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European Neo-Fascist Parties Network with U.S. Tea Party, Israeli Right-Wing

COMMENT: Euro­pean neo-Fas­cist par­ties such as the Aus­tri­an Free­dom Par­ty (ini­ti­at­ed as a vehi­cle for the reha­bil­i­taion of Aus­tri­an Nazi par­ty mem­bers who had served Hitler) and the Vlaams Belang have been net­work­ing with U.S. Tea Partiers and with the Israeli right-wing. (The Likud–cur­rent­ly part of the gov­ern­ing Israeli coalition–is heir to the fas­cist ele­ment in the Zion­ist move­ment.)

Both the Free­dom Par­ty and the Vlaams Belang are root­ed in the col­lab­o­ra­tionist move­ments that allied with the Third Reich. Note, also, that these Euro­pean neo-fas­cist par­ties are func­tion­ing as a de fac­to exten­sion of Ger­man state pol­i­cy!

Among these Euro­pean par­ties are the Swe­den Democ­rats, whose recent suc­cess in the Swedish elec­tions was achieved, in part, with sup­port from Carl Lund­strom, whose activ­i­ties we have been (and will be) exam­in­ing in con­nec­tion with his role in the Pirate Bay and over­lap­ping Wik­Leaks milieux.

A fas­ci­nat­ing dynam­ic man­i­fest­ing in both the Amer­i­can and Euro­pean polit­i­cal land­scapes con­cerns the coa­lesc­ing of reac­tionary and out­right fas­cist par­ties in response (in part) to Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ism and the atten­dant threat of ter­ror­ism. Very real, both threats derive from the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, the explic­it­ly fas­cist Islam­ic orga­ni­za­tion that also allied with the Third Reich, as well as post­war west­ern intel­li­gence ser­vices, includ­ing CIA.

Iron­ic, also, is the fact that FPO and Vlaams Belang seek com­mon ground with the Israeli right with regard to Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ism and ter­ror­ism, at the same time that the Euro­peans use this to deflect charges of anti-Semi­tism!

“The Col­lab­o­ra­tor’s Tra­di­tion”; german-foreign-policy.com; 12/22/2010.

Excerpt: Sev­er­al of the utter­most right-wing par­ties in Europe are pro­ceed­ing — with the coop­er­a­tion of Ger­man orga­ni­za­tions — to forge inter­na­tion­al alliances. The Aus­tri­an Free­dom Par­ty (FPÖ) has announced its exten­sion of rela­tions to the rapid­ly devel­op­ing US-Amer­i­can Tea Par­ty move­ment. Just a few days ago, FPÖ func­tionar­ies vis­it­ed Israel, togeth­er with lead­ing par­ty mem­bers of the Bel­gian Vlaams Belang (The Flem­ish Cause) in an effort to dis­pel their rep­u­ta­tions of being anti-Semit­ic. Both par­ties are based in the tra­di­tion of Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tion. They are among the strongest utter­most right-wing par­ties on the con­ti­nent and are prof­it­ing from the renewed Ger­man hege­mo­ny over Europe. They are includ­ing the Ger­man “pro-“movements into their cur­rent efforts to build an alliance. Par­al­lel struc­tures are being estab­lished, also with Ger­man influ­ence . . . mean­ing that two rival racist par­ty net­works are vying for the lead­er­ship of the Euro­pean extreme right — both with Ger­man par­tic­i­pa­tion. . . .

. . . The Aus­tri­an Free­dom Par­ty (FPÖ) has announced the expan­sion of its rela­tions with the US-Amer­i­can Tea Par­ty move­ment. FPÖ Chair­man, Heinz-Chris­t­ian Stra­che announced his plans to vis­it the Unit­ed States in the com­ing year for meet­ings with rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the move­ment, refer­ring to the “very inter­est­ing grass­roots move­ment com­ing direct­ly from the dis­grun­tled pop­u­la­tion” explains Stra­che in ref­er­ence to the racist-imbued Tea Par­ty.[1] The FPÖ leader returned from Israel just a few days ago, where he vis­it­ed, along with lead­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Vlaams Belang and the Swe­den Democ­rats, for talks with right-wing Israeli politi­cians. The objec­tive of their vis­it was more than mere­ly expand­ing the inter­na­tion­al net­work of Europe’s utmost right-wing par­ties, but above all to help dis­pel their anti-Semit­ic rep­u­ta­tions. The par­tic­i­pants signed a “Jerusalem Dec­la­ra­tion” for the pur­pose of declar­ing their com­mon strug­gle against “fun­da­men­tal­ist Islam”. The Ger­man “Free­dom Par­ty” was also rep­re­sent­ed. . . .

