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Gehlen, Nazis, Nuclear War: History of Cold War, Germany, the U.S. and China

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COMMENT: A recent post by Ger­man For­eign Pol­i­cy sets forth Cold War his­to­ry involv­ing the BND/Gehlen “Org” and Chi­na.

Doc­u­ment­ing plans to launch a nuclear strike against Peking and Moscow dur­ing the Kore­an War, fol­low­ing up with Nazi-aid­ed Kuom­intang tank war­fare to fin­ish the con­flict and spawn­ing a long Gehlen-Nazi advi­so­ry role with Chi­ang Kai-Shek’s mil­i­tary, the post pro­vides his­tor­i­cal con­text in which the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic and the full-court press against Chi­na.

“When, dur­ing the war on Korea, a nuclear strike against Peking (and Moscow) had been relo­cat­ed (site of deploy­ment Guam, max. 34 Mark 4 atom­ic bombs), the suc­ces­sor of the Nazi espi­onage (Orga­ni­za­tion Gehlen) in Munich, ensured direct con­tacts with the Kuom­intang. Fol­low­ing the drop­ping of the atom­ic bombs, Kuom­intang troops were sup­posed to march, as occu­py­ing forces, through con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed ter­rain towards Peking. To sup­port the offen­sive of Kuom­intang tanks, con­sid­ered nec­es­sary by Chi­ang Kai-shek, Gehlen could offer spe­cial­ists from Munich: from the Reich­swehr and Nazi mil­i­tary. . . .”

” . . . . Leo Geyr von Schwep­pen­burg was work­ing with the Orga­ni­za­tion Gehlen . . . . The Nazi Gen­er­al, who, as hero of the Nazi tank divi­sions’ advance towards Moscow, had been award­ed the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, was now in action for Tai­wan and the Kuom­intang in the bat­tle against Peking. He per­son­al­ly instruct­ed the staffs of the nation­al­ist forces with orig­i­nal doc­u­ments of the Naz­i’s ‘Oper­a­tion Bar­barossa.’ He was per­son­al­ly answer­able to Chi­ang Kai-shek. . . .”

” . . . . In Tai­wan, Mun­zel’s BND group, dis­guised as a del­e­ga­tion of DAAD (Ger­man Aca­d­e­m­ic Exchange Ser­vice, Bonn) received Chiang Kai-shek’s son Wego, for­mer­ly a cadet in the Nazi mil­i­tary, now an arma­ments expert with con­nec­tions to the West Ger­man war indus­try. Chi­ang Wego’s assign­ment was com­pre­hen­sive and clear: to train new recruits for the offen­sive against Peking by draw­ing on the Ger­man expe­ri­ence gained dur­ing ‘Oper­a­tion Bar­barossa’ (fol­lowed by Mun­zel’s test­ing in Cairo) — and to pro­vide the appro­pri­ate weapons. . . .”

” . . . . While Mun­zel, under BND com­mand, set up a secret ‘exper­i­men­tal bat­tal­ion’ against Chi­na (1968), staff offi­cers of the Tai­wan dic­ta­tor­ship stud­ied at the Ger­man Armed Forces Staff Col­lege in Ham­burg, quite offi­cial­ly. . . .”

Note­wor­thy for our pur­pos­es, is the exter­mi­na­tion­ist tac­ti­cal approach under­tak­en by the West and draw­ing on Nazi exper­tise in draw­ing up oper­a­tional plans.

Note­wor­thy, also, is the con­ti­nu­ity of SS activ­i­ty in, or in con­nec­tion with, Asia:

