num­bers,” the com­pa­ny said in its state­ment. “It is tech­no­log­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble and reaf­firms the fact your sources’ claims have no mer­it.”

But by the biggest rev­e­la­tion in this sto­ry is the nature of these NSO Group exploits being sold with the Pega­sus sys­tem: “zero-click” exploits that qui­et­ly deliv­er spy­ware sim­ply by send­ing a mes­sage to the tar­get’s phone. That is effec­tive­ly an unstop­pable attack. So NSO Group was sell­ing unstop­pable exploits that could tar­get any smart­phone in the world — with the pos­si­ble excep­tion of US phones if we believe the com­pa­ny’s assur­ances — to over 40 dif­fer­ent gov­ern­ments around the world, start­ing in 2011 with the con­tract with Mex­i­co. And as this inves­ti­ga­tion revealed, those unstop­pable exploits were wide­ly used by these gov­ern­ments for far more than just law enforce­ment and ter­ror­ism cas­es. That is a mas­sive rel­e­va­tion, in part because it means gov­ern­ments around the world have been empow­ered to secret­ly hack each oth­er for years now. But this was­n’t exact­ly a new rev­e­la­tion. We learned back in May 2019 about NSO Group’s unstop­pable exploit that could infect a phone sim­ply by call­ing them over the What­sApp call­ing fea­ture. The exploit worked when vic­tims did­n’t answer the call. So the exis­tence of ‘zero-click’ exploits isn’t exact­ly a new rev­e­la­tion, but it sounds like that What­sApp exploit was far from the only one. They’ve fig­ured out how to do it with SMS Text mes­sages or iMes­sages too. That cov­ers basi­cal­ly every smart­phone, whether you have What­sApp on it or not:

Some Pega­sus intru­sion tech­niques detailed in a 2016 report were changed in a mat­ter of hours after they were made pub­lic, under­scor­ing NSO’s abil­i­ty to adapt to coun­ter­mea­sures.

Pega­sus is engi­neered to evade defens­es on iPhones and Android devices and to leave few traces of its attack. Famil­iar pri­va­cy mea­sures like strong pass­words and encryp­tion offer lit­tle help against Pega­sus, which can attack phones with­out any warn­ing to users. It can read any­thing on a device that a user can, while also steal­ing pho­tos, record­ings, loca­tion records, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, pass­words, call logs and social media posts. Spy­ware also can acti­vate cam­eras and micro­phones for real-time sur­veil­lance.

“There is just noth­ing from an encryp­tion stand­point to pro­tect against this,” said Clau­dio Guarnieri, a.k.a. “Nex,” the Amnesty Secu­ri­ty Lab’s 33-year-old Ital­ian researcher who devel­oped and per­formed the dig­i­tal foren­sics on 37 smart­phones that showed evi­dence of Pega­sus attacks.

That sense of help­less­ness makes Guarnieri, who often dress­es head-to-toe in black, feel as use­less as a 14th-cen­tu­ry doc­tor con­fronting the Black Plague with­out any use­ful med­ica­tion. “Pri­mar­i­ly I’m here just to keep the death count,” he said.

The attack can begin in dif­fer­ent ways. It can come from a mali­cious link in an SMS text mes­sage or an iMes­sage. In some cas­es, a user must click on the link to start the infec­tion. In recent years, spy­ware com­pa­nies have devel­oped what they call “zero-click” attacks, which deliv­er spy­ware sim­ply by send­ing a mes­sage to a user’s phone that pro­duces no noti­fi­ca­tion. Users do not even need to touch their phones for infec­tions to begin.

Unstop­pable zero-day attacks and zero over­sight. What could pos­si­bly go wrong?

Forget All Those NSO Group and Candiru Stories: The US and Western Allies Accuse China of the Microsoft Exchange Hack

So how are gov­ern­ments respond­ing to this string of dev­as­tat­ing reports. First Can­diru’s zero-day mal­ware gets exposed being used against activists around the world. Then NSO Group is revealed to be the cyber equiv­a­lent of a nuclear mer­ce­nary. And a diplo­mat­ic tool. It was a rough week of report­ing on the “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance” cyber indus­try. A lot of tough ques­tions for raised. And we got our answer one day after the Wash­ing­ton Post’s report: The US and West­ern allies were final­ly for­mal­ly accus­ing Chi­na of being behind the Microsoft Exchange hack first dis­closed back in March. It was great tim­ing.

And as we’ll see in the next arti­cle excerpt about the pub­lic accu­sa­tions by the US and its fel­low allies against China’s Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty (MSS), Chi­na isn’t just accused of tol­er­at­ing smash-and-grab raids. The MSS-backed hack­er groups are also accused of tol­er­at­ing ran­somware attacks for their own per­son­al prof­it. So the hack­er groups accused of car­ry­ing out the Microsoft Exchange hack and oth­er hacks attrib­uted to Chi­na are also groups engag­ing in the kind of cyber-extor­tion and ran­somware schemes for their own prof­it that are tra­di­tion­al asso­ci­at­ed with stan­dard cyber crim­i­nals. That’s the evolv­ing nar­ra­tive in the face of evi­dence that the Microsoft Exchange hack was real­ly many hacks involv­ing mul­ti­ple crim­i­nal groups on a ram­pant spree that also run cyber-extor­tion schemes: They were Chi­nese state-backed hack­ers who also run pri­vate extortive crim­i­nal hacks on their own because Chi­na’s gov­ern­ment has decid­ed to give zero-day exploits to groups that take those zero-day exploits and go on a glob­al hack­ing spree. The Chi­nese gov­ern­ment endorsed or at least tol­er­at­ed that dra­mat­ic esca­la­tion. No longer espi­onage but glob­al smash-and-grab sprees. That’s the new nar­ra­tive. A new nar­ra­tive that’s evolv­ing in the face of the evi­dence that the peo­ple car­ry­ing out these mega-hacks are act­ing like tra­di­tion­al hack­ers and not state-backed espi­onage-focused groups.

Recall how the known time­line of the Exchange hack is that it start­ed on Jan­u­ary 3 (Volex­i­ty’s first detect­ed use of the zero-day exploit by “Hafni­um). It was Jan­u­ary 6, dur­ing the Capi­tol Insur­rec­tion, when Volex­i­ty first observed a large down­load to an unau­tho­rized address. Hafni­um qui­et­ly hit orga­ni­za­tions until Microsoft issued a patch on March 2. At that point, mul­ti­ple groups went on a glob­al race to hit every unpatched serv­er con­nect­ed to the inter­net. So giv­en that time­line, it’s like­ly that the groups that went on the race fol­low­ing the patch are the ones with a crim­i­nal for-prof­it track-record. And we are to assume “Hafni­um”, a state-backed Chi­nese hack­er group, hand­ed this zero-day exploit over to these groups and gave its bless­ing to the glob­al smash-and-grab. Which, if true, real­ly would be a dra­mat­ic esca­la­tion in hacks from Chi­na. It’s the “if true” part that’s the catch. Notice how no one even both­ers to pro­vide a pre­tense of evi­dence for any of these claims.

Amus­ing­ly, the gov­ern­ments mak­ing these accu­sa­tions against Chi­na had­n’t quite got­ten their sto­ries straight. Because as we just saw, much of the osten­si­ble alarm over these accu­sa­tions is that they sig­ni­fy a shift from qui­et espi­onage to in-your-face smash-and-grab raids by Chi­nese state-backed hack­er. And yet as we’ll see, U.K. For­eign Sec­re­tary Dominic Raab describe the attack “a reck­less but famil­iar pat­tern of behav­iour” by Chi­nese state-backed groups. So what is it? New reck­less behav­ior? Or famil­iar reck­less behav­ior? That part of the nar­ra­tive has yet to be decid­ed. But this was what major West­ern gov­ern­ments were talk­ing about a day about that NSO Group report: Chi­na:

Asso­ci­at­ed Press

Microsoft Exchange hack caused by Chi­na, US and allies say

July 19, 2021

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden admin­is­tra­tion and West­ern allies for­mal­ly blamed Chi­na on Mon­day for a mas­sive hack of Microsoft Exchange email serv­er soft­ware and assert­ed that crim­i­nal hack­ers asso­ci­at­ed with the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment have car­ried out ran­somware and oth­er illic­it cyber oper­a­tions.

The announce­ments, though not accom­pa­nied by sanc­tions against the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment, were intend­ed as a force­ful con­dem­na­tion of activ­i­ties a senior Biden admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial described as part of a “pat­tern of irre­spon­si­ble behav­ior in cyber­space.” They high­light­ed the ongo­ing threat from Chi­nese hack­ers even as the admin­is­tra­tion remains con­sumed with try­ing to curb ran­somware attacks from Rus­sia-based syn­di­cates that have tar­get­ed crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture.

The broad range of cyberthreats from Bei­jing dis­closed on Mon­day includ­ed a ran­somware attack from gov­ern­ment-affil­i­at­ed hack­ers that tar­get­ed vic­tims — includ­ing in the U.S. — with demands for mil­lions of dol­lars. U.S offi­cials also alleged that crim­i­nal con­tract hack­ers asso­ci­at­ed with China’s Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty have engaged in cyber extor­tion schemes and theft for their own prof­it.

Mean­while, the Jus­tice Depart­ment on Mon­day announced charges against four Chi­nese nation­als who pros­e­cu­tors said were work­ing with the MSS in a hack­ing cam­paign that tar­get­ed dozens of com­put­er sys­tems, includ­ing com­pa­nies, uni­ver­si­ties and gov­ern­ment enti­ties. The defen­dants are accused of tar­get­ing trade secrets and con­fi­den­tial busi­ness infor­ma­tion, includ­ing sci­en­tif­ic tech­nolo­gies and infec­tious-dis­ease research.

Unlike in April, when pub­lic fin­ger-point­ing of Russ­ian hack­ing was paired with a raft of sanc­tions against Moscow, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion did not announce any actions against Bei­jing. Nonethe­less, a senior admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial who briefed reporters said that the U.S. has con­front­ed senior Chi­nese offi­cials and that the White House regards the multi­na­tion sham­ing as send­ing an impor­tant mes­sage, even if no sin­gle action can change behav­ior.

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden told reporters “the investigation’s not fin­ished,” and White House press sec­re­tary Jen Psa­ki did not rule out future con­se­quences for Chi­na, say­ing, “This is not the con­clu­sion of our efforts as it relates to cyber activ­i­ties with Chi­na or Rus­sia.”

Even with­out fresh sanc­tions, Monday’s actions are like­ly to exac­er­bate ten­sions with Chi­na at a del­i­cate time. Just last week, the U.S. issued sep­a­rate stark warn­ings against trans­ac­tions with enti­ties that oper­ate in China’s west­ern Xin­jiang region, where Chi­na is accused of repress­ing Uyghur Mus­lims and oth­er minori­ties.


The Euro­pean Union and Britain were among the allies who called out Chi­na. The EU said mali­cious cyber activ­i­ties with “sig­nif­i­cant effects” that tar­get­ed gov­ern­ment insti­tu­tions, polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions and key indus­tries in the bloc’s 27 mem­ber states could be linked to Chi­nese hack­ing groups. The U.K.’s Nation­al Cyber Secu­ri­ty Cen­tre said the groups tar­get­ed mar­itime indus­tries and naval defense con­trac­tors in the U.S. and Europe and the Finnish par­lia­ment.

In a state­ment, EU for­eign pol­i­cy chief Josep Bor­rell said the hack­ing was “con­duct­ed from the ter­ri­to­ry of Chi­na for the pur­pose of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty theft and espi­onage.”

The Microsoft Exchange cyber­at­tack “by Chi­nese state-backed groups was a reck­less but famil­iar pat­tern of behav­iour,” U.K. For­eign Sec­re­tary Dominic Raab said.

NATO, in its first pub­lic con­dem­na­tion of Chi­na for hack­ing activ­i­ties, called on Bei­jing to uphold its inter­na­tion­al com­mit­ments and oblig­a­tions “and to act respon­si­bly in the inter­na­tion­al sys­tem, includ­ing in cyber­space.” The alliance said it was deter­mined to “active­ly deter, defend against and counter the full spec­trum of cyber threats.”

That hack­ers affil­i­at­ed with the Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty were engaged in ran­somware was sur­pris­ing and con­cern­ing to the U.S. gov­ern­ment, the senior admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial said. But the attack, in which an uniden­ti­fied Amer­i­can com­pa­ny received a high-dol­lar ran­som demand, also gave U.S. offi­cials new insight into what the offi­cial said was “the kind of aggres­sive behav­ior that we’re see­ing com­ing out of Chi­na.”

A spokesper­son for the Chi­nese Embassy in Wash­ing­ton, Liu Pengyu, said in a state­ment that the “U.S. has repeat­ed­ly made ground­less attacks and mali­cious smear against Chi­na on cyber­se­cu­ri­ty. Now this is just anoth­er old trick, with noth­ing new in it.” The state­ment called Chi­na “a severe vic­tim of the US cyber theft, eaves­drop­ping and sur­veil­lance.”

The major­i­ty of the most dam­ag­ing and high-pro­file recent ran­somware attacks have involved Russ­ian crim­i­nal gangs. Though the U.S. has some­times seen con­nec­tions between Russ­ian intel­li­gence agen­cies and indi­vid­ual hack­ers, the use of crim­i­nal con­tract hack­ers by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment “to con­duct unsanc­tioned cyber oper­a­tions glob­al­ly is dis­tinct,” the offi­cial said.

Dmitri Alper­ovitch, the for­mer chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer of the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­strike, said the announce­ment makes clear that MSS con­trac­tors who for years have worked for the gov­ern­ment and con­duct­ed oper­a­tions on its behalf have over time decid­ed — either with the approval or the “blind eye of their boss­es” — to ”start moon­light­ing and engag­ing in oth­er activ­i­ties that could put mon­ey in their pock­ets.”

The Microsoft Exchange hack that months ago com­pro­mised tens of thou­sands of com­put­ers around the world was swift­ly attrib­uted to Chi­nese cyber spies by Microsoft.

An admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial said the government’s attri­bu­tion to hack­ers affil­i­at­ed with the Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty took until now in part because of the dis­cov­ery of the ran­somware and for-prof­it hack­ing oper­a­tions and because the admin­is­tra­tion want­ed to pair the announce­ment with guid­ance for busi­ness­es about tac­tics that the Chi­nese have been using.

Giv­en the scope of the attack, Alper­ovitch said it was “puz­zling” that the U.S. did not impose sanc­tions.

“They cer­tain­ly deserve it, and at this point, it’s becom­ing a glar­ing stand­out that we have not,” he said.

He added, in a ref­er­ence to a large Russ­ian cyberes­pi­onage oper­a­tion dis­cov­ered late last year, “There’s no ques­tion that the Exchange hacks have been more reck­less, more dan­ger­ous and more dis­rup­tive than any­thing the Rus­sians have done in Solar­Winds.


“Microsoft Exchange hack caused by Chi­na, US and allies say” by ERIC TUCKER; Asso­ci­at­ed Press; 07/19/2021

“The broad range of cyberthreats from Bei­jing dis­closed on Mon­day includ­ed a ran­somware attack from gov­ern­ment-affil­i­at­ed hack­ers that tar­get­ed vic­tims — includ­ing in the U.S. — with demands for mil­lions of dol­lars. U.S offi­cials also alleged that crim­i­nal con­tract hack­ers asso­ci­at­ed with China’s Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty have engaged in cyber extor­tion schemes and theft for their own prof­it.

Crim­i­nal con­tract hack­ers. That’s who China’s Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty is appar­ent­ly hir­ing to car­ry out these mega hacks. That’s the accu­sa­tion com­ing from the US and allies. What evi­dence this asser­tion is based is of course nev­er giv­en, but the par­al­lel charges against four Chi­nese nation­als accuse of work­ing wit the MSS in a hack­ing cam­paign is pre­sum­ably sup­posed to serve as a kind of proxy evi­dence:

Mean­while, the Jus­tice Depart­ment on Mon­day announced charges against four Chi­nese nation­als who pros­e­cu­tors said were work­ing with the MSS in a hack­ing cam­paign that tar­get­ed dozens of com­put­er sys­tems, includ­ing com­pa­nies, uni­ver­si­ties and gov­ern­ment enti­ties. The defen­dants are accused of tar­get­ing trade secrets and con­fi­den­tial busi­ness infor­ma­tion, includ­ing sci­en­tif­ic tech­nolo­gies and infec­tious-dis­ease research.

But, again, observe how incon­sis­tent the accu­sa­tions are. The EU is refer­ring to hacks that could be linked to Chi­nese hack­ing groups while the UK’s For­eign Sec­re­tary calls it “a reck­less but famil­iar pat­tern of behav­iour”. And look at he US’s expla­na­tion for why it took this long to make the attri­bu­tion when Microsoft seem­ing­ly did it imme­di­ate­ly: the dis­cov­ery of ran­somware and for-prof­it schemes by these same hack­ers delayed the attri­bu­tion. In oth­er words, Microsoft­’s evi­dence-free ini­tial asser­tion that the hack was the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Chi­nese (and def­i­nite­ly com­plete­ly unre­lat­ed to the Solar­Winds hack!) got com­pli­cat­ed after it was observed that the hack­ers were behav­ing like nor­mal crim­i­nals and engag­ing in ran­somware for-prof­it schemes. So they had to cre­ate a new nar­ra­tive about how the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment is now using con­tract crim­i­nal hack­ers to car­ry out their mega-hacks. Because why car­ry out a mega-hack on your own when you can share it with the crim­i­nal-under­world:

Even with­out fresh sanc­tions, Monday’s actions are like­ly to exac­er­bate ten­sions with Chi­na at a del­i­cate time. Just last week, the U.S. issued sep­a­rate stark warn­ings against trans­ac­tions with enti­ties that oper­ate in China’s west­ern Xin­jiang region, where Chi­na is accused of repress­ing Uyghur Mus­lims and oth­er minori­ties.


The Euro­pean Union and Britain were among the allies who called out Chi­na. The EU said mali­cious cyber activ­i­ties with “sig­nif­i­cant effects” that tar­get­ed gov­ern­ment insti­tu­tions, polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions and key indus­tries in the bloc’s 27 mem­ber states could be linked to Chi­nese hack­ing groups. The U.K.’s Nation­al Cyber Secu­ri­ty Cen­tre said the groups tar­get­ed mar­itime indus­tries and naval defense con­trac­tors in the U.S. and Europe and the Finnish par­lia­ment.

In a state­ment, EU for­eign pol­i­cy chief Josep Bor­rell said the hack­ing was “con­duct­ed from the ter­ri­to­ry of Chi­na for the pur­pose of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty theft and espi­onage.”

The Microsoft Exchange cyber­at­tack “by Chi­nese state-backed groups was a reck­less but famil­iar pat­tern of behav­iour,” U.K. For­eign Sec­re­tary Dominic Raab said.

NATO, in its first pub­lic con­dem­na­tion of Chi­na for hack­ing activ­i­ties, called on Bei­jing to uphold its inter­na­tion­al com­mit­ments and oblig­a­tions “and to act respon­si­bly in the inter­na­tion­al sys­tem, includ­ing in cyber­space.” The alliance said it was deter­mined to “active­ly deter, defend against and counter the full spec­trum of cyber threats.”

That hack­ers affil­i­at­ed with the Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty were engaged in ran­somware was sur­pris­ing and con­cern­ing to the U.S. gov­ern­ment, the senior admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial said. But the attack, in which an uniden­ti­fied Amer­i­can com­pa­ny received a high-dol­lar ran­som demand, also gave U.S. offi­cials new insight into what the offi­cial said was “the kind of aggres­sive behav­ior that we’re see­ing com­ing out of Chi­na.”


The major­i­ty of the most dam­ag­ing and high-pro­file recent ran­somware attacks have involved Russ­ian crim­i­nal gangs. Though the U.S. has some­times seen con­nec­tions between Russ­ian intel­li­gence agen­cies and indi­vid­ual hack­ers, the use of crim­i­nal con­tract hack­ers by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment “to con­duct unsanc­tioned cyber oper­a­tions glob­al­ly is dis­tinct,” the offi­cial said.


The Microsoft Exchange hack that months ago com­pro­mised tens of thou­sands of com­put­ers around the world was swift­ly attrib­uted to Chi­nese cyber spies by Microsoft.

An admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial said the government’s attri­bu­tion to hack­ers affil­i­at­ed with the Min­istry of State Secu­ri­ty took until now in part because of the dis­cov­ery of the ran­somware and for-prof­it hack­ing oper­a­tions and because the admin­is­tra­tion want­ed to pair the announce­ment with guid­ance for busi­ness­es about tac­tics that the Chi­nese have been using.

Also keep in mind that the crim­i­nal hack­er groups did­n’t appear in the Exchange hack until March 2 accord­ing to our known time­line, the day Microsoft also issued its report that blamed the hack on state-spon­sored “Hafni­um”. So the crim­i­nal-like behav­ior of the groups with access to this exploit was­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly appar­ent when Microsoft made its ini­tial “Hafni­um” attri­bu­tion

But note the one con­sis­tent actor here: Dmitri Alper­ovitch — co-founder of Crowd­Strike and the guy who pio­neered the mod­ern approach of mak­ing loud evi­dence-free hack­ing accu­sa­tions against coun­tries as a means of pre­vent­ing future attacks — is giv­ing us exact­ly the response we should expect by ask­ing why these accu­sa­tions haven’t led to new sanc­tions against Chi­na:

Dmitri Alper­ovitch, the for­mer chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer of the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm Crowd­strike, said the announce­ment makes clear that MSS con­trac­tors who for years have worked for the gov­ern­ment and con­duct­ed oper­a­tions on its behalf have over time decid­ed — either with the approval or the “blind eye of their boss­es” — to ”start moon­light­ing and engag­ing in oth­er activ­i­ties that could put mon­ey in their pock­ets.”

Giv­en the scope of the attack, Alper­ovitch said it was “puz­zling” that the U.S. did not impose sanc­tions.

“They cer­tain­ly deserve it, and at this point, it’s becom­ing a glar­ing stand­out that we have not,” he said.

He added, in a ref­er­ence to a large Russ­ian cyberes­pi­onage oper­a­tion dis­cov­ered late last year, “There’s no ques­tion that the Exchange hacks have been more reck­less, more dan­ger­ous and more dis­rup­tive than any­thing the Rus­sians have done in Solar­Winds.

Also note that Alper­ovitch is now the for­mer CTO of Crowd­strike, hav­ing left the com­pa­ny in 2020 to start a non-prof­it “pol­i­cy accel­er­a­tor” focused on cyber­se­cu­ri­ty in a geopo­lit­i­cal con­text. In oth­er words, Alper­ovtich start­ed a think-tank and lob­by shop ded­i­cat­ed to push for the kind of hack­ing-based sanc­tions against Russ­ian and Chi­na he’s long advo­cat­ed for any­way.
The BBC has a bit more on the sto­ry that gives us a bet­ter idea of how the West­ern gov­ern­ments of the­o­riz­ing Chi­na decid­ed to car­ry out this glob­al mega-hack using com­mon cyber-crim­i­nals as co-con­spir­a­tors: Hafni­um knew Microsoft planned to deal with the weak­ness and so shared it with oth­er Chi­na-based hack­ers. In oth­er words, the Chi­nese state-backed hack­ers real­ized the jig was up and hand­ed the zero-day exploit (which was no longer a zero-day) to crim­i­nals for some strate­gic rea­son.

Again, recall the time­line: Recall how the known time­line of the Exchange hack is that it start­ed on Jan­u­ary 3 (Volex­i­ty’s first detect­ed use of the zero-day exploit by “Hafni­um). It was Jan­u­ary 6, dur­ing the Capi­tol Insur­rec­tion, when Volex­i­ty first observed a large down­load to an unau­tho­rized address. Hafni­um qui­et­ly hit orga­ni­za­tions until Microsoft issued a patch on March 2, the same day it blamed the hack on Hafni­um, a state-backed Chi­nese hack­er group. That’s the day we are told mul­ti­ple crim­i­nal groups went on a glob­al race to hit every unpatched serv­er con­nect­ed to the inter­net.

So what would be the motive for Hafni­um to hand that zero-day exploit over to crim­i­nal groups and esca­late the hack to the lev­el of worst ever? Max­i­mize dam­age? Cov­er their tracks? It’s unclear what the the­o­rized ratio­nale would be. Microsoft blamed the hack on “Hafni­um” and called them a Chi­nese state-backed group dur­ing the ini­tial secu­ri­ty blog post that announced the Exchange patch to fix the exploit, which is when the crim­i­nal ran­sack­ing report­ed­ly start­ed. So it’s not like there was obvi­ous track cov­er­ing by Hafni­um to be done at that point. But that’s what we’re told by these West­ern gov­ern­ment sources: after get­ting caught with their qui­et tar­get hack, these state-backed hack­ers made a con­scious deci­sion to hand the super exploit over to crim­i­nals and tol­er­ate a glob­al ran­sack­ing:

BBC News

Chi­na says Microsoft hack­ing accu­sa­tions fab­ri­cat­ed by US and allies


Chi­na has denied alle­ga­tions that it car­ried out a major cyber-attack against tech giant Microsoft.

The US and oth­er West­ern coun­tries on Mon­day accused Chi­na of hack­ing Microsoft Exchange — a pop­u­lar email plat­form used by com­pa­nies world­wide.

They said it was part of a broad­er pat­tern of “reck­less” behav­iour that threat­ened glob­al secu­ri­ty.

Chi­na says it oppos­es all forms of cyber-crime, and has called the claims “fab­ri­cat­ed”.

Chi­na’s for­eign min­istry spokesman said the US had got its allies to make “unrea­son­able crit­i­cisms” against Chi­na.

The UK, EU, New Zealand, Aus­tralia and oth­ers joined the US to accuse Chi­nese state-spon­sored hack­ers.


Microsoft blamed a Chi­nese cyber-espi­onage group for tar­get­ing a weak­ness in Microsoft Exchange, which allowed hack­ers to get into email inbox­es.

It said the group, known as Hafni­um, was state-spon­sored and based in Chi­na.

West­ern secu­ri­ty sources believe Hafni­um knew Microsoft had planned to deal with the weak­ness, and so shared it with oth­er Chi­na-based hack­ers.

The sources say the hack seems to sig­nal a shift from a tar­get­ed espi­onage cam­paign to a smash-and-grab raid, lead­ing to con­cerns that Chi­nese cyber-behav­iour is esca­lat­ing.

The UK For­eign Office said the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment had “ignored repeat­ed calls to end its reck­less cam­paign, instead allow­ing state-backed actors to increase the scale of their attacks”.

US Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment may not have been car­ry­ing out the attacks itself, but was “pro­tect­ing those who are doing it. And maybe even accom­mo­dat­ing them being able to do it”.


“Chi­na says Microsoft hack­ing accu­sa­tions fab­ri­cat­ed by US and allies”; BBC News; 7/20/2021

“West­ern secu­ri­ty sources believe Hafni­um knew Microsoft had planned to deal with the weak­ness, and so shared it with oth­er Chi­na-based hack­ers.”

It’s quite a sce­nario described by the West­ern secu­ri­ty source for this arti­cle: Hafni­um found out Microsoft planned on clos­ing some vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, prompt­ing Hafni­um to share the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty with oth­er Chi­na-based hack­ers. Recall how, as we saw above, Volex­i­ty wit­nessed what was a qui­et infil­tra­tion of some sys­tems — using the zero-day exploits — on Jan­u­ary 6 dur­ing the Capi­tol insur­rec­tion. It was in the fol­low­ing days that the hack because much more wide­spread and open and aggres­sive. So we are prob­a­bly being asked to assume that the sec­ond noisy phase of the hack was after Hafni­um gave their incred­i­ble zero-day exploit to oth­er crim­i­nal hack­ers around Chi­na. And this was all qui­et­ly sanc­tioned by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment. That’s the nar­ra­tive we are being asked to believe, this time with West­ern gov­ern­ments mak­ing the asser­tions, not Microsoft. And as always, we have no idea what evi­dence this belief is based on. The one thing we can state with con­fi­dence is that a large num­ber of the actors who used this exploit dur­ing that glob­al ran­sack­ing phase appear to be crim­i­nal.

But if we take the state-backed crim­i­nal-super-hack nar­ra­tive seri­ous­ly, we have to treat this as a major esca­la­tion by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment. Which it very much would be if true. An insane esca­la­tion that could enrage the glob­al busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty. Not just gov­ern­ments:

The sources say the hack seems to sig­nal a shift from a tar­get­ed espi­onage cam­paign to a smash-and-grab raid, lead­ing to con­cerns that Chi­nese cyber-behav­iour is esca­lat­ing.

But, again, keep in mind that this entire dis­cus­sion about Hafni­um and crim­i­nal hack­ing groups was due to the US and its allies issue a big coor­di­nat­ed pub­lic rebuke of Chi­na’s involve­ment in the Exchange hack one day after the pair of NSO Group mega-scan­dal sto­ries. Sto­ries that raised enor­mous ques­tions about the hack­ing attri­bu­tions of the last decade, at a min­i­mum.

Macron to the World: New Phone, Who Dis?

And a few days after that coor­di­nat­ed pub­lic rebuke of Chi­na over “Hafni­um”, we get an update on the fall­out from the NSO Group sto­ry: Emmanuel Macron changed his phone. As a pre­cau­tion. His num­ber was on Moroc­co’s tar­get list. Awk­ward!

We also get an update from NSO Group on how its over­sight sys­tem works: while it does­n’t know the iden­ti­ties of the peo­ple tar­get­ed by Pega­sus, the com­pa­ny can retroac­tive­ly acquire the tar­get lists in the event of a com­plaint and uni­lat­er­al­ly shut down the offend­ing gov­ern­men­t’s sub­scrip­tion fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion. In oth­er words, NSO Group could in the­o­ry do ret­ro­spec­tive audits. But won’t unless there’s a com­plaint. A com­plaint about the super secret spy­ware you can’t find and don’t know about:


France’s Macron changes phone in light of Pega­sus case

Michel Rose and Dan Williams
July 22, 2021 3:25 PM CDT Updat­ed

PARIS, July 22 (Reuters) — French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron has changed his mobile phone and phone num­ber in light of the Pega­sus spy­ware case, a pres­i­den­cy offi­cial said on Thurs­day, in one of the first con­crete actions announced in rela­tion to the scan­dal.

“He’s got sev­er­al phone num­bers. This does not mean he has been spied on. It’s just addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty,” the offi­cial told Reuters. Gov­ern­ment spokesman Gabriel Attal said the pres­i­den­t’s secu­ri­ty pro­to­cols were being adapt­ed in light of the inci­dent.

A glob­al out­cry was trig­gered when sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al media organ­i­sa­tions report­ed that the Pega­sus spy­ware was used in hack­ing smart­phones belong­ing to jour­nal­ists, human rights activists and gov­ern­ment offi­cials in sev­er­al coun­tries.

In Israel, home of Pega­sus devel­op­er NSO Group, a senior law­mak­er said a par­lia­men­tary pan­el may look into spy­ware export restric­tions. NSO says its soft­ware is used to fight crime and ter­ror­ism and has denied any wrong­do­ing.

“Obvi­ous­ly we’re tak­ing (this) very seri­ous­ly,” Attal told reporters hours after an emer­gency cab­i­net meet­ing focused on the Pega­sus alle­ga­tions.

Le Monde news­pa­per and Radio France broad­cast­er report­ed on Tues­day that Macron’s phone was on a list of poten­tial tar­gets for sur­veil­lance by Moroc­co. The two media said that they did not have access to Macron’s phone and could not ver­i­fy if his phone had indeed been spied on.

Moroc­co has reject­ed these alle­ga­tions.

A French lawyer for Moroc­co, Olivi­er Baratel­li, said the gov­ern­ment planned to lodge defama­tion law­suits in Paris against non­govern­men­tal organ­i­sa­tions Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and For­bid­den Sto­ries, accord­ing to French news out­let fran­ce­in­fo on Thurs­day. The two groups par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Pega­sus probe and alleged Moroc­co had tar­get­ed French offi­cials for sur­veil­lance with the spy­ware.

Amid mount­ing EU con­cern, Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel told reporters in Berlin that spy­ware should be denied to coun­tries where there is no judi­cial over­sight.

Hun­gar­i­an pros­e­cu­tors on Thurs­day launched an inves­ti­ga­tion into mul­ti­ple com­plaints received in the wake of the reports.

Israel has appoint­ed an inter-min­is­te­r­i­al team to assess reports based on an inves­ti­ga­tion by 17 media organ­i­sa­tions that said Pega­sus had been used in attempt­ed or suc­cess­ful hacks of smart­phones using mal­ware that enables the extrac­tion of mes­sages, records calls and secret­ly acti­vates micro­phones.


“We cer­tain­ly have to look anew at this whole sub­ject of licences grant­ed by DECA,” Ram Ben-Barak, head of the Knes­set For­eign Affairs and Defence Com­mit­tee, told Israel’s Army Radio, refer­ring to the gov­ern­ment-run Defence Export Con­trols Agency.

The Israeli gov­ern­ment team “will con­duct its checks, and we will be sure to look into the find­ings and see if we need to fix things here”, said Ben-Barak. A for­mer deputy chief of Mossad, he said prop­er use of Pega­sus had “helped a great many peo­ple”.

DECA is with­in Israel’s Defence Min­istry and over­sees NSO exports. Both the min­istry and the firm have said that Pega­sus is meant to be used to track only ter­ror­ists or crim­i­nals, and that all for­eign clients are vet­ted gov­ern­ments.

NSO says it does not know the spe­cif­ic iden­ti­ties of peo­ple against whom clients use Pega­sus. If it receives a com­plaint of Pega­sus hav­ing been mis­used by a client, NSO can retroac­tive­ly acquire the tar­get lists and, should the com­plaint prove true, uni­lat­er­al­ly shut down that clien­t’s soft­ware, the com­pa­ny says.

Oth­er world lead­ers among those whose phone num­bers the news organ­i­sa­tions said were on a list of pos­si­ble tar­gets include Pak­istani Prime Min­is­ter Imram Khan and Moroc­co’s King Mohammed VI.


France’s Macron changes phone in light of Pega­sus case” by Michel Rose and Dan Williams; Reuters; 07/22/2021

“NSO says it does not know the spe­cif­ic iden­ti­ties of peo­ple against whom clients use Pega­sus. If it receives a com­plaint of Pega­sus hav­ing been mis­used by a client, NSO can retroac­tive­ly acquire the tar­get lists and, should the com­plaint prove true, uni­lat­er­al­ly shut down that clien­t’s soft­ware, the com­pa­ny says.”

NSO Group can retroac­tive­ly acquire the tar­get lists to inves­ti­gate com­plaints. It’s the kind of descrip­tion that sounds like NSO Group would need to go to the clients to retrieve the list of tar­get phone num­bers or emails. That’s the kind of over­sight regime that rais­es ques­tions about whether or not these clients have the capa­bil­i­ty to scrub those tar­get lists before return­ing them to NSO Group. It’s also the kind of over­sight regime that rais­es ques­tions about how any sort of over­sight could ever hap­pen out­side of instances when there’s a news report about NSO Group mal­ware being dis­cov­ered and a ‘ret­ro­spec­tive inves­ti­ga­tion’ is con­duct­ed. Either an insid­er needs to leak about it or vic­tims need to dis­cov­er the mal­ware. Those are the only viable sce­nar­ios that could real­is­ti­cal­ly trig­ger an inves­ti­ga­tion and this is super-secret mal­ware that oper­at­ed with­out being detect­ed for years. Almost noth­ing oth­er than the inves­tiga­tive report­ing done by Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al and For­bid­den Sto­ries could real­is­ti­cal­ly cause a client to have their sub­scrip­tion revoked.

And as we saw in the case of Sau­di Ara­bia and the fall­out from the Jamal Khashog­gi assas­si­na­tion, the fall­out — in the form of NSO Group can­cel­ing Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s sub­scrip­tion, a move opposed by the Israeli gov­ern­ment — was ulti­mate­ly reversed after NSO Group was sud­den­ly sold to new investors. That’s part of the con­text of Israel’s assur­ances that it will be look anew at the licens­es grant­ed for these sub­scrip­tion. It can’t look anew. It would be a diplo­mat­ic night­mare for Israel. And per­haps not some­thing Israel can rea­son­ably uni­lat­er­al­ly decide on its own. If what we are look­ing at here is a broad­er West­ern-sanc­tioned glob­al sys­tem for dis­trib­ut­ing lim­it­ed super-hack­er capa­bil­i­ties, the fate of NSO Group and the entire Israeli “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance” sec­tor sud­den­ly becomes a much more mul­ti­lat­er­al affair:

“We cer­tain­ly have to look anew at this whole sub­ject of licences grant­ed by DECA,” Ram Ben-Barak, head of the Knes­set For­eign Affairs and Defence Com­mit­tee, told Israel’s Army Radio, refer­ring to the gov­ern­ment-run Defence Export Con­trols Agency.

The Israeli gov­ern­ment team “will con­duct its checks, and we will be sure to look into the find­ings and see if we need to fix things here”, said Ben-Barak. A for­mer deputy chief of Mossad, he said prop­er use of Pega­sus had “helped a great many peo­ple”.

DECA is with­in Israel’s Defence Min­istry and over­sees NSO exports. Both the min­istry and the firm have said that Pega­sus is meant to be used to track only ter­ror­ists or crim­i­nals, and that all for­eign clients are vet­ted gov­ern­ments.

Will the Israeli gov­ern­ment con­duct a mean­ing­ful audit of its cyber mer­ce­nary export sec­tor? The sto­ry of the NSO Group and Jamal Khashog­gi’s mur­der sug­gests oth­er­wise.

NSO Group and Candiru: Joined at the Founding Financial Hip

We’re now at the end of our arti­cle marathon. This one isn’t from Decem­ber 2020-July 2021. It’s from Octo­ber 2019. So it was­n’t old news as all of this as has been play­ing out. One mega-hack sto­ry after anoth­er. One Microsoft exploit after anoth­er. As the world turned to Microsoft to lead the inves­ti­ga­tion into this parade of Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties (some might con­sid­er that a con­flict of inter­est), the fol­low­ing sto­ry for Octo­ber 2019 was sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly ignore: An intro­duc­tion to Can­diru, its pow­er­ful suite of Microsoft exploits, and the fact that its founders over­lap with the NSO Group’s founders.

Yep, in the fol­low­ing Forbes piece we learn how Can­diru has clients like Uzbek­istan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and the UAE. The main Can­diru finan­cial backer was Founders Group, which was co-found­ed by one of the three men who set up NSO Group, Omri Lavie. Addi­tion­al­ly, one of the lead investors is Founders Group man­ag­ing part­ner Isaac Zack. We’re also told that the indus­try is increas­ing­ly close to its finan­cial back­ers because, well, it’s become so con­tro­ver­sial there aren’t that many finan­cial back­ers avail­able. A hyper-secre­tive inces­tu­ous indus­try increas­ing­ly behold­en to the shrink­ing num­ber of peo­ple will­ing to go into some­thing this explo­sive­ly pow­er­ful:


Meet Can­diru — The Mys­te­ri­ous Mer­ce­nar­ies Hack­ing Apple And Microsoft PCs For Prof­it

Thomas Brew­ster Forbes Staff
Asso­ciate edi­tor at Forbes, cov­er­ing cyber­crime, pri­va­cy, secu­ri­ty and sur­veil­lance.
Oct 3, 2019,06:06am EDT

Israel is home to scores of hack­er-for-hire busi­ness­es, but one of the most clan­des­tine has been Can­diru. With no web­site and few records avail­able, it’s oper­at­ed large­ly under the radar.

But now a researcher is claim­ing the elite Tel Aviv-based firm sold cyber weapons to the gov­ern­ment of Uzbek­istan, while indus­try sources tell Forbes the com­pa­ny is hack­ing both Microsoft Win­dows and Apple Macs for var­i­ous nation states.

In doing so it calls into ques­tion the company’s ethics for part­ner­ing with a gov­ern­ment brand­ed as an abuser of sur­veil­lance tools, just like the morals of its com­pa­tri­ot dig­i­tal arms deal­ers have come under scruti­ny over the last half decade.

Smash­ing Win­dows

Candiru’s spe­cial­i­ty, hack­ing Microsoft Win­dows for nation-state intel­li­gence agen­cies, is one key rev­enue stream. And one of those Can­diru cus­tomers is almost cer­tain­ly Uzbek­istan, accord­ing to Bri­an Bartholomew, a researcher at Russ­ian cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny Kasper­sky Lab. He claimed that a lapse in an Uzbek­istan intel­li­gence agency’s oper­a­tional secu­ri­ty allowed him to link mul­ti­ple Win­dows vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties used in Uzbek attacks back to Can­diru and two oth­er cus­tomers: Sau­di Ara­bia and the U.A.E.

Bartholomew detailed just how Uzbek­istan was slop­py to Forbes ahead of the pub­lic release of his research at London’s Virus Bul­letin con­fer­ence on Thurs­day, though he couldn’t pro­vide clear links between the leaked tools and the Israeli com­pa­ny.

Per­haps Uzbek­istan’s biggest mis­take was to set up a test com­put­er, exposed on the inter­net, that test­ed its hack­ing tools against var­i­ous antivirus sys­tems like Kasper­sky. Bartholomew’s team found that com­put­er online and not­ed that it reg­u­lar­ly con­nect­ed to a sin­gle Web address. And here’s where the Uzbek­istan gov­ern­ment exposed itself: Not only was that address reg­is­tered in Uzbek­istan, but the reg­is­trant was the appar­ent leader of “Mil­i­tary Unit 02616.” Though there was lit­tle infor­ma­tion on that divi­sion, Bart­hole­mew soon dis­cov­ered it was part of Uzbekistan’s sur­veil­lance agency, the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Ser­vice (NSS).

Accord­ing to Bartholomew, the NSS is essen­tial­ly the suc­ces­sor to the Sovi­et KGB con­tin­gent, which trans­ferred pow­er in the ear­ly 1990s. “They have loads of pow­er. They can pret­ty much do what they want,” Bart­hole­mew said. The NSS also has a his­to­ry of buy­ing mal­ware from for­eign deal­ers, as revealed in the leaked 2015 emails of Ital­ian provider Hack­ing Team. Host­ed on Wik­ileaks, the emails con­tain fre­quent mes­sages about deals between Hack­ing Team and the unit; Bartholomew believes Uzbek­istan spent near­ly $1 mil­lion on the Ital­ian company’s ser­vices, look­ing at all the invoic­es in the leak.

But because the agency exposed its Win­dows exploits on the web, Kasper­sky researchers were able to link them to oth­er mali­cious soft­ware Bartholomew says were cre­at­ed by Can­diru, name­ly those that appeared to be con­trolled by Sau­di Ara­bia and the U.A.E. “Slop­py cus­tomers are bad cus­tomers,” the researcher said.

Human rights experts have now raised the alarm about Candiru’s cus­tomer base and the poten­tial for abuse. Bartholomew and anoth­er source with knowl­edge of the attacks said he dis­cov­ered Can­diru sur­veil­lance soft­ware was used in pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed hacks on Uzbek human rights activists and inde­pen­dent media.

“Each of these gov­ern­ments is a ser­i­al spy­ware abuser, and it is painful­ly pre­dictable that civ­il soci­ety got tar­get­ed again,” said John Scott-Rail­ton, a sur­veil­lance mar­ket researcher at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Cit­i­zen Lab. “For an indus­try that is try­ing to tell investors and reg­u­la­tors that it is work­ing to clean up its act, pro­vid­ing spy­ware to these auto­crat­ic regimes is a guar­an­teed way to get it abused.”

Rain­ing down on Macs

Can­diru spe­cial­izes in hack­ing Win­dows, but it’s also work­ing on tools to crack Apple’s MacOS oper­at­ing sys­tem, accord­ing to Tal Dil­ian, who claims to have part­nered with Can­diru as part of his work with his own sur­veil­lance start­up, Intellex­er. Though not sure, he also said Can­diru may also have a focus on iOS too.

Scott-Rail­ton said he was also con­vinced that Can­diru was devel­op­ing exploits for both Apple and Microsoft tech­nol­o­gy.

Israel’s dig­i­tal mer­ce­nar­ies unite

Out­side of Candiru’s appar­ent rela­tion­ship with Dilian’s spy­ware enterprises—WiSpear and Intellexa—it has at least one tie to the most con­tro­ver­sial of Israel’s sur­veil­lance providers: NSO Group. That’s because two indus­try sources said the main Can­diru finan­cial backer was Founders Group, cofound­ed by one of the three men who set up NSO, Omri Lavie.

As sur­veil­lance indus­try sources also told Forbes, one of the lead investors is Founders Group man­ag­ing part­ner Isaac Zack.. Accord­ing to Pitch­book, Zack is also a board mem­ber at wire­less charg­ing start­up Humavox and at Sepio Sys­tems. The lat­ter is a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny, focused on doing the exact oppo­site of Can­diru: pro­tect­ing hard­ware from being turned into silent sur­veil­lance devices. Its board also includes Tamir Par­do, the for­mer head of the Mossad, Israel’s intel­li­gence agency.

Com­pa­nies like Can­diru are being forced to go to investors with whom they’re already on friend­ly terms because of an increas­ing antipa­thy towards the indus­try from typ­i­cal ven­ture cap­i­tal firms. “YL Ven­tures has not and will not invest in offen­sive cyber tech­nol­o­gy ven­dors,” said Yoav Leit­ers­dorf, man­ag­ing part­ner at YL Ven­tures. “The pri­ma­ry rea­son for this is eth­i­cal, since often­times the cus­tomers of these ven­dors end up using the tech­nol­o­gy in a way that vio­lates human rights, with or with­out the ven­dors’ knowl­edge. Such usage goes direct­ly against our val­ues and the val­ues of our lim­it­ed part­ners.”

Israeli firms have found them­selves at the cen­ter of an inter­na­tion­al con­tro­ver­sy over the sale of spy­ware to repres­sive gov­ern­ments. Can­diru has avoid­ed the spot­light up until now, but its rival NSO Group has become embroiled in sev­er­al con­tro­ver­sies. In Mex­i­co, the use of alleged NSO mal­ware Pega­sus by the gov­ern­ment to mon­i­tor jour­nal­ists, activists and lawyers work­ing on the 2014 killing of 43 stu­dents caused a major polit­i­cal scan­dal. And in Jan­u­ary, NSO chief Shalev Hulio had to state on the record that his firm had not worked with the Sau­di gov­ern­ment to mon­i­tor jour­nal­ist Jamal Khashog­gi in the months before his mur­der by Sau­di agents.



“Meet Can­diru — The Mys­te­ri­ous Mer­ce­nar­ies Hack­ing Apple And Microsoft PCs For Prof­it” by Thomas Brew­ster; Forbes; 10/03/2019

“Candiru’s spe­cial­i­ty, hack­ing Microsoft Win­dows for nation-state intel­li­gence agen­cies, is one key rev­enue stream. And one of those Can­diru cus­tomers is almost cer­tain­ly Uzbek­istan, accord­ing to Bri­an Bartholomew, a researcher at Russ­ian cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny Kasper­sky Lab. He claimed that a lapse in an Uzbek­istan intel­li­gence agency’s oper­a­tional secu­ri­ty allowed him to link mul­ti­ple Win­dows vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties used in Uzbek attacks back to Can­diru and two oth­er cus­tomers: Sau­di Ara­bia and the U.A.E.

Uzbek­istan, Sau­di Ara­bia, and the UAE. Those were three of Can­diru’s clients iden­ti­fied back in late 2019 when the com­pa­ny first received media expo­sure and it’s obvi­ous­ly a very incom­plete client list. The kind of client list where we can be con­fi­dent all sorts of oth­er ter­ri­fy­ing cus­tomers are being qui­et­ly ser­viced.

Also keep in mind that Uzbek­istan’s hack­ers would­n’t have any trou­ble leav­ing Russ­ian ‘cul­tur­al arti­fact’ clues. They all speak Russ­ian. Of course, as we saw with the Shad­ow­Bro­kers sto­ry, the CIA’s hack­ing toolk­it fea­tured tools to inject Russ­ian or Man­darin into the code to leave leave kinds of clues so it’s not like a hack­er nec­es­sar­i­ly needs to know Russ­ian or Man­darin to leave these kinds of ‘clues’. But still, since such ‘clues’ are giv­en so much weight when it comes to cyber­at­tri­bu­tion, it behooves us to note that the hack­ers work­ing for the many for­mer Sovi­et Republics are going to know Russ­ian. At least enough to stick it in their code or on forums or wher­ev­er to make sure every­one knows it was the ‘Rus­sians’. We now know all dozens of gov­ern­ments have been sub­scrib­ing to these mal­ware ser­vices over the last decade. What are the odds they haven’t been doing pre­cise­ly what the CIA’s toolk­its do and inject­ing their own ‘cul­tur­al arti­facts’? What are the odds these sub­scrip­tion toolk­its don’t already offer those exact fea­tures? Sau­di Ara­bia and the UAE, for exam­ple, would prob­a­bly real­ly enjoy those fea­tures:

Accord­ing to Bartholomew, the NSS is essen­tial­ly the suc­ces­sor to the Sovi­et KGB con­tin­gent, which trans­ferred pow­er in the ear­ly 1990s. “They have loads of pow­er. They can pret­ty much do what they want,” Bart­hole­mew said. The NSS also has a his­to­ry of buy­ing mal­ware from for­eign deal­ers, as revealed in the leaked 2015 emails of Ital­ian provider Hack­ing Team. Host­ed on Wik­ileaks, the emails con­tain fre­quent mes­sages about deals between Hack­ing Team and the unit; Bartholomew believes Uzbek­istan spent near­ly $1 mil­lion on the Ital­ian company’s ser­vices, look­ing at all the invoic­es in the leak.

But because the agency exposed its Win­dows exploits on the web, Kasper­sky researchers were able to link them to oth­er mali­cious soft­ware Bartholomew says were cre­at­ed by Can­diru, name­ly those that appeared to be con­trolled by Sau­di Ara­bia and the U.A.E. “Slop­py cus­tomers are bad cus­tomers,” the researcher said.

Human rights experts have now raised the alarm about Candiru’s cus­tomer base and the poten­tial for abuse. Bartholomew and anoth­er source with knowl­edge of the attacks said he dis­cov­ered Can­diru sur­veil­lance soft­ware was used in pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed hacks on Uzbek human rights activists and inde­pen­dent media.

“Each of these gov­ern­ments is a ser­i­al spy­ware abuser, and it is painful­ly pre­dictable that civ­il soci­ety got tar­get­ed again,” said John Scott-Rail­ton, a sur­veil­lance mar­ket researcher at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Cit­i­zen Lab. “For an indus­try that is try­ing to tell investors and reg­u­la­tors that it is work­ing to clean up its act, pro­vid­ing spy­ware to these auto­crat­ic regimes is a guar­an­teed way to get it abused.”

And look at the remark­able rela­tion­ship between NSO Group and Can­diru: the main Can­diru finan­cial backer was Founders Group, co-found­ed by one of the three men who set up NSO, Omri Lavie, and one of the lead investors is Founders Group man­ag­ing part­ner Isaac Zack:

Out­side of Candiru’s appar­ent rela­tion­ship with Dilian’s spy­ware enterprises—WiSpear and Intellexa—it has at least one tie to the most con­tro­ver­sial of Israel’s sur­veil­lance providers: NSO Group. That’s because two indus­try sources said the main Can­diru finan­cial backer was Founders Group, cofound­ed by one of the three men who set up NSO, Omri Lavie.

As sur­veil­lance indus­try sources also told Forbes, one of the lead investors is Founders Group man­ag­ing part­ner Isaac Zack.. Accord­ing to Pitch­book, Zack is also a board mem­ber at wire­less charg­ing start­up Humavox and at Sepio Sys­tems. The lat­ter is a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny, focused on doing the exact oppo­site of Can­diru: pro­tect­ing hard­ware from being turned into silent sur­veil­lance devices. Its board also includes Tamir Par­do, the for­mer head of the Mossad, Israel’s intel­li­gence agency.

So when we read about NSO Group and Can­diru both being licensed out to coun­tries like Sau­di Ara­bia, it’s seems like kind of a pack­age deal. You get Can­diru for the Microsoft exploits and NSO Group for the oth­er things.


Ok, we’re almost done with our excerpt marathon. A marathon that was almost all from just a sev­en month peri­od start­ing in Decem­ber 2020. Fire­Eye deliv­ers what felt like a night­mare at the time. And was and is a night­mare. Just not our worst night­mare. Not even close. Our night­mare sce­nario kept get­ting worse. Keeps going. It nev­er ends.

And sure, it’s nev­er going to end by def­i­n­i­tion. As long as there are com­put­er there are going to be hack sto­ries and some of them major hacks. But as we’ve seen, this is been an unusu­al sev­en month peri­od. One mega-hack after anoth­er. It’s like cyber-cli­mate change just start­ed to become notice­able.

And through­out this wave of Microsoft mega-hacks, we’ve had Microsoft lead­ing the way in attri­bu­tions. It’s always a state-backed actor. Known with­in 24 to 48 hours. Con­clu­sive­ly. Rus­sia or Chi­na. Don’t ask why. Just accept the con­clu­sion. The high­ly self-serv­ing easy con­clu­sion that is far less ter­ri­fy­ing than the idea of crim­i­nals car­ry­ing out these mega-hacks. Yes, the US gov­ern­ment backs Microsoft on these attri­bu­tions. Also with­out pro­vid­ing any hint of the evi­dence it’s based on. Just accept what­ev­er attri­bu­tion peo­ple come up with uncrit­i­cal­ly because, hey, they’re experts. They must know, right? That’s the cli­mate of con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tion: Watch­ing peo­ple engage it what appears to be read­ing the dig­i­tal tea leaves to come up with the cul­prit, who then pro­claim their find­ings like a foren­sic exam­i­na­tion deci­sive­ly con­clud­ed it. And for the most part this is absolute­ly unques­tioned.

Now, it’s impor­tant to keep one thing in mind in terms of this cyber­at­tri­bu­tion regime: part of the rea­son Microsoft and gov­ern­ments make these attri­bu­tion pro­nounce­ments with­out both­er­ing to give any evi­dence and act as if we should just trust them is because we more or less have to do exact­ly that. We have to just trust Microsoft and gov­ern­ments and who­ev­er else has access to the com­put­er sys­tems to study these hacks. Much of the evi­dence is pri­vate and some­one has to go in and the foren­sic cyber-inves­ti­ga­tions exam­in­ing mal­ware, look­ing for ‘cul­tur­al arti­facts’ or what­ev­er. That’s all well and good and part of how a tech­no­log­i­cal­ly com­plex soci­ety oper­ates. It’s heav­i­ly trust-based.

But that’s pre­cise­ly why the high­ly con­ve­nient and log­i­cal­ly sus­pect nar­ra­tives that con­tin­u­al­ly pop up around these mega-hacks — where the cul­prit is always Russ­ian or Chi­nese hack­ers, declared with­in days — is so prob­lem­at­ic. We’re forced to trust the inves­ti­ga­tors because no evi­dence is ever giv­en. And yet the con­clu­sions always seem like they were con­ve­nient­ly made up and vir­tu­al­ly nev­er acknowl­edge the exis­tence of a glob­al indus­try of com­pa­nies like NSO Group and Can­diru. If activists are tar­get­ed, sure, a gov­ern­ment run­ning “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dor” soft­ware might be sus­pect­ed, as was the case with Can­diru’s mal­ware get­ting caught being used against activists. But that’s basi­cal­ly the only time we see this legal offen­sive cyber-for-hire indus­try come up in the attri­bu­tions. It’s near­ly always oth­er­wise attrib­uted to Rus­sia, Chi­na, North Korea or Iran. Maybe crim­i­nals if no gov­ern­ment net­works got it. But that’s basi­cal­ly it. That’s con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tion regime. Those are the accept­able choic­es. Rus­sia, Chi­na, North Korea Iran, maybe crim­i­nals. While at least 40 gov­ern­ments around the world have NSO Group sub­scrip­tions. And sto­ries like the Vault7 hack­ing tools that plant­ed for­eign ‘cul­tur­al arti­facts’ are less than a decade all. Each indi­vid­ual hack might by hard to assess, but tak­en togeth­er it’s just implau­si­ble.

To get a sense of how implau­si­ble, here’s our final quick excerpt. It’s from Octo­ber 2020, about the find­ing in Microsoft Dig­i­tal Defence Report, which you can down­load here. The report includes a dia­gram (page 42) show­ing the per­cent break­down of the dif­fer­ent coun­tries for the state-backed attri­bu­tions made by Microsoft­’s Microsoft­’s Threat Intel­li­gence Cen­ter (MSTC) study between July 2019 and June 2020. So this is Microsoft telling us what it’s own secu­ri­ty experts found. There were just four coun­tries on the entire chart. Guess which four: 52 per­cent of hacked attrib­uted to state-backed actors were attrib­uted to Rus­sia, 25 per­cent to Iran, 12 to Chi­na, and 11 to North Korea. Now, take a moment to digest those num­bers. 52 + 25 + 12+ 11 = 100. 100 per­cent of the state-backed attri­bu­tions made between July 2019 and June 2020 by Microsoft were Rus­sia, Iran, Chi­na, or North Korea. All of them. That’s why the ‘trust us’ attri­bu­tion par­a­digm is slow prob­lem­at­ic. It’s hard to trust an implau­si­ble nar­ra­tive:

The Inde­pen­dent

Rus­sia respon­si­ble for over half of all state-spon­sored hack­ing, Microsoft says

Attacks focused on polit­i­cal groups, rather than nation­al infra­struc­ture, in an attempt to affect oth­er gov­ern­ments’ pol­i­cy

Adam Smith
Fri­day 02 Octo­ber 2020 14:57

Rus­sia is respon­si­ble for over half of all state-spon­sored hack­ing, vast­ly more than any oth­er state, accord­ing to a new report from Microsoft.

Russ­ian activ­i­ty made up 52 per cent of all attacks between July 2019 and June 2020, the soft­ware giant’s Dig­i­tal Defence Report states.

It is fol­lowed by Iran, which makes up 25 per cent of the attacks mon­i­tored.

Chi­na is respon­si­ble for 12 per cent of attacks, while North Korea and oth­er states make up the final 11 per cent.

The major­i­ty of their tar­gets have been in the Unit­ed States, which is tar­get­ed 69 per cent of the time. The Unit­ed King­dom is the next most pop­u­lar vic­tim, receiv­ing 19 per cent of attacks, fol­lowed by Cana­da, South Kora, and Sau­di Ara­bia.

While there has been much con­cern over recent years that coun­tries’ crit­i­cial nation­al infas­truc­ture – such as the nation­al grid of finan­cial ser­vices – could be tar­get­ed by hack­ers, Microsoft says that is not the most com­mon tar­get.

Accord­ing to the soft­ware giant, 90 per cent of attacks from nation-states have been focused on “non­govern­men­tal organ­i­sa­tions (NGOs), advo­ca­cy groups, human rights orga­ni­za­tions and think tanks focused on pub­lic pol­i­cy, inter­na­tion­al affairs or secu­ri­ty.”

The com­pa­ny sug­gests that nation-states are hop­ing to influ­ence gov­ern­ment pol­i­cy through sub­tler means, rather than tar­get­ing infra­struc­ture direct­ly.



“Rus­sia respon­si­ble for over half of all state-spon­sored hack­ing, Microsoft says” by Adam Smith; The Inde­pen­dent; 10/02/2020

Again, 52 + 25 + 12+ 11 = 100. Microsoft­’s threat assess­ment team can appar­ent­ly only deter­mine hacks came from those four coun­tries. Even at a time when dozens of gov­ern­ments have sub­scrip­tions soft­ware from com­pa­nies like NSO Group and Can­diru and none of this is real­ly a secret. It’s shame­less. No states decid­ed to abuse their super spy­ware? None at all? Just Russ­ian, Iran, Chi­na, and North Korea? Yes, that’s what we are being it’s to believe by Microsoft and Microsoft is the lead­ing fig­ure shap­ing this nar­ra­tive. A nar­ra­tive most­ly about Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of late. Lots of Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties and yet almost no men­tions by Microsoft­’s threat assess­ment teams of Can­diru’s exis­tence. The com­pa­ny exists to sell super Microsoft exploits to gov­ern­ments around the world and yet, in this entire col­lec­tion of sto­ries we looked it, it was only after Cit­i­zen­Lab pub­licly iden­ti­fied new Microsoft zero-day exploits Can­diru’s clients were using against activists that we saw Microsoft even acknowl­edge the exis­tence of Can­diru.

But to real­ly appre­ci­ate why this prob­lem­at­ic cyber­at­tri­bu­tion nar­ra­tive — where it’s always Rus­sia, Iran, Chi­na, and North Korea — is so wild­ly dan­ger­ous to civ­i­liza­tion, we have to appre­ci­ate how the Solar­Winds hack and Microsoft Exchange mega-hacks relate to these seem­ing­ly sooth­ing words from Microsoft back in Octo­ber when it was assuag­ing con­cerns about attacks on crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture: nation-states are hop­ing to influ­ence gov­ern­ment pol­i­cy through sub­tler means, rather than tar­get­ing infra­struc­ture direct­ly:

While there has been much con­cern over recent years that coun­tries’ crit­i­cial nation­al infas­truc­ture – such as the nation­al grid of finan­cial ser­vices – could be tar­get­ed by hack­ers, Microsoft says that is not the most com­mon tar­get.

Accord­ing to the soft­ware giant, 90 per cent of attacks from nation-states have been focused on “non­govern­men­tal organ­i­sa­tions (NGOs), advo­ca­cy groups, human rights orga­ni­za­tions and think tanks focused on pub­lic pol­i­cy, inter­na­tion­al affairs or secu­ri­ty.”

The com­pa­ny sug­gests that nation-states are hop­ing to influ­ence gov­ern­ment pol­i­cy through sub­tler means, rather than tar­get­ing infra­struc­ture direct­ly.

