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English Defense League Admits Links to Norway Nazi Killer


COMMENT:  After ini­tial denial, the British populist/fascist group has admit­ted links to Anders Breivik, the Nor­way Nazi killer.

Aside from the super­fi­cial ele­ment of alarm–overt fas­cists gain­ing strength and pub­lic­i­ty in a time of severe eco­nom­ic cri­sis and social dislocation–the growth and activ­i­ties of groups like the EDL and Swe­den Democ­rats actu­al­ly work to strength­en the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s Islam­o­fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion.

(In addi­tion to the vast num­ber of pro­grams detail­ing the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s activ­i­ties, the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Report feeds at the bot­tom of the front page of this site.)

When­ev­er the Broth­er­hood can present itself as the vic­tims of fas­cists like the EDL, Swe­den Democ­rats, Breivik and their ilk, it is a huge ide­o­log­i­cal and tac­ti­cal vic­to­ry for them, fur­ther­ing their insid­i­ous Islam­o­fas­cist agen­da.

Too bad that those who grav­i­tate to the EDL, SD’s etc. are too God­damn stu­pid and/or venal and/or insane to fig­ure this out.

“UK Group Admits Links with Nor­way Killer”  [PTI]; Dai­ly News and Analy­sis; 7/26/2011.

EXCERPT: After ini­tial denial, the far-right Eng­lish Defence League (EDL) has admit­ted that Nor­we­gian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik had links to the group.

Breivik report­ed­ly met lead­ers of the EDL in March last year when he came to Lon­don for the vis­it of Geert Wilders, the Dutch right-wing politi­cian.

Daryl Hob­son, who organ­is­es EDL demon­stra­tions, said Breivik had met mem­bers of the group.

Hob­son said in an online post­ing: “He had about 150 EDL on his list ... bar one or two doubt the rest of us ever met him, altho [sic] he did come over for one of our demo [sic] in 2010 ... but what he did was wrong. RIP to all who died as a result of his actions.”

Anoth­er senior mem­ber of the EDL said Breivik had been in reg­u­lar con­tact with its mem­bers via Face­book, and had a “hyp­not­ic” effect on them, the Dai­ly Tele­graph report­ed today.

Scot­land Yard was inves­ti­gat­ing Breivik’s claims that he began his dead­ly “cru­sade” after being recruit­ed to a secret soci­ety in Lon­don, and that he was guid­ed by an Eng­lish “men­tor.” . . .



9 comments for “English Defense League Admits Links to Norway Nazi Killer”

  1. Let’s not for­get that the Nor­way mur­der­er is a Chris­t­ian ter­ror­ist. The West­ern equiv­a­lents to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood are usu­al­ly Christo­fas­cist in the same way that the MB is Islam­o­fas­cist. It seems the world is stuck with choos­ing either Christo­fas­cism or Islam­o­fas­cism.

    Posted by Joshua Laudermilk | August 14, 2011, 6:36 am
  2. EDL prof­its from Lon­don riots:


    Right-wing extrem­ists hijack­ing the vig­i­lante patrols pro­tect­ing against loot­ers, warn police

    – EDL and BNP sin­gled out as extrem­ist groups who may try to inflame racial ten­sion

    – Res­i­dents claim EDL involved in organ­is­ing vig­i­lantes there on Tues­day nightBri­tain’s most senior police offi­cer yes­ter­day warned that Right-wing extrem­ists could ‘hijack’ vig­i­lante patrols pro­tect­ing against loot­ers.

    Act­ing Met­ro­pol­i­tan Police Com­mis­sion­er Tim God­win sin­gled out the Eng­lish Defence League and the British Nation­al Par­ty as two organ­i­sa­tions who might exploit the sit­u­a­tion.

    His warn­ing comes amid intel­li­gence that the EDL has suc­cess­ful­ly infil­trat­ed vig­i­lante groups in Enfield, North Lon­don – scene of some of the worst mind­less vio­lence and crim­i­nal­i­ty on Sun­day night – and Eltham in South East Lon­don.