  • In the 1950’s and 1960’s, Ger­man tele­vi­sion went “retro” with Goebbels’ Pro­pa­gan­da Min­istry, broad­cast­ing SS footage of an anthro­po­log­i­cal expe­di­tion to Tibet. ” . . . . The Nazi pro­pa­gan­da’s imag­i­nary pro­jec­tion of a peo­ple, weak­er than ‘inner Asians,’ who still had main­tained their puri­ty and must be pro­tect­ed was seam­less­ly trans­mit­ted. The noto­ri­ous SS-pro­duced film (‘Geheim­nis Tibet,’– ‘Secret Tibet,’ 1943) about Aryan genes in the Himalayan High­lands returned to the big screen of the movies. . . .”
  • The broad­cast mate­r­i­al fea­tured SS war crim­i­nal and mem­ber of the Tibetan Gov­ern­ment-in-Exile Bruno Beger.  ” . . . . The West Ger­man state was bare­ly a year old, and a nuclear strike against Peking was in the plan­ning stages (1950), when graph­i­cal­ly iden­ti­cal cin­e­ma posters pro­mot­ed the relaunch: ‘The orig­i­nal film about the Ger­man Tibet expe­di­tion.’ The film con­tains scenes with the Auschwitz crim­i­nal Bruno Beger (see Part II). The scenes with Beger, who mea­sures the heads and bod­ies of the indige­nous peo­ple com­par­ing them to those of Aryans, con­veys racism as a stim­u­lus for mur­der, seem­ing­ly harm­less and inter­change­able . . . . as the Aryan her­itage in Tibetan Asia, threat­ened with dilu­tion by the yel­low per­il (from the Chi­nese state and Han Chi­nese) . . . .”
  • In addi­tion, the film fea­tured voice-over nar­ra­tion by the Dalai Lama’s SS tutor Hein­rich Har­rer: ” . . . . In the evening pro­gram, mil­lions learned how, sev­er­al years ear­li­er, the omnipresent TV mod­er­a­tor and alpin­ist hero had met the Dalai Lama — as the god­ly king in Lhasa, Tibet, who had offered his friend­ship to the white man from dis­tant Europe and who now finds him­self on the run from ‘Red Chi­na’ — with­out his indige­nous peo­ple. The white vis­i­tor, the omnipresent TV mod­er­a­tor was Hein­rich Har­rer, for­mer SS Ober­schar­für­er. . . .”
  • The Uighurs (also translit­er­at­ed as “Uyghurs”) also draw on Waf­fen SS her­itage and insti­tu­tion­al momen­tum: ” . . . . The new Uighur gen­er­a­tion trav­eled via Turkey and filled the Mus­lim ranks of Gehlen’s agents in Munich, who had made their liv­ing for decades at Radio Free Europe (RFE), the intel­li­gence oper­a­tion in the Oet­tinger Strasse. . . . The elders of the Uighur com­mu­ni­ty in Munich (today the World Uyghur Con­gress, WUC) are very famil­iar with the blood pro­pa­gan­da, through their ser­vice in the ‘East­land-Legions’ of the Waf­fen SS (Turkestan 162nd Infantry Divi­sion). Berlin had promised them their own nation with the inclu­sion of Xin­jiang (‘Great Turkestan’), ‘iden­ti­ty,’ and Mus­lim law, to be able to posi­tion the great Ger­man ‘Reich’ at Chi­na’s bor­ders with Turk­men help. With the defeat­ed rest of the SS divi­sion strand­ed in Bavaria, they still had their hopes and are once again used against Chi­na . . . .”

1.  “Berlin: In the Under­ground War Against Rus­sia and Chi­na (III)” by Hans Rudi­ger-Minow; Ger­man For­eign Pol­i­cy; 10/06/2020.

When, dur­ing the war on Korea, a nuclear strike against Peking (and Moscow) had been relo­cat­ed (site of deploy­ment Guam, max. 34 Mark 4 atom­ic bombs), the suc­ces­sor of the Nazi espi­onage (Orga­ni­za­tion Gehlen) in Munich, ensured direct con­tacts with the Kuom­intang. Fol­low­ing the drop­ping of the atom­ic bombs, Kuom­intang troops were sup­posed to march, as occu­py­ing forces, through con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed ter­rain towards Peking. To sup­port the offen­sive of Kuom­intang tanks, con­sid­ered nec­es­sary by Chi­ang Kai-shek, Gehlen could offer spe­cial­ists from Munich: from the Reich­swehr and Nazi mil­i­tary. They had accu­mu­lat­ed expe­ri­ence — in the sup­pres­sion of riots and strikes dur­ing the Weimar Repub­lic and sub­se­quent­ly dur­ing exter­mi­na­tion oper­a­tions and Nazi mas­sacres in the East (“Oper­a­tion Bar­barossa”). Gehlen extend­ed the bloody trail of war crimes com­mit­ted in Europe to Chi­na.