. . . . In the Aus­tri­an polit­i­cal spec­trum, the FPÖ is the par­ty of the so-called third camp, the milieu that has favored Aus­tri­a’s annex­a­tion by Ger­many since the 19th century.[2] Accord­ing­ly, many for­mer Nazi activists, who ear­li­er had applaud­ed the Nazi annex­a­tion of Aus­tria, had par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 1956 found­ing of this par­ty. In the years from 1956 — 1978, the two first par­ty chair­men had been active mem­bers of the Nazi SS. Var­i­ous sub­se­quent FPÖ politi­cians are on record for hav­ing praised Nazi orga­ni­za­tions and their activists. Nazi Ger­many sought “to uni­fy the con­ti­nent” declared the FPÖ the­o­reti­cian, Andreas Mölzer,[3] a mem­ber of the del­e­ga­tion just return­ing from Israel. Today the par­ty is prof­it­ing from the fact that Vien­na is strength­en­ing its ties to the EU’s hege­mon­ic pow­er, Ger­many, and there­by draw­ing clos­er to “Third Camp” strate­gies. Ger­many has a pre­dom­i­nat­ing eco­nom­ic influ­ence on Aus­tria [4] and exclu­sive polit­i­cal rela­tions to that country,[5] from which the FPÖ affil­i­at­ed sec­tors of the Aus­tri­an estab­lish­ment are strong­ly prof­it­ing. . . .

. . . . the Vlaams Belang is also root­ed, in the col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Ger­man Reich. Part of the Flem­ish move­ment, seek­ing to have the north­ern — Dutch speak­ing — part of Bel­gium secede and form an inde­pen­dent coun­try, “Flan­ders,” had col­lab­o­rat­ed with Ger­many, already back in World War I and con­tin­ued to do so in World War II. Berlin was to fur­nish the nec­es­sary sup­port for the seces­sion­ists, who were seek­ing a “Ger­man­ic” alliance with the Reich, allow­ing them to split off from French speak­ing South­ern Bel­gium, per­mit­ting them to with­draw from the French sphere of influence.[6] Due to the war, Flan­ders nev­er reached the point of seces­sion. In 1945, the Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tors con­tin­ued their polit­i­cal activ­i­ties, first in the Peo­ple’s Union Par­ty, then in the suc­ces­sor Vlaams Blok (Flem­ish Block) and the Vlaams Belang (Flem­ish Cause). A few years ago, Fil­ip Dewin­ter, one of the lead­ers of the Vlaams Belang, spoke of the Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tor, Staf de Cler­cq as “one of the his­tor­i­cal lead­ers of the par­ty.” . . . .


One comment for “European Neo-Fascist Parties Network with U.S. Tea Party, Israeli Right-Wing”

  1. The far right Swe­den Democ­rats is now Swe­den’s third largest par­ty:

    The Local Swe­den Edi­tion
    How Swe­den Democ­rats went main­stream

    Pub­lished: 15 Sep 2014 10:11 GMT+02:00
    Updat­ed: 15 Sep 2014 10:11 GMT+02:00

    The anti-immi­grant Swe­den Democ­rats have become the third largest par­ty in a coun­try famous for its egal­i­tar­i­an ideals. The Local’s Mad­dy Sav­age explores the rea­sons for their suc­cess

    Crammed into a for­mer boat house a hun­dred metres from Stock­holm’s Abba muse­um and the city’s Grö­na Lund theme park, more than a hun­dred Swe­den Democ­rats screamed and jumped for joy on Sun­day night as exit polls sug­gest­ed they were on course to secure 13 per­cent of the vote.

    Many were in their twen­ties, dressed in shiny new suits and ties or tight dress­es as they drank wine, ate from a buf­fet of cold meats and waved blue and yel­low flags each time their par­ty’s results popped up on the pro­jec­tor screen above the main stage.

    This was the Swe­den Democ­rats’ main post-elec­tion gath­er­ing and unlike in Swe­den’s third city Malmö, where jour­nal­ists have uncov­ered a num­ber of scan­dals about par­ty can­di­dates in recent weeks, reporters from across Europe were invit­ed to observe the cel­e­bra­tions.