    Police warn the poten­tial for this to ‘fuel the flames’ of an already fraught sit­u­a­tion by adding a ‘vio­lent racial ele­ment’ is ‘enor­mous and wor­ry­ing.’

    Res­i­dents claimed some Eng­lish Defence League sup­port­ers were involved in organ­is­ing vig­i­lante patrols of young white men under the name Enfield Defence League on Tues­day night.

    They split into three 30-strong groups in con­tact by mobile tele­phone and Black­Ber­ry to patrol the streets.

    Posted by R. Wilson | August 14, 2011, 11:12 pm
  3. Dave take a look at this when you get a chance:

    Nor­we­gian Police Con­duct­ed Drill for ‘Prac­ti­cal­ly Iden­ti­cal Sce­nario’ Right Before Utoya Attack

    Posted by big john | September 1, 2011, 4:17 pm
  4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/01/britons-links-to-anders-breivik-utoya

    More Britons face ques­tions over links to Utøya killer Anders Breivik

    Names emerged from inter­views with Breivik and Eng­lish anti-Mus­lim blog­ger Paul Ray, say Nor­we­gian police

    Nor­we­gian police say they are to ques­tion sev­er­al British cit­i­zens in their search for poten­tial accom­plices of mass killer Anders Behring Breivik.

    Offi­cers in Oslo said the names of indi­vid­u­als and sev­er­al far-right groups emerged from ques­tion­ing of British anti-Mus­lim blog­ger Paul Ray as well as fur­ther inter­views with Breivik.

    Police press offi­cer Roar Hanssen said: “We have some names and also some groups we are inves­ti­gat­ing. They came from Paul Ray, and also from Breivik and also from oth­er things we have been inves­ti­gat­ing.”

    Breivik, 32, admit­ted killing 77 peo­ple last month when he det­o­nat­ed a truck bomb out­side gov­ern­ment offices in Oslo, and then went on a shoot­ing spree at a youth camp at Utøya, 25 miles away.

    He was ques­tioned again on Wednes­day and pros­e­cu­tor Paal-Fredrik Hjort Kra­by said offi­cers focused on Breivik’s man­i­festo, his alleged links to a group called the Knights Tem­plar and poten­tial ties to the UK.

    Hanssen said: “A lot of peo­ple are men­tioned in Breivik’s man­i­festo and we, of course, want to speak to them and there are some links to the UK. I don’t know if there are spe­cif­ic areas they are from but there are some rightwing groups.”

    Ray was inter­viewed last week after claims he may have been the “men­tor” men­tioned by Breivik in his “man­i­festo”, post­ed online short­ly before he car­ried out the killings on 22 July.

    Ray, who wrote his blog under the name Lion­heart, has said it appeared Breivik drew inspi­ra­tion from some of his ideas and writ­ings, but he has repeat­ed­ly denied any link, say­ing he nev­er met Breivik and was hor­ri­fied by the killings. He said he trav­elled to Nor­way to “clear his name”.

    Breivik wrote that he attend­ed the found­ing meet­ing of the Knights Tem­plar Europe “mil­i­tary order” in Lon­don in 2002 where he met a “men­tor” who used the pseu­do­nym Richard, after Richard the Lion­heart. He signed the 1,500-page doc­u­ment with an angli­cised ver­sion of his name and date­lined it Lon­don 2011.

    Breivik also repeat­ed­ly praised the Eng­lish Defence League, say­ing he had 600 EDL sup­port­ers as Face­book friends and had spo­ken with mem­bers and lead­ers. The EDL has con­demned the killings and has denied any offi­cial con­tact with Breivik, insist­ing it is a peace­ful, non-racist organ­i­sa­tion opposed to extrem­ism.