BND Personnel

Leo Geyr von Schwep­pen­burg was work­ing with the Orga­ni­za­tion Gehlen, which, in 1956 became West Ger­many’s Fed­er­al Intel­li­gence Ser­vice (BND). The Nazi Gen­er­al, who, as hero of the Nazi tank divi­sions’ advance towards Moscow, had been award­ed the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, was now in action for Tai­wan and the Kuom­intang in the bat­tle against Peking. He per­son­al­ly instruct­ed the staffs of the nation­al­ist forces with orig­i­nal doc­u­ments of the Naz­i’s “Oper­a­tion Bar­barossa.” He was per­son­al­ly answer­able to Chi­ang Kai-shek.

Leo Geyr von Schwep­pen­burg’s com­rade-in-arms, Oskar Mun­zel, also seemed to be of val­ue to Gehlen and the BND, because of his expe­ri­ence in tank com­bat (3rd Nazi tank divi­sion, offen­sive against Moscow). Tank com­bat was cen­tral to Tai­wan’s mil­i­tary plans to raze Peking. Dur­ing the plan­ning of a nuclear strike (April 1951), Mun­zel was active in Africa — as coun­sel to the feu­dal Farouk regime in Cairo, which was seek­ing Mun­zel’s advice for its planned com­bat at Egyp­t’s east­ern bor­der.

Mun­zel knew the ene­mies, Cairo was wor­ry­ing about. Mun­zel had con­stant­ly encoun­tered them dur­ing the advance on Moscow: the Jews, ordered to be sum­mar­i­ly liq­ui­dat­ed, now being tracked down by Mun­zel and 70 oth­er West Ger­man Nazi experts in Cairo — dur­ing the plan­ning for wars with Israel.

His career brought Mun­zel to Mün­ster, to the tank troops of the Bun­deswehr (1956). Fol­low­ing his pro­ba­tion, he com­mand­ed a BND clan­des­tine mis­sion in the under­ground war against Chi­na.

Operation “Ming Teh”

In Tai­wan, Mun­zel’s BND group, dis­guised as a del­e­ga­tion of DAAD (Ger­man Aca­d­e­m­ic Exchange Ser­vice, Bonn) received Chiang Kai-shek’s son Wego, for­mer­ly a cadet in the Nazi mil­i­tary, now an arma­ments expert with con­nec­tions to the West Ger­man war indus­try. Chi­ang Wego’s assign­ment was com­pre­hen­sive and clear: to train new recruits for the offen­sive against Peking by draw­ing on the Ger­man expe­ri­ence gained dur­ing “Oper­a­tion Bar­barossa” (fol­lowed by Mun­zel’s test­ing in Cairo) — and to pro­vide the appro­pri­ate weapons.

Via Mun­zel’s BND group, which linked its own office in Tai­wan to struc­tures of the Pres­i­den­t’s intel­li­gence ser­vice (code­name “Ming Teh”), these weapons came from West Ger­many — with the approval of the West Ger­man for­eign min­is­ter: tank shells from Bölkow (lat­er MBB), bazookas from Diehl, “Mars” pro­pel­lants and war­heads, explo­sives and chem­i­cals from Dyna­mite Nobel.

Under the dis­guise of being Ger­man fac­ul­ty mem­bers at Tai­wan’s cul­tur­al col­lege, the West Ger­man offi­cers of the “Ming Teh” group expand­ed their influ­ence. The front direct­ed against Peking was rein­forced and now also became vis­i­ble. While Mun­zel, under BND com­mand, set up a secret “exper­i­men­tal bat­tal­ion” against Chi­na (1968), staff offi­cers of the Tai­wan dic­ta­tor­ship stud­ied at the Ger­man Armed Forces Staff Col­lege in Ham­burg, quite offi­cial­ly.

Stimulus for Murder

The arma­ment projects for a war against Chi­na were in line with exter­mi­na­tion con­cepts, which revived the colo­nial stereo­type of the “yel­low per­il” in impe­r­i­al dis­guise (“red drag­on”) and were not averse to an eth­i­cal man­date in their pur­suit of defense. The Nazi pro­pa­gan­da’s imag­i­nary pro­jec­tion of a peo­ple, weak­er than “inner Asians,” who still had main­tained their puri­ty and must be pro­tect­ed was seam­less­ly trans­mit­ted. The noto­ri­ous SS-pro­duced film (“Geheim­nis Tibet,” “Secret Tibet,” 1943) about Aryan genes in the Himalayan High­lands returned to the big screen of the movies.

