COMMENT: Having gained 45 % of the seats in the new Egyptian parliament, the Muslim Brotherhood has now maneuvered the secretary general of its Freedom and Justice Party into the position of house speaker.
Portrayed as “moderate,” the Brotherhood is, of course, nothing of the sort. Allied with the Axis in World War II, the organization is a doctrinaire fascist organization that has been preserved through the decades because its pro-corporatist, anti-communist stance has made it useful to Western intelligence services during the Cold War and its aftermath.
(To keep up with developments vis a vis the Brotherhood, check the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report, which feeds along the bottom of this website.)
Disturbing in, and of, itself, the ascension of the Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East in the wake of the “Arab Spring,” this development is all the more alarming because it appears to be an outgrowth of an operation begun by the Bush/GOP faction of the CIA and State Department and carried forward by the Obama administration.
EXCERPT: Top parties in Egypt’s incoming parliament have agreed to select an Islamist politician as house speaker for the first time in decades, party leaders said Monday. The Muslim Brotherhood, the big winner in the first election since the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak last February, said it joined several other parties in backing Saad el-Katatni, the secretary-general of the Brotherhood’s own party.
...meanwhile in Libya, rumors of Marines on Malta ready to re-invade to establish some minimum order are being hotly denied.
And a report is out about the epic battle between British special forces and Libyan farmers last year:
In a report broadcast last night, Mark Urban, Newsnight’s Diplomatic Editor, revealed that British special forces intervention began as early as February 2011. Libyan rebels had set up in Benghazi, and as the conflict became more heated, the British Government decided to send a rescue mission to Southern Libya.
On February 27, a ‘couple of dozen’ SBS marines carried out three flights to rescue one hundred and fifty foreign oil workers (twenty British) from Zillah, Libya. The special forces team then flew the foreign oil workers to Valletta, Malta.
By late February the British Government had decided to back the National Transition Council (NTC) and overthrow Muammar Gaddafi.
The next stage of British special forces involvement in Libya would involve the highly secretive ‘E‑Squadron’. A unit jointly made up of the SAS, SBS with close links with Mi6. By early march six special forces operatives and two Mi6 agents travelled to Benghazi to meet rebel leaders.
The mission failed. The so-called ‘Diplomatic team’ was contained by Libyan farmers. After this public embarrassment, special forces were not involved in Libya for months.
Interesting article, but I have to say that a more accurate view of why things went terribly wrong, is not that the Republican faction of the CIA supposedly ‘started’ it; the fact is, Dave, I was watching this event from the very moment it began to develop and the GOP was very, very, opposed to our involvement in Libya and the Arab Spring. It’s quite obvious that they wouldn’t have started a movement(they may be evil, but they’re smart) which very well could have threatened their allies in the Mideast, including the MB(and given that one of these sources came from Wikileaks, I have even more doubts. I strongly suspect this came from the Assange/Jermas faction, probably to try to throw people off from the real story. They have definitely pulled shenanigans like this before)
That said, however, there are some pretty strong indications that I’ve seen that the movement was instead manipulated and hijacked by these same forces, especially the Muslim Brotherhood(this makes a lot more sense when you really think about it. Mubarak was pretty close to the U.S. right-wing as well as that of the Israelis.)
The good news, however, is that a few of the protesters have woken up and realized that they’ve been played for fools and are starting to rise up against the criminal M.B. as well. Let’s hope that continues to grow.
Radioactive material said stolen from Egyptian plant
CAIRO | Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:10pm EST
(Reuters) — Radioactive material has been stolen from a nuclear power station on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast that was the scene of violent protests last week, the state-run al-Ahram newspaper reported on Thursday.
A safe containing radioactive material at the Dabaa nuclear power plant, which is still under construction, was seized while another also containing radioactive material was broken open and part of its contents taken, the newspaper said.
In Vienna, an official of the U.N. nuclear agency described the items missing as “low-level radioactive sources” which had been taken from a laboratory at the construction site. He could not give any details on the nature of the stolen items.
“We are in touch with the Egyptian authorities,” the official from the International Atomic Energy Agency said.
Al-Ahram said the government has alerted security authorities and asked that specialized teams help in the search for the stolen material.
More than a dozen people were wounded last week when military police tried to disperse hundreds of Egyptian protesters demanding the relocation of the Dabaa plant.
Plant staff have refused to go to the site because of the deterioration in the security situation there, al-Ahram said.
With the MB about to take control after the historic protest started by an alliance of liberal youth groups, it’s worth looking back at the Egyptian MB’s state of affairs one year before the January 25th protests that sparked the whole thing. Thing’s weren’t exactly looking up for the MB:
Here’s another interesting MB fun-fact related to that the MB’s top leader, Mohammed Madhi Akef, who was stepping down at that time. It turns out that he also played an important role in creating the “Muslim American Society” (MAS) in 1993, an MB-umbrella group for the US. It sounds like the MAS was started in response to internal group divisions over how much the group should operate openly or in secret in the US. There are a number of parallels between the internal debate back in the early 90’s then and the debate in the years leading up to the Arab Spring:
“Atlanta Jewish Times Editor Apologizes For Obama Assassination-By-Mossad” by JTA 1/20/12
‘The owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times apologized for an opinion column in which he counted President Obama’s assassination as among Israel’s options in heading off a nuclear Iran....