    Kra­by said Nor­we­gian police did not have evi­dence that Breivik had accom­plices, but “did not rule out the pos­si­bil­i­ty.”

    Posted by R. Wilson | September 1, 2011, 7:30 pm
  5. [...] Defence League , si resul­ta que uno de sus ami­gu­i­tos era el que per­petro la matan­za de Norue­ga : Spit­fire List | Eng­lish Defense League Admits Links to Nor­way Nazi Killer Diran que no son racis­tas ni xeno­fo­bos , pero no deja de sor­pren­der la mez­cla de [...]

    Posted by Anonymous | March 31, 2012, 6:58 pm
  6. As the tri­al of Anders Breivik pro­ceeds it’s becom­ing clear that the most impor­tant thing to Breivik is that he is not viewed as ‘insane’. So his attor­ney invit­ed oth­er peo­ple on the stand that share Breivik’s views in order to estab­lish that oth­er peo­ple share his views too and there­fore he’s not insane. It appar­ent­ly did­n’t occur to the defense that invit­ing oth­er peo­ple to pro­fess a shared world­view with Breivik in order to estab­lish his san­i­ty does­n’t work when those oth­er peo­ple hap­pen to be lunatics:

    The Atlantic
    Anders Breivik Is Count­ing on Crazy Racists to Prove He Isn’t Crazy

    Dashiell Ben­nett Jun 5, 2012

    In what must have been the odd­est day of a long and painful tri­al, attor­neys for Nor­we­gian mass mur­der­er Andres Breivik called anti-Mus­lim extrem­ists to the stand to tes­ti­fy in their clien­t’s defense. The men were called to explain their vir­u­lent­ly racist con­spir­a­cies the­o­ries to the court in order to prove that believ­ing in vir­u­lent­ly racist con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries does­n’t mean you’re insane.


    One wit­ness, Arne Tumyr (pic­tured above), who heads the organ­i­sa­tion Stop the Islami­sa­tion of Nor­way, said that Islam was “an evil polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy”; com­pared Pak­istan to the Sovi­et Union and Nazi Ger­many; and said the Prophet Mohamed was “a sex­u­al delin­quent, a loot­er of car­a­vans, an assas­sin, a war crim­i­nal.” He talked about Win­nie the Pooh’s bud­dy, Piglet, who he claimed was banned from a day care because Mus­lims con­sid­er him impure. Tore Tvedt, who has a pre­vi­ous con­vic­tion for mak­ing anti-Semit­ic state­ments, told the court that “the con­sti­tu­tion has been can­celled” and “when [Mus­lims] get their will, the Nordic race will be exter­mi­nat­ed.” A third accused the gov­ern­ment of down­play­ing sta­tis­tics about Islam­ic demo­graph­ics and to hide a threat that will turn Nor­way into “the French con­di­tion.” A fourth, who lives in Britain, tes­ti­fied that he nev­er leaves the house with­out a bul­let­proof vest.

    Accord­ing to reporter Mark Lewis, who has been cov­er­ing the entire tri­al for sev­er­al out­lets, the tes­ti­mo­ny was met with yawns, con­fu­sion, and lit­tle sym­pa­thy. The men who were sup­posed to prove that Breivik isn’t crazy appeared to be even cra­zier than him. They saw the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tes­ti­fy as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to prove their case to the world, but every­one else in the court­room, includ­ing the judges were unim­pressed.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 8, 2012, 1:54 pm
  7. Yes you do...

    Media Mat­ters
    “We Got Your Back”: Fox Host Kilmeade Endors­es Tom­my Robin­son, Leader Of Vio­lent Anti-Mus­lim Hate Group
    Blog ››› June 11, 2013 1:34 PM EDT ››› ERIC HANANOKI

    Fox News host Bri­an Kilmeade told the leader of a vio­lent nation­al­ist hate group that tar­gets British Mus­lims, “We got your back” and “it’s great what you’re doing.”

