COMMENT: In past broadcasts, we’ve spoken about the profound German links to 9/11, as well as links between “fascist-descended” European intelligence services and the bad intelligence that lured the United States into the invasion of Iraq.
In addition to the role of the fascist-linked SISMI service of Italy (which generated the Niger Yellowcake disinformation), we’ve examined the BND-nurtured “Curveball”–whose privileged status and relative inviolability are further illustrated by a Danish TV segment linked at the Germany Watch article linked below.
Worth bearing in mind as well is a meeting that took place in the Spring of 2002 in Mt. Pellerin in Switzerland, in which prominent European fascists met with Bank al Taqwa’s Achmed Huber and an unnamed American far-right extremist. (This account is carried in several linked posts.)
Given the damage that the Iraq war did to the United States at many levels, politically, economically, diplomatically, we have speculated about the meeting and its possible connections to Iraq War intelligence. We’ve noted in the past that luring the U.S. into Iraq took all the guile of placing a jar of honey in front of a marauding bear.
Long term, the goals of the Underground Reich have been advanced by that conflict. Other posts on Germany Watch analyzes the long-term German strategic outlines for global domination, as articulated early in the last century. Evaluate those goals against the background of the Iraq War.
Recall that, as discussed in FTR #395, German intelligence and law enforcement had Mohammed Atta’s Hamburg cell ujnder surveillance by August of 1998, and yet took no action.
A video accessed by Germany Watch states that the chief of the Hamburg police at the time was promoted to head of the BND!
Relying on the seminal work of Daniel Hopsicker, we saw in FTR #456, among other programs, that Atta entered the United States courtesy of the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft, and was associated with Germans, Austrians and Swiss in South Florida.
“WMD and Germany’s Dirty Secret”; Germany Watch; 9/7/2011.
EXCERPT: . . . The 9/11 perpetrators were known as the “Hamburg Cell”. This video mentions the chief of Hamburg Police at the time of 9/11, later became the head of the BND. . . .
. . . . One of the main people supplying ‘info’ to the propagandists pushing the “9/11 was an inside job” view is Andreas von Bülow , linked with German Intelligence, and actively providing the disinformation to conspiracy theorists, to paint the conspirators to be feared as their own (“Zionist Occupied”) democracies. Subversion.
Note that the NWO/911/WMD conspiracy theories never talk about Germany. . . .
EXCERPT: . . . . The information about the intelligence failure, always denied by German intelligence, comes from a source on a parliamentary committee that oversees the work of the Hamburg state secret service.
The source said it would be “absolutely right” to say that the intelligence agency had known about the flat before September 11.
The revelation adds to a growing volume of evidence suggesting that the German intelligence services were much closer to the potential terrorists in Hamburg before September 11 than they have wanted to admit.
Since the attacks on New York and Washington, the German authorities have maintained that members of the Hamburg group were just students who they had no reason to suspect because they led unremarkable lives, typical of terrorist “sleepers”.
“They had completely inconspicuous lives. Nothing they did gave us cause to be suspicious,” said a senior German investigator. They also claimed that they had never been directed towards 54 Marienstrasse.
However, this defence is looking less credible by the day. The Telegraph has established that a committee of MPs with responsibility for intelligence matters in Hamburg met on Sept 17 to discuss the implications of the attack.
According to a source who was there, MPs were told that the Hamburg state intelligence service had been asked by the Federal intelligence services more than a year earlier to observe 54 Marienstrasse.
The source, who did not want to be named, said the intelligence services did not react and that no evidence was ever gathered from the flat. . . .
EXCERPT: . . . . Three years before the Sept. 11 attacks, Germany’s domestic intelligence service was tracking prominent members of the Hamburg terrorist cell that planned and executed the aircraft hijackings, according to newly obtained documents. The documents, including intelligence reports, surveillance logs and transcripts of intercepted telephone calls, appear to contradict public claims by the German authorities that they knew little about the members of the Hamburg cell before the attacks.
As early as 1998, the records show, the Germans monitored a meeting between men suspected of plotting the attacks. The surveillance would lead a year later to the Hamburg apartment where Mohamed Atta and other main plotters were living while attending universities. While the records do not indicate that authorities heard any mention of a specific plan, they depict a surveillance mission extensive enough to raise anew the politically sensitive question of whether the Germans missed a chance to disrupt the cell during the initial stages of planning the attacks. Some American investigators and officials have argued that the Germans in the past missed evidence that could have stopped the plot. The Germans have maintained steadfastly that the information they had was too scanty to warrant serious alarm, and that their police and intelligence agencies were not focused on Al Qaeda at the time.