Microsoft was telling us this as the Solar­Winds hack was ongo­ing and two months before it was revealed. And as we’ve seen, both the Solar­Winds and Microsoft Exchange mega-hacks could arguably be con­sid­ered attacks on crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture. They were a very big deal. Espe­cial­ly the Microsoft Exchange hacks that could be auto­mat­ed and were car­ried out by seem­ing­ly for-prof­it crim­i­nal actors. That’s an infra­struc­ture attack. Who­ev­er car­ried this out was con­duct­ing a kind of dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture attack. It was that vast and aggres­sive.

But beyond the imme­di­ate dam­age by these mega-hacks, it’s the poten­tial for seeds to have been sown for future even more dev­as­tat­ing hacks that make these sto­ries absolute­ly dev­as­tat­ing from a secu­ri­ty stand­point. Basi­cal­ly every major orga­ni­za­tion’s com­put­er net­works got hit by sophis­ti­cat­ed actors with a demon­strat­ed capac­i­ty to deploy mul­ti­ple zero-day exploits. We have every rea­son to believe the retained access to a large num­ber of these net­works. Remem­ber what Bill Whitak­er of Bold­en told us: it would have been triv­ial for the Solar­Winds hack­ers to have turned that mal­ware into the kind of stuff that caus­es the com­put­ers on those net­works to effec­tive­ly self-destruct. A few dozen more lines of code. That’s how eas­i­ly these kinds of mega-hacks can become major crises. Lethal crises. Imag­ine the dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture of most of the world get­ting crip­pled with ran­somware simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. A few dozen lines of code could have turned Solar­Winds or the Exchange hack into the kind of hack that crip­ples phys­i­cal infra­struc­ture.

Now imag­ine a glob­al strike like that that crip­ples every coun­ty’s dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture except, say, Rus­si­a’s. Or Chi­na’s. It would be treat­ed as an act of war. And we could be pret­ty con­fi­dent Microsoft and plen­ty of oth­er actors in the secu­ri­ty sec­tor would be more than hap­py to pro­vide those defin­i­tive attri­bu­tions that, yes, it was Rus­sia. Or Chi­na. Or Iran or North Korea or who­ev­er is most con­ve­nient. Hack­ing has become the per­fect crime in mul­ti­ple sens­es. Not only can a hack be exe­cut­ed in a man­ner where no one can deter­mine the iden­ti­ty of the cul­prit but, by virtue of that com­pli­ca­tion, any­one can become the cul­prit. True con­clu­sive attri­bu­tion is so dif­fi­cult, and yet increas­ing­ly impor­tant and urgent, that civ­i­liza­tion has col­lec­tive just turned to the dig­i­tal secu­ri­ty indus­try and gov­ern­ments and asked them to give us their best edu­cat­ed guess­es and then we treat those best edu­cat­ed guess­es as con­clu­sive find­ings. It real­ly is a faith-based attri­bu­tion sys­tem. Increas­ing­ly faith in Microsoft being hon­est about Microsoft mega-hacks. There’s bad faith. And blind faith. And then there’s that kind of faith. Blind dumb faith in Microsoft­’s hon­esty and integri­ty. It’s clear­ly very pop­u­lar these days. Enjoy it while you still can.


30 comments for “Cyber Attribution, the Mega-Hacks of 2021, and the Existential Threat of Blind Faith in Bad-Faith”

  1. Wel­come to your new secu­ri­ty night­mare. Brought to you by Microsoft: The recent­ly com­pa­ny issued an update on a rel­a­tive new zero-day exploit. “Print­Night­mare”. The appro­pri­ate­ly named exploit real­ly is a secu­ri­ty night­mare. The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Microsoft­’s print spool­ing soft­ware — the soft­ware that man­ages which doc­u­ments get print­ed next from the print­er — poten­tial­ly allowed hack­ers to install pro­grams, change data and cre­ate new accounts with full user rights, among oth­er actions. In oth­er words, your entire com­put­er net­work could be tak­en over.

    Microsoft­’s recent update on the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties includes a new vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that allows for the remote exe­cu­tion of any code on the sys­tem. It’s the kind of update that let’s us know this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty was even big­ger than pre­vi­ous­ly acknowl­edged, which is pret­ty amaz­ing giv­en the scope of the ini­tial warn­ing. It’s like learn­ing you can be hacked even more thor­ough­ly.

    So what is Microsoft rec­om­mend­ing in response to this lat­est hyper-sys­temic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty? Dis­able the print­er spool­ing ser­vices, for starters. Patch your servers. And final­ly, migrate to Microsoft­’s Cloud ser­vices. And that appears to be what the ulti­mate ‘fix’ is going to be as this era of mega-hacks accel­er­ates: flee to the safe­ty of the cloud. Of course, as we’re going to see, the cloud may not be as safe as adver­tised. Sur­prise!

    Ok, first, here’s a report from ear­ly July, when the world woke up to a newest Microsoft secu­ri­ty night­mare: the gen­uine­ly ter­ri­fy­ing ‘Print­Night­mare’:


    Microsoft Patch­es ‘Print­Night­mare’ Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty In Win­dows, Urges Imme­di­ate Install

    The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty — offi­cial­ly dubbed CVE-2021–34527 — is found in how Print Spool­er improp­er­ly per­forms priv­i­leged file oper­a­tions, accord­ing to a Microsoft post.

    By Wade Tyler Mill­ward
    July 07, 2021, 03:48 PM EDT

    Microsoft has released secu­ri­ty updates to address a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Win­dows print spool­er dubbed “Print­Night­mare,” rec­om­mend­ing that users “install these updates imme­di­ate­ly.”

    The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty — offi­cial­ly dubbed “CVE-2021–34527” — is found in how print spool­er improp­er­ly per­forms priv­i­leged file oper­a­tions, accord­ing to a Microsoft post. An attack­er could use the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to install pro­grams, change data and cre­ate new accounts with full user rights, among oth­er actions.

    The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty exist­ed before the June 8 secu­ri­ty update, accord­ing to Microsoft. Print spool­er is an exe­cutable file that man­ages the print­ing process.

    All ver­sions of Win­dows are vul­ner­a­ble and domain con­trollers are affect­ed if print spool­er ser­vice is enabled. Point and Print can be exploit­ed through the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty as well. Sup­port­ed ver­sions of Win­dows with­out a secu­ri­ty update made avail­able Tues­day will “be updat­ed short­ly after July 6.” Secu­ri­ty updates are now avail­able for Win­dows ver­sions includ­ing Serv­er 2019, Serv­er 2016, Serv­er 2012 and ver­sions of Win­dows 7 and Win­dows 10.

    The updates also solve a sep­a­rate vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty dubbed CVE-2021–1675 iden­ti­fied in June. Microsoft described this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty — iden­ti­fied on June 30 by the CERT Coor­di­na­tion Cen­ter non­prof­it — as “sim­i­lar but dis­tinct” from Print­Night­mare.


    Mul­ti­ple print spool­er vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties have been iden­ti­fied over the years.

    The past year, in par­tic­u­lar, has seen Microsoft get far more vocal and aggres­sive around the need for increas­ing secu­ri­ty, includ­ing an empha­sis on urg­ing busi­ness­es to shift to the cloud from on-premis­es infra­struc­ture.

    On Tues­day, CRN report­ed that hack­ers attempt­ed to use IT dis­trib­u­tor Syn­nex to gain access to cus­tomer appli­ca­tions with­in the Microsoft cloud envi­ron­ment in an attack pos­si­bly tied to the Kaseya ran­somware cam­paign.

    Mike Wil­son, chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer and a part­ner at Inter­link Cloud Advi­sors, a Mason, Ohio-based Microsoft Gold part­ner, said that Microsoft act­ed quick­ly on the patch–which was impor­tant because the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty affect­ed all ver­sions of Win­dows and could lead to mal­ware embed­ding and a ran­somware attack.



    “Microsoft Patch­es ‘Print­Night­mare’ Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty In Win­dows, Urges Imme­di­ate Install” by Wade Tyler Mill­ward; CRN; 07/07/2021

    “The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty — offi­cial­ly dubbed “CVE-2021–34527” — is found in how print spool­er improp­er­ly per­forms priv­i­leged file oper­a­tions, accord­ing to a Microsoft post. An attack­er could use the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to install pro­grams, change data and cre­ate new accounts with full user rights, among oth­er actions.

    Who knows why Microsoft allows print spool­ers to cre­ate new accounts with full user rights, but they did. And any­one who knew about this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty could have poten­tial­ly tak­en over the entire con­nect­ed net­work.

    And CVE-2021–34527 is just one of the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of this nature recent­ly dis­cov­ered. There was also CVE-2021–1675 found in June that is appar­ent­ly sim­i­lar but dis­tinct:

    The updates also solve a sep­a­rate vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty dubbed CVE-2021–1675 iden­ti­fied in June. Microsoft described this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty — iden­ti­fied on June 30 by the CERT Coor­di­na­tion Cen­ter non­prof­it — as “sim­i­lar but dis­tinct” from Print­Night­mare.

    It’s the kind of update that hints at more “sim­i­lar but dis­tinct” super exploits sit­ting there wait­ing to be found. And that’s exact­ly the warn­ing we appeared to get from Kel­ly Yeh, pres­i­dent of Chan­til­ly, Va.-based Microsoft part­ner Pha­lanx Tech­nol­o­gy Group last week after Microsoft dis­closed a new Win­dows Print Spool­er vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. The new vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty allowed for remote code exe­cu­tion that would sim­i­lar­ly enable hack­ers to install pro­grams, cre­ate new accounts with full user rights and even view, change or delete data. As Yeh warns us, “This is going to be the first of many exploits that prob­a­bly come out.” And since this print spool­er exploit was the sec­ond vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of this nature recent­ly dis­closed (the first one, CVE-2021–1675, came out in June), Yeh is already tech­ni­cal­ly cor­rect.

    What should orga­ni­za­tions do in response to one super-Microsoft vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty after anoth­er? Migrate to the cloud. That’s Yeh’s advice. Stop try­ing to local­ly man­age things and let Microsoft do the man­age­ment for you:


    Microsoft Dis­clos­es Anoth­er Win­dows Print Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, Under­scor­ing Cloud Push For MSPs

    ‘We as MSPs were scram­bling to turn all the print ser­vices off,’ said Kel­ly Yeh, pres­i­dent of Chan­til­ly, Va.-based Microsoft part­ner Pha­lanx Tech­nol­o­gy Group. ‘It was kind of chaot­ic.’

    By Wade Tyler Mill­ward
    August 12, 2021, 06:36 PM EDT

    A day after Microsoft released more updates for the Win­dows vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties known as “Print­Night­mare,” the tech giant has issued anoth­er report on a Win­dows Print Spool­er vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.

    Kel­ly Yeh, pres­i­dent of Chan­til­ly, Va.-based Microsoft part­ner Pha­lanx Tech­nol­o­gy Group, told CRN in an inter­view that the ongo­ing strug­gle to patch Win­dows Print Spool­er is a real-world exam­ple of why many Microsoft cus­tomers should move more process­es to the cloud.

    “This is going to be the first of many exploits that prob­a­bly come out,” Yeh said. “That exploit [Print­Night­mare] is actu­al­ly a pret­ty big exploit, from what we were read­ing it can do.”

    The lat­est dis­cov­ery is a remote code exe­cu­tion vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty when Win­dows Print Spool­er improp­er­ly per­forms priv­i­leged file oper­a­tions. Hack­ers could exploit the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to install pro­grams, cre­ate new accounts with full user rights and even view, change or delete data.

    “The workaround for this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty is stop­ping and dis­abling the Print Spool­er ser­vice,” accord­ing to the Microsoft dis­clo­sure Wednes­day.

    The dis­clo­sure con­tin­ued: “We are devel­op­ing a secu­ri­ty update. Solu­tions to ver­i­fied secu­ri­ty issues are nor­mal­ly released via our month­ly Update Tues­day cadence.”

    In response to CRN ques­tions about this lat­est vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, a Microsoft spokesper­son said in an email: “We are aware of the report and are inves­ti­gat­ing. An inter­im workaround is described here.”

    Yeh said that the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty comes at a time when busi­ness­es are try­ing to return to the office and on-premis­es servers haven’t been patched and reboot­ed in some time. While he wish­es Microsoft had patched all ver­sions of the serv­er imme­di­ate­ly to avoid mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty updates, Yeh has been turn­ing off vul­ner­a­ble servers to avoid the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.

    “We as MSPs were scram­bling to turn all the print ser­vices off,” Yeh said. “We then had to remap every­body direct­ly to the print­ers, so that we didn’t have to have print servers. And even then, hav­ing that ser­vice run­ning on the work­sta­tions also made the work­sta­tions vul­ner­a­ble. So it was kind of chaot­ic.”

    The inci­dent has led to more con­ver­sa­tions around why clients need to adopt more cloud prod­ucts and ser­vices. Microsoft’s Share­Point in Microsoft 365, for exam­ple, have ver­sion con­trol, auto­mat­ic pro­tec­tion from ran­somware, mul­ti-fac­tor imple­men­ta­tion and data-loss pre­ven­tion, Yeh said. Azure has secu­ri­ty fea­tures to pro­tect lega­cy sys­tems.



    “Microsoft Dis­clos­es Anoth­er Win­dows Print Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, Under­scor­ing Cloud Push For MSPs” by Wade Tyler Mill­ward; CRN; 08/12/2021

    “This is going to be the first of many exploits that prob­a­bly come out,” Yeh said. “That exploit [Print­Night­mare] is actu­al­ly a pret­ty big exploit, from what we were read­ing it can do.””

    The first [actu­al­ly sec­ond] of many exploits to come. Prob­a­bly. Just wait. And in the mean time, we get to learn more about the known super-vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Like the abil­i­ty to remote­ly exe­cute code via the Print Spool­er. It’s like total orga­ni­za­tion­al access was built Microsoft­’s Print­er Spool­ing soft­ware:

    The lat­est dis­cov­ery is a remote code exe­cu­tion vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty when Win­dows Print Spool­er improp­er­ly per­forms priv­i­leged file oper­a­tions. Hack­ers could exploit the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to install pro­grams, cre­ate new accounts with full user rights and even view, change or delete data.

    “The workaround for this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty is stop­ping and dis­abling the Print Spool­er ser­vice,” accord­ing to the Microsoft dis­clo­sure Wednes­day.

    The dis­clo­sure con­tin­ued: “We are devel­op­ing a secu­ri­ty update. Solu­tions to ver­i­fied secu­ri­ty issues are nor­mal­ly released via our month­ly Update Tues­day cadence.”

    And, again, this is just the lat­est Microsoft secu­ri­ty night­mare on top of all the rest. With more to come. What are cyber secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als to do? Run to the sweet embrace of Microsoft­’s cloud ser­vices:

    Kel­ly Yeh, pres­i­dent of Chan­til­ly, Va.-based Microsoft part­ner Pha­lanx Tech­nol­o­gy Group, told CRN in an inter­view that the ongo­ing strug­gle to patch Win­dows Print Spool­er is a real-world exam­ple of why many Microsoft cus­tomers should move more process­es to the cloud.


    The inci­dent has led to more con­ver­sa­tions around why clients need to adopt more cloud prod­ucts and ser­vices. Microsoft’s Share­Point in Microsoft 365, for exam­ple, have ver­sion con­trol, auto­mat­ic pro­tec­tion from ran­somware, mul­ti-fac­tor imple­men­ta­tion and data-loss pre­ven­tion, Yeh said. Azure has secu­ri­ty fea­tures to pro­tect lega­cy sys­tems.

    Keep in mind that there isn’t any mag­i­cal about cloud envi­ron­ments. They can still be hacked but, ide­al­ly, there’s just a lot more resources focused on their secu­ri­ty. At the same time, gain­ing access to a cloud envi­ron­ment would be the ulti­mate hack­ing prize. Many peo­ple have to be work­ing on that chal­lenge and it’s hard to imag­ine they aren’t going to suc­ceed some day. And if we lis­ten to Crowd­Strike CEO George Kurtz in the fol­low­ing recent inter­view, that suc­cess has already been achieved. As Kurtz told the US Sen­ate back in Feb­ru­ary in response to the Solar­Winds hack, short­com­ings in how Microsoft authen­ti­cates cre­den­tials have been repli­cat­ed in the cloud. And don’t for­get what we already saw in reports days after the Solar­Winds hack was ini­tial­ly dis­closed in Decem­ber: the Solar­Winds hack­ers demon­strat­ed an abil­i­ty to cre­ate pass­word cre­den­tials for legit­i­mate process­es enabling, them to read emails from Microsoft’s Exchange Online cloud-based email ser­vice. So we’re already see­ing hints of some sort of future cloud-based mega-hack. As Kurtz put it in the inter­view, “In oth­er tech­nolo­gies, you can’t nec­es­sar­i­ly just steal pass­words and use those encrypt­ed pass­words to authen­ti­cate to some­thing...“But in the Microsoft world, you lit­er­al­ly can steal an encrypt­ed pass­word, with­out even decrypt­ing it, and pass that hash to anoth­er Microsoft sys­tem and access the sys­tem as if you knew what the pass­word was.”:


    Strike First, Strike Hard: How George Kurtz Has Built Crowd­Strike Into A Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Pow­er­house

    Crowd­Strike CEO George Kurtz is fired up as his elite end­point pro­tec­tion plat­form con­tin­ues to win over cus­tomers, and he’s pulling no punch­es when it comes to tak­ing on his rivals.

    By Michael Novin­son
    August 09, 2021, 09:30 AM EDT

    Black­Lake Secu­ri­ty was about to ini­ti­ate a three-year Crowd­Strike sub­scrip­tion renew­al for an oil-and-gas cus­tomer when it received shock­ing news: The cus­tomer had been wooed by low­er pric­ing and was switch­ing to Microsoft.

    But Black­Lake founder and CEO Mark Jones knew the cus­tomer didn’t ful­ly under­stand how much func­tion­al­i­ty and per­for­mance it would be giv­ing up if it made the change, so he con­vinced the cus­tomer, which Jones declined to name, to take a call with Black­Lake and Crowd­Strike to let them lay out all the ways CrowdStrike’s tech­nol­o­gy beats Microsoft’s.

    CrowdStrike’s engi­neer didn’t even make it halfway through the pre­sen­ta­tion before the cus­tomer changed its mind and decid­ed to renew, Jones said.

    “Microsoft will come in and give you a price that makes you go, ‘Wow, is Crowd­Strike real­ly that much bet­ter?’ Well, yeah, it actu­al­ly is,” Jones told CRN. “You get what you pay for.”

    With wins like that under his belt, it’s no won­der Crowd­Strike co-founder, Pres­i­dent and CEO George Kurtz is con­fi­dent in the company’s tech­nol­o­gy, pulling no punch­es whether he’s fight­ing off hack­ers with his company’s elite end­point pro­tec­tion plat­form or tak­ing on rivals like Microsoft and Sen­tinelOne by call­ing out where he says they fall short.

    “When you look at our suc­cess, we’ve got the finan­cial suc­cess and the per­for­mance, but that starts with hav­ing the best tech­nol­o­gy and the best plat­form, not just the best AV [anti-virus] prod­uct,” said Kurtz, who’s ranked as the ninth most influ­en­tial leader on CRN’s 2021 Top 100 Exec­u­tives list.

    CrowdStrike’s tech­nol­o­gy earns kudos from indus­try ana­lysts as well. The Sun­ny­vale, Calif.-based company’s Fal­con plat­form beat out 11 com­peti­tors to take the crown as Forrester’s top end­point secu­ri­ty SaaS prod­uct this year. And in Gartner’s 2021 Mag­ic Quad­rant for End­point Pro­tec­tion Plat­forms, Crowd­Strike, along with Microsoft, earned the high­est rat­ings by a sig­nif­i­cant mar­gin.

    Kurtz’s con­fi­dence also comes in part from CrowdStrike’s abil­i­ty to out­last many of its ear­ly foes. A slew of star­tups, includ­ing Crowd­Strike, emerged in the 2000s and ear­ly 2010s to take on weak­ness­es in Symantec’s and McAfee’s anti-virus prod­ucts with a mod­ern approach that’s pre­dic­tive, sig­na­ture-less and goes beyond pre­ven­tion. But most of those chal­lengers cashed in their chips in 2019, with Car­bon Black, Cylance and Endgame get­ting bought by VMware, Black­Ber­ry and Elas­tic, respec­tive­ly, for a com­bined $3.7 bil­lion.

    “They didn’t build a plat­form. They were one-trick ponies that built a slight­ly bet­ter AV prod­uct than the lega­cy play­ers that were out there,” Kurtz told CRN in an exclu­sive inter­view in July. “But for me, it was all about, ‘Let’s build the plat­form the right way. And let’s have investors that under­stand this is a long play.’ We saw the big play of being the Sales­force of secu­ri­ty.”

    Elas­tic told CRN that Endgame’s prod­uct com­bined anti-virus with end­point detec­tion and response. Black­Ber­ry and VMware Car­bon Black did not respond to a request for com­ment.

    Crowd­Strike went pub­lic in June 2019 at a then-indus­try record $6.6 bil­lion val­u­a­tion. It was the fastest-grow­ing pub­lic com­pa­ny in all of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty in 2020, with sales surg­ing 82 per­cent to $874.4 mil­lion. And the cus­tomer wins keep on rolling in this year, with rev­enue expect­ed to jump 56 per­cent to $1.36 bil­lion. Sev­en­ty-five per­cent of its sales come through the chan­nel.

    Crowd­Strike sub­stan­tial­ly increased its mar­ket share in 2020 to become the world’s sec­ond-largest cor­po­rate end­point secu­ri­ty ven­dor, cap­tur­ing 9.2 per­cent of the $8.2 bil­lion mar­ket. That trails only Trend Micro, accord­ing to research firm IDC. And as of press time, Crowd­Strike is worth $59.43 bil­lion, mak­ing it the most high­ly val­ued pure-play ven­dor in all of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty.

    ‘A Cri­sis In Trust Around Microsoft Tech­nolo­gies’

    Crowd­Strike has become one of Microsoft’s most vocal secu­ri­ty crit­ics, with Kurtz blast­ing “sys­temic weak­ness­es in the Win­dows authen­ti­ca­tion archi­tec­ture” for exac­er­bat­ing the impact of the Solar­Winds hack dur­ing writ­ten and oral tes­ti­mo­ny before the U.S. Sen­ate in Feb­ru­ary. Short­com­ings in how Microsoft authen­ti­cates cre­den­tials have been repli­cat­ed in the cloud, fur­ther­ing cus­tomer pain, he said.

    “In oth­er tech­nolo­gies, you can’t nec­es­sar­i­ly just steal pass­words and use those encrypt­ed pass­words to authen­ti­cate to some­thing,” Kurtz told CRN. “But in the Microsoft world, you lit­er­al­ly can steal an encrypt­ed pass­word, with­out even decrypt­ing it, and pass that hash to anoth­er Microsoft sys­tem and access the sys­tem as if you knew what the pass­word was.”

    Kurtz is far from the only Crowd­Strike employ­ee crit­i­ciz­ing Microsoft, with Vice Pres­i­dent of Pub­lic Sec­tor James Yea­ger putting the com­pa­ny on notice in late June after the Russ­ian for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice breached a Microsoft sup­port agent’s machine and used the account infor­ma­tion it obtained to launch high­ly tar­get­ed attacks against cus­tomers.

    “[Microsoft] con­tin­ues to get exposed as a com­pa­ny [that] is com­plete­ly inca­pable of pro­vid­ing the most basic lev­el of pro­tec­tion for them­selves and their cus­tomers,” Yea­ger wrote on LinkedIn. “If you can­not secure your own infra­struc­ture, then why should any­one trust you to secure their crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture and data?”

    Frank Shaw, Microsoft’s head of com­mu­ni­ca­tions, fired back at Yea­ger, say­ing it’s irre­spon­si­ble to sug­gest that any com­pa­ny or per­son is immune to attacks in today’s threat land­scape. “It’s unfor­tu­nate to see some ven­dors attempt to fur­ther their posi­tion via innu­en­do and inac­cu­rate accu­sa­tions rather than seek­ing ways to con­tribute col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly,” Shaw wrote in a LinkedIn response to Yeager’s post.

    The com­pa­ny declined to respond to Kurtz’s spe­cif­ic alle­ga­tions, telling CRN only, “Microsoft is the world’s largest cyber­se­cu­ri­ty provider, secur­ing cus­tomers from the chip to the cloud, backed by more than 3,500 defend­ers at Microsoft and the more than 8 tril­lion secu­ri­ty sig­nals we process every day.”

    But from Kurtz’s per­spec­tive, com­pa­nies that use Microsoft secu­ri­ty prod­ucts to safe­guard Microsoft tech­nol­o­gy are expos­ing them­selves to “sys­temic risk” and would ben­e­fit from hav­ing prod­ucts and authen­ti­ca­tion stan­dards in place that weren’t built by just one com­pa­ny.

    “We’re see­ing a cri­sis in trust around Microsoft tech­nolo­gies,” Kurtz said. “Com­pa­nies are tak­ing a sec­ond look, say­ing, ‘Do I real­ly want my secu­ri­ty to be from the same ven­dor that is pro­vid­ing my oper­at­ing sys­tem?’ Look­ing at the his­to­ry of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties that are out there and how they’ve been exploit­ed, they’re basi­cal­ly say­ing, ‘Maybe we should reduce the risk by going with anoth­er ven­dor.’”

    Microsoft’s biggest com­peti­tors in the end­point, email, iden­ti­ty and cloud secu­ri­ty spaces — Crowd­Strike, Proof­point, Okta and Net­skope, respec­tive­ly — came togeth­er in June 2020 to form the Spec­tra Alliance, which is focused on secur­ing remote work at scale and estab­lish­ing a zero trust secu­ri­ty pos­ture. Kurtz said Spec­tra Alliance cus­tomers ben­e­fit from the breadth of capa­bil­i­ties and ded­i­cat­ed secu­ri­ty focus.

    “If you look at Crowd­Strike, every day all we do is think about secu­ri­ty,” Kurtz said. “If you look at Microsoft, they’re think­ing about their cloud and office pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and gam­ing sys­tems. It isn’t their sole focus. Secu­ri­ty is a very broad land­scape. There’s not one secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny that does every­thing. It’s just very com­pli­cat­ed and broad. And I think hav­ing a ded­i­cat­ed focus … goes a long way.”

    Kurtz said Crowd­Strike cus­tomers also ben­e­fit from new fea­tures being pushed out via an agent rather than requir­ing an update of the entire oper­at­ing sys­tem like Microsoft, which adds some laten­cy.

    “Ours is a full plat­form approach that cov­ers mul­ti­ple oper­at­ing sys­tems with great capa­bil­i­ty. When you look at our Mac [plat­form], when you look at our Lin­ux [plat­form], our tech­nol­o­gy is far supe­ri­or to Microsoft,” Kurtz said. “It’s not a bolt-on to an oper­at­ing sys­tem. When you look at Microsoft’s tech­nol­o­gy, it is based on a 2004 acqui­si­tion they did. It still uses sig­na­tures. And it’s cov­er­ing a small slice of the over­all ecosys­tem.”

    Both the Spec­tra Alliance and Microsoft have cap­i­tal­ized on grow­ing demand for advanced secu­ri­ty capa­bil­i­ties, with cus­tomers opt­ing for a best-of-breed approach that includes Crowd­Strike when they have the exper­tise inter­nal­ly to tie togeth­er secu­ri­ty prod­ucts from dif­fer­ent ven­dors, accord­ing to a secu­ri­ty solu­tion provider exec­u­tive, who asked not to be named. The solu­tion provider works with both Crowd­Strike and Microsoft.

    But where Microsoft Defend­er for End­point tends to be most pop­u­lar is with enter­pris­es that val­ue sim­plic­i­ty and have already adopt­ed oth­er ele­ments of the company’s secu­ri­ty stack, accord­ing to the exec­u­tive, who said his com­pa­ny is see­ing Microsoft “more and more.”

    “If you’re already a Microsoft shop, some­times peo­ple say, ‘I might as well just extend my cur­rent archi­tec­ture and use Microsoft. I’m already Microsoft-heavy,’” the exec­u­tive said. “It is a solu­tion that works. It may not be best-of-breed, but it doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly require extra effort to cre­ate that inte­gra­tion.”



    “Strike First, Strike Hard: How George Kurtz Has Built Crowd­Strike Into A Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Pow­er­house” by Michael Novin­son; CRN; 08/09/2021

    Crowd­Strike has become one of Microsoft’s most vocal secu­ri­ty crit­ics, with Kurtz blast­ing “sys­temic weak­ness­es in the Win­dows authen­ti­ca­tion archi­tec­ture” for exac­er­bat­ing the impact of the Solar­Winds hack dur­ing writ­ten and oral tes­ti­mo­ny before the U.S. Sen­ate in Feb­ru­ary. Short­com­ings in how Microsoft authen­ti­cates cre­den­tials have been repli­cat­ed in the cloud, fur­ther­ing cus­tomer pain, he said.

    It’s pret­ty omi­nous. At the same time experts are encour­ag­ing a mass migra­tion to the cloud, we’re con­tin­u­ing to learn about new cloud-based vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Or not even cloud-spe­cif­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. That’s part of Kurtz’s cri­tique of Microsoft­’s secu­ri­ty ecosys­tem: pass­word hash­es can be passed around from Microsoft-tool-to-Microsoft-tool with­out even decrypt­ing them. Every­one is being asked to migrate their data and oper­a­tions to a giant fan­cy vault filled with secret entrances:

    “In oth­er tech­nolo­gies, you can’t nec­es­sar­i­ly just steal pass­words and use those encrypt­ed pass­words to authen­ti­cate to some­thing,” Kurtz told CRN. “But in the Microsoft world, you lit­er­al­ly can steal an encrypt­ed pass­word, with­out even decrypt­ing it, and pass that hash to anoth­er Microsoft sys­tem and access the sys­tem as if you knew what the pass­word was.”

    Kurtz is far from the only Crowd­Strike employ­ee crit­i­ciz­ing Microsoft, with Vice Pres­i­dent of Pub­lic Sec­tor James Yea­ger putting the com­pa­ny on notice in late June after the Russ­ian for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice breached a Microsoft sup­port agent’s machine and used the account infor­ma­tion it obtained to launch high­ly tar­get­ed attacks against cus­tomers.

    “[Microsoft] con­tin­ues to get exposed as a com­pa­ny [that] is com­plete­ly inca­pable of pro­vid­ing the most basic lev­el of pro­tec­tion for them­selves and their cus­tomers,” Yea­ger wrote on LinkedIn. “If you can­not secure your own infra­struc­ture, then why should any­one trust you to secure their crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture and data?”


    But from Kurtz’s per­spec­tive, com­pa­nies that use Microsoft secu­ri­ty prod­ucts to safe­guard Microsoft tech­nol­o­gy are expos­ing them­selves to “sys­temic risk” and would ben­e­fit from hav­ing prod­ucts and authen­ti­ca­tion stan­dards in place that weren’t built by just one com­pa­ny.

    “We’re see­ing a cri­sis in trust around Microsoft tech­nolo­gies,” Kurtz said. “Com­pa­nies are tak­ing a sec­ond look, say­ing, ‘Do I real­ly want my secu­ri­ty to be from the same ven­dor that is pro­vid­ing my oper­at­ing sys­tem?’ Look­ing at the his­to­ry of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties that are out there and how they’ve been exploit­ed, they’re basi­cal­ly say­ing, ‘Maybe we should reduce the risk by going with anoth­er ven­dor.’”

    Microsoft rep­re­sents a “sys­temic risk”. That’s how Crowd­Strike sees it, and its a risk that extend to the cloud. And yes, Crowd­Strike is Microsoft­’s direct com­peti­tor in the secu­ri­ty are­na so we should­n’t be sur­prised by the crit­i­cisms. But these aren’t just ran­dom crit­i­cisms. The secu­ri­ty issues with Microsoft are an empir­i­cal fact at this point. Crowd­Strike is only warn­ing about what our lying eyes and ears are already telling us.

    So that’s the lat­est Miicrosoft cyber­se­cu­ri­ty night­mare update. ‘Print­Night­mare’ is upon us and if you think there’s an easy solu­tion your head is in the clouds. Well, ok, you can dis­con­nect the print­er. It’s the rest of the sys­temic risk you’ll still need to wor­ry about.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 17, 2021, 4:54 pm
  2. Here’s an update on the Solar­Winds mega-hack. Or rather, an update on Solar­Winds-relat­ed major soft­ware vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. As we’re going to see, there have been two major addi­tion­al vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties dis­cov­ered in Solar­Winds soft­ware since the ini­tial dis­clo­sure of the Solar­Winds hack back in mid-Decem­ber 2020.

    Days after the first dis­clo­sure, there were reports of a sec­ond hack­ing team tar­get­ing Solar­Winds cus­tomers. Not much was dis­closed about the attack. We were told that this sec­ond piece of mal­ware, dubbed “Super­no­va”, also tar­get­ed the Solar­Winds Ori­on updat­ing soft­ware. But unlike with the first Solar­Winds hack­’s mal­ware (dubbed “Sun­burst”), this new mal­ware was­n’t “dig­i­tal­ly signed”. Recall how part of what made the first Solar­Winds hack so dis­turb­ing was how the hack­ers man­aged to sneak their mal­ware into the soft­ware devel­op­ment process at the very last pos­si­ble point, bypass­ing stan­dard secu­ri­ty mea­sures designed to catch unwant­ed soft­ware. That’s what made the mal­ware “dig­i­tal­ly signed”. So Super­no­va does­n’t appear to have been incor­po­rat­ed into the Solar­Winds Ori­on soft­ware in the same man­ner. That tech­ni­cal dif­fer­ence between the first and sec­ond Solar­Winds hack appears to be part of the rea­son secu­ri­ty researchers are assum­ing the two hacks were car­ried out by sep­a­rate groups. As we’re going to see, it’s not actu­al­ly a great rea­son for such an assump­tion.

    Anoth­er relat­ed tech­ni­cal dif­fer­ence between the first ‘Russ­ian’ Solar­Winds hack and this sec­ond hack is the need for access to the tar­get net­works. As we’ve see, part of what made the first Solar­Winds hack so poten­tial­ly dev­as­tat­ing is the fact that back­doors onto client net­works were deliv­ered by the mal­ware. The hack itself was what pro­vid­ed access to client net­works. But with this sec­ond hack, some sort of pre­vi­ous net­work access that allows the hack­ers to inter­act with the Ori­on soft­ware on the tar­get net­work is required.

    Impor­tant­ly, the first and sec­ond Solar­Winds hacks serve two dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es. The first hack was a hack of the Ori­on soft­ware itself that deployed the “Sun­burst” back­doors on all of Solar­Winds 18,000 client net­works. The sec­ond “Super­no­va” hack is a hack that exploits a bug in Ori­on soft­ware to help spread the hack­ers across net­works they had already com­pro­mised. So you could imag­ine the same hack­er want­i­ng to use both hacks on the same net­work. This is impor­tant to keep in mind because we are told that the fact that one hack requires net­work access while the oth­er sug­gests it was car­ried out by two dif­fer­ent hack­ing groups.

    Also note anoth­er impor­tant detail about the Super­no­va mal­ware deployed in this sec­ond Solar­Winds hack: it exploits weak­ness­es in the .NET soft­ware devel­op­ment frame­work. That’s one of Microsoft­’s pro­pri­etary plat­forms.

    So who is believed to be behind this sec­ond Solar­Winds hack? Well, at the time it was first announced, researchers could­n’t say. But by Feb­ru­ary of this year, they were ready to name names: Chi­na did it! Because if it was­n’t Rus­sia, it has to be Chi­na. Or Iran or North Korea. One of those four.

    What’s the basis for this attri­bu­tion to a Chi­na-based group? Very lit­tle. Anony­mous sources first sug­gest­ing it was Chi­na back in Feb­ru­ary tell us the hack shared com­put­er infra­struc­ture and hack­ing tools with hacks pre­vi­ous­ly attrib­uted to Chi­nese hack­ers. That vague. The one some­what detailed clue we are giv­en is by secu­ri­ty researchers at Secure­works. The com­pa­ny found con­nec­tions between a Novem­ber 2020 Super­no­va attack on one of its clients and an August 2020 attack that did­n’t involve Super­no­va. That August 2020 attack was some­what mirac­u­lous­ly tied back to Chi­na when the hack­ers appar­ent­ly made the acci­dent of steal­ing Secure­work­s’s own end­point secu­ri­ty soft­ware from their hacked client and installed it on one of their own com­put­ers. The end­point soft­ware pre­dictably pinged Secure­work­s’s net­works. That appears to be the stole piece of evi­dence con­nect­ing this sec­ond hack back to Chi­na. So both ‘Russ­ian’ and ‘Chi­na’ were hack­ing the sh*t out of Solar­Winds in par­al­lel. That was the nar­ra­tive that had emerged by Feb­ru­ary of this year.

    Then, in July, we got reports of the oth­er new Solar­Winds hack. The new new hack. A third Solar­Winds hack that focus­es on exploit­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in the Serv‑U soft­ware made by Solar­Winds. Like the sec­ond Solar­Winds hack, the hack­ers need pri­or access to the vic­tim net­work. The hack revolves around send­ing com­mands to the Serv‑U soft­ware with out­put that can be read remote­ly and used to grab infor­ma­tion like pass­words or mod­i­fy files. It sounds like an incred­i­bly pow­er­ful exploit.

    And who is behind this third Solar­Winds hack? Chi­na did it! Again! But a dif­fer­ent group of Chi­nese hack­ers. We are told the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty exists in the then-lat­est Serv‑U ver­sion 15.2.3 HF1, released on May 5, and all pri­or ver­sions. So this super-exploit, that could poten­tial­ly grant pow­er­ful access on the vic­tim net­works, had exist­ed ever since Serv‑U was first deployed.

    Now, why is this new hack attrib­uted to Chi­na? We have no idea and are nev­er told. Microsoft­’s threat assess­ment report on the hack sim­ply states twice that the group is based in Chi­na. That’s it. No oth­er details on why this is a Chi­na-based group.

    Oh, and there’s anoth­er impor­tant detail also left out of Microsoft­’s report: the Serv‑U vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty only exists if the Serv‑U is being run on Win­dows-based oper­at­ing sys­tems. Lin­ux-based sys­tems aren’t impact­ed. In oth­er words, this Serv‑U hack kind of sounds like a Microsoft hack. Kind of like how the Super­no­va hack was a hack of Microsoft­’s .NET frame­work. Some­how, the hack­ers were able to use the Serv‑U soft­ware to exploit under­ly­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Win­dows. That’s the sto­ry we appear to be look­ing at. There is no men­tion of the fact that only Win­dows sys­tems were vul­ner­a­ble in the Microsoft threat assess­ment report. We have to look at the Solar­Winds report on the hack to learn about this. Yes, Microsoft left out of its threat assess­ment report the fact that they deployed Super­no­va and the fact that only Win­dows sys­tems were hit. Imag­ine that.

    So what’s the com­mon thread here? The same thread we’ve seen all along: the hack­ing attri­bu­tion indus­try is just kind of mak­ing it up. Weaponized attri­bu­tions, for prof­it. And in Microsoft­’s case, a nar­ra­tive nec­es­sar­i­ly shaped to defend itself from accu­sa­tions of shod­dy secu­ri­ty. Some­times appro­pri­ate skep­ti­cism is deployed and often it’s tossed out the win­dow. What stays the same is the con­ve­nience of the nar­ra­tives.

    Ok, first, here’s a Decem­ber 19, 2020, report that gives us the first glimpse of this sec­ond hack. Not much is known at this point oth­er than the fact that “Super­no­va” mal­ware imi­tate Solar­Wind­s’s Ori­on soft­ware, which is tech­ni­cal­ly very dif­fer­ent from the first hack where the mal­ware was embed­ded inside the Ori­on soft­ware. So this sec­ond hack required pri­or access to the vic­tim net­works:


    Sec­ond hack­ing team was tar­get­ing Solar­Winds at time of big breach

    By Christo­pher Bing
    Decem­ber 19, 2020 12:34 PM Updat­ed

    (Reuters) — A sec­ond hack­ing group, dif­fer­ent from the sus­pect­ed Russ­ian team now asso­ci­at­ed with the major Solar­Winds data breach, also tar­get­ed the company’s prod­ucts ear­li­er this year, accord­ing to a secu­ri­ty research blog by Microsoft.

    “The inves­ti­ga­tion of the whole Solar­Winds com­pro­mise led to the dis­cov­ery of an addi­tion­al mal­ware that also affects the Solar­Winds Ori­on prod­uct but has been deter­mined to be like­ly unre­lat­ed to this com­pro­mise and used by a dif­fer­ent threat actor,” the blog said.

    Secu­ri­ty experts told Reuters this sec­ond effort is known as “SUPERNOVA.” It is a piece of mal­ware that imi­tates Solar­Winds’ Ori­on prod­uct but it is not “dig­i­tal­ly signed” like the oth­er attack, sug­gest­ing this sec­ond group of hack­ers did not share access to the net­work man­age­ment company’s inter­nal sys­tems.

    It is unclear whether SUPERNOVA has been deployed against any tar­gets, such as cus­tomers of Solar­Winds. The mal­ware appears to have been cre­at­ed in late March, based on a review of the file’s com­pile times.

    The new find­ing shows how more than one sophis­ti­cat­ed hack­ing group viewed Solar­Winds, an Austin, Texas-based com­pa­ny that was not a house­hold name until this month, as an impor­tant gate­way to pen­e­trate oth­er tar­gets.



    “Sec­ond hack­ing team was tar­get­ing Solar­Winds at time of big breach” by Christo­pher Bing; Reuters; 12/19/2020

    “Secu­ri­ty experts told Reuters this sec­ond effort is known as “SUPERNOVA.” It is a piece of mal­ware that imi­tates Solar­Winds’ Ori­on prod­uct but it is not “dig­i­tal­ly signed” like the oth­er attack, sug­gest­ing this sec­ond group of hack­ers did not share access to the net­work man­age­ment company’s inter­nal sys­tems.

    Note the exam­ple of attri­bu­tion log­ic being used here. The fact that this sec­ond hack did­n’t share the “dig­i­tal sig­na­ture” of the first hack is seen as a sug­ges­tion that this sec­ond group of hack­ers did not share access to the “net­work man­age­ment company’s inter­nal sys­tems”, which is a ref­er­ence to the first hack orig­i­nat­ed with a hack of the Solar­Winds Ori­on soft­ware devel­op­er’s com­put­er, allow­ing the embed­ding of the back­door mal­ware.

    Now, on the one hand, it’s a use­ful obser­va­tion to note that one hack required access to Solar­Wind­s’s own devel­op­er net­works, which end­ed up giv­ing access to client net­works, while this new­ly dis­cov­ered hack instead just requires access to the client net­works, keep in mind that it’s mere­ly a sug­ges­tion these are dif­fer­ent hack­ers. But it’s also impor­tant to keep in mind that there are sce­nar­ios where the same hack­ers could end up plant­i­ng both this Super­no­va mal­ware and the Ori­on back­door from the first hack on the same sys­tem.

    For exam­ple, we are told the first Solar­Winds hack start­ed in Feb­ru­ary of 2020, when the first com­pro­mised Ori­on updates went out to Solar­Wind­s’s 18,000 clients. But as we’re going to see, it’s sus­pect­ed that the ‘Chi­nese’ hack­ers behind this sec­ond Solar­Winds hack, which required pri­or access to vic­tim net­works, relied on a sep­a­rate Man­ageEngine Ser­viceDesk vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to gain access to the net­works that was being exploit­ed as far back as 2018. And as we’re also going to see, this new­ly dis­cov­ered hack appears to allow the hack­ers to move lat­er­al­ly across vic­tim net­works, which serves a dif­fer­ent and very com­pat­i­ble pur­pose with the back­door cre­at­ed by the first Solar­Winds hack. But the nar­ra­tive right out of the gate with this sto­ry was that it was com­plete­ly uncon­nect­ed to the mega-hack dis­closed days ear­li­er based on the assump­tion that both exploits would­n’t be need­ed by the same actor.

    Next, here’s a Feb­ru­ary 2, 2021, Reuters piece where we get the first hint of an offi­cial attri­bu­tion for the hack. Chi­na did it. Of course. That’s the word from anony­mous sources involved with the inves­ti­ga­tion. We also learn from these anony­mous sources that the hack­ers used com­put­er infra­struc­ture and hack­ing tools pre­vi­ous­ly deployed by state-backed Chi­nese cyber-spies. That’s the extent of the details we are giv­en. A vague ref­er­ence to vague ‘pat­tern-recog­ni­tion’ based on some spoofa­ble tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tors. Solar­Winds, on the oth­er hand, that it had “not found any­thing con­clu­sive” to show who was respon­si­ble.

    And we also learn that this sec­ond hack served a dif­fer­ent pur­pose from the first Solar­Winds hack: it exploit­ed a bug in Ori­on that helped the hack­ers spread across vic­tim net­works. So this sec­ond hack sounds like a poten­tial­ly use­ful sec­ondary attack that could have been exploit­ed after the first Solar­Winds hack cre­ates the back­door grant­i­ng that ini­tial access:


    Exclu­sive: Sus­pect­ed Chi­nese hack­ers used Solar­Winds bug to spy on U.S. pay­roll agency – sources

    By Christo­pher Bing, Jack Stubbs, Raphael Sat­ter, Joseph Menn
    Feb­ru­ary 2, 2021 12:43 PM Updat­ed

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Sus­pect­ed Chi­nese hack­ers exploit­ed a flaw in soft­ware made by Solar­Winds Corp to help break into U.S. gov­ern­ment com­put­ers last year, five peo­ple famil­iar with the mat­ter told Reuters, mark­ing a new twist in a sprawl­ing cyber­se­cu­ri­ty breach that U.S. law­mak­ers have labeled a nation­al secu­ri­ty emer­gency.

    Two peo­ple briefed on the case said FBI inves­ti­ga­tors recent­ly found that the Nation­al Finance Cen­ter, a fed­er­al pay­roll agency inside the U.S. Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, was among the affect­ed orga­ni­za­tions, rais­ing fears that data on thou­sands of gov­ern­ment employ­ees may have been com­pro­mised.

    The soft­ware flaw exploit­ed by the sus­pect­ed Chi­nese group is sep­a­rate from the one the Unit­ed States has accused Russ­ian gov­ern­ment oper­a­tives of using to com­pro­mise up to 18,000 Solar­Winds cus­tomers, includ­ing sen­si­tive fed­er­al agen­cies, by hijack­ing the company’s Ori­on net­work mon­i­tor­ing soft­ware.

    Secu­ri­ty researchers have pre­vi­ous­ly said a sec­ond group of hack­ers was abus­ing Solar­Winds’ soft­ware at the same time as the alleged Russ­ian hack, but the sus­pect­ed con­nec­tion to Chi­na and ensu­ing U.S. gov­ern­ment breach have not been pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed.

    Reuters was not able to estab­lish how many orga­ni­za­tions were com­pro­mised by the sus­pect­ed Chi­nese oper­a­tion. The sources, who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty to dis­cuss ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tions, said the attack­ers used com­put­er infra­struc­ture and hack­ing tools pre­vi­ous­ly deployed by state-backed Chi­nese cyber­spies.

    A USDA spokesman said in an email “USDA has noti­fied all cus­tomers (includ­ing indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions) whose data has been affect­ed by the Solar­Winds Ori­on Code Com­pro­mise.”

    In a fol­low-up state­ment after the sto­ry was pub­lished, a dif­fer­ent USDA spokesman said the NFC was not hacked and that “there was no data breach relat­ed to Solar Winds” at the agency. He did not pro­vide fur­ther expla­na­tion.

    The Chi­nese for­eign min­istry said attribut­ing cyber­at­tacks was a “com­plex tech­ni­cal issue” and any alle­ga­tions should be sup­port­ed with evi­dence. “Chi­na res­olute­ly oppos­es and com­bats any form of cyber­at­tacks and cyber theft,” it said in a state­ment.

    Solar­Winds said it was aware of a sin­gle cus­tomer that was com­pro­mised by the sec­ond set of hack­ers but that it had “not found any­thing con­clu­sive” to show who was respon­si­ble. The com­pa­ny added that the attack­ers did not gain access to its own inter­nal sys­tems and that it had released an update to fix the bug in Decem­ber.

    In the case of the sole client it knew about, Solar­Winds said the hack­ers only abused its soft­ware once inside the client’s net­work. Solar­Winds did not say how the hack­ers first got in, except to say it was “in a way that was unre­lat­ed to Solar­Winds.”


    Although the two espi­onage efforts over­lap and both tar­get­ed the U.S. gov­ern­ment, they were sep­a­rate and dis­tinct­ly dif­fer­ent oper­a­tions, accord­ing to four peo­ple who have inves­ti­gat­ed the attacks and out­side experts who reviewed the code used by both sets of hack­ers.

    While the alleged Russ­ian hack­ers pen­e­trat­ed deep into Solar­Winds net­work and hid a “back door” in Ori­on soft­ware updates which were then sent to cus­tomers, the sus­pect­ed Chi­nese group exploit­ed a sep­a­rate bug in Orion’s code to help spread across net­works they had already com­pro­mised, the sources said.


    The side-by-side mis­sions show how hack­ers are focus­ing on weak­ness­es in obscure but essen­tial soft­ware prod­ucts that are wide­ly used by major cor­po­ra­tions and gov­ern­ment agen­cies.

    “Appar­ent­ly Solar­Winds was a high val­ue tar­get for more than one group,” said Jen Miller-Osborn, the deputy direc­tor of threat intel­li­gence at Palo Alto Net­works’ Unit42.

    For­mer U.S. chief infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty offi­cer Gre­go­ry Touhill said sep­a­rate groups of hack­ers tar­get­ing the same soft­ware prod­uct was not unusu­al. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen a nation-state actor surf­ing in behind some­one else, it’s like ‘draft­ing’ in NASCAR,” he said, where one rac­ing car gets an advan­tage by close­ly fol­low­ing another’s lead.

    The con­nec­tion between the sec­ond set of attacks on Solar­Winds cus­tomers and sus­pect­ed Chi­nese hack­ers was only dis­cov­ered in recent weeks, accord­ing to secu­ri­ty ana­lysts inves­ti­gat­ing along­side the U.S. gov­ern­ment.

    Reuters could not deter­mine what infor­ma­tion the attack­ers were able to steal from the Nation­al Finance Cen­ter (NFC) or how deep they bur­rowed into its sys­tems. But the poten­tial impact could be “mas­sive,” for­mer U.S. gov­ern­ment offi­cials told Reuters.

    The NFC is respon­si­ble for han­dling the pay­roll of mul­ti­ple gov­ern­ment agen­cies, includ­ing sev­er­al involved in nation­al secu­ri­ty, such as the FBI, State Depart­ment, Home­land Secu­ri­ty Depart­ment and Trea­sury Depart­ment, the for­mer offi­cials said.

    Records held by the NFC include fed­er­al employ­ee social secu­ri­ty num­bers, phone num­bers and per­son­al email address­es as well as bank­ing infor­ma­tion. On its web­site, the NFC says it “ser­vices more than 160 diverse agen­cies, pro­vid­ing pay­roll ser­vices to more than 600,000 Fed­er­al employ­ees.”

    “Depend­ing on what data were com­pro­mised, this could be an extreme­ly seri­ous breach of secu­ri­ty,” said Tom War­rick, a for­mer senior offi­cial at the U.S Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty. “It could allow adver­saries to know more about U.S. offi­cials, improv­ing their abil­i­ty to col­lect intel­li­gence.”


    “Exclu­sive: Sus­pect­ed Chi­nese hack­ers used Solar­Winds bug to spy on U.S. pay­roll agency – sources” By Christo­pher Bing, Jack Stubbs, Raphael Sat­ter, Joseph Menn; Reuters; 02/02/2021

    “Secu­ri­ty researchers have pre­vi­ous­ly said a sec­ond group of hack­ers was abus­ing Solar­Winds’ soft­ware at the same time as the alleged Russ­ian hack, but the sus­pect­ed con­nec­tion to Chi­na and ensu­ing U.S. gov­ern­ment breach have not been pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed.”

    It took a lit­tle over two months before ‘anony­mous sources’ start­ed point­ing the fin­ger at Chi­na. Which is actu­al­ly a lot more time than the mere days it took for the first Solar­Winds hack to get blamed on Rus­sia. So what evi­dence were these sources point­ing at? The hack­ers “used com­put­er infra­struc­ture and hack­ing tools.” No details or exam­ples of shared infra­struc­ture or tools. That’s it. It tells us noth­ing oth­er than the fact that shod­dy ‘pat­tern recog­ni­tion’ tech­niques were being relied on:

    Reuters was not able to estab­lish how many orga­ni­za­tions were com­pro­mised by the sus­pect­ed Chi­nese oper­a­tion. The sources, who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty to dis­cuss ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tions, said the attack­ers used com­put­er infra­struc­ture and hack­ing tools pre­vi­ous­ly deployed by state-backed Chi­nese cyber­spies.


    Solar­Winds said it was aware of a sin­gle cus­tomer that was com­pro­mised by the sec­ond set of hack­ers but that it had “not found any­thing con­clu­sive” to show who was respon­si­ble. The com­pa­ny added that the attack­ers did not gain access to its own inter­nal sys­tems and that it had released an update to fix the bug in Decem­ber.


    Although the two espi­onage efforts over­lap and both tar­get­ed the U.S. gov­ern­ment, they were sep­a­rate and dis­tinct­ly dif­fer­ent oper­a­tions, accord­ing to four peo­ple who have inves­ti­gat­ed the attacks and out­side experts who reviewed the code used by both sets of hack­ers.

    But here’s where we learn some very impor­tant details about the nature of this hack: it was used to help spread across already-com­pro­mised net­works. Which make this the kind of exploit that sounds like a great part­ner with the first Solar­Winds hack that com­pro­mised 18,000 client net­works with back­doors:

    In the case of the sole client it knew about, Solar­Winds said the hack­ers only abused its soft­ware once inside the client’s net­work. Solar­Winds did not say how the hack­ers first got in, except to say it was “in a way that was unre­lat­ed to Solar­Winds.”


    While the alleged Russ­ian hack­ers pen­e­trat­ed deep into Solar­Winds net­work and hid a “back door” in Ori­on soft­ware updates which were then sent to cus­tomers, the sus­pect­ed Chi­nese group exploit­ed a sep­a­rate bug in Orion’s code to help spread across net­works they had already com­pro­mised, the sources said.


    For­mer U.S. chief infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty offi­cer Gre­go­ry Touhill said sep­a­rate groups of hack­ers tar­get­ing the same soft­ware prod­uct was not unusu­al. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen a nation-state actor surf­ing in behind some­one else, it’s like ‘draft­ing’ in NASCAR,” he said, where one rac­ing car gets an advan­tage by close­ly fol­low­ing another’s lead.

    The con­nec­tion between the sec­ond set of attacks on Solar­Winds cus­tomers and sus­pect­ed Chi­nese hack­ers was only dis­cov­ered in recent weeks, accord­ing to secu­ri­ty ana­lysts inves­ti­gat­ing along­side the U.S. gov­ern­ment.

    A month lat­er, in ear­ly March, we get anoth­er update. An update that would appear to tie the hack to Chi­na. It came from the research team at Secure­work­s’s Counter Threat Unit (CTU), who informed us that they first encoun­tered the Super­no­va mal­ware in Novem­ber of 2020. Upon clos­er exam­i­na­tion, they found sim­i­lar­i­ties to a hack in August 2020 that was found to have been enable by a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the Man­ageEngine Ser­viceDesk soft­ware that the hack­ers like­ly exploit­ed in ear­ly 2018. That Man­ageEngine Ser­viceDesk exploit is pre­vi­ous­ly known to have been used by Chi­nese hack­ers. And it was dur­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion of this August 2020 hack that the hack­ers decid­ed to install Secure­work­s’s own end­point soft­ware on one of their com­put­ers and con­nect it to the inter­net. The end­point soft­ware on the hack­ers’ com­put­er pre­dictably pinged Secure­work­s’s servers and the com­pa­ny had the infor­ma­tion it need­ed to con­nect that hack to Chi­na (which ignores the obvi­ous pos­si­bil­i­ty of remote­ly using a com­put­er from any­where). This appears to be the extent of the evi­dence that Super­no­va Solar­Winds hack is being car­ried out by Chi­nese hack­ers. Vague dig­i­tal spoofa­ble clues:

    Ars Tech­ni­ca

    Chi­nese hack­ers tar­get­ed Solar­Winds cus­tomers in par­al­lel with Russ­ian op
    New data sug­gests that Rus­sia was­n’t the only nation-state hack­ing cus­tomers.

    Dan Good­in — 3/8/2021, 6:36 PM

    By now, most peo­ple know that hack­ers tied to the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment com­pro­mised the Solar­Winds soft­ware build sys­tem and used it to push a mali­cious update to some 18,000 of the company’s cus­tomers. On Mon­day, researchers pub­lished evi­dence that hack­ers from Chi­na also tar­get­ed Solar­Winds cus­tomers in what secu­ri­ty ana­lysts have said was a dis­tinct­ly dif­fer­ent oper­a­tion.

    The par­al­lel hack cam­paigns have been pub­lic knowl­edge since Decem­ber, when researchers revealed that, in addi­tion to the sup­ply chain attack, hack­ers exploit­ed a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Solar­Winds soft­ware called Ori­on. Hack­ers in the lat­ter cam­paign used the exploit to install a mali­cious web shell dubbed Super­no­va on the net­work of a cus­tomer who used the net­work man­age­ment tool. Researchers, how­ev­er, had few if any clues as to who car­ried out that attack.

    On Mon­day, researchers said the attack was like­ly car­ried out by a Chi­na-based hack­ing group they’ve dubbed “Spi­ral.” The find­ing, laid out in a report pub­lished on Mon­day by Secure­works’ Counter Threat Unit, is based on tech­niques, tac­tics, and pro­ce­dures in the hack that were either iden­ti­cal or very sim­i­lar to an ear­li­er com­pro­mise the researchers dis­cov­ered in the same net­work.

    Pum­meled on more than one front

    The find­ing comes on the heels of word that Chi­na-based hack­ers dubbed Hafni­um are one of at least five clus­ters of hack­ers behind attacks that installed mali­cious web shells on tens of thou­sands of Microsoft Exchange servers. Monday’s report shows that there’s no short­age of APTs—shorthand for advanced per­sis­tent threat hackers—determined to tar­get a wide swath of US-based orga­ni­za­tions.


    Counter Threat Unit researchers said they encoun­tered Super­no­va in Novem­ber as they respond­ed to the hack of a customer’s net­work. Like oth­er mali­cious web shells, Super­no­va got installed after the attack­ers had suc­cess­ful­ly gained the abil­i­ty to exe­cute mali­cious code on the target’s sys­tems. The attack­ers then used Super­no­va to send com­mands that stole pass­words and oth­er data that gave access to oth­er parts of the net­work.

    Secure­works CTU researchers already believed that the speed and sur­gi­cal pre­ci­sion of the move­ment inside the target’s net­work sug­gest­ed that Spi­ral had pri­or expe­ri­ence inside it. Then, the researchers noticed sim­i­lar­i­ties between the Novem­ber hack and one the researchers had uncov­ered in August 2020. The attack­ers in the ear­li­er hack like­ly gained ini­tial access as ear­ly as 2018 by exploit­ing a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in a prod­uct known as the Man­ageEngine Ser­viceDesk, the researchers said.

    “CTU researchers were ini­tial­ly unable to attribute the August activ­i­ty to any known threat groups,” the researchers wrote. “How­ev­er, the fol­low­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties to the SPIRAL intru­sion in late 2020 sug­gest that the SPIRAL threat group was respon­si­ble for both intru­sions:”

    * The threat actors used iden­ti­cal com­mands to dump the LSASS process via comsvcs.dll and used the same out­put file path (see Fig­ure 6).

    Enlarge / LSASS process dump from August 2020 using an iden­ti­cal com­mand to the Novem­ber 2020 inci­dent.

    * The same two servers were accessed: a domain con­troller and a serv­er that could pro­vide access to sen­si­tive busi­ness data.
    * The same ‘c:userspublic’ path (all low­er­case) was used as a work­ing direc­to­ry.
    * Three com­pro­mised admin­is­tra­tor accounts were used in both intru­sions.

    The CTU researchers already knew that Chi­nese hack­ers had been exploit­ing MangeEngine servers to gain long-term access to net­works of inter­est. But that alone wasn’t enough to deter­mine Spi­ral had its ori­gins in Chi­na. The researchers became more con­fi­dent in the con­nec­tion after notic­ing that the hack­ers in the August inci­dent acci­den­tal­ly exposed one of their IP address­es. It was geolo­cat­ed to Chi­na.

    The hack­ers exposed their IP address when they stole the end­point detec­tion soft­ware Ser­cure­works had sold to the hacked cus­tomer. For rea­sons that aren’t clear, the hack­ers then ran the secu­ri­ty prod­uct on one of their com­put­ers, at which point it exposed its IP address as it reached out to a Secure­works serv­er.

    The nam­ing con­ven­tion of the hack­ers’ com­put­er was the same as a dif­fer­ent com­put­er that the hack­ers had used when con­nect­ing to the net­work through a VPN. Tak­en togeth­er, the evi­dence col­lect­ed by CTU researchers gave them the con­fi­dence that both hacks were done by the same group and that the group was based in Chi­na.

    “Sim­i­lar­i­ties between SUPER­NO­VA-relat­ed activ­i­ty in Novem­ber and activ­i­ty that CTU researchers ana­lyzed in August sug­gest that the SPIRAL threat group was respon­si­ble for both intru­sions,” CTU researchers wrote. “Char­ac­ter­is­tics of these intru­sions indi­cate a pos­si­ble con­nec­tion to Chi­na.”


    “Chi­nese hack­ers tar­get­ed Solar­Winds cus­tomers in par­al­lel with Russ­ian op” by Dan Good­in; Ars Tech­ni­ca; 03/08/2021

    On Mon­day, researchers said the attack was like­ly car­ried out by a Chi­na-based hack­ing group they’ve dubbed “Spi­ral.” The find­ing, laid out in a report pub­lished on Mon­day by Secure­works’ Counter Threat Unit, is based on tech­niques, tac­tics, and pro­ce­dures in the hack that were either iden­ti­cal or very sim­i­lar to an ear­li­er com­pro­mise the researchers dis­cov­ered in the same net­work.”