    Kilmeade offered his endorse­ment to the Eng­lish Defence League (EDL) and co-founder Tom­my Robin­son, who appeared as a guest on the June 10 edi­tion of Kilmead­e’s Fox News Radio pro­gram. Kilmead­e’s sup­port fol­lowed an inter­view in which Robin­son railed against the immi­gra­tion of Mus­lims into the Unit­ed King­dom, and warned of Mus­lims “force­ful­ly putting us under Sharia” Law and plan­ning a “silent takeover” to “imple­ment Sharia” in his coun­try and across the world.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 12, 2013, 9:51 am
  8. One of the orga­ni­za­tion dis­ad­van­tages, how­ev­er, is that con­vinc­ing the pop­u­lace to empow­er bla­tant pow­er-mon­gers gen­er­al­ly requires a far-right move­ment to cater to its locale’s par­tic­u­lar col­lec­tive insan­i­ties. As a con­se­quence, dif­fer­ent far-right move­ments are often forced to hide the fact that they all share the same hid­den long-term goal of trans­form­ing a soci­ety into some sort dis­em­pow­ered play-thing of the oli­garchs. So, instead of a uni­fied front, you get a col­lec­tion of faux-fronts that are so overt­ly crazy that the dif­fer­ent far-right move­ments some­times seem like they don’t want to be seen in pub­lic with each oth­er. It’s a sit­u­a­tion Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders has been strug­gling to over­come:

    Search­light Mag­a­zine
    Euroscep­tics snub Wilders’ attempt to form Euro­pean far-right par­ty

    Pub­lished on Wednes­day, 28 August 2013 12:02
    Writ­ten by EurAc­tiv

    The con­tro­ver­sial Dutch far-right leader wants to gath­er like-mind­ed par­ties in a mass move­ment ahead of next year’s Euro­pean elec­tions, but not all are ready to join. UKIP fron­trun­ner Nigel Farage has reject­ed such an ini­tia­tive.

    The con­tro­ver­sial leader of the Dutch Par­ty for Free­dom (PVV), Geert Wilders, has toured Europe over the past few weeks in an attempt to cre­ate a new move­ment of far-right par­ties ahead of the next Euro­pean elec­tions, sched­uled to take place in May 2014.

    Wilders met with like-mind­ed lead­ers from the Bel­gian Vlaams Belang, the French Nation­al Front (FN), the Swedish Democ­rats, the Ital­ian North­ern League and pos­si­bly also with the new­ly formed Ger­man Alter­na­tive for Ger­many.

    The PVV had until recent­ly ener­get­i­cal­ly reject­ed any pos­si­ble col­lab­o­ra­tion with Le Pen’s FN or the Vlaams Belang.

    The Dutch nation­al­ist leader clar­i­fied his Euro­pean ambi­tions in the Dutch media.

    Wilders said he did not want to see “extrem­ist and racist” par­ties join­ing his move­ment, cit­ing Hungary’s Job­bik and the British Nation­al Par­ty. His wish is to bring togeth­er those who are “against the Euro­pean Union and against mass immi­gra­tion,” he told the Dutch pub­lic broad­cast­er NOS.

    But so far, few have con­firmed their par­tic­i­pa­tion in this new polit­i­cal plat­form, which is sup­posed to cre­ate a coali­tion of euroscep­tic move­ments.

    “Our par­ty has not joined the alliance,” says Mar­tin Kin­nunen, the spokesper­son for the Swedish Euroscep­tic Democ­rats. “We have met with dif­fer­ent par­ties to get more infor­ma­tion but it is hard to say any­thing at this stage as we don’t know which par­ties will par­tic­i­pate.”

    A sim­i­lar luke­warm response came from the Ital­ian North­ern League, while the rest of the par­ties were not imme­di­ate­ly reach­able for com­ment.

