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Dr. Michael Baden and the Michael Brown Autopsy

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COMMENT: There is an old adage among the prac­ti­tion­ers of the clan­des­tine arts: “Give us the coro­ner, we’ll con­trol the city.”

It is in that con­text that we note that Dr. Michael Baden per­formed the pri­vate autop­sy on Michael Brown’s body.  It was Baden who endorsed the unten­able “Mag­ic Bul­let The­o­ry” for  the House Select Com­mit­tee’s inves­ti­ga­tion of the assas­si­na­tion of JFK.

We cer­tain­ly don’t have enough infor­ma­tion to state with­out qual­i­fi­ca­tion that an “op” is unfold­ing in the Michael Brown case, but that is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that should always be eval­u­at­ed when Baden turns up in the mix. It appears unlike­ly that the orig­i­nal shoot­ing was deriv­a­tive of an “op,” but we do won­der about the play­ers in the high­ly-politi­cized after­math of Brown’s death.

Nev­er lose sight of the fact that Mis­souri is a Red state mov­ing toward becom­ing Blue. The after­math of he killing can only help the GOP and its allies.

There cer­tain­ly has been no short­age of bad actors in the case, from the Nation of Islam and the New Black Pan­thers on the “pro Michael Brown side” and the KKK and the Oath Keep­ers on the “pro Dar­ren Wil­son” side.

Note, also, Al Sharp­ton’s pre-emi­nence on the race-rela­tions scene. In a col­umn in the now-defunct San Fran­cis­co Exam­in­er, War­ren Hinck­le alleged that Sharp­ton had worked for CIA in Grena­da. (The alle­ga­tion was not sourced.) Sharp­ton has also been an FBI infor­mant.

With Jeb Bush’s can­di­da­cy now all but cer­tain, things are heat­ing up. (CIA head­quar­ters is named for Jeb’s father.)

“Autop­sy Shows Michael Brown Was Struck at Least 6 Times” by Frances Rob­les and Julie Bosman; The New York Times; 8/17/2014.

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenag­er who was killed by a police offi­cer, spark­ing protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, includ­ing twice in the head, a pre­lim­i­nary pri­vate autop­sy per­formed on Sun­day found.

One of the bul­lets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, sug­gest­ing his head was bent for­ward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, accord­ing to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the for­mer chief med­ical exam­in­er for the City of New York, who flew to Mis­souri on Sun­day at the family’s request to con­duct the sep­a­rate autop­sy. It was like­ly the last of bul­lets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bul­lets were fired into his front.

The bul­lets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gun­pow­der was present on his body. . . .



3 comments for “Dr. Michael Baden and the Michael Brown Autopsy”

  1. You may note that Baden was involved in the defense of O.J. Simp­son, and tes­ti­fied that the vic­tims put up quite a fight, and he believed there was more than 1 attack­er, and if Simp­son were involved, his body would have shown more wounds from the strug­gle.

    Posted by Vanfield | December 19, 2014, 11:58 am
  2. http://pando.com/2014/09/25/ferguson-is-our-libertarian-moment-but-not-in-the-way-some-libertarians-want-you-to-believe/

    excerpt­ed, read the whole thing....

    Fer­gu­son is start­ing to heat up again, with more vio­lence, more police crack­downs. And yet we nev­er quite fig­ured out how to make sense of the shock­ing scenes from last month, which left us lit­tle to hold onto beyond lin­ger­ing out­rage. Besides the gen­er­al sense of hor­ror, the ques­tion that still hasn’t real­ly been answered is: Whose fault is Fer­gu­son?

    Fer­gu­son hap­pened to explode just as the New York Times Sun­day mag­a­zine declared August “Lib­er­tar­i­an Moment Month” — so it’s no sur­prise that many lead­ing lib­er­tar­i­ans respond­ed to Fer­gu­son by claim­ing that the St. Louis suburb’s night­mare was liv­ing proof that libertarianism’s “moment” had arrived.

    Nick Gille­spie, online edi­tor of Lib­er­tar­i­an house mag­a­zine, Rea­son, crowed about “The Lib­er­tar­i­an Moment in Fer­gu­son,” claim­ing the coun­try was final­ly wak­ing up to police issues that “lib­er­tar­i­ans have been rais­ing for decades”; his for­mer col­league Dave Weigel snapped — “Lib­er­tar­i­ans are ask­ing: What took you so long?”; and the Dad­dy War­bucks of lib­er­tar­i­an­ism, oil & chem­i­cals giant Koch Indus­tries, boast­ed that “we’ve worked for decades” on police and crim­i­nal jus­tice reform. What gives them so much cred­i­bil­i­ty, lib­er­tar­i­ans are argu­ing, is their “decades”-long track record of push­ing for lib­er­tar­i­an reforms of America’s police depart­ments and its crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem.