    Meet “Spi­ral”, who is def­i­nite­ly not “Hafni­um” and def­i­nite­ly not respon­si­ble for the first Solar­Winds hack. And not the Serv‑U Solar­Winds hack we’re going to learn about in July. Only this sec­ond Solar­Winds hack. And def­i­nite­ly from Chi­na.

    That’s what Secure­work­s’s CTU con­clud­ed based on tech­niques, tac­tics, and pro­ce­dures in the hack that were either iden­ti­cal or very sim­i­lar to an ear­li­er com­pro­mise of the same client: The August 2020 hack of the Secure­works client where the hack­ers stole Secur­work­s’s end­point soft­ware from the clien­t’s net­work, installed it on their own com­put­er in Chi­na, and allowed it to ping Secure­work­s’s servers. And the August 2020 hack­ers shared cer­tain traits like using the same com­mands and name like “c:userspublic” as a work­ing direc­to­ry name. So some tech­ni­cal pat­tern recog­ni­tion com­bined with reduc­tive rea­son­ing and/or wild guess­ing and/or con­ve­nient sto­ry-telling. This is the sausage-mak­ing of con­tem­po­rary cyber­at­tri­bu­tions:

    Counter Threat Unit researchers said they encoun­tered Super­no­va in Novem­ber as they respond­ed to the hack of a customer’s net­work. Like oth­er mali­cious web shells, Super­no­va got installed after the attack­ers had suc­cess­ful­ly gained the abil­i­ty to exe­cute mali­cious code on the target’s sys­tems. The attack­ers then used Super­no­va to send com­mands that stole pass­words and oth­er data that gave access to oth­er parts of the net­work.

    Secure­works CTU researchers already believed that the speed and sur­gi­cal pre­ci­sion of the move­ment inside the target’s net­work sug­gest­ed that Spi­ral had pri­or expe­ri­ence inside it. Then, the researchers noticed sim­i­lar­i­ties between the Novem­ber hack and one the researchers had uncov­ered in August 2020. The attack­ers in the ear­li­er hack like­ly gained ini­tial access as ear­ly as 2018 by exploit­ing a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in a prod­uct known as the Man­ageEngine Ser­viceDesk, the researchers said.

    CTU researchers were ini­tial­ly unable to attribute the August activ­i­ty to any known threat groups,” the researchers wrote. “How­ev­er, the fol­low­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties to the SPIRAL intru­sion in late 2020 sug­gest that the SPIRAL threat group was respon­si­ble for both intru­sions:

    * The threat actors used iden­ti­cal com­mands to dump the LSASS process via comsvcs.dll and used the same out­put file path (see Fig­ure 6).

    Enlarge / LSASS process dump from August 2020 using an iden­ti­cal com­mand to the Novem­ber 2020 inci­dent.

    * The same two servers were accessed: a domain con­troller and a serv­er that could pro­vide access to sen­si­tive busi­ness data.
    * The same ‘c:userspublic’ path (all low­er­case) was used as a work­ing direc­to­ry.
    * Three com­pro­mised admin­is­tra­tor accounts were used in both intru­sions.


    Also note the lan­guage in the Secure­works CTU report: “Char­ac­ter­is­tics of these intru­sions indi­cate a pos­si­ble con­nec­tion to Chi­na.” A pos­si­ble con­nec­tion to Chi­na. Which is real­ly all it is:

    The CTU researchers already knew that Chi­nese hack­ers had been exploit­ing MangeEngine servers to gain long-term access to net­works of inter­est. But that alone wasn’t enough to deter­mine Spi­ral had its ori­gins in Chi­na. The researchers became more con­fi­dent in the con­nec­tion after notic­ing that the hack­ers in the August inci­dent acci­den­tal­ly exposed one of their IP address­es. It was geolo­cat­ed to Chi­na.

    The hack­ers exposed their IP address when they stole the end­point detec­tion soft­ware Ser­cure­works had sold to the hacked cus­tomer. For rea­sons that aren’t clear, the hack­ers then ran the secu­ri­ty prod­uct on one of their com­put­ers, at which point it exposed its IP address as it reached out to a Secure­works serv­er.

    The nam­ing con­ven­tion of the hack­ers’ com­put­er was the same as a dif­fer­ent com­put­er that the hack­ers had used when con­nect­ing to the net­work through a VPN. Tak­en togeth­er, the evi­dence col­lect­ed by CTU researchers gave them the con­fi­dence that both hacks were done by the same group and that the group was based in Chi­na.

    “Sim­i­lar­i­ties between SUPER­NO­VA-relat­ed activ­i­ty in Novem­ber and activ­i­ty that CTU researchers ana­lyzed in August sug­gest that the SPIRAL threat group was respon­si­ble for both intru­sions,” CTU researchers wrote. “Char­ac­ter­is­tics of these intru­sions indi­cate a pos­si­ble con­nec­tion to Chi­na.”

    Now, jump for­ward to mid-July, and we learn about the third Solar­Winds hack. This one by a dif­fer­ent Chi­nese hack­ing crew. And this one sounds pret­ty seri­ous in terms of the con­trol it gives to the attack­ers. The Serv‑U attack allows hack­ers to install pro­grams, and change or delete infor­ma­tion. And every pre­vi­ous ver­sion of Serv‑U was vul­ner­a­ble (but as we’ll see, only on Win­dows servers):

    Ars Tech­ni­ca

    Microsoft dis­cov­ers crit­i­cal Solar­Winds zero-day under active attack
    Flaws allow attack­ers to run mali­cious code on machines host­ing Serv‑U prod­ucts.

    Dan Good­in — 7/12/2021, 2:25 PM

    Solar­Winds, the com­pa­ny at the cen­ter of a sup­ply chain attack that com­pro­mised nine US agen­cies and 100 pri­vate com­pa­nies, is scram­bling to con­tain a new secu­ri­ty threat: a crit­i­cal zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in its Serv‑U prod­uct line.

    Microsoft dis­cov­ered the exploits and pri­vate­ly report­ed them to Solar­Winds, the lat­ter com­pa­ny said in an advi­so­ry pub­lished on Fri­day. Solar­Winds said the attacks are entire­ly unre­lat­ed to the sup­ply chain attack dis­cov­ered in Decem­ber.


    Only Solar­Winds Serv‑U Man­aged File Trans­fer and Serv‑U Secure FTP—and by exten­sion, the Serv‑U Gate­way, a com­po­nent of those two products—are affect­ed by this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, which allows attack­ers to remote­ly exe­cute mali­cious code on vul­ner­a­ble sys­tems.

    An attack­er can gain priv­i­leged access to exploit­ed machines host­ing Serv‑U prod­ucts and could then install pro­grams; view, change, or delete data; or run pro­grams on the affect­ed sys­tem. The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty exists in the lat­est Serv‑U ver­sion 15.2.3 HF1, released on May 5, and all pri­or ver­sions.

    Solar­Winds has issued a hot­fix to mit­i­gate the attacks while the com­pa­ny works on a per­ma­nent solu­tion. Peo­ple run­ning Serv‑U ver­sion 15.2.3 HF1 should apply hot­fix (HF) 2; those using Serv‑U 15.2.3 should apply Serv‑U 15.2.3 HF1 and then apply Serv‑U 15.2.3 HF2; and those run­ning Serv‑U ver­sions pri­or to 15.2.3 should upgrade to Serv‑U 15.2.3, apply Serv‑U 15.2.3 HF1, and then apply Serv‑U 15.2.3 HF2. The com­pa­ny says cus­tomers should install the fix­es imme­di­ate­ly.

    The hot­fix­es are avail­able here. Dis­abling SSH access also pre­vents exploita­tion.

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has attrib­uted last year’s sup­ply chain attack to hack­ers work­ing for Russia’s For­eign Intel­li­gence Ser­vice, abbre­vi­at­ed as the SVR, which for more than a decade has con­duct­ed mal­ware cam­paigns tar­get­ing gov­ern­ments, polit­i­cal think tanks, and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions in coun­tries includ­ing Ger­many, Uzbek­istan, South Korea, and the US. Tar­gets have includ­ed the US State Depart­ment and the White House in 2014.

    The hack­ers used that access to push a mali­cious soft­ware update to about 18,000 cus­tomers of Solar­Winds’ Ori­on net­work man­age­ment prod­uct. Of those cus­tomers, rough­ly 110 received a fol­low-on attack that installed a lat­er-stage pay­load that exfil­trat­ed pro­pri­etary data. The mal­ware installed in the attack cam­paign is known as Sun­burst. Again, Solar­Winds said the exploits under­way now have no con­nec­tion.

    Late last year, zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Solar­Winds’ Ori­on prod­uct came under exploit by a dif­fer­ent set of attack­ers that researchers have tied to China’s gov­ern­ment. Those attack­ers installed mal­ware that researchers call Super­No­va. Threat actors linked to Chi­na have also tar­get­ed Solar­Winds. At least one US gov­ern­ment agency was tar­get­ed in this oper­a­tion.


    “Microsoft dis­cov­ers crit­i­cal Solar­Winds zero-day under active attack” by Dan Good­in; Ars Tech­ni­ca; 07/12/2021

    “Microsoft dis­cov­ered the exploits and pri­vate­ly report­ed them to Solar­Winds, the lat­ter com­pa­ny said in an advi­so­ry pub­lished on Fri­day. Solar­Winds said the attacks are entire­ly unre­lat­ed to the sup­ply chain attack dis­cov­ered in Decem­ber.

    It’s def­i­nite­ly entire­ly unre­lat­ed to the Solar­Winds hacks from Decem­ber. Both. They don’t know much but they know that. Some­how. And it’s a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that’s exist­ed in all pre­vi­ous ver­sions of Serv‑U, so any­one who knew about it had plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty. And plen­ty of poten­tial for dam­age. The hack appears to give the attack­er admin con­trol over the com­put­er. They can install pro­grams, and add or delete infor­ma­tion. That’s mas­sive. Again, this is only going to be a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty for Win­dows sys­tems run­ning Serv‑U:

    Only Solar­Winds Serv‑U Man­aged File Trans­fer and Serv‑U Secure FTP—and by exten­sion, the Serv‑U Gate­way, a com­po­nent of those two products—are affect­ed by this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, which allows attack­ers to remote­ly exe­cute mali­cious code on vul­ner­a­ble sys­tems.

    An attack­er can gain priv­i­leged access to exploit­ed machines host­ing Serv‑U prod­ucts and could then install pro­grams; view, change, or delete data; or run pro­grams on the affect­ed sys­tem. The vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty exists in the lat­est Serv‑U ver­sion 15.2.3 HF1, released on May 5, and all pri­or ver­sions.


    Late last year, zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Solar­Winds’ Ori­on prod­uct came under exploit by a dif­fer­ent set of attack­ers that researchers have tied to China’s gov­ern­ment. Those attack­ers installed mal­ware that researchers call Super­No­va. Threat actors linked to Chi­na have also tar­get­ed Solar­Winds. At least one US gov­ern­ment agency was tar­get­ed in this oper­a­tion.

    Now let’s take a quick look at one of the fun facts found in the Solar­Winds report on the Serv‑U hack: it only affects Win­dows com­put­ers. Lin­ux sys­tems aren’t impact­ed. In oth­er words, the Serv‑U hack has anoth­er Microsoft Win­dows vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty at its core:


    Serv‑U Remote Mem­o­ry Escape Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty


    Secu­ri­ty Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty

    Released: July 9, 2021 Last updat­ed: July 15, 2021
    Assign­ing CNA: Solar­Winds


    Updat­ed July 13, 2021

    What prod­ucts are affect­ed?

    Only Solar­Winds Serv‑U Man­aged File Trans­fer and Serv‑U Secure FTP for Win­dows are affect­ed by this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Please note the Serv‑U Gate­way is a com­po­nent of these two prod­ucts and is not a sep­a­rate prod­uct.

    The Lin­ux ver­sions of these prod­ucts are not vul­ner­a­ble to a RCE exploit of this secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. The Lin­ux ver­sion of the Serv‑U prod­uct crash­es when the exploit is attempt­ed by a threat actor.



    “Serv‑U Remote Mem­o­ry Escape Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty”; SolarWinds.com; 07/15/2021

    Only Solar­Winds Serv‑U Man­aged File Trans­fer and Serv‑U Secure FTP for Win­dows are affect­ed by this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Please note the Serv‑U Gate­way is a com­po­nent of these two prod­ucts and is not a sep­a­rate prod­uct.”

    Only Win­dows sys­tems are vul­ner­a­ble. Weird how Microsoft failed to men­tion that in its threat assess­ment report on this very same vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.

    So we have not one but two addi­tion Solar­Winds hacks: one dis­closed days after the ini­tial hack and one sev­en months lat­er. Both unre­lat­ed to the ini­tial hack. Both from Chi­na. And both unre­lat­ed to each oth­er. That’s what we’ve been told. With basi­cal­ly no evi­dence. What evi­dence we do have — like Secure­works tying the Super­no­va hack back to an August 2020 hack that pinged from Chi­na — sug­gests the evi­dence behind these attri­bu­tions are ten­u­ous guess­work at best. But at least Secure­works even both­ers to vague­ly describe its evi­dence. That’s more than we get from most.

    And note how both of these new Solar­Winds hacks appear to be, at their core, Microsoft hacks. The Super­no­va hack exploits a Microsoft .NET frame­work vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and the Serv‑U hack only impacts Win­dows sys­tems. And Microsoft is the com­pa­ny gen­er­al­ly lead­ing the glob­al secu­ri­ty respons­es to major hacks and defin­ing our nar­ra­tives. Again we have to ask, that’s a con­flict of inter­est, right? Blind faith in Microsoft is hard enough as is. We don’t need bla­tant con­flicts of inter­est with extra­or­di­nary stakes.
    All sorts of extra­or­di­nary stakes. Long-stand­ing stakes.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 22, 2021, 11:30 pm
  3. When we learned that Mex­i­co was the first gov­ern­ment to get a sub­scrip­tion to NSO Group’s mal­ware back in 2011, one of the default ques­tions raised by the rev­e­la­tion was why Mex­i­co? Of course, there’s a pret­ty obvi­ous answer. Sad­ly a default answer for Mex­i­co: Orga­nized crime, in par­tic­u­lar in rela­tion to the drug war. It’s the kind of use case that would fit square­ly under the NSO Group’s list of offi­cial valid rea­sons for using its soft­ware. Ter­ror and orga­nized crime are pre­cise­ly what the com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance indus­try touts as why it should be allowed to exist. Mex­i­co cer­tain­ly had no short­age of drug relat­ed orga­nized crime in 2011.

    So with that osten­si­ble rea­son for Mex­i­co’s ear­ly access to the NSO Group’s soft­ware in mind, here’s a piece last month by Daniel Hop­sick­er with some pret­ty wild his­to­ry relat­ed to NSO Group, Mex­i­co’s use of com­mer­cial spy­ware, and the drug trade. And Car­los Slim:

    Before NSO Group’s rela­tion­ship with Mex­i­co, there was Verint, anoth­er Israeli spy­ware-for-hire com­pa­ny. Ver­in­t’s rela­tion­ship with Mex­i­co appears to have start­ed in 2003. That’s based on a press release issued in 2006 by Car­los Slim’s Telmex in response to anoth­er press release tout­ing the Bush State Depart­men­t’s spon­sor­ship of Ver­in­t’s pro­gram to mon­i­tor Telmex’s entire net­work. And since Telmex is Mex­i­co’s monop­oly tele­com provider, that was basi­cal­ly every phone in Mex­i­co get­ting spied on by Verint. This was, again, paid for by the US State Depart­ment.

    And then there’s the giant twist in Ver­in­t’s back­ground: It turns out it was Verint in 2003 — back was it was called ECI Tele­com — that leased the space for the head­quar­ters of Sky­Way Air­craft. As Daniel Hop­sick­er has cov­ered in a num­ber of arti­cles and shows, Sky­Way is like col­lage of intel­li­gence-pro­tect­ed illic­it activ­i­ty, with ties to every­thing from the April 2006 bust of 5.5 tons of cocaine on a Sky­Way Air­craft to the 9/11 hijack­ers in Flori­da. As the Intro­duc­tion of FTR#554 — and inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er — reminds us about the net­work of fig­ures and com­pa­nies sur­round­ing Sky­Way (own­ers of ‘Roy­al Sons’):

    Intro­duc­tion: Doc­u­ment­ing the career of Makram Chams, this pro­gram sets forth some facets of a man who must be the most remark­able con­ve­nience store own­er of all time. In addi­tion to being an inti­mate asso­ciate of, and appar­ent col­lab­o­ra­tor of, 9/11 hijack­ers Mohamed Atta and Mar­wan Al-She­hhi, Chams has appar­ent­ly worked as a “con­sul­tant” for Titan Cor­po­ra­tion, a major defense con­trac­tor. Chams also was part own­er of a casi­no boat, anoth­er of whose partners—Max Burge—owned the planes that oper­at­ed out of Huff­man Avi­a­tion. (Huff­man was the flight school through which Atta and oth­er 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trat­ed. For more about Huff­man Avi­a­tion and Hopsicker’s work, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#‘s 477, 482, 483, 484.) Burge had worked with Fred­er­ick Gef­fon, whose ‘Roy­al Sons’ com­pa­ny owned a DC9 that was bust­ed in Mex­i­co with 5.5 tons of cocaine on board. Trac­ing the own­er­ship of the DC9, the broad­cast notes that the plane has belonged to a series of intel­li­gence fronts asso­ci­at­ed with the CIA and Iran-Con­tra drug smug­gling. Among the pre­vi­ous own­ers of the plane was Adnan Khashog­gi, an Iran-Con­tra scan­dal play­er, financier of Al Qae­da and part­ner of John Gray, the New Age guru who has financed the 9/11-dis­in­for­ma­tion move­ment.Some con­ve­nience store own­er!

    Recall how “Roy­al Sons”, owned by Sky­Way, had an address that traced back to Huff­man Avi­a­tion’s hang­er at Venice Air­port. Sky­Way is a remark­ably shady com­pa­ny. As we’ll see, a sec­ond Sky­Way plane bust­ed for a mas­sive cocaine haul had pre­vi­ous­ly been used in CIA ren­di­tion flights. So Sky­Way has all the hall­marks of run­ning an intel­li­gence-con­nect­ed drug traf­fick­ing oper­a­tion and it was Verint that leased Sky­Way its office space in 2003, the same year Telmex tells us Ver­in­t’s mass spy­ing on Mex­i­can phones start­ed, paid for by the US State Depart­ment.

    And as we’ll also see, it appears that when Ver­in­t’s spy­ware was being used by the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment dur­ing this peri­od to fight against the drug car­tels, there was one car­tel left out: the Sinaloa car­tel. In oth­er words, the spy­ware was being used to allow the gov­ern­ment of Mex­i­co to fight and win a drug war on behalf the chief car­tel in bed with the gov­ern­ment. With Slim in on the cut. Accord­ing to Hop­sick­er, that’s what hap­pened. Slim and the gov­ern­ment of Felipe Calderone used Verint, and the force of the Mex­i­can mil­i­tary and fed­er­al police, to fight a drug war the Sinaloa car­tel was sup­posed to win.

    There’s also a more direct con­nec­tion to NSO Group: In May of 2018, it was report­ed that NSO Group and Verint were merg­ing, although the talks were appar­ent­ly end­ed a cou­ple months lat­er. So Verint is alive and well it would seem, which is anoth­er aspect of this sto­ry:


    Pega­sus Project’s “Mod­i­fied Lim­it­ed Hang­out”

    By Daniel Hop­sick­er -
    July 27, 2021

    “It’s dif­fi­cult to get a man to under­stand some­thing when his salary depends on his not under­stand­ing it.”—Upton Sin­clair

    “Nev­er argue with any­one whose job depends on not being convinced.”—H. L. Menck­en

    The drum­beat of dai­ly break­ing news about Pega­sus hack­ing soft­ware from Israeli spy­ware ven­dor NSO to some of the world’s most repres­sive regimes con­tains shock­ing dis­clo­sures. But, also, equal­ly shock­ing omis­sions.

    The Israeli mil­i­tary-grade spy­ware is being used, said the Pega­sus Project, against “Politi­cians, jour­nal­ists and human rights activists.”

    It’s a frothy and fre­quent­ly-repeat­ed equa­tion.

    The Wash­ing­ton Post’s head­line: “Pri­vate Israeli spy­ware used to hack cell phone of jour­nal­ists, activists world­wide.”

    And with­out ques­tion these groups have been tar­get­ed, often with trag­ic results. But they left some­thing out. Call it “com­pet­i­tive advan­tage.

    The coun­try with the largest num­ber of tar­get­ed names is Mex­i­co.

    “The great­est num­ber (of smart­phone num­bers) in the data dump were in Mex­i­co,” the Post report­ed, “more than 15,000 num­bers.”

    Mex­i­co is using the spy­ware to tar­get drug traf­fick­ers. Why? Because they’re not just “drug traf­fick­ers.” They’re rival drug traf­fick­ers.

    Plus, the Pega­sus Project doesn’t even men­tion Car­los Slim. He’s been using Israeli spy­ware in Mex­i­co since 2003.

    “Politi­cians, jour­nal­ists and human rights activists”

    When Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent Felipe Calderon sent thou­sands of troops and fed­er­al police to occu­py Ciu­dad Juarez, today known as “Mur­der City,” it wasn’t just to intim­i­date jour­nal­ists and human rights activists.

    The army of occu­pa­tion came to Ciu­dad Juarez to throw it’s mas­sive weight behind one side—the Sinaloa Cartel’s side—in the mur­der­ous drug war that had been rag­ing for con­trol of the Mex­i­can economy’s biggest industry—and largest source of income—the drug trade.

    “The gov­ern­ment declared war on us,” a Juarez Car­tel leader tells a reporter in “To Die in Mex­i­co,” a book by Mex­i­co City jour­nal­ist John Gibler.

    “Many of our mem­bers have been dis­ap­peared,” he con­tin­ued. “We know that it was sol­diers who took them out. They are cov­er­ing for the oth­er gang; they are pro­tect­ing them.”

    “If the Unit­ed States came in, maybe they’d lock us up,” he mus­es. “But here, no, they’re grab­bing up and they’re killing us. That is what is hap­pen­ing; it’s an exter­mi­na­tion.”

    The bat­tle even­tu­al­ly result­ed in defeat for the Juarez Car­tel, at the cost of an esti­mat­ed 20,000 lives.

    That’s how the Israeli spy­ware was used.

    Incon­ve­nient facts are ignored

    But the Pega­sus Project’s most egre­gious omis­sion con­cerns Mexico’s Car­los Slim—perhaps under­stand­ably, giv­en his recent role as the sav­ior of the New York Times.

    In some shocking—and con­ve­nient­ly ignored—recent his­to­ry, Car­los Slim, Mexico’s rich­est oli­garch, between 2003 and 2007 was doing busi­ness with these same Israeli spy­ware ven­dors, which are all spin-offs from the intel­li­gence unit of the Israeli Defense Forces, Unit 8200.

    Israeli spy­ware ven­dors have a rich his­to­ry of wrong­do­ing before 2012, includ­ing com­pa­nies with Unit 8200 intel­li­gence con­nec­tions every bit as strong as NSO’s. Both of NSO’s prin­ci­pals began their careers as part of the unit. The names of Israeli spy­ware ven­dors fre­quent­ly change. But who the play­ers ulti­mate­ly worked for did not. Pega­sus Project jour­nal­ists appear to know noth­ing about this.

    It’s the same ruse often used by Amer­i­can intel­li­gence. Erik Prince’s Black­wa­ter seemed to change it’s name with each new atroc­i­ty. When Claire Chennault’s Fly­ing Tigers from World War II trans­formed into Civ­il Air Trans­port and then trans­mo­gri­fied into Air Amer­i­ca, the names change, but the mis­sion remained the same.

    Today the NSO Group still oper­ates under var­i­ous monikers.

    The Wash­ing­ton Post back in 2017 report­ed trai­tor-for-hire Mike Fly­nn had been paid “rough­ly $100,000” as a “con­sul­tant” for OSY Tech­nolo­gies, as well as the pri­vate equi­ty firm Fran­cis­co Part­ners, which are, respec­tive­ly, NSO Group’s par­ent com­pa­ny and pre­vi­ous own­er. But these ties to the for­mer Defense Intel­li­gence Agency chief escaped close scruti­ny and embar­rass­ing ques­tions until just a few days ago.

    “A mod­i­fied, extreme­ly-lim­it­ed hang­out”

    By ignor­ing the NSO Group’s his­to­ry and pre­vi­ous iter­a­tions, The Pega­sus Project does the West­ern world a grave dis­ser­vice.

    The omis­sions expose a glob­al drug car­tel com­posed of gov­ern­ments and gang­sters.

    Mex­i­can oli­garch and the country’s wealth­i­est man Car­los Slim had a part­ner­ship with Israeli intel­li­gence-con­nect­ed VERINT, which signed a con­tract to wire­tap any phone in Mex­i­co. Slim’s Telmex con­trolled almost all of Mexico’s land­lines. Slim was also vir­tu­al­ly the only cell phone provider.

    The infor­ma­tion Israeli spy­ware from VERINT allowed Mex­i­can Pres­i­dents, Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon to ren­der crit­i­cal aid to the Sinaloa Car­tel, then at war at the time with every oth­er car­tel in Mex­i­co.

    Who picked up the tab for VERINT’s con­tract in Mex­i­co? The Admin­is­tra­tion of Pres­i­dent George W. Bush.

    What does VERINT have to do with the sub­ject of Project Pega­sus, Israeli spy­ware com­pa­ny NSO Group? Just three years ago, in 2018, VERINT announced it was pur­chas­ing NSO for $1 bil­lion dol­lars. The buy-out was called off at the last minute, for undis­closed rea­sons, which only now become obvi­ous.

    But it was any­thing but a hos­tile takeover.


    “Dude, amaz­ing busi­ness syn­er­gy. Real­ly.”

    But there’s an even-more shock­ing rev­e­la­tion con­nect­ing Car­los Slim and Israeli intelligence’s spy­ware spin-off VERINT, sit­ting right out in the open.

    VERINT owned the cor­po­rate head­quar­ters in Clear­wa­ter leased by Sky­Way Air­craft, soo to be the proud own­ers of a DC‑9 (N900SA) bust­ed in the Yucatan on April 11, 2006 car­ry­ing a record—even for Mexico—seizure on an air­plane, 5.5 tons of cocaine.

    So VERINT (in it’s ear­li­er iter­a­tion as ECI Tele­com), had leased a huge 78,000 square foot complex—large enough to lat­er become a local college’s cam­pus— to a com­pa­ny Sky­Way in April 2003, which the com­pa­ny used to smug­gle cocaine.

    And it did this while tap­ping every cell phone in Mex­i­co.

    Sky­Way had report­ing zero earn­ings dur­ing the pre­vi­ous quar­ter, accord­ing to SEC fil­ings, and had exact­ly one employ­ee.

    With that kind of cred­it score, it would be hard to qual­i­fy for a one-bed­room apart­ment in a shab­by part of town. What gives? Maybe this:

    Short­ly there­after, Sky­Way bought twin DC‑9’s, one of which had been recent­ly “owned” by Ramy El-Batrawi, a Sau­di lieu­tenant of Adnan Khashoggi’s. The two men’s Jet­bourne Air­lines flew mis­siles to Iran for Lt. Colonel Oliv­er North dur­ing the Iran Con­tra scan­dal.

    “Not quite fair play, was it?”

    A num­ber of “anom­alies” sur­round­ed the mas­sive seizure.

    One was that Skyway’s bust­ed DC‑9 was impres­sive­ly tricked out to imper­son­ate air­craft from the U.S. Dept. of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, com­plete with an offi­cial-look­ing Seal depict­ing an Amer­i­can eagle clutch­ing a claw filled of arrows.

    What makes this fact even more curi­ous is that the plane was based at Clear­wa­ter-St Peters­burg Inter­na­tion­al Air­port, which also housed a fleet of planes which belonged to U.S. Cus­toms, and which were tasked with drug inter­dic­tion across the entire Caribbean Basin.

    They didn’t have to look far.

    Dur­ing that same year (2006), as SkyWay’s DC‑9 was busy fly­ing back and forth to South Amer­i­ca, the George W. Bush Admin­is­tra­tion picked SkyWay’s land­lord in Clear­wa­ter, VERINT, to install a $3 mil­lion tele­phone and Inter­net wire­tap­ping cen­ter in Mex­i­co, allow­ing author­i­ties there to eaves­drop on every land­line and cell phone call made in the coun­try.

    But SkyWay’s DC9 (N900SA) was just the first of two drug planes over an 18-month peri­od from St-Peters­burg-Clear­wa­ter Inter­na­tion­al Air­port caught car­ry­ing mul­ti-ton loads of cocaine in Mex­i­co with clear ties to the U.S. Gov­ern­ment

    The sec­ond drug plane, a Gulf­stream II busi­ness jet (N987SA), had been cit­ed by Euro­pean author­i­ties for fly­ing extra­or­di­nary ren­di­tions mis­sions for the CIA.

    As author and inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist James Bam­ford, who has bro­ken many sto­ries on the NSA, report­ed:

    “In 2006 the Bush Admin­is­tra­tion entered into a qui­et agree­ment with the Mex­i­can Gov­ern­ment to fund and build an enor­mous $3 mil­lion tele­phone and Inter­net eaves­drop­ping ven­dor that would reach into every town and vil­lage in the coun­try.”

    A press release herald­ing the con­tract read:

    “Com­verse (which soon changed its name to VERINT) Select­ed by Tele­fonos de Mex­i­co to Imple­ment a Wide­spread Expan­sion of Voice­mail Ser­vices.”

    Car­los Slim’s Telmex also issued a press release, which oblique­ly sug­gest­ed the pro­gram had actu­al­ly began in 2003.

    “The pur­pose is to cre­ate swift inves­tiga­tive mea­sures against orga­nized crime,” said Mex­i­can pres­i­dent Felipe Calderon at the time the deal was announced.”

    And in a May 2007 sto­ry in the Los Ange­les Times, Sam Enriquez report­ed:

    “Although the pro­pos­al stems from the president’s noble inten­tion of effi­cient­ly fight­ing orga­nized crime, the rem­e­dy seems worse than the prob­lem.”

    “The sys­tem the Bush Admin­is­tra­tion chose for Mex­i­co is sim­i­lar to the war­rant-less eaves­drop­ping oper­a­tion in the U.S., and used the same ven­dor, the Israeli com­pa­ny VERINT, found­ed by vet­er­ans of that country’s NSA, the hyper-secret Unit 9200.”

    “Paid for by the U.S. State Depart­ment, it was installed by a polit­i­cal­ly well-con­nect­ed firm based in Melville, N.Y., that spe­cial­izes in elec­tron­ic sur­veil­lance.”

    The real SLIM’s Shady

    When Ama­do Car­ril­lo Fuentes—known as Mexico’s “Lord of the Skies” for his vast arma­da of drug planes—died in 1997 while under­go­ing plas­tic surgery, he was worth $25 bil­lion, accord­ing to the AP. In oth­er words, dur­ing the time he large­ly ran the drug trade in Mex­i­co, Fuentes was able to salt away $10 bil­lion a decade.

    Con­trast his per­for­mance with that of Car­los Slim’s, it’s easy to see why Mexico’s rich­est oli­garch links to the drug trade have been the sub­ject of rumors for years.

    Accord­ing to numer­ous pub­lished reports, at the turn of the mil­len­ni­um, Car­los Slim was worth between $6 and $7 bil­lion dol­lars. Mex­i­co City’s May 7, 1999 La Jor­na­da, for exam­ple, report­ed Slim’s for­tune at “some­thing like $6 bil­lion.”

    Latin Trade mag­a­zine pegged Slim as being worth $7.2 bil­lion.

    In oth­er words, after work­ing hard for more than 40 years, Car­los Slim was worth the hefty sum of $7 bil­lion dol­lars.

    Yet less than nine years lat­er, when Slim made what became a high­ly-con­tro­ver­sial invest­ment in the New York Times in 2009, news accounts of the deal report­ed his net worth as being between 57 bil­lion and $60 bil­lion dol­lars.

    It took Car­los Slim 40 years to make his first $7 bil­lion. Less than ten years lat­er he’d amassed an addi­tion­al $50 bil­lion.

    What kind of busi­ness offers prof­it mar­gins of more than $5 bil­lon a year? Cer­tain­ly not cell phones. The con­clu­sion is inescapable. Mexico’s rich­est man—who owned a chunk of The New York Times—is dirty.

    Incon­ve­nient knowl­edge

    Dur­ing the glob­al finan­cial cri­sis between 2008 and 2012, as Car­los Slim was express­ing his touch­ing com­mit­ment to a free press with a $250 mil­lion dol­lar invest­ment in the New York Times, one per­son spoke out.

    Anto­nio Maria Cos­ta, head of the Unit­ed Nations’ watch­dog Office on Drugs and Crime, was impolitic enough to blurt out an incon­ve­nient fact:

    “In the midst of the cur­rent world finan­cial cri­sis, drug mon­ey is, in many instances, cur­rent­ly the only liq­uid invest­ment cap­i­tal,” Maria Cos­ta told Reuters.

    “Mon­ey made in the illic­it drug trade is being used to keep banks afloat in the glob­al finan­cial cri­sis The drug trade at this time could be the world’s only growth indus­try.”

    Right about then, in the midst of a glob­al depres­sion, Unit­ed Nations Drug Czar Anto­nio Maria Cos­ta told reporters that the only thing keep­ing many major banks sol­vent was drug mon­ey, which pro­vid­ed the West­ern world’s only liq­uid­i­ty at the time.

    Divulging the inner work­ings of the drug trade –where the mon­ey goes— remains one of West­ern journalism’s major taboos.

    Typ­i­cal news cov­er­age today reports whose car­tel is up, and which down, as if the drug trade were some kind of horse race report­ed by a sup­pos­ed­ly-dis­in­ter­est­ed track announc­er.

    The pro­ceeds of the drug indus­try con­sti­tutes the largest slush fund in the his­to­ry of the world. Pur­su­ing where that mon­ey ends up may be beyond the purview of jour­nal­is­tic efforts like The Pega­sus Project.

    But it shouldn’t be.


    “Pega­sus Project’s “Mod­i­fied Lim­it­ed Hang­out”” by Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad­Cow­Prod; 07/27/2021

    In some shocking—and con­ve­nient­ly ignored—recent his­to­ry, Car­los Slim, Mexico’s rich­est oli­garch, between 2003 and 2007 was doing busi­ness with these same Israeli spy­ware ven­dors, which are all spin-offs from the intel­li­gence unit of the Israeli Defense Forces, Unit 8200.”

    It is indeed remark­ably con­ve­nient for the pre-NSO Group his­to­ry of Car­los Slim, Verint, and Mex­i­co’s use of Israeli spy­ware. Because as we saw, it’s a his­to­ry involv­ing the gov­ern­ments of Mex­i­co, Israeli, and the US. A whole bunch of very con­ve­nient­ly timed arrange­ments took place in the 2003–2007 Bush era-peri­od. First, we learn that Car­los Slims tele­com monop­oly in Mex­i­co signed a con­tract with Israeli spy­ware firm Verint to spy on Slim’s net­work. This effec­tive­ly meant Verint was spy­ing on every phone in Mex­i­co. Verint remains active to this day. In May 2018, Verint was report­ed­ly in talks to merge with NSO Group. Those talks were announced called off two months lat­er (sev­er­al months before Jamal Khashog­gi’s assas­si­na­tion made NSO Group a prob­lem­at­ic merg­er part­ner). That the two firms got that far along in merg­er talks is a sign of how close they are:

    Mex­i­can oli­garch and the country’s wealth­i­est man Car­los Slim had a part­ner­ship with Israeli intel­li­gence-con­nect­ed VERINT, which signed a con­tract to wire­tap any phone in Mex­i­co. Slim’s Telmex con­trolled almost all of Mexico’s land­lines. Slim was also vir­tu­al­ly the only cell phone provider.


    Who picked up the tab for VERINT’s con­tract in Mex­i­co? The Admin­is­tra­tion of Pres­i­dent George W. Bush.

    What does VERINT have to do with the sub­ject of Project Pega­sus, Israeli spy­ware com­pa­ny NSO Group? Just three years ago, in 2018, VERINT announced it was pur­chas­ing NSO for $1 bil­lion dol­lars. The buy-out was called off at the last minute, for undis­closed rea­sons, which only now become obvi­ous.

    But it was any­thing but a hos­tile takeover.

    And Ver­in­t’s 2006 con­tract (then Com­verse) to spy on Slim’s entire net­work was paid for by the Bush State Depart­ment. The fact that Tele­fonos de Mex­i­co (Telmex) select­ed a com­pa­ny with roots in Israel’s Unit 9200 was tout­ed in a press release. And then Telmex issues a press release indi­cat­ing the eaves­drop­ping pro­gram actu­al­ly began in 2003. So Ver­in­t’s con­tract to spy on every phone in Mex­i­co was paid for by the US State Depart­ment and start­ed in 2003. This was the kind of stuff that was get­ting qui­et­ly under­way in those ear­ly War on Ter­ror years:

    As author and inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist James Bam­ford, who has bro­ken many sto­ries on the NSA, report­ed:

    “In 2006 the Bush Admin­is­tra­tion entered into a qui­et agree­ment with the Mex­i­can Gov­ern­ment to fund and build an enor­mous $3 mil­lion tele­phone and Inter­net eaves­drop­ping ven­dor that would reach into every town and vil­lage in the coun­try.”

    A press release herald­ing the con­tract read:

    “Com­verse (which soon changed its name to VERINT) Select­ed by Tele­fonos de Mex­i­co to Imple­ment a Wide­spread Expan­sion of Voice­mail Ser­vices.”

    Car­los Slim’s Telmex also issued a press release, which oblique­ly sug­gest­ed the pro­gram had actu­al­ly began in 2003.

    “The pur­pose is to cre­ate swift inves­tiga­tive mea­sures against orga­nized crime,” said Mex­i­can pres­i­dent Felipe Calderon at the time the deal was announced.”

    And in a May 2007 sto­ry in the Los Ange­les Times, Sam Enriquez report­ed:

    “Although the pro­pos­al stems from the president’s noble inten­tion of effi­cient­ly fight­ing orga­nized crime, the rem­e­dy seems worse than the prob­lem.”

    “The sys­tem the Bush Admin­is­tra­tion chose for Mex­i­co is sim­i­lar to the war­rant-less eaves­drop­ping oper­a­tion in the U.S., and used the same ven­dor, the Israeli com­pa­ny VERINT, found­ed by vet­er­ans of that country’s NSA, the hyper-secret Unit 9200.”

    “Paid for by the U.S. State Depart­ment, it was installed by a polit­i­cal­ly well-con­nect­ed firm based in Melville, N.Y., that spe­cial­izes in elec­tron­ic sur­veil­lance.”

    But wire­tap­ping Mex­i­co on the US State Depart­ments tab is only part of what makes Verint such a fas­ci­nat­ing com­pa­ny. As Hop­sick­er reminds us, it was none oth­er than Verint who leased the land to Sky­Way Air­craft. That was in 2003, when Verint — then called ECI Tele­com — leased the land to Sky­Way. It was April 2006 when Sky­Way’s DC‑9 (N900SA) bust­ed in the Yucatan on April 11, 2006 car­ry­ing a record—even for Mexico—seizure on an air­plane, 5.5 tons of cocaine. And as Hop­sick­er has dis­cussed many, many times, that plane is like the phys­i­cal embod­i­ment of the dark his­to­ry of intel­li­gence-pro­tect­ed drug-traf­fick­ing, going back to Oliv­er North’s Iran Con­tra oper­a­tions:

    VERINT owned the cor­po­rate head­quar­ters in Clear­wa­ter leased by Sky­Way Air­craft, soo to be the proud own­ers of a DC‑9 (N900SA) bust­ed in the Yucatan on April 11, 2006 car­ry­ing a record—even for Mexico—seizure on an air­plane, 5.5 tons of cocaine.

    So VERINT (in it’s ear­li­er iter­a­tion as ECI Tele­com), had leased a huge 78,000 square foot complex—large enough to lat­er become a local college’s cam­pus— to a com­pa­ny Sky­Way in April 2003, which the com­pa­ny used to smug­gle cocaine.

    And it did this while tap­ping every cell phone in Mex­i­co.

    Sky­Way had report­ing zero earn­ings dur­ing the pre­vi­ous quar­ter, accord­ing to SEC fil­ings, and had exact­ly one employ­ee.

    With that kind of cred­it score, it would be hard to qual­i­fy for a one-bed­room apart­ment in a shab­by part of town. What gives? Maybe this:

    Short­ly there­after, Sky­Way bought twin DC‑9’s, one of which had been recent­ly “owned” by Ramy El-Batrawi, a Sau­di lieu­tenant of Adnan Khashoggi’s. The two men’s Jet­bourne Air­lines flew mis­siles to Iran for Lt. Colonel Oliv­er North dur­ing the Iran Con­tra scan­dal.

    Adding to the evi­dence that Sky­Way Air­craft was an intel­li­gence pro­tect­ed oper­a­tion, the DC‑9 (N900SA), was designed to imper­son­ate offi­cial US DHS air­craft. And yet the plane was based at Clear­wa­ter-St Peters­burg Inter­na­tion­al Air­port, which also housed a fleet of planes which belonged to U.S. Cus­toms:

    A num­ber of “anom­alies” sur­round­ed the mas­sive seizure.

    One was that Skyway’s bust­ed DC‑9 was impres­sive­ly tricked out to imper­son­ate air­craft from the U.S. Dept. of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, com­plete with an offi­cial-look­ing Seal depict­ing an Amer­i­can eagle clutch­ing a claw filled of arrows.

    What makes this fact even more curi­ous is that the plane was based at Clear­wa­ter-St Peters­burg Inter­na­tion­al Air­port, which also housed a fleet of planes which belonged to U.S. Cus­toms, and which were tasked with drug inter­dic­tion across the entire Caribbean Basin.

    They didn’t have to look far.

    Dur­ing that same year (2006), as SkyWay’s DC‑9 was busy fly­ing back and forth to South Amer­i­ca, the George W. Bush Admin­is­tra­tion picked SkyWay’s land­lord in Clear­wa­ter, VERINT, to install a $3 mil­lion tele­phone and Inter­net wire­tap­ping cen­ter in Mex­i­co, allow­ing author­i­ties there to eaves­drop on every land­line and cell phone call made in the coun­try.

    Oh, and then oth­er Sky­Way drug plane bust­ed in a mul­ti-ton cocaine bust dur­ing this peri­od was pre­vi­ous­ly used in CIA ren­di­tion mis­sions. Keep in mind this was around 2006. Those were recent ren­di­tions:

    But SkyWay’s DC9 (N900SA) was just the first of two drug planes over an 18-month peri­od from St-Peters­burg-Clear­wa­ter Inter­na­tion­al Air­port caught car­ry­ing mul­ti-ton loads of cocaine in Mex­i­co with clear ties to the U.S. Gov­ern­ment

    The sec­ond drug plane, a Gulf­stream II busi­ness jet (N987SA), had been cit­ed by Euro­pean author­i­ties for fly­ing extra­or­di­nary ren­di­tions mis­sions for the CIA.

    And that’s all the con­text for how Verint was used in 2006 when Mex­i­co’s Pres­i­dent Felipe Calderon unleashed Ver­in­t’s spy­ware dur­ing Mex­i­co’s bat­tle with the car­tels. It was a bat­tle on the side of one car­tel. The Sinaloa Car­tel. Tak­ing down Sinaloa’s car­tel ene­mies was how Ver­in­t’s spy­ware was used. Paid for by the State Depart­ment:

    When Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent Felipe Calderon sent thou­sands of troops and fed­er­al police to occu­py Ciu­dad Juarez, today known as “Mur­der City,” it wasn’t just to intim­i­date jour­nal­ists and human rights activists.

    The army of occu­pa­tion came to Ciu­dad Juarez to throw it’s mas­sive weight behind one side—the Sinaloa Cartel’s side—in the mur­der­ous drug war that had been rag­ing for con­trol of the Mex­i­can economy’s biggest industry—and largest source of income—the drug trade.

    “The gov­ern­ment declared war on us,” a Juarez Car­tel leader tells a reporter in “To Die in Mex­i­co,” a book by Mex­i­co City jour­nal­ist John Gibler.

    “Many of our mem­bers have been dis­ap­peared,” he con­tin­ued. “We know that it was sol­diers who took them out. They are cov­er­ing for the oth­er gang; they are pro­tect­ing them.”

    “If the Unit­ed States came in, maybe they’d lock us up,” he mus­es. “But here, no, they’re grab­bing up and they’re killing us. That is what is hap­pen­ing; it’s an exter­mi­na­tion.”

    The bat­tle even­tu­al­ly result­ed in defeat for the Juarez Car­tel, at the cost of an esti­mat­ed 20,000 lives.

    That’s how the Israeli spy­ware was used.


    The infor­ma­tion Israeli spy­ware from VERINT allowed Mex­i­can Pres­i­dents, Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon to ren­der crit­i­cal aid to the Sinaloa Car­tel, then at war at the time with every oth­er car­tel in Mex­i­co.

    These kinds of tools aren’t just per­fect for qui­et gov­ern­ment abuse. They’re also per­fect for the those net­works and agen­das were orga­nized crime, intel­li­gence, and pow­er pol­i­tics coin­cide. And while the orga­nized crime/intelligence/power pol­i­tics nexus isn’t exclu­sive­ly occu­pied by fas­cists, it’s con­cen­trat­ed with them. And that’s all part of the con­text of the con­tem­po­rary sto­ry of NSO Group, Can­diru, and the rest of the glob­al spy­ware indus­try. These tools real­ly are the per­fect tool for crim­i­nals. So, you know, maybe gov­ern­ments are actu­al­ly using these per­fect crim­i­nal tools to help their elite crim­i­nal friends. Maybe exten­sive­ly. Maybe espe­cial­ly when the State Depart­ment is pay­ing for it.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 27, 2021, 1:45 am
  4. Here’s a recent sto­ry about anoth­er Israeli “com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance” com­pa­ny com­ing under inter­na­tion­al scruti­ny. This time it’s Cellebrite, the mak­er of spe­cial UFED devices used by law enforce­ment agen­cies around the world to break into smart­phones, includ­ing US law enforce­ment. Alarm­ing­ly, these devices have even been found for sale on eBay. And now Cellebrites investors are hop­ing to cash in on their cut­ting edge tech­nol­o­gy by issu­ing a pub­lic offer­ing. You too can own a slice of this cut­ting-edge spy­ware firm. The com­pa­ny is esti­mat­ed to be worth $2.4 bil­lion.

    But with the announced pub­lic offer­ing comes a com­pli­ca­tion: peo­ple are start­ing to take note of who Cellebrite’s clients are and how they’ve been using these devices. Clients like Belarus, Indone­sia, Sau­di Ara­bia, and Bangladesh. Inter­est­ing­ly, Rus­sia and Chi­na are also for­mer Cellebrite client, which is notable giv­en all of the indi­ca­tions that the US is, at a min­i­mum, qui­et­ly con­don­ing Israel’s glob­al sales of these tools, or out­right pay­ing for it, as was the case with the US State Depart­ment pay­ing for Ver­in­t’s wire­tap­ping of every phone in Mex­i­co. But it’s the sale of Cellebrite’s tools to Bangladesh that have become a par­tic­u­lar­ly sore point for the com­pa­ny’s pub­lic image. As the fol­low­ing piece by Richard Sil­ver­stein notes, Bangladesh’s Rapid Action Bat­tal­ion of elite secu­ri­ty forces have been known to engage in the tor­ture and sum­ma­ry exe­cu­tions of gays, athe­ists, and polit­i­cal dis­si­dents in a cam­paign that killed 465 peo­ple in 2018 alone. So Bangladesh has been unleash­ing what amounts to a state-sanc­tioned domes­tic ter­ror cam­paign dur­ing the time Cellebrite has been sell­ing the coun­try exact­ly the kinds of tools that would facil­i­tate that kind of domes­tic ter­ror.

    As we should expect, with Cellebrite get­ting ready to go pub­lic, the com­pa­ny is now tout­ing to the world how it refus­es to sell its tools to coun­tries with track human rights abuse track record, releas­ing the state­ment cit­ing Bangladesh, Belarus, Chi­na, Hong Kong, Macau, Rus­sia and Venezuela as exam­ples of coun­tries it refus­es to sells to. As Sil­ver­stein points out, part of the rea­son Cellebrite list­ed all those coun­tries is because they’re all for­mer clients:

    “Cellebrite does not sell to coun­tries sanc­tioned by the U.S., EU, UK or Israeli gov­ern­ments or that are on the Finan­cial Action Task Force (FATF) black­list,” Cellebrite said in its SEC fil­ing.

    “We pur­sue only those cus­tomers who we believe will act law­ful­ly and not in a man­ner incom­pat­i­ble with pri­va­cy rights or human rights. For exam­ple, we have cho­sen not to do busi­ness in Bangladesh, Belarus, Chi­na, Hong Kong, Macau, Rus­sia and Venezuela par­tial­ly due to con­cerns regard­ing human rights and data secu­ri­ty, and we may in the future decide not to oper­ate in oth­er coun­tries or with oth­er poten­tial cus­tomers for sim­i­lar rea­sons,” the doc­u­ment said. The August fil­ing includ­ed an update about the for­ma­tion of an “Ethics and Integri­ty Com­mit­tee,” whose mis­sion “is expect­ed to include advis­ing on eth­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions relat­ed to the use of our tech­nolo­gies.”

    Notice how Sau­di Ara­bia was­n’t on that list. Giv­en what we know about the direct actions the Israeli gov­ern­ment took to ensure Sau­di Ara­bia main­tained a sub­scrip­tion to the NSO Group’s Pega­sus super-spy­ware even after NSO Group dropped the Saud­is in the wake of the glob­al out­rage over the killing of Jamal Khashog­gi, it’s not absurd to assume that Cellebrite’s sales to Bangladesh are an impor­tant diplo­mat­ic tool. As Sil­ver­stein notes, in May of this year Israel was urg­ing Bangladesh to nor­mal­ized its rela­tions with Israel. Those kinds of over­tures become much more dif­fi­cult when com­pa­nies like Cellebrite are forced to cut off access in the face of pub­lic out­rage. That’s all part of what makes this sto­ry of Cellebrite’s con­tro­ver­sial pub­lic offer­ing some­thing to watch going for­ward. It’s the kind of trans­ac­tion that could end up reveal­ing aspects of these shad­ow rela­tion­ships that meant to kept in the shad­ows:

    Tikun Olam

    As Cellebrite Pre­pares for Pub­lic Offer­ing, It’s Dirty Deeds Come Back to Haunt
    From Spy­ing on Putin and Lukashenko’s Ene­mies to Sum­ma­ry Exe­cu­tions in Bangladesh, the Israeli Spy­ware Com­pa­ny Has Blood on Its Hands

    by Richard Sil­ver­stein
    August 17, 2021

    The Israeli spy­ware com­pa­ny, Cellebrite is, along with its blood cousin, NSO Group, known in the cyber-sur­veil­lance sec­tor for pro­duc­ing the most advanced and intru­sive tech­nol­o­gy on the world mar­ket. They’re also among the prof­itable with mar­ket val­u­a­tions in the bil­lions. I’ve reg­u­lar­ly pro­filed the lat­ter com­pa­ny. But Cellebrite has evad­ed some of the more dam­ag­ing media expo­sure afflict­ing its dirty-ops cousin.

    As it pre­pares for a pub­lic offer­ing, the com­pa­ny is clean­ing up its act. Among the dirt­i­est of its clients have been Chi­na, Belarus, Indone­sia, Sau­di Ara­bia, and Bangladesh. Both Israeli com­pa­nies claim their prod­ucts are sold only to police agen­cies for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing crime and cap­tur­ing crim­i­nals. But if that were ever the case, it is no longer. Cus­tomers are large­ly the secu­ri­ty ser­vices of repres­sive regimes seek­ing to iden­ti­fy and elim­i­nate legit­i­mate polit­i­cal dis­sent. Oh, and Cellebrite’s UFED device has even been list­ed for sale on eBay! So if you’re a ter­ror­ist or crim­i­nal seek­ing cyber-intel­li­gence on rivals or even your local police force, you know where to turn.

    86 Bangladeshi dis­si­dents have been dis­ap­peared by the Rapid Action Bat­tal­ion, a gov­ern­ment death squad

    The company’s flag­ship prod­uct is UFED, a device which, when con­nect­ed to a cell phone, can bypass its pass­word pro­tec­tion and encryp­tion to extract all its data and make it acces­si­ble to the client. US police depart­ments have spent mil­lions on it to gath­er evi­dence in crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. Even pub­lic schools have pur­chased the sys­tem to spy on their stu­dents. In Texas, a police offi­cer con­fis­cat­ed a student’s phone and used UFED to retrieve mes­sages between the lat­ter and a teacher which exposed a roman­tic rela­tion­ship and led to the teacher’s arrest.

    Bangladesh is a par­tic­u­lar­ly bru­tal exam­ple of Cellebrite’s clients. Since 2004, the country’s Rapid Action Bat­tal­ion has tar­get­ed gays, athe­ists, and polit­i­cal dis­si­dents in a cam­paign of sum­ma­ry exe­cu­tions, tor­ture, and dis­ap­pear­ances which killed 465 peo­ple in 2018 alone. A 2005 Human Rights Watch report said that it had killed 350 peo­ple in first year of its exis­tence. The Dha­ka Tri­bune attrib­uted near­ly 1,100 mur­ders to it from 2004–2008.

    An Israeli legal fil­ing protest­ing sale of the tech­nol­o­gy to Bangladesh not­ed:

    “Accord­ing to…human rights groups in Bangladesh…the Bangladesh secu­ri­ty forces have been accused of using drills to tor­ture their vic­tims, beat­ings, long deten­tions in sub­hu­man con­di­tions and even hang­ing peo­ple upside down,” Mack wrote, not­ing that there were also reports of vic­tims being shot in their knees; hav­ing their tes­ti­cles beat­en; their fin­ger­nails pulled out; their heads held under­wa­ter; along­side sex­u­al vio­lence, threats of rape and rape itself. “Mock and real exe­cu­tions,” the doc­u­ment also not­ed.

    As a Mus­lim coun­try, it does not offi­cial­ly do busi­ness with Israel. But the Israeli com­pa­ny eas­i­ly over­came that hur­dle by estab­lish­ing a Sin­ga­pore sub­sidiary which ful­filled the $350,000 con­tract, accord­ing to Al Jazeera. Nine secu­ri­ty agents were sent to Sin­ga­pore to train in the use of UFED. Nor is this an unusu­al com­mer­cial arrange­ment. Israeli spy mer­chants from Mat­ti Kochavi to NSO Group main­tain mul­ti­ple such cut-outs which per­mit them do bil­lions in busi­ness with Arab and Mus­lim coun­tries bypass­ing the boy­cott.

    Israeli human rights attor­ney, Eitay Mack, has cam­paigned for years to end the export of such dead­ly Israeli tech­nol­o­gy. The defense min­istry, which nom­i­nal­ly reviews and approves sales of advanced secu­ri­ty-mil­i­tary tech­nol­o­gy to for­eign nations, nev­er rejects such trade. After all, it is a huge mon­ey-mak­er for the Israeli econ­o­my. It also strength­ens rela­tion­ships between Israel and its client states (when you’re a pari­ah state, you need all the friends you can get).

    In fact, Cellebrite had done such a good job in assist­ing Bangladeshi death squads with their dirty work that the for­eign min­istry urged the coun­try to become the lat­est Mus­lim coun­try to nor­mal­ize rela­tions. Mack told me:

    On May 22, Gilad Cohen, Israel For­eign Ministry’s deputy direc­tor gen­er­al for Asia and the Pacif­ic, urged the Bangladesh gov­ern­ment to estab­lish diplo­mat­ic ties for the “ben­e­fit and pros­per­i­ty” of the peo­ple of the two coun­tries. [So] Celleberite’s announce­ment that it will stop sell­ing its hack­ing sys­tem to Bangladesh proves that the MOD [Min­istry of Defense] and these kinds of com­pa­nies only under­stand pub­lic and media pres­sure.

    When the min­istry refused to con­sid­er the moral ram­i­fi­ca­tions of sale of these prod­ucts, Mack turned to the Supreme Court. It too not only refused to act, it clamped a veil of secre­cy over all the pro­ceed­ings, includ­ing its deci­sions. Recent­ly, the Court has elim­i­nat­ed Mack’s recourse to it by rul­ing that it has no juris­dic­tion over mat­ters con­cern­ing the defense min­istry. That means he may no more bring such claims before it at all.


    While use of the spy­ware brings with it a trail of human suf­fer­ing, the cre­ators of the tech­nol­o­gy, like any ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist, have only one thing in mind: prof­it. The quick­est path to a big pay­day is tak­ing your com­pa­ny pub­lic. It per­mits ear­ly investors and com­pa­ny founders to turn their com­pa­ny shares into cash or oth­er types of liq­uid assets. In the case of Cellebrite, the SPAC will val­ue the com­pa­ny at $2.4‑billion. NSO, which has been treat­ed bru­tal­ly in the media after a recent expose of spy­ing on 50,000 cell phone num­bers belong­ing to pres­i­dents, prime min­is­ters and princes, hopes that a SPAC will enable it to avoid the process of find­ing a buy­er will­ing to ignore all that ter­ri­ble pub­lic­i­ty.

    In prepa­ra­tion for the big day, Cellebrite is wip­ing all the blood off its hands and face. In its fil­ings with the SEC it offers these sooth­ing pas­sages:

    “Cellebrite does not sell to coun­tries sanc­tioned by the U.S., EU, UK or Israeli gov­ern­ments or that are on the Finan­cial Action Task Force (FATF) black­list,” Cellebrite said in its SEC fil­ing.

    “We pur­sue only those cus­tomers who we believe will act law­ful­ly and not in a man­ner incom­pat­i­ble with pri­va­cy rights or human rights. For exam­ple, we have cho­sen not to do busi­ness in Bangladesh, Belarus, Chi­na, Hong Kong, Macau, Rus­sia and Venezuela par­tial­ly due to con­cerns regard­ing human rights and data secu­ri­ty, and we may in the future decide not to oper­ate in oth­er coun­tries or with oth­er poten­tial cus­tomers for sim­i­lar rea­sons,” the doc­u­ment said. The August fil­ing includ­ed an update about the for­ma­tion of an “Ethics and Integri­ty Com­mit­tee,” whose mis­sion “is expect­ed to include advis­ing on eth­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions relat­ed to the use of our tech­nolo­gies.”

    That might sound good to an unin­formed indi­vid­ual. But the rea­son the list of coun­tries it refus­es to do busi­ness with for eth­i­cal rea­sons is so long and impres­sive, is that these are many of its most dead­ly for­mer clients. Cellebrite had ditched many of these coun­tries ear­li­er, after Mack’s research exposed its sor­did con­nec­tion to them. But Bangladesh was one of the last domi­noes to fall.

    Cellebrite, like NSO, can write a sooth­ing, reas­sur­ing bit of prose for a pub­lic dubi­ous of the heinous acts of which it’s accused. This is what it told Haaretz:

    …The com­pa­ny “is com­mit­ted to ethics as part of its core val­ues and prac­tice of work and has devel­oped a very strong com­pli­ance frame­work. Cellebrite has strict licens­ing poli­cies and restric­tions that gov­ern how cus­tomers may uti­lize our tech­nol­o­gy. Our sales deci­sions are also guid­ed by inter­nal para­me­ters, which con­sid­er a poten­tial customer’s human rights record and anti-cor­rup­tion poli­cies.”

    The com­pa­ny is also fol­low­ing in NSO’s foot­steps in telling the SEC it will cre­ate an ethics com­mit­tee to guide its busi­ness deci­sions. In truth, the smooth talk and the pablum about ethics are a fig leaf for its ugly deeds. It hopes they will fool reg­u­la­tors and put them into a deep sleep.

    Yet anoth­er rea­son why Con­gress must act against this vile, blood­thirsty indus­try. As Sen. Ron Wyden and six House mem­bers have declared: there must be fed­er­al penal­ties imposed on the mis­use of this tech­nol­o­gy. The penal­ties must also apply to the banks and pri­vate investors whose cap­i­tal enables the spy­ware busi­ness to be so lucra­tive.


    “As Cellebrite Pre­pares for Pub­lic Offer­ing, It’s Dirty Deeds Come Back to Haunt” by Richard Sil­ver­stein; Tikun Olam; 08/17/2021

    “That might sound good to an unin­formed indi­vid­ual. But the rea­son the list of coun­tries it refus­es to do busi­ness with for eth­i­cal rea­sons is so long and impres­sive, is that these are many of its most dead­ly for­mer clients. Cellebrite had ditched many of these coun­tries ear­li­er, after Mack’s research exposed its sor­did con­nec­tion to them. But Bangladesh was one of the last domi­noes to fall.

    It’s a lot more com­pli­cat­ed sell­ing your mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar spy­ware firm when every­one knows about the human rights abus­es with are going to be com­mit­ted with your spy­ware. But it gets even more com­pli­cat­ed with that pow­er­ful spy­ware dou­bles as a pow­er­ful diplo­mat­ic tool. it’s one rea­son we prob­a­bly should­n’t be sur­prised Bangladesh was the last of Cellebrites’s ‘prob­lem’ clients to get dropped. Ongo­ing diplo­mat­ic over­tures are get­ting in the way:

    The company’s flag­ship prod­uct is UFED, a device which, when con­nect­ed to a cell phone, can bypass its pass­word pro­tec­tion and encryp­tion to extract all its data and make it acces­si­ble to the client. US police depart­ments have spent mil­lions on it to gath­er evi­dence in crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. Even pub­lic schools have pur­chased the sys­tem to spy on their stu­dents. In Texas, a police offi­cer con­fis­cat­ed a student’s phone and used UFED to retrieve mes­sages between the lat­ter and a teacher which exposed a roman­tic rela­tion­ship and led to the teacher’s arrest.