    This is not the first time that nation­al­ist par­ties have sought to join forces inside the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment. Many pre­vi­ous attempts were short-lived, as was the case in the late eight­ies with the Group of the Euro­pean Right, chaired by FN leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.

    Many nation­al­ist and euroscep­tic par­ties cur­rent­ly have a seat in Par­lia­ment, but the groups are rarely ide­o­log­i­cal­ly coher­ent. The most vocal is the “Europe of Free­dom and Democ­ra­cy” par­ty, chaired by the UK Inde­pen­dence Par­ty (UKIP) leader, Nigel Farage.

    In an e‑mailed state­ment to EurAc­tiv, UKIP made it clear that the par­ty would not join Wilders’ ini­tia­tive.

    “UKIP is not right-wing but a Lib­er­tar­i­an par­ty which believes in small gov­ern­ment, low tax­es, per­son­al free­dom and respon­si­bil­i­ty under a demo­c­ra­t­ic nation­al gov­ern­ment, not under Brus­sels rule. UKIP are not involved in this ini­tia­tive by Geert Wilders.”

    The mem­bers of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment from Wilders’ PVV are cur­rent­ly not attached to a polit­i­cal group in the assem­bly. In April, Wilders claimed in an inter­view that a “polit­i­cal rev­o­lu­tion” in Europe was under­way, announc­ing a mas­sive vic­to­ry for right-wing par­ties.


    But some­times, when the main­stream par­ties have already col­lec­tive­ly embraced far-right poli­cies, the far-right’s faux-pop­ulism real­ly gets to shine! All they have to do in that sit­u­a­tion is seem just a lit­tle less crazy than the main­stream:

    The Econ­o­mist
    Not so Calvin­ist any more
    The Par­ty of Free­dom ben­e­fits from Dutch aus­ter­i­ty fatigue
    Sep 28th 2013 | AMSTERDAM

    GEERT WILDERS, a far-right pop­ulist politi­cian, has been stir­ring up Dutch pol­i­tics for near­ly a decade, but he has nev­er lured many peo­ple onto the streets. Unlike more main­stream Dutch par­ties, Mr Wilders’s Par­ty for Free­dom (PVV) has no dues-pay­ing mem­bers and prop­a­gates its anti-Islam­ic, anti-immi­grant, Euroscep­tic mes­sage large­ly through the media. But on Sep­tem­ber 21st, the PVV adopt­ed a new tac­tic, stag­ing a ral­ly in The Hague to demand a halt to the Dutch government’s lat­est aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures.

    Accord­ing to the police, only a thou­sand demon­stra­tors turned up. But the low turnout belies Mr Wilders’s pop­u­lar­i­ty. With the Dutch pub­lic turn­ing against EU-imposed aus­ter­i­ty, the coali­tion gov­ern­ment is paral­ysed. Polls sug­gest that if elec­tions were held today the PVV, which calls for the Nether­lands to block immi­gra­tion and to with­draw from the euro and the EU, would come first.

    This rep­re­sents a sharp shift from a year ago, when Dutch vot­ers shunned Mr Wilders in favour of the Lib­er­al prime min­is­ter, Mark Rutte, and the Labour Par­ty of Diederik Sam­som. The grand coali­tion that Mr Rutte and Mr Sam­som formed promised daad­kracht, the pow­er and deter­mi­na­tion to get things done. Instead, it has become mired in argu­ments over how to appor­tion the aus­ter­i­ty need­ed to hit the EU’s strict deficit tar­gets. On Sep­tem­ber 17th the gov­ern­ment pre­sent­ed a harsh bud­get for 2014, unveiled, as is tra­di­tion­al, in an annu­al address by the country’s (recent­ly enthroned) king. It con­tains €6 bil­lion ($8.1 bil­lion) in fresh spend­ing cuts and tax increas­es totalling 1% of GDP. The king’s speech, writ­ten by Mr Rutte, pro­claimed the end of the Dutch wel­fare state.