The West Ger­man state was bare­ly a year old, and a nuclear strike against Peking was in the plan­ning stages (1950), when graph­i­cal­ly iden­ti­cal cin­e­ma posters pro­mot­ed the relaunch: “The orig­i­nal film about the Ger­man Tibet expe­di­tion.” The film con­tains scenes with the Auschwitz crim­i­nal Bruno Beger (see Part II). The scenes with Beger, who mea­sures the heads and bod­ies of the indige­nous peo­ple com­par­ing them to those of Aryans, con­veys racism as a stim­u­lus for mur­der, seem­ing­ly harm­less and inter­change­able: some­times as the puri­ty of a peo­ple which must be pro­tect­ed from tar­nish­ing by Jews, and at oth­er times, as the Aryan her­itage in Tibetan Asia, threat­ened with dilu­tion by the yel­low per­il (from the Chi­nese state and Han Chi­nese). The brighter the appear­ance of the orig­i­nal fig­ure, the bleak­er the shad­ow of its antithe­sis deserv­ing liq­ui­da­tion.

As soon as Peking had reaf­firmed its claim to Tibet, the West Ger­man film indus­try gave its stamp of approval (“FSK” — Vol­un­tary Self Reg­u­la­tion) to the SS-film: since June 5,1950 approved for age 12 and old­er; (exten­sion of the approval in 1956; in its new ver­sion since Jan­u­ary 5, 2000 approved for all ages).

Portrayal of Foreign Peoples

Colo­nial racism which pro­vokes emo­tions in the under­ground war, and, using an eth­i­cal pre­text, diverts atten­tion from the hunt for prey (the resources and mar­kets, the land­scapes and lives), was revived on West Ger­man tele­vi­sion. Archa­ic pic­tures of rem­nants of indige­nous peo­ples, threat­ened with ear­ly death by mar­ket com­pe­ti­tion, obscured the focus on the aggres­sive maneu­vers aimed at “Red Chi­na” by BND espi­onage, mil­i­tary staff and arms indus­try.

As if Radio Free Europe (RFE) and its Munich BND agents had need­ed help, the pub­lic tele­vi­sion’s first (ARD) chan­nel pro­vid­ed a gigan­tic stage for sev­er­al decades (1963 — 2009), to its for­eign peo­ples series — with focus on Tibet.


In the evening pro­gram mil­lions learned how, sev­er­al years ear­li­er, the omnipresent TV mod­er­a­tor and alpin­ist hero had met the Dalai Lama — as the god­ly king in Lhasa, Tibet, who had offered his friend­ship to the white man from dis­tant Europe and who now finds him­self on the run from “Red Chi­na” — with­out his indige­nous peo­ple. The white vis­i­tor, the omnipresent TV mod­er­a­tor was Hein­rich Har­rer, for­mer SS Ober­schar­für­er. He had joined the SA dur­ing the under­ground strug­gle for an Aryan Ger­many, had been received by Adolf Hitler as the con­queror of moun­tains, sent to the peaks of the Nan­ga Par­bat (for “ath­let­ic train­ing for the impend­ing war,” 1939). Har­rer embod­ied the white mis­sion: tran­scend all bar­ri­ers of the world with robust forces, a friend to harm­less races, and invin­ci­ble to com­pet­ing pow­ers.

In an eth­no­log­i­cal TV series, (with more than 50 ARD tele­casts of 45 min­utes, accom­pa­nied by radio and press fea­tures) colo­nial racism reached a high­er impe­r­i­al lev­el: Por­tray­al of For­eign Peo­ples (with TV focus on Tibet) in the under­ground war against resis­tance to the mar­ket (PR Chi­na).

Clandestine Reinforcements

When par­ties in Bonn reward­ed an insur­gency of the Tibetan nobil­i­ty (1987) with open attacks against Peking (“human rights vio­la­tions in Tibet”), and demand­ed an increase in the num­ber of schol­ar­ships for Tibetan exiles in Ger­many, Munich’s agents on the for­eign peo­ples front had long since made head­way: for schol­ar­ship appli­cants of anoth­er peo­ple that could infringe on the nation­al cohe­sive­ness of the Peo­ple’s Repub­lic, to the extent that its Turk­ish-Mus­lim sep­a­ratism became vio­lent: Uighurs from Tibet’s neigh­bor­ing region, the autonomous region Xin­jiang.