The documents come from the files of various German police and intelligence agencies. They detail how close an investigation of Qaeda contacts in Hamburg begun in 1997 by the Constitutional Protection Agency, Germany’s domestic intelligence service, came to the main cell members. They were provided to The New York Times by someone with official access to the files of the continuing investigation into the events leading to the Sept. 11 attacks. When the documents were described to officials at the German Interior Ministry and the constitutional protection police, they declined to answer any questions about them but did not dispute their authenticity . . .
Mr. Motassadeq admitted that he knew Mr. Atta and other plotters and had attended Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan. He has maintained in trial testimony that he did not know that his friends were planning to attack the United States. No evidence has been presented at his three-month trial that would reveal when the police first opened an inquiry into Mr. Motassadeq. But the intelligence agency documents show that by August 1998 he was under surveillance and that the trail soon led to most of the main participants in the later attacks.
According to the documents, the surveillance was in place on Aug. 29, 1998, when Mr. Motassadeq and Mohamed Haydar Zammar, who had already been identified by police as a suspected extremist, met at the Hamburg home of Said Bahaji. [Italics are Mr. Emory’s] The police monitored several other meetings between the men in the months that followed, the documents said. The record of the meeting shows that police had identified Mr. Bahaji, another person suspected of being a cell member and believed to have been intimately involved in the planning and logistics of the plot, who fled to Pakistan days before the attacks. Mr. Bahaji later moved in with Mr. Atta and Ramzi bin al-Shibh in the now-infamous apartment at 54 Marienstrasse in the Harburg section of Hamburg. . . .
Ha ha again we have a dribble of truth, Dave! Will it take decades to learn that what u have written makes more sense !! Everything u have tied up makes perfect sense. America is,the land of the sleeping stupid! People are wrapped up in their useless, little lives to not care or give a s___,remember that,they are keeping, access to jfk papers for another 50 yrs! All memory will be wiped clean! Dont forget that Bush had his hand in everything for thd last 50yrs or more thanks too to Russ Baker
We westerners have underestimated the Germans. Look at how they have managed to outmanoeuver us, completely, without having our intelligence and political appartus to even begin to notice it. I am afraid it will be fatal. Lazyness, confort and routine make excellent preparations for defeat and destruction.
To continue further, the U.S. has been lured to Afghanistan in the first place before Irak. Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, the USSR being its last victim up to date, is it really surprising that our current demise has expanded there? No. In all probabilities, it was intentional. We were drawn there by people who knew very well it would be fatal. You know, there is just one problem with George W. Bush’s statement that “Islam is a good religion, we are at war with terror”. That was bad intelligence again, crafted to deceive us. We are not at war with a country or an organization. We are at war with a mentality, a mindset, an intellectual inclination. The real warzone is in the mind of humans. To win the war, we have to convince them that the ideals of the Renaissance and the Enlightenmen are still the driving force of our civilization and that it should continue to be. Either the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. is composed of gross incompetent bureaucrats, or this apparatus lured us voluntarily to our own destruction. Again, I must recognize the intelligence of the German people.
@Mike: Sad but very true, unfortunately. Look at what happened in 2010, for example, when dozens of corrupt Teabaggers where elected to the Congress and Senate. Moderate Republicans? They may not even exist anymore.....=(
(P.S. Mike, do you work at WFMU, or are you just a fan? Personally, it’s one of my all-time favorite stations. =) )
@Claude: I spartly disagree on ONE thing: I can’t help but think that many factions of our Intel not only know, but are actively collaborating with the crooks in Germany, and other countries as well.
Germany has said that the conspirators used a code word of “wedding” when referring to the dates of the Sept 11 attacks. The editors of Der Spiegel magazine wrote a book called ‘Inside 9–11: What Really Happened’. Also one you might find interesting is a book called ‘TRIPLE CROSS’. The US “thought” the attacks of that year were going to occur in Europe.
Came across your site btw researching Gehlen. IMO, it was the WikiLeaks of its day, except there was no Internet back then. Gehlen was debating for a while about “crossing-over” to either the UK or the US with his collected data on the now former USSR. As history now knows , in the end he went with the US.
Very interesting book just out, written by German Bundestag insider accusing Merkel of attempting to create a dictatorship in Europe...–44555.html
New article expanding on some of these items.
Just wondering what the source is that contends that the Niger Yellow Cake disinfo coming from BND?
Keep up the good work.
Dave Emory