    This ide­o­log­i­cal vision has received mixed reviews. But the more press­ing prob­lem for Mr Rutte is that it is not clear he can get his bud­get approved. The increas­ing­ly queasy Lib­er­al-Labour coali­tion has a nar­row major­i­ty in the Dutch low­er house, but not in the Sen­ate. That leaves the gov­ern­ment scram­bling for the votes of oppo­si­tion par­ties, none of which are eager to help. The lead­ers of two cen­trist par­ties have crit­i­cised the government’s bud­get fierce­ly for rais­ing tax­es and fail­ing to invest in edu­ca­tion. If it fails in the Sen­ate, that may mean a cab­i­net reshuf­fle. Equal­ly, bud­get defeat could lead to an ear­ly elec­tion for the third time in four years.

    That option should ter­ri­fy both the Lib­er­als and Labour. After over a year of reces­sion and aus­ter­i­ty, polls show con­fi­dence in Mr Rutte’s gov­ern­ment at a mis­er­able 12%. On the right, small-busi­ness own­ers feel betrayed by a Lib­er­al-led cab­i­net that has raised val­ue-added tax and imposed a sur­tax on high incomes. On the left, union mem­bers are aban­don­ing a Labour Par­ty that has accept­ed lay-offs and pay freezes in the pub­lic sec­tor.

    The big win­ners of a tough year have been the par­ties that have con­sis­tent­ly opposed aus­ter­i­ty, above all the PVV. As the reces­sion drags on, Mr Wilders, a mas­ter of polit­i­cal rhetoric, has cap­i­talised on the cri­sis and aus­ter­i­ty fatigue by sav­aging the EU, which demand­ed the extra €6 bil­lion effort. Opin­ion polls now show the PVV get­ting over 20% of the vote.

    The Dutch are a famous­ly thrifty peo­ple and their gov­ern­ment has been among Europe’s strongest advo­cates of aus­ter­i­ty. But two years of cuts and reces­sion have made a dent in these Calvin­ist atti­tudes: ful­ly 80% of the pub­lic now thinks aus­ter­i­ty is doing more harm than good. Mr Rutte’s unpop­u­lar­i­ty stems from his attempt to bring the government’s bud­get into line with the Euro­pean Commission’s rules. But in order to get the bud­get passed, he will need to offer big con­ces­sions to cen­trist oppo­si­tion par­ties. Should they flinch, the prospect of Mr Wilders win­ning the next elec­tions ought to focus minds.

    So will the aus­ter­i­ty-weary pro­les come to embrace the Euro­pean far-right as aus­ter­i­ty con­tin­ues to wear down pub­lic con­fi­dence in tra­di­tion­al par­ties? We’ll see. But in the mean time, it looks like some­one is buy­ing what Geert’s sell­ing.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 26, 2013, 10:30 pm
  9. LOL! I man­aged to leave out the lead­ing para­graph of the above 1984-ish com­ment. Who needs Thought Police when you have slop­py com­men­tary!

    So yeah, as I was plan­ning on say­ing, one of the orga­ni­za­tion­al advan­tages often held by the var­i­ous far-right move­ments around the globe is that, while the par­tic­u­lar ide­olo­gies might vary, the under­ly­ing goal is often the same one artic­u­lat­ed in 1984: “The Par­ty seeks pow­er entire­ly for its own sake. We are not inter­est­ed in the good of oth­ers; we are inter­est­ed sole­ly in pow­er”. This can be a pret­ty pow­er­ful dri­ving force as long as the pro­les nev­er fig­ure out that they’re part of the larg­er ‘pro­le’ pop­u­lace and buy what­ev­er garbage is being fed to them as an expla­na­tion for why things are the way they are.

    One of the orga­ni­za­tion dis­ad­van­tages, how­ever, ....etc.

    Avoid­ing dou­ble plus ungood typos also helps.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 27, 2013, 9:16 pm

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