Fol­low­ing the exam­ple of “Ming Teh,” the group of BND mil­i­tary smug­gled in through DAAD, the Uighur milieu in the Bavar­i­an cap­i­tal was pro­vid­ed clan­des­tine rein­force­ment — legal­ly financed from the usu­al funds of the exquis­ite asso­ci­a­tion for aca­d­e­m­ic exchange.

USW Biblis

The new Uighur gen­er­a­tion trav­eled via Turkey and filled the Mus­lim ranks of Gehlen’s agents in Munich, who had made their liv­ing for decades at Radio Free Europe (RFE), the intel­li­gence oper­a­tion in the Oet­tinger Strasse. The radio sta­tion — in the mean­time expand­ed to include anoth­er pil­lar of the US financiers (Radio Lib­er­ty) — was appeal­ing, from Ger­man soil, in its Uighur pro­gram (USW Bib­lis and Lam­pertheim) for resis­tance against the influx of Chi­nese cit­i­zens, the alien-blood­ed Han, who are liq­ui­dat­ing the puri­ty of the eth­nic major­i­ty pop­u­la­tion in Xin­jiang (“geno­cide”), for Mus­lim law and “iden­ti­ty” in a sep­a­rate nation.

Great Turkestan, Tibet, Hong Kong

The elders of the Uighur com­mu­ni­ty in Munich (today the World Uyghur Con­gress, WUC) are very famil­iar with the blood pro­pa­gan­da, through their ser­vice in the “East­land-Legions” of the Waf­fen SS (Turkestan 162nd Infantry Divi­sion). Berlin had promised them their own nation with the inclu­sion of Xin­jiang (“Great Turkestan”), “iden­ti­ty,” and Mus­lim law, to be able to posi­tion the great Ger­man “Reich” at Chi­na’s bor­ders with Turk­men help. With the defeat­ed rest of the SS divi­sion strand­ed in Bavaria, they still had their hopes and are once again used against Chi­na — as the Nazis had used the indige­nous inhab­i­tants in the Himalayan High­lands, whose region of set­tle­ment (Tibet) and the region of the Uighurs (Xin­jiang) make up a third of Chi­na’s ter­ri­to­ry.

If Hong Kong is includ­ed, it seems that the west­ern side has sev­er­al levers at its dis­pos­al for use in the fight against Chi­na: first, inter­nal dis­in­te­gra­tion (eth­nic-based insur­gency move­ments at Chi­na’s periph­ery, social dis­lo­ca­tion in met­ro­pol­i­tan areas) and sec­ond, exter­nal mil­i­tary inter­ven­tion (hav­ing Chi­nese from the base in Tai­wan fight Chi­nese.)

Leading Role

In the under­ground war, the sec­ond option has gained new impor­tance since the EU, under Ger­man influ­ence has inten­si­fied its Tai­wan pol­i­cy against Bei­jing. This per­mits Berlin to use, the polit­i­cal­ly devel­oped, ide­o­log­i­cal­ly elab­o­rat­ed spe­cial rela­tion­ship with the Kuom­intang — which has been main­tained since the days of the Reich­swehr and Wehrma­cht — to play a lead­ing role in the west­ern alliance against Chi­na.

Nuclear War

In all phas­es of Chi­na’s emer­gence, Ger­man glob­al pol­i­cy advanc­ing east­ward has been on the side of Chi­na’s ene­mies. When, with the found­ing of the Peo­ple’s Repub­lic, (1949) the emer­gence seemed irre­versible and a nuclear war was planned against Chi­na, West­ern Ger­many aid­ed with clan­des­tine rein­force­ments and mil­i­tary know-how. Still in the ruins left by the Nazi regime, the glob­al pol­i­cy of the suc­ces­sor state resort­ed to the his­tor­i­cal her­itage of the colo­nial crimes com­mit­ted in Chi­na: to stand up to the crim­i­nal poten­cy of its wartime com­peti­tors in the strug­gle for Greater Asia — even with nuclear war.

It remains wor­thy of this rep­u­ta­tion.


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