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COMMENT: An episode of the early Cold War (I) was an uprising in East Berlin in 1953. At least part of the revolt may have been spurred by Nazi (and CIA) spymaster Reinhard Gehlen, about whom we have spoken and written so often.
. . . . Soviet officials were most unhappy at having had to face this uprising. A radio report from East Berlin fixed blame: “The fascist putsch was staged on the direct instruction, and under the guidance, of Allen Dulles.” There was at least some truth to this.
“Some of the provocateurs captured by the Communist authorities were too well equipped with blueprints for sabotage to have managed the business alone,” the intelligence historian Andrew Tully has written.
“Rioters had in their pockets plans for blowing up railroad bridges and railway terminals, and detailed floor plans of governmental buildings. They had forged food stamps and fake bank drafts to be used to spread confusion in the food-rationing system and to disrupt East German bank credits. It seemed indisputable that they were getting their espionage pay checks from the CIA’s top German spy . . . Reinhard Gehlen.” . . . .
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