    Bangladesh is a par­tic­u­lar­ly bru­tal exam­ple of Cellebrite’s clients. Since 2004, the country’s Rapid Action Bat­tal­ion has tar­get­ed gays, athe­ists, and polit­i­cal dis­si­dents in a cam­paign of sum­ma­ry exe­cu­tions, tor­ture, and dis­ap­pear­ances which killed 465 peo­ple in 2018 alone. A 2005 Human Rights Watch report said that it had killed 350 peo­ple in first year of its exis­tence. The Dha­ka Tri­bune attrib­uted near­ly 1,100 mur­ders to it from 2004–2008.


    In fact, Cellebrite had done such a good job in assist­ing Bangladeshi death squads with their dirty work that the for­eign min­istry urged the coun­try to become the lat­est Mus­lim coun­try to nor­mal­ize rela­tions. Mack told me:

    On May 22, Gilad Cohen, Israel For­eign Ministry’s deputy direc­tor gen­er­al for Asia and the Pacif­ic, urged the Bangladesh gov­ern­ment to estab­lish diplo­mat­ic ties for the “ben­e­fit and pros­per­i­ty” of the peo­ple of the two coun­tries. [So] Celleberite’s announce­ment that it will stop sell­ing its hack­ing sys­tem to Bangladesh proves that the MOD [Min­istry of Defense] and these kinds of com­pa­nies only under­stand pub­lic and media pres­sure.


    And note how the US gov­ern­ment could impose some sort of pun­ish­ment to the banks and pri­vate investors in these com­pa­nies. It could hap­pen, but does­n’t hap­pen. A kind of silent con­sent:

    Yet anoth­er rea­son why Con­gress must act against this vile, blood­thirsty indus­try. As Sen. Ron Wyden and six House mem­bers have declared: there must be fed­er­al penal­ties imposed on the mis­use of this tech­nol­o­gy. The penal­ties must also apply to the banks and pri­vate investors whose cap­i­tal enables the spy­ware busi­ness to be so lucra­tive.

    Again, don’t for­get that when NSO Group belat­ed­ly dropped Sau­di Ara­bia as a client fol­low­ing the glob­al out­rage over the assas­si­na­tion of Jamal Khashog­gi, it was­n’t just the Israeli gov­ern­ment that pres­sured NSO Group to keep its Sau­di clients. The Trump admin­is­tra­tion also report­ed­ly want­ed the Saud­is to main­tain access to the com­pa­ny’s spy­ware. And that’s why it’s hard to take Cellebrite’s pledges of being bet­ter seri­ous­ly. The com­pa­ny isn’t real­ly in a posi­tion to make these deci­sions on its own.

    Plus, the fact that this indus­try has a habit of set­ting up shad­ow sub­sidiaries in order to get around export restric­tions does­n’t exact­ly lend con­fi­dence to the idea that Cellebrite has sud­den­ly turned over a new leaf:

    As a Mus­lim coun­try, it does not offi­cial­ly do busi­ness with Israel. But the Israeli com­pa­ny eas­i­ly over­came that hur­dle by estab­lish­ing a Sin­ga­pore sub­sidiary which ful­filled the $350,000 con­tract, accord­ing to Al Jazeera. Nine secu­ri­ty agents were sent to Sin­ga­pore to train in the use of UFED. Nor is this an unusu­al com­mer­cial arrange­ment. Israeli spy mer­chants from Mat­ti Kochavi to NSO Group main­tain mul­ti­ple such cut-outs which per­mit them do bil­lions in busi­ness with Arab and Mus­lim coun­tries bypass­ing the boy­cott.

    You can build a secre­tive spy­ware firm, and you can take your com­pa­ny pub­lic, but tak­ing a super secret spy­ware firm pub­lic is obvi­ous­ly a lot eas­i­er said than done. And yet, as Cellebrite is poised to demon­strate, it’s appar­ent­ly doable.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 29, 2021, 6:33 pm
  5. Here’s one of those sto­ries that should imme­di­ate­ly prompt a ‘wait­ing for the oth­er shoe to drop’ feel­ing:

    The US Air Force’s first chief soft­ware office just announced his res­ig­na­tion. But that was­n’t the only announce­ment in Nico­las Chail­lan’s res­ig­na­tion let­ter. Beyond the expect­ed charges of insti­tu­tion­al iner­tia, Chail­lan accused the Air Force of bor­der­line crim­i­nal neg­li­gence when it comes to basic IT secu­ri­ty prac­tices, start­ing with the habit of putting mid-rank­ing gen­er­al­ist offi­cers in charge of spe­cial­ist projects. But it’s his com­plaint on fis­cal-relat­ed issues that is per­haps the most shock­ing: The Air Force appar­ent­ly could­n’t come up with the $20 mil­lion for 2022 for the main project Chail­lan has been work­ing on. Yep, the US mil­i­tary just could­n’t find the mon­ey. After being repeat­ed­ly told that the project he was work­ing on was crit­i­cal and being asked to devel­op a “min­i­mum viable project” (MVP) — a scaled down basic ver­sion of a new soft­ware tool designed to be released with basic fea­tures in order to get user feed­back — in just four months, and after a mas­sive under­tak­ing and invest­ment in the project, the Air Force told Chail­lan that actu­al­ly the $20 mil­lion won’t be there after all.

    That painful dis­ap­point was clear­ly a big dri­ver in Chail­lan’s deci­sion to resign. But note that this project was­n’t exclu­sive­ly an Air Force project. It was a Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol (JADC2) Depart­ment of Defense-wide project focused on mak­ing sure data can be seam­less­ly shared across plat­forms. Which is was obvi­ous­ly a wild­ly impor­tant project impact­ing the entire US mil­i­tary. That’s the project the Air Force could­n’t find $20 mil­lion for next year. So on top of all the expect­ed rea­sons for Pen­ta­gon chal­lenges with IT secu­ri­ty — some under­stand­able and some less so — we can add a rea­son that has no fath­omable jus­ti­fi­ca­tion: that the US mil­i­tary some­how could­n’t find the mon­ey:

    The Reg­is­ter

    US Air Force chief soft­ware offi­cer quits after launch­ing Hell­fire mis­sile of a LinkedIn post at his for­mer boss­es
    Too many inex­pe­ri­enced project man­agers and not enough DevSec­Ops

    Gareth Cor­field
    Fri 3 Sep 2021 // 18:14 UTC

    The US Air Force’s first ever chief soft­ware offi­cer has quit the job after brand­ing it “prob­a­bly the most chal­leng­ing and infu­ri­at­ing of my entire career” in a remark­ably can­did blog post.

    Nico­las Chail­lan’s impres­sive­ly blunt leav­ing note, which he post­ed to his LinkedIn pro­file, cas­ti­gat­ed USAF senior hier­ar­chy for fail­ing to pri­ori­tise basic IT issues, say­ing: “A lack of response and align­ment is cer­tain­ly a con­trib­u­tor to my accel­er­at­ed exit.”

    Chail­lan took on his chief soft­ware offi­cer role in May 2019, hav­ing pre­vi­ous­ly worked at the US Depart­ment of Defense rolling out DevSec­Ops prac­tices to the Amer­i­can mil­i­tary. Before that he found­ed two com­pa­nies.

    In his mis­sive, Chail­lan also sin­gled out a part of mil­i­tary cul­ture that fea­tures in both the US and the UK: the prac­tice of appoint­ing mid-rank­ing gen­er­al­ist offi­cers to run spe­cial­ist projects.

    “Please,” he implored, “stop putting a Major or Lt Col (despite their devo­tion, excep­tion­al atti­tude, and cul­ture) in charge of ICAM, Zero Trust or Cloud for 1 to 4 mil­lion users when they have no pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in that field – we are set­ting up crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture to fail.”

    The for­mer chief soft­ware offi­cer con­tin­ued:

    We would not put a pilot in the cock­pit with­out exten­sive flight train­ing; why would we expect some­one with no IT expe­ri­ence to be close to suc­cess­ful? They do not know what to exe­cute on or what to pri­or­i­tize which leads to end­less risk reduc­tion efforts and dilut­ed focus. IT is a high­ly skilled and trained job; staff it as such.

    In the British armed forces mid-rank­ing offi­cers are post­ed, regard­less of qual­i­fi­ca­tions or pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence, to man­age equip­ment-pur­chas­ing projects for the Min­istry of Defence. These post­ings are of fixed length and last for two years, mean­ing any project that takes more than two years has the poten­tial to end up turn­ing into a huge­ly expen­sive and unpro­duc­tive mess. The ori­gin of this pol­i­cy was a 1980s cor­rup­tion scan­dal where a civ­il ser­vant over­see­ing a long-term MoD con­tract was caught accept­ing bribes; to pre­vent it hap­pen­ing again, senior per­son­nel decid­ed to imple­ment the two-year-post­ing pol­i­cy.

    Chail­lan went on to com­plain that while he had man­aged to roll out DevSec­Ops prac­tices with­in his cor­ner of US DoD, his abil­i­ty to achieve larg­er scale projects was being ham­pered by insti­tu­tion­al iner­tia.

    “I told my lead­er­ship that I could have fixed Enter­prise IT in 6 months if empow­ered,” he wrote.

    Among the USAF’s sins-accord­ing-to-Chail­lan? The ser­vice is still using “out­dat­ed water-agile-fall acqui­si­tion prin­ci­ples to pro­cure ser­vices and tal­ent”, while he lament­ed the fail­ure of the Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol (JADC2) to secure its required $20m fund­ing in the USAF’s FY22 bud­get.

    He was also quite scathing about the USAF’s adop­tion – or lack there­of – of DevSec­Ops, the trendy name for efforts to make devel­op­ers include secu­ri­ty-relat­ed deci­sions at the same time as prod­uct-relat­ed deci­sions when writ­ing new soft­ware. It appears the ser­vice was­n’t quite as open-mind­ed as its over­seers in the wider DoD.

    “There is absolute­ly no valid rea­son not to use and man­date DevSec­Ops in 2021 for cus­tom soft­ware,” wrote Chail­lan. “It is bor­der­line crim­i­nal not to do so. It is effec­tive­ly guar­an­tee­ing a tremen­dous waste of tax­pay­er mon­ey and cre­ates mas­sive cyber­se­cu­ri­ty threats but also pre­vents us from deliv­er­ing capa­bil­i­ties at the pace of rel­e­vance, putting lives at risk, and poten­tial­ly pre­vent­ing capa­bil­i­ties to be made avail­able when need­ed when­ev­er world events demand, many times overnight.”

    Doubt­less his full post will chime with any­one else in a senior post at a tech com­pa­ny who even­tu­al­ly becomes fed-up enough not only to quit but also to tell the wider world exact­ly why.



    “US Air Force chief soft­ware offi­cer quits after launch­ing Hell­fire mis­sile of a LinkedIn post at his for­mer boss­es” by Gareth Cor­field; The Reg­is­ter; 09/03/2021

    “Please,” he implored, “stop putting a Major or Lt Col (despite their devo­tion, excep­tion­al atti­tude, and cul­ture) in charge of ICAM, Zero Trust or Cloud for 1 to 4 mil­lion users when they have no pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in that field – we are set­ting up crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture to fail.

    Are peo­ple with no IT secu­ri­ty being put in charge of major IT projects for the mil­i­tary and set­ting up future mil­i­tary IT dis­as­ters? That’s what Chail­lan is accus­ing the Air Force of doing. Which might also par­tial­ly explain the oppo­si­tion to DevSec­Ops prac­tices that avoid the kind of secu­ri­ty night­mares Chail­lan is warn­ing us about:

    Chail­lan went on to com­plain that while he had man­aged to roll out DevSec­Ops prac­tices with­in his cor­ner of US DoD, his abil­i­ty to achieve larg­er scale projects was being ham­pered by insti­tu­tion­al iner­tia.

    “I told my lead­er­ship that I could have fixed Enter­prise IT in 6 months if empow­ered,” he wrote.


    He was also quite scathing about the USAF’s adop­tion – or lack there­of – of DevSec­Ops, the trendy name for efforts to make devel­op­ers include secu­ri­ty-relat­ed deci­sions at the same time as prod­uct-relat­ed deci­sions when writ­ing new soft­ware. It appears the ser­vice was­n’t quite as open-mind­ed as its over­seers in the wider DoD.

    “There is absolute­ly no valid rea­son not to use and man­date DevSec­Ops in 2021 for cus­tom soft­ware,” wrote Chail­lan. “It is bor­der­line crim­i­nal not to do so. It is effec­tive­ly guar­an­tee­ing a tremen­dous waste of tax­pay­er mon­ey and cre­ates mas­sive cyber­se­cu­ri­ty threats but also pre­vents us from deliv­er­ing capa­bil­i­ties at the pace of rel­e­vance, putting lives at risk, and poten­tial­ly pre­vent­ing capa­bil­i­ties to be made avail­able when need­ed when­ev­er world events demand, many times overnight.”

    But of all of Chail­lan’s com­plaints, the fact that the Air Force could­n’t find the mon­ey to fund a project its first chief soft­ware offi­cer is per­haps the most shock­ing. One does­n’t asso­ciate the US Air Force with being short on cash:

    Among the USAF’s sins-accord­ing-to-Chail­lan? The ser­vice is still using “out­dat­ed water-agile-fall acqui­si­tion prin­ci­ples to pro­cure ser­vices and tal­ent”, while he lament­ed the fail­ure of the Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol (JADC2) to secure its required $20m fund­ing in the USAF’s FY22 bud­get.

    And as the fol­low­ing arti­cle describes, that Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol (JADC2) project the Air Force could­n’t find the mon­ey for in 2022 was­n’t just a ran­dom project. It was the project the Air Force has been telling Chail­lan was absolute­ly crit­i­cal and they made a huge invest­ment in cre­at­ing a min­i­mum viable prod­uct (MVP) ver­sion of the project in a mat­ter of months to meet those needs. After all that, Chail­lan was told the mon­ey was­n’t going to be there. The Air Force can’t find the mon­ey. It’s like the DoD was trolling him. The kind of trolling that might trig­ger an angry pub­lic res­ig­na­tion:


    Air Force chief soft­ware offi­cer to resign

    By Lau­ren C. Williams
    Sep 02, 2021

    The Air Force’s first chief soft­ware offi­cer, Nico­las Chail­lan, will step down from his role in Octo­ber, FCW has learned. His last day is planned for Oct. 2.

    “We are the largest soft­ware orga­ni­za­tion on the plan­et, and we have almost no shared repos­i­to­ries and lit­tle to no col­lab­o­ra­tion across DOD Ser­vices,” Chail­lan wrote in a res­ig­na­tion memo obtained by FCW.

    “At this point, I am just tired of con­tin­u­ous­ly chas­ing sup­port and mon­ey to do my job. My office still has no bil­let and no fund­ing, this year and the next.”

    Chail­lan start­ed his posi­tion in 2018 with the mis­sion of mak­ing DevSec­Ops the stan­dard busi­ness prac­tice and expand­ing the Kessel Run soft­ware fac­to­ry mod­el across the Air Force. He not­ed that the job was “prob­a­bly the most chal­leng­ing and infu­ri­at­ing of my entire career” but also “impact­ful” and “reward­ing.”

    Since join­ing the Air Force tech lead­er­ship, Chail­lan’s team has most notably helped stand up Plat­form One, which aims to make it eas­i­er for orga­ni­za­tions to cre­ate soft­ware fac­to­ries and deploy­ing trust­ed code to warfight­ers eas­i­er with cer­ti­fied tools. Chail­lan’s team was also behind migrat­ing Kuber­netes to the F‑16 fight­er jet. (Chail­lan was named a Fed100 award win­ner in 2021 for his work with Plat­form One.)

    Before becom­ing the Air Force CSO, he served as a lead on DOD’s enter­prise DevSec­Ops ini­tia­tive and cloud secu­ri­ty advi­sor to the under­sec­re­tary of defense for acqui­si­tion and sus­tain­ment in the Office of the Sec­re­tary of Defense.

    In the memo, Chail­lan not­ed that lack of fund­ing along with DOD bureau­cra­cy left his office and its mis­sion “unem­pow­ered to fix basic IT issues.” Specif­i­cal­ly, the soft­ware chief named his recent task of help­ing the Joint Chiefs of Staff with its efforts on Joint All Domain Com­mand and Con­trol, a DOD-wide effort to make sure data can be seam­less­ly shared across plat­forms.

    “They want­ed me to help deliv­er a min­i­mum viable prod­uct (MVP) with­in four months so that we would final­ly have a tan­gi­ble deliv­er­able to show for JADC2,” Chail­lan wrote.

    “After a mas­sive under­tak­ing and devel­op­ment of a scope of work, based on demands from our warfight­ers and [com­bat­ant com­mands], I had just start­ed the work and built-up excite­ment with teams and our mis­sion part­ners, when I was told by the Joint Staff that there was no [fis­cal year 2022] fund­ing to sup­port the MVP after all. After all the talk and con­tin­ued asser­tions that this was crit­i­cal work, DOD could not even find $20 [mil­lion] to build tremen­dous­ly ben­e­fi­cial warfight­er capa­bil­i­ties.”

    Chail­lan has been vocal about DOD lead­ers mak­ing good on their rhetoric. In an Air Force Mag­a­zine inter­view ear­li­er this month, he said “the lead­er­ship in the depart­ment always says the right things,” but “it’s a lit­tle bit hard­er to walk the walk.”



    “Air Force chief soft­ware offi­cer to resign” by Lau­ren C. Williams; FCW; 09/02/2021

    “In the memo, Chail­lan not­ed that lack of fund­ing along with DOD bureau­cra­cy left his office and its mis­sion “unem­pow­ered to fix basic IT issues.” Specif­i­cal­ly, the soft­ware chief named his recent task of help­ing the Joint Chiefs of Staff with its efforts on Joint All Domain Com­mand and Con­trol, a DOD-wide effort to make sure data can be seam­less­ly shared across plat­forms.

    One would think a DOD-wide effort to make sure data can be seam­less­ly shared across plat­forms would be the kind of project that gets bud­get pri­or­i­ty. Nope. The DoD could­n’t find the $20 mil­lion. This is after they ask Chail­lan, the Air Force’s first ever chief soft­ware offi­cer, to help with the project. And then they told him they could­n’t find the $20 mil­lion. Non-seam­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion it is then:

    “They want­ed me to help deliv­er a min­i­mum viable prod­uct (MVP) with­in four months so that we would final­ly have a tan­gi­ble deliv­er­able to show for JADC2,” Chail­lan wrote.

    “After a mas­sive under­tak­ing and devel­op­ment of a scope of work, based on demands from our warfight­ers and [com­bat­ant com­mands], I had just start­ed the work and built-up excite­ment with teams and our mis­sion part­ners, when I was told by the Joint Staff that there was no [fis­cal year 2022] fund­ing to sup­port the MVP after all. After all the talk and con­tin­ued asser­tions that this was crit­i­cal work, DOD could not even find $20 [mil­lion] to build tremen­dous­ly ben­e­fi­cial warfight­er capa­bil­i­ties.”

    Keep in mind that when the DoD said it could­n’t find $20 mil­lion for 2022 to sup­port this project, it sounds like that mon­ey was just for the build­ing the scaled down MVP. The full project would obvi­ous­ly cost much more. But that’s pos­si­bly part of what enraged Chail­lan. If the DoD can’t even come up with the mon­ey for a pilot project what are the odds it’s going be able to com­mit itself to the full project.

    But there’s anoth­er obvi­ous pos­si­bil­i­ty in terms of what drove the Air Force to pull the plug on Chail­lan’s JADC2 pilot project: some­one wants to redi­rect that project towards some­where else. It could be an intra-bureau­crat­ic turf war. Or per­haps some­one has a pri­vate con­trac­tor in mind?

    And that brings us to the oth­er major sto­ry that can’t be ignored in the con­text of the Air Force’s inabil­i­ty to com­mit to the JADC2 project: the Pen­tagon’s announce­ment in July that it was can­cel­ing Microsoft­’s giant $10 bil­lion JEDI con­tract that would accom­plish mush of what JADC2 would do in cre­at­ing inter­op­er­abil­i­ty across the DoD’s IT sys­tems. As we’ll see, when the DoD announced they were can­cel­ing the JEDI con­tract, JADC2’s over­lap­ping capa­bil­i­ties were cit­ed in the first para­graph of the press release giv­ing the rea­son­ing for the deci­sion.

    Instead of Microsoft hav­ing the JEDI con­tract, it sounds like it’s going to be divid­ed up between mul­ti­ple ven­dors, mean­ing com­peti­tors like Ama­zon and Palan­tir sud­den­ly got a new oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­pete for slides of that JEDI con­tract.

    So when we’re forced to inter­pret Chail­lan’s pub­lic warn­ing about the state of the mil­i­tary’s IT defi­cien­cies, keep in mind the the pulling of the plug of Chail­lan’s JADC2 project may have been one of the casu­al­ties in a giant con­trac­tor term war that opened up after Microsoft lost the JEDI con­tract:

    The New York Times

    Pen­ta­gon Can­cels a Dis­put­ed $10 Bil­lion Tech­nol­o­gy Con­tract

    The deci­sion puts an end to years of legal wran­gling over the con­tract, for 10 years of cloud-com­put­ing ser­vices.

    By Kate Con­ger and David E. Sanger
    July 6, 2021

    The Defense Depart­ment said on Tues­day that it would not go for­ward with a lucra­tive cloud-com­put­ing con­tract that had become the sub­ject of a con­tentious legal bat­tle amid claims of inter­fer­ence by the Trump admin­is­tra­tion.

    The Pen­ta­gon had warned Con­gress in Jan­u­ary that it might walk away from the con­tract if a fed­er­al court agreed to con­sid­er whether for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald J. Trump inter­fered in a process that award­ed the $10 bil­lion con­tract to Microsoft over its tech rival Ama­zon, say­ing that the ques­tion would result in lengthy lit­i­ga­tion and unten­able delays.

    The Defense Depart­ment said in a news release on Tues­day that the con­tract for the Joint Enter­prise Defense Infra­struc­ture, known as JEDI, “no longer meets its needs,” but it said it would solic­it bids from Ama­zon and Microsoft on future cloud-com­put­ing con­tracts.

    The Pen­ta­gon state­ment made for a qui­et end to years of legal wran­gling and duel­ing tech­nol­o­gy claims over what many con­sid­ered to be the mar­quee con­tract for pro­vid­ing cloud-com­put­ing ser­vices to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.

    A senior admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial said that soon after the Biden admin­is­tra­tion took office, it began a review that quick­ly con­clud­ed that the cost­ly argu­ments over JEDI had been so lengthy that the sys­tem would be out­dat­ed as soon as it was deployed.

    “With the shift­ing tech­nol­o­gy envi­ron­ment, it has become clear that the JEDI cloud con­tract, which has been long delayed, no longer meets the require­ments to fill the D.O.D.’s capa­bil­i­ty gaps,’’ the Pen­ta­gon said in an announce­ment.

    Instead, the Pen­ta­gon pro­posed a new cloud archi­tec­ture called the Joint Warfight­er Cloud Capa­bil­i­ty. And the Pen­ta­gon made clear that only Microsoft and Ama­zon Web Ser­vices had the capac­i­ty to build it. The Pentagon’s announce­ment sug­gest­ed that it would buy tech­nol­o­gy from both com­pa­nies, rather than award­ing one large con­tract to a sin­gle provider, as it had for JEDI.

    Secu­ri­ty con­cerns also played a role in the deci­sion to seek cloud ser­vices from mul­ti­ple com­pa­nies, offi­cials say. Recent breach­es of cloud ser­vices have made it clear that there are vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, and the Pen­ta­gon did not want to be depen­dent on one com­pa­ny for its tech­nol­o­gy.

    The Defense Department’s deci­sion rep­re­sents a Pyrrhic vic­to­ry for Ama­zon, which is the lead­ing provider of com­mer­cial cloud-com­put­ing ser­vices and already has pro­vid­ed ser­vices to oth­er parts of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, such as the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency.

    The deci­sion also comes days after Andy Jassy, the for­mer head of Amazon’s cloud busi­ness, took over as chief exec­u­tive from Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos. The appoint­ment of Mr. Jassy accen­tu­at­ed the impor­tance of cloud com­put­ing to big tech com­pa­nies, which have built giant data cen­ters all over the world to accom­mo­date new busi­ness and gov­ern­ment cus­tomers.

    The 10-year JEDI con­tract was award­ed to Microsoft in 2019 after a fight among Ama­zon and oth­er tech giants for the deal to mod­ern­ize the military’s cloud-com­put­ing sys­tems. Much of the mil­i­tary oper­ates on out­dat­ed com­put­er sys­tems, and the Defense Depart­ment has spent bil­lions of dol­lars try­ing to mod­ern­ize those sys­tems while pro­tect­ing clas­si­fied mate­r­i­al.

    Although some com­pa­nies, includ­ing the busi­ness soft­ware com­pa­ny Ora­cle, lob­bied for the Pen­ta­gon break the con­tract into pieces and award them to mul­ti­ple sup­pli­ers, the Defense Depart­ment pressed for­ward with its plan to use a sin­gle cloud provider, believ­ing that would be the most seam­less and secure approach.

    Because of the size and secu­ri­ty require­ments of the JEDI con­tract, Ama­zon was wide­ly con­sid­ered the front-run­ner. When the award fell to Microsoft, Ama­zon sued to block the con­tract, argu­ing that Microsoft did not have the tech­ni­cal capa­bil­i­ties to ful­fill the military’s needs and that the process had been biased against Ama­zon because of Mr. Trump’s repeat­ed crit­i­cisms of Mr. Bezos, who also owns The Wash­ing­ton Post.

    “For Microsoft, this went from a lot­tery deal to a court night­mare,” said Daniel Ives, the man­ag­ing direc­tor of equi­ty research at Wed­bush Secu­ri­ties. Microsoft said that Amazon’s claims of bias lacked evi­dence and that it was pre­pared to pro­vide the nec­es­sary tech­nol­o­gy to the mil­i­tary, while the Defense Depart­ment said Mr. Trump had not played a role in the deci­sion.

    The Wash­ing­ton Post aggres­sive­ly cov­ered the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, and Mr. Trump often referred to the news­pa­per as the “Ama­zon Wash­ing­ton Post” and accused it of spread­ing “fake news.” He also said com­pa­nies besides Ama­zon should be con­sid­ered for the JEDI con­tract, and Ama­zon argued he had used “improp­er pres­sure” to sway the Pen­ta­gon as it select­ed a tech­nol­o­gy ven­dor.

    In April, a fed­er­al court said it could not dis­miss the pos­si­bil­i­ty the Mr. Trump had med­dled in the process. The court’s rul­ing set the stage for the Pen­ta­gon, which had argued that the exten­sive delays sur­round­ing the con­tract caused nation­al secu­ri­ty con­cerns, to walk away from the con­tract.

    “We under­stand and agree with the D.O.D.’s deci­sion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the con­tract award was not based on the mer­its of the pro­pos­als and instead was the result of out­side influ­ence that has no place in gov­ern­ment pro­cure­ment,” said Drew Her­den­er, a spokesman for Ama­zon. “We look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing to sup­port the D.O.D.’s mod­ern­iza­tion efforts and build­ing solu­tions that help accom­plish their crit­i­cal mis­sions.”

    As the Biden admin­is­tra­tion exam­ined the years­long effort to build a com­put­ing cloud, offi­cials said they came to two con­clu­sions: The legal chal­lenges to JEDI could stretch on for years, and the tech­no­log­i­cal con­cept was already out­dat­ed. Agen­cies that pre­vi­ous­ly were using a sin­gle cloud provider — includ­ing the C.I.A. — were now look­ing for mul­ti­ple providers. Even inside the mil­i­tary, the Army, Navy, Air Force and oth­er ser­vices were already look­ing at build­ing their own clouds.


    Nor did the Pen­ta­gon refer to the grow­ing con­cerns about the secu­ri­ty of cloud ser­vices. While such ser­vices are gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered safer than stor­ing data on indi­vid­ual com­put­er servers, some major breach­es over the past year have raised new wor­ries about vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of soft­ware used by both the Pen­ta­gon and by defense con­trac­tors.



    “Pen­ta­gon Can­cels a Dis­put­ed $10 Bil­lion Tech­nol­o­gy Con­tract” by Kate Con­ger and David E. Sanger; The New York Times; 06/06/2021

    The 10-year JEDI con­tract was award­ed to Microsoft in 2019 after a fight among Ama­zon and oth­er tech giants for the deal to mod­ern­ize the military’s cloud-com­put­ing sys­tems. Much of the mil­i­tary oper­ates on out­dat­ed com­put­er sys­tems, and the Defense Depart­ment has spent bil­lions of dol­lars try­ing to mod­ern­ize those sys­tems while pro­tect­ing clas­si­fied mate­r­i­al.”

    Microsoft won the big JEDI con­tract in 2019 to build the US mil­i­tary’s uni­fied cloud. But the Biden admin­is­tra­tion put the JEDI pro­gram on ice, allow­ing the Pen­ta­gon to reimag­ine the mil­i­tary’s shared cloud under a mul­ti-ser­vice-provider mod­el. Microsoft and Ama­zon are both going to build the Joint Warfight­er Cloud Capa­bil­i­ty (JWCC) next-gen­er­a­tion mil­i­tary cloud. And while con­cerns about the Trump admin­is­tra­tion’s skew­ing of the bid­ding process against Ama­zon may have play a role in this deci­sion, con­cerns about the inher­ent secu­ri­ty risks of using a sole cloud provider also played a role...along with the fact that there have been so many mega secu­ri­ty scares of late. If no cloud can tru­ly be relied on, the next best option is to rely on a many dif­fer­ent clouds to min­i­mize the inevitable dam­age:

    Instead, the Pen­ta­gon pro­posed a new cloud archi­tec­ture called the Joint Warfight­er Cloud Capa­bil­i­ty. And the Pen­ta­gon made clear that only Microsoft and Ama­zon Web Ser­vices had the capac­i­ty to build it. The Pentagon’s announce­ment sug­gest­ed that it would buy tech­nol­o­gy from both com­pa­nies, rather than award­ing one large con­tract to a sin­gle provider, as it had for JEDI.

    Secu­ri­ty con­cerns also played a role in the deci­sion to seek cloud ser­vices from mul­ti­ple com­pa­nies, offi­cials say. Recent breach­es of cloud ser­vices have made it clear that there are vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, and the Pen­ta­gon did not want to be depen­dent on one com­pa­ny for its tech­nol­o­gy.


    Nor did the Pen­ta­gon refer to the grow­ing con­cerns about the secu­ri­ty of cloud ser­vices. While such ser­vices are gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered safer than stor­ing data on indi­vid­ual com­put­er servers, some major breach­es over the past year have raised new wor­ries about vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of soft­ware used by both the Pen­ta­gon and by defense con­trac­tors.

    But even com­part­men­tal­ized clouds pro­vid­ed by sep­a­rate con­trac­tors are still going to all have to inter­op­er­ate if the JEDI vision of seam­less inter­op­er­abil­i­ty is going to be real­ized. Com­part­men­tal­ized, seam­less inter­op­er­abil­i­ty. In oth­er words, you’re still going to need the kind of func­tion­al­i­ty Nico­las Chail­lan’s team was work­ing on for the Pen­tagon’s JADC2 project.

    And as the fol­low­ing Seek Alpha invest­ment arti­cle remind­ed us short­ly after the Pen­ta­gon can­celed the JEDI con­tract, if there’s one com­pa­ny out there in the com­mer­cial sec­tor that poised to fuse togeth­er the dif­fer­ent com­po­nents of the mil­i­tary’s cloud it’s Palan­tir. And yes, it’s a Palan­tir cheer­leader piece by some­one who wants Palan­tir’s stock to rise. But you can’t argue with them when they point out that Palan­tir is already a top favored soft­ware provider for the US mil­i­tary and has been build­ing and inte­grat­ing soft­ware across dif­fer­ent branch­es of the mil­i­tary and intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty for years. Through a series of bad deci­sions made with increas­ing fre­quen­cy over the years, Palan­tir has become one of the key soft­ware providers for the US nation­al secu­ri­ty state and con­nect­ing larg­er num­bers of data­bas­es into a sin­gle ana­lyt­i­cal plat­form is one of the com­pa­ny’s spe­cial­ties. In oth­er words, if it turns out that the rea­son the Air Force sud­den­ly ‘could­n’t find’ the $20 mil­lion need­ed for Chail­lan’s JADC2 pilot project was because some­one at the Pen­ta­gon has an alter­na­tive com­mer­cial provider for those kinds of ser­vices in mind, there’s a very good chance the provider they have in mind in Palan­tir:

    Seek­ing Alpha

    JEDI Can­ce­la­tion By The Pen­ta­gon Could Become Palan­tir’s Biggest Gain

    Steven Fio­r­il­lo
    Jul. 13, 2021 9:00 AM ET


    * The $10 bil­lion JEDI Con­tract has been can­celed and will be recon­struct­ed by uti­liz­ing mul­ti­ple ven­dors instead of one enti­ty.
    * Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol and AI and Data Accel­er­a­tion are new ini­tia­tives respon­si­ble for the Pen­tagon’s deci­sion to can­cel JEDI and they fall into Palan­tir’s wheel­house.
    * In Q2 2021, Palan­tir has signed 16 new con­tracts with Uncle Sam with the poten­tial of being worth over $200 mil­lion.
    * Palan­tir is my largest con­vic­tion posi­tion for the 2020s and I am more bull­ish than ever for their future.

    Palan­tir (NYSE:PLTR) has become a bat­tle­ground stock on Seek­ing Alpha. Since my last PLTR arti­cle on 5/27/21, thir­ty-four have been pub­lished. Both the bear­ish and bull­ish view­points are filled with con­vic­tion, and only time will tell which camp is cor­rect. Among Seek­ing Alpha con­trib­u­tors, there is an over­all neu­tral rat­ing with a score of 3.42, and the sen­ti­ment is mutu­al on Wall Street as the aver­age score is 2.77 putting PLTR on neu­tral ground there as well. I believe the bears are incor­rect, and going into Q2 earn­ings, I am more bull­ish than ever on PLTR. Since my ini­tial block of shares I pur­chased as the direct offer­ing hit the Street, my cost basis has increased as I con­tin­u­ous­ly add to my posi­tion in PLTR. This is my largest con­vic­tion invest­ment for future cap­i­tal appre­ci­a­tion.

    I have read all the bear­ish arti­cles on Seek­ing Alpha because I like to chal­lenge my invest­ment the­sis. There is always a pos­si­bil­i­ty that I am incor­rect so read­ing oppos­ing views is crit­i­cal to indi­cate if I am miss­ing vital infor­ma­tion that could impact my bull­ish sen­ti­ment. After doing the home­work, I am more bull­ish than ever on PLTR and will con­tin­ue to add shares at more than dou­ble the price I ini­tial­ly paid when the Direct List­ing occurred. In my opin­ion, the bears are lack­ing vision and aren’t con­nect­ing the dots. Huge news just broke about the Pen­ta­gon can­cel­ing the JEDI Con­tract, leav­ing the door wide open for PLTR. Entire indus­tries are being con­nect­ed and mod­ern­ized through PLTR’s soft­ware, and some­times tak­ing a step back to con­nect the dots can reveal a rev­o­lu­tion­ary pic­ture. PLTR is a vision­ary com­pa­ny mak­ing the soft­ware of tomor­row. I believe we’re in the ear­ly innings, and through­out the 2020s, PLTR will evolve into one of the most impor­tant soft­ware com­pa­nies.

    The JEDI Con­tract can­cel­la­tion is leav­ing the door wide open for Palan­tir as its new ini­tia­tives fall right in Palan­tir’s wheel­house

    The Joint Enter­prise Defense Infra­struc­ture (JEDI) con­tract was a $10 bil­lion cloud com­put­ing con­tract through the Unit­ed States Depart­ment of Defense (DoD). On 9/4/2020, the DOD reaf­firmed the JEDI Con­tract award to Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) after being sued by Ama­zon (NASDAQ:AMZN). The JEDI Cloud con­tract is a firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract that would have made a full range of cloud com­put­ing ser­vices avail­able to the DoD. JEDI was intend­ed to mod­ern­ize the Pen­tagon’s IT oper­a­tions through an attempt to bring thou­sands of DoD sys­tems under one umbrel­la. The over­all goal of this mas­sive under­tak­ing was to pro­vide real-time data ana­lyt­ics across the board to giv­ing the Pen­ta­gon every advan­tage through mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy.

    The Pen­ta­gon recent­ly can­celed the JEDI con­tract award to MSFT and will be launch­ing a mul­ti­ven­dor cloud com­put­ing con­tract. On 7/6/21, the DoD released a state­ment con­firm­ing the can­ce­la­tion of JEDI, which includ­ed this quote from John Sher­man, act­ing DoD Chief Infor­ma­tion Offi­cer:

    “JEDI was devel­oped at a time when the Depart­men­t’s needs were dif­fer­ent and both the CSPs tech­nol­o­gy and our cloud con­ver­san­cy was less mature. In light of new ini­tia­tives like JADC2 and AI and Data Accel­er­a­tion (ADA), the evo­lu­tion of the cloud ecosys­tem with­in DoD, and changes in user require­ments to lever­age mul­ti­ple cloud envi­ron­ments to exe­cute mis­sion, our land­scape has advanced and a new way-ahead is war­rant­ed to achieve dom­i­nance in both tra­di­tion­al and non-tra­di­tion­al warfight­ing domains.”

    While the DoD was can­cel­ing the JEDI Con­tract, IBM (NYSE:IBM) had a Palan­tir for Cloud Pak Event with an exclu­sive demo. This round­table event includ­ed key employ­ees from IBM and PLTR and dis­cussed trans­form­ing busi­ness with AI. The pre­sen­ta­tion includ­ed a sup­ply chain demo, use case dis­cus­sions, and a Q&A ses­sion with rep­re­sen­ta­tives from both IBM and PLTR.

    After research­ing every­thing that has occurred and learn­ing that the DoD will launch a mul­ti­ven­dor cloud com­put­ing con­tract, I can’t help but envi­sion PLTR pick­ing up addi­tion­al con­tracts. The DoD was explic­it­ly clear that their new ini­tia­tives includ­ed JADC2 (Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol) and AI and Data Accel­er­a­tion (ADA). In an offi­cial doc­u­ment from the Con­gres­sion­al Research Ser­vice, it states:

    “Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol (JADC2) is the Depart­ment of Defense’s (DOD’s) con­cept to con­nect sen­sors from all of the mil­i­tary ser­vices-Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force-into a sin­gle net­work.”

    With the JEDI con­tract being dis­man­tled and the DoD tak­ing a mul­ti-ven­dor approach to accom­plish its pre­vi­ous goals and tack­le its new ini­tia­tives, it looks like sev­er­al roads will lead to PLTR. We know for cer­tain that JADC2 and ADA are top pri­or­i­ties and the main rea­sons why the JEDI Con­tract was can­celed. PLTR is already the main provider of soft­ware to the DoD. It has direct rela­tion­ships and con­tracts with the Unit­ed States Air Force, Depart­ment of Defense, Unit­ed States Army, Unit­ed States Navy, Unit­ed States Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Forces, and the Unit­ed States Coast Guard. Over the years, PLTR has become one of the lead­ing, if not the lead­ing, soft­ware ven­dor to the Pen­ta­gon and its indi­vid­ual branch­es. The descrip­tion of JADC2 and ADA sound like the DoD went to PLTR’s Q1 2021 pre­sen­ta­tion and used slide 19 for their descrip­tions:

    “In Q1 2021, Palan­tir’s soft­ware was lever­aged in the Glob­al Infor­ma-on Dom­i­nance Exper­i­ment, enabling all 11 DoD Com­bat­ant Com­mands to gen­er­ate glob­al­ly inte­grat­ed, strate­gic deci­sion advan­tage from intel­li­gence, oper­a­tions, logis­tics, and sup­ply data advanced by AI / ML.”

    In addi­tion to direct con­tracts through­out the DoD, PLTR also signed a major con­tract with the Depart­ment of Ener­gy on 3/31/21 with an ini­tial con­tract oblig­a­tion of $7 mil­lion. The Nation­al Nuclear Secu­ri­ty Admin­is­tra­tion (NNSA), which is a depart­ment with­in the Depart­ment of Ener­gy, select­ed PLTR to pro­vide their Office of Safe­ty, Infra­struc­ture, and Oper­a­tions with a soft­ware plat­form for NNSA’s Safe­ty Ana­lyt­ics, Fore­cast­ing, and Eval­u­a­tion Report­ing project named SAFER. The SAFER pro­gram will advance NNSA’s mis­sion of man­ag­ing nuclear secu­ri­ty.

    PLTR was select­ed to safe­guard the Unit­ed States nuclear stock­pile and has been select­ed to devel­op and inte­grate soft­ware through­out the Unit­ed States mil­i­tary branch­es. The can­ce­la­tion of the JEDI con­tract seems like a sig­nif­i­cant oppor­tu­ni­ty for PLTR, in my opin­ion. PLTR has been putting all of the pieces togeth­er to con­nect every aspect of our gov­ern­ment defense capa­bil­i­ties. The new ini­tia­tives from the Pen­ta­gon seem like an open invi­ta­tion for PLTR. I do not know what the gov­ern­ment will do, but when you look at what has recent­ly occurred and PLTR’s pre­vi­ous con­tracts with the gov­ern­ment, it’s not far-fetched that these new ini­tia­tives play right into PLTR’s wheel­house. The JEDI con­tract was worth $10 bil­lion, and with it being scrapped and becom­ing a mul­ti­ven­dor oppor­tu­ni­ty, I believe PLTR will get a por­tion of that pie.



    “JEDI Can­ce­la­tion By The Pen­ta­gon Could Become Palan­tir’s Biggest Gain” by Steven Fio­r­il­lo; Seek­ing Alpha; 07/13/2021

    PLTR was select­ed to safe­guard the Unit­ed States nuclear stock­pile and has been select­ed to devel­op and inte­grate soft­ware through­out the Unit­ed States mil­i­tary branch­es. The can­ce­la­tion of the JEDI con­tract seems like a sig­nif­i­cant oppor­tu­ni­ty for PLTR, in my opin­ion. PLTR has been putting all of the pieces togeth­er to con­nect every aspect of our gov­ern­ment defense capa­bil­i­ties. The new ini­tia­tives from the Pen­ta­gon seem like an open invi­ta­tion for PLTR. I do not know what the gov­ern­ment will do, but when you look at what has recent­ly occurred and PLTR’s pre­vi­ous con­tracts with the gov­ern­ment, it’s not far-fetched that these new ini­tia­tives play right into PLTR’s wheel­house. The JEDI con­tract was worth $10 bil­lion, and with it being scrapped and becom­ing a mul­ti­ven­dor oppor­tu­ni­ty, I believe PLTR will get a por­tion of that pie.”

    Again, it was nev­er a good idea to allow a fas­cist-found­ed com­pa­ny like Palan­tir to devel­op such a cen­tral role in the US nation­al secu­ri­ty state’s dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture. But that hap­pened. Palan­tir was even just select­ed to play a nuclear stock­pile secu­ri­ty role. Those awful deci­sions were made and now it’s hard to argue with the core argu­ment behind this Palan­tir stock fan piece. The can­cel­la­tion of Microsoft­’s JEDI con­tract real­ly was fab­u­lous news for Palan­tir’s bot­tom line.

    And that’s also why the angry pub­lic res­ig­na­tion of Nico­las Chail­lan was also such good news for Palan­tir. If the DoD is los­ing inter­est in back­ing Chail­lan’s JADC2 pilot project, that’s just more room for a com­pa­ny like Palan­tir to swoop in and pro­vide those ser­vices under the new post-JEDI vision for the US mil­i­tary’s cloud. A vision that has yet to be final­ized:

    After research­ing every­thing that has occurred and learn­ing that the DoD will launch a mul­ti­ven­dor cloud com­put­ing con­tract, I can’t help but envi­sion PLTR pick­ing up addi­tion­al con­tracts. The DoD was explic­it­ly clear that their new ini­tia­tives includ­ed JADC2 (Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol) and AI and Data Accel­er­a­tion (ADA). In an offi­cial doc­u­ment from the Con­gres­sion­al Research Ser­vice, it states:

    “Joint All-Domain Com­mand and Con­trol (JADC2) is the Depart­ment of Defense’s (DOD’s) con­cept to con­nect sen­sors from all of the mil­i­tary ser­vices-Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force-into a sin­gle net­work.”

    With the JEDI con­tract being dis­man­tled and the DoD tak­ing a mul­ti-ven­dor approach to accom­plish its pre­vi­ous goals and tack­le its new ini­tia­tives, it looks like sev­er­al roads will lead to PLTR. We know for cer­tain that JADC2 and ADA are top pri­or­i­ties and the main rea­sons why the JEDI Con­tract was can­celed. PLTR is already the main provider of soft­ware to the DoD. It has direct rela­tion­ships and con­tracts with the Unit­ed States Air Force, Depart­ment of Defense, Unit­ed States Army, Unit­ed States Navy, Unit­ed States Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Forces, and the Unit­ed States Coast Guard. Over the years, PLTR has become one of the lead­ing, if not the lead­ing, soft­ware ven­dor to the Pen­ta­gon and its indi­vid­ual branch­es. The descrip­tion of JADC2 and ADA sound like the DoD went to PLTR’s Q1 2021 pre­sen­ta­tion and used slide 19 for their descrip­tions:

    “In Q1 2021, Palan­tir’s soft­ware was lever­aged in the Glob­al Infor­ma-on Dom­i­nance Exper­i­ment, enabling all 11 DoD Com­bat­ant Com­mands to gen­er­ate glob­al­ly inte­grat­ed, strate­gic deci­sion advan­tage from intel­li­gence, oper­a­tions, logis­tics, and sup­ply data advanced by AI / ML.”

    In addi­tion to direct con­tracts through­out the DoD, PLTR also signed a major con­tract with the Depart­ment of Ener­gy on 3/31/21 with an ini­tial con­tract oblig­a­tion of $7 mil­lion. The Nation­al Nuclear Secu­ri­ty Admin­is­tra­tion (NNSA), which is a depart­ment with­in the Depart­ment of Ener­gy, select­ed PLTR to pro­vide their Office of Safe­ty, Infra­struc­ture, and Oper­a­tions with a soft­ware plat­form for NNSA’s Safe­ty Ana­lyt­ics, Fore­cast­ing, and Eval­u­a­tion Report­ing project named SAFER. The SAFER pro­gram will advance NNSA’s mis­sion of man­ag­ing nuclear secu­ri­ty.

    That’s all part of the con­text of Nico­las Chail­lan’s pub­lic res­ig­na­tion involv­ing the cut­ting of the JADC2 pilot project. It came two months after the can­cel­la­tion of the Microsoft JEDI con­tract that opened up a new world of pri­vate con­trac­tor pos­si­bil­i­ties. And it sounds like those pri­vate con­trac­tor pos­si­bil­i­ties in this post-JEDI mil­i­tary cloud vision of the future include pro­vid­ing exact­ly the kind of JADC2 Chail­lan was work­ing on. And ser­vices Palan­tir appears well posi­tions to fill, putting the com­pa­ny at the cen­ter of the US mil­i­tary’s dig­i­tal net­works.

    So should we expect the immi­nent announce­ment of Palan­tir step­ping in to pro­vide the JADC2 inter­op­er­abil­i­ty ser­vice in the US mil­i­tary’s DoD-wide cloud of tomor­row? Putting Palan­tir at the very core of the US mil­i­tary’s abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with itself? It would obvi­ous­ly be a giant leap of faith by the US mil­i­tary about the com­pa­ny’s integri­ty, a leap the US nation­al secu­ri­ty state took a long time ago. This is prob­a­bly a good time to recall that Avril Haines, the cur­rent head of the ODNI, was a Palan­tir employ­ee before join­ing the Biden cam­paign in 2020. The com­pa­ny has all the con­nec­tions it needs to become the dig­i­tal fab­ric that holds the US mil­i­tary togeth­er. Includ­ing the nuclear stock­piles. It’s part of why the Palan­tir stock boost­ers aren’t just puff­ing smoke. It real­ly is a com­pa­ny with spec­tac­u­lar­ly ter­ri­fy­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties and those ter­ri­fy­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties keep becom­ing more and more real every day.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 7, 2021, 12:11 am
  6. Remem­ber Ptech, the threat assess­ment soft­ware firm that became embroiled in post‑9/11 anti-ter­ror inves­ti­ga­tions involv­ing the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s net­work of front orga­ni­za­tions? And remem­ber how Ptech had a stun­ning list of gov­ern­ment agen­cies for clients, includ­ing the US Air Force, mak­ing this a sto­ry about a pos­si­ble Mus­lim Broth­er­hood-con­nect­ed firm con­duct­ing threat assess­ments for the US gov­ern­ment? It’s a com­pa­ny worth recall when­ev­er we hear about mas­sive sys­temic mega-hacks involv­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed spy­ware that can tra­verse an orga­ni­za­tion’s IT net­works. Ptech’s ser­vices would prob­a­bly be in extreme­ly high demand these days.

    And since the 20 year anniver­sary of 9/11 is upon us, here’s a look back a Jan­u­ary 2003 arti­cle in Com­put­er­world about the Ptech inves­ti­ga­tion for the pur­pose of ask­ing an intrigu­ing ques­tion that real­ly has­n’t been asked: Was Palan­tir start­ed as a kind of replace­ment for Ptech?

    It’s hard to ignore the par­al­lels. High­ly sen­si­tive US nation­al-secu­ri­ty-relat­ed con­tracts were at the core of the busi­ness mod­el for both Ptech and Palan­tir. Both com­pa­nies make threat assess­ment-relat­ed soft­ware, although it sounds like Ptech’s threat assess­ment capa­bil­i­ties were more focused on IT net­work archi­tec­ture, which is far less gener­ic than Palan­tir’s machine-learn­ing-based threat assess­ment capa­bil­i­ties. But who knows what Ptech would be offer­ing today if it had main­tained its posi­tion as the US nation­al secu­ri­ty dig­i­tal threat assess­ment con­trac­tor or choice. And it turns out Palan­tir was start­ed in 2003, mean­ing it got start­ed after Ptech sud­den­ly became a prob­lem­at­ic post‑9/11 nation­al secu­ri­ty con­trac­tor. So it’s worth ask­ing: was Palan­tir formed as a replace­ment for Ptech? Because as the fol­low­ing 2003 arti­cle about Ptech’s inves­tiga­tive trou­bles make clear, the com­pa­ny real­ly was a high­ly respect­ed firm with a large num­ber of impor­tant clients beyond the US gov­ern­ment agen­cies. IBM even put Ptech’s flag­ship enter­prise mod­el­ing prod­uct, Frame­Work, at the cen­ter of IBM’s Enter­prise Archi­tec­ture Method­ol­o­gy. And this was still the case after all of the ter­ror-relat­ed bad press for the com­pa­ny. In oth­er words, Ptech was pro­vid­ing a prod­uct with a heavy demand. Then, all of sud­den, Ptech becomes the kind of com­pa­ny oth­er com­pa­nies don’t want to do busi­ness with, hence the even­tu­al name change to GoAg­ile. And that’s all why we have to ask: was Palan­tir start­ed with the intent of replac­ing Ptech?


    Ter­ror­ist probe hob­bles Ptech

    By Dan Ver­ton
    Jan 17, 2003 12:00 am PST

    The White House has giv­en Ptech Inc.‘s soft­ware a clean bill of health, and most of its cus­tomers and strate­gic busi­ness part­ners remain com­mit­ted to its tech­nol­o­gy. But the com­pa­ny, inves­ti­gat­ed for hav­ing an al-Qae­da con­nec­tion, has still become a casu­al­ty of the war on ter­ror­ism.

    In an exclu­sive series of inter­views with Com­put­er­world, Ptech CEO Ous­sama Ziade and sev­er­al for­mer employ­ees said the gov­ern­men­t’s inves­ti­ga­tion of a for­mer investor who is alleged to have ties to ter­ror­ism has dealt a near­ly fatal blow to the Quin­cy, Mass., soft­ware com­pa­ny ((see sto­ry)). And they fear that the same thing could hap­pen to oth­er com­pa­nies.

    Ptech’s cri­sis stems from a Dec. 5 con­sen­su­al search by fed­er­al agents, which was broad­ly char­ac­ter­ized by the media as an ear­ly-morn­ing “raid” ((see sto­ry)). The search was part of an inves­ti­ga­tion of the com­pa­ny’s rela­tion­ship with Yassin al-Qadi, a wealthy Sau­di busi­ness­man and one of two “angel” investors who helped get Ptech on its feet in 1994. Al-Qadi, who was nev­er a share­hold­er of record in Ptech and who lat­er twice turned down Ptech requests for addi­tion­al fund­ing, is believed by the U.S. intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty to have finan­cial ties to inter­na­tion­al ter­ror­ism.

    Since that search, Ptech, once a 65-employ­ee com­pa­ny that rarely lost a com­pet­i­tive con­tract bid, has been reduced to 10 peo­ple and has almost no new busi­ness on the hori­zon.

    “Almost imme­di­ate­ly we lost our rev­enue for Decem­ber and Jan­u­ary,” said Ziade. “Cus­tomers who know us and know our prod­uct have not walked away. They know there is noth­ing here relat­ed to ter­ror­ism.”

    But soon after the inves­ti­ga­tion broke, Ziade said, some large cus­tomers turned their backs on Ptech, refus­ing to com­ment pub­licly on their trust and con­fi­dence in the com­pa­ny and its enter­prise soft­ware, which enables its cus­tomers in the For­tune 1,000 and gov­ern­ment ranks to visu­al­ize and ana­lyze their tech­nol­o­gy infra­struc­ture and build mod­els to con­duct strate­gic busi­ness plan­ning. That sit­u­a­tion was con­firmed by Com­put­er­world in inter­views with those com­pa­nies.

    “When you sell to the For­tune 1,000, you are in the busi­ness of trust,” said Ziade. “But there were direc­tives com­ing out of the legal depart­ments in those com­pa­nies that said Ptech is a risk com­pa­ny.”

    For exam­ple, a sys­tems archi­tect at a major forestry prod­ucts firm that relies on Ptech soft­ware to con­duct strate­gic data min­ing and busi­ness plan­ning con­firmed the exis­tence of a cor­po­rate gag order. Yet noth­ing has changed in the com­pa­ny’s rela­tion­ship with Ptech, said the source, who request­ed anonymi­ty. “The com­pa­ny is fine, and the soft­ware is won­der­ful,” the source said. “There was nev­er any con­cern about the integri­ty of the soft­ware.”

    The same holds true for IBM Glob­al Ser­vices, which counts Ptech among its strate­gic busi­ness part­ners. Although Ziade said IBM ini­tial­ly tried to dis­tance itself from what looked like a major scan­dal in the mak­ing, Jeff Gluck, a spokesman for IBM, said the rela­tion­ship between the two com­pa­nies is “unchanged.”

    IBM placed Ptech’s flag­ship enter­prise mod­el­ing prod­uct, called Frame­Work, at the cen­ter of its Enter­prise Archi­tec­ture Method­ol­o­gy. In a white paper obtained by Com­put­er­world, IBM called the Ptech prod­uct “a pow­er­ful tool to rapid­ly col­lect, ana­lyze, orga­nize and present” infor­ma­tion. “Client accep­tance of the dynam­ic live deliv­er­able has been out­stand­ing,” the white paper con­clud­ed.

    “The fact that they’re a part­ner of ours speaks for itself as far as the qual­i­ty of the tech­nol­o­gy is con­cerned,” said Gluck.

    The CIO at a large ener­gy com­pa­ny, who also request­ed that he and his com­pa­ny not be named, said there was strong con­cern among senior man­age­ment when the sto­ry first broke. His IT team was charged with doc­u­ment­ing the com­pa­ny’s rela­tion­ship with Ptech, includ­ing when and where Ptech employ­ees may have been on-site.

    “I polled sev­er­al [user] con­tacts, includ­ing gov­ern­ment users, to assess their reac­tions and plans [and] also obtained the gov­ern­ment posi­tion on the soft­ware,” the CIO added. “This infor­ma­tion led us to decide to con­tin­ue lever­ag­ing our invest­ment in the Ptech prod­uct.”

    The CIO added that Ptech’s ser­vice and sup­port have remained “time­ly and thor­ough.”

    Yet none of that seems to mat­ter now, cur­rent and for­mer Ptech employ­ees said. They and secu­ri­ty experts warn that what hap­pened to Ptech can hap­pen to any com­pa­ny with an employ­ee or investor whose name shows up on a ter­ror­ist watch list.

    “Any com­pa­ny doing busi­ness in the clas­si­fied are­na must take steps to ensure its employ­ees are ful­ly vet­ted and mon­i­tored over time,” said Lar­ry John­son, a secu­ri­ty con­sul­tant and for­mer CIA offi­cer.

    For Ziade and com­pa­ny, the future is any­thing but cer­tain. Ptech’s tech­nol­o­gy is mature enough to remain unchanged for about a year, he said. The com­pa­ny has an unre­leased prod­uct that will also help buy Ziade, now one of Ptech’s prin­ci­pal coders as well as the CEO, addi­tion­al time.

    Hay­den Shulz, a for­mer prin­ci­pal engi­neer at Ptech, said the com­pa­ny will like­ly face unprece­dent­ed pres­sure to keep the soft­ware updat­ed in a rea­son­able time frame. “If the remain­ing 10 peo­ple sat down and cod­ed for a year, they could do it,” said Shulz. “But there’s going to be a con­stant give and pull between who’s going to go out to cus­tomers and who’s going to write code.”

    Ziade said he’s still assess­ing whether it makes sense to con­tin­ue releas­ing prod­ucts under the Ptech name. “We would love to keep it Ptech, but we don’t know what it will be a year from now,” he said.



    “Ter­ror­ist probe hob­bles Ptech” by Dan Ver­ton; Com­put­er­world; 01/17/2003

    “Ptech’s cri­sis stems from a Dec. 5 con­sen­su­al search by fed­er­al agents, which was broad­ly char­ac­ter­ized by the media as an ear­ly-morn­ing “raid” ((see sto­ry)). The search was part of an inves­ti­ga­tion of the com­pa­ny’s rela­tion­ship with Yassin al-Qadi, a wealthy Sau­di busi­ness­man and one of two “angel” investors who helped get Ptech on its feet in 1994. Al-Qadi, who was nev­er a share­hold­er of record in Ptech and who lat­er twice turned down Ptech requests for addi­tion­al fund­ing, is believed by the U.S. intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty to have finan­cial ties to inter­na­tion­al ter­ror­ism.

    There’s bad PR and then there’s major ter­ror­ism-relat­ed bad PR. And in Jan­u­ary of 2003, Ptech was suf­fer­ing from a major case of the lat­ter. The kind of ter­ror­ism-relat­ed bad PR that had its many gov­ern­ment and For­tune 1000 clients tak­ing a sec­ond look at whether or not that want­ed to do busi­ness with the com­pa­ny. This was a com­pa­ny that rarely lost a com­pet­i­tive bid. And yet, even in the fact of this awful PR, we had com­pa­nies like IBM more or less stick­ing with Ptech. Their net­work threat assess­ment soft­ware was just too impor­tant to give up, even in the face of an inves­ti­ga­tion into a pos­si­ble con­nec­tion to 9/11. Ptech was clear­ly devel­op­ing some­thing extreme­ly impor­tant to a lot of peo­ple:

    Since that search, Ptech, once a 65-employ­ee com­pa­ny that rarely lost a com­pet­i­tive con­tract bid, has been reduced to 10 peo­ple and has almost no new busi­ness on the hori­zon.

    “Almost imme­di­ate­ly we lost our rev­enue for Decem­ber and Jan­u­ary,” said Ziade. “Cus­tomers who know us and know our prod­uct have not walked away. They know there is noth­ing here relat­ed to ter­ror­ism.”

    But soon after the inves­ti­ga­tion broke, Ziade said, some large cus­tomers turned their backs on Ptech, refus­ing to com­ment pub­licly on their trust and con­fi­dence in the com­pa­ny and its enter­prise soft­ware, which enables its cus­tomers in the For­tune 1,000 and gov­ern­ment ranks to visu­al­ize and ana­lyze their tech­nol­o­gy infra­struc­ture and build mod­els to con­duct strate­gic busi­ness plan­ning. That sit­u­a­tion was con­firmed by Com­put­er­world in inter­views with those com­pa­nies.

    “When you sell to the For­tune 1,000, you are in the busi­ness of trust,” said Ziade. “But there were direc­tives com­ing out of the legal depart­ments in those com­pa­nies that said Ptech is a risk com­pa­ny.”

    For exam­ple, a sys­tems archi­tect at a major forestry prod­ucts firm that relies on Ptech soft­ware to con­duct strate­gic data min­ing and busi­ness plan­ning con­firmed the exis­tence of a cor­po­rate gag order. Yet noth­ing has changed in the com­pa­ny’s rela­tion­ship with Ptech, said the source, who request­ed anonymi­ty. “The com­pa­ny is fine, and the soft­ware is won­der­ful,” the source said. “There was nev­er any con­cern about the integri­ty of the soft­ware.”

    The same holds true for IBM Glob­al Ser­vices, which counts Ptech among its strate­gic busi­ness part­ners. Although Ziade said IBM ini­tial­ly tried to dis­tance itself from what looked like a major scan­dal in the mak­ing, Jeff Gluck, a spokesman for IBM, said the rela­tion­ship between the two com­pa­nies is “unchanged.”

    IBM placed Ptech’s flag­ship enter­prise mod­el­ing prod­uct, called Frame­Work, at the cen­ter of its Enter­prise Archi­tec­ture Method­ol­o­gy. In a white paper obtained by Com­put­er­world, IBM called the Ptech prod­uct “a pow­er­ful tool to rapid­ly col­lect, ana­lyze, orga­nize and present” infor­ma­tion. “Client accep­tance of the dynam­ic live deliv­er­able has been out­stand­ing,” the white paper con­clud­ed.

