COMMENT: Robert Wilson spied this important story from the British Guardian. Recapitulating the “pro-Green” policies of the Third Reich, German neo-Nazis, the NPD milieu in particular, are adopting an ecologically and nutritionally constructive program.
This will make their movement more palatable to young people, and may afford them gains with the Pirate Party in the Federal Republic. The latter has emerged as something of a protest party.
The national leader of the German Pirate Party dismissed the notion (raised by the head of the Party’s Berlin chapter) that the “Pirates” had a Nazi problem, saying that the party had only documented a few neo-Nazis within its ranks.
In this corner, we don’t doubt that the majority of the “Pirates” would be repulsed by Nazi ideology. Nonetheless, they appear to have remained blissfully unaware of, or tolerant of, Nazi sugar daddy Carl Lundstrom’s financial sponsorship of Pirate Bay, and they don’t seem to have figured out Julian Assange/WikiLeaks’ Nazi/anti-Semitic orientation.
A number of thoughts occur to us in this context:
- As is the case with the overlapping “Anonymous” milieu, the “Pirate folks” enjoy a degree of anonymity due to the nature of the Internet free-downloading community. How can anyone say for sure who among the Pirate Party ranks are or are not Nazis?
- The Green Party in the past has championed some dubious causes that benefit the Underground Reich. In addition to supporting Ralph Nader against Al Gore in 2000, thereby benefiting George W. Bush, the German Greens have championed the rights of “Threatened Peoples,” thereby placing themselves in the same corner as neo-fascist/Underground Reich elements that have championed causes from the Tibetans to the vertriebene milieu.
- The head of the German Green Party–Petra Kelly–was murdered by a Third Reich veteran, who allegedly committed suicide afterward. Might this have anticipated co-opting the Greens to reactionary political causes?
- Note that the brutal absorption of the still-depressed former East Germany has facilitated the German right’s acquisition of cheap farm land for “ecofascist” activities.
EXCERPT: German consumers are being warned that when they buy organic produce they may be supporting the far-right movement, following the revelation that rightwing extremists in Germany have embraced the ecological movement and are using it to tap into a new generation of supporters.
Debunking the popular view that equates eco-friendliness with cuddly, left-leaning greens, rightwing extremists have even begun to publish their own conservation magazine, which is believed to have the backing of the far-right National Democratic party (NPD). Alongside gardening tips and reports on the dangers of genetically modified milk are articles riddled with rightwing ideology and racial slurs. Bavaria’s domestic intelligence agency has described the magazine, Umwelt und Aktiv (Environment and Active), as a “camouflage publication” for the NPD.
“We have to get used to the fact that the term ‘bio’ [organic] does not automatically mean equality and human dignity,” said Gudrun Heinrich of the University of Rostock, who has just published a study on the topic called Brown Ecologists, a reference to the Nazi Brownshirts and their modern-day admirers.
Hotbeds of far-right eco-warriors are to be found throughout Germany. In the Mecklenburg region in the north, they have been quietly settling in communities since the 1990s in an effort to reinvigorate the traditions of the Artaman League – a farming movement whose roots lie in the 19th century romantic ideal of “blood and soil” ruralism, which was adopted by the Nazis. Heinrich Himmler, the SS leader, was a member. “They propagate a way of living which involves humane raising of plants and animals, is both nationalistic and authoritarian, and in which there’s no place for pluralism and democracy,” said Heinrich, adding that the NPD is closely linked to the settlers, helping the party become “deeply rooted in these rural areas”.
The settlers produce “German honey”, bake bread from homegrown wheat, produce fruit and vegetables for sale, and knit their own woollen sweaters. Observers have noted that the far-right farmers have been able to profit from the cheap and spacious swaths of land left by a population exodus from impoverished states in the former East Germany, such as Mecklenburg. . . .
Interesting article, as usual.
The sad thing is is that the fascist co-opting of the green movement could perhaps turn many well-meaning people off unless it is exposed and in the open for all to see.
Here in the United States, we don’t seem to have had quite as major of a problem as far as I can see, but it’s best to be vigilant because some damage already has been done, largely thanks to some of the nuttier people in the Patriot movement.
[...] the co-option of the Green Movement by fascist elements, through complacent leftist activists. See this post as well from radio host and anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory that highlights the rebranding of [...]
the green movement is a good idea. let us not let nazi and fascist followers gain control by worming their way into it.
@David: Agreed with you 100%. Unfortunately, fascists will always ruin ANYTHING they touch.....they always have, really. Such is the nature of the ideological beast. =(