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COMMENT: To us, the observations of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks were grotesque, highlighting aspects of the manifest failure of this country.
Perhaps the very embodiment of that failure is the identity of the writer who penned The New York Times’ lead story on the day after the attacks.
A member of the Times’ editorial board, Schmemann is discussed in FTR#782.
The grandson of a Czarist officer and the son of a Russian exile who worked for Radio Liberty, Schmemann wrote a scathing, altogether unfair review of Christopher Simpson’s masterful Blowback, a book whose importance could not be exaggerated. (This work was the foundation for much of Mr. Emory’s encyclopedic AFA#37.)
Schmemann’s background–Czarist guard heritage; NYT bureau chief in Bonn and Moscow during the Cold War; hit piece on the Simpson text–suggests the possibility that he may have links to the CIA/Gehlen milieu discussed at length in Blowback.
If–for the sake of argument– this is in fact the case, it would not be an unprecedented state of affairs:
Witness The New York Times’ use of a Third Reich alumnus named Paul Hofmann as a foreign correspondent, beginning with the Gray Lady’s coverage of the CIA’s participation in the overthrow of Patrice Lumumba.
. . . . As the Congo crisis reached its climax, a new correspondent for The New York Times showed up in Leopoldville with a distinctly anti-Lumumba bias. Paul Hofmann was a diminutive, sophisticated Austrian with a colorful past. During the war, he served in Rome as a top aide to the notorious Nazi general Kurt Malzer, who was later convicted of the mass murder of Italian partisans. At some point, Hofmann became an informer for the Allies, and after the war he became closely associated with Jim Angleton. The Angleton family helped place Hofmann in the Rome bureau of The New York Times, where he continued to be of use to his friends in U.S. intelligence, translating reports from confidential sources inside the Vatican and passing them along to Angleton. Hofmann became one of the Times’s leading foreign correspondents, eventually taking over the newspaper’s Rome bureau and parachuting from time to time into international hot spots like the Congo. . . .
Chronicling aspects of this failure, Mr. Emory’s many programs on the 9/11 debacle bear sorry witness to the total failure of this society.
A few “lowlights,” as it were:
- In the last program Mr. Emory did in 1999, he examined George W. Bush’s political CV and heritage, in order to gain perspective on what a Bush presidency might be like. Side 1 of the program began with discussion of the Bin Laden family’s financing of George W. Bush’s first energy company.
- In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, Mr. Emory compiled excerpts from his shows which foreshadowed the event.
- In early July of 2001–three months before the 9/11 attacks which precipitated the invasion of Afghanistan–Mr. Emory opined that W’s appointment of Robert Mueller to head the FBI was to eclipse the links between Bush and the BCCI (which led directly to the Bin Laden family connections).
In numerous programs, Mr. Emory noted the Mueller-led FBI’s cover-up of the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids, which led to the BCCI/Bush connection.
- That investigation was torpedoed by Mueller’s FBI.
- The Bush administration had profound links to the Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Taqwa milieu.
- Some of the most profound aspects of the attacks involve Nazi and fascist elements. Many of these relationships go back to World War II, and wind forward to the present.
- Rita Katz and others who called attention to the Al-Taqwa milieu in connection with Operation Green Quest were themselves targeted by elements of the intelligence community.
- A major element in the 9/11 attacks concerned the maneuvering taking place through SICO.
- A major aspect of the case concerns Mohamed Atta & company’s infiltration into the U.S. through a flight school milieu in Venice, Florida, heroically and selflessly researched by Daniel Hopsicker.
- Former Justice Department investigator John Loftus did monumental work uncovering the 9/11 conspiracy and related elements, focusing on Sami Al-Arian, a close associate of George W. Bush and–tragically–a hero to elements of the so-called “progressive” community.
- Among the many leads that were never investigated was the remarkable account provided by Randy Glass.
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