    “The fact that they’re a part­ner of ours speaks for itself as far as the qual­i­ty of the tech­nol­o­gy is con­cerned,” said Gluck.

    Lat­er that year, Palan­tir was start­ed by Peter Thiel with the help of the CIA’s In-Q-Tel seed mon­ey. And yes, Palan­tir prod­ucts don’t do exact­ly the same thing Ptech did. But we would­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly expect that to be the case. The big ques­tion is whether or not Palan­tir was found­ed with the intent of fill­ing the gap cre­at­ed by Ptech’s post‑9/11 pari­ah sta­tus. Not that it would change much of any­thing if this was the case. It’s more just an inter­est­ing his­tor­i­cal ques­tion at this point. So in the spir­it of ‘bet­ter late than nev­er’ it’s worth ask­ing: To what extent does Palan­tir owe its cur­rent sta­tus as the US nation­al secu­ri­ty state’s go-to big data threat assess­ment ser­vice provider to Ptech post‑9/11 demise? And, depend­ing on the answer, maybe some fol­low up ques­tions. Pos­si­bly a lot of fol­low up ques­tions.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 11, 2021, 8:46 pm
  7. Here’s an NSO Group-relat­ed sto­ry where the big sto­ry is real­ly all the ques­tions it rais­es about what else is going on:

    It turns out the NSO Group’s cus­tomer list includes Ger­many’s fed­er­al police, the Bun­deskrim­i­nalamt (BKA). An inabil­i­ty to devel­op their own com­pa­ra­ble hack­ing tools is report­ed­ly part of the rea­son­ing behind the pur­chase, which, if true, is an exam­ple of how cut­ting edge these toolk­its real­ly are.

    Here’s the part that rais­es all sort of ques­tion about what else the Ger­man nation­al secu­ri­ty com­plex has been up to: The 2019 pur­chase of NSO Group’s Pega­sus soft­ware was made despite ini­tial con­cerns inside the BKA that use of the tools would vio­late the Ger­man con­sti­tu­tion, which blocks wire­tap­ping in all but the most extreme cas­es.

    How seri­ous were these con­cerns? It’s unclear from the report, but the fact that talks with NSO Group start­ed in 2017 and the con­tract was inked in 2019 sug­gests those inter­nal delib­er­a­tions took a while. But in the end those con­cerns were some­how alle­vi­at­ed. Was this due to exten­sive safe­guards being put in place to ensure the spy­ware was only used when absolute­ly nec­es­sary and pro­tect­ed by the Ger­man con­sti­tu­tion? We have no idea.

    It also sounds like the BKA’s con­tract with NSO Group is still in effect. The BKA first got access to Pega­sus in late 2020 and report­ed­ly used the tool in selec­tion oper­a­tions con­cern­ing ter­ror­ism and orga­nized crime since March of this year.

    There’s anoth­er angle to this sto­ry that’s worth keep­ing in mind: As we’ll see in the sec­ond arti­cle except below, it was only in 2020 when Ger­man courts rules that Ger­many’s con­sti­tu­tion­al rights to pri­va­cy extend­ed to the cit­i­zens of oth­er coun­tries liv­ing abroad. The rul­ing was in response to a 2016 Ger­man law that grant­ed Ger­many’s BND the right to spy non non-Ger­mans abroad.

    So in 2016, Ger­many pass­es a law giv­ing the BND per­mis­sion to spy abroad. And in 2017, nego­ti­a­tions between the NSO Group and the BKA are start­ed com­plet­ed by 2019. Then in May 2020, Ger­many’s courts rules the 2016 law was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al but the con­tract with NSO Group remained in place and the BKA first received the soft­ware lat­er that year. We’re told the tools have been put to use since March of this year. So we have to ask, giv­en how use­ful Pega­sus would be to the BND, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the 2016–2020 win­dow when the BND was giv­en the pow­ers to spy on the world, was the BND going to end up being one of the end users of Pega­sus too? Per­haps infor­mal­ly? Yes, NSO Group report­ed­ly places geo­re­stric­tions on where its spy­ware can be used so that would the­o­ret­i­cal­ly pre­vent the BND from going wild glob­al­ly with it, but who knows what kind of rela­tion­ship Ger­many would be able to work out with NSO Group giv­en the impor­tance of the Ger­man-Israeli diplo­mat­ic rela­tion­ship. Those nego­ti­a­tions with the BKA took quite a while to work out. That’s all part of what makes the sto­ry of the BKA get­ting its hands on Pega­sus real­ly part of a much larg­er sto­ry of Ger­many’s sig­nif­i­cant invest­ment in dig­i­tal spy­ing capa­bil­i­ties:


    Germany’s ‘FBI’ Bought Israeli NSO’s Spy­ware Despite Knowl­edge of Rights Abus­es, Report Says
    Sources tell Die Zeit that after Ger­many’s Fed­er­al Crim­i­nal Police Office failed to devel­op their own spy­ware pro­gram, they turned to Israeli cyber-espi­onage firm

    Omer Ben­jakob
    Sep. 7, 2021

    Germany’s fed­er­al inves­tiga­tive police force held talks with Israeli cyber-espi­onage firm NSO Group and even pur­chased its infa­mous Pega­sus spy­ware, the Ger­man news­pa­per Die Zeit revealed Mon­day, cit­ing sources with­in the local defense estab­lish­ment.

    Accord­ing to the report by Hol­ger Stark, the Fed­er­al Crim­i­nal Police Office — known in Ger­many as the Bun­deskrim­i­nalamt, or BKA — first held talks with NSO in 2017. At the time, the report said, a del­e­ga­tion from NSO even trav­eled to Wies­baden, where the BKA is head­quar­tered, to show­case the capa­bil­i­ties of the Pega­sus spy­ware.

    Despite ini­tial legal con­cerns from with­in the BKA about the spy­ware, which allows its oper­a­tors to take full con­trol of any smart­phones infect­ed with Pega­sus, a deal was inked with NSO in 2019.

    The report also notes that the deci­sion to pur­chase the Israeli-made spy­ware was made after the BKA failed to devel­op its own spy­ware. If suc­cess­ful­ly installed, Pega­sus allows its oper­a­tors full access to the data of the infect­ed phone, and they can even remote­ly oper­ate its micro­phone and cam­era — unbe­knownst to the phone own­er.

    BREAKING: Ger­many’s Fed­er­al Police #BKA secret­ly bought noto­ri­ous #Pega­sus mer­ce­nary spy­ware.

    They’d have been aware of the grow­ing list of abus­es. Clear­ly they chose to ignore them.

    Embar­rass­ing retreat from cyber­space lead­er­ship by Ger­many.

    LINK (DE)https://t.co/jyaao0Ky4o

    — John Scott-Rail­ton (@jsrailton) Sep­tem­ber 7, 2021

    The BKA is under the over­sight of Ger­many’s Inte­ri­or Min­istry and legal offi­cials were con­cerned the spy­ware could not meet legal require­ments in Ger­many, which per­mits such snoop­ing only in very spe­cif­ic and extreme cas­es.

    Accord­ing to an expert who spoke to Die Zeit, none of the crim­i­nal cas­es pur­sued by the BKA dur­ing this time peri­od attempt­ed to make use of evi­dence col­lect­ed through Pega­sus. How­ev­er, accord­ing to sources that spoke with the Ger­man paper, offi­cials were adamant that any use of the spy­ware should be done only in cas­es it is autho­rized by Ger­man law. It is unclear, how­ev­er, what over­sight was done on the actu­al usage and in what con­text the pro­gram was used, if at all.


    The news comes two months after Project Pega­sus — a glob­al inves­ti­ga­tion led by For­bid­den Sto­ries and Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al into a leaked data­base of poten­tial tar­gets select­ed by NSO’s clients. The inves­ti­ga­tion was con­duct­ed togeth­er with a con­sor­tium of news out­lets across the globe, includ­ing Die Zeit and Haaretz, and has helped spark a debate about spy­ware and its mis­use by gov­ern­ments.

    At the time, the inves­ti­ga­tion revealed a long list of jour­nal­ists and human rights activists, as well as world lead­ers, select­ed for pos­si­ble snoop­ing by clients of NSO across the world. NSO denied the reports and labeled them an orches­trat­ed attempt to smear the com­pa­ny; it fur­ther said the list at the core of the inves­ti­ga­tion was arbi­trary and had no con­nec­tion to them or their clients. Since the inves­ti­ga­tion was pub­lished, dig­i­tal foren­sics in France and in the U.K. have con­firmed that a small hand­ful of those phone num­bers select­ed as poten­tial tar­gets actu­al­ly had their phones infect­ed.

    At the time of the Project Pega­sus pub­li­ca­tions, after it was revealed that a phone num­ber asso­ci­at­ed with French Pres­i­dent Macron was also select­ed for poten­tial tar­get­ing (most like­ly by the Moroc­can intel­li­gence ser­vice), oth­er Euro­pean lead­ers voiced their con­cern at NSO and its cyber wares. It is impor­tant that hack­ing soft­ware does not get into the wrong hands, Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel was quot­ed by Reuters as say­ing when asked about the Pega­sus spy­ware case at that time. She also told reporters that coun­tries with­out any judi­cial over­sight of how spy­ing soft­ware is used should not have access to it.


    “Germany’s ‘FBI’ Bought Israeli NSO’s Spy­ware Despite Knowl­edge of Rights Abus­es, Report Says” by Omer Ben­jakob; Haaretz; 09/07/2021

    “Despite ini­tial legal con­cerns from with­in the BKA about the spy­ware, which allows its oper­a­tors to take full con­trol of any smart­phones infect­ed with Pega­sus, a deal was inked with NSO in 2019.”

    There were con­cerns, but those con­cerns were some­how addressed. We don’t know how, but the fact that deal was reached in 2019 tells how they were addressed one way or anoth­er. The unset­tling part is that we know so lit­tle about the actu­al terms of the con­tact and how the Pega­sus soft­ware was ulti­mate­ly used that it’s entire­ly plau­si­ble these con­cerns were addressed by sim­ply drop­ping them:

    Accord­ing to the report by Hol­ger Stark, the Fed­er­al Crim­i­nal Police Office — known in Ger­many as the Bun­deskrim­i­nalamt, or BKA — first held talks with NSO in 2017. At the time, the report said, a del­e­ga­tion from NSO even trav­eled to Wies­baden, where the BKA is head­quar­tered, to show­case the capa­bil­i­ties of the Pega­sus spy­ware.


    The report also notes that the deci­sion to pur­chase the Israeli-made spy­ware was made after the BKA failed to devel­op its own spy­ware. If suc­cess­ful­ly installed, Pega­sus allows its oper­a­tors full access to the data of the infect­ed phone, and they can even remote­ly oper­ate its micro­phone and cam­era — unbe­knownst to the phone own­er.


    The BKA is under the over­sight of Ger­many’s Inte­ri­or Min­istry and legal offi­cials were con­cerned the spy­ware could not meet legal require­ments in Ger­many, which per­mits such snoop­ing only in very spe­cif­ic and extreme cas­es.

    Accord­ing to an expert who spoke to Die Zeit, none of the crim­i­nal cas­es pur­sued by the BKA dur­ing this time peri­od attempt­ed to make use of evi­dence col­lect­ed through Pega­sus. How­ev­er, accord­ing to sources that spoke with the Ger­man paper, offi­cials were adamant that any use of the spy­ware should be done only in cas­es it is autho­rized by Ger­man law. It is unclear, how­ev­er, what over­sight was done on the actu­al usage and in what con­text the pro­gram was used, if at all.

    We know there were con­cerns, and we know those con­cerns were some­how addressed, but we know hard­ly any­thing about how the spy­ware was actu­al­ly used and what sort of over­sight was deployed.

    But that does­n’t mean we can’t wager a rea­son­able guess as to how the Pega­sus spy­ware would have been used. Because as as the fol­low­ing arti­cle from May of 2020 describes, it was only in 2016 when the Ger­man par­lia­ment passed a law allow­ing its intel­li­gence ser­vices to spy on non-Ger­mans abroad, some­thing for which Pega­sus would be an ide­al fit. So while we don’t know if the 2017 NSO Group nego­ti­a­tions were direct­ly tied to the pas­sage of the 2016 spy­ing law, it’s not too hard to con­nect these dots:

    The New York Times

    Right to Pri­va­cy Extends to For­eign Inter­net Users, Ger­man Court Rules

    The intel­li­gence ser­vices can­not ran­dom­ly search the dig­i­tal data of cit­i­zens of oth­er coun­tries liv­ing abroad, judges said, in a deci­sion wel­comed by civ­il rights activists.

    By Melis­sa Eddy
    May 19, 2020

    BERLIN — Pri­va­cy rights enshrined in Germany’s Con­sti­tu­tion extend to for­eign­ers liv­ing abroad and cov­er their online data, the country’s high­est court ruled on Tues­day, order­ing Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel’s gov­ern­ment to over­haul a law gov­ern­ing the for­eign intel­li­gence agency.

    The deci­sion by the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court found that parts of a 2016 law gov­ern­ing the country’s for­eign intel­li­gence agency, known by its Ger­man abbre­vi­a­tion BND, in part vio­lat­ed the uni­ver­sal right to pri­va­cy in com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The rul­ing ordered the law to be rewrit­ten to clar­i­fy the moti­va­tion for spy­ing on indi­vid­u­als abroad, but it stopped short of ban­ning the prac­tice out­right.

    In its cur­rent form, the law per­mits the BND to gath­er, eval­u­ate and even share data gen­er­at­ed by com­mu­ni­ca­tion between non-Ger­mans out­side the coun­try to counter poten­tial attacks or threats. Pas­sage of the law fueled an intense debate over secu­ri­ty and civ­il lib­er­ties in a coun­try where the lessons of dis­re­gard for indi­vid­ual pri­va­cy under the Nazi and Com­mu­nist regimes still res­onate strong­ly.

    The court found that the pre-emp­tive mea­sures stip­u­lat­ed in the law were not clear enough grounds for vio­lat­ing an individual’s pri­va­cy.

    “In par­tic­u­lar, the mon­i­tor­ing is not based on suf­fi­cient objec­tives and struc­tured in such a way that they are con­trol­lable; there is also a lack of var­i­ous safe­guards, for exam­ple to pro­tect jour­nal­ists or lawyers,” the court said. It added that the law lacked “a guar­an­tee of suf­fi­cient­ly weighty pro­tec­tion of legal inter­ests and suf­fi­cient thresh­olds for inter­ven­tion.”

    A group of jour­nal­ist and civ­il lib­er­ties orga­ni­za­tions brought the case before the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court, argu­ing that the 2016 law hand­ed too much pow­er to the state and failed to uphold uni­ver­sal human rights to pri­va­cy guar­an­teed by Arti­cle 10 of the Con­sti­tu­tion. The rul­ing is the first time that the court has extend­ed rights guar­an­teed in the Con­sti­tu­tion to non-Ger­mans abroad.

    “The rul­ing sets new stan­dards in inter­na­tion­al human rights pro­tec­tion and for the free­dom of the press,” said the Soci­ety for Civ­il Rights, a Berlin-based non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that filed the suit along with sev­er­al jour­nal­ists’ orga­ni­za­tions.

    Out­rage about sur­veil­lance in Ger­many was prompt­ed by the exten­sive pri­va­cy breach­es by intel­li­gence ser­vices that were revealed by Edward J. Snow­den, a for­mer con­trac­tor for the U.S. Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency, and, short­ly after, by the dis­clo­sure that the N.S.A. had tapped the chancellor’s cell­phone.

    Around the same time, Ms. Merkel’s gov­ern­ment was strug­gling to respond to a series of Islamist ter­ror­ist attacks in the coun­try and seek­ing to expand Germany’s abil­i­ty to defend itself with­out rely­ing on the U.S. secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus. The 2016 law was an attempt to bal­ance the con­sid­er­a­tions of pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty, but the court decid­ed on Tues­day that the BND had been afford­ed too much pow­er.

    The rul­ing demand­ed that parts of the 2016 law be rewrit­ten by the end of 2021, stip­u­lat­ing that the indi­vid­ual right to pri­va­cy in com­mu­ni­ca­tion, whether by let­ter, tele­phone or online, be estab­lished as a uni­ver­sal right of any indi­vid­ual, any­where. The court also called for more con­trols over the BND and for lim­i­ta­tions on the abil­i­ty of the ser­vice to share infor­ma­tion with inter­na­tion­al part­ners.

    Nor­bert Röttgen, a mem­ber of Ms. Merkel’s con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ing par­ty and a con­tender to suc­ceed her, crit­i­cized the rul­ing in a post on Twit­ter as “dif­fi­cult to explain abroad” because it “rais­es con­sid­er­able ques­tions about our strate­gic oper­a­tions and abil­i­ty to coop­er­ate in a time when out­side aggres­sion is increas­ing­ly com­plex.”



    Right to Pri­va­cy Extends to For­eign Inter­net Users, Ger­man Court Rules” by Melis­sa Eddy; The New York Times; 05/19/2020

    The deci­sion by the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court found that parts of a 2016 law gov­ern­ing the country’s for­eign intel­li­gence agency, known by its Ger­man abbre­vi­a­tion BND, in part vio­lat­ed the uni­ver­sal right to pri­va­cy in com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The rul­ing ordered the law to be rewrit­ten to clar­i­fy the moti­va­tion for spy­ing on indi­vid­u­als abroad, but it stopped short of ban­ning the prac­tice out­right.”

    Yes, it was 2016, the year before the BKA’s secret nego­ti­a­tions with the NSO Group start­ed, when Ger­many passed a law allow­ing the BND to gath­er data on non-Ger­man’s out­side Ger­many. This is the key con­text of the out­reach to NSO Group the fol­low­ing year. Con­text that sud­den­ly changed with that 2020 court rul­ing:

    In its cur­rent form, the law per­mits the BND to gath­er, eval­u­ate and even share data gen­er­at­ed by com­mu­ni­ca­tion between non-Ger­mans out­side the coun­try to counter poten­tial attacks or threats. Pas­sage of the law fueled an intense debate over secu­ri­ty and civ­il lib­er­ties in a coun­try where the lessons of dis­re­gard for indi­vid­ual pri­va­cy under the Nazi and Com­mu­nist regimes still res­onate strong­ly.

    The court found that the pre-emp­tive mea­sures stip­u­lat­ed in the law were not clear enough grounds for vio­lat­ing an individual’s pri­va­cy.

    “In par­tic­u­lar, the mon­i­tor­ing is not based on suf­fi­cient objec­tives and struc­tured in such a way that they are con­trol­lable; there is also a lack of var­i­ous safe­guards, for exam­ple to pro­tect jour­nal­ists or lawyers,” the court said. It added that the law lacked “a guar­an­tee of suf­fi­cient­ly weighty pro­tec­tion of legal inter­ests and suf­fi­cient thresh­olds for inter­ven­tion.”

    A group of jour­nal­ist and civ­il lib­er­ties orga­ni­za­tions brought the case before the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court, argu­ing that the 2016 law hand­ed too much pow­er to the state and failed to uphold uni­ver­sal human rights to pri­va­cy guar­an­teed by Arti­cle 10 of the Con­sti­tu­tion. The rul­ing is the first time that the court has extend­ed rights guar­an­teed in the Con­sti­tu­tion to non-Ger­mans abroad.

    But how about after that 2020 court rul­ing? Are Ger­man intel­li­gence ser­vices still using Pega­sus? Yep. In fact, the BKA did­n’t even receive deliv­ery of Pega­sus until late 2020 and only start­ed using it in March of this year. So the BKA did­n’t start using Pega­sus until after Ger­man courts end­ed the his­to­ry expan­sion of Ger­many’s legal wire­tap­ping pow­ers, which is either a good sign or a very bad sign in terms of the like­li­hood the spy­ware has already being abused:

    Deutsche Welle

    Ger­man police secret­ly bought NSO Pega­sus spy­ware

    Sources have con­firmed media reports that fed­er­al crim­i­nal police pur­chased and used the con­tro­ver­sial Israeli sur­veil­lance spy­ware despite lawyers’ objec­tions.

    Date Sep.09.2021

    The Ger­man Fed­er­al Crim­i­nal Police Office (BKA) bought noto­ri­ous Pega­sus spy­ware from the Israeli firm NSO in 2019, it was revealed Tues­day.

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment informed the Inte­ri­or Com­mit­tee of the Bun­destag of the pur­chase in a closed-doors ses­sion, par­lia­ment sources said. That con­firmed ear­li­er reports pub­lished in Ger­man news­pa­per Die Zeit.

    The soft­ware was pro­cured under “the utmost secre­cy,” accord­ing to Die Zeit, despite the hes­i­ta­tions of lawyers as the sur­veil­lance tool can do much more than Ger­man pri­va­cy laws per­mit.

    How­ev­er, the ver­sion pur­chased by the BKA had cer­tain func­tions blocked to pre­vent abuse, secu­ri­ty cir­cles told the paper ­— although it is unclear how that works on a prac­ti­cal lev­el.

    The rev­e­la­tions were a result of joint research by Die Zeit as well as dai­ly Süd­deutsche Zeitung and pub­lic broad­cast­ers NDR and WDR.

    What has the Ger­man gov­ern­ment said?

    Accord­ing to the Süd­deutsche Zeitung, BKA Vice Pres­i­dent Mar­ti­na Link con­firmed to law­mak­ers that her orga­ni­za­tion had pur­chased the soft­ware. In late 2020, the BKA acquired a ver­sion of the Pega­sus Tro­jan virus soft­ware. It has been used in select oper­a­tions con­cern­ing ter­ror­ism and orga­nized crime since March of this year.

    Ger­many’s Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court has ruled that secu­ri­ty ser­vices are only per­mit­ted to use spy­ware on the cell­phones and com­put­ers of sur­veil­lance tar­gets in spe­cial cas­es, and can only ini­ti­ate cer­tain types of oper­a­tions.

    While the rule of law has placed lim­its, the tech­nol­o­gy avail­able has grown seem­ing­ly lim­it­less.

    The Ger­man gov­ern­ment has been asked specif­i­cal­ly about the use of NSO spy­ware three times in recent years and has large­ly refused to account for its use or sub­ject itself to scruti­ny for it.

    In a writ­ten state­ment to an offi­cial inquiry, Left Par­ty law­mak­er Mar­ti­na Ren­ner was told the par­lia­men­t’s right to infor­ma­tion con­flict­ed with the “con­fi­den­tial­i­ty inter­ests jus­ti­fied by the wel­fare of the state in excep­tion­al cas­es.”

    Nun ist es raus: #BKA nutzt Spy­ware #Pega­sus #NSO. Liest man meine Schriftliche Frage aus 5/19 erneut, heißt das wom­öglich, dass alle genan­nten Behör­den die Spi­onage­soft­ware nutzen, obwohl diese offenkundig grun­drechtswidrig ist. ?@zeitonline? ?@holger_stark? 1/2 pic.twitter.com/fuE0n2BXYi— Mar­ti­na Ren­ner (@MartinaRenner) Sep­tem­ber 7, 2021


    How has Ger­many react­ed?

    Green Par­ty mem­ber of par­lia­ment Kon­stan­tin von Notz called it a “night­mare for the rule of law.” He demand­ing “full clar­i­fi­ca­tion” from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment as to who “specif­i­cal­ly bears respon­si­bil­i­ty for the pur­chase and use of the spy soft­ware.”

    Frank Über­all, the chair­man of the Ger­man Jour­nal­ists’ Asso­ci­a­tion, said the union want­ed to know “whether jour­nal­ists were spied on with­out their knowl­edge, whether their sources are still safe.”

    Über­all called the BKA’s action “incom­pre­hen­si­ble” and added Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Horst See­hofer should “lay his cards on the table.”


    “Ger­man police secret­ly bought NSO Pega­sus spy­ware”; Deutsche Welle; 09/07/2021

    “Accord­ing to the Süd­deutsche Zeitung, BKA Vice Pres­i­dent Mar­ti­na Link con­firmed to law­mak­ers that her orga­ni­za­tion had pur­chased the soft­ware. In late 2020, the BKA acquired a ver­sion of the Pega­sus Tro­jan virus soft­ware. It has been used in select oper­a­tions con­cern­ing ter­ror­ism and orga­nized crime since March of this year.

    As we can see, Ger­many’s fed­er­al police appar­ent­ly received the Pega­sus soft­ware in late 2020, months after the Ger­man court rul­ing find­ing the 2016 law per­mit­ting the spy­ing on non-Ger­man cit­i­zens is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. And we’re told it has­n’t been actu­al­ly used until March of this year. So on the one hand, if we believe this time­line, it sug­gests the BKA has­n’t had a lot of time to abuse the Pega­sus soft­ware yet. But it also high­lights how Ger­many’s intel­li­gence ser­vices were still will­ing to go ahead with the acqui­si­tion of Pega­sus after a Ger­man court shot down the 2016 law grant­i­ng those ser­vices the right to spy on the world. And when asked how NSO Group’s tools are being use, the gov­ern­ment has repeat­ed­ly refused to say. Tak­en togeth­er, it’s the kind of con­stel­la­tion of data points all sug­gest­ing that Ger­many’s approach to address­ing the poten­tial con­sti­tu­tion abus­es of these spy­ware tools is to min­i­mize the over­sight so those abus­es don’t come to light:

    Ger­many’s Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court has ruled that secu­ri­ty ser­vices are only per­mit­ted to use spy­ware on the cell­phones and com­put­ers of sur­veil­lance tar­gets in spe­cial cas­es, and can only ini­ti­ate cer­tain types of oper­a­tions.

    While the rule of law has placed lim­its, the tech­nol­o­gy avail­able has grown seem­ing­ly lim­it­less.

    The Ger­man gov­ern­ment has been asked specif­i­cal­ly about the use of NSO spy­ware three times in recent years and has large­ly refused to account for its use or sub­ject itself to scruti­ny for it.

    So the over­ar­ch­ing sto­ry here is a sto­ry of one part of the Ger­man gov­ern­ment assert­ing greater spy­ing pow­ers and tak­ing steps to obtain those pow­ers, while anoth­er side of the Ger­man gov­ern­ment has ruled this is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. And the way this bureau­crat­ic impasse has been addressed is appar­ent­ly for the BKA to just pro­ceed with the Pega­sus acqui­si­tion and for every­one else to just kind of pre­tend it’s not being used uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly while ques­tions are deflect­ed or ignored.

    And, again, this is mere­ly the sto­ry of how Ger­many’s gov­ern­ment is han­dling the temp­ta­tion of some­thing like Pega­sus. Answer­ing the ques­tion of how many oth­er Ger­man con­sti­tu­tion­al vio­la­tions are casu­al­ly being swept under the rug in a sim­i­lar man­ner is the much big­ger sto­ry here.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 19, 2021, 7:53 pm
  8. It seems like every oth­er week these days there’s an announce­ment about new hack­er-for-hire zero-day exploit that’s just been dis­cov­ered. That was the case again last week when Cit­i­zen­Lab announced the dis­cov­ery of a new zero-day exploit on the phone of a Sau­di activist in March of 2021.

    But there was a notable new detail with this lat­est dis­cov­ery: the attri­bu­tion was made to NSO Group based on tech­ni­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties to pre­vi­ous NSO Group hacks. In oth­er words, the “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” method­ol­o­gy for mak­ing cyber­at­tri­bu­tions. Instead of the tra­di­tion­al “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” con­clu­sion (Russ­ian, Chi­nese, or Iran­ian hack­ers), the “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” tech­nique is now being deployed against NSO Group.

    What’s the tech­ni­cal pat­tern? There were two tech­ni­cal details in the Cit­i­zen Lab report they cite in mak­ing the NSO Group attri­bu­tion:

    1. The new­ly dis­cov­ered mal­ware, dubbed FORCEDENTRY, exploit­ed anoth­er tech­nique dubbed CASCADEFAIL, that is sup­posed to delete evi­dence of the mal­ware’s manip­u­la­tion from the vic­tim phone’s sqlite data­base. There’s a sin­gle data­base entry of evi­dence left over. Cit­i­zen Lab’s researchers have only ever seen mal­ware that leaves this last piece of left­over evi­dence in oth­er NSO Group Pega­sus mal­ware.

    2. The FORCEDENTRY mal­ware gen­er­ates mul­ti­ple process­es on the vic­tim phone, assign­ing names to those process­es. One of those process names, “set­framed”, was the name of a process name used in anoth­er NSO Group mal­ware Cit­i­zen­Lab dis­cov­ered tar­get­ing an Al Jazeera jour­nal­ist in July 2020. The Cit­i­zen Lab report adds, “Notably, we did not pub­lish that detail at the time.”

    So based on those two tech­ni­cal details, Cit­i­zen­Lab made a “high con­fi­dence” attri­bu­tion of this mal­ware to NSO Group. And part of that high con­fi­dence was root­ed in the fact that Cit­i­zen­Lab nev­er pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished that it found the same “set­name” process name used in an ear­li­er NSO Group attack.

    Now, on the one hand, that sounds like a pret­ty rea­son­able con­clu­sion to arrive at giv­en the cir­cum­stances. Those cir­cum­stances being that this appears to be the ini­tial pub­li­ca­tion of any details on these tech­ni­cal details and those details appear to be rea­son­ably spe­cif­ic. But this is also turn­ing int a won­der­ful exam­ple of how vul­ner­a­ble tech­ni­cal “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” real­ly is to spoof­ing and erro­neous con­clu­sions. Because think about it: going for­ward, if mal­ware if found to con­tain either of these two ‘fea­tures’, there’s this built-in bias that this is NSO Group mal­ware. And it very well might be NSO Group mal­ware mak­ing the same mis­takes, but the fact that those two tech­ni­cal details are some­thing a mal­ware cod­ing to eas­i­ly incor­po­rate into their mal­ware design is an exam­ple of why the “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” method­ol­o­gy is ripe for abuse.

    It’s long been a fun­da­men­tal chal­lenge with the cyber­at­tri­bu­tion indus­try: Once the pat­tern is shared, that pat­tern is now shared knowl­edge that can be used to spoof future pat­tern recog­ni­tion analy­ses. That’s why Cit­i­zen­Lab felt it rel­e­vant to empha­size that it had­n’t pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished the “set­framed” process name. If it had pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished that process name, any mal­ware design­er could have eas­i­ly inten­tion­al­ly had their mal­ware use the “set­framed” name to con­fuse cyber­se­cu­ri­ty ana­lysts, which is now the case going for­ward.

    Also keep in mind that the fact Cit­i­zen Lab nev­er pub­lished the “set­framed” process name from that pre­vi­ous NSO Group hack does­n’t mean the infor­ma­tion was­n’t qui­et­ly shared with oth­er enti­ties. Trust­ed enti­ties that end up pass­ing it along to less trust-wor­thy enti­ties that might end up abus­ing it and using it to cov­er their own hack­ing tracks. It’s not like there’s an impen­e­tra­ble wall between the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty indus­try and the hack­er-for-hire indus­try.

    So that’s real­ly the inter­est­ing to this sto­ry. In many ways, it’s just the lat­est in a seem­ing­ly end­less string of hack­er-for-hire exploits sold to anoth­er foul gov­ern­ment and used against an activist. But the fact that this got attrib­uted to NSO Group based on tech­ni­cal pat­tern recog­ni­tion makes this the kind of sto­ry that could be a har­bin­ger of many more NSO Group pat­tern recog­ni­tion sto­ries to come. Some of them might be real NSO Group sto­ries and some where NSO Group was set up. Either way, it should be fun to watch. Except not so much fun for all the new vic­tims.

    And that brings us to anoth­er grim­ly inter­est­ing aspect of pat­tern recog­ni­tion being used to attribute the high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed and tar­get mal­ware of this nature: A key issue with the pre­vail­ing “pat­tern recog­ni­tion” attri­bu­tion regime that seemed to always find a pat­tern from Rus­sia, Iran­ian, Chin, or North Korea was how it was almost designed to encour­age out­side actors to join in on the fun. Just put your stu­pid ‘Russ­ian’ pat­terns like Cyril­lic char­ac­ters and let Russ­sia take the blame. It encour­ages hack­ing that fit ‘the pat­tern’. And what’s the pat­tern in this case? High­ly tar­get­ed hacks of promi­nent vic­tims and activists using pow­er­ful zero-click exploits. Do folks want more of those?

    So while it looks like Cit­i­zen Lab prob­a­bly made the right call on this par­tic­u­lar case of NSO Group “pat­tern recog­ni­tion”, it’s going to be impor­tant to keep in mind that if we end up see­ing a flood of copy­cat NSO Group mal­ware sto­ries based on sim­i­lar pat­terns that may not just be an NSO Group group sto­ry. There’s a lot of com­pe­ti­tion in the glob­al cyber­merce­nary indus­try. Some might say too much com­pe­ti­tion:

    The Guardian

    Israeli spy­ware firm tar­get­ed Apple devices via iMes­sage, researchers say

    Dis­cov­ery was shared with Apple, which on Mon­day released a patch to fix the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty

    Stephanie Kirch­gaess­ner in Wash­ing­ton
    Mon 13 Sep 2021 22.51 EDT

    First pub­lished on Mon 13 Sep 2021 16.48 EDT

    Secu­ri­ty researchers at Cit­i­zen Lab have dis­cov­ered an exploit that they believe has been used by gov­ern­ment clients of NSO Group, the Israeli spy­ware com­pa­ny, to silent­ly hack into iPhones and oth­er Apple devices since Feb­ru­ary 2021.

    The dis­cov­ery, which was made as the researchers were exam­in­ing the mobile phone of a Sau­di activist, was shared with Apple, which on Mon­day released a patch to fix the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.


    When it is suc­cess­ful­ly deployed against a tar­get, NSO Group’s spy­ware, called Pega­sus, can silent­ly hack into a phone, col­lect a user’s per­son­al and pri­vate infor­ma­tion, inter­cept calls and mes­sages, and even turn a mobile phone into a remote lis­ten­ing device.

    NSO Group has said that its spy­ware is only meant to be used by licensed law enforce­ment agen­cies to tar­get crim­i­nals and ter­ror­ists. But inves­ti­ga­tions – includ­ing the recent pub­li­ca­tion of the Pega­sus Project by the Guardian and oth­er out­lets – have revealed ways in which the spy­ware has been used by gov­ern­ment clients to tar­get jour­nal­ists and human rights activists around the world.

    Asked for com­ment, NSO Group issued a state­ment say­ing: “NSO Group will con­tin­ue to pro­vide intel­li­gence and law enforce­ment agen­cies around the world with life-sav­ing tech­nolo­gies to fight ter­ror and crime.”

    Cit­i­zen Lab said it was able to make a “high-con­fi­dence attri­bu­tion” that the exploit had been cre­at­ed by NSO Group because they observed “mul­ti­ple dis­tinc­tive ele­ments” in the spy­ware. An exploit is a tech­ni­cal vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that allows spy­ware to infect a phone, and the code of the exploit dis­cov­ered by Cit­i­zen Lab con­tained a spe­cif­ic bug that the researchers had only ever asso­ci­at­ed with NSO Group’s Pega­sus in the past.

    “We believe that the bug is dis­tinc­tive enough to point back to NSO,” Cit­i­zen Lab said in a blog­post.

    The researchers also found that the spy­ware, which they have called FORCEDENTRY, used mul­ti­ple process names – iden­ti­fy­ing fea­tures of the mal­ware code – includ­ing one that was used in a pre­vi­ous attack that used NSO Group spy­ware on an Al Jazeera jour­nal­ist in July 2020.

    NSO Group has said it can­not reveal the iden­ti­ty of its clients. But the Guardian has pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed that NSO Group dropped Sau­di Ara­bia as a client in the wake of Cit­i­zen Lab’s report that the king­dom was the like­ly cul­prit behind dozens of attacks against Al Jazeera jour­nal­ists in 2020.

    The devel­op­ment marks more bad news for Apple. Foren­sic exam­i­na­tions of mobile phones con­duct­ed both by Cit­i­zen Lab and Amnesty International’s secu­ri­ty lab have found that even the most up-to-date iPhones, using the most up to date oper­at­ing sys­tem, have been vul­ner­a­ble to attacks by Pega­sus.

    Ivan Krstic, head of Apple secu­ri­ty engi­neer­ing and archi­tec­ture, said in a state­ment to the Guardian: “After iden­ti­fy­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty used by this exploit for iMes­sage, Apple rapid­ly devel­oped and deployed a fix in iOS 14.8 to pro­tect our users. We’d like to com­mend Cit­i­zen Lab for suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ing the very dif­fi­cult work of obtain­ing a sam­ple of this exploit so we could devel­op this fix quick­ly.”

    He added: “Attacks like the ones described are high­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed, cost mil­lions of dol­lars to devel­op, often have a short shelf life, and are used to tar­get spe­cif­ic indi­vid­u­als. While that means they are not a threat to the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of our users, we con­tin­ue to work tire­less­ly to defend all our cus­tomers, and we are con­stant­ly adding new pro­tec­tions for their devices and data.”

    Cit­i­zen Lab said in its state­ment that the com­pa­ny was releas­ing a fix for the exploit on Mon­day, and urged all Apple users to update devices as soon as pos­si­ble, includ­ing all Apple devices that use iOS ver­sions pri­or to 14.8.

    The exploit dis­cov­ered by Cit­i­zen Lab is known as a “zero-day” vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, which allows users of the spy­ware to infect a phone with­out the user hav­ing any idea that their mobile phones have been hacked. In this case, the FORCEDENTRY exploit used a weak­ness in Apple’s iMes­sage func­tion to silent­ly send cor­rupt files to a phone that appeared to be GIF exten­sions, but were actu­al­ly Adobe PDF files con­tain­ing mali­cious code.

    “Our lat­est dis­cov­ery of yet anoth­er Apple zero-day employed as part of NSO Group’s arse­nal fur­ther illus­trates that com­pa­nies like NSO Group are facil­i­tat­ing ‘despo­tism-as-a-ser­vice’ for unac­count­able gov­ern­ment secu­ri­ty agen­cies,” researchers said.

    Bill Mar­czak, who first dis­cov­ered the exploit at Cit­i­zen Lab, said the find­ings also high­light­ed the impor­tance of secur­ing pop­u­lar mes­sag­ing apps, which were increas­ing­ly being used as a tar­get by sophis­ti­cat­ed threat actors.

    “As present­ly engi­neered, many chat apps have become an irre­sistible soft tar­get. With­out intense engi­neer­ing focus, we believe that they will con­tin­ue to be heav­i­ly tar­get­ed, and suc­cess­ful­ly exploit­ed,” Cit­i­zen Lab said.


    “Israeli spy­ware firm tar­get­ed Apple devices via iMes­sage, researchers say” by Stephanie Kirch­gaess­ner; The Guardian; 09/13/2021

    Cit­i­zen Lab said it was able to make a “high-con­fi­dence attri­bu­tion” that the exploit had been cre­at­ed by NSO Group because they observed “mul­ti­ple dis­tinc­tive ele­ments” in the spy­ware. An exploit is a tech­ni­cal vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that allows spy­ware to infect a phone, and the code of the exploit dis­cov­ered by Cit­i­zen Lab con­tained a spe­cif­ic bug that the researchers had only ever asso­ci­at­ed with NSO Group’s Pega­sus in the past.”

    We’re get­ting a peek at how the sausage is made. This was a high-con­fi­dence attri­bu­tion made based on tech­ni­cal details tied back to pre­vi­ous hacks asso­ci­at­ed with Pega­sus. The key ter­ri­fy­ing fea­ture this mal­ware shares with a num­ber of hacks asso­ci­at­ed with this mer­ce­nary hack­ing indus­try is the fact that it’s a zero-click hack that infects your phone whether you real­ize it or not. If it was­n’t NSO Group, it was anoth­er group with cut­ting-edge capabilities...willing to sell to Sau­di Ara­bia:

    “We believe that the bug is dis­tinc­tive enough to point back to NSO,” Cit­i­zen Lab said in a blog­post.

    The researchers also found that the spy­ware, which they have called FORCEDENTRY, used mul­ti­ple process names – iden­ti­fy­ing fea­tures of the mal­ware code – includ­ing one that was used in a pre­vi­ous attack that used NSO Group spy­ware on an Al Jazeera jour­nal­ist in July 2020.


    The exploit dis­cov­ered by Cit­i­zen Lab is known as a “zero-day” vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, which allows users of the spy­ware to infect a phone with­out the user hav­ing any idea that their mobile phones have been hacked. In this case, the FORCEDENTRY exploit used a weak­ness in Apple’s iMes­sage func­tion to silent­ly send cor­rupt files to a phone that appeared to be GIF exten­sions, but were actu­al­ly Adobe PDF files con­tain­ing mali­cious code.

    And note that when we read about NSO Group drop­ping Sau­di Ara­bia as a client in the wake of the Jamal Khashog­gi killing, recall how NSO Group then changed own­er­ship and once again took Sau­di Ara­bia as a client. So that would actu­al­ly be anoth­er data point point­ing towards NSO Group: it’s like forced to sup­ply the Saud­is super spy­ware:

    NSO Group has said it can­not reveal the iden­ti­ty of its clients. But the Guardian has pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed that NSO Group dropped Sau­di Ara­bia as a client in the wake of Cit­i­zen Lab’s report that the king­dom was the like­ly cul­prit behind dozens of attacks against Al Jazeera jour­nal­ists in 2020.

    And NSO Group prob­a­bly isn’t the only ‘com­mer­cial sur­veil­lance ven­dor’ the Saud­is are get­ting their zero-click super-spy­ware from. Again, NSO Group has com­peti­tors.

    Now here’s the Cit­i­zen Lab report itself giv­ing us more details on what the mal­ware does and how they made the attri­bu­tion. The attack­er sends a pdf dis­guised as a gif that caus­es an inte­ger over­flow vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Apple’s image ren­der­ing library, allow­ing for arbi­trary code exe­cu­tion. A night­mare bug. And they’re high­ly con­fi­dent this was NSO Group behind this night­mare bug based on the shared piece of non-delet­ed data­base evi­dence and the shared “set­framed” process name. NSO Group got slight­ly slop­py:

    Cit­i­zen Lab

    FORCEDENTRY NSO Group iMes­sage Zero-Click Exploit Cap­tured in the Wild

    By Bill Mar­czak, John Scott-Rail­ton, Bahr Abdul Raz­zak, Noura Al-Jiza­wi, Siena Anstis, Kristin Berdan, and Ron Deib­ert

    Sep­tem­ber 13, 2021


    * While ana­lyz­ing the phone of a Sau­di activist infect­ed with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware, we dis­cov­ered a zero-day zero-click exploit against iMes­sage. The exploit, which we call FORCEDENTRY, tar­gets Apple’s image ren­der­ing library, and was effec­tive against Apple iOS, MacOS and WatchOS devices.
    * We deter­mined that the mer­ce­nary spy­ware com­pa­ny NSO Group used the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to remote­ly exploit and infect the lat­est Apple devices with the Pega­sus spy­ware. We believe that FORCEDENTRY has been in use since at least Feb­ru­ary 2021.
    * The Cit­i­zen Lab dis­closed the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and code to Apple, which has assigned the FORCEDENTRY vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty CVE-2021–30860 and describes the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty as “pro­cess­ing a mali­cious­ly craft­ed PDF may lead to arbi­trary code exe­cu­tion.”
    * Today, Sep­tem­ber 13th, Apple is releas­ing an update that patch­es CVE-2021–30860. We urge read­ers to imme­di­ate­ly update all Apple devices.



    In March 2021, we exam­ined the phone of a Sau­di activist who has cho­sen to remain anony­mous, and deter­mined that they had been hacked with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware. Dur­ing the course of the analy­sis we obtained an iTunes back­up of the device.

    Recent re-analy­sis of the back­up yield­ed sev­er­al files with the “.gif” exten­sion in Library/SMS/Attachments that we deter­mined were sent to the phone imme­di­ate­ly before it was hacked with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware.


    The files were:

    * 27 copies of an iden­ti­cal file with the “.gif” exten­sion. Despite the exten­sion, the file was actu­al­ly a 748-byte Adobe PSD file. Each copy of this file caused an IMTranscoder­A­gent crash on the device. These files each had ran­dom-look­ing ten-char­ac­ter file­names.
    * Four dif­fer­ent files with the “.gif” exten­sion that were actu­al­ly Adobe PDF files con­tain­ing a JBIG2-encod­ed stream. Two of these files had 34-char­ac­ter names, and two had 97-char­ac­ter names.
    * The out­put of the pdfid tool on these four “.gif” files was (NB: the stream had vary­ing length):


    Dis­cov­ery and Dis­clo­sure

    Because the for­mat of the files matched two types of crash­es we had observed on anoth­er phone when it was hacked with Pega­sus, we sus­pect­ed that the “.gif” files might con­tain parts of what we are call­ing the FORCEDENTRY exploit chain.

    Cit­i­zen Lab for­ward­ed the arti­facts to Apple on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 7. On Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 13, Apple con­firmed that the files includ­ed a zero-day exploit against iOS and MacOS. They des­ig­nat­ed the FORCEDENTRY exploit CVE-2021–30860, and describe it as “pro­cess­ing a mali­cious­ly craft­ed PDF may lead to arbi­trary code exe­cu­tion.

    The exploit works by exploit­ing an inte­ger over­flow vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in Apple’s image ren­der­ing library (Core­Graph­ics). We are pub­lish­ing lim­it­ed tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion about CVE-2021–30860 at this time.

    Attri­bu­tion to NSO Group

    We observed mul­ti­ple dis­tinc­tive ele­ments that allowed us to make a high-con­fi­dence attri­bu­tion to NSO Group:

    * The spy­ware installed by the FORCEDENTRY exploit exhib­it­ed a foren­sic arti­fact that we call CASCADEFAIL, which is a bug where­by evi­dence is incom­plete­ly delet­ed from the phone’s DataUsage.sqlite file. In CASCADEFAIL, an entry from the file’s ZPROCESS table is delet­ed, but not entries in the ZLIVEUSAGE table that refer to the delet­ed ZPROCESS entry. We have only ever seen this type of incom­plete dele­tion asso­ci­at­ed with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware, and we believe that the bug is dis­tinc­tive enough to point back to NSO. The spe­cif­ic CASCADEFAIL arti­fact can be detect­ed by


    * The spy­ware installed by the FORCEDENTRY exploit used mul­ti­ple process names, includ­ing the name “set­framed”. That process name was used in an attack with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware on an Al Jazeera jour­nal­ist in July 2020. Notably, we did not pub­lish that detail at the time.



    “FORCEDENTRY NSO Group iMes­sage Zero-Click Exploit Cap­tured in the Wild” by Bill Mar­czak, John Scott-Rail­ton, Bahr Abdul Raz­zak, Noura Al-Jiza­wi, Siena Anstis, Kristin Berdan, and Ron Deib­ert; Cit­i­zen Lab; 09/13/2021

    “Cit­i­zen Lab for­ward­ed the arti­facts to Apple on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 7. On Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 13, Apple con­firmed that the files includ­ed a zero-day exploit against iOS and MacOS. They des­ig­nat­ed the FORCEDENTRY exploit CVE-2021–30860, and describe it as “pro­cess­ing a mali­cious­ly craft­ed PDF may lead to arbi­trary code exe­cu­tion.””

    Bet­ter watch out for the .gifs that are actu­al­ly pdfs. Arbi­trary code exe­cu­tion could be the result. Yikes! It’s cer­tain­ly the kind of exploit that sounds like some­thing NSO Group would be behind. And when it comes to this spe­cif­ic attri­bu­tion, the pat­tern recog­ni­tion based on two key pieces of tech­ni­cal evi­dence tying it back to NSO Group real­ly do seem to be pret­ty sol­id evi­dence. The prob­lem will be if the same clues are used in the future to tie hacks back to NSO Group. Any­one can make their mal­ware leave behind these pieces of evi­dence. In oth­er words, done right, the pat­tern recog­ni­tion approach is kind of a one-off for a giv­en pat­tern. Or at least until you share the pat­tern:

    We observed mul­ti­ple dis­tinc­tive ele­ments that allowed us to make a high-con­fi­dence attri­bu­tion to NSO Group:

    * The spy­ware installed by the FORCEDENTRY exploit exhib­it­ed a foren­sic arti­fact that we call CASCADEFAIL, which is a bug where­by evi­dence is incom­plete­ly delet­ed from the phone’s DataUsage.sqlite file. In CASCADEFAIL, an entry from the file’s ZPROCESS table is delet­ed, but not entries in the ZLIVEUSAGE table that refer to the delet­ed ZPROCESS entry. We have only ever seen this type of incom­plete dele­tion asso­ci­at­ed with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware, and we believe that the bug is dis­tinc­tive enough to point back to NSO. The spe­cif­ic CASCADEFAIL arti­fact can be detect­ed by


    * The spy­ware installed by the FORCEDENTRY exploit used mul­ti­ple process names, includ­ing the name “set­framed”. That process name was used in an attack with NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware on an Al Jazeera jour­nal­ist in July 2020. Notably, we did not pub­lish that detail at the time.

    So we’ll see if there are more types of super-mal­ware dis­cov­ered with these tech­ni­cal details, and whether or not they’ll con­tain these tech­ni­cal details and get attrib­uted back to NSO Group. But while it’s hard to have much sym­pa­thy for the com­pa­ny being set up to take the blame for oth­er hack­ers, the fact that every hack mis­at­trib­uted to NSO Group is the cov­er sto­ry for anoth­er hack­er is actu­al­ly worth keep­ing in mind, quite pos­si­bly one of NSO Group’s com­peti­tors. Com­peti­tors with client gov­ern­ments feel­ing extra embold­ened too.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 21, 2021, 10:55 pm
  9. The del­uge of NSO Group-relat­ed sto­ries does not appear to be let­ting up any time soon. We just got a report on anoth­er instance of a rogue unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic gov­ern­ment using the spy­ware on jour­nal­ists. This time, it’s Vik­tor Orban’s rogue unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic of Hun­gary, mak­ing this just the lat­est EU-relat­ed NSO Group sto­ry. Recall the recent reports on Ger­many’s fed­er­al police also obtain­ing NSO Group tools.

    But while the sto­ry out of Ger­many was about the acqui­si­tion of spy­ware tools that are ripe for abuse, the sto­ry out of Hun­gary is about actu­al iden­ti­fied abus­es. Specif­i­cal­ly, an inves­ti­ga­tion by Direkt36 — an inves­tiga­tive media out­let and mem­ber of the Pega­gus Project con­sor­tium — dis­cov­ered signs of the Pega­sus spy­ware on the phone of Budapest-based pho­to­jour­nal­ist Dániel Németh. The hacks took place at some point in July 2021, while Németh was report­ing on the where­abouts of Lor­inc Mészáros, a for­mer gas fit­ter who has become one of Hungary’s rich­est men in the past few years. Mészáros also hap­pens to be a child­hood friend of Oban and once attrib­uted his suc­cess to “God, luck and Vik­tor Orbán”.

    And it’s that twist — that a jour­nal­ist who was track­ing a close per­son­al friend of Orban got hacked — rais­es one of the obvi­ous ques­tions about this entire busi­ness mod­el of sell­ing super sophis­ti­cat­ed spy­ware to gov­ern­ments around the world: giv­en that most gov­ern­ments are run by peo­ple who are per­son­al friends or busi­ness part­ners with the most pow­er­ful pri­vate inter­ests in the nation (or the world), what’s to pre­vent those asso­ciates from ask­ing the gov­ern­ment to tar­get a par­tic­u­lar indi­vid­ual on their behalf? As we’ve seen, NSO Group’s go-to defense when faced with accu­sa­tions about the abuse of its spy­ware is to point out that the com­pa­ny itself has no infor­ma­tion on how its spy­ware is used. In oth­er words, there’s basi­cal­ly no safe­guard against a gov­ern­ment run­ning hacks on behalf of pow­er­ful friends of the gov­ern­ment. It’s up to the integri­ty of the gov­ern­ment itself. And as we’ll see, in the case of Hun­gary, the intel­li­gence ser­vices can order sur­veil­lance with no judi­cial over­sight, only the sig­na­ture of the min­is­ter of jus­tice, in cas­es where ‘nation­al secu­ri­ty is at stake’.

    Let’s also keep in mind that there’s noth­ing ensur­ing gov­ern­ments are only run­ing spe­cial favor hacks for the pow­er­ful peo­ple in that coun­try. Any­one around the world with con­nec­tions to the gov­ern­ment could poten­tial­ly ask for such a favor. So with Vik­tor Orban hav­ing suc­cess­ful­ly trans­formed Hun­gary into a kind of glob­al far right net­work­ing hub, the ques­tion of who may be ask­ing Orban for spe­cial hack­ing favors is far from obvi­ous. Heck, Tuck­er Carl­son prob­a­bly pos­si­bly in a favor with Orban at this point. That’s the big­ger sto­ry here. It’s a facet of the NSO Group sto­ry that the globe has yet to even rec­og­nize, let alone address:

    The Guardian

    Phones of jour­nal­ist who tracked Vik­tor Orban’s child­hood friend infect­ed with spy­ware

    Dániel Németh’s phones infect­ed with Pega­sus soft­ware while report­ing on one of Hungary’s rich­est men

    Stephanie Kirch­gaess­ner
    Tue 21 Sep 2021 11.26 EDT
    Last mod­i­fied on Wed 22 Sep 2021 04.16 EDT

    Dániel Németh, a Budapest-based pho­to­jour­nal­ist, has tried to keep a low pro­file in his ground­break­ing work inves­ti­gat­ing and doc­u­ment­ing the lux­u­ry lifestyle of Hungary’s rul­ing elite.

    While his name is not well known, the 46-year-old has man­aged to use his drone, and pub­lic flight and ship track­ing data, to find and pho­to­graph politi­cians and pro-gov­ern­ment busi­ness fig­ures, expos­ing their hid­den lux­u­ries such as yachts in exot­ic loca­tions.

    Now, it has emerged, some­one was watch­ing him, too.

    An inves­ti­ga­tion by Direkt36, an inves­tiga­tive media out­let and mem­ber of the Pega­sus Project con­sor­tium, which has inves­ti­gat­ed NSO Group, has revealed that two of Németh’s phones were recent­ly hacked by a gov­ern­ment client of the Israeli spy­ware com­pa­ny.

    Foren­sic analy­sis of Németh’s phones, con­duct­ed by researchers at Cit­i­zen Lab at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and con­firmed by researchers at Amnesty International’s secu­ri­ty lab, found that the phones were infect­ed with NSO Group’s Pega­sus sur­veil­lance soft­ware, which enables users to mon­i­tor a victim’s phone con­ver­sa­tions, text mes­sages, pic­tures and phys­i­cal loca­tion. The spy­ware can also turn a mobile phone into a remote­ly oper­at­ed lis­ten­ing device.

    The hacks occurred in July 2021 while Németh was report­ing on the where­abouts of one of the prime min­is­ter, Vik­tor Orbán’s, child­hood friends, Lor­inc Mészáros, a for­mer gas fit­ter who has become one of Hungary’s rich­est men in the past few years.

    Mészáros has built a busi­ness empire that sprawls across mul­ti­ple sec­tors since Orbán came to pow­er in 2010, and his com­pa­nies often win lucra­tive gov­ern­ment ten­ders. In 2019, Forbes named him the rich­est per­son in Hun­gary.

    Orbán has repeat­ed­ly declined to com­ment on Mészáros’s mete­oric rise in for­tunes, say­ing pol­i­tics and busi­ness should be kept sep­a­rate. Mészáros shuns media atten­tion, but in a 2014 inter­view with a Hun­gar­i­an out­let attrib­uted his suc­cess to “God, luck and Vik­tor Orbán”.

    A spokesper­son for Mészáros’s com­pa­ny said in a state­ment: “Mr Mészáros does not pay atten­tion to nei­ther Dániel Németh, nor any oth­er paparazzi’s activ­i­ties, where­abouts or inci­dents relat­ed to them.”

    While it can­not be foren­si­cal­ly proven which of NSO’s clients tar­get­ed Németh, because such analy­sis exam­ines only whether a phone has been infect­ed, the new rev­e­la­tion comes as Orbán’s far-right gov­ern­ment is fac­ing scruti­ny in Brus­sels for its alleged use of the Pega­sus spy­ing tool against jour­nal­ists, media own­ers, and polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion fig­ures.

    Didi­er Reyn­ders, the Euro­pean Commission’s jus­tice com­mis­sion­er, recent­ly told MEPs that the bloc “total­ly con­demned” alleged attempts by nation­al secu­ri­ty ser­vices to ille­gal­ly access infor­ma­tion on polit­i­cal oppo­nents through their phones. Reyn­ders said that the EU’s exec­u­tive branch was close­ly fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion by Hungary’s data pro­tec­tion author­i­ty into claims that Orbán’s gov­ern­ment was using the spy tool improp­er­ly.

    A con­sor­tium of 17 media out­lets, which includ­ed the Guardian and was coor­di­nat­ed by the French media non-prof­it For­bid­den Sto­ries, revealed in July that glob­al clients of NSO had used hack­ing soft­ware to tar­get human rights activists, jour­nal­ists and lawyers. Among those hacked using Pega­sus were two Direkt36 jour­nal­ists, András Szabó and Szabolcs Panyi.

    Hun­gar­i­an law pro­vides that in cas­es where nation­al secu­ri­ty is at stake, the intel­li­gence ser­vices can order sur­veil­lance with no judi­cial over­sight, only the sig­na­ture of the min­is­ter of jus­tice. Hungary’s jus­tice min­is­ter, Judit Var­ga, has declined to com­ment, but said: “Every coun­try needs such tools”.


    NSO has said its spy­ware is intend­ed to be used only by licensed law enforce­ment agen­cies against sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals. The com­pa­ny has said that it does not have access to data of its cus­tomers’ tar­gets and that it inves­ti­gates all cred­i­ble claims of mis­use.


    After the Pega­sus Project was pub­lished in July, doc­u­ment­ing cas­es of abuse of NSO tech­nol­o­gy by gov­ern­ment clients, Németh approached Cit­i­zen Lab through an acquain­tance and asked the researchers to analyse his phones. The researchers found traces of the spy­ware on the devices, prompt­ing Németh to alert Direkt36. The media out­let then asked experts at Amnesty Tech, the secu­ri­ty lab of AI, to con­duct a sec­ond analy­sis of the phones. Amnesty’s foren­sic analy­sis showed that Németh’s two phones were suc­cess­ful­ly hacked with Pega­sus spy­ware, one from 1–9 July 2021 and the oth­er from 5–9 July.

    Dur­ing this peri­od, Németh was in Hun­gary after return­ing from a report­ing trip in south­ern Italy, where he was track­ing the move­ments of Mészáros.

    “Amnesty Tech’s con­fir­ma­tion of a Pega­sus infec­tion on Dániel Németh’s device is yet anoth­er out­ra­geous exam­ple of how NSO Group’s spy­ware is being used as a tool to silence jour­nal­ists,” said Likhi­ta Baner­ji, a researcher at Amnesty Tech.

    A secu­ri­ty offi­cer for­mer­ly with one of Hungary’s intel­li­gence ser­vices told Direkt36 that, accord­ing to his knowl­edge, Hun­gar­i­an ser­vices start­ed using Pega­sus in 2018. The Hun­gar­i­an gov­ern­ment has not denied that it uses Pega­sus, nor did it deny the sur­veil­lance of the peo­ple Direkt36 has report­ed about.

    John Scott-Rail­ton, a senior researcher at Cit­i­zen Lab, said the case showed the way in which the Hun­gar­i­an gov­ern­ment was seek­ing to tar­get “polit­i­cal­ly incon­ve­nient” peo­ple who were report­ing on indi­vid­u­als close to the gov­ern­ment.

    “Yet again, this is tar­get­ing a jour­nal­ist. There is no excuse for it and no rea­son to believe that Hun­gary is using it for legit­i­mate pur­pos­es. It seems pret­ty clear what is going on,” Scott-Rail­ton said.

    On Németh’s most recent mis­sion – which involved two trips to Naples, Italy – he had decid­ed to leave his usu­al iPhone at home, and relied instead on an old­er device with a pre­paid sim card. The phone had not been active in so long that he was forced to reac­ti­vate the sim. The very next day, foren­sic analy­sis shows, that phone was also hacked.


    “Phones of jour­nal­ist who tracked Vik­tor Orban’s child­hood friend infect­ed with spy­ware” by Stephanie Kirch­gaess­ner; The Guardian; 09/21/2021

    “A secu­ri­ty offi­cer for­mer­ly with one of Hungary’s intel­li­gence ser­vices told Direkt36 that, accord­ing to his knowl­edge, Hun­gar­i­an ser­vices start­ed using Pega­sus in 2018. The Hun­gar­i­an gov­ern­ment has not denied that it uses Pega­sus, nor did it deny the sur­veil­lance of the peo­ple Direkt36 has report­ed about.”

    Hun­gary isn’t even deny­ing it. Nor are they cit­ing a ‘nation­al secu­ri­ty’ inter­est. You have to won­der if that’s part of a tac­tic to intim­i­date jour­nal­ists and let them know they can expect to be hacked, or if its just a reflec­tion of Orban’s sense of impuni­ty. Either way, it’s pret­ty clear Orban’s gov­ern­ment intends to keep extreme­ly close tabs on Németh’s where­abouts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. They lit­er­al­ly hacked an old­er phone the day after it was acti­vat­ed:

    After the Pega­sus Project was pub­lished in July, doc­u­ment­ing cas­es of abuse of NSO tech­nol­o­gy by gov­ern­ment clients, Németh approached Cit­i­zen Lab through an acquain­tance and asked the researchers to analyse his phones. The researchers found traces of the spy­ware on the devices, prompt­ing Németh to alert Direkt36. The media out­let then asked experts at Amnesty Tech, the secu­ri­ty lab of AI, to con­duct a sec­ond analy­sis of the phones. Amnesty’s foren­sic analy­sis showed that Németh’s two phones were suc­cess­ful­ly hacked with Pega­sus spy­ware, one from 1–9 July 2021 and the oth­er from 5–9 July.

    Dur­ing this peri­od, Németh was in Hun­gary after return­ing from a report­ing trip in south­ern Italy, where he was track­ing the move­ments of Mészáros.


