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EU Adopts Terminology of German Holocaust Revisionist Ernst Nolte


COMMENT: We’re going to look at a devel­op­ment that is dis­turbing­ly evi­dent of the EU/EMU’s real­iza­tion of the phi­los­o­phy of Friedrich List, and the real­iza­tion of that phi­los­o­phy by the Third Reich in pre­war, wartime, and post-war politico/economic man­i­fes­ta­tions.

The EU has select­ed the ter­mi­nol­o­gy of a promi­nent Holo­caust revi­sion­ist, whose ver­biage has been cho­sen to grace a World War II memo­r­i­al in Europe.

Rather than deny­ing it out­right, Nolte has devel­oped a line of Holo­caust revi­sion­ism we high­light­ed in FTR #235.

Not claim­ing that the Holo­caust nev­er hap­pened, Ernst Nolte is a Holo­caust revi­sion­ist, claim­ing that it was jus­ti­fied, up to a point, because large num­bers of Jews were pro-com­mu­nist.

He devel­oped this line of ratio­nal­iza­tion in, among oth­er writ­ings, a work in which he devel­oped his hypoth­e­sis that the Sec­ond World War II was a “Euro­pean Civ­il War”.

It is worth not­ing that Nolte the Holo­caust revi­sion­ist was a friend and pro­tege of Pro­fes­sor Mar­tin Hei­deg­ger, the not­ed the­olo­gian, who had been a mem­ber of the Nazi par­ty and defend­ed Nazism.

Aside from the gross his­tor­i­cal inac­cu­ra­cy of refer­ring to a glob­al con­flict as a “Euro­pean Civ­il War,” the EU’s titling of its exhib­it with a direct nod to the rhetoric of a Holo­caust revi­sion­ist is more than a lit­tle sig­nif­i­cant.

“Ernst Nolte”; Wikipedia.

EXCERPT: . . . . At Freiburg, Nolte was a stu­dent of Mar­tin Hei­deg­ger, whom he acknowl­edges as a major influence.[4][5] From 1944 onwards, Nolte was a close friend of the Hei­deg­ger fam­i­ly, and when in 1945 the pro­fes­sor feared arrest by the French, Nolte pro­vid­ed him with food and cloth­ing for an attempt­ed escape.[6] . . .

. . . . “Ten years lat­er, in The Euro­pean Civ­il War (1987), the Ger­man his­to­ri­an Ernst Nolte (b. 1923) brought ide­ol­o­gy into the equa­tion. The First World War had spawned the Bol­she­vik Rev­o­lu­tion, he main­tained, and fas­cism should be seen as a “counter-rev­o­lu­tion” against Com­mu­nism. . . .

“The Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sat­is­fac­tion of the Holo­caust or Oth­er Geno­cides by Non-Extrem­ists or Big­ots and Even by Known Schol­ars” by Israel W. Charny; theideajournal.com; July 17, 2001.

EXCERPT: . . . . .For Prof. Ernst Nolte, Hitler and the Nazis were jus­ti­fied from their point of view in killing the Jews so long as they held a belief that the Jews were threat­en­ing a major his­tor­i­cal change that would lead to “a civ­i­liza­tion of world peace” and a world gov­ern­ment. Then Nolte goes on to say Hitler and the Nazis were not jus­ti­fied because one can­not hold the Jews or any­one respon­si­ble for his­to­ry, but he does not say a word about the Nazis not being jus­ti­fied because they were inhu­man and evil in destroy­ing Jew­ish lives en masse. For­get­ting for a moment the issues of Nolte’s faulty his­tor­i­cal and manip­u­la­tive inter­pre­ta­tions, Nolte’s state­ments are, in effect, a con­de­scend­ing, mad­den­ing word-game on seem­ing­ly intel­lec­tu­al and his­tor­i­cal mat­ters with­out an ounce of human com­pas­sion, mer­cy or seek­ing of jus­tice, and with a con­stant refrain of incite­ment and hon­or to Nazi geno­ci­dal vio­lence. Through­out, his style is to say yes, there was a Holo­caust, and then, imme­di­ate­ly, to rush off to celebration/respect of revi­sion­ists, cita­tions of their absurd work — e.g., the pseu­do-math­e­mat­ics of how the gas cham­bers could­n’t han­dle the num­ber of peo­ple they were sup­posed to and, of course, refram­ing Nazi actions intrin­si­cal­ly as grand efforts to con­tribute to Euro­pean and world his­to­ry. . . .

“WWII Referred to as the Euro­pean Civ­il War: the EU Can­not be Seri­ous?” by Don­al Blaney; The Dai­ly Mail [UK]; 4/18/2012.

EXCERPT: Today we learn that the Euro­pean Union (our real ruler) is open­ing a £44m muse­um that will be a House of Euro­pean His­to­ry. This van­i­ty project in and of itself is an offen­sive waste of mon­ey as gov­ern­ments and peo­ples tight­en belts across Europe.

But what I found most offen­sive of all is that World War II is to be described as “the Euro­pean Civ­il War”.

That’s right: a Euro­pean Civ­il War that saws mil­lions fight and die in the­atres around the world in places as diverse as Tobruk, Pearl Har­bour and the Bur­ma Rail­way.

What greater cal­cu­lat­ed insult can there be to those from India, Aus­tralia, New Zealand, the Unit­ed States and across the world who fought and died to defend free­dom from Nazi and Japan­ese tyran­ny? . . .


2 comments for “EU Adopts Terminology of German Holocaust Revisionist Ernst Nolte”

  1. [...] EU Adopts Ter­mi­nol­o­gy of Ger­man Holo­caust Revi­sion­ist Ernst Nolte [...]

    Posted by Miscellaneous articles for – Articles divers pour 04-27-2012 | Lys-d'Or | April 27, 2012, 10:01 am
  2. It’s worth point­ing out that his­tor­i­cal revi­sion­ism is not, in and of itself, prob­lem­at­ic. That’s sort of how the field of his­to­ry works as his­to­ri­ans and soci­eties incor­po­rate new findings/interpretations into the larg­er his­tor­i­cal under­stand­ing. It becomes a prob­lem when the “revi­sions” are inac­cu­rate BS with an agen­da. There are few things that can crip­ple a soci­ety more effec­tive­ly than the warp­ing of its under­stand­ing of his­to­ry in ways that infuse the pop­u­lace with real­ly real­ly stu­pid ideas. For­tu­nate­ly, some­times the revi­sion­ist BS is so over-the-top stu­pid that it has effect of self-dis­cred­it­ing the dis­in­for­ma­tion.

    So, with that in mind, thanks for the, ummm, “update” Joe.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 20, 2012, 7:30 pm

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