    Our ‘press cen­tre’ was a dark room direct­ly beneath the main action, with wire bars on the win­dows and no access to Wi-Fi. But upstairs, as the wine flowed, Swe­den Demo­c­rat sup­port­ers were more than will­ing to share their views on how the par­ty had man­aged to dou­ble its vote.

    “We have a rep­u­ta­tion for accept­ing more immi­grants than any­where else in Europe,” said Joakim Ishe­den, who is on the board of direc­tors for the Swe­den Demo­c­rat par­ty’s youth wing.

    “We just can’t keep going in the same direc­tion,” he added.

    Anoth­er teenag­er was more brash in his assess­ment as he queued up at the bar.

    “I know every­one thinks we are racists and yes, it is true, we don’t want the immi­grants here, but we real­ly are the solu­tion to this coun­try’s prob­lems,” he said.


    Polit­i­cal Sci­en­tist Li Ben­nich Björk­man from Upp­sala uni­ver­si­ty says the par­ty’s charis­mat­ic leader Jim­mie Åkesson, 35, has ben­e­fit­ed from a slick and orga­nized media cam­paign and “bet­ter orga­ni­za­tion” with­in the par­ty in recent years.

    He has been par­tic­u­lar­ly suc­cess­ful at attract­ing votes from young peo­ple dur­ing a peri­od when unem­ploy­ment among those aged 15 to 24 has bounced between 20 and 25 per­cent — about three times high­er than over­all job­less­ness in Swe­den.

    But Björk­man says the par­ty has also tapped into a grow­ing frus­tra­tion bub­bling across gen­er­a­tions in rur­al com­mu­ni­ties in the north and south of the coun­try.

    “There is a group of peo­ple out­side of Swe­den’s urban cities that feel mar­gin­al­ized,” she says.

    “The Swe­den Democ­rats are not just about cut­ting immi­gra­tion, they rep­re­sent this wider resis­tance to the post-mod­ern world and so they attract peo­ple that hark back to a dif­fer­ent kind of Swe­den.”

    “I don’t think any­thing has real­ly changed in Swe­den since the last elec­tion, it is just that it has become less stig­ma­tized to vote for the Swe­den Democ­rats,” she told The Local.

    “I don’t think all their sup­port­ers even want to cut immi­gra­tion, they just feel they have no oth­er polit­i­cal options to vote for.”

    In the media and polit­i­cal spheres in Swe­den there is much chat­ter about how the rise of the Swe­den Democ­rats could change glob­al per­cep­tions of the coun­try.

    Many are also ask­ing if the par­ty’s suc­cess could steer for­mer Prime Min­is­ter Fredrik Rein­feldt’s Mod­er­ate Par­ty fur­ther to the right.

    “Near­ly 30 per cent of the Swe­den Democ­rats’ new vot­ers came from the Mod­er­ate Par­ty and there has already been spec­u­la­tion that a new leader will be cho­sen to change the par­ty’s direc­tion in the light of this,” said SVT tele­vi­sion’s polit­i­cal ana­lyst Mar­git Sil­ber­stein.

    In the mean­time most com­men­ta­tors agree that while the Swe­den Democ­rats may have secured suc­cess at the bal­lot box, the oth­er par­ties will work hard to ensure they don’t suc­ceed in par­lia­ment.

    “I real­ly do not think any of the par­lia­men­tary par­ties want to coop­er­ate with the Swe­den Democ­rats,” said Sil­ber­stein.

    “The oth­er politi­cians will do all they can to keep them iso­lat­ed”.

    So the head of the Swe­den Democ­rats “has been par­tic­u­lar­ly suc­cess­ful at attract­ing votes from young peo­ple dur­ing a peri­od when unem­ploy­ment among those aged 15 to 24 has bounced between 20 and 25 per­cent — about three times high­er than over­all job­less­ness in Swe­den,” while at the same time “near­ly 30 per cent of the Swe­den Democ­rats’ new vot­ers came from the Mod­er­ate Par­ty”. So Swe­den’s youth and oth­er cen­ter-right vot­ers are now flirt­ing with the far right after the cen­ter-right Mod­er­ate Par­ty trash­es the econ­o­my. Mis­sion accom­plished?

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | September 15, 2014, 12:38 pm

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