    On Németh’s most recent mis­sion – which involved two trips to Naples, Italy – he had decid­ed to leave his usu­al iPhone at home, and relied instead on an old­er device with a pre­paid sim card. The phone had not been active in so long that he was forced to reac­ti­vate the sim. The very next day, foren­sic analy­sis shows, that phone was also hacked.

    And note how the gov­ern­ment does­n’t even both­er to explain why Németh was hacked, despite not deny­ing it hap­pened. That’s all part of why it’s hard to avoid sus­pi­cions that that was any­thing oth­er than a favor by Vik­tor Orban for a wealthy and pow­er­ful friend who hap­pened to be the tar­get of Németh’s inves­ti­ga­tion:

    The hacks occurred in July 2021 while Németh was report­ing on the where­abouts of one of the prime min­is­ter, Vik­tor Orbán’s, child­hood friends, Lor­inc Mészáros, a for­mer gas fit­ter who has become one of Hungary’s rich­est men in the past few years.

    Mészáros has built a busi­ness empire that sprawls across mul­ti­ple sec­tors since Orbán came to pow­er in 2010, and his com­pa­nies often win lucra­tive gov­ern­ment ten­ders. In 2019, Forbes named him the rich­est per­son in Hun­gary.

    Orbán has repeat­ed­ly declined to com­ment on Mészáros’s mete­oric rise in for­tunes, say­ing pol­i­tics and busi­ness should be kept sep­a­rate. Mészáros shuns media atten­tion, but in a 2014 inter­view with a Hun­gar­i­an out­let attrib­uted his suc­cess to “God, luck and Vik­tor Orbán”.

    A spokesper­son for Mészáros’s com­pa­ny said in a state­ment: “Mr Mészáros does not pay atten­tion to nei­ther Dániel Németh, nor any oth­er paparazzi’s activ­i­ties, where­abouts or inci­dents relat­ed to them.”

    Keep in mind it’s pos­si­ble Orban ordered the sur­veil­lance on his own, with­out Mészáros request­ing it. After all, if Mészáros made his for­tune due to Orban’s will, odds are there’s some incred­i­ble graft that goes along with that sto­ry. Orban prob­a­bly has a lot of Mészáros-relat­ed activ­i­ties he’d pre­fer remain out of site. But, again, while we have no idea who actu­al­ly ordered the hacks and why, what we do know is that the sys­tem is per­fect­ly set up to enable pri­vate ‘favor’ abus­es. Because we know there’s vir­tu­al­ly no over­sight of how these tools are used. NSO Group makes that clear in its pub­lic ‘defens­es’ every time one of these abuse sto­ries hit the wires. It’s sole­ly up to the gov­ern­ment client on whether or not abus­es take place and whether or not those abus­es are done for gov­ern­ment inter­ests or pri­vate inter­ests:

    Hun­gar­i­an law pro­vides that in cas­es where nation­al secu­ri­ty is at stake, the intel­li­gence ser­vices can order sur­veil­lance with no judi­cial over­sight, only the sig­na­ture of the min­is­ter of jus­tice. Hungary’s jus­tice min­is­ter, Judit Var­ga, has declined to com­ment, but said: “Every coun­try needs such tools”.


    NSO has said its spy­ware is intend­ed to be used only by licensed law enforce­ment agen­cies against sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals. The com­pa­ny has said that it does not have access to data of its cus­tomers’ tar­gets and that it inves­ti­gates all cred­i­ble claims of mis­use.

    How many of Orban’s friends around the globe have qui­et­ly asked for hack­ing ‘favors’ of this nature? That prob­a­bly depends to some extent on what types of geolo­ca­tion restric­tions NSO Group imposed on Hun­gary’s con­tract. Recall how NSO Group will grant per­mis­sions to hack phones from par­tic­u­lar coun­tries for a client, but while we’ve been told that phones from a few coun­tries like the US are off lim­its, we’ve nev­er real­ly heard about oth­er geolo­ca­tion restric­tions. In oth­er words, we don’t have a good sense of how much of the rest of the world for which Vik­tor Orban’s gov­ern­ment could be grant­ed hack­ing per­mis­sions. Can he only hack inside Hun­gary? How about neigh­bor­ing coun­tries? How about dis­tant coun­tries half way across the world? We have no idea.

    But what we do know is that dozens of gov­ern­ments around the world are NSO Group clients, so if some­one wants to hack you, odds are there are mul­ti­ple gov­ern­ments out there with per­mis­sions from NSO Group to do exact­ly that. And while we don’t know if gov­ern­ments around the world are car­ry­ing out hack­ing ‘favors’ for pow­er­ful pri­vate inter­ests using NSO Group’s tools, we can be con­fi­dent the com­pa­ny is doing absolute­ly noth­ing to pre­vent it because it’s doing absolute­ly noth­ing to pre­vent any client abus­es, whether or not that gov­ern­ment client is con­duct­ing the hack for its own pur­pos­es or on behalf of some pow­er­ful pri­vate friends. We can be con­fi­dent of all this because the com­pa­ny keep remind­ing us of how it does noth­ing to pre­vent abus­es every time there’s anoth­er abuse sto­ry. It’s the kind of cor­po­rate ali­bi that could only leave NSO Group’s guilty clients feel­ing extra embold­ened to get­ting guilti­er.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 24, 2021, 8:09 pm
  10. Here’s a sto­ry relat­ed to the Microsoft Exchange mega-hack that could end up becom­ing part of the Jan­u­ary 6 Capi­tol insur­rec­tion sto­ry. Or per­haps become part of just anoth­er GOP cor­rup­tion scan­dal. We’ll see, but it’s the kind of hack­ing sto­ry that has immense poten­tial to go in a lot of dif­fer­ent due to the fact the that vic­tim in this sto­ry hap­pens to be the GOP. And when an noto­ri­ous­ly cor­rupt enti­ty gets hacked, it’s safe to assume the hack­ers are in pos­ses­sion of at least some evi­dence of that cor­rup­tion. Noth­ing tells the tale of wrong­do­ing quite like an emails trail.

    Specif­i­cal­ly, the Repub­li­can Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion (RGA) announced that it was a vic­tim of the Exchange serv­er hack first announced in March of this year. The RGA said it was hit at some point between Feb­ru­ary and March of 2021.

    It’s unclear about the extent of what was stolen. The group appeared to be min­i­miz­ing the poten­tial impact by imply­ing only a small por­tion of its email: “RGA deter­mined that the threat actors accessed a small por­tion of RGA’s email envi­ron­ment between Feb­ru­ary 2021 and March 2021, and that per­son­al infor­ma­tion may have been acces­si­ble to the threat actor(s) as a result.

    It’s the kind of vague assur­ance that could mean almost any­thing. After all, by what met­ric are they mea­sur­ing a “small por­tion of the RGA’s email envi­ron­ment”? Keep in mind that nature of the Exchange hack, where hack­ers have the poten­tial to not just steal the emails stored in the Exchange serv­er but take con­trol of the com­put­er host­ing the Exchange serv­er itself and spread across the vic­tim’s net­work. The scale of the poten­tial dam­age is so vast that there’s no mean­ing­ful way to inter­pret what “a small por­tion of RGA’s email envi­ron­ment” actu­al­ly means in a tech­ni­cal sense. For all we know it’s just the RGA’s way of sug­ar­coat­ing the dam­age by vague­ly point­ing out that only the emails were stolen and the rest of their net­work was­n’t ran­sacked. We’re left to guess, but we know at least some infor­ma­tion was stolen.

    Beyond that, we can be pret­ty con­fi­dent about the con­tent of any stolen emails. At least some of them. This was Feb­ru­ary, after all, when the ‘stolen elec­tion’ and state elec­tion audits would have been front and cen­ter for entire Repub­li­can Par­ty, more so than even today. So what did the hack­ers actu­al­ly get their hands on? We’re told some peo­ple had sen­si­tive per­son­al infor­ma­tion like Social Secu­ri­ty num­bers stolen, but what would sen­si­tive embar­rass­ing emails reveal­ing the intra-par­ty strug­gle over how to pro­ceed with the ‘stolen elec­tion’ nar­ra­tive tak­ing place inside the RGA at the time. There’s no indi­ca­tion such emails were obtained but we would­n’t expect an indi­ca­tion if they were. At least not from the RGA. If we’re going to receive any indi­ca­tion the hack­ers stole embar­rass­ing or sen­si­tive emails it’s the hack­ers who are going to reveal it.

    Adding to the polit­i­cal dynam­ic here is the fact that Microsoft and the US gov­ern­ment have already attrib­uted the Exchange hack to a state-backed Chi­nese hack­er group, Hafni­um. At least the ini­tial Exchange hack that report­ed­ly start­ed on or around Jan­u­ary 6. Recall how we are told that “Hafni­um” was qui­et­ly exploit­ed the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty from ear­ly Jan­u­ary up until March, when the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty was announced by Microsoft and crim­i­nal hack­er groups appar­ent­ly then went on a glob­al spree hit­ting vir­tu­al­ly every­one remain­ing vul­ner­a­ble Exchange serv­er con­nect­ed to the inter­net. So based on that time­line and the fact that the RGA hack took place in Feb­ru­ary, it would sug­gest that the RGA was hit by the ini­tial Hafni­um hack­er group.

    So while the attri­bu­tion of the orig­i­nal hack to a state-backed Chi­nese hack­ing crew nev­er appeared to be based on any evi­dence and instead appeared to be the lat­est instance of a cyber­at­tri­bu­tion being con­ve­nient­ly made out of thin air, the fact that it was offi­cial­ly attrib­uted to Chi­na is the kind of fun fact that poten­tial­ly plays into the GOP’s whole ‘Chi­nese hack­ers stole the elec­tion from Trump’ nar­ra­tive. A nar­ra­tive the RGA was prob­a­bly still ham­mer­ing out dur­ing the time those emails were stolen.

    How will the attri­bu­tion to Chi­nese hack­ers play into how this hack­er sto­ry plays out? That pre­sum­ably depends a lot on whether or not this becomes a big­ger sto­ry which, in turn, like­ly depends on whether or not the hack­ers end up expos­ing some of those stolen emails and whether nor not the emails hap­pen to be scan­dalous­ly embar­rass­ing:

    Bleep­ing Com­put­er

    Repub­li­can Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion email serv­er breached by state hack­ers

    By Sergiu Gat­lan
    Sep­tem­ber 20, 2021

    The Repub­li­can Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion (RGA) revealed in data breach noti­fi­ca­tion let­ters sent last week that its servers were breached dur­ing an exten­sive Microsoft Exchange hack­ing cam­paign that hit orga­ni­za­tions world­wide in March 2021.

    RGA is a US polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion and a tax-exempt 527 group that pro­vides Repub­li­can can­di­dates with the cam­paign resources need­ed to get elect­ed as gov­er­nors across the coun­try.

    SSNs and pay­ment infor­ma­tion exposed

    Fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion start­ed after March 10, “RGA deter­mined that the threat actors accessed a small por­tion of RGA’s email envi­ron­ment between Feb­ru­ary 2021 and March 2021, and that per­son­al infor­ma­tion may have been acces­si­ble to the threat actor(s) as a result.”

    Even though the RGA said that, at first, it was­n’t able to dis­cov­er if any per­son­al infor­ma­tion was impact­ed, a sub­se­quent “thor­ough data min­ing effort to iden­ti­fy poten­tial­ly impact­ed indi­vid­u­als” revealed that names, Social Secu­ri­ty num­bers, and pay­ment card infor­ma­tion were exposed in the attack.

    RGA dis­cov­ered that indi­vid­u­als affect­ed by this data breach had their per­son­al infor­ma­tion exposed on June 24 and com­plet­ed its “data min­ing” efforts on Sep­tem­ber 1.

    “Once poten­tial­ly impact­ed indi­vid­u­als were iden­ti­fied, RGA worked to iden­ti­fy address­es and engage a ven­dor to pro­vide call cen­ter, noti­fi­ca­tion, and cred­it mon­i­tor­ing ser­vices,” RGA told impact­ed indi­vid­u­als in a breach let­ter sent on Sep­tem­ber 15.

    “RGA is also offer­ing you two (2) years of com­pli­men­ta­ry cred­it mon­i­tor­ing and iden­ti­ty restora­tion ser­vices with Exper­ian. RGA has also noti­fied the Fed­er­al Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion, cer­tain state reg­u­la­tors, and the con­sumer report­ing agen­cies of this inci­dent as required.”


    Abused for data theft, to deploy ran­somware and cryp­tomin­ers

    The mas­sive scale hack­ing cam­paign RGA refers to in its data breach noti­fi­ca­tion let­ter tar­get­ed more than a quar­ter of a mil­lion Microsoft Exchange servers, owned by tens of thou­sands of orga­ni­za­tions around the world.

    The attack­ers exploit­ed four zero-days (col­lec­tive­ly known as Prox­y­L­o­gon) in attacks tar­get­ing on-premis­es Microsoft Exchange servers in indis­crim­i­nate attacks against orgs from mul­ti­ple indus­try sec­tors world­wide, with the end goal of steal­ing sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion.

    Threat actors behind Prox­y­L­o­gon attacks have also been observed deploy­ing web shells, cryp­to­min­ing mal­ware, as well as DearCry and Black King­dom ran­somware pay­loads on hacked Exchange servers.

    After Microsoft dis­closed the attacks in ear­ly March, Slo­vak inter­net secu­ri­ty firm ESET spot­ted at least ten APT groups attack­ing vul­ner­a­ble Exchange servers.

    Microsoft said at the time that the Chi­nese state-spon­sored hack­ing group known as Hafni­um was behind some of these attacks.

    “His­tor­i­cal­ly, Hafni­um pri­mar­i­ly tar­gets enti­ties in the Unit­ed States for the pur­pose of exfil­trat­ing infor­ma­tion from a num­ber of indus­try sec­tors, includ­ing infec­tious dis­ease researchers, law firms, high­er edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions, defense con­trac­tors, pol­i­cy think tanks and NGOs,” Microsoft said.

    In July, the com­pa­ny’s attri­bu­tion was con­firmed when the US and allies, includ­ing the Euro­pean Union, the Unit­ed King­dom, and NATO, offi­cial­ly blamed Chi­na for this wide­spread Exchange hack­ing cam­paign.

    The Biden admin­is­tra­tion attrib­uted “with a high degree of con­fi­dence that mali­cious cyber actors affil­i­at­ed with PRC’s MSS con­duct­ed cyber espi­onage oper­a­tions uti­liz­ing the zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in Microsoft Exchange Serv­er dis­closed in ear­ly March 2021.”


    “Repub­li­can Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion email serv­er breached by state hack­ers” by Sergiu Gat­lan; Bleep­ing Com­put­er; 09/20/2021

    “Fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion start­ed after March 10, “RGA deter­mined that the threat actors accessed a small por­tion of RGA’s email envi­ron­ment between Feb­ru­ary 2021 and March 2021, and that per­son­al infor­ma­tion may have been acces­si­ble to the threat actor(s) as a result.””

    The hack­ers just accessed a small por­tion of the RGA’s email envi­ron­ment, and maybe some per­son­al infor­ma­tion was stolen. It’s a remark­ably down­played state­ment. Noth­ing to wor­ry out­side of con­cerns about stolen Social Secu­ri­ty or cred­it card infor­ma­tion. But, of course, for an orga­ni­za­tion like the RGA, cred­it card and social secu­ri­ty infor­ma­tion isn’t the kind of sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion they have to wor­ry about.

    It’s also rather notable that the RGA isn’t yet mak­ing hay about the alleged Chi­nese ori­gin of the hack. Isn’t this kind of free pro­pa­gan­da? Why isn’t more being made of it? Instead, we get this vague, terse state­ment about some pos­si­ble stolen per­son­al infor­ma­tion from a small por­tion of the Exchange envi­ron­ment.

    It rais­es the ques­tion of how we might expect the RGA to react if it did indeed deter­mine that high­ly embar­rass­ing emails were stolen. Would we expect them to pre­emp­tive­ly go on the offen­sive and make a huge sto­ry about Chi­nese black­mail in or to mit­i­gate the pos­si­ble future dam­age? Or would we expect the kind of down­played response we actu­al­ly got? That’s the big ques­tion raised by this sto­ry. When the GOP pass­es up an oppor­tu­ni­ty for bom­bast and blus­ter we have to ask why.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 26, 2021, 6:27 pm
  11. Here’s a pair of arti­cles about anoth­er emerg­ing NSO Group-relat­ed scan­dal. It’s the kind of scan­dal that under­scores what is per­haps the great­est dan­ger of the explo­sion this glob­al mar­ket­place for cut­ting-edge spy­ware sold to gov­ern­ment: beyond the fact that there’s not guar­an­tee the spy­ware is going to be exclu­sive­ly used for legit­i­mate gov­ern­ment inter­ests, there’s also no guar­an­tee the spy­ware is nec­es­sar­i­ly going to be used by the gov­ern­ments them­selves. As NSO Group reit­er­ates every time there’s a new scan­dal about a client abus­es its toolk­its, the com­pa­ny isn’t track­ing who its clients tar­get. And that means there’s noth­ing to pre­vent those gov­ern­ment clients from lend­ing these tools out to pri­vate inter­ests. As we saw with the sto­ry of a Hun­gar­i­an jour­nal­ist who had his phone hacked with Pega­sus in what appeared to be retal­i­a­tion for his report­ing on one of Vik­tor Orban’s close friends, there real­ly does­n’t appear to be any con­trol over not just how these tools are actu­al­ly used but on whose behalf.

    And that brings us to the fol­low reports of a let­ter sent by Mex­i­co’s pres­i­dent to the Israeli gov­ern­ment ask­ing for the extra­di­tion of a for­mer top Mex­i­can secu­ri­ty offi­cial, Tomás Zerón, who fled to Israel in August 2019. It’s sus­pect­ed Zerón has con­nec­tions to NSO Group. Recall how Mex­i­co was NSO Group’s first for­eign client start­ing back in 2011.

    Yes, NSO Group’s first for­eign client is ask­ing Israel to extra­dite Mex­i­co’s Why the inter­est for­mer top Mex­i­can secu­ri­ty offi­cial, who also hap­pens to have ties to NSO Group. It rais­es the obvi­ous ques­tion of whether or not Zerón fled Mex­i­co for rea­sons hav­ing to do with Mex­i­co’s pur­chase of NSO Group’s Pega­sus spy­ware.

    So what are the charges against Zerón? It appears to be focused on the role Zerón played in over­see­ing the crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion agency of the Attor­ney General’s Office. In par­tic­u­lar, Zerón over­sight of the foren­sic work done on the inves­ti­ga­tion of the 2014 dis­ap­pear­ance and mur­der of 43 Mex­i­can col­lege stu­dents. The stu­dents all hailed from a train­ing col­lege with a his­to­ry of left-wing activism and the stu­dents report­ed­ly reg­u­lar­ly took part in protests. The stu­dents were trav­el­ing back to their col­lege when they were con­front­ed by munic­i­pal police who opened fire on the bus­es. 43 stu­dents van­ished after the clash and are sus­pect of hav­ing been hand­ed over to local drug car­tels by the police offi­cers. Zerón’s inves­ti­ga­tion had long been crit­i­cized by the fam­i­lies of the stu­dent. Two inde­pen­dent teams of experts have cast doubt on the insis­tence of Mex­i­can offi­cials that the stu­dents bod­ies were incin­er­at­ed in a huge fire at a trash dump. Addi­tion­al­ly, many of the sus­pects arrest­ed in the case were lat­er released, but claimed they had been tor­tured by police or the mil­i­tary. So the over­all inves­ti­ga­tion into Zerón focus­es on what is now believed to be an inten­tion­al­ly botched inves­ti­ga­tion that lit­er­al­ly tor­tured wit­ness­es as part of the cor­rupt cov­er up.

    It’s a gen­uine­ly hor­rif­ic case point to the depths of the cor­rup­tion inside the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment. But it also demon­strates the depths of the ties between the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment and the drug car­tels that Mex­i­co was osten­si­bly allowed to by NSO Group’s Pega­sus soft­ware to com­bat. That’s why we have to ask: is the gov­ern­ment of Mex­i­co shar­ing Pega­sus with the car­tels its in bed with? And why aren’t sim­i­lar ques­tions valid for every oth­er cor­rupt gov­ern­ment with access to these tools?

    But as we’re going to see in the sec­ond arti­cle except below from the Dai­ly Beast, there sus­pi­cions that NSO Group’s tools could have been shared with drug car­tels aren’t just cir­cum­stan­tial. Because it turns out there’s a Mex­i­co drug car­tel con­nec­tion with the sto­ry of how NSO Group first got Mex­i­co as a client back in 2011. Yep!

    And there’s a rather wild twist to this sto­ry. The kind of twist that, at this point, should­n’t real­ly be all that sur­pris­ing: one of the fig­ures who played a key role in con­nect­ing the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment to NSO Group was none oth­er than Elliot Broidy. It’s a name that’s become increas­ing­ly famil­iar as the guy has man­aged to pop up in con­nec­tion with almost every Trump-relat­ed scan­dal over the past four years. For exam­ple, recall how Broidy, the for­mer finance chair for the RNC, has simul­ta­ne­ous­ly been oper­at­ing as a for­eign agent. For exam­ple, Broidy worked close­ly with George Nad­er as for­eign agents for the UAE and Sau­di Ara­bia and was deeply enmeshed in many of the under-inves­ti­gat­ed aspects of the 2016 Trump cam­paign shenani­gans involv­ing. Also recall how Nad­er, Erik Prince, and Psy­Group’s Joel Zamel were involved in a secret Saudi/UAE-fund­ed effort to help get Don­ald Trump elect­ed in 2016 via tac­tics like social media manip­u­la­tion cam­paigns. Broidy, like his part­ner Nad­er, real­ly is an inter­na­tion­al man of mys­tery. The kind of sor­did scan­dalous mys­tery fit­ting for a sto­ry about cor­rupt Mex­i­can spy­ware deals.

    And as we’re going to see, Broidy’s his­to­ry of sor­did mys­ter­ies includes the mys­tery of the role in played in facil­i­tat­ing Mex­i­co’s first NSO Group con­tract back in 2011. Broidy con­tin­ues to deny he played any role at all and that any such talk is libelous. He wants not part of it. Per­haps because, in the end, it sounds like he was ulti­mate­ly robbed of being part of the final deal after his part­ner in the deal dis­cov­ered Broidy was plan­ning on going behind his back and cre­at­ing a sep­a­rate deal. It was a tri-mid­dle-man deal: Broidy, his for­mer employ­ee Matn Caspi — whose Israeli tech­nol­o­gy export com­pa­ny had already signed up to help export NSO Group’s tech­nol­o­gy when he reached out to Broidy about Mex­i­co — and “Mr Lam­bo” Jose Susumo Azano Mat­sura. Azano is the mid­dle-man on the Mex­i­can side. He owned the tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny that end­ed up get­ting the NSO Group license for Pega­sus. It was Azano’s com­pa­ny that licensed Pega­sus to the Mex­i­can mil­i­tary.

    Azano also hap­pens to have appar­ent ties to Mex­i­can drug traf­fick­ers and was under FBI inves­ti­ga­tion in rela­tion to that less than a decade before they were putting togeth­er this deal. And while Broidy was ulti­mate­ly cut out of this tri-mid­dle-man arrange­ment, Azano was­n’t. His com­pa­ny got the pow­er to issue Pega­sus licens­es in Mex­i­co, which rais­es basic ques­tions like whether or not his com­pa­ny had access to the soft­ware itself. Was Azano’s com­pa­ny effec­tive­ly act­ing as a proxy over­seer of how Pega­sus was being used? We have no idea, and NSO Group isn’t say­ing whether or not it has sim­i­lar mid­dle-man deals with oth­er client states. But whether or not Azano’s com­pa­ny some­how played a role in mak­ing Pega­sus avail­able to Mex­i­co’s drug car­tels, it isn’t real­ly nec­es­sary. Mex­i­co’s gov­ern­ment is clear­ly in bed deeply enough with the car­tels that it’s prob­a­bly ready and will­ing to just oper­ate Pega­sus on the car­tels’ behalf. They’re part­ners. So as we watch to see how the Mex­i­can extra­di­tion request of Tomás Zerón plays out and whether or not new insights are learned about the slaugh­ter of those stu­dents, it’s going to be worth keep­ing in mind that this might be an NSO-relat­ed sto­ry for more rea­sons than just the fact that Zerón fled to Israel and hap­pens to know the NSO Group founders. It’s a sto­ry about the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment being deeply in bed with the drug car­tels at the same time NSO Group was sell­ing Mex­i­co the kind of super spy­ware car­tels would most def­i­nite­ly kill for:

    Asso­ci­at­ed Press

    Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent Asks Ben­nett to Extra­dite Ex-offi­cial With Links to Israeli NSO Spy­ware

    Oct. 1, 2021 7:47:37 PM

    MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s pres­i­dent has revealed he sent a let­ter to the Israeli gov­ern­ment ask­ing for the extra­di­tion of a for­mer top secu­ri­ty offi­cial, Tomás Zerón.

    Zerón was the head of the fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tion agency at the time of the abduc­tion of 43 stu­dents in south­ern Mex­i­co in 2014. He is being sought on charges of tor­ture and cov­er­ing up those dis­ap­pear­ances.

    Zerón fled to Israel in August 2019, where he may have con­nec­tions to an Israeli firm that sold the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment spy­ware dur­ing his time in office.

    The stu­dents from a rad­i­cal teach­ers’ col­lege were abduct­ed by local police in south­ern Guer­rero state who pre­sum­ably killed them and burned their bod­ies.

    Pres­i­dent Andrés Manuel López Obrador showed a copy of a let­ter he sent in Sep­tem­ber to Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Naf­tali Ben­nett, ask­ing him for help.


    Despite reports that Israel had expressed dis­in­ter­est in extra­dit­ing Zerón, Israel’s Ambas­sador to Mex­i­co, Zvi Tal, wrote in July that the process was mov­ing for­ward.

    “Israel does not take polit­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions into account in extra­di­tion pro­ceed­ings,” Tal wrote. “The goal of the dia­logue between the respec­tive Israeli and Mex­i­can author­i­ties is to ensure that the extra­di­tion request is prop­er­ly sub­mit­ted and con­sid­ered. There has been no delay on the part of Israel.”

    Zerón over­saw the crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion agency of the Attor­ney General’s Office and also its foren­sic work in the 2014 case. Most of the stu­dents’ bod­ies have nev­er been found, though burned bone frag­ments have been matched to three stu­dents.

    Zerón’s inves­ti­ga­tion had long been crit­i­cized by the fam­i­lies of the 43 stu­dents who dis­ap­peared in Sep­tem­ber 2014 after they were detained by local police in Iguala, in the south­ern state of Guer­rero. They were alleged­ly hand­ed over to a drug gang and slain, and have not been heard from since.

    Zerón was at the cen­ter of the government’s wide­ly crit­i­cized inves­ti­ga­tion, which has failed to defin­i­tive­ly deter­mine what hap­pened to the stu­dents. Two inde­pen­dent teams of experts have cast doubt on the insis­tence of Mex­i­can offi­cials that the stu­dents bod­ies were incin­er­at­ed in a huge fire at a trash dump.

    Many of the sus­pects arrest­ed in the case were lat­er released, and many claimed they had been tor­tured by police or the mil­i­tary.

    The sup­po­si­tion is that Zerón and oth­ers tor­tured wit­ness­es, ille­gal­ly detained sus­pects and mis­han­dled evi­dence to try to bring the inves­ti­ga­tion to a quick con­clu­sion or cov­er up what real­ly hap­pened.


    “Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent Asks Ben­nett to Extra­dite Ex-offi­cial With Links to Israeli NSO Spy­ware”; Asso­ci­at­ed Press; 10/01/2021

    “The sup­po­si­tion is that Zerón and oth­ers tor­tured wit­ness­es, ille­gal­ly detained sus­pects and mis­han­dled evi­dence to try to bring the inves­ti­ga­tion to a quick con­clu­sion or cov­er up what real­ly hap­pened.”

    It’s not hard to see why Zerón is a prime sus­pect here. Not only were the stu­dents ini­tial attacked by the police but the wit­ness­es were alleged­ly tor­tured. It was the worst kind of cov­er up. And then he fled the coun­try. As the say­ing goes, it’s the cov­er up, not the crime. But when the cov­er up is this open­ly vio­lent and cor­rupt, it’s also still very much the crime. Some­thing hor­rid remains hid­den. A rela­tion­ship between the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment and drug car­tels that’s prob­a­bly even worse than sus­pect­ed:

    Zerón’s inves­ti­ga­tion had long been crit­i­cized by the fam­i­lies of the 43 stu­dents who dis­ap­peared in Sep­tem­ber 2014 after they were detained by local police in Iguala, in the south­ern state of Guer­rero. They were alleged­ly hand­ed over to a drug gang and slain, and have not been heard from since.

    And while there’s not yet any direct con­nec­tion between the 2014 slay­ings of those 43 stu­dents and Mex­i­co’s NSO Group con­tract, it’s hard to ignore the fact that Zerón had the kind of job that would have like­ly giv­en him access to Pega­sus, is known to have ties to the founders of NSO Group, and end­ed up flee­ing to Israel. It’s the kind of con­stel­la­tion of facts demand­ing that we ask what the NSO Group angle is to the slay­ings of those 43 stu­dents.

    And that brings us to the fol­low­ing Dai­ly Beast sto­ry from a cou­ple months ago describ­ing the pre­vi­ous­ly unknown role played by Elliot Broidy in bro­ker­ing the ini­tial NSO Group con­tract with Mex­i­co. One of three mid­dle-men between NSO Group and the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment. Broidy’s for­mer employ­ee Matan Caspi reached out to him in 2010 on behalf of Caspi’s Israeli tech­nol­o­gy export com­pa­ny hop­ing to use Broidy’s con­tacts in Mex­i­co to export Pega­sus. Broidy points him towards “Mr. Lam­bo” Jose Susumo Azano Mat­sura, whose com­pa­ny Secu­ri­ty Track­ing Devices SA de CV, end­ed up get­ting the exclu­sive right to sell NSO Group licens­es in Mex­i­co. Azano then licens­es it to the Mex­i­can mil­i­tary for a high­er price. That’s the orig­i­nal tri-mid­dle-man rela­tion­ship. The fact that Azano had been under US inves­ti­ga­tions in asso­ci­a­tion with Mex­i­can drug traf­fick­ers less than a decade ear­li­er was­n’t a deal­break­er.

    But Broidy appar­ent­ly nev­er got his cut, after he tried to cut Caspi out of the deal and Caspi cut him out first. At least that’s what var­i­ous par­ties claimed in a law­suit that erupt­ed over the kick­backs in 2015. Broidy claims he knows absolute­ly noth­ing about NSO Group or any of this and it’s all lies:

    The Dai­ly Beast

    Scan­dal, Spy­ware, and 69 Pounds of Weed

    Affi­davits, con­tracts, and inter­nal emails reveal the insane back­sto­ry of the con­tro­ver­sy-rid­den NSO Group’s first big over­seas deal.

    Seth Het­te­na
    Updat­ed Aug. 05, 2021 12:07PM ET / Pub­lished Aug. 03, 2021 4:12AM ET

    Ten years ago, long before it found itself at the cen­ter of a glob­al scan­dal, Israeli spy­ware mak­er NSO Group was just a small, ambi­tious start­up with no name recog­ni­tion, and no clients out­side of Israel.

    It wasn’t long before NSO caught a huge break. In 2011, a year after it was found­ed, NSO land­ed its first over­seas client: Mex­i­co. That deal would gen­er­ate tens of mil­lions of dol­lars in rev­enue and open the door for the com­pa­ny to sell its soft­ware, known as Pega­sus, to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, Sau­di Ara­bia, India, and Rwan­da, among oth­ers. NSO soon faced alle­ga­tions that Pega­sus was being used as a tool of repres­sion against jour­nal­ists, human-rights activists, and politi­cians.

    Amid the furor over the abuse of NSO’s pow­er­ful spy­ware, the sto­ry of how the com­pa­ny land­ed its first con­tract with Mex­i­co has large­ly escaped atten­tion. It’s a deal that might nev­er have come togeth­er were it not for the behind-the-scenes efforts of an influ­en­tial, twice-con­vict­ed Repub­li­can power­bro­ker: Elliott Broidy.

    A top GOP fundrais­er who received a par­don from Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump for his role in a con­spir­a­cy to vio­late for­eign lob­by­ing laws, Broidy played an impor­tant ear­ly role in NSO’s deal with Mex­i­co. Through Broidy, NSO found a crit­i­cal inter­me­di­ary in Mex­i­co, a well-con­nect­ed, wealthy busi­ness­man who would bring Pega­sus to the atten­tion of the very top of the country’s lead­er­ship, accord­ing to doc­u­ments filed in an Israeli court.

    An attor­ney for Broidy warned, pri­or to pub­li­ca­tion, that The Dai­ly Beast was pur­su­ing a “false and poten­tial­ly defam­a­to­ry” arti­cle. “Mr. Broidy has nev­er done busi­ness with NSO Group, nor has he ever been com­pen­sat­ed by them,” attor­ney David Camel wrote. He called The Dai­ly Beast’s descrip­tion of events, as laid out in an affi­davit filed by one of Broidy’s for­mer employ­ees, “false.”

    Affi­davits, NSO con­tracts and emails from com­pa­ny offi­cials and out­side sales­men that were filed in a law­suit in Tel Aviv and reviewed by The Dai­ly Beast lay bare the Israeli spy­ware maker’s deal with Mex­i­co, some details of which remain a state secret in Israel, and open a rare win­dow into NSO’s opaque busi­ness prac­tices. Broidy was nei­ther a par­ty nor a wit­ness to the Israeli law­suit, Camel said.

    The doc­u­ments do, how­ev­er, raise trou­bling ques­tions about the Israeli spy­ware maker’s recent claim that its prod­ucts are intend­ed for “the sole use of thor­ough­ly vet­ted and approved gov­ern­men­tal agen­cies charged with main­tain­ing pub­lic safe­ty and secu­ri­ty.” Broidy’s con­tact in Mexico—a man nick­named “Mr. Lam­bo” for his love of Ital­ian sports cars—later served time in a U.S. fed­er­al prison for mak­ing ille­gal for­eign con­tri­bu­tions in an Amer­i­can elec­tion. A doc­u­ment filed by fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors in San Diego revealed that “Mr. Lam­bo” was inves­ti­gat­ed by U.S. author­i­ties for a host of oth­er crimes for which he wasn’t charged, includ­ing drug smug­gling.


    Accord­ing to an affi­davit filed in court in Tel Aviv, Broidy first learned of NSO and Pega­sus in 2010, when he was con­tact­ed by one of his for­mer employ­ees who had joined the NSO sales team. Matan Caspi had spent sev­er­al years work­ing at Broidy Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment in Los Ange­les. Part of his work involved sell­ing tech­nol­o­gy to Mex­i­co. Caspi returned to Israel where he co-found­ed Ray­zone Group, an Israeli cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm that offers “bou­tique intel­li­gence-based solu­tions for nation­al agen­cies,” accord­ing to its web­site. Caspi did not reply to mes­sages sent to Ray­zone and his per­son­al email address­es for this arti­cle.

    In Octo­ber 2010, Caspi flew to Los Ange­les to meet Broidy and dis­cuss Pega­sus. “The meet­ing with Broidy was suc­cess­ful. Mr. Broidy expressed real inter­est in NSO’s prod­ucts and in the chances of suc­cess of sell­ing them to the Mex­i­can Army. It was con­clud­ed that he would try to use his con­nec­tions in order to pro­mote such a deal,” Caspi wrote in an affi­davit filed in the Tel Aviv law­suit.

    In its approach to Broidy’s Mex­i­can busi­ness asso­ciate and gov­ern­ment offi­cials in Mex­i­co, NSO relied almost entire­ly on out­side sales­men like Caspi, his part­ner, Eric Banoun, and, for a time, Broidy. NSO’s con­tract with Banoun, a copy of which is includ­ed in the court file, offered a 10 per­cent com­mis­sion on the sale of Pega­sus to Mex­i­co. A dis­pute over that sev­en-fig­ure com­mis­sion led to the fil­ing of the 2015 law­suit in Tel Aviv.

    At the time he met with NSO’s mar­keters, Broidy had admit­ted that he skirt­ed the law to advance his oth­er busi­ness inter­ests. He was await­ing sen­tenc­ing in a “pay-to-play” pen­sion scan­dal after plead­ing guilty in 2009 to a felony charge of reward­ing offi­cial mis­con­duct. He admit­ted show­er­ing New York state pen­sion offi­cials with more than $1 mil­lion in gifts in exchange for a $250 mil­lion invest­ment in his pri­vate equi­ty firm, Mark­stone Cap­i­tal Part­ners, which invest­ed heav­i­ly in Israel. (Broidy ulti­mate­ly received no jail time after a judge reduced the charge to attempt­ing to receive a reward for offi­cial mis­con­duct, a mis­de­meanor.)

    Despite his bag­gage, Broidy had con­nec­tions in the secu­ri­ty world that would prove invalu­able to NSO. His firm, Broidy Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, invest­ed in, among oth­er things, pri­vate­ly held defense con­tract­ing com­pa­nies involved in sen­si­tive coun­tert­er­ror­ism and intel­li­gence ini­tia­tives, accord­ing to a dec­la­ra­tion Broidy filed in an unre­lat­ed U.S. law­suit. Accord­ing to Caspi’s court-filed affi­davit, Broidy did a good deal of busi­ness in Cen­tral and South Amer­i­ca and had a close con­nec­tion to a Mex­i­can busi­ness­man who sold equip­ment to Mexico’s intel­li­gence ser­vices.

    In response to a peti­tion from the Israeli busi­ness news­pa­per Cal­cal­ist, a judge in Tel Aviv ruled that Broidy’s name could be dis­closed, but the Mex­i­can businessman’s name and the coun­try he rep­re­sent­ed could not. The Israeli gov­ern­ment asked that the infor­ma­tion be kept secret for rea­sons of state secu­ri­ty and to pre­vent harm to Israel’s for­eign rela­tions.

    How­ev­er, affi­davits, emails, and NSO con­tracts filed by defen­dants in the Tel Aviv law­suit that were obtained by The Dai­ly Beast iden­ti­fy the busi­ness­man as Jose Susumo Azano Mat­sura, a reput­ed Mex­i­can bil­lion­aire of Japan­ese ori­gin, also known as “Mr. Lam­bo.” Azano sold eaves­drop­ping tech­nol­o­gy to Mex­i­co and oth­er for­eign gov­ern­ments. His com­pa­ny, Secu­ri­ty Track­ing Devices SA de CV, based in Jalis­co, Mex­i­co claimed to have 2,000 employ­ees in Mex­i­co and Sin­ga­pore. Azano did not respond to an email seek­ing com­ment.

    With Broidy’s “bless­ing,” Caspi wrote in his court-filed affi­davit, he con­tact­ed Azano and flew to Mex­i­co City in Decem­ber 2010 for the first of sev­er­al meet­ings with the Mex­i­can busi­ness­man.

    “Mr. Broidy has nev­er heard such an alle­ga­tion and has no rea­son to believe that it might be true,” Broidy’s attor­ney wrote in response to ques­tions from The Dai­ly Beast regard­ing his client’s rela­tion­ship with Azano.

    Azano would be the key for NSO that unlocked Mex­i­co, “which is known in the cyber indus­try as a big buy­er of defen­sive and offen­sive cyber prod­ucts,” Caspi wrote in an affi­davit. But it was no secret that the country’s drug car­tels had cor­rupt­ed the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment, and tech­nol­o­gy like Pega­sus could just as eas­i­ly end up being used by a drug traf­fick­er as opposed to being used against one.

    Whether NSO knew it or not, the com­pa­ny had tak­en an extreme risk with Azano, its Mex­i­can part­ner. NSO was mar­ket­ing Pega­sus as a tool to help Mex­i­co win its bru­tal war against the country’s drug car­tels, but Azano had been under inves­ti­ga­tion by U.S. author­i­ties for years. Pros­e­cu­tors in San Diego filed doc­u­ments that reveal that a car stopped at the U.S.-Mexico bor­der in 1996 with 69 pounds of mar­i­jua­na was reg­is­tered to a known res­i­dence of Azano’s then wife. In 2004 and 2005, those same doc­u­ments reveal, FBI sur­veil­lance units observed Azano meet­ing with a known drug smug­gler; on one occa­sion, Azano drove to the meet­ing with the known drug smug­gler in a car with no license plates. (Pros­e­cu­tors in San Diego declined to bring charges relat­ed to drug smug­gling.)

    In 2014, FBI agents arrest­ed Azano at his water­front home in Coro­n­a­do, Cal­i­for­nia, for fun­nel­ing near­ly $600,000 in ille­gal polit­i­cal con­tri­bu­tions to buy influ­ence with San Diego’s next may­or. Azano was found guilty at tri­al in San Diego and was sen­tenced to three years in a U.S. fed­er­al prison.

    “Is this a guy who could be trust­ed with mil­i­tary secrets? I wouldn’t trust him to do my laun­dry,” said Phil Halpern, a for­mer Assis­tant U.S. Attor­ney in San Diego who pros­e­cut­ed Azano. “This is a sophis­ti­cat­ed busi­ness­man, adept at find­ing ways to cir­cum­vent the law.”

    Nev­er­the­less, NSO relied on Azano to sell its prod­ucts to the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment. Includ­ed in the Tel Aviv court file was an unsigned, undat­ed copy of NSO’s con­tract with Azano’s com­pa­ny, Secu­ri­ty Track­ing Devices. In it, STD was grant­ed the exclu­sive right to dis­trib­ute NSO’s prod­ucts and ser­vices in Mex­i­co through the end of 2012 in exchange for $500,000. An NSO spokesper­son did not answer ques­tions about why the com­pa­ny did not sell direct­ly to the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment or whether the com­pa­ny had sim­i­lar arrange­ments in oth­er coun­tries.

    “Due to con­trac­tu­al and nation­al secu­ri­ty con­sid­er­a­tions, NSO can­not con­firm or deny the iden­ti­ty of our gov­ern­ment cus­tomers, as well as the iden­ti­ty of cus­tomers of which we have shut down sys­tems,” the spokesper­son said in a state­ment pro­vid­ed by Mer­cury Pub­lic Affairs.

    After sev­er­al meet­ings with Caspi, Azano pre­pared a demon­stra­tion of Pega­sus in the spring of 2011 for “the sec­re­tary of defense and pres­i­dent,” accord­ing to an email from anoth­er of NSO’s sales­men that was sub­mit­ted to the Israeli court. Mexico’s pres­i­dent at the time was Felipe Calderon.

    Court doc­u­ments don’t spec­i­fy how NSO showed Mexico’s lead­er­ship what its soft­ware could do. A few years lat­er, NSO would report­ed­ly record a phone con­ver­sa­tion of the edi­tor of a Lon­don-based Arab news­pa­per to impress a client, the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. What­ev­er NSO showed Mexico’s lead­ers, it worked. Azano’s com­pa­ny quick­ly reached a deal to buy NSO’s Pega­sus for $15 mil­lion, accord­ing to court doc­u­ments. Azano then resold Pega­sus to the Mex­i­can mil­i­tary at an even high­er price, earn­ing him­self mil­lions of dol­lars in com­mis­sions, accord­ing to a 2012 report by Cal­cal­ist.

    From 2011 to 2018, Mex­i­co spent more than $60 mil­lion on NSO’s Pega­sus spy­ware, Mexico’s top secu­ri­ty offi­cial said Wednes­day. Pub­lic Safe­ty Sec­re­tary Rosa Icela Rodríguez said many of the con­tracts were signed with front com­pa­nies, which are often used in Mex­i­co to pay kick­backs or avoid tax­es. Last week, Mex­i­can offi­cials report­ed that bills for pro­grams like Pega­sus appeared to have includ­ed excess pay­ments that may have been fun­neled back to gov­ern­ment offi­cials as kick­backs.

    While NSO has nev­er pub­licly iden­ti­fied Mex­i­co as a client, com­pa­ny offi­cials have pri­vate­ly hint­ed that their soft­ware was used in the cap­ture of car­tel leader Joaquin Guz­man, bet­ter known as “El Chapo,” a claim some cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts said was exag­ger­at­ed.

    In an overview pre­pared for Azano, NSO tout­ed the abil­i­ty of its Pega­sus soft­ware to crack the BlackBerry—the favorite phone of Mexico’s drug lords, includ­ing El Chapo. The Pega­sus tech­nol­o­gy in 2011 was referred to in emails filed with the Israeli court as BB and BBM—the acronym for BlackBerry’s instant-mes­sag­ing appli­ca­tion. Pen­e­trat­ing BlackBerry’s encrypt­ed mes­sag­ing sys­tem “was con­sid­ered the ‘wet dream’ of the intel­li­gence world,” Caspi wrote in an affi­davit.

    Under­scor­ing the broad­er prob­lems with NSO, Pega­sus proved to be too great a temp­ta­tion to be used only for track­ing down elu­sive car­tel lead­ers. Cit­i­zen Lab, the Cana­di­an research group, pub­lished a series of reports begin­ning in 2017 that found Pega­sus was used to tar­get Mex­i­can human rights lawyers, jour­nal­ists and anti-cor­rup­tion activists.

    “It’s no acci­dent that some com­pa­nies grav­i­tate toward big tick­et cus­tomers like Mex­i­co but it’s clear to every­one in that mar­ket that if you sell to Mex­i­co, you can almost guar­an­tee mis­use,” John Scott-Rail­ton, a senior researcher at Cit­i­zen Lab, told The Dai­ly Beast. “Clear­ly, NSO isn’t both­ered by the harm they inflict. But why are they so con­fi­dent that they can go into a mar­ket where there is such high risk of some­thing going wrong and not wor­ry about suf­fer­ing any con­se­quences?”

    More recent­ly, the Guardian report­ed that Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s inner cir­cle was a poten­tial tar­get for sur­veil­lance by a gov­ern­ment client of NSO—a report the Israeli spy­ware mak­er strong­ly denied. Obrador took office in 2018 and vowed to nev­er use spy­ware.

    As for Elliott Broidy, his alleged efforts in help­ing NSO land its deal with Mex­i­co would come to naught.

    In April 2011, he host­ed a meet­ing in Los Ange­les with NSO’s founders Shulev Hulio and Omri Lavie, accord­ing to Caspi’s court-filed affi­davit. Caspi sub­se­quent­ly got wind that his for­mer boss was try­ing to go behind his back and cre­ate a direct con­nec­tion to NSO. Caspi said he took steps to “neu­tral­ize” him and the deal was ulti­mate­ly signed with­out Broidy’s par­tic­i­pa­tion.

    Broidy went on to serve as the Repub­li­can Party’s deputy finance chair­man in 2017 until reports of a hushed-up affair forced his res­ig­na­tion. The Wall Street Jour­nal revealed that Broidy paid a for­mer Play­boy mod­el $1.6 mil­lion after he had got­ten her preg­nant. The deal was nego­ti­at­ed by Trump’s then attor­ney Michael Cohen.

    In 2020, Broidy admit­ted that, in exchange for mil­lions of dol­lars, he agreed to do the bid­ding of a for­eign gov­ern­ment and for­eign indi­vid­ual and lob­by Pres­i­dent Trump and oth­ers for the removal of a Chi­nese dis­si­dent, Guo Wen­gui, and to drop a case relat­ed to an embez­zle­ment scheme from a Malaysian gov­ern­ment bank. Pres­i­dent Trump par­doned Broidy in his final hours in the White House.

    Broidy would him­self be the vic­tim of what he claimed was a gov­ern­ment-spon­sored hack­ing attempt. Broidy sued Qatar and its agents in 2018 for alleged­ly hack­ing into his com­put­er servers, steal­ing his con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion, and leak­ing it to the media in an effort to neu­tral­ize Broidy’s crit­i­cism of the coun­try. A fed­er­al judge dis­missed the case. The les­son is an impor­tant one in a world of spy­ware for sale: The hunters can become the hunt­ed.


    “Scan­dal, Spy­ware, and 69 Pounds of Weed” by Seth Het­te­na; The Dai­ly Beast; 08/03/2021

    “The doc­u­ments do, how­ev­er, raise trou­bling ques­tions about the Israeli spy­ware maker’s recent claim that its prod­ucts are intend­ed for “the sole use of thor­ough­ly vet­ted and approved gov­ern­men­tal agen­cies charged with main­tain­ing pub­lic safe­ty and secu­ri­ty.” Broidy’s con­tact in Mexico—a man nick­named “Mr. Lam­bo” for his love of Ital­ian sports cars—later served time in a U.S. fed­er­al prison for mak­ing ille­gal for­eign con­tri­bu­tions in an Amer­i­can elec­tion. A doc­u­ment filed by fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors in San Diego revealed that “Mr. Lam­bo” was inves­ti­gat­ed by U.S. author­i­ties for a host of oth­er crimes for which he wasn’t charged, includ­ing drug smug­gling.”

    Elliot Broidy sure knows a lot of inter­est­ing peo­ple. Peo­ple like “Mr. Lam­bo”, his con­tact in Mex­i­co. This is how Broidy was play­ing the mid­dle-man role: Broidy had the con­tacts in Mex­i­co and NSO Group. And play­ing such a mid­dle-man role in inter­na­tion­al busi­ness isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly scan­dalous. But when you’re in the mid­dle of a ped­dler of super spy­ware like NSO Group on one side and a busi­ness­man bil­lion­aire, Jose Susumo Azano Mat­sura, with a his­to­ry of being under US Mex­i­can drug-traf­fick­ing-relat­ed inves­ti­ga­tions on the oth­er side, that’s when being a com­mer­cial mid­dle man becomes much more scan­dalous. Broidy was the match­mak­er that set up a par­tic­u­lar­ly dan­ger­ous rela­tion­ship. Espe­cial­ly dan­ger­ous to the peo­ple of Mex­i­co if Azano’s sus­pect­ed drug car­tel asso­ciates ever got access to some­thing like Pega­sus:

    How­ev­er, affi­davits, emails, and NSO con­tracts filed by defen­dants in the Tel Aviv law­suit that were obtained by The Dai­ly Beast iden­ti­fy the busi­ness­man as Jose Susumo Azano Mat­sura, a reput­ed Mex­i­can bil­lion­aire of Japan­ese ori­gin, also known as “Mr. Lam­bo.” Azano sold eaves­drop­ping tech­nol­o­gy to Mex­i­co and oth­er for­eign gov­ern­ments. His com­pa­ny, Secu­ri­ty Track­ing Devices SA de CV, based in Jalis­co, Mex­i­co claimed to have 2,000 employ­ees in Mex­i­co and Sin­ga­pore. Azano did not respond to an email seek­ing com­ment.


    Azano would be the key for NSO that unlocked Mex­i­co, “which is known in the cyber indus­try as a big buy­er of defen­sive and offen­sive cyber prod­ucts,” Caspi wrote in an affi­davit. But it was no secret that the country’s drug car­tels had cor­rupt­ed the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment, and tech­nol­o­gy like Pega­sus could just as eas­i­ly end up being used by a drug traf­fick­er as opposed to being used against one.

    Whether NSO knew it or not, the com­pa­ny had tak­en an extreme risk with Azano, its Mex­i­can part­ner. NSO was mar­ket­ing Pega­sus as a tool to help Mex­i­co win its bru­tal war against the country’s drug car­tels, but Azano had been under inves­ti­ga­tion by U.S. author­i­ties for years. Pros­e­cu­tors in San Diego filed doc­u­ments that reveal that a car stopped at the U.S.-Mexico bor­der in 1996 with 69 pounds of mar­i­jua­na was reg­is­tered to a known res­i­dence of Azano’s then wife. In 2004 and 2005, those same doc­u­ments reveal, FBI sur­veil­lance units observed Azano meet­ing with a known drug smug­gler; on one occa­sion, Azano drove to the meet­ing with the known drug smug­gler in a car with no license plates. (Pros­e­cu­tors in San Diego declined to bring charges relat­ed to drug smug­gling.)

    What should have added to every­one’s con­cern at the time is the fact that NSO Group was­n’t even direct­ly licens­ing Pega­sus to the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment. It was licens­ing it to Azano’s com­pa­ny, when pro­ceed­ed to re-license it to the Mex­i­can mil­i­tary for a high­er price. A great arrange­ment for arrang­ing every­one’s kick­backs. And who knows what kind of free­dom this arrange­ment gave to Azano to qui­et­ly dis­trib­ute Pega­sus to oth­er par­ties. It’s a high­ly sus­pi­cious arrange­ment for a lot or rea­sons:

    Nev­er­the­less, NSO relied on Azano to sell its prod­ucts to the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment. Includ­ed in the Tel Aviv court file was an unsigned, undat­ed copy of NSO’s con­tract with Azano’s com­pa­ny, Secu­ri­ty Track­ing Devices. In it, STD was grant­ed the exclu­sive right to dis­trib­ute NSO’s prod­ucts and ser­vices in Mex­i­co through the end of 2012 in exchange for $500,000. An NSO spokesper­son did not answer ques­tions about why the com­pa­ny did not sell direct­ly to the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment or whether the com­pa­ny had sim­i­lar arrange­ments in oth­er coun­tries.


    Court doc­u­ments don’t spec­i­fy how NSO showed Mexico’s lead­er­ship what its soft­ware could do. A few years lat­er, NSO would report­ed­ly record a phone con­ver­sa­tion of the edi­tor of a Lon­don-based Arab news­pa­per to impress a client, the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. What­ev­er NSO showed Mexico’s lead­ers, it worked. Azano’s com­pa­ny quick­ly reached a deal to buy NSO’s Pega­sus for $15 mil­lion, accord­ing to court doc­u­ments. Azano then resold Pega­sus to the Mex­i­can mil­i­tary at an even high­er price, earn­ing him­self mil­lions of dol­lars in com­mis­sions, accord­ing to a 2012 report by Cal­cal­ist.

    Anoth­er rea­son Elliott Broidy has to deny any asso­ci­a­tion with NSO Group is that it did­n’t sound like he was sim­ply a Mid­dle-Man look­ing for a find­ers fee com­mis­sion. He was oper­at­ing as an NSO Group rep­re­sen­ta­tive, along with Matan Caspi — Broidy’s for­mer employ­ee who returned to Israel to co-found Ray­zone Group, an Israeli cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm that offers “bou­tique intel­li­gence-based solu­tions for nation­al agen­cies” — and Caspi’s part­ner. Broidy was like­ly set up to get a seri­ous com­mis­sion. Those are Caspi’s alle­ga­tions in the law­suit that broke out between the dif­fer­ent peo­ple involved with this sale. Again, Broidy has a lot of rea­son to deny know­ing any­thing about this:

    Accord­ing to an affi­davit filed in court in Tel Aviv, Broidy first learned of NSO and Pega­sus in 2010, when he was con­tact­ed by one of his for­mer employ­ees who had joined the NSO sales team. Matan Caspi had spent sev­er­al years work­ing at Broidy Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment in Los Ange­les. Part of his work involved sell­ing tech­nol­o­gy to Mex­i­co. Caspi returned to Israel where he co-found­ed Ray­zone Group, an Israeli cyber­se­cu­ri­ty firm that offers “bou­tique intel­li­gence-based solu­tions for nation­al agen­cies,” accord­ing to its web­site. Caspi did not reply to mes­sages sent to Ray­zone and his per­son­al email address­es for this arti­cle.

    In Octo­ber 2010, Caspi flew to Los Ange­les to meet Broidy and dis­cuss Pega­sus. “The meet­ing with Broidy was suc­cess­ful. Mr. Broidy expressed real inter­est in NSO’s prod­ucts and in the chances of suc­cess of sell­ing them to the Mex­i­can Army. It was con­clud­ed that he would try to use his con­nec­tions in order to pro­mote such a deal,” Caspi wrote in an affi­davit filed in the Tel Aviv law­suit.

    In its approach to Broidy’s Mex­i­can busi­ness asso­ciate and gov­ern­ment offi­cials in Mex­i­co, NSO relied almost entire­ly on out­side sales­men like Caspi, his part­ner, Eric Banoun, and, for a time, Broidy. NSO’s con­tract with Banoun, a copy of which is includ­ed in the court file, offered a 10 per­cent com­mis­sion on the sale of Pega­sus to Mex­i­co. A dis­pute over that sev­en-fig­ure com­mis­sion led to the fil­ing of the 2015 law­suit in Tel Aviv.*


    With Broidy’s “bless­ing,” Caspi wrote in his court-filed affi­davit, he con­tact­ed Azano and flew to Mex­i­co City in Decem­ber 2010 for the first of sev­er­al meet­ings with the Mex­i­can busi­ness­man.

    But, in the end, Broidy was locked out. After he appar­ent­ly got greedy and tried to cre­ate a direct rela­tion­ship with NSO Group. In oth­er words, Caspi was play­ing a mid­dle-man role too. Broidy and Casp were each oth­er’s mid­dle-men, with Azano play­ing a third mid­dle-man role of sorts. Quite a deal. And Broidy tried to cut out one of the three mid­dle-men but the mid­dle-man found out cut Broidy out first instead. It’s hard to have much sym­pa­thy based on the avail­able facts. Recall that we are told Caspi was the one who approached Broidy this whole thing:

    As for Elliott Broidy, his alleged efforts in help­ing NSO land its deal with Mex­i­co would come to naught.

    In April 2011, he host­ed a meet­ing in Los Ange­les with NSO’s founders Shulev Hulio and Omri Lavie, accord­ing to Caspi’s court-filed affi­davit. Caspi sub­se­quent­ly got wind that his for­mer boss was try­ing to go behind his back and cre­ate a direct con­nec­tion to NSO. Caspi said he took steps to “neu­tral­ize” him and the deal was ulti­mate­ly signed with­out Broidy’s par­tic­i­pa­tion.

    Giv­en that his­to­ry of how Mex­i­co’s noto­ri­ous­ly cor­rupt gov­ern­ment became NSO Group’s first for­eign client, and giv­en the sto­ry of the Mex­i­can gov­ern­men­t’s extra­di­tion request for Tomás Zerón, who was known to be close to the founders of NSO Group, it’s worth ask­ing what the odds are that the sto­ry of Zerón’s cov­er up inves­ti­ga­tion of the slaugh­ter of those stu­dents hap­pens to include an angle involv­ing the cor­rup­tion use of Pega­sus on those stu­dents. Don’t for­get, these were activists stu­dents who were slaugh­tered. For the munic­i­pal police to attack those bus­es and hand the kids over to drug car­tels to be slaugh­tered, they pre­sum­ably had a rea­son to want at least soem of those kids very dead. Pega­sus spy­ware on the phones of these activist stu­dents would have been a very con­ve­nient way for cor­rupt par­ties to acquire a rea­son to want to see some of them very dead. It rais­es the grim ques­tion of whether or not those stu­dents were about to break a big sto­ry on some sort of deep cor­rup­tion between the police and car­tels. Were these stu­dents Pega­sus tar­gets before the slaugh­ter? We don’t know, but based on the Cit­i­zen­Lab Pega­sus inves­ti­ga­tion we know Pega­sus was used against top Mex­i­can lawyers, jour­nal­ists and anti-cor­rup­tion activists. Maybe by cor­rupt police? Maybe by car­tels that got their hands on the super-spy­ware from those cor­rupt police? Or maybe they got it through their con­nec­tions to Azano’s mid­dle-man Pega­sus dis­tri­b­u­tion com­pa­ny? Who knows. We just know we have every rea­son to sus­pect, yes, Pega­sus could have been used on these stu­dents. It’s been that kind of sit­u­a­tion in Mex­i­co since 2011:

    Under­scor­ing the broad­er prob­lems with NSO, Pega­sus proved to be too great a temp­ta­tion to be used only for track­ing down elu­sive car­tel lead­ers. Cit­i­zen Lab, the Cana­di­an research group, pub­lished a series of reports begin­ning in 2017 that found Pega­sus was used to tar­get Mex­i­can human rights lawyers, jour­nal­ists and anti-cor­rup­tion activists.

    So that’s all part of what makes the sto­ry of the Tomás Zerón extra­di­tion request some­thing to watch. Zerón is clear­ly deeply impli­cat­ed in the wild­ly scan­dalous sham inves­ti­ga­tion of the 2014 activist stu­dent slaugh­ter. And, cir­cum­stan­tial­ly speak­ing, those stu­dents appear to fit the pro­file of the kind of peo­ple known to be tar­get­ed by Pega­sus. They cer­tain­ly sound like anti-cor­rup­tion activists. The whole sequence of events that led up to the attack on the stu­dent con­vey involved the tra­di­tion­al stu­dent tem­po­rary com­man­deer­ing of bus­es from Iguala, intend­ed to be dri­ven back to the rur­al col­lege to take the stu­dent to a march in Mex­i­co City comem­morat­ing the 1968 Tlatelol­co stu­dent mas­sacre.

    Is there a Pega­sus abuse angle to the sto­ry of the 2014 stu­dent slaugh­ter? We’ll see if the extra­di­tion requests of Tomás Zerón and Zerón’s ties to NSO Group ends up lead­ing to the ask­ing of that ques­tion. It’s pos­si­ble there’s no Pega­sus angle at all with the slaugh­ter of those stu­dents. One the­o­ry is that the stu­dents inad­ver­tent­ly com­man­deered a bus con­tain­ing police-pro­tect hero­in intend­ed to be shipped to Chica­go. Under that sce­nario, it would just be bad luck that trig­gered the events. Hope­ful­ly one day we get some clar­i­ty on what actu­al­ly hap­pened. But regard­less of what actu­al­ly hap­pened in that case, the fact of the mat­ter is the slaugh­ter of those stu­dents hap­pened dur­ing a peri­od when the Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment had access to near­ly unstop­pable spy­ware while it was in bed with drug car­tels.

    And that’s just Mex­i­co. A sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion prob­a­bly exists between the rest of the NSO Group’s gov­ern­ment clients of those clients’ shadi­est and most pow­er­ful crim­i­nal friends. In coun­tries where you can’t sep­a­rate the under­world from the over­world there’s no real­is­tic way to keep some­thing like Pega­sus out of the wrong hands. Mex­i­co is just an ear­ly exam­ple of what must be going on all over the world thanks to the explo­sion of the super-spy­ware glob­al mar­ket­place over the last decade.

