Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: It is less than shocking that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has formally attacked a United Nations declaration against violence against women. This, from the supposedly “democratic,” “Western-oriented” organization we were told would usher in a “new era” in Egyptian politics.
In fact, of course, the Brotherhood is an Islamic fascist organization, allied with the Axis in World War II.
The Brotherhood is also cooperating with the Jama’a al-Islamiya, the Salafist organization with which they are supposedly at odds.
Their mutual project is the realization to assemble a cadre of Islamist civilian police to function as a security force and parallel police. (Note that The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report feeds along the lower right-hand side of the front page of this web site.)
We called this shot during the Arab Spring. Islamic fascism comes to Egypt. For previous updates on this subject, click on these links:
EXCERPT: During its decades as an underground Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood has long preached that Islam required women to obey their husbands in all matters.
“A woman needs to be confined within a framework that is controlled by the man of the house,” Osama Yehia Abu Salama, a Brotherhood family expert, said of the group’s general approach, speaking in a recent seminar for women training to become marriage counselors. Even if a wife were beaten by her husband, he advised, “Show her how she had a role in what happened to her.”
“If he is to blame,” Mr. Abu Salama added, “she shares 30 percent or 40 percent of the fault.”
Now, with a leader of the Brotherhood’s political arm in Egypt’s presidential palace and its members dominating Parliament, some deeply patriarchal views the organization has long taught its members are spilling into public view.
The Brotherhood’s strident statements are reinforcing fears among many Egyptian liberals about the potential consequences of the group’s rise to power and creating new awkwardness for President Mohamed Morsi as he presents himself as a new kind of moderate, Western-friendly Islamist.
In a statement Wednesday on a proposed United Nations declaration to condemn violence against women, the Brotherhood issued a list of objections, which formally laid out its views on women for the first time since it came to power.
In its statement, the Brotherhood said that wives should not have the right to file legal complaints against their husbands for rape, and husbands should not be subject to the punishments meted out for the rape of a stranger.
A husband must have “guardianship” over his wife, not an equal “partnership” with her, the group declared. Daughters should not have the same inheritance rights as sons. Nor should the law cancel “the need for a husband’s consent in matters like travel, work or use of contraception” — a reform in traditional Islamic family law that was enacted under former President Hosni Mubarak and credited to his wife, Suzanne.
The statement appeared in many ways to reflect the Brotherhood’s longstanding doctrine, still discussed in classes like Mr. Abu Salama’s and in the group’s women’s forums. Feminists said its statement also may reflect the views of most women in Egypt’s conservative, traditionalist culture. . . .
EXCERPT: Egyptian media is reporting that the Muslim Brotherhood is cooperating with other Islamist groups in order form to form civilian police units with powers of arrest. According to an Egypt Independent report:
Jama’a al-Islamiya and the Muslim Brotherhood announced Tuesday that they are working to form groups known as the civilian police in cooperation with other Islamist groups. The militias will be able to arrest people they deem to be criminals or breaking laws. Ahmed al-Iskandarani, a spokesman for the Jama’a al-Islamiya’s Construction and Development Party, said the groups would not take action if police were on the streets.
However, should police call for further strikes or withdrawals, community police groups would step in under the supervision of the Interior Ministry. ‘This system is applied in other countries,’ he said. To garner further support for the militias, the organizers have issued an open call online. The civilian police initiative is due to growing strike action of police across much of the country.
Many are also distrustful of the police after reports of torture and excessive force used against protesters. Yehia al-Sherbini, coordinator of the Muslim Rebels Movement, said his group is willing participate as civilian police to maintain security and protect public and private property. ‘Islamist movements are capable of replacing the police,’ he said. ‘We can arrest outlaws and hand them over to the police or the army.’ ‘We already started organizing committees in the Assiut and Minya,’ he added. . . .
This is the kind of news where one just has to hope that Egypt’s new
police forceprivate security contractors will at least be extremely adept at stopping any possible attacks by al-Qaeda affiliates:On P. 187–188 the book “Bin Laden the Man Who Declared War on America” by Yossef Bodansky c 1999 states “Predictably, during the Taliban offensive in Kabul, the Pakistani ISI took over these specialized training camps. The ISI moved many of the Arab “Afghans”-from Egypt, algeria, and Sudan-to special training centers int was running in lahore, Pakistan. These terrorists’ skills and expertise were further upgraded after a few months of intensive training. The Arab “Afghans” were then regrouped and sent back to Afghanistan with the help of Qazi Hussein Ahmad, the leader of the Pakistani Islamic Group. Consequently in spring 1996 a solid, well-organized base emerged for the “afghans” ad “Balkans” in Afghanistan. This infrastructure was ready for the arrival of Osama bin Laden and his assets.