    It’s this “decades” of work on police and crim­i­nal jus­tice that lib­er­tar­i­ans insist gives them their unique cred­i­bil­i­ty. That and their slick pitch man, Rand Paul, who wowed Estab­lish­ment Lib­er­als with his Time mag­a­zine snooz­er on “police mil­i­ta­riza­tion.”

    Let’s leave aside for now the weird­ness of using Rand Paul — a para­noid gun-nut who wants to weaponize every nook and cran­ny of Amer­i­can life, from arm­ing all school teach­ers as the answer to Sandy Hook, to arm­ing our bor­der with a giant “under­ground elec­tric fence, with heli­copter sta­tions to respond quick­ly to breach­es of the bor­der” (to be fair, Paul’s spokesman clar­i­fied his mega-fence vision as a “com­bi­na­tion of ther­mal imag­ing, satel­lite tech­nol­o­gy, motion detec­tion and heli­copters at key check­points”) — as the lib­er­tar­i­an pitch-man against police mil­i­ta­riza­tion. Or the fact that Michael Brown was killed by a non-mil­i­ta­rized cop. The point is this: Lib­er­tar­i­ans say that Fer­gu­son proves we’re at the Lib­er­tar­i­an Moment, and that they’ve been devel­op­ing the answers to our cur­rent police and crim­i­nal jus­tice prob­lems “for decades.”

    Posted by Tiffany Sunderson | December 24, 2014, 9:02 am
  3. Lit­tle-noticed in the Fer­gu­son sit­u­a­tion was that Sci­en­tol­ogy was exploit­ing it as best they could, and actu­al­ly teamed with CAIR and oth­ers. This arti­cle real­ly has to be seen at the actu­al site so you can see all the pic­tures...


    Sun­day Fun­nies: Sci­en­tol­ogy now sell­ing the idea it solved the Fer­gu­son cri­sis

    Bar­ry Cozi­ahr
    It’s our first Sun­day of 2015, and that means it’s time to start anoth­er year of Sun­day Fun­nies! Each week, we bring you the best Sci­en­tol­ogy fundrais­ing fliers that have been for­ward­ed to us by our great tip­sters.

    This week, one of our read­ers noticed that a Phoenix event was being pro­mot­ed in a fli­er post­ed to Twit­ter. (More and more, Sci­en­tol­o­gists are using social media — if you hap­pen to spot some­thing on Face­book or Insta­gram or Twit­ter, please send it our way!)

    The fli­er indi­cates that Bar­ry Cozi­ahr has quick­ly become a ris­ing star in the church for the pub­lic­i­ty he man­aged to get in Fer­gu­son, Mis­souri.

    Before his star turn in Fer­gu­son, Cozi­ahr was known to us for his role in help­ing to pull Jere­my Pow­ers away from his fam­i­ly — a clas­sic case of Sci­en­tol­ogy “dis­con­nec­tion.” While Jeremy’s fam­i­ly, includ­ing his moth­er Meshell Lit­tle, were turn­ing away from the church, Jere­my mar­ried Coziahr’s daugh­ter and was encour­aged to break ties with his par­ents. Last July, we report­ed that Jere­my final­ly spurned the Cozi­ahrs and the church and has reunit­ed with his moth­er and grand­moth­er.

    Bar­ry went on to his fame-mak­ing gam­bit when he showed up in Fer­gu­son dur­ing the recent unrest to hand out copies of The Way to Hap­pi­ness, the 1981 book­let that Sci­en­tol­ogy put out in L. Ron Hubbard’s name while he was in seclu­sion in order to give the impres­sion that the church — which had just gone through the pros­e­cu­tion of eleven of its top exec­u­tives for infil­trat­ing the US gov­ern­ment — actu­al­ly had some kind of moral code. It’s a hilar­i­ous lit­tle book­let of ripped-off mor­al­iz­ing.

    Any­way, now Bar­ry is appar­ent­ly on the road, explain­ing to peo­ple how his efforts solved all of the prob­lems in Fer­gu­son, and nat­u­ral­ly the church will treat it as a fundrais­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty…

    Posted by Tiffany Sunderson | January 5, 2015, 5:15 pm

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