    Oh, and it’s worth point­ing out that Elliott Broidy has a close work­ing rela­tion­ship with A LOT of oth­er known NSO Group clients. Mex­i­co was NSO Group’s first for­eign client. So the guy that got iced out at the last minute of the Mex­i­co deal under what appears to be shady cir­cum­stances (ini­ti­at­ed by Broidy’s greed to cut out Caspi), also hap­pens to have spent much of the last decade work­ing as a for­eign agent for a whole bunch of oth­er very eager NSO Group clients. Did Elliott Broidy get to play mid­dle-man for any of those oth­er coun­tries? Let’s hope inves­ti­ga­tors some­where end up inves­ti­gat­ing that ques­tion. Elliott Broidy doth protest waaay too much on this one.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | October 6, 2021, 12:56 am
  12. Oh look, anoth­er mega-hack. Yep, an obscure com­pa­ny few have ever heard of just qui­et­ly let the world know that poten­tial­ly bil­lions of peo­ple had their pri­vate infor­ma­tion stolen. A LOT of pri­vate infor­ma­tion poten­tial­ly. So much so, one pri­va­cy expert sug­gest­ed the hack­ers could know more about you than your doc­tor. The hack­ers could have accessed meta­da­ta such as length and cost, caller and receiver’s num­bers, the loca­tion of the par­ties in the call, as well as the con­tent of SMS text mes­sages. Infor­ma­tion who you called, when you called, where you called, how long you called. Plus text mes­sage con­tent. It’s a remark­able data pro­file on almost any indi­vid­ual.

    And thanks to that text mes­sage access, the hack­ers can poten­tial­ly inter­fere with 2‑factor authen­ti­ca­tion schemes. That means they could have had indi­rect access to inter­net accounts pro­tect­ed with SMS 2‑factor authen­ti­ca­tion like Google, Microsoft, Face­book, Twit­ter, and Ama­zon. That’s why this is poten­tial­ly such a mas­sive hack.

    That’s the news from Syni­verse, a com­pa­ny that han­dles bil­lions of text mes­sages for telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­nies across the world. Nine­ty-five of the top 100 mobile car­ri­ers in the world, includ­ing the big three U.S. ones (AT&T, Ver­i­zon, T‑Mobile), are Syni­verse cus­tomers. The com­pa­ny informed the world of the hack in doc­u­ments it filed with the SEC back in August in antic­i­pa­tion of IPO.

    So when did this occur? May of 2016. Who who­ev­er did this has had access to this trea­sure trove of infor­ma­tion for over 5 years. And, again, we only learned about this from the com­pa­ny’s SEC fil­ings in antic­i­pa­tion of going pub­lic. In oth­er words, the com­pa­ny was put in a posi­tion where it kind of had to dis­close to the pub­lic the exis­tence of this hack. It would be pret­ty scan­dalous to con­duct an IPO with­out reveal­ing that. Who knows how long this would have remained under wraps had the com­pa­ny not been forced to dis­close it to the SEC.

    It also all rais­es the ques­tion of who the pri­vate own­ers are that are tak­ing this com­pa­ny pub­lic: Car­lyle Group. The pri­vate equi­ty firm pur­chased Syni­verse in 2011 for $2.6 bil­lion. As we’ll see in the sec­ond excerpt below, Car­lyle intends to remain a minor­i­ty share­hold­er fol­low­ing the IPO.

    So one of the largest hacks ever took place in 2016. We have no idea when Syni­verse actu­al­ly dis­cov­ered the hack, are are only learn­ing about it now, five years lat­er, in a qui­et SEC fil­ing the com­pa­ny issued back in August in antic­i­pa­tion of going pub­lic. Brought to you by the Car­lyle Group:


    Com­pa­ny That Routes Bil­lions of Text Mes­sages Qui­et­ly Says It Was Hacked

    Syni­verse han­dles bil­lions of text mes­sages a year, and hack­ers had unau­tho­rized access to its sys­tem for years.

    by Loren­zo Franceschi-Bic­chierai
    Octo­ber 4, 2021, 10:59am

    A com­pa­ny that is a crit­i­cal part of the glob­al telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions infra­struc­ture used by AT&T, T‑Mobile, Ver­i­zon and sev­er­al oth­ers around the world such as Voda­fone and Chi­na Mobile, qui­et­ly dis­closed that hack­ers were inside its sys­tems for years, impact­ing more than 200 of its clients and poten­tial­ly mil­lions of cell­phone users world­wide.

    The com­pa­ny, Syni­verse, revealed in a fil­ing dat­ed Sep­tem­ber 27 with the U.S. Secu­ri­ty and Exchange Com­mis­sion that an unknown “indi­vid­ual or orga­ni­za­tion gained unau­tho­rized access to data­bas­es with­in its net­work on sev­er­al occa­sions, and that login infor­ma­tion allow­ing access to or from its Elec­tron­ic Data Trans­fer (EDT) envi­ron­ment was com­pro­mised for approx­i­mate­ly 235 of its cus­tomers.”

    A for­mer Syni­verse employ­ee who worked on the EDT sys­tems told Moth­er­board that those sys­tems have infor­ma­tion on all types of call records.

    Syni­verse repeat­ed­ly declined to answer spe­cif­ic ques­tions from Moth­er­board about the scale of the breach and what spe­cif­ic data was affect­ed, but accord­ing to a per­son who works at a tele­phone car­ri­er, who­ev­er hacked Syni­verse could have had access to meta­da­ta such as length and cost, caller and receiver’s num­bers, the loca­tion of the par­ties in the call, as well as the con­tent of SMS text mes­sages.

    “Syni­verse is a com­mon exchange hub for car­ri­ers around the world pass­ing billing info back and forth to each oth­er,” the source, who asked to remain anony­mous as they were not autho­rized to talk to the press, told Moth­er­board. “So it inevitably car­ries sen­si­tive info like call records, data usage records, text mes­sages, etc. [...] The thing is—I don’t know exact­ly what was being exchanged in that envi­ron­ment. One would have to imag­ine though it eas­i­ly could be cus­tomer records and [per­son­al iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion] giv­en that Syni­verse exchanges call records and oth­er billing details between car­ri­ers.

    The com­pa­ny wrote that it dis­cov­ered the breach in May 2021, but that the hack began in May of 2016.

    Syni­verse pro­vides back­bone ser­vices to wire­less car­ri­ers like AT&T, Ver­i­zon, T‑Mobile, and sev­er­al oth­ers around the world. The com­pa­ny process­es more than 740 bil­lion text mes­sages every year and has “direct con­nec­tions” to more than 300 mobile oper­a­tors around the world, accord­ing to its offi­cial web­site. Nine­ty-five of the top 100 mobile car­ri­ers in the world, includ­ing the big three U.S. ones, and major inter­na­tion­al ones such as Tele­fon­i­ca, and Amer­i­ca Movil, are Syni­verse cus­tomers, accord­ing to the fil­ing.

    To give per­spec­tive as to Syniverse’s impor­tance, due to a main­te­nance update in 2019, Syni­verse lost tens of thou­sands of text mes­sages on Valen­tine’s Day, which meant that the text mes­sages were lost in tran­sit and only deliv­ered months lat­er. Syni­verse routes text mes­sages between dif­fer­ent car­ri­ers both in the U.S. and abroad, allow­ing peo­ple who are on Verizon’s net­work to com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers who use anoth­er car­ri­er. It also man­ages rout­ing and inter­na­tion­al roam­ing between net­works, using the noto­ri­ous­ly inse­cure SS7 and Diam­e­ter pro­to­cols, accord­ing to the com­pa­ny’s site.

    “The world’s largest com­pa­nies and near­ly all mobile car­ri­ers rely on Syniverse’s glob­al net­work to seam­less­ly bridge mobile ecosys­tems and secure­ly trans­mit data, enabling bil­lions of trans­ac­tions, con­ver­sa­tions and con­nec­tions [dai­ly],” Syni­verse wrote in a recent press release.

    “Syni­verse has access to the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of hun­dreds of mil­lions, if not bil­lions, of peo­ple around the world. A five-year breach of one of Syni­verse’s main sys­tems is a glob­al pri­va­cy dis­as­ter,” Karsten Nohl, a secu­ri­ty researcher who has stud­ied glob­al cell­phone net­works for a decade, told Moth­er­board in an email. “Syni­verse sys­tems have direct access to phone call records and text mes­sag­ing, and indi­rect access to a large range of Inter­net accounts pro­tect­ed with SMS 2‑factor authen­ti­ca­tion. Hack­ing Syni­verse will ease access to Google, Microsoft, Face­book, Twit­ter, Ama­zon and all kinds of oth­er accounts, all at once.

    That means the recent­ly dis­cov­ered and years-long data breach could poten­tial­ly affect millions—if not billions—of cell­phone users, depend­ing on what car­ri­ers were affect­ed, accord­ing to an indus­try insid­er who asked to remain anony­mous as he was not autho­rized to speak to the press.

    “With all that infor­ma­tion, I could build a pro­file on you. I’ll know exact­ly what you’re doing, who you’re call­ing, what’s going on. I’ll know when you get a voice­mail noti­fi­ca­tion. I’ll know who left the voice­mail. I’ll know how long that voice­mail was left for. When you make a phone call, I’ll know exact­ly where you made that phone call from,” a tele­com indus­try insid­er, who asked to remain anony­mous as he was not autho­rized to speak to the press, told Moth­er­board in a call. “I’ll know more about you than your doc­tor.”

    But the for­mer Syni­verse employ­ee said that the dam­age could be much more lim­it­ed.

    “I feel it is extreme­ly embar­rass­ing but like­ly not the cause of sig­nif­i­cant dam­age. It strikes me as a result of some lazi­ness, as I have seen secu­ri­ty breach­es hap­pen like this a few times,” the for­mer employ­ee said. “Because we have not seen any­thing come out of this over five years. Not say­ing noth­ing bad hap­pened but it sounds like noth­ing did hap­pen.”

    “Seems like a state-spon­sored wet dream,” Adri­an Sanabria, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert and founder of Secu­ri­ty Week­ly Labs, told Moth­er­board in an online chat. “Can’t imag­ine [Syni­verse] being a tar­get for any­one else at that scale.”

    The hack is already rais­ing the alarm in Wash­ing­ton.

    “The infor­ma­tion flow­ing through Syniverse’s sys­tems is espi­onage gold,” Sen. Ron Wyden told Moth­er­board in an emailed state­ment. “That this breach went undis­cov­ered for five years rais­es seri­ous ques­tions about Syniverse’s cyber­se­cu­ri­ty prac­tices. The FCC needs to get to the bot­tom of what hap­pened, deter­mine whether Syni­verse’s cyber­se­cu­ri­ty prac­tices were neg­li­gent, iden­ti­fy whether Syni­verse’s com­peti­tors have expe­ri­enced sim­i­lar breach­es, and then set manda­to­ry cyber­se­cu­ri­ty stan­dards for this indus­try.”

    In par­tic­u­lar, Moth­er­board asked Syni­verse whether the hack­ers accessed or stole per­son­al data or cell­phone users. Syni­verse declined to answer that ques­tion.

    Instead, the com­pa­ny sent a state­ment that echoed what it wrote in the fil­ing.

    “As soon as we learned of the unau­tho­rized activ­i­ty, we imple­ment­ed our secu­ri­ty inci­dent response plan and engaged a top-tier foren­sics firm to assist with our inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion. We also noti­fied and are coop­er­at­ing with law enforce­ment. Syni­verse has com­plet­ed a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion of the inci­dent which revealed that the indi­vid­ual or orga­ni­za­tion gained unau­tho­rized access to data­bas­es with­in its net­work on sev­er­al occa­sions and that login infor­ma­tion allow­ing access to or from its EDT envi­ron­ment was com­pro­mised for cer­tain cus­tomers,” the state­ment read. “All EDT cus­tomers have had their cre­den­tials reset or inac­ti­vat­ed, even if their cre­den­tials were not impact­ed by the inci­dent. We have com­mu­ni­cat­ed direct­ly with our cus­tomers regard­ing this mat­ter and have con­clud­ed that no addi­tion­al action is required. In addi­tion to reset­ting cus­tomer cre­den­tials, we have imple­ment­ed sub­stan­tial addi­tion­al mea­sures to pro­vide increased pro­tec­tion to our sys­tems and cus­tomers.”

    Syni­verse dis­closed the breach in an August SEC fil­ing as the com­pa­ny gear­ing to go pub­lic at a val­u­a­tion of $2.85 bil­lion via a merg­er with M3-Brigade Acqui­si­tion II Corp., a spe­cial pur­pose acqui­si­tion com­pa­ny (SPAC). In the doc­u­ment, the com­pa­ny wrote that it “did not observe any evi­dence of intent to dis­rupt its oper­a­tions or those of its cus­tomers and there was no attempt to mon­e­tize the unau­tho­rized activ­i­ty. Syni­verse did not expe­ri­ence and does not antic­i­pate that these events will have any mate­r­i­al impact on its day-to-day oper­a­tions or ser­vices or its abil­i­ty to access or process data. Syni­verse has main­tained, and cur­rent­ly main­tains, cyber insur­ance that it antic­i­pates will cov­er a sub­stan­tial por­tion of its expen­di­tures in inves­ti­gat­ing and respond­ing to this inci­dent.”

    It’s not a house­hold name among cus­tomers, but Syni­verse is one of the largest com­pa­nies in the world when it comes to the cell­phone infra­struc­ture that helps more well-known com­pa­nies like Ver­i­zon or AT&T to run on a day-to-day basis.

    “It is actu­al­ly sur­pris­ing that more stuff like this has not hap­pened, con­sid­er­ing what a mess Syni­verse has become in recent years,” the for­mer Syni­verse employ­ee told Moth­er­board in 2019, refer­ring to the Valen­tine’s Day text mes­sag­ing inci­dent.



    “Com­pa­ny That Routes Bil­lions of Text Mes­sages Qui­et­ly Says It Was Hacked” by Loren­zo Franceschi-Bic­chierai; Vice; 10/04/2021

    ““With all that infor­ma­tion, I could build a pro­file on you. I’ll know exact­ly what you’re doing, who you’re call­ing, what’s going on. I’ll know when you get a voice­mail noti­fi­ca­tion. I’ll know who left the voice­mail. I’ll know how long that voice­mail was left for. When you make a phone call, I’ll know exact­ly where you made that phone call from,” a tele­com indus­try insid­er, who asked to remain anony­mous as he was not autho­rized to speak to the press, told Moth­er­board in a call. “i’ll know more about you than your doc­tor.”

    Syni­verse knows more about you than your doc­tor. Nine­ty-five of the top 100 mobile car­ri­ers in the world, includ­ing the big three U.S. ones, use Syni­verse. And now who­ev­er hacked Syni­verse poten­tial­ly know all that infor­ma­tion too. On poten­tial­ly bil­lions of peo­ple. Since May 2016. Beyond that, the hack poten­tial­ly allowed for the inter­cep­tion of the tex­ting-based 2‑factor authen­ti­ca­tion sys­tems (where a web ser­vice sends your phone a one-time pass key to log in). It’s the kind of hack that could be per­fect for gain­ing access to major inter­net ser­vices like Google, Microsoft, Face­book, Twit­ter, Ama­zon. That’s why scale of this hack is so stun­ning. It’s poten­tial­ly a mega-hack. Anoth­er mega-hack:

    “Syni­verse is a com­mon exchange hub for car­ri­ers around the world pass­ing billing info back and forth to each oth­er,” the source, who asked to remain anony­mous as they were not autho­rized to talk to the press, told Moth­er­board. “So it inevitably car­ries sen­si­tive info like call records, data usage records, text mes­sages, etc. [...] The thing is—I don’t know exact­ly what was being exchanged in that envi­ron­ment. One would have to imag­ine though it eas­i­ly could be cus­tomer records and [per­son­al iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion] giv­en that Syni­verse exchanges call records and oth­er billing details between car­ri­ers.

    The com­pa­ny wrote that it dis­cov­ered the breach in May 2021, but that the hack began in May of 2016.

    Syni­verse pro­vides back­bone ser­vices to wire­less car­ri­ers like AT&T, Ver­i­zon, T‑Mobile, and sev­er­al oth­ers around the world. The com­pa­ny process­es more than 740 bil­lion text mes­sages every year and has “direct con­nec­tions” to more than 300 mobile oper­a­tors around the world, accord­ing to its offi­cial web­site. Nine­ty-five of the top 100 mobile car­ri­ers in the world, includ­ing the big three U.S. ones, and major inter­na­tion­al ones such as Tele­fon­i­ca, and Amer­i­ca Movil, are Syni­verse cus­tomers, accord­ing to the fil­ing.


    “Syni­verse has access to the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of hun­dreds of mil­lions, if not bil­lions, of peo­ple around the world. A five-year breach of one of Syni­verse’s main sys­tems is a glob­al pri­va­cy dis­as­ter,” Karsten Nohl, a secu­ri­ty researcher who has stud­ied glob­al cell­phone net­works for a decade, told Moth­er­board in an email. “Syni­verse sys­tems have direct access to phone call records and text mes­sag­ing, and indi­rect access to a large range of Inter­net accounts pro­tect­ed with SMS 2‑factor authen­ti­ca­tion. Hack­ing Syni­verse will ease access to Google, Microsoft, Face­book, Twit­ter, Ama­zon and all kinds of oth­er accounts, all at once.

    That means the recent­ly dis­cov­ered and years-long data breach could poten­tial­ly affect millions—if not billions—of cell­phone users, depend­ing on what car­ri­ers were affect­ed, accord­ing to an indus­try insid­er who asked to remain anony­mous as he was not autho­rized to speak to the press.

    The hack is also obvi­ous­ly “espi­onage gold” as Sen­a­tor Wyden put it, which already has fin­gers point­ing toward a state-spon­sored actor. And while it’s cer­tain­ly pos­si­ble a state actor was behind this, let’s not pre­tend that the com­mer­cial val­ue of a hack like this isn’t immense. Also note how there are zero clues about the per­pe­tra­tor so far:

    “Seems like a state-spon­sored wet dream,” Adri­an Sanabria, a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty expert and founder of Secu­ri­ty Week­ly Labs, told Moth­er­board in an online chat. “Can’t imag­ine [Syni­verse] being a tar­get for any­one else at that scale.”

    The hack is already rais­ing the alarm in Wash­ing­ton.

    “The infor­ma­tion flow­ing through Syniverse’s sys­tems is espi­onage gold,” Sen. Ron Wyden told Moth­er­board in an emailed state­ment. “That this breach went undis­cov­ered for five years rais­es seri­ous ques­tions about Syniverse’s cyber­se­cu­ri­ty prac­tices. The FCC needs to get to the bot­tom of what hap­pened, deter­mine whether Syni­verse’s cyber­se­cu­ri­ty prac­tices were neg­li­gent, iden­ti­fy whether Syni­verse’s com­peti­tors have expe­ri­enced sim­i­lar breach­es, and then set manda­to­ry cyber­se­cu­ri­ty stan­dards for this indus­try.”

    Nest, note the assur­ances for Syni­verse: don’t wor­ry too much because no dam­age has actu­al­ly been detect­ed. It’s not exact­ly reas­sur­ing. But also keep in mind the nature of this hack: it allowed hack­ers to col­lect mobile-phone meta­da­ta on peo­ple and poten­tial­ly com­pro­mise web site cre­den­tials, allow­ing the hack­ers to access ser­vices like Google or Ama­zon. That’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly the kind of dam­age that’s going to leave an obvi­ous evi­den­tiary trail lead­ing back to this hack. In oth­er words, giv­en the nature of this hack, we should­n’t real­ly expect Syni­verse to be in pos­ses­sion of evi­dence of how the hack was actu­al­ly used:


    But the for­mer Syni­verse employ­ee said that the dam­age could be much more lim­it­ed.

    “I feel it is extreme­ly embar­rass­ing but like­ly not the cause of sig­nif­i­cant dam­age. It strikes me as a result of some lazi­ness, as I have seen secu­ri­ty breach­es hap­pen like this a few times,” the for­mer employ­ee said. “Because we have not seen any­thing come out of this over five years. Not say­ing noth­ing bad hap­pened but it sounds like noth­ing did hap­pen.”

    Now here’s a quick reminder tha the cur­rent own­ers of Syni­verse who brought the world this mega-hack, the Car­lyle Group, are going to remain minor­i­ty own­ers once they’re done tak­ing Syni­verse pub­lic again:

    The Tam­pa Bay Times

    Tam­pa com­pa­ny Syni­verse going pub­lic in $2.8 bil­lion merg­er
    The tele­com firm was once one of Tam­pa Bay’s biggest pub­lic com­pa­nies before being sold in 2011.

    By Jay Cridlin
    Pub­lished Aug. 17, 2021
    Updat­ed Aug. 17, 2021

    One of Tam­pa Bay’s largest pri­vate com­pa­nies is return­ing to the pub­lic mar­ket in a merg­er that val­ues the com­bined firm at more than $2.8 bil­lion.

    Syni­verse, a telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in mobile and cloud con­nec­tiv­i­ty, will merge with pub­licly trad­ed New York acqui­si­tion com­pa­ny M3-Brigade Acqui­si­tion II Corp. that will infuse the firm with up to $1.2 bil­lion in cash, accord­ing to a press release.

    Upon com­ple­tion of the deal, the Tam­pa com­pa­ny will return to the New York Stock Exchange under the name Syni­verse Tech­nolo­gies Cor­po­ra­tion and tick­er sym­bol SYNV. It’s famil­iar ter­ri­to­ry for Syni­verse, which was once one of Tam­pa Bay’s largest pub­lic com­pa­nies until it was sold to pri­vate equi­ty firm the Car­lyle Group in 2011 for $2.6 bil­lion in cash.

    Syni­verse CEO Andrew Davies said the infu­sion of cap­i­tal will allow the com­pa­ny grow and expand to cap­i­tal­ize on the poten­tial of the world’s grow­ing 5G wire­less net­work. The com­pa­ny han­dles near­ly 3.5 exabytes of data annu­al­ly, he said, which is equal to 3.5 bil­lion giga­bytes, or 10,000 times the amount of data stored in the Library of Con­gress.

    “Syni­verse may be the most impor­tant com­pa­ny you’ve nev­er heard of,” Davies said on a con­fer­ence call Tues­day. “If you’ve ever sent a mes­sage to some­one with anoth­er car­ri­er, that’s Syni­verse. If you’ve trav­eled over­seas and made a phone call there, That’s also Syni­verse. And if you’ve receeved a text mes­sage with any two-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­tion code, an air­port gate change noti­fi­ca­tion, or a deliv­ery resched­ule, that’s Syni­verse, too.”

    The deal includes an invest­ment from cloud com­mu­ni­ca­tions firm Twilio, which announced in March it was invest­ing between $500 mil­lion and $750 mil­lion into Syni­verse. As a result, Twilio will own a minor­i­ty stake in the com­pa­ny.

    The Car­lyle Group will also stay on as a minor­i­ty own­er. Two oth­er firms, Oak Hill Advi­sors and Brigade Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, will invest $265 mil­lion through the pur­chase of stock at below mar­ket val­ue.

    Call­ing Syni­verse “inte­gral in the mobile-cen­tric 5G world,” Mohsin Meghji, CEO and chair­per­son of M3-Brigade Acqui­si­tion II Corp., said the Twilio part­ner­ship and cap­i­tal would give the com­pa­ny plen­ty of flex­i­bil­i­ty to grow, with lots of poten­tial for inter­na­tion­al growth.

    Syni­verse report­ed rev­enues of $646 mil­lion in 2020, accord­ing to a merg­er prospec­tus filed with the U.S. Secu­ri­ties and Stock Exchange, and is fore­cast­ing $678 mil­lion this year. It projects annu­al rev­enues could grow to more than $1.2 bil­lion by 2025, per the prospec­tus.

    Syni­verse start­ed as an arm of GTE, then spun off in 2001 when that cor­po­ra­tion merged with Bell Atlantic to cre­ate Ver­i­zon. When Syni­verse went pub­lic in 2005, the $282 mil­lion raised in its ini­tial pub­lic offer­ing was at the time the most ever by a Tam­pa Bay pub­lic com­pa­ny.



    “Tam­pa com­pa­ny Syni­verse going pub­lic in $2.8 bil­lion merg­er” By Jay Cridlin; The Tam­pa Bay Times; 08/17/2021

    The Car­lyle Group will also stay on as a minor­i­ty own­er. Two oth­er firms, Oak Hill Advi­sors and Brigade Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, will invest $265 mil­lion through the pur­chase of stock at below mar­ket val­ue.”

    Let’s hope the pub­lic own­er­ship of Syni­verse some­how leads to more effec­tive man­age­ment now that the Car­lyle Group is poised to par­tial­ly cash out. But who­ev­er ends up own­ing Syni­verse after this IPO is all over has already learned a pow­er­ful and impor­tant les­son: one of the largest hacks ever can take place on your watch for years, it may have been cov­ered up, and there’s basi­cal­ly no con­se­quence to the own­ers. That may not be the les­son we want Syni­verse’s new own­ers to take from this whole thing, but it’s hard to see how that’s not the les­son they’re learn­ing right now.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | October 7, 2021, 7:04 pm
  13. Here’s a pair of arti­cles about NSO Group’s mys­te­ri­ous com­peti­tor, Can­diru, and their mutu­al rela­tion­ship with each oth­er as com­peti­tors but also pos­si­ble part­ners. The first arti­cle excerpt also direct­ly relates to the fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry of inter­na­tion man of mys­tery Elliott Broidy and the 2011 role he played in secur­ing NSO Group’s first for­eign client, Mex­i­co:

    First, recall how NSO Group and Can­diru both spe­cial­ized in mutu­al­ly com­pat­i­ble hack­ing prod­ucts, with NSO Group focus­ing on smart­phone hacks (iPhones and Android devices) while Can­diru appears to have a spe­cial­ty in hack­ing Microsoft prod­ucts. Also recall how one of Can­diru’s finan­cial back­ers is NSO Group co-founder Isaac Zack. So it already looked like the two firms are sis­ter-mer­ce­nary hack­ing com­pa­nies.

    Well, accord­ing to the fol­low Haaretz arti­cle from Sep­tem­ber of 2020 about a law­suit between Can­diru and a vice pres­i­dent of sales for the com­pa­ny from 2015–2018 who is referred to as “S” in the arti­cle. S makes a num­ber of con­flict-of-alle­ga­tions against Zack, who is not just the chair­man of the com­pa­ny but also the chair of the agent com­mit­tee that over­seas the “agent” inter­me­di­aries in client coun­tries who facil­i­tate the trans­ac­tions. Agents who receive 15% com­mis­sions, accord­ing to doc­u­ments filed in the case. Recall how the NSO Group sale to Mex­i­co in 2011 that Elliott Broidy was involved with includ­ed the “Mr. Lam­bo” Mex­i­can busi­ness­man who was basi­cal­ly act­ing as an inter­me­di­ary along with Broidy. It real­ly does sound like S was play­ing a Broidy-like role for Can­diru, hook­ing the com­pa­ny up with gov­ern­ments. And for sig­nif­i­cant com­mis­sions. 15% is poten­tial­ly tens of mil­lions of dol­lars for S based on the rev­enues also cit­ed in those doc­u­ments.

    The law­suit appears to cen­ter around com­mis­sions S feels they are stilled owed. The anony­mous “S” claims Can­diru had no clients and was only in two nego­ti­a­tions when he joined at the end of 2015. By the begin­ning of 2016, Can­diru had “a large num­ber deals in the advanced stage with clients in Europe, the for­mer Sovi­et Union, the Per­sian Gulf, Asia and Latin Amer­i­ca.” In oth­er words, “S” is claim­ing they showed up and brought in a large num­ber of deals that were rapid­ly moved to advanced stages in a mat­ter of months. And this fig­ured stayed on until 2018. So “S” is pre­sum­ably some­one involved with a large num­ber of Can­diru’s client deals.

    You have to won­der about the iden­ti­ty of “S”. How con­nect­ed are they? That’s like Elliott Broidy-league shady con­nec­tions, but “S” does­n’t appear to be Broidy. Who was able to show up at Can­diru and gen­er­ate high-end offen­sive cyber-sales to coun­tries around the globe? We don’t know, but who­ev­er they are they are pissed about how they were treat­ed for their stel­lar cyber­sales per­for­mance. So if what “S” is claim­ing is true, it’s pos­si­ble for a new super-spy­ware com­pa­ny to go from zero clients to clients around the world almost overnight. S did it. Yikes.

    S points to Zack­’s obvi­ous con­flict of inter­est in over­see­ing sales of Can­diru’s prod­ucts giv­en Zack­’s own­er­ship of shares in NSO Group at the time. Recall how NSO Group’s own­er­ship changed hands in 2019 fol­low­ing the Jamaal Khashog­gi assas­si­na­tion, sug­gest­ing Zack­’s own­er­ship in NSO Group may have end­ed at that point.

    But S’s con­flict-of-inter­est accu­sa­tions against Zack go much deep­er and point at the syn­er­gis­tic nature of Can­diru’s and NSO Group’s strengths: NSO Group spe­cial­izes in hack­ing smart­phones and Can­diru spe­cial­izes in Microsoft prod­ucts. Gov­ern­ments have a strong incen­tive to hire both firms. But as we’ve seen, Can­diru has also been mov­ing into non-Microsoft hacks, like Chrome hacks. S claims Can­diru decid­ed in 2017 to devel­op non-Microsoft hacks for smart­phones — NSO Group’s ter­ri­to­ry — but Zack sud­den­ly blocked and sales of mar­ket­ing of those new exploits in ear­ly 2018. Was Zack pro­tect­ing NSO Group? That’s the obvi­ous impli­ca­tion of S’s com­plaint, with the oth­er impli­ca­tion that this ban on non-Microsoft exploits crimped S’s com­mis­sions.

    Can­diru coun­ters that S broke the agent rules pro­tect­ing against bribery and cor­rup­tion. This is one of those times where it’s worth not­ing that both Can­diru’s and S’s claims to be true. They aren’t mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. Zack may real­ly have tak­en con­flict­ed steps to pro­tect NSO Group’s exploit dom­i­nance in the mar­ket­place. And S may have bro­ken the bribery and cor­rup­tion rules. These aren’t mutu­al­ly exclu­sive sce­nar­ios:


    Cell­phone Hack­ing and Mil­lions in Gulf Deals: Inner Work­ings of Top Secret Israeli Cyber­at­tack Firm Revealed
    Leaked doc­u­ments con­firm that Can­diru does not just oper­ate spy­ware for com­put­ers but also has oper­a­tional mobile spytech. Here’s what we know about the cyber­at­tack firm offer­ing ‘untrace­able’ mic and cam­era manip­u­la­tion

    Ami­tai Ziv
    Sep. 7, 2020

    It has no web­site, its work­ers must sign strin­gent nondis­clo­sure agree­ments and they do not even update their LinkedIn pro­files with their place of employ­ment. That’s how Can­diru, one of Israel’s most mys­te­ri­ous cyber war­fare com­pa­nies, oper­ates. But leaked doc­u­ments obtained by The­Mark­er, Haaretz’s sis­ter pub­li­ca­tion, and court fil­ings made as part of a labor dis­pute between the com­pa­ny and a for­mer senior employ­ee reveal some details about it and pro­vide a rare glimpse into their secret oper­a­tions.

    Offen­sive cyber is a big busi­ness in Israel, with indus­try sources say­ing it gen­er­ates about $1 bil­lion in sales a year. The biggest and most con­tro­ver­sial of the play­ers is NSO, which has been cit­ed repeat­ed­ly for sell­ing its equip­ment to coun­tries like Sau­di Ara­bia and Mex­i­co that have used them to spy and crack down on dis­si­dents.

    NSO’s spe­cial­ty is hack­ing smart­phones. Up till now, lit­tle was known about Can­diru. The­Mark­er has revealed that the firm offers hack­ing tools used to break into com­put­ers and servers, and now, for the first time, has con­firmed it also has tech­nol­o­gy for break­ing into mobile devices.

    Accord­ing to a doc­u­ment signed by an unnamed vice pres­i­dent for Can­diru, they also offer a “high-end cyber intel­li­gence plat­form ded­i­cat­ed to infil­trate PC com­put­ers, net­works, mobile hand­sets, by using explo­sions and dis­sem­i­na­tions oper­a­tions.”

    The sys­tem, the doc­u­ment explains, enables “effec­tive and scal­able cyber intel­li­gence oper­a­tions covert­ly with­in indi­vid­ual [mobile devices]. Pro­pri­etary inflig­ta­tion agents are silent­ly deployed into tar­get PCs or mobile hand­sets with min­i­mal require­ments of tar­get inter­ac­tion.”

    “Once deployed”, the com­pa­ny boasts, “the untrace­able agents imme­di­ate­ly iden­ti­fy and map net­works the tar­get is con­nect­ed to.” In tan­dem, the sys­tem “initiate[s] unde­tect­ed data exfil­tra­tion tasks, through­out manip­u­la­tion and con­trol of device har­ward and local pro­grams” — these include social media accounts, com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­grams or apps and the phone or com­put­er’s micro­phone or cam­era.

    For the full leaked doc­u­ment, click here

    Boast­ing three dif­fer­ent modes – PC/Windows, iOX (iPhone) and Android – the doc­u­ment says that, “Due to the sen­si­tive and strate­gic nature of cyber intel­li­gence oper­a­tions the sys­tem is designed as an off-the-shelf prod­uct, deploy­able as a stand-alone plat­form.” Can­diru claims the ser­vice can oper­ate around the globe, but notes that it can­not be deployed in the U.S., Israel, Rus­sia and Chi­na. NSO – which offers a sim­i­lar ser­vice – includes a sim­i­lar caveat.

    The doc­u­ment is the first con­fir­ma­tion that much like its com­peti­tor NSO, the spy­ware com­pa­ny has not only fin­ished devel­op­ing spytech focused on mobile phones, but also that this tech­nol­o­gy is now oper­a­tional and already up for sale.

    Inside Can­diru

    Can­diru was found­ed in 2015 by Eran Shorer and Yaakov Weiz­man. The largest share­hold­er in Isaac Zack, who has been its chair­man since the begin­ning and was also a found­ing fun­der of NSO. The com­pa­ny has moved offices fre­quent­ly and is now locat­ed on Ha’arba’a Street in Tel Aviv. It has also changed names sev­er­al times. It start­ed out as Can­diru, then became D.F. Asso­ciates, then mor­phed into Green­wick Solu­tions. Over the past year it’s also been called Tabatha Ltd., and now it’s known as Saito Tech, Ltd. But every­one in the indus­try still refers to it as Can­diru.

    The com­pa­ny helps law enforce­ment and intel­li­gence agen­cies in var­i­ous coun­tries hack into com­put­er sys­tems with­out per­mis­sion, to con­duct sur­veil­lance, steal infor­ma­tion and even cause dam­age. But what the com­pa­ny actu­al­ly does remains large­ly a rid­dle. How­ev­er, a law­suit filed by a for­mer employ­ee sheds light on some of their oper­a­tions, which it seems the firm would pre­fer be kept in the dark.

    The name of the senior employ­ee can be found online, but we will call him S. He was vice pres­i­dent of sales for Can­diru between Novem­ber 2015 and Decem­ber 2018. The law­suit, which he filed through attor­ney Tomer Hadas and Maayan Weiss Levi from the Holin-Hadas law firm, cen­ters on finan­cial com­pen­sa­tion he feels are com­ing to him, as well dam­ages for aggra­va­tion caused to him by what he claims is humil­i­at­ing treat­ment and a dis­missal process that he says was improp­er­ly con­duct­ed.

    The lit­tle evi­dence there is indi­cates that Candiru’s spe­cial­ty is hack­ing com­put­ers, but the court doc­u­ments reveal Can­diru began devel­op­ing a solu­tion for cel­lu­lar attacks as an alter­na­tive to its reg­u­lar ser­vices.

    In 2017, the defendant’s senior man­age­ment decid­ed to devel­op a line of new prod­ucts, include cyber capa­bil­i­ties in the world of cel­lu­lar phones. Until then, the defen­dant had dealt with the cyber field and com­put­ers alone.,” S.’s attor­neys wrote. “How­ev­er, for some rea­son, in ear­ly 2018, Zack, for rea­sons known only to him, ordered a halt to the sale and mar­ket­ing of these prod­ucts.”

    Candiru’s attor­neys, how­ev­er, describe the com­pa­ny as sole­ly com­put­er-focused: “The com­pa­ny has a prod­uct that col­lects intel­li­gence from com­put­er net­works, which it has start­ed to mar­ket to gov­ern­ment agen­cies.”

    Code name Sphinx

    Accord­ing to the law­suit, when S. joined the com­pa­ny at the end of 2015, the com­pa­ny had only 12 employ­ees. It then states that by “the end of 2018,” it had 70 employ­ees. How many does it have now? One of the announce­ments doc­u­ment­ed in the law­suit speaks of “a com­pa­ny of 150 employ­ees.”

    Accord­ing to the suit, dur­ing its first year of exis­tence Can­diru had no clients but was in the midst of two dif­fer­ent nego­ti­a­tions. How­ev­er, S. claims that, “By the begin­ning of 2016 the defen­dant has a large num­ber of deals in the advanced stage with clients in Europe, the for­mer Sovi­et Union, the Per­sian Gulf, Asia and Latin Amer­i­ca. The results showed impres­sive sales of $10 mil­lion in 2016.”

    Lat­er on, S. argues, “In 2017 the defen­dant had sales of near­ly $30 mil­lion through­out the world, to clients in the Per­sian Gulf, West­ern Europe, the Far East and more.”

    One of the lines of defense offered by offen­sive cyber com­pa­nies is that they sell their ser­vices only to demo­c­ra­t­ic regimes. Accord­ing to this law­suit, this is not the case with Can­diru, since there are no demo­c­ra­t­ic coun­tries in the Per­sian Gulf, nor are most of the for­mer Sovi­et coun­tries demo­c­ra­t­ic.

    These quotes also reveal infor­ma­tion on Candiru’s rev­enues: agree­ments worth $30 mil­lion as of 2017. But it’s rea­son­able to assume that these were mul­ti­year agree­ments, as one can dis­cern from anoth­er part of the law­suit, in which S. demands the bonus com­ing to him as vice pres­i­dent of sales – 1 per­cent of the company’s rev­enues. Based on his cal­cu­la­tion, com­pa­ny rev­enues in 2018 were 65 mil­lion shekels (around $20 mil­lion).

    But S. is also insist­ing on his share of deals, “For which pay­ment was not yet received by the defen­dant as of the date of ter­mi­na­tion.” He attach­es a fas­ci­nat­ing appen­dix that osten­si­bly details the company’s entire stream of future trans­ac­tions. The projects are giv­en code names – Sphinx, Tiger, Ukulele, Otron1, Oltron2, Pointer1, Pointer2 and so on – a total of $367 mil­lion in deals (appar­ent­ly over sev­er­al years). The scope of the projects range from half a mil­lion dol­lars to $20 mil­lion. The law­suit also reveals that Can­diru con­ducts nego­ti­a­tions at var­i­ous lev­els in dozens of coun­tries. “The extent of the sales activ­i­ty includ­ed all the world’s con­ti­nents [that is, includ­ing Africa] and oppor­tu­ni­ties in more than 60 coun­tries,” it states.

    15% com­mis­sion

    The legal dis­pute sheds light on anoth­er sig­nif­i­cant com­po­nent of the offen­sive cyber mar­ket – the innards of the indus­try – the use of “agents” in the tar­get coun­tries. These are inter­me­di­aries who live in the tar­get coun­tries who help com­plete the deals and get com­mis­sions.

    The legal action reveals that the com­mis­sion paid to such agents is 15 per­cent, at least that’s what Can­diru pays. It’s no small sum when tak­ing into account the size of their dif­fer­ent deals, at times worth mil­lions of dol­lars.

    Accord­ing to Can­diru, “To uphold the strict reg­u­la­tions that apply to it with regard to every­thing con­nect­ed to engag­ing agents, the com­pa­ny set up an agents com­mit­tee whose job is to approve all agents in advance before they are engaged, and to set the com­mis­sion to be paid to him. Zack serves as chair­man of the company’s agents com­mit­tee and sign­ing an agree­ment with an agent who hasn’t been approved in advance by the com­mit­tee is for­bid­den.” The law­suit argues that S. signed up agents “and engaged them with­out their being approved as required.”

    Can­diru argues that S. under­mined these rules, set up to pre­vent bribery and cor­rup­tion, an espe­cial­ly sen­si­tive issue for weapons and cyber­at­tack firms that are also sub­ject to inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tions, and which has led to trou­ble for oth­er big firms in the past.

    Can­diru, through its attor­neys, com­plained that S. has revealed secret secu­ri­ty infor­ma­tion in his law­suit, which is why it’s demand­ing the court con­duct its hear­ings behind closed doors, “And order the secret infor­ma­tion be stored in the court’s safe in a closed enve­lope, and that all secret infor­ma­tion be removed the court system’s [pub­lic online sys­tem].”

    A merg­er with NSO?

    In addi­tion to “prob­lems with the prod­uct and its lack of tech­no­log­i­cal readi­ness for the mar­ket,” as plaintiff’s attor­neys put it, S. also claims a prob­lem of con­flict of inter­ests at Can­diru. “Even in 2017, [...] sub­stan­tial dif­fi­cul­ties stemmed from the inter­ven­tion of the con­trol­ling share­hold­er, Zack, inter­ven­tion that bor­dered on a seri­ous con­flict of inter­est that went against the finan­cial inter­est of the [com­pa­ny].”

    What con­flict of inter­est might this be? It’s pos­si­ble that the plain­tiff is argu­ing that Zack has a con­flict of inter­est because he holds a cyber offense com­pa­ny on the one hand (Can­diru), while on the oth­er hand is invest­ed in sev­er­al cyber defense firms.

    In the past, Zack (through the Founders Invest­ment Fund) held shares in NSO, and coin­ci­den­tal­ly, the law firm that rep­re­sents NSO, Erdi­nast, Ben Nathen Toledano, & Co., also rep­re­sents Can­diru.

    In July we revealed that in Decem­ber 2019, sev­er­al com­pa­nies had invest­ed in Can­diru, fore­most among them Uni­ver­sal Motors. Uni­ver­sal invest­ed $9 mil­lion in Can­diru in exchange for 10 per­cent of the com­pa­ny. The importer thus replaced anoth­er share­hold­er who want­ed to get out of the com­pa­ny – ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist Eli Wart­man. The deal sets Candiru’s val­ue at $90 mil­lion – not a high val­ue for a high-tech com­pa­ny, let alone one that deals in cyber offense.

    Candiru’s future is unclear but based on cau­tious mar­ket esti­mates, at a cer­tain point it will like­ly merge with NSO, either through a direct pur­chase by NSO or through Novalpina Cap­i­tal, a pri­vate equi­ty firm that con­trols NSO. These two cyber firms have com­ple­men­tary capa­bil­i­ties – one spe­cial­izes in mobile phones (NSO) while the oth­er in com­put­ers, so there would be log­ic to such a merg­er. In any case, if such a deal should go through, we will pre­sum­ably see it through UMI’s pub­lic hold­ings in Can­diru shares.



    “Cell­phone Hack­ing and Mil­lions in Gulf Deals: Inner Work­ings of Top Secret Israeli Cyber­at­tack Firm Revealed” by Ami­tai Ziv; Haaretz; 09/07/2020

    “The com­pa­ny helps law enforce­ment and intel­li­gence agen­cies in var­i­ous coun­tries hack into com­put­er sys­tems with­out per­mis­sion, to con­duct sur­veil­lance, steal infor­ma­tion and even cause dam­age. But what the com­pa­ny actu­al­ly does remains large­ly a rid­dle. How­ev­er, a law­suit filed by a for­mer employ­ee sheds light on some of their oper­a­tions, which it seems the firm would pre­fer be kept in the dark.

    If you want to learn about a super-secre­tive indus­try, fol­low the legal dis­putes. That’s one of the lessons in this sto­ry. Because as was the case with Elliott Broidy and the 2011 role he played in NSO Group secur­ing its first for­eign client in Mex­i­co, where con­tract dis­putes between the mul­ti­ple-mid­dle-men sales team became a key source of knowl­edge of how the indus­try oper­ates, we’re see­ing the same sce­nario play out with Can­diru. We know noth­ing about how the com­pa­ny oper­ates out­side of what we’re learn­ing in this sales agent con­tract dis­pute law­suit. These com­pa­nies oper­ate like black box­es. That’s why these law­suits are so impor­tant for our gen­er­al under­stand­ing of this rel­a­tive­ly new indus­try that secret­ly explod­ed over the last decade.

    And observe how explo­sive that growth appeared to be for Can­diru. It’s what the law­suit is all about. S claims to be the source of much of that ini­tial growth and was work­ing there from Novem­ber 2015 to Decem­ber 2018. So it’s prob­a­bly unfin­ished 2018 deals that the suit revolves around:

    The name of the senior employ­ee can be found online, but we will call him S. He was vice pres­i­dent of sales for Can­diru between Novem­ber 2015 and Decem­ber 2018. The law­suit, which he filed through attor­ney Tomer Hadas and Maayan Weiss Levi from the Holin-Hadas law firm, cen­ters on finan­cial com­pen­sa­tion he feels are com­ing to him, as well dam­ages for aggra­va­tion caused to him by what he claims is humil­i­at­ing treat­ment and a dis­missal process that he says was improp­er­ly con­duct­ed.

    Accord­ing to the law­suit, when S. joined the com­pa­ny at the end of 2015, the com­pa­ny had only 12 employ­ees. It then states that by “the end of 2018,” it had 70 employ­ees. How many does it have now? One of the announce­ments doc­u­ment­ed in the law­suit speaks of “a com­pa­ny of 150 employ­ees.”

    Accord­ing to the suit, dur­ing its first year of exis­tence Can­diru had no clients but was in the midst of two dif­fer­ent nego­ti­a­tions. How­ev­er, S. claims that, “By the begin­ning of 2016 the defen­dant has a large num­ber of deals in the advanced stage with clients in Europe, the for­mer Sovi­et Union, the Per­sian Gulf, Asia and Latin Amer­i­ca. The results showed impres­sive sales of $10 mil­lion in 2016.”

    Lat­er on, S. argues, “In 2017 the defen­dant had sales of near­ly $30 mil­lion through­out the world, to clients in the Per­sian Gulf, West­ern Europe, the Far East and more.”

    But it’s the accu­sa­tions involv­ing Can­diru’s largest share­hold­er, Isaac Zack, that are the most inter­est­ing in terms of estab­lish­ing what the rela­tion­ship real­ly is between Can­diru and NSO Group. Again, NSO Group’s own­er­ship changed hands in 2019 fol­low­ing the Jamaal Khashog­gi assas­si­na­tion, sug­gest­ing Zack­’s own­er­ship in NSO Group may have end­ed at that point. And “S” was at Can­diru from 2015 to 2018. So dur­ing S’s time at Can­diru, Zack was the largest share­hold­er and sat on the agents com­mit­tee, but was also a share­hold­er at NSO Group. Plus, Can­diru and NSO Group lit­er­al­ly share law firms. And indus­try observers expect Can­diru and NSO Group to even­tu­al­ly merge, due, in part, to their syn­er­gis­tic toolk­its. That’s all part of the con­flict of inter­est charge S is alleg­ing in the law­suit. The guy over­see­ing the Can­diru sales team had large invest­ments in one of Can­diru’s main com­peti­tors. Those are the claims of “S”, who also claims to have brought in enor­mous num­bers of new gov­ern­ment clients almost overnight after join­ing at the end of 2015 and who clear­ly does­n’t feel like they were ade­quate­ly com­pen­sat­ed:

    15% com­mis­sion

    The legal dis­pute sheds light on anoth­er sig­nif­i­cant com­po­nent of the offen­sive cyber mar­ket – the innards of the indus­try – the use of “agents” in the tar­get coun­tries. These are inter­me­di­aries who live in the tar­get coun­tries who help com­plete the deals and get com­mis­sions.

    The legal action reveals that the com­mis­sion paid to such agents is 15 per­cent, at least that’s what Can­diru pays. It’s no small sum when tak­ing into account the size of their dif­fer­ent deals, at times worth mil­lions of dol­lars.

    Accord­ing to Can­diru, “To uphold the strict reg­u­la­tions that apply to it with regard to every­thing con­nect­ed to engag­ing agents, the com­pa­ny set up an agents com­mit­tee whose job is to approve all agents in advance before they are engaged, and to set the com­mis­sion to be paid to him. Zack serves as chair­man of the company’s agents com­mit­tee and sign­ing an agree­ment with an agent who hasn’t been approved in advance by the com­mit­tee is for­bid­den.” The law­suit argues that S. signed up agents “and engaged them with­out their being approved as required.”


    In addi­tion to “prob­lems with the prod­uct and its lack of tech­no­log­i­cal readi­ness for the mar­ket,” as plaintiff’s attor­neys put it, S. also claims a prob­lem of con­flict of inter­ests at Can­diru. “Even in 2017, [...] sub­stan­tial dif­fi­cul­ties stemmed from the inter­ven­tion of the con­trol­ling share­hold­er, Zack, inter­ven­tion that bor­dered on a seri­ous con­flict of inter­est that went against the finan­cial inter­est of the [com­pa­ny].”

    What con­flict of inter­est might this be? It’s pos­si­ble that the plain­tiff is argu­ing that Zack has a con­flict of inter­est because he holds a cyber offense com­pa­ny on the one hand (Can­diru), while on the oth­er hand is invest­ed in sev­er­al cyber defense firms.

    In the past, Zack (through the Founders Invest­ment Fund) held shares in NSO, and coin­ci­den­tal­ly, the law firm that rep­re­sents NSO, Erdi­nast, Ben Nathen Toledano, & Co., also rep­re­sents Can­diru.


    Candiru’s future is unclear but based on cau­tious mar­ket esti­mates, at a cer­tain point it will like­ly merge with NSO, either through a direct pur­chase by NSO or through Novalpina Cap­i­tal, a pri­vate equi­ty firm that con­trols NSO. These two cyber firms have com­ple­men­tary capa­bil­i­ties – one spe­cial­izes in mobile phones (NSO) while the oth­er in com­put­ers, so there would be log­ic to such a merg­er. In any case, if such a deal should go through, we will pre­sum­ably see it through UMI’s pub­lic hold­ings in Can­diru shares.

    But it’s S’s claims about Zack­’s nix­ing of the sales of Can­diru’s smart­phone-tar­get­ing mal­ware in ear­ly 2018 that are par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing in terms of what’s in store for the future of Can­diru and NSO Group. That’s when S alleges the sale and mar­ket­ing of new­ly devel­oped line of “cel­lu­lar attacks” (smart­phone hacks) that Can­diru decid­ed to devel­op in 2017 were halt­ed by Zack. Hacks that more or less over­lap with what NSO Group spe­cial­izes in. Keep in mind that we’ve seen non-Microsoft exploits attrib­uted to Can­diru in 2021, so Can­diru appears to have gone ahead with the sale of non-Microsoft exploits in the end. But it still points towards the obvi­ous poten­tial syn­er­gy of merg­ing these two com­pa­nies:

    Can­diru was found­ed in 2015 by Eran Shorer and Yaakov Weiz­man. The largest share­hold­er in Isaac Zack, who has been its chair­man since the begin­ning and was also a found­ing fun­der of NSO. The com­pa­ny has moved offices fre­quent­ly and is now locat­ed on Ha’arba’a Street in Tel Aviv. It has also changed names sev­er­al times. It start­ed out as Can­diru, then became D.F. Asso­ciates, then mor­phed into Green­wick Solu­tions. Over the past year it’s also been called Tabatha Ltd., and now it’s known as Saito Tech, Ltd. But every­one in the indus­try still refers to it as Can­diru.


    The lit­tle evi­dence there is indi­cates that Candiru’s spe­cial­ty is hack­ing com­put­ers, but the court doc­u­ments reveal Can­diru began devel­op­ing a solu­tion for cel­lu­lar attacks as an alter­na­tive to its reg­u­lar ser­vices.

    In 2017, the defendant’s senior man­age­ment decid­ed to devel­op a line of new prod­ucts, include cyber capa­bil­i­ties in the world of cel­lu­lar phones. Until then, the defen­dant had dealt with the cyber field and com­put­ers alone.,” S.’s attor­neys wrote. “How­ev­er, for some rea­son, in ear­ly 2018, Zack, for rea­sons known only to him, ordered a halt to the sale and mar­ket­ing of these prod­ucts.”

    Candiru’s attor­neys, how­ev­er, describe the com­pa­ny as sole­ly com­put­er-focused: “The com­pa­ny has a prod­uct that col­lects intel­li­gence from com­put­er net­works, which it has start­ed to mar­ket to gov­ern­ment agen­cies.”

    It’s worth keep­ing in mind that, while it’s entire­ly pos­si­ble plans for a future NSO Group/Candiru merg­er were behind Zack­’s deci­sion to halt the sales and mar­ket­ing of Can­diru’s smart­phone attacks, it’s also pos­si­ble there’s an active desire to com­part­men­tal­ize the indus­try by the types of attack. An oli­gop­oly of monop­o­lies. Like it might be bet­ter for one com­pa­ny to spe­cial­ize in attack Microsoft prod­ucts while anoth­er spe­cial­izes in iPhones, etc. There’s the obvi­ous monop­oly log­ic just in terms of com­pet­ing for pre­cious elite hack­er tal­ent. But beyond that there’s the sim­ple fact that the more com­pe­ti­tion there is in the cre­ation of these elite hack­ing tools, the greater the rate the indus­try is going to burn through zero-day exploits. There are only so many pos­si­ble zero-day exploits at any giv­en point, many with redun­dant pur­pos­es, which is why you don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly want to deploy redun­dant zero-day’s at the same time, run­ning the risk that more of your bag if tricks will get dis­cov­ered unnec­es­sar­i­ly. This is an indus­try where col­lu­sion between the com­pe­ti­tion can cre­ate pow­er­ful win-win sit­u­a­tions

    Inter­est­ing­ly, giv­en the rapid num­ber of deals “S” claims to have devel­oped almost imme­di­ate­ly for Can­diru in late 2015/early 2016, Can­diru respond­ed to the law­suit by argu­ing that “S” was break­ing the agent com­mit­tee rules set up to pre­vent bribery and cor­rup­tion. So we have duel­ing, but not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive, pic­tures. It’s the kind of duel­ing accu­sa­tions that raise obvi­ous ques­tions about what sorts of bribery and cor­rup­tion was S engaged in to secure all those deals? Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Can­diru does­n’t want to share that pub­licly and pushed for the tri­al to be con­duct­ed behind closed doors:

    Can­diru argues that S. under­mined these rules, set up to pre­vent bribery and cor­rup­tion, an espe­cial­ly sen­si­tive issue for weapons and cyber­at­tack firms that are also sub­ject to inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tions, and which has led to trou­ble for oth­er big firms in the past.

    Can­diru, through its attor­neys, com­plained that S. has revealed secret secu­ri­ty infor­ma­tion in his law­suit, which is why it’s demand­ing the court con­duct its hear­ings behind closed doors, “And order the secret infor­ma­tion be stored in the court’s safe in a closed enve­lope, and that all secret infor­ma­tion be removed the court system’s [pub­lic online sys­tem].”

    Final­ly, regard­ing the claims by both Can­diru and NSO Group that the mal­ware can’t be deployed in the US, Israel, Rus­sia and Chi­na, take a look at the next arti­cle from last week about a new report on where Can­diru’s mal­ware just showed up:

    Boast­ing three dif­fer­ent modes – PC/Windows, iOX (iPhone) and Android – the doc­u­ment says that, “Due to the sen­si­tive and strate­gic nature of cyber intel­li­gence oper­a­tions the sys­tem is designed as an off-the-shelf prod­uct, deploy­able as a stand-alone plat­form.” Can­diru claims the ser­vice can oper­ate around the globe, but notes that it can­not be deployed in the U.S., Israel, Rus­sia and Chi­na. NSO – which offers a sim­i­lar ser­vice – includes a sim­i­lar caveat.

    Four coun­tries are on the do-no-deploy black­list. But as the fol­low­ing arti­cle sug­gests, it might be more of a greylist. Because Can­diru’s mal­ware was just found on com­put­ers in Rus­sia and Israel accord­ing to the Sep­tem­ber report by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny ESET. They’re described as infect­ed “com­put­ers” in the report, sug­gest­ing these aren’t smart­phones. They might be lap­tops, which rais­es the dis­tinct pos­si­bil­i­ty they were hacked out­side of these coun­tries. We don’t know. But it’s a reminder that even cit­i­zens and res­i­dents of declared do-not-hack coun­tries can’t real­ly expect to be pro­tect­ed once they leave their do-not-hack coun­tries:


    Advanced Spy­ware From Israel’s Can­diru Dis­cov­ered on Russ­ian, Turk­ish, Pales­tin­ian Com­put­ers
    The high­ly-tar­get­ed mal­ware is sold by the Israeli firm to clients who use it to spy on jour­nal­ists, dis­si­dents and oth­ers, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny ESET says in new report

    Ami­tai Ziv
    Oct. 3, 2021

    Spy­ware made by the Tel Aviv-based hack­ing tool com­pa­ny Can­diru has been found on sev­er­al com­put­ers in Europe and the Mid­dle East, the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny ESET report­ed.

    In their Sep­tem­ber report, ESET wrote that accord­ing to research pub­lished by Cit­i­zen Lab and the Microsoft Threat Intel­li­gence Cen­ter in July about Can­diru’s Dev­il­sTongue mal­ware, it is “sold to third par­ties, which can abuse it to spy on var­i­ous vic­tims, includ­ing human rights defend­ers, dis­si­dents, jour­nal­ists, activists and politi­cians.”

    ESET researchers, the report says, “Dis­cov­ered indi­ca­tions of Dev­il­sTongue mal­ware in our teleme­try data, affect­ing about 10 com­put­ers” in Alba­nia, Rus­sia and the Mid­dle East. The mal­ware was found in Israel, the Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­to­ries, Turkey and oth­er parts of the region.

    It also states that “The mal­ware is high­ly tar­get­ed: each Dev­il­sTongue vic­tim we iden­ti­fied had a cus­tom sam­ple with PE resources unique to that vic­tim.” The men­tion of the “murky Israeli mer­ce­nary spy­firm,” as Can­diru is dubbed in the report, is like­ly to per­turb Israelis.

    In July, Microsoft and Google report­ed a num­ber of zero-day vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties found in the Win­dows oper­at­ing sys­tem and the pop­u­lar Chrome web brows­er. Can­diru had exploit­ed these vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in order to attack tar­gets in about 100 coun­tries, from Iran and Lebanon to Spain and the Unit­ed King­dom.

    Accord­ing to Cit­i­zen Lab, in that attack, Can­diru’s clients used a num­ber of domains, includ­ing ones linked to gen­der and human rights, in order to implant mal­ware into users’ web browsers, such as blacklivesmatter.info and genderconference.org. Their goal was social engi­neer­ing – exploit­ing human vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties to get peo­ple to click links and to affect­ed web­sites.

    The intend­ed vic­tims are still not defin­i­tive­ly known. The Cit­i­zen Lab report said that human rights activists, polit­i­cal dis­si­dents, jour­nal­ists, human rights work­ers and politi­cians were among the tar­gets.

    Sim­i­lar dis­cov­er­ies have been made regard­ing anoth­er Israeli com­pa­ny, NSO, who shares some of its clients with Can­diru. Coun­tries like Qatar, Uzbek­istan, Sau­di Ara­bia and the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates appear to have patron­ized NSO along­side Can­diru, using the lat­ter’s tech­nol­o­gy for PC com­put­ers.


    Microsoft fixed the dis­cov­ered flaws through a soft­ware update soon after they were found. The com­pa­ny did not direct­ly attribute the exploits to Can­diru, instead refer­ring to it as an “Israel-based pri­vate sec­tor offen­sive actor” under the code name Sour­gum.


    “Advanced Spy­ware From Israel’s Can­diru Dis­cov­ered on Russ­ian, Turk­ish, Pales­tin­ian Com­put­ers” by Ami­tai Ziv; Haaretz; 10/03/2021

    “ESET researchers, the report says, “Dis­cov­ered indi­ca­tions of Dev­il­sTongue mal­ware in our teleme­try data, affect­ing about 10 com­put­ers” in Alba­nia, Rus­sia and the Mid­dle East. The mal­ware was found in Israel, the Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­to­ries, Turkey and oth­er parts of the region.”

    Of the 10 com­put­ers ESET found with Can­diru’s mal­ware, 2 of them came from the do-not-hack coun­tries Can­diru claims its mal­ware can’t hack. Maybe these 2 com­put­ers were hacked in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. We don’t know. We we do know is that any new mean­ing­ful insights into how com­pa­nies like Can­diru or NSO Group actu­al­ly oper­ate — from how they sign up clients to the over­sight or lack there­of of those clients after they’re giv­en the super-mal­ware — will like­ly only be learned from more “agent” law­suits.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | October 12, 2021, 1:17 am
  14. We’ve long been told that the NSO Group’s spy­ware can’t tar­get US and UK-based phones. But how true is that real­ly? Is this like a built-in safe­guard, where the Pega­sus spy­ware auto­mat­i­cal­ly pre­vents the tar­get­ing of phones with num­bers that start with a ‘+1′ or ‘+44’ (the US and UK coun­try codes)? Or is it a ban pure­ly root­ed in pol­i­cy, where NSO Group mere­ly asks clients not to hack US or UK phones but clients could do so if they chose to? We may be get­ting an indi­rect answer to those basic ques­tions about what the NSO Group’s 40+ state-clients are capa­ble of doing with this super-spy­ware.

    Can US and UK gov­ern­ment offi­cials get hacked by any of those 40+ NSO Group clients or not? It’s kind of a huge ques­tion. After all, think about how the 2016 hack of the DNC and all of the events sur­round­ing that can be rein­ter­pret­ed when we fac­tor in the pos­si­bil­i­ty that dozens of nation states had the capac­i­ty to hack the sh$t out of US polit­i­cal and gov­ern­ment fig­ures. We can’t for­get that the crown princes of Sau­di Ara­bia and the UAE were lit­er­al­ly offer­ing secret polit­i­cal manip­u­la­tion cam­paigns to assist Trump cam­paign. Polit­i­cal manip­u­la­tion cam­paigns that would use the ser­vices of elite Israeli IT mer­ce­nary firms like Psy­Group. So if that’s what we know they were direct­ly offer­ing the Trump cam­paign, what about tools like NSO Group’s Pega­sus that both the Saud­is and UAE had access to? Was that offered to the Trump cam­paign too in 2016? It’s a ques­tion that’s rarely asked in the con­text of the NSO Group sto­ry, and yet if we learn that Pega­sus could indeed hack US and UK-based phones it’s hard to see why the pos­si­ble use of NSO Group spy­ware in 2016 should­n’t imme­di­ate­ly become a major ques­tion.

    That all part of what makes the unfold­ing sto­ry about the ruler of Dubai’s hack of his estranged ex-wife poten­tial­ly such a big sto­ry. Because we’re now learn­ing that, yes, UK phones are hack­able. The ruler of Dubai — Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum, who is also the vice pres­i­dent and prime min­is­ter of the UAE — ordered the hack­ing of his ex-wife’s phone. Along with the phones of her lawyer and secu­ri­ty team. The hack­ing appar­ent­ly took place dur­ing the cou­ple’s ongo­ing cus­tody bat­tle in Lon­don over their chil­dren. So it sounds like the hack­ing took place in the UK. And it turns out Princess Haya bint al-Hus­sein’s lawyer just hap­pens to be Fiona Shack­le­ton, a law­mak­er in Britain’s House of Lords. So a mem­ber of the UK par­lia­ment was hacked in Lon­don using Pega­sus. The ruler of Dubai was capa­ble of order­ing this last year.

    The hack was report­ed­ly dis­cov­ered when a cybert expert study­ing the pos­si­ble use of Pega­sus against a UAE activist real­ized the phones were being hacked and passed on the infor­ma­tion (pre­sum­ably to Cit­i­zen­Lab or a sim­i­lar group). Inter­est­ing­ly, NSO Group claims it also learned about the hack more or less at the same time from a whistle­blow­er who informed the com­pa­ny that Pega­sus was being mis­used against the princess and her legal team. NSO Group informed Cherie Blair (Tony Blair’s wife), who was hired by NSO Group to work as an exter­nal advis­er on human rights, and asked her to get a warn­ing to the princess. It’s a rather con­ve­nient sto­ry for NSO Group. We aren’t told any­thing more about this alleged whistle­blow­er. NSO Group informs us it then cut the UAE’s con­tract. The move pre­sum­ably made al-Mak­toum a lot less pop­u­lar with all the UAE’s oth­er rulers try­ing to hack their own ex-wifes’ phones.

    But then there’s still the ques­tion: did these phones have UK (or US) phone num­bers, which we are told Pega­sus can’t tar­get? That would be kind of a huge con­tra­dic­tion of NSO Group’s repeat­ed assur­ances, after all. And to get that answer we can look back at some ear­ly report­ing on this princess hack­ing sto­ry from back in ear­ly August, when we were learn­ing about a group of oth­er fig­ures close to the princess who were also hacked, includ­ing British human right’s lawyer and David Haigh. Haigh is the for­mer man­ag­ing direc­tor of Leeds Unit­ed Foot­ball Club and cur­rent Chair­man of Leeds Unit­ed Ladies Foot­ball Club. Haigh also hap­pens to be an out­spo­ken crit­ic of Dubai and spent time in prison there over charges of embez­zle­ment. He claims to have been tor­tured while in prison. So Haigh is a fig­ure the gov­ern­ment of Dubai would have all sorts of rea­son to want to hack. But, in the­o­ry, he should have been pro­tect­ed as a UK cit­i­zen. Instead, Haigh’s hacked phone hap­pened to have a ‘+44’ UK num­ber. That’s our answer. UK phones are hack­able. And there­fore pre­sum­ably US phones too.

    And politi­cians are hack­able in in these coun­tries. That’s what we are learn­ing from this sto­ry. It’s quite an update to the NSO Group sto­ry. And poten­tial­ly a major update to quite a few oth­er hack­ing-relat­ed sto­ries. For a decade now, dozens of coun­tries around the world have been gain­ing the abil­i­ty to exe­cute super secret hacks, and politi­cians and world lead­ers are all poten­tial tar­gets. Even the US and UK politi­cians who are sup­posed to be safe. That’s the pic­ture that’s emerg­ing. And yet, as we’ve seen, this is all more or less direct­ly tol­er­at­ed by the Israeli gov­ern­ment and indi­rect­ly tol­er­at­ed by the US gov­ern­ment. It’s a wild sto­ry that keeps get­ting wilder.

    Ok, first, here’s an arti­cle from ear­li­er this month about the can­cel­la­tion of the UAE’s NSO Group con­tracts over the hack­ing of Princess Haya and her legal team. A legal team that includes her lawyer Fiona Shack­le­ton, a law­mak­er in Britain’s House of Lords:


    NSO end­ed Pega­sus con­tract with UAE over Dubai lead­er’s hack­ing

    By Michael Hold­en
    Octo­ber 6, 2021 1:55 PM CDT Updat­ed

    LONDON, Oct 6 (Reuters) — The Israeli-based NSO Group end­ed its con­tract with the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates to use its pow­er­ful “Pega­sus” state spy­ware tool because Dubai’s ruler was using it to hack the phones of his ex-wife and some close to her, her lawyers told Eng­land’s High Court.

    Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum, vice pres­i­dent and prime min­is­ter of the UAE, instruct­ed the hack­ing of six phones belong­ing to Princess Haya bint al-Hus­sein, her lawyers and secu­ri­ty team, Eng­land’s High Court ruled in a judg­ment which was made pub­lic on Wednes­day. read more

    The hack­ing took place last year dur­ing the cou­ple’s ongo­ing mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar cus­tody bat­tle in Lon­don over their two chil­dren.

    Dur­ing the hear­ings, the court heard that NSO had can­celled its con­tract with the UAE for breach­ing its rules on using Pega­sus, a sophis­ti­cat­ed “wire­tap” sys­tem used to har­vest data from the mobile devices of spe­cif­ic sus­pect­ed major crim­i­nals or ter­ror­ists.

    “When­ev­er a sus­pi­cion of a mis­use aris­es, NSO inves­ti­gates, NSO alerts, NSO ter­mi­nates,” NSO, which only licens­es its soft­ware to gov­ern­ment intel­li­gence and law enforce­ment agen­cies, said in a state­ment after the rul­ings were pub­lished.

    It said it had shut down six sys­tems of past cus­tomers, con­tracts worth more than $300 mil­lion. NSO did not go into specifics.

    The sheikh reject­ed the court’s con­clu­sions, say­ing they were based on an incom­plete pic­ture.

    “I have always denied the alle­ga­tions made against me and I con­tin­ue to do so,” he said in a state­ment.

    The hack­ing of Haya and those con­nect­ed to her, includ­ing her lawyer Fiona Shack­le­ton, a law­mak­er in Britain’s House of Lords, came to light at the start of August last year.

    A cyber expert study­ing the pos­si­ble use of Pega­sus against a UAE activist realised the phones were being hacked and passed on the infor­ma­tion, accord­ing to doc­u­ments and evi­dence giv­en to the court.

    At the same time, NSO were alert­ed by a whistle­blow­er that the soft­ware was being mis­used to tar­get Haya and her legal team, a source famil­iar with the com­pa­ny told Reuters.

    It imme­di­ate­ly informed Cherie Blair, a high-pro­file British lawyer hired by NSO to work as an exter­nal advis­er on human rights, to get a warn­ing to the princess.

    With­in two hours, the com­pa­ny shut down the cus­tomer’s sys­tem and then pre­vent­ed any oth­er client from being able to use Pega­sus to tar­get British num­bers, a mea­sure still in place today, the source said.


    Blair, wife of for­mer British Prime Min­is­ter Tony Blair, said in a state­ment to the court: “Dur­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with the NSO senior man­ag­er, I recall ask­ing him whether their client was the big state or the lit­tle state, the man­ag­er clar­i­fied it was the lit­tle state which I took to be the state of Dubai.”

    She told Shack­le­ton that NSO had imme­di­ate­ly stopped the coun­try involved using Pega­sus, and had demand­ed answers.

    “Cherie Blair said if they weren’t using the soft­ware to find gen­uine ter­ror­ists, they had a prob­lem,” Haya’s lawyer Charles Geekie told the court. “Her client did not want to be con­nect­ed to this type of behav­iour and want­ed to help.”

    In a let­ter to the court on Dec. 14 last year, NSO said it had can­celled its con­tract with its client, who the com­pa­ny declined to iden­ti­fy.

    “As the NSO let­ter of Decem­ber 2020 makes plain, after its inves­ti­ga­tion NSO has adopt­ed the extreme rem­e­dy of ter­mi­nat­ing its cus­tomer’s use of the Pega­sus soft­ware,” Judge Andrew McFar­lane, Pres­i­dent of the Fam­i­ly Divi­sion in Eng­land and Wales, said in his rul­ing.

    “In com­mer­cial terms, this step is to be under­stood as hav­ing great sig­nif­i­cance.”


    In Octo­ber 2019, What­sApp sued NSO, accus­ing it of help­ing gov­ern­ment spies break into the phones of rough­ly 1,400 users across four con­ti­nents with tar­gets includ­ing diplo­mats, polit­i­cal dis­si­dents and senior gov­ern­ment offi­cials.

    The firm had about 45 coun­tries as cus­tomers, but had refused to do busi­ness with 90 oth­ers because they could­n’t trust them over human rights issues, the source said.


    “NSO end­ed Pega­sus con­tract with UAE over Dubai lead­er’s hack­ing” by Michael Hold­en; Reuters; 10/06/2021

    “Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum, vice pres­i­dent and prime min­is­ter of the UAE, instruct­ed the hack­ing of six phones belong­ing to Princess Haya bint al-Hus­sein, her lawyers and secu­ri­ty team, Eng­land’s High Court ruled in a judg­ment which was made pub­lic on Wednes­day. read more

    The ruler of Dubai, who also hap­pened to the the UAE’s prime min­is­ter, instruct­ed the hack­ing. That’s what the court in Lon­don con­clud­ed as part of the legal fight between Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum and Princess Haya bint al-Hus­sein in their cus­tody bat­tle. A hack­ing that took place dur­ing the cus­tody bat­tle last year in Lon­don. It’s a damn­ing detail for NSO Group if Haya was in Lon­don dur­ing the time of the hack. And espe­cial­ly damn­ing if she had a UK-based phone num­ber:

    The hack­ing took place last year dur­ing the cou­ple’s ongo­ing mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar cus­tody bat­tle in Lon­don over their two chil­dren.

    Dur­ing the hear­ings, the court heard that NSO had can­celled its con­tract with the UAE for breach­ing its rules on using Pega­sus, a sophis­ti­cat­ed “wire­tap” sys­tem used to har­vest data from the mobile devices of spe­cif­ic sus­pect­ed major crim­i­nals or ter­ror­ists.

    “When­ev­er a sus­pi­cion of a mis­use aris­es, NSO inves­ti­gates, NSO alerts, NSO ter­mi­nates,” NSO, which only licens­es its soft­ware to gov­ern­ment intel­li­gence and law enforce­ment agen­cies, said in a state­ment after the rul­ings were pub­lished.

    But it’s the hack­ing of Haya’s lawyer, Fiona Shack­le­ton that is utter­ly damn­ing for NSO Group’s claims that the UK is pro­tect­ed from its spy­ware. A mem­ber of the House of Lords got hacked with Pega­sus:

    The hack­ing of Haya and those con­nect­ed to her, includ­ing her lawyer Fiona Shack­le­ton, a law­mak­er in Britain’s House of Lords, came to light at the start of August last year.

    A cyber expert study­ing the pos­si­ble use of Pega­sus against a UAE activist realised the phones were being hacked and passed on the infor­ma­tion, accord­ing to doc­u­ments and evi­dence giv­en to the court.

    At the same time, NSO were alert­ed by a whistle­blow­er that the soft­ware was being mis­used to tar­get Haya and her legal team, a source famil­iar with the com­pa­ny told Reuters.

    It imme­di­ate­ly informed Cherie Blair, a high-pro­file British lawyer hired by NSO to work as an exter­nal advis­er on human rights, to get a warn­ing to the princess.

    With­in two hours, the com­pa­ny shut down the cus­tomer’s sys­tem and then pre­vent­ed any oth­er client from being able to use Pega­sus to tar­get British num­bers, a mea­sure still in place today, the source said.

    And now here’s a WaPo report from ear­ly August about the rev­e­la­tion that fig­ures close to Princess Haya in the UK were hacked last August. Fig­ures like David Haigh, who had been secret­ly exchang­ing videos and text mes­sages with the princess for more than a year and half from a phone smug­gled into the Dubai vil­la where she was being held. She stopped respond­ing on July 21, 2020. Haigh’s phone was hacked two weeks lat­er. It’s the kind of anec­dote that shows what must be the irre­sistible allure of the pow­er of this spy­ware. Once Sheikh Mak­toum found her phone and knew who to hack, they could hack them. Two weeks lat­er Haigh was hacked and there was basi­cal­ly noth­ing he could do about it. It’s incred­i­ble pow­er. Ever more so when it can be wield­ed in the UK. Or the US. Based on what we can infer from the avail­able data, UK phones, and log­i­cal­ly US phones too, were viable tar­gets as long as clients were will­ing to break the rules. Just imag­ine how many enti­ties out there with access to these tools may have want­ed to hack the Democ­rats in 2015 or 2016. They all could have done it:

    The Wash­ing­ton Post

    Human rights activist and close ally of detained Dubai princess had phone hacked by NSO spy­ware, foren­sic test finds

    A new Pega­sus Project exam­i­na­tion adds to the con­firmed tar­gets of the sur­veil­lance firm’s gov­ern­ment clients around the world. The activist David Haigh said he was ‘hor­ri­fied’ by this ‘attack on human rights by a despot­ic regime.’

    By Drew Har­well and Dan Sab­bagh
    August 2, 2021 at 12:01 p.m. EDT

    A phone belong­ing to a promi­nent sup­port­er of two princess­es who fled Dubai was infect­ed with Pega­sus spy­ware last year, a new foren­sic exam­i­na­tion shows, offer­ing more evi­dence that gov­ern­ment clients of the Israeli sur­veil­lance giant NSO Group have used its phone-hack­ing tool to tar­get human rights activists.

    The rev­e­la­tion that David Haigh’s iPhone 11 was hacked last August comes as evi­dence also grows that Pega­sus also was used to tar­get jour­nal­ists. Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al researchers iden­ti­fied four more phones from a list of 50,000 that were either infect­ed or tar­get­ed with Pega­sus spy­ware; two of those belonged to jour­nal­ists.

    Addi­tion­al­ly, the French gov­ern­ment told a French news out­let that its inves­ti­ga­tors had con­firmed Amnesty’s ear­li­er find­ings that two of its jour­nal­ists had been hacked. It was the first cor­rob­o­ra­tion by a gov­ern­ment of Amnesty’s find­ings.

    Haigh said that at the time of the infec­tion, he was secret­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Princess Lat­i­fa bint Mohammed al-Mak­toum, the daugh­ter of Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum. The princess had been detained by Dubai oper­a­tives in 2018 after she attempt­ed a dar­ing escape across the Ara­bi­an Sea.

    Haigh said he had been exchang­ing videos and text mes­sages for more than a year and a half with Princess Lat­i­fa through a phone that had been smug­gled into the Dubai vil­la where she was being held. She stopped respond­ing on July 21, 2020, accord­ing to a screen­shot of the mes­sages Haigh shared. The analy­sis shows that Haigh’s phone was hacked two weeks lat­er.

    The princess’s sto­ry was high­light­ed in reports by The Wash­ing­ton Post and a con­sor­tium of news orga­ni­za­tions coor­di­nat­ed by the French jour­nal­ism non­prof­it For­bid­den Sto­ries and oper­at­ing as the Pega­sus Project.

    The jour­nal­ists ana­lyzed the list of more than 50,000 phone num­bers in an effort to iden­ti­fy to whom they belonged, and with the help of researchers at Amnesty International’s Secu­ri­ty Lab, exam­ined some of the phones for evi­dence of attempt­ed or suc­cess­ful hacks.

    Before pub­li­ca­tion of a series of arti­cles last month, the Amnesty researchers exam­ined data from 67 smart­phones on the list: Twen­ty-three showed suc­cess­ful infec­tions, while 14 oth­ers showed signs of an attempt. Thir­ty of the tests were incon­clu­sive.

    In the days since, the jour­nal­ists have con­tin­ued to ask whether peo­ple who had sus­pi­cions that they were tar­get­ed would con­sent to have their phones exam­ined. Fol­low­ing those tests, the researchers said they found traces of Pega­sus on five oth­er phones. Four of those num­bers were on the list. NSO offi­cials have reject­ed sug­ges­tions that the list is relat­ed to the sur­veil­lance activ­i­ties of its clients.

    Haigh’s num­ber does not appear on the list, which includ­ed phone records only up to 2019, the year before Haigh’s phone was hacked. But jour­nal­ists nev­er­the­less asked if he would con­sent to his phone being test­ed as part of the ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion.

    Of the four new­ly exam­ined phones that were on the list and showed traces of Pega­sus in foren­sic exams, three had been infect­ed and the fourth showed signs of hav­ing been tar­get­ed with mali­cious text mes­sages that includ­ed links to web­sites known to be used in Pega­sus hacks.

    The infect­ed phones belonged to Anas Altikri­ti, a Mus­lim activist in the Unit­ed King­dom; Brigit­ta Csikász, a jour­nal­ist in Hun­gary; and Ragip Soy­lu, a jour­nal­ist in Turkey for the news orga­ni­za­tion Mid­dle East Eye, whose phone was infect­ed sev­er­al times between Feb­ru­ary and July of this year, the foren­sic analy­ses showed. The fourth phone had been used by a legal offi­cer in India.

    Amnesty researchers said their foren­sic exam­i­na­tion showed that Haigh’s iPhone had been com­pro­mised by Pega­sus through a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the iMes­sage app. That com­pro­mise took place Aug. 3, 2020, the researchers said. The analy­sis also found that there had been an “exe­cu­tion of a Pega­sus process” on both Aug. 3 and 4.

    The researchers’ test detects indi­ca­tors that are spe­cif­ic to Pega­sus, such as web­site domains, iCloud accounts and snip­pets of code. When phones have been replaced, the researchers are able to detect intru­sions from data that users gen­er­al­ly move from their old phone to their new.

    The analy­sis could not say what, if any, files had been tak­en from the device. Haigh said the phone held a con­sid­er­able amount of mes­sages and sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion per­tain­ing to Latifa’s life.

    Mean­while, the French news orga­ni­za­tion Medi­a­part report­ed that French gov­ern­ment inves­ti­ga­tors had con­firmed Amnesty’s find­ings that phones belong­ing to two of its jour­nal­ists had been infect­ed by Pega­sus. Medi­a­part said For­bid­den Sto­ries had noti­fied it in April that the jour­nal­ists’ phones had been found on the list and that the jour­nal­ists had con­sent­ed to Amnesty con­duct­ing a foren­sic exam­i­na­tion.

    In response to a judi­cial com­plaint lodged by the jour­nal­ists, French inves­ti­ga­tors also con­duct­ed an exam­i­na­tion of the phones and con­firmed the infec­tions, Medi­a­part report­ed.


    NSO mar­ket­ing doc­u­ments and inde­pen­dent analy­ses from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Cit­i­zen Lab say Pega­sus can infil­trate a phone in sec­onds, even with­out the own­er click­ing a link. Once infect­ed, hack­ers have access to vir­tu­al­ly every­thing on the phone, includ­ing pho­tos, videos, call logs, emails, saved pass­words, text mes­sages and loca­tion data. The mal­ware can also be used to acti­vate the phone’s cam­eras and micro­phones.

    The foren­sic analy­sis of Haigh’s phone could not deter­mine which NSO client insti­gat­ed the hack. But two peo­ple famil­iar with NSO oper­a­tions, who spoke to The Post on the con­di­tion of anonymi­ty to dis­cuss inter­nal affairs, say NSO ter­mi­nat­ed its con­tract with Dubai with­in the last year after it learned of the princess­es’ sur­veil­lance and oth­er human rights con­cerns.

    NSO offi­cials respond­ed to a request for com­ment for this arti­cle by point­ing to a state­ment last month say­ing the com­pa­ny would no longer answer jour­nal­ists’ ques­tions. Pre­vi­ous­ly, NSO has said its spy­ware tool is sup­posed to be used by its gov­ern­ment clients only to track crim­i­nals and ter­ror­ists. The com­pa­ny has said it inves­ti­gates claims of mis­use and intends to review the alleged abus­es revealed in the Pega­sus Project inves­ti­ga­tion and take appro­pri­ate action.

    The com­pa­ny said in a June “trans­paren­cy report” that it had sev­ered deals with gov­ern­ment clients in cas­es where the sys­tem has been used improp­er­ly, includ­ing to tar­get “pro­tect­ed” indi­vid­u­als.

    The hack of Haigh’s phone marked the first time that Amnesty’s researchers had iden­ti­fied a suc­cess­ful Pega­sus attack on a U.K. phone num­ber. A per­son famil­iar with NSO oper­a­tions said that phone num­bers with the U.K. coun­try code of +44, such as Haigh’s phone, were blocked from search­es rough­ly six months ago but offered no fur­ther detail. NSO has said that num­bers with the Unit­ed States’ +1 coun­try code also can­not be hacked.

    After Amnesty shared the evi­dence with Haigh show­ing his phone had been hacked, the British activist said in a state­ment that he was “hor­ri­fied” by this “state-spon­sored harass­ment” and called on the U.K. gov­ern­ment to inves­ti­gate this “attack on human rights by a despot­ic regime.”

    Haigh report­ed the hack to the Devon and Corn­wall police force, which cov­ers the stretch of south­ern Eng­land where he lives. Police offi­cials have con­tact­ed Amnesty about poten­tial­ly inves­ti­gat­ing the hack, the researchers said.

    Offi­cials in Dubai, one of the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates’ wealth­i­est enclaves, did not respond to requests for com­ment. The UAE’s For­eign Min­istry said in a state­ment last month: “The alle­ga­tions made by recent press reports claim­ing that the UAE is amongst a num­ber of coun­tries accused of alleged sur­veil­lance tar­get­ting of jour­nal­ists and indi­vid­u­als have no evi­den­tiary basis and are cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly false.”

    Per­son­al attor­neys for Sheikh Mohammed, Latifa’s father and the emi­rates’ prime min­is­ter, vice pres­i­dent and min­is­ter of defense, declined to com­ment. They have pre­vi­ous­ly denied his involve­ment in any hacks and said the episode — includ­ing the com­man­do assault on his daughter’s escape yacht, which the sheikh has called a res­cue — is a pri­vate fam­i­ly mat­ter.

    Haigh was pho­tographed in Novem­ber 2019 along­side Tiina Jauhi­ainen, one of Latifa’s clos­est friends and a col­lab­o­ra­tor in her failed escape, out­side the U.K. High Court pro­ceed­ings for Sheikh Mohammed’s ex-wife, Princess Haya bint Hus­sein, who is fight­ing a cus­tody bat­tle after flee­ing Dubai with her two young chil­dren.

    In March 2020, the High Court released a fact-find­ing judg­ment rul­ing that Sheikh Mohammed had ordered Latifa’s abduc­tion and orches­trat­ed an intim­i­da­tion cam­paign against Haya.

    Phone num­bers for Lat­i­fa and Haya, Latifa’s clos­est friends, and eight of Haya’s asso­ciates, includ­ing mem­bers of her legal and secu­ri­ty teams, appeared on the list. Their phones have not been made avail­able for foren­sic analy­sis.


    Haigh is a vocal oppo­nent of Dubai. A for­mer man­ag­ing direc­tor of the pro­fes­sion­al soc­cer team Leeds Unit­ed, he was arrest­ed in 2014 and con­vict­ed by a Dubai court in 2015 on charges he that had fraud­u­lent­ly stolen more than $5 mil­lion from his for­mer employ­er, the Dubai pri­vate-equi­ty firm GFH Cap­i­tal.

    Haigh has main­tained his inno­cence and said he was abused and tor­tured dur­ing near­ly two years in prison. He was released in 2016 and declared bank­rupt last year after GFH Cap­i­tal won a British court order forc­ing him to repay the mon­ey.

    The secret phone Lat­i­fa used to com­mu­ni­cate while detained in her guard­ed vil­la, Haigh said, was also used to record the videos released by the BBC this year in which she said that guards had told her she “would nev­er see the sun again” and that “every day I am wor­ried about my safe­ty and my life.” Haigh said she record­ed the mes­sages in her bath­room, the only room where she could lock the door.


    A top White House advis­er raised con­cerns over NSO’s Pega­sus soft­ware to an Israeli senior offi­cial in the White House last month, and mem­bers of Con­gress have urged the Biden admin­is­tra­tion to more strong­ly rein in the “hack­ing for hire indus­try.”


    “Human rights activist and close ally of detained Dubai princess had phone hacked by NSO spy­ware, foren­sic test finds” by Drew Har­well and Dan Sab­bagh; The Wash­ing­ton Post; 08/02/2021

    Haigh said he had been exchang­ing videos and text mes­sages for more than a year and a half with Princess Lat­i­fa through a phone that had been smug­gled into the Dubai vil­la where she was being held. She stopped respond­ing on July 21, 2020, accord­ing to a screen­shot of the mes­sages Haigh shared. The analy­sis shows that Haigh’s phone was hacked two weeks lat­er.

    It must have been very clear who to hack once they got their hands on Princess Haya’s phone. David Haigh had been secret­ly swap­ping videos and texts with her for years. And it took the gov­ern­ment of Dubai basi­cal­ly no time to hack Haigh and learn what­ev­er he knew. The pow­er that comes from abus­ing these tools is incred­i­ble:

    Haigh is a vocal oppo­nent of Dubai. A for­mer man­ag­ing direc­tor of the pro­fes­sion­al soc­cer team Leeds Unit­ed, he was arrest­ed in 2014 and con­vict­ed by a Dubai court in 2015 on charges he that had fraud­u­lent­ly stolen more than $5 mil­lion from his for­mer employ­er, the Dubai pri­vate-equi­ty firm GFH Cap­i­tal.

    Haigh has main­tained his inno­cence and said he was abused and tor­tured dur­ing near­ly two years in prison. He was released in 2016 and declared bank­rupt last year after GFH Cap­i­tal won a British court order forc­ing him to repay the mon­ey.

    The fact that Haigh’s num­ber does­n’t appear on the leaked list of 50,000 pub­lished Pega­sus sus­pect­ed tar­gets because the hack­ing hap­pened after 2019 is worth not­ing in part because it’s a reminder that the num­ber of tar­gets glob­al is actu­al­ly like­ly far high­er than that leaked list. But the fact that Haigh’s num­ber is the first time Amnesty’s researchers had iden­ti­fied ad suc­cess­ful Pega­sus attack on a UK phone num­ber answers once and for all if UK-based phones can even be tar­get­ed by rogue clients. Yes they can:

    Haigh’s num­ber does not appear on the list, which includ­ed phone records only up to 2019, the year before Haigh’s phone was hacked. But jour­nal­ists nev­er­the­less asked if he would con­sent to his phone being test­ed as part of the ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion.


    The hack of Haigh’s phone marked the first time that Amnesty’s researchers had iden­ti­fied a suc­cess­ful Pega­sus attack on a U.K. phone num­ber. A per­son famil­iar with NSO oper­a­tions said that phone num­bers with the U.K. coun­try code of +44, such as Haigh’s phone, were blocked from search­es rough­ly six months ago but offered no fur­ther detail. NSO has said that num­bers with the Unit­ed States’ +1 coun­try code also can­not be hacked.

    But the rev­e­la­tion about the first UK phone tar­get­ed by Pega­sus then rais­es the major ques­tion that looms over this sto­ry: was this the first instance of a NSO Group break­ing the rules and tar­get­ing UK-based phones? Or is this abuse rou­tine? There aren’t any UK or US phone num­bers that show up in 50k list of num­bers in the leaked For­bid­den Stories/Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al report on Pega­sus. So is that pri­or lack of UK or US num­bers of reflec­tion of no abuse of this nature? Or a reflec­tion of the fact that these kinds of abus­es were hid­den even from the source where the leak came from?

    Keep in mind the Pega­sus leak pre­sum­ably came from some­one at NSO Group or in con­tact with some there. Or maybe some­one who hacked the com­pa­ny, iron­i­cal­ly. But it did­n’t come from all the clients sep­a­rate­ly. And that means if the clients were able to hide their tar­get­ing of US‑, UK‑, or any oth­er black­list coun­tries-phones from NSO Group, then we should­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly expect the leaked list of Pega­sus tar­gets to include any US or UK tar­gets. The clients all self-fil­tered that so they would­n’t get their sub­scrip­tions cut off like the UAE. And there­fore a lack of and UK or US num­bers on that last should­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly be seen as an indi­ca­tion that these kinds of abus­es weren’t tak­ing place pre-2020.

    All in all, this sto­ry about the hack­ing of Princess Haya could end up being the most con­se­quen­tial NSO Group sto­ry so far. There’s no short­age of ques­tions raised by all this. Like whether or not Can­diru cut the UAE off too after all this was dis­cov­ered or just raised the rates and offered more prod­ucts.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | October 25, 2021, 10:43 pm
  15. Here’s a pair of arti­cles about one of the biggest ques­tions fac­ing the entire top­ic of the glob­al offen­sive cyber-mer­ce­nary indus­try: the ques­tion of whether or not the Five Eyes coun­tries are vul­ner­a­ble to this super-spy­ware too. Just how much hack­ing of the US and UK gov­ern­ments has been qui­et­ly tak­ing place over the last decade? Recall the recent reports about NSO Group cut­ting off the UAE’s access to Pega­sus after it was dis­cov­ered the head of Dubai was using the soft­ware to spy on his ex-wife, Princess Haya, along with a num­ber of oth­er mem­bers of her secu­ri­ty and legal team based in the UK. Includ­ing her lawyer Fiona Shack­le­ton, who hap­pens to be a mem­ber of the House of Lords. Beyond that, their hacked phones at +44 UK phone num­bers, some­thing that should­n’t be pos­si­ble.

    And as we’re going to see in the first excerpt below from sev­er­al weeks ago, just days after the sto­ry of the NSO Group drop­ping the UAE as a client was first report­ed, NSO Group made a remark­able admis­sion: fol­low­ing the appar­ent dis­cov­ery inside NSO Group about the abuse of Pega­sus, NSO Group imme­di­ate­ly imple­ment­ed a change to the Pega­sus soft­ware that banned the tar­get­ing of +44 phone num­bers. It’s the kind of admis­sion that con­firms the obvi­ous: NSO Group clients have been able to tar­get +44 num­bers all along.

    But it gets worse. Because as we’re going to see in the sec­ond excerpt below, from back in July when the sto­ry of the 50,000+ tar­get num­bers was first break­ing, there were reports about a remark­able obser­va­tion in that list of num­bers: 400+ of them were +44 UK num­bers, going back to 2017. And while most of the +44 num­bers are believed to have been entered by the UAE, the Saud­is are also respon­si­ble for some of them. Which means the UAE was ram­pant­ly tar­get UK phone num­bers for years.

    So what are the odds NSO Group did­n’t know about this? Well, that’s where the sus­pi­cious coin­ci­den­tal tim­ing of the twin and alleged­ly inde­pen­dent dis­cov­er­ies of the UAE tar­get­ing of UK phones should serve as a hint. Recall how NSO Group claims it inde­pen­dent­ly learned about the tar­get­ing of Princess Haya at the same time an inde­pen­dent researcher dis­cov­ered evi­dence of Pega­sus tar­get­ing mem­bers of Shack­le­ton’s law firm. As we’ll see in the fol­low­ing report, an anony­mous source close to the com­pa­ny assures us “It is a coin­ci­dence” that both of these dis­cov­er­ies were made on the exact same date. We’re also told that the code mod­i­fi­ca­tions that stopped the tar­get­ing of +44 num­bers were imple­ment­ed with­in hours of NSO Group learn­ing about the abus­es. It’s a rather dubi­ous claim. NSO Group and this inde­pen­dent researcher just hap­pened to learn about it all simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and inde­pen­dent­ly. You have to won­der if the researcher’s prod­ding on the infect­ed phone was lit­er­al­ly what tipped off NSO Group that he found the evi­dence. Keep in mind that the hack­ing of Princess Haya had already been alleged weeks ear­li­er, as we’ll see in the excerpt from July. It’s not like NSO Group could claim it had­n’t already heard about this. So NSO Group’s sto­ry of how it first con­firmed the hack­ing of the +44 num­bers does­n’t real­ly log­i­cal­ly check out. Yet that’s the sto­ry being pushed by the anony­mous source close to the com­pa­ny. So it’s note­wor­thy that this same anony­mous source also assures us that this vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty for +44 does­n’t apply to +1 (US) or any oth­er Five Eyes num­bers.

    Yes, the anony­mous source giv­ing us a high­ly dubi­ous assur­ance about about NSO Group also claims there’s noth­ing to wor­ry about when it comes to the hack­ing of the rest of the Five Eyes. It’s not exact­ly reas­sur­ing. And, more to the point, it’s the kind of sce­nario that sug­gests NSO Group knew all along the tar­get­ing of +44 num­bers was hap­pen­ing and was fine with it. Beyond that, it’s hard not to notice that the UK gov­ern­ment itself does­n’t seem very per­turbed by this sto­ry. Or of the oth­er Five Eyes gov­ern­ments who real­ly should view this as one of the great­est secu­ri­ty threats in his­to­ry. It’s the kind of sit­u­a­tion that sug­gests a major part of this scan­dal is the fact that the Five Eyes gov­ern­ments may have been fine with this. What kind of arrange­ments are being qui­et­ly worked out between the client stages giv­en access to these tools and the Five Eyes net­work that appears to be a kind of tac­it spon­sor of this cyber indus­try? It’s a fas­ci­nat­ing ques­tion at the heart of this sto­ry.

    Ok, here’s the Octo­ber 8 report that came out just days after we first learned about the UAE los­ing its hack­ing priv­i­leges over the Haya hacks, with NSO Group assur­ing every­one that it fixed the prob­lem. A prob­lem with Pega­sus seem­ing­ly hav­ing no prob­lem at all hack­ing +44 num­bers. The fix was appar­ent­ly so easy to do, NSO Group imple­ment­ed it with­in hours of learn­ing about the abus­es. And it’s appar­ent­ly just a coin­ci­dence that NSO Group did­n’t decide to make this easy remote fix until the com­pa­ny ‘coin­ci­den­tal­ly’ con­firmed the abus­es on the exact same date as an inde­pen­dent researcher with access to Shack­le­ton’s phone. It’s not exact­ly a com­pelling cov­er sto­ry:

    The Guardian

    NSO Pega­sus spy­ware can no longer tar­get UK phone num­bers

    Israeli mak­er of sur­veil­lance soft­ware blocked +44 code after detect­ing hack against Princess Haya, source says

    Dan Sab­bagh Defence and secu­ri­ty edi­tor
    Fri 8 Oct 2021 13.53 EDT
    Last mod­i­fied on Fri 8 Oct 2021 14.40 EDT

    The pow­er­ful spy­ware used to hack into mobile phones belong­ing to Princess Haya and her divorce lawyer Fiona Shack­le­ton is no longer effec­tive against UK num­bers, sources famil­iar with the software’s devel­op­er have said.

    NSO Group, the Israeli mak­er of the Pega­sus sur­veil­lance tool, imple­ment­ed a change pre­vent­ing client coun­tries from tar­get­ing +44 num­bers, the sources said, after it became aware of the British hack­ing scan­dal on 5 August last year.

    “We shut down com­plete­ly, hard-cod­ed into the sys­tem [Pega­sus], to all of our cus­tomers. We released a quick update in the mid­dle of the night that none of our cus­tomers can work on UK num­bers,” the source close to the com­pa­ny added.

    The action was tak­en with­in hours after NSO dis­cov­ered that Pega­sus had prob­a­bly been used by Dubai, whose ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum was locked in a child pro­tec­tion bat­tle with Haya, his for­mer wife, to hack into her phone and that of Shack­le­ton and anoth­er of her lawyers.

    Ear­li­er this week British civ­il courts con­clud­ed on the bal­ance of prob­a­bil­i­ties that Haya’s phone and those of her advis­ers and allies had been tar­get­ed with sur­veil­lance that “occurred with the express or implied author­i­ty of the [children’s] father” in what amount­ed to “a total abuse of trust, and indeed an abuse of pow­er”.

    Court rul­ings indi­cate that NSO blew the whis­tle on the hack­ing late in the evening on 5 August 2020, alert­ing her prin­ci­pal lawyer, Shack­le­ton, via the company’s ethics advis­er, Cherie Blair, at an intense point dur­ing the legal bat­tle between the princess and Sheikh Mohammed.

    Notably, the company’s alarm came on the exact date an inde­pen­dent com­put­er foren­sics researcher had spot­ted that Pega­sus was being used against num­bers linked to Shackleton’s law firm, Payne Hicks Beach. But the source said the sim­i­lar­i­ty in tim­ing was just chance: “It is a coin­ci­dence.”

    It is not pos­si­ble to imme­di­ate­ly ver­i­fy whether NSO’s soft­ware has been mod­i­fied, although those who have stud­ied the mis­use of the soft­ware said there was no evi­dence yet of a Pega­sus hack­ing attempt involv­ing a UK num­ber after 5 August last year.

    The same source famil­iar with the com­pa­ny said that Pega­sus was also not effec­tive against US num­bers – which is believed to have been the case for some time – as well as phones from NSO’s home mar­ket, Israel, and “all of the Five Eyes” mem­bers, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zealand as well as the UK and the US.

    That sug­gests that Pega­sus may still be effec­tive against num­bers in oth­er Nato coun­tries in Europe, such as France, which pressed Israel to mount an inquiry into the use of the sur­veil­lance soft­ware, after it emerged that phone num­bers belong­ing to Pres­i­dent Macron and over half his cab­i­net were on a leaked list of peo­ple who were believed to be poten­tial tar­gets of inter­est to NSO’s gov­ern­ment clients since 2016.


    An inves­ti­ga­tion by the Guardian ear­li­er this year dis­cov­ered that 50,000 phone num­bers had appeared on the leaked list. At least 10 coun­tries – includ­ing the UAE, of which Dubai is part – were believed to have entered num­bers list­ed.

    But there have been repeat­ed crit­i­cisms that activists, jour­nal­ists and lawyers were also being tar­get­ed using the tech­nol­o­gy, with 400 UK num­bers appear­ing in the leaked list hav­ing been select­ed by the UAE.

    NSO Group is not under­stood to have come under direct pres­sure from the UK to recode its soft­ware, although the source famil­iar with the company’s oper­a­tions added: “I believe some of the enti­ties know about it” – an appar­ent ref­er­ence to British intel­li­gence.

    That could explain some of the UK’s mut­ed response to the hack­ing con­clu­sions reached by the civ­il courts. A sub­tle warn­ing about the “legal, respon­si­ble and pro­por­tion­ate” use of cyber-sur­veil­lance on the part of the For­eign Office has been accom­pa­nied by an empha­sis on the impor­tance of the UAE as an ally.



    “NSO Pega­sus spy­ware can no longer tar­get UK phone num­bers” by Dan Sab­bagh; The Guardian; 10/08/2021

    “NSO Group, the Israeli mak­er of the Pega­sus sur­veil­lance tool, imple­ment­ed a change pre­vent­ing client coun­tries from tar­get­ing +44 num­bers, the sources said, after it became aware of the British hack­ing scan­dal on 5 August last year.”

    It’s con­firmed. NSO Group clients did indeed have the tech­ni­cal capac­i­ty to tar­get +44 UK num­bers up until August 5 of 2020. This was, of course, after over 400 UK num­bers showed up in the giant inves­tiga­tive leak of 50,000+ sus­pect­ed tar­get num­bers. But we’re also get­ting anoth­er con­fir­ma­tion: NSO Group had the tech­ni­cal capac­i­ty to eas­i­ly make it impos­si­ble for clients to tar­get +44 num­bers but did­n’t use that capac­i­ty until the Princess Haya scan­dal. NSO Group could have eas­i­ly pre­vent­ed this entire scan­dal but did­n’t do so. Why is that?

    “We shut down com­plete­ly, hard-cod­ed into the sys­tem [Pega­sus], to all of our cus­tomers. We released a quick update in the mid­dle of the night that none of our cus­tomers can work on UK num­bers,” the source close to the com­pa­ny added.

    The action was tak­en with­in hours after NSO dis­cov­ered that Pega­sus had prob­a­bly been used by Dubai, whose ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum was locked in a child pro­tec­tion bat­tle with Haya, his for­mer wife, to hack into her phone and that of Shack­le­ton and anoth­er of her lawyers.

    Ear­li­er this week British civ­il courts con­clud­ed on the bal­ance of prob­a­bil­i­ties that Haya’s phone and those of her advis­ers and allies had been tar­get­ed with sur­veil­lance that “occurred with the express or implied author­i­ty of the [children’s] father” in what amount­ed to “a total abuse of trust, and indeed an abuse of pow­er”.


    But there have been repeat­ed crit­i­cisms that activists, jour­nal­ists and lawyers were also being tar­get­ed using the tech­nol­o­gy, with 400 UK num­bers appear­ing in the leaked list hav­ing been select­ed by the UAE.

    So what about the rest of the Five Eyes nations? We’re these num­bers tar­getable too? We are told by an anony­mous source close to NSO Group that, no, Pega­sus can’t tar­get these oth­er nations. And yet this same anony­mous source also assures us that it’s pure­ly a coin­ci­dence that NSO Group became aware of the tar­get­ing of Princess Haya and oth­ers close to her on the same day an inde­pen­dent com­put­er foren­sics researcher dis­cov­ered the same hacks. So it was on the same day that an inde­pen­dent researcher effec­tive­ly threat­ened to make this scan­dal pub­lic that NSO Group mag­i­cal­ly stum­bled upon the same prob­lem­at­ic behav­ior and final­ly put it to an end. It’s the kind of nar­ra­tive that sug­gests this anony­mous source is basi­cal­ly just push­ing NSO Group’s cov­er sto­ry. Which also means we should prob­a­bly assume that the tar­get­ing of num­bers of the US, Uk, Aus­tralia, Cana­da, and New Zealand was also tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble for NSO Group clients up until August of 2020:

    Court rul­ings indi­cate that NSO blew the whis­tle on the hack­ing late in the evening on 5 August 2020, alert­ing her prin­ci­pal lawyer, Shack­le­ton, via the company’s ethics advis­er, Cherie Blair, at an intense point dur­ing the legal bat­tle between the princess and Sheikh Mohammed.

    Notably, the company’s alarm came on the exact date an inde­pen­dent com­put­er foren­sics researcher had spot­ted that Pega­sus was being used against num­bers linked to Shackleton’s law firm, Payne Hicks Beach. But the source said the sim­i­lar­i­ty in tim­ing was just chance: “It is a coin­ci­dence.”

    It is not pos­si­ble to imme­di­ate­ly ver­i­fy whether NSO’s soft­ware has been mod­i­fied, although those who have stud­ied the mis­use of the soft­ware said there was no evi­dence yet of a Pega­sus hack­ing attempt involv­ing a UK num­ber after 5 August last year.

    The same source famil­iar with the com­pa­ny said that Pega­sus was also not effec­tive against US num­bers – which is believed to have been the case for some time – as well as phones from NSO’s home mar­ket, Israel, and “all of the Five Eyes” mem­bers, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zealand as well as the UK and the US.

    That sug­gests that Pega­sus may still be effec­tive against num­bers in oth­er Nato coun­tries in Europe, such as France, which pressed Israel to mount an inquiry into the use of the sur­veil­lance soft­ware, after it emerged that phone num­bers belong­ing to Pres­i­dent Macron and over half his cab­i­net were on a leaked list of peo­ple who were believed to be poten­tial tar­gets of inter­est to NSO’s gov­ern­ment clients since 2016.

    Adding to the cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence of a major undis­cov­ered scan­dal here is the fact that the list of 50,000+ sus­pect­ed tar­get phone num­bers only came from around 10 of NSO Group’s clients. Which means there’s around 30 more clients that we know noth­ing about...other than the fact that they pre­sum­ably had the same capac­i­ty to tar­get Five Eyes num­bers as the UAE:

    An inves­ti­ga­tion by the Guardian ear­li­er this year dis­cov­ered that 50,000 phone num­bers had appeared on the leaked list. At least 10 coun­tries – includ­ing the UAE, of which Dubai is part – were believed to have entered num­bers list­ed.

    Next, here’s a Guardian report from back in July about the 400+ UK phone num­bers dis­cov­ered in the leaked list of 50,000+ tar­get num­bers. As we’ll see, NSO Group did­n’t sim­ply deny that Pega­sus was used to tar­get UK phone num­bers. The com­pa­ny sug­gest­ed it was tech­ni­cal­ly impos­si­ble for Pega­sus soft­ware to do so. That was the mes­sage com­ing out of NSO Group a cou­ple weeks before the August 5 emer­gency change made to Pega­sus’s code fol­low­ing the ‘dis­cov­ery’ by NSO Group that the UAE was indeed tar­get­ing UK phone num­bers. And not just a few UK phone num­bers. Of the 400+ UK phone num­bers in the list, the bulk of them were entered by the UAE. This one client was allowed to seri­al­ly vio­late the nation black­list rules. For years:

    The Guardian

    UAE linked to list­ing of hun­dreds of UK phones in Pega­sus project leak

    Mem­ber of the House of Lords and Briton once detained in UAE among those appear­ing in data­base

    Dan Sab­bagh, David Pegg, Paul Lewis and Stephanie Kirch­gaess­ner
    Wed 21 Jul 2021 12.59 EDT

    A mem­ber of the House of Lords is among more than 400 peo­ple whose UK mobile phone num­bers appear in a leaked list of num­bers iden­ti­fied by NSO Group’s client gov­ern­ments between 2017 and 2019, the Guardian can reveal.

    The prin­ci­pal gov­ern­ment respon­si­ble for select­ing the UK num­bers appears to be the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, accord­ing to analy­sis of the data. The UAE is one of 40 coun­tries that had access to the NSO spy­ware that is able to hack into and secret­ly take con­trol of a mobile phone.

    Dubai, the emi­rate city ruled by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak­toum, is also believed to have been an NSO client.


    In mul­ti­ple state­ments, NSO said that the fact that a num­ber appeared on the leaked list was in no way indica­tive of whether a num­ber was tar­get­ed for sur­veil­lance using Pega­sus. “The list is not a list of Pega­sus tar­gets or poten­tial tar­gets,” the com­pa­ny said. “The num­bers in the list are not relat­ed to NSO group in any way.”

    But the Guardian and oth­er media part­ners that had access to the data as part of the Pega­sus project, a media con­sor­tium, believe the list indi­cates per­sons of inter­est select­ed by gov­ern­ment clients of NSO. It includes peo­ple across the world whose phones showed traces of NSO’s spy­ware, Pega­sus, accord­ing to foren­sic analy­sis of their devices.

    Those with UK num­bers appear­ing on the list include:

    * Lady Uddin, an inde­pen­dent mem­ber of the House of Lords, whose num­ber appeared on the data in both 2017 and 2018. She said if there was spy­ing on mem­bers of par­lia­ment it would amount to “a great breach of trust” which “con­tra­venes our sov­er­eign­ty”.

    * A lawyer work­ing for a Lon­don law firm advis­ing Princess Haya. Haya is embroiled in a bit­ter cus­tody bat­tle with Sheikh Mohammed in the fam­i­ly divi­sion of the high court of jus­tice.

    * John Gos­den, a lead­ing horse train­er based in New­mar­ket, who is also friend of Princess Haya, her­self an inter­na­tion­al eques­tri­an rid­er. Num­bers for oth­er peo­ple work­ing for Haya’s secu­ri­ty and PR team also appear in the data.

    * John Chip­man, the chief exec­u­tive of the defence think­tank the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Strate­gic Stud­ies, which runs an annu­al con­fer­ence in Bahrain, one of the UAE’s allies.

    * Matthew Hedges, a Briton detained in the UAE for sev­en months in 2018, whose num­ber first appears in the data while he was in the UK, before embark­ing on his trip. “I want to know what the British gov­ern­ment is doing about it,” he said.

    Oth­er high-pro­file UK names who appear on the list have already been named, such as Roula Kha­laf, the edi­tor of the Finan­cial Times, who was deputy edi­tor when her num­ber appeared in the data in 2018. NSO lat­er said there were no attempt­ed or suc­cess­ful Pega­sus infec­tions of Khalaf’s phone.

    Ear­li­er this week, the Guardian also revealed the list­ing of the num­ber of the human rights lawyer Rod­ney Dixon QC, who has act­ed for both Hedges and the fiancee of the mur­dered Sau­di jour­nal­ist Jamal Khashog­gi, Hat­ice Cen­giz. Analy­sis of the data sug­gests his num­ber was among a small group of UK num­bers that appear to have been select­ed by Sau­di Ara­bia.

    Lawyers for NSO sug­gest­ed it was “tech­ni­cal­ly impos­si­ble” for Dixon’s phone to be tar­get­ed by Sau­di Ara­bia. Foren­sic analy­sis of Dixon’s device con­duct­ed by Amnesty International’s Secu­ri­ty Lab showed Pega­sus-relat­ed activ­i­ty but no suc­cess­ful infec­tion.

    Amnesty exam­ined two oth­er UK phones in the data. One showed the same kind of Pega­sus activ­i­ty dis­cov­ered on Dixon’s iPhone. The sec­ond, an Android phone, showed no evi­dence of an attempt­ed or suc­cess­ful infec­tion.

    Nei­ther the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, Dubai nor Sau­di Ara­bia respond­ed to requests for com­ment. Till Dunck­el, a Ger­man lawyer rep­re­sent­ing Sheikh Mohammed, told the news­pa­per Süd­deutsche Zeitung: “Our client emphat­i­cal­ly denies hav­ing attempt­ed to ‘hack’ the phones of the per­sons named in your request, or hav­ing instruct­ed oth­ers to do so.” Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the sheikh have also pre­vi­ous­ly said he feared Lat­i­fa was a vic­tim of a kid­nap­ping and that he had con­duct­ed “a res­cue mis­sion”.

    NSO Group has always said it does not have access to the data of its cus­tomers. In state­ments issued through its lawyers, NSO said the Pega­sus project report­ing con­sor­tium had made “incor­rect assump­tions” about which clients used the company’s tech­nol­o­gy.

    Exiled dis­si­dents and sup­port­ive activists in the UK also appeared on the leaked list, which is bound to raise ques­tions about the UAE, which is tra­di­tion­al­ly con­sid­ered a British ally, and whose lead­ing fam­i­ly, the rulers of Abu Dhabi, own the Pre­mier League cham­pi­ons, Man­ches­ter City.

    The UAE has become a fast-emerg­ing cyber pow­er, whose pow­er­ful sur­veil­lance capa­bil­i­ty is con­trolled by the fam­i­ly of its ruler, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, and in par­tic­u­lar his broth­er, the nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, Sheikh Tah­noon bin Zayed.

    Three sources famil­iar with NSO’s oper­a­tions con­firmed that with­in the past year the com­pa­ny had stripped Dubai of its Pega­sus licence. They said the deci­sion had been informed pri­mar­i­ly by human rights con­cerns, but did not dis­pute that the pos­si­bil­i­ty Sheikh Mohammed was wield­ing the soft­ware against his own fam­i­ly mem­bers had also been a fac­tor.

    It is unclear whether MI5 was aware of any UAE spy­ing activ­i­ty. Gen­er­al­ly if the spy agency becomes aware a Briton is sub­ject to for­eign sur­veil­lance, it will take action to alert the vic­tim if it believes there is a threat to life or oth­er seri­ous dan­ger in the UK.

    But the British gov­ern­ment issued a cod­ed rebuke to the coun­try this week fol­low­ing the rev­e­la­tions of the Pega­sus project.

    A gov­ern­ment spokesper­son said: “It is vital all cyber actors use capa­bil­i­ties in a way that is legal, respon­si­ble and pro­por­tion­ate to ensure cyber­space remains a safe and pros­per­ous place for all.”

    Why cer­tain peo­ple may have been list­ed is hard to deter­mine. Uddin was the first Mus­lim woman to serve in the upper house, but is not con­sid­ered a for­eign pol­i­cy spe­cial­ist. “If espi­onage is tak­ing place against the high­est of sov­er­eign British insti­tu­tions, ques­tions arise regard­ing whether our gov­ern­ment was aware,” she said.

    Matthew Hedges, a Durham Uni­ver­si­ty PhD stu­dent spe­cial­is­ing in secu­ri­ty, was first list­ed on the data­base in March 2018, two months before he was detained and tor­tured for sev­en months, accused of spy­ing for MI6. The ini­tial list­ing of his num­ber in the data took place before Hedges had trav­elled to the UAE for his research.

    MI6 denies he was act­ing as an agent, in a high-pro­file case that strained rela­tions between Lon­don and Abu Dhabi. Hedges was sub­ject to repeat­ed inter­ro­ga­tions that last­ed hours and was inject­ed with a cock­tail of drugs on which he is part­ly depen­dent today, but was only charged after being held for five months.

    It was not pos­si­ble to con­duct foren­sic analy­sis of Hedges’ UK phone from the time because UAE author­i­ties con­fis­cat­ed his device.

    Mohammed Kozbar, the chair of the Fins­bury Park mosque, arguably the best-known mosque in Britain, also appeared on the leaked list. His num­ber appeared in the data in 2018, appar­ent­ly because of the UAE. The mosque was com­pre­hen­sive­ly reformed in 2015 under his lead­er­ship, and is con­sid­ered a mod­el of com­mu­ni­ty rela­tions, act­ing recent­ly as a pub­lic vac­ci­na­tion cen­tre.

    Kozbar said he was baf­fled as to why he might have been of inter­est to the Gulf state, say­ing he had “nev­er been in the UAE” nor had any involve­ment with the coun­try. He said he feared that “British cit­i­zens will be open to abuse from every coun­try in the world” unless the UK spoke out against appar­ent abus­es of NSO spy­ware world­wide.

    Dis­si­dents – some of whom focused on Sau­di Ara­bia or Bahrain – and at least one British activist have also appeared in the list. They include the Emi­rati-born Alaa al-Sid­diq, 33, the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Sau­di cam­paign group ALQST, who was killed in a car crash in Oxford­shire last month. After talk­ing to the police her organ­i­sa­tion said there was “no sug­ges­tion of foul play”.

    Anoth­er per­son who appears in the data in 2018 was the lead­ing Bahrai­ni dis­si­dent and human rights cam­paign­er Sayed Alwadaei, who has polit­i­cal asy­lum in the UK. He was also select­ed by a cus­tomer under­stood to be the UAE, although he cam­paigns for democ­ra­cy and rights in Bahrain, par­tic­u­lar­ly around the time of the grand prix, held that year in April.

    He called on the UK gov­ern­ment to “speak out and stop defend­ing these abu­sive gov­ern­ments”.

    A num­ber belong­ing to Rori Don­aghy was select­ed by UAE through­out 2017 and 2018, accord­ing to analy­sis. He was pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed to have been a tar­get of a UAE hack­ing cam­paign unre­lat­ed to NSO.

    He worked for three years until 2016 for Mid­dle East Eye, a UK-based news organ­i­sa­tion that reg­u­lar­ly crit­i­cised the UAE regime. But at the time his num­ber appeared in the data he was work­ing for a spe­cial­ist Mid­dle East con­sul­tan­cy, writ­ing reports about Syr­ia and the refugee cri­sis.

    The num­ber of the pres­i­dent of the Mus­lim Asso­ci­a­tion of Britain, Raghad Altikri­ti, the first female head of the organ­i­sa­tion, also appears on the list. She was pre­vi­ous­ly a vice-pres­i­dent and head of media, and her broth­er Anas Altikri­ti, who runs the Cor­do­ba Foun­da­tion think­tank, which pro­motes inter­cul­tur­al dia­logue, was list­ed between 2017 and 2019.

    The num­bers of sev­er­al employ­ees of three Lon­don cor­po­rate intel­li­gence firms also appeared on the list. In one case, it appears the head of the firm was select­ed by the UAE along with two num­bers belong­ing to his wife. All three firms work for Gulf state clients.


    “UAE linked to list­ing of hun­dreds of UK phones in Pega­sus project leak” Dan Sab­bagh, David Pegg, Paul Lewis and Stephanie Kirch­gaess­ner; The Guardian; 07/21/2021

    The prin­ci­pal gov­ern­ment respon­si­ble for select­ing the UK num­bers appears to be the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, accord­ing to analy­sis of the data. The UAE is one of 40 coun­tries that had access to the NSO spy­ware that is able to hack into and secret­ly take con­trol of a mobile phone.”

    Yes, it appears the UAE is the prin­ci­ple NSO Group client state respon­si­ble for the 400+ UK phone num­bers that appeared on the list of 50,000+ sus­pect­ed tar­get num­bers released in the For­bid­den Papers leak. And the dates cor­re­spond­ing to the num­bers indi­cates this tar­get­ing of UK-based phones was tak­ing place from 2017–2019. The UAE was allowed to become a ser­i­al offend­er of one of the NSO Group­s’s core rules.

    So just how much more exten­sive was this abuse? It remains a sig­nif­i­cant unan­swered ques­tion in this sto­ry. But don’t for­get that the 50,000+ list of num­bers was appar­ent­ly only based on 10 NSO Group clients and the com­pa­ny has over 40 clients. That list is just a snap­shot of what NSO Group’s clients have been up to. But we don’t have to entire­ly spec­u­late about which oth­er clients have been hack­ing UK phone num­bers. Sau­di Ara­bia had already been caught going it too. But note the inter­est­ing sug­ges­tion made by NSO Group lawyers when the issue of Sau­di tar­get­ing of UK phones was brought up: they sug­gest­ed it was “tech­ni­cal­ly impos­si­ble”. Keep in mind this sug­ges­tion was giv­en back in July, before the admis­sion from NSO Group a few weeks ago that it only retroac­tive­ly mod­i­fied the Pega­sus code to block the tar­get­ing of UK phone num­bers. In oth­er words, past assur­ances about the tech­ni­cal impos­si­bil­i­ty of the tar­get­ing of black­list­ed coun­try phone num­bers are bogus. Which should imme­di­ate­ly raise major ques­tions about the tech­ni­cal pos­si­bil­i­ty for the hack­ing of the rest of the “Five Eyes” nations on that black­list:

    Those with UK num­bers appear­ing on the list include:

    * Lady Uddin, an inde­pen­dent mem­ber of the House of Lords, whose num­ber appeared on the data in both 2017 and 2018. She said if there was spy­ing on mem­bers of par­lia­ment it would amount to “a great breach of trust” which “con­tra­venes our sov­er­eign­ty”.


    Ear­li­er this week, the Guardian also revealed the list­ing of the num­ber of the human rights lawyer Rod­ney Dixon QC, who has act­ed for both Hedges and the fiancee of the mur­dered Sau­di jour­nal­ist Jamal Khashog­gi, Hat­ice Cen­giz. Analy­sis of the data sug­gests his num­ber was among a small group of UK num­bers that appear to have been select­ed by Sau­di Ara­bia.

    Lawyers for NSO sug­gest­ed it was “tech­ni­cal­ly impos­si­ble” for Dixon’s phone to be tar­get­ed by Sau­di Ara­bia. Foren­sic analy­sis of Dixon’s device con­duct­ed by Amnesty International’s Secu­ri­ty Lab showed Pega­sus-relat­ed activ­i­ty but no suc­cess­ful infec­tion.

    But while a sce­nario where NSO Group clients have had the tech­ni­cal capa­bil­i­ty of hack­ing Five Eye phones cer­tain­ly looks like­ly at this point, there’s anoth­er plau­si­ble worth con­sid­er­ing: that the UAE and Sau­di gov­ern­ments were giv­en spe­cial per­mis­sion to hack UK phones...perhaps on behalf of the UK’s own intel­li­gence ser­vices. A domes­tic spy­ing arrange­ment that relies on the out­sourc­ing of the spy­ing to friend­ly allied states out­side of the Five-Eyes. Could we be look­ing at a sit­u­a­tion like that? Because while it’s not hard to imag­ine that the UAE had plen­ty of inter­est in spy­ing on all sort of activists or politi­cians liv­ing in the UK, it’s also not hard to imag­ine the UK’s own intel­li­gence ser­vices hav­ing an inter­est in spy­ing on these same groups. It would at least explain why the UK gov­ern­ment seems almost unin­ter­est­ed in a scan­dal that has the appear­ance of hav­ing sig­nif­i­cant espi­onage impli­ca­tions:

    Why cer­tain peo­ple may have been list­ed is hard to deter­mine. Uddin was the first Mus­lim woman to serve in the upper house, but is not con­sid­ered a for­eign pol­i­cy spe­cial­ist. “If espi­onage is tak­ing place against the high­est of sov­er­eign British insti­tu­tions, ques­tions arise regard­ing whether our gov­ern­ment was aware,” she said.


    Mohammed Kozbar, the chair of the Fins­bury Park mosque, arguably the best-known mosque in Britain, also appeared on the leaked list. His num­ber appeared in the data in 2018, appar­ent­ly because of the UAE. The mosque was com­pre­hen­sive­ly reformed in 2015 under his lead­er­ship, and is con­sid­ered a mod­el of com­mu­ni­ty rela­tions, act­ing recent­ly as a pub­lic vac­ci­na­tion cen­tre.

    Kozbar said he was baf­fled as to why he might have been of inter­est to the Gulf state, say­ing he had “nev­er been in the UAE” nor had any involve­ment with the coun­try. He said he feared that “British cit­i­zens will be open to abuse from every coun­try in the world” unless the UK spoke out against appar­ent abus­es of NSO spy­ware world­wide.