The on P. 339 of that book it states “Qazi Hussein Ahmad, the chief of Jamaat-i-Islami”.
This links this organization as networking both with with Pakistan’s ISI and Al Qaeda.
If you look at the brains of and current head of Al Qaeda, Dr. Ayeman al Zawahiri, and Bin Ladin’s #2 since the late 1990’s. Zawahiri has an interesting background. He originally lead the According to this book, ran the Vanguard of Conquest Organization, in May of 1995 met with Sudanese leader King Hasan Turabi in Geneva, Switzerland which lead to Zawihiri planning the assassination attempt, from Ferney-Voltaire (on the French – Swiss border) against Egypt’s US ally Hosni Mubarek.
Dr. Ayman al-Zawihiri lead several organizations, most notably Islamic Jihad in Egypt. And Armed Vanguards of Conquest. The book alleges that Bin Ladin and Zawihiri were responsible for the downing of TWA flight 800 on July 17–1996 p. 179–182.
On P. 235 the book talks about how this nationless terror organization (Al Qaeda) does the dirty work for nations hostile to the US so that they can feign responsibility for being sponsors of Islamist terrorism. It states “All of these activities were conducted under the close scrutiny of the sponsoring states, primarily Iran. Since the establishment of the HizbaAllah International in the summer of 199, Tehran has tended to stay in the background, letting such prominent but fiercely loyal Sunni leaders as bin Laden and Zawahiri carry out the hands-on activities. Tehran formulates the terrorist strategy, sets the overall priorities, and determines and/or approves the specific targets Through the Committee of Three, one of whom is bin Laden, the Islamist commanders now have greater latitude and autonomy in running the actual operations within the guidelines set by Tehran.”
On p. 105 of the book it says the following: “In early 1995 Ayman al-Zawahiri made an audacious, extremely important clandestine visit to the United States to establish firsthand the strength and reliability of the local networks and Islamist communities and confirm the suitability of various objectives for spectacular strikes already identified and recommended by the U.S.-based networks and Islamist communities and confirm the suitability of various objectives for spectacular strikes already identified and recommended by the U.S.-based networks using one of his European forged paspotrs, Zawahiri established a forward base of operations in Santa Clara near San Francisco California.”
Wikipedia states the following about Zawahiri
The U.S. State Department has offered a US$25 million dollar reward for information leading to al-Zawahiri’s apprehension since the 9/11 attacks and remains in effect.[5]
By the age of 14, al-Zawahiri had joined the Muslim Brotherhood. The following year the Egyptian government executed Qutb for conspiracy, and al-Zawahiri, along with four other secondary school students, helped form an “underground cell devoted to overthrowing the government and establishing an Islamist state.” It was at this early age that al-Zawahiri developed a mission in life, “to put Qutb’s vision into action.“His cell eventually merged with others to form al-Jihad or Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
In 1981, Al-Zawahiri was one of hundreds arrested following the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. Initially, The plan was derailed when authorities were alerted to Al-Jihad’s plan by the arrest of an operative carrying crucial information, in February 1981. President Sadat ordered the roundup of more than 1500 people, including many Al-Jihad members, but missed a cell in the military led by Lieutenant Khalid Islambouli, who succeeded in assassinating Sadat during a military parade that October. His lawyer, Montasser el-Zayat, said that Zawahiri was tortured in prison.
On December 27, 2007, al-Zawahiri was also implicated in the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
A September 27, 2012 article by Ian Black of the Guardian in UK quoted Ayman al-Zawahiri sad that Osama Bin-Ladin was a member was a member of the Saudi branch of the Muslim Brotherhood before being ejected for insisting on waging jihad against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the late 1980s.
Acquaintances of Bin Laden have described in the past how he was formally recruited into the brotherhood as an adolescent in Jeddah and thrown out over disagreements about Afghanistan.
But Zawahiri’s testimony has special value because he was there at the time as a leader of the Egyptian jihad organisation, which became part of al-Qaida in 1988.
Zawahiri said Bin Laden had travelled to Pakistan to deliver cash to jihadis in Peshawar but had defied orders from the Brotherhood and joined the armed struggle.
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