...reaction from readers had been overwhelmingly negative.’
Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein instructed Israel Police on Tuesday to open a criminal investigation against a top Muslim cleric for incitement to violence and racism.
Weinstein’s request came a few weeks after Jerusalem’s Mufti Mohammed Hussein quoted a religious text that includes passages about killing Jews during a speech at the 47th anniversary celebration of the Fatah movement in East Jerusalem.
Weinstein stated that the investigation will also look into other statements the mufti has made about Jews in the past.
Excerpts from the cleric’s speech were posted on YouTube last week by Palestine Media Watch, an Israeli watchdog group that tracks incitement. The comments drew angry reactions from Israelis Sunday.
“The hour of resurrection will not come until you fight the Jews,” Hussein told the gathering, citing a hadith, or saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. “The Jews will hide behind stones and trees. But the trees and the stones will call: Oh Muslim, oh servant of God, there is a Jew hiding behind me, so come and kill him.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the Mufti’s speech, calling it a “heinous offense that all nations of the world must condemn.”
Hussein, who is based in Jerusalem, said his comments were taken out of context. “I was speaking about the final signs of the day of resurrection,” Hussein said. “I did not incite, and I did not call for killing. We are not, at present, at the end of days.”
This story is by:
Tomer Zarchin
Considering that the US NGOs probably helped propel the MB into power by working with the youth movements to help start the “Arab Spring”, there’s a bit a of irony in this turn of events:
@Pterrafractyl: Well, as I’ve said before, it looks like the Arab Spring was actually initially mid-wived, as it were, by the ENEMIES of the Underground Reich & their allies, and that article you posted is actually one more piece of the puzzle.
However, though, this does not, of course, discredit the research done by Dave, yourself, and others including myself, that does indicate that the Arab Spring movement was indeed co-opted and hijacked by some of the very same forces that the creators(and their allies) were fighting against.
Frankly, though, I think the elite, the Underground Reich included, are getting very desperate and will soon run out of movements to corrupt and hijack, as indicated by their miserable failure at attempting to hijack OWS not long ago.
We are still winning, guys. It may be an uphill battle still but it’s thanks to Dave and others that we CAN win this fight. =)
@Mike: Sad stuff.....I wonder if Stanton may have possibly been involved with some rightist occult groups.......thanks for the info.
I found a video of Nasser, with French subtitles. In this extract, he tells to the crowd the highlights of a meeting with the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood for that era. Basically, he says, “why should I impose the islamic veil on every women if, yourself, can’t impose it on your own daughter (who doesn’t wear it)? The crowd laughed and cheered.
But what I find really interesting with this extract is the non-verbal and psychological aspects of it. Look at the man. He seems relaxed, happy, with a sense of humour, at ease, etc. It is in total contradiction with the leaders of Arab countries of today. Look at the differential in behavior, attitude, etc. What we would give to have leaders like that in the Middle East, today!
I am afraid that we won’t see leaders like that for a while in that part of the world. I wanted to share it with you to illustrate the shift and transformation that have occured since a couple of decades, and that we could label as a descent into fascism or a return to barbarism. It is another case of an image worth a thousand words.
@Dave: I think you will appreciate the interesting developments presented in this article. The Egyptian revolution: A Masonic-American-Zionist conspiracy?
@Claude: The content of that link is pretty sobering. Note too the vague nature of the language used by one of the MB spokesmen regarding the nature of opposition parties in Egypt:
Translation: Assume any non-fundamentalist Egyptian political parties that emerge in opposition to the MB are part of a Western Zionist plot.
The MB’s embrace of democracy is already becoming a sleeper hold and they’re just getting started. :-/
@Pterrafractyl: Let’s hope things turn around. The Egyptian people deserve it. =(
@Steven L.: Yeah, it’s like watching a family member that was unjustly thrown into a prison decades ago finally get released. You’re thrilled that they’re free, but their first decision is to go join the Scientologists (whom they met in prison). There isn’t a lot you can do other than point them in the direction of “Operation Clambake” and just wait it out until they realize they’re getting scammed by con men. It’s not a particularly surprising turn of events given all the unjust abuse in their past, but it’s still painful to watch because you know they’re about to get seriously fleeced and the Scientologists don’t let anyone leave without a fight. :-(
@Pterrafractyl: So true, and I fear the same could end up being true in Syria as well. At least there may be some hope for Iran, though, at least they know what it’s like to live in a fascist Islamist-run hellhole, and may be far less likely to fall for any tricks should the mullahs be overthrown(we can only hope!).
Seemed sort of inevitable the way things are going...:
Only 56 out of 108? And Romney thinks he has it hard.
@Pterrafractyl: And the criminality continues(in Egypt, that is.). Thanks for the information, my friend. Hopefully, more people will wake up and realize they’ve been tricked, and boot these fascists out of office.
@Steven L.: The MB’s choice of an IMF pointman is particularly ominous for the Egptian public given the indications in the article that the IMF wants broad political support for a new $3.2 billion aide package. And based on this article, it looks like Egypt